#you ever think about all the people hes posessed
squidcalamarium · 2 years
hey. the intimacy of consumption. if you care. if you even care
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gay-jesus-probably · 5 months
I like the general fandom trend to just take the plot of Hyrule Warriors as a loose guideline at best and just use the whole concept as a good excuse to get blorbos to interact across timelines, BUT I'm very disappointed that everyone is missing the comedic potential of a very specific squad of characters:
Young Link (aka Mask), who walks out of the nightmare of Majora's Mask and immediately gets portal kidnapped into a temporal war, takes one look at the whole mess and decides that you could not fucking pay him to admit to being the resident expert on Time Shenanigans. He introduces himself with the title of Hero of Termina, and definitely doesn't have any other ones, that would be crazy. Hero of Time? Never heard of him.
Tetra, who is a kickass pirate captain with zero patience for people trying to shove her into the Designated Princess role, and realizes immediately that Oh Fuck, this Hyrule has a lot of Ideas about how the Hero and the Princess are supposed to properly play their parts, the second they realize she's technically a Zelda they're gonna shove her in a goddamn dress and damsel her again, that's not happening. So she's definitely just a really cool pirate captain, nothing else going on here at all, definitely not the heir of the Hylian royal family in her time, that'd be crazy.
Ravio, who is literally just a palette swapped Link, meaning that the second his hood comes off, things are gonna get Awkward. There's no way in hell he's dealing with all that Hero baggage, that's Link work, so that giant bunny hood/mask is practically superglued to his head, and he's not taking it off for love or money.
Spirit Tracks Zelda, who is just in the Phantom Armour the whole time, and passing herself off as just a friendly ghost posessing a suit of armour to help the Hero of Spirits. Of course she isn't Princess Zelda, that's ridiculous, if she were a Zelda then people would start getting really weird about her technically being dead, and boy does that ever sound like a whole Thing she doesn't want to deal with, so she can't possibly be Zelda, she's just a nice ghost knight. Also, her teenage grandma is here, and that's kinda weird, so it's easier to just not admit to being royalty and avoid that awkward conversation.
Finally there's Sheik, who is not the Princess Zelda of the era straight up abandoning her war torn country for months at a time so she can risk her life in extreme cosplay for no clear reason, but is instead the actual Sheik from Ocarina of Time, who just beat Ganondorf like a month ago and is still trying to process what the fuck to do now. Also, he's been pretending to be a boy since he was ten, and is realizing there's a pretty good chance that he isn't pretending anymore, so that's a whole other can of worms. But for the last seven years of his life, being Princess Zelda meant certain death, so he's not really inclined to introduce himself like when in a new and stressful situation (not to mention he might actually just not be a girl named Zelda anymore), so he automatically introduces himself as just Sheik the spooky ninja man, and fuck he's in too deep to back out now, looks like he's committing to the bit. If you think you sense the Triforce of Wisdom on him, no you don't.
Cue shenanigans as the five of them attempt to hide that they're all actually kind of A Big Deal. The group motto is "Nobody says shit", which is usually delivered as a frantic hiss whenever someone slips up. Just the reunion between Sheik and Mask alone would be absolutely buckwild given how they parted, and how they're both frantically pretending to Not be involved with each other. For added hilarity and/or drama, Sheik gives his semi-bullshit cover story of having just been a friend of the Hero of Time, then runs into said Hero of Time and they both have to desperately pretend not to know each other, because if anyone picks up on the mountain of baggage between them then Mask is busted, and he won't hesitate to drag Sheik down with him out of sheer spite. Not to mention the weird balance of Sheik being used to this Link being a teenager that's actually a small child, and now has to adjust to Link who is a small child that's actually a teenager.
Also, i really feel like we're all missing out on the comedy potential of Ganondorf recognizing Young Link on sight and the two of them immediately launching into a grudge match with some extremely personal and specific insults on both sides. Meanwhile literally everybody else is just standing there watching, trying to process the fact that out of every single person that's been pulled out of time, Ganondorf only has personal beef with a literal nine year old.
I just feel like we're all really sleeping on the potential for Shenanigans here. The whole thing is an absurd mess, why not have some fun with it?
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miraclewoozi · 2 months
hi j!! congratulations on 500!! can’t think of anyone who deserves it more than you :) hope you’re having a lovely day! just wanted to send in a request:
❛ don’t be a stranger, okay? ❜ from the fluff list with woozi?
it’s no pressure though! thank you so much <33 mwah
pair : jihoon x gn!reader prompt : “ don’t be a stranger, okay? ” wc : 2.3k heads up : coworker!jihoon. fluff. kinda silly.  notes : HI BESTIE thank u sm for sending this in!!!! i hope you like it.<3 notes 2.0 : everyone deserves an emotional support IT guy, in my unprofessional opinion. i also think that 100% of those should be woozi.
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You knew Jihoon was leaving. You’ve had a lot of time to prepare for this: he told you before he even handed in his resignation that he had accepted a job offer elsewhere. But despite trying everything in your power (including, but not limited to, bribery, begging and three whole days of the cold shoulder), his decision didn’t change. When you gave him a full lecture about abandonment and betrayal, and the fact that nobody else in your work’s IT department comes close to solving some of the shit that happens with your computer…
He had the audacity to fucking laugh. 
In your moment of desperation. Your hour of need. Practically begging on your knees (all right, he was stood next to your desk while you were looking up at him from your office chair) for him not to leave you high and dry like this, he patted you on the shoulder and chuckled as he told you that you’d be fine. As if this wasn’t actually, literally, the end of the world. 
And okay, whatever, maybe Jihoon isn’t ‘just’ the only person on the tech team who understands that you’ve been followed by a curse when it comes to computers since you were in middle school. Maybe he isn’t just so good at his job that him leaving has the potential to ruin your ability to do yours.
Maybe... it’s a little bit deeper than that.
You first met nearly five years ago, when he was brand new. In his first week, he came stumbling into your office, bleary eyed and coffee in hand, at 8:15 on a Monday morning to try and ‘fix’ your PC. After about 6 seconds of fumbling, your screens came to life and he flushed as he told you that a cable on one of your monitors had just come loose. Ever since, you’ve been totally taken with him: with his frowny concentrating face, his pretty, nimble fingers, his quietly delivered jokes. The way he always goes pink when the older ladies in your office coo over him and how he splutters when they tease you for practically being work-married, by now.
Not least because he’s a very nice guy, and you find him so easy to talk to, and now? Now he's leaving you. 
The guy who brings you snacks on days you have to work through your lunch breaks. The guy who comes by just to make sure you’re not about to dive out of a second floor window on a Wednesday afternoon. One of the special few people you choose to hang out with outside of work. He’s the man who meets you for coffee some weekends and lets you complain about the fact that the next closest person in your department to you in age could still be your mother, while he complains to you about bossy executives who escalate their IT jobs to a ‘critical incident’ after just five minutes. Jihoon is the guy who has brought you a silly gift to decorate your desk with every birthday and Christmas since you met. The guy who picks you up (with breakfast) when your car is in the shop getting work done. 
He even pretended to be your boyfriend one year when Johnny from accounting started to make moves on you during the annual Christmas function. (Perhaps him posessively keeping a hand on your thigh every minute you were sat down next to each other made it the best night of your life.)
All this to say… he gets you. He always has. Your weird little friendship with him works, and even though you still get butterflies every time you see him, you’ve never felt so comfortable with a colleague before. You can ignore your little crush when you start thinking about your devastation over him being gone soon. Your feelings have no part to play in Jihoon being someone you trust, someone who helps you immeasurably: someone who makes your working life a little more bearable. 
What on Earth are you going to do without him?
His last day has rolled around faster than you know what to do with, and at 3:30 on Friday afternoon, like clockwork, his head appears around your office door. An apologetic smile replaces the cheeky one he usually wears when he shows up, and you narrow your eyes at him before telling him to go away.
“Charming as ever,” he laughs, sliding into your office anyway and making a beeline for you, waving at the people who glance up and greet him. He leans against your desk and you sit back finally, crossing your arms. 
“I’m busy,” you lie, frowning at your screen. You finished everything you needed to do about ten minutes ago, but you’re not about to let him — or anyone, for that matter — know so. You’ve worked hard to master the art of looking occupied and you’re deploying every tactic you know: there’s no way you’re going to get five more projects added to your to-do list this close to home-time. “Traitor.”
“Last thing on a Friday? Like hell you are,” Jihoon chuckles, leaning down and looking at your screen too, speaking quietly enough to ensure no one around you can to hear him. 
“Blow my cover and I’ll slash your tyres,” you playfully threaten under your breath. “I’ve already rejected a meeting request this afternoon.”
“Well, aren’t you a team player,” he quips, rolling his eyes before he sits back upright and says louder, “I won’t keep you long. I just wanted to drop this off.”
He places a small brown bag on top of a neatly stacked pile of paperwork on the left hand side of your desk and gestures for you to look inside. When you do, you know your attempt at a stoic gaze starts to soften and you look up at him again with a saddened pout. 
“Hey,” you say quietly. “You can’t do this to me, I’m fragile enough already.”
It’s just a muffin, for crying out loud. He’s been bringing you these from the bakery across the street every week, for as many weeks as you can remember. But something about him doing it on his last day makes your heart beat out a funny little pattern and you bite the inside of your lip as he shakes his head. 
His hair is tied low today with a few pieces left out to frame his face: it softens him, giving him a bit of a curtain to hide behind, but you can still see his cheeks flush as he glances away from you. You slip your hand into the bag and pull the muffin out, setting it on your desk and peeling the paper back. 
“I’m really gonna miss you,” Jihoon says, momentarily stopping you as you rummage through your desk drawer for the cutlery set you keep wrapped up in there. You just wanted a knife so you could cut it in two. You just wanted to share this last little treat with him.
There are a million ways you could respond. Last-ditch attempts at telling him to retract his notice to leave. Advise that it’s his own fault. Pretend like you’re not going to be miserable here without him. To name but a few. 
But the fact that he’s picked up, and started to play with, the little fidget cube you keep by your pen holder for particularly boring Teams calls tells you that he isn’t saying it in the way he does when you’re taking a week off to go on vacation.
His thumbs rhythmically play with the little clicking buttons on one side and you pull the blunt knife free from the plastic bag hidden beneath your favourite notebook. Instead of teasing him, you cut the muffin equally and pick up one piece, holding it out to him.
“I’m gonna miss you too.”
He eyes you to make sure you’re certain before he takes the slice out of your hand and holds it in his fingers. You pick up the other piece and extend it towards him, bumping the two halves together in a mock ‘cheers’ for the time you’ve spent together. 
You take bites from the muffin in unison and you know the zesty lemon flavour spills onto his tongue at the same time as it does yours. Soft hums come from the both of you and Jihoon tilts his head back for emphasis, too, sighing contentedly after he swallows. 
“Don’t be a stranger, okay?” You ask of him, laying the paper bag down flat and putting your own piece on top of it. “I mean it. You better not forget about me.”
“As if I ever could,” he says.
“You might, if there’s someone at your new job more pitiful than I am,” you counter. “You’ll have a replacement ‘me’ quicker than you can blink.”
Jihoon laughs, setting what’s left of his half of the muffin down too and dusting the crumbs off his fingers into the trash can at your side. 
“Trust me,” he starts, folding his arms. The subtle flex of his muscle makes the shirt he’s wearing tighten around his biceps and you glance down at them, at how his sleeves are pushed up to the elbows and his long, delicate fingers lay over the neatly folded cotton. “My eyes are up here. Trust me — I don’t want a 'replacement you'.”
You know your eyes go wide as he calls you up for staring and you look at his face immediately, at the coy smile he’s wearing, at the way the tips of his ears — just visible through the way his hair separates — are dusted pink. You just nod. He takes another bite, savours, and swallows it before talking again.
“So, I actually… kind of lied? There’s another reason I came down here, uh—”
You know this catches the attention of your office’s resident blabbermouth by the way her eyebrows pick up from a few desks in front of you and you tap his hip with the back of your hand, darting your eyes towards the door quickly to hush him. Jihoon catches your drift, nods, and stands up; you lock your computer and lead him out. When you’re in the hallway, door secured (and checked) behind you, he turns to face you again, leaning one shoulder against the wall.
“Okay. Shoot.”
“Okay,” Jihoon nods, tilting his head forwards for a second to gather his thoughts before he shakes his hair out of his eyes and looks back up at you. “I-… I know HR have this whole thing about, like… internal… relationships, and- and stuff? So I didn’t ever… you know—”
You hold your breath, clasping your hands behind you in the hopes he doesn’t see how they start twitching. His own, you realise, are deep in the pockets of his slacks. For the same reason?
“I wanted to. Trust me. For— shit, for so long, but I didn’t know if you’d go for it, and I really didn’t want to have, like… anyway — uh-…”
The blush that was formerly only given away by its presence on his ears has migrated to his cheeks now, and is starting to spread dangerously towards his temples and down his neck. He keeps glancing everywhere around your head, as if he’s chasing pixies in the air with his eyes. It's adorable, but...
“And… I guess what I wanted to say, is—”
“Yes,” you say before he can finish. He’s never been the most outgoing but you’ve still never seen Jihoon fall over his words like this before; you’re starting to feel agonised by how long it’s taking him to get to the point. 
(Especially when said point is what you’ve been waiting a small lifetime for.)
“I didn’t even ask—”
“You didn’t have to,” you laugh. He breaks into a chuckle as well. His shoulders relax. He exhales through his pretty, pursed lips. 
“Are you busy tomorrow night?” He asks, finally, thumb tapping against his forearm. 
“Free as a bird, actually.”
“I’ll pick you up at 7?” 
“I’ll be waiting.”
He lifts one hand to pinch at the bridge of his nose, still laughing, screwing up his eyes and his nose in a way that makes him look entirely too kissable. You have to forcibly remind yourself that there’s nothing you can do about that right now, though, that someone could walk through that door any second and technically, he still works here until 5:30pm today.
Tomorrow night? Well. That’ll be a different story.
“I’ll let you go back to clicking through your emails,” he says then, pushing off from the wall. “Text me later?”
“Keep your voice down,” you grin, settling your hand back on the doorknob. “Yeah. I'll see you tomorrow.”
