lobnasherif · 2 years
That’s how you know what you mean to each other,
You fix instead of taking the easy way out,
No matter the pain and loss you felt during your conflicts,
You hold on to them cause you know they’re more important than the problem at hand,
You know you’re in this together, not against each other.
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lobnasherif · 2 years
What if we took a step back and just tried to hear each other out?
Without all the shouting and screaming and slamming doors?
What if we talked about it without letting our emotions lead the way?
Would it have changed anything? Would you still be here to stay?
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lobnasherif · 2 years
I can’t help but wonder, did I give up too soon?
Would I have made any difference if I just kept trying with you?
I can’t help but wonder, what if tomorrow your life changed?
I can’t stand the thought of not seeing you smile every day..
I can’t stop yearning for the moment I’ll see your name shining on those billboards while you hold me in your hands.
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lobnasherif · 2 years
I try to go on with my day,
From aimlessly driving around town,
To redecorating my empty room,
I’m trying to fill up the hole you’ve left,
But The emptiness keeps growing,
I’m trying not to get lost inside,
But keeping busy is all I’m doing,
It’s like I’m hanging off the edge with just a finger,
And one simple thought is all It takes to throw me into that hurricane of emotions…
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lobnasherif · 2 years
I loved you,
I loved myself with you,
I learned what it meant to be enough for me,
You showed me who I wanted to be,
You taught me confidence and pride,
So why was it too much for you ?
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lobnasherif · 2 years
I’ve been zoning out a lot lately,
Replaying our most intimate memories,
Ones that didn’t include much,
Ones where our souls spoke the truth about how we felt,
Ones where I knew for a fact how you felt about me,
Ones where I couldn’t get words out of my mouth,
Where we just absorbed each other in,
Those were the moments I was sure about how I felt for the first time in my life,
and all I can think of right now, is how will I ever relive these memories without you on the other side.
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lobnasherif · 2 years
Only god knows how close to my heart I kept you, only he knows how much I would never hurt you…
I gave you a piece of me, you took it and walked away…
You dropped it one too many times but I always believed when you’d say:
“I’m sorry, I care about you, you’re the most precious one.”
I believed you held it tight, and the world was to blame.
But how can someone let the world break what they call precious?
How can you let your past dictate our future?
Why did you drop it once you thought you’re life will never change?
I believed in you, I always have and always will…
But that belief means nothing, if you hold on to your past thrills.
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lobnasherif · 2 years
It’s been so long since I last let my thoughts off their leash…
It’s been years since I last let them run wild…
I miss that feeling, of not keeping them to myself…
But I also doubt if anyone wants them running around.
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lobnasherif · 6 years
I’m sitting right in the middle of a black hole and everyone else is standing outside, I can’t get out of it and I can’t pull anyone in.
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lobnasherif · 7 years
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lobnasherif · 7 years
I know it's not right, what we do, but it's hard to imagine a life without it. It's like the difference between getting drunk on oxygen and simply just breathing it.
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lobnasherif · 7 years
Why do people make it hard for you to admit a feeling that's buried deep inside your heart?
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lobnasherif · 7 years
Tell me something...save my soul from drowning. Please?
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lobnasherif · 7 years
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I need to throw my own tea party, I want it to be me and the only person on earth that has a similar mind as mine, I want us to wear absurd clothes and laugh our heads of, I want the tea to taste of chocolate and the cups to be made of ice, the chairs must look funny, And there must be kettles of every shape and size, I want cakes and biscuits decorated with feathers, And most of all I want it to be in a place so far away from this world, A place where everything's insane, yet nothing is out of the ordinary, where animals can talk, cat's can disappear and... and I can be myself again. It's #TeaTimeForever⛾ #Alice_In_Wonderland🕳 #WeAreAllMadHere🎩
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lobnasherif · 8 years
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And the only way we can go on, is knowing that someone is willing to leave a piece of themself to fill the emptiness inside us.
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lobnasherif · 8 years
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I never posted anything about depression before, but I think something's up...and it doesn't feel okay.
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lobnasherif · 8 years
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#let #go #courage #live #mountains #jump #cliff #believe #fly #without #wings My #writing #writings #dream #someday :) #lobna_sherif
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