#x factor be like
rierice8 · 9 months
Its not enough to be a virtuoso if theres always some 5 year old who does it 10 times better
I hate 5 year olds.
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uncanny-tranny · 8 months
Basically, my philosophy around disability fakers is: I would rather a thousand people fake a disability than have one disabled person suffer without care, aids, compassion, or any help.
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sentient-stove · 6 months
“Wait, wait, wait, short baby Robin, back it up. You followed a radioactive green dog into the sewers? With no weapons?”
“Don’t be an idiot Grayson, I always have a weapon on me. It’d be counterproductive if I didn’t. Anyway- the dog disappeared and I was already down there so I followed the voices to this room—”
“You followed voices?!?”
“Do try to keep up.” Damian snipped. “Yes, and there was a room down there, like some sort of tomb and then I pulled this guy out of the coffin there.” And subsequently gave himself mild frostbite he was guessing by the way he still couldn’t feel his hands. Dick looked mid aneurysm at Damian’s minimal explanation but that had the benefit of him not asking anymore questions as he let them into the apartment, offering to take the teenager from Damian wordlessly.
“Did he tell you anything?” Dick pressed fingers to the teen’s wrist, brow furrowed. “Low pulse, okay. Okay. To the living room then. Was he awake when you got him out?”
“For a few moments.”
“And did you ask him for a name?”
“I was preoccupied with finding a living person in a glass coffin Grayson. He did say one thing though.” Besides thanking Damian but he was keeping that to himself for as long as he could.
“What was it?”
“The Packers suck.”
“Like the football team?” Dick questioned and Damian shrugged.
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robotic-poet · 30 days
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was explaining the jean grey timeline up to inferno to a friend and it ended up w me designing stuff for jeanand maddy up to that point
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writeouswriter · 1 year
I love how ominous such basic names like "The Organization" or "The Institute" or "The Initiative" or "The Facility" or etc. are when placed in like a shady sci-fi context, like there's no reason for them to sound that suspicious, but without elaboration, it's like here is a place where they are doing things™ and I am like ooohh, because the blank state, the refusal to give you any more detail makes you think they're hiding something on purpose and leaves the darkest corner of the imagination left to fill in the rest.
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oni-1-oni-none · 3 months
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avery is perfectly fine, he just needs a new head
full 404 doodle under :3
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wehavetoastonishthem · 4 months
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X-Factor (2020) #8
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wellnoe · 1 year
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anyway this is part of the search for cyclops...2! vision. to help get my ideas across.
[id in ALT]
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muskrosevetiver · 1 year
“the God of the Locked Tomb is a man […] but the divine in the Locked Tomb is essentially feminine”
this quote from tamsyn muir is fucking crazy she so gets it
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X-Men ‘97 creative team…besties…where were they.
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Um... I'm sorry, WHAT??!!
Not bagging on the op, they're just relaying what they heard. Like I bet 95% of fandom know this isn't happening but that 5%? They doing okay? They hate Tommy that much? This is not The Mentalist, peeps lol. Tommy is not a secret Red John alcolyte.
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makorragal-312 · 3 months
I wish you guys could understand how much it sucks that this season really does seem to give the POSSIBILITY of something ACTUALLY shifting in terms of Buddie, but Kr*sten did so much damage and had me so pissed and scarred from the Season 6 finale that I spent this whole goddamn hiatus conditioning myself to stop getting my hopes up.
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kermit-coded · 2 months
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oh patricia, you've always been my north star
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sharktic-waters · 1 year
Legal trouble Ra’s dcxdp AU
Because of how the dcxdp phandom treats Constantine, I feel like there’s a true untapped market for Ra’s too. To start with as far as I’m aware people don’t clown on Ra’s enough for basically being the Batman of DC’s immortal cast. Homie practically has a paid checkmark for immortality. No healing factor or actual youth abilities just skill and a pit that makes him younger. Anyway that’s to say this random self proclaimed immortal who in all of his wisdom named himself the demons head centuries ago, probably wasn’t super original. And whatever demons he likely named himself after probably aren’t too fond of the guy just like Constantine. But what’s this? A new High King of the infinite realms? With free access to the realm of the living? Well sounds like it’s time to give Ra’s the Constantine treatment; and give him a subpoena or a cease and desist.
Ra’s probably doesn’t believe it to be real, I mean don’t demons have better things to do than legal work? (“It’s probably just Tim, the detectives best child soldier.”) Probably not, because if any fic with Constantine is any indication, it seems that they are contract wielders, gossipers, and whiners. An excellent combination to spring on Mr diet immortal.
Now apparently failing to show up when served a subpoena can result in fines (and in extreme cases imprisonment) and because these guys are sneaky the fine print clearly states such fines or consequences exist, but the finer print says he doesn’t need to be informed so slowly his coffers get drained periodically. Alternatively, while he might not notice his coffers draining for a good while, he would definitely notice his pits draining. That’s one of the points where it could go a few ways.
Ra’s is not allowed to dodge the summons and Walker being Walker shows up to bring him to court, leaving everyone wondering where he went.
Ra’s dodging and thinking the prank is done with doesn’t notice for a while that either his coffers or his pits are slowly decreasing.
Situation One or Two happens and then while making his way to Ra’s, Danny realizes that while Constantine has the most overall paperwork, Ra’s has been the most consistent, making the two of them the sources of his greatest annoyance. Upon realizing that fact and discovering the pit exists he decides on some petty revenge giving him a second legal notice on the repossession of property of the infinite realms and while he’s the one who’s draining the pits, the others are draining his coffers.
Imagine Batman just going “The league of assassins has been quiet lately” with Dick saying “Yeah they’re always quiet it’s kind of their job” just for Talia to show up saying Ra’s is missing and the only clue they could find was a subpoena that they get Constantine to look at and confirm authenticity.
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paper-lilypie · 10 months
If you could take one of your AUs and do a crossover with any other AU by another creator
What AU would you like it to be?
Hear me out: my Runaway AU Y/N with @opudont-donut’s Nightmare boys
Instead of Y/N seeking asylum from bakers, they seek it in an abandoned mansion where two malignant nightmares reside and haunt. the rest goes from there 👁️👁️
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changanomaly · 1 year
so. after my Gwourtney edits (check here) I pondered about who Trent and Duncan would end up with in this universe since they'd both be free. I thought about Truntcan like really briefly but I personally don't ship it that much?? And I love Trody so I scrapped the idea before it got anywhere. And honestly? I don't really ship Duncan with anyone that hard. But suddenly, my brain said-
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