Jihoon bites his bottom lip as he nods and starts to back away, ultimately beginning on the walk back to his own department. You, however, need to let yourself calm down before you can so much as think about going back into your office: you fan your face with your hands and take a couple of deep breaths first, and only when you’re sure that there are no visible signs of glee left on your face do you re-enter, walking as nonchalantly to your desk as you can and pretending like every middle-aged, bespectacled set of eyes aren’t waiting for you to spill the gossip. 
You don’t need to spill anything, though. Pressed to the bottom of your keyboard, clear as day, — he must have done this as soon as you stood up — is a bright yellow Post-It. His immediately recognisable — but almost illegible — handwriting in the thick, black felt-tipped pens he always uses decorates the note, accompanied by a signature smiley face in the top corner. 
The ink is dry. The paper is a little curled. He wrote this before he came to find you, the giddy voice in your brain tells you. The words he’s written down only heighten that feeling. 
He gets you. He always has.
Don’t be a stranger, okay? Miss you already. - J.
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thank u so much for reading, i hope you enjoyed it! as always, likes, reblogs, comments & feedback are so so appreciated.&lt;3
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fbfh · 11 months
Jacob Black x mate/imprint!reader first rut hcs
wc: 1.9k
genre: smut, tooth rotting fluff, werewolf heat/monsterfucking ig
pairing: Jacob x imprint!reader (afab, no pronouns)
warnings: general werewolfy stuff, awkward heat/rut talks, BIGASS breeding king, Jake can smell when you're ovulating, Jake is posessive and clingy and adorable and hot, knots, oral (reader recieving), face down ass up position, biting and hickeys, scenting, a ton of creampies, cum plugging, growling/primal kink??, aftercare
summary: Jacob is the best boyfriend you've ever had, so when he tells you there's a little problem he's going to need help with soon, you're more than happy to help him out with it
a/n: starting to write my first actual original book today and I am so stoaked!!!!!! wish me luck uwu I think yall are really really gonna like it and I'm super excited ksflkjslkjs
also I'm adding people who asked to be tagged for a/b/o and omegaverse content bc it's in the same ballpark imo
tags @yesv01 @magcon7280 @yelenabel0vaswife @lizziebitch33  @sunshineangel-reads @inthehoneymoonwithconnorrk800 @demirunner @almostjollypizza @fictionalcomfortss @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @urmum-xoxo @raajali3 @Ronnasey @lubsana @demirunner @legramilis  @girlfriendwhoseawitch
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As with all nsfw works all characters are aged up to 18+
That being said, let’s get into it 
Bc oh BOY is this one a doozy
You and Jake fell in love at first sight
You met by chance
He helped you when you had car trouble and the chemistry was instant and the rest was history
What actually happened is that Jake could smell you from like a full mile away
He was so drawn to you
Then he could smell you starting to panic, and he knew he had to make sure you were okay
So he appeared out of nowhere in his human form right when you needed him most
You were so relieved that someone was there to help you, especially someone so good with cars
And especially especially someone so hot and friendly and charismatic and attentive
From jump street, Jake obviously liked you a lot
So you couldn’t turn down his offers to get coffee and lunch and show you around town
He was relieved you didn’t turn him down either, because what you saw as Jake flirting with you was actually him imprinting on you
You’re not a wolf
You’re not aware of the supernatural world at all, as far as he knows
So he’s basically just been spending as much time as he possibly can with you
Imprint bonds are strong as fuck 
So for both physiological and psychological AND emotional reasons
He needs to spend as much time with you as possible 
And you want to spend time with him too
Not to the wolf extent
But still
There’s only one problem
You’ve been together for three amazing whirlwind weeks
And you already feel like you’ve known each other for your whole lives
He can tell that even though you’re not a wolf, you can feel the bond between you too
You might not know what it is, but you know that it’s there
Everything is happening so fast, but it doesn’t give you a bad gut feeling
Or any red flags
Like anywhere
You’re starting to wonder if maybe this is the true love fairytale romance you had always hoped for
That maybe soulmates are real
And you found yours
And Jacob feels  the exact same way
He’s given it a lot of thought, and he really believes that even if he hadn’t imprinted he would still like you more than he’s liked anyone before
He could go on for days about how amazing you are, and he’s determined not to let anything come between you
Not to let anything sabotage this beautiful love, this bond between you
But the only problem is that the full moon is getting closer and closer
And it’s the first full moon since he imprinted on you
Not all imprints are romantic in nature, but this one definitely is
Which means now since he has a mate, he’s going to start getting his rut
And he has to spend it with you, which means he has to explain it to you
Which means it’s finally time for the most awkward conversation of his life
He’s not scared to tell you he’s a werewolf
But he is scared to tell you that you’re starting to smell so good he gets hard when you’re not even in the room
That his feral wolf brain is taking over, and all he’s been able to think about for the last 48 hours is filling you up
Stuffing you full of his seed and knotting you nice and tight to keep it all in place while he gets you irrefutably pregnant, all nice and full and round with a big litter of pups
And it’s getting worse 
His thoughts are straying more and he knows he’s running out of time to explain that he’s either going to need to be chained to a tree or inside of you for anywhere from 24 to 96 hours
And since it’s his first rut since finding you, it’s almost definitely going to be longer, closer to four days than not
He’s over at your place like he has been for the last week or so, and he decides to talk to you about it when 
He thinks he can handle this
He totally thinks he can handle this
Then you step out of the shower, and you smell all sweet and fresh and extra you 
He sighs wistfully, realizing how much harder this is going to be 
“C’mere for a sec, I want to talk to you…” 
He trails off, pulling you onto his lap
He can sense that you’re worried, that you want to make sure he’s okay
And it makes him blush
He giggles, burying his face in your neck for a moment
You’re worried about him
Eventually he bites the bullet and confesses everything
You actually take it surprisingly well
He can tell you don’t fully believe him yet, but you don’t seem freaked out
“There is… one other thing…” 
He manages to get through the mates and heats and ruts talk without dying of embarrassment 
But he does start to get distracted part of the way through
Like really distracted
He snaps out of it for a few moments when he trails off after part of an explanation, and you chuckle, resting your hand on his cheek
“Even if you weren’t a werewolf, I would still be down to spend all weekend together.” 
His stomach flips as he realizes what you’re saying
“I’d be happy to help you through your heat or rut or whatever it’s called.” 
His stomach flips when you say that
He genuinely didn't think he could get more attracted to you, then you say that
And then, something else happens
“I’m so glad!” he smiles, beginning to ramble again, “and if you want to stop, or if I’m too rough, or if it’s too much, just tell me to, uh…” 
You’re already agreeing, and promise you will as he tries to regain his train of thought
His eyes get kind of distracted, and he leans closer to you, sniffing
He buries his face in your neck and takes a few big, deep breaths
It makes you giggle until he pulls away and looks at you more intensely than he ever has 
His pupils are dilated and he’s laser focused on you
“Are you ovulating?” 
You check your cycle tracking app and yeah
Yeah you’re supposed to be ovulating today
He sniffs you again, shoving his face into your neck
His grip on your waist gets tighter and you can feel him getting hard below you
Your eyes widen when it just keeps growing and growing
He pants against your neck, breathing in your scent and starting to grind against you, moving your hips against his
You lose yourself for a moment before remembering what he asked you a moment ago
“Wait- how did you know that?” 
“Could smell it,” he mutters into your skin, rocking your hips harder against his and growling into your ear
“I… I think it’s starting, I need- I need to… I need to get you out of these clothes.” 
He picks you up and tears your pajamas off in a blur
He carries you into your bedroom, laying you face down on your soft duvet
His breath is heavy he manhandles you into a more comfortable position, and you can hear him tearing his clothes off behind you just as quick
His big hands grab your hips, finally pulling down your panties
They stick to your soaked cunt, and send a fresh wave of your pheromones swirling intoxicatingly through the air around him
You hear him let out a shuddering sigh, then suddenly feel warm breath against your soft folds
You let out a noise as he licks you, nuzzling into your cunt, before pulling back and spitting on it
He pokes and prods you with his tongue, working it further inside you as his fingers come up to play with your clit
Werewolf saliva has healing properties and can increase elasticity during heats and ruts, so it’s a pretty common practice
His hands and mouth feel so good, you’re not complaining
He makes you cum twice on his tongue before deciding you’re stretched out enough to take him
You feel him move behind you and grab your hips, pulling them back to meet his
This energy (it’s the horny wojak thinking about getting railed meme)
His breathing is heavy as he pushes in slowly
“Tell me if it’s too much. Promise you’ll tell me angel, okay?” 
You nod and manage to choke out that you will
Once you do that, it’s game over
The last amounts of self restraint Jacob possessed fade away as he completely loses himself in you
He starts thrusting into you at a brutal pace
He manhandles you, moving your body and positioning you closer to him
The next two or three days are going to be a hazy blur of cum and love bites and feeling the bulge of his knot and cock in your stomach
That’s all you’ll really be able to remember in your fucked out state
When he goes into heat, he’s already gonna be really fucking feral and primal
But when he goes into heat with you for the first time????
Oh my fucking god
It really is a good think werewolf spit can stretch you out, bc there’s no way you’d be able to take his cock, much less his knot otherwise
He grabs onto you so tight and possessive, completely pinning you down with his body weight
You could not wiggle out of his grip if you tried
He makes you cum two or three times in the first few minutes, so you know this is going to be a long, overstimulating night
But GOD everything he does feels so overwhelmingly good
He bites your neck, licking and rubbing against you to scent you even more aggressively
So expect to be covered in hickeys and love bites too
Oh my god the noises this man makes?????? 
Jesus fucking christ
Moaning, panting, growling right in your ear
You can’t get enough
Because you’re extra stretchy from his prep, the stretch of his knot filling you up more than you could imagine feels so incredible
He’s probably going to knot you at least twice before you’re both ready to pass out
Once you’re a quivering fucked out mess that’s literally dripping cum out of you, he’ll pull out very reluctantly 
Then you hear a drawer open, and he grabs something
He pushes a toy inside you to keep as much of his cum in there as possible while he goes to get you guys water and snacks
Once he’s back he’ll absolutely feed you
He’s overwhelmed with instincts to take care of you, so of course he’s going to feed you
One thing about Jacob is he will keep you fed and bred 
And you really can’t complain
He’s so loving and attentive and speaks to you so sweetly, peppering kisses across your face and telling you how good you’re doing
After that he’ll take the toy out and slide himself back in 
Then pull you into his warm chest for the coziest heaviest most sticky restful nap you’ve ever taken in your entire life
Once you’re both up later, expect to do the whole thing over again
And again, and again
Cause that’s pretty much all you’ll be doing for the next three days
And you can promise this is not the last rut you’ll help him out with
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basilly · 2 years
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ bokuto picks the wildflowers along the side of the roads on his way home, bringing you a bundle of pinks, whites, reds, and purples with a large smile and a kiss on the cheek. he would immediately buy or try and get anything that reminds him of you, often with a small handwritten note that says "i love you." he is always thinking of you and will constantly bring you up to the people around him- "bokuto's told us a lot about you!" you heat up from embarassment but you know it's only good things. he would be so proud of himself, hugging you by the waist to his side, "yup! this is my stunning y/n." you are his main constant in his life, and he couldn't have it any other way.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ akaashi makes sure to keep your favorite snacks in stock at his apartment. his heart softens everytime your eyes light up upon seeing them, the excitement within the words "keiji you have them?!". he only smiles an of course- he knows he has to travel to the farther supermarket across town to buy them, but it's all worth it to him. the two of you would pick out a movie and settle down with your favorite snacks in hand. leaning against him, head tucked under his chin, and his arm around you, feels like bliss. akaashi would do it over and over again if it meant being with you forever.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ tsukishima is aware of how much you love wearing his hoodies. though as much as he loves seeing you in them, he doesn't appreciate the cold. he starts bringing you a second hoodie- at yamaguchi's suggestion of course. he even has a screensaver of a selfie of the two of you both wearing matching hoodies from his birthday. not that he'd ever let someone catch him, but he likes to look at it often. he realized that he was deeply in love with you when he caught himself looking at it for the millionth time. if yamaguchi tried to point it out, he would deny it with red ears. "shut up yamaguchi- can i not admire y/n??"
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ kageyama sets reminders on his phone to check up on you. within his busy schedule and sometimes absent mind, kageyama doesn't check his phone often. he'll send a quick "how are you doing?" between training sessions or sets. he wants to make sure you don't feel like he's ignoring you. once you respond, whether it's good or bad, he adds before leaving "i'm glad to hear from you, i'll see you later :)". when he comes home to you, he will ask about what you mentioned, attempting to remember all the details. though he doesn't posess the skills to reassure you directly with words, he will through his simple actions.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ kageyama sets reminders on his phone to check up on you. within his busy schedule and sometimes absent mind, kageyama doesn't check his phone often. he'll send a quick "how are you doing?" between training sessions or sets. he wants to make sure you don't feel like he's ignoring you. once you respond, whether it's good or bad, he adds before leaving "i'm glad to hear from you, i'll see you later :)". when he comes home to you, he will ask about what you mentioned, attempting to remember all the details. though he doesn't posess the skills to reassure you directly with words, he will through his simple actions.
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jelzorz · 5 months
Callum still dreams about the mirror.
Posession is not an easy thing to forget. It's been about a month since that day in the Storm Spire, but it will haunt him for the rest of his life, worsened by the knowledge Claudia is out there and looking to free Aaravos, even when the prison is here, and the Nova Blade is sheathed and upon his desk. He'd thought having it would be a comfort, but it taunts him every night: it's there, within reach, and he can end it now, smash the prison and push the blade through Aaravos' heart, be done with it once and for all—
But of course he doesn't do that, tempting as it is, because the others are right, and something so reckless might be exactly what Aaravos wants.
So Callum bears it. He tosses and turns in his sleep, dreaming of the mirror, of seeing his reflection in it, trapped in Aaravos' place while his body hurts the people he loves the most. He shuts out the voice, deep enough that he can feel it ringing in his chest and seeping into his bones, whispering terrible thoughts, terrible ideas into his mind and beckoning him to surrender and sleep and relinquish his will. He wakes in the mornings feeling more exhausted than when he went to bed, and it's getting worse, he thinks, the longer they wait.
Tonight, it's different. Callum looks at himself through Aaravos' eyes, trapped and helpless in the mirror, but tonight, Aaravos only watches and pulls Callum's lips into an oily, terrifying grin.
