maddyanarchist · 7 months
Once a wise man said, the key to a happy life is to realize you are never really in control.
That's exactly what can make you fearful or fearless.
Trust in the higher power. Trust in your being.
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maddyanarchist · 7 months
Ever wondered why we do so?
Isn't so because we never really realize our self worth enough & keep chasing people hoping they fill in the gaps of our past that helps us better connect with ourselves?.
But isn't that our responsibility to fix ourselves?. Love is always about giving, never asking or taking something as an outcome.
Do we really understand love?. If so , why do we keep filling our lives with people just for the sake that they validate our existence ?
Lot of questions right & few answers. But think about it.
When we don't even know how we are and how do we operate , why do relying on someone be an option?.
I can understand if you are ignorant about your self, but does really someone has the power to fix you?
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maddyanarchist · 8 months
The game that we play
Stop before you pause!
Isn't it always about us?
I mean just think about it. We just don't do something because it is for a positive impact... I mean thinking it is there and is very noble but it's not our very primary impulse.
While we were born as social creatures, the civilization over the years have convinced us the need to be 'selfish'. We have been pushed the idea of how dominance is normal & having power is the only way to gain supremacy over everyone.
The system has never really applauded great failures, has never treated gentleness as an act of 'superiority'... so what can we really expect out of it?. What has it really fed us ? Act of pressure, competition, violence & inequality.
Don't you get it?. The system keep these elements of insecurities open as a fuel to boost the inner animal within you. I mean being 'human' nowadays has become more rare.
Infact, let's discuss on the myth that's been sold to us. While individualized ideology is fine that preaches care about oneself , but in the veil of which it robs us of our human ideals of kindness , compassion & love for surroundings is very much evident on the inhuman actions & opinions around us. While we have been convinced that what is important above everything is ' personal interest' and if this is what the system caters to, then why are we not happy & satisfied inspite of having way more things accomplished?
I mean just question yourself. The system will take probably centuries to change its culture, if we don't think its 'abnormal'.
And bloody hell, if animals have learned to coexist, without having brains if they have the understanding how much consumption is sustainable natural habitat, who the hell we think we are even with such enormous computation potential that fails o stand against the historic & societal manipulation that breeds 'ego' over 'harmony'.
We as an evolutionary being having immense potential has the ability to even replace ourselves without even knowing it. Thanks to AI, it's there and it's because of humans only, but if these series of manipulation continues then we are going to soon burn off ourselves for generations to come. Not because AI will replace us, but due to the fact that we will continue to think only technology will solve our problems.
This is not to say stop exponential progress but to make you understand , even if we have the ability to go off to the space we still lack in finding a sustainable solution to disposing even the simple garbage waste on a daily basis that has a potential environmental impact.
The future is already here my friend, but I regret to say our present is still in a shit. Let's preserve what we have first before thinking what's ahead and it's high time.
This is a piece concerning animal abuse, agriculture exploitation & depleting natural resources. At the end , we are all humans, let's behave like one.
"Violence never brings peace" ~Dr.Martin Luther King Jr.
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maddyanarchist · 3 years
The thing that you think the most is the one you less care about, and the thing that you care the most is the least you think about before thinking the same.
Point is we love to compare ourselves intentionally or unintentionally. People say, it builds competence after all there is a market outside waiting for you to pour in your genius thought nuggets that are going to surpass the competition to being claimed something unique.
Well, I believe the word 'unique' is a distortion in itself but yeah we can leave discussing about this in the moment!
Simply speaking , think out of the box, stand out from the crowd are some of the usual terms we have all come across. It's weird how we are first thrown in the oven together to get ourselves cooked and then we are asked to bring out something different out of ourselves.
Coming straight to the point, while comparison can be factor of motivation to do better , I think somewhere we are all going the wrong tunnel. See think by logic, irrespective of schools and colleges exams, if we consider life as the subject we all are different human beings having different priorities determined by our dreams and circumstances.
Hence, our start and finishing point can never be the same!!! . Why do we fail to realise this?
When we are comparing ourself with someone else, we are ultimately negotiating our thought process to start the chase from the same line as it is for another competing prospect. While doing so, what we lose the most that we don't realize is our own voice!!!!!!
By voice, I mean that's what we think of achieving in life. What 's the point of being competent if we get to live someone else's dream and the saddest part of the story, we don't even realize it in the moment and time passes in a flick.
