#yandere cecil
yourcryptidwendi · 5 months
Dude as a fellow Cecil enjoyer, I would love to hear your Cecil ideas
Yes! Okay so for one I think if Cecil ever let his guard down enough to become enamored with an s/o he would definitely become obsessed with them. This man would do anything and sacrifice anything for earth. So for you to be the exception? Oh he wouldn’t let you go anytime soon. Maybe he found you in the office, a sweet little assistant that always brought him coffee. Do you know how stressful it is preventing homicidal aliens from destroying the earth? Of course he needs the relief! You’re just so sweet he can’t help but spill all of his thoughts to you. It’s likely that you double as his therapist (not that you’re getting paid extra for that, not like you can complain either.) His concern for you would be cute if he didn’t know about things you never mentioned. Like how you got mugged the day before, when did you tell him about that? He offered to take you home one day and now it’s become a routine. He worries about you when you go home. What if something happens? Someone could break in and hurt you! And when you tell him how you live in a dangerous neighborhood? Well it wasn’t like it was intentional but when he drove you home again he took a few detours, you questioned him about it and he said don’t worry but now you’re at his house and he’s insisting that you stay over “it’s safer here, I can protect you.” well he’s still the one writing your paycheck and you do feel safer. Sometimes you can’t help but feel like someone is watching you.
I like to think Cecil would never let his s/o out of his sight, he's seen too much shit and knows that anything can and will happen so he can’t take any chances. He would never admit that though. You would never know it was him giving you that chill down your back. He's always so busy, where would he even find the time? He may act like a asshole sometimes and you may not agree with everything he does but you would be a liar to say he doesn't care for you. In his own twisted little way.
Um I guess this is my first ask?? That's kind of crazy! I really enjoyed that haha :>
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porcelain-cats1 · 1 year
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I haven’t posted any art of them in a while, I might as well share some of what I’ve stocked up 😊
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chromacryptid · 5 months
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Wtf why did i do like half of cringetober and never post it
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cecilsrandomeverything · 10 months
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My friend found this shirt today (Not my friend in the pic this was on Pinterest or something I don’t remember) but OMG I NEED IT
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seraphicm0th · 1 year
Can't a man enjoy his 15 minute break in peace?
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crittrs-ocs · 11 months
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Another old picrew, this one is of my character Cecil. I forget how old he is but he appears to be in his mid to late twenties, and he’s a somewhat failed attempt to bring back an extinct vampire species (the ghost of one of them is another OC of mine). He is essentially just a were-bat. He transforms into a big bat who eats people. He’s flirty and a bit of a stalker, frequently I portray him as a yandere..
He’s just kinda been pieced together from a few vampire species to form a facsimile of the extinct one
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acircusfullofdemons · 2 years
saw smth & got the absolute galaxy brain idea to make Glitch "lovecore" themed. it fits -- she already has obsessive tendencies & overly obsessed with people liking her/being The Best. Plus, it can work into her design by giving her a little cupid motif! not to mention it fits her parallel to Calypso bc he's well-liked and she's. not LMAO.
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xjulixred45x · 5 months
I know I have to work on the requests, but I have to get this out of my head because now I have a rediscovered love for Invincible, bear with it.
okay, I can definitely see that you two were a couple or at least liked each other before everything went to hell.
and although you were fine with Mark at that time, when he was being convinced to join the Viltrum empire, he was somewhat seeking your approval. although using very vague assumptions, such as "would you accept an alien race if it meant world peace?" "or if that would help with the development of medicine?" You know, like what Nolan wanted to do at the beginning with Mark. and obviously since you didn't have the context you said yes without hesitation, further fueling Mark's crazy ideas.
I may not have made it very clear in the first part, but you and Nolan definitely don't get along. I mean, he's nice to you in a way, but he treats you like a little kid who needs discipline, so he tries to push Mark into that. Not only that, but you also indirectly blame him for the sudden change in Mark's personality, you know that if Nolan hadn't gotten him into that shit, he wouldn't have so much blood on his hands. The Mark you knew wasn't like that. HE WASNT.
The main reason this Mark doesn't feel angry because of your traditional escape attempts or why he's so soft is because of something our Invincible doesn't usually have, and that's his ARROGANCE. This Mark does not believe that you are capable of running away from him, you are not capable of defending yourself from him, you are not capable of harming him and above all you are not capable of HATE HIM, because he sees you as a soft creature, who should be treated as such because you are confused.
He is delusional, SpongeBob and Squidward level of Delusional. You could perfectly tell him that you hate him, that he's the worst thing that happened to you in your life... and he thinks it's reverse psychology.
