#yes i KNOW there are individual exceptions and I am not upset about those
nientedal · 11 months
STOP dropping trans people's deadnames into the world like they belong there! Do not tell me about your "friend Karla who used to be Carl," just fucking tell me you have a friend named Karla who is trans! That's all you need to say! Her old name is dead! That name is no more! It has ceased to be! It's expired and gone to meet its maker! It's a stiff! Bereft of life, it rests in peace! So let it rest!
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elliespuns · 2 months
you summed up my thoughts perfectly! there is a lot of very juvenile virtue signalling going on right now but then again i’ve always found things like ‘black outs’ and ‘strikes’ a little silly and just.. unrealistic honestly. it’s just a way for people to flex ‘i’m better than you because i’m dedicating all my free time to the cause and you’re not’. it reminds me of the very toxic twitter era where this sort of grapple for moral superiority was rampant amongst young people trying to assert that they were in fact good and pure (a LOT of these individuals are 17,18,19 it seems). not everyone wants to be a social media activist and that’s perfectly valid. calling you a zionist on anon is way too far though, at least have the guts to put forth such a serious accusation with your name attached.
I just think that people attacking bloggers for not 'spreading' informations about the conflict are unreasonable and rude. 
Every fandom blogger has their own personal social media where they might be talking about it, which these anon attackers won't ever know, yet they keep harassing. They are basically trying to spread good by being mean to others? How ironic.
I don't feel the need to apologize for not sharing it here. If I feel I want to share something here, I will (as I did a few hours ago). People should realize I am running a fandom blog here. Those who are already following me must already be aware of how things are.
Needless to say, many of us fell in love with the game back in 2013 (part 1) and 2020 (part 2) where there was no conflict and no 'choosing sides'. So now that the creator of the same game shows his true colors, we're supposed to start hating on something we already love and find hard to unlove? A bit harsh, huh? Because unless we go and buy the products from the big corporate companies, we are harming no one. Loving something from afar has never hurt anyone. For Christ's sake, we're loving a game with fictional characters, not the people who have the guns and bombs. The game will always be there; ignoring its existence will do nothing. 
For those who would be wondering (as I understand everyone expects a big fan like me to own things related to TLOU)… yes, I own things. But I bought them a long time ago, when there was NO conflict to get upset about yet. All of these things were bought secondhand on top of everything (well, except for Part 1, which I bought completely new back at the time—again, no conflict back then). So does that mean I should just take all these things and throw them away too? The damage has already been done; someone already bought these things from the corporate companies before selling them to me secondhand. Should I just take all these things, destroy them, and throw them out the window to prove what exactly? That doing so is completely useless too because it helps literally nobody? These things might as well just keep lying on my shelf. I didn't hurt anybody by getting them back in the day.
I am tired of repeating myself over and over. Those who understand this will get me. Those who don't, won't. And that's okay. I won't apologize for talking about Palestine in my personal life and not in the feed of the silly little blog I manage.
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rosekisspeach · 3 months
TAROT READING//Bummie's view on mingkey relationship
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Date: 16/Jan/2024 Marker: Selca, Music Deck of Cards: Trungles' Star Spinner Tarot (Inclusive, Diverse, LGBTQ Theme)
Notes Upfront:
I don't ask my cards questions that I already have answers;
I don't prey on information I should not know;
I respect their personal lives and;
This is for FUN ONLY.
ʕ•̫͡• ʔ stream Minho's Stay For A Night!! -ㅂ-
This time, the song I recommend listening to while reading is Bummie's Ain't Gonna Dance
"But let me break it down for ya honey I ain't gon' dance for your loving"
Now...Ready to glimpse into Bummie's view??
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Base Card: 10 of Coins Past: King of Cups R Now: 10 of Cups Future: 6 of Swords Past to Now: The Lovers Reverse Now to Future: 8 of Coins Reverse Result Card: 7 of Wands
Please take time looking at the cards before proceeding to read the readings, thanks. . . . . . Readings:
If ming's cards manifest honesty, bummie gives me a very strong sense of rationality. Despite so many cups here (family ties, romantic love, and self-love), bummie is a very goal-orientated individual who doesn't let the floats of emotion impact his career and personal life. He has become a little control freak, hehe. But it is totally understandable. After losing his grandma, jjong and ming (++ refer to the romantic section for elaboration) , bummie is trying to re-gain control through being a workaholic, so to express his heartbroken sadness in work and art. Good news is, he feels very content about his career, financial status, relationships, and where he and ming at. However, one might argue that he is a bit cruel and possibly, selfish - maintaining the status quo because he is one who has more say in their relationship.
Let's look at the past. The reversed king of cups immediately brings that shy bummie back to my mind. He was delicate, sensitive, on-the-edge in the debut times, but full of dreams and determined to make a career out of himself as a multi-talented idol. He didn't hesitant much at the decision of leaving Daegu to Seoul for his dream, even that meant completely new environment, living alone, and not being able to spend more time with his family. Especially his grandmother, the one raised him, and understood him (as I am typing, I still sense the warmness in bummie's heart whenever he thinks of her. He never stops missing her). And that is rationality v.s. emotions from day 1. Kibum has been really hard on himself since the beginning and loneliness, the feeling of out-of-place & isolation had consumed him. But he could handle those...then he met Choi Minho. A bit dramatic? No. Ming made bummie doubting whether the industry (and fans) would welcome someone like him. Worse. He hurt bummie in ways that reminded bummie his wronged times back in Daegu. A less developed city where you see more discrimination and bully against people who want to be themselves instead of being others. That is why bummie got all work up and self-protective when he is around ming. And bummie is as stubborn as ming, he overcomes the side-eyes like breathing fine air.
He didn't know how to overcome ming tho.
It is getting very hard not to analyze it in romantic ways because the lovers dropped, yes, but also because the lovers card is the only major arcana appeared in the result - meaning it is very IMPORTANT. (ming has both the world and the lovers, emphasizing how much he wants to make things right between them, and romantic love could be a good option) However, I will try to give a platonic reading first.
Bummie has been rational dealing with emotions, yet ming is his exception. The frictions, the fights, and the upsets slipped into his heart & left a void that bummie learnt to distance himself from ming and from getting hurt. It doesn't mean bummie doesn't care about ming. He does, deeply. And seeing ming happy makes bummie so happy that he is willing to sacrifice his own desires. Don't forget how sensitive, loving and caring bummie is. He is just too good at choosing rationality instead of his own wants. Taking the left-on-read messages as an example, bummie needed his own space/time to grieve, so he prioritized healing his own heart before ming's enthusiasm to bond. Even if that means hurting ming, means his heart ached at the realization he is hurting ming, and giving away the chance to be closer with ming. Bummie was resolved on the idea of not allowing anything ANYTHING to hurt his precious precious heart.
And looking at the base card, the king of coins, bummie is pretty satisfied with his decision. He enjoys ming being around (in the distance he sets for them), and he wasn't lying when he compares ming to commedes and garçons in the LG Object Collection show. Ming is loyal and bummie knows he can count on that - he loves ming supporting him (both his career and personal life), accompanying him, and comforting him. Ming is not just a good friend, he is family that stays in bummie's softest part. And well, also occasionally way too often gifts bummie. Gifting luxury gifts really isn't ming's love language but serving is, so when ming realized how much bummie loves getting gifts from him he nods yes. This little agreement is very sweet (remember I said ming is always READY to become a good boy for bummie?). In this way, their friendship will grow and profound like evergreen.
Before continuing on, I want to throw a harmless joke here...we have a "clown" in ming's reading, and a "simp" here again. Poor boy. But bummie is just trying to be careful and protective.
!!skip this part if you only see them as platonic friends/co-workers and resume when you see exclamation mark again!!
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Oh, come on! Look at the cards here, I bet your reading is more straightforward than mine. A lovers at the reverse signifies difficult communication, one-sided love, and the awareness of impossible love. In this case, I believe all of them are present. Bummie will never say that word if he knows all he gets is rejection. What is even sadder is he never stops loving ming (flowers continue blooming) while he believes so stubbornly that his feeling is unrequited. That he believes one day in the future, ming will fall in love (and get married) like those happy endings in the fairytales. But not with him. When that happens, bummie will stay in the little castle he build himself, enjoy aglass of wine and the cuddles of commedes & garçons, and gives his sincere good wishes. He will continue focus on his works and avoids to even think about the possibility between ming and him because of what he learnt through the years. Bummie is sensitive, and many times a cry baby.
But he doesn't want to cry anymore.
!!resume here!!
Bummie will continue focusing on work>relationship. However, I can see this attitude sets him back sometimes, because the emptiness in his heart withholds him from some deep connections. He dates/interacts with others, of course, but those love are not enough to fill the hole in his heart. In the end, we have the 6 of swords, carrying sorrow and unsatisfied feelings to the future. Bummie is hurt because of their seemingly-ok-but-not-balanced relationship, he is even more hurt because he now realizes that ming is hurt. Payback...almost, but bummie really does not want a sad face on ming. That is why I eagerly pulled up a result card, since 6 of swords can also mean good fruit after growing up from sad lessons. And I am pleased to see the seven of wands here. This card means the difficulties we face to continue to have success. And I believe they will figure things out, in the best way possible to nurture their relationship and career development.
Feel free to chat or find me on twitter @rosekisspeach
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glareandgrowl · 4 months
you know what?! NO! I WON'T just stop there!
This has really frustrated me as a creator who puts pride and effort into the characters I create. I'm giving myself until the end of this 30 min playlist to put my thoughts together so forgive the mess it will inevitably cause.
I have seen the take many a times about Dangan games and it's characters that fans and enjoyers are upset their special guy didn't get the screentime they deserved due to whatever reason; It's understandable really. You see a character that has such potential in your eyes its a shame its all wasted away. But I have seen the idea thrown around that the lack of care for a majority of characters' deaths and roles in the story is based on the sheer number of bodies and stories to tell. With so many characters there would never be enough room to allow all of them to flourish before they die! That's just the curse of these types of stories.
I am here to tell you that is BULLSHIT! It's bullshit and I refuse to believe it!
I, for the longest time, have hated the writing of the dangan games. It has always seemed sloppy, rushed, and far too drawn out for its own good. And no, that's not because the trials can be a little funky and rough around the edges when it comes to details. Though, that does coorelate to the negativity I have towards them as a whole. No.
I full-heartedly believe what is to blame is the free-time events. In Dangan 1, it was a fun gimick. Theres a large cast of characters, it only makes sense that a select few would stick out to the player as an interesting one, with a desire to learn more about them.
Shoddy writing of THH aside, I do feel it was a bit of a bandaid on the issue of a too-large cast. If there were optional ways to spend more time with certain characters, they didn't need to spend all that valuable plot time giving them exposition and relevance! The players can find the relevance on their own!
Except... Instead of using the plot time they saved for making a better, more cohesive story, all they did was fill it with dead air, bloated trials and a clear favoritism for the few remaining survivors. (IE in THH Byakuya, Kyoko, Makoto (obv hes the mc I can't complain there.)) Instead of focusing on the group as a whole, its dynamics amongst the survivors at the time, the plot instead magnets to favorites in an attempt to make you like them more.
I know its been mentioned a million times, but the game makes it incredibly hard at times to imagine these characters as once being friends.
