#smoosey writing
smoosey · 7 months
My one word:
"Maybe the Council could send someone else," Cody suggests quietly, his dark eyes concerned, "You're barely recovered from your last solo mission, and we have a campaign to plan. Surely it would be reasonable to ask." 
"I asked," Obi-Wan says, "There is no one else." 
Obi-Wan watches Cody accept it, sees his expression go troubled and resigned as he nods. Obi-Wan is needed, with urgency. Lives hang in the balance. Cody understands duty, above all things. 
He really is, Obi-Wan reflects, a good man. A good man who loves him. Obi-Wan feels it like a knife in his gut. He has a bad feeling about this mission, and any words of comfort or farewell he might have to offer feel woefully inadequate when he can feel the way Cody's tender devotion shines steady and bright and precious and rare.
Still, Cody is going to let him go.
"Look after the men while I'm gone, Commander," Obi-Wan says finally, "And be safe."
Be safe, be safe. It beats in his chest like a prayer.
"I will," Cody says with a fond half-smile, but his eyes are sad. "Keep yourself alive, for me."
Obi-Wan wants to go to him again. He wants to kiss the corners of his eyes where he tucks his sadness, and run his fingers through his short curls, and feed him honeyed bread from his own hands. He wants to fold himself up into the steady light of this man's heart, and be held there. He wants to stay. He wants to love him the way he deserves. 
But he is a Jedi. And there is no one else.
He walks out the door. He knows he takes Cody's whole heart with him.
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dontbelasagnax · 4 months
Honestly this was so hard to chose but I would LOVE to hear about the hair trimming fic please?? <3
Thank you for asking, Mia!!!
The really exciting thing about this fic is that it's a collaboration with @shortcuts-make-long-delays, @aquaticflames, @foreverchangingfandomsao3, @happybean17 @anaclastic-azurite, and @smoosey!!!! (Love you guys)
The other day I was telling some friends my clone hair headcanons and a fic idea that stemmed from it and they really liked it. We all wanted to see a fic so we decided to work together and each write one section to patchwork together a 6 (yes, six) +1 fic!!!
I've only really written 100 words in the doc so instead of a snippet you get what I shared in discord that activated our collective codywan braincell:
I admittedly have a shit ton of clone hair headcanons. Like for clones hair is a deeply personal thing that everyone learns how to individualize (or not- their prerogative) by trial, error, and community. Basically everyone learns how to hairdress in some fashion since they either do it for themself or help brothers out. Short haircuts are popular and so are lots of shaved designs. But there's a wealth of culture in hair that is long enough to be braided. They come up with their own styles. In my head, hair is seen as a treasured part of clone culture where everyone helps out- be that with braiding or doing their best to get a cut right or bleaching stripes. I have a fic idea that's like "This is why Obi-Wan lost his mullet in the war and also I'm a little bonkers and made it a Whole Thing" in which an encounter with Ventress leaves Obi-Wan with singed uneven hair and it will be a while till Obi-Wan can go back to Coruscant and see his usual hairdresser so Cody takes him aside once they're back on The Negotiator and gives him the classic TCW/RotS cut. So, naturally, Obi-Wan keeps having Cody do his hair. (Because it's a love language. I'm. Mentally unwell.)
Our tentative summary, courtesy of Aqua, is "six times Cody trimmed Obi-Wan's hair and one time that Obi-Wan trimmed Cody's"
Feeling quite unhinged about it as I'm thinking about it again 😂
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elwenyere · 14 hours
Last Line(s) Challenge
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like). 
I was all-pressure tagged by @frostbitebakery and no-pressure tagged by @smoosey: thank you so much, my friends. I also got a tag from the lovely @notasapleasure in a WIP game about sharing a line you're proud of, and I finally managed to write new lines in the Codywan Pirate AU that I like and that aren't an immediate spoiler. So here we go:
Many years earlier, when Jango had been hung and Cody’s superiors had thought someone should still get whipped for it, Cody had learned to fill his mind with the making of a kete: dividing the strands of the leaf, separating the muka to form the plait - the whiri - for the bottom of the bag. With each crack of the lash, he pulled a leaf apart - whenu from whenu - and placed the pieces in his mother’s hands, imagined her weaving him back together again.
Thank you again for the tags, my friends! Open invitation for anyone who would like to play!!!
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frostbitebakery · 3 days
15 questions for 15 friends
Approximately 5 trillion years ago the sweet @thetorontokid tagged me. I’m sorry I couldn’t get to it sooner 😭 Thank you for tagging me 💜💜💜
Are you named after anyone?