"Difficult, isn't it?" Aarovos asks, tilting his head towards the desk. "The answer is there. You could finish this if you wanted."
Callum's reflection pounds his fist against the glass. Stop this, he mouths. Let me go.
Aaravos laughs. "Soon," he makes Callum say. "There are so many things to do first. So many places to conquer. So much discord to sow. And this body... I think it can do a great many things for me before I ever even escape."
Let me go! the reflection snarls. I won't let you control me!
"Oh, but that's the beauty of it all," chuckles Aaravos. "You mages think you can control everything but you never realise how easy it is to control you. There are things you want, Callum. Things you'll do anything for, and people you're desperate to protect, isn't that right? What would it take, I wonder, for you to release me in Claudia's stead?"
Nothing, the reflection seethes. You have nothing I want. I'll never help you.
"Perhaps not," says Aaravos. "But you'll help her, won't you?" He pushes out a hand and turns the mirror, and there is Rayla, curled in the other bed with Stella in her arms. There is moonlight in her hair, and peace on her face, and she's so vulnerable, so easy to threaten, to hurt—
Callum's body advances, the lips tugged up in that horrible smile, the eyes glowing, the hand outstretched to tuck a lock of Rayla's hair behind the point of her ear. The gesture is gentle, so deceptively tender, but the fingers are large and too close to her throat, and Callum in the mirror panics and pounds harder against the glass.
Don't touch her! he cries, voiceless, helpless. Aaravos! Leave her out of this, it's me you want!
Aaravos laughs. It is deep and cruel, and it fills Callum's chest with dread and a fear so debilitating he can barely breathe through it. His reflection slams its fist against the glass, desperate, but even that is silent, even as its knuckles split and smear blood against the inside of mirror, and then—
The glass breaks.
Callum wakes.
There is no mirror. It was destroyed weeks ago, in the foyer of the Storm Spire. Rayla is still asleep in the other bed, her breathing slow and even, even as Callum's own breath rushes out.
"Just a dream," he mumbles, pressing the heels of his hands into his eyes. He forces himself to think of other things: tomorrow's council meeting, the Nova Blade on his desk, Rayla's smile in the moonlight. She is safe. He is safe. Everything is fine. "A dream," he says again, his breath still shaking. "It wasn't real."
He gets up to wash his face, leaving bloody handprints in the bed.
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kissesforsatoru · 2 years
could you write some general yandere portmafia!dazai headcannons?
𓏲 ˖. pairings. . . dazai x reader
𓏲 ˖. summary. . . general yandere port mafia!dazai hc's
𓏲 ˖. warnings. . . general yandere themes, drugs, posessiveness, kidnapping, unhealthy relationships, manipulation, blackmail, emotional abuse, non-con, smut, suicide.
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– port mafia dazai is literally one of the worst yanderes you could have. he's cold, he's merciless, he's violent, and he's going to do absolutely anything to have you for himself.
– i think that he's impatient. unlike some yanderes who are willing to play the long game, dazai wants you immediately. he'll recklessly make decisions to manipulate you into his grasps. he doesn't care about who gets hurt in the process, even if it's himself, just that he has you.
– dazai will isolate you you. he'll threaten your friends and family, tell them to either leave you alone or die. and of course they're gonna choose their lives over you, so they kick you out and completely cut you off. you're left alone and confused, wondering why your family suddenly hates you. they didn't tell you anything, just told to get out because they never want to see you again. you were hurt, all alone, and scared.
– when dazai kidnaps you, he'll make you think that you're the reason your family left you. he'll tell you he's all you have, and you believe it because you really don't have any other choice.
– dazai is very manipulative, he'll do anything to get you to listen to him. if isolation doesn't work, he'll resort to guilt tripping you. i think he'd use his suicidal tendencies against you, he'll blame it on your disobedience and make you feel incredibly bad about it.
"do you really hate me so much that you can't even listen properly? you probably want me to kill myself, huh? if i die, it's your fault. you made me do it."
– in the beginning stages of your relationship, i think that dazai would use drugs to keep you pliant for him. it's simply just easier and safer for the both of you this way. he'll either slip some in your food or forcefully make you take them. when you're all drugged up and too weak to fight him, he can do basically anything he wants to you. he'll cuddle you and kiss you or, if he's in that mood, he'll slip his cock into your tight hole and fuck you slowly.
– dazai is very possessive and very clingy. he's always very close by or touching you in some way — weather his arm is around you or he's resting his head on your shoulder, it doesn't matter too much as long as he's touching you. he does really like having you in his lap though, where he can easily wrap his arms tightly around you and pull you close to his body. god, he adores the way you fit against him perfectly.
– while you're sitting on his lap he likes to kiss you. your lips and cheeks to your jaw, then down your neck and to your collarbone. he'll leave lots of hickeys, marking you as his for everyone to see. he'll make them nice and dark so that they can't be covered, not that he'd let you cover them anyway.
– he loves showing people that you're his, but he hates it when people look at you. he quickly gets pissed off if someone stares for too long and he blames you for it.
"do you like it when other guys look at you? i bet you'd just love for them to fuck you too, huh? well that's too fucking bad, 'cause i'm gonna fuck you 'till all you'll ever be able to think about again is me and my cock."
– when he's in a bad mood, he can be very mean towards you. he'll call you names and generally be very distant and cold, when usually he's very clingy and likes to coddle you. if you weren't listening or if you did something he didn't like, you'll be punished — and depending on what you did, the severity of it ranges. he's the kind of yandere who's willing to inflict a little pain on his darling to get what he wants, nothing too bad though. he won't do anything that'll leave lasting damage at least. but he can be very rough and violent at times and it's terrifying.
– i think he likes sexual punishment too. he'll be very rough, you might have bruises or you'll be too weak to walk for a few days. he'll make you suck his cock, shoving it all the way down your throat and keeping it there for a few seconds. he likes how you cry and gasp for air when he finally pulls back, but he'll shove it right back into your mouth and do it again.
– he's very kinky. knife play and gun play. he'll run a blade over your body when your desprate for a release, tell you to fuck yourself on his cock, but you can't go too fast or be too greedy otherwise you'll accidentally cut yourself. he'd probably fuck the nozzle of his gun into your hole too. it's not loaded, but you don't need to know that. he loves the mix of fear and arousal in your eyes, especially when you cry — your face is so pretty with tears streaming down your cheeks.
– other than when he's punishing you, dazai can be kind of sweet during sex. he makes sure you're feeling good and completely fulfilled. he'll edge you a little bit, but not too much. he'll just make you beg for him to fuck you 'cause he likes it when you're needy and desprate for him. then he'll overstimulate you until you're begging him to stop cause it's just too much for you. he loves to tease you.
"you have to beg for it, belladona. i'm not just gonna give you what you want. beg me like the good little slut you are. yeah, that's it, just keep begging and maybe i'll let you cum."
"you want me to stop already, angel? but just a few minutes ago you were begging for me to let you cum. oh, it's too much? you poor thing. you'll just have to take it since you begged for it."
– he can be rough and violent, but he still cares about your well being. aftercare with dazai is soft and sweet. he'll clean you off and kiss you while whispering about how good you are for him. and he'll cuddle you close so that the two of you can fall asleep together.
– port mafia dazai as a yandere is very scary, but i think that he's one of the more dangerous yanderes that's easy to deal with. as long as you listen and don't try to escape, you'll probably be fine. probably.
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© 2023 by hheizoukiss ━ all rights reserved. plagiarism is strictly prohibited. comments, likes, and reblog are highly appreciated.
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kingmagnificoofrosas · 4 months
I just cannot get over this one kid in the cinema who went "But he isn't evil!"
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We are talking children here! Children don't really know or understand anything about ptsd and trauma (mostly, yet) they just observe! And if a KID between the age of 5 and 10 observes Magnifico and can read between the lines and conclude he isn't evil, what excuse does that leave for haters calling him one?
Now, more analysing cause you've been loving those and I enjoy doing them 🛡⚔️ (I might repeat some points but in a alightly different way)
Every single arguement I've seen haters or anti-Magnifico people make so far was either straight up stupid, ignorant, uneducated, defiant, baseless and or senseless. And then we also have the hardcore Amaya/Asha fans who just go on hating on Magnifico just "because!"
Or those who go "He's the worst villain ever." Yeah, Sherlock, maybe thats because he isn't one? 🤨 Like, seriously, you take Magnifico, compare him to aaaaall the REAL villains like Jafar, Frollo, Scar etc. And you wanna tell me he was anything like them because his trauma forced him to get himself posessed by evil trapped in an evil book and only went bonkers after he was literally posessed? And his sole motivation was to protect and keep safe at all costs ?
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And then come the arguements 🫴🏼
"He's vain and narcissistic!"
Because he acknowledges the fact that he's handsome and like's to see himself in mirrors? 🤨
"He didn't grant every single wish! He shouldn't have kept them."
He didn't grant every single wish because of his trauma caused fear/paranoia and kept them for the same exact reason. However, he always meant well.
Yes, I agree that a traumatized person shouldn't be in any leading position, nor should they be in the position of making important decissions. But lets take a look at his motivations and goals again!
His motivations :
- Never have anyone suffer a fate like he did
- Never have people have to see their hopes and dreams get shattered
- Never have his past repeat
Quote - "Everything I do is to make sure that never happens again!"
His goals :
- Protect and keep people safe
- Make sure people live happy, content, free of hardships and strive
Further comparisons
All the other villains when singing - Sing openly about their evil plans, desires etc. showing they're evil!
Magnifico when bursting into song :
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"promise as one does, I will protect you at all costs. Keep you safe here in my arms. I will protect you at all costs."
"If you're ever feeling like you're lost, I'll come find you. Man all fronts, there's no ocean I won't swim across to be right by you. And not just once, here and now I swear on my response. I'll remind you-"
"I let you live here for free and I don't even charge you rent. I clean up all your messes and I'm always there when you need to vent. I give and give and give and give, you'd think they'd all be content. And all I really want is just a little respect."
Back to the arguements Anti-Magnifico people make and even more comparisons ⬇️
More for the vain and narcissistic
Gaston - treats everyone like trash and thinks the whole globe spinns around him only. Doesn't care if he walks over dead bodies looking good.
Evil queen - Wants to kill her stepdaughter because she's prettier than her.
Mother gothel - Kidnaps the baby princess, locks her up because the magic hair makes her stay young and pretty, doesn't give a toot that the king and queen are suffering immense heartbreak and guilt. And to keep the princess locked in, gaslights and belittles her.
And then we have Magnifico ✨️
"I'm handsome and I know it." Likes to look at himself in the mirror and is happy and content with his looks. Hurts not one single fly with it. Doesn't put others down.
"He's power hungry!"
Why did he want to keep his power? - Because he was terrified if he would lose it, he wouldn't be able to protect anymore and his past would repeat.
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"He threatened everyone and destroyed wishes!"
Again, he was posessed? Do people understand what posessed means? Amaya knew this book would control him! Not him controling the book!
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In the end, I don't even care for people who disagree with me. But one thing I just don't get is : Why are some people so out to prove to us Magnifico-defenders that he's evil? Like, are these guys for real? We push forgiveness and love and the other side pushes hate, ignorance, unforgiveness and bitterness. Why does someone feel the need to spread negativity rather than positivity?
I won't stop defending Magnifico 🛡⚔️🩵
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beardedjoel · 11 months
closer | part ten
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joel x f!reader. non-apocalypse au  
series masterlist | main masterlist | ao3  
chapter summary: joel is doing remodeling working on your parents’ house, but sneaking around is proving harder than you’d thought. 7.8k words.
chapter warnings: 18+ MDNI, age difference (joel is 42 and reader is 25), inexperienced reader, soft!dom joel, posessive! joel, nipple play, dirty talk like filthy mouthed joel this chapter, praise kink
a/n: i still can’t get over all the attention this story has been getting, thank you all so much for reading it makes me emotional!!! also jealous joel is my lifeblood please enjoy
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Joel lays awake, watching you sleep next to him again. Shit, you look so beautiful when you’re just peaceful like this, with none of the usual worries he can see constantly running through your head when you’re awake. You’re a worrier, more likely than not to be nervous at any given moment, and most of all, a pleaser. While that works to his advantage so much of the time, he hopes you know that you deserve everything good he gives back to you. He does love your dynamic together, the way you’re desperate to keep your status as his good girl - it practically makes his blood start to run hot just thinking about it. He just wonders if you know that despite all of it, you always please him, always interest him, no matter what happens.
He wants to let you stay like this forever, living in a peaceful bubble, but he tries to remind himself this is all just likely fleeting. Soon enough you’re going to move away, start this new job full time, meet new people and be a normal twenty five year old. Joel sighs lightly as he starts thinking about it too hard, the prospect of losing you to someone else, someone more ‘age appropriate’. Whatever the hell that means, Joel thinks with a scoff. It should be enough that you two like to spend time together and it feels like your bodies were practically made for each other every time you join them and feel the absolute mind-blowing bliss that only you’ve been able to provide for each other. You even fit perfectly under his shoulder when you’re just sitting on the couch together. It’s all too… good to be true, Joel thinks to himself, trying to put a little mental distance between himself and the gorgeous girl sleeping in his bed. 
He doesn’t get very far with it because you stir, and it’s maybe one of the most adorable yet sexy things he’s ever seen as you let out a sighing little moan and stretch a bit. Your eyes flutter open and see him looking at you, and you immediately smile seeing Joel’s warm eyes looking back at you. He immediately jumps at the chance to hold you, having held back for fear of waking you up. You nestle yourself into his chest and breathe in, loving that this is the first thing you get to experience this morning.
“Hello,” you say groggily into his skin, and he pulls you in tighter.
“Mornin’, pretty girl,” he says, and your heart nearly explodes at this pet name. How is it possible you’re waking up next to the most attractive man you’ve ever seen and the first thing he does is tell you that you’re pretty? This can’t be your real life, right? It has to be some long con, some dream that’s been lasting for weeks.
“You think I’m pretty, huh? Even like this?” you look up at him, knowing that you almost always wake up with messier hair than the average person and puffy eyes.
“Even more so like this. Means I got to be with ya all night,” Joel replies, playing with your tangled hair in his hands. He uses his grip on your hair to angle your head just right for him to lean down and kiss you, and you lazily let him move your head wherever he needs it as you kiss him back. He pulls back, gathering you into him around the shoulder again and sighs.