(I will say from what I have seen of the next two games they do remedy this at least a little bit, with the group dynamic at least being tolerable to borderline good in v3 (yes before you come for me goodbye despair was good too.))(it also does seem, imo, to be a problem specifically with THH, as the next two DO do a better job at characterization, aside from the rogue one or two "mystery" characters that are put WAY too much emphasis on. (cough cough Kokichi, Rantaro, Kyoko, Byakuya to an extent) Most of whom I don't really care for due to that specific emphasis put on them. Not that their characters are bad, the games just reaaaallly want the player to care about these guys. Which makes me not want to.
Back to individuality.
The argument of a too-large cast as the reasoning for characters being left behind in terms of narrative importance, i feel, would be easily remedied by removing free time events entirely. No more backstory exposition dumps and underwear gifts for friendship points. No more mono-mono machine. If the writers were instead FORCED to give each character their time in the limelight, if they were forced to actually give a shit about each individual personification as much as those freetime events lead you to believe, then the plot would grow to accommodate.
Half the shit in the trails is unnecessary. Half the shit in the plot is unnecessary. Half of it is pandering, or shipping bait or funny haha jokes! We're so quirky!
The plot needs to care about your characters as much as the writers do. Which should be as much as your audience does. And if it doesn't. if the plot only cares about giving the audience a reaction, or if it only cares about its surface level motivations and schemes, then all you're going to get is surface level, unmotivated, wasted potential characters.
Now. I've ragged on about dangan for a bit. Does that mean I hate the games, the stories and the characters? Hell no. Of course not. If I did, I wouldn't be here. I wouldn't spend my time making fanart and writing fanfiction. I like the games. They're interesting, funny at times. The writing has its moments of sincerity. It's made me cry once or twice. I LOVE the ending to goodbye despair. I think its the best in the series by far.
I guess what I mean to say in the ending of all this, the TLDR if you will, is that the dangan games COULD have made the characters work. It could have made you believe each one was special and important to the story. If it cared enough to. It's no excuse, though.
(Also yes this is about Taka and how he was robbed. You could say the same about a fair few characters. I just spend hours a day thinking about his character anways so this is it's natural conclusion.
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
It sure was a Choice by Miles to include a cognihazard designed to obliterate the brains of anyone slightly critical of the show in episode 4. I'm just so curious whether he genuinely thought it would be funny or it was some weird malicious bent. I assume former given how the cat was otherwise treated, though none of the comedy worked for me.
I think it was meant to function both as comedy and an argument. We already have a ton of humor in Volume 9 that in no way breaks the 4th wall by acknowledging critics' (supposed) complaints, but even beyond that you don't just stumble into the "joke" of addressing the disappointed members of a fanbase... and you don't include that "joke" unless you intend to disagree with them.
So yeah, I think Miles assumed it would be funny with the humor stemming from the expected response of, "Oh my god that's ridiculous. Who's upset about that??"
The actual answer "No one." If we read the scene as a kind of argument from the writers, it's a strawman's argument: exaggerated and simplified to make it easier to refute. Notably, everything the Cat mentions are things that critics aren't concerned with. Or, to be more careful with my words because it's a big Internet and I'm sure someone, somewhere has brought these issues up, these examples are by no means representative of critics' primary concerns. We don't care that Ozpin is sharing a body with Oscar (that lives in the realm of other suspension of disbelief questions like, "When are the characters going to the bathroom?"), but rather that they're at the center of the cosmic narrative instead of the girls, the merge still isn't explained, Oscar's development has mostly happened off screen, etc. No one cares that Remnant had a floating city - to my mind that's a good idea to avoid the majority of the grimm - but rather that it was used as the symbol for a shoddily written classism arc and then plowed into the city below with our heroes now barely acknowledging that. Few fans care about Ciel specifically (beyond those individuals who understandably thought she might show up in the Atlas arc), they care about what she represents: a bloated cast where, as the Cat themselves say, characters rarely come back in a notable way.
The point of this scene is to make up/simplify/distort criticism until you have a list of ridiculous complaints and then go, "See how ridiculous they are? People upset with the show are so funny." Note that one of the REAL concerns acknowledged in the episode - the question of whether our protagonists are good huntresses - is immediately answered with a firm, unambiguous "Yes." Blake, Yang, and Weiss all speed-run a self-reflection arc in a matter of literal seconds, going, "You're questioning whether we're the heroes? Of course we are! I know exactly who I am, I have no doubts, and you are wrong to question our role as huntresses." The exception to this is Ruby who starts to take the question seriously... only for the Cat to interrupt, "saving" her, and painting the Caterpillar as the bad guy in the process.
Seriously, the ending of that scene frames someone making the girls reflect on their actions for once as an attack that needs to be stopped and that right there highlights the "protagonist centered morality" problem of Volume 6 onward.
Now, some otherwise well-written shows can get away with a scene like the Cat's and it comes across as the writers being playfully self-reproachful. "Yeah, we know we messed that up. Our bad. Let's laugh about it together and move on, yeah?" and the audience agrees because no story is perfect and you've done a good job on the whole. RWBY doesn't have that leeway though and, given the rest of the episode scoffing at one of the biggest concerns of Volume 8, the implication is not that the writers are humbly aware of their own inevitable mistakes, but that they just thoroughly disagree that they've made them. Anything they have kinda messed up - Ozpin-Oscar body, floating Altas, Ciel - is so minor and silly as to hardly be worth mentioning outside of a joke.
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coraniaid · 18 days
I have not been seeing these Buffy episode polls, but potential factor: for people who don't spend time regularly thinking about individual episodes, it's more about memorability than quality. In particular, for me I tend to remember what happened in one-off episodes much more than in episodes more heavily tied to the season plot, which all combine in my head.
For example, you mentioned Passion vs. The Wish: I could not tell you what happens in Passion, except maybe that it's in season 2? But I remember the plot of The Wish pretty well.
I just looked up episodes from season 2, and having read a summary of Passion I can remember it was great, and had some of my favorite scenes in the entire series. But without the prompt, it blurs together with Surprise/Innocence/Becoming as one collective "Season 2 Angelus plotline", so I don't remember the specific episode itself.
Oh, yes, I think you're absolutely right that that is a factor in the voting patterns I'm complaining about. Quite possibly the main single factor, even.
Most lists of best Buffy episodes I've seen tend to favor episodes with a very clear memorable hook. For instance, the three highest rated episodes on IMDB at the moment are Once More With Feeling, Hush and The Body, all of which are -- in their own way -- very different from a typical episode of Buffy. And the current polling isn't really too far off that norm: I suspect one of these three episodes will probably ultimately win the current contest.
There are, I think, some noticeable anamolies beyond that -- School Hard beating Restless is the big one, but I was almost as surprised by Something Blue beating Who Am I? in the same round, and by Beneath You beating Consequences before that. To me these are all clearly the 'wrong' result, and in a way I don't think I've seen before. I don't think the memorability factor explains any of those upsets (I mean, maybe Consequences fades into the general late-S3 arc, but surely no more than Beneath You fades into the wider S7 arc? And, you know, Consequenes is actually good.,,). Not to put too fine a point on it, but I think that the simplest explanation for what's going on here is that three of these six episodes feature Spike heavily and three of them don't, and Spike as a character is very popular on (most of) Tumblr.
The third factor, I think, is that i'm just experiencing a minor bit of culture shock, and being unpleasantly reminded that real Tumblr is not the same thing as the slightly unusual bubble in which I've chosen to seclude myself. Because I know that most of my Buffy mutuals would not be voting this way, and sometimes I forget that other Buffy fans exist. (Indeed, looking at the tags in the reblogs, I think most of the people actually reblogging the polls are surprised by the results too, but to be fair that might be because I've already blocked a lot of the people who are voting the wrong way.)
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roobylavender · 2 years
okay final thoughts having watched winx all of the way through
the strongest characters individually are imo stella, musa, and sky. (1) love how stella craves love and validation and collapses in on herself bc all she’s received all her life is anything but, yet the people who drive her to rise above it are the ones who recognize she has humanity underneath her exterior left to spare—sky constantly believing she’s capable of good no matter how far she falls, musa knowing from the first that stella harbors wells of guilt. her slowly and steadily rising to the challenge of looking her mother in the eye with no fear in her bones to shake her. GOOD (2) musa as a mind fairy constantly having to sift through and filter out the thoughts and emotions of everyone around her despite having the propensity to care deeply is a really refreshing twist on the character! her season two plot with willingly giving up her powers to feel some semblance of peace not just with respect to the overwhelming thoughts but also the guilt she has over influencing her boyfriend’s feelings bc she couldn’t take constantly sensing his anger. perfection. (3) sky and his DADDY ISSUES. honestly i’m so impressed with how they managed to add depth to someone who was originally so bland like the fact that they took his general goodness and evolved it into a constant need to take care of and worry about others so he doesn’t have to worry about himself is simple but it holds loads of potential (esp with respect to his relationship with bloom but more on that later), even moreso now that he’s wracked with guilt over killing the father who abandoned him as a child to raise someone else, all to save the foster father who raised him bc he killed his bio father in the first place. i love MESS
aisha and flora and terra hold a lot of potential but i’m not quite sure they’re as well developed yet in terms of personal journeys. aisha seems to constantly be playing a support role to everyone else even though in the cartoon she was important enough to warrant an entire season long arc (which i hope they will adapt in some capacity!), flora is only now getting started (though i love where it’s going given the end of season two like yes go proactive horror queen), and terra’s coming out plot was lovely but we still don’t really have a sense of what she wants to do with herself personally aside from being desperate to fit in. i am also really upset that the fatphobia she experienced in the first season was more or less grazed over and hardly apologized for properly by any of the involved parties. maybe they decided to ditch using that as a plot point and if they did i’m glad but i wish if they included it in the first place that it was properly concluded
speaking of the fatphobia. riven. riven to me is one of those characters whom the writers meant to write as your standard redeemable bully slash fuckboy type except as always they went for overkill at the outset and then had to massively backpedal thereafter to allow the character to fulfill their overarching story needs. season one riven and season two riven are two whole different animals. season two riven feels way more reminiscent of the original character with his standoffishness and snark but nonetheless underlying good intentions. it’s absolutely shitty that the thing between him and terra has yet to be given proper closure bc season two riven is definitely capable of owning up to his prior comments. if he can fix his attitude with musa he can fix it with terra
i realize i haven’t talked about bloom yet. bloom is frustrating to me in the sense that she’s more a conglomerate of actions than she is necessarily a character. she’s constantly defined by her reactions to events rather than any standard habits or behaviors of her own beyond constantly steaming with tension. and that’s understandable to an extent given a huge part of her character arc is about desperately searching for her origins but it also gets tiring when there’s nothing else to her beyond that. she’s a character far more sustained by her relationships than she is by herself and atp i’m desperate for them to get over her origins closure by end of next season so we can actually move on to her being a real character
as for the romances. i feel a little bad for samusa now having rewatched the full first season bc the idea of their dynamic was not actually a bad one although it was incredibly rushed and so i don’t think there was much of an opportunity to actually grow attached to it. which is why what they’re doing with rivusa is fabulous bc the original cartoon setup for their relationship was terrible.. literally no substance just throwing two people at each other until they liked each other and then throwing drama in every now and then for funsies lmao. i’m glad that building a friendship first is priority here and that there’s that connection the two of them have between them with not wanting to be where they are but nonetheless having to take the hand they’re dealt in some capacity. and then them subsequently finding an unusual solace in each other’s company despite the initial antagonism. it’s very refreshing! as for skloom. are they still the basic bad bitch and useless boyfriend. yes. but i think they’re afforded a little more depth here primarily bc of the way this version of sky factors into it. the way his constant tendency to take care of and fix other people is juxtaposed against bloom’s almost reckless tendency to dive into problems headfirst makes their relationship very sweet to watch unfold bc bloom can clearly take care of herself but sky still wants to help as much as he can. and that’s all standard fare but it’ll be esp interesting now that they’re separated by the portal and sky will have to deal with not being able to help her and instead needing to focus on helping himself
the lack of budget and screen time is a serious point against the show. there’s so much plot they have to try to cram into sex or seven episodes so things at times move very quickly and clumsily. sometimes several weeks pass in canon that feel like only the difference between one episode and the next. it’s a show way more suited to longer episodes per season than it’s being afforded
almost every main cast member can act decently except for skloom’s. which makes their relationship in the show that much funnier bc you can tell they’re clearly going off of how in love with each other they are irl and if they weren’t their attraction to each other and compelling nature as characters would be incredibly weak. i mean tbf in sky’s case it already is all that man does is make pathetic puppy eyes at the screen and make me coo like the proud mother of an ugly pup. he’s lucky his character has that much substance bc he’s not the one capable of serving it
the lore is actually very interesting if a bit amorphous and disjunct. i think it’ll get better with time as the context around aster dell expands and i look forward to it provided they get renewed. i wanna see the witches and how they justify their existence compared to the original cartoon
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chinahatbeach · 1 year
Thoughts for Today
The sun is up. Earlier each day and longer in the evening. Sunrise was at 6:20 am and sunset will be at 8:02 pm. Longer days will be nice. I will miss snuggle time on the couch with the dogs but I will be able to get some hobby’s and chores done.
