#wwx being very normal about wn
runespoor7 · 5 months
WN not being able to get it up without talismans is excellent Ningcheng flavour
WN: Wei-gongzi, I would like more of the talismans you drew for me last time.
WWX: hm?... oh! Wen Ning! Yes, yes of course! See, I knew it would come in handy! :D :DDD sooooo... who's the lucky person? woman? man? someone I know?
LWJ: Wei Ying.
WWX: oh, it's fine, Lan Zhan, I'm not embarrassing him! :DDD *leaning toward WN* is it more than one?? Wen Ning, you sly dog!
WWX: *waggling eyebrows and being generally obnoxious*
WN: *very deliberately not saying, 'your shidi'* *it's just a one-off anyhow* *he just really really needs to wreck JC another time, and then for sure he'll have it out of his system*
WWX: huh, it's funny how you need talismans every time we run by Yunmeng!
WN: ...yes... funny...
WN: *holding WWX's gaze*
WWX: but then I also gave you some at the conference in Lanling, and after we ran across the night-hunt party in Qinghe... a lover in every sect, eh? hahahaha, here's the talismans!
a YMJ disciple: Sect Leader, are you alright? did the yao get you?
JC: I'm fine
YMJ disciple: but you keep rubbing your back, if you're wounded--
JC: it'll pass with a good night's sleep. But I'll be sure to visit the healer along with the rest of you disciples when we get back to Lotus Pier.
YMJ disciple: ......yes sect leader!
WWX: phew that was such an awkward night-hunt, every time we run across YMJ it's like that, remember that time we were night-hunting in Qinghe, and--
WN: *averting his gaze*
WWX: 😱😱😱
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rayshippouuchiha · 7 months
I had a gremlin thought and had to throw it at you. So we all know that JC and WWX revolved around JYL (as they should) and would 100% do what she told them to. Why had no one taken this to its logical conclusion? Let’s say it’s after another failed meeting in between JYL and her horrible fiancé she is doing the depressingly normal routine of trying to not be hurt while YZY is being horrible to WWX and JC. And she just takes a moment to breathe and wonder why them. What has she and her siblings done to suffer like this? One of the disciples comes over and offers her any help they can. This causes JYL to just have a moment of realization where she stops and tries to remember the last time anyone except those outside the sect asked the Sect leaders for anything. Because the people know that JFM is just passive at best and YZY is plain aggressive. JYL was raised to be a sect wife and basically shadow run a sect right? And let’s say she’s been doing this for years at this point. WWX basically owns the disciples and every resident of Lotus Pier. JC is Sect Heir and has every ounce of loyalty his people and siblings can give him. JYL has this vision of a sect run by the three siblings and it’s just so much better. I imagine for all that they were their mother and father JFM and YZY were very estranged from their children. It’s also basically canon that WWX hid so much of his power and skill from everyone as to not rock the boat. JYL rolls into her brothers rooms, sees the hurt that has been allowed to fester for to long and just decides it’s her turn to go feral. So now I present the idea of a coup. JYL points at the Sect and says I want it and her brothers go whole or in pieces? Now I don’t think any of the siblings is cold enough to kill JFM or YZY so I’m more leaning more towards talisman master over there creating a Jiāng version of Lan forced seclusion. Think about this would put canon in a blender and just shred it. We have Sect leader JYL, her co leader/Heir JC and their brother/Head disciple WWX. Think about WWX allowed to make the Jiāng a talisman powerhouse. Think about how a strengthened, united three person leadership which is really just JYL telling her brothers what to do and them doing it cheerfully. Everyone is validated, there isn’t constant fighting and money is rolling in from the talisman sales. The Jiāng all of a sudden are rising like someone strapped a rocket onto their ass. Let’s be honest the Lan are traditionalists who will swiftly be left in the dust by galaxy-for-a-brainWWX! Who invents like some people breathe. The Jin hold power by riches and let’s point again at our resident genius talisman master who rolls out the flags and compass. The Jiāng are getting richer by the second. The Nie are powerhouses and we have JC and WWX who are ridiculous and almost evenly matched. Lotus disciples are melee masters and going against one now makes a lot of people want to cry because Head Disciple WWX is going to drag his shidis into excellence one way or the other. JC is laughing on the sidelines because how do you think he got so powerful huh and let’s be real our angry grape loves watching people suffer. All of a sudden the Wen conquest doesn’t look to realistic anymore. Then WWX meets WN and WQ and decides to impulse adopt them and their entire branch. Then the Jiāng are now also the medical center of the Sects? Watch out Wens you’ve just lost the top spot to three teenagers two of which are really just following their beloved sisters lead. All I’m saying is JYL ruling the Cultivation World with her brothers cheerfully giving her whatever she wants while she can finally pamper them as she pleases. You want the horrible peacock? Fine buts he’s marrying in. Hey little brother you’re drooling over WQ huh? There is much mocking from single WWX towards his siblings. For awhile WWX is the only unmarried Lotus Pier sibling and boy is he hunted. Everyone is tripping over themselves to lock down the most eligible bachelor who is handsome and rich. And then WWX meets his LZ and how the tables have turned brother dear? Let’s just say the Lans are going to lose that fight before it even begins. LWJ is going to perish at their first meeting. Somehow this ends up a trend where the Jiāng end up pretty much never marrying out. Wow this got away from me but I now offer you this vision!
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missholland · 2 months
Farewell, a place once called home!
I was homebound this week for an illness recovery, and thought it was the perfect time to rewatch one of my ultimate comfort shows: The Untamed.
Some people watch stuff once. Some people religiously rewatch their favs because they discover something new each time. I'm certainly part of the latter clan, and I cannot believe I never wrote about Wei Wuxian (WWX)'s post-resurrection return to Lotus Pier before.
The second half of episode 45 throughout episode 46 is quite a journey on its own right: the setting, the aesthetics, the dialogue, the emotional weight as one of the biggest secrets finally came to surface.
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A very long rambling analysis ahead so bear with me!
Considering the latter half of episode 45 was mostly consumed with Si Si and Bi Cao exposing Jin Guangyao (JGY)'s dark past, there were only a couple of Lotus Pier moments that worth mentioning.
As WWX and Lan Wangji (LWJ) walked through the entrance of Lotus Pier, I was immediately taken back to what WWX said to LWJ in episode 6 when they were healing their injuries in the Cold Spring. WWX asked LWJ to come visit him in Lotus Pier one day, and I bet the circumstance they eventually found themselves in episode 45 was far from what WWX thought the visit would have been like.
Let's also take another step back to episode 34, where Jiang Cheng (JC) interrogated WWX. WWX admitted that he wanted to go back to Lotus Pier even in his dream, but at the time, he had probably given up all hopes of ever making that come true.
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What else is there? His master and madam died, his disciple elder sister Yanli died, he got expelled from his own clan. It was virtually impossible to prepare WWX for the event of episode 45 where he actually got to walk into Lotus Pier again.
Let's now cruise into the main event - episode 46! Fed up with how the big clan meeting went following the revelation of JGY's wrongdoings, WWX and LWJ stepped away from the front room and made their way around Lotus Pier. They were likely just wandering around at the time, as their concentration was totally occupied with finding out who might be the mastermind trying to expose JGY. Then again, it might as well be WWX's muscle memory as they somehow ended up right in front of the ancestral hall.
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Despite initial hesitation, WWX eventually decided to come in and paid respect to his Master, Madam and Yanli along with LWJ. It's not the first time we saw this incredibly tranquil and beautiful room. It really was WWX's most frequently visited room, whether it was being punished by Madam Yu (story apparently travelled all the way to Gusu) or having heartfelt conversation with Yanli. WWX telling LWJ his childhood stories inside the ancestral hall was probably the most mundane sequence during this whole ordeal, and a small moment of normality for WWX before our resident killjoy JC walked in.
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Yes JC, we know it's your house but surely yelling in the middle of the ancestral hall whether your family was resting in peace isn't a very good idea? Our WWX certainly didn't expect any less from all the unpleasantness coming out of JC's mouth, as since forever he only let his anger do the speaking and not the common sense. LWJ was ready to have a showdown, but WWX calmly told him to stand down and let it go.
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But did JC let it go too? Of course not. He was irritated by WWX's calmness and tried to spill some more frustration to get the other to react. He clearly picked the right route to go down on by picking on LWJ and Wen Ning (WN). Worse, he proceeded to single out LWJ and insulted his commitment to WWX.
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That prompted WWX to yell out JC's courtesy name Jiang Wanyin, a name we didn't hear very often throughout the show but in this instance it was most memorable, especially coming from WWX. That itself drew a clear boundary in their relationship at that moment, from brothers to mere acquaintances in the cultivation world.
WWX wasn't afraid to ask a proud JC to apologise, but all JC was gonna do is pushing the button even more. He took a very personal swipe at their confidant/soulmate-ship that led WWX to, quite uncharacteristically, violently held JC's collar.
Our dearest is giving JC what he wants! Although to be perfect honest, I thought it was quite hilarious that JC for whatever reason was confident he could take on both of them. WWX possibly since he wasn't at his finest during that moment, but prime LWJ though...?
Thankfully, WWX looked up and saw Yanli's name. He knew very well it would break Yanli's heart seeing the two of them like this. He's gotta be the bigger person (and fair enough, he's already knackered from being the lure flag for the puppets). As our beloved couple once again tried to leave in peace, JC decided to make it as hard as possible for them. Here he is, triggering LWJ's angry lover protector mode.
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I love the swift but determined arm push LWJ did to JC a second after this to get him off WWX, then right away his expression transitioned back into anxious lover worrier mode. LWJ didn't even give JC a second look. He promptly escorted WWX away but was still super alerted to give JC a good old Piss Off for STILL ONCE AGAIN not letting it go.
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Let's take a moment to admire this bittersweet yet romantically charged frame before getting the tearfest started.
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Now, our sweet baby WN just flew in with WWX's Suibian sword, got a couple of hits from JC's Zidian but was still determined to stand tall and asked JC to unseathe Suibian. JC was angry and confused, LWJ was probably also angry and confused, WWX has fainted, so now WN is the only sane one and the voice of reason. His cold lack of reaction (because he wasn't surprised at all) placing next to a shocked pikachu LWJ and confusingly mortified JC was the perfect comparison.
LWJ's face tells me that as soon as he saw JC taking out Suibian, he was already somewhat fearing the reason behind it. He hasn't quite reached the destination yet, but he was on the way. After all, he's one of the most intelligent and knowledgeable characters in the story thanks to his sect's education. His eyes made it look like he was holding on a tiny glimpse of hope that maybe it's not true, maybe it's not the worst case scenario, but it was certainly mixed with fear that it might be.
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It's very different from JC who's just completely out of the loop, no hint of any possibility that he might be able to work out what happened. If WN wasn't there to SPELL IT OUT, JC would just remain angry and confused for the rest of the episode.
As JC is still in deep denial, and WN precisely recounted the event on the mountain in great details where JC was tricked to go find Baoshan Wanderer who could fix his core, LWJ only had eyes on WWX. His ears were listening to everything WN said too, but his focus was on WWX while he did his own reflection on how he reacted to WWX abandoning swordsmanship in the past (the same way JC did).
All the burning questions LWJ had inside his head - why WWX no longer carried Suibian, why he made all these excuses to not get back into practicing swords, why he took on crafty tricks, why he had a change in personality and demeanour, why he behaved so strangely after getting Suibian back - they are finally answered. But in the most unimaginably painful and heartbreaking way. LWJ's trembling face and tears scream PAIN, the pain you feel when you know someone you love is in pain, but you are also aware that whatever you feel is only 1/10000 of their actual suffering.
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Pain and anger come together time to time, and LWJ has heard enough. He just wanted to get WWX out of here, out of this hell of a truth. He made his feeling known by stamping Bichen loudly on the ground and took WWX away, once and all.
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Our baby WN really shined here. He wrapped up this dreadful revelation by daring JC to find anyone who can unsheathe Suibian, but not before hitting him with possibly the last thing any human being as competitive and eager to win like JC wanted to hear - did you know you were supposed to beneath your disciple older brother forever?
WN kept his head down and let out a sigh. He knew he shouldn't have done it since he promised WWX, but that was as much as he knew he had to do so. His guilt toward WWX was starting to hit him, but it was also obvious that a huge burden has been lifted off his shoulders.
We're now getting to the end of WWX's unexpectedly eventful return to Lotus Pier. Without JC's unreasonable pot-stirring screaming, we're finally given a lovely shot of Lotus lake at night with LWJ ensuring WWX's body not leaving his caring touch. I don't think we've had a proper conversation between LWJ and WN up to this point, and what makes it so special is that it's a genuine exchange between the only 2 people left who deeply care about WWX - a lonely anti-hero who's been walking alone on his deeply misunderstood journey for so long that it lasted through 2 lives.
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Sweet WN also thanked LWJ for taking care of A Yuan and we got to learn about how LWJ managed to save A Yuan back then. It was sad but heartwarming knowing that WN was content with not disclosing A Yuan's past to him, as he's had a happy childhood and blessed life thanks to LWJ. Although, he acknowledges that eventually A Yuan would find out, just like JC did about his golden core.
Now as the conversation circled back to the golden core swap, LWJ asked WN a question that truly, you only ask when it's about someone you love. 'Is it painful?'. Not 'How did Wen Qing do it', but was it painful for WWX. What was the feeling he had, what was the pain he suffered, what was it like. It's not a sympathy question. It's something you want to know and empathise when your loved one goes through hard time. It's such a deeply specific and personal question, because when the person you love is in pain, you are too. You even want to feel it too, and LWJ is no stranger to that if we recall him leaving the same burn mark on his left chest as WWX had. Shame that this detail was never explained in the show.