I don’t think so but I’ve never gotten a straight answer why my parents named me like that
When was the last time you cried?
Half an hour from now on
Do you have kids?
My dog.
Tumblr media
What sports do you play/have you played?
I do not enjoy physical activity except hiking.
Do you use sarcasm?
What's the first thing you notice about people?
What's your eye colour?
Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings! World is horrific enough
Any talents?
I can roll my tongue
Where were you born?
What are your hobbies?
Drawing (and writing)!! Hobbies since forever! Drawing very much since kindergarten with a brief pause of 8 years. Writing came back to me a few years ago but that one I take less serious
Do you have any pets?
My child
How tall are you?
The Star Wars answer is: clone trooper-tall
Favourite subject in school?
I enjoyed parts of the curriculum like interpretation of texts or historic time periods.
Dream job?
In an ideal world, I’d be rich through ethical but wholly untraceable means, and frolic across a field when not drawing. Since I have to pay for dog food and silly stuff like shelter and WiFi, I can say that I am, at the moment, where I want to be? I’m very lucky.
No pressure tagging: @smoosey @sendpseuds @c-m-li @hawthornsword @mis-mcgifsten @whiskygoldwings @obiwong @merlyn-bane
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raphaerolo · 28 days
Rules: in a new post, post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of nom descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet and tell us about it!
Then tag as many people as you have wips!
If you don't write, list your art wips!
Oh gosh i'm late to this but i finally have time to answer people now :)
Tagged by @aaeeart
Get down mr president
Professor? I Hardly Know Her!
Obi-Wan Again
Sadness Desert Husbands
Battle Cody & Obi
___ & Cody Amiright?
Untitled Artwork
Pikmin Consultanty - Frigde
(This list includes fics, art, and comics, and it's not nearly all my wips but it's what i was working on recently)
No pressure tags (maybe even anti pressure tags): @chickengodnoodle @smoosey @snawleyy @notthestarwar @anaclastic-azurite @artisticallyill @ominouspuff @snowywinterevenings @dontbelasagnax
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brigittttoo · 1 month
If you are still taking prompts for the ask game: What about 🌿 💞 💌? Whichever you'd like, no pressure at alll -- 🤍@smoosey
Hi @smoosey ! Definitely still answering prompts this fine morn <3 (q's from this ask game)
🌿How does creating make you feel?
Creating makes me feel like I'm putting puzzle pieces together and it's very satisfying! Figuring out what pieces fit together, how to construct something in a compelling way -- and this is applicable I think to my sewing projects as well as writing ones. I can daydream about the mechanics of a clothing pattern or a story plot very happily.
💞What's the most important part of a story for you?
Especially if it's an AU, the worldbuilding is pretty important to me. For example, I was never that into DC Comics media because for some reason Gotham/Metropolis/whatever never felt fleshed out enough? They just sort of existed as isolates in some sort of general USA ether that I just couldn't get past to ever become invested in the stories or characters (I know this is very weird of me). So when I write a story, making sure I have a sufficiently solid grasp of the surrounding contextual world feels very important to me.
As well, characters and the way they interact with and know about this world is probably the next biggest part. Having a firm grasp of what a character does and doesn't know contributes to writing what a character would or wouldn't say or do -- keeping in mind the fact that the reader may or may not know things already about the world or the story too! These moving parts can make or break a story for me tbh. I'm reading a book right now that commits the crime of having a character experience an event in front of the reader and then two seconds later tell another character details of the event that just happened. I know character 2 needs to be told, but I just read everything that happened! I don't need to be told again! It becomes tiring.
💌 Share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
I have one WIP right now that has been put on the back burner while [major but positive real life changes] happen. I am still very excited about it though, and think about it a lot; it's a combination of tomb raider style adventures and star wars universe aid missions, with a post-war codywan pairing. Without being too spoiler-y, I'm trying to experiment with different relationship stages as well as different framing circumstances, and it's another slight foray into horror story elements. I think I've found a good little snippet for you:
Cody doesn’t know why, but he thinks about the couple days after the battle on Moon L13-B2, when Obi-Wan just held him. His shoulders had fit just under Obi-Wan’s arms, chests half-overlapping on the bunk, Obi-Wan’s hand on the back of his neck. His robes had been so warm. He thinks about that moment while he run-stomps through the brambles, his own breath sounding loud inside the respirator, eyes trained on that gap in the fence where the bridge is. He can’t see Feliks very well, and he keeps having to look down at his feet so he doesn’t trip, and all he can think of is being held, that quiet rise and fall of breathing.