Yesterday was a good day except for a couple of speed bumps here or there. I helped a friend pack up the remaining items left in her mom’s house and then there is the chore of hauling those boxes out to the garage. These are the items left over from an estate sale. This is an emotional task for her. Items of her parents that meant something to them or to others is not for the faint of heart. I know this due to my parent’s passing away and yet her parents are still here, only they live in homes, not their home. Older age makes it hard for elders to live on their own sometimes. And they can only take so many items with them to the small room they have to live in.
So the packed up items are not garbage. Items have been gone thru and the garbage hauled to the dump. These things are glass wear, crafts, Christmas, dishes, China bought in Chinatown in San Francisco, pictures, and the list goes on and on. All great items to be sold in a resale store.
The things were loaded up in cars and a pickup. An unexpected downpour happened as the items went to the resale store. That store didn’t want to deal with a bit of rain on boxes. Turned away…….. not at one store but two. Painful. Painful for my friend that now must wonder what to do with the items.
I posted that if anyone had suggestions. People posted to have a “Free” sale on Facebook. That would mean more time spent dealing with stuff. It’s been boxed, done with, so over it…… and now you suggest to open up the boxes and let folks come over for how long to look at things and then what? Oh, re-box the once again left overs and take it away? This is already an emotional time and people are tired, worn thin, and just want it gone.
I remember my parent’s house. My brother’s and I went thru the house and made sure that what my mom wanted for us individually, was taken by that person. Then came the items that were for anyone and who gets what type of thing. People’s emotions came into this time and attitudes, feelings, and it wasn’t pretty. One brother didn’t care what he got and the other brother was there like a vulture. I only tried to make piece between them and go with the flow. I ended up having a garage full of stuff that took me years to let go of due to emotions and strange attachment to stuff. Stuff is just stuff, memories last forever. No one cares about a picture or a chair. Memories.
This is why I can now look at things in my house and get rid of stuff. My kid won’t understand the sentimental value of something. He’s a guy who doesn’t see the history in the items that matter to me. Oh, I keep knickknacks and dishware that matters to me. Once I’m gone, I do not want to leave a house full of stuff that will be taken to the resale store. This is why I am trying to minimize my life. It makes it easier to clean and take care of and that makes me happy. There will always be piles of books no matter what. Pictures of places I have been. Hawaii items here or there. Dog stuff. And cleaning items used for work.
I was very upset at my favorite store I go into to look for treasures. I did unload my car at the store when I was there to drop-off stuff and find out that they turned the pick-up away. Rain happens. Tears of struggle at letting go of items that made a house a home also rain down. Donations that can help others is why we donate to the local place. Yes, I donate to Goodwill if I have no other choice. Goodwill had been to have goodwill and help many people but they only help the corporate greedy. I am done with helping corporate greed. I tell folks to buy local, small farms, small businesses, and help in our community.
From this, I hope you always have a tarp to cover your truck load. Lesson learned. Understand why I speak of getting rid of stuff that just takes up room. I see too many houses that have plenty of stuff and no room for most of it. It causes anxiety and stress. I’m not picking on anyone here…… if this makes you feel guilty, well, that’s on you. I only know how it works for me. I need less stress…… more time to enjoy simple things.
Well, time to get myself together, make the bacon, and get going. I have my friends parent’s home to clean and get ready for sale.
And that’s the way it is……….
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lunarticxenia · 3 years
Moon Signs Pt. 2
Hi guys here’s part 2 of the moon sign series! After I post this, I’m going to be focusing more on answering your questions, I have a lot to answer. Thanks so much for all the support! Without further ado, here’s Libra through Pisces moons! 
🌵Libra Moon: You guys LOVE attention, and you don’t even try to hide it LMAO. One of my good friends is a Libra moon and he literally loves to say outlandish things just to get a reaction from us and to get attention from us if we’re not talking to him enough in a conversation. Libra moons also love relationships and if underdeveloped they may feel incomplete without one. They can also be very dependent on their partner for happiness as well. However, they are romantic and in love with love. They’re also extremely sensitive and are very feminine. Even in men, it gives them a more feminine touch to their personality. They also hold their morals in very high regard. They have their set morals and won’t change them for anything or anyone. They also tend to hate conflict and usually shy away from confrontation. They’re also too nice, WAYYYYYY too nice. You guys need to be more assertive LMAO. They’re also extremely optimistic and if they don’t believe in that particular way they at least try to be optimistic with others. They’re always reminding you the glass is half full. Also, Libra moons are mad clingy. Even with those they’re not dating LMAO. My Libra moon friend whenever I try to leave the FaceTime Call, he’s like “Don’t go... :(”. They just love to be around the ones they love. They’re also in love with beauty, and all things beautiful in the world. They’re lovers of music, art, film, and literature. Libra moons also have a softness in their eyes, I can’t describe it. This girl I used to like has a Libra moon and her eyes were just so soft. They’re also extremely indecisive, they tend to flip flop between who they wanna be and what they wanna do. They also aren’t shy when it comes to compliments, they will compliment TF out of you. They’re the best hype man. They also put others before themselves a lot, and can be very shy upon first meeting them. However once they feel comfortable around you they open up. One last thing, I feel like they tend to like anyone who’s nice to them...don’t attack me. LMAO.  
🌵Scorpio Moon: I feel like Scorpio moons have about ten different playlists relating to their emotions and still won’t open up to anyone about how they feel. Scorpio moons I feel have such intense emotions that they just don’t deal with them and they tend to implode after a while. I relate to them a lot in that respect tbh with my Sun square Moon, because that’s how I am. You guys are also super passionate and super creative. Every Scorpio moon I’ve met has been really creative in some way whether it be makeup, fashion style, or artwork. I’ve also noticed that this is a very alluring placement, there’s this intriguing way about them, and like Aries Moons, they have a fire in their eyes. Their gaze is INTENSE. They’re also very selective with who they let close to them, they don’t let just anybody in. They’re also very good at reading other people and seeing people’s true intentions. They have an extremely good intuition. If underdeveloped this can be used to manipulate other people, as well as being compulsive liars. Scorpio moons are also very protective over the ones they love. If you mess with anyone they care about, they will kill you. End of story. Also I feel like every Scorpio moon I’ve met has been through the wringer, like they’ve really had some hard experiences, it’s so sad to me. Scorpio moons are also extremely stubborn, remember this is a fixed sign. Scorpio moons ain’t playing, once they’ve settled on something, they’re not budging. Also, can we just say, masters at investigating people. These are the friends you want stalking your ex’s social media. They will find out everything. They’re also really good psychologists as well, almost all the Scorpio moons I’ve met are actually Psychology majors LMAO. They’re very good at finding the root causes of people’s issues. I also feel like Scorpio moons undergo a lot of transformations in their lives. I’ve known a Scorpio moon for about 10 years now and he’s undergone so many different transformations in his life. Mentally and physically. They’re also extremely sarcastic and have a tendency to be pessimistic. They’re also mad scary when angry. I’ve seen them angry before, as an Aries moon, even I get a little scared.... love y’all tho. 
🌵Sagittarius Moon: The funniest people ever. Sagittarius moons always have me laughing my ass off. Their sense of humor is very diverse. They tend to stick with sarcasm and like to say outlandish things to make people laugh. Also, I feel like Sagittarius moons tend to go for science/math oriented careers or at least have an interest in those subjects. I know four Sag moons, and they’re all in STEM it’s actually crazy. They’re also extremely blunt and honest, especially when it comes to people they don’t like LMAO. They make it very clear when they don’t like someone, it’s so funny. They’re also just so much fun, like they’re genuinely so much fun to hang out with. I feel like I’ve never not had a good time hanging out with a Sagittarius moon. I feel like Sag moons however tend to struggle with asserting themselves a lot of times, until they get really fed up.  They’re very much go with the flow kinda people, and this can be to their detriment especially with the ones they love, they don’t wanna rock the boat. However, they also make really good mediators and are good at settling arguments. They also really like to travel, and likely have traveled a lot. All the Sagittarius moons I know have traveled to at least 4+ countries. They love traveling the world, and I’ve also noticed move or want to move far away from their childhood home. They wanna explore everything the world has to offer. My cousin who’s a Sag moon left her parents’ house to move a few states away and my other friend who’s a Sag moon wants to move to the other side of the country. These individuals also tend to like foreign culture as well. I’ve noticed Sagittarius moons tend to like foreign music or foreign tv shows. I feel like they also tend to ignore their emotions when they get sad and just don’t like to deal with their emotions. They also don’t like to talk about how they feel and will brush sad things off because it’s just too upsetting for them. However, once the emotions boil over, just like their anger, they will blow up LMAO. I’ve also noticed that they’re really good at teaching people things? Like my Sag moon friend explained this Chemistry equation to me I couldn’t understand and I got it after 10 minutes. Natural teachers. 
🌵 Capricorn Moon: Guys, it’s okay to open up. You don’t have to pretend to be so strong all the time, you’re not weak for showing your emotions. Anyway, Cap moons have high expectations for people, and will not tolerate any bs from people. I seriously commend them for that. I feel like Cap moons struggle with how their points are being expressed, they can say one thing, but it’s seen as something else. While Capricorn moons may struggle with expressing their emotions, I haven’t found them to be closed off or cold when meeting them. Every Capricorn moon I’ve met has warmed up to me very quickly and have been super nice. I feel like they’re very friendly and once they have a conversation with you they’re really warm and kind. Also, they’re not afraid of anything?? Except for showing their feelings maybe. But like, they’re so open to trying new things like scary rollercoasters and aren’t afraid to fight for themselves if they have to. Also, super fucking ambitious. I wish I could be ambitious. These people will really have like three jobs, be in school, and tend to household responsibilities. I don’t know how you guys do it. Now everyone says Capricorn moons are just analytical and systematic when confronted with conflict, and I personally haven’t found that to be true. If they feel wronged?? Nah. They’re not going to be systematic or logical or anything. They will go off. As for personal challenges, yes they’ll be more analytical. But I feel like everyone boils down Cap moons to emotionless and machine-like nerds, which I find to be very untrue. Capricorn moons are very soft once they’re vulnerable with you, and genuinely feel like they’re bothering people when they show their emotions and feel weak for showing them. Also I’ve noticed that their mom is a big motivator for their success. Their moms always push them to do their best in work and school. If poorly aspected, they could feel too pressured by their moms to do well. Also, they’re so underrated for being funny. They have a really dry sense of humor and it’s well developed. I also feel like they get overlooked for putting others before themselves, when it comes to the people they love they’ll do anything for them. Brb gonna go give my Cap moon friends a hug. 
