alenovaces · 7 months
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Nature always wears the colors of the spirit.
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alenovaces · 8 months
Review: "Johnny's Girls"
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Author: Vesna Kurilić
Date: 31/08/2023
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Along with the horror novella "What Do Nightmares Dream Of" that I bought in Rijeka, I also snatched a copy of "Johhny's Girls", the first part of the "Ranger Paraversum" series. I've heard mixed opinions about this one, but I don't shy away from unconventional books. On the contrary, I actually love giving them a chance.
The book is set in Rijeka, a Croatian coastal town, during the second world war, and follows Lina Malnar who studies to become a so called Cartographer, a navigation specialist for traveling between parallel universes. When she gets asked for help in another world by none other than her doppelganger, Lina finds herself in the difficult situation of pretending to be someone she's not and giving in to her feelings toward another version of herself, while at the same time trying to solve the mystery behind the disappearance of a fellow Cartographer.
"Johnny's girls" centers around the building relationship between Lina and her doppelganger, Karol. It plays out as a romance novel first, and a mystery second. Set in an almost steampunk alternative world and played out in an extravagant mansion, it gives off a very "roaring 20's" aesthetic in the best sense of that word.
The mystery aspect of the novel would fall under the locked-room trope, with no obvious explanation behind the disappearance of Karol's friend, and no reasonable way to escape from the location undetected. It also incorporates the trope of a closed circle of suspects, which is excellently utilized in the closed off party in the mansion. There is a relatively small number of distinct characters, so it is easy to follow them throughout the story.
On the other hand, because Karol's and Lina's relationship often holds the spotlight, the elements connected to the mystery of the disappearance just don't reach up to their potential, especially considering the novel falls under science fiction and involves travel between universes. The suspects could've also used more development, and the grand reveal is underwhelming and, unfortunately, even somewhat disappointing.
The pairing between Karol and Lina definitely is unusual, but still offers an interesting, and special dynamic. Their affection starts of as relatively simple admiration, but quickly evolves into more. Even though they are similar in many ways, their physical appearance and behavior is different enough to establish that they should definitely not be regarded as same. Lina presents very feminine, has a calm and attentive demeanor. Karol, on the other hand, is very masculine, keeps to herself, but is protective and approachable. Their personalities ensure an intense chemistry, but also complement each other, which works well for the plot too.
The particular way in which the author approaches Lina's attraction to Karol makes her devotion incredibly convincing. So much so, that the reader easily falls in love with Karol just by going through Lina's thoughts. The attention to detail is admirable, especially the way Kurilić writes about simple gestures which would go unnoticed by the average bystander. Of course, Karol's physical appearance is talked about in great admiration, but it's her body language that's regarded as deeply alluring. This technique allows for a better impression of Lina and Karol's interest for one another, which in turn increases the interest for their relationship.
Unique, compelling, and striking, "Johnny's Girls" undeniably offers something original. Although the main pairing is obviously not for everyone, it is still extremely charming and offers a generous amount of sweet and passionate moments. I wouldn't exactly recommend this book if you're looking for a mystery, but it is a solid romance that comes with an engaging plot. I, for one, enjoyed it and plan to continue with the series.
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alenovaces · 8 months
Bungo Stray Dogs is not for people who are good at living, but for those who need stories like oxygen, according to author Kafka Asagiri.
The series explores themes of trauma, self-affirmation, and the right to feel lost, resonating with audiences who have experienced pain in their own lives.
Bungo Stray Dogs offers a bittersweet view on life, balancing fun and amusement with a deeper exploration of emotions, making it a relatable and meaningful story for its audience.
I saw this article a few days ago and was considering not posting this since it called us out in 29 different languages.
