#you are watching it as a grown person meanwhile I’m suddenly 10 again except I’m actually almost 22 so it’s a mindfuck
angelfic · 4 months
I wonder what it’s like to be watching/reading pjo for the first time as someone with a fully developed brain and not as a 10 year old who proceeds to make one of the godly parents their entire personality on 2010 tumblr…
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ramp-it-up · 3 years
Fresh Squeeze, Chapter 7
Pairing: Daveed Diggs x OFC Linden Marshall
Set in 2023, post-pandemic
Warnings: Lots of pics, Cursing, Angsty Angst, Mention of Death, Lots of Plot, Anthony Ramos, Afro Samurai, Clothes altering, SMUT: Fingering, Thumb sucking, Fluff. 18+.
Word Count: 6.6 K 
Plot: Linden Marshall just finished law school at Columbia University in NYC. Daveed Diggs is still creating magic with his platonic life partner Rafael Casal and nursing his broken heart post pandemic. 
Linden’s boyfriend WAS Mark Monaco, movie star.  They were together for years, and her trauma and his addictions were chaotic. She knows now that wasn’t love. 
Read the Previous Chapter.
Thursday night/Friday, May 6-7, 2023
After Daveed heard what you said, he stood stock still, trying to decide whether or not to go back into your room.  He clenched his fists and concentrated intensely to not break the fucking door down. All he needed was for you to call his name…
You stood in the middle of your room, naked except for the towel.  You closed your eyes and prayed for strength to not go running after him. You had to stay in control.  
But if you saw him turn your door handle, you would fuck him right there on the floor of your room.
After a few minutes, you both turned around and went about your business, Daveed to his room and you to the shower. You thought of Daveed in the shower and fell into bed still thinking of him. 
What did you want for your birthday, if not Daveed?
Daveed, alone in his bed, thought of all the feelings involved.  He knew you were fragile, but it seemed you were relaxing a bit, deciding to trust him if just a little.
He resolved to give a little bit of chase. You just needed to feel safe and accepted. 
You dreamt of each other so deeply that all that was left when you woke up was a wisp of a memory.
Daveed did not sleep long.  Even though it was after 4 o’clock when he went to sleep, he was up by 10, hard on raging under the sheets.  
He’d be damned if he jerked off, but he remembered your voice through the door of the room last night, and he had to strip the sheets away, as he was making a mess at the thought of you.  
He decided to go for a run on the beach. He pulled on some basketball shorts and decided to go shirtless, as the temperature outside was already 80 degrees.
Daveed ran with his music blasting in his ears.  He played out song lyrics and lined up preparation for upcoming roles.  Before he knew it, he was three miles down the beach from the house.
He turned around as the tropical heat and the sun was getting to be a bit much. He went back in and went to his room to shower and put some clothes on. You didn’t know the sight you were missing.
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When you woke up at Noon, you pulled on Mark's t-shirt and basketball shorts and made your way to the kitchen which had floor to ceiling windows and glass doors facing the ocean. It was breathtaking. The doors were open and the ocean breeze felt amazing.
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"Good morning, Sunshine!" 
You turned to see Daveed at the stove, greeting you and smiling. 
He was wearing an orange Oakland tank top and some pajama pants slung low on his hips. You smiled at his hair, which was tied up in two curly puffs at the front, with the back down in his wild curls.  
Even though it was an odd hairstyle for a grown man, you knew the curl life. And it did not take away from his masculinity.  
Not. At. All.
Besides, his curly puffs gave you a place to focus rather than on his well-muscled arms.  
Daveed’s hair reminded of when your mom did your hair only to have Dell try to pull your pony tails out as soon as she dismissed you from the kitchen chair. 
Ya’ll would get into so much trouble for fighting yet again. The thought gave you a warm feeling at the memory as you smiled wider and patted your own pineappled hair. 
‘Damn, her smile is a killer,’ Daveed thought as he watched you look around the kitchen for other signs of life. Now he was glad that he couldn’t sleep, and that he decided to be productive.�� 
He would have the chance to talk to you. As friends. Yeah.  He nodded to himself, trying to emphasize that last thought.  Friends.
Fuck.  He was in serious trouble.
Noticing that you and he were the only two humans in the kitchen and sniffing the air for the delicious smell that was wafting over from the stove, you finally greeted Daveed.
"Good morning, D.  Looks like everyone else is still knocked the fuck out.” 
Your other four friends were nowhere to be found.
You laughed, yawned and stretched.  Daveed turned back to the stove, cursing to himself. You were so damn fine.
“Calm the fuck down boy,” he whispered.
“What’s that?” 
You ventured over to see Diggs making French toast and bacon. Your stomach rumbled.
"I said sit down. Sounds like you’re hungry, haha. We gotta feed you. Grab some fruit over there and I'll serve you right up."
You grabbed something and sat down at the bar facing the windows. When Diggs turned to offer you some fresh oj, you didn't notice him watching you eat your banana. 
Your lips were a problem for him. When you looked away from the ocean, Daveed turned back to the stove and looked over his shoulder to smile at you.
His smile made you feel some kind of way.
"Why do they call you ‘Smiley?’" 
Daveed laughed, a sound that was quite nice.
“Because I started out as a clown. A professional clown.” 
You tilted your head, convinced that he was fucking with you. But maybe, he and Rafa always talked about the random shit they did to make money before they made it.
When he winked and turned back to the stove to the food, you just shook your head and ate the rest of your banana, positive that Daveed was fucking with you.
Meanwhile, Diggs was trying to stop himself from thinking about fucking with you. He did not need to watch you eat a banana. He licked his lips as he thought of how your lips tasted.
You smiled at Diggs’ broad back. He seemed different this morning.
He turned to plate some food for you and smiled again, shaking his head.
“Most times it’s a nervous tick.”
You were confused. “What’s a nervous tick?”
“My smile. I'm actually a really shy person.  Most times my smile is a defense mechanism.”
You were not sure about all that. Daveed had to know how he affected people.
“I’m not sure I believe that. Man. You are famous for performing in front of hundreds of people a night.  You’re on tv, movies, for goodness sake! You do live rap shows with your shirt off. I ain’t boo boo the fool.”
Daveed’s laugh filled the kitchen.
“How many clipping. shows did you watch on YouTube?  Or did you only watch the ones where I'm shirtless?” 
His look was hungry, and surprised, like he couldn’t believe he’d said that out loud. Then he barrelled on.
“I am shy, but I get my energy from crowds. I'm an introverted extrovert. Ya feel me?"
You nodded, understanding. You noticed that he was fiddling with the spatula he had in his hand. Uncertain again. He really was awkward. It was sweet. And hot.
Diggs continued.
"When I perform, I'm probably under the influence."
"Hold up. What?" 
You flashed back to Mark. You couldn’t be around this again. Daveed caught your panicked look.
"Oh, it’s not like that, haha."  
That laugh and that smile. It automatically put you at ease. 
"It just takes a little. Drink; like last night at Criag’s Adrenaline; when I used to run track. Now it's performing." 
Daveed watched you carefully, gauging whether or not to continue. Fuck it, he thought. He felt as comfortable with you as when he first met Rafa.
"You know what the best drug is?" 
You cocked your head to the side, intrigued despite yourself. That smile. It was angelic and so opposite of what came out of his mouth next.
"Fucking. You know? When it's that good good. Or even better, that feeling when you haven't smashed, but the sexual tension is everything?"
There was suddenly little air in the room. You had to open your mouth to get oxygen. Oh. You knew the feeling alright. You gulped down your orange juice and continued eating.
"Hard-dick dopamine delivers every time." 
He said it so casually. He was playing innocent, but he was going for it.
You choked on your bacon. Daveed came up beside you.
"Raise your arms above your head.”
You turned toward him, held your arms up and he helped you, his hands holding your hands up. You stopped coughing pretty quickly but you stared at each other with your small wrists in his large hands. Daveed shifted on his feet and cleared his throat.  
“You good?" His voice had to be a couple of octaves lower. 
You gaped for a second, mouth still open, then laughed and nodded, pulling your arms slightly to get him to release them.  Daveed let go, stepped back and laughed along.
"But yeah. Back to what we were talking about...It just takes a little high, and I'm a completely different person." 
You watched him as he crossed his chocolate arms. 
"So what's your drug? Your motivation?"
That was something you didn't want to think about too hard. You tried to avoid his eyes. You cleared your throat and took another drink.  
“You got any vodka for this orange juice?”
“C’mon. I made you this gourmet breakfast and everything…” You could hear the smile in his voice even though you were looking down. You didn’t feel pressed, you just felt like telling D this would open up so many things to him.
"Well, I don't do hard drugs if that's what you mean. No pills, or coke. Don't need molly," you winked and filled your mouth with French toast. 
"Gosh. This food is amazing!"
Daveed could barely make out the words through the food in your mouth.  He shook his head.
"Thanks, but don’t play me Lindy. Is french toast your motivation?"
Diggs wasn't letting you off the hook. You thought about it.  He was being very cool, and you felt safe with him.  You plunged ahead.
"I think about how fragile life is. How it is not guaranteed from day to day. How it can be taken away in a moment." 
You tried to push the emotions down and took a deep breath.
