#your fave uses a mobility aid
your-fave-is-crippled · 11 months
Saki Tenma from Project Sekai
is a forearm crutch user!
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[id: a flag with a grey border around 7 vertical stripes ranging from left to right as dusty pink, pink-orange, red-orange, dark orange, orange, light orange and yellow orange. in the middle of the image on top of the flag is saki from project sekai offering the viewer a cake with an open-mouthed smile. :end id]
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thedreamsofgods · 1 year
hey tell me your favorite disabled elden ring characters! I want to make a list of all of them and talk about cool aspects of each of them but I know I'll forget someone
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the-l0st-lore · 14 days
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*👯‍♂️* For the Clone Enthusiast *👯‍♂️*
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A definitive list of ambience creators and their clone content to aid in your copin-AHEM writing, reading, drawing, daydreaming and make believing!! Here's some of my favorite audio tracks containing clone chatter/conversations.
(TLDR- Clone ambience videos are up top, clone wars era video game playthroughs without commentary are in the middle, and an index of supercuts containing all the scenes/lines of individual clones is at the bottom. Might look confusing if you’re on mobile but everything that’s underlined is in fact a hyperlink.)
[ ——🎧 Ambience 🎧—— ]
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(Above) 79's with Clone Chatter
🧡 Clone Patrol with Chatter & Rain
🧡 Clone Foot Patrol with Chatter
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(Above) Clone War - (Combat / Droids / Clone Trooper Chatter / Vehicles / Radio Chatter)
💜 Venator Bridge: Combat (Clone Chatter / Engine Brown Noise / Space Battle)
💜 Venator Hangar (Engine Rumble Brown Noise / Clone Chatter/ Starfighters)
💜 Clone Sleeping Quarters - (Sleeping Clones / Barracks / Outpost / Clone Wars)
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(Above) Republic Gunship (engine white noise, radio chatter, rain, no music)
🧡 Republic Command Centre - (Felucia Nature, Deep Battle, Chatter)
🧡 Republic Attack Cruiser - (chatter, relaxing ship sounds, no music)
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(Above) Sleeping on the havac marauder - The Bad Batch Ambience // With occasional extracted dialogue
*I don’t feel comfortable posting someone’s face without their permission even if the profile is public and thus the ⭐️
[ ——🎮 Gameplay 🎮—— ]
While not technically ambience here are a few full gameplays of clone wars era video games with zero commentary and loads of voice acted clones:
1.) Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (2005) Full Campaign
2.) Star Wars: Republic Commando Remaster Full Game
3.) Star Wars: Clone Wars - Republic Heroes All Cutscenes (Full Game Movie) 1080p HD
[—🎬 Supercut Index 🎬—]
Is there a special copy paste man in your life? Use this small index to jump to supercuts of all your fave characters and scenes. *note that I've only included videos over a minute long but that the editors you will find below the index have an even more extensive library of characters. So if you don't see who you're looking for jump to one of the creators at the bottom.
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Appo | Denal | Dogma | Hardcase | Hawk | Jesse | Kix | Rex | Tup
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Cutup | Droidbait | Echo | Fives | Heavy
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Boil | Cody | Oddball | Waxer
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Boost | Comet | Sinker | Warthog | Wolffe
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Crosshair | Echo | Hunter | Omega | Tech | Wrecker | 99 the OG
Rex's Underground:
Howzer | Nemec | Fireball
Coruscant Guard:
Fox | Hound
Misc Comandos:
Gregor | Scorch
Misc. Commanders:
Gree | Bly | Colt | "Fil" | Mayday
Heroic Supercut Editors:
Revenge of Cinema | Journal of the Whills | Merrin
I have tried so many times to redo this link but it just won’t take so you should also check out Cardo over on YouTube (Clicking on Waxer, Boil or Bly’s links will get you over to their channel from this post!)
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the-eldritch-it-gay · 3 months
OC Meme
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I was tagged by @babeoffrontiers <3!
Name: Majexatli (pronounced roughly Mah-heh-sha-lee in English)
Nickname: Asha (by Althyran), Tli (by daring close friends)
Gender: Indigiqueer (they/them)
Star sign: They don’t even know what year they were born, let alone month or day rip. I imagine they were born in the summer though.
Height: 6’6
Orientation: polyamorous bisexual
Race: Zariel Tiefling
Romancing: mainly Wyll & Karlach, though also the adventuring party is a complicated polycule where they’re also dating Shadowheart, Lae’zel, Halsin and have something complicated with Astarion
Fave fruit: Apples, blackberries
Fave season: Autumn
Fave flower: Aconitum, digitalis, cempasúchil
Fave scent: Cedar, smoke, sage, blood
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: Tea
Average sleep hours: Far too few... they are a bit of an insomniac unfortunately. They had been working on trying to get more sleep before the adventure, but the whole tadpoles and cult thing going on did set them back quite a bit.
Dogs or cats: They like both, but prefer dogs (and their son, the owlbear cub)
Dream trip: anywhere back in Northwestern Faerûn, they would prefer somewhere outside of the cities but would be willing to also visit Waterdeep or Neverwinter. They don't really have anywhere they call home, but they often wandered in Northwestern Faerûn and feel more at home there.
Amount of blankets: Usually they don’t sleep with a blanket, because they commonly will sleep in Wildshape. Out of wildshape they sometimes will also sleep without a blanket, but have some furs to cozy up in if it’s cold.
Random fact(s):
They have better control and skill with Wildshape than the average druid. They were only ~14 when they were able to Wildshape for the first time, and have spent a significant portion of their life in Wildshape. (For comparison, Wildshape is mechanically a 2nd level ability for druids)
Contrary to the Everything about them, they are not a Durge.
Despite pretending to be a Silvanus Worshipping Druid, Majexatli in fact hates Silvanus, considers themselves an ex-druid, and worships Malar, a chaotic evil deity of hunting, stalking, and the violence of beasts.
They worship Malar with a level of devotion that over the years has in fact granted them several boons (and perhaps some curses, depending on your view). One of which is what I call pseudo-lycanthropy, where they are not a lycanthrope but are about as close as you can get without actually being one.
At the age of 18, they received the title of Faithwarden, becoming the youngest druid to gain a title in their circle’s history. They were stripped of the title a little over a year later, though Majexatli ran off into exile before any official rulings
They often use Wildshape as a sort of mobility aid, almost, since their mobility is limited outside of it.
I am too anxious atm to tag anyone specific, but if anyone sees this and wants to do this, consider youself tagged!
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LGBTQ+ Disabled Characters Showdown Round 1, Wave 5, Poll 6
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A character being totally canon LGBTQ+ and disabled was not required to be in this competition. Please check qualifications and propaganda before asking why a character is included.
Check out the other polls in this wave and prior here.
Art of Ling Chan by @ace-artemis-fanartist
Ling Chan-The Diviners
Canonically, she is an asexual lesbian who is partially paralyzed in her legs. She uses crutches for her mobility aids. For her queerness, discovering that part of herself is a major part of her journey, first realizing slowly that she loves women, and then realizing the challenges of being ace in a queer relationship at a time when asexuality isn't widely understood.