🌵Aquarius Moon: You guys are just so unique. There’s something unique about each and every Aquarius moon, whether it’s a quirk or a hobby. These people are literally the best to talk to. It’s so easy to have a conversation with them, they really can talk about anything. I’ve also noticed that Aquarius moons tend to be interested in astrology and tarot and things of that kind. Every Aquarius moon I’ve met has been really interested in it, and even involved in it. I feel like they also have big dreams, and have big plans for themselves. Aquarius moons also love to get lost in their music and tend to use it as an escape. This can be a problem because they tend to avoid dealing with their feelings. They also go between reacting to things really heavily vs not reacting at all. It just seems like it goes back and forth. They speak up with things are unjust however only to their friends or online. They just don’t like to deal with face to face conflict in that regard. They also give really great advice. My best friend is an Aquarius moon and she always gives me the best advice. She knows me better than I know myself tbh. I feel like Aquarius moons relish in being unique LMAO. I’m 99% sure they had an “I’m not like other girls” phase. I feel like this placement always tends to space out and daydream a lot. They also aren’t the types to just lash out at people, their anger is more subtle (unless they have other placements of course). I feel like Aquarius moons also have a lot of friends but they tend to have a small group of friends that they tend to be super super close with. They’re also...really charming? I don’t know what it is, but like every single one I’ve met has been really charming and likable. They also have a really goofy sense of humor and love to do wild shit to make people laugh. I feel like some downsides of Aquarius moons are that they tend to be too analytical and rationalize things too much, and they inadvertently invalidate other people’s feelings. Aquarius moons are also super open minded to all opinions. I have a friend who I tend to disagree with on certain issues but they’ve always been open to hearing my opinion. They also love to travel too. I’ve noticed that as well. 
🌵Pisces Moon: To think, I was almost one of you guys. No seriously I almost was, if I were born four hours earlier I would’ve been a Pisces moon LMAO. Anyhoo, Pisces moons are just so sweet. I don’t know how else to start, they literally are the sweetest people and give off this mystical type of aura. They’re very otherworldly. Also, these people daydream 24/7. They put Aquarius moons to shame in daydreaming. This girl I like is a Pisces moon and I always catch her daydreaming LMAO. They’re also extremely sensitive too and feel things so deeply. They try to hide how they feel from people, but you can see it in their eyes. I can always tell when my Pisces moon friend is upset just by the look in her eyes. They also tend to be introverted and it takes a while for them to warm up to someone. My co-worker is a Pisces moon and it took 2 weeks for her to finally start talking to me LMAO. They also have really vivid and wild dreams too. I feel like my Pisces moon friend is always telling me about some wild dream they had like that they were in a castle or in an ocean. They also can be really moody, they can be fine one second and then get really sad out of nowhere. Their emotions are like the ocean. I feel like another downside of Pisces Moons are that they can be very manipulative however this is really with any underdeveloped water moon/sun placement. I also feel like they tend to be escapists a lot. They don’t like to deal with reality a lot, and they see the best in everything and everyone even if it’s to their demise. They’re also super friendly and are nice to everyone they meet, even if they’re reserved they’re still very sweet. They’re also extremely creative too, I feel like every Pisces moon I’ve ever met has some sort of creative hobby. My co-worker who’s a Pisces moon is working on becoming a photographer and her stuff is AMAZING. I think that’s because they see the best in the world and the beauty in everything; and they know how to show that in their work so others can see the world like they do. They’re also super empathetic and are really good listeners. You can talk to them about anything and feel understood. :) 
So this wraps up my moon sign series! I hope you guys liked it! Again, don’t take offense these are just my opinions on each moon sign! Hope you guys enjoyed, and if you don’t see your moon sign here it’s likely in part one. 
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c-is-for-circinate · 3 years
Like, is the gist "Real life pedophilia/incest/rape is bad, and stories saying these things are good are bad, but including these topics in a story isn't inherently bad, so the people being like 'hey, maybe Ao3 shouldn't have so much kiddie porn there's an entire category called "Underage"' are just overreacting and making things worse?" Because it feels like you're saying, "your negative reaction to this stuff is valid, but also you're annoying and prudish and bad and really you aren't valid."
So here’s the thing: it really does not sound like you're asking this question because you want my answer, it sounds like you want to be angry with me and have a fight. And fair enough! I'm not terribly interested in a fight, but apparently this is my day to dive into this topic as thoughtfully and honestly as I can be. Maybe I'll say something you haven't already heard from other people before. Maybe not! Only you, anonymous asker, know that.
To begin with, you got part of the gist right. Real life rape (including child abuse/child sexual abuse as well as incest) is bad. Stories about rape, about underage sex, and about incest, are stories.
They're stories. They're pixels on a screen. They're not real. Whether they claim that rape is good, or bad, or sexy, or melodramatic, or life-destroying, or a normal Tuesday afternoon. They're stories.
And having a negative reaction to them is valid. Stories can stir up powerful emotions in people. It is absolutely, 100%, fair and valid and even normal for there to be certain tropes, plot elements, events, and kinds of content that make you upset and that you never want to see in a story you read, ever. You don't have to want to read about sex. You don't have to want to read any of it. That doesn't make you bad.
There are tropes, plot elements, events, and kinds of content that upset me. There are stories I won't read. The same is true of literally everyone else I know. Even though I know the stories aren't real. Even though I know the things happening in them are happening to fictional characters, who do not exist, who I cannot protect and who also cannot be harmed because they're not real. Even then, I can be made sad and scared and upset and hurt by reading those stories. And that is okay and that is valid and I am not bad or wrong for being upset about the story I've read, and neither are you.
But that doesn't mean the story doesn't have value to somebody else. That doesn't mean the story isn't important to somebody else.
What I see most often coming from antis, possibly even including yourself, is an overwhelming desire to protect. They want to keep themselves and others--possibly people they know, possibly hypothetical people they may never meet--safe from being hurt by these stories. And that desire to protect, also, is normal. It's even admirable! The problem, though, the thing that does more harm than good, is when that desire to protect drives people to lash out against things that matter to other people.
There is a difference between actual rape and stories about rape. There is a difference between a story that could theoretically hurt somebody, someday (which is all stories, always), and a story that hurts you personally. And there is a difference between a story that hurts you personally, and a story that is inherently poisonous to everyone who touches it.
We know--absolutely, scientifically, incontrovertibly--that stories about rape do not make people rapists. Yes, even the stories where the rape is there to be sexy. Even stories where the person being raped is a child. Even then. Fiction is not the same thing as normalization; again, there are far smarter people who have written far more extensively on that topic than I, and next time I come across something that goes more into detail on this point I promise I will reblog it. If this really is the thing you're afraid of, I may not be the right person to convince you that this is an unfounded fear, but I know someone out there can elaborate on it.
(Unfounded, which is not the same thing as invalid. My mother's claustrophobia is unfounded; it flares up in many situations where there's no physical threat whatsoever, where she has plenty of space to move and air to breathe. It's still real. It still chokes her. It's still valid, she is not bad or broken to feel that way, and she still can't drive through certain tunnels. The fear is real. But the thing she's afraid of can't physically hurt her, and that is worth knowing in terms of how she deals with it.)
We know, absolutely, scientifically, and incontrovertibly, that stories about rape and many, many, many other things can hurt and even traumatize their readers. Even though the situation you're reacting to is not real and you receive no physical injury, you can still be hurt by it. The key word there, though, is readers. The fact that the horror genre is out there terrifying people who enjoy being terrified for fun does not damage me unless I do something stupid and try listening to the Magnus Archives again and end up tense and miserable and paranoid for the rest of the week. The fact that guacamole is apparently delicious to everybody else in the world does not hurt me unless I do something stupid and order the wrong thing at a restaurant, and end up itchy and miserable with a little trouble breathing for the rest of the night.
The fact that there are, yes, tens of thousands of fics on AO3 in which characters under the age of 18 have sex? It can't hurt you. Those fics do not hurt you by existing. They can only hurt you if you read them. They can only hurt anyone who reads them. That's why there is an 'Underage' tag--and it's worth noting, 'Underage' is a warning, not a category. Nobody wants you to get hurt reading the wrong fic, any more than the sushi chef wants my throat to swell up because I ordered something with avocado. Literally nobody wants that.
The flip side, of course, is that you hating each and every one of those fics individually and as a group doesn't actually hurt me, or anyone else who writes, reads, or enjoys them. By itself. You can hate anything you like, and fic writers can write anything they like, and it all comes out in the end, more or less. Except.
Except that reading fic is always, entirely, 100% opt-in, and online harassment isn't even opt-out. Some antis have a nasty habit of going after writers whose content they don't like; climbing into inboxes and comments sections, calling those writers nasty names, throwing around cruelties and aggression and insults. I know that's not the same thing as simply disliking a genre, or even passively disagreeing with its existence (although disliking a genre and disagreeing with its right to exist are also very different things). I know not all antis do that. I don't know you, anon, but based on the speed and aggressiveness of this response to my last post, I can't help but wonder if you would do that.
And that does hurt people. Just like it might hurt you if someone threw a bunch of content that makes you uncomfortable into your inbox. Including the harasser, actually--because getting into fights with strangers on the internet about things that make you angry, sad, defensive, and upset isn't good for anybody. Including both you and me.
Anyway, after yet another lengthy ramble, let's get the tl;dr response to your ask here: nobody is ever bad or wrong for disliking certain content in their stories, no matter what that content is. You and your emotions are valid. The "overreacting and making things worse" part isn't about what you feel, but what you do with it. Constantly engaging with places where the thing that upsets you will probably show up, even to argue and try to fight it, will make things worse in the sense that now you're spending way more time thinking about this thing that makes you upset and angry, thereby leaving you more upset and angry. Getting together with a bunch of your upset, angry friends to make your feelings everybody else's problem? Makes fandom a more toxic place for everyone else involved.
Don't read stuff that's going to hurt you. Don't make other people read stuff that's going to hurt them. That's the whole thing, really.
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nakamoto-aesthetics · 3 years
test drive
{ synopsis : you and nct were bored so you decided to go around the table and disclose a lot of sexual information (it gets more and more sexual as you read on ;) }
{ genre : headcanon/sexual }
{ warning : this is solely my interpretation of nct 127 and not confirmed information }
{ word count : 1.7k }
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“I guess I’ll start then,” taeyong inhales a deep breath. “…im a switch” taeyong says dramatically and puts his head down as if it was a big secret. you all looked at him with a straight face, not saying anything until he looks up again. “what?” taeyongs eyes dance around the table.
“tell me something I don’t know” you snark.
“what do you mean?” he visibly furrows his eyebrows.
“she means, we all know that you love to be tied up and whipped,” jaehyun says blankly. “who's next?” he further says cutting taeyong off completely.