"I lost my twin brother when we were 17 in a car accident. I think a lot about what he didn't get to do. And that motivates me to do better with my life."
Daveed just looked down at the counter, mortified that he had pushed you to share something so personal. Then he finally looked up at you.
"That's a good reason to be motivated. I'm sorry for your loss." He looked down at his plate again.  "Look, I didn't mean to press you...."
Telling Daveed about Dell just felt right, even though you really didn’t know him like that.
"Don't apologize.  You didn't know. And I'm glad I told you." 
Diggs looked up at her and smiled. You smiled back.
He got up and stood next to you to grab your plate. Daveed smelled like coconut. It was nice. You closed your eyes and sniffed him.
"You done?" He was laughing at you.
"What? Oh, yeah. Thanks."
"Where is the fooood?"
Craig padded in the kitchen, with a wide smile. 
"There you are." You grinned at your cousin.
"Goood morningggg peopleeeee! I smell the Diggs Special. Hey. You two fuck last night?”
Rafa came in already on one this morning. Unlike his best friend, his confidence seemed to seldom waver.
He ignored your shocked looks and Craig’s laughter and went to get some food.  He continued as if he just walked in and said, “Good morning.”
"Ay, D, you gonna go check out this venue in town with me?"
Daveed shook his head at his friend. But he was chilling.
"Sure, what up?"
"I figure we can turn up on stage tonight"
"Cool. Let me eat and chill a little bit before we go." He looked at his watch. "About two?"
Jasmine walked into the kitchen. 
“Lindy needs to go shopping. We should come with.  You down, Craig?”
“You know it. That reminds me, we gotta fix you up.  Start destroying Daveed’s pants, since Lindy won’t do it for real.”
“Y’all gonna get enough…” you were getting swole.
“Calm down Ms. Fussy pants. Let’s go.”
Craig grabbed some shears from the kitchen and went toward Lindy’s room.
When you got to your room, Craig gave you the business.
"You are so tiresome."
“You just need to fuck the man. We are all tired of feeling this sexual tension. It’s bothersome.”
“Leave me alone, Craig.” You watched as he worked his magic on the jeans. “What if I don’t want t…”
“What if I’m not read…”
“Fuck that.”
“What if he hurts me? What if I hurt him?”
Craig put the shears down and turned toward you.  
“Listen, stop over thinking and do what you feel. What you want. Turn up. It’s your birthday. Anybody can see that man is all about you.”
“I’m scared.”
“I know. But you deserve…” He didn’t say it. 
“You deserve. Now put these clothes on, bitch.”
You emerged from the room and no one paid any particular attention to you, no one but Daveed. 
His eyes swept from your feet, which were housed in some of Jasmine’s high heeled sandals, to your long, brown legs which were highly moisturized and seemed to go on and get better from your juicy calves to your generous, muscular thighs. 
Craig had cut and distressed some jeans that Daveed didn't particularly love to garments that he felt he could not live without. 
On you. 
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Damn, Daveed gaped as he remembered that you probably didn’t have any underwear on. 
His eyes moved up to notice how his blue Oaklandish t-shirt was huge, but the way you had it tied up let it accentuate your waist, breasts and shoulders.
‘Good God,’ he thought. As his eyes moved up to yours, he saw that you noticed his reaction and were smiling at him. He smiled back. He wanted you to wear nothing but his destroyed and altered clothing for the rest of your life.
“OKAYYYYYYY, you look cute as hell.” Jasmine admired your outfit.  
“Thank you!”  Craig responded. 
“Yes, you did that!” Jas laughed.  “And the model ain’t half bad.” Jasmine got up, took your hand and had you twirl.
“Got DAMN!”  
Everyone turned and looked at Rafa as he yelled.  He put his hand over his mouth. “Oh, did I say that out loud?”
Daveed was so grateful that you did not have any of your own clothes. Your ass in those distressed shorts were everything. He gulped and you and Jasmine giggled.
“Be quiet!” 
Anthony shushed everybody and then gave you a double take. 
“Nice, Lindy,” but then he turned back to the tv. He was used to Jasmine’s glorious ass, so he was nonplussed. 
“Let’s just finish this episode before we go. It’s my favorite,” he said as Jasmine went back over to sit down with him.
Black Dynamite was on the tv while they were waiting. It was the alien episode. 
Ant and Jas were curled up in a big white overstuffed chair, Craig was on the other,while Daveed and Rafa were on the couch. You sat down in between them. 
You leaned your head on Rafa’s shoulder, looking at Daveed. Rafa put his arm around you, watching the show, as you put your legs up on Digg’s knees. 
You didn’t see Rafa wink at Daveed, who just smiled at you and turned toward the screen. After a couple of minutes, he put his hand on your shins, looking over to see if it was okay.  
Your chill smile indicated your assent.  He started lightly rubbing, looking down at your caramel skin. Your legs were so soft. 
Diggs peeked up at you relaxing and accepting his touch, and snuggling into Rafa’s embrace.  The way you were looking at him was everything, even if you were in Rafa’s arms. 
Rafa was his boy. And he knew what you wanted. As for Daveed and you, you two were watching each other and not the screen.
Daveed decided to move his hand up your leg, but a flash went off and he stopped. He hadn’t noticed that the show was over and that Craig was taking pictures. 
"This is so cute! Family love!" 
He was cheesing as he snapped a wide-angle selfie and some pics. Jasmine came and sat on your lap, the couch becoming a crazy twister game. 
Anthony came behind the couch and snuck in the pics with the crazy eyes flipped a double bird behind Rafa’s head. You were all being so silly.
"What is this, a orgy?” Rafa with the jokes. 
“Not that I’m saying there’s anything wrong with that.” That devilish smile. Everybody laughed. 
“Y’all are some beautiful people, but ain’t nobody got time for that. Let's go."
Anthony seemed hype.  He slapped his hands together and then rubbed them.
“Okay, we have a choice, since we are going into town we can drive….” he looked around at everyone.  “OR, we can go over in my new boat!”
Everyone sensed that there wasn’t really a choice, so they all said, “Boat!” and laughed.  
Anthony’s grin was wide as fuck.  Jasmine harshed the flow.
“The only thing is, it only has four seats…”  Everyone looked around and counted six people. Ant spoke up.  
“I’ll be piloting, so I will stand, but it takes about 20-30 minutes, soooooooo…..”
“Sooooooo, Lindy… would you mind sitting on D’s lap? We need to get creative.” 
Her eyes sparkled as she smirked. 
“Would that be okay with you Diggs?”
Rafa coughed “Setup” into his hand.
You looked at Jasmine and Anthony and Daveed, who was looking at you expectantly.  You were in agreement with Rafa, but you weren’t mad. It seemed that everyone was looking at you.
“Sure…” said Daveed whose eyes were fixed on you.  “Is that okay with you, Lindy?” 
You smiled and nodded your head.  “I’m cool with it.”   Daveed smiled wide, eyes crinkling with happiness.
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Jasmine and Anthony led you all out onto the back deck, where you and Jas took off your heels, and down to the beach, a little ways away to the boat dock.  You and Daveed brought up the rear of the little ensemble.
You were watching the waves and the beautiful surroundings, trying not to focus on the awkwardness. 
Daveed was watching you.
“You good Lindy?” 
Daveed’s voice broke your reverie.
You two stopped and looked at each other.  Your head was tilted back, looking into D’s eyes. He smiled down at you and you felt warm.  Must have been the sun.
“Heyyyy youuu guuuysss!”  
Daveed nodded his head toward the boat. 
You smiled and followed him. Ant was at the helm, Jasmine and Rafa were at the front, and Craig was in the second row.  
Daveed stepped on the boat and turned around offering you his hand. You flashed back to that January night.
You swallowed, smiled and tried to board. And immediately fell when you misjudged the deck while stepping on the boat.
Daveed helped you up, chuckling, while Craig howled and Rafa shook his head. Jasmine just stared, open mouthed, said “That’s not funny,” then burst out laughing.
Anthony was busy getting the boat ready but had a grin on his face.
“Fuck all y’all!”
“No, not all of us, just D…”
“Shut the fuck up Craig.”  You gave him the gas face and then turned and smiled at Daveed.
Daveed was seated and spread his arms out so you could sit down.  Anthony started the engine, so you got settled in on his lap as carefully as you could.  
“You okay?” you asked him softly, turning on his lap and feeling the muscles in his thighs. And maybe something else. 
You tried to adjust your shorts to cover your core adequately, because like this, he would easily be able to ascertain your situation.
Daveed looked into your eyes and whispered, “I’m perfect.”
You agreed silently as you stared back into his big browns. 
You were thrown against Daveed’s chest as the boat gained speed. You were able to feel his abs through his t-shirt and your rear shifted and came into contact with his crotch. 
‘This is going to be a fun ride,’ you thought, smiling to yourself.
Daveed put his arms around you, one at your waist and one on your legs, to try and hold you steady.  The movement of the boat allowed him to feel you, just as he wanted.  
He turned his head and looked at the water, concentrating on keeping his hands in neutral locations.
Jas looked over at you.  “You okay?” she mouthed.
You smiled and nodded, giggling a little.