Ling contracted "infantile paralysis" (polio) as a child, being that she was born in 1920s New York City before a vaccine was available. As such, she uses crutches and leg braces in order to walk. She is explicitly an asexual lesbian who struggles to balance both of these when neither is well-understood in her time, on top of being Chinese during the period of exclusion.
She's a very cool, physically disabled ace lesbian who loves science and magic and learns the joys of friendship. She's a dreamwalker who communicates with (and sometimes fights) ghosts, and when another person with a similar power reaches out to her on that basis, and he tries to befriend her moreso than most anyone had before, they become close companions and her world expands. Also, queer solidarity--he's gay and that helps her realize she is too, since she'd had limited exposure to the idea of queerness before that.
My absolute baby. A grumpy gal who can only walk when in dreams. She falls in love with a girl who she thinks is a dreamwalker like her but turns out to be a vengeful ghost. She struggles to be with her chorus girl girlfriend because she's sexual but Ling isn't. Canon dialogue > "Which actor would you like to be with?" "Mae West." "No, romantically." "Yes." An icon with good taste Mae West is hot
Henry ‘Monty’ Montague-The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue
Canonically bisexual, and, from the end of the first book, deaf in one ear. (More precisely, he only has one ear, there's no other one to be deaf in since it got basically blown off by cannon fire, but regardless he only has functional hearing on one side.)
Canonically bi, and deaf/hard-of-hearing since near the end of the first book; if I remember correctly, gets more disabled as the series goes on. If you don't know him and you think one of your faves is the ultimate bi disaster, think again. My god is he a loser. And a jerk, at the start. But despite all that, or perhaps through all that, he can be genuinely meaningful representation. Starts out as a miserable nobleman trying to survive his father's homophobic abuse, ends up unattached from his rich parents and living his best queer, disabled life with his boyfriend in freedom.
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fruitsilly · 2 years
ok so! it's your fave local working class disabled trans guy here in need of money.
a few days ago, my bad leg had a flare up unlike any i've had before. once the pain passed, i felt like my leg was in a worse condition than before.
this created a real sense of urgency for me bc it means that since then, i haven't been able to walk as easily and i don't wanna keep on limping/leaning on things/mustering all my strength and using up vital spoons just to get around.
i've found some mobility aids online that i want but unfortunately i don't have this kinda money lying around i don't wanna eat into my student finance. being at university is expensive enough
the total of a pair of crutches and a left-hand cane comes up to £52.
i've set up a goal on my ko-fi so it's easy to track how close i am to reaching it:
i also have a cash-app which is £pansypunx if you'd prefer to support me through that!
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feverflushed · 8 months
i would like to know more about the mobility aid whump !
Disclaimer: Please notice that I'm going to talk only from personal experience, so what I'm saying might not apply to everyone!
(For context! My condition is characterised by extremely frequent and painful dislocations, so my aids aim mostly to avoid that or to give me the time and stability needed to recover from bad dislocations! Aside from wearing braces daily, and from these acute episode recovery times, I live a very active life, so the issues I've encountered are radically different from someone with a SCI, for example.)
Now, let's get straight into the whump (on top of the whump your poor fave is already experiencing):
-Braces: Fantastic, fantastic invention. They make everything easier, but can be awful if they're not used carefully. Personally, I wear AFOS, (they basically keep your ankles in place and prevent things like foot drop, therefore reducing the likelyhood of tripping on your own feet). Now, here's the issue. Shorts are a terrible idea. When it's really hot and you want to wear shorts and you're planning to go for a walk, the only way to prevent chafing your shins to the point of bleeding is wearing knee high socks. 🥲
Same thing goes for all rigid braces that come in contact directly with the skin, like knee braces and rigid corsets.
And while braces can help a lot with stability, if used improperly they can lead to issues like atrophy.
Also, not whump, but honorable mention for finger splints. The metal ones are sooo comfy and make your character look extra badass. Just saying.
-Canes/crutches: Blisters, blisters, blisters. Blisters and tendinitis to no end. When canes are used only for balance, it's not a huge issue, but if you have to put pressure on them (this applies more to crutches than canes tbh), you tend to get blisters all over your hands and tendinitis in your wrists. Especially with crappy hospital crutches. That's why most long term users tend to have their own customized aids. It's a game changer, honestly.
Also consider. A character who faints often using canes to give themselves enough stability to safely get to the ground instead of faceplanting.
Last thing: perpetually cold fingers during the winter.
-Wheelchairs: This only applies to manual wheelchairs. I know nothing about electric ones.
Hospital wheelchairs, once again, are terrible. They will most definitely give you terrible sores on your palms from propelling yourself. The pushrims BURN your skin if you only think of doing sudden movements. They're heavy, bulky, get stuck everywhere, and there's an extra chance of ruining your furniture. 😮‍💨
Active/custom wheelchairs, on the other hand are a whole other universe. They're tailored to the user's needs, they are ultra light and compact, and super easy to maneuver, and you can actually do wheelies in them to roll over obstacles or difficult terrains (unlike hospital chairs). However, this makes them less stable and a higher fall risk.
Not to mention the perpetually frozen fingers during the winter months (hello frostbite!).
Due to inactivity, a whumpee in a wheelchair is more likely to feel cold, and to develope atrophy and muscular issues. Not to mention, wearing and tearing of arm/shoulder joints and contracture of the shoulders and back from the constant self propelling.
Not to mention, pressure sores! That's pure hell to put your whumpee through, and potentially dangerous!
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dracononite · 2 years
Oh god I love your OC Fletcher so much he's so cool iuhygfhjkihgvfghj
OMG thank you he's one of my favorite ocs..... it means a lot that people like him. here are some tidbits about him!
he has pet rats named Ozzy and Slasher after the musicians
he has multiple sclerosis which is the reason he uses mobility aids including arm crutches and a wheelchair, he experiences fatigue, chronic pain, muscle weakness and difficulty balancing
his red tinted glasses are not prescription, he wears them because they look cool
his fave movie is School of Rock
his parents were hippies in the 70s
he's a werewolf
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tinjoin6 · 2 years
Not known Details About Doughboys delivery
Custom-Made Doughnuts in Charleston Charleston Helped make to Buy, Made for You Prepared to create your time a opening whole lot much better? Right here's what you get within, created for you all set to take a swing at our favorite sandwiches and snack clubs at our all-day diner. If you've ever questioned what a club sandwich implies in Charleston. It suggests comfort, top quality and convenience. To take what you find within and offer it to others, check out out this outlet filled up with the ultimate club sandwiches and snack bars anywhere. There is actually no rejecting that a doughnut is consistently a great idea, and at Duck Donuts Charleston, we possess quite a couple of that are going to wow and please. But in Charleston and various other area around the region, it can take a while to show up at the kind of excellence that we are accustomed to seeing, and it also takes us thus long to genuinely receive to the end of the collection. The initial hurdle is acquiring certainly there. Our in your area owned Charleston donut shop supplies a duckzillion blends to pick coming from and additionally permits you to personalize your personal along with our assortment of garnishes, finishes, and drizzles. Enjoy hot-dog, hot-fry chicken, corn waffles, morning meal chicken sandwich, and also a special treat with our home made buns, cookies, and cookies. If you're in hunt for a healthier means to carry back your aged memories, our menu is full with well-balanced vegan ticket. Not in the mood for a donut? Below's some home made coffee that goes with everything. In Check it Out , I'm happy I ordered that at a Starbucks. It's a very straightforward enhancement and I strongly suggest it! Porterland Coffee by Keb The various other time, I woke up in the center of the night. This was like it was the very first time that I've ever before experienced something like this. Though we do-nut know this feeling, we do use numerous various other items that are sure to please, consisting of coffees, doughnut morning meal sandwiches, and doughnut sundaes. But what about the other ones? Why not make an effort our absolute best to acquire our little lady (pictured above) to take on the various other point? There are thus numerous interesting tips to check out for girl (in the above video) and we want to share what they're all regarding!