“im next, let’s just go around the table,” johnny says looking at the others. “i’m a dom obviously”
“tell us why. oh, and everyone has to explain why just so they know. except for taeyong, the lyrics you write say enough” you look at him and everyone laughs. taeyong makes a face in return and you smile before looking back at johnny.
“because i’m not getting tied up and shit, the girl is. i’ll allow her to feel up on me but that’s it.” johnny shrugs and looks at haechan since he’s next.
“i’m a dom but will allow a girl to have her fun. i’ll let her do whatever she wants just because she loves it. it won’t happen too often tho because i’ll be taking control most of the time.” haechan says, nodding and looking at jungwoo.
“um… switch. I like to be in control but I also like a woman who could dom me hard. like the whips, handcuffs, blindfolds, all of that is hot. they don’t even have to be used on me it’s just the image of a woman who is like that, is so sexy. especially when they wear lingerie” jungwoo bites his lip softly, seemingly getting lost in his thoughts.
“so your like taeyong? got it. next.” you point to taeil.
“I guess… switch because I want the girl to have fun, as long as she’s enjoying it then I am too” taeil shrugs simply.
“dom… do I have to explain myself?” yuta shifts his eyes around the table.
“because I like to do the tying up and fucking, not the other way around. but if I really love the girl then i’ll let her have her fun until I take control again” yuta explains and then leans back in his chair.
“dom but I wouldn’t mind a woman taking control” doyoung says.
“so… switch?” johnny says.
“no, dom” doyoung looks at johnny.
“no- you know what never mind. just go jaehyun” johnny makes the ‘whatever’ hand gesture.
“dom all the way because im the top, simple. my girl will be moaning my name and that’s, that” jaehyun shrugs and the group moves their eyes to mark, who looked he was deep in thought. his head was pointing down at the table, it took for a tap on the shoulder to pull him out of his thoughts.
“is it my turn?” mark asks with wide, confused eyes.
“yes mark” yuta replies. a/n: I can hear his voice lmao
“my bad, um… dom; my girl is not performing all that extra shit on me, and quite frankly I don’t think I will either. I would probably only use handcuffs and that’s it… what’s that called?” marks eyes look around the table for an answer.
“soft dom?” you furrow your eyebrows.
“yes, that’s it” he points to you. “i’m a soft dom”
“cute, next,” you say the first part sarcastically. “my turn” you smile devilishly at the boys, looking at their faces individually. some of them looked confused, blank, or amused.
“i’m a… switch” your nose scrunches up as you smile. “it really depends on the person, like if they give me sub vibes then I automatically wanna dom them but if they give me dom vibes then i’ll want to submit to them” you smirk. “I could make every single one of your dreams come true”
“oh really?” johnny cocks his eyebrow and you nod with a small smile. “alright then go around this table and say what vibe each of us give you; oh and you have to say what you want to do with us” you widen your eyes and almost choke on your spit when you hear that. the boys are amused at this and clap their hands.
“I don’t think that’s necessary” you wave your hand.
“sure it is y/n” doyoung smirks. a bunch of yeah’s come for the guys, agreeing with doyoung.
“I don’t think your ready” you shake your head, looking at all of them. they protest at this statement, making you sigh and then finally agree to it.
“taeyong” you smile staring at him. you see him visibly gulp as his eyes are staring back into yours, that’s when your demeanor completely changes. “you give me switch vibes and I want to dom you. I want to tie your hands behind your back, blindfold, and whip you. I’d want to hear your pretty noises too” you smirk the whole time you release the words. he awkwardly laughs in return, not knowing what to say to that. the other guys were a mix of amused and dumbfounded but you didn’t pay any mind to it purposefully.
“johnny” you look at him and smile innocently. he stares at you with eyes that were slowly seducing you. “dom vibes. I want you to cut off my airways with your hands and then make me cum so many times that I end up passing out” you bite your lip teasingly, trying to get under his skin a bit and it works. he’s looking back at you with dark eyes, most likely imagining the scenario.
“haechan” you bite your lip and look him up and down. “dom vibes but doesn’t mean I don’t want to fuck you from behind” you wink at him, making him widen his eyes the farthest they’ll go. “although, I do want your lips all over my body” you click your tongue and look at the guy next to him.
“jungwoo” you say lovingly and put your head in your palm. “switch vibes. your appearance changes a lot, from cute to hot in the blink of an eye. anyways, I want to dom you and give you your ultimate fantasy. I want your eyes to be focused on me and me only baby boy” you look at him with dark eyes and he returns that same look to you. “and I want those lips on my body too” your teeth tug on your bottom lip slightly before shifting your eyes over.
“taeil” you smile sweetly at him, scrunching your nose cutely. “you strike me more as the I don’t care vibes. like you don’t care if your top or bottom, you just want to be with your lover. but honestly, I would wanna make love to you more than anything and that’s the truth” you shrug and he grins.
“yuta” your eyes automatically get darker. “hard dom for sure. I want you to rail me until I can’t walk anymore, and I want to make out with you” he cocks his eyebrow at you which you find so hot but you decide to keep your cool.
“doyoung” your eyes soften at his bunny face. “switch vibes. I want to ride you and make you moan my name” you lick your lips. the small, yet effective sentence was enough to make him so flustered he had to cover his face. you knew just from that, that you’d done your job successfully and decide to move along.
“jaehyun” you look him up and down with an amused face. “dom vibes, so much that it makes me wanna suck your dick so bad. your confidence can come off as cocky sometimes but it’s hot all at the same time. I wanna make you feel so good” you bite your lip. he’s playing with his bottom lip and looking back at you with attentive eyes. you end with a wink and look to mark, to say the least, he looks terrified.
“mark” you smile with a pout playing on your lips. “calm down, you’re a soft dom obviously and I only wanna have vanilla sex, you know regular, standard sex.” you shrug.
“isn’t that boring though?” taeyong says.
“with mark, nothing is ever boring” you smile softly at mark and he gives you a light smile back. “alright i’m done” you sigh. “you guys hungry because I am” you go to stand up but johnny wraps his hand around your wrist from across the table, gripping it firmly.
“ah, ah, ah, you're not going anywhere princess, sit down and don’t make me tell you again” you swore he was eye-fucking you right now. his eyes were focused on you heavily, moving their way up and down your body.
“yes, daddy” you grin and sit down. johnny bites his lip harshly and takes his hand off your wrist. you felt a sadness at the loss of contact but then felt a hand on your thigh. you look up to find out who the owner was and you weren't too surprised to find that it was taeyong. he looking at you, looking you up and down before looking away. what was it about the outfit we're wearing that attracted all of them? all you were wearing was a tank top and some leggings, that’s literally it what was so special?
you look down at yourself immediately identifying the problem. your shirt had been too low for an undisclosed amount of time. you were on the verge of flashing them all without noticing it but you think you were more upset that they didn’t let you know.
“really guys? you couldn’t help out a friend” you shake your head and adjust your bra and pull up your shirt.
“but then we wouldn’t have gotten to see all that we just saw” johnny replies instantly.
“is that true?” you look around the table and they nod in compliance. “you all are perverts” you breathily laugh.
“you shouldn’t be talking” jaehyun fires back.
“but- you’re right” you shrug and it gets quiet. “so… what do you guys want to do now?” the guys all look at each other, smirking and nodding, some whispering to the other. you didn’t know what they were talking about but whatever it was, there was no way it was good. they all then stop talking and look at you.
“we want to test drive you”
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NCT Masterlist
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azureflight · 3 years
So, I have just binged the first season of The Remarried Empress
And I have some thoughts:
First of all, I am really curious as to how Navier will react when she learns that her new husband has been preparing for a war of conquest against the country empire of her ex-husband, which also happens to be her home country. That war, is gonna be doozy.
Beyond that, however, their reputation is at an all time low and their have their work cut out for them in the Western Kingdom.
There was some merit to the argument that marrying an experienced, well respected lady who knows state craft would help with Heinrey’s image to become more serious, however, the circumstances of their affair did the exact opposite.
For now, it looks like their playboy king went and involved himself with an international scandal, having an illicit affair with the empress of the neighboring kingdom and getting himself in trouble.
Far from looking mature, he looks like a fool who almost got himself killed and a war started over his dick.
Navier, on the hand, looks like a cold and calculating seductress. It looks like as soon as her husband brought a mistress she immediately began to work on an out, seduced the obviously foolish prince and then jumped ship. It makes her look greedy, power hungry and potentially vindictive.
Not to mention, I won’t be surprised if people start to assume the real reason for the divorce was partially the affair between Navier and Heinrey and that Sovieshu didn’t like being cheated on.
Being a foreigner with an image of too reserved and “shrewd” was enough for the people of Western Kingdom to demonize Naiver, but with all the surrounding scandals, it is almost a given. This is some Helen of Troy level shit show, The Diplomatic Edition. 
And I don’t think her simply being a good queen will be enough. Yes, Navier is pretty great in the affairs of the state, understands how actual ruling works and is a highly qualified bureaucrat. Unfortunately, none of that matter to common folk, they don’t see it. They can tell when their own life gets better/worse, but it takes time for those effects to cascade, and the credit can easily be stolen, blame easily shfited, her normal queenly work, along with charities won’t be enough.
Not to mention, any future tensions with Eastern Empire will be blamed on her. People will either think she is the one doing it as revenge, or it is happening because of her. Either way, future war can easily be blamed on her, which would rapidly erode whatever goodwill or sway the crown has over their subjects.
They need to find a way to quickly ingratiate both of them with the public.
Looking at the way the relations were perceived in the Eastern Empire before the whole divorce shit show, it doesn’t look like actual politics of war has been initiated by the Western Kingdom. Heinrey and his crew were getting prepared, yes. But it doesn’t look like they had started to sell the idea of a war to the public. Before any action can be taken, the population and the army, nobility, merchant class and various other key holders need to be convinced that the war is righteous, just and necessary.
On that regard, I think Heinrey’s plant o declare himself emperor and rename his realm an empire can work, if done right.
People like bold young kings who try to grow the power of the realm. His declaration is sure to take over the news and scandals of his marriage, as that would be a major diplomatic shift involving all other realms. 
Symbolic as it may seem, titles and names actually hold a lot of weight. A peer suddenly starting to call themselves with a higher and more prestigious title, is sure to not only irk potential rivals, but also make them feel agitated and threatened. After all, why would you start calling yourself emperor, if you aren’t gonna try to exert dominion over fellow kings, or try to directly challenge the other emperor?
This move has the potential to be seen arrogant and foolish, but done right, it could be a moment of national pride for Western Kingdom’s folk. I might be reading too much into this, however, from Heinrey’s inner dialogue as well as his brief conversations with comrades, it looks like the people (or at least some people) in the Western Kingdom feel like they are being looked down upon by the East, and have immense pride in their own military might.
So this declaration could be their moment of standing up for themselves and their own worth, refusing to be content with a lesser position. If done right, if sold right, this could immensely chance the current dynamic. Then Navier being a well known and skillful empress would actually come into play.
People may not care about it by default, but once conversation shifts to whether Western Kingdom deserves to be an empire or not, having a “real” empress, a highly regarded lady with exceptional breeding, would actually work to legitimize them. While Eastern Empire will have a lowborn, tactless, potentially fugitive slave, as their empress.
This could help rebrand any tensions between Western Kingdom and Eastern Empire. Instead of being about or caused by Navier, it would be about the west calling themselves an empire and the east trying to stop them. That could galvanize the public, the army, and would work well with the pride and ambitions of the nobility.
