maiawrites · 2 months
What place do you write from? For when you're creating a poem for the very first time?
Well, mostly I'd be listening to music and then suddenly a word or a sentence in the song will suddenly strike and resonate with me and all of a sudden that turns into the first two lines of my new poem or poetry and before I know it, I have a whole thing written. The thing is, it is mostly based on how I feel in that moment ,then the words come or if i had gone through something painful recently. It all depends on my emotional state at the time and I'll be writing and drawing from that place and that is how most of my poems are usually born.
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maiawrites · 2 months
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100 posts!
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maiawrites · 2 months
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//--Mermaid's tears--//
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maiawrites · 3 months
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In honor of valentine's day, a web weaving full of one liners from different poems I've written.
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maiawrites · 3 months
Free writing rambles
The you hold your body tense tense tense... why do you always feel the need to be guarded and put on your best defence?
Where did you learn to hold your breath like that, to see yourself as some kind of defect? It's probably ineffective, gilded the way you keep trying to take up way too little space. Why can't you see or damn near realize that I'm giving you a sacred space to breathe and finally feel safe.
Safe as in a place to let down your guard, I'm trying to help you see that you don't need to always hold yourself in that kind of high regard. I am just trying to show you that it is okay to have regrets. I mean no one is perfect, so why did you learn or rather who told you to hide your self in plain effect. I see through your defense, do you think it makes sense, to see yourself as this nothing that is less, less, less...
Hold still, don't let out a breathe, don't let it get condensed, remember your supposed to keep up with the pretense? This pre-tense when did you learn to hold your tongue, to act as if you're merely a past tense, a line with no end, a sentence with no punctuation. Quiet, so quiet... I'm sure inside that mind of yours, you're daring to start a small riot.
-Where does your mind go when you get inside your head?
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maiawrites · 3 months
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//Pretty thoughts//
Sometimes it feels like I am not really present. Not physically but more mentally, my body might be somewhere but then I find myself disassociating, my mind mentally not present. Like my awareness is hiding somewhere away from me, fast asleep. I get these moments, right? Where I feel the vivid intensity of every waking moment, where I have this clarity and suddenly everything makes sense and the world has come alive around me and it is like everything seems like it is full of color and vivid awareness.
Then most days I find myself barely skating by. Just trying to make it through another day, barely feeling enough of anything. Days where I have trouble with my feelings, days where I find it extremely hard to even show a speck of emotion!
Days where it feels like I'm losing time. Times where my mind feels disjointed from the rest of my body, where my thoughts feels fuzzy like they're floating on a cloud somewhere, going by so fast it's hard for me to catch hold of them. Days where it feels like I'm watching the world somewhere between half-asleep and barely awake state.
These contradicting opposites live inside me and somedays it is difficult to distinguish between the two...
Have you ever felt like that? It's crazy honestly, I find myself questioning my insanity most days, like am I really truly alive or am I just existing in a story that someone else wrote about me.
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maiawrites · 3 months
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Some things shatter, some things bloom
Jan 16
And things as they always do, fell apart and scattered all around me....It's been a few days into the new year, and my world has come apart more times than I can count, shattered beyond recognition but still, life has a way of fusing them back together again. Even if it doesn't fit the same way as before, doesn't matter if the cracks are big in some places and small in others, at least it's in one piece again.
And that's all that matters in the end, how things come together again, come to repair themselves and end up better than they were before. Sometimes you have to go through the fire to get to the other side of purity. Or to cleanse yourself again. Anything needing to be cleansed or purified has to go through the process of painful purification to become anew again. Same way with humans. We go through trails and tribulations, periods of deep darkness and depression, trials through fire, a terrifying and painful process to get to the other side of pain.
Sometimes if you let it and let yourself deepen your understanding of the universe around you, then you'll come to understand that pain or difficulties in its own way can be beautiful too. It's all in the perspective and how you look at it. If you view the glass as half empty then all you'll be able to focus on is the emptiness that resides in that glass and all that is wrong with it.
But if you look at the glass as half-full then your perspective shifts and the focus is on how the glass is half-full instead of empty, a sign that there's so many opportunities and the potential of good things waiting to start. The onus is you to realize that potential and turn it into some more and beautiful. Life is full of hidden blessings, the only thing is that more often than not it comes disguised as learning curves.
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maiawrites · 5 months
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maiawrites · 7 months
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Rainer Maria Rilke, Rilke’s Book of Hours
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maiawrites · 7 months
“So, do it. Decide. Is this the life you want to live? Is this the person you want to love? Is this the best you can be? Can you be stronger? Kinder? More compassionate? Decide. Breathe in. Breathe out, and decide.”
— Meredith Grey
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maiawrites · 7 months
Usually I don't mind romantic love at all. In fact, talking to me would give you the impression of me being the biggest hopeless romantic ever and maybe part of me is but just....
I am tired of trying to pinpoint what is romantic and what is platonic. I'm tired of trying to understand what that feeling people talk about is and if I've ever actually felt it or not. Am I just thinking of romantic feelings being like how they're described in fiction or do I genuinely don't feel any romantic feelings at all. And it's tiring to be confused all the time and to be paranoid about what I'm feeling or felt for people because I can't decide what it really is. It. Is. Tiring.
For me it's always...been different levels of love. There's the I would fight god just for you to have a happy life and there's the I would definitely punch an asshole for you and there's the I would be angry with you about shitty people you encountered (I might be a violent person) but it's never been types of love. And it is exhausting to try to figure out what types of love I'm feeling or can feel
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maiawrites · 9 months
oh my god. most of life really is about the little things. a good haircut, a nice playlist, trying a new recipe that turns out well, a poem that hits home, a comfortable spot in the sun, spontaneous messages, a pen you enjoy writing with, tea with the right temperature to drink, buying that thing you’ve been eyeing for a while, a warm bed. yeah. im so grateful for the little enjoyments
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maiawrites · 9 months
Feeling too much  can hurt sometimes,  but one day you grow  and realize that your heart  was never really  broken. It was just  wide open.
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maiawrites · 9 months
All the light you seek  out in the world  has its source  within yourself.
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maiawrites · 9 months
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maiawrites · 10 months
//House of lies//
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maiawrites · 11 months
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Favorite prayer....
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