#youre good nonnie
gunsatthaphan · 10 months
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inkdrinkerworld · 10 months
miguel would push down on your stomach during sex. most of the time, not even for your pleasure, rather his. just seeing his cock bulge your stomach would make him go feral and i stand by that.
“feelin good, amor?” he would ask, his hips rutting into you at a god-like speed. you would be too fucked out to notice and in a split second he would push your stomach down and make you look at the bulge in it.
baby, why would you send me this when i don’t have a miguel o’hara to experience this with??? my brain has melted tthis is too fucking hot
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sup. hey. i read your tags. the ones about you showing your posts to versions of your younger self. just wanted to say i'm glad you're making those things for you. those younger versions of ourselves are still within us, after all. i'm proud of you.
I cant even do my gimmick for this one man.
I've been staring at this ask for days.
It means a lot to me. Thank you.
Im deadass too, this ask fr means a lot to me.
He's (my younger self) really small, he aint know what to do with all these feelings, all this unignorable transness. He spent so long in so much pain. I love him, i'd do anything to go back in time and show him how far we've come in less than 5 years.
I make a lot of these posts for him. I wonder, what wouldve been earth-shattering for me to have seen when i was 13? or 15?
Do you remember that one movie, "Home"? Its an animated movie, and I remember the first time i saw it, the first time i saw the main characters mom say "Have you seen my daughter? She has beautiful brown skin, [..]" that rocked my shit. It was the first time i'd ever heard someone on TV say that someone who had my skin is beautiful. Ive long forgotten damn near everything about that movie, but that scene still sits with me. I aint even a chick but i was like damn...black kids is beautiful too?
I want my posts to have that affect on the little boys still inside other men. Now dont none of you show this shit to no actual kids cause thats weird, nah i'm talkin about other 20-somethin year old men who still got the ghosts of their child selves, scared and hurting and crying for acceptance.
I want my posts to grip yall by the collars of your shirts and i want it drilled into your little fucking heads that you can be a black trans man. you aint no confused girl, you aint no lesbian, you not some tomboy, you aint being poisoned by white people, and you sure as shit arent "possesed by demons" or some stupid shit like that. You're a man full stop, and embracing that is beautiful.
but to do that i gotta make sure they do that to me lmao, and uh, yeah they fuckin do.
this got long and sappy but uh, thanks!
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fivefeetfangirl · 8 months
omg hiii!! hope ur doing good 😊 re ur tags on the post about reading a lot of time travel fics lately 👀👀 do you have any recs ? I feel like ive devoured the trope there arent any good ones left 😩
Hi nonny!!
Based on your ask it seems like you've probably read more time travel fics than me haha I just started like 3 weeks ago. And these are what I've read so far (I would rec them all, they're all very good):
crossing lines by sometimeswelose which is about s1 dean getting transported into s15. read the tags on this one tho!
in this louisiana bar by fleeceframe where s10 cas travels back to s1 dean. in the next part s10 cas travels back to s4 dean
psalm 40:2 by unicornpoe where s15 cas travels back to pre-series dean
I haven't read this one but been recced it, time has come today by teen_dean where 19 year old dean from 1998 is brought to 2020 to help with a hunt
If you have any recs for me feel free to send another ask <33 or if anyone wanna add to this post, please do!
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smoosey · 8 months
Unseasonable, for your prompts. <3
"It wasn't supposed to rain today," Obi-Wan comments, but in truth it's lovely, lovely, the midsummer rain light and cool and misty where they walk under the wide sweep of the stars, belly full, warm and tipsy and flushed and alive.
"We've had worse surprises," Cody says from beside him, and Obi-Wan laughs, because the Force is singing all around him, and Cody is beautiful in the rain, and there's something buoyant in his chest that makes him feel young again and quite in love with every star and raindrop, the wide galaxy and every soul that shines in the Light of the Force.
Cody's watching him laugh, eyes warm and dark, and then he's taking his hand, leading him into an alcove where Obi-Wan lets himself be sheltered by his heat. Obi-Wan raises his robe over them, and kisses him in a hallowed space, alone with Cody's smiling lips and reverent hands and his good, good heart.
(AKA: I saw this gif and lost by entire mind...)