Another thing that could work, is a trade deal with Luipt to expand reach to another continent. It certainly fits the image of wanting to elevate the status and power of the Western Kingdom. In this case, Navier and Kaufman already being familiar, having a relatively close relationship and having already done the bureaucratic aspect of it once, helps. They could quickly arrange the deal and it would be a move that helps them not only domestically, but internationally.
The empress of the east gets divorced and the diplomat of the Luipt immediately goes to her new kingdom and gets a deal there? That makes it look like the actual power and potential of the east was the empress. It sends the signal that Western Kingdom’s imperial ambitions have merit and international support. That would shift the other kingdoms from hostile to adaptable, willing to change to whom they give more regard.
Another kingdom so readily and swiftly accepting their deal would also makes westerners feel validated. And again, an ambitious trade project to another continent would quickly make the whole imperial deal legitimate act of national growth, instead of it seeming like a foolish playboy’s attempt to appease his manipulative lover.
There shouldn’t bee too much of a time gap between those two however, and it shouldn’t take too long to declare the whole empire thing either. Otherwise their impact on correcting the images of Navier and Heinrey as well as justifying their new titles would be lessened to the point of being irrelevant.
Beyond those, I wonder how the dynamic between east and west will playout. Sovieshu is a fool who is way in over his head. Can Heinrey use it?
We have seen both courtiers and loyal aides, as well as other nobles make loud and quite indignant objections to the whole divorce. They won’t all just change their loyalty, obviously. However, this could be a sticking point for many years to come, a wedge that can be exploited.
If Sovieshu antagonizes Navier’s family, that could greatly alarm and upset the other high ranking nobles. Surely, there will be those who will enjoy it as they would be rivals with Trovis, however, no noble, especially no duke, will like how quickly the emperor discarded and sabotaged such an elevated family. It goes against all of their senses of safety and specialty.
In these type of societies, most of the loyalty is owned to individuals, not to “people” or to the land. There are exceptions, obviously, however, it is entirely within the realm of possibility that with Navier’s marriage to Heinrey, several nobles who may be displeased with Sovieshu could start looking to the Western Kingdom as a better patron. If the west can start stripping nobles from the eastern empire, that whole war would not only be an easier sell, but way easier to win. Remember, all those nobles have their own armies.
Overall, I am quite excited for the second season, let’s see how it all goes. Maybe all of my guesses and prediction are wrong, maybe the story will go in an entirely irrelevant direction. I’m just here for the right and speculating is fun while waiting :D
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ijustwant2write · 4 years
Estranged-Fred Weasley x Malfoy!Reader
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(GIF credit to @genterie​)
Tags: @obsessedwithrandomthings​
Prompts List
Requested by anonymous: 'Love your writing it’s amazing! I was thinking of a Fred Weasley imagine where he doesn’t die. And after the war, he falls in love with Draco’s twin. And like her parents accept it because all they want is for her to be happy. (They learned from their past mistakes)'
Characters: Fred Weasley x Malfoy!Reader, Molly Weasley x Reader (platonic), Lucius Malfoy x Reader (father), Narcissa Malfoy (mother)
Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name
Warnings: Swearing, mention of death, mention of abuse/bad childhood, estranged family relationships, judgement, reconnecting, lots and lots of fluff
(Y/N) Malfoy felt people staring at her as she walked down the street, some in disgust, others just intrigued as to why she would show her face after all these years. Her platinum hair gave away her identity, as well as her fine clothes that were clearly expensive. She didn’t want to flaunt, but she had earned these items now, after working to build up a reputation again since...since the battle.
Why couldn’t it be normal for her now? Yes, she had been on the wrong side, but she and her brother, Draco, didn’t have a choice. Their last few years at Hogwarts had been miserable, all because their families had made ties to the Dark Lord. (Y/N) had always been quiet, almost mute when she was younger; although she wanted to speak up about many things, defend anyone her brother was bullying, explain how she didn’t agree with her parents views on wizards who weren’t pure bloods. But she was always too scared, she didn’t want her father to yell at her like he did Draco, or that one time she tried saving a house elf from a beating (that had caused many nightmares to occur). The only time she did use her voice was when she convinced her brother to spare Potter, to lie, to make sure that their fellow classmates could live; although taught from a young age that they were superior, she realised how wrong her families’ beliefs were.
Shops turned silent when she entered, conversations were only whispers, the shop keepers not serving her with the same warmth as everyone else. As usual, she kept quiet, quickly paying for her things then leaving. Deep down, (Y/N) had always known she wouldn’t be normal like anyone else, but she could try. 
As she left, keeping her head down again, someone bumped into her with such a force that it sent her flying to the ground. She yelped out, instantly feeling pain shoot up the arm she landed on, her shopping falling out of the bag and scattering around. No one helped her, they walked past as she struggled to gather everything.
 “What a bunch of twats.” someone snapped, and she recognised the voice.
Looking beside her, out of all the people in the world, Fred Weasley had bent down to help her.“Fred?”
He sadly smiled, helping her to her feet as he held her bags.“In the flesh. You alright?”
“Yeah.” she breathed out.“Thank you.”
“No problem. I haven’t seen you for years.”
She ducked her head.“Yes, it’s been a while.”
He sensed her anxiousness.“Are you sure you’re OK?”
She cleared her throat, ignoring the pain in her arm.“Now I am.”
“Hey, why don’t we go grab a drink? You know, catch up?”
She looked up in surprise.“Y-you want to hang out with me?”
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I?”
Flashbacks to all the times her brother spoke down to their family, the moments where she didn’t stick up for them or tell Draco to back down. And when her family fought against the Weasley’s at the battle. She had heard from witnesses that Molly Weasley was the one to kill her aunt, Bellatrix Lestrange (although it didn’t sadden her, Bellatrix had always made (Y/N) uncomfortable and scared). Yet here Fred was, kindly offering a hand. Sensing her hesitation, he nodded, understanding now.
“I don’t hold grudges (Y/N), especially against those who haven’t done anything wrong.”
(Y/N)’s tense posture relaxed, thanking him once again as she went to take her bags from him. However, he retracted his arms, holding them away from her. 
“So, are you coming?” he grinned.
Surprisingly, (Y/N) nodded straight away, laughing as she tried to grab her bags again. He laughed with her, already walking away as she caught up. She recognised the route, they were heading towards Diagon Alley, soon stepping into The Leaky Cauldron. Luckily it wasn’t full of people, they had come at a quiet time, though she still chose a table in the far corner, slightly hidden away. Fred went to get their drinks, leaving her alone with her thoughts. He was being so nice, no one had been like that in a long time.
“I can’t believe how long it’s been.” Fred sighed as he settled back in his seat, handing (Y/N) a drink.
“I don’t really want to think about the last time we saw each other.” she mumbled, looking down at her hands.
“No, me neither.” he quickly changed the subject.“Well, what’s been happening in your neck of the woods?”
“Not much I’m afraid. No one wants to be around a Malfoy.”
“I’m here aren’t I?”
She bravely looked into his eyes.“You’re just being sweet.”
“What about your brother?”
“Draco is fine. He’s actually met someone, it seems serious.”
“Wow, Draco Malfoy is settling down?”
“Yep. I’m happy for him.” she asked the next question before she could think about it.“Have you found anyone?”
He scoffed a laugh.“No, still stuck with my brother at the shop.”
“You know, I only ever went in there once. Draco caught me, he dragged me out of there.”
“What a prick.” Fred closed his eyes, sighing when he realised what he said.“Sorry, just used to saying that.”
She giggled, making him smile.“No, you’re right. He used to be the worst at times. But he’s better now, more understanding. He has a lot more respect for people.”
“And you’re talking more.”
“Yes, I suppose so.”
“You used to be so quiet. I remember the first time you spoke, it’s all anyone ever talked about.”
“I had always been told to keep my mouth shut or face a consequence. It comes and goes, though I’m happier now. Much happier.”
“Me too.”
That first meeting turned into another, then one more after that, before they found themselves seeing each other every week. These ‘catch-ups’ became much more than that. (Y/N) had laughed more than she had in her entire life, and Fred found it easier to open up to her about the past. They no longer met up in public, Fred mostly visiting her small home (not the lavish Malfoy Manor he had heard so much about) as it was more private and further away from anyone else. Drinks phased into dinner, dinner moved onto staying the night; both couldn’t wait to wake up next to each other, loosely snuggled up before tightening their embrace as they stirred. 
They got away with keeping it a secret for months, except from one individual. George wondered where his brother disappeared to, teasing Fred when he came to the shop late and dishevelled. He dared to follow Fred one night, shocked when he saw (Y/N) kissing him. George gently brought it up, at first upset that Fred had been bewitched by a Malfoy. After the three sat down, George saw (Y/N) for who she truly was; she was scared about what George thought, though when he saw how they lifted each other up, he knew this was the right thing.
George had been accepting. But what about everyone else? (Y/N) had thrown up the day of meeting the Weasley family. Fred convinced his parents to not invite anyone else, just let it be the four of them. He also forgot to mention that (Y/N) was a Malfoy. She had to refrain from crying the whole way there, breathing deeply and thinking about something else to avoid a panic attack. She recognised the shock look on Mr and Mrs Weasley’s faces as she walked into the Burrow, their lovely smiles vanishing almost instantly. 
“Mum, dad, this is (Y/N).” Fred proudly said, not afraid to wrap his arm around (Y/N)’s waist.
“H-hello.” (Y/N) shakily said, desperately trying to stop her nerves from getting the better of her.
The sound of the poor girl’s voice made Molly’s heart break. Everyone knew of their quarrel with the Malfoy’s, but seeing such the young, intimidated and quiet girl made her forget all of that. It had been slightly awkward at first, but Fred helped ease everyone into conversation, and by the end of the night, there were smiles on everyone’s faces. As they said their goodbyes, Molly had a chance to pull (Y/N) aside, seeing her son and husband deep in conversation.
“Thank you for tonight Mrs Weasley, it’s been lovely.” (Y/N) said, finally feeling comfortable.
Molly had seen (Y/N)’s surprised expression when they had been welcoming to her (once the shock of being a Malfoy went away). This girl had never received this type of attention, Molly imagined the only time the family was together was for silent dinners and public outings. But her personality around Fred was calmer, she looked reassured. (Y/N) needed love, she needed that experience of being part of one big happy family.
“You are welcome here anytime dear.” Molly smiled, squeezing (Y/N)’s hands.
When Fred managed to get (Y/N) away from his mother, she had been gushing about everything that had been said that night.
“Did you hear what she said to me?!” (Y/N) exclaimed.
“Yes, you’ve repeated it many times.” he chuckled.
The happiness remained until Fred brought up the question (Y/N) had been dreading.
“So when can I meet your parents?”
Although (Y/N) desperately wanted to skip that milestone in their relationship, it seemed unfair that she had met the Weasley’s, and Fred wouldn’t meet the Malfoy’s. (Y/N) hadn’t kept much contact with her parents, mostly letters to her mother, even though there wasn’t much to talk about. One night when she was writing one of the said letters, Fred had been looking over her shoulder, convincing her to mention the relationship. (Y/N) found it incredibly hard to put pen to paper, not writing Fred’s name, but explaining how far this relationship of hers had gone. Her mother penned back, expressing how much she wanted to meet the mystery man. It was finally time to do so.
“Should I have got a different suit?” Fred stressed as they made their way to her parent’s house.
“No, why?” she asked.
“Because...well, it’s nice, but not as nice as the ones your dad wears.”
“I don’t want you to dress like my father. I want you to be you. And are you sure you’re alright going there?”
