theheadapist · 1 year
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🦸 Our brain is a prioritizing superhero. It helps us prioritize that which will keep us alive.
⚠️ This also means it considers fears as impediments to our survival.
🦁 We no longer have lions and other predators chasing us in the bush but your brain still assesses every threat with the same severity as a lion trying to munch down on you
😱 So it stops you from pushing past the fear. It prioritizes the fear so, in its way, it can keep you alive.
🔬 But when you live through the lens of fear your actions are fuelled by those fears.
🔚 We cannot eliminate fear but we can learn to live in spite of it.
🧘‍♀️ One way to prioritize your task instead of fear is to give your mind a strong visual representation of what accomplishing your tasks looks like.
🥳 What success feels like. Tastes like. Show your mind that the end goal is pleasurable. Full of strong victory emotions. Feel the excitement finishing the task will bring as if it's already happened.
🚶‍♀️ This will show your mind that it's pleasurable and your mind will move you towards it.
🫡 The same way it helps you push past pain when you're getting a tattoo because the result is worth more than the discomfort.
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theheadapist · 1 year
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⚡️Creativity isn’t something that just strikes you when it feels like it. It is a habit you can cultivate. A muscle you can train.
🛑 Yet very often we see the “lack” of creativity as a reason to halt what we need to do. We use it as an excuse to put things on the back burner
🔋 Yes, your environment can be a cause for inspiration that activates creativity but unless you turn it into a sustainable repeatable habit you aren’t truly harnessing the power of your creativity.
🗓️ Your mind simply needs structure. Gather inspiration through out your week but time block 30 minutes a day to work on the outcome of that creativity.
🏋️‍♀️ Combine inspiration, consistent action and a trigger to form inspired action . You discipline the mind by training it to bring out your creativity when you start a chain of triggers.
🕔 For example, every day when your 5 pm alarm goes off playing Vivaldi’s four seasons: spring or the Beatles paperback writer, you write a 1000 words.
‼️ That’s like sending an alert out to your mind going hey! Hey! Hey! Get the engine running it’s time to tap into that endless stream of creativity and give it form
🧞‍♂️ Your mind will soon realize you need to be in flow at that time everyday and make it possible. It is your genie after all.
🚨Now that you know you can train creativity to work for you will continue to chase after it and its flights of fancy or will you choose to watch it show up every day because you invited it to sit with you?
If this resonates with you, drop a 💕 or comment below. Follow for more!✨
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theheadapist · 1 year
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If this resonates with you, drop a 💕 or a comment below. Follow for more!✨
😫 Doing things we're unfamiliar with will bring discomfort, initially. The more you do it, though, the more familiar it becomes to you.
🚫 When you constantly say yes, even when you don't want to, especially at your own expense, you are telling your mind that you don't see yourself as a priority.
☝🏻 That you aren't important. That what you want at this moment is not as important as what the other person is asking for.
🥈 That your feelings, thoughts and needs are secondary.
😐 This confuses your mind. It is programmed to believe that you are its only priority and while incessantly saying yes was unfamiliar to you in the beginning over time it became a part of you.
🧠 Everything familiar was once unfamiliar. Your mind adapts to what you want.
👂 Tell your mind you want to acknowledge your feelings and thoughts. You deserve to be heard too.
🚨 So the next time you feel this need to say yes even though you want to say no, remember you have the chance to break the familiar and make it unfamiliar. What will you choose? I hope you choose you.
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theheadapist · 1 year
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If this resonates with you, drop a 💕 or comment below. Follow for more!✨
❤️ We use the word “my” rather carelessly. It’s meant to be used for things we are possessive off. Things we intend to keep. My life, my body, my feelings, my partner, my home.
😰  But we aren’t selective with what we call our own. We claim possession of anxiety, fear, pain, hurt, luck as if it were a prize we want to display on the mantle.
🫂 We hold them close to us in an iron grip. Begging for it to leave us but unwilling to let them go.
🔒 Is it something you want to keep forever? Do you want to live in agony and fear till the end of your time?
🚦 If you want to start the process of letting go start by relinquishing ownership. Use “the”. Call it the pain, the anxiety, the fear. It’ll tell your mind you don’t want to keep it forever.
🚨 So the next time you talk about a tough time or feeling or struggle, will you choose to relinquish ownership by calling it “the problem” or will you choose to never let go of it by calling it your own?