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It’s time to spread a little bit of joy and happiness into your time. When talking concerning how effortless it would be to get by as a young person along with no social skills, it is tough to mention that we're better off having a infant. But it's completely achievable to keep carrying out what you carry out and have a prosperous life. If you don't possess any of those skills that aid you get it, the perks are quite much as you might assume. Sign up with Our Rewards Program & Earn Free Donuts Duck Donuts Charleston creates it simpler to receive your hands on some warm and ducklicious doughnuts along with our mobile application. With your assistance and support, we may make sure a brighter future for Charleston. Join Charleston today to possess your favorite treats made accessible for you! Take pleasure in! "We've shed so lots of excellent ones regarding the meals. There are thus lots of great traits about eating along with food items that you mayn't possess that you can't share with various other individuals. Install the Duck Donuts Rewards App today and you’ll be able to search our menu, position your order, and miss the product line when you receive below. Now you can view all our faves. We'll give you our full suggestion. With your brand-new suggestion, we're constantly looking for new members of our area. If you discover a customer that makes the finest Duck Donuts, or you haven't discovered one however, you can email us at [email protected]. Our incentives course likewise allows you earn points with every acquisition and rack up some free of charge things in the future. We've likewise implemented brand new policies for you to checked out and participate in with your close friends. What is an internet establishment? The World wide web permits our gamers to make their own products, play with good friends at residence, purchase electronic rights to their activities and see movies. We're likewise able to offer our players a selection of on the web products. We risk you to name something better. We take a chance you to call something far better. We attempt you to name something much better. We dare you to name something better. The second, practically un-American instance was the case of the US Supreme Court's decision maintaining the Texas Medicaid growth after being asked about what he thought it must be called. I was not also sure. What would I carry out with it? Would I try to turn it into a soccer game?
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your-fave-is-crippled · 10 months
Doctor Al Robbins from CSI uses a crutch!
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image one: [id: a flag with a grey border around 7 vertical stripes ranging from left to right as dusty pink, pink-orange, red-orange, dark orange, orange, light orange and yellow orange. in the middle of the image on top of the flag is al robbins from the show csi giving a faint smile with his right hand in the pocket of his lab coat, glasses hanging around his neck and leaning on his cane in his left hand. :end id]
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image two: [id: a banner with a blue to green gradient and water-filtering-light texture under a faintly transparent blue rectangular box. in the box is light blue text that reads "Blog is about disability, disabled characters and headcanons. may include occasional pd rep but otherwise do not derail. blocking where i see fir for my comfort, please remain respectful." on the top of the banner outside the blue box is more light blue text that reads "DNI if proship, terf, are a discourse blog and other basic dni stuff" in all caps. under the blue box at the bottom of the banner is more light blue text that reads "cripplepunk is for the physically disabled only" in all caps. on either side of the banner is an image of ryn from the show siren staring off to the side. :end id]
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offlinetarget · 2 years
Games granny in paradise
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Granny in Paradise isn't exactly a tour-de-force, but it isn't half bad either so if you are a Lode Runner fan looking for another spin on your retro game of choice, or a Granny PC player after a portable version of your online fave, then Granny in Paradise mobile should fit the bill nicely. The addition of power-ups to the formula does indicate effort and, unlike some other more lazily repackaged mobile games, Granny in Paradise is a passable variant rather than a tawdry re-tread.Įven so, given that the basic gameplay mechanic is nigh on 30 years old, the game can get a little repetitive after a time and the absence of a level editor (as featured in the new PC versions) or any mini-games to break up the flow is noticeably felt after the first ten stages.īut don't let this put you off. The quirky theme is carried off with charm and the visuals are bright, clear and reasonably well animated. It's textbook stuff really and, as a port from a highly successful PC casual game, is hard to fault. Run, dig, climb, swing, float and tumble through 5 worlds and more than 170 levels, as you rescue the cats and outwit the minions of the nefarious Doctor Meow. You're given these after you exit each stage by climbing inside a large flower once all the cats in the level have been saved. Granny in Paradise Screenshots, Videos: Guide Granny on her quest to rescue her beloved pets. There are also flowers to collect that don't actually affect the game besides boosting your end of level score. For example, watering cans help you to grow vines that you can climb and umbrellas allow you to float gracefully down to platforms that otherwise would be out of reach. There are various power-ups around the levels that aid you in your quest. Pressing up or '2' allows you to climb ladders or vines and the centre point on the thumbstick or '5' digs a hole. To move Super Granny, you simply have to press left or right on the thumbstick, or '4' and '6' respectively. You can avoid the Tikiman by digging holes for him to fall into (like in Lode Runner) and when he's incapacitated you can walk over his head to lead the cats to the exit and safety. Of course, being a granny of exceptional superness, Super Granny is not about to stand for this and so sets about reclaiming her feline chums.Įssentially the game is a platform puzzler where you have a given number of cats to collect while avoiding Dr Meow's goon, the sinister masked villain, called the Tikiman, who pummels Super Granny senseless if you allow him to catch up with her. You play an old lady called Super Granny who has had her cats abducted by the nefarious Dr Meow when she is on holiday (what are the chances!). Or maybe it would - us young-uns are so out of touch with the elderly these days.Īt any rate, the paradise portrayed in Granny in Paradise is anything but conventional, even though its underlying gameplay - this is the mobile version of Sandlot's popular PC casual game of the same name - is itself a rehash of one of the oldest formulas in gaming's history, Lode Runner. What it probably wouldn't involve is perilous missions to save stray cats requiring the old dears to climb ladders, elude dangerous assailants and use overgrown exotic flowers as pan dimensional portals for getting about. You are solely responsible for adequate protection and backup of the data and equipment used in connection with using software MostFun Granny in Paradise - Unlimited.If a real paradise for grannies did exist it would feature Daniel O' Donnell concerts, bake sales and bingo marathons (among other clichés). The use of the software and any damage done to your systems.