“Are you?”
She thought about it.“Not really. I just keep telling myself that it’s just a house, there’s nothing more to it.”
As they stood outside Malfoy Manor, (Y/N)’s heart rate increased, She felt Fred’s hand become sweaty, but that could have been her’s too. Now looking at it, it felt much more gloomier, more haunting. But they only had to be here tonight, no longer than that. Of course her parents didn’t greet her straight away, the door opened by itself, and the couple cautiously walked in. (Y/N) flinched as the door shut, remembering how much she hated this place. It was so different to the Burrow; (Y/N) knew she should have been grateful for a manor as a home, with lavish decor and large amounts of land, but that could never replace the safe feeling you were supposed to feel at home. 
“(Y/N).” her mother, Narcissa, gasped as she entered the room.
(Y/N) crumbled at the sight of her mother, knowing that she wanted their relationship back to how it used to be. But she still didn’t rush to hug her, casually walking over. Narcissa took in (Y/N)’s features, smiling as she thought about how beautiful her daughter was. Hugging her like only a mother could, she didn’t let go early, hating how long it had been since they saw each other. When they pulled away, Narcissa noticed the man, hiding her surprise when she saw he was one of the Weasley boys. (Y/N)’s shoulders ached from how tense they were as her mother approached Fred, opening her arms to him. Her mouth almost dropped open, as did Fred’s as he returned the hug. Narcissa no longer cared about being part of a ‘superior’ family; (Y/N) was happy with this man, and he had managed to bring her daughter back to her.
"Come you two, we have drinks waiting for you." Narcissa smiled, gesturing for them to walk ahead of her.
(Y/N) grasped onto Fred's hand again, feeling her breathing become deeper at the thought of seeing her father. Fred didn't want to push any boundaries in front of her parents, but he would be damned if he let (Y/N) become upset. He wanted to come to ensure that her family gave their blessing, it would feel wrong not to come; but if this was the last time she wanted to see them, then so be it.
Walking into the drawing room, (Y/N) unintentionally gripped onto Fred's hand harder, almost digging her nails in. There were no complaints from him as Lucius Malfoy turned around. He looked a lot better than the last time he saw him, though he had definitely aged, and being part of Voldemort's army hadn't helped with that.
"(Y/N), welcome home." Lucius said, his usual cold tone in his voice.
"Thank you father." she whispered, going back to her quiet self.
"So, he's a Weasley then?"
"Yes sir." Fred spoke, not afraid anymore.
(Y/N)'s head whipped up to look at Fred, then to her father. Lucius narrowed his eyes, stepping forward until Narcissa stopped him.
"Lucius." she warned."We've just got them back."
"Them?" (Y/N) questioned.
"Draco visited only last week. We met Astoria." Narcissa explained.
"He finally did it."
"What? You knew about her?"
Fred squeezed (Y/N)'s hand, silently encouraging her to go on."I send letters to Draco too. We've both been petrified to come back."
"Why?" Lucius had the audacity to ask.
"I'm with a Weasley. You belittled them for years. And it pains me to say that I stood back and did nothing. Never did I imagine that I would be forgiven by them, let alone fall in love with one."
She couldn't believe how forward she was being. But they were all listening intently.
"I've grown since I've left here. Fred has helped me to change, change for the better. I have missed you both, but you can't deny that we weren't a normal family."
Lucius and Narcissa exchanged a look, a wave of sadness washing over them. They had been caught up in the Dark Lord's work, wanting to fulfill the purpose they had been taught from a young age. They assumed their children would follow in their footsteps. Oh how wrong they were. And they regretted every second of it.
"(Y/N)," Narcissa calmly started, slowly stepping towards the couple,"we cannot express how much we regret abandoning you as a child. We weren't focused on raising our family. Losing you and Draco was the worst pain I have ever felt in my life. Your letters have been the only thing bringing us a small amount of joy each week."
"Your mother is right."
Though his face was stern, anyone could see that Lucius meant what he said. He just didn't know how to express that.
"I can no longer tell you what to do or who to be around." he said."Your mother and I have had many long conversations about this particular topic, about you and Draco. We want you to move on, be with someone who will give you a good life and treat you better than we ever did."
This was too much for (Y/N), this was the longest they had ever thought about their feelings ever. She was frozen, unsure if this was a cruel trick. Were they really going to be happy for her?
"A-are you..." she steadied her shaky breath as tears fell from her face."Are you being serious?"
Narcissa's eyes widened at the thought of this being fake."Of course darling. I can't lose you again."
"(Y/N), we are happy for you both." Lucius added.
That sent her over the edge. She made up that she needed a minute, rushing out of the room. Fred didn't hesitate to run after her, calling her as she ran outside. (Y/N) collapsed onto the steps to the door, head in her hands as she sobbed.
"(Y/N), hey, it's alright. I'm here, I'm here with you." he gently said, sitting beside her.
She felt him pull her hands away."I just...I just can't process...did they really say all of that?"
He smiled, wiping away the tears on her cheeks."Yes. They love you. I know you've been through all those hard years, and this is a huge shock. It's going to take time to get used to."
"I'm so happy you're here with me."
"Be a bit awkward if you said you had a boyfriend and didn't show up with one, wouldn't it?"
She let out a short laugh, and he knew that she was calming down."Let it all out love. If you want to, we'll go back inside. If not-"
"No, I think I need to do this. You're with me, that's all I need to continue."
He held her face in his hands, slowly leaning in and pressing a small kiss on her lips."I love you."
"I love you more."
"We've got this, we're in this together, always."
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ectonurites · 2 years
I think some ppl need to step away from the internet and consider that maybe they care too much about the fictional shipping habits of ppl on the internet that they don’t actually know
I mean in general yeah I’m very much so with u there. I’m really fond of the ‘block and move on’ mindset in terms of discussing like general people online and their shipping habits. If its something I dislike/that makes me upset/etc I will block and not interact with them, end of discussion. And in general, I block tags so I don’t often have to see things in the first place.
However I do think there’s more of a conversation to be had when talking about industry professionals who make money off of portraying the very characters in question, because I think people should be aware ‘hey this artist supports this thing you may really strongly dislike’ if they’re considering financially supporting that particular artist. But that’s about our awareness as an audience and how we use our money to support/not support things/ideas we do or don’t like to see, not saying ‘Ah yes I am going to demand someone stops doing something because I’m this invested in a stranger’s life’.
Because just… I don’t have that power over anyone. What is in my power though is choosing how I use my money, and who/what I will or won’t support.
This gets tricky with comics a lot because almost everything is a team effort rather than one individual, and maybe you really wanna support the team except one person so you need to decide which thing is more important to you, but people should like be aware of things like that as they make those choices.
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razorblade180 · 3 years
Zhongli:Aether, I require advice. Relationship advice.
Aether:!? Why come to me?
Zhongli:Should I have chosen to go to Childe?
Aether:No no, you did the safe thing. Honestly I can’t think of anyone in Liyue to give the most sound advice on these things. Except maybe Ningguang.
Aether:*eyes widened* Oh my goodness it’s about Ningguang!?
Zhongli:Very observant of you. We are to meet up later for dinner. Though I’ve talked casually with her and countless others before, I fear I may somehow...squander this opportunity to connect with someone; it has been awhile.
Aether:You don’t have to pull at my heart strings like this. Now I feel nervous. But uhhh, you sure about Ningguang? Like have you thought that through?
Zhongli:I don’t know what you mean. Ningguang is a fine, respectable woman that’s dedicated to her craft. The Jade Chamber was a testament to that.
Aether:Yeah, it was. It’s as great as she is smart. That means I don’t think you’d be able to keep up being a regular funeral parlor employee. You’re going to slip up, Rex Lapis.
Zhongli:Hmmm I have thought about this. Part of being a human should include sincerity. If I am to connect with her, then it is only right that I be honest with her. However, it is unwise to open with news like that so soon. But I am sure she won’t be as surprised as common folk.
Aether:.....Zhongli, I don’t think you- actually, *pats back* I say you go on that dinner and pose a hypothetical question about Rex Lapis being alive. I think that will make things clear to you.
Zhongli:I suppose that would be better than speculating. Very well, I shall try.
Aether and Paimon:(He really doesn’t see it.)
[Half an hour into dinner]
Ningguang:Hehehe, I must say Zhongli, you continue to be quite the interesting character. If only we weren’t so busy, then we could do this more often.
Zhongli:I imagine in terms of schedules, you have hands fuller than my own.
Ningguang:True. Though I made the Jade Chamber once before, the time and effort it is taking to bring back my pride and joy isn’t going much faster than the first time it was made. I’m a patient woman though. I wouldn’t be good at what I do if I wasn’t one.
Zhongli:Well said. Say, Ningguang?
Zhongli:I was discussing matters with a friend earlier today. Nothing factual, more so hypothetical and thought provoking.
Ningguang:Oh? Do tell. *sips drink*
Zhongli:My friend holds suspicions over Rex Lapis’s passing. Those suspicions gave way to the idea of the Geo Archon being alive. How would that make you feel?
Ningguang:Me? Well...I’d be as stunned as anyone else if it were true. After all, he fell from the sky right down in front of me.
Zhongli:Ah yes....that did happen didn’t it? (In hindsight, that may have landed on her on anybody for that matter.)
Ningguang:The idea of him being alive would raise a lot of questions easily. Though if you’re asking how I’d feel....I’d be happy to know such a being was still among us. Rex Lapis was quite generous and fair.
Zhongli:*smiles* That’s nice of you to-
Ningguang:But I’d also be upset that I sacrificed my Jade Chamber and Liyue was thrown into chaos over a faux death. I put everything I have into that place and being a voice to the people. To have gone through such an experience that wasn’t because of natural causes, I can’t say I’d be pleased by such knowledge.
Zhongli:Oh...I see. (That makes sense)
Ningguang:Then there’s Ganyu. She’s felt so at odds with who she is and what to do next since his passing. Seeing her lost like that pains me a bit. I doubt even she would be okay with Rex Lapis’s death being fake. Hehe, she’s a nice girl but I’m sure she’d have words with him.
Zhongli:Ah, so you would believe if he were alive, it was Rex Lapis himself that faked his death and not some outside force?
Ningguang:Of course. He’s Rex Lapis. A plan like that could only be full proof with his approval, or we would’ve intervened. I may sound a little bias, but I can’t imagine anyone containing him by force. Our Lord of Geo was far too strong for that. Unless multiple Archons were ther perpetrators, then he organized is own death; and sense the land is ravaged with warring archons right now, I don’t think they had a hand in it. They aren’t known fighting quietly.
Zhongli:(Truly...the word clever isn’t enough for her.) So you’d be angry and resent Rex Lapis? I...can understand that completely. His actions would come off a bit...much. *frowning*
Ningguang:Hello Traveler. It’s been awhile since we-
Paimon:Do you like Zhongli?
Ningguang:*red* E...Excuse me!? Wha-
Aether:Because I can tell he really likes you. Like a lot. Do you like him back?
Ningguang:I....find him charming. *blushing*
Aether:So yea?
Ningguang:Why have you come to ask this!?
Aether:Zhongli is a good person, but I’ll be the first to say he’s a bit of oddball. There are ways he goes about problems that I don’t necessarily agree with and he tends to rub someone the wrong way sometimes when he’s being helpful. Still, he’s a really kind individual and I can understand his actions even if I disagree. If you really like him then I hope you can see those merits too.
Ningguang:This is...sudden. Why do you feel the need to tell me this? And to bow as well, please, rise.