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snowywinterevenings · 4 months
For the writing asks: #7 #17 and/or #66 for Starflowers and Vines?? -- ❤️@smoosey
7. Post a snippet from a wip.
A little bit from Febuwhump where Codywan were injured in the battle over Coruscant and thus present for the siege on the temple. I do t think I posted this before? I don’t remember.
Cody woke with a start, his hearing acutely tuned to the sound of blaster fire. The trouble was, he was not sprawled on the ground on a lumpy bedroll, catching an hour of sleep on a hostile planet but was tucked in the healing halls of the Jedi temple, a place where his survival instincts should not have needed to kick him awake and pump him full of adrenaline. There was hardly any place safer in the whole galaxy.
He heard it again and tensed, the sound closer but still some distance away. It was possible someone was watching a too loud holo, but he doubted the noise would carry into the darkened depths of the healing halls, at least not at such a late hour unless it was another patient. His alarm ratcheted up when Vokara Che slipped into the room and let out a deep breath, clearing trying to steady herself. A spike of fear cut through him when her eyes met his and she reached for her lightsaber, but her hand fell away a moment later before she moved quickly to Obi-Wan’s bed beside his own and prepped a stim.
“What’s happening? Is it another Separatist attack?”
“I am afraid it is something far worse, Commander.” Obi-Wan jolted upright in bed, eyes unfocused for several moments before he drew a sharp breath and pressed his fingers over his lips, eyes sliding to Master Che. “I need you both to listen. We do not have much time.
17. Do you have a writing routine?
Nooooooooo. I tend to write when I’m home alone and have a cup of tea at hand if it’s during the day, but no real routine otherwise. I probably should develop one. Maybe I’d get fics written faster.
66. What’s a fun fact about Starflowers and Vines?
Oh gosh ummmmm… I may have to get back to you on that. My mind is completely blank on that right now.
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merlyn-bane · 1 month
Hello!! 🤍 For the ask game, if you're still taking prompts: 🌈🌿🎀? Feel free to answer as few or as many as you'd like!! -- 🤍@smoosey
Hello, @smoosey 🥰🥰 I'm sorry it took so long to reply to this lol but I love getting these asks so I rarely actually stop taking these as long as I keep getting them<3
The ask game can be found here if anyone else would like to send some in :)
🌈is there a fic that you worked *really fucking hard on* that no one would ever know? maybe a scene/theme you struggled with?
That's actually a pretty difficult question! Assuming I'm interpreting this question correctly, I'm going to say my Order 63 LoTR Fusion. It's very short (by my standards) but to be honest I almost didn't post fic for this fill at all! I was actually very close to just posting the art because I was struggling so hard with the writing portion. Of course I'm very glad now that I did decide to post what I was able to write for it even if I wasn't as happy with it, because now I know that there are people that that fic means a lot to. Really goes to show that there is no knowing how your work will be received--sometimes for the better.
🌿how does creating make you feel?
Honestly it really depends on what it is and how the process is going. A lot of it is frustration, and a lot of times you don't want to do it, but you feel worse when you don't! Maniacal glee is definitely another frequent companion of mine though lol, especially when I'm working on a spite project or something I know is likely to get me yelled at in the comments. Mostly creating makes me feel sane and insane at the same time, and no, I don't know what that means.
🎀give yourself a compliment about your own writing
Damn you 🤣🤣 Lol okay. Um. I think my characterization is really good at least the vast majority of the time, and I do have a lot of really good ideas even if most of them never see the light of day.
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notthestarwar · 30 days
Get to Know You
thanks for the tag @syn0vial (i've just realised this is really similar to the one i tagged you in, sorry lol)
Last song: DAUGHTER beyonce
Currently watching: nothing atm
Three ships: cody/obi wan, obi wan/ jango, bucky/natalia (comics)
Favorite color: green
Currently consuming: i'm drinking water rn gotta keep those fluids up
First ship: god i legit dont remember lol. i've been in a really ridiculous number of fandoms
Birthplace: uk
Current location: uk
Relationship status: Single
Last movie: watched the lunchbox (2013) with my nan
Currently working on: way way too much lol. i'm on a bit of a break from writing rn cause i cant concentrate enough to read which kinda limits any editing ability lol. ive been rotating a sw winter solider au with kix after he wakes up in my brain for the last few days tho.
its kinda. him waking up in this new world struggling to adapt, thinking he's the last of his kind, thinking that he lost all his brothers. struggling to reconcile his identity as a medic with all these brothers he couldnt save. he gets involved fighting the first order. and then! in comes the winter solider. a mysterious figure thats plagued the galaxy for decades now. dipping in and out disappearing like a ghost. something about the story draws kix in and he finds himself doing more research. surprised to find that this killer fights like a clone. now he's even more interested. which of his brother trained this ghost? then he fights him and the guys mask falls off. and its kix's brother. kix realises that he must be controlled by the chip and has been being held in stasis between missions. then. its kix trying to save his brother. rn im thinking fox for the winter soldier figure but i have been playing round with him being another medic or possibly rex.