“Today’s the day, right? Starting work at my parents’ place?” you ask him.
“Mhm,” he replies. “You ready to pretend you don’t know me?” he teases you.
“Not even in the slightest,” you say, laughing a little. 
“Gonna be hard to take my eyes off you, y’know.”
You feel your cheeks go a little warm, knowing the intensity of the stare he’s talking about. “Me too,” you say shyly before groaning at the thought of playing it cool all day today with Joel.
“We just have a little time before you gotta sneak out of here,” Joel says after glancing at the clock. “Want me to make you anything?”
“What? No, you don’t have to,” you say a little too quickly. 
“Don’t have to, but I want to,” Joel counters. 
“How about cereal,” you suggest. Joel groans a little at your simple solution but nods. 
“Whatever you want, darlin’.”
You head downstairs with him, Joel quickly making coffee for you two while he offers you a few choices of cereal. It’s fun to learn a little about him by the options he presents to you - a sugary cereal, some grain heavy healthier one, and granola that seems more in the middle of the other two, so you go with that one. You two eat mostly in silence, Joel hurrying with his meal so he can quickly get ready and meet his crew at your parents’ place at 8:00.
“Alright, I’ll see you later on then?” you say, standing near the back door in Joel’s kitchen, getting ready to leave. He has his hands planted on your waist, and leans down to kiss you, his hand snaking around to your lower back, pulling your body flush with his. 
“Mhm,” he murmurs, his lips still sliding against yours. He reluctantly pulls himself off of you, a glint of desire flashing in his eyes as he looks at you. Sometimes it hits you that this man has that look in his eye because of what you do to him, the way he sees you. 
“Stop looking at me like that,” you say, biting the inside of your lip.
“Like what?” Joel coos. “This?” His eyes are hooded, looking at you like he could never get enough of the sight of you right in front of him, like he has dozens of ideas of all the filthy things he wants to do to you written behind his eyes.
“Yes,” you breathe, “Exactly like that.”
“What’s wrong with it, hm? Does it make you all wet, sweet thing?” he says, low and suggestive.
“Yes,” you breathe out again, barely able to say much else as Joel’s body presses to yours.
“Good, wanna keep you wet all day for me, darlin’,” he says, lightly running his lips along your cheek and down to your neck.
“Fuck, Joel,” you whine, grasping around his neck and fluttering your eyes closed.
“Sorry, baby, time for me to get ready,” he says suddenly, moving his head away from you.
“So unfair,” you murmur, frowning and standing there despondent as he steps away from you. 
“I know, but what fun would it be if you got everything you want all the time?” he teases you with a smirk. “You can let yourself out, and I’ll see you in a bit,” he says, turning to walk back towards the staircase.
“Oh, shoot, your shirt,” you call after him, tugging at the fabric. “Let me go change back into my clothes.”
“Don’t worry ‘bout it,” Joel says, smiling back at you. “You keep that one.”
Your hands are still bunched around the fabric, and you hold on tightly for a few moments, knowing this will be your new favorite article of clothing now that he’s given it to you. You head out the back door, peering your head out and sneaking your way over to your apartment, once again feeling like you’re in some kind of movie where you’re an agent doing special-ops espionage because of the way you take every move so seriously, paranoid your parents will see you leaving Joel’s house.
Joel starts working on your parents’ shortly after and he brings along two people from his crew to help speed things along. It was a rather uneventful morning, they spent their time removing tiles and keeping mostly to themselves. You pop your head in to check in on them, but let them know you’re about to go see an apartment complex downtown so you won’t be around for a while, but they can call you or your parents for anything. You could swear Joel frowned a little at what you said about apartment hunting, but maybe you’re imagining things. He keeps up a polite, professional persona around his crew, indicating he’d heard you and giving you a close lipped smile. When he makes sure the other two guys aren’t looking, he gives you a quick wink before you walk away, smiling to yourself.
The apartment wasn’t really what you’re envisioning for yourself, but you figured you had to start looking somewhere. It’s in a good location, which was a plus, but you couldn’t quite set your heart on it - you really can only focus on getting back and seeing Joel again. You’re truly starting to have a love/hate relationship with the way he seems to take up your entire mind, leaving you unable to even do something as simple as apartment hunting without him feeling like a major distraction.
You arrive back at the house to find Joel and his crew - you learned their names are Ian and Chris - almost finishing up for the day. You stand in the doorway, leaning against the frame as Joel fills you in on what they’d accomplished. You can’t help but notice that Chris’ eyes linger a little bit on you after they lit up when you entered the room. His head had snapped up at the sound of your voice, his eyes locking onto yours, but you immediately averted your gaze, feeling completely uneasy about it. Sure, he’s an attractive guy and close to your age, it seems, but you mostly shrugged it off, just waiting to be alone with Joel. 
Chris keeps up some idle chatter with you while Ian finishes packing up his things, explaining that they drove here together so they have to wait on each other. You listen politely, but really can only think about the pounding in your chest, the unresolved feelings and desires Joel had planted in you this morning before you’d parted ways.
“So what do you like to do around here?” Chris asks, and you realize you actually have to focus enough to answer him.
“Nothing… yet, I guess. I just moved here,” you reply. Can’t really say the truth, which is that you’ve been having wild amounts of sex with his boss for the last few weeks, can you? “I probably should get out more,” you say with a smile.
“Yeah, for sure, I know a lot of spots, if you -” Chris starts, but he’s interrupted by Ian and Joel coming into the room. Joel narrows his eyes at Chris, seemingly sizing up the situation, before turning to Ian.
“You boys ready?” Joel asks, and they both nod. Chris waves a goodbye to you, and you stand up to let them out.
Joel stays behind for a moment, letting them know he has a few remodeling details to iron out with you and your parents. You shut the door behind Chris and Ian and make your way over to the kitchen. Upon hearing the front door close Joel breezes into the room with you, leaning down and planting a kiss on your lips. He pulls back and gently holds your chin between his thumb and forefinger, looking down at you with a completely different expression than he had all day. 
You lean back on the kitchen table, slowly lifting yourself onto it so that you’re sitting on the edge. Joel slips in between your legs and presses himself close as you continue to devour each other’s lips, taking your time tasting each other and placing little bites on his lower lip. 
“I feel like we’re going to be really bad at sneaking around,” you say with a chuckle. 
“Kind of turns me on, havin’ to resist ya all day,” Joel says, his voice low and gravelly as his lips brush against your neck now. 
“I hate it,” you reply. “Just want you all day, all the time. Especially after the stunt you pulled this morning.”
“I know, baby.” His breath tickles along the skin of your neck, trailing down to your collarbone. Joel noses you there before placing a small kiss, his lips drifting down slowly to your collarbone.
“You stay wet for me all day like I asked?” he asks, his voice gruff and alluring as his hands grip at the fabric of your dress. You let out a small moaning “mhm” sound, and Joel pulls your dress down until your bra is exposed. It’s lacy and pretty, and while you weren’t sure Joel was going to see it, you seem to be putting on your nicest underwear lately just in case he does. Joel runs his hands over the bra, inspecting it. 
“Y’know I like this, but honestly…” he trails off, reaching around to your back and unhooking the bra. “I like when you have nothin’ on under your clothes, makes it easier for me to imagine these perfect fucking tits when I look at ya.” He pulls the dress further down, exposing your chest, and quickly follows with the bra, sliding the straps down your arms. “There we go,” he coos, tracing a finger over the swell of your breasts. It swirls around one of your nipples and you scoot your hips into him at the feeling of it. 
Joel’s head leans down and takes the hard bud into his mouth for a few beats, then his tongue slides over to the curve of your breast, his lips landing there and he sucks hard, then flicks his tongue. He repeats it several times over your chest, continuing to return his warm mouth to your nipples in between giving you small hickeys. Your eyes roll back a little as you flutter them shut, small whimpering sounds escaping your lips. 
“You like when I mark you, sweet girl, huh?” he murmurs close to your chest, the vibration of his deep voice rumbling across your skin, sending electric sparks through you. 
You give him a nod, and mumble out an “Mhm,” so caught up in the pleasure of this moment. “Want to look down and know who I belong to.”
“Oh yeah? And tell me, who do you belong to?” He bites lightly on your nipple and you moan quietly, arching into the sensation, feeling heat pool between your legs now.
“You, Joel, all yours,” you say, breathy and moaning with each new place his mouth touches. You’re aching so badly for him, your cunt probably dripping already just from these few moments he’s spending on you. His hand pulls up the fabric at the bottom of your dress and reaches under, and you’re panting in anticipation, finally about to have Joel in the way you’ve been thinking about all day long. A distant noise suddenly takes you completely out of it, and Joel’s hand freezes where it is on your thigh. 
“Shit,” you whisper, sobering up from the intoxication of Joel’s mouth on you. “That’s the garage. My parents…” 
Joel pulls back, and you whine quietly, the aching between your legs screaming at you to do something about it, even more so knowing you can’t right this second. You’re off the table and quickly trying to get dressed when you hear the door starting to open. You dart over out of view and quickly hook your bra, pulling your dress over the top of your body and checking to see it’s not too disheveled looking. You walk back to Joel just in time to see your parents entering the room, making sure you’re standing a good distance apart from him. You can still feel his lips where they were on your skin and you have to physically plant your feet not to go bounding over to him to pick up right where you left off. 
“You guys are home early,” you say in a chipper voice, trying to smile convincingly as if Joel didn’t just have his lips all over your tits right on the kitchen table you are all standing next to.
“Doctor’s appointment,” your mom says, motioning her head in the direction of your dad. You nod, and Joel stands somewhat awkwardly until they seem to acknowledge him.
“Howdy,” Joel says, waving to your parents. “Just finishing up for the day, you’re right in time to get filled in on everything.” You’re angry that he’s so good at this, that he’s not completely falling apart right now. Maybe he is on the inside, but you’d never be able to tell looking at him right now. Your parents listen intently as Joel talks, thanking him what feels like a dozen more times for the work he’s doing. You can tell that the conversation is winding down, and you feel a little panicky, not wanting to let him leave your sight just yet.
“I was just about to offer Joel something to drink, to relax while we sit down for a few minutes after he worked all day,” you blurt out, desperately trying to keep him around for a bit longer. 
“That’s a great idea,” your dad says, giving you an approving look. They’re beyond grateful that Joel was willing to do this work on the house for them before they were fully unpacked and settled in, meaning much less work down the line for them. So, you figured that they would very much approve of keeping him company with a cold beverage after a long day of work.
“You two enjoy, we’ve got groceries to unpack,” your mom chimes in, and you suddenly realize they were under the impression they were joining you two for this if they didn’t have something else to do. You breathe a discreet sigh of relief and turn to the fridge. 
Joel watches you pouring two glasses of iced tea, chatting aimlessly with your parents for a few extra moments. You’re half listening, trying to focus on anything but how the feeling between your legs isn’t seeming to go away. 
“Your daughter was awful nice to the crew, so can’t thank you enough for havin’ her here in case we need anything.” Your ears perk up at the mention of you, and you turn towards the conversation, holding the glasses in each hand. Your parents are both smiling, looking happy that Joel seems pleased, and you’re beginning to wonder if they’re as charmed by him as you are. 
“Ready?” you ask Joel. He nods and leads you to the back door, sliding it open for you. You step out and the glasses immediately sweat into your hands with the warmth of the day. 
You two sit at the outdoor table tucked off to the far side of the patio in the shade, and you hope the angle to the house is just right to shield you from your parents inside. You lean back, taking a long sip on your iced tea. 
“They really adore you, I think,” you say with a cheeky smile, wiggling your eyebrows jokingly. 
“Dunno why, I’m just a guy fixin’ their bathroom.” Joel shrugs, taking a drink as well. “Damn that’s good,” he comments quietly, looking down at the glass. 
“Hey, don’t say it like that, there’s plenty to be adored here. You’re doing them a huge favor, it’s very kind.”
Joel snorts a little, seeming uncomfortable with the compliment. “Yeah, okay, guess you’re right,” he finally replies. He gets still and quiet for a moment before looking up at you again. “Apartment huntin’ today, huh? When’re you moving out?” Joel asks. 
“Uh, yeah, I’m not sure yet. I think I was looking just to feel productive, or something. Things are going well with unpacking everything, but I want to make sure they’re really set, you know? My mom is a bundle of nerves if things aren’t perfect, so… I don’t want to hear about it down the line.”
“Hmm, I hear ya,” he says thoughtfully, “My mom can be similar in her own ways.” Your ears perk up a little, seeing as he hasn’t mentioned much about his family before, and you like him opening up to you. “For someone with everything so in order, she sure is a frazzled lady most of the time.”
You laugh, able to relate to that. “Must be a mom thing,” you joke, and he finally flashes you a smile. 
“So… not any time soon, then?” Joel asks tentatively with avoidant eyes. You press your lips together in a small smile at the fact that he seems to be so worried about when you’re leaving. 
“No, probably not. I like it here for now - I think I needed a change like this before I start my new job. I lived somewhere really busy for so long, my brain didn’t even know it needed this break, I think.”
“City girl movin’ out here to the suburbs of Austin… sure you’re not bored?” He smirks a little at you.
“Don’t forget I grew up in Texas, too. I do miss my friends and familiar things in Chicago, but I’m definitely not bored here.” You raise your brows a little and Joel chuckles. ”And how can I leave when I have you next door?” You’re half teasing, but Joel furrows his brow immediately, looking deeply into your eyes.
“Don’t miss out on any opportunities for me, darlin. That wouldn’t be very fair to yourself,” Joel says sternly, but still keeping most of the sweet way he speaks to you intertwined in his tone. 
“Yeah, I know,” you reply sheepishly, regretting what you said. “I was just… I’ll keep that in mind.” You pause for a moment, chewing on your lip. “I think I want to stay the whole summer, if they’ll let me.” You flash your eyes up to his, trying to convey the feeling you’re having towards him, that you don’t want to leave him, you want this summer to last for as long as it can. 
Joel’s lips twist back up into a smile, and his eyes lock on yours, soft but needy, a silent ache behind them that you can’t quite read. “Good,” he replies, leaving it at that. 
“Do you think I was believable in there with my parents?” you ask, absentmindedly tracing your finger through the condensation on your glass.
