imsohappyyourealive · 3 years
Here are some boundary script ideas when it’s hard enough to set a boundary so hopefully these make it easier:
if you don’t respect my boundaries you don’t respect me and i can’t have someone who treats me like that in my life
please don’t go through my things it is very violating
you are not entitled to my space time or emotional labor
it is very upsetting when you lie to me and you have violated my trust please don’t do that again
when you ask me personal questions it makes me very uncomfortable
doing that is very triggering to me please avoid doing/saying that in the future
if someone argued with your boundaries and refuses to respect them and doesn’t change their behavior they don’t deserve a place in your life! I’m so happy youre alive💖💖💖
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imsohappyyourealive · 3 years
I know how hard it can be when you loose your favorite person. I can’t feel like the world is ending, and you really don’t know what to do with yourself when the person you based your worth on is no longer in your life. But it’s important to ask yourself these questions.
do they love me or love what I do for them?
are we healthy for each other?
did they actually treat me well or did they fill a void in my life?
who else in my life is important to me?
what are some of the things I love most and how can I incorporate them in my life?
how long has it been since I really focused on myself?
I know these are hard questions to ask but in the long run the have really helped me cope with loosing a favorite person. The pain is still there, but working toward reframing your mindset is so important to personal healing and even healing relationships with people around you. I’m so happy you’re alive 💖💖💖
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imsohappyyourealive · 3 years
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Feelings thesaurus by wholehearted school counseling. While everyone has different emotions relatled to broader emotional therms I find this really helpful for identifying my emotions especially in high stress situations. when you know your emotions it can be easier to communicate your needs and be more secure in yourself. it can even be helpful to sit down and make your own to help get more in touch with your emotions. I’m proud of you and I’m so happy you’re alive 💖
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imsohappyyourealive · 3 years
Some alternatives to sh
going for a walk
taking a nap
taking a long shower
going for a drive (stick your head out the window)
watch a comfort show (I love scooby doo)
throw eggs at something outside
dance party
call a friend
play a board game
rub ice on your face or areas you sh
eat something spicy or sour
curl up in bed and watch YouTube
write down your feelings
pintrest (make a board about your future goals)
look at a feelings wheel (I know it can seem stupid but it really helps)
put on strange music to cry to (personally I always go for watch me whip)
snuggle with an animal
ask a friend to pick you up
dress up
fun make up
square breathing (4 in, hold for 4, 4 out, wait 4)
talk to your pet or stuffed animals
go sit in a room with a safe person you don’t even need to talk
set an achicable goal for the day
have grace with yourself
im so happy you’re alive!
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imsohappyyourealive · 3 years
TW: talk (not promoting) of Ed tiktok and relapse (neither graphic)
I’m trying so hard to recover but the other night I was on Pinterest looking to make a mood board about what I want in the future as motivation to stay alive and recover but it seemed like everywhere I turned a link to another thinspo TikTok would pop up when I thought it was just some clothes I liked. Saying not interested isn’t working any other advice for avoid it instead of just deleting it all together. and if no one has told you this today I’m proud of you and Im so happy youre alive 💖
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imsohappyyourealive · 3 years
211 - general mental health crisis line and domestic ab*use hotline
1-800-273-8255 - suic*de hotline
866-488-7386 - Trevor project crisis line for LGBTQIA+
1-800-931-2237 - National eating dis*rder hotline
1-800-656-4673 - RAINN sex*ual assult hotline
1-800-366-8288 - Self h*rm hotline
1-800-422-4453 - child ab*se hotline
(585) 271-7670 - Center for the youth number, ab*se, homelessness, runaways (Rochester Ny)
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imsohappyyourealive · 3 years
Something I really liked that a therapist told me once is that sometimes it’s even hard to reach body neutrality (which it can be especially after years of body dysmorphia/self hatred) is to focus on body functionality. think of the things your body had allowed you to do today (which can also be hard to do especially if you fight depression, so try to think of things you like to do) like how my fingers have let me type this post, or how my eyes let me read the text from my best friend :) it‘s the little things :D You got this you’re a warrior and I’m so happy you’re alive 💖
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imsohappyyourealive · 3 years
i understand how difficult it is to deal with the competitive side of Ed’s and has been something I’ve struggled with for awhile. But posting people just existing in their bodies as ‘fatspo’ (which is used as a shaming word in this context) is really fucked up especially when the person is IN RECOVERY. I wish recovery for everyone but I also understand it is incredibly challenging. but PLEASE PLEASE STOP SHAMING PEOPLE FOR JUST EXISTING IN THEIR BODIES!! stop projecting your own self hatred onto others! And if no one has told you this today I’m so happy you’re alive 💖
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