zkoh001 · 2 months
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~ We'll have each other ~
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A little followup to the very depressing "happy ending" minicomic I posted back when
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zkoh001 · 2 months
Decided to make something more detailed.
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zkoh001 · 2 months
I mean, I personally don't find it particularly nuanced. And they were already powerful without destroying the EA so idk what the point of that was...
Okay so. I really like the Hands of Time as a concept, twin wielders of time, their music motif is one of the coolest in nijago, and also the reason for one of the biggest mysteries at that point (what happened to Kai and Nya's parents) And villains caring for each other and twin dynamics are always cute as hell.
But like... They don't have... A motive? At all?
Well they do. One of them. Krux has a pretty cool motive, he's probably grieving his brother, wants to be ready for his return, and right the wrongs of the alliance. Cool. Acronix doesn't have that, but hey, I can definitely get doing dumb shit cause "big bro knows what he is doing. Probably." (Yes they are twins, but Krux is definitely the older brother between the two)
No, I'm talking about their original one eighty. Think about it, these two were members of the alliance, literal war heroes, and then they win, and they were like, yeah, theres no problem so. Let's be the problem. Why?? Wanting power? Thats... Really weak. And disappointing. Krux kidnapped his old friends, for years, because he wanted power? (I would buy it if they were run of the mill villains, but they are not, they are fallen heroes) Yeah, at that point he might have had a better reason, the whole brother missing, power missing (because Ray and Maya), and they "betrayed" him in a sense. But what got them there is reeeeally shaky.
I heard the idea that Chen manipulated them with his savvy, and Clouses dark magic, and yeah. That makes a whole lot more sense (tho that would make the twins incredibly tragic) Also, that would explain how the hell Chen knew about where Kai's parents were, maybe he gave Krux the idea in the first place
Ehh. I feel like we lost out on a lot with the Hands of Time. If you have some good rewrites or fanfic, link me.
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zkoh001 · 2 months
This is the important content waiting to be made
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Thats "monstruos sin pelear" in spanish! (According to google lol)
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zkoh001 · 2 months
I'm having a phase. I will most def draw the ancient human mages before it's over tbh.
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~ Tra La La~
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zkoh001 · 2 months
~ A scrap of cloth. ~
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~ Weighed down by sins long past. ~
Inspired by @passivechara post about the poncho being an equippable item.
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zkoh001 · 3 months
* "Have you not a speck of Mercy left in your Soul?"
* "This... *Is* our Mercy."
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zkoh001 · 3 months
My blog is apparently two years old so... Here are some chibis. They are the children of mine, and another roleplayers OCs, she's not on here.
The two under are mine, the little one on top is hers.
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Misha, Julchen, and Alexei
Happy birthday this blog!
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zkoh001 · 5 months
Pjo headcanon theory!
So you guys know how Greek demigods have dyslexia, cause their brains are basically wired for the Greek letters? And how Roman demigods don't have this problem cause the English alpbabet is the Latin alphabet?
Well, I'm sure I'm not the first to come up with this idea, but in that same line of logic, most Roman demigods probably have dyscalculia.
Cause their brains are wired for Roman numerals (L, C, D, M) over arabic ones (50, 100, 500, 1000)
And I think it should have been apart of the books. (If ot wasn't)
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zkoh001 · 5 months
I had a glorious dream, in the world of Percy Jackson, and despite noone asking or caring, I feel the need to share it.
Meet Akira. Akira is Japanese-American demigod, son of Momos, and resident chaos magnet. Also, probably has broken a law or two in the past week.
His godly parent was surprisingly present thorough his childhood, because one: noone really cares what Momos does. Two: He goes between mortals quite often anyways. Three: They can't tell him what to do anyways. So he has a whole two parents, but Momos acts more like a cool drunkle, so he's not much help in behaving him. Alas it mostly falls on his mom.
His godly ability is basically Vicious mockery from D&D, and noone is even sure if it's an actual power, or he's just that good. His other skill, is an ability that allows him to skew with other people's powers, tho he can't exactly control it.
The second floozey is Lucretius, alias Luca, alias Lucy if you are feeling bold, or if you are a certain aforementioned child of Momos. "Son of Juno", tho technically he is neither a demigod, nor her actual child. He was a statue (not sure if he was turned into one by Zeus in ancient times, or was just one originally) that got given life by the fertility goddess with powers similar to what I think her demigod children can have.
Technically speaking he is a monster, with grey blood, and immune to regular weapons, but since Juno claimed him, noone dares defy her, even if they don't really like her. He has a peacock simbol over his SPQR tattoo, and three lines. He acts similarly to satyrs, and his job is to get Roman demigods safely to Camp Jupiter. But for gods' sake, this kid is testing his patience.