As WN described:
'He should be sober enough to see the golden score which connects to the spiritual vein be separated from his body and feel the spiritual power die down little by little, until it is motionless and nothing can be felt'.
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You can feel LWJ's pain peak as he was told WWX remained awake for 2 nights and 1 day with only 50% chance of success. As someone who deep down admires his soulmate's talent from a young age, what could be worse than having to hear that his other half had accepted to be mediocre for the rest of his life and never ascend to the top as he could have easily done?
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Poor WWX regained conscious and realised where he was. Unsurprisingly, all of his Lotus Pier memories were tied with Yanli and he's overwhelmed by the image of her and flashback of their time together. What is home to WWX, the one who was trying his hardest to grow lotus somewhere as deadly as Burial Mounds? JC was his family, but not anymore. Yanli is no longer around, but till her death, she remained his family. She might have had married into Jin clan, but she embodied everything about Lotus Pier. Yanli is home. Yanli is Lotus Pier.
Seeing Yanli die at Nightless City was saying goodbye to the last person on earth who cared about WWX (or so he forgot about LWJ), which pushed him to giving up on his own life. So is Lotus Pier still home without Yanli? Is there even home without Yanli? WWX was barely treated like a proper guest at Lotus Pier. He was just someone who knew the way around, as home no longer hold the same meaning as it once did.
Lovely WWX was finally jolly again at the possibility of snacking on some tasty lotus seeds he must have missed dearly. Yet his little happiness was seemingly switched off by the rigid rule follower LWJ. If anything I was surprised that WWX agreed to give up the lotus seeds that quickly, of course not without sulking in disappointment.
But all of this only make the following moment even more glorious and poignant: the high and mighty LWJ who grew up obeying 3000 rules at Gusu Lan Sect literally picked a lotus with his own hand and give it to his soulmate, much to his shock and confusion.
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At first I thought Well that's the least LWJ could do, has WWX not suffered enough, would a few (hundreds) lotus seeds matter that much. He's been in pain, he needs to be coddled and spoiled till the end of the world! So LWJ willing to break one tiny rule (tiny, comparing to all the others he broke because of WWX already) is a well deserved comfort that WWX needs.
But then it also hit me - it is an example of making compromise in a healthy relationship. WWX used to hold on to his wine and was willing to put up a fight for it, most of the time against LWJ himself. So why was it so easy to him to just have an awkward chuckle and drop the lotus seeds as LWJ didn't want to break a rule?
WWX compromised, as you would in a partnership. You don't have it your way all the time, you work together toward the same goal and there are times you're willing to put your partner's values above your own benefit. WWX, despite not fully happy about the decision, still agreed to give us the lotus as LWJ was uncomfortable. And in return, LWJ was okay with putting WWX's needs above his ingrained principle about 'stealing'. At the end of the day, it's not about winning or losing in a relationship. You win together and you lose together.
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We really are spoiled with lotus romance in this episode!
But maybe... just maybe... LWJ doesn't know whether WWX would ever get a chance to return to Lotus Pier. Should this be the last ever opportunity, he would probably rather WWX's final memory of the visit not being JC's anger and resentment. In return, it is a rare carefree moment on Lotus lake, one his WWX's favourite places, eating lotus seeds with the only 2 people who still care so much about him and willing to go to the end of the world for him.
If this is meant to be a farewell to a place WWX once called home, while LWJ couldn't change the unfortunate circumstance that led to this challenging visit, he at least has done his best to give it a drama-free peaceful ending for the person he loves dearly.
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gravitywonagain · 9 months
Ok, but the whole Wen Qing sacrificial Au is like one big clusterfuck. And Wei Wuxian wouldn't know shit about the functions of his own new body. And what if the eyes of the body change color as a reaction to the new soul inhibiting it. He would have monthly bleedings! He would have to deal with cramps and fuck! He would understand so much more about his Shijie and Madame Yu!
Also correlating with the homecoming gift, what if she found a way to package her knowledge as a gift and Wei Wuxian now understands so much better why Wen Qing was so pissed about his disregard for his own health all the time. And he starts to connect that knowledge and know-how to develop his talismans and cultivation further!
How would Lan Wangji react to see the Wen doctor again, only for her to paralyze him after a fight with a monster where Lan Wangji just was not at his best, and actually check him over as if it was the most normal thing to do. What if Wei Wuxian went on and found a way to heal the scars on Lan Zhan's back to a degree where it's not visible anymore unless you know to search for it.
And he would get suibian back as soon as possible and fly with it. He would have his sword back. And if people ask he would just flippantly say that it only responds to people Wei Wuxian trusts and held dear to his heart.
Ah, sorry about my rambling, I have brain rot about this thing now. And I had a WIP where I was leaning on the aspect that Wei Wuxian was the son of a servant and had servant skills as well... You make me more work ^^'
yessss i love the rambling!!! i see the next one, too!!! sorry it took me a minute there was brain fog and then wife birthday daytripping and then many sleeps and now we're here
i am now a little bit obsessed with the idea of wq somehow passing on her vast amounts of medical cultivation knowledge to wwx. or at least imparting enough of it that he can do nonsense wwx innovation shit. something something the formation and structure of her core is built around the use of certain skills and techniques and this might have happened with mxy too but all of his previous knowledge was based off of wwx's own.................. yeah. fascinating. fun. i love it.
also the idea of wwx actually trying to pull of just being wq -- at least in public because there's no way he gets away with that around lwj -- is patently hilarious to me. but also! who knows her better than wwx and wn anyway? who else could possibly pull that off if not them? also i do love the shenanigans that ensue in a good identity porn fic.
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okay so if i'm being very honest, half the reason for this au even popping up in my head is that i, like @jasontoddiefor, love a good genderswapped resurrection fic specifically because all of the nonsense that comes with having a uterus. (and also the idea of wangxian biological babies, like hell yes, their breeding kink dreams can become a reality, but also only if they try hard enough because actual conception can be fucking difficult!) and yes, after the years of malnutrition and general anxiety of living under threat finally starts to recede, wwx gets to deal with a whole new set of problems! lucky boy.
as for lan yuan, i feel like he might be grateful to see his qing-jie's face again, even though he's forgotten it, but would then mourn her presence and his xian-gege's face. it would be rough for him. moreso than with mxy because wq's face mixed with wwx's mannerisms might actually trigger some more memories earlier? idk, what do you think?
ALSO. i can't get over lwj figuring out how to marry wq without arousing the suspicion of the entire cultivation world. like this is early in my head. this happens just a few years after wwx dies. so a lot of The Nonsense hasn't happened yet. he gets out of seclusion and then immediately goes for the next worst person imaginable? the escaped but somehow not dead last daughter of the wen? lqr would have a fit. lxc would be confused as hell. jc would be furious and hurt and so even more furious. nhs would, probably, figure it out pretty quickly, as would jgy, and now the race is on. like this would be such a political nightmare and i'm living for it!!
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halenhusky309 · 10 months
Jc stans are trying so hard to make him a dollar store WWX and try to bash WWX in everyturn it's cringy.
and imma be real with you, i was in the MHA fandom for like half a year, and JC stans remind me of bakugo stans.
idk what people find suitable about angry as fuck characters that are hateful (even though bakugo grew and apologize from what I heard, it didn't need to take 300 chapters thank you very much)
like, as someone with anger issues seeing those stans take away the accountability for the actions of the characters they stan "because they are angry and can't help it" is making me so ironically mad.
Because like, anger issues don't mean they can be pieces of shit and hurt people around them without facing consequences.
At this point, I keep questioning if JC stans actually like JC or not. I read enough "metas" about JC, and all I saw were 2.0 WWX with JC's purple aesthetic, daddy issues and tsundere vibe. Almost every WWX's trait were used to describe JC is like, being good brother, caring for well-beings of citizens, being a good uncle, or being level-headed, etc. Please, I want to read how pathetic, abusive and ungrateful JC is when treating other characters, especially WWX, plus due to his lack of accountability and self-reflection, he set up himself to a miserable life.
Not the mention, the amount of time the stans bringing up his trauma and tragedies, and pretending that he was the most tragic character in mdzs while undermining other characters' tragedies like WWX, WN or A-Qing, kinda cheapens JC's tragedy for me. Like please, stop ruining JC for the normal JC enjoyers by excusing his shitty behaviors and actions, and watering him down into the most boring and lame-ass Gary Stu character ever for your projections.
There's a pattern of character that is shitty and terrible to others (even cause great harms to abused), will automatically have a free pass if he or she has abused or tragic backstories. It is even worse when people blame all the terrible actions and behaviors of the character onto the abused victims and circumstances, which takes all agencies away from that character. And now, whenever we try to point out the shitty parts of those types of character, we get the "anti" label, and worse of all, "anti-survivors".
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silverflame2724 · 3 years
WWX, LWJ and Wen Remnants accidentally timetravel to the past.
From a outside perspective WWX and LWJ eloped and left their sects the day WWX was expelled coincidentally WQ is called back to Quishan after the volcano at Nightless City erupts unexpectedly killing WRH & sons making WQ the new Sect Leader by default. When asked to be Sect Leader WN went not it. WQ invites WWX and LWJ to join the new Wen Medical Sect.
For this to make sense, think of the terrain as the one in the Untamed as well as Wei Wuxian dying by throwing himself off the cliff. Everything else is the same as MDZS canon.
Lan Qiren had hoped he was having an elaborate dream or some sort of mischievous sprite had cursed him to have such a memory, but no. Detailed in Wangji’s perfect calligraphy was the reason he had left Gusu: to elope with Wei Wuxian.
Things seemed to....change from that moment on and if Lan Qiren were to connect the dots - no matter how unrealistic it might seem - it had started the day Wangji had left the Cloud Recesses.
But for now, Lan Qiren quietly cursed up a storm - in a very Lan-like manner, at least - and sent out search parties for his runaway nephew and expelled student. He did not believe for a second that his precious nephew would just leave like that!
The Yunmeng Jiang sect and Gusu Lan sect had sent out search parties for Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji but could not find them. It was like they had disappeared into thin air!
Lan Qiren had not given up though, periodically sending people out to see if they passed by any towns. Yu Ziyuan, on the other hand, had muttered ‘good riddance’ according to the Yunmeng servants and quickly made plans on replacing him. This was, of course, met with backlash from Jiang Fengmian and the married couple’s fights had gotten a lot worse from then on. According to a fisherman, with Wei Wuxian no longer around, Yu Ziyuan had started to target her own children more often now. 
But it seemed that the exciting news hadn’t ended yet! 
Apparently, when some of the branches of the Qishan Wen sect had been out on night hunts or collecting medicinal herbs, going about their normal business, the dormant volcano Qishan had rested on suddenly became active and flooded the main compound of the Wen sect with lava! Luckily, the civilians were able to be evacuated quickly. Unfortunately, Wen Ruohan and his sons, who had stayed at the Sun Palace to make plans for the archery tournament, perished in the chaos.
Everyone secretly breathed a sigh of relief since Wen Ruohan had been pushing on the sects’ borders recently. 
The issue now, though, was electing a new Wen sect leader. The closest relatives were the renowned healer, Wen Qing, and her little brother, Wen Qionglin. Honestly speaking, Wen Qionglin should have inherited it but the boy had cited reasons he wasn’t suited to lead and handed the honor over to his sister, who was more than qualified in the eyes of the surviving Wen elders. So Wen Qing was crowned the new sect leader and went about making huge changes to the Wen sect. 
Whereas before, the Wen sect was an arrogant powerhouse, focused on only furthering their own selfish desires. Now, under Wen Qing, they specialized in healing and medicine. 
But that wasn’t all.
What made people the most shocked was that Wen Qing had personally invited the missing Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji to join their sect..........and they accepted!
The Yunmeng Jiang and Gusu Lan sects immediately stormed into Qishan, demanding to see their respective wayward disciple - who had been gone for five years now - only to see them leaning against one another, comfortable and happy.
No amount of pleading or poisonous words had deterred them from joining the new Wen sect and when asked why.......
“We have had enough of being fit into a mold of your own design.” They said. “It’s time for us to be ourselves with anything to restrict us.”
Lan Qiren had not known what to say to that.
“Are you happy?” Lan Xichen had asked. 
Lan Wangji’s resounding smile had been answer enough.
Yu Ziyuan, on the other hand, had to be escorted out. Jiang Fengmian had understood that Wei Wuxian had had enough of being put down in his sect and had accepted him leaving.
Jiang Cheng had been angry, upset that Wei Wuxian wasn’t at his side, but grudgingly admitted that Wei Wuxian looked happier than he had been in Lotus Pier. Jiang Yanli smiled and congratulated Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji on their union. 
All in all, a positive reaction to the situation.
Wei Wuxian cuddled with his husband, content and relaxed. They had done it. 
One day, they had fallen asleep side by side and between one moment and the next, found themselves over two decades into the past. They had been disoriented but decided that the best course of action was to change the past. Finding out Wen Qing and Wen Ning along with all the Wen remnants came with them was a huge bonus and evidently worked in their favor. 
They had made plans to evacuate the citizens, made diversions so that the innocent branch families would be spared, and decided how they should move on after they had eliminated Wen Ruohan and his sons. In the end, Wei Wuxian had used resentful energy to stir up the volcano and make it active again, killing their biggest enemies including Wen Zhuliu in one fell swoop.
Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji debated on going back to their families but decided against it. Away from the influences of their families, they had both come alive in ways they hadn’t in their previous lives. They were happy, free, and unrestricted. It was......a fulfilling life. And they wanted it to stay that way.
Though.....joining the new Wen sect under Wen Qing would be nice. As much as a life of travel was freeing, they would have a constant roof over their heads and wouldn’t have to worry about a stray spirit or two causing havoc. 