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bakubunny · 6 months
Mornin' Sleeping Beauty,
I know yer pissed that I didn't get to talk to ya while I was on a mission, an' you have every right t'be. So, I got somethin' special planned for my girlie on the “Nice” list. If yer still nesting under the blankets, look out the window. That's right, Princess, we're spending the holidays holed up in yer favorite cabin.
Snuck ya out of the house while you were sleepin'. Eijiro lent me the red truck, which we ended up needing with all the shit that he got ya for Christmas. I swear he's the only man alive who spoils ya more than I fuckin' do, that “jolly” old bastard can't hold a goddam candle to us.
Yer were cute as sin clutchin' onto me and your plushy when I was carrying ya down the stairs out to the car. If'm honest, I thought ya woke up a few times with how hard you were sucking on my fingers while I drove us up here.
Ya would've gotten yer favorite wake up call, with me leavin' a nice dark hickey on your neck as ya lay on your stomach stuffed with my cock, but rocks-for-brains forgot to restock the firewood.
I'm out choppin' some for us, so we got kindling for the fireplace later. After all, what kinda Daddy would I be if I forgot yer bedtime stories? An' don't even think about leavin' the covers just yet. The flurries just started comin' down, an' the moment I'm back through the door I'm wrapping myself around you to warm up. M'gonna show ya exactly how much I missed my good girl while I was away. Merry Christmas, Bunny -Kats
aww!! that’s okay daddy, i know you’re doing very important stuff saving lots of people, and that’s something i love so much about you. you work hard at being the best hero i could ever have.
and stop ittttt, i’m so red and stuff. i’ll stay warm and snuggly just for you though. you’re the sweetest. 🥰
merry christmas. 🎄
- bunny 🖤
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@dcsiremc you need to read this rn
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his-littlefox · 1 month
Hi!!!! 🩷
I was re-reading Once Upon a Broken Heart and I realized something I hadn't noticed before! Jacks is so so shy when expressing his feelings to his little Zorro, he never told Evangeline how beautiful she was, But.....he did it, he did it, he did it! He said it indirectly, because our boy would rather jump off a cliff than express his feelings to his little girl, he is embarrassed and that was so cute.....
"She hadn' t really looked at the cut that had caused all the blood since she'd first been injured. It was shallow enough that it had already closed. It would not need stitching. But the blood left behind looked soething awful-she probably looked awful as wel.
"You could never look awful," he said faintly.
She looked up again. For a second, he looked almost shy and incredibly young, barely older than her. Blond locks of hair fell over his eyes as he slowly leaned in closer. She didn't know if he was trying not to frighten her away, or if he was maybe frightened. He seemed uncharacteristically nervous as he reached toward her cheek. He slowly took an errant strand of hair between his finger and tucked it behind her ear. He was so careful, his fingers didn't even brush her skin, but he looked as if he wanted to.
Jacks actually said that Evangeline was beautiful, that she was very beautiful, he said it to a certain character in the first book.
Jacks said it for days...or weeks...
In Once upon a broken heart, On the neverending night when Jacks takes Evangeline to the Prince to kiss him:
"Don't feel bad, Miss Fox"
"I think our mutual friend is jealous. He's been telling me for weeks how gorgeous you are, but until now, i thought he was exaggerating"
"Jacks told you about me?
He'd already left her side to wander the small suite, and he met her stare with the same taciturn desinterest he'd shown everyone else when he'd first entered the party. If looks could speak, this one would have told her, just because i said it doesn't mean i believe it.
But he had said. She didn't care if he'd meant it or not.
And Jacks believed it! He really believes it!!!! He said she was beautiful!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️
He spent weeks talking to the prince about how beautiful she was. And I don't think she said it just to make Apollo fall in love with her, because Jacks put a spell on him much later.