While I do understand some situation or the other must have forced you to run the same, but it's not hard core written, you need to walk in the same path till you die. Ofcourse our fears and anxiety comes in as we grow , but it's important to realise, just as time changes for the worst, it's also changes for the better.
Our times changes, so should our actions be!!!!!!
Our priorities, our situations, our strengths and weaknesses, our individual perspective complements us as a person to achieve a sense a something that is value to us. This is what we tend to forget the most while running in the race which is losing our own value in the fake noise of other's success.
We can certainly hold that time to come out of the route and create our track the way we want it to be!
Bringing ego , insecurity, and sense of achievement in the wrong place can cost us a life of regret and repentance that we can never sell off!
Hence, comparing oneself with others is the most dumb thing that one can do, rather competing oneself with your own previous self would create the difference and map the growth along the process.
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maddyanarchist · 3 years
Do we really need to fix it?
Hi everyone,
Long time ah!!!
Well, I missed talking to you. But I do have something to share. Something interesting I have experienced in these past few days which maybe of some help to you, well if not just scroll down :)
This is a note to productivity and self-improvement that we all are so obsessed about especially since lockdown started, courtesy of the unlimited doses of procrastination. Well , I hope Netflix is going great, the one and only partner who understands what do you really need when you experience different emotions :).
The drift was amazing haan...if not so cool!. Anyways coming back to topic. Man , I love conversations, specially when they make sense and of course it has to be relatable. So, the other day I came across this interesting content from one of my favorite youtubers Nathaniel Drew on how self-improvement may be ruining one's life.
We all are in some sense, trying to make ourselves work the best way, guilty of wasting time and trying close some holes of the past... this is not just to the singles, even the couples, and I mean to everyone honestly, no limitations on labels. We are constantly in this flux of trying to get the best out of herself and the daily motivations from youtube are no less. Sometimes , it makes sense, but sometimes it does feel boring!!!
After seeing this video, I was taken aback by the conclusions that I have subconsciously drawn, but that really doesn't mean since I realized it , I have figured out, honestly it is still a mess. Even I believe The Big Bang theory is the biggest mess happened that created this universe for no reason. Well, scientists will justify owing to their nature, but do they really have the answer from where they came and if so, are they completely they controlled their entire existence. If so, is the case then I guess we wouldn't have parents in the first place, which says we do need support. Everybody is needed to sustain everybody!!!!
Again got drifted, but the point I am trying to make is all the while we are trying to fix ourselves, or thinking we are not good enough or analyzing how to fix what's wrong me and get what's good in others.... even if we are trying to grow but it is at the expense of our self-esteem. We are trying to be enlightened, trying to seek for higher purpose and want to level up our standards. Well, that' definitely a good mindset to do with, but do you realize one thing, in the midst of everything we are somehow living in the past and future, not in the present!
Present is imperfection , insecurity, rebellious and upfront. Why to give up on that?. Why to give up on because its average and not the most coolest?. But its still you!. Why do you have to be perfect?
Just recollect your childhood. Not everything was perfect, neither were you wishing to be the best ( of course social inclusions are there), neither were you willing to compete, neither were you willing to reciprocate ( unless its meaningful relationships) , but you still were happy, you still enjoyed whatever you had. You didn't want to fix it , you were perfect the way you are.
I often feel, the best way to get clarity is to look back on your childhood, yes its your past, but that's the only experienced data available to you. You knew how you are , and what actually mattered to you.
There is definitely a need to grow to improve, but certainly overriding one's natural beauty and natural self is not the best way through!. So take a step back, go through those moments , revisit them in your memory, you will feel more than happy and confident.
So stop procrastinating, stop overstressing on self-help books, you see too much of anything is harmful and stay balanced. It cannot be just positive right.
Stop fixing , start accepting... you will notice things in a better realm and perspective :)
If you liked this , do leave comments and share what do you feel about the same.
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maddyanarchist · 3 years
No illness is dangerous until the time it turns into a permanent habit. That habit transforms in your belief and your belief transcends in to your conscience.
Beware of the choices you make. They define you and your state of mind.
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maddyanarchist · 3 years
I guess killing yourself, little by little by closing on yourself!!!!!!
“I take great care of myself by carefully shutting myself away”
— Vincent Van Gogh
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maddyanarchist · 3 years
In the nature you find the person you want to be or the person you want to be with. The meaning is different , but the feeling is similar. It's all about finding oneself in everything you come along with, trying to be okay with the emptiness inside. People say that makes you lonely, I say that makes you , you.