He has the ability to bond things (like the bond of marriage, yknow). For example, he can slow down an enemy by binding them to something heavy, or even for them to stay in a certain radius, as well as binding people together (you can imagine how well that meshes with Akira's powers). He can commit to an action, which makes him immune to most forms of enchantment, and charm speak, and can stare witheringly (how much of it is Juno's influence is unclear). As the Sky Goddess' "descendant", he should probably be able to somewhat control weather if Jupiter wasn't a petty bitch. Alas, he would rather not try, he's already so done with dear old mom.
Basically the entire dream was mission "Get Akira to Camp Jupiter without getting myself, or him killed", which proves to be quite a challenge, since while his blood makes monsters drawn to him, his stellar personality attracts all other types of troubles. Through their travels, they encounter Baba Yaga, who moved to America for some good for saken reason, a kid with a long nose, and his head on backwards, who claimed to be born form a white horse, and was looking for someone to turn his head around, a golden cat, with a key in her neck, but with sticky fur... Also, that was a selkie that wanted to snatch them into the ocean, and the solution was throwing molotov at it. From the less magical beings, they got into conflict with a local gang, security officers, and the government (kind of). Luca misses the days his biggest worry was which pigeon shits on him next.
By the end they got into New Rome, looking like actual shit, Akira gets immediately claimedby his father Momos, and Luca is like "Of course". And then I woke up.
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zkoh001 · 5 months
I haven't read Pjo in a hot minute but I just had had the most glorious dream about it, and I feel like, I need to share my feelings on the series.
Now, for context, I read them in the order of: Tlh, SoN then the first five books, MoA, HoH, and a good gap later BoO. I absolutely fell in love with the first HoO, the only hard copy I keep of the series, so I was a little bummed when I learned there was no other book of them (MoA haven't come out yet). I liked Percy, but had no previous connection to him, and I was more interested in the worldbuilding in Camp Jupiter.
All in all, my weird experience with this series makes my nostalgia much more nostalgically connected to the , and lost trio than the OGs, and I would proudly wear purple over orange, sue me. (Not saying I didn't enjoy it when I bing read the first five books before MoA came out. I think the chapter system was a huge loss in HoO) Now, Tlh is still my absolute faw, and I was a bit bummed when we didn't explore the new characters (neither Hazel and frank nor Jason, Piper and Leo) in favour of following two characters we already had a whole series on.
The prophesy is about Jason and Leo, Piper is their glue and mediator, so why don't we get to know more of them? Leo learning to accept his powers could have been an arc. Piper should have realised there's no point in judging Drew, or her mom for being more girly than her, and that it doesn't make her more or less. Jason was a kid soldier but we can't explore it, because we can't explore him, only the effect he has on others. Why doesn't he have any like... friends in Camp Jupiter?
I saw a post about how we could have had a situation where Reyna and Octavian constantly bickered, and Jason played mediator (mirroring his mew team, where Piper fills that role sort of) We could have had them be friends, to not make it feel like nobody even misses Jason... It could have made the falling out more tragic. (Of course, that would require Octavian to be an actual character instead of a generic concept, and then maybe I would feel something at his death other than "wait, what?")
Oh, what could have been. Alas, I know a lot were happy to see Percabeth, so I shall cease whining about what could have been, and appreciate that I still have Tlh.
Also, If you want me to share my dream, tell me (I prolly will anyways but oh well.)
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zkoh001 · 7 months
Considering the online circles I move in, it is a miracle that I smh still don't get D&D
If anyone is too bored, please feel free to ramble 😂
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zkoh001 · 7 months
I found some old six fallen humans art I did, so I decided to retroactively post it.
The design's may look different, that's cause this is older art, and also, I suck at keeping my designs.
Looking back on it, I like Patience's og hairstiyle a lot, idk, why I ditched it.
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The text I found on reddit.
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zkoh001 · 7 months
Some people give the collector a palisman in fanart/fanfiction, and they are all different. I've seen moth, wolf, and different birds before.
If I had the chance I would give him a fox. A regular, red white fox.
Because the little prince had a fox, and I'm way too hung up on paralells.
If there is a little prince fandom, I've been implicitly apart of it since i was 7, since this story refuses to leave my brain, and has influenced me, and my writing so much.
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zkoh001 · 7 months
✨My archivist designs🌌
I really missed this artstyle but it takes so much longer than just my usual ones 😂
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Here are a bunch of headcanons I have:
Firstly, general species lore (my lore):
🌙 Birth:
° Archivists make up clusters/systems, and all collectors belonging in one cluster are each others siblings, there are no parents
° Each system has a core. That is the compiled magical essence of the stars inside the system.