“Could use some work. You were a little flustered,” he quips sarcastically, his gaze looking your body up and down with a smirk.
“Well that’s because you made me flustered,” you scoff.
“It’s too easy, darlin’. Don’t blame it all on me.” 
“Wh- no it’s not,” you retort, despite knowing it’s true. “I’m not that easy.” You cross your arms defiantly to try and drive your point further.
“Baby…” he coos, locking his eyes onto yours. “Are you tellin’ me that right now I couldn’t get you wet, practically beggin’ me on the verge of comin’, with just my words?” His leans back in his chair further, surveying your reaction.
Now you are flustered. “Th- that wasn’t the question, Joel.” You can’t believe him being so forward when your cunt has barely stopped aching from the way his mouth was on you inside the house. You silently curse him in your head, but mostly because he’s right.
“But it’s true, ain’t it?” He tilts his head, the devious smirk growing on his lips.
“M-maybe,” you stammer out, slightly shaking now, your hips shifting in your seat.
“Say, ‘yes Joel’,” he pauses, looking at you with dark eyes. “And I’ll tell you what you want to hear.”
You lick your lips, breathing out a long breath. “Yes, Joel,” you murmur quietly.
“There’s my good girl,” he says, an emphasis on the last two words that makes you squirm excitedly a little bit. He looks at you as if to say, ‘see? knew all it took was my words’.
“D-do it,” you say suddenly, and Joel leans forward, looking at you intently.
“Do what?” he asks innocently, although you know he already knows exactly what you’re asking.
“What you s-said. Talk to me, and see what happens,” you squeak out before you can lose the nerve. Joel looks at you from under his raised eyebrows, glancing around quickly before turning his attention back to you. 
“Right here?”
“Right here.” You nod.
“Oh, you are a dirty little thing, you know that?” He shakes his head slowly, leaning onto the table even further. You’re sitting close enough that your knees have been touching this entire time, and you’re suddenly very aware of the connecting point between them. “Wouldn’t have guessed it, just lookin’ at ya for the first time, y’know, that you’d turn out to be such a little slut for me.”
You gasp lightly, fighting the urge to avert your gaze from his. You try to look unfazed, taking a sip from your iced tea, but you swallow it heavily, giving you away.
“Thought you were just a shy little thing, who’d have thought you love beggin’ for my cock so much,” he continues, “Doin’ anythin’ for me to be my good girl and get this cock inside of ya.”
You flutter your eyes shut for a moment, feeling the familiar restless urge to squirm in your seat. You take a deep, steadying breath, trying to fight Joel’s words to prove a point. “I wouldn’t do anything,” you say, putting on an air of confidence.
Joel laughs a little, low and suggestive. “Right,” he says before tracing his hands along his glass now, and your eyes flick to the way his fingers are rubbing along the condensation, water dripping onto his fingertips. Nope, you immediately think, averting your eyes to the grass in the distance. Joel tuts. “Y’can’t even look at these fingers, sweet girl, without wonderin’ how they’d feel inside of you right now.” 
You shake your head, trying to suppress your smile and the aching building in your core. Joel’s so fucking right, you can already feel yourself getting embarassingly wet.
“I can tell ya how they’d feel, though. So fuckin’ good, baby, buried in your wet pussy, all for me. Makin’ you feel so good while I fuck you hard with my fingers, just how you like it. You’d want that right now if you could, wouldn’t you, sweet thing?”
“Fuck,” you grit out simply, setting your jaw. The picture he’s painting is exactly what you’d like from him right now. You press your thighs together tightly, trying to ignore the throbbing ache that’s now distractingly present between them.
“You couldn’t stop there, you insatiable little thing, though, could you? Always askin’ for my big cock to fill you up. Askin’ for me to fuck you till you can’t think straight.”
“Joel…” you murmur, closing your eyes, the sight of him too much combined with the words right now. Your breathing quickens, and you have to stop yourself from moving your hand in between your legs just for a minuscule amount of relief from the sexual tension you’re feeling.
“Yes, darlin’?”
“Keep going,” you mutter, eyes squeezed shut.
“What’re you doin’, sweetheart? You could just have me touchin’ you right now instead.”
“I want it so bad,” you say, breathless, all the recent words he’s been saying washing over you, sending nearly painful throbs to your cunt. “Keep talking.”
“Baby, you’re just desperate for it, aren’t you?” You can hear the smirk in his voice, and it pisses you off but mostly turns you on. “Bet even when we aren’t together, you think about me and get all wet, don’t you? Need to touch yourself just to stop from goin’ crazy over it.”
You nod furiously, peeking your eyes open now and seeing him completely enraptured by your expression, heavy lidded with desire but painfully repressed.
“Oh, look at you, needin’ me so bad right now. I can see it written all over you. Just like the first few times I noticed you watchin’ me. Knew you were gettin all worked up over me before I even talked to you, just like right now. Probably soakin’ right into that chair…” he tuts. “Say the word and I’ll touch you, give you what you need.” You don’t respond, simply feeling the tension inside of you building close to a boiling point, and it’s starting to feel so achy that it feels good. You rub your thighs together a little bit to relieve it, and a small whimper escapes you.
“You know I want to give you this cock, fill you up and fuck you till you’re screamin’. Don’t you want to be a good girl and take it like I ask?”
‘Yes!” you call out, unable to stand it anymore. Your hips are writhing on the chair as your thighs move together. “Fuck… please, Joel… I need it,” you say quietly, feeling completely exhausted and broken down just from his words.
“Lemme see,” Joel asks, nodding down at your lap.
You pull up the long, flowy dress you were wearing over your knees, then up your thighs. You glance around quickly, seeing nobody around, but you scoot your chair a little closer, trying to hide most of you from view to anyone but Joel. You spread your legs wide, then pull the dress the rest of the way up.
“Good girl,” he breathes out in amazement, seeing the large dark stain on your underwear that’s starting to also seep onto the portion of your dress that you’re sitting on. You peer down at it too, speechless at the effect of his words before covering it up and looking at him expectantly. “C’mon,” he gestures, and you stand up, following him across the yard quickly, hoping that if your parents saw you two, they would just assume you were going up to your apartment alone and saying your goodbyes to Joel.
You two rush up to the door of your apartment, and you fumble with the door, dragging him inside and shutting the door. He slams you up against the wall next to the door hard, pressing his body close. The feel of his hard cock through his jeans so close to your throbbing pussy is almost enough to make you come after the way you’re worked up from all his dirty talking.
“So fucking wet, and all from me just talkin’ to you,” he says, shaking his head. “Told ya it was too easy,” he murmurs, his head close to your neck, breath tickling you there. 
“Joel… I swear if you touch me only once right now I might come,” you say, completely breathless, your body begging for the release as your hips press into him hard. 
“Fuck, you can’t be serious, sweet girl…” He pulls his head back to look you in the eye, an incredulous look on his face.
“I am… I feel like I’m about to explode, please fucking t-touch me.” You shake under his stare, under the small touches he’s giving you over your body. The throbbing between your legs is completely taking over every thought, every movement you make. 
“Now hold on a minute…” he starts, and you buck your hips forward with a whine. He dips his head back down to your neck and kisses it, traveling up to your lips. Your desperate, whining sounds moan into his mouth as he kisses you, and you devour his mouth immediately. His hand slowly travels up your thigh, bunching the fabric of your dress along the way. The other hand pulls on your nipple through your dress, and you nearly scream, another pulsing sensation and rush of wetness coming between your legs. Your hands dig into where they’re wrapped around his back, sliding forward and scratching down his arms. You’re almost angry now with the anticipation, and you feel a growling noise wanting to escape from you.
“Joel,” you demand everything with his name on your lips, and he decides to give in, pulling the dress up enough to slide his hand under. He tears your soaked panties to the side and presses a finger to your clit, rubbing it slowly. You cry out, the climax already starting to rage through your body and your hips shudder forward into Joel’s finger. He presses down hard, circling it frantically now that you’re already coming. You try not to scream, burying your face into his shirt and moaning. The build up to this seemed to translate into just as intense of a release, your whole body tense, burning and tingling with pure, overarching pleasure.
“My - f-fucking god…” you yell out, biting onto the fabric of his clothes now to muffle some of the sound. Your hips push down onto him a few more times, and you release a breath, feeling your body relaxing back against the wall. 
“You are somethin’ else, you know that, beautiful girl?” Joel says, nuzzling your neck and making you shiver with the way his facial hair is brushing against your skin.
“What the hell, Joel,” you say with a small laugh. “How do you do that to me?” You collapse into him, head resting on his chest, your breathing finally evening out. He pulls you off the wall and into his arms now as he takes his hand out from under your dress. 
“Beats me, sweetheart. You just like what I’ve got to say, huh?” he teases, rubbing your back in large, soothing circles. 
“I really do.”
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Joel really doesn’t like the way Chris was looking at you yesterday. He doesn’t even want to get deeper into the thoughts he was having about the way Chris was talking to you at the end of the day, either. He had a look in his eye that Joel couldn’t mistake for anything other than lust, the craving desire of your perfect fucking body, and he wasn’t going to stand for it. Not only is it unprofessional when they’ve been invited into your home to work, for Christ's sake, but on a personal level it just leaves him bothered. The thought of Chris lusting after you and succeeding makes his blood boil a bit more than he would care to admit, but he can’t help the feeling all the same. Chris has always been a good worker, skilled enough, and the reason you chose him for this job was that he was easier to spare from the current project he was on since he’s on the newer side with the company.
He hasn’t acted or done anything that warrants reprimanding or firing yet, but Joel saw the look he gave you when you appeared to chat with them yesterday several times. It also didn’t get past him the way Chris had lingered his eyes on your ass when you were leaving the room. The way he was torn between elation at seeing you in your pretty little dress, so fresh and beautiful looking, and absolute anger at the way Chris’ eyes roamed over your body quickly when you weren’t looking at him was a constant war inside of him now. 
The second day of renovations rolls around, and after stewing about it all night while you had plans with your parents, he’s half irritated at Chris and half horny since he hadn’t gotten to fuck you last night to soothe his slowly bruising ego. Maybe Chris would be a better fit for you, Joel starts to wonder - he’s right around your age and a nice guy overall. It’s not a crime to be attracted to you, or even ask you out once the job is finished, but not a second before, the businessman in Joel thinks to himself. And yes, he’s being very hypocritical, he realizes. 
You’re perched in the living room with your laptop when they arrive, and you kindly let them in although Joel received an extra key from your parents in case nobody was home when they needed to work. 
“Good morning, guys,” you call out sweetly as the three of them file in with their tools for the day. 
Ian mumbles a good morning, Joel tries to keep his greeting neutral, and Chris almost has a little smirk on his face as he greets you. You narrow your eyes slightly, feeling somewhat exposed all of a sudden, but try to remain friendly before jumping to conclusions. 
“Anyone need any coffee or anything?” you ask, taking a sip from your own mug as you stand next to the coffee table in the living room. 
Everyone shakes their head except Joel, who does request a cup of coffee. He waves the two others on to the bathroom to get set up without him as he follows you into the kitchen. Your gaze immediately softens at Joel once you two are alone and you start to pour him a cup of coffee. 
“This is gonna be worse than yesterday, I think,” you say quietly, quickly wetting and then biting your lip in the way that makes Joel absolutely wild. You’d spent the entire evening trying to comprehend what Joel had brought out of you earlier in the day. Who ever heard of a man making you come practically by only talking dirty to you? You felt a little pathetic, but if there’s anyone you want to be pathetic for, it’s this gorgeously broad, dark eyed man in front of you right now.
“I know, baby,” Joel whispers as he takes the mug, his fingers purposefully brushing along yours, sending a set of sparks straight up your spine. You fight the shudder but Joel sees it anyways, smiling smugly down at you for a moment. “We’ll make sure to make up for all of it later,” he promises, a low, suggestive tone filling his tone. 
You nod with a twist of your lips into a small smile, then you shoo him off to avoid any suspicion and return to the living room where you had been working while you waited for the three boys to arrive.
You can hear the idle chatter and noise of them working down the hallway for a few hours, Joel’s voice cutting through and going right to your heart. It’s hard to focus on your work knowing he’s right there, muscles probably bulging and flexing as he works. You can hear the occasional sound of power tools and the quiet, casual conversation between the three of them to pass the time. They saunter out into the living room a few hours later, and you look up from your laptop, where admittedly you’d only been half working this whole time - you wish the internet wasn’t so damn distracting sometimes. 
“Just about to eat lunch at my place, if that’s alright. We don’t want to intrude,” Joel announces to you, ever the picture of professionalism.
“Sure you three don’t want to just eat in the kitchen? It’s no problem,” you ask, trying to survey your eyes over all of them to gauge their reactions. 
“Oh, I don’t know…” Joel starts, but you cut him off. 
“I’ll join you guys, I should probably eat something too,” you say, giving a polite smile. Chris and Ian looked convinced, glancing at each other and then nodding, walking their coolers over to the kitchen table and sitting down. Joel flashes you a playfully irritated look behind their backs before joining them. You make a quick sandwich and join them at the table, sitting cross legged on your chair. 
“How’s everything going?” you ask, opening the conversation up. 
Chris seems to jump on it, answering first. “Great, we’re really coming along.” He smiles, and you aren’t sure how to feel about the way his eyes look, a strange hunger behind them. You nod politely and continue eating. 
“What were you working on?” Chris suddenly asks you, and you start a little, chewing slowly for a moment. 
“Oh,” you say, quickly flicking your eyes to Joel, who is completely unreadable right now as he crunches on a potato chip. “I’m starting a new job, so just getting some remote stuff done before the office opens up for us all,” you tell him. Chris nods enthusiastically and presses you for more information. You explain your new role in marketing for the company, that you’re going to be leading a team of people eventually so that’s exciting, and while Joel and Ian are listening intently, Chris is really stealing the show. Maybe he’s just friendly, you think to yourself, nothing wrong with that. You do, however, notice his eyes quickly dip to your nipples that you know are poking through your shirt, and it makes you want to cover up. It was stupid of you to not wear a bra with people in the house, anyways. 
You carry a pleasant conversation with everyone, a kindling fire burning under your skin just being across the table from Joel, unable to recognize the way you really feel about him in the open. It’s enough to make you feel achy between the legs, and you hope you aren’t getting flushed thinking about the way that man was talking to you just yesterday. 