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PCWin has not developed this software MostFun Granny in Paradise - Unlimited and in no way responsible for PCWin freeload center makes no representations as to the content of MostFun Granny in Paradise - Unlimited version/build 1 is accurate, complete, virus free or do not infringe the rights There are inherent dangers in the use of any software available for download on the Internet. MostFun Granny in Paradise - Unlimited 1 download version indexed from servers all over the world. but paradise is in trouble! Help granny rescue her beloved cats from manipulative predators as you climb. is proud to bring you an unlimited-play version of this game as part of its collection of popular games! Granny's in Paradise.
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wispvial · 3 years
@catsandwrittenwords and @teenagegothintegrity also asked about Franklin!! the man of the hour...if only he knew how popular he was (ily guys...)
I will try to answer the ones I haven’t rehashed like 500 times
smell: what if I were someone who could assign perfumes to fictional characters? i think that is a talent. i couldn’t do it though. it’s guaranteed everyone in that movie smells horrible because of the heat and I feel Franklin is particularly susceptible to it…he’s visibly the most sweaty and disheveled so...I’ve never liked a character that smells good anyway. I think on his good days he’d wear very Fatherly smelling cologne or something, clean clothes, but misfortune is drawn to him and he wipes gunk off onto his shirt without a care so his shirt is probably pretty gross at the end of the day
otp: pretending no one knows the answer to this. him and nubbins...but maybe bubba should steal him away. what if? he used the chainsaw on him, and you know how he viewed that chainsaw when he used it on stretch...
popular headcanon I don’t agree with: someone should go have some headcanons about him that I can disagree with
fave platonic/familial relationship:
there is only him and Sally! there is so much friction between them...their actors were genuinely pissed at each other, Hooper being a sneaky little gossip between them to further incite their anger, nasty person he was. I recognize that fresh, hot rage and frustration Sally feels at Franklin, because it is unmistakably real, and because I have a sibling myself and remember it. But that annoyance at having your brother intrude on a trip with your friends is more complicated and less sympathetic because they are also carelessly excluding and teasing him due to his disability. Sally makes zero attempt at defending him, and I mean she’s not meant to be an amazing person or hero, just an ordinary person who survives Hell, whose fear the audience feels, and whose tenacity and will to live we become invested in. I don’t feel Sally was fair at all to him, even during the “annoying” flashlight argument sequence. He was already attacked, he doesn’t want to be alone and in the dark. She then yells at him for honking the horn when she was already doing that. (Like her actress’s real life anger just bleeds through and she reacts at everything he does lol. That is understandable. I think Marilyn Burns should have been allowed to punch Tobe Hooper for what she was put through). Sally does not think from his perspective even once, but then again, the narrative itself doesn’t seem to expect the audience to, after a certain point. It wants you to be annoyed by him and lose sympathy.
But that won’t work on me!
So Franklin is kind of the “final girl” of the first half of the movie (we are abstracting this far from simply “girl who survives”). He is the audience surrogate--he is the one who complains about the heat and most visibly afflicted by it, who is repeatedly injured and shows his scrapes, who screams and cries, and who is isolated from and teased by the rest of the group (who are given little to no characterization). Once he is killed, which I think was meant to be a Subversive and unexpected move (he is the only character to be built up at all--but it’s really not subversive at all to discard a disabled character), Sally takes his role as the Unlucky One Who Must Endure. Cut up by the branches she runs through, falling, running into the wrong places and jumping out the windows, screaming in terror all the while...It is easy to tie her being mocked and cut with a knife by the Sawyers to what Franklin experienced. It’s a bit of a role-reversal as I also relate the Sawyers to Franklin as outsiders with morbid interests (huge understatement on the Sawyer’s part). I read something that related Sally being tied to a chair to Franklin--a pretty offensive comparison, to relate being captured and forcibly tied up to him using mobility aid, but I can’t say that this wasn’t what this 70’s ass movie was trying to suggest, though, considering how it addresses the themes of disability.
But I think Sally does care about him. She cuts up the sausage, she’s a bit playful with him...in the script she is more concerned, telling Jerry she thinks he’s scared. I love to think of them hanging out, actually getting to enjoy the other’s company. TCM was in its conception an adult Hansel and Gretel, so wouldn’t it be cool if they both survived and grew closer as a result?
position he sleeps in: I’m just going to say he grips the shit out of a body pillow. I think that’s cute
crossover AU: what if he were in another slasher movie…say, A Nightmare on Elm Street! I like ANOES a lot because the early movies were invested in the victims. They are vulnerable, not taken seriously by the adults, and never treated as deserving of their fate, and Freddy (again, the early version) was really a horrid, uncool, unlikable beast they must grow to overcome. What about Dream Warriors, where he has the power of his mind and all that? He could unleash all his repressed rage on Freddy and like, shoot him in the head with an airgun. Maybe dissect him. Smash him to a pulp. He could have so much fun :)
fave outfit: he has one outfit. I like that his jeans have pin stripes. What if he wore a sweater vest…
anyway. fwanklin hardesty, everyone. please clap
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wri0thesley · 3 years
I have to get a cane soon due to my disability progressing so i decided to give my own OC/self insert a cane to use. But of course this is a jjba character so i have to juice em up a bit and make the cane have a little blade inside cuz thats badass. And i have this OC basically use their stand like a mock nurse aid who helps them get dressed and stand up if they fall over etc but i also miss dancing terribly so i like to think they use their stand as their own stand-in as well and have them dance with other stands since i cant anymore. I just dont know who'd really be cool with that out of my faves tho <:/
anon literally ANY of your faves would be cool with that! anything that makes you comfortable and helps you feel Right in yourself is something that they support whole-heartedly! (and weapons in canes are ALWAYS cool!)
(also as an aside but haz tells me that having mobility aids that fit her aesthetic and have cool add-ons and things is a really great way to make her feel better about using them! i bought her a hello kitty walking stick recently, and we’ve done a diy project on her walker to re-cover it and spraypaint it and add extra things like a cup-holder, and we have cute flower fairly lights spread out over her wheelchair until we get to spray-painting that one!)
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Top 7 Fastest VPNs of 2020
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What a VPN is... And what it isn’t
First of all, you still need to preserve your everyday ISP. Using a VPN will no longer update your ISP’s dollars-per-month invoice, but an amazing VPN will act as a cloaking device. All your ISP will see is you having access to anything your VPN makes a decision to show while you connect with your preferred Internet vacation spot.
Second, maximum reputable VPNs will price a subscription price for a motive. You use their offerings, frequently called a tunnel to the Internet. They now personal your information, so you’re paying them to shield your privacy.
Next, your VPN basically turns into your encrypted proxy. Wherever your VPN is, that is additionally where the Internet considers you to be. All roads monitoring your Internet activity will lead returned on your VPN. Do check: ipvanish black friday
Finally, due to the fact a VPN uses encryption, you can file-share and down load securely to coronary heart’s content—even from public WiFi hotspots—as long as your VPN helps peer-to-peer (P2P) record-sharing.
The alternate-off to all of this, of course, is that every one that encryption and additional layers of security can slow Internet get admission to. That’s why it pays to realize precisely which VPNs are maximum probably to maintain you now not best safe and relaxed however additionally up to speed. Here are our top picks, some want-to-recognise specifications and some nods to what makes them special.
