#would you really be comfortable calling them the same name?
loumandiel · 3 days
Months of reading how Armand is the Big Bad man behind the curtain manipulating and mindcontrolling everyone with his godlike powers, and now suddenly in one day it switched to cruel Pimp Louis manipulating and enslaving Armand and Armand being his poor victim. I'm begging you to look at these characters and their relationships with some nuance. I'm not denying that Louis is trying to manipulate Armand in some moments (Jacob said it himself in the post-episode bit) but seeing that park scene as Louis intentionally evoking Armand's trauma and a pimp and slave assuming their old roles is in my opinion a stretch and i didn't read it that way. Tbh i also find it pretty offensive that some people are acting like when Louis was a pimp he was doing something similar to people who subjected Armand to literal sexual slavery because they're vastly different situations.
Arun isn't Armand's 'slave name' or 'prostitute name', it was his actual birth name before he was sold and abused, and he lost that name due to abuse. If Louis had actually wanted to push a master-slave dynamic he would've probably called Armand Amadeo, because that was the name Armand's abuser, who Armand served and in some way still loves, gave to him. When Louis was a pimp he notably also didn't actually act particularly domineering with sex workers, on the contrary he was usually friendly to them, because he felt guilty for exploiting women and tried to convince himself he was just helping and working with them and that they were equals. He made sex workers like Bricktop Williams minority owners of his business and they felt comfortable with criticizing him. If Louis had actually 'treated Armand like one of his prostitutes' in this episode he would've acted completely differently. Remember also that Armand has a remarkable mind gift and that Louis is bad at hiding his thoughts: if Louis had actually been trying to manipulate Armand in this specific way, Armand would very likely know it.
In the beginning of the episode Armand is frustrated that Louis doesn't acknowledge that they're companions, and Louis expresses that they don't really know each other. Later at the restaurant Armand gets angry and uses his powers dramatically which upsets Louis. He also talks to Louis rather harshly, saying that he and Santiago are acting like fledglings (children) and angrily tells Louis to come back when he leaves. Later Armand comes to apologize bringing flowers. All this reminds Louis of Lestat, and reveals how apprehensive he still is about Armand. Armand deciding to tell Louis his story is a conscious effort to show vulnerability and convince Louis of what he promised: that Armand isn't like Lestat and he isn't going to hurt him. Jacob said that dreamstat represents not only Lestat but Louis' doubts about Armand. In the museum scene this is particularly obvious when Louis feels deep sympathy for Armand, but at the same time dreamstat - a part of Louis - looks angry and distrustful. According to Jacob in the park scene as Louis lets go of Lestat he's also letting go of those doubts and accepting Armand as he is and for who he is.
So when Louis calls Armand by his birth name that could be considered his 'real' name even though no one has called him that for centuries, i see it as him saying 'Do we see each other now? Are we honest about things now? Can i trust that you are who you say you are?' When Armand calls Louis maitre he's trying to establish an impression of equality, because as they both know Armand is the maitre and the leader of the coven and the one with much more power. For Armand the ideal of love is the one of mutual worship and servitude. Like many things with Armand, his actions in this episode are both sincere and manipulative, and his seeming submissiveness is also certain kind of domination that helps him to get what he wants.
I just don't think their relationship is anything like Louis being a master and Armand being a slave at all. It's a very, very complicated and mercurial relationship that is not easily defined and where the dynamics are constantly shifting. As Jacob said, they're constantly flip-flopping between who's the dominant one and who's the submissive one, and who needs what out of the other. He also said that at the end of this episode their relationship takes on this almost BDSM kind of role playing where their roles switch, which implies that a) it's a play and not what their relationship is actually like and b) there was earlier a different dynamic where Armand was more dominant. Their Rashid role play in Dubai was also that, a role play.
When talking about those Louis' 'manipulative instincts' as Jacob called them, it needs to be considered they're something that Louis developed having to live in a racist society for all his life ("using his weakness to rise") and being in an abusive relationship for decades. For Louis that kind of soft power has often been the only power he has, and of course he's resorting to it when in a relationship with much older and much more powerful person he doesn't fully trust. The way i perceive Louis and Armand's relationship, it's a fragile, carefully crafted design built on contradictions, performances and illusions, where they both seek to maintain a fantasy where they both feel sufficiently in control and the relief of releasing that control at the same time
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thir10th · 3 days
hey lovely! can I request a fic where r is feeling insecure with her body lately and emily shows how beautiful she is? fluff w some smut if you feel comfortable :)
Hi anon! your timing couldn't be better. This has been sitting on my drafts for weeks, i kinda hated it, but you just gave me an excuse to get back to it, so thank you for that and for requesting! Hope you like it <3
will you? - Emily Prentiss x fem!reader
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summary: see the ask. I changed it a bit but the main idea is still there tw: insecure reader, face-sitting, oral sex, body image, tiny bit of angst (blink and you miss it) a/n: this one might be a bit messy but i still enjoyed writing it! like & reblog <3
You throw your bag far away when you enter the hotel room. This case was getting hard, nothing was making sense, and you had been working for the past 14 hours none stop.
You need to ether sleep, eat something, a shower, or an orgasm. Or maybe all of them
but that isn't an option right now, because you're mad at her.
You aren't even sure why you had gotten so upset about it, its not like she had actually done anything, but you were still annoyed.
You were actually mad at yourself, more than at your girlfriend, but her words still resonating on your head wouldn't go away.
Emily's arms wrapping around your waist make you jump, getting you out of your thoughts.
Hugging you from behind, she rests her face on your shoulder, you feel her warm breath on your neck, she kisses your cheek lovingly.
Her arms leave your waist to reach your shoulders, her hands massage your arms which makes you close your eyes in pleasure, relying on her touch. Maybe staying mad wasn't that worth it.
"You know what i think you need?" she moves a strand of hair to kiss the curve of your neck "mh- what?" you say, a smile of pleasure starting to form on your lips
"I think you know what" she answers, you can feel her smile against your skin, her teeth brushing against your shoulder, and then you realize what she has in mind
"No, no, Em, absolutely not" You refuse, pulling away from her touch, turning around to look at her, crossing your arms.
"ugh i can't believe you're still thinking about it, after this morning" there it is, you are pushing her away again.
Why is she so insistent though, why can't she just read your mind and understand?
"Ok, ok I'm sorry, I just don't understand. You're always so open to trying new stuff, and that, just... i don't know, baby, i just want to know why you don't want it, that's all" She says, her hand reaching to rest on your arm to comfort you.
You just can't tell her, you're too ashamed. That same morning your girlfriend had suggested you tried something new in bed. She had asked you, boldly, (like she always did) to sit on her face.
She had insisted so much, you had denied every time.
Really, what was there to hate? your beautiful girlfriend was literally asking you to fuck her face, to eat you out, to give you full control. But you just couldn't do it.
"c'mon, baby, i just want to understand" she is being gentle, using her persuasion skills on you, calling you by the special pet name that would only come out in moments of special intimacy or vulnerability
She knows how to get to you, and that only makes you angrier.
You take her hand off your arm, getting yourself away from her, you need to be alone.
"I'm gonna go take a shower, try to keep it in your pants while i'm gone, all right?" you spit at her, and seeing her mouth-opened expression, you regret it inmidiately.
Standing under the warm stream of water helps you get your mind off of things for a while, while you wander what's exactly got you all worked up like this.
Emily doesn't deserve any of this, she had been nothing but sweet. Yes, she has been insistent about it, but that doesn't mean she had to be hit in the face with your own insecurities.
Getting out of the shower you stare at your reflection on the bathroom mirror. God, you hate how it makes you feel, but what you hate the most is how you're paying your own frustrations with your girlfriend.
Wrapped in a bathrobe, you get out, ready to face an angry Emily, instead she lays on the bed, already on her sleep clothes, reading with her book resting on her knees
"Em?" you try, she looks at you from over her book, then gets back to reading
"You're not gonna talk to me?" you ask
"whenever you're ready to actually talk to me, then I will. I'll try to keep it in my pants in the meantime, though" she shoots back in a sarcastic tone.
She's right, you shouldn't have said that, it had been a low blow.
You sit beside her, taking the book from her hands and placing it on the nightstand. She looks at you with mixed anger and sadness.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, you know i didn't, this is just hard for me" you try to explain. "Look, I just don't think it's a good idea, alright?"
"I don't ever want to make you uncomfortable, but i want you to talk to me, i've been trying to get to you, and you just shut me out" she says, sitting upright on her spot on the bed, taking your hands on hers, looking you in the eyes
"it's just... i don't want to... hurt you" her mouth falls open once again "hurt me? that's what this is all about? baby c'mon, you won't hurt me, why do you say that?" her tone switches to full concern now, the previous argument already forgotten
"yes, i will, I will choke you with this big stupid things and you won't ever want to go down on me again" you finally let out
"well... I'll die a happy woman then" she chuckles, trying to downplay it
"Ok, baby, listen to me" she holds your face with both her hands, forcing you to look at her, the tenderness of her gaze deepening into you
"i love every part of you, even the ones you don't like, thighs included" she waits for an answer but you don't say anything.
Emily lifts your your chin with her finger, and leaves a soft peck on your lips, the contact makes you relax instantly
"you are smart" she says, leaving another soft kiss on your cheek
"and beautiful" now getting your other cheek
"and sexy" she kisses your nose this time
"and so, so hot" she moves back to kiss your lips again, and you chuckle nervously at her words
"what can i do to help you believe me?" you shake your head "let me bury myself into you, please" her pleading is getting too much, her thumb caresses your face so softly, so tenderly.
How could you deny her anything when she asks so sweetly? you finally nod, the huge smile spreading along her face
"Em, are you sure?” you ask, biting at your lip as you watch your girlfriend sit on the edge of the bed and recline back, laying face-up atop the covers with an eager grin spread across her face. “I might weigh too much…”
Emily raises her head up and shoots you a look. “Honey, I’m positive,” she says, trying to keep the whine out of her voice.
She wants you on her so badly she can barely stand it, eyes flickering between your face and the bathrobe that covers your thick, delectable thighs from view. 
A moment of deliberation passes, then, without another word, you reach down and untie the soft white hotel bathrobe, letting it slide down your arms to fall to the floor at your feet, leaving you completely naked in a matter of seconds
"fuck" you hear her mutter "you're so beautiful" Emily breathes
“Not as beautiful as you” you murmur as she clambers onto the bed.
You crawl up it until you are kneeling beside Emily's head, the mattress dipping slightly beneath your combined weight.
“Is it okay if I…?”
“Yes.” her decisiveness tells you she wasn't joking, she does want this more than you had thought
You take a deep breath in and then lift a leg, swinging it over Emily and settling it on the other side of her head so that you are straddling her, your cunt hovering mere inches over Emily's mouth.
"Promise me you will tell me if i'm too heavy, or if you can't breath" too excited to resist, Emily reaches up to thumb at your clit. 
“I will” she says, sliding her free hand along your thigh, rubbing comforting circles into the soft skin.
“I promise you i will tap you twice, but i won't need it" she reassures. "You’re gorgeous—fuck, I wanna taste you so bad.”