"fuck you"
"Is that an invitation?😚"
"I hate you"
"I love you too babe🥰"
"If we were trapped on a desert island I wouldn't hesitate for a second to make a raft with your limbs"
"Silly you, I would take you out flying😘"
Do you see what I'm saying? For the same reason, if you end up hurting him, he would be proud that now you can definitely defend yourself from the Revolutionaries who "kidnap you every now and then" (it's you on the run). dang it, if you hurt him probably even NOLAN would compliment you for doing it despite being "so weak" and would completely approve of you.
(I can already imagine you with a wedding dress and a bouquet of knives...you want to throw it at Mark...in the face)
I think the most Mark does to scare you into escape scenarios is to threaten to throw you and not catch you next time, that's the best he goes. He can't stand the idea of leaving you paralyzed because it would be very boring and sad to see only a shell of you.
He wouldn't kill Eve, but he would never hurt you...physically. Did you see that in the end in their universe they manage to imprison him and get rid of Omniman? you totally didn't let go of Fem! Cecil(Cecilia?) all the way to her base and thanking her with all your heart and tears. Cecilia comforted you awkwardly, but she understood that you must have definitely had a hard time with Mark.
Meanwhile, with Mark already locked up, even if the world is a bit messed up, you can breathe easy for the first time in years, you can leave the base without fear of what happens to the people around you, you can eat without a problem, you can CHAT with people! it's magic! It's like you don't even remember anything before Mark! out of pure fear!
Meanwhile, Mark in prison always asks about you AT LEAST once a day, even if they give him proof that you are WELL and HEALTHY, he just doesn't believe it and DEMANDS to see you to prove it, which they obviously deny him and only makes him think that even more. The guy thinks you must be dying of hunger and cold or being eaten by collotes while you live your best life🤣
"MY POOR BABE! She must be so confused and scared without me! How do I know they're not torturing her for information!? She must be so worried because we're not getting home!" and it goes on and on... meanwhile Darling: "happy~ happy~happy~" "OHHHOOOhhOO, I'M SO FUCKING HAPPY!"
For now that's all. I hope the Viltrum empire doesn't come to shit on Darling's happiness☠️
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circeyoru · 2 months
I just finished reading the latent charter of Unwanted soul AND OMFG IT'S SO GOOD HDHDIDHDIHDJD
I did not expect a new caracter, yet alone a new yandere!!! And I love how this is like, a diferent type of yandere unlike Alastor, were he is in love, Nemisis idk...like, worships us? Something like that! BUT I LOVE IT!! And I also love the way Kat died! Serves her right for being a stealing bad person hshs
Quick question tough: will us/reader ever have some kind of parent/child or mentor/student relationship with Nemisis? I feel like it would be cute hdhdhhduddg
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This is for {Unwanted Soul} , check MASTERLIST for the work
Aww, you're flattering me too much~!
As for Reader's/your relationship with Nemesis.
I feel think it's more of a writer-editor friendship type of deal. It's work but there's a bit of causal mix into it if you get me.
Essentially, what Nemesis or, at the time, Cecil, saw was that Kat took your role as the writer/author. Cecil would have been working with you on the novels but she got Kat instead and was working with Kat without knowing and realizing that Kat was never the author. Cecil blames herself for not knowing and feels guilty for being in service of Kat.
Cecil doesn't assume that she knows everything about you since you two were never close, nor have you two met directly. Cecil only has brief imagery of you through Kat's descriptions, she pieces things together to get how you are. It's cause of her not knowing what you like or prefer in a friend that she uses a gender-neutral name and 'they/them' pronouns now that she's/they're in Hell.
*A bit of lore on Cecil's name. It means blind and sixth. I'm focusing on the blind part. It's what it is. Cecil was blind to Kat's lies and blind to finding out about the real author to the novels she loves until it was too late.
Now for Nemesis, they back off when they saw Alastor as a protector of yours and a capable one at that. It's heavily implied that Nemesis was there to watch Alastor throw Kat around in a fit of rage on your behalf. Nemesis would have appeared if Alastor didn't act or you didn't do anything. It's to show you that someone will get their hands dirty for you because you are deserving. Nemesis' first agenda was also to tell you the truth of what happened and what they did before their death. In a way, to give you a peace of mind on what you loved.
Nemesis is there as a reminder that you were noticed in the living world. Your story was told and you took back what was stolen. Their yandere tendency is more towards supporting you in whatever you want or do and to mull down any that finds fault in you and opposes you.