Choosing a VPN Political, societal and technological shifts handiest increase the significance of security, anonymity, statistics usage, P2P report-sharing and torrenting competencies, and bandwidth and velocity. Subscription charges vary from the loose—and regularly slow, insecure and volatile—to the high-priced. However, nice VPN providers have a tendency to vary with the aid of just a few greenbacks. When looking for your plan, make certain to recall the following:
Security—as a minimum 256-bit encryption. Compatibility with hardware and software. Server and IP cope with availability and place. Country of registration and information retention laws. Bandwidth or information restrictions, consisting of throttling. Servers unique for P2P report-sharing, torrenting or different designations. Firewalls. Proxies like SOCKS5. Kill switches. Split tunneling and talents for manual configurations. Customer service and help. Considering speed with VPNs When it comes to hurry, understand that a VPN in reality puts a unique license plate in your carload of records inside the flow of visitors. The pleasant VPNs won’t sluggish you down by using a good deal. However, you could occasionally have to weigh protection against speed, and any VPN still relies at the underlying download and upload speeds that your ISP permits.
1. ExpressVPN ExpressVPN is a first rate first pick in a test of VPN speed because we can begin with its VPN Speed Test. This handy menu device types the servers and assigns every a pace index based totally on  essential factors:
Latency — the milliseconds’ information travels among your device and a VPN server Download speed — how many kilobits in line with second or Kbps. Based inside the British Virgin Islands, Express substances extra than 1,000 servers in a hundred forty five VPN server places in ninety four nations. Just run your speed check and megastar your favorites.
This VPN is known for its stability of HD streaming abilties, P2P record-sharing, and security features. It supports all gadgets, from mobiles and computers to routers, and any connection— stressed out Wi-Fi or cellular. It allows three simultaneous connections, making it the most limited of our pinnacle selections (however, one of those may be a router). As for its other features, you could anticipate:
Compatibility with Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, Linux, and routers. Protocols OpenVPN TCP/UDP, SSTP, L2TP/IPsec and PPTP. AES-256-bit encryption ingoing and outgoing.
Unlimited bandwidth, velocity, and server switches. DNS Leak Test device and Express help to remove any leaks. Network Lock, ExpressVPN’s kill transfer for Windows and Mac. Shared IP addresses.
Split tunneling and inverse split tunneling to shield precise connections. Supports VoIP. P2P and torrent-friendly.
Zero logging, with site visitors blending. Terms of provider kingdom that they do music connection dates, server and amount of information strictly for analytics. A full menu of payment alternatives such as credit card, Bitcoin, PayPal and more. Intuitive internet site with lots of informative screenshots and help. Round-the-clock customer service through live chat or e mail.
2. NordVPN Like the alternative six on our list, Nord uses AES-256-bit encryption for all traffic, both incoming and outgoing. However, this VPN adds a second layer to act as a double VPN, encrypting data flowing between your device and your first DNS server and alternatively at a second server before the visitors meets the Internet. Incoming definitely reverses the manner.
Just 5 years antique and based totally in Panama, NordVPN has approximately 1,000 servers in fifty nine nations. It is one of the maximum generous of our selections, allowing an impressive six simultaneous connections. However, each must use a extraordinary protocol. You have 4 options—OpenVPN TCP/UDP, L2TP and PPTP—so essentially, in case you want to apply all six devices straight away, you’ll ought to break up between two or greater servers. Nord does guide routers—which count as one—as well as all other mobile and desktop gadgets. As for the capabilities rundown, NordVPN gives:
Compatibility with Windows, Mac, Android and iOS, with custom software program available. Protocols OpenVPN TCP/UDP, L2TP and PPTP; confined IKEv2/IPsec. IPv6 support expected for 2017. AES-256-bit double-layer encryption ingoing and outgoing. Unlimited bandwidth and velocity. Automatic kill switch for Windows, Mac and iOS. Identified double VPN, Onion over VPN, anti-DDoS, devoted IP, general VPN and P2P servers. Ultra Fast TV and P2P-optimized servers; permits torrenting. Supports VoIP. Supports SOCKS5 and HTTPS proxy servers. Smart Play relaxed proxies to circumvent geoblocking and permit content streaming.
Option for upload-on committed IP server and static IP deal with in U.S., U.K., Germany or Netherlands. Zero logging. Full menu of price options consisting of credit cards, Bitcoin, PayPal and extra on Paymentwall. Well-maintained internet site with useful FAQs page and dietary supplements. 24/7 customer support thru stay chat, email, Nord’s price ticket gadget, Facebook or Twitter.
Three. IPVanish IPVanish is based in Florida’s Orange County. IPVanish is thought for its speed and being torrenting- and P2P-friendly—making it a fave for game enthusiasts. The organization boasts greater than 750 servers in at the least 60 countries, with more than forty,000 IPs general and as a minimum 10 specific—often more—shareable IP addresses per server.
IPVanish permits five simultaneous connections on a couple of gadgets—such as routers—at the four protocols—OpenVPN TCP/UDP, L2TP and PPTP—in addition to IPSec and IKEv2 for iOS. IPVanish consists of SOCKS5 in all its plans, which means that which you have the option of passing traffic—downloading torrents, for instance—thru an nameless high-pace, offshore proxy. In addition, the carrier consists of:
Compatibility with Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, Linux Ubuntu and Chromebook. Protocols OpenVPN TCP/UDP, L2TP and PPTP; IPSec and IKEv2 for iOS and IPv4. AES-256-bit encryption ingoing and outgoing. Unlimited bandwidth and server switching. SOCKS5 proxy. IP address biking. Support of VoIP. Unlimited P2P supporting BitTorrent. NAT firewall. Kill transfer for Mac OS X and Windows. No traffic logs.
Extensive charge options including credit score card, Bitcoin, PayPal and plenty of others. Extensive website. Technical records, but, can be hard to discover. Support to be had thru electronic mail. When we checked, there was a wait of about 36 hours.
Four. PureVPN
Celebrating “10 years of safety,” PureVPN claims greater than 1,000,000 users and guarantees them “entire freedom” and “global-class” safety on both a personal and enterprise scale. The company is primarily based in Hong Kong, which has no mandatory facts retention laws—why many individuals pick a VPN inside the first area.
Meanwhile, PureVPN is a connectivity maven. Its community covers 141 nations with 180 places and more than 750 servers. It allows five simultaneous connections for greater than 20 exclusive devices. Its virtual router feature allows you to show any Windows pc or computer into a digital router for up to ten gadgets. On pinnacle of that, PureVPN writes its personal code for all of the primary structures and uses no third events for real statistics transfer. PureVPN covers all of the fundamental desirables like:
Compatibility with Windows, Mac, iOS, Android and Linux. Selection of protocols—OpenVPN TCP/UDP, PPTP, L2TP, IKEv2/IPsec and Stealth. IPv6 leak safety for Windows and Mac. AES-256-bit encryption ingoing and outgoing. Unlimited bandwidth, facts transfer and server switching. Split tunneling for Windows and Android. File-sharing restricted to specified servers. Kill switch for Windows and Mac.