Wei Wuxian had been thinking about adopting a child or two anyways. And five years away from the sects’ influences had been enough.
Wei Wuxian looked at Nightless City, lingering on a certain cliff’s edge. In that other world, on this day, he had died. Today, in this new world, he was living a happy life. All his loved ones were alive and he was not the enemy of the world.
As Lan Wangji came to his side, Wei Wuxian took his hand, looking forward - for once - to what life had to offer him next. 
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fixielixie · 3 years
You know neither i think nor the book frames revenge as something bad so I don’t see a problem with wei ying killing WLJ WZL and WC the questionable thing was the method because he was dehumanizing himself by doing things that way, even XXC tells XY he could have taken a finger even a whole arm if he wanted but anything beyond that was unjustified. Revenge is fine if it’s proportional to the reason you’re getting revenge for
getting revenge and punishing someone horrible who did horrible things to innocents isn’t a problem in the novel’s universe which is totally different from purposely and deliberately inflicting suffering torture and death on innocents for no reason other than political power satisfying your blood thirst or letting off steam, that’s what sets normal cultivators (all of them have been at war and have killed) from murderers or serial murderers like jc xy and jgy
you summed up the key differences between revenge for the sake of justice and revenge for the sake of your own power and self satisfaction. the revenge takes i see in the mdzs fandom are similar to the mob mentality takes, as in most of the time people are talking bullshit to try and justify their poor comprehension of the novel.
wwx killing wen chao and co, in the mdzs universe, is portrayed as his due compensation for the horror they unleashed onto himself and his sect. lwj in particular in the methods and cruelty wwx showed, because it really wasnt like him and even lwj who, admittedly, had fairly limited interactions with him, could see that. its not that he was against him killing wen chao, moreso that he knew something had happened that changed wwx so deeply that he had become ruthless and deranged in his need for revenge (if anything, lwj being able to recognise this instantly in wwx and jiang cheng never seeming to/not caring about it says a lot about the difference to how they both view wwx...)
you see it again when wwx goes after the jin cultivators watching over the wen prison camps, he even says that its only fair that wen ning gets to kill the men that killed him. people talk about this attack as if wwx showed up blood thirsty and ready to kill every ''''innocent''' cultivator in sight, whether they were a part of the corrupt prison camp or not, but wwx gave them loads of time to fess up about what had happened but instead of admitting they were treating the prisoners inhumanly and had killed wn they decided to lie and so wwx decided to leave justice to wn's hands.
wwx is constantly meeting others at their level, he's very rarely the one to initiate conflict, even if it would be understandable for him to do so. most of his desire for revenge doesnt come from any of his personal suffering, but rather the suffering of others without the power to stand up for themselves. he wanted to help the jiang sect get revenge against the wens, no matter the cost. he helped wen qing when she had nothing because of the mercy she showed them when they were destitute ect.
its not comparable to the jgy, xy and jc in my opinion, unless the comparison is how their motives differ. wwx is supposed to be an example of virtue and justice, mxtx intentionally wrote him to be that way. yes, jgy is a complex villain with complex motives, but thats what makes him a good /villain/. the best villains are the ones who have real multidimensional personalities, who arent doing things just for the sake of being 'evil', its good writing on mxtxs part that she could create a villain with so many layers. but by adding this extra depth it doesnt make him any less of a villain, he's just a villain now with a clear goal, and a solid reasoning behind why he's striving for that goal.
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robininthelabyrinth · 4 years
for @oneiriad, who wanted WN/WWX/LWJ - happy birthday! (also on ao3)
Following the war, Wen Qing had had something of a revelation.
Namely, that the vast majority of problems in her life were due to the fact that she was surrounded by a bunch of idiots.
The first she noticed of it was on the day Wei Wuxian brought back a bow and some arrows to the Burial Mounds.
Her first thought had been to begin to worry, as it always was. Why would Wei Wuxian think that they needed a weapon of war? Were the countless arrays and traps with which he had surrounded their home not sufficient? The corpses he had raided graveyards and battlefield for all set at key position points, the talismans that they had painstakingly drawn in seemingly infinite number, the physical barriers they had erected, were those not enough? What threat did he foresee having arisen that required more than that?
And also – why had he only brought back one?
The answer, it turned out, was that Wei Wuxian, terminal idiot, had not thought of war at all. He hadn’t even thought about hunting, as Wen Qing’s fourth uncle had tentatively suggested, not that there was anything to hunt on the Burial Mounds, dead as it was.
No, Wei Wuxian had seen it being sold at a dirt-cheap price and bought it simply because he thought it’d be fun.
Wen Qing huffed at Wei Wuxian’s extravagance – you could tell he was raised rich, no matter what stories he told; they could have used that money for something practical – but in the end he was their benefactor, and, well, the bow and arrows were pretty fun. Wei Wuxian had been among the most skillful of his generation in archery, and although he was somewhat rusty he had retained the majority of his skill. A-Yuan had been particularly charmed, cheering wildly at every trick shot that Wei Wuxian had pulled out of his repertoire, and he hadn’t been the only one.
Towards the end of the day, when Granny had carted A-Yuan back inside over his protests, reminding him that good little boys who’d been standing in the mud all day needed to wash up before dinner, Wei Wuxian had even drawn Wen Ning into his game.
“- have to try it,” he said coaxingly, even as her brother shifted from side to side in embarrassment, wringing his hands. “As soon as I saw it, I thought of you! Do you remember when we first met?”
“The archery competition,” her brother murmured.
“You were practicing,” Wei Wuxian said with a laugh. “You had it almost right back then – you have no idea how much I wanted to come over to help you fix your stance.”
“It – probably wouldn’t have helped.”
“No, no, it would have! You’d be amazed at how much having the right stance will help – here, let me show you.”
“Wei-gongzi –”
“I insist!”
There was some rearranging, and the next time Wen Qing looked over, Wei Wuxian was standing right beside her brother, one hand on his hip and the other on his arm, gently guiding him into position. The laughter had fallen off his tongue, and he looked intent upon what he was doing.
“You were as skittish and shy as a rabbit back then,” he said. His voice was low, lower than normal – if Wen Qing could see his eyes, she would wager that they were darker than usual, too. His hand did not need to linger at her brother’s hip, but did. “I couldn’t come close or else you’d bolt…but things are different now, aren’t they?”
Her brother shivered as if an usually cold gust of wind had gone by – a gust of wind that, as a fierce corpse, he would not feel.
So that’s how it is, Wen Qing thought to herself. Wen Ning’s infatuation with their benefactor had been obvious from the beginning, when he’d begged so earnestly for her to help with Jiang Cheng; his eyes had been so bright and hopeful that she hadn’t had the heart to remind him that it was pointless to hope. And for his part, Wei Wuxian had tried very hard to revive her brother, far more than bare handful of meetings and a favor done would merit.
Perhaps those long-buried feelings of her brother’s hadn’t been so pointless after all.
Wen Qing forcefully quashed the part of her that wanted to march over and demand that Wei Wuxian make his intentions clear at once (she would accept marriage or nothing for Wen Ning, fierce corpse or not). For one thing, Wei Wuxian was their benefactor – she was in no position to be making demands or threats – and for another, it seemed unnecessary.
They seemed to be doing perfectly fine on their own.
Lan Wangji had come to visit again.
“Is the Lan sect bored of rebuilding, do you think?” she asked Granny, rolling her eyes – it was at least the fifth visit, and Lan Wangji stayed longer every time. “You’d think their second young master would have more work to do; it’s not like Yiling is next door.”
“I don’t think that’s why he’s come to visit,” Granny said. They were doing laundry together, one of the unavoidable daily chores - normally, Granny would be watching a-Yuan, but today he was out for a walk with Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian, Wen Ning trailing behind like the faithful shadow he sometimes seemed to wish to become.
Wei Wuxian had very proudly explained in the morning that they were taking A-Yuan on his very first “night-hunt”, never mind that it was the middle of the afternoon, with the sun still high in the sky, or that A-Yuan’s only weapon was a stick he had taken to waving around whenever Lan Wangji practiced his sword forms in the morning and night.
(Wei Wuxian watched as well, hunger in his eyes, and Wen Qing turned away, a bitter taste on her tongue. She would not begrudge Wei Wuxian the grief of his sacrifice, but she sometimes wished he’d acknowledge a little bit more that he was not the only one who had given things up that day.)
“What’s the reason, then?” Wen Qing asked, mind mostly elsewhere – calculating what the other members of the clan would be able to earn today at the market and what would be the best thing to spend it on. They needed new clothing, and A-Yuan new shoes, but they might be able to convince his ‘rich gege’ to cover the shoes and the clothing could be mended a few more times before it truly needed replacing. That would free up enough money for other necessities. “I don’t think he’s still suspicious of Wei-gongzi.”
Granny laughed. “Suspicious isn’t the word I’d use, no. Madly in love? Maybe.”
Wen Qing’s brain returned back to the present conversation so quickly she almost imagined that she could feel her brain hitting her skull from the whiplash. 
“What?” she asked, voice sharp. “Hanguang-jun likes – Wei-gongzi?”
“Hadn’t you noticed?”
“But Wei-gongzi…” Wen Qing trailed off, reviewing past events in her mind. The way Wei Wuxian’s eyes lit up whenever Lan Wangji arrived, shouting Lan Zhan! Lan Zhan! – an incredible intimacy, now that she thought about it, about equal to the way with which he addressed Jiang Cheng – and the way they spent time together, walking or talking or just staring into each other’s eyes. The way Lan Wangji paid for everything Wei Wuxian might want (in other words, nothing practical). The way Wei Wuxian would talk about him even when he wasn’t there.
The way the two of them sometimes duetted at night, guqin and dizi matching each other perfectly in the moonlight.
(Wen Ning played a little, too, but the Wen sect hadn’t bothered with anything more than the most perfunctory lessons – no private tutors or anything like that – and he was only all right, not great. Certainly not good enough to keep up with either of those two masters.)
Wen Qing frowned thunderously.
After the “hunting party” returned, she went to find Wen Ning.
“I know you’re grateful to him,” she said plainly the second they were alone. “I am, too. But that doesn’t mean you should let him walk all over you.”
Wen Ning blinked at her. “Walk…what?”
“If Wei-gongzi is two-timing you with Hanguang-jun –”
“Jiejie!” Wen Ning hissed, his hands flying up to cover his face as if he could still blush. “It’s not like that!”
“Isn’t it? Because that’s not what Granny says. She says Hanguang-jun is in love.”
“He is,” Wen Ning said.
Wen Qing frowned, confused. “Wei-gongzi is leading him on, then? I would have thought better of him.”
“You apparently thought he was two-timing me, so clearly your view of him isn’t that good,” Wen Ning said, sounding injured on Wei Wuxian's behalf, because of course he was. “He’s not like that. He’s not – we’re not – it’s not like that. Between us.”
“It isn’t? But he likes you, and I know you like him.” Wen Qing hesitated. “Is it – the fierce corpse thing? We’ve been making a lot of progress on restoring your bodily functions over the past few months. If you’ve been having performance issues, we could prioritize –”
“I have not been having performance issues.” Wen Ning looked like he wanted to die, which was not an uncommon look on his face for their private conversations. For someone who helped out with her surgeries on a regular basis, he was still so very shy sometimes. “It hasn’t come up.”
Wen Qing quirked an eyebrow at him.
“Not what I meant, jiejie. It’s just…Wei-gongzi doesn’t…he’s not very good at understanding his own emotions.”
Wen Qing thought about Jiang Cheng and made a sour face. “No, he’s not.”
“Unless it’s pointed out to him, he won’t even notice that he likes someone,” Wen Ning continued. “Or that – someone likes him.”
“All right,” Wen Qing said, because that did fit her understanding of Wei Wuxian a lot better than either two-timing or leading someone on did. “Fine, then. I assume Hanguang-jun hasn’t said anything, even if only because he’s made of stone, so you’d better be the one to point it out to him.”
“I did. Early today, when we were out.”
“Good,” Wen Qing said. “So where is he?”
“With Hanguang-jun,” Wen Ning said.
“With –” Wen Qing stopped. “A-Ning. What did you point out to Wei-gongzi?”
He shrugged and ducked his head.
“A-Ning! Why? You like him so much…”
“He could have Hanguang-jun,” he pointed out, soft and sad the way her brother too often was. The way he often wasn’t, when Wei Wuxian was smiling at him. “Why would he want me?”
“Mistress Wen,” Lan Wangji said, standing at the door to the cave she was using as a makeshift clinic.
Wen Qing wasn’t sure of what to make of his presence - he’d more or less moved in ever since he and Wei Wuxian had gotten together, but he didn’t often seek out the company of anyone but Wei Wuxian. Least of all her, but then again, she hadn’t been the most welcoming, angry as she still was over Wen Ning’s quiet and unnoticed heartbreak.
“Are you hurt?” she asked, and wasn’t surprised when he shook his head. “Then what can I do for you?”
“Advice,” he said.
Wen Qing mentally sighed, but nodded and gestured for him to come sit down. She’d have to get used to treating him like he was one of the family sometime - he was part of life at the Burial Mounds now, part of Wei Wuxian’s life, and there wasn’t any revisiting that decision.
Also, A-Yuan loved him.
“What’s the problem?” she asked, practical as always.
Lan Wangji didn’t quite meet her eyes, which for him was practically a confession of nervousness. Possibly even embarrassment – was that a hint of pink in his ears?
“Just spit it out,” Wen Qing said with a sigh, outwardly this time. “I’m a doctor. There’s very little I haven’t dealt with before, whether it’s a matter of the human body, the human heart, or the human mind.”
Lan Wangji nodded slowly. “You may know that I cannot currently return to the Cloud Recesses.”