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ominoose · 7 months
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𝐎𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐜 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐏𝐓 𝟐
A list of seasonal fanfics I've read or found over the month of October that I really enjoyed for future reference and others to check out <3
Part 1
Key: 🎃 - NSFW ┆ 🤎 - X Reader ┆ 🐈‍⬛ - Dark
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Absolutely Purr-fect by @sarahghetti You and the Moon Boys adopt a cat. Characters: Steven Grant, Marc Spector, Jake Lockley WC: 2.4k ┆ 🤎
Broken Toys by @midgardian-witch Blue gives you some comfort. Characters: Blue Jones WC: 1.7k ┆ 🤎
Farm Day by @reallyrallyauthor You and Steven go on a farm day to see the animals. Yes, it's as cute as it sounds. Characters: Steven Grant WC: 800 ┆ 🤎
Voice Kink by @winniethewife Phone sex with Williams amazing voice. Characters: William Tell WC: 843 ┆ 🎃🤎
Little Secrets by @heladodecerezq You're the MK's systems kid and keep a little secret for them, which they really don't like. Characters: Steven Grant, Marc Spector, Jake Lockley WC: 921 ┆ 🐈‍⬛
Jake Jerkin' Off by @tiptapricock Jake jerks off, but written as more of a character introspective. Characters: Jake Lockley WC: 774 ┆ 🎃
Look At You by @notquitecanon Each of the MK boys saying "Look at you" in different contexts. Sweet and sexy. Characters: Steven Grant, Marc Spector, Jake Lockley WC: 1.7k ┆ 🎃 🤎
Cumming In Your Mouth Platonically by @my-secret-shame & @foxilayde Fen made another banger post and Foxilayde served another five meals with it. Aka a quick post on letting Cecil cum in your mouth but its totally platonic, not weird or anything. Characters: Cecil Dennis WC: 727 ┆ 🎃 🤎
Lust is a Drug by @minispidey You're Arthur Harrows virgin, isolated cult wife and Moon Knight pays a visit. Characters: Marc Spector WC: 2.3k ┆ 🎃 🤎
Mr and Mrs Knight by @angel-of-the-moons Chubby reader goes to work a work party with Steven, some mean girls make it go south. Characters: Steven Grant, Jake Lockley, Marc Spector WC: 4.3k ┆ 🎃 🤎
My Lord by @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction King John is exiled to another country and fixates on one of the head servants. Only Fen could make a King John fic that's smut and kinda fluff, it's magic. Characters: King John WC: 3.1k ┆ 🎃 🤎
Patience by @moons-dunes Steven gives you an agonizing lesson in patience. Characters: Steven Grant WC: 800 ┆ 🎃 🤎
La Petite Mort by @hon3yboy You inherit a manor from your dead aunt and it's got a cute but obsessive British ghost in it. Characters: Steven Grant WC: 3k ┆ 🎃 🤎 🐈‍⬛
He Found The Box of Condoms by @hoedamn-eron You fuck your best friends dad and then date him. Told in three parts. Characters: Leto Atreides ┆ 🎃 🤎
Sleeping Dogs by @hon3yboy Werewolf!Marc. Again. All I need to say. Characters: Marc Spector WC: 2.8k ┆ 🎃 🤎
Visions & Loyalty by @reallyrallyauthor Your sisters is meant to marry Leto but then he goes "Actually, no you" and it's three parts. God bless. Leto is so well written. Characters: Leto Atreides ┆ 🎃 🤎
Finish The Job by @romana-after-dark MK system kidnaps reader and Jake goes quite Yandere on them. Characters: Jake Lockley, Marc Spector, Steven Grant WC: 1.4k ┆ 🎃 🤎 🐈‍⬛
Control by @romana-after-dark Jake is really into killing and blood. Really into it. Characters: Jake Lockley WC: 591 ┆ 🎃 🤎 🐈‍⬛
Corny Night In by @jayke0 Marc with a chubby reader, has thigh fucking and feels. You will lose it. Characters: Marc Spector WC: 1.6K ┆ 🎃 🤎
Losing Hand by @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction William tries to teach you poker and his dicks also inside you at the same time. Character: William Tell WC: 1k ┆ 🎃 🤎
Cry Baby by @jayke0 Bullying Cecil while he whimpers and gets off. Character: Cecil Dennis WC: 1.3k ┆ 🎃 🤎
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puripurin · 4 months
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➽ Puripurin's Intro Post!
Hello, I'm Puripurin! I am a writer from the Caribbean (no, not Jamaica, pls) who loves cutesy things, but i like a lot of other things that are not very... um, cute. I do like Monsters, but i have my limits.