Optional add-on dedicated IP and static IP address. Zero logs. Extensive fee alternatives—credit score playing cards, PayPal, Alipay, assorted Bitcoin organizations, Paymentwall and Cashu. Very consumer-friendly, intuitive website with seek option. 24/7 stay chat pop-up for assist.
Five. VPNArea Based in Bulgaria, VPNArea opened store in 2012, with its headquarters servers and electronic mail hosted in Switzerland. The organization is committed to keeping a speedy consumer-to-server ratio, citing a server for every 250 clients. It’s now up to more than two hundred servers in 68 international locations and greater than 10,000 IP addresses.
Another generous VPN issuer, VPNArea permits you six simultaneous connections to your favourite devices, together with routers, through OpenVPN TCP/UDP, PPTP or L2TP. It also gives its very own Chameleon app for Windows. Like a number of different vendors—however no longer all—VPNArea’s service consists of a kill switch machine; in case your VPN service drops for a few cause, your IP deal with will stay covered. VPNArea’s carrier also affords:
Compatibility with Windows, Mac, Android, iOS and Linux. Protocols OpenVPN TCP/UDP, PPTP or L2TP. IPv6 and WebRTC leak protection. Chameleon OpenVPN software program for Windows. AES-256-bit encryption ingoing and outgoing.
Unlimited bandwidth and server switching. Shared IPs, with adjustable car random IP changer. Speed check with ping and download in addition to users on-line server load screen. Kill switch device.
P2P permitted on distinct servers. Account sharing. Custom business accounts available. Optional add-on personal VPN server with dedicated IP cope with $15 a year. No logs. Payment options restricted to Visa, MasterCard, PayPal, Payza and Bitcoin. 24/7 help to be had through stay chat, electronic mail and Skype.
6. Buffered Buffered VPN is the youngster in our seven. Registered in Budapest, Hungary, in 2013, it has servers in 37 international locations and guarantees that in case you don’t see the only which you need, they just might be capable of get one for you. This VPN is enthusiastic about preserving freedom of speech and access to data irrespective of in which you're. Buffered no longer most effective says that it’s torrent-pleasant however is also cited for being so.
Buffered allows customers five simultaneous connections and houses in on the want for comfortable velocity with out the constraints of throttling. It gives some of the offerings you would anticipate with a few obstacles:
Compatibility with Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android in addition to DD-WRT and Tomato routers. Exclusively OpenVPN TCP/UDP protocols. Supports IPv4. 256-bit Blowfish encryption. Friendly to P2P record-sharing, torrenting, gaming and streaming. Unlimited bandwidth, speed and server switching Optional add-on dedicated server with static IP cope with. Supports VoIP and Skype. NAT Firewall.
Dynamic IP addresses. Will set up servers upon request. Does no longer allow split tunneling. No kill switch. No logs policy. Salesy website. All the technical records—everything you really want to realize—is within the internet site’s FAQs phase and tutorials. Payment menu includes the primary credit playing cards, Maestro, JCB and PayPal. 24/7 guide via stay chat with Knowledge Center.
7. VyprVPN VyprVPN is sincerely a Golden Frog introduction included in Switzerland, which—because the Golden Frog site explains—has set up safe harbors with the EU, the U.S. And other countries. These folks take their security critically. Their very own inhouse engineers write their code. They very own and manage all their own hardware and software and keep their operation inhouse, and not using a 1/3 parties. They’ve were given more than 700 servers and 2 hundred,000 IP addresses spanning the globe, supplying cease-to-stop privateness.
If you need a seasoned bono download of a GB to strive out the VPN, you may sign on for VyperVPN Free. Just choose your app at the website—it really works for desktops in addition to iOS and Android. You could have two simultaneous connections and get right of entry to to the Cypher encrypted messaging app. It’s a one-time deal, but you could without problems improve to a subscription.
A lot of misunderstanding exists over the feature of split tunneling, and Vypr isn't any exception. At its only, the exercise lets in customers to consist of or exclude certain devices or applications, putting a few below VPN protection while permitting others to interface or stream at once out of your ISP. Not all VPNs even provide it. The configuration that VyprVPN uses allows split tunneling with the aid of app. In addition, a subscription comes with:
Compatibility with Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, Linux, TVs, OpenELEC clever gadgets, routers and extra. Protocols OpenVPN TCP/UDP, L2TP/IPsec, PPTP and Chameleon. 256-bit encryption. Unlimited bandwidth, pace and server switching. Golden Frog-optimized code for cutting-edge broadband connections. NAT Firewall. SOCKS5 proxy supported.
Dynamic server switching. Kill switch in Windows and Mac. Split tunneling for apps however now not servers or gadgets. Desktop and mobile apps, consisting of Blackphone and Anonabox. Chameleon proprietary metadata scrambler for Windows, Mac, Android and routers.
Conclusion: Zero-know-how VyperDNS provider preserves privateness and geolocational get right of entry to, defeats censorship and geoblocking. User-pleasant, exceptionally informative website with the entirety inside the right place—just in which you’d placed it. No logs. End-to-end code, possession and management.
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jo2ukes · 5 years
Hello! I’m hildahilda from tumblr and I saw you taking prompt requests for 50 ways to love your partner (which has become one of my fave dmileth fics). May I suggest... Dimitri and Byleth debating/arguing over political concerns or having long horse rides together? Just getting these ideas from their paired ending lol. Thank you!
HELLO LOVELY!!! Aaa your comments are always so sweet i always look forward to reading what you have to say slkdfjslkd  thank u for requesting smth ilysm~
I’m SO SORRY this took so long - I’ve been working on it off and on, but I slacked off too much at work last week so things kind of blew up and I’ve been living off of energy drinks. THAT BEING SAID, this is for YOU!!! I’m gonna upload to ao3 later as well, just not rn bc I’m at work lol :-)
spoilers for like. post game and blue lions stuff, though i tried to be pretty vague!
It was never typical for diplomatic meetings to go smoothly. Not that Dimitri is naïve enough to expect them to be easy. Even in times of peace, there are always areas for improvement. Dissatisfactions to be addressed. Relationships to maintain. Something about having his work cut out for him makes these meetings easier – though solving the issues are certainly more time consuming. Uniting Fódlan has been no small undertaking and he is grateful for all the assistance he receives from his friends. He is painfully aware that destruction is his forte – his hands and mind have only recently been converted to the goal of healing and restoration. To lead, you have to be able to both destroy and create, Byleth has told him. She’s right. United Fódlan and the relative peace they have now wouldn’t exist had he not destroyed Edelgarde and her dissenting Imperial forces. While the beast in him once relished in the idea of putting an end to El’s machinations, taking her life was one of the most painful trials he’s had to endure. The perspective motivates him. Encourages him to listen to his people and create a world where no destruction is needed, where no one is unjustly taken.
 He constantly reminds himself of this goal. It makes the sleepless nights worth it.