And while she was transformed into stone, he thought of her💔😭
Jacks is sooo cute, and i love him! ❤️🍎🦊
but you’re sooo righttt jacks is literally a cutie patootie romantic who just wants to be loved and love his girl!! 🥺💖 he’s just become so closed off bc of sooo many terrible experiences (i hate aurora sm!!!). i can’t even imagine what he must’ve gone through when his first fox died after he broke the archer’s curse through his willpower alone!! he’s literally so resilient for still fighting through, bc like?? i can’t even imagine myself in his shoes it’s so painful :((
he really loved evangeline since the moment he saw her, it was love at first sight and he was literally simping on her with apollo!! 🤭💓 but like the way he must’ve felt so scared abt it breaks my heart so bad!! :(
i sooo want a novella abt their relationship BC I WANNA SEE JACKS FINALLY BEING LOVED BY SOMEONE!! and him loving her freely too hehe i want their cuteness sm <3
thank you for the ask!!! i love reading them sm! 😚💕
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wonusite · 6 months
mean dom!mingi who gives you silent treatment while fucking you with his fingers as a punishment for not obeying his command when he said for you to wait for him in your shared bedroom. he has three fingers inside you going in and out filling the room with squelch noises while the other hand holds your face firmly forcing you to watch yourself on the mirror you falling apart only with his big hands and fingers burried deep in you. sometimes he rub your clit and gives it harsh slaps when you try to talk 'cause he doesn't want to hear nothing but your moans and cries. and you're crying when you feel the 8th orgasm of the night hitting you like a intense wave, making you tremble and throw your head back against his shoulder screaming in desperation and pleasure. a few more pumps and his fingers are out, covered by your cream and arousal. he licks them clean and kisses you making you taste yourself on his tongue.
"you lerned your lesson, right, princess?" he asks after a moment of silence, waiting for you to catch your breath.
"yes, sir." you answer, feeling your cheeks burn when you see him smiling throught the mirror.
"you'll wait for me here next time, right, princess?" he wraps his arms around your waist, resting his chin against your shoulder.
"yes, sir." you smirk, telling yourself that maybe you won't be so well behaved if he punishes you like that again. it's not like he can complain tho.
"good girl."
🐯 nonny.
(i fell asleep writing this hope i didn't sent the unfinished version 💀)
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wannabepapa · 5 months
thinking about working in this little shop, maybe a bakery or small diner, where part of your contract to work there is to go through a full term magical pregnancy. but they aren't going paying you when you're outside of work, so for reasons to do with labor laws or whatever, your pregnancy gets paused. you only grow when you're clocked in for work, meaning that a full nine months of pregnancy takes over two years to complete even when you're working full time (and most of the employees are only part-time). imagine coming right up on the end of a pregnancy, maybe overdue, and ready to be done, and you get a few weeks off for the holidays. Last year maybe you were at the end of the second trimester, big but not massive. Just a little inconvenient. this year you have to get all the way to the New Year with this cumbersome belly, stretched and exhausted, just waiting to go back to work and throw that little apron on so you can be unburdened.
The bakery is definitely the strangest place I have ever worked for. The pay was fantastic—more than I could have ever imagined getting in my entire lifetime! Really, there shouldn't be a reason why I was overcompensated for such an easy job. That was until I had finished with my training and officially hired.
The owner was a wizard—very old, very powerful being—that had only one condition for me to even be considered as a worker. They had a fruitful side hustle as surrogacy business (the place was merely a façade to keep the magickal government off their tail) and in order to be brought into the fold you would need to fulfill pregnancy contracts for the customers. Not only had the background check been meticulous in its contents but my medical history had been gone over with a fine toothed comb. If I were honest hearing that I was still being considered with my medical problems it blew my mind. Raising that concern the owner explained magical remedies that would heal any ailments that would otherwise cause pregnancy complications, meaning I would be the perfect surrogate for the babies. I didn't hesitate a moment while white knuckling the pen to sign the dotted lines.
I should have read the fine print.
There clearly was nothing standard about this operation. To quell any magickal suspicions these pregnancies were enhanced in very special ways. The fetuses were perfectly healthy and safe, the pregnancies were as normal as possible given one big circumstance. The pregnancies were elongated and you only progressed while you were on the clock.
As terrible as it sounds to an outsiders prospective, this is easier to handle. With the slow growth I was able to go about life normally for much longer without worrying that my secret would be revealed. Though the nausea and overall discomfort were murderous in the beginning my first trimester took six and a half months—I barely looked any different! Every scan I had showed a perfectly healthy pregnancy which meant more money being added onto my already cushy check. It all felt like a fever dream.