Cautiously, you lowered yourself down enough that your near-dripping pussy was just barely pressing against Emily’s face.
You were planning to keep as still as possible in order to resist the urge to squeeze your thighs around Emily or put too much weight on her, but that idea flew out the window almost immediately after her tongue darted out, flattening itself against the lips of your pussy before dragging upward and settling at the soft nub of your clit. 
“Oh,” you gasp, giving a shuddery little jerk of your hips before you can stop yourself.
Emily moans in reply, the sound vibrating against your walls and causes you to whimper again. 
Her tongue flicks out, circling your clit and applying occasional pressure, whilst two fingers push inside you, crook and rubbing at your sennsitive inner walls.
You shudder and gasp, quickly losing yourself to the feeling.
“Oh, fuck, Emily,” you gasp out, finally giving in to the temptation to reach down and fist her hand into her silky hair.
Your girlfriend lets out another appreciative moan when you give it a rough tug, the vibrations making every feeling intensify.
Losing yourself to the pleasure, you rock your hips against Emily, knees pressing hard into the mattress. She has always been an expert on driving you wild like this.
Her nose rubbing right at your clit and you couldn’t help but moan, gripping tighter on the headboard. God, she has the perfect nose for this.
Emily’s mouth wrap around you, tongue sinking into your pussy as far as she can while she sucks at you, eagerly lapping your juices into her mouth.
Her hands groped at your ass, encouraging you to roll your hips, effectively riding her face.
She keeps up the pace, mouthing desperately at your clit until you can feel yourself letting go.
Hips stuttering and then stalling. Your thighs shook up, inner walls spasming around Emily’s fingers as you fall over the edge and into bliss.
“Oh fuck! Fuck, Em...” You breath out, your chest heaving as you very slowly open your eyes, coming down to earth as Emily leaves little kitten licks on your cunt, sucking up as much of your juices as she could.
Your body shudders when her nose brushes against you again, this time an accident and she chuckles softly, helping you swing your leg over her and drop onto the bed beside her.
Emily stays put, lying face-up as she catches her breath. Then, once she feels able to, she rolls onto her side and grins at you.
"good?" she asks, her fingers softly playing with your hair
"absolutely perfect" You reply with a dreamy smile, pulling her to you for a kiss. You can't help but moan into her mouth at the taste of yourself on her tongue.
"I'm really sorry of what i said, Em" you said, keeping you face close to hers, holding her
"It's ok, I know you were upset. I just want you to know that i love every single part of your body, no exceptions" you kiss her sweetly, her words causing a warm feeling to spread on your stomach
"you're perfect" you say, pulling her in for another kiss
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Hope you like it! reqs are still open!
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⋮ ♯; ⤷ hypnotized .ᐟ
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i can't escape you, i'm hypnotized ―୨୧⋆˚
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dan heng x fem!reader; smut, fluff, no plot; first time, emotional, awkward, a bit vanilla(?); multiple rounds, multiple orgasms, missionary, cowgirl; needy & whiney dan heng agenda; unprotected sex (but wrap it up irl); praise, marking, pet names, groping and touching and in general lots of smooching; overstimulation if you squint;
wc: 4.4k
a/n: hello on a new acc and idk what else to say except prepare for lots of nasty thoughts in the future. peace out. and quick taglist: @kuniihoonii @hoonieswhore (sorry if you didn't want to, I thought you'd like some more dan heng content by yours truly)
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the night isn't so early, but it's not extremely late either; or at least you think so, since it's kind of hard to tell time while traveling through space.
but despite that, you're not sleepy; it's actually surprising because you're laying on the pile of bedsheets dan heng calls his bed. granted, the pile is comfortable... sometimes too comfortable, but a proper mattress wouldn't hurt... especially wouldn't hurt his back. and yours, by the way.
prepped on your elbows, you're laying on your stomach with legs up in the air, wiggling them back and forth, while you read a random novel you found in the pits of the archives. you had no idea the bookshelves would contain normal books, let alone such a genre: erotica.
despite its lack of logic or laws of physics, the plot is surprisingly good... or at least good enough to kill the boredom that's washing over you. the silence, at first calming and comforting, soon became too loud, as loud as silence can get. especially when one misses their beloved.
sighing, you close the book and look around the room again. dimly lit, enough to read comfortably, seems... empty. well, no wonder why, because there's only you in there. but usually... usually, even at such hour, dan heng is back, rummaging through the piles of sacred and not texts, books, and other papers he sorts. even if he's quiet, no music is playing, it's still not complete silence. the sheets of paper sweetly swoosh over each other, the pen smoothly traces letters, and the overall atmosphere is... comforting. but without him, no matter how many books you'll go through just to make some noise, it's still empty.
"here you are..."
when dan heng sees you on his... so-called bed, he can't help but sigh in relief. something about seeing you so comfortable in his room makes his heart flutter, even if it's him who had to get comfortable with this. when he lets you in in his little cave, you're a part of it; it's not his room without you around.
"where else should i be?" you frown slightly, confused by his words, features softening the second you hear his melodic voice.
"in my arms, obviously."
you laugh in disbelief, not expecting such a cheesy line from him. but when you see how one corner of his lips curves millimeters up in a snug expression, you can guess he was taking lessons from march and caelus.
"then come here. i've been waiting for you..." you throw the book aside and roll on your side with open arms. that smile of yours, one who could fight the sun with its brightness and warmth, is enough for him to cave in.
but he stops when he notices the title of the book you were reading.
he averts his gaze immediately, but the way his ears redden tell you everything. it wasn't a book from the express's archives. it was from his own collection.
you say nothing; instead, you cuddle with dan heng, limbs tangled and bodies squeezed together in a tight embrace. the moment is serene for a second, with your bodies tangled together and warming each other, being vulnerable and protective at the same time. with closed eyes, both of you relish in this moment of silence; not the empty one, but loud, loud, and intense with all the feelings you two have for each other.
dan heng tries, he really does; he doesn't want to put silent pressure on you, so he bottles up all the need for you. it gets to the point where every single one of his nerves is on fire, every muscle gets tense, and his body gets really warm. warm to the point that even you can feel it.
"is it about that book?"
"what?" he's doomed. he's so over. he's so-
"i know it's a book from your collection. but i don't know why you read such stuff... do you gather intel for... our first time?"
your giggle is cute and innocent, but dan heng can't take it anymore. he's intoxicated by you, swooned over you... straight-up horny for you and he can't keep it in his pants any longer.
"yes." he breathes out, heart thumping in his chest like a ticking bomb. taking a deep breath doesn't help him one bit, and when you look at him with lustful sparkles in your big, lovely eyes while you speak... he feels physical pain.
"are you ready, then? i know i am."
apparently, dan heng wasn't the brightest one, because all the signs, all the teasing you treated him with, were not enough for him to notice. but now it's the time. and both of you know that.
maybe he is horny to the point where he's like a ticking bomb, but he's still a clueless gentleman. his lips clash with yours, intertwining in a slow yet passionate manner while he lays you down on the sheets. your hands cupping his face, the soft skin of your palms, and the sweet taste of your lips make dan heng breath even heavier, coming in ragged pants.
he wants you so bad; to taste you, explore you, praise and worship you, just like you deserve. dan heng never caught feelings that caliber for anyone but you, and this? this is testing his limits. he's so close to cumming in his pants at the mere thought of your naked body, and yet here he is, hands under your t-shirt, reaching for the hem to take it off. he's excited, he's needy, he's so eager; aeons, he loves you so much. and he wants to show you how much he loves you.
"d-dan heng... give me a second."
your voice rips him out of his thoughts. then he realizes your top is off; you're left in a bra and shorts, while he's still fully dressed. that is not fair, he thinks.
"i'll- i'll take mine off, too-" he trails off, reaching for the zippers, quickly getting out of the upper part of his clothing.
"that's not- that wasn't the matter, but- thank you nonetheless," you chuckle and breathe heavily, the sight of your boyfriend's torso, making you only more aroused. trying to reassure yourself, you smile at him softly, hesitating a little to say anything.
"i love you. i love you so much. you know that, right? there's no one else for me but you."
you almost tear up; it's the first time he said it out loud. he told you at the beginning that it's hard for him, and yet... here he is. vulnerable with his emotions, ready to be vulnerable with you.
dan heng is fully aware of how this moment affects you; how it must be hard to feel so... exposed after years of trying to cover up. yes, he's in literal pain still, but he's ready to take it slow and eventually fuck his fist rather than hurt you in any way.
the way his eyes glimmer in the dim light, how they sparkle and glow with nothing but love and devotion while he speaks... that's it. you know he's not lying. you know he's genuine with you, and that he's ready to sacrifice himself for you...
you unclasp your bra and put it aside, getting rid of your shorts too. and when he notices the confidence, love, and commitment, he unzips his pants in seconds.
"may i- kiss you again?" dan heng breathes out, looking you in the eyes and getting lost in them immediately. when you grab his face in your palms and kiss him with urgency he never felt from you, he gives in.
"touch me. everywhere you want, but not there, yet."
"your wish is my command, princess," he mutters back, kissing you again and moving one of his hands to your waist, caressing the soft skin and curves of your body.
you feel his leaking cock against your thigh and by aeons, is it intoxicating. the thoughts to jump on him and fuck him until you pass out are loud, but, surprisingly, you can compose yourself for now. just savor this moment, feel it, and prepare by the way, you say to yourself.
and aeons, do you feel things.
his hands, big yet calloused, touch you so gently, almost as if it's a little fluffy cloud tickling your skin. he continues to spread his warmth across your body, placing his hands everywhere he can; waist, hips, thighs, belly – you name it, he touches it. but he doesn't dare to even think about touching your pussy yet, even if he feels how wet it already is.
dan heng growls quietly, breaking the kiss and resting his forehead on yours with eyes closed, trying to compose himself again. it's hard, with his thoughts racing and spiraling down to his cock, he can't do this anymore, the battles persists and he's not the bravest soldier...
"dan heng? dan heng, can you look at-"
"no, i- i can't. i'm losing control already and- admiring your beauty like that is too much- i'll go to the bathroom and-"
"dan heng!"
the slight bonk you give his head with your hand gets him out of his thoughts, and he finally looks at you with the pain he's trying to suppress. you reassure him with a soft smile before continuing what you wanted to say.
"you can put it in... but slowly. you're- you're quite big and i'm not sure if it fits-"
"i'll make it fit, baby. it'll fit and it'll feel so good- but that's for another time."
the eagerness audible in his voice is adorable, making you chuckle and flustered. he kisses you lips again, exchanging saliva in such a needy and sloppy way. all you can do in such sudden moment is gasp and melt, letting his tongue explore your mouth.
you can feel how his cock is twitching in anticipation and need against your thigh, and the thought of finally feeling it inside makes you dizzy and wet; not in your wettest dreams you imagined his cock to be so... delightful.