Wen Qing had gathered that certain parts of his family had not been taking his decision to get together with Wei Wuxian especially well, although she’d heard that his brother was fully supportive. Since said brother was the sect leader, he ought to carry the day in the end, but she could definitely understand how the job of convincing the sect that the relationship was acceptable was probably best done with Lan Wangji conveniently elsewhere.
“I understand the awkwardness that this might cause,” he said. “And I have been – trying, recently, to find time to leave the Burial Mounds on my own. Taking night-hunts when I know Wei Ying is busy, or finding an excuse to go into town for the evening…and yet, the last time I went, I discovered that Wei Ying had sent Wen Qionglin to guard my inn for the night.”
“He does that,” Wen Qing agreed, a little mystified. She’d thought Lan Wangji liked to stick to Wei Wuxian like burnt rice to the pot. “Since A-Ning doesn’t need sleep…are you getting bored of Wei-gongzi or something?”
“Certainly not,” Lan Wangji said, sounding a little offended. “It was only that I had gone specifically in order to leave Wei Ying and Wen Qionglin time to be – alone.”
Lan Wangji blinked at her. His ears were definitely red now. “I had not presumed –” He stopped, coughed a little. “I am very grateful that Wei Ying has agreed to be with me, but I would never seek to deprive him of joy by causing trouble in his existing relationship.”
“Existing relationship,” Wen Qing said faintly. “With – A-Ning.”
Lan Wangji nodded. He appeared relieved that they were on the same page.
“Have you…mentioned this goal of yours?” she asked, trying to suppress a hysterical set of giggles. “To Wei-gongzi? Or did you just drop hints? He’s not – I’m not sure if you’ve noticed this, but he’s not great with hints.”
Lan Wangji looked a little long-suffering, something Wen Qing could generally relate to. “I tried to make my position clear earlier today,” he said. “I told him that I knew of the esteem he had for Wen Qionglin, the clear affection between them – the longing with which Wen Qionglin looks at him, the way Wei Ying’s eyes linger on him in return. I told him that I did not have any expectations that he would yield up Wen Qionglin simply for my sake, that I had already accustomed myself to the notion that I would be sharing him…that I truly didn’t mind if he would like to spend some nights in his bed, rather than my own.”
A-Ning doesn’t even have a proper bed, Wen Qing thought, rather irrelevantly. He’d refused to let them waste time building him one when he didn’t really need sleep, anyway; he’d said they could use the time on more necessary tasks.
“And how did he react?” she asked instead.
“Strangely,” Lan Wangji said. “He turned bright red and sought to deny it, but I assured him once again that it was not an issue – if anything, I am grateful to Wen Qionglin for his graciousness in allowing Wei Ying to open his heart to me as well – and for some reason he spluttered a great deal and then ran away. I came to you to see if you could shed some light on…Mistress Wen?”
Wen Qing was clutching onto her face and rocking back and forth, trying to breathe through the intense desire to laugh.
“Lan-er-gongzi,” she choked out. “You are both insightful and wise – wiser than either of them.”
“…Mistress Wen?”
“You’re not wrong,” Wen Qing said. “Wei-gongzi likes my brother rather a lot, and my brother’s been half in love with him since forever. But they’re not actually together.”
Lan Wangji gaped at her.
“I know,” she said. “My brother decided that between him and you, you were more suitable, so he confessed on your behalf instead of his own. I don’t think the notion of sharing ever came up.”
“And Wei-gongzi is so thick when it comes to matters of emotion that it’s unlikely he even realized what he was missing – at least until you brought it to his attention,” she added dryly. “I hope you meant what you said about being all right with it.”
Wei Wuxian might be slow when it came to figuring out his feelings, but he wasn’t slow when it came to asserting them. He was probably accosting her brother right now, and –
And she wasn’t going to think about that. That’s her baby brother, damnit.
“I am,” Lan Wangji said. “I do not lie. They have a way between them…it would make Wei Ying happy. I want Wei Ying to be happy.”
All right, fine. Wen Qing would reluctantly agree to like Hanguang-jun, him being so reasonable and all.
“Maybe arrange for a selection of different nights?” she suggested. “You can come here and do research with me on the nights when your bed is occupied…A-Ning refused to let us get him one, since he doesn’t sleep. He said it’d be a waste of money.”
Lan Wangji looked appropriately off-put by that. “I could obtain one, if that would be helpful..?”
“Immensely,” Wen Qing assured him. “He has no idea how to turn down gifts – it’d be perfect.”
She paused, considering Lan Wangji. She hadn’t asked before, since it had seemed almost presumptuous, but if he really was going to be staying…
“How much do you know about radishes?”
“Wen Qing! I need help!”
“At least you admit it, Wei-gongzi,” Wen Qing said peacefully. The radish garden was doing so well now that she’d put Lan Wangji to work, she could positively cry. And maybe open up a new field for potatoes the way Wei Wuxian had wanted.
“Admit – hey!” Wei Wuxian rolled his eyes at her. “I come to you for help and you make fun of me?”
“Every time,” she agreed. “What do you want, anyway?”
“I want help, obviously,” he said, and sat down next to her. “I want to convince Lan Zhan and Wen Ning to get together.”
Wen Qing stopped what she was doing, reached up to scrub her ears, and said, “I’m sorry, you want to what?”
“I want to get Lan Zhan and Wen Ning together,” he said, which was what she’d thought he said, except for the fact that it was the stupidest thing she’d ever heard. Surely he didn’t mean – “You know. Romantically.”
Nope. He meant it.
“Not sexually?” she asked, even though that by itself would be a stretch. Lan Wangji and Wen Ning tolerated each other for Wei Wuxian; left to their own devices, they did not spend any time together.
“Well, I mean, sexually would be fun, too,” Wei Wuxian said, his eyes getting all misty like he wasn’t talking about her brother. “They’d be gorgeous together…but no. More than that. I’m tired of this whole bed-hopping, time-sharing thing. I want us all to be together!”
“That’s – a nice thought,” Wen Qing managed to say. “You realize they have nothing in common except you, right?”
“They have plenty in common!” Wei Wuxian argued. “They’re both intelligent and cultured, with a good education – they were both in the Sunshot Campaign –”
On opposite sides. Remember?
“– and, really, Wen Ning’s a whole lot better than I ever was when it comes to rules of all sorts. I bet they could have all sorts of fun discussions about that.”
Sure. Rules. Why not?
Wei Wuxian exhaled gustily and put his chin in his hands. “Nothing I’ve been doing seems to have worked, though,” he complained. “I’ve tried everything…today I even called them both over under the premise of there being an emergency and then left them to solve it themselves.”
“You did what?”
“I wanted them to spend some time together!”
Wei Wuxian was, it was sad to say, a total idiot.
On the other hand, she thought as she looked over his shoulder as two rather irritated looking men stalking their way up the path to the Burial Mounds, both sets of eyes fixed on Wei Wuxian’s back, he had also always been a very lucky idiot.
“Well, maybe they found something to talk about,” she said comfortingly, omitting to mention that the subject of the conversation that seemed most likely was going to be how they would punish Wei Wuxian for his nonsense when they returned.
“You think so?” Wei Wuxian asked, looking hopeful. “It’d be so much nicer if they could just let down their reservations, put down their guards, and just relax –”
“Wei Ying.”
Wei Wuxian twisted so fast that Wen Qing was momentarily concerned that he’d pulled something.
“Lan Zhan! Wen Ning!” he said, beaming widely. “How nice to –”
His lips zipped shut.
The infamous Lan sect silencing spell, Wen Qing presumed.
Wen Ning nodded at her in greeting as he came over and picked Wei Wuxian up as if he weighed less than a bag of their radishes, tossing him over his shoulder as if – well, like bag of radishes again.
“Lead the way,” he said to Lan Wangji, who also nodded at Wen Qing, and then the three of them – Lan Wangji, Wen Ning, and a struggling-but-not-really-struggling Wei Wuxian – walked off to the Demon-Slaughtering Cave.
Where, no doubt, they would sit and have tea. With all their clothing firmly on, while maintaining an appropriate distance from each other.
An older sister could only hope.
Wen Qing sighed.
Wei Wuxian was only going to get even more intolerably smug when this was all over.
Really, though. So many problems – entirely because people just couldn’t stop being stupid.
Maybe she could fix the Jiang Cheng situation too, while she was at it.
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bipirate · 3 years
Still fuming about how much LWJ's characterization was hurt by the "kicking WN" scene. Jealousy towards random inn staff and a very young girl is bad enough, but LWJ not only knows at that moment that WN is the only miraculously surviving blood relation of LSZ (the single one from a whole clan decimated 13y ago!) but also that WN is WWX's only friend, the only one who stuck by WWX against all odds unlike LWJ, though WN had probably less of a choice about it, which both are reasons enough 1/4
on their own to hug WN, if anything. Plus WWX is not only presumed straight at that moment in the book, but LWJ also believes that WWX has rejected him before dying, and WN is actually not even human anymore, but an animated corpse whose rooting, decayed organs fall out when he's stabbed--and still LWJ is jealous of him as a potential sex partner for WWX (unless it's even jealousy that WWX has friends)! The clincher is that it happens during one of the drunk scenes which means LWJ is supposed to be acting his real self, unrestrained by rules that were hammered into him during his upbringing, so it implies that at his core LWJ is wholly unreasonable and uncompassionate, but forces himself to act like a totally different kind of person in society. And when I can sort of understand why some people might enjoy reading about someone getting angsty about a partner interacting someone they are well matched with, even if those people are not me, but that scene is not it, so I just don't how and who among the readers find this kind of totally maladapted, over the top jealousy attractive? I legit don't get the appeal. Not saying that ironically, but I just don't... understand?
god yeah you hit the nail on the head with this one. ive never been much of a fan of jealousy or possessiveness as a plot point or character trait when it comes to shipping, but god knows there are hundreds of fanfics about that because people think it's hot or whatever. and like, sure, jealousy is a normal human emotion and we all experience it but most of the time lwj is clearly not written to handle that jealousy in a healthy way and his possessive behaviour is romanticized.
and especially with how he treats wen ning, it's just so outrageous. lwj should be grateful to wen ning for being wwx's friend and helping him, he should treat him with respect at the very least, and he should be happy wen ning is miraculously still alive as the only living relative of his adopted son!!! he has no reason to treat wen ning like that and the reason he's written to be that way is because mxtx thinks possessive behaviour is hot or whatever. but also the innkeeper scene bugs me too like this is a random man wwx is talking to and being friendly towards to get a bit of information. it's like lwj doesn't want wwx to look at, talk to, or touch anyone that isn't him. imagine loving a man who literally died after losing all his friends and being shunned by the cultivation world for protecting those friends, and then, after he comes back to life, denying him the chance of making new friends or actively threatening the one friend he has left. it's awful
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tanoraqui · 4 years
okay I have to do this today because even I wouldn’t do it after the godforsaken finale airs, and it’s basically my specialty and I did spend like an hour thinking about it last night while washing dishes. Definitely partly inspired by @words-writ-in-starlight​‘s insightful post on everything Supernatural did wrong, and apologies in advance to all the characters for dragging them into anything related to Christian mythology:
Wei Wuxian’s parents die in a house fire when he’s 6(? I refuse to look anything up) months old
Jiangs are a hunter family I guess? That whole disaster of a family dynamic, except WWX dips out at some point to be idk an environmental activist bc at the time, that seems like the larger threat to the whole world. “Mom and Dad went on a hunting trip and they haven’t come back”, “bitch” “jerk”, 2 brothers in a beat-up old car, you know the drill
Jins are also an old hunting family, but more Men of Letters energy - they have a fancy bunker and do research and avoid getting their actual hands dirty. Jiang Yanli ducked out of the active hunting life a few years ago to be happily married to her peacock and settled down with a baby and she’s fine. We’re not going to bother Yanli. She’s safe and happy and doesn’t need to involved in any of this
so, WWX is the demon blood child developing exciting new abilities like telekinesis, mind control, exorcising demons by sheer force of will...etc, and Jiang Cheng is the Righteous Man. Lucifer, Michael, etc.
s1-3 probably proceeds more or less as spn canon...which I more or less remember...by the time they find their parents at the end of s1, Jiang Fengmian is...ugh, we probably shouldn’t kill him offscreen, I mean, we should probably meet him before he dies. I guess. Madam Yu lasts longer because I’m way more interested in her. But we do know that both Jiang parents are totally inclined to fling the boys into a metaphorical or literal escape boat and go hold the line for as long as possible, so...that’s spn energy...
Xue Yang is the one who’s like “fuck yeah, demon powers” and opens the gates of Hell, because I want him to have nice* things
*nice for Xue Yang
from characterization rather than memory, I’m 90% sure that Dean tried to hide his crossroads deal from Sam, but Jiang Cheng does it...better. I think it does come out, though. Right before the hellhounds do.
here’s where it starts to go farther off from spn canon. Jiang Cheng crawls his way out of the grave, gets stalked by a menacing presence that explodes windows for an episode, incidentally can’t find WWX...*Lan Wangji voice* “I’m the one who gripped you tight and raised you from Perdition” (a baller line then and a baller line now)...and then the next episode starts with them all awkwardly standing around, and JC is like, “ok well let’s go find my brother then”, and you think there’s going to be an mdzs-riffing JC+LWJ Roadtrip To Find WWX...and they’re immediately attacked by like a dozen demons
in fact, the first time we see WWX in s4 is here, wherein he goes toe to toe with an angel and...holds his own. that’s new and terrifying! also is leading a squad of demons??
because here’s the thing: for the last 3(?) months, there’s been war in hell
because unlike Some People Mooses, upon finding out that his brother’s soul was legally nearly-owned by a crossroads demon, heir-apparent-to-Satan!WWX went, “actually fuck that” and kicked open the door of Hell (metaphorically, not loosing any demons this time) and was like, “who do I have to beat the shit out of to get a specific crossroads contract around here”
this did not work, obv. He didn’t know until it was too late, Lilith had already snapped up the contract, etc. etc.
obviously he also tried to offer himself instead, and got rejected for some reason
Since Jiang Cheng died, however, there’s been a war for control of Hell. Leading one side, Lilith, the Original Babe, who wants to break all 666(?) seals keeping Lucifer bound and in the meantime, break the Righteous Man so Heaven won’t even have Michael’s destined host ready for the Final Battle. Leading the other side, Wei Wuxian, infamous upstart, who wants to rescue the Righteous Man and restore him to life, tear Lilith’s guts out through her nose, and also stop her from doing the Lucifer thing because Wen Qing explained that yes, that’s a Thing, and it’s Bad.