As the weeks turned into months of growth I had begun to realize I was enjoying this. As much as I had felt anxiety over passing nine months I was able to get into the groove of this magickal pregnancy. It was easier with my coworkers in the same predicament in so many different stages for us to all bond together. Though taking the mandatory holidays for Thanksgiving and Christmas were difficult—there was no extra growing and it felt like my skin was burning with power that was ready to burst forward. Stepping back into the bakery I swore up and down that I grew about four inches around the middle from this surge of pregnancy magick.
Now that I'm nearing the end of this pregnancy a whole two years later, I am more than ready to pop. The babe is very happy in here having parties every day of the week and even midnight (let's be honest here it's more like three am) dance battles to show off their moves. As much as this little nugget has brought happiness, excitement, and joy into these long years carrying I clearly need a break. My skin is stretched tightly across my womb with no trace of skin unmarred by red stretchmarks. I'm not angry about it since most were there before I got pregnant. What I will miss is having someone this close to me when I needed them and experience the craziness of pregnancy over an extended period of time.
What I really truly hate is that I'm stuck at home now until the fifth of January. It wouldn't be terrible if I wasn't on the cusp of labor with false contractions for the last three weeks or the equivalent of a bowling ball sitting heavily on my pelvis. The baby shows no signs of being ready to leave their warm home but I'm very certain that there will be a visit to the birthing center in the coming days after I start work again. I don't think I'll be the only one either. My one coworker has twins and he is very ready for those buns to be delivered as soon as possible.
Even with this bump in the road I can see myself doing this all over again. Possibly requesting to go part time for that pregnancy—to really relish in my slow growth and see how different it feels
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thesherrinfordfacility · 11 months
Thinking about how Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy allegedly plays when Crowley drives back to Aziraphale to help with Gabriel. And how I'm not sure if people will actually pick up on the romantic context there lmao. I mean. When he was driving to, searching, and exiting the on-fire bookshop in S1, a surprising number of people apparently didn't get the hint? Not just the choice of Somebody to Love after he realizes that he's lost Aziraphale, but You're My Best Friend, which had been playing UP to that point, is ALSO a love song- John Deacon wrote it for his wife. Like it was RIGHT THERE and people missed it.
you can only lead the horse to water, nonnie; doesnt mean you can make it drink✨☕
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mister-eames · 4 months
In A/E, who cooks the most delicious meals and who is the most efficient cook? those can be mutually inclusive but more often, they are not so, thoughts?
I think Arthur is really good at four (4) meals. But like, REALLY good - you know those dishes you always pester your mum/dad/parent to make because it's so good every time and it makes you Feel Something and its probably the first thing(s) you learn to cook because it's SO GOOD. That's Arthur. Except he disdains the process of cooking and would rather avoid it. He would--and has--eaten crackers for dinner if he was eating alone. Eames pesters him to cook any of those four (4) meals but he doesn't often do it. Cooking seems like such a waste of time, you know? But he gives in when he's got the time, because it makes Eames happy. And him too.
Eames cooks lots of delish meals. Effortlessly. Loves a recipe book/blog/channel. He also cooks his fair share of bad ones. I say he has a 70-30 ratio of amazing to awful meals. Can whip up the most amazing curry or stew with just his intuition to guide him one day, and then make the most god-awful casserole the next with the most fucked up flavours and horrifying textures. He has two modes: turning water into wine and burning water. Arthur doesn't mind, it's part of Eames charm - he doesn't mind regularly replacing charred pans, as long as he's not the one cooking.
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hatkuu · 7 months
Yknow you can do that job of being a nude model for artists in Domus Street?? Now I want artist kylar and his personal model
Stay in some real lewd pose for hours for kylar to draw you!!!
this. im sorry but pc posing in a chair while kidnapped is NOT enough. like. him drawing you in the park is verryy cute but... not lewd at all :(
hnnnn maybe artist! kylar who just so happens to have been extremely obsessed with you in highschool finds out you do nude modeling and COMPLETELY books out your schedule. asks you to come to his manor... for foreground and background purposes, ofc!! your meeting is very awkward. you comment that kylar looks the same as he did in highschool and he just. stares at you like :)
gets very jealous if you model for ANY other artists. wants you to be his perfect lil muse that does sexy poses for him.
i think it'd be super funny to watch kylar struggle at drawing a tiddy or some fabric on your body that just isn't sitting right. you're watching him berate himself for not capturing the full extent of your beauty like ".........um" and he's almost in tears.