"ready?" dan heng suddenly pulls away and breaks the kiss, looking into your eyes for consent. the way you stare at him with excitement, lust, and trust sends him into overdrive. he's not going bonkers thanks to the last thin strings of self-control.
he almost drools and cums on the spot when he feels your dripping wet pussy. smearing the precum and your arousal over your entrance, dan heng lets out a few moans and whimpers; his cock is already so sensitive and the warmth of your folds inviting him almost make him cry.
"i love you so much, baby." he's mumbling into your ear while pushing his cock into your pussy, slowly but surely filling you up. the whimpers you two make mingle in the air, making a new sonata that's meant only for you, for this moment, never played again. this is it, this is the moment of pure bliss, where the usually closed heart of your boyfriend is pouring out all the love he has for you. only for you.
dan heng groans and whimpers in suffering, trying his best not to push himself all in at once. he breathes in and out, warm air getting out of his lungs is tickling your neck and ear, making you even more aroused.
he stops existing for a second, taking in your word. it's only one word and yet it's like a spark to the dynamite of need inside him.
"i need- more of you, you feel so- good," you start babbling, also getting lost in the pleasure. the soft yet demanding stare you give him says a lot; you're sure of what you say, you're sure what you want, and you're sure you want him.
"just a second, baby- i want to stretch you, not rip you in two."
the quiet whine you let out makes him whimper and throb inside you. he's so close to cumming, so close to giving it up... but he needs to wait a little more.
he can't do that when you suddenly cup his face and place a set of sloppy kisses all over his lips and jaw, whimpering and moaning softly.
you relax further, the reactions you get out of him with your little teasing are so cute that you can't help and giggle softly. rolling your hips a little, you help him push his cock further, slowly stretching you in such a delicious way.
"baby, no- i'm gonna-!"
dan heng tries to stop you and your greedy pussy, but he's helpless when his cock is hugged by your tight, velvety walls. with closed eyes, he shudders and rests his forehead on your forehead while he cums, his cock twitching and painting your inner walls already.
"fuck- i'm sorry, baby," he starts, his body still shaking as he speaks. "i couldn't help it- it won't happen again, i promise, baby-"
"you may think i'm crazy or twisted, but i find it hot."
his skin is warm under your palms as you soothe his shoulders and arms, trying to calm him down. with his head still resting on your shoulder, dan heng pants and tries to catch his breath, kissing your skin softly.
"it happens. it's normal and it's fine. i didn't mind it," you continue to comfort him, your soft fingertips brushing over his skin. your breathing is steady, heart beats only a little faster in the excitement as you want him to breathe with you. and he does after a short while, his thoughts also halting to a stop. "if you want, we can stop it here-"
"no. i want to make you feel so good like you never felt before- i want to fuck you so good that you'll get wet when thinking about it again."
such a bold statement makes your eyes widen in surprise, especially when you can hear how determined he is for it to happen. your breath gets stuck in your lungs as you try to pry your inner whore away.
"as long as- as you'll be careful and loving... then i don't- i don't mind."
a consensus has been made between your voice of reason and inner whore, both sides getting what they want; a good and sweet lovemaking session with the only man that there is for you.
dan heng chuckles and lifts his head, looking you in the eyes with undying devotion and utmost adoration as he seeks the confirmation in your stare. seeing your flushed skin, body shivering in anticipation, and lips slightly parted, he doesn't need to be told twice. placing a soft kiss on your forehead, he rests his own on yours and stares right into you eyes, stare piercing right into your soul.
"i'll make you feel so good, baby- you'll feel amazing, i promise-" he continues his ramblings, at this rate getting delirious at the mere thought of how cute you'll look when cumming around him and because of him.
his cock slides out and inside you again with ease, stretching and filling your tight pussy to the brim, knocking the air out of your lungs. gasping and moaning, you reach for his hand, needing to hold it through the whole session.
you two are so needy for each other's body, soul, mind, and heart and it's showing in every little move. dan heng quickly intertwines your hand with his, holding it gently yet in a firm grip. you put your other palm at the back of his head, and with fingers fidgeting with his hair, you pull him closer for a heated and full of devotion kiss.
he's waiting patiently for your walls to adjust to his size, but when they squeeze him so deliciously, it's hard to resist. his kisses and touches get impatient, more needy, and more possessive. taking a handful of one of your breasts, he squeezes the soft flesh and brushes his fingers across you nipple just to tease you and elicit more of those cute sounds from you.
"f-fuck, dan heng-" you whimper softly right into his lips, the stretch being overwhelmingly amazing. your breathing is ragged and shaky, thoughts race out of your mind at the feeling of his cock inside you.
"baby, you're so- so tight, aeons-" he starts grunting and moaning, finally rolling his hips further into your core. "your pussy is so good i- i can't control myself anymore, baby-"
the heated kisses you two exchange while mingled together make you both even more sweaty, smell of sex filling the room, soaking into the walls, bedsheets, everywhere where it can, just to remind you later how fiery and passionate your love is.
dan heng explores your body further with his free hand, the warm palm hovering over your skin sets your senses aflame further. his soft touch is addicting, paired with his throbbing cock thrusting in and out of your pussy makes such a dangerous mix. his hand roams over your breasts, stomach, sides, everywhere he can reach. when he reaches your hips and thighs, you react immediately, making his heart flutter and mind fuzzy with excitement.
"you like being touched here?" he asks softly, fingers brushing over your thighs, from the inner part to the outer, up and down, repeat. you don't say anything, yet he knows the answer to his question right after; the way your pussy flutters around his length, how your legs shake, how you moan louder – all of it makes his head spin and causes a wicked grin to appear on his face.
you squeeze his hand and pull him closer, hand on the back of his head pulling him in for another sloppy kiss. but you trail off your lips to the side, kissing and licking your way from the corner of his lips to his jaw, neck, shoulder, and collarbone, leaving soft marks with almost every kiss. moaning into his skin, you nibble on the sensitive parts of his neck, the need to claim him and show everyone who he belongs to being too alluring to resist.
"oh, fuck-!" dan heng is not prepared for you marking him up but aeons does he love it. tilting his head to the side, he gives you easier access to all the places he wants- no, he needs- to be marked. his breath gets shallow and ragged, cock throbbing and pulsing inside you because of how much he loves this; the marks that he will show with pride, announcing to everyone that he's yours and yours only.
his quiet whimpers and moans sound so pretty, paired with the squelching noises of his cock pumping itself into your pussy give a lovely one-of-a-kind concerto meant only for the two of you; a concerto about desire, love, and trust, a tribute to love you two hold for each other.
"d-dan heng! ah-! you feel- so good- ah!" crying out in pleasure, you arch your back with a loud moan when the tip of his cock nudges at that one sweet spot, having you sob and scream his name further.
it's like the more you scream his name, the more dan heng goes insane. with his eyes closed, he's panting into your neck, sliding inside you with ease and need; he needs you to cream around him, he needs to feel your cum coating his already sensitive length, he needs to hear you more, even if your throat is already dry because of the constant screams.
"mmh- baby, you're doing so good for me, fuck- keep going, moan my name- you're such a good- good fucking girl-"
your thighs shake and squeeze around his waist while your hips stutter, your whole body being lit on fire when you cum, gushing around him and squeezing his cock deeper inside. crying out, your whole body stiffens as you lose control, pussy throbbing, creaming, and milking him with need of his load.
seeing you like this, body flushed, pleasure written all over your face, with one hand holding his and the other one gripping the sheets... dan heng can't take it anymore. he's cumming right after, thick load after load filling your greedy little pussy up to the brim, as it milks his length further.
he rests his head in the crook of your neck, panting and smiling, placing soft and lazy kisses over your neck and shoulder. you still squeeze his hand, placing the other around him, soothing his back with your light and gentle touch. nuzzling your cheeks against his, you try to calm your labored breathing.
"mmm- you did so well, darling," dan heng muses quietly, finally lifting his head and looking at you, eyes full of love and adoration. he grips your hip softly, caressing your skin with his fingers. "are you tired, baby?"
"not that much," you answer, voice quiet and ragged with heavy breaths, as you try to calm down. the intensity of the moment got to you, and now you need a little more time to come back to your senses.
"then- can we go another round?"
you freeze, confused yet... enticed by the offer. you can feel how his cock is still hard, twitching and throbbing, waiting for you. aeons, it feels so good.
with one, swift motion, you pull him closer, kissing him with newly-found intensity, one he never imagined you could even feel for him, boring loser dan heng.
"let's go."
letting out a small chuckle of relief, dan heng looks at you for a second, admiring your sparkling eyes, flushed face, beautiful features. he can't help it; he dives in for another kiss, sloppy and messy, whimpering softly into your lips. the feeling of his breath on your face, how he tries to compose himself further, it's so extremely hot and tempting.
"are you really so needy? for me?" you tease him, knowing smirk glued to your face when dan heng pulls away for a second, his head quickly turning back to you, completely forgetting what he was looking for.
chuckling and cooing, you grab his chin, firmly but not strong enough to hurt; turning his red face to yours, lips millimeters away, you smirk again. as you look into his eyes, your fingers graze over his chin.
"do you want me to take care of you, then?"
his heart stops for a second, mind disappearing right after. with lips slightly parted, he's looking you in the eyes, stare hazed with desire devotion, and everything he's holding for you.
"yes, please."
quickly yet clumsily, you switch positions, with you now straddling his lap, dan heng sitting on his pile of blankets, staring at you with his pretty, pleading eyes. his hard cock nestled between your thighs is leaking precum again, the essence bubbling at the tip, smearing over your skin.
dan heng, the usually composed and collected archivist, is now getting putty in your hands, melting under you, mewling and whimpering for you to take care of him and his length that's aching for you. this mess of horny, insatiable, and devoted nerd that wasn't touched by anyone else is for you and you only. and it's an incredible sight.
"baby-" he's whining, quiet moans slipping past his slightly parted, swollen from all the kisses lips, covered in spit and sweat; the glistening and plump lips you love to devour.
"what is it?" your eyes wander from his lips to his slowly teary eyes, eyelashes sweetly batting the tears and sweat away; but it's his lips that's your weakness. in seconds if not less, you press a sweet yet passionate kiss, tongues dancing with each other as dan heng lets you devour his mouth, whimpering and almost cumming at the mere taste of your sweet lips.
"please, baby- i need you- i need you so bad," he's mumbling, whining and losing everything, ready to cry; all he needs is you and your sweet pussy, yet you keep it all away from him, like a big meanie!
he's kissing the corner of your lips, your cheeks, neck, everywhere he can reach, softly pecking your silky skin while maintaining eye contact, his big, puppy eyes pleading for you to ease his needs. "please baby, i need to- i need to be inside- i need your pussy so bad-"
"i got you, i got you-" you mumble out, needy for him as well. it's a rare occasion to have dan heng all for yourself, so you decide to use this opportunity.
slowly, you guide his tip inside your slick entrance, sucking him inside bit by bit. you need to take deep breaths to calm down and not straight-up impale yourself, but aeons, his cock just feels so good...
finally, you take his length all inside, moaning out loud with a little cry, his throbbing cock finally nestled deep where it belongs.