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theheadapist · 1 year
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⏰ Breaks are an essential part of growth. We need hourly, 6 hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly breaks.
📈 But we don’t prioritize taking one. We focus on the work. We focus on the passion driving you forgetting to take care of ourselves.
😮‍💨 We go could go hours days and weeks without actually giving ourselves a chance to recuperate.
💤 Our sleep takes a hit. The food we eat when we’re busy does too. The screen time adds another layer to it. It adds up and eventually your body just taps out.
🪤 It forces you to rest. Don’t wait for your body and mind to be so exhausted that it puts you in a forced vacation.
🗓️ Schedule your breaks into your calendar. You deserve to rest, relax and start afresh.
🧠 It helps you think better. Be more creative. Problem solve on a higher level and it gives your body the rest it needs so you can show up every single day.
⚠️ The next time your body gives you a sign that it needs rest will you choose to ignore it and suffer consequences later or hear its call and reap the fruits of it in the long run?
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theheadapist · 1 year
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✍️ Check out my first blog post! Link in the story!
😵‍💫Everyone gets caught up in the craze of new beginnings when the first week of the year rolls through. If everyone is doing it, you should be too. Right?
👩‍💻Check out the blog to find out how our mind wants to keep us following the herd even if it might just drive us insane and leave us burned out to boot 
We take a look at the reasons why new year's goals and resolutions don't last.
Is it because you're scared of being left out? Or does feeling not good enough have something to do with it?
Do you go overboard with "New Year, New Me" Syndrome, quitting eventually, or is it Superman Syndrome that leaves you burned out?
And to top it off, find out how you can write out your goal in a way that makes sure you stick to it.
P.S. (It might have something to do with "Finding your why")
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theheadapist · 1 year
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✅We tend to live our lives searching and hoping for someone else’s approval BUT you were born being enough just the way you are. Maybe, all you need is your approval.
🚦When you are driven by the need for external approval your ability to perform is only as whimsical as the person you’re seeking approval
👌Approval comes from the Latin “Approbare” which is to prove or demonstrate. Going further still it became confirming the value of something being satisfactory
💬What that means is you’re seeking validation that you are good enough and what you’re doing is good enough. Providing proof that your time, experience and energy is only worth what someone else thinks it’s worth.
By who’s standard?
💢Does that then mean that the other person is the one deciding what you, a full human being, are worth? Based on a smattering of experiences they are choosing to judge you by.
⏳Do you really need another person deciding what you’re worth? How you spend your time? And what you think about? Or do?
✨or will you choose to take back what’s yours and decide you are worth it all simply because you are?
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theheadapist · 1 year
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🫥 When you choose to stay in the struggle you push everything away. The people you love, opportunities, success, growth.
😰 You go inwards but instead of working on what lies beneath you put up walls of fear that keep you in a state of isolation. From not only the world but yourself too.
🪴 The path of growth, however, is seldom a solitary journey. It may start internally with you unravelling what is holding you back but it soon collects companions walking the same mile as you. Working on their growth and the collective growth of the world.
👣 Take the first step. I know, it’s intimidating and maybe even scary to battle your own beliefs and fears but it isn’t a path you’ll ever regret taking
🥷 The next time you’re challenged by life will you choose to stay stuck and alone or will you walk the path of growth and flourish with the new tribe that finds you?
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theheadapist · 1 year
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🏁Everyone has ideas. They’re at the starting line of the innovation process. That idea has the ability to transform into an opportunity when you hash out it’s details . Giving it a steady foundation.
✨When the base of the idea is formed it reveals an opportunity. One that leads you to a space of being inspired to take action and sometimes we do.
🥱We take action for a day, maybe a week but when the inspiration taps out, we tap out. Turning it into something purely decorative at this stage.
🚀While inspiration feels like it might be the thing that propels us forward it is merely the catalyst on the path to innovation. One that is only activated when daily consistent action is added to the mix. Without that action and idea simply turns into a failed opportunity for innovation
🔁 So we’ve got to break the cycle! Inspiration might be born of opportunity but it is nurtured by daily, consistent action. That’s what it feeds on. Only then does that idea finally reach the realm of innovation.
💡 Your ideas deserve daily consistent action. The world deserves to experience the opportunity you can bring to the table. You deserve to see your idea flourish and turn into something that changes the world
So what will you do next time you have an idea?
Will you capture it or let it slip away?
