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Affection does not need words if the actions are doing the talking. Show rather than narrate.
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Though road may seem hard now, these are simply your first steps to entering the future you desire. Keep pushing!
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Fight for the beliefs of the heart and the ideals of the vital flame.
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Rise above all that holds back progress. Shine even in the most desolate of environment
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There is always an obstacle to overcome, but it is most important to take the lessons from each pitfall with pride. Keep the heart humble and the mind ever flowing
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Art by: anonymous Where has the communication gone in this modern age? Sure technology has made it easier to communicate over long distance, but it has blinded us to those who are right next to us. Respect those around you and do not forget who truly has your back
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Nothing is certain in life, but one thing you can definitely be certain about is that every step you take is in the right direction. Even if those steps end up becoming missteps, they still lead to a brighter future
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If you haven’t already, check out the updates likes this, news, exclusives, and much much more!
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It can be difficult at times to find meaning in life, but be assured: there’s nothing wrong with stumbling or falling down for extended period. What matters is that the will returns to keep on fighting, to strive for better, and to most importantly be true to yourself. Keep the fight strong my friends! ;)
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Stop listening to all the noise and focus on the goal. This moment is temporary, so savor the challenges, the good times, the laughs, the resounding smiles, the lessons, and the growth that comes from it (both good and bad). Listen to the sound of your true self emerge and your understanding of others increases. Spread empathy, support, and good vibes to all those you call your family 😊
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Admitting truth is not the easiest of tasks, but once done, the mind is liberated from the illusion.
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The Flames of Red Creek by R.J. Cypher
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Artwork by: Agentz
“This Is A Rebellion, Isn’t It? I Rebel.” - Jyn Erso Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
Being a rebel does not mean slandering others or enacting senseless violence, it means standing up for what you believe in regardless of what the status quo is. Fight for what you believe in, always 😉
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The flame of creativity never burns out, it simply needs more kindling. Keep pushing through life's trenches and move forward
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