"mmh- fuck! d-dan heng, you feel- so good-" breathing out, you shiver and throw your head back, chest moving up and down rapidly as you try to continue breathing. with hands on his shoulders, you start to bounce on him, his cock easily sliding in and out as you ride both of your brains out.
you can't even focus on how pretty he looks in his fucked-out state, you yourself giving in to the pleasure. eyes rolled back, mouth parted – the stimulation and overall experience being quite intense, lots of emotions, need, and urgency make you two go non-verbal for a while; only deep panting and whimpers audible throughout the room.
"d-darling, oh fuck! so good-" dan heng lets out slurred words, eyes back in his skull as he starts to drool. quickly wiping his lips, he lets out another pretty moan, pulling your face closer to his own, and kissing you with urgency. his big hands, one on the back of your head and the other one on your thigh, hold you with care, not pushing, not pulling that roughly. he's powerless, too vulnerable, and hazy with lust to even think.
with your pussy hugging his cock so tight he's close again, legs shaking and hips jerking up to meet yours mid-way. you're close too, body shaking slightly, jolts of pleasure coursing through you as you pick up your pace. the need washes over you two, mingling your bodies together as you stay nestled in each other's embrace, fucking your brains out and confessing all the pent-up emotions.
your whimpers, his moans, and screams of each other's name echo through the archives for few hours straight, as you two just can't get enough, ready to pass out then stop. the few short breaks you two take are long enough for yearning to build up again, the whole cycle repeating again.
thank aeons the rest of the crew was out, as march and caelus would complain for the next week again.
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@ cosmic-expressions / @ deka-dent 2024, do not repost pls
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owlwithanapple · 1 day
Marriage Life🔞💦
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Content : Adult content🔞/Family Matters/Romance/…
Characters : Bruce Wayne x Y/N (Wife)
It's another day you wake up without your husband by your side. You are extremely disgusted and tired of him working so hard from morning until night every day. But you have no choice, because you know too well that your husband is such a busy person. You marry a man who is dozen years difference in age between you. His name is Bruce Wayne. In his public identity, he is a billionaire industrialist and notorious playboy. At night, he is Batman the super hero of Gotham City.
For several days in a row, there has been no passionate kiss in the morning and no romantic intimate time at night. When you two were in love, it was so sweet and romantic, with constant surprises from morning to night. Now you live like a fucking widow, waking up with a messy quilt beside your bed without your lover. Few days ago, you woke up two hours earlier to make breakfast for him, but he washed himself and ran out with his briefcase as soon as he woke up.
Thinking back to the scene of honeymoon in Maldives, it was simply a stunning beauty. He was so charming in bed, and you couldn't get out of bed for several days. Before, you had a passionate and romantic life, but now you feel bored. It's really different after marriage, and you start to doubt whether this marriage has lost its freshness. You go downstairs to the living room and look at the quiet home, a home without your husband. You sit on the sofa, turn on the TV, pick up a magazine and read it, and your husband's face is printed on the cover.
"Mommy, good morning." You heard someone coming down the stairs, you looked in that direction. It was the cheerful and sunny eldest son Dick Grayson. Before marrying Bruce, he told you that he had adopted children, and he was one of them.
At first, you were a little hesitant about whether you should marry Bruce Wayne. After all, when you were pursuing your career, you met your dear husband at a certain moment. At the beginning, you chose love for him, including his three adopted children and the child he had with another woman. Before you two got married, he introduced his children to you, and it was really strange at first because two children of almost the same age called you mom.
Your marriage was a simple process, without any exaggerated style, and without signing any prenuptial agreement. You just invited family and friends to witness it. When you two were in love, you were questioned by everyone. That fucking rich playboy actually going to get married. You also doubted whether you were too anxious to marry him after dating for a few months, but now there is no way to regret it.
However, after getting along for a long time, you found although the four sons have their own personalities and tempers, but not make you hate them. On the contrary, you, who have no children, have a motherly love for them. Sometimes Dick was so badly injured when he came home from patrol that you almost felt heartbroken. You put the magazine on the sofa and stood up to wave to him enthusiastically, "Good morning, sunny boy. Do you want to have breakfast together?"
"Okay, I'm starving. Where's Bruce?" He ran to living room excitedly and looked around for your husband.
When mention Bruce's name, you used to like him so much, but now you don't like him so much. When you were busy at work, you would rush to him excitedly when colleagues said Bruce was here to see you. Now... better not say it, it makes my husband seem dead. You sighed deeply, and looked at Dick in a sarcastic and indifferent way, "Sunny boy, Bruce went to work, early in the morning."
He realized he had touched your sore spot and immediately shut up. He thought about how to comfort you for a long time, and he looked very panicked. Dick as the eldest son in the family and was the most considerate of others' feelings. Sometimes he accidentally touch people's sore spots like now. He snapped fingers and said, "I'll make breakfast today! Mommy, you wait here."
You laughed out loud, you never get tired of seeing him like this. "Then I'll leave it to you."
He gave a thumbs-up gesture and ran happily to the kitchen. You continued to flip through the magazine with nothing to do, curious about the content with your husband on it. You noticed a topic that concerned you, the title was Bruce Wayne's new love. The daughter of a certain group company walked into the high-end restaurant with your husband's arm. You pinched the magazine in annoyance, and the quiet life now made you more angry.
"Mommy! Do you want the eggs to be cooked or half-cooked?" Dick walked out with a spatula in his hand. Seeing your resentful look, he was so scared and ran back in sweat.
You put down the magazine in your hand and walk to the kitchen explain to him. You accidentally heard him talking on the phone "Bruce, what the hell are you doing? Mommy is very strange today. Did you make her angry?"
You want to avoid it but can't. You haven't talked to your husband for a few days. Not to mention chatting on the phone, you haven't even said goodnight. Perhaps as you expected, this relationship and marriage is not as good as you imagined, but terrible. It's so embarrassing that children have to worry about the things between you and your husband. The tears and grievances that have been holding back for several days are about to overflow.
At this time, there was no sound in the kitchen. You calmed down and thought about it carefully before going in to talk to him. He hurriedly put his phone back in pocket and pretended to be fine. You leaned aside and smiled, "Sunny boy, do you need your phone to look up the recipe when frying an egg?"
He scratched his head in a troubled manner, holding something in his mouth as if he wanted to say. You vaguely felt something was wrong but just wanted to pretend nothing happened. The more you cared, the more Bruce wanted to leave you. You know some things without having to say them out loud, attitude is everything. Dick called you and interrupted your thoughts, "Mommy, you love mint chocolate, right?"
You were surprised and nodded slightly, curious why he suddenly asked this, "Yes. Why so sudden?"
"We've finished the mint chocolate at home, I’ll buy you some when out to work later." He blurted out, looking a little nervous and anxious.
You laughed out loud, he always treats you so considerately. If only Bruce could learn to be more considerate, you nodded, "Okay, I haven't eaten for a few days, I'm super greedy."
8:30 pm -
You received several messages from the four children.
Dick 🦅: Mommy! Sorry, I have to work overtime. I owe you chocolate first.
Jason 🐺: Mom, I didn't go home today.
Tim 🐦‍⬛: I have something urgent to do today.
Damian 🐶: I'm sleeping at my friend's house.
You 🦭: Ok... Be safe.
The four sons and husband not at home, which makes you even more bored. Usually, Tim and Dick would chat with you, but now everyone has their own lives and there is no need to stay at home. Alfred is a miracle today. He not come back yet. He is really amazing runs around everywhere. Now you are at home like a bodyguard, waiting at home to welcome them home. You want to go back to your own home but don’t want your family to worry about your marriage life. After all, it is unreasonable.
At this time, there was a sound in the hall. You thought the children would not come home today, Alfred had his own things to do, and your husband didn’t come home so early. Who the hell opened the door? ! You quietly left the room, and tried to find out who it was. You saw that person and instantly let go of your nervous mood. It was your husband. It was rare to come home late for a few days. You happily went downstairs to greet him warmly.
"You're home early today, Darling." You still feel sad, but don't want to affect his mood. After all, businessmen are very tired, so you choose to face him with a smile.
He has a smile on face, but looks at a loss. He puts his hands behind back as he has hidden something. "Yes, I finished work early today so went home early."
You point behind him, wondering what it is. "What are you hiding behind you?"
He turns around and smiles awkwardly, "It's nothing."
The more he does this, the more scared you become. You smile helplessly and say, "Darling, are you hiding something from me?"
He hesitates for a moment then says, "I..."
You get straight to the point , "If you are tired of me or want to divorce me, just do it now. Let's not waste our time."
He is surprised and sad to hear this, "Why do you think so?"
You put your hands on your waist look at his face with tears in your eyes. "You have ignored me for several days. Our married life has changed. It is no longer a two-way love. I know you are really busy. At least you have to know your wife is waiting for you every day."
He looked at you with a cold and ruthless attitude, which made your heart hurt even more. "Sweetheart, I really didn't mean to do this. Do you remember I told you there was a big project in the company to deal with?"
You looked at him and nodded bitterly. "I remember."
He walked closer to you, hands still behind his back. "I've been working on that project these days. I can leave work early today because I've finished it."
You looked at him, questioning him. "Then?"
"So I can devote all my extra time and energy to accompany my beautiful sexy wife." He said in a flirting tone that made you feel itchy.
Although you have been ignored for a few days, you are really excited this kind of romantic conversation. "Wow... So thoughtful and romantic."
He took out a bunch of bright blue roses and two boxes of your favorite mint chocolate from the back and gave them to you. "Now the misunderstanding has been resolved, can you forgive me, sweetheart?"
You didn't accept his gift, but put the magazine in front of him, and asked again, "Who is the girl holding your hand?"
Maybe he was surprised because you crushed the magazine, he said with a sly smile, "Her father and I are the leaders of this project. We have eaten in this restaurant and talked about business these days. Her daughter is interested in me, I rejected her because I have a wife."
You looked unbelievable, "Huh?! Are you sure it's not your lover outside?"
He couldn't help laughing and sighed happily, "Do you really think so?"
You turned around, facing away from him, and said indifferently, "I don't know."
He put down the things in his hands, hugged you from behind and kissed your neck deeply. "Sweetheart, women who throw themselves at me are not my type, you know it."
You smiled helplessly, "What you want to say?"
He smiled softly in your ear, "My wife is fucking better than them."
You couldn't hold back your laughter at his words. This guy is really good at teasing. Every word that comes out of that sexy mouth makes several girls fall for him. You want to refute him, but you can't control your inner joy. You have no choice but to forgive your lovely husband. Before you can speak, his hands are in your clothes, exploring various parts of your body.
You turned to look at him in panic, "You idiot! What if they come back suddenly!?"
He buried his head in your fragrant hair until he breathed a warm breath into your ear, "They won't be back today, now is our time."
You feel him about to put his hand between your thighs, his lips and tongue constantly moaning in your ear to woo you, you feel excited by touch, the thing between his thighs has been erected and rubbing against your skin, you haven't been in the pleasure of his touch and body for several days, you take a breath to relax your body, and indulge in the romance and passion he brings.