D turned his head back quickly to look at your face. You looked at him and winked. He smiled and unknowingly started stroking your leg.
You stopped laughing and all of your attention turned to his hand on your leg. You adjusted yourself in Daveed’s lap. You were getting a little moist and could feel his cock becoming hard. 
Your lips parted and you started breathing a little faster.
The feel of you on his lap was what was up. There was a definite heat from your core. Daveed happened to look down at his t- shirt on you and saw that your nipples were hard.  
All he wanted was for them to be in his mouth and to be enveloped in your heat.
Daveed turned his head to look at everyone else to see if they noticed you two, and his lips brushed your shoulder.  He heard your sharp intake of breath.
Geez, he felt like he could take you on the boat in front of everyone. By the way your body was reacting, he thought that you would let him.  
He finally noticed he was stroking your leg and stopped himself.  He sat up straighter and tried to get control.
You closed your eyes and moaned a little when Daveed pulled away.  All you wanted at that moment was him inside you. When you opened your eyes, Daveed was looking at you.
“You sure you’re comfortable? I could sit on the boat deck if you want.”
“No!” you said a little too loudly.  Craig smirked at you.
You blushed, then relaxed again in D’s arms. How could a moment be so awkward, yet so perfect?.  
After about 20 minutes, the view of the pretty little town of Isabela became clear.  It looked like a neat spot to spend the day, but you were sad that the boat ride was over.
As the boat came to a stop and tied off at the dock, you and Daveed let everyone get off before them, then D climbed out, turned around and held out his hand for you.  
You took it and stepped out onto the dock. You didn’t let go and Daveed didn’t either. No one said anything, just exchanged glances as you and Daveed concentrated on being casual with it.  
Truth be told, each of your hearts were pounding in your chest.  
This is another world. You could be free and do what you wanted to do.  And what you wanted to do was to hold Daveed’s hand.
Daveed’s chest was puffed out, proud that you decided to show affection. In front of the crew. 
This was a big step but he tried not to make it a big deal.  
You strolled together and admired the architecture, holding his hand until you walked to the shopping center on Barbosa Street.
They were going to check out a venue to do a show later in the weekend. Daveed didn’t want to let you go.
Rafa and Ant just walked on and let Daveed handle his business. 
“Go to work.” 
You smiling at him was everything, as Daveed played with your hand, moving it up to lace his fingers in yours and press your palm upright.
Jas and Craig went into the store.
“It’s not work. Having fun creating with friends…”  
Daveed really wanted to create fun with you. He felt like he should kiss you goodbye, but he didn’t want to push it.
“Bye Daveed.  See you in a few.” 
You laughed, cause it was like he was going off to war. This was too much.
“Bye Linden…” 
He finally let your hand go and then backed up the street in the direction that his bros went, not wanting to let you out of his sight. 
When you disappeared into the store, he turned and ran to catch up.
Rafa and Anthony were talking to the club owner in Spanish, Daveed following along, but not very well.  He thought they were talking about lighting and sound, but couldn’t get the entire conversation.
“Tienes tu propio gaffer o tenemos que hacer nuestra propia iluminación?”
“Nosotros tenemos un capataz, pero él cobra una tarifa separada.”
Daveed zoned out and planned how he was going to get closer to you.
Rafa turned to him and said something, and Daveed nodded. 
“Oh, absolutely.”
 He had not one clue what was happening in this club right now.  His mind was on you.  Rafa and Ant looked at each other.
“So, when they bring up the pigs in tutus, we cut one open and smear the blood all over you…” 
Anthony wanted to see if Daveed was paying attention.
Daveed smiled. “Sounds dope.”
Rafa and Ant shook their heads at him.
“Listen dude, your head is not in the game right now. You need to get right.”
They didn't have to tell him twice. 
You were going to town.  Craig and Jasmine had abandoned you and were already down at Pinkheart and Loft.  You were not moving from H & M.
You didn’t mind being alone in the store, as you minored in shopping in undergrad. You were in the zone. And zoned out from what was happening with Daveed. You needed some headspace.
Your hands were full of clothes and your heart was feeling light as you headed toward the dressing room. 
You could barely see over your pile when the cute top you just recently grabbed off a clearance rack fell on the floor as you rushed ahead.  You walked past it before you realized, then went back to try and pick it up.
You jumped as soon as you turned around.
Daveed was standing there with your top in his hand.
"Drop something?"  That smile was everything.
You stared at him wide-eyed. 
‘Fuck. Me.’ Daveed thought. 
"Here, let me take your pile, I'll help you to the register."
You smiled at him again. He'd do anything to see that smile forever.
"Oh, ok. Thanks." 
You handed over the clothes to reveal a handful of sandals underneath which you kept. Daveed slowed himself to appreciate you fully.
“I really like that shirt on you.” Daveed bit his lip. “And those shorts..”
You saw him checking you out and you watched him, your eyes fixed on his lips. 
You recalled the talk about what mouths could do from months ago but were thinking about his succulent lips. And you couldn’t stop.
You needed to remain in control.
"I'm not going to the register, I'm going to try these on.  You can drop them at the fitting room." 
Daveed looked around to tear his eyes away from you.  He caught you checking him out when he swung his eyes back around.  His stomach flipped a little.  
He smiled.
You were at the fitting room, the attendant eyeing Daveed as he gave you a number and pointed you to a stall.  
You took the 10 garments you were allowed and started to go into to your fitting room, looking back at him over your shoulder. You disappeared into the room.
Daveed just stood there.
He made a decision.
You stood there for a minute, shook, before you thought you had yourself together. You were about to take off his shirt when Daveed opened the door at came in.
The look on your face was everything.  The wide eyes, that mouth in an "O." So damn fuckable.
"The guy out there said I could bring you the rest of your clothes."
That was true, after Daveed paid him 20 dollars.
He got close to you, reached behind you and put the clothes on the hook.
You could smell him. He smelled like the coconut and his cologne, and your dreams.  You closed your eyes.
Daveed wanted your lips. He wanted to own them, to command them, to hear them command him.
You opened your eyes and he backed up.  He tried to contain himself despite your proximity.
“Look. Daveed. That night. The launch party. I was wasted. I usually don’t lose control like that… I don’t want you to think that’s really me.”
You were keyed up and stressed because you were losing control.  He could tell.
God, he wanted to put his hands on you. In a good way. You’d calm down then.
He knew you had baggage.  And that he should probably stay away.  But he didn't want to.  Hell, he had matching luggage. 
"Well, I think it is you. I have a theory that people are more their real selves when they are drunk or high. Inhibitions are gone. They get to act out like they want to. Do what they want to."
Daveed looked into your eyes.
"What do you want to do, Lindy?"
You wanted to do a lot of things.  To Daveed. In this fitting room. You almost gave it all up for him right there.
Then you got mad. At Daveed or your feelings, you didn’t know.
"That's just it, adults don't get to do what they want to do all the time. It's called adulting, you know. Responsibilities...?" 
You fired back at him.
He opened his mouth and spoke.  To himself as well as you.
He said it gently, not raising his voice at all, but the force behind it made you shut the fuck up. 
Your knees were weak and the small of your back was acting up again. Your body was reacting without your permission. You shivered.
Daveed could tell you were reacting to him physically.  But he wanted inside your mind, not just your body. He was going to give you some space. 
He backed toward the door of the fitting room. Leaning against it, his long body in jeans and t-shirt delectable.
“What do you want, Linden?” 
His voice was deeper, more commanding now. You swallowed. You were exhausted from fighting it. Maybe you could have a taste.
“I-I want a kiss. Just a kiss.”
Daveed felt triumphant.  He smiled and looked down at his shoes, then back up at you.
“Come get it.”  
He was going to let you make the first move.
You bit your lip through a smile.  You walked the five steps toward him in slow motion it seemed, as you raised up on your tiptoes to reach up and peck his lips, your hands behind your back.  
Your lips met his pillowy goodness and you leaned back to look into his eyes.  
Then, you put your hands on his shirt, tracing his abs all the way up and going back in for more, Daveed’s tongue prodding it’s way between your lips, and your tongue dancing with his.
You moaned as Daveed put his hand on your hips and then slid them up the sides of his shirt, skimming your breasts, and resting under your arms as you two went for it. 
He lifted you up and you wrapped your legs around his waist, as he backed you into the wall. 
He palmed your ass in the shorts, his long fingers reaching inside the distressed rips and squeezing your ass. He spread you apart and squeezed you closed, so that his fingers barely grazed your core and drove you crazy.  
When you reached up and pulled his hair, that’s when he stopped kissing you, leaned his head against your forehead and breathed, “Fuck, Lindy. You don’t know what you do to me.”
You just looked at him and craned your neck for another kiss which he couldn’t deny, but then he stopped and let you down.
“What do you want Daveed?”
Daveed put his hand on the wall above your head. You looked up at it and at him and he had to remember to breathe.
“Fuck it. Linden, I want you. You know that.” 
You raised your eyebrow and smiled up at him, then bit your lip, playful. Daveed’s throat became dry.
“And I think that I know that you want me too. But I know it’s hard.”
Your eyes swept down his torso to his pants, and damn, well…if it wasn’t hard right now.