 The current roundtable has gone on for hours at least – Ferdinand, Lorenz, Byleth, Seteth and a handful of other nobles – mostly from former Faerghus territories – are in attendance. Unofficially, Ferdinand speaks for nobles of former Imperial territories, while Lorenz speaks for former Alliance territories. They’ve been instrumental in the restructuring efforts. While the three of them were not particularly close before, Dimitri counts them among his close friends now.
 “I hate to mention it on top of everything else,” Ferdinand bites his lip, “but there’s one last item I feel needs to be addressed before we adjourn. We’ve had trouble with the Western Church in the Aegir territory. We’ve repelled a few initial attacks. At first we thought it was bandits, but… well, we’ve confirmed the worst. Normally, my pride would never allow asking for assistance, but with our resources and attention spread out as it is, namely correcting my father’s corruption, I’m not sure this is a matter I can handle solely on my own. I don’t want to cause any more chaos in my territory than need be.”
 “You are correct to bring it up,” Dimitri says, furrowing his brow. “Aegir territory is a long way to go to cause trouble.”
 “If the Western Church is mobilizing again, it will certainly affect the trade routes we’ve established,” Lorenz observes. “The few merchants that can afford to travel certainly can’t afford losses to their inventory or company. Our trade routes are the most vulnerable. As former Imperial lands are in the most chaos, what with the complete restructuring needed post-war., it makes sense the Western Church, whatever their goals may be, would seek to cause disruptions there. If we truly seek to provide aid and maintain good relations with the nobles in the south, surely this conflict requires more attention. Wouldn’t you agree?” He looks back at Ferdinand.
 “Respectfully, yes,” Ferdinand nods solemnly. “Though, I understand the Central and Western Churches have their summit planned later this month, which surely makes matters precarious.”
 Eyes turn to Byleth and Seteth.
 “You are correct,” Seteth nods, addressing the nobles. “We are aware certain sects of the Western Church are mobilizing, though we had not heard of any activity in the Aegir territory. You can trust the matter will be dealt with. Her Grace has asked that I lead a fraction of the Knights of Seiros to investigate these disturbances while she attends the summit later this month. Ashe wrote to us several weeks ago, disclosing Western Church movements in the Gaspard territory once again. Since then, we’ve been keeping a watchful eye.”
 “How watchful, if they are mobilizing in areas you are not aware of?” Lorenz asks. “Your Grace, your Highness, I know the Church is quite busy with restructuring efforts, but perhaps it would be wise to focus more resources in this area.” He taps his upper lip thoughtfully. “Perhaps if we sent forces that were not affiliated with the Church it wouldn’t complicate things at the summit. The Western Church can feel safe in trusting the Central Church, and the people can feel safe that something is being done about these attacks.”
 “I agree,” Dimitri hums after a beat. “Very well. Seteth, I want you to take some of Fhirdiad’s knights with you. As things are a little more stable in the capital than anywhere else, it is less of a burden on our resources. Ingrid and her company should be available, I believe. I’ll send word they’re to accompany you back to the monastery. I’ll want to be kept in the loop, of course.”
 “With all due respect, your Majesty,” Byleth says, clearing her throat, and breaking her silence, “this is a Church affair. While I appreciate your offer for assistance, we must decline.”
 “On the contrary,” Dimitri shakes his head, “It stopped being a Church affair when it started threatening to plunge all of United Fódlan into another war, your Grace. These are not random attacks, they seem rather targeted.”
 “The Western Church simply does not have the resources or manpower to launch a full-scale war,” she shakes her head. “I do not believe that is their intention this time. They’re recovering just the same as the rest of Fódlan. If you’ll remember, the last time the Western Church created conflicts, there was a larger power at play. As relations with the Western Church are already delicate at best, I’d ask that you let us investigate internally first, at least until the summit has concluded. A month’s time, that’s all I’m asking.”
 “It is not that I distrust your ability to manage your own, I simply wish to prevent further harm to the already suffering villages.”
 “I understand your concern, your Highness. My wishes are the same,” she straightens her back, looking him square in the eye. She looks truly regal and imposing. For a moment Dimitri thinks it’s a shame the others get to observe her in her authoritative splendor, that it’s not a look only he can witness. But the thought only lasts a moment – he’s more than familiar with that determined glint in her eye. He’s in for a fight.
 “However,” she continues, “I cannot hope to restore faith in the Church if we are constantly shown to be unable to handle our own. Say what you will, but Edelgarde’s war has damaged the Church’s reputation, strengthened seeds of distrust. Whether that distrust was well-placed or not is of no consequence. The reputation of the Church must be restored. Through transparency, through rooting out corruption and self-serving officials, so be it, but it must be handled by the Church. We’ve only just concluded a war built on that same distrust – what message would it send if the King had to step in? How would that offer any reassurance to the people that things are different?”
 “You suggest, then, that the people will be more willing to accept the Church should be allowed to continue to govern its own?” he asks, folding his arms.
 “I’m suggesting we be given a chance to prove ourselves. If the leaders cannot trust the Church, the people cannot hope to hold the same faith.”
 “It is a risk,” Ferdinand interjects, “but I believe Her Grace has a point. Restoring faith in the Church should be a priority, and that task begins with our actions here.”
 Lorenz and Seteth both begin to speak, but whatever they start to say is lost to Dimitri and he focuses on his wife’s voice, rising above the others. When she and Dimitri disagree on topics, the others in the room cease to exist to the two of them. While they do not always agree, he trusts her above all else. He respects and values her opinion, as she has led him down the right path time and time again.
 “Rather than bandaging a severed limb,” Byleth continues, “We should treat the root of the problem. I believe this is not the Western Church, but some unnamed force. Without revealing too much of my own hand, I have reason to believe Edelgarde’s… unsavory allies may have resurfaced.”
 “Is this truly information that should be held by the Church alone?”
 “For the time being, yes,” Byleth nods. “As you said, we do not want to cause further damage to those that are already suffering. Mobilizing too early may do just that. Again, a month is all I ask.”
 “If Ingrid and her company were instead mobilized to the Aegir territory to assist in repelling potential attacks in the meantime, would that be sufficient?” Dimitri asks. It’s more of a thought than a command. He’s willing to let Byleth win this round as he can’t begin to fathom some of the complications that come with running the Church. He takes an interest, supporting her how he can. In private, she tells him of her duties and concerns – an odd topic of conversation for pillow talk, but he likes that she trusts him with some of her burdens and worries, as she’s helped him shoulder his own for so long.
 His main goal is to protect the people. Byleth has always been better at keeping her attention toward the future, while his attention is usually focused on the short term. Perhaps it’s one of the reasons their compromises work so well. Sending troops to assist Ferdinand would fulfill his intention of keeping the villagers safe, at least until the end of the summit. Not to mention, the increase in feelings of unity.
“I have no qualms with that solution,” Byleth says, a smile forming at the corners of her mouth.
 “We would be grateful for your assistance,” Ferdinand addresses Dimitri, giving a slight bow of his head. “I’m humbled, your Majesty.”
 “It’s settled then. I will pass word along to Ingrid,” he scribbles a note for himself. “In the meantime, perhaps we should adjourn for the evening?”