"Sweetheart, it's just the two of us tonight, we can play wherever we want." You hear his hungry moans reach your ears. "
You break away from his passionate touch, turn around hold his handsome face and lick his lips. He can't resist your temptation and actively kisses your sweet lips. He lifts you up with his strong hands, you kiss his neck from cheek to lips. He takes you to the room and throws you on the bed. The two of you are completely ignited by desire and can't wait. You take off your clothes, unbutton your underwear, and leave a pair of underwear for him to take off.
You lie on the bed facing him, lift one foot and move your pinky toe to seduce him. He unties the tie wrapped around his neck, pulls off his shirt and throws it on the ground, unbuttons his belt and pants, leaving only a pair of boxer briefs. The two of you have been fucking horny for a long time, at least a few times a day, and you both want to make up for the missed opportunities today. He climbs onto the bed, hooks his fingers into your underwear pulls it down bit by bit.
"Darling, how many times tonight?" You stroked his body and flirted with him.
He grabbed your breast with one hand, eager to eat you "until we are satisfied."
He kissed your lips and flicked your nipples with his fingers to stimulate taste buds. You felt his tongue go deep into your lips, stirring them constantly to blend your hot and passionate love juices together. He left your lips, you gasped and moaned shyly. He came to your neck again to lick and kiss it. He acted coquettishly on you in bed with a possessive desire that made you feel extremely happy and satisfied.
He kisses your collarbone and slowly moves towards your plump breasts. He licks his lips looks so naughty that made you very excited. He smells and kisses your breasts until your nipples stand up. His hot passion and breath are all focused on your sensitive nipples. You use your knee to push him between his thighs to arouse his lust. His body trembles and you bite your lips smile mischievously. You really don't get tired of him in bed.
He gently bites and sucks your nipples. You hug him and let him lean against your breasts. He uses his other hand to knead your other breast. His hungry mouth and rough strong hands make you feel so good. You are so satisfied being played with by him. There are only two of you at home. You moan loudly and enjoy it as much as you want. His hand rubbing between your thighs. Your clitoris always played by him and you are about to orgasm. Wow, this is really beautiful.
You thought of a question and grabbed his hair. "Wait, Darling."
He looked unhappy that his time was interrupted. "Really? What?"
You looked at him curiously with a smirk. "Was it your idea to have everyone away tonight?"
He pinched your nipples and pulled gently, buried his head in your clitoris licked it a few times to refuse. It was so great until you clutched the quilt, a wave of hot collisions hit your body. Your toes trembled, and the moans in your mouth could not stop. You wanted to stop and take a breath, but he didn't give you that chance, kept playing with your wet clitoris. He stopped and licked his lips. "That's right, otherwise I can't hear your voice clearly."
You finally had time to relax after a breath. "You can hear my voice every day."
During the conversation, his restless fingers went in and massaged your insides repeatedly. "When sex at home, you concerned about the children and try not to scream loudly. You screamed so excitedly and beautifully on your honeymoon before."
You straighten your waist, feel how deep his fingers are moving inside you. "Ha—Bruce...wait a minute, I'm almost there!"
He bites his lips ignite his sexual desire, and his fingers keep playing with your G-spot inside, you are almost going crazy. You can't hold back his fierce and crazy rhythm, your clitoris is made to cum by his fingers. The long-suppressed and longed desire is finally released, you fall on the bed rest for a while relax yourself. Your husband leave the bed and take off his last boxer briefs, revealing his hard and big cock.
He can't wait any longer, you spread your legs invite him in. He holds your waist to pulls you closer, he lifts your left leg puts it on his shoulder, he holds his cock and rubs it outside your clitoris to let it fill up with your love juices then inserts it into your body, his cock enter your body drop by drop until it reaches the bottom, your body trembles with excitement, you can feel his cock filling you up, fuck.
He holds your hips bring you closer to him, you can feel how strong his temperature is inside you "Damn, it's still so tight no matter how many times I come in."
You grabbed his arms with all your strength, enjoying the feeling of being pampered by him. You two spent so much happiness in bed together, and you could remember every moment of it vividly. You almost lost count of how many times you moaned for him and how much pleasure you held back. "You're so fucking big, Ha—"
He rubbed your clitoris, and his body bumped into you and pushed all the way in. You could feel his cock going deeper and deeper into you, you both finally got the satisfaction had been craving for days. He lay on top of you, you clamped your legs around him to let him go deeper into you. He slapped your buttocks with his palm on a whim. This was his habit to increase your stimulation. The sound of your two moans spread throughout the room, and the room was filled with a rich and warm atmosphere. The two of you enjoyed and indulged in it.
He licks your neck and sucks it leaving a deep red mark, this guy is so fucking possessive. But it feels so fucking good, you grab his back hard in excitement and leave a mark. But he doesn't care and smirks even more happily, he keeps fucking you hard in your clit. You can't hold it anymore, you're about to cum. His cock fucks you harder inside you, you clench it because you're about to cum.
You hug Bruce tightly and bury your head in his shoulder, you are so excited that you cum "Fuck! Bruce! Ah-!"
You don't know how much love juice you cum, you just know that your husband really fucking makes you cum so hard, when you take a breath he laughs in your ear "I'm almost there too, you're awesome."
He pulled his cock out of you, you knew he wanted to change positions. You were lying on the bed in a doggy style position, and your peachy buttocks were so raised that he wanted to cum in you even more. He lifted your long hair and kissed from your neck all the way to your waist, then kissed your buttocks and slapped them. You couldn't hold back, your body twitched and screamed out in shame. He used his cock play with your buttocks, the wetness from the love juice just now staining your peachy buttocks.
He was satisfied with playing with you and directly inserted his cock into your body. His cock rubbed all over your body. You pinched the quilt to force the pleasure of release. Bruce leaned over and stretched out his hand to hold your hand tightly. He had reached his limit and was about to climax. You heard his moans and panting sounds lingering in your ears. He held your abdomen with other hand to support you. He knew that you were about to release.
He bit your ear, and a strong breath penetrated your ear. "Honey, I want to fill you up."
You nodded and closed your eyes. "I'm going to cum too - Bruce - cum inside!"
He slowed down and then accelerated the speed of fucking and bumping into you until his body trembled, and you felt his hot semen flowing into your body. He pulled out his cock with some semen on it. You sat on the bed saw some semen leaked from the clitoris on the inside of your thigh and dripped onto the bed. You stood up wanted to wipe it with a tissue, but your waist didn't have the strength to move. It was really too intense.
Bruce went to the bedside table took out box of tissues and then held you on his lap. He spread your legs apart with his hands. To be honest, it was quite embarrassing, you was exposing your clitoris nakedly. He gently cleaned it for you, cleaned the semen for you every time after sex. You leaned your head back on him, enjoying the feeling of being pampered and cared for by him after sex.
Thanks to him sending the others away leaving the two of you alone, you haven't screamed so much since moving here. After a hot and passionate night, you fucking get the satisfaction from your husband. After he cleaned your clitoris, he hugged you tightly gave you a passionate kiss on your cheek. You turned your head look at his handsome and confident face, and laughed out loud accidentally, which made him confused.
"What's wrong? Honey, you're smiling so happily."
"Nothing, I didn't expect you send other people away for our time."
"I just want you to moan loudly and wildly, I love to hear it."
You turned and looked at him shyly with a confident smirk "Fuck you, bastard Bruce Wayne."
He pinched your nipples with his fingers. "You naughty girl, I would rather hear you call me love."
His erotic fingers playing with your nipples. His hands are groping around body until they reach your clitoris. This time he inserts two fingers into you, playing with your nipples while playing with your clitoris. His hands are really great at making you feel so good. His fingers are constantly moving quickly inside you. He raises his fingers and pushes your climax point, making your body tremble and squirt directly. He is really good at using his fingers.
He takes two fingers out, which are covered with your wet love juice. He licks them with a satisfied look. This guy is obviously more than ten years older than you, but he has so much energy that you can't imagine. You are so addicted to his playing with you, you moan shyly, "Wait a minute, love - I want to rest before -"
He laughs in your ear "What a good girl."
Nine o'clock in the morning -
Last night until midnight, you experienced several rounds of sex, you got the satisfaction and happiness had been longing for. After several fierce sex, you two took a shower together and fell asleep on the bed without even putting on clothes. In the blink of an eye, it was already morning, and you felt someone kneading your breasts. You knew it was your husband's perverted and unplaced hands. He never felt tired of doing this, but it was really comfortable. You let him knead and massage as he pleased. He didn't stop until there was a knock on the door. He got up from the bed and put on his pajamas and went to the door. You hid under the quilt didn't come out because still naked.
You heard Alfred's voice, "Good morning, Master Wayne. Breakfast is ready, you two can come down to eat."
"Got it. She and I will go down together later."
He closed the door and walked to your side sat on the bed. You came out from under the quilt and leaned on his shoulder, "I'm hungry."
He laughed at your words and breathed, hugging your shoulders, "Got it. Let's go downstairs to have breakfast after changing clothes."
You both got out of bed went to bathroom to wash up. You took a set of lace bra and panties from the closet put them on. You choose a one-shoulder off-shoulder top and black trousers put them on. You sat in front of the mirror put on some light makeup and sprayed some light perfume on your neck. Bruce changed into neat clothes and stood behind you to watch you dress yourself up. He lifted your long hair put his hand on your neck, then slowly touched your shoulders and gave you a kiss.
"Sweetheart, you are so beautiful. I was fascinated by you the first time I saw you. I felt love for you at first sight."
"Mr. Bruce Wayne, you really have a sweet mouth."
"Every word I say is true and sincere."
You touched his hand and smiled, "I know, darling."
The phone in his pocket rang. He took it out and saw the contact on it was from his work unit. "Sorry, I have to answer the call first."
You know very well your husband is a busy man, you leave the room and go downstairs. You see Alfred chatting with other children. It's a rare morning that Jason is here too. He and Bruce had a dispute over some personal matters. Although he moved out for a while, he occasionally comes back here. Bruce takes special care of him even keeps his things in the room. Dick sees you coming downstairs and quickly runs to the stairs to greet you warmly.
"Mommy, good morning. You got up so late today."
You massage your shoulders "Good morning, sunshine boy. Yes, I have something to do with your dad."
Suddenly Tim puts a bouquet of blue roses that Bruce gave you last night in front of you "You two are really energetic."
You hold Tim's shoulders "I'm a victim too, Tim boy."
He nodded and gave a thumbs-up. "I understand. Other women escaped from his clutches, but you signed a lifetime contract with him."
They are close to your age, but get along with you like friends instead of sons. You took the bouquet in Tim's hand and said, "Where did you guys sleep yesterday?"
Jason put his arm around Dick's shoulder, looking very cool and unique. "Ha! Damn it, because of you and Bruce, these damn guys broke into my house and spent the night yesterday."
You feel a little sorry for letting the kids suffer outside. "I'm so sorry, I didn't expect him to be so... You know, I'll tell Bruce later."
Jason winked at you and pointed your neck. "Did he bite you yesterday?"
You forgot there were traces of him on your neck and you were wearing an off-shoulder top. You hurriedly covered it up with an awkward smile on your face. "You know too much."