° Starchildren are born by randomly spark into existence. When that happens they inherit half of the Core's power.
° So logically, the firstborn would have 50 percent of the original power. Then the second would inherit half of what's left, so 25 percent, the third 12,5 etc.
° The eldest is always the strongest, and generally the designated leader of the cluster
° A starchild needs some amount of magic to exist, so there's a limit of how many a single core can create. That limit depends on the strenght of the core.
🌑 Death:
° Clusters can die, and they either bloom into a new one, or become a black hole.
° When the cluster dies, so do it's starchildren. But if it's not a black hole, it's not immediate, so the old clusters leader passes on their job and knowledge to the first (and sometimes second) of the new cluster.
° A starchilds death is a slow process, as the power leaves their body their body breaks down like ice.
° If the Core collapses into a black hole, death is immediate and painless for all members, and it cannot birth a new system.
° Sometimes the leftover energy that didn't whittle away causes the black hole to morph the collectors into a single being, with insatiable hunger called world eaters (but it's quite rare, and more typical of weak cores)
° The less power the faster they die, which means the eldest is born first and dies last.
Now, about our Collie, and his cluster☀️
° The Collector is connected to the strongest core in general vicinity, which is why it houses the Archive House (not the one in the show, a whole big one)
° This is why despite being fifth in the line, with 3,125th of his Cores power, the Collector is quite strong amongst other starchildren.
° And it also makes his eldest sibling the strongest of Archivists, and the leader
🌠Traits, and design choices:
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° They don't really have genders. They can present as either or, but since they don't really reproduce either it's not relevant.
° On the picture, Yellow is the eldest, Blue is the second eldest, Orange is the third, and Purple is the fourth.
° I don't have names, but I don't wanna call them by colours so... working title names: Yellow-Sol, Blue-Luna, Orange-Aerolite, Purple-Comet
° Sol and Luna look more dominantly sun and moon colored, while the ones after are more equal.
° Their appearance usually goes in rythm, so Aerolite has brighter colours, and more yellow (sun) while Comet is darker and more muted (moon)
°By the time Collie came around it got pretty balanced out. The ones after them are pretty 50-50 split
° As a sign of age, their arms or legs also gain a black tint with white constellation marks. The higher up they go, the older the starchild.
° Oh, yeah Collie has little sibs!
° The collector is the fifth member of his family
° By the time of the war the cluster was still pretty young, with none of his siblings being adults (by collector standars), and it's still in it's early phase
° Since this core is very powerful, it was able to produce a bunch of starchildren after Collectors banishment.
° Most of them are more developed than him physically (he was stunted while banished) but are less powerful than him.
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zkoh001 · 8 months
After only posting fanart, here are some OCs from a world and a story, all my own. Meet the three princes of Coppola City ✨
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And here's the simplified version, still haven't decided which to use
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zkoh001 · 8 months
Honestly? When ya think about it, Ninjagos citizens are so terribly desentisized to the reality of their lives, it's not even surprising.
Y'know how in some places people just don't build proper houses cause random hurricanes and tornadoes will tear them down anyways? And how very earthquake heavy places, people just amble out of the buildings and lay on the ground, while the concrete road shifts and bends under them? School doesn't even gets cancelled if the building is at least semi usable.
Now imagine Ninjago, which is under attack on the daily. Do you think people are just gonna quit their lives and coop up? Nah, life goes on man, giant stone monsters and snakes or not. You shouldn't take away the joy of paper delivery from your kids, just cause ninjago is being itself lol. Honestly, school is probably not that much safer...
Half your class is absent, since they have been cubified in a digtal world, but class ain't cancelled, that happens everyday, and we are already behind. Send them the notes i guess 😂
I would say move out of Ninjago city, but if a vengeful undead teenager has some beef with his semi-cousin you might just have to face an aquaphobic eldritch abomination. Tuesdays, amiright?
At this point just permanently moving into Prime Empire doesn't even seem like a bad idea tbh.
What is up with Ninjago City parents? They just let their kids wander around, especially when there's danger afoot!
Nelson's mom, & the parents of the rest of the delivery kids: Letting their kids take jobs that will actually put them in dangerous situations (or possibly don't know what the job entails)
Arin's parents: Told him to get inside, yet didn't help him get inside, & just watched him struggle.
Jake's parents: I'll give them credit, in Crystalized, they were going to go find him, but when Wu told them to stay, they just sat back down!? I mean, if I was them, I'd be willing to throw hands in order to get out there & find my son, even if there's the possibility of him already being crystalized! And I do agree with Wu on making them stay, but they still should've tried to go out there instead of sitting their asses back down! Also, where the fuck where they during SotFS!?
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