After a few more hours of work, Joel, Chris, and Ian come out of the bathroom as you’re taking a break from work to organize some boxes of papers your parents had moved with - documents, recipes, old appliance manuals. They probably don’t even need a good majority of this stuff anymore, and you really don’t know why they didn’t do this before moving in, you think with a sigh at this boring task in front of you. 
Joel stands at the kitchen table and fills you in again, saying they should finish this bathroom tomorrow and be able to move on to yours afterwards, if everything goes to plan. Joel is distracted for a bit, helping Ian pack up the last of his things when Chris walks up to the table and leans down, his palms splayed against the surface of it.  
“This might be forward, but would you ever want to do something sometime? With me? I think we’d get along,” he says, his tone of voice very suggestive as to what he means by getting along with him. You open your mouth and then close it quickly, stunned by the direction things are taking. 
“I - uh - I don’t -“ you stammer, trying to reject his advances, but he interrupts you before you can form a coherent thought. 
“You have a boyfriend or something?” Chris asks, and you narrow your eyes slightly at the way he says it. “I’m just saying… I think you’re really beautiful.” Your eyes look past him, darting around the room, unsure of what to do right now. You have zero interest in any of what he’s saying about you two making plans together, your mind completely set on another man. 
“Oh, no I don’t, but I -“ you start, but you’re interrupted by Joel clearing his throat in the entryway to the kitchen. You were facing the opposite way, not seeing him come in, and it startles you. 
“Time to go, Chris,” he says coldly, and you know then that Joel overheard this conversation, or at least part of it. You feel the pit that was growing during your entire encounter with Chris sink into your stomach at lightning speed. You look desperately at Joel, but his eyes are on Chris, and you know him well enough now to see the silent irritation glowing in his dark irises.
“I’ll see you,” Chris says, a little less cocky this time, almost like a kid caught doing something wrong. They leave the room, out of your sight into the living room, but you can hear a quiet conversation starting between Joel and Chris. You don’t know if it was deliberate on Joel’s part to make sure you heard this, or he simply couldn’t wait until they were outside. You stand up slowly, trying to be quiet as you get closer to the conversation, feeling completely caught in the middle right now. Could Joel be angry with you too? Maybe you hadn’t rejected Chris’ advances soon enough, you’d gotten completely tongue tied. Did Joel even care if you went out with someone else?
“What’re you doin’?” you hear in a hushed, angry tone. “You think that’s professional?” Joel’s fist clenches and releases as he tries to hold himself in from completely lashing out. He can’t let the personal aspect of all of this cloud the way he reacts to his employees.
“N-no Joel, I don’t,” Chris’ voice replies, sounding small. 
“You leave that girl alone while we’re workin’ here. Y’know how bad you’d be makin’ my business look? And in front of my damn neighbors?” Joel snaps, laying into him. He’s trying to keep it as neutral as possible but his anger keeps threatening to bubble over, picturing how uncomfortable you’d looked when he reached the doorway. He breathes out a staccato breath to release some of the tension as Chris’ eyes dip to the floor. 
“Yes, of course. I’m sorry, it won’t happen again,” Chris stammers out. 
“Alright, kid. That’s all. Do better,” Joel says, giving a final scolding and a clap on his shoulder. 
Once they leave, Joel stalks into the kitchen where you’ve been listening around the corner, a near feral look in his eyes. 
“Go upstairs,” he says, short and commanding. 
“I- Joel - “ you begin to stammer out, wanting to explain your side, and Joel looks at you, fire flaring across his eyes. 
“I don’t want to ask again, sweet girl.” Despite the pet name, his tone is thunderous now and you realize you’re just slightly afraid enough to immediately obey. You know for a fact Joel wouldn’t hurt you, but you don’t want to test his patience in a time when he seems this wound up.
You nod quickly and rush to the sliding door, stepping outside and heading upstairs to your apartment, checking behind you several times but Joel isn’t following you. Once you’re inside, you stand a few steps from the door, catching your breath from the emotion of the moment while you wait to see if Joel is coming to see you. 
You wait for what feels like an eternity, despite it likely being only moments. A swirling mixture of anxiety and weirdly, desire, is churning inside of you, confusing you even further. The door swings open slowly, and Joel steps inside, the feral look in his eye faded slightly but still present. He looks… detached, almost, like he’s not moving of his own accord. He shuts the door with a strange calmness before locking his eyes on you and beginning to stalk over to you.
You are not afraid, this is Joel, the man who has done only good things to you, never pushed you beyond what you were comfortable with, and yet, you can’t help but wonder if you should fear him, so large and imposing right now. The look in his eye turns downright greedy and devious as he quickly closes the gap between you, his lips coming straight for your own.
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mncxbe · 6 months
How about jealous akutagawa headcanons? It can sfw or nsfw if you want. I honestly think he would be a pretty possessive lover.
yea, he would be posessive but in a distant and cold way, especially at the beginning of the relationship when he's testing the waters. he's not used to having healthy relationships of any nature so he's quite wary of you for a while. at the slightest inconvenience (such as you spending time with another guy) he either shuts himself in and just avoids you until he processes the whole situation or starts an argument; no way in between.
after a few months, when he's sure that the relationship between you is serious he cools down but he's still a bit posessive. when the two of you go out he always makes it clear that you're together; I don't see him being into pda that much but he does hold your hand quite often and if someone looks at you for too long he side glances at them. when he sees a guy flirting with you he comes next to you and slides an arm around your waist, giving the guy a nasty look. and if the poor fellow is stupid enough to not take the hint he summons Rashomon to threaten him. tbh I don't see Akutagawa actually harming random guys who hit on you; he's above that.
but if an acquaintance of his (ahem~ Atsushi) ever talks to you he gets so mad. no fr if he catches you talking to him or worse, flirting, you're so done. he gives you the silent treatment for days and then constantly reminds you of your "betrayal" saying stuff like "why don't you ask the weretiger to come with you to that coffee shop, since the two of you get along so well." as for what he'd do to Atsushi... the latter better pray they don't meet at all during the next weeks or he'll get the season 5 ep 10 treatment again.
overall I don't see him going through your phone, forbidding you from seeing certain people or anything extreme, he knows you wouldn't cheat on him. after all, you taught him that a relationship should be built on trust so he's gonna do just that; trust you♡ but he's got his bounderies and you know better than to cross them.
as for nsfw stuff, if you get him really jealous prepare for a long night. he's gonna be so mean in bed, calling you names and marking you up so that everyone knows who you belong to. the next days you'll most likely have some pretty visible bite marks and hickeys.
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freuleinanna · 2 years
thinking about werewolf transformations in the quarry and i literally went: oh. oh.
so I gotta say first, my take on nick was that I flat-out hated the character, and his whole hungry-horny bit was right out of bad fanfiction, but okay. then I got to thinking about other transformations, and I think the point is, they are bound to different emotions the characters have; some emotion that was the strongest for the night or at the moment of transformation.
we've all seen at least 3 charachers wolfing out canonically: nick (I'll get to him later to make my point), max, and laura. we can also see dylan, emma and jacob transform on screen. kaitlyn doesn't transform fully, and abi doesn't transform at all, even if bitten (?? i haven't found any video on that, at least).
emma is the best example, when she transforms in the basement with abi. abi goes cut the shit, emma, show's over, go home, and right away, emma screams FUCK YOU with the following it really hurts. She then repeats 'it hurts' while already talking about the transformation, but the starting point was that abi's words cut her deeply. abi, who was the one to see through emma's disguise, treated her like most other people, an annoying attention-craving girl. emma's insecurity and her relationships with abi triggered the wolf.
jacob spent the whole night heart-broken. first he got dumped, then his friends (during the first chapters) were constantly dragging him, targeting him with his jokes. his insecurity also got triggered when, after all that happened, he found himself alone. he saw ryan and laura down in the basement, and yes, then opened the cage, but then they left. he was alone. everyone was leaving him no matter how hard he'd cling to them. stupid boy. summer's over and you're nothing. she doesn't want you. nobody does! nobody wants you.
dylan is literally the most wholesome boy ever, because throughout the game, he was the protector of others. he goes to juice up the radio, he gives the shotgun away, he follows kaitlyn to the scrapyard. and when he feels he's about to turn, he starts sreaming like hell trying to drive kaitlyn away from him, because he's dangerous. FUCKING RUN! RUN AWAY, KAITLYN! GET AWAY FROM ME! yeah, he's a snac, he attac, but most importantly, he protec <3
laura starts turning in the middle of the fight with chris, and she's actually the one who's able to keep a cool head (much like dylan, who didn't turn wolfy, but stayed on his human emotions). she smacks herself on the head a few times saying not now! not now, come one! quite literally, for her it's a mental fight. her sheer determination to end the curse allowed her to be herself up to this point. she kept her wolf under control for a long time, too, because she was flashing those hot yellow eyes for a while. plus, her wolf was coming and going (like when she just found injured ryan and was all wolfy), and coming and going again (when she bit ryan and had a hard time letting go of his bloodied hand), but her mind prevailed. because her major drive was to stop the curse, and she had work to do.
max is also protective as hell. he might get aggressive with laura, but agression is a part of the wolf. max, on the other hand, tried to distant hiself from laura as much as he could and talked to her as long as he could. he's a sweet boy who loves his girlfriend dont @ me. plus, I love the thought that his growl sounds hell of a lot like distorted laura! and I'm a simp for that.
and that brings us to nick. nick, who, despite being all sweet and nice, gets all obsessive with abi. he demands a verbal confirmation that she likes him, he smells her skin, he's getting posessive with that she's mine! he throws at poor bobster. plus all that abusive shit he says to abi? I only hung out with you because you seemed so desperate. he closes the circle, cuts her away from others, like any abusive shit would do with their only I can tolerate you attitude. but since transformations only amplified the emotions people were already feeling, I think maybe he was just unlucky that his major feeling was romantic. alas, it turned into something ugly, abusive, posessive, and completely different from what he intended it to be. and that's the story of how I went from downright hating nick to feeling profoundly sorry for him.
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squirmhoney · 1 year
Dependency Issues - Part Eight
A/N: Long awaited update is here finally. Thank you for all the comments on the last part, I read them all they made me smile to see people so interested. Haven’t proofread this part but really wanted to get it out so enjoy. Warnings: Dark. Non Con. Dub Con. Incest. Manipulation. Coercive behaviour (at times) Full on smut. Dependency Issues. (like reader has some serious issues when it comes to Aegon) Unhealthy relationship. Posessive Aegon. Angst . 18+ Pairing: Aegon Targaryen x Niece!Reader (Rhaeneyra mother and non specified father) Word Count: 3K
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Master list Part Seven
Lavender hortensias...
They were the flowers of the week, being placed in the vase on your bed side table. Aegon had made its mission to refresh it every week, being one of the many things he was doing to make you see how much he loved you. You couldn't even deny how your stomach fluttered when you received the first bouquet, unable to hide the smile on your face about the fact he even remembered your favourite colour. And even as the weeks turned into months and he continued with it, it never grew old, your lips twisting up into a grin without warning at the sight.
"Thank you," you whispered, still lying in your bed. "I love them."
He lingered in the room, a hand on your massive stomach as he stared at it.
"Yes?" You asked.
You knew the queues from Aegon, the silence and the rocking back and forth on his feet. He wanted something and you knew it was probably going to be pushing past your boundaries rule. But lately you had been slipping up with that one, only surprised that you hadn't allowed him to anything sexual yet.
However, you could see the look on his face, the way his eyes darkened every time you walked in the room as if you were some sort of meal for him. And with each day you denied him, like a predator he only grew hungrier and more excited as if it was some sort of game you were playing with him. You couldn't even deny how turned on you were at times, the hormones not doing anything to help and you knew one wrong move and you'd be putty in his hands again.
"It's nothing," he huffed, retreating his hand away from you. He leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead before you could deny him. "Want me to bring you breakfast up?"
"No," you told him, shaking your head. "I'll get changed and come down. But could you have some of those muffins waiting for me."
"Of course," he said, giving you one of those boyish grins.
You couldn't even help yourself, hand wrapping around his neck to pull him closer. Your lips connected to his, taking a long time to move against each other but then it gets more heated, Aegon becoming hungry for more. You wanted to give into him, open your legs up and allow him access but you knew better, so you pulled away.
"I should get changed."
He nodded in agreement, pulling away from you and leaving the room.
A heat had flooded between your legs and you couldn't stop yourself as your fingers touched your lips, wishing to kiss him once again.
"How long is it for?" You asked, with a grimace on your face. You were lying down on the couch, Aegon behind you with his arms wrapped around your body. You knew you had set boundaries but in your vulnerable state, you felt like you needed him more than ever. It was easy to sink his touch, forgetting about everything you had said.
"Two nights," Aegon answered, a hand rubbing over your belly. "And you could always come with me."
You groaned, closing your eyes as you leaned your head further against his shoulder. "In my condition, I really don't think that's a good choice."
"It's still an option."
"As if your mum would let me go," you said, sighing as his hands started to massage at your sides. "I'll miss you though."
He hummed in agreement, placing a feather light kiss behind your ear.
"I'll have to sleep in your bed," you whispered, smiling at the thought. "Seeing as your clothes don't fit me now."
"And maybe when I get back you can stay in there."
You let the thought linger for a moment, leaving Aegon on edge. "Maybe."
"Maybe when I get back we can talk about what's going to happen when our baby comes." His hands were trailing over your skin, fingers playing with the loose dress that covered you.
"Baby steps," you told him, letting your eyes flutter close as you relaxed further into his touch. "Patience."
Aegon's leg worked underneath you, slipping between your own to pry them apart. "I have been patient."
His words made the skin of your neck prickle, feeling yourself become turned on with the low tone of his voice. He could sense how he was affecting you, knowing the way your teeth bit on your bottom lip to keep those soft sounds at bay. He just needed you to cave and with your hormones running high at the moment he knew he just needed to push a few buttons to get you there.
"I've been so patient..." his hands rested on the top of your breasts now, fingers flicking against the hardened nipples. "...and seeing you like this is driving me insane." His hands cupped your tits finally, giving them a gentle squeeze as he played with them.
"We really shouldn't," you protested in a sharp inhale, making no move to get away from him.
"I think you should let me take care of you."
"Take care of me," you pondered on the thought, a gentle sigh escaping at the feel of his hands. "I like the sound of that."