Wen Qing! I’ve decided to combine Bela and Ruby’s roles and let WQ be both the cool badass example of how demon deals can go Bad and the demon deliberately leading our heroes astray for most of s3-4. Wen Qing is a very new demon; she used to be some sort of herbalist/witch but then she sold her soul in a crossroads deal to cure her brother of some lingering illness. 10 years of happiness and then boom, hellhounds. WQ is so obviously competent, though, that they (Lilith, I guess?) immediately offers her a job, with the promise threat that gee, that’s a nice brother you’ve got there, even with his Designated Chronic Health Condition getting all relapse-y. It’d be such a shame if something were to...happen to him...
we find this out at some point in last s3 I guess? some Monster of the Week case involves WN as a witness or something, or possible next victim, and WQ shows up to be A Normal Amount Of Invested In This, while desperately trying to avoid actually interacting with her brother (who thinks she’s dead). YES, the truth comes out; YES there’s a tearful reunion
now in s4, Wen Ning is fine actually, health-wise, bc he maybe made a crossroads deal with Wei Wuxian personally, and Wen Qing may or may not have admitted that she’s supposed to be working for Lilith to get WWX ready to host Lucifer? Or potentially that comes out later, idk. Either way, she’s 100% his top lieutenant in this exciting Hell War they’re waging
[insert whatever the hell (ha) happened plot-wise in s4 of supernatural]
we obviously mix up the relationships, too, bc it’s like, *LWJ internal monologue* I’m too young to remember my brother Lucifer as he was before he Fell, but surely Wei Wuxian is his Heir and Destined Vessel in truth, for he is Charismatic and Charming and Makes Me Feel Things, with his Clearly Feigned Righteous Drive and Compassion for All God’s Creatures and - why does heat keep pooling in the lower abdomen of my vessel when I look at his lips, which I am definitely doing a Normal and Not-Weird Amount - I’m just keeping an eye out for the famed Silver Tongue, and not in any way wondering how it would feel in my own mouth -
it’s actually DEFINITELY plausible for Lucifer to still be released even if our designated Heir Apparent is using his demon powers to his full potential and no one’s lying to each other about their motives. You just need to let Lilith be more scary too, and especially bc by “no one” I mostly mean Wen Qing; the angels are still totally hiding the fact that they, too, want to jumpstart the shit out of this apocalypse.  LWJ decides at the last minute that that’s a bad idea actually, gets himself discorporated to send JC to intercept WWX because he accidentally releases Lucifer, etc. etc. Oh yeah, the boys were def fighting before this, bc JC has actually fairly reasonable concerns about the sort of things WWX is getting up to in his quest to become King of Hell...
...I neither know nor care what happens in s5
it does end with both Lucifer and Michael locked in the cage probably, bc I rather liked that solution. Fuck both of ‘em, basically.
I was toying with the idea that WWX also found Madam Yu in whatever hellish torment she was suffering after making a deal so her idiot son(s) would survive, and she was leading forces for him in the war against Lilith as well. If she came back to life somehow, body and all, it’d probably be compelling if she offered her own body to Michael - bc it’s her lineage! - and we’re all led to believe that she’s, uh, being a bitch and actually wants to risk destroying the world in order to destroy all demons...but then she seizes back control and flings herself/Michael and Lucifer into the Pit, because she’s just That Hardcore?
which means we’d actually have had her around and having characterization for most of s4-5, too, which would be fun
More importantly, it ends with newly crowned King of Hell Wei Wuxian appointing Wen Qing as Queen-Regent and ditching to go on an indefinite honeymoon with his new angel boyfriend (they’re going to fuck for like three weeks straight, then roll up their sleeves and go conquer Heaven in the name of free will), and Jiang Cheng gets to live out his hitherto-unknown-to-himself life’s ambition to be the sugar baby of the Queen of Hell. It’s very Hades/Persephone, except he goes back down to the underworld at least once a month. He gets his own demon squad whom he trains up in all the hunting techniques and it’s gr9. Wen Qing is reforming the crossroads deal process to make it more fair to the humans.
the end
it should go without saying but Jiang Yanli is definitely a recurring character, like, at least once a season there’s a filler episode where they go to Jiang Yanli’s for dinner and have to get along as a family, and also do the much easier job of defeating some sort of terrible demon that gets loose in the bunker and turns the evening into a horror movie. She’s their main research/emotional check-in person, a la Bobby, more often appearing in later seasons when there’s, uhhh, more to emotionally check in about.
Jin Zixuan is actually a perfectly competent hunter; he’s just a priss and we don’t Like him
we like Mianmian, though. Oh, I guess the official Hunter’s Guild or w/e tries to declare WWX a public enemy on account of the whole “King of Hell” thing and she’s like “actually what if you’re morons and assholes?” and joins hte team in s4 or 5? Yeah.
idk how the 3zun disaster happens in this ‘verse but I do encourage it to be happening in slow motion as a recurring subplot for several seasons. NMJ is a hunter, LXC is obv an angel, and JGY is...I wanna say one of the more human monsters, like a vampire? Or, you know, something that could be born from JGS sleeping with someone/something he shouldn’t have
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mianmiansimp · 3 years
mdzs au: the one with wen xu (pt 1)
>>wwx has his bisexual epiphany much sooner in life bc Reasons
>>so when he starts crushing on lwj Immediately at cr, he knows it too
>>anyway: sometime pre-cloud recesses, wx and wwx cross paths and wwx is being his usual mischievous self
>>he's very dramatic and flirty and running around on roofs
>>wx is like Hey You're Cute but doesn't catch his name
>>wwx is oblivious so he didn't know who wx was lol
>>they cross paths a few more times
>>wwx just knows wx as 'that one gongzi i see sometimes'
>>then cr happens and they meet again when wwx is heading back to cr with his alcohol
>>wx is like my how charming
>>the next morning the wens show up and wc pisses everyone off
>>and then wwx is telling him off and wc gets pissed and tries to fight wwx while also insulting his status
>>and jc is like EXCUSE YOU and draws his sword bc i'm a sucker for protective jc and will throw in as much yunmeng shuangjie as i want
>>but then wx shows up and tells off wc (bc of wwx) and tells everyone to calm down
>>wx learns wwx's name, wwx learns who 'that one gongzi i see sometimes' is, only one of them is happy with the revelation
>>wx is being weird and oily to everyone and the lans begrudgingly accept the 'apology'
>>wx is publicly weird to wwx, wwx is publicly uncomfy, jc is publicly offended and pissed and defensive and also has an inkling of where wx's head is at
>>cue jc aggressively glaring at wens and shielding wwx from them
>>nhs, who's more aware of what's happening than anyone else bc nhs, helps
>>doesn't stop wwx from adopting wn as a bestie but wn is a kitten so it's ok
>>cr arc is largely the same, wangxian shenanigans, yunmeng shuangjie shenanigans, alcohol shenanigans, you know the drill
>>except for two major things
>>one - wwx has been crushing on lwj since day one but he Knows it
>>and he gets sad sometimes when lwj rejects him
>>so jc is not only angry at the wens but he's angry at lwj's audacity too
>>lwj, who hasn't a clue about anything:
>>two - wx sometimes shows up randomly to 'check up'
>>he isn't, he just drops by to make wwx uncomfy via unsolicited gifts and flirting
>>jc usually passive aggressively intervenes
>>or nhs makes some excuse that is usually 'jc wants to see you'
>>there's an incident during a wx visit where wwx panics bc he really doesn't want to deal with him
>>and essentially bolts from the vicinity and runs right into lwj
>>lwj almost starts telling off wwx but he sees quite clearly that wwx is Not Ok
>>and then they hear wx approaching and wwx basically begs lwj to Get Him Out
>>lwj dislikes wx far more than he dislikes acknowledging his affections for wwx
>>so they quickly run into and hide in a room
>>cue bonding moment where lwj and wwx have a Talk and lwj says they're friends for the first time
>>and then immediately goes silent bc wwx is looking at him with complete adoration and he has to force himself not to kiss him lol
>>this is also the point where lwj has it confirmed that wwx very much does not like wx's presence
>>which is how lwj joins the defend wwx against wx's advances club
>>jc isn't happy about it bc wwx is mooning for lwj still but he lets it slide
>>wn actually joined the club accidentally and discretely
>>jc's like why couldn't wwx get This wen to crush on him i like him so much better???
>>lwj vinegar moment + flustered wn who just thinks wwx is really cool and nice
>>wq catches wind of what's going on and is worried about wn's involvement
>>but also greatly dislikes wx and doesn't want some random innocent boy to suffer
>>which is how she too accidentally joins the club
>>mianmian joins too but loudly bc she's friends with wwx and lwj and also wx sucks
>>jzx is friends with mianmian so he gets dragged in
>>and he might be an arrogant prat atm but he's not a bad guy and wx's behavior is very despicable
>>jzx has some um Revelations about himself and his family
>>and accidentally becomes an honorary member of the club
>>they're all kinda friends now, it truly sucks, thinks jzx with a small smile
>>xuanli engagement is not broken/salvaged much earlier on bc of this whole
>>anyway that's how all the major sects' youth became so closely entwined
>>lqr was very proud that his lectures enacted firm inter sect relationships
>>lxc is just egging on wangxian while also becoming an honorary member of the club
>>waterborne abyss and stuff still happens
>>jc is even angrier at the wens and straight up completely hides wwx the next time wx comes around so he doesn't even catch a glimpse
>>wx is not happy, especially when lwj is silently passive aggressive the whole time
>>cr study ends, there's this whole lingering wangxian moment when they say their goodbyes
>>wwx and lwj are close now but also lwj can sort of admit it instead of shoving it under years of repression and gay panic
>>lwj agrees to visit at lotus pier and wwx looks so enamored that jc gags and drags him away
>>mianmian snickers and pokes lwj in jest, who actually pokes her back
>>lxc is so proud, his brother has Friends
>>wx is a bit more careful around lotus pier, but he does visit once
>>jfm greets him and is very polite but yzy is very blunt and pissed
>>jc upon getting home had immediately spilled all the info on the wx thing
>>yzy doesn't like wwx but she hates the main wen and wx was being vv disrespectful
>>so she kinda tells wx that wwx isn't here (not a lie, he's on a nighthunt) and that he can go jump a cliff now thanks
>>wx is rather irritated when he leaves
>>comes back again on a later date, but this is the day that the cr friends are all hanging out
>>which isn't really an issue bc wwx is a social butterfly, it's part of what wx likes about him, obviously he has friends
>>but he sees the way wwx looks at lwj, and happens upon a moment where they're alone
>>he is Not Happy
>>in the meanwhile the cr friends are all chilling together and making fun of jzx flustering around jyl and eating lotus pods and whatever
>>yzy for once is like not overcome with irrational rage at wwx's presence bc he did something right for once in her eyes
>>so wwx gets some peace of mind at lotus pier
>>madam jin is also very delighted at the xuanli progress and approves wwx for enacting it
>>no one outside of jiangs + cr know why exactly xuanli are doing so well
>>so madam jin assumes wwx just kinda did some wingman stuff and doesn't know about the wx thing
>>anyway, wangxian is progressing quite nicely, and jc is all the more miserable for it
>>jzx kinda doesn't care lol, the rest of the club are delighted by the entertainment, yzy is further not angry at wwx bc wangxian engagement = lan-jiang alliance = advantageous
>>fast forward and we're at the discussion conference
>>jc is scowlier than usual and is literally holding wwx's hand the whole time
>>and wwx is like bro ty and ily but also this is a bit much
>>jc eventually lets go of his hand but he is never more than a few inches away from wwx's side
>>the state of wangxian at this time means we have wangxian blatantly and publicly mooning and everyone's like :eyes:
>>wx is not happy, shows up and immediately starts seeking out wwx, everyone is uncomfy
>>jc at one point grabs wwx and shoves him into the middle of all the jiang disciples
>>kinda doing that zebra camouflage thing but with jiang disciples lol
>>whenever it looks like wx is gonna ask him about wwx he crosses his arms and scowls severely
>>wx takes his seat very unhappily and the discussion conference proceeds as normal ig
>>but the friends are all taking part in the hunt together
>>wwx and lwj have a lil competition for who snags the most shots
>>lots of flirting during the competition, much to jzx and jc's chagrin
>>wn is just :pleading_face: the whole time but he does excellently and gives everyone a run for their money
>>the wc thing goes a lil differently in that wc is more incensed about wwx's existence bc he knows wx likes wwx
>>targets wwx, it backfired bc of lwj, wc leaves in a huff
>>lwj closely attaches himself to wwx after that, jc is pissed bc that's 2 wens who are making problems about wwx
>>the ribbon incident goes a lil differently
>>it happens after the competition, in front of all the sects
>>wx basically
goes oh your ribbon is crooked and fixes it gently and smiles at lwj and lwj says nothing, just quietly nods and thanks him
>>lqr approaches qi deviation, the sects are shocked, wwx is oblivious, lwj is smug, lxc and the friends are all metaphorically eating popcorn, wx is mad, wrh doesn't care, wq is worried bc wx
>>wx actually corners wwx at one point during a banquet when wwx's alone
>>interestingly, it's jzx who steps in to save the day
>>wwx doesn't need saving tbh but there's sociopolitics to consider + he's a lil scared of wx's persistence tbh