He cleared his throat.  “It’s hard for YOU.”  You smiled wide. 
He rolled his eyes.
“You know what I mean. It’s hard for you to be vulnerable, but Linden, I won’t hurt you. I promise.”
The way he looked in your eyes. You couldn’t go there with him, but the physical was okay for now. You decided to indulge yourself.  It was almost your birthday.
“What if I want you... to hurt me?” 
The innocent look in your eyes masked the devilish intent in your words. Daveed, stomach flipped again and he screwed his eyes shut. He masked a whimper and opened his eyes again.
“Huh. Don’t play with me Linden.” The menacing tone of his voice was making you wet.
“But what if I want to play with you, Daveed?” 
You reached for his belt buckle; Daveed stopped you, grabbed your hand and put it above your head against the wall, his arms now caging you in. 
You raised your chin, meeting his glare with yours. His eyes were fucking you so rough right now. You had to open your mouth to breathe, your tongue darting out to wet your bottom lip.
Daveed was looking as if he was going to devour you..  That mouth. He wanted to take it, but he restrained himself.  He had to know.
“Tell me. What. You. Want.”
You held his stare, the air around you crackling with energy.
“I want you Daveed.”
His smile was wide. Then he bent down, grabbed your thighs in his hand, picked you up and carried you to the mirror and pressing you against it, running his hands back down your body to your ass, cupping and grabbing it to memorize how it felt.
“We are NOT about to do this in the fitting room at H & M.  But somebody is going to cum. Right now.”
You kissed him as he ran his hands under your shirt to your nipples, pinching and rolling them in between his fingers as he kissed you again.
You started whimpering in your throat as you let him make you wet. 
“God, Daveed.”  
You kissed him again, but he did not stop what he was doing to your breasts.
“What?”  Daveed asked when you came up for air. “You wet?’
“Fuck yes.”  
You moaned as you threw your head back and huffed.
Daveed pulled his shirt up off your waist and exposed your breasts.  
“So fucking beautiful.”  
His mouth watered at the sight. Daveed licked his lips and leaned toward those beauties.
“Can I?”  Daveed paused.
“Please!” You whispered.  
He leaned down. His mouth got so close that you could feel his hot breath. Then he paused again.
“Please what?”
At first you could not think of what he was talking about. Then you got it.
“Please. Sir.”  
Your eyes sparkled under your lashes as you looked down. His dick got even harder.
“Such a Good Girl for me Linden. Fuck.”  
Damn, he had the key to your pussy.
Your wetness was leaking down your thigh, now reaching the tips of Daveed’s fingers.
Daveed proceeded to alternate his attention to each breast. Delicately at first, he kissed your nipples, then suckled them gently, then harder, more insistently, until his mouth was pulling at them rhythmically and firmly, to the point of almost hurting you.
You were groaning pretty loudly and Daveed released a nipple from his tightly clamped lips with an almost painful pop.
“Suck this,” he said, and put his thumb in your mouth, pushing your head back into the mirror. 
While still suckling you, he then moved his other hand down your body to your crotch and stuck his hand into the jean shorts, his long fingers grazing your folds, feeling a small patch of hair and your oh so slick lower lips. 
He looked up at you and how you were enthusiastically sucking his thumb, fellating it like it could cum down your throat.  That sight and feeling, combined with how you felt at your core, was fucking him up.
“Damn, Lindy? All this. For me? You sure?”
You nodded vigorously, his thumb deep in your mouth as he kept you pressed to the mirror. He found your clit and started rubbing, while inserting a finger into you. 
You were so fucking tight, it was a stretch to fit two in, but you were humming with pleasure now, your eyes rolling back in your head.
You nodded again, and as he pried your mouth open, your sounds became louder before he put his mouth on yours and kissed you, muffling your moans as his thumb and fingers worked in concert to bring you close to the edge. 
You tried to reach for his belt buckle again and he moved out of the way.
“Unh unh, it’s not about me right now.” 
Daveed grunted. He spun you around and had you face the mirror, his hand in your mouth and your pants, and his cock pressed into your ass.
It was big and your eyes matched it. You two stared at each other.
“Look at us.  Don’t we look good together? This should be a thing.”  
You watched what he was doing to you and it did look hot as fuck.
He pressed deeper into you through your pants.  He could feel you quiver on his fingers. 
“You want it Lindy?”
Daveed could feel your clit harden and vibrate like a guitar string.
“Maybe later, but you could cum… not now…” 
You whimpered around his thumb, but he sped up.  
“Not now…”
You were almost crying now. Daveed was smiling, his teeth bared against the shell of your ear, whispering his commands to you.
“NNNNot now….” 
Your legs were shaking from holding it.
“Good girl. Now cum.”  
Daveed spoke into your ear and you exploded from the inside out. It had been months since anyone else made you cum.
He reached down and grabbed you under your knees and sat down with you on the fitting room bench. You were draped around him like a vine, exhausted.
D held you for a few, taking care of you and waiting for his hard on to go down. You clung to him, eyes closed, trying not to panic. This was good. You wanted this.  And you told him so.
“Me too, Lindy.”  
He helped you stand and stood himself, standing behind you and watching you straighten yourself out in the mirror.  He pulled you back against him, wrapping his arms around your front and putting his chin next to your forehead.
“I meant what I said, Linden.  We look good together.  Let this be a thing.”  
You just smiled at him as you thought about the weekend to come.
Read the Next Chapter
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wrienne · 3 years
My Cheating, Amnesic Fiancé
Chapter 10: His Ring
Namjoon and Seokjin’s eyes widened, though you got no reaction from Yoongi. He was like an ominous presence, sitting at an angle you could only watch him through your peripheral view as you stared down at your hands.
“How?” asked Namjoon. “And how do you know that?”
“Yes, isn’t amnesia both incurable and irreversible?” wondered Hoseok. "That's what the doctor told us."
“Starting with that...”
While explaining what you and Kim Sejin had spoken about that morning and the battle plan you had organized all day during school, all six of them were quiet. You finished with, “...I figured I could grab some of his clothes as well as hear your ideas about my plan.”
“It sounds like some kind of movie plot,” said Seokjin dubiously.
“Exactly what I told your manager,” you said and smiled half-heartedly. “But this is the only option we have. I, for one, refuse to let Jungkook lose all that he’s fought for. What all of you have fought for.”
“Even if it’s a slight chance, there’s still a possibility,” said Namjoon in agreement.
“What would you have us do, then?” asked Jimin.
“If you could write down a list, just as I have,” you said as you showed them your scribbles, “I’d have something more recent to go on from. I have never been very close to him, especially since his debut, so your input would help tremendously.”
“Why help him then?” Taehyung regarded you warily. His hard expression had gradually morphed into one of focus and attentiveness, but now you saw it teetering. Would he flare up again? “What do you have to gain?”
“Would you stop it?” Hoseok gave Taehyung a harsh glare, which made Namjoon and Seokjin look curiously at him. Hoseok pointed at Taehyung. “This one almost lost it downstairs, blaming Jungkook’s accident on (Y/N). Taehyung, you coming at her doesn’t exactly help the situation.”
“Hyung,” said Taehyung coolly. “Everyone with half a brain understands that she and Jungkook parted on unfriendly terms. Have you ever heard him curse like that - especially to a girl who is supposed to be a ‘family friend’? And he wouldn’t speak to anyone at all until Sejin-manager had taken us to the bar. She made him drink and run out on the street.”
“He’s halfway right,” said Seokjin as he scrutinized you. “I’ve never seen our Jungkook that mad.”
“Exactly,” said Taehyung triumphantly. “So you better tell us the truth: what do you have to gain from Jungkook?”
“Nothing,” you said earnestly, then fumbled as you tried to structure the rest of your reply. Technically, you had absolutely nothing to gain from Jeon Jungkook’s potential recovery and reascent to the music industry’s top. Meanwhile, it would take you more than three months of hard work and utter, genuine dedication to even have a shot at getting him to Japan. It could all just prove to be a waste of time. Minutes, hours, days, weeks better spent on you and yourself. Not to mention, that bastard had been unfaithful to you for who knows how long, in addition to having treated you sometimes like air, sometimes like dirt and sometimes like you were his worst enemy in the world.
But still. Still. You couldn’t abandon Jeon Jungkook in his time of need.
“It doesn’t make sense,” said Taehyung and crossed his arms over his chest. “Jungkook told me you disliked each other, and that you couldn’t stand him. So why?”
“I just…”
You grasped after the right words. Your mind was muddled, however, so you had no choice but to simply follow the second voice-in-command: your heart.
“If you were me,” you began carefully, “would you have allowed the son of your parents’ best friend to forget his childhood dream? I’ve known Jungkook all of my life - we’ve grown up together, spent every holiday with one another and celebrated everything from birth, life and death side by side. He was horrible most of the time, I’ll say that, but he was there for me when others weren’t. You might believe my family fortunes and good name generated friends wherever I went, but no. It didn’t. I’ve been on my own pretty much all my life.”
You hadn’t meant for the conversation to suddenly turn so personal, but there you sat, pouring your heart out to six strangers. Perhaps that’s what made therapy so popular. People listening to other people’s problems.