No pressure tags, anyone who wants to join in plus @ciobite @smoosey @happybean17 @dontbelasagnax @raphaerolo @deathdovesong
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smoosey · 10 months
I know there are many beloved headcanons about where Cody got his facial scar, but to me, it really is so good if Grievous is the one who does it 🤌🤌
I think about how every time the 212th sees Grievous, it's on sight. I think about the S2E9 dogpile. They're freaks about this guy. It feels personal. 
And, obviously, I also think about the way Obi-Wan acts about Grievous. There's a really clear antagonism there. And I think it really 🤌 adds to it if, early in the war, Grievous ripped through some of Obi-Wan's men before he even really made a name for himself. It recontextualizes the fight with Grievous in ROTS. 
Mostly, though, I was imagining a scene where Obi-Wan and Cody maybe don't even know each other that well yet, but Obi-Wan stays with Cody in the aftermath of the attack. Maybe it is horrific. Maybe they're trapped. Maybe they're helpless, maybe they're in the dark. There's something compelling about that. It's their story, isn't it? The entire war is a trap, Cody's life is a trap, they're both trapped, they've been trapped since the beginning. They're hurtling towards inevitable tragedy together. But in the midst of all the grief and horror, they share moments of humanity and comfort and light. That, to me, is what their story is about, and that's also how it should begin. 
The idea wouldn't let me go, so here's the fic:
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dontbelasagnax · 5 months
For the unpublished fics ask: #2 and/or #10? For the sub!Cody fic? 👀 -- @smoosey
Ty for asking dear @smoosey !! 💞
2. How did you get the idea to write this?
Essentially I really wanted to participate in sub Cody week..... however, I quickly realized that I had wayyy too many ideas and it would work far better as one longer fic. So sub Cody fic is a no order 66 Cody character study wherein he and his s/o Obi-Wan add a D/s aspect to their relationship! Basically an outlet for me to think intensely about Cody 😂
10. If unpublished, can you show a sneak peek of what you've written?
You might be able to tell this fic is getting away from me...
There's a complete absence of pollinators on Coruscant. Unlike the jungles and prairies of worlds visited in the midst of war, the air doesn't buzz with bees. It's a calm affair that has Cody in greenhouses of lush greenery, on his knees, gently pollinating flowers by hand.
Collecting pollen from the anther with a small brush, he swipes it with the softest of touches onto the stigma of the correlating flower.
His datapad lies at his feet in the mulch, screen open to spreadsheets of flowers, how to properly propagate each individual reproductive system, and where they can be found in the greenhouses.
These blooms in particular are white with large splotches and drips of bright red. Aptly named blood orchids, they are distinctly reminiscent of the armor of a trooper breathing their final breath.
With care, he wipes off his brush and moves to the next bloom. Maybe it's hypervigilance since they are the same type of flower, but it's a good habit to have. The last thing he needs is cross-pollination. This isn't that kind of nursery.
Unwritten/Unpublished Fic Ask Game
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elwenyere · 1 month
For your ask game: 💫🌈🎀?
(As many or as few as you'd like, no pressure) -- 🤍@smoosey
Thank you so much for the asks, @smoosey!!! Questions are from this ask meme.
💫 What is your favorite kind of comment/feedback?
I provided one answer to this here, and here's another: it's really meaningful to me when people let me know that they're rereading a fic or follow up with new things they've noticed about it over time. Writing is such a long act of labor and care, and it's so lovely to know that a story has stuck around for other people as well.
🌈 Is there a fic that you worked *really fucking hard on* that no one would ever know? maybe a scene/theme you struggled with?
After going on a pretty compulsive Melshian tear in the months following Andor, my first multi-chapter fic for the ship, No Survivors, took a monumental effort to complete. Part of that was just finding the energy and focus to compose a longer story without getting too in my head about it (something that's always a challenge for me), and part of it was finding my way through the interiority of a character (Cassian) who has meticulously hidden his true motivations even from himself.