(sidenote: will we ever get a kylar sketchbook tour in game????? i will riot for this. why do they sometimes slam their sketchbook shut??? what is the lil creep drawing VRELNIR???)
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greensaplinggrace · 2 months
You obviously know this is about D*rkling or have you misused tags in other fandoms as well? And I am still better than people condoning child trafficking.
i dont believe in cross-tagging, my friend. unfortunately for you i'm the one that made the darkling slander tag on tumblr. if you want a different experience then can i perhaps recommend tiktok? it's a pretty decent hangout for those with no critical thinking skills and the need to argue with thin air. besides, the tumblr slander tag actually has real slander instead of the shallow and incorrect bs i see antis spew. as if it's my fault i'm better at your jobs than you.
also maybe self-evaluate in regard to the last sentence of your ask. best of luck in therapy!
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koroart · 6 months
I want long haired lambert to wreck me while I think him for it
You know who else you can thank? Our lord and savior Jesus Christ
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mncxbe · 2 months
Hello, Dear. Again , It's me. I was writing my assignment and suddenly,I just wanna to tell you something so I rush rush here. As I always said before,I really love your Fukuchi x reader stories. They're so beautifully written. But, you know what I love most? The way you potaryed that silly pookie middle aged man, I really love it.
In everyone's view, Fukuzawa Ōchi is a brutal, manipulative and cruel man which also not wrong. I won't defend him for all those cruel things he did. But, the pressure, the guilt , the burden, the traumas and the stress he was carrying all these time are unimaginable. I once wondered whether he could sleep well at night while I was reading the manga panels of his past.
I could feel his exhaustion...he had to put up fake masks, everyone had highest hopes and exceptions for him.Drinking too much Alcohol and smoking cigarettes too much are the signs of his exhaustion.He definitely needed someone to rely on. Someone who won't ask questions but comfort him, smoothing him , granting a safe place to rest.
And,again you potaryed his character sooo perfect in your stories. His cockiness,his exhaustion, everything about him in your stories are so perfect. Again, your Fukuchi x reader stories are so perfect without missing every single little details of his characters and his S/O. He really deserves someone for him and you really write well for his perfect S/O.
I really love them. This text became so so long. Sorry about that ,my Dear❤️
🥺💗it's so hard to explain how happy this made me feel like shhsjj i'm giggling and kicking my feet you're too sweet nonnie. and yes I love writing for Fukuchi he's such a complex character but at the same time just a silly guy. I guess obsessing over him for 6 months while listening to Lana's unreleased songs and imagining different scenarios paid off.
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stagefoureddiediaz · 2 months
Any guesses as to what the Buddie karoake song will be? lol
Hey Nonnie
well where to begin?? My feeling is it will be 80's based on the theme of the bachelor party, but beyond that, anything is game!!
All I know it's that is likely to be a song full of queer undertones which doesn't help narrow it down any as so much of the music fro the 80's is queer, has queer undertones, or has been adopted by the queer community. I mean the 80's was the pinnacle of glam rock and there are too many options to chose from there!!
I mean we could cycle back to Maddie's comment 'you don't want to hear Bucks rendition of eye of the tiger' and they might play into that (Maddie was wrong - I very much want to hear Bucks version of Eye of the Tiger thank you very much)
I mean there are plenty of classics, like Elton John, Queen and T-rex or David Bowie (although I'm not sure any of David Bowies songs are really karaoke songs!) or they could go very obscure! My feeling is we're going to get something very well known (with that lovely abc budget) because they want it to hit and obscure won't work for this moment!
I'd love to hear what everyone else thinks the Karaoke song is going to be - we can have some fun and see who either gets closest or gets it right - drop your guesses in the comments.
With this in mind I'll throw out a guess of 'This Charming Man' by The Smiths with an outside shot of Queen I want to break free (but that feels a little on the nose even for 911 😂)
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