 A collective sigh of relief seems to spread throughout the hall. The various lords stand, bowing to Dimitri before exiting, ready to rest and enjoy the few hours of downtime they have before meetings resume again the next morning, servants coming to escort them to their various rooms. Ferdinand and Lorenz excuse themselves as well, familiar enough with the castle they feel comfortable roaming the halls without guidance.
 Once the room is empty, Dimitri turns to his wife who stands behind him.
 “I thought that went rather well,” he says, offering his hand. She takes it. “Though the Archbishop seems quite determined to give me a hard time,” he jokes. She squeezes his hand gently.
 “You’ll have to forgive her, your Majesty. I hear she’s rather stubborn,” she smiles up at him before standing on her tiptoes and placing a kiss on his cheek.
 “If that is official guidance from my Queen, I suppose I shall take it under advisement,” he laughs. The two of them walk hand in hand through the corridors. “You’re sure the investigation into the Western Church won’t be difficult for you, beloved? I worry about your safety.”
 “I can’t promise the investigation won’t come without dangers,” she replies truthfully, “but I will exercise caution. I have Seteth watching out for me.” She sighs, her mood immediately lightening, “At any rate, that’s enough talk of politics and official business. I asked Cyril to saddle the horses before sundown. If I haven’t been too stubborn, perhaps you’d like to join me?”
 “I’m quite fond of your stubbornness, you know,” he smiles, letting her lead the way to the stables.
 “I know,” she laughs.
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budgetroute57-blog · 4 years
Are Vision Blinds Power Outage? ... Are They A Good Option For My Bed Room?
Just How To Clean Mobile Shades.
#toc background: #f9f9f9;border: 1px solid #aaa;display: table;margin-bottom: 1em;padding: 1em;width: 350px; .toctitle font-weight: 700;text-align: center;
Blinds Direct.
Finest Window Blinds Of 2020
A Couple Of Of Our Fave Color Styles.
Privacy At Residence With Smart Tone.
Blinds Direct.
The quantity of personal privacy that you require can determine which kind of blinds you get because there are some that are strong textile, like tones, that will certainly not enable any kind of visuals through when closed. If you intend to be able to keep an eye on your kids while they play outside, this might not benefit you.
Are blinds still in style?
The biggest advantage of having sheer curtains for the windows is seamlessly the amount of functionality that is possessed by it. It brings in vital elements such as light, cooling and heating factors and brings in a decorative aspect to the house.
Ideal Window Blinds Of 2020
This upright option is developed for usage on huge glass doors, like patio area or yard doors, that need insurance coverage from the floor to just a few inches from the ceiling. These blinds are long sufficient to cover the entire door, for that reason obstructing all light radiating in, as well as are additionally great for large windows as well. This choice is a lightweight and textile shade that covers the window and also rolls up to allow light in. These textile choices make use of light fabrics to permit some light in for a natural glow to the house from natural light.
A Couple Of Of Our Favorite Colors.
Are vertical blinds Still in Style 2020?
Smart blinds are window coverings that include built-in motors that let you add remote raising or lowering capabilities based on schedules. These blinds are also called automatic blinds, smart shades, or automated blinds.
You can use your iPhone to establish state of mind illumination, check on your youngsters, as well as start your favored Spotify playlist. As well as when you desire a little privacy, you can establish your blinds to shut right from your phone also. Hardwired electric blinds escape your house's mains power supply.
Are custom curtains worth it?
Once the Smart Bridge is configured properly in your home you can start using Alexa to open and close the blinds in your home.
With several styles and choices, you can choose the one that you want to make use of as well as see in your home, and also obtain the most effective option for your home windows. Shutters are usually made from timber and also suit the window framework's interior and have slats that are connected and managed by an upright wood piece. To shut or open up the slats, you merely utilize the upright piece to move all the slats up or down at the exact same time.
If you don't have a major plug outlet situated close to the windows a new fused spur can be wired in especially for the blinds.
Personal Privacy At Home With Smart Shades.
Home Depot has a substantial choice of mechanized skylight blinds from VELUX.
While these roller shades are definitely smarter than non-motorized ones, they can not be controlled by a wise audio speaker.
However, their price factor indicates that you can acquire these roller shades and a wise switch for less than several sets up that are wise out of package.
And also with the VELUX Climate Control Set, you can completely automate your home's smart blinds and skylight shades to get precision control over the temperature and also light inside your house.
How long do motorized blinds last?
The Automation Kit works on slatted blinds of 2-3 inches, which is the probably the type of blinds you have in your home. It won't work on the less common cordless blinds or roller shades. That's because the motor replaces the mechanism that makes the blinds tilt.
Running expenses are marginal as well as all of the wiring is hidden from view. Battery powered blinds are a great choice if you are installing electric blinds to screen difficult to reach windows. There is no need to install a plug outlet nearby or run any kind of new wiring. You additionally avoid having any type of unattractive wires leaving the wall surfaces. The batteries sit within the barrel of the roller blind itself, developing a clean as well as cool surface.
Inside the track, there are mechanized hooks to hold your drapes. The track itself on this product is incredibly heavy duty, allowing you to hang also hefty drape.
When set up, the system can be managed by remote control. It is very important to note, nonetheless, that the Drape Call adapter cable as well as the Wi-fi clever plug required to manage these drapes using your wise speaker are marketed individually. The MySmartBlinds Automation Set offers a way to turn your existing blinds into totally automated ones in just a couple of mins.
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There are also several designs of wireless motorised blinds to pick from so you are bound to locate one that suits your house. From Zonwering and cost-savings point of view, automated blinds play well with wise light bulbs as the illumination of the light bulbs can be readjusted based upon the sunshine coming into the room.
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Smart blinds are window treatments that consist of built-in motors that let you include remote raising or decreasing capacities based on timetables. These blinds are additionally called automated blinds, wise tones, or automated blinds. In spite of the prices and a couple of efficiency missteps, those that need smart shades for a few vaulted windows or a specific bed room will certainly find a helpful solution in Serena. Although blinds may seem like a little part of your house, they can offer terrific energy-efficiency and also personal privacy than you assumed.
Before you go on and also get a collection of blinds or tones for your house or home, you intend to consider what kind you desire as well as what you want them to do. It is necessary to consider what you desire out or your blinds, whether you desire them to darken the room at night for far better rest, or be closed closed enough to offer complete personal privacy. Like the American Homesupplier Smart Drape Pole, the Drape Call Electric Remote Controlled Drape System is a track that is set up along the top of your home windows.
Get Specialist Style Recommendations Today.
An additional method to maintain the sun from filtering system right into your home is to put up shutters on your home windows. These solid, frequently plastic or timber, shutters can be wonderful as a durable alternative to fabrics or slats. Cellular shades can look a horrible great deal like pleated shades, but these alternatives have a honeycomb shape that holds on to caught air and also aids protect the window. They are generally made with a comparable soft and slim textile to that of the pleated shades.
Are motorized shades worth it?
Battery powered motorized blinds are the simplest option. Rather than being connected to a string, motorized blinds have a tube installed up top that lifts the shade up. The battery fits above that and connects to a motor for power. Lithium batteries have a significantly longer life.
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