Aether:*relaxes* I just felt like it needed to said. That’s all.
Ningguang:...I never said I’d resent Rex Lapis.
Ningguang:Our Lord of Geo, he’s done countless things; knows countless things. To fake is death would mean he had reasons. I know without a doubt those reasons, whatever they might be, still had Liyue and it’s people in mind. So why I personally may be upset if such a hypothetical were to be true, I also think I’d understand it; and forgive it in time. Rex Lapis, he’s kind hearted. What ever the reason, I know I could accept it. However, I wouldn’t let him off the hook. I’d make sure he continues helping people in whatever way he can. That includes helping fix the Jade Chamber. *smiling*
Zhongli:So that’s your full answer? Hmm, interesting.....*trembling* Ummm Ningguang?
Ningguang:*takes his hand* Yes?
Zhongli:If...you need assistance with the chamber, don’t hesitate to ask.
Ningguang:I won’t, thank you. (Honestly...how could I resent you when you’re this nervous?) Oh yeah, you’re gonna have to breakdown the news to Ganyu.
Zhongli:Hehe, I guess we’re done speaking in hypotheticals then?
Ningguang:I find it cute you thought we ever were.
Aether:*watching tables away* Well, guess that solves that.
Paimon: All’s well that ends well! Paimon was worried for a bit, but you’re such a bighearted softie that you basically told Ningguang what was up.
Aether:What are you talking about? All I said was Zhongli is a man with good intentions, even if they are a tad selfish. Sigh....no one wants to feel alone. Especially in a world that’s constant changing and you can’t help but be different. Finding love makes everything feel not so bad.
Paimon: Paimon couldn’t agree more!
Aether:Well now that one dinner is going well, might as well have one ourselves right? We have menus.
Paimon:Actually.....Paimon has to pass sadly. Chow down for the both of us though! *disappears*
Aether:Paimon!? But...you never miss a chance to eat. Where’d you-
???:Excuse me, mind if I join you?
Aether:*turns around*......*red*
Amber:*red dress and curly hair* I was told by someone a certain traveler would be at a table for two, looking for company?
Aether:Would this someone be a certain little floating companion that is always scheming something?
Amber:You know... I think so. *smiles* So, mind if this nervous outrider who may be a tad overdressed for this restaurant keep you company?
Aether:*smiles* I wouldn’t mind at all.
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
I’ve been seeing an uptick in “anti-RWDE” posts lately  — which is a phenomenon I’d like to comment on at a later date  — but for now one of them (quite unintentionally) made me realize something about the finale that I haven’t seen others discuss yet. 
So RWBYJNOR saves everyone, right? Let’s just put aside the animation for a moment  — which didn’t show any army members making it out  — as well as the forgotten side characters  — Maria, Pietro, Qrow’s group isn’t forgotten, but still left behind  — and take things on good faith here. We’ll read the finale through the thematic intention: RWBYJNOR saved “everyone” in the Kingdom of Atlas in Volume 8, deliberately contrasting them with Ironwood who was willing to sacrifice a chunk of the Kingdom in Volume 7. Forget all the messiness and just accept that regardless of the consequences  — like a destroyed Kingdom and a “dead” team  — the heroes are heroic because they didn’t give into a “lesser evil” thinking and managed to save everyone. 
Now, how was that possible? 
Let’s go back to the beginning of the seventh episode of Volume 8, “War.” Salem’s grimm have just burrowed through Atlas’ defenses and taken them out. The shields are gone. She flies Monstra into the fields and releases an army of darkness that immediately heads for the city. What’s the very first thing Ironwood does? 
Soldier: Yes, sir?
Ironwood: I am evacuating all citizens to the subway. Prepare Manta Squad Omega, and dispatch to every part of Atlas.
Soldier: But sir-
Ironwood: Now!
He evacuates the people, with “the people” meaning all the Atlesians and however many Mantle folk got to the city prior to Salem’s arrival. When this episode aired I mentioned being confused as to why the soldier was so hesitant. Why wouldn’t you want the people to get to safety when a grimm army is heading their way? Fans against Ironwood took the soldier’s side, claiming that Mountain Glenn proved that any underground evacuation is a death sentence and thus he obviously doesn’t really care about the peoples’ safety. Fans in support of/neutral towards Ironwood pointed out that this is a pretty big leap, no one is coming up with a better idea for what he should do instead, and that within these circumstances it reads like the soldiers is illogically against this idea simply because everyone is against Ironwood now. The show wants characters criticizing his decisions and making him out to look like a crazed dictator... even during moments when it doesn’t make any sense to be upset with him. Shooting the councilman yes, trying to keep the people safe no. Basically, this small exchange was a mess, but the rest of the volume proved that this was a sound call. The subway never collapsed and no grimm ever made it to that enclosed space to pick the civilians off like fish in an underground barrel. 
So, why didn’t that happen? Well, one answer is because Oscar and Ozpin destroyed the whale. But how did they have time to do that? Without the people dying while they were being tortured, talking to Hazel, escaping with Emerald, fighting Salem, etc.? A lot happened between Salem starting her attack and Oscar ending it, so why wasn’t 2/3rds of the Kingdom’s population decimated during that time? 
Because Ironwood sent his army out to keep the grimm occupied. 
Outside of Ironwood’s cartoon villain actions  — random murders and bomb threats  — which get the most attention due to how deliberately, over-the-top horrific they are, these are the two actions that get the most negative attention from both the story and the fanbase. The soldier seems horrified by the order to evacuate. Marrow is devastated that young adults are fighting in this battle. The fandom is disgusted by both aspects of Ironwood’s character: giving orders that, as general, he expects to be obeyed and having an army that follows those orders. Putting side that cartoon villainy, this is what supposedly makes Ironwood the antagonist here. These are the qualities that have existed since Volume 2, resulting in a “he was always a bad guy” interpretation. These are the qualities that have resulted in anyone who likes his character being labeled as a “bootlicker.” We know these qualities make the fandom hate him because otherwise, more people would be confused as to why a presumably heroic character randomly shot Oscar. Orders, armies, and general military associations are at the heart of Ironwood’s presumed villainy. 
So let’s remove them. 
Ironwood has no evil army. Ironwood gives no evil orders. Power and control lies solely in the hands of our non-military heroes. Everything is better! 
...well, no. Because we saw in Volume 8 precisely the choices our heroes made when the attack started: half of them focused on saving a single individual (Oscar) and the other half kept to the sidelines. At no point did our RWB group act after sending the message and prior to securing the Staff. AKA, during the attack of Salem’s army. We got a very explicit moment in which Ruby looked out the window at the battle going on and turned away from it, continuing to discuss ethics instead of joining the fight. The people of Atlas (which, again, includes many Mantle citizens) had no one but Ironwood and his army because a third of the group was trying to rescue Oscar (they never even had a plan to blow up Monstra — that was also Ironwood), a third of the group was up in Amity, and a third was sitting in the mansion. They did nothing to help the people of Atlas being attacked by grimm. 
Thus, if you remove Ironwood’s actions, everything goes to hell. There is no longer an order to evacuate to the subway. Maybe some people go there anyway. Most probably don’t. They run in a panic wherever they can. Hide wherever they can. Go back home for some semblance of safety. 
There’s no longer an army. Either it doesn’t exist because we’ve determined it’s simplistically bad despite RWBY’s grimm-specific context, or Ironwood likewise never gives the order to protect Atlas’ border. Salem’s army moves unimpeded through the city, killing countless people as it goes. How do we know? Because they’re civilians who can’t defend themselves and there’s literally no one else to help. Remember: Ironwood is not giving orders, there is no army, RWB is in the mansion, YJOR is in the whale, Penny is out of commission, the Happy Huntresses are in Mantle. Those in Atlas are entirely alone. In time, Oscar destroys the whale, but by then it’s too late. There’s no concrete way to theorize how many have died, but it’s inevitably a lot. Everyone else is scatted across the city, trying to survive. 
So this scene 
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no longer exists. 
When the group gets the Staff and creates portals for “everyone” to escape through, Mantle is ready to go. They’ve gotten everyone into the crater and can funnel them straight to Vacuo. Atlas, however, is in chaos. When Jaune enters the subway there’s only a few people there, many of which may be wounded or dying. He’s right back where he started, in Mantle at the beginning of Volume 8: needing to go door-to-door to find where people have hidden themselves, trying to convince them all to follow him (remember Oscar commenting to Ozpin about how difficult that was?). Except now, he and Nora are the only ones trying to get people to safey, the city is filled with far more grimm, a significant amount of time has passed for people to be killed or injured (making evacuating them even harder, both due to injuries and an unwillingness to leave hurt/dead/missing loved ones behind), he’s trying to convince these panicking people to go through magic portals, not just walk to a crater, and he’s aware that there’s a very short time limit for this task. 
Jaune returns in a panic of his own, explaining how difficult it will be to get that 2/3rds of the Kingdom to Vacuo. How many are already dead. Barricaded. Missing. Closeup on Ruby looking horrified, but then she rallies. They can do it. Atlas is falling, but residual dust gives them just enough time to find, calm, and evacuate those people. They’re heroes after all. Beating the odds is what they do. 
Then Cinder attacks. 
Suddenly, the group can’t evacuate people because they’re trying to keep themselves safe from her. Maybe Cinder gets the powers because Jaune was off looking for civilians, leaving Penny without a mercy kill. Maybe Nora dies because she’s still trying to help people on the city that plows into the one below. Regardless of how details might change, they’re not getting a spread out, decimated population through those portals before Cinder changes the wish and makes them disappear.  
In this version, the story starts with Ironwood wanting to sacrifice 1/3rd of the population to save 2/3rds and the future of the war. It ends with 2/3rds of the population dying instead. 
This is what I mean when I say the majority of the fandom wants to view a very complex situation through a ridiculously simple lens. The fandom wants to denounce every bit of RWBY’s fictionalized military, the context issues of that aside. The story wants to paint RWBYJNOR as the only heroes, in part because they succeeded in saving everyone (“everyone”) in the Kingdom when Ironwood gave up. 
But they only managed to save everyone because of Ironwood. Because he kept fighting for his people to the bitter end. This is why, though his horrific actions obviously exist in the story, they make no sense (he’ll threaten to kill his people so he can... save his people?) and mess up what little is working in the finale. The story wants us to celebrate the group for evacuating Mantle and Atlas, but the Atlas evacuation would not have happened if not for Ironwood’s actions  — the actions that are ignored in favor of having Winter blame him for everything and then killing him off. The rescue of “everyone” was very much a joint effort. RWBYJNOR’s win is not actually a contrast to Ironwood’s intended sacrifice, for the simple reason that their win depended entirely on Ironwood’s actions. 
If we’re going to celebrate the group getting everyone to safety, we should probably also celebrate the guy who got them all to an easy evacuation point and ensured they weren’t eaten before then. Does that mean Ironwood never did anything wrong? Of course not. As established, the story went out of its way to make him into a villain. Rather, it means that other parts of the story failed to maintain that black and white view, complicating the heroism of RWBYJNOR in the process. If we want Ironwood to be incapable of heroic action, always the bad guy, nothing good to say about him whatsoever... then we likewise need to accept that the group is rather unheroic in many regards too. That, on their own, they would have failed to save everyone, just as Ironwood’s plan failed to save everyone at the end of Volume 7. Because they chose their friend over a kingdom. Because they sat around in a mansion. Because by the time they took action again and tried to escape, without Ironwood’s help they would have lost a larger majority than they originally insisted be saved. 
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