"And don't you think I've been so patient that I deserve some sort of reward."
One hand of his was sliding down across your body, so slowly you felt yourself fighting to not push it closer to where you needed him. Your hips were moving on there, grinding against him and the surface of the couch. It was like within seconds you became his pathetic mess, so eager for him to touch you.
"Let me help you."
His hand cupped your cunt through your clothes, making you instantly buck your hips up into his touch. You let out at whine, lips parting as you twisted your head to look at him.
Aegon had you right where he wanted you.
But then a voice made him with draw his hand from you as he glad at someone by the door.
"I just got a call from Grandfather and said he's picking you up for your flight in half an hour."
"I know," Aegon hissed at his brother, tensing underneath you.
You got up, lifting yourself with a bit of struggle from the couch. Both Aegon and Aemond reach to help you but you place your hands up to stop them.
"I'm fine," you said, a bit annoyed with them both trying to help you.
Even with you being five months along, you weren't helpless and they both clearly knew it. But it was like it had been a competition between the pair since your bump started showing, trying to dote on you at every moment they were around.
At first you had found the extra hand from Aemond sweet, reminding you of your brother in most ways. But at times you found it uncomfortable, finding yourself trying in the nicest way possible to push his hands away.
Then there was the problem with Aegon and his deep rooted jealousy. Each time Aemond even lingered a second for too long, Aegon's eyes burned with an intensity you had never seen before. An anger that you feared that if you let it brew for too long, he'd act out and not just against you. Because you could take that anger, in fact that was some perverted part in you that craved to see it but you didn't want it to be taken out on anyone else.  Not someone that seemed to genuinely want to help you.
"You need to pack," you pointed to Aegon, placing a hand against his chest. "You can help me up the stairs along the way."
"Of course," Aegon secured a hand around your back, pulling you along with him. He wore a proud smirk on his face the whole way, a sense of pride filling him every time you picked him over Aemond.
"Stop smiling so much," you warned him with a playful tone unable to fight the smile from your face as you looked at him. "He's going to be the one looking after me when you're gone for a couple of days."
Aegon didn't like that, even with his hand gently pressing into your back, you could tell you might of crossed the line with that comment. His nose was flaring as he looked at you, jaw tensing as he kept his anger at bay. But there was that intensity again and you couldn't even deny how much it turned you on.
All amusement dropped from your face as you gulped, eyes dropping from his face to the floor.
When you reached the top of the stairs, Aegon's hands didn't drop. Instead he pulled you away from the direction of your room, taking you towards his.
"Aegon I didn't-" you stopped yourself, words catching in your throat when you caught his gaze again.
For once his eyes weren't watery, instead there was a coldness in them that you couldn't read as he dragged you into his room.
"Please talk to me," you pleaded voice soft, hoping to break through to him. You walked into the room, taking a seat on the end of the bed.
"You know I don't find it funny when you say things like that." His voice raises slightly, not enough to alert others but enough to stir something in you. "Do you think I want to be a whole flight away while you're here having to depend on people like my brother to help you?"
"I know you don't-"
"I've been so patient with you." His hands cup your face as he towers over you. "So very patient."
You couldn't even deny the slick that was building between your underwear, hormones going through the roof with his touch.
"You're mine." He pinched your chin, lifting your face up to look at him. His eyes were wet now, filled with a rage you knew so well. "I think you need reminding of that."
He lightly shoved you backwards and with ease you fell onto the bed, not even trying to get up afterwards.
"I think in the past few months you may have forgot but it's okay, I'm willing to show you."
"Aegon, you have to get ready for your flight."
You don't even know why the words left you, it's not like you were doing anything to fight against him. Instead you were completely docile as his hands ran along your thighs, allowing him to spread them with ease. You even lifted your hips as he yanked your panties down your legs, tossing them somewhere behind him.
"Fuck," you mewled as you felt his breath hit your pussy, already desperate for his touch. It really had been too long, you needed him more than ever. "Please touch me."
"Tell me you're mine. Tell me and I'll do anything."
"I'm yours, Aegon. I've only ever been yours."
His mouth latched onto your soaked folds in an instance, making you buck your hips into his touch. You felt on fire with his touch, a wet moan escaping your lips from the intensity you were feeling. It was all so much and you had missed it more than anything.
"Fuck, please." You weren't sure what you were begging for, losing yourself in Aegon's touch in the moment and completely forgetting where you were.
"All mine," Aegon greedily murmured into your clit, licking at it like a starved man. You could feel his saliva dripping down your folds, mixing in with your juices that he was so hungrily eating up and all of it was sending you feral as you moaned for him.
His fingers gripped onto the skin of your hips, digging into it harshly as he kept you from moving. You didn't want to move, you didn't want to go anywhere as your hands grabbed the sheets around you.
"Just a pretty pussy," Aegon growled, detaching his lips from you.
You whined, trying to lift your hips to meet his face again but he declined. Instead his fingers found your folds, stroking them up and down as he made a mess of your cunt. He lifted himself, hovering over you as his fingers played with your cunt.
"I want to watch you as you cum," he smugly told you, pressing his forehead against yours. "I want to see imprint the memory into my head so I might save this moment for later."
His words were pushing you towards the edge, making you clench down on nothing as your body searched for that sweet release. You tried to lift your head up to catch his lips in a kiss but he retreated slightly, shaking his head.
"I want to watch you right now."
It was intimate the way he gazed down at you, taking in every sigh or quiver of your lips as if it was the most sexiest thing in the world. It had you wanting to please him even more, grinding yourself up into his hand to make you moan even louder. And he was eating up every second of it.
"Are you going to cum for me, baby?"
"Yes," you nodded eagerly, feeling your walls clenching around nothing, begging to be filled.
"How badly do you want to cum right now?"
"So badly, Aegon. Please, I really need to cum."
"You're such a mess for me right now."
That you were as your eyes rolled back, toes curling inwards and your thighs beginning to shake. Your hand grabbed onto him, nails digging in slightly to ground yourself.
"You can cum, baby. Let it go."
And you did, hips digging into the mattress as you climaxed on his fingers. Your pussy was fluttering and you were so fucked out over just his fingers that you couldn't even register the lewd noises you were making.
Aegon helped you ride it all out, fingers continuing to circle your clit all the way through it while you came down. Your thighs clamped around him once it was finally over, giving him the sign to pull away. His hand slowly slid from your thigh and he lifted it to his face, sucking the digits of his fingers that were covered in your juices. He hummed at the taste and the noise made your skin crawl in a delicious way, wanting more of him than before.
"I don't want you to go," you told him, eyes growing wet at the idea of not being with him for a few days. He had been around every day since you had been here, always close by if you needed him and the actual thought of not having him close was horrible. "I really don't want you to go."
He captured your lips in a feverish kiss, one that had you trying to pull him further in but he retreated once again. He was grinning when he looked down at you, content in the way he had got you.
"Aegon, Grandfather is here," Aemond's voice came through the door along with a loud knock.
"Fuck," Aegon hissed, happiness dropping from his face.
He lifted himself from you, quickly grabbing his suitcase and a few other things he needed to take with him.
You watched him as he moved, fixing your dress and blushing wildly at the thought of Aemond probably hearing you. It was embarrassing how you had so easily forgotten yourself but as you stated at Aegon, you could barely care about it, wanting to do it all over again just to keep him near.
When he stood in front of you again, his fingers pinched your chin to look at him. There was a seriousness to him, no anger as he spoke though as if he was just trying to make his point clear.
"I may have let you have you have your boundaries for however long you felt you needed them but at the end of the day you are mine. You are carrying my baby. Our baby. It's about time you and everyone else here starts to realise that."
He picked up his stuff before walking to the door, not taking a second to say goodbye before he walked out the door.
Aemond stood behind the door, being shoved out of the way by his older brother. And while you should of been embarrassed, even mortified at the scene that Aemond had just heard, you didn't find any bone in you willing to be.
Instead you were struck in silence, fingers hovering over your lips as you stared at the space where Aegon just was.
It was clear in the night that his words had stuck with you, finding yourself crawling into his bed to find comfort. Your fingers didn't play with your phone for long before you pressed his name on video call. And of course by the second ring he answered, a wide grin on his face as he accepted your call.
"You called?" He smiled smugly through the phone.
"I missed your voice," you admitted softly, snuggling your head further into his pillows. "Talk to me, tell me about your day. Anything, please."
"I missed you too," he confessed, playing with the mess of his white hair.
"I never said I missed you, I just said I missed your voice." You were teasing, scrunching your nose at him.
A moment passed as he watched you, staring in awe at the sight of you which made your stomach stir.
"I miss you so much," you told him in a huff, annoyed at the thought of being without him any longer. "How many days again?"
"Only two."
Tag List: Tag list: @leia-isabell @ophelialaufey @okfashionista @sydneyyyya @minami97 @winxschester @blccdofthedragoncn @horcruxion @fullmoonworshipper @elliotgrihaultgf @f4ll-for-you @starved-kitten @thebestrouge
anyone else wants to be tagged or if i missed someone let me know
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walnutcookie · 4 months
sir i humbly request rambles about misfortune and more cappuccino hcs
perhaps some body horror doodles as well if you feel comfortable
i adore this au please spill your guts to me and i will feed on the titbits i find
also may i make fanart of this misfortune au thing (sorry not sure what to call it)
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misfortune moment PART THREE!!!! ramble under cut :]
part one here
part two here
rbs ok!
misfortune knows exactly how to inflict the most amount of misery in someone.
heres the thing. if it just kept beating its host while theyre down, the host would eventually grow a tolerance to the pain and simply become numb. that means that it cant get any more misery out of its host and it would have to find another one.
So! it allows the host some joy. In cappuccinos case, it primarily involves his vacations :]c before she actually knows what causes all of the bad things in his life she just knew that Everything was always bad and miserable unless she was relaxing. while she was working, things would constantly injure her, nothing would stay organized, and bad things just kept happening one after another, but on vacation everything seemed to be just fine!! Great even! shes just able to surf or relax or nap and just ENJOY things instead of being hit by falling lights and bookshelves. even though every car shes ever been in has crashed hes always been safe on planes. of course its not all sunshine and rainbows because she can hardly even enjoy the break when he cant stop thinking about how AWFUL its going to be to go back to work
BUT!! the point is that her days off are like the ONLY times that he finds peace. Which is partially why hes so eager to catch another break!!! misfortune lets her have these lovely days but also uses it as an opportunity to make bad things happen during/right before her breaks so that theyre cancelled or cut short and shes filled with disappointment<3
this is also why it let langue into cappuccinos life ! of course it could EASILY just kill them but cappuccino was already getting a little too miserable and was far too adjusted to all of the bad luck in his life already so langue was the perfect solution to that problem. And also created misery all on their own like the longing cappuccino feels before they actually get together. And now that cappuccino has langue in her life and theyre someone who makes her so happy misfortune is able to cause harm to them/mess with cappuccino's plans of meeting them and just cause more distress :]c
of course that plan backfired when langue managed to weaken it and make cappuccino's life decent enough to the point it was forced to leave OOPS!!!!
but yeah ,,, i dont know i just love messing with this thang. too much misfortune is bad because then the host will adapt so it has to be a little lenient so the person doesnt feel completely and utterly hopeless >:] and in the event that the host does become useless to it then it simply posesses them to commit crimes and just cause misery to other people than the host before exiting the body and leaving it to bleed out and die
OKAY WHOOPEEE thats all i have to talk about right now i hope this is at least somewhat cohesive im kindof tired right now . BUT WOO RAVEN TIME!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS ASK IT WAS SO SO FUN TO DRAW ANS ANSWER /GEN AGHH hope you enjoy the drawings as much as i enjoyed making them X] ill likely put them in a seperate post since im really proud of the first one and i kind of want it to be in a post of its own agahsbfkhf
if anyone has any further questions/comments feel free to shoot me an ask ! X]
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maivolpe · 1 year
hii! i j read “as long as ur with me” & i love ur writing :3 could i request a very cheesy fic in which reader’s alrdy confessed to bucky & bucky’s rejected them ? ( maybe bc he’s unsure abt his feelings ? ) tony holds a party later & bucky gets jealous ( ooo ~~ ) of the reader after he sees them talking & being close to sam, ( meanwhile the reader’s only talking to sam for help abt bucky ? ) basically mutual pining but reader & bucky just need a push in the right direction ?? thank u either way & i hope u have a nice day ♡Ꮺ៸៸
thank you so much for your kind words :) so sorry for the delay, writer's block hit me like a truck last month so i'm trying to slowly get back into it (this is really lengthy and i don’t like it very much eek) anyways thank you for requesting ♡
・。゚: ∘◦☾◦∘。゚.
pairing: bucky barnes x reader cw: mentions of alcohol, cursing, knives wc: 1.5k
tony was having yet another party. you swore he never even slept, just drank the night away with whoever was willing to with him. tonight, however, you didn’t have time to lecture him about his coping mechanisms. you had more pressing problems.
exactly a week before, bucky had invited you to spar. you'd jumped at the chance to have such experienced competition, and, if you were being honest, your heart raced when he pinned you. or talked to you, or even just looked at you, anything really. but everyone thought that way. right? right.
he’d let you choose one of his blades to work with, stating that he wanted you to be more familiar with knives. they were much easier to come by than guns, he’d noted.
"move your hand here instead of there... there you go."
"watch your six, good."
and soon enough the critiques turned to compliments, and it was much more of a fair fight. for almost an hour you were evenly matched, each dodging nearly all of the others’ blows.
as time dragged on, bucky started to get distracted. his eyes had flickered away for only a split second, but it was all you needed. you pushed him up against the wall, holding your knife to his throat. your breaths came quick and hard, and you'd stared up at his smirk, just inches from your face.
"careful there," he'd breathed. "you want to stab your opponent, not kiss them."
and with a rush of confidence, you'd cocked your head.
"would it be so bad?"
recognition dawned in his eyes, and that was the last thing you saw before a flash of metal overtook your vision. his knuckles had struck your ribs hard, and you went flying. he’d stalked out of the room and left you sprawled on the floor, gasping for breath.
ever since then, you’d been stuck in a whirlpool of emotions, keeping yourself confined to your room whenever you could. your ribs were bruised along with your ego, and altogether you just felt terrible. what were you thinking? what posessed you to leave a thought you would've been embarassed to even think, just floating in the air like that? and now tony was hosting this party, and the last thing you wanted to do was go.
well, maybe you'd get something to drink.
the room was flooded with people, packed to the brim with journalists, celebrities, and some uninvited partiers that had found their way in. trying to avoid conversation, you found yourself, drink in hand, tucked away in the corner of the room with sam.