>>and he has a crisis bc on the one hand wwx can just run his mouth and hope for the best except he realizes that wx Likes when he runs his mouth
>>so yea jzx steps in and says something about jyl and wwx is like ahaha duty calls again and yeets
>>jzx just says compliments about jyl as they walk back to the jiang under the pretense of wanting to discuss the engagement
>>wwx reluctantly decides he's ok
>>the jiang keep a firm grip on wwx for the rest of the conference after that
>>jyl uses the shijie card to her advantage to get away with dragging wwx with her everywhere
>>the conference ends and wwx is relieved
>>oh btw wwx placed first by a small margin, lwj and wn following, then jc and jzx tied
>>so the sects are leaving and ofc wwx has to say goodbye to lwj
>>and lwj is like what is your request bc you won
>>and wwx is almost like kiss me but then he Doesn't ok
>>so instead wwx is like lemme think of something interesting :wink: to cover his pining
>>and lwj says mn and Smiles at him and wwx melts on the spot
>>wx catches the interaction and is very unhappy
>>fast forward to the burning of cr
>>there's a reason why wx did it personally, and targeted lwj especially
>>fast forward a bit again, wwx is a lil mopey bc his letter from lwj should've come a few days ago
>>they're pining pen pals bc ofc they are smh :rolling_eyes:
>>at this point, news of cr's destruction hasn't spread to lotus pier yet
>>jc is annoyed and yeets him into the lake and makes him swim off the pining
>>cue yunmeng jiang lake shenanigans
>>and then mf wx shows up to personally deliver the invitation to the wen indoctrination
>>jfm and yzy simply Do Not acknowledge wwx's existence at lotus pier in front of him
>>it's a very tense but quick conversation
>>and then wx leaves and hears wwx and heads in the direction of the latter's voice
>>he gets to the lake to see the jiang disciple swimming in the lake, but no wwx
>>bc jyl knew he had come and quickly run over to the lake to warn and hide wwx
>>jc perched himself on a roof to watch wx and let them know when he was gone
>>that meal they had in cql? yea it goes differently this time around
>>it's mostly yzy hissing at the wens and also having a conundrum over whether or not wwx should go
>>jc votes no, wwx votes shut up jc i'm coming with you
>>jfm concedes, jc is irate, wwx and jc go to the indoctrination
>>but jc makes wwx promise to not ever leave his side
>>and wwx is like that's kinda the whole point?? but ok
>>and then ofc that whole opening scene at nightless city happens
>>what with them standing around and then bam an injured lwj
>>ft the cr friends being all fhkjhkjsghk (/neg) internally
>>except wwx, he's very open about his concern
>>wc shows up, spends half the time glaring at wwx
>>he was supposed to be make it hell for lwj
>>but quite frankly he'd be happy if lwj snatched wwx
>>he very much dislikes his brother's infatuation with wwx
>>so yea it's roughly the same, those first few days
>>except wn secretly visits the disciples
>>slips snacks, gives info, exchanges messages between them, and treats lwj
>>wq finds out, scolds him, and then does the same, mostly treatment
>>and then the dungeon day comes
>>by which i mean that day wwx ended up in the dungeons with the dog thing
>>it goes the same as usual, except wc is particularly harsh, and is focused on wwx
>>so it happens sooner, and only wwx is involved
>>spends the night with the wolf thing, wn comes, yk the drill
>>except he knocks out at one point and wx gets him
>>and he wakes up
in a room and wq and wn are treating him
>>he's quickly given a coded warning
>>and then wx comes
>>wc had been forced out of leading the indoctrination and someone relatively competent is in his place
>>wx doesn't really let wwx go back tho
>>just makes wwx stay with him and basically invades his privacy and harasses him
>>for like. quite some time.
>>wwx also meets wrh a few times and it is. not fun.
>>wrh makes thinly veiled threats about war and attacking lotus pier and stuff
>>and wx reveals he was the one who requested and took charge of cr burning
>>and wwx is angry at wx but then wx gets angry and snaps threats
>>and wwx quiets and realizes wx is relentless
>>and that his connections are putting ppl he cares about at risk
>>it all kinda piles up and wx's insistence gets to his head
>>and then the bell scene (which started all this) happens
>>it might seem kinda ooc this whole thing but like
>>sexual trauma is very different from standard child abuse/classic asian toxicity
>>and you have to consider wwx's position as he has to put up with wx's everything
>>am i projecting? probably, but my au my choices
>>so the bell scene begins with all the heirs and their entourages gathered at that. place
>>idk what it's called but that place from cql where wc was lecturing
>>wc's substitute indoctrinator is like so. y'all can go home now. here's your swords.
>>and everyone's like omg????? but also cr friends are like ok where's wwx :upside_down:
>>and it's a very complicated moment
>>and then they give suibian to jc
>>and he almost kills someone bc he thinks they killed wwx
>>and then they're like no he's alive he just won't need that :upside_down:
>>jc is like WHAT does that even MEAN
>>and it's about to be a whole thing but then wwx shows up
>>and it's all ok for half a second
>>bc yes he's here but he is very obviously not ok
>>and it Shows, wwx is doing such a bad job hiding how not ok he is
>>cr friends are like. what did they do. who am i killing.
>>so now we enter - The Bell Exchange
>>wwx comes forward and (very poorly) tries to lighten the mood and tease jc and is like aw did you miss me
>>jc who was very much terrified is just like yes ofc come here Now let's go home
>>and wwx has this look on his face that's summed up as love and affection but also deep apology and secrecy
>>he slowly goes to jc and his hands are shaky as he takes off his bell and grabs jc's hands to give it to him
>>and wwx is very vague about it he's just like i won't be going back it's ok you're all free to go now i'm making sure of it go back home be safe
>>and jc is having the nth meltdown rn bc wwx what did you do
>>nhs has an idea of the gist, and all the c friends are very concerned
>>and then wen xu shows up and wwx does this silent flinch but in his bones and straightens up
>>and wx is mocking the others and stuff and then wraps an arm around a very uncomfortable wwx and is like
>>"you should be grateful to my fiance for his generous nature"
>>wwx is very obviously not having a good time and is not ok with this
>>he looks like he's going to launch himself from a cliff (hehehe) to avoid this
>>everyone is silent for a minute as they realize what happened
>>a lot of the disciples here were at cr indoctrination
>>so they know at least somewhat of wx's pursual of wwx and the unrequited feelings
>>and it becomes obvious that wwx exchanged something - his freedom, hand in marriage, etc - to set all the disciples free
>>jc draws sandu and is about to go for wx's head bc how Dare he
>>but wwx stops him and tells him very firmly but desperately to not try anything, just go, tell shijie i'm sorry, it'll be ok
>>lwj does that death grip on his sword, 2 seconds away from taking wx's head himself
>>jzx is having lots of feelings about this and a lot aren't nice
>>especially with the weird sort of parallels as far as betrothals
>>also he kinda likes wwx?? they're kinda friends?? and they're brother-in-laws to be anyway
>>and even despite all that, the whole situation just Sucks and jzx is kinda an airhead but he's actually pretty noble
>>mianmian is
like So offended and enraged on behalf of everyone she's ready to throw hands
>>nhs is half horrified for his friend and half cold rage and plotting
>>what really worsens the situations is just how bad wwx is taking it
>>bc he always covers up his pain and worries, and very well at that
>>the fact that he can barely even fake a smile now, and has resolved to outright desperate pleading, not even teasing anyone, says a Lot about how bad things were while he was gone
>>they have suspicions about what wx might have done to wwx while they were alone
>>tl;dr: cr friends kinda have an idea of what wx has done and really want him dead
>>but wwx is forcing them out, and eventually they all do leave, miserably
>>they don't know what had happened for them to be let go with their swords and without consequences
>>and they don't want wwx suffering for their (not really helpful atm) stubbornness
>>jc is stiff and clenching his jaw the entire way home, trying to figure out ways to get wwx out
>>lwj is drowning in his emotions as he goes back to the burnt cr
>>mianmian, jzx, nhs are having very complicated thought processes about everything
>>nhs actually goes with lwj to cr first, to make sure he doesn't do anything dumb and to be a friend
>>drops him off, and eventually heads out after a few days (lqr is appraised of the situation)
>>and lo and behold, he happens to find lxc on his way home, and brings big bro lan back to cr
[ main . ao3 ]
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songofclarity · 3 years
One of my favorite ideas for the LSZ is WRH's son concept is an au where WRH survives the ssc (maybe he's too weak or is in a coma from his injuries for some time so he wasn't able to stop the aftermath of the ssc) and he's now a hermit living in a mountain in qishan away from society because he wants to be left alone to meditate and contemplate on his past mistakes in peace believing that he is the only one that's left of his whole clan
And since he's living in isolation he doesn't hear about wwx's return or the downfall of JGY or the fact that WN is alive and then one day he meet LSZ on some night hunt and he immediately recognizes his youngest child that he thought was dead years ago but he has no proof and LSZ evades all questions about his birth so WRH decides to investigate and finds out WN is alive and goes to find him and when he does WN reveals everything
I suppose LSZ's reaction at 1st would be hostile to WRH, he would refuse to even recognize him as his father, which would be normal but eventually LSZ comes to term with it and starts to accept him
Meanwhile wangxian are shocked at 1st but then very protective of LSZ because they don't trust WRH but ultimately they will respect LSZ's choice if he wants a relationship with his birth father
I'm thinking wangxian and WRH eventually reach an agreement to not try to kill each other and let bygones be bygones for LSZ's sake but that doesn't mean they will get along
In fact this starts a rivalry between WX and WRH. On one side WRH is jealous that wangxian (especially lwj) are the ones that raised his son and thus they're the ones who know him best they're the ones he goes to for comfort when in pain they're the ones he sees as a role model... Etc meanwhile wangxian are jealous that WRH shares something with LSZ that they can never have, the bond of blood, they also feel that WRH tries to encroach on their territory and that he's trying to draw LSZ away from them and the Lans so they don't trust him at all.
So the 3 of them are extremely passive aggressive and petty to each other especially behind LSZ's back, the juniors even dub it "the war of the dads" and start a betting pool on whose going to win
This goes on until LSZ falls into some grave danger and wangxian and WRH have to work together to help him and they eventually end up realizing that they all care for him the same way and only want him to be safe and happy and so they learn to coexist
Lan Sizhui has never been hostile to anyone in his life, but he decides his first victim will be this sad and lonely hermit who committed the crime of *checks notes* being a Wen?? lol
My feelings on Wangxian+son and the erasure of the Wen Remnants as also being Wen Yuan's family aside, so long as Lan Sizhui looks at Wen Ruohan and eventually says, "Hello... Dad," with his nerves all in bundles and choked with emotion, I can roll with this! Wen Ruohan coming in post-canon to shake things up and Lan Sizhui getting more Wen fam is a lot of fun!
Also just imagine Wei Wuxian having flashbacks to this moment:
Wen Yuan immediately shook his head, whispering, "…I won't go… I still want Granny."
Wei WuXian pressed, "You want Granny, but not me?"
Wen Yuan pleased, "I do. I want Brother Xian too.” He messed with his fingers, counting one by one, “And I want Brother Rich, Sister A-Qing, Brother Ning, Uncle Four, Uncle Six…"
Wei WuXian tossed the butterfly back onto his head, "That's enough, that's enough. I'm gonna be drowned amongst all the people." (ch 75, ERS)
Wei Wuxian just cannot become Wen Yuan/Lan Sizhui's favorite!? Because even once all the Wen are dead, they are now coming back to life apparently, just like he did lmao
An alternative thought I have on all this is based on how Wen Ruohan had Wen Zhuliu protect Wen Chao, which makes me struggle to see Wen Ruohan being confrontational towards Lan Wangji for, essentially, protecting and caring for Wen Yuan. I know it's less dramatic than a big comedic family feud, but I personally find it more compelling to have a situation where Wen Ruohan might feel indebted to Lan Wangji.
(Wen Ruohan and Wei Wuxian's situation would be far more rocky considering Wei Wuxian hunted Wen for sport for three years and rumor has it that the Wen Remnants were Wei Wuxian's slaves/servants lol But Wei Wuxian still saved a group of them all the same!! Or tried to save them...)
Which is to say the real hostility in all this would might come from the Lan Sect and the Lan Sect rules. In the Iron Hook extras, Lan Sizhui can't even admit he's scared because it goes against the Lan Sect rules, and he fears being punished by Lan Wangji if he confesses to it. Imagine Wen Ruohan's alarm, to hear that his happy and lovable and playful child was stifled to such a degree!
Wen Ruohan, "Thank you for protecting and raising A-Yuan, but also Xu-er might have had a point about burning this place to the ground. No child should ever have to live here."
(But at least Wen Yuan had a chance to live!)
Although we should really consider a post-conclusion where it's Granny Wen that Lan Sizhui remembers and loves the most LOL
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crossdressingdeath · 3 years
On the Lan Sect negativity:
1) The Lan Sect’s involvement was only at Discussion Conferences and the like - events they had to attend. No real choice, they had to go. But WWX mentions only the Jin Sect at Qiongqi path, and only the Jin and Jiang Sects at the siege.