You took a deep breath. “When my grandparents died, Jungkook was the first one to each of their funerals. When I was about ten or so and fell down a cliff during a hike with our parents and broke my collarbone, Jungkook was the one who found me and dragged me back to camp. He practically saved my life. Now, I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t have been able to look myself in the mirror if I just left him the way he is now, especially when I have a chance to help.”
No matter his betrayal.
“I have no clue what Jungkook told you about me, but I would never premeditate hurting or upsetting or exploiting him in any way.” You cleared your throat, grimacing as your windpipe had tightened with every word you said. “Now yesterday was the first time I saw you guys on stage. And though I possess no particular experience in show business or even an ounce of musical talent, I saw--no, felt that he belonged up there. Still - and I haven't told you all - would you have left him if you were me? Abandoned him for old grudges?”
You hadn’t noticed how hard you were clutching your hands together. Not until you felt the odd, ticklish sensation signifying a lack of blood and circulation did you realize that your knuckles and fingers had whitened. You loosened up and caught Taehyung’s eyes.
“No,” he said, immediately casting down his focus. “I guess not.”
“What we spoke of is private,” you said quietly, feeling your chest constrict in pain at the memory. “It is something I can never disclose. But the conversation wasn’t of a threatening or hostile nature, and if I knew he would run out drunkenly on a street because of my decision, I would have never made it. I would never, ever wish Jungkook harmed.”
No one spoke. Taehyung didn’t raise his gaze.
You sniffled. Hoseok quickly came back from the hallway with some tissues and handed you them. You wiped your eyes and were relieved to find the tissue only slightly damp. You weren’t bawling, at least, though the mere presence of tears made you frown - you didn’t exactly have something to cry for. You weren’t somber or filled with grief at the memory of your grandparents' funerals. However, you were extremely tired and weary after last night’s escapade to the hospital. And your conversation with your parents hadn’t exactly done much to brighten up your mood.
You almost chuckled. You were used to calling Jungkook stupid, but who was the bigger fool, really?
Considering how the next three months would progress, it was ironic, it truly was.
“What should we do?” asked Hoseok finally, breaking the silence.
“Let’s split up into groups,” said Namjoon after said someone’s stomach grumbled. “Jin-hyung and I will get to cooking since it’s our turn anyway. The rest of you can start with a list each.”
“What are we even supposed to write?” Jimin scratched the back of his head.
“It might be a bit personal,” you told him, “but it probably has to be in order for it to be memorable. Just write down anything you might have done with Jungkook that you feel affected your relationship in any major way.”
“Write down anything that you imagine Jungkook might have remembered up until the accident,” added Namjoon and slowly stood. “Like the time we went bungee jumping or traveled to Northern Europe.”
“Yeah, that’s a good idea,” you said.
“And you’re going to do what with this information?” wondered Seokjin, standing also. “Isn’t it better if we just meet up with him and tell him all of this? Try to remind him while face-to-face?”
You shook your head. “I wouldn’t say he’s scared of you. But he doesn’t trust anyone and might straight-up refuse to listen to any of you. And even if some of you manage to convince him to hear you out, what if it turns out he doesn’t remember? That might make you frustrated at him or just left feeling needlessly hurt. Furthermore, I don’t want to stress him out any more than he already is. Imagine, it must be like waking up from a five or so year long dreamless sleep for him and suddenly he’s overwhelmed with the eager input from six or so people telling him he knows them the way he did.”
“Okay,” said Jimin with a nod. “Who has some pen and paper?”
“I do,” said Hoseok, then disappeared into one of the rooms. He came out with a notebook and tore out a page for everyone except you, Seokjin and Namjoon, then returned with an equal number of pens.
Namjoon and Seokjin headed into the kitchen while Taehyung, Jimin and Hoseok eventually started discussing what would count as a “memorable memory”. Yoongi quietly pondered his sheet of paper, his dark gaze fixed upon the clean slate while he tapped his pen against the table surface.
He briefly found your eyes but said nothing.
Swallowing hard, you carefully unzipped your jacket and hung it over your chair as well as placed your duffel bag underneath your chair. Feeling uncomfortable just sitting there, you rose while putting up your hair with a hair tie and poked your head into the kitchen.
“Is there something I can do to help?” you asked.
Seokjin was instructing Namjoon when he stopped and looked at you over the latter’s shoulder. “No, we’ll be alright. You can just sit with the others.”
You wouldn’t have minded just sitting and watching them if not for Yoongi’s watchful eyes. But since you couldn’t exactly say that, you smiled sheepishly. “I’m sort of not used being around so many guys.”
“No male cousins or siblings?”
“None.” Your smile fell a bit. “It’s a small family.”
“How long are you staying?” asked Namjoon. He had begun washing vegetables in the sink.
“Oh, not very long,” you said quickly. “I wouldn’t want to intrude for any longer than dinner. And I told Jungkook I’d be back at six.”
Seokjin and Namjoon looked at each other hesitantly. The latter shrugged, and Seokjin found your gaze again.
“Would you mind setting the table, then?” he asked.
About half an hour later, all seven of you were busy eating homemade tteokbokki and bought gimbap. They asked you about you and Jungkook, how long you had known each other, what school you went to, and so on. The lists had been compiled into one master list, courtesy of Namjoon, who had wanted to organize all of their ideas into relevant categories, like years, members and places. You hadn’t even been aware of how hungry you had been until then and ate quicker than everyone else. Or well, almost.
“It’s almost six o’clock,” said Min Yoongi as he stood. “Come, (Y/N). Someone’s got to show her to Jungkook’s things and Namjoon is still eating,” he explained at everyone’s confused frown.
“Oh, I had almost forgotten.”
You rose and began carrying your dishes to the kitchen when Jimin stopped you. “Let it be,” he said. “I’ll take care of it. You better get back to Jungkook.”
“Thank you,” you said, then looked at everyone seated at the table. For once, Taehyung didn’t look at you with poorly disguised fury. “Thank you for the food, and for your help. I really appreciate it, and I know Jungkook would as well.”
“We’ll finish the last of the master list meanwhile,” said Hoseok as you bent to pick up your duffel bag. “Try to steal some of Namjoon’s stuff. He has way too many clothes that fall underneath the ‘hobo’ category.”
“It’s ‘boho’ I tell you,” mumbled Namjoon as he covered his mouth with his hand. “It’s a popular fashion style overseas.”
“That might be, but you make it ‘hobo’.”
Namjoon sighed as the others laughed.
You smiled at Hoseok, who returned the gesture, then turned anxiously toward Yoongi. He gestured for you to come and you followed him into the same room Namjoon and Seokjin had exited from. The bedroom was small, with only barely enough space for two single beds, a wardrobe, a tall mirror and a desk with a lamp, but surprisingly clean compared to the rest of the apartment.
Yoongi closed the door shut after you, then led you to the swelling wardrobe, which almost reached from the floor to the ceiling. He opened the wardrobe doors and pointed in a general area of blacks, jeans and whites. There was a surplus of beanies, mouth masks and brand underwear as well.
“That half is Jungkook’s,” said Yoongi as he opened the wardrobe doors and pointed in a general area. “Though some of his clothes might be in the washing machine or drying.”
“I think he can manage with this,” you said as you began placing one item after another into your duffel bag.
You didn’t know exactly how much you needed to grab, but when you considered the bleak possibility that Jungkook might not ever return to the apartment again, you decided to take everything of his at least in the wardrobe. While initially conscientious - you knew how prim Jungkook could be with his things - you took it slow, placing clothes like Tetris. Then, realizing it would take hours, you just shoveled as much as you could into the bag.
You tried to ignore the pair of slim dark eyes silently watching your every move.
“Is there anything else of his in here?” you asked Yoongi when you were finished. The duffel bag actually looked like a body bag now, but would still have some room left over for a phone charger or a headset or so.
“He has a laptop and some gadgets he carries in a small bag.”
It didn’t take you long to find the computer and you carefully placed it inside a computer bag marked “JK”. You found chargers, a mouse and a headset inside the bag first, though, which you poured into the duffel bag instead. When you were finished, however, and started toward the door, Yoongi stopped you.
You frowned and tried not to sound frightened, but felt your heartbeats surge into a gallop. “Hey, what--”
And you stopped so abruptly you almost choked on your words. You had wondered where Jungkook’s engagement band was, ever since you saw its obviously vacant place on his finger the evening before. But now you knew.
Held between his index finger and thumb, Min Yoongi raised the promise ring your parents had given Jungkook, its circular, golden shape familiar to you. His expression didn't change, nor did his voice.
“At which point of the dinner were you going to tell us about your and Jungkook’s engagement?”
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fluffymcu · 4 years
Confessions (Bucky x reader)
Okay so..... to my surprise, I was able to finish this fic tonight. @dropyoursocksandgrabyourcrocss suggested I make this a funny fic with Bucky. I tried my best lol. I do my funniest in person, not in writing but hopefully you enjoy. Also the reader will be drunk. Again, I’m not at all good at writing drunk behavior. I’m 17 so I’ve never drank or been around anyone who is drunk. So I’m basing it off of what I would imagine being drunk would be, and of what I’ve seen in movies. :)) thank you.