“i feel so stupid, sam.”
“dude, i’m sure it’s not that serious. he probably just freaked out a little. and besides, i mean, look at you!” he motioned towards your dress, giving his hands a shake to emphasize how it flattered your figure.
“listen, though,” he continued. “just give him some time. he’s one to avoid any and all confrontation, but he’ll come around. with some nagging, maybe.”
you laughed. “thank you. i’m sorry for bothering you about this, i know it’s not super important.”
“it’s super important to you,” he pointed out, stuffing an hor d'oeuvre in his mouth. “‘s ‘mportant t’me by default.”
“ew, sam.”
bucky, in the meantime, was livid.
he’d come down just to grab a drink, or five, because the serum made it particularly tough for him to be inebriated. in the two minutes he was downstairs, of course he’d caught a glimpse of you, the very person he was trying to avoid. and you looked beautiful.
the party spilled out of open doors, people clambering in for a glance at tony. many shoved past him at an attempt to get closer to the middle of the room. it was a security nightmare, and also, he couldn’t hear anything.
he saw sam leaning in, whispering something to you, gesturing to your body? and you were laughing? as if his week hadn’t been bad enough, you’d moved right on from him. he wasn’t mad at you, he could never be. but sam?
“i need some air,” he grumbled to no one in particular. he pushed past waves of partygoers, keeping his head down, and slipped away through the first door he found.
across the room, you felt your heart sink to your stomach. you’d only seen bucky for a moment, and despite your determination to be happy, the look of revulsion on his face made you want to crumble.
“sam, i- i need some air.”
he nodded, brushing crumbs off of his chin and waving as you ducked through the crowd, dodging drinks and people alike. your ears rang, and even the silence of the elevator was deafening when the doors slid shut.
you tumbled out of the elevator as soon as the doors slid open, steadying yourself on a nearby doorknob. the wind whipped around your body, sending goosebumps down your arms and stinging your eyes. it was far too cold to be out on the roof, but where else was there to be?
you crept closer to the edge, perching on the roof so that you could see the city moving below you. cars and trucks whizzed by, oblivious to your existence. you found the bright colors of the stoplights blurring in your vision.
you were quickly learning that your emotions would always get the better of you. no matter how determined you were, they always took control.
the maintenance door behind you creaked open, and you whirled around to see who had found you. the glint of metal under the spotlights told you all you needed to know, and you quickly turned away.
“are you… crying?”
“no,” you sniffed, swiping fruitlessly at your tears.
bucky lowered himself down next to you, stretching his legs to let them dangle off of the roof. he left a good space between the two of you, and you couldn't even bring yourself to hope he'd close the gap.
there was silence for a few moments, where neither of you dared to even breathe, much less look at each other.
"i was wrong," he whispered.
“i said, i was wrong."
it was louder this time, but left you just as confused. was it guilt or pity that compelled him to make such a statement? either way, you shook your head. he couldn't be left thinking that way for simply feeling what he felt.
"no, you're not wrong. i was way too forward, and i made you uncomfortable. maybe you didn't have to lay me out like that, but that was a justified response. it's perfectly fine that you don't want me."
"but i do want you."
a puff of air escaped his lips with the words, visible in the frigid night. it dissipated as you turned the words over in your mind. you toyed with your fingers, afraid you'd misheard him. afraid you'd dreamed up the whole thing.
"i do want you. i've wanted you since i met you, the way you throw your head back when you laugh, the way you smile at me when you think i'm not looking, the way you hum along to every song, all of it. i just..."
he took a deep breath, and you could've sworn his hands had a little shake to them.
"it's... crazy. like shit, doll, i've hardly even talked to a girl in seventy years, and there you were lookin' beautiful, and talkin' about kissing me, and i just... didn't know what to do."
you nodded, gathering enough courage to peek up at him. he was watching you wistfully, emotion you'd never seen in him before displayed plainly on his face.
he looked away, though, shaking his head. "i'm sorry, i shouldn't have said anything. especially since you have that thing going on with sam now."
you wrinkled your nose. “what thing?”
“i, uh,” he started, clearing his throat, “i saw you guys talking. you looked happy.”
you giggled, smiling for what felt like the first time in forever. "about you, buck. i was worried about you. did you think i was making a move on sam?"
"maybe," he said sheepishly.
“he was helping me, or trying to, because i really messed up. i really do like you, james.”
his face softened at that, eyes widening at your confession. "in that case, i want- if you want to, i mean, i don't want to force anything-"
you reached over and took his hand, relishing the feeling of it slotting perfectly into your grip. "i want to."
"well, c'mere then."
he tucked an arm around your waist and pulled you closer to him, smiling down at you.
“can i kiss you now?” you breathed.
he answered by pressing his lips to yours, and it felt as though you melted into him for a moment. the colors dancing across your eyes were no longer from the traffic lights, but the dizzying happiness fizzing in your body, like the bubbles in a champagne glass.
he pulled away for a moment, and your heart pounded, afraid you’d messed something else up. but he only smiled at you.
“that felt really good.”
and before you could say “yes, it did,” his hands were cupping your face and he was pressing another gentle kiss to your longing lips.
・。゚: ∘◦☾◦∘。゚.
ko-fi ♡
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general--winter · 1 year
Genin Sasuke, Naruto, Rock Lee, Neji, Sakura being in love with the reader and finding out that the reader has a Bijuu
rating: general
fandom: naruto
pairings: genin!uchiha sasuke x gn!reader, genin!uzumaki naruto x gn!reader, genin!rock lee x gn!reader, genin!hyuga neji x gn!reader, genin!haruno sakura x gn!reader
word count: 939
warnings: canon-typical content
summary: How are these genin going to react to the object of their affections posessing one of the strongest spirits in the world, sealed inside of them?
Uchiha Sasuke
Your Bijuu would show its power for the first time during an intense fight. Sasuke wouldn’t know anything about it unless the information had been leaked, similar to Naruto. Using the immense power from within you, you’d defend your team on the mission and push back the enemies before collapsing. Sasuke would catch you without thinking and make sure you made it back to base safely.
As you were sleeping, Sasuke would watch over you to make sure nothing bad happened. After all, Naruto is the same as you and has been targeted by so many different people because of it. He would never let the same happen to you, especially since you were his crush because you understood the pain of being alone. No one stuck out their neck to help you, people whispered and gossiped about you behind your back… Sasuke just feels irrationally (in his mind) towards you. You and Team 7 have given him a found family that he wouldn’t have otherwise, so subconsciously he wants to protect that with his life.
Uzumaki Naruto
I think if Naruto as a genin met someone who was a jinchuriki that was his age, that was ALSO not trying to kill him, he would be fascinated. Especially if it was his crush. He knew that you two had shared life experiences; it was what you originally bonded over and, not to mention, your determination in the face of hardship is what caused him to crush on you in the first place. The way he found out would most likely be from your power awakening in response to his Kyuubi chakra. If this would hurt you, I think he would feel pretty bad even though he obviously didn’t know.
Perhaps you two could have chats about how rude your bijuu are… Or maybe even train together! Naruto would be elated to even just chat with someone who knows intimately what he’s got going on. There are only eight other people on the planet who know. He’d definitely ask you all sorts of questions about your tailed beast and start ranting about how rude and dumb the Kyuubi is. You two would lean on each other more than ever, and it would bring you two really close.
Rock Lee
Rock Lee wouldn’t know what had happened at first. One second you two were sparring, and the next you were clutching your stomach in pain. He’d immediately seek out Guy-sensei and Kakashi, the latter getting your seal repaired from whatever damage it sustained. By your side in an instant, Rock Lee would ask what just happened, and he would get an explanation from his teacher.
The thing is, I think Rock Lee would feel bad for you, but would keep a brave face. It’s what he’s done throughout your friendship, guarding you from people harassing you on the street or making sure you’re not upset due to what people say and what your life is like. As an eternal motivator, he would hold your hand and speak to you, sitting beside you on the dirt. “You’ve never let anything keep you down, I’ll be here to make sure this doesn’t either!” What a pure soul. Protect him.
Hyuga Neji
Even without first hand experience (i.e. before the chunin exams), Neji knows what a jinchuriki is. And at first, he’s scared when he sees its chakra in your system for the first time with the Byakugan. Since his birth, he’s been instructed to stay at a distance from Naruto. What would make you any different? Would you be any less dangerous to be around? He would think back to all of the time you guys had spent together with his team and alone. It was here he realized that it doesn’t change anything. Having a bijuu sealed inside of you is an unfortunate situation, but it does make you destined for incredible strength. It doesn’t change the person you are. The one that he’s been secretly admiring.
Neji is the type to not even bring it up. He would have his little character arc and you two would continue on like it was no big deal, no one even recognizing he was struggling with something for a few days. He spends noticeably more time around you, though, especially in town so that people avoid approaching you or doing anything to bother you. The tailed beast and your experiences as its jinchuriki make you incredibly strong, and his crush doesn’t deserve to be ridiculed because of the great power they wield.
Haruno Sakura
She would see the seal on you and force you to admit that you have the same type of beast as Naruto within you. Her gut reaction would be fear, but I think that would be completely overridden by admiration. For what you’ve pushed through to get to where you are. For the pain you’ve overcome as a part of your life. She knows exactly what Naruto has gone through due to being a jinchuriki, and knowing you must have gone through all of that too to end up with a tailed beast at such a young age breaks her heart. But you kept getting back up and fighting, something she’s eternally grateful for.
She would be right there to cheer you up whenever someone made fun of you or anything. Behind your back, they would get a beatdown. Either verbally or physically, whatever Sakura thinks she can manage against them. She would tell Naruto as well and try to get you guys to train together or hang out, if only for Naruto’s and Team 7’s benefit.
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euphoniumpets · 1 year
Stubborn love | Aleksander Morozova x reader
Summary: You and aleksander had a complicated relationship. The two of you were close before but now when you were back and aleksander was being sick, you grew worried for him and didn't wanted to leave his side.
Requested? Yes: Heyyy! Could I request Aleksander x reader where Aleksander is poisoned at the little palace. Healers say he'll be better in a few days and the poison just has to work it's way out of his system. While under the influence of it, he keeps talking about reader to anyone who will listen. Everyone is amused because their relationship was a badly kept secret until now. Ivan and Fedyor placed bets on whether or not they were together. Fedyor won. Reader is embarrassed that everyone now knows for sure
Please don’t plagiarize my work - I spend a lot of my time writing, copying and pasting destroys that. 
Warnings: none, just fluff and slight angst.
A/N: thank you for requesting nonnie <3 hope you enjoy this one, i didn't mention the specific grisha powers that the readers have in this fic!
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You and Aleksander had a complicated relationship. You knew him when you were children. You were the one who he trusted the most out of the people in the little palace.
His anchor. You were the only one who truly understood him. So, when the two of you began to date each other, you hide it from the others since you knew what enemies that the General could have. He couldn't risk of losing you if you two showed intimate affections towards each other.
When you left the little palace, he was hurt. He didn't want you to leave him by his side but you've dreamt it when you where little.
Ever since you were a child, you had grown into the little palace, studied your powers and being one of the most loyal person that the General has set his eyes on. But when the news of you going into the unknown, Aleksander didn't know what to think.
You thought that Aleksander would tell you to stay, even beg you to stay by his side and even confess his love for you, but all he did was to stay silent and the words that slipped out of his mouth was the one you could never forget.
You were hurt and you thought that he loved you like you did but his words proved it wrong. He never loved you and saw you as his most posession loyal that would stay by his side.
Years left and you discovered the world that you dreamt of. You tried to forget the man who you once knew, but everything in your path reminded him. Ivan and Fedyor kept in touch with you, as long with Genya and Zoya.
They would tell you how Aleksander was feeling - even if you didn't write his name. But when one day that Ivan wrote that you needed to come back to the little palace and that Aleksander had been poisoned and was sick, you didn't waste a second to grab your things and leave.
You grew worried and concerned when you arrived back at the little palace. ''How is he?'' You questioned outside of the familiar door to his chamber as soon you saw Genya with a frown on her face.
Genya turned around and saw you. ''He's weak, but he will manage,'' She spoke. ''Is he awake? I want to see him,'' You replied. Genya could tell that you were worried but was stubborn to not to show it.
Genya nodded slightly with a soft smile before opening the door and gestured for you to walk inside. Your eyes trailed towards the chamber and saw his familiar bed. Upon meeting, you saw Zoya, Ivan, Feydor, and David surrounding him with a healer.
''How is he?'' You asked the healer as he was doing his job, trying to heal Aleksander. You looked at Aleksander and saw his eyes closed and he looked calm. Peaceful even.
But you knew that he had a frown that could be seen and that his body was slightly paler than the last time you saw him. ''He's weak, but he will live,'' The healer said and looked at you.
''He will recover in a few days and the poison will be out of his system, right now, he needs rest,'' The healer informed. You were about to say something before all of you turned to Aleksander.
At first, you didn't comprehend the words that was falling out of his mouth, but he kept saying something.
''Y/N...'' You widened your eyes in embaressment when you heard Aleksander calling your name. He knew that you were there with him.
You looked up as you could feel your cheeks going from embaressment and didn't missed the amused expression on everyone in the room. The healer nodded slightly at you before leaving the room.
''I'm here,'' You murmured and walked closer to the bed. ''Y/N,'' you heard him plead and you could see that his brows furrowed with concern. You placed your hand onto his cheek to comfort him.
''Called it,'' You heard Fedyor speak and you looked at him with confusion. You looked at the couple and saw Ivan roll his eyes when you saw the money he handed to Fedyor. ''Seriously?'' You deadpanned and looked at them.
''It was obvious,''
''It was not,'' You replied, offended. ''It was, everyone could see it,'' Genya spoke and looked at you with a smile. You shook your head and hid your smile at your teasing friends before turning to look at Aleksander.
''You know, he was heartbroken when you left him,'' You heard Ivan tell you. ''He wouldn't eat or sleep,'' Ivan murmured and you looked at Aleksander.
''But I am here now, and I'm not leaving his side,''
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