Also, I use any pronouns online out of she/her he/him, and they/them, but mostly prefer he/him or she/her, but it doesn't offend me if it's they/them.
*LANGUAGES I CAN SPEAK: English, Spanish (im learning it, but i can understand it to an extent. That's why you'll sometimes see me using 'y' as a replacement for and.)
➽DNI LIST!?!?!
Uh yeah, don't interact if you're a racist, homophobic, etc. Etc. I'm not dealing w with racism on this page cus ill probs cuss you out.
Also, you have to at least be 16+ to interact with anything on this page. Istg, it feels uncomfortable when a 13 year old reads works like these.
➽Request Rules!!
I can do MxM, MxGN, MxF, and FxF, but with FxM, I've never really written it before.
I can do yanderes and monsters.
Yes, you can request previous characters such as Cecil (the omega) or Clear (bunnyhybrid)
I won't do anything hardcore like watersports, scat, or rape but i will do dubious consent.
My ask box is open, an anon is on idk how the ask box works though so might take a while.
Yes i have anons now even though im not really sure what it mean, im jusst mimicing rn so bare with me plss.
➽ shark anon
This will be updated whenever i feel like it. All divs are by @cafekitsune
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Whoops, i forgor, @doomsdaycantcatchabreak is my alt!! That's why you will rarely see me like your posts!!
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blue-sadie · 7 months
Request Page
Platonic = 🌼 Fluff = 🌺 Smut =🌹 Lime =⚘️ Angst = 🥀 Yandere =🍁
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Temptation - Bucky 🌹
Khonsu's Turn - Khonsu 🌹
Gentle Touch - Loki 🌺
Sit Upon The Throne - Loki 🌹
Praises - Marc 🌹
After Class Punishments - Moon System 🌹
Reflections - Moon System 🌹
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Incorrect Quotes
Crusty... What? - Bucky, Natasha
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Drive On - Jake 🌹
Take A Breather - Miguel 🌹
Blood Flood - Peter 🌺
Save Him - Moon System 🥀🌺
Three For The Price Of One - Moon System 🌹
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Different Versions Oscar Isaac Characters: Moon System, Marcus, Shiv, Basil Stitt, Jonathan Levy, Llewyn Davis, William Tell, Cecil Dennis, Robbie Paulson, Outcome 3 (David), Santiago Gracia, Kane, Nathan Bateman, Leto Atreides, Poe Dameron, Peter Malkin, Bassam, Prince John, Orestes, Laurent Leclaire, Oscar Isaac
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Modern Day
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Flashing Lights - Marc Spector, Jake Lockley, Peter Parker, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes 🌺
Kiss The Cook - Peter Parker, Steven Grant, Jake Lockley, Thor, Bucky Barnes 🌹
Movie Marathon - Jake Lockley, Peter Parker, Pietro Maximoff, Bucky Barnes 🌹
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NSFW and SFW Alphabet
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Apologizing After A Fight - Moon System
Dating An Artist - Moon System
they accidentally hurt you when having a nightmare - Moon System
Them when Your On Your Period - Stephen Strange, Loki Laufeyson, Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Peter Parker
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porcelain-cats1 · 2 years
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A 1920s au! I was just trying to draw the fashion, but I got a little attached to the idea.
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misstycloud · 1 year
Yandere scenarios:
When a shopping trip goes wrong
Slut me out!
Yandere unpopular
1 - headcanon
Yandere Matthew/slasher x girlfriend reader
Part 1 - headcanon
Part 2 - headcanon
ACTOR (Ace Lee)
1 - headcanon
In an interview
Yandere!boyfriend x GN!reader
Yandere!Date x reader
Yandere!docter x amnesiac
Yandere!bestfriend x male reader
yandere!islander x reader
Yandere!husband x dead!reader
Him finding out the truth (part 1)
Little backstory info (mc & hunter husband)
Fiancé finding out about reader’s lover
Why did you leave?
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alastor-assists · 8 months
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Cringetober day 8! Tumblr sexyman!
TW eyestrain plus yandere mention under cut and in link! Non eyestrain here!
OKAY! We were originally gonna do Cecil from Welcome to Nightvale. But we don't know him well enough to be confident. We went to find his wiki page, and stumbled across the Baldi page and decieded it would be funny lol. Also this board was supposed to be normal, but it quickly fell into whatever this mess is LMAO
x x x | x x x | x x x
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mudstoneabyss · 11 months
what's the point of Cecil/Kevin if, for lack of better wording, Cecil isn't tsundere about it and Kevin isn't a little yandere about it
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