Alfred took the flowers away, put them in a vase and placed them aside. You saw Damian sitting alone on the sofa. To be honest, you care about him because he is Bruce's child with another woman. You thought many problems before you married Bruce, you knew Damian would always distance himself from you. But you couldn't force to get along with him. You could only accept everything as it came. If you forced it, neither of you would be happy.
You keep some distance from him because you two have nothing to say to each other, just occasionally say hello, glad he responds to you. At this time, your husband comes downstairs after finishing his phone call and say hello to the children. The first person who rushes to your husband is definitely Jason because he is full of complaints. You sit aside watch the two father and son bickering, which makes you laugh. You feel a surge of eyes rushing up, it is Damian who just avoids your sight.
"Ahem, everyone, come and eat breakfast while it's still hot." Hearing Alfred mention breakfast, everyone immediately rushed to the dining area. Your husband sat in the middle and you sat next to him. Alfred poured you a cup of fragrant coffee and handed it to you. You took it and toasted with Tim who was sitting opposite you. This made your husband laugh. The common point between you and Tim boy is love coffee.
—The End—
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AO3 Wayne Family by owlwithanapple
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dxxtruction · 2 days
"Louis acting like a pimp to Armand" And what is a pimp exactly? Quickly. And, oh so sexual trauma survivors can't engage in kink now without it being all about that? Pet names? They can't be submissive anymore? Consensually? Sexually healthy? Be serious. I'd hardly say there's much power difference between them during all this anyway, except that Louis is freer than Armand and it's been putting a strain on their relationship. Louis wants more from Armand, and less of this 'being his past' for them both, and so helping Armand with this could fix that. It's healthy to want to help your partners get out of a rough patch?
I mean, the whole exchange was very clearly set up as a "I want to help you" after such a great moment of vulnerability Louis feels just how much Armand is desperate for it. Louis called Armand so they could work out a plan together.
And the bit with the umbrella was Louis' way of asking 'are you willing to listen to me?' and Armand said yes by unfolding it. Louis goes on and explains, Armand is allowed to argue against it, but Louis makes his point. And then he gives Armand a way to make his own choice in it too. Armand's already decided 'I want you, more than anything else in the world', but Louis still asks after if he's sure of his choice, and with a name, Arun, that is the one of his fullest agency, running the point home. Honoring the situation Armand calls Louis Maitre - as a way of being like 'I'll do as you've said then'. To make this work he's going to have to give Louis some of the control, yes. But it's the first time such a role is ever established, and it was his choice to do it. So so what if they do it in a very suggestive way? They can't like doing that? I think it's them having fun.
I struggle to find how Louis is being overly domineering here when really he's giving and offering Armand the most agency he's ever had. Same with finding it manipulative. The manipulation was more earlier in the episode I think, when he was stringing him along, giving mixed signals. He's no longer toying with him like that. Louis might be pushing Armand, leading him on to make a decision, but he doesn't mean bad by it.
But back to this pimp thing. I find it frankly offensive that this is where people are going with this. I get it, but to run with it being the case is, on many levels, wrong.
Louis told us episode 1 this was the only sustainable line of work to support his family and keep their standing, at the time. It was never his choice to be doing this either but his blackness allowed no other options. He did what he did so his family could stay in that house and maintain all their same comforts. It gave him privileges most black men didn't have at the time that he wanted to maintain and even have more of. Anyway, it doesn't and had never defined him the way 'being good at running things' had. And in that case he just likes having that kind of control where he can get it, which makes sense.
The world is what placed that kind of role onto him of what he was allowed to be able to run, not himself. And on that he actually treated the sex workers he employed well and respected them enough to give them more opportunity.** He recognizes they don't have much in the way of options either.
Louis employed sex workers, yes, but he didn't subject them to abuse, (like how Armand was)*. He didn't oversee things in a way that would go against their consent (see; episode 1 again)**. Sometimes a job is just a job. And Sex work is work.
Armand's particular past with sexual abuses may strike a particular cord with Louis, given all that, but the very last thing either is thinking is that Louis' pimping Armand out here. This is merely their decision as companions, and had nothing to do with adding another line in a laundry list of selling Armands body out to people at the command of someone else. Armand rescinds some of his control to Louis' wishes, because he wants him, and he trusts him, that's all.
If you aren't allowing Armand that choice, and are doubtful it's fully his, you're putting him right back in the box of being defined by his abuses. Putting him back into that space where he isn't given any agency over what he does.
*: (edit) added for clarity.
**: (strike through) numerous people are saying I'm misremembering these points so disregard it. (Thought he was siding with Bricks, it was the other way around). (Technically those opportunities were for getting around the law). I don't have a perfect memory, it happens. Let's not get mad about it. Doesn't change much of the point which is that Louis, now, Louis then, was always considering more about the running things. So I guess I'd say he may only have respected the SWers enough for what allowed him to do that, or at least part of the time anyway, but he has a great deal higher respect for Armand that is genuine. It's incomparable. Please read my added notes in the tags, I put those in not long after uploading several hours ago as of typing this. It should address most concerns.
#amc iwtv#iwtv spoilers#iwtv season 2#Loumand#louis du pointe du lac#armand#interview with the vampire#IWTV#Many people are ranting about this but I'm throwing my hat in too#anyway stop infantilizing him its weird#signed someone who went through csa and is close friends with many swers#long rant#noticing spelling errors in this after posting ffff#added note: I'm not saying armand and louis dynamic is without it's flaws or that louis was somehow without his exploitation and faults#while he was a pimp#as a pimp though he certainly wasn't going about it in the same way as what had happened in the brothel or with marius#I more so say that their very actions are of a healthier dynamic than that this is true even if they themselves are not exactly so#all for nuanced and messed up relationships that run everywhere in this show#But I still don't see it as that specific dynamic I wouldn't call it that there's just an amount of that dominence at play#neither want to be tethered to the roles they've been playing previously and they aren't entirely different for it but#are still arriving to this idea of needing something new to define themselves by and something they both want#they're exploring with this companionship that they're still trying to get a feel for#we as an audience might know they never do fully work their shit out and so are doomed but they don't at that point#last thing I guess is that I am not here to police what people think it's fictional and not that serious 4 me 2 care enough 2 go after any1#not individually no#I still caution using this idea of it being like pimping for reasons above and its racist implications as others have said more bluntly#where the line on accepting the problematic is problematic yet still capable of being portrayed in fiction lies on this one?#Thats the line your going to have to draw yourself I suppose. And mine is clearly where I've put it I won't engage with this interpretation#These are just my thoughts
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Little Love
Love Bites, Chapter 3 // Love Bites {Masterlist}
Ship: Astarion Ancunin x fem!vampire spawn!elf!Tav/reader
Summary: Appearances can be deceiving, but they can also tell you everything you need to know. A second look at the elf you once called a friend is all you need to fill in the two-hundred year gap.
Word Count: 4,631 words
Warnings: flashback within a flashback (your perspective), alcohol, Astarion's parents (I gave them my own names), grave desecration, grief
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☟ Continue below the fold ☟
Astarion never went back to the same tavern twice. Not for many years, at least. But, against his better judgment, he went back to yours, three nights later.
He wasn’t sure what was drawing him back, not really. It wasn’t as if this particular tavern seemed very promising. Its patrons were, well, regular people. Nothing about them seemed particularly special. In fact, it was probably more dangerous to be going back so soon—for all Astarion knew, Rahul’s friends were still loitering there and would kill him the moment they saw the man Rahul had left the tavern with. The last man who ever saw Rahul alive. 
His other victims from the past two nights were inconsequential. They hadn’t insisted on telling him their names, the male druid and female elf who had each been a little more than an hour’s worth of his time combined. They had been easy targets, lonely people who were all too easy to seduce. He almost felt bad for them. But not as bad as he felt about Rahul. Both nights, Astarion had jolted out of his trances with a shout upon hearing Rahul’s screams in his dreams again. Both times, he’d been rewarded by Godey with a whipping. 
Even as he walked into the tavern, Astarion wasn’t sure what he was doing. It was only after the door had swung shut behind him, hitting a little bell as it did, and you looked over from the bar and raised a hand in greeting did he realize why he’d come back.
He locked eyes with you as he made his way toward a small table in the corner. He paused, watching you. There was something in your eyes that made the tension in his shoulders disappear. 
You’d done your hair differently today. It was braided back, a couple strands of it loose around your face, clearly having escaped during your work. Your beautiful face had morphed into an expression of surprise, like you were shocked to see him here again.
But there was something else in it—the slightest bit of repressed hope, an expression Astarion had seen all too often on the faces of his victims just before they died, when they still thought he might save them from his master. 
On your face, though, hope was comforting. You looked almost…relieved to see him. 
Before he realized what he was doing, Astarion turned toward the bar and sat directly in front of you. He heard your breath catch in your throat and your pulse speed up and for a moment he felt a twinge of regret. You, too, would make an easy target. 
You recovered quickly, however. You finished wiping down the bartop and dropped the rag into the sink. You leaned on the bartop. “What can I get you tonight, sir?”
“A glass of your finest red wine,” he says after a moment of thought. 
Something minute in your face changed. You blinked too fast and hid the look in your eyes, but for a moment the façade of a bartender serving a patron disappeared. It was only a second, but was enough for the gears in Astarion’s head to start turning.
You laughed with a smile on your face. “You’re going to have to be more specific, hun. The ‘finest red wine’ changes from person to person. What kind of flavor are you going for?”
Hun. The moniker stood out in Astarion’s mind, dominating every other word you’d said. Hun, short for honey, and for some reason, he could hear the complete word in your voice: softer, gentler, loving. Not at all the way a bartender speaks to her patrons. 
Only after you raised your brow did Astarion remember you’d asked him a question. He shook himself out of his head. “Oh, something full-bodied,” he said. 
“Now that I can work with,” you said. You turned to search your shelves and Astarion watched you release a long breath very slowly. You wiped your palms on your pants before reaching up and sliding a bottle from its place. You presented the bottle to him. “How about this?”
Astarion studied the label and vintage. “I’ll admit, I’ve never heard of it,” he said, shrugging idly. “But if you think I’ll like it, I’m inclined to trust you.”
He watched you cut off the wax seal and uncork the bottle. You poured enough for a tasting into the glass and slid it across the bartop to him. 
“How does that taste?”
Astarion sniffed the wine before swallowing it down. Pleasantly, it didn’t taste like vinegar, like most wines he’d had the bad luck to drink in tavern after tavern. He could taste the alcohol and the grapes and the blackberry undertones easily, all melding together wonderfully.
“This,” he said, passing back the glass, “is absolutely what I am looking for.”
You grinned and filled up the glass. “I thought it might be.”
Astarion swirled his glass while you re-corked the bottle and set it in ice. He watched as you helped another patron sitting at the bar, a middle-aged woman complaining about her husband being out of work and asking if there was perhaps a job for him at the tavern.
You calmed her as you made her cocktail, talking soothingly and nodding in sympathy as she complained about trying to feed their infant. It was your sympathy that made Astarion feel pity for the woman. 