I don't know whether the insight will help, but it will reduce the pain that you are going through, if not eliminate.
“The person you think of when you stand in front of the ocean. That’s the person you’re in love with.”
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maddyanarchist · 3 years
My heart is so small, it’s almost invisible. How can You place such big sorrows in it? “Look,” He answered, “your eyes are even smaller, yet they behold the world. Rumi
(via kamala-laxman)
The smallest things bring the biggest gift of joy and  happiness, yet we trade for something bigger. I think we fool ourselves till the end to realize our thoughts are paradoxical to their intent.
I don’t think we really understand ourselves or else our social influence mistreats us for a tough and rough future that really doesn’t have any happiness!!!!!
But, I think if we write so and share these quotes, we someway have a realization that we struggle to deal with these nuances, but i guess the awareness is better than complete ignorance.
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maddyanarchist · 3 years
I think we write to make ourselves consume the toxicity in silence!!!!
I guess that's why it's functions like a filter
Don't know if anything changes, but you talk to yourself for a bit that remains unheard.
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maddyanarchist · 3 years
Sometimes feeling stuck in a conditioned life
That supposes to make you believe what's real and what's not,
At first , you were pure
But you ought to be contaminated with time
To be represented 'pure' in a society
That believes in a bulshit offering
Of so called rules and regulations
Curbing the oxygen to enter your system
To breathe the breath of fresh air
A fresh mind, a fresh soul
Not bounded by litigations
But free in her own aspirations
Where no is the ticket to the journey
And not the destination!
I guess we were fooled from day one
And now, this conditioning has grown in to a habit
A habit that can't be thrown away
That pinches and troubles you every second of your existence
That which never allows to go deep
But , remain shallow on surface
To satiate the visitor image of truth and reality!!!
You say its life
I say it's shit!!!!!
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By MikkoLagerstedt
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maddyanarchist · 3 years
I think the major 30-40% of our existence our designed by our ability to take up responsibility for everything, even if we don't accept.
Even if you are kid, you are actually learning to how to be disciplined and responsible to be a valued person in society. Same goes for our careers where we are responsible to our bosses , same to family and so on.
But once you get the idea, you feel is this what all about?.
Am I just to take responsibility, if so why shouldn't I be choosing it for myself?. Then figuring out happens to ultimately realize what are we really looking for?
What is it?
We serve to be responsible, but
We live to be loved!!!!!
“Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.”
— Carol Burnett
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maddyanarchist · 3 years
When flashbacks happen, what's that important moment that you recall the most?
For me, it's that innocence of that beginning when you flow without knowing its direction, in the moment happy and content with what you have, rather than eyeing in the future that requires your attention.
You are unbothered and you are still happy!!!!
These moments are the tiny fragments which one cherishes the most. They give you leeway, the space to breathe, the space to just be there and let it pass.
To the businessmen and scientists this may look like the biggest loss making machine, however before getting those tags,
Ultimately we all are 'Humans' and not just a designation.
“I think I’ll miss you forever.”
— Lana Del Rey / Summertime Sadness (via bnmxfld)
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maddyanarchist · 3 years
The source is within you. And this whole world is springing from it.  Rumi
(via kamala-laxman)
Presence is what you feel, not what you comprehend!!!!!
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maddyanarchist · 3 years
Just remember that sometimes, the way that you think about a person isn’t the way they actually are.
John Green, Paper Towns (via meineluft)
The process is like:
You think you know them well, they think they have read you in and out, till the third person intervenes to make you realize you and them are equally ignorant.
I guess the same equation we do have with life!!!
Assumptions and certainty don’t necessarily go hand in hand, however they are the pillars of the businesses out right there. That says, dreams can be true, how weird they look like,  no matter how insensible they appear to be, they do exist if also in our imagination, but they do :)
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maddyanarchist · 3 years
I love those random memories that make me smile no matter what is going on in my life right now.
Everyone says, moments are events in life, but I say life is the moment itself!!!!. I guess that’s why we remember bits and parts of some crucial moments which makes us emote because we may have breathe it for seconds, but what we felt was beyond time.
So, what’s the take?.
We should understand what’s worth and what we should let it pass!!!!
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maddyanarchist · 3 years
Strings of emotions
Beautiful to experience, but hard to hold✌️
“When I first saw you, I was afraid to talk to you. When I first talked to you, I was afraid to like you. When I first liked you, I was afraid to love you. Now that I love you, I’m afraid to lose you.”
— please don’t leave me (via hatin)
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