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theheadapist · 1 year
The reason most people give in to a challenge and opt out is because there is nothing making them stay
Having a reason to wake up. To push yourself when it's tough. To get yourself out of bed on those days you just want to hunker down and snooze to kingdom come.
To get through those days you need to know "why" you must get through them.
If you don't have a reason for doing the things you SAY you need like you need air then eventually it'll slip away from you because motivation is only as strong as the reason that created it.
So find that thing that makes you get up after a long day and do what you said you'd do.
It doesn't make it easier or the work less challenging but it sure as hell makes sure you stick to it and are driven every.single.time.
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theheadapist · 1 year
Happy World Hypnotism Day
I figured today is the perfect day to break a few myths the world has about what it means to be hypnotized.
Hypnotherapy is just a means to help you understand and connect what your subconscious mind has learned so you can rewire what needs to change in your thought, behaviours and habit patterns WITHOUT the conscious mind ( your judge, jury and executioner) getting in the way.
It’s not hocus pocus. It’s not supernatural. It’s just science.
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theheadapist · 1 year
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The path to growth and transformation is fraught with rejection and what seems like failure.
Every experience, hurt, rejection, and failure came into your life so it could take a diamond in the rough and transform you into the magical being you were always meant to be.
This doesn’t mean it wasn’t hard. Nor does it mean you deserved whatever happened but you could choose to let it control you and design your life from a point of pain and hurt or you could choose to see it as a stepping stone to building the person you were always meant to be.
Because at the end of the day the event, person, hurt or injustice didn’t push through. You did.
You choose.
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theheadapist · 1 year
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Fear is the first thing that holds us back from achieving everything we want to!
It comes from the past. From the things that left you in discomfort. Its effect however is felt in the present.
Every time you try to start something new or an opportunity comes your way the fear outshines and overpowers all that could be.
It leaves us terrified of something that doesn’t even exist yet. Of pain that may never come. Of failure that isn’t the actual enemy.
But it leaves you with choice every single time it shows up. The chance to let fear paralyze you or to push ahead inspite of it.
The next time you face it. What will you choose?
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theheadapist · 1 year
On the other side of discomfort true change awaits. All we need do is take the leap of faith and something magical might just happen.
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theheadapist · 1 year
New Beginnings are a chance to wipe the slate clean of everything that has been so you can focus on everything right now can be!
So wipe it clean! All of it! The guilt, the fear, the worries, the anger, the shame. Shake off 2022 like the dust off of your shoulder
And begin again. You deserve to.
Happy New Year!
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theheadapist · 1 year
Learning to fall in love with myself and growth changed my life!
It’s so much easier to do than hating yourself and waiting for someone else to come and save the day!
You can either stay stuck in the slump or break the cycle. Warrior over victim hood!
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theheadapist · 1 year
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The new year blues hit about a week into January. In this two-part post, you'll ten tips to smash through any goal you set.
1) Start with 1 - Less is More and Realistic trumps Wishy-washy. It applies to goals too. Set 1 goal that you want to accomplish.
It could be a habit like reading for 15 minutes every day, working out 4 times a week, or writing daily for 15 minutes. Start with accomplishing one goal so your mind doesn’t freak your out about all the things you said you’d do but didn’t this year.
2)Define your why - We come in with great intentions but without intention and motive. Which makes it easy for us to give up and give in to “Oh well. At least I tried”. Defining and writing out your reason for wanting to accomplish this goal and reading it every day gives your mind a blueprint for why you need to do this consistently.
3) 1-day promise system - Resolutions have become a party joke. Something we know we won’t keep or at least not for long anyway.
Our mind doesn’t know what the Future or "I will", is. All it cares about is keeping you alive and happy right now.
So use that to your benefit. Focus on the Now. A.k.a Today. Make a promise for one day. Not for a week, month or year. Make a promise for the 28th of December, not for 2023.
Bonus Tip - Every time you keep a promise your mind grows its belief in you and your confidence grows daily.
4) Show your goal it is a priority - Schedule! Schedule! Schedule! We use calendars so we can keep track of the things that slip through our genius memory on occasion. Our mind knows those things are important so it tries to nudge us in the right direction.
So schedule time for your goal daily. Put it into your calendar. Set reminders. Show your mind that this is Priority 1.
5) Do it First - Procrastinating is an art. We’re Pros at it but the more you put something off the louder that voice gets. You know the voice. It nags, it guilts, it shames you.
Doing it first saves you overthinking, guilt, and stress and it even gives you a sense of victory.
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