WWX only mentions that WN might have hurt Lan Sect members when he went wild at his execution with WQ - and it should be noted that the Lan Sect let LWJ argue on behalf on the Wens. They had the power to stop him, but they didn’t. At the Nightless City, WWX seemed to attack everyone with no mercy or distinction between friend or foe. Of course they’re worried when LWJ disappears with him. But LXC specifically points out that he wanted to do it secretly, so it wasn’t a Lan Sect siding with the Jin Sect thing.
Yeah, there was the Second Siege... but the Jin Sect had “proof” that WWX had killed innocent people and had kidnapped Sect heirs and junior disciples. Not great proof, but ya know. And the Lan Sect was one of the first ones willing to listen to WWX.
2) We don’t know what went on with LWJ’s mother. We don’t know much about who she killed, why she killed them or anything. The fandom likes to paint her as this helpless victim but we don’t know if she was. We don’t even know if she was in love with her husband or not. You can speculate. You can headcanon. But you can’t know. It sucks, but it is what it is.
3) We see in the extras that it’s perfectly normal for Sect members to interact with someone of the opposite biological sex. WWX sees and talks to a female disciple, who was heading to feed the rabbits. And, actually, it seems that the separation only happened recently, as WWX’s parents met at CR. CSSR met JFM at CR. And it seems like a lot of the parents were there as well. It’s probably a tradition for Sect heirs to go. I wonder what could have happened with the past generation that could have caused the Lan Sect to decide “You know what, let’s seperate them”? That sounds like a great idea for a crack fic, honestly...
Anyway, the gossiping rule is only there to discourage the spread of misinformation. Considering that one of the main themes in the novel is the dangers of taking gossip at face value without looking into it, I don’t think that’s a rule we’re meant to find oppressive.
4) Where does it say that the “no talking to WWX” rule is written on the wall? I’ve only seen it in fics. And rereading the extra it was introduced in... hmm, not there... maybe translation differences? Or maybe it’s an exaggeration? Either way, this rule is clearly not taken seriously as WWX is allowed to teach the junior disciples. Without LWJ present even. This is shown in two seperate extras. So, unless we assume that the Lan Sect is too dumb to realize that WWX and the juniors all disappearing at the same time has a connection, we can assume that he’s probably allowed to teach them. And it’s very hard for a teacher to teach without communication with students.
5) Yeah, the Lan Sect has plenty of rules, but the rules are clearly dealt with differently depending on what they are, and the circumstances they are broken in. Like the rule against fighting - that is clearly fine to break if you’re fighting to defend someone or something. The rules against noise and running? Perfectly fine to break if there is an emergency and you need help instantly (or if you want to scold someone for doing something wrong). Someone being unconscious doesn’t violate the sleeping rules either.
It should also be mentioned that they’re even willing to let things slide not only based on serious (we never see WWX punished for running, or sleeping in, for example) but also on knowledge. They don’t punish him for those first four rules he breaks, they just make sure he can’t use not knowing them as an excuse to break more.
6) Yes, “Do not grieve is excess” sounds messed up on its own. But one, I don’t even remember if that’s a canon rule or a fanon rule (this is not as easy to double check as the rules in the extras), but I don’t remember it in any version I’ve seen. Two, there are certain parts of the grieving process that can actually be detrimental to one’s health if preformed for too long. The rule doesn’t put a time limit on grieving, it just says “excess”.
1) I believe it’s mentioned that they were present at the first siege, but it was the Jin and Jiang sects that were leading it and as I’ve mentioned before the fact that they felt the need to hide the bodies suggests to me that the Lans (and Nies) were far enough away from the actual Wen village that they never saw any of the remnants; it’s not like there wouldn’t be a large number of fierce corpses to keep them busy in the Burial Mounds. I think there may have been some Lan cultivators at the ambush? But that may be CQL-only (if it was a thing at all; I may be misremembering), and either way we never get any evidence to suggest their presence was sanctioned by the sect as a whole. And yeah, the Lans at the very least hid LWJ’s involvement from the rest of the sects; it may have just been an attempt to protect their own, but they were prepared to let a connection to WWX slide, at least. (Not to mention I don’t doubt that at least some of them suspected that A-Yuan was connected to WWX in some way, and no one said anything about that; I’ll be the first to admit that I can’t prove that, but it seems like a reasonable assumption.) And as you say, in the second siege they’re quick to stand down when given reason to believe that WWX isn’t an actual threat, not to mention how their sect leader actively sheltered him from the wrath of the sects not long before that point.
2) Yeah, that’s always the thing with the “the Lans locked up the Twin Jades’ mother and forced her to marry against her will” thing. It’s certainly a possibility, but it’s not a guarantee. The only source we get is getting the story second hand from people with a vested interest in making the whole affair look as bad as possible (to lower the risk of their current sect leader and heir doing something similar, which... fails). And if it did happen it doesn’t guarantee they’ll do it again in a very different situation; in fact we know they don’t, since WWX and LWJ’s marriage is accepted, if only grudgingly, and there’s no sign of them locking WWX up.
3) I imagine male and female disciples were always separated during classes, but it doesn’t follow that they’re separated all the time; clearly there are at least co-ed areas, if a female Lan disciple is going to visit the rabbits. Personally I’m thinking maybe the separation is at least stricter during the lessons to avoid distraction (hence why WWX never saw a female disciple as a kid but ran into one by accident while living in the Cloud Recesses) and it was probably a thing while the previous generation was there (CSSR is the exact sort of person to sneak into areas she’s not supposed to be in; I mean, she breaks into LQR’s room). But yeah, if nothing else there’s no reason to believe the male and female disciples don’t share information and a rule against sharing information that isn’t proven true (in a sect with rules against lying) which is generally rather negative towards the target doesn’t exactly seem unreasonable.
4) I think it’s in the ExR translation; is it not a thing in the original Chinese? But yeah, at worst the entire sect turns a blind eye to this rule being broken constantly, and more likely it was just quietly removed (if it was an official, policed rule to begin with, which is debatable). People seem to take that rule way more seriously than it’s ever taken in canon, honestly.
5) Yeah, the Lans are clearly prepared to make allowances in the rules for various reasons; there’s no reason to believe that mental health stuff wouldn’t be considered worthy of a similar allowance. Note that whenever we see a Lan faced with a clear mental health issue their response is to try to help; somewhat clumsily in LWJ’s case, but they do want to help, not shove the person back into some semblance of normalcy. That suggests to me that someone having genuine issues with following the rules would be treated more gently; note that LJY’s rule-breaking is treated mostly with mild exasperation and the usual punishment (which also grants Lan disciples a pretty useful skill, in this case; incredible arm strength is the Lan Thing, after all) and no one really seems to get fed up with him in any serious way.
6) Honestly, of all the sects I think that the Lans quite possibly have the healthiest grief-management stuff? I mean, we don’t see much of the Jins, but the Nies seem to go for “Channel everything into Rage and Fighting” and (while odds are it’s not indicative of the Jiangs as a whole, at least under JFM) every time we see grief in the Jiang sect it involves JC trying to murder WWX, which... is a whole thing. I’ve always taken “Do not grieve excessively” as “Do not let your grief consume you”, which is in fact a healthy way of looking at it; I don’t know if the Lans have grief counselling, but there is a point where grief just becomes incredibly unhealthy and saying “Hey, don’t do that” is at least... something. I do hope they offer some sort of assistance though, because just banning all-consuming grief and offering no help would be a whole mess. Still, if any sect is going to offer some form of counselling it’s going to be the one with the magic music for calming the mind!
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besanii · 4 years
Hii i just wanted to say I loved your analysis of what lan sizhui would actually call lan zhan and totally agree with you! But now I wonder why does sizhui's demeanor resemble so much lan xicheng's 🤔 like to me it mostly looks like it was him who raised lsz it has always been a curiosity of mine since I adore that character 💘 what do you think??
[from here]
Thanks nonny!
(I noticed a lot of people in the tags of the previous post talking about the timeline and age differences between CQL and the novel, so I just wanted to point out that wasn’t the point I was trying to make—the point has always been that, culturally, it would have been Extremely Disrespectful to Wen Yuan’s birth father if he started calling LWJ “father”, knowing that he has an actual biological parent. And LWJ Would Not Do That. Especially since he knows that LSZ is the last living member of the Wens. 
There’s a saying in Chinese that goes 百善以孝为先 (of all the virtues, filial piety is the most important). It is one of the foundations of Chinese culture. And LWJ, knowing LSZ is the last of the Wens (even if LSZ himself doesn’t know it, and even if the Wens are widely regarded as Evil), wouldn’t want to take that away from him in case LSZ ever does remember (and even if he doesn’t, it’s still a sign of respect. He knows the branch of the Wen clan LSZ is from were good people). It’s also why LSZ and WN go back to Qishan to erect memorials for his family post-canon. To honour them and due his filial duty to them.
The age part is just to highlight that he would have been raised with the other Lan children and taught proper etiquette and forms of address, hence why he would always call LWJ “Hanguang-jun” because he’s 1) not related to him, even though he was raised by him as a Lan and 2) it shows respect. The 義父 idea was just IF you really had to make him call LWJ ‘father’ in canon verse. it’s not canon.)
ANYWAY back to your question, nonny.
I think LSZ’s personality is just...who he is as a person, really. Wen Yuan was a happy child despite his rather traumatic circumstances before he lost his memories, so it shows that he is very resilient and quite likely to retain his happy, smiling demeanour after he loses his memories?
I’m going to say LWJ or LXC organised for someone to nurse him back to health upon their return to the Cloud Recesses. LWJ was punished and then had to go into seclusion to heal, and LXC is sect leader and they’ve just come out of a war with heavy losses, so no doubt both the sect and the entire cultivation world would have required his attention. Neither of them would have been able to look after LSZ personally. LQR might have though, once LSZ got older and started attending classes. Maybe he would have taken an interest in LSZ once he saw how bright he was and saw how much potential he had, and also because LWJ took special interest in the boy as well.
My guess is that he was raised communally with the Lan children for the most part, and when LWJ came out of seclusion, he became LSZ’s mentor/caretaker. Kind of like a 入室弟子 (rushi-dizi, a closed-door/live-in disciple). It was a very common practice in China for disciples to live with their masters during their training, and become part of their “family”. They’re slightly higher in rank than regular disciples and are given the honour of being personally taught by the master (rather than by senior disciples). That’s where the saying 一日为师,终身为父 (one day as a teacher, a lifetime as a father) and consequently the word 师父 originated. 
(@baymaxnostalgia​ compared it to a Jedi Master and his Padawan and that’s...a pretty accurate depiction of the 入室弟子 dynamic, actually. Now someone please give me a Star Wars AU.)
(Which brings up the interesting tangent of disciple rankings. Which isn’t really discussed at all, but since the sects are organised by bloodline and they differentiate between clan disciples (家族子弟) and non-blood-related disciples (外姓门生), I’m willing to bet that they’re big on the 嫡庶 dishu system of hierarchy/inheritance as well. Which kind of puts LSZ in the 嫡 category, but by adoption, kind of like 庶 sons being 过继 guoji to the 嫡 house. A completely separate discussion altogether.)
Although I don’t think LSZ would have lived with LWJ like a normal 入室弟子  arrangement, he’d probably have stayed with the other disciples in the dorms (or wherever they live). Remember, LWJ spent the majority of his time away from the sect, searching for WWX and nighthunting in those thirteen years (hence why people describe him as 逢乱必出 (appearing wherever there is chaos)), so he would not have been at the Cloud Recesses to actively take care of LSZ very much at all.
So LSZ would have been allowed the benefit of LWJ’s private tutelage when he was around (e.g. LWJ personally taught him guqin, which—by the way LJY made sure to point it out in Yi City—must have been a rare honour), while also living and attending regular classes with the other Gusu Lan disciples. 
As for why his demeanour would resemble LXC, well. LXC is their sect leader, and probably held up by their teachers as the Embodiment of Gusu Lan values. Wouldn’t it make sense for the juniors to look up to him? Perhaps LSZ and LXC’s personalities are just very similar to begin with, so growing up in the same environment would have made them very similar too.
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ouyangzizhensdad · 4 years
As a mdzs/novel canon reader, how do you feel about the roles of Wen Ning and Wen Qing in mdzs vs cql?
I think one of the most important thing (for me) when thinking about how wn and wq are explored in cql is to remember the following two factors:
1. While the actress denied it, it seems that wq was indeed supposed to be a love interest for wwx in cql before fans made a fuss about it on social media: this is supported by the fact she was introduced as a main character in early talks of the series, the actress got the biggest $$ contract after xz and wyb, we got some leaked photos from set showing scenes that were filmed or were intended to be filmed but didn’t end up in the final cut of the series, and the simple reality that wq’s presence in the story was increased significantly (while her impact on the plot remained the same). Tbh that they chose to cast meng ziyi and introduced (and kept) a frankly bizarre (on a thematic and plot level) romance subplot between jc and her is proof enough for me that she was supposed to be a love interest for wwx (albeit a tragic one).  
2. CQL fundamentally modified the role of the Wens within the narrative by changing the whole subplot about modao, which then altered the role of wq and wn to a degree, and with which characters they interacted and when.
For me, these had an impact on the overall quality of the storytelling, particularly in regards to wq and her character (under the cut because I don’t know how to be brief).
1. Even if she had been instructed by the director to play wq as close to possible to the way she was portrayed in the novel, I don’t think Meng Ziyi could have done it; for me, she doesn’t have the right presence, physicality, etc. to achieve a good performance of wq. Novel wq has such strong boss energy; she is high-ranking officer even if she is removed from the fighting, the best doctor, and someone who was in charge of the yiling supervision office, and she’s constantly snapping at people (I love novel!wq.........). Meng Ziyi just does not manage to embody that powerful energy--she has that female lead type of presence, and it just doesn’t mesh with who wq is.