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alenovaces · 8 months
✦ Osamu Dazai`s Entrance Exam (Unofficial Croatian translation) ✦
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Prijevod novele "Osamu Dazai´s Entrance Exam" će se objavljivati svakog vikenda, a to možete čitati i pogledati na sljedećem linku:
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alenovaces · 8 months
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Tulips, Hyacinths, Daffodils, Poppies, Lily Of The Valley, Anenemes, Jonquils, second quarter of the 17th century 
Jacopo Ligozzi and Ulisse Aldrovandi
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alenovaces · 8 months
Prijevod novele "Osamu Dazai´s Entrance Exam"
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Elloooo! Kako smo? Bokić ljudi moje ime je Alestrasi, a ja Vam donosim odlične vijesti! Svakog vikenda od ovog će se objavljivati po poglavljima prijevodi novele "Osamu Dazai´s Entrance Exam" koju je napisao Kafka Asagiri i ilustrirala Sango Harukawa.
Objavljivat ću prijevode svakog vikenda jer nemam toliko puno vremena, a i sljedeći mjesec ću imati malo manje zbog obaveza poput škole i aktivnosti. Nadam se da ćete imati razumijevanja, a ovako me svaki dan, 24/7, možete pitati bilo što ili samo razgovarati!
Isto tako nisam baš aktivna ovih dana zbog raznih obaveza iako je ljeto, ali u međuvremenu s ovim prijevodom isto tako prijevodnim i uređujem mangu "Bungo Stray Dogs" !!
U ovom postu ostavit ću link za post na kojem se nalazi cijela tabela prevedenih i buduće objavljenih prijevoda novele. Nadam se da će Vam se svidjeti!!
Ljubim, Vaša Alestrasi
Objava na kojoj se nalazi link:
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alenovaces · 2 years
All French, Italian and Latin words from Agatha Christies Hickory Dickory Dock
Translations are in English and Croatian and they are in chronological order. Croatian is in green, while English is in blue.
Mais oui - dabome; naravno - of course
Autres temps, autres moeurs - drugo vrijeme, drugi običaji - Other times, other manners
bon Dieu - Dobri bože - good Lord!
Ma foi - Vjere mi - My faith
Mon Dieu - Bože moj - Oh my God
Mais il faut q´elle me le rend, compact - Ali ona mi mora vratiti moj puder -But she has to give it back to me my powder
Viens, Rene, nous serons en retard. - Hajde, Rene, zakasnit ćemo- come on, Rene, we will be late
Sans rancune - bez ljutnje; bez zamjere - No hard feelings
Enfant terrible - Zločesto, neugodno iskreno dijete - Terrible child
Mon cher - Dragi moj - My dear
Bon Dieu - Dobri Bože - good Lord
Blasè - prezasićem; blaziran - jaded
Mon ami - Prijatelju moj - My friend
Ecoutez, mon cher - slušajte, dragi moj - Listen to me my dear
Mais vous etes tres bien ici - Pa ovdje je kod vas veoma lijepo - It's very in here
Chic - Ukusno; otmjeno; zgodno - Stylish, elegant, exclusive
Pour ça - Zbog toga - therefore
Tres bien - Vrlo dobro - Very good
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Italian and Latin
Povero - jadnik - Poor boy
Poverina - jadnica - Poor girl
Scusi - kako? ; molim? - How?; Excuse me?
(lat.) Bona fide - Dobronamjernih - beneficient; well- meaning
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alenovaces · 2 years
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Hunting log passage- Hotel Jagerhörn, Ilica - Zagreb, Croatia
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alenovaces · 2 years
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Zagreb Main Station, Croatia
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alenovaces · 2 years
My favorite quotes form Jöel Dicker`s The Truth About the Harry Quebert Affair - so far
“You know what a publisher is? He’s a failed writer whose father was rich enough that he’s able to appropriate other people’s talents. (...)"
Harry Quebert, pg. 11, ch. 31
But these events did not affect the feelings I had for him in the slightest. At worst, I thought, he is a man, and men have demons. Everyone has demons. The question is simply to know up to what point those demons can be tolerated.
Marcus Goldman, pg. 9, ch. 30
From this I came to understand that in order to be magnificent, all that was needed was to distort the way others perceived me; in the end, everything was a question of appearances.
Marcus Goldman, pg. 13, ch. 30
“I would like to teach you writing, Marcus—not so that you know how to write, but so that you become a writer. Because writing books is no small feat. Everyone knows how to write, but not everyone is a writer.”