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You and Bucky were best friends. You were the one who helped him mentally recover when he escaped from hydra. He had met you in a gym. He was working out and...you were cheering your friends on from a bench. Eating. Donuts. Bucky found the scene to be quite funny so he confronted you, introducing himself and asking for a donut. You both got to talking and you had a lot in common. You know, except for being captured and tortured for years and the passion for fitness. That was 4 years ago. Your relationship has grown so much since. And you both had a slight crush on each other. And by slight, you mean giganticus.
Bucky furrowed his eyebrows as he dug into his pocket trying to take out his cellphone. When he took it out, his heart fluttered for a half second as he noticed there was a notification with your name on it. He opened it.
Ican’t stopp thinking abt uuuuu!❤️❤️❤️❤️💕💕💕💕💕💕❤️❤️💕❤️❤️❤️
He furrowed his eyebrows again at the text. Was it meant for him? Did you accidentally send it to him?
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😍😍😘🤣🥰😘🤣😝😛😛💕alllllll these guys here and I still only have eyesss 4u!
He wondered what could be the reason for these strange texts...and emojis. You never used emojis. Except for when you were....
Are you drunk?
Nop. You? Noppp I’m not even drinking. But I AM THINKING about uuuu! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️
Bucky sighed and got up from his couch and put his jacket on, ready to pick you up. He made sure to wear some comfy clothes since he had a feeling he was staying the night at your house.
Where are you?
Mmmmmm at the bar on 41st street. But I’m nottt drinking tho. Toatally sober :)))))
***totally** lollll
Stay where you are. I’ll be there in ten.
Bucky got in his car and pulled out from his driveway as fast as he could and made his way to 41st street.
Meanwhile, you were at the bar, dancing away and falling repeatedly on the floor. Random guys would help you up every time you fell. You would thank them, they’d ask you out, and you’d say you were taken. But only for today. Thank god they were drunk as well, so they believed your lie and left alone. About 10 minutes later, you fall once again, only to be picked up.
You’re about to thank the random man only to realize that this time, it’s Bucky. Your eyes light up and you squeal, wrapping your arms around him.
“Bucky!! You’re here!” Bucky wraps his arms around you to hug you back.
“Yeah, I am, doll. Let’s get you home okay?” He said, lifting you up bridal style. You wrapped your arms around his neck and gazed your glossy eyes into his.
“I’d go anywhere with you, Bucky Barnes.” You gushed. This making Bucky blush slightly. But you were too drunk to notice or call him out on it.
The ride home was relatively quiet. You were stretched out in the back seat, humming to no music and tracing shapes on the hood of the car. “So...sober, huh?” He chuckled. You giggled loudly and nodded.
“Yyyyup! 100 percent sober!” You slurred.
“Liar.” He scoffed. He finally pulled up to your apartment and helped you out of the car. Once you both got inside, you wobbled over to the fridge, immediately opening it and searching for food.
“Step away from the refrigerator.” Bucky slowly said. You turned to look at him with wide eyes.
“But... I’m hungry.” You whispered.
“I think you’ve had enough stuff in your body. You drank excessively and knowing you, you probably ordered everything on the menu; I still don’t understand how you don’t gain any weight. I don’t think you’re hungry, I think you’re bored.” Bucky said, leading you away from the refrigerator.
“Then entertain me!” You groaned. Bucky scoffed and lead you to your bedroom.
“It’s too late for entertainment, young lady, you need to go to bed. Come on. Get undressed while I get your pyjamas.” He walked torwards you drawers and picked out some shorts and a matching tank while you took off your heels. When you were just in your undergarments, Bucky, still facing away from you, passed you your pjs and you put them on, occasionally tripping over.
“Mkay, I’m done.” You sighed. Bucky turned around and layed you on your bed and tucked you in. You stared into his eyes shamelessly before sighing. “You’re so handsome.” Bucky looked down, blushing.
“That’s just the alcohol talking.” He murmured out loud; even though it was mostly directed towards himself. You shook your head and hummed.
“No. I mean it. I’ve liked you since I layed my eyes on you at the gym. I’ve loved you.” You smiled slightly. Bucky’s eyes met yours at your words. He stared at you for a second before snapping out of it.
“Right. Well, I’ll be in the living room if you need me. I’ll sleep on the couch. Goodnight y/n.” He smiled, leaving you to drift off into sleep.
He plopped down on the couch and thought about the words you had just told him. He didn’t want to believe it. He wanted to believe that it really was just the alcohol talking yet he never wanted anything more than for those words to be true. He needed to stop being afraid of being hurt, and let himself be happy. He smiled to himself, optimistic about tomorrow to see if you meant what you said.
The next morning, Bucky was up making breakfast for the two of you, waiting for you to wake up. He had a smile on his face, and a bounce in his step. It was now about 11:30 when he heard your dragged footsteps come out of your room.
He heard a long groan from your direction, making him smile widely. “Good morning, sleepy head!” He greeted, making sure to sound extra cheery to annoy you.
“Ughh, more like hungover head. What’s for breakfast?” You sighed. You looked over at the stove and saw eggs and bacon. You smiled then instantly frowned. “Did I have bacon?”
“No, I ran to the store real quick this morning and got some. I had already started the eggs when I noticed you didn’t have any.” You nodded your head and hummed.
You took a seat on the island and watched him cook. “So... do you remember anything from yesterday?” He asked, turning around to look at you for a brief second before attending the food again.
You thought back to the night before but couldn’t remember much. “Mm, not really. Just taking the taxi to the bar and then being in the backseat when you drove me home. Oh and I texted someone a bunch of emojis.”
Bucky chuckled. “Yeah, you sent them to me.” Your eyes widened.
“Really?” Bucky nodded.
“And...” Bucky paused, making sure to get his words right. “You also described with detail your profound liking to me. Or well, quoting you: “love.” Your eyes widened even more as your face went completely red.
“What? No, I didn’t.”
“Yeah, you did.”
“No. I didn’t.”
“Yeah, you kinda did.” He pointed his finger at you with an apologetic smirk on his face.
“No. I couldn’t have. I know how to keep myself under control when I’m drunk.”
“Ehh, I beg to differ.”
“Shut up. No, you’re making this up.” You said, getting up and walking to the couch. You were so embarrassed. Suddenly everything that happened last night started flooding into your mind. The texts. The emojis. The flirting. The confessions. The confessions! You confessed your love for him! You swallowed thickly. You were so lost in thought that you didn’t even realize that Bucky had sat down next to you.
“Hey, it’s okay. I-”
“I still think you’re making this up. I don’t even remember saying that.” Bucky chuckled and rolled his eyes.
“Come on, doll. I can show you the texts you sent me as proof. I know you remember. Just admit it. Come on.” He said, getting tired of going around in circles and poking your side, making you flinch.
“Admit it then.” He said with another poke. Your lips curling up a bit.
“But I didn’t say-”
“Yes you did.” He nodded. You smiled and tried to hide it by looking away. He then moved to your ribs, one of your worst spots, starting with a squeeze. You squeaked, and shuffled away from him.
“Bucky, I- I can’t. I don’t remember saying that.”
“Oh come on! Just admit it! Admit it so I can tell you I love you too!” Your eyes almost popped out of your eye sockets as you turned around to look at him.
“Wait, what?!” You weren’t allowed to think any further as you were now victim of a full blown tickle attack to you ribs.
“What??” Bucky asked, acting oblivious to what he’s doing.
“Whahahahahat?” You giggled hysterically, trying to wiggle out of his trap without success.
“What, what? I’m not saying anything else until you admit it. It’s easy.” He said nonchalantly, blowing a raspberry on your neck. You squealed and cackled when his hands traveled down to your hips, him pushing you down and straddling your legs. “It’s gonna get worse by the second y/n, admit it while you still can.”
You shook your head, jolting as his thumbs dug into the space right about your hips. “STOHOHOHOP! YOU CAHAHANT JUHUST DOHOHO THIS TO MEHEHE WHENEVEHEHER YOU WAHANT SOMETHING!” You slapped at his hands repeatedly.
“Yeah, but this is important. We’re confessing. Well, we would be if you weren’t being so stubborn!” He smirked before blowing a raspberry on your belly, making you cackle and kick out your legs. You groaned audibly.
“Arrrh, IM HUNGOVER!” You screamed all in one breath, making Bucky burst out laughing. “LEHEHEAVE ME ALOHOHONE!”
“You know I don’t give up easily, y/n/n. Just admit it already. I’ve already told you I feel the same way.” He said, slowing down, now only scratching lightly at your sides to keep you giggling.
“Okahahahahay! Okahahay, I admit it!” You sighed, pushing his arms away. Bucky chuckled but stayed on your lap.
“And that is...” you rolled your eyes.
“I love you, Bucky. I’ve loved you since I saw your sweaty self approach me at the gym and ask me for a donut all those years ago.” You smiled at the memory that felt like yesterday.
“You know, you made it sound much more romantic when you were drunk.” He squinted his eyes at you, laughing with you before leaning down and finally doing what he had been wanting to do to you for 4 years.
By that I meant kiss you. Come on, let’s keep it PG-13 guys. Thanks.
