dracononite · 5 months
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finished designing another professor at Sparrowmage! meet Astrid, she's an old avian sphinx
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They’re common, vulgar birds, but nobody talks down to geomancers for working with dirt, do they?
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ | ][ | | ] Sparrow Familiars – You are bonded to a number of sparrows. Common and vulgar, they are easy to come by and flock to your power. You may choose the specific species of each one. They will gather near you when not doing anything else, and are relatively intelligent and completely loyal. At first level you have one sparrow familiar. This doubles with each subsequent level of Sparrow Familiars.
[ ][ ][ ] Sparrow Familiarity – Sparrows exist pretty much all over the place, and they're hard to tell apart. Whenever someone spots one of your sparrows, they will dismiss it as normal as long as they are in an environment where birds might be expected. At second level, they will think of it as normal as long as the sparrows are outdoors. At third level, they will accept the presence of one or two sparrows in absolutely ludicrous contexts before suspecting something fishy is going on.
[ ] Unremarkable Song – Sparrows are pretty simple and similar birds, so you've learned the whistles and songs to speak to all of them. You can communicate commands of all kinds to sparrows simply by whistling, to a similar degree of specificity and clarity as speaking English to a person.
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] Small Vulgarity Aura – Your essence stinks of sparrows. You gain a d6 bonus per level of Small Vulgarity Aura to rolls made to seem insignificant or beneath notice, or to ingratiate yourself with the common people. You take a d6 penalty per level of Small Vulgarity Aura to rolls to interact with nobility or similar.
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] Sparrowsense – You are keenly aware of the position and direction of all sparrows within 1 mile per level of Sparrowsense.
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dracononite · 5 months
Are you considering doing any stories within any of the worlds that you have created, perhaps a book series or a pilot pitch?
oh gosh IDK if I'll ever do something as big as pitch an idea for a show!! but yes one day I'd like to fully write out a few of the stories that I'm slowly developing in my worlds - especially Sparrowmage (my main headworld) and BANG! (a collab story with my gf)
It's likely Sparrowmage will one day be a book or graphic novel or - well, I wanna do something with this world and characters that I've put a lot of heart into and are near and dear to me. Even if it's one-off mini comics focused on the slice of life portion of it, or maybe something like a zine/collection of speculative biology notes on the mythical creatures in the world. I still have a lot of work to put into fleshing out the world and school, and have yet to determine if there's any sort of overarching plot or antagonist. Though I guess I'm not too pressed to come up with one, as the main focus of Sparrowmage is the personal struggles and growth of the characters and their relationships to one another.
And for BANG!, we have much more of an overarching plot planned out and it's been a bit on hiatus as my partner and I are working more on other projects, but I think it'll turn out to be a comic, perhaps with some writing sections! I have no clue when we'll get around to finishing the planning and starting to produce it but I look forward to when we do.
I'm actually planning on practicing comics with a mini-project of mine that I just started (a Pokemon nuzlocke, actually - it's familiar territory for me, drawing Pokemon, and I feel that battles especially will give me opportunity to learn/practice movement, framing, perspective etc). And for writing, I've been slowly writing/posting about a Flight Rising challenge that is also similar to a 'nuzlocke' over on FR with some single-player TTRPG mechanics like random encounters and roll-based decision making which I'm working into the story.... sheesh I sound like a nerd. But I hope putting these mini-stories out there in my free time will give me some experience to carry into telling the stories I truly care about - and that I hope others care about too, perhaps even enough to support my creating them?
I definitely have a fear of any of my stories, specifically Sparrowmage, getting big. I want to share it with people and have a small audience be actually invested in my stuff... but I don't want it to get to the point where there's a fandom, you know? I worry about my characters being misconstrued or my writing choices being scrutinized by so many people. So, nothing as big as a novel to sell or a show to pitch. I never want to sell any rights to my stories, they mean too much to me. BUT! If I do produce any of my stories in full, I will probably love to sell physical copies of it myself, maybe even some extra merch of "fan faves" or smth haha. That sounds fun!
Thank you for asking!! I didn't mean to talk so much but my stories are something I've thought about extensively so you accidentally opened a can of worms lol
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dracononite · 1 year
What do you think of birds? Which do you like? Bird fursonas?
I love birds!! There are so many cool species but I have a soft spot for cardinals and blue jays since I see them around here. but I also really love owls (especially barn owls). colorful birds like parakeets and toucans are so interesting too...
Bird anthro ocs are really cool, I don't have any myself although I like drawing them, and would maybe want a cute puffin oc in the future. I do plan on designing avian sphinxes for my main headworld to go with the mammalian sphinxes I've designed, they're not anthro but I'll probably give them a beaklike structure on their mask-like faces. I do have thoughts for an owl sphinx professor at Sparrowmage...
also I guess that my in-development Peckmon character counts as a bird oc! ostrich digimon.
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dracononite · 2 years
Oh god I love your OC Fletcher so much he's so cool iuhygfhjkihgvfghj
OMG thank you he's one of my favorite ocs..... it means a lot that people like him. here are some tidbits about him!
he has pet rats named Ozzy and Slasher after the musicians
he has multiple sclerosis which is the reason he uses mobility aids including arm crutches and a wheelchair, he experiences fatigue, chronic pain, muscle weakness and difficulty balancing
his red tinted glasses are not prescription, he wears them because they look cool
his fave movie is School of Rock
his parents were hippies in the 70s
he's a werewolf
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dracononite · 5 months
Would you mind explaining what a headworld is? I'm very sure I know from seeing it around in context (it is self explanatory really) but I've never seen anyone explain it or really have any idea where it comes from (though dont worry if you can't answer that) so I'd love to hear. I have some of my own I want to develop and enjoy and figure hearing even a brief friendly tldr would help me get more into it.
Btw I love your art and characters! I looked through them all and love the atmospheres they have so much and am so interested in all the "little" settings/scenarios in there.
Not sure who first used the term or where it first popped up in general but it means a world which you've made in your head, usually populated with your own characters, places, and story! I personally use it to mean both my completely original worlds (Sparrowmage) as well as worlds derived from existing media (such as my Pokemon regions Pharos and Ikkalo). It's very useful shorthand for "my world with my original characters and story"
and thank you! Not all of my characters are part of a deep story but I love including all of them in various settings. worldbuilding is one of my favorite activities... if you have any questions about specific settings/folders/ocs, ask away!
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