Something about you was achingly familiar. There were times when you spoke, certain words that you said, that struck a chord in him, simply because they sounded familiar. The way you moved behind the bar, so graceful in a space that was unbearably small, seemed comfortable to Astarion, as if he would be able to anticipate your movements and react accordingly if he were to join you behind the bar. 
It was almost painful, this feeling of familiarity and alienation combining in one person. It was like the nights when Astarion first realized he was forgetting his life before being a vampire where he would sit in the dark and grasp at straws for pieces of his life, only for his mother’s face to fade into nothingness and his father’s voice to be lost in the shadows forever and—
A twinge of pain split through Astarion. It was nothing compared to the pain Cazador or Godey regularly inflicted on him, but it was enough to make him flinch anyway. He rubbed his temple as if he could will the building migraine away.
Your eyes flicked over to him, watching the motion with concern, but it just confused Astarion further. You reacted to him so readily, so easily. If it hadn’t been for how innately close and familiar you felt, Astarion would simply have chalked it up to your attraction for him. It wasn’t unlike his prey to keep a close eye on him. But he hadn’t even picked you as his victim for the night, he hadn’t even attempted to seduce you yet. This was entirely of your own accord. 
You gave the woman her drink and pulled your braid over your shoulder as you helped the female tiefling Astarion had seen and considered taking back to Cazador the other day. Suddenly he was very glad he hadn’t; the disappearance of a regular might have been enough to force him out of this part of town for several months at least. 
Astarion glanced over his shoulder at the rest of the tavern. He didn’t see the group Rahul had been with anywhere; perhaps they had already moved on, without a care in the world for their lost friend or comrade or what have you.
Perhaps they thought Rahul had settled into a happy life with a nice young man and would be staying here to live out his days, enjoying nights of passion and drinks at a nice tavern and playing the protector of the pretty boy elf he’d left with. 
Astarion wasn’t sure if it was for his own sake or Rahul’s that he wished that such a fantasy was what they believed. 
As you gave the tiefling a glass of champagne, your eyes strayed back to Astarion. He caught your glance and grinned.
“Surprised to see me still sitting here?” he teased.
You shrugged. “You were here three days ago and vanished without a trace. Forgive me if I feel like you might blow away in the wind.”
“Sometimes it feels like I might.” The words slipped out without any thought behind them. For a moment, Astarion wondered what the hell was wrong with him to dare say such a thing, but your sympathetic smile soothed him.
The talent of a well-practiced bartender, he thought. Get your patrons to loosen up, ply them for more liquor, take home more money—all by smiling and charming and flirting. From one actor to another, I must hand it to her. She’s quite good at this kind of thing.
“Wanna talk about it?” you asked, propping your head up on your hand. The movement exposed more of your cleavage, but judging from the look in your eyes, Astarion guessed that wasn’t your purpose in the movement. You genuinely wanted him to open up.
Your gaze stopped him from speaking. Your eyes were clear and focused entirely on him. You weren’t like the other bartenders he’d chatted up in the past, with their shifting eyes betraying how they were never really focused on him but instead on their tavern and the other patrons they could squeeze more coin out of. 
And, what’s more, your lips formed a soft smile. Joy and love and the sun itself seemed to radiate from you and your expressive face. You looked at him the way a young woman ought to look at her betrothed, with the purity of young love, much more genuine than the pseudo-love and lust he so often saw in his victims. 
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Astarion whispered, unable to stop himself from asking. 
You realized yourself quite suddenly. Your face dropped and Astarion wanted to beg you to look at him like that again, to apologize and say he never wanted you to stop looking at him like that—he just wanted to know why? Why had you chosen him to be the object of your affections?
Your eyes dipped to the bartop, where his fingers still held the stem of his glass. “I’m sorry,” you said softly. “You— You remind me of someone I know. Someone I miss.”
“A lover?” Astarion guessed, attempting to make it into a tease.
“More than that,” you said, your voice impossibly soft and serious. You fiddled with the strings on your corset. “He was my best friend.”
Astarion’s heart sank in his chest. “Was?”
You nodded slowly. “He died. A long, long time ago.” You shake yourself out of the sorrow that settled on you like a blanket. “You just so happen to look a lot like him. Hells, you even sound like him, just a little bit. I’m sorry if that made…this…strange. You just…sort of brought him back to me, for a moment.”
“Not at all,” Astarion said quietly. “I’m…happy to have brought you that.”
You nodded, lost in your thoughts, your eyes fixated on his. Your lower lip trembled. You sought words, but came up empty handed. All you said was, again, “You remind me of him.”
It’s him. By the gods, it’s really him.
You kept busy for the rest of the night, watching Astarion out of the corner of your eye. For he was Astarion, you were certain of that now. Hearing his voice, smooth and suave and the same as you remembered had confirmed it for you. The moment he’d requested your finest red wine, you could hear him calling you darling, could hear your name rolling off his tongue. 
He didn’t remember you, that much was obvious. Some part of you was glad he didn’t, because you weren’t sure what you would have done if he had remembered who you were. You had to focus on that gladness, or else you were going to focus on the disappointment, which made you want to sit on the floor and cry like you had when you’d first received word that he was dead—the kind of crying that left you shaking and never seemed to stop and sounded more like screams than anything else. 
You were also quite certain he would not be flirting with the young elf sitting next to him if he remembered you, his best friend since birth and lover of nearly two decades. 
Perhaps even more obvious than his lack of memory was how he was alive—or rather, undead, for it was quite clear he was a vampire. He was careful to hide his fangs, but the red eyes were enough for you to know, combined with the paleness of his skin and the color of the skin around his eyes. It might have been two hundred years, but you knew your lover well-enough to know he had not been quite so pale in his life. 
The realization of what he was answered a question that had lingered in your mind for years, ever since you’d paid a visit to his desecrated grave. The city had explained the dug-up earth to be the vandalism of the gang that had first attacked and killed him and had assured you and the Ancunins that Astarion’s coffin had not been touched; his body remained inside.
Clearly, they had been wrong. 
You glanced at Astarion. The smug, seductive, confident look on his face was that of a practiced lover, nothing like the goofy and slightly shy boy you had made love to. You wondered what happened, but knew a lot could happen in the two hundred years between now and that terrible night. 
The Ancunins walked hand-in-hand. You were just ahead of them, leading the way to their son’s grave, a plot you had chosen to keep their beautiful boy in the sun at high noon. It was far from high noon now; they had chosen to visit the grave in the night, certain they would be attacked by the Gur who had killed their boy if they were seen mourning. 
It was a beautiful night, the kind of night you and Astarion would have loved. He would have held your hand and helped you to climb up to the roof, and you would have sat there for hours, cuddling and talking and admiring the stars he’d been named after. He would have told you about his day at work and played with your bracelets and rings when talking about the difficult rulings he’d made that day made him anxious all over again. He would have wrapped his cloak around your shoulders when you got cold. He would have kissed your nose when you asked to go back to the safety of the bed you shared. He would have helped you climb down and would have put you to bed, only to go stand on the balcony to stare up at the sky for a few moments more. 
He loved the night, and this was the kind of night he would have wanted to have lasted forever: not so cold that you shivered instantly, but cold enough to have a chill bite in the air. Bats danced in the air and wisps of clouds moved across the moon and stars. Pale light illuminated the world in a hauntingly beautiful way. It seemed particularly cruel. 
His mother trembled terribly. Already, silver tear tracks stained her cheeks. You had never seen Selwynn so frail, so scared. Even when she’d found out her son had been murdered, she hadn’t been the skeleton she was now. No, then she had been a fire, screaming and raging and demanding answers until the tears started coming. Now she was a ghost, silent and pale, her veins stark against her skin. All the life and color had drained from her in the past few days. 
His father fared better, but not by much. Thesan’s eyes were sunken, his hair matted and limp, the whites of his eyes bloodshot, though he had not cried at all since he heard the news, unlike his wife. He hadn’t been resting, but then again, none of you had. More than once, your mother had stumbled across you in the night to find you in the kitchen, staring sightlessly into the dark, a glass of water held limply in your hand.
You were glad you hadn’t let them see the body. Looking at them now, you were certain it would have broken them to see their golden boy without life. It had been enough to break you; let them, at least, live out their long lives with their last memories of their son being of him alive and smiling and kissing them goodbye as he left for work. 
Somewhere in the graveyard, an owl called. Another answered. Mice squeaked and scattered nearby, scurrying for shelter amongst the fallen leaves and in the shadows of tall graves. 
“Where is he?” Astarion’s mother asked. Her voice was little more than a faint whisper, lost easily in the slightest breeze. Gone was the strong, operatic voice that had once sung her son to sleep when he was little. “Where’s my son?”
“Patience, darling,” Thesan said, sounding just as—if not more—tired as she. 
“He’s just ahead,” you promised. You looked forward to where you knew his grave to be. Through the grey dark, you read his name on the stone and it felt wrong, like it went against the grain of your life to see him like this—a stone instead of a young man. 
The three of you came to a rest before the headstone. You took a step back and let them crouch before their son. Silence fell heavily over them and the cemetery. Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes; you looked down so they couldn’t see you cry. They’d seen enough of your tears. 
“Astarion,” Selwynn whispered, her voice wavering. She reached out to touch the stone, tracing her son’s name carved into it with care. For a moment, she seemed to be at peace, looking at his name. It didn’t last. In moments, she crumbled with a cry that was a cross between a sob and a scream. 
She keeled forward, grabbing the stone and pressing her forehead to it. She inhaled sharply and coughed on her own tears. When she finally cleared her throat, helped by her husband rubbing her back, her cries became wails that shook her entire body. The freshly turned dirt beneath her began to stain her pale grey dress. 
Thesan puts an arm around his wife’s back, comforting her the only way he could, and he put his palm on the top of the stone. He began murmuring in Elvish, too low for you to hear clearly, but you caught a few words and understood he was whispering for his son to find safety in the afterlife, until he was reborn. After a moment, his broad shoulders began to shake and your heart cracked in half as you realized he was crying for the first time. His tears interrupted his speech every so often.
You wiped your tears from your eyelashes and sat on the ground. You hugged your legs to your chest, biting your lip so hard you drew blood to keep yourself from crying again. 
His father looked up at the starry sky, a fist raised in anger. “He’s still a child!” he shouted. “A child! And he’s in the godsdamned ground!”
A sharp cry came from Astarion’s mother and she got to her feet so quickly she knocked her husband to the ground. She looked at you and you rose from where you sat.
“I can’t stay here,” she gasped through tears. “He’s beneath me. I can’t— He— He shouldn’t be… He should be in my arms! In your arms! But he’s beneath me!” 
She looked at the ground like she might start digging it up to see her little boy again. You took her hands in hers, holding her tightly. 
“It’s okay, you don’t have to stay. You can go. It’s okay. He’ll understand. He knows, I promise you he knows,” you whispered. A tear rolled down your cheek. 
Selwynn squeezed her eyes shut. “I just want him to be okay…”
“He is okay,” you promised. “He is with the gods. They’ll send him back to us, one day, in a new body.”