Wen Ning nodded, somewhat embarrassed, “My sister. She’s really powerful.”
She was indeed powerful.
Wen Qing could be considered a famous cultivator of the QishanWen Sect. She wasn’t a daughter of the QishanWen Sect’s leader, Wen Ruohan, but instead the daughter of one of Wen Ruohan’s cousins. Although they were far cousins, Wen Ruohan had always had a close relationship to this cousin of his. On top of that, Wen Qing was exceptional in the liberal arts and studied medicine as well. She was a talent, and thus she was rather favored by Wen Ruohan. She often followed Wen Ruohan to the banquets of the QishanWen Sect, which was why Wei Wuxian found her face familiar. She was a beauty, after all. He had also heard from somewhere that she had an elder or younger brother. But, perhaps because he wasn’t as talented as Wen Qing, not many people talked about him.
2. In my opinion, making the wq a more active agent in the wen plot also takes away part of what defines her arc and character in the novel, and what she represents as a figure within the conflict. Let’s remember, we are only introduced to wq in the novel after Lotus Pier was burned down and jc lost his core--she is absent until then, and that is the point: she is not involved in the conflict. While morally upright, she is someone who passively benefits from the ills committed by her sect and who only takes calculated risks to help reduce the suffering committed to others. She becomes guilty by association despite never actively hurting others or helping wrh’s cause. It feels more organic and complex than the throne-room!threats we see in cql, and having her carry on missions for wrh.
Wen Qing cut him off, “What the Wen Sect does doesn’t represent what we do. We don’t need to be responsible for the Wen Sect’s wrongdoing. Wei Ying, there’s no need to look at me like that. There’s a beginning to all debts. I’m the office leader of Yiling, but I was ordered to take the position. I’m a medic, an apothecary, I’ve never killed anyone, much less touched the blood of the Jiang Sect.”
It was true. Nobody had heard of any lives lost by Wen Qing’s hands. There were always many cases that people wanted her to take over. It was because Wen Qing was one of the Wen Sect’s people whose way of doing things was actually normal. At times she could even put in a few good words for people in front of Wen Ruohan. Her reputation had always been good.
Lan Xichen responded a moment later. “I have heard of Wen Qing’s name a few of times. I do not remember her having participated in any of the Sunshot Campaign’s crimes.” 
“But she’s never stopped them either, “ Nie Mingjue countered.
“Wen Qing was one of Wen RuoHan’s most trusted people, “ said Lan Xichen. “How could she have stopped them?” 
Nie Mingjue spoke coldly. “If she responded with only silence and not opposition when the Wen Sect was causing mayhem, it’s the same as indifference. She shouldn’t have been so disillusioned as to hope that she could be treated with respect when the Wen Sect was doing evil and be unwilling to suffer the consequences and pay the price when the Wen Sect was wiped out.” 
[...] One of the sect leaders spoke up, “What Nie-zongzhu said is quite right. Besides, Wen Qing is one of Wen RuoHan’s most trusted people. You’re telling me she never participated? Well I don’t buy it. Is there any Wen-gao without a single drop of blood on their hands? Maybe it’s just that we haven’t found out about it yet!”
3. Making wq interact with other characters before the qiongqi path incident also makes their motivations harder to understand. For instance, jc having feelings for wq makes his motivations and actions during the aftermath of the sunshot campaign more muddled, imo? In the novel, instead, jc’s unwillingness to help the wen remnants is used to showcase a foil between jc’s and wwx’s understandings of duty/responsibility:
“You burn this corpse right now and return to them all these leftovers of the Wen Sect. That’s the only way to make the subject die!” As Jiang Cheng spoke, he raised his sword again, preparing to attack.
Wei Wuxian clenched his wrist.
“Are you joking?! If we return Wen Qing and the others to them, they’d meet nothing but a dead end!”
“I doubt you’ll even return all of them. Why do you care what kind of end they meet? A dead end it is, then—what does it have to do with you?!”
Wei Wuxian finally lost his temper. “Jiang Cheng! What- What do you think you’re talking about?! Take it back—don’t make me give you a thrashing! Don’t forget. Who was the one that helped us burn Jiang-shushu’s and Yu-furen’s corpses? Who returned to us the ashes that are in Lotus Pier right now? And who took us in when we were chased after by Wen Chao?!”
Jiang Cheng, “I’m the one who fucking wants to give you a thrashing! Yes, they helped us before, but why in the world don’t you understand that right now any remnant of the Wen Sect is a target of criticism! No matter who they are, with a surname of Wen they have committed a most heinous crime! And those who protect the Wen are at risk of being condemned by everyone! All the people loathe the Wen-dogs so badly that the worse they die the better. Whoever protects them is against the entire world. Nobody would speak for them, and nobody would speak for you either!”
4. Adding more screen time for wq and more interactions with other characters prior to/during the sunshot campaign ends up adding nothing in terms of her arc or her impact on the plot. While wq is a secondary character in the novel, she is crucial to the plot: her skills and her agency shape so many crucial moments and events in mdzs. Take away pretty much any scene with wq in the novel, and the events of the novel have to change. However, when it comes to what has been added in cql to make her more prominent in the series, it does not feel like it brings anything of significance to the plot. In the end, what is the point of the hair comb moment? it never sways jc to help or feel really conflicted over not helping the wen remnants? it never changes anything about the way wq acts? jc doesn’t come to wq’s defense at jinlintai the way lwj does. At best, it just adds to jc’s manpain. In the end, what’s the point of having a cute moment between wq and jyl, except to reassure viewers that wq is a good person and cares for her brother (all things we known in the novel in spite of the absence of this scene). In the end, what is the point of spending screentime with wq looking for the yin iron in the cloud recesses, and wwx being suspicious of her, if anyway lwj and him stumble upon it by chance? If wq were the love interest, it would make more sense to just pad up her screen time in the series, and these moments would probably pay off more. But as it is, it just feels very aimless and even at times confusing. 
5. i 100% headcanon novel wq as a lesbian and the fact that they even suggest she might have feelings for jc is an attack on my gay rights ): 
1. Gosh I love wn. I think his role in the novel is so important and i have too much to say to end up saying anything remotely coherent. I also have to say that I love the actor they chose. Of all the casting choices, I’d even say it is the best of the entire series in my opinion. He really captures the essence of wn and he looks so adorable. So cute. 
Tumblr media
2. Overall, i think cql did not change too much in terms of his arc and characterisation (the shy but fiercely protective person, coming to terms with what he lost, finding wen yuan and reconnecting with his history, finding a path of his own instead of following his sister/wwx). However I do find that some of the interactions are more meaningful in the novel. For example, making wwx and wn’s first interaction happen in the cloud recesses takes away the importance of wwx standing up against wn’s own sect members on their own turf. The fact that wwx and wn see each other more in the CQL verse also undermines the weight of wn’s choice and how significant wwx’s actions and words were to him, since he was ready to go against his sect for someone he’d met once. Once!!!! It says so much about wn and what his life was like--and how much impact wwx’s acts of kindness and care could have. If I let myself I would just end up quoting back most of Poison - part 4.Okay, I will just quote this part:
Red seeped through Wen Qionglin’s face to even the bottom of his ears. There was no need for others to beckon him away; he fled self-consciously. Wei Wuxian chased after him, “Hey, don’t run! Uh… Qionglin-xiong right? Why are you running?”
Hearing his name called from behind him, Wen Qionglin finally stopped. Head hanging low, he turned around. It seemed as though shame rippled from his head to his toes as he stammered, “… I’m sorry.”
“Why are you telling me you’re sorry?”
“You… You recommended me… but I made you lose face…”
“How did it make me lose face? You haven’t really shot in front other people, have you? You were nervous?”
Wen Qionglin nodded. Wei Wuxian continued, “Have some confidence. Let me tell you the truth—you shoot better than everyone in your sect. Out of all of the disciples whom I’ve seen, no more than three people are better in archery than you.”
3. I do wish wn as the ghost general was scarier and more violent in cql, but they tamed all of the horror/violent/gory aspects of the novel so it was to be expected. I just love contrasts.............
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catravandece · 4 years
Oh my god ok wangning au based on this incredible art by @alfheimr​ (cql canon cuz im most familiar w/ it)
Knowing that lwj would probably rather spontaneously combust than willingly return to koi tower it’s sizhui who comes back from a guest lecture at 11 years old and says “hanguang jun, jin ling’s family has a corpse chained up in the basement?”
A few days later said chained corpse shows up on his dads bed looking extra morose and tortured while lwj heals various cuts and pops his leg back into place
they try to keep sizhui away at first, stop his memories from triggering to protect him from the realization that the world he loves made him an orphan twice over. but the kid is doggedly persistent and after a few visits it seems like nothing will happen. lwj introduces wen ning as “someone who needs us”
(sizhui is newly seventeen when he makes the connection- this is wen ning. hanguang-jun was friends with the yiling laozu who controlled the ghost general. both hanguang-jun and wen ning act like they’ve lost someone they loved. sizhui dreams that night of a blurry, charcoal covered face feeding him soup but the hands are so familiar. he spends the next day in the cold pond and vows never to bring it up to either of them)
Wen Ning lives in a long forgotten shrine just inside the border of cloud recesses closest to the jingshi. it’s only big enough for a few mats and most of the roof tiles are broken but it’s safer than bringing wn to the jingshi. When they find out who the martial god is that the shrine was built for they take care to always make sure his idol statue has a white flower to hold.
in beginning visiting is mostly just sitting in companionable silence. its easier when hanguang-jun brings sizhui, who asks some hard to dodge questions but is content knowing his dad has a friend. wen ning helps him with talismans (all of wwx’s work that the cultivation world still dares to use). 
wen ning makes a fire pit so at least lwj can have tea. maybe it’ll entice him to stay longer...
jin guangyao comes by soon after the stealing. he makes noises about visiting xichen but wangji sees his eyes darting around corners and past the treeline. A paper man trips the outer wards of the jingshi
lwj goes to the temple after escorting jgy out to find holes punched in every wall, broken tiles scattered over the floor and wen ning crouched terribly still amid the wreckage (a normal man would be heaving with sobs but wen ning is dead and can only smash out his feelings)
wangji sweeps everything into a pile and then starts playing his qin. he only plays wei ying’s songs. wen ning doesnt move for hours until he suddenly just falls over on his side. 
wangji hadn’t known until then whether or not wen ning actually needed sleep. turns out he doesnt need it but can be persuaded into it
lwj lays out two mats and they sleep through the night (fitfully, wen ning reaches out in his dreams and grabs the front of lwj’s robes. lwj holds on to his wrist the rest of the night)
Lwj was never resentful toward wen ning. Wen Ning kept wwx safe when wangji could not. Wen Ning is obviously in love with wei ying but at this point it’s a blessing to be around someone who doesn’t hate the love of lwj’s life. It takes a few days to get the words out (which wen ning spends constantly fearful lwj is gonna kill him for real for failing to keep wwx from dying, which would be just what he deserves) but lwj knows now to tell the people he loves what is important. So he doesn’t let this misunderstanding lie for very long
lwj feels guilty. even though he was enthralled, if lwj hadn’t intervened then wen ning could have spent this time in blissful ignorance, unaware of the miserable fact of wei wuxian’s death. but at the same time lwj is comforted by having someone to weather the grief with. someone else who loved wei ying (he doesn’t know it for a long time, but wen ning thinks the same)
one night wen ning follows lwj out on a night hunt. he makes sure to follow unseen- but ends up intervening when lwj takes on many more ghouls than he can handle. 
wen ning understands that this is lwj’s coping mechanism, throwing himself into the chaos, but he’s already watched one person he loved drive himself to ruin so he does everything possible to keep hanguang-jun in one piece, physically and mentally
so they night hunt together. wen ning gets to help a-yuan grow up (although he’s walking on eggshells the whole time). every year he helps lan wangji make a fire outside the temple and they burn joss paper. the rabbits love wen ning possibly even more than they love lan wangji and like to chew on his robes (wen ning lets them bc he is a noodle)
the art happens here bc only healing around the bunnies
grief and moving on family ;~;
Bonus wangningxian 
lan wangji would never let wn accompany him on night hunts when other sects are involved, but something about both jiang cheng and jin rulan and sizhui being at dafan mountain makes wen ning follow. he felt a major disturbance in the world just a few days prior. worrying never did wen ning wrong yet
he pretends to still be enthralled so the others don’t suspect wwx summoned him intentionally (of course he knows it’s wwx under the mask bc power of love and also nobody else is strong enough in demonic cultivation to control him)
when wwx asks next time they meet in yueyang, wen ning pretends to not know who broke him out of koi tower. he can save face for lan wangji that way. and besides, anyone can see that lwj and wwx are the kind of soulmates wen ning will never be to someone. 
lwj lets it slip anyway while he’s wasted. wwx accurately guesses at wen ning covering for lwj but is still an oblivious idiot
after the golden core reveal wangji and wen ning both carry wwx away
wei wuxian wakes up in a boat with his head in lan zhan’s lap and his feet tangled with wen ning’s boots. theyre nice boots- like something lan zhan would buy in white
they go to the guanyin temple. wwx is thankful that wen ning and lan zhan have had each other all the years he’s been dead. he wonders aloud if sizhui would be friends with wen ning now that they’ve all met, because obviously wen ning didn’t know any of the juniors until yi city
this is getting long so everything else happens as usual, wwx still goes on his lonely mental healing vacation, he runs into sizhui and lan zhan and wen ning on a night hunt on his way back and realizes watching the three of them interact that they’ve already been 3/4 of a family just waiting for him to come back
and it was all Gay and Good the end
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