It's okay to not know where you see yourself in a few years. And it's okay to experiment and make mistakes. Life isn't a dress rehearsal. It's the main show, and the show must go on. So go ahead, do crazy shit, make memories. Cry, laugh, yell. You only get to live once. So make the best of it.
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I just had a thought. You know how Tanaka, Noya, Hinata, and basically everyone in the Karasuno team crushes over haikyuu's goddess Shimizu? But then Kageyama does nothing and he's NEVER made a comment on any girl.
lmfao I love how I sound like a delusional fan 😎
But actually though, any thoughts on this?
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have a Kageyama ~
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Haikyuu Incorrect Quotes pt 8
Oikawa : *falls*
Kindaichi : shit are you oka-
Oikawa : better make a wish, you just saw a falling star
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Haikyuu Incorrect Quotes pt 7
Kuroo : I can't feel my leg
Bokuto :
Bokuto : *stabs his leg*
Kuroo, screaming in pain : WHY TF WOULD YOU DO THAT?!
Bokuto : YOU'RE A LIAR
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Oml too broke to get albums, merch, and watch the shows army has to pay for T_T. But it mostly has to do with parents not wanting to spend money for this. Dammit 😂
It's okay we'll keep supporting by getting you views and votes 😤✊
Reblog if you keep getting BTS Bon Voyage alerts and can't watch it bc you're broke🤷🏽‍♀️
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Haikyuu Incorrect Quotes pt 6
Hinata : what are you thankful for?
Kenma : existence
Hinata : i thought you said you hated life
Kenma : not mine, yours.
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Haikyuu Incorrect Quotes pt 5
Daichi : did you know that kissing burns over 2 calories per minute?
Daichi : we should try it out ;)
Suga :
Suga : did you just call me fat?
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Haikyuu Incorrect Quotes pt 4
Daichi : what do you like the most about Hinata?
Kageyama : when he shuts the f**k up.
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Haikyuu Incorrect Quotes pt 3
Noya : that awkward moment between birth and death...
Tsukki : it's called life.
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Haikyuu Incorrect Quotes pt 2
Tsukki : I'm tired
Yamaguchi : then get some rest
Tsukki : ...of your bullshit
Yamaguchi :
Tsukki :
Yamaguchi :
Tsukki : no no wait I was joking please stop crying
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Haikyuu Incorrect Quotes
Oikawa : Be honest, does my hair look good?
Cop : *Taking his mugshot* please stop talking
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ᴮʳᵃⁱⁿ ᴰᵘᵐᵖ
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We all have them, don't we?
Some fight them, some lose the battle against them.
Some don't do anything at all.
But have you ever loved your demons?
Craved their existence,
addicted to the pain they inflict on your soul.
You fucking hate them. You wish to be surrounded by their blood.
You're weak. Controlled.
A puppet.
But you don't mind, do you?
"You're hurting me. I despise you.
But don't go."
"Be with me forever and ever."
A toxic relationship I guess.
They dangle you off the edge of a cliff,
Carve words on your soft, untainted skin.
Give you flowers, but the flowers are Oleanders.
Make it stop.
You want to sleep.
Oh, but they don't want that.
They still want to play.
You poor little broken doll.
But that doesn't matter, right?
Because no matter what,
You will always go back to your precious little
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-Random -
Hi hello, I'm new and I don't know what I'm doing here but I'll use this as those little papers that I write random stuff in, but end up throwing it in the trash because it doesn't matter anyway.
Realization of the day!
I was always a person who talked in codes and over thought my words before saying them. But I learnt that it's great to be straight forward. Because by hesitating, who knows how many amazing things you could miss?
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