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multiharlot · 4 years
angel || reid/emily x angel!reader (3)
summary: this is where the writing actually starts to get goooood. okay, so basically, spencer didn’t choose his words very wisely, now everyone has to pay the price for that.
series masterlist
part 1 | part 2 
y/n’s pov
i pressed the seal onto the last envelope, my fingers running over the freshly dried ink. 
“are you sure you want to do this?” the voice echoes in my head, and i nod. 
“it’s what he wants. it’s what’ll make him happy. besides, now i’ll get to be a full angel.” i chuckle sadly, placing the envelopes face down on the desk. 
“i’ll make these just...mail super fast.”
“please and thank you.” i sighed, and the letters dissipated from my desk. 
i pulled my coat on, the handbook underneath my arm as i walked through the frigid cold streets. i wasn’t aware of how long i was walking until i finally reached the tombstone. her name engraved in the limestone. i reached down, tracing my fingers over the letters as i kneeled on top of her grave. i opened up the handbook and my phone rang out. i pulled it out of my pocket to see emily calling. the call went to voicemail and i could see the text messages piling in. a sad smile graced my lips and i placed the ringer on silent, leaving the phone on so that garcia could track me. maeve would need someone to come and get her once this was done. i placed the clothes and jacket onto the ground with a sticky-note with her name on it on top of the small pile. taking in a deep breath, i placed my hands on the ground. 
“amantem reducant amissum. amissos reducendum est. commutationem pro anima sua. et omnes deterrere.“ i mumbled, a tightness forming in my chest. 
i spoke the words again, each time the words getting louder and louder. and suddenly, i awoke. 
“welcome home, my child.”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
third person pov
the team sped through the streets as emily clutched her phone tightly in her hands. 
“pick up, dolly. come on. please pick up.” she pleaded underneath her breath. 
spencer sulked in the backseat, one thought running through his mind. why didn’t he get a note?
the cars squealed to a stop and they all pummeled out of the cars. they ran through the graveyard and came to an immediate stop, baffled at the sight before them. 
spencer pushes his way through his team, and all his movements cease. 
the girl lets out a sob and spencer runs over, collecting her into his arms. 
“hey, it’s okay. you’re okay.”
and as he stood there, consoling the woman he loved, the rest of the team had their eyes on the small body laying on the ground. her y/h/c hair sprawled across the grass. her body cold and devoid of color. emily was the first to break her trance as she ran over to y/n’s body, collecting her into her arms. 
“no. no you’re fine. we’ll get you to a hospital and you’re going to be fine. you’re an angel. you can’t die. come on. wake up baby. please...” she sobs, pushing y/n’s hair from her face. 
“emily...”jj sighs, placing her hand on emily’s shoulder. 
hotch walks over, picking up the small leather bound book. 
“this must be her handbook.”
“we should...probably keep that.” derek says, and hotch nods. 
“probably.” hotch says, tucking the book underneath his arm as they watched their teammate fall apart, just as spencer once had. 
“no. guys she’s okay. she’s fine. she’s just cold. she needs a blanket.” emily sobs, attempting to pick her up. 
garcia sobs audibly as rossi tucker her underneath his arm. morgan sighs, bringing her into his arms. 
“a life for a life...” emily mutters, snapping her head up at spencer who had maeve in his hold as she watched awkwardly from the side. 
“this is your fault.” she growls, placing y/n back onto the grass and stomping towards spencer. 
“hey woah woah.” jj says, grabbing hold of her best friends’ arms. 
“she did this for you! you knew someone had to die to bring back maeve, and you didn’t care. you didn’t even bother letting her finish her sentence. so i really hope you’re happy spencer. i really do. you have the love of your life. and it only cost you mine.” emily sobs, pulling herself from jj’s hold and locking herself into the car. 
“we need to put her in the grave.” rossi says, rolling up his sleeves. 
“wait what?” derek asks, placing his hand on rossi’s chest. 
“in my letter. she left instructions on what to do afterwards. the first thing, was she told me to bury her in maeve’s grave. something about the loss of one body requires a replacement body.” rossi sighs.
“then we get her her own.” jj argues. 
“she told me herself. she said we had to make sure her body was put in maeve’s. or else the transference won’t work. her body needs to decompose like maeve’s did or else...or else maeve, as alive as she is, will start to decompose.” rossi explains, pulling his letter out of his pocket. 
meanwhile, spencer and maeve stood to the side. both enthralled by each other’s presence and guilt ridden at the sorrowful atmosphere. spencer glances up at the sky, a heavy sigh escaping his lips. thank you.
yet, as spencer was thanking the heaven’s, emily sat in the front seat of the suv, heavy and loud sobs escaping her lips. y/n’s heart wrenched as she watched her from the skies. clutching her chest, she nodded her head, sobbing as emily’s thought filled y/n’s ears.
“i know, baby. i know.”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
*one month later*
she had visited them all in dreams. even jack and henry. but not spencer, never spencer. she still watched after him, and cared for him. but she couldn’t get his words out of her head. they weighed heavy on her soul as if she were constantly wearing 10 pound ankle weights. she had visited emily the most. emily and garcia. slowly, the girl’s heart wilted away, her love for the genius wilting along with it. and in it’s place, blossomed a love for funny, kind, hardworking woman. y/n never would have guessed that she could ever feel this way for her, but she did. she does. y/n had grown content with watching from afar. of course she had missed them. she missed them dearly, but they all still had their moments. and she never regretted a single choice she had made. until she heard it. 
“she’s dead, spencer! i thought you loved me? i thought that was the whole point of her dying? she died so she could save the woman you loved.”
“i did love you, maeve. but i...i guess...my love for her just slipped past me and i didn’t even notice. i just can’t stop thinking about her. and i’m sorry but you don’t deserve this. you deserve better.”
“yeah...i do.” she scoffs, slamming the apartment door shut and stomping to her car. 
y/n’s pov
a sudden rage bubbled in my chest and i immediately felt a warm hand on my shoulder. 
“what’s wrong?”
“you know.” i grumble, shutting the window and sitting on my bed. 
he sighs, taking a seat next to me. 
“did you ever read your handbook?”
“yes i read the-”
“all of it?” he asks, staring pointedly. 
my head cowers and i shake my head. 
“no...but i read most of it”
“ah...but not the part you need the most.”
my eyebrows furrow and i run out of the room, heading straight for my brother gabriel’s room, snatching his handbook off of his desk. 
“yes of course you can borrow it.” he chuckles sarcastically, and i wave him off. 
my eyes skim through the pages and a short gasp leaves my lips. 
“you read the page about your wings, yet?” he smirks. 
an excited bubble burst through my chest and i lean down, kissing his cheek. 
“oh i love you all so much. but i have to go.”
“remember, if you die, that’s all you get!” he shouts. 
“i know!”
i ran out the doors and through the garden, my wings expanding and i took flight, heading straight for the open portal. emily, i’m coming. 
i bite my lip as i happily soared above the clouds. my eyes had reached the quanitco building and i dove straight forward. they were in the conference room when i had appeared outside of the doors. i took a deep breath, tucking my wings back in before placing my hand on the door handle. just...say something normal. be cool, y/n.
i pushed open the door and their eyes fell on me. garcia lets out a squeak and both spencer and emily shoot up from their seats. 
“heyyyy” i smile, biting my lower lip and throwing up finger guns. 
finger guns? really?
“oh my god this isn’t real.” morgan mutters. 
“ooooh. but it is.” i smile, tucking my head into my shoulder. 
“you- you’re really here?” emily gasps, stepping forward and running her fingers through my hair. 
“i’m really here, em.”
she lets out a short sob before pulling me into her arms. i’m then passed around like a community teddy bear and everyone pulls away, leaving me standing awkwardly in front of spencer. 
“why would you do that? i...i was angry. i didn’t mean what i said-”
“except you did. i warned you, spencer. somebody had to die. somebody of the same level of importance to you. it was a necessary pain that you had to face. and i had already told you that i can’t just...keep bad things from happening to you guys. we both have to pay the price for it. so, it had to be me. i couldn’t let anyone else die. not for this. but that’s okay. i’m still alive. i’m just not human. that part of me had to die. now i’m just...an angel.”
i let my wings shake loose and the team gasps, reaching out to touch the feathers. 
“i thought angel’s wings were supposed to be white.” spencer mumbles, his eyes scanning over my wings. 
my heart stops and my eyebrows furrow. 
“well, i’m not complaining about the gold either.” emily chuckles, and i immediately retract my wings. 
“what?” i ask, my eyes wide. 
“yeah, what’re you guys talking about? they’re white.” jj chuckles. 
“no...they’re not.” spencer says, giving jj a concerned look. 
“hey...are you okay?” hotch asks, placing his hand on my shoulder. 
“i- ummm...they are white but...there’s only supposed to be one person in this whole universe who can see gold wings.”
“one?” garcia asks, raising an eyebrow at me. 
“my soulmate.” i say, staring wide eyed at emily and reid. 
everyone pauses as they look between us three. 
“and you both see gold?” rossi questions, and the two nod their heads. 