“And how do you know when you’re a writer, Harry?”
“Nobody knows he’s a writer. It’s other people who tell you.”
Marcus Goldman and Harry Quebert, pg. 1, ch. 29
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alenovaces · 3 years
Notes from Dazai Osamu´s  Schoolgirl (#1)
“I gave up and started cleaning the house. While I cleaned, I happened to be singing a song from the movie, "Tojin Okichi." I felt like I ought to look around. How amusing that I, who normally was wild about Mozart and Bach, would unconsciously break out into a song from "Tojin Okichi." If I go on saying "Alley-oop" when I hoist the bedding or singing "Tojin Okichi" as I'm cleaning, there'll be no hope left for me. At this rate, I fear what crude things I might utter in my sleep. Still, there was something odd about it, and I rested the broom in my hand and smiled to myself.”
- Dazai Osamu, Schoolgirl, page 3
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  Yōko Umemura in Tōjin Okichi (1930) directed by Kenji Mizoguchi
Tojin Okichi is a silent Japanese film by Kenji Mizoguchi from summer 1930, inspired by Gisaburo Juichiya´s novel. The original film was 2h and 10 minutes long, but how the time passes, only 4 minutes of the film have survived. The fragment is also published on DVD with another Kenji Mizoguchi movie “The downfall of Onsen” (1935), but this time that movie being inspired by Izumi Kyoya´s book.
ABOUT THE MOVIE- so far known.
In the 1856 Japan, Commodore Pery foces Japan to open up to the Weat in 1854, Towsend Harris was appointed U.S Consul General in the city of Shimoda, he was responsible for the negotiating a trade agreement with Japan. Hoping to attract the consul's favor, government authorities offered him the services of geisha Okichi. Okichi secretly begs her lover Tsurumatsu to help her. But the young man is frightened by the idea that he is acting against samurai and the government and avoiding its help.
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    Izu Shimoda
Main roles in the movie take Yoko Umemura, Kaichi Yamamoto and Koji Shima.
Here is a short film (or rather say the whole film, because only four minutes survived);
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alenovaces · 3 years
All the french words from “Mysterious affair at Styles” by Agatha Christie
(Translation from French to English and Croatian)
*REMINDER: All the words are going in the order from the book
Example; French  → English / Croatian
Mon ami → My friend / Moj prijatelj 
 Voyons ! → Let's see / Da vidimo! 
 Amer ville! → Weird! / Čudno! 
 Château →  Palace / Dvorac  
Ça y est ! → That's it! / To je to! 
 En voilà une table ! → Here's the table / Evo stola. 
 Eh bien, eh bien. → Good, good / Dobro, dobro. 
 Ne vous fâchez pas ! → Don't be angry / Nemojte se ljutiti. 
 Mal de tête ! → Headache / Glavobolja! 
 Sacre ! → Oh Saint or His Saint / Svetca mu! 
 Chut ! → Quiet / Tiho! 
 Hein ! → Really / Zbilja 
 Mille tonnerres ! → A thousand thunders! / Tisuću mu gromova! 
 En voilà une affaire ! → This is an affair! Or This is a case! / Ovo je slučaj 
 Tiens ! → Here ! / Ovdje 
Comme ça! → Anyway / Onako 
 Mon Dieu. → Oh Lord / Moj bože 
 Soit → That's right / Tako je! 
 Allons ! → Lets go! / Idemo 
 Règle → Correctly / Pravilno 
 Ma foi →  I believe / Vjerujem. 
 Réunion → Reunion / Okupljanje 
 Balance → Permission / Dopuštenje 
 Mais, oui ! → Well, yes / No, da! 
Mauvais quart d’heure ! → Bad four hours / loši četvrt sata 
 Mes amis → My friends / Moji prijatelji 
 Enfin → Finally / konačno 
 Dénouement → Denouement / Rasplet 
 Le pauvre petite ! → Poor child / Jadno dijete 
 Les femmes → Women / Žene
Mademoiselle  → Miss / Gospođo
Monsieur → Sir / Gospodin
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