🎀 Give yourself a compliment about your own writing
I care a lot about how my writing sounds, and I put a lot of time into sentence-level crafting. It can be painstaking, but it means every once in a while I land a line that I really, really like.
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smoosey · 7 months
For the prompt game: honey
"Let me show you something," Obi-Wan says, and leads Cody through the forest to a spring-bright meadow. Under the wind and birdsong - the humming of a hive.
The bees go languid and docile when Cody's Jedi walks among them. Cody lets them settle on his hands and arms - he holds very still for them, studies their shining wings and their delicate legs. Obi-Wan laughs, to see it.
Not long after, Obi-Wan comes to him, a softness in his eyes, a honeycomb in his hand.
"Open your mouth, darling," he says, and his hand curls around Cody's jaw, impossibly tender in the way that makes everything go quiet and aching inside.
Cody opens for him. The honeycomb is lush and golden on his teeth and tongue, dripping, spilling over with sweetness. He chases the flavor down Obi-Wan's fingers and wrists, nestles a kiss into his palm, and looks back at him again with lightness in his heart.
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smoosey · 1 month
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: CC-2224 | Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi Characters: CC-2224 | Cody, Obi-Wan Kenobi Additional Tags: CC-2224 | Cody-centric, POV CC-2224 | Cody, Mutual Pining, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, three and a half kisses but none quite on the mouth Summary:
Cody, and the Force, and forbidden prayers
I saw this gorgeous art by cobaltbeam, and this little fic demanded to be written 🤍 Hope you enjoy!!
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smoosey · 5 months
Last Lines Challenge
Thank you so much for the tag, @bluemaskedkarma ❤️
I should be finishing up my Bingo fills, but my last few days of work were kind of rough, so instead 😇 I am working on my longfic, giving Rebel / Purge Trooper Cody the sweetest, kindest flashback I can manage:
A memory comes to Cody then – a morning, peaceful and bright, the man he loves warm in his arms. The stillness of daybreak, and how he laid with the soothing tide of their breathing in a quiet room. The scent of Obi-Wan's skin, the softness of the fine hairs at the nape of his neck. The slant of early morning sunlight brightening his lover's eyelashes.  Under Cody's attention, Obi-Wan had woken with a fond curve to his lips, and turned. "It's early, still," he'd rasped, half-awake, "and we've nowhere to be. Sleep, darling. I'll be here when you wake."  And Cody remembers wishing that he could live forever in that golden moment. He remembers pressing a kiss to Obi-Wan's lips, slow and easy, and the contented hum he'd gotten in return, the hand against his jaw while they kissed again and again languidly in the sunlight. He'd been gentled to sleep with Obi-Wan's breath in his mouth, safe and held and cherished.
Tags for @tenderjock (pacix au? 👀) @picktheonesthatlast @ooboowoonkoonooboo @ferretrade @meebles @itsgoldleaf and absolutely anyone else who would like to participate!!
I know it's a rough time of year for a lot of us, so please know there's absolutely pressure! But anything you'd love to share, I'd love to read ❤️
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smoosey · 7 months
General Kenobi feels the coming sandstorm long before their sensors do, and it is only the advance warning that allows them to get their men underground ahead of the howling wind. Cody watches troops pour into the narrow opening of the shelter, lungs tightening with dread as the sky goes burnt orange, then darkens, darkens, the noon light bruising through every shade of dusk. The ground rattles. The doors close.
For eight days and nights, they wait for the storm to pass. In the dim red light of their emergency bunker, the world seems to shrink.
"Patience," Obi-Wan says. Still, Cody paces.
Outside the bunker, there are brothers still at war, beyond Cody's knowledge of their whereabouts or welfare. Within the bunker, they have enough supplies for five days more, ten if they ration, and Cody can do nothing more, nothing --
"Patience. Cody," Obi-Wan slips into Cody's path, sets a hand over his racing heart.
The world is small, and dim, all the walls closing in, but Cody goes still, for him, takes a long, deep breath.
"Patience. It will pass."
It passes.
When the pounding and raging of the gale finally ceases, Cody follows Obi-Wan out the bunker doors to find a world utterly changed. Traces exist -- the shadow of a LAATi emerging from the dunes, the sand-stripped skeletons of B1 battle droids half-buried -- and yet, it is a place of perfect silence, perfect stillness, lit by cool, clear early morning sunlight. Cody removes his helmet, sets a hand on Obi-Wan's pauldron, and raises his eyes to the sky.
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