“i- i have to go. i’ll be back. but i-...i really need to go.” i breathe out, pushing my way through the team and back out the door. 
i could hear them calling out my name but i closed my eyes and the next thing i knew, i was in the skies. i sped through the clouds and landed myself right on the porch of my home. opening the doors, i shouted out to him. 
“i’m assuming you found out about your little...dilemma?” gabriel asks as he popped a grape into his mouth. 
“it...it doesn’t make any sense, gabriel.” i groan, throwing myself onto the couch next to him. 
“you forget that you were half human. so, both parts of you were assigned a soulmate. when human you died, so did your love for that soulmate. but the angel you, still has a thriving love for your soulmate.” he says, patting my knee comfortingly. 
“but...which one is real?”
“ah that’s the tricky part because they’re both real.”
“but if i only love my angel soulmate then...my human soulmate has no one.” 
“tricky tricky things this soulmate stuff.”
“and what happens to my human soulmate?”
he pauses for a moment, grabbing hold of my hand. 
“listen. a piece of your soul belongs to lucifer now. the human you, is stuck in hell. that’s the piece of you that belongs to the human soulmate. when you figure that mess out, you’ll figure this mess out.”
@dreatine​​ @slytherinintj13​​ @mileven-reddie​​ @eleventhdoctorsangel​​ @haileymorelikestupid​
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masterofhamsters · 7 years
Final thoughts about RWBY4
Okay, so after 15 weeks of volume 4, how do I feel? Well, let’s just say I was incredibly optimistic when the trailer dropped and now I regret every single defense I had as the episodes kept rolling out. Volume 4, while I personally don’t think it’s volume 2′s level of bad, is in a league of its own.
So what do we got? Volume 4 had a good premise: the characters we’ve grown to love for the past three years are now separated due to things out of their control. Now we have to see how they react to and deal with their individual situations on their own.
Though I became a late fan of the show (didn’t start watching until it was available on Netflix, long after Monty’s death), I could clearly see the flaws in it. Since I watch a lot of what people would consider bad anime, I let it slide. I’m quite the apologist when it comes to these things. So that’s why I wasn’t too bothered with some of the flaws in volume 3. Yeah, Pyrrha could’ve been much better executed. Had she had more attention as a character rather than a love interest in previous volumes, I think her death would’ve been loads better, but this was their first volume since Monty passed and they worked with what they had I don’t blame them. In fact, volume 3 was probably the best volume to date.
But things got really shaky in volume 4. Ruby is now with the remains of JNPR and the other girls are at home with their parents. Each characters’ stories have a different premise to them, from Yang’s PTSD to Weiss’s domestic abuse to Blake’s mixed feelings of going back home to Menagerie. The fact that the girls are separated for the first time had much potential to show what the girls were like as individuals rather than constantly playing off of each other. It gave us an opportunity to see another side of them we wouldn’t see otherwise.
However, that’s where the flaws of the volume come in. Up until this point, we’ve only had 12 episodes per volume with the exception of volume 1 (where we have 16; 10 if you’re following the Blu-ray’s episode count). Frankly, I was aware that there was no way they could’ve satisfactorily concluded four different stories in a span of 12 episodes. Throw in Jaune, Nora, and Ren in there with some new characters? Yeah, no way that was happening.
Speaking of new characters, let’s talk about them, shall we?
We have three new villains (six, if you count the new White Fang members), Hazel, Watts, and Tyrian, and a walking plot device in Oscar. Out of these four, only Tyrian has really done anything of note. The only reason why we believe the other two to be threats is because they talk down to Cinder, a person whose strength we can already measure for ourselves. Meanwhile Tyrian did advance the plot somewhat. He indirectly pulled Qrow out of hiding and helped made aware that Cinder wasn’t the top threat in the series to the characters. But even then, he doesn’t accomplish much. Granted, that one scene when he cried did humanize him a little, it made me feel like he was even less of a threat than he already was.
Now, fucking Oscar. Boy, this kid is a mess. His introduction was stupid for one thing, being in the first damn episode and us as the audience having no idea what the fuck it was about. Yeah, you can argue it was some sort of foreshadowing, but it was poorly done. It didn’t make me care for him in the slightest. In fact, I was actually annoyed whenever he was on screen. So far, we know nothing about him as a person. We know what he is: a farmer boy who’s for some reason harboring Ozpin’s soul. But we don’t know who he is. That bothers me on so many levels because he’s clearly an important character. I want to care about a character as a person more than a pivotal plot point.
Speaking of characters who are more plot points than people, let’s talk about our darling Ruby Rose. Now don’t get me wrong, I adore Ruby. She’s like my favorite female character in the entire show. But man does the writing fuck her over. So, after the events of volume 3, Ruby watched two of her friends die as a result of the Fall of Beacon. Now, for a 15 year old, you’d think that would be mentally traumatizing. But no, Ruby hasn’t reacted at all over the course of volume 4. Everything relating to Pyrrha’s death was for Jaune and Jaune alone. Hell, they didn’t even mention Penny until episode 11.
Really think about that. Ruby’s first real friend that didn’t try to judge her for who she is was only mentioned in a passive manner. Not only that, Ruby barely even reacts to it. They put all of Ruby’s development in this volume into a two-minute one-sided conversation between her and Jaune. The biggest flaw of Ruby’s story is that she’s surrounded by characters with unconcluded character arcs. What’s even worse is that one of those characters was Jaune.
Okay, let me get this straight. I DO NOT HATE JAUNE. I HATE HOW HE’S WRITTEN AND THAT HE’S TAKING OTHER CHARACTERS’ MOMENTS. Jaune is the result of too much focus in writing. From how I see it, Miles and Kerry are trying to get his development out of the way in order to move on to other characters.
The problem is, it’s not working nor is it apparent to the viewers. Hell, me thinking that was just me rationalizing their actions as writers. Even then, it’s poor. They know how much hate Jaune gets from the fandom, yet they insist on doing things that would get the fandom angry. They continually ignore the criticisms he gets and make him do things that other characters could’ve easily done themselves.
Look at the last episode. Why the fuck was Jaune the one to save Qrow? They were at each other’s necks just a few episodes ago and now they’re sharing a moment? You can argue that it’s because he knows how much Qrow means to Ruby but in that case, why didn’t Ruby save him? She clearly could considering her goddamn semblance is super speed.
Was it so they could show off Ren’s semblance one more time to reconfirm to both the characters and the audience what it is? In that case, there’s an easy solution: have Ruby save Qrow, but the Nucklavee sees this and decides to give chase. Ruby, in a panic, accidentally trips. That’s when the other three help her get away. Perfect time to show off Ren’s semblance as well as Jaune’s new upgrade. Ruby and Qrow have a character moment they desperately need in order to make Ruby relevant as a character again and then you’re done.
Also, can we talk about that Nuckalvee fight? Why the fuck did Ruby forget how to use her semblance and scythe? The entire volume 4 trailer was her abusing her semblance and it even looked like it evolved to a different level. Why didn’t she used her super speed at all in the final battle? The animation crew seriously need to watch the older episodes to get a better feel to how Ruby actually fights. Ruby gets so fucked over by the writing that she hasn’t been developed since the first fucking volume. Now they didn’t even try to give her screen time.
But enough about Ruby, let’s go to Weiss. Weiss, I think, had one of the more compelling stories of the bunch along with Yang. We knew she came from an abusive household, but we didn’t know how truly fucked up it was so it was interesting to see what her situation was really like. And it just felt... strange. While her dad was pretty much how people made him out to be, but her having a brother was a little jarring. It makes sense in the full sense of things, but I think he should’ve been at least name dropped in volume 3 like Winter was in volume 2. Overall, her story felt a bit rushed since I wanted to see more about her relationship with her mom and brother, but I can’t say I really have much to say about her story.
Same thing with Yang. Like, I have no idea what it’s like to have PTSD and clinical depression, but the common consensus is that they completely rushed Yang’s recovery and that’s something I see. Yang seemed reluctant to put her new arm on, but I would’ve liked more scenes of her trying to get used to it or still hesitating to going back into the battlefield. The bit about her mom was nice and I do like how Burnie and Barb’s relationship sorta translated into Tai and Yang’s relationship.
Now, Blake’s story. Blake’s story was a fucking mess. Her story introduced five new characters: ones that were totally unnecessary (Fennac and what’s his face), ones we didn’t know exist (Ghira and Kali), and one that shares a past with Blake but was not explained or expanded upon (Ilia). Okay, as much as I like Blake, she, like Jaune, gets far more attention than the other characters. The only reason why I’d pardon it is because she’s a titular character. But that doesn’t justify why she’s suddenly more important than the others.
When will it ever get to their heads that introducing even more characters is not an solution to every problem? I don’t know about you, but I love when there’s some build up to character introductions. We all assumed Blake was an orphan but now she’s the daughter to the chief of Menagerie and the ex-leader of the White Fang? Kinda important info there, guys.
TL;DR Too much exposition and overly focused character moments is what ruined this volume for me. I don’t care about the lore if it digs into possible character moments. I don’t care about character moments if it’s about characters I already know too much about. Overall, the only high points of the volume were the Renora moments. Ren and Nora also suffered from lack of reaction to Pyrrha’s death, but at least they had the moments they deserved after being put onto the sidelines for as long as they have. 
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