Her lower lip trembled. “But he won’t be my son anymore.”
“There can always be more children,” Thesan started, speaking hesitantly.
“No!” she snapped, almost screamed, at him. She drew in a deep breath and shook her head. Calmer, she repeated, “No.”
He nodded. “I thought not.” He wrapped her in his arms and she cried into his chest. He opened his arm to you and you joined them in their hug. “You are still our daughter, even if you are not marrying our son. You are…the only family we have left.”
A small sob escaped you. Your body trembled as you looked up at him; you had always thought Astarion resembled his mother more, but now all you could see was the man Astarion would never get to be in his father’s face. “Thank you.”
He kissed his wife’s hair. “Come, darling. We should get home. You need to rest.”
You led them out of the cemetery. It was only after you were closing the gate leading into it that Selwynn stopped short, gasping loudly.
“Flowers! I— I forgot to put flowers on his grave,” she moaned, folding her hands above her heart. She glanced at the flowers outside the gate door. “I have to go back—”
“I’ll do it,” you said. “Get some rest. You need it. You deserve it, after all of this.”
“He deserves flowers from his mother,” she said weakly.
“In the morning,” Thesan said. “When all of this has died down, we can come back and pay him our respects.”
You shared a look of understanding with him; even if it took weeks, months, years for Baldur’s Gate to stop reeling from this crime and for the Gur to calm down from the ruling—which was being reversed later in the week, much to the relief of everyone else who the Gur had believed complicit in Astarion’s actions and who had feared for their own lives—the Ancunins would visit their son again to say farewell when they could finally do so in peace.
You watched them go. Several long, silent minutes passed, but you waited until they were out of your sight and you were alone before you bent to pick flowers for your lover. You chose them carefully, plucking only the most vibrant and tallest and fullest for him. Once you had a sizable bouquet of wildflowers in your hand, you headed back through the cemetery and search out Astarion’s headstone again. You found it easily, but your heart stopped beating when you saw it.
Something was wrong. You knew it instantly. The already chill air seemed to turn frigid as you looked at the plot. It was too dark, too big, spilling into the spaces next to it. It looked nothing like it did only minutes ago. 
An iron tang filled your nose, distinct and wrong and laced with something you could only describe as evil. 
You ran, dodging around headstones to get to the grave—to get to Astarion—as fast as possible.
I couldn’t protect him that night. I have to protect him now!
Mud squelched beneath your feet, smelling strongly of blood and death. You looked at it in horror; it was a mix of dirt and gravel and clay from deep in the earth, all of it soaked in blood. All of it in piles, coming from the center of Astarion’s grave. 
The smell was worse than the sight: chemicals of entombment, the body’s natural gasses, blood, vomit, sweat, urine. Something about it seemed alcoholic and heady, making you sway on your feet, though you knew that could easily just be from your disgust. 
But worst of all, his stone was splattered with the terrible mixture. 
Your stomach dropped to your feet and then rose to your throat. You cupped a hand over your mouth to keep back your bile. Tears streamed down your face.
A moment. You had been gone only a moment. And in that time, someone—or multiple someones—had come and desecrated your lover’s grave, as if killing him had been enough. 
You fell to your knees with a gut-wrenching scream. You bent in half, clutching the flowers to your chest, clenching your teeth tightly. You bit down on your hand to keep from screaming again.
Muffled sobs ripped themselves from your chest. “Astarion,” you gasped. “Astarion, I’m sorry! I’m so fucking sorry! I— I— I’ll fix this! I promise! I’ll…I’ll speak to the town’s jury, I’ll get them to punish whoever did it— Gods, your grave. Your beautiful stone…”
Mindlessly, you put the flowers aside. You stepped around the muddy mess of chopped up dirt and pulled out your handkerchief. You cleaned the stone with it as best as you could, using your fingers and spit when the cloth was too dirty to do anything else but push the gunk around. 
“There,” you said when it was as clean as you could get it. “Clean. Clean like you.”
You looked at the turned grave dirt. “I have to fix this, too. Your parents—I can’t let them see you like this, can I? They’ll be devastated.” 
You got back on your knees and began shoving the dirt back over the grave, patting it back down and drenching your hands and arms with bloody dirt. As you worked, you spoke to him: “I’ll get this all sorted out in the morning, love, I promise. I’ll get you justice. I won’t stand for this, Astarion. I’ll talk to someone first thing tomorrow morning. They’ve already killed you, can’t they just leave you be? Is dying not enough for—for a simple ruling? Yes, I admit, it wasn’t the best decision you could have made, but there had to be a better solution than…than mugging you in a godsdamned alleyway and then desecrating your grave! At the very least, if they can’t respect you, can’t they have some respect for your parents? For me? Your mother doesn’t deserve this endless pain!” You sighed, leaning back and wiping your forehead. Some part of you, the rational part, was aware that you had streaked blood and dirt all over yourself, but the part of you working didn’t care very much. “Of course, I can’t make you too pretty yet, Astarion. I’m sorry, but no one will believe me if I fix you up perfectly. But I can at least make it look like you haven’t been graverobbed.”
You worked for several more minutes. At last, you staggered to your feet, a wave of exhaustion passing through you. 
“You know what?” you said to the headstone. “I’m not waiting until morning. I’m going to go talk to someone right now. I can’t let you stay like this all night. Not when your stars are shining down on you.” Dimly, you were aware that you looked like a graverobber and that you looked insane—but that would probably help your case. “I’ll be back soon, Astarion. I promise I won’t leave you alone like this.”
You began to walk away from his stone. Only a few paces away, you paused and turned around. You stared up at the sky and pointed up at it as if you could command it to watch over your dead lover while you were gone. 
Once more, you knelt to kiss his name. 
☞ ❊ ☜
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[Image Caption: I do not give permission to repost, translate, or publish my work on any other site or app by anyone except myself. I do not give permission for my work to be fed into AI (for audio, art, or writing).]
Baldur's Gate 3 // Astarion Ancunin
Taglist: {comment and let me know if you'd like to be added to the Astarion taglist!} @wayward-hel @cheeslyy @ofmyth-andmagicart @neetheslayer @whispering-depths @freesidexjunkie @lightsinmycity @the0ldmann @gobbodoggo @oooof-ifellforyou @beeblisss @fangboner @aquaarietes @fiercest-eigengrau-skies @niqhtfell @call-me-nyxx @lueji-m @ceres-xiv @tricksy-trinity @graynstairs @rosa-rubus @ynisthatyou @thegoodwitchs-blog @catching-fire-in-the-wind @kiyastrf94 @vincemachina @silverfangmarks @ravenswritingroom @hinata7346 @hellethil
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sexy-monster-fucker · 11 hours
Consorts [Part 5]
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The Ghoul|Cooper Howard x F!Bounty Hunter!Reader
Summary: When the group chasing you attacks while you're sleeping, you have to make a decision as to save a bleeding out Ghoul.
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 <-
a/n: you know I love some good angst
You woke up to an empty room.
No, he wouldn't...
You practically hop off the bed, fighting to put your clothes on.
Gun shots outside.
You ran through the abandoned house, quickly out the door. You had your gun at the ready. You saw Cooper kneeled down, shooting back and forth with the gunmen who had been chasing you. A new group of them had somehow found you.
"Get back inside!" Cooper waved you away. He was bleeding. They must have caught him off guard, there were so many of them. His blood decorated the dirt below him. He was holding his stomach, pointing his gun with the other.
"There she is! The lady of the hour!" One of the bigger guys cocked a grin at you.
"Fuck!" You rushed over to Cooper. You kneeled on the ground in front of him, your hands holding his face to look at you. He lowered his gun. You felt true emotion for him. You had never seen him this vulnerable. His blood got all over you as you held onto him. Your eyes scanned him looking for the wound that caused all this mess. You wanted to help him the way he had helped you before.
"Don't tell me you've got feelings for that thing!"
You ignored them. "I can handle this, just go back inside," Cooper begged you. You shook your head trying to find your words. You were struck with fear. Real fear. Your heart was racing and your throat was dry. Palms sweating, a small shake on your hands. "You're dying. I can't just leave you out here bleeding out," you grabbed one of his meds from your pocket, forcing him to drink it.
"I hid the rest under the bed," you whispered into his ear. Cooper gripped you with all the strength he had left. "I'm sorry, Cooper," you kissed him on the cheek swiftly.
"Just take me," you stood and held your hands up, "Leave him here and take me."
"No-" Cooper protested, coughing with his exclamation.
You threw your gun towards them, "I'll go with you willingly. Just please leave him here."
Cooper reached out for you, falling over into the dirt directly behind you. You looked over your shoulder at him, his eyes pleaded with you.
"Why would we do that?"
"Well, doesn't your boss want us alive? You really want to take this guy to him in this condition? I don't think he would approve," you gambled with them. Praying that maybe they were dumb enough to fall for your words.
"Oh shit, I didn't even think of that," the big one scratched his head with the barrel of his gun.
Thank whatever was in the sky.
"Go grab her boys," he gestured towards you. You were manhandled by two of the men, pinning your arms to your back and tying you with some disgusting rope.
"I'll kill all of you fuckers! I swear to God, I will murder you and eat your skin!" Cooper screamed with the little bit of air left in his lungs. The men turned you around to look at him, "Shut the fuck up, freak!" They shouted and spit towards him.
This may be the last time you ever see him...
You mouthed three words to Cooper as the men threw you into the back of a wagon. They stormed off with you. Cooper screamed your name. Him calling for you faded as you traveled away.
You laid flat on the wagon, staring up at the blazing sun.
"You sure are one stupid girl," one of the armed men mocked you.
Another one laughed chiming in, "Seriously! That walking corpse never would have done the same thing for you! He would've turned you in in a heartbeat!"
You knew that was not true. Cooper had the opportunity to turn you in even before you had gotten comfortable again and did not. You knew this was the only way to keep Cooper safe.
You did not know what was in store for you. At least you knew Cooper had a better chance at living now. You closed your eyes reminiscing on your time with Cooper, finding comfort in your memories of him.
Cooper watched as they dragged you away from him. Just as soon as he had gotten you back, there you go again.
He struggled to stand to his feet, the liquid you had given him finally kicking in. He stumbled inside the abandoned home, going to the bed that you said you had hidden the rest under.
"What was she thinking," he spoke aloud to himself. He poured the rest of the liquid down his throat. "She's a goddamn idiot! FUCK!" He kicked the glass around the room. He sat down on the mattress you had shared the night before. His hand ran against the fabric, remembering how your body weighed the bed down.
“We were supposed to do this together…” he gripped the bed between his fingers. He could never admit it but he was scared of what they might do to you. Scared he would never get to see you again. Fear was something he had not felt in a long time. His fear brewed inside him turning into anger.
He began planning in his mind how he was going to get you back. There was no question; He was getting you back.
Cooper headed out the abandoned home, picking up your gun they had left behind. He followed the direction they had taken you in.
He was determined. A man on a mission.
END//Part 5
[Thank you for reading!  If you are interested in being tagging in any of my writings don’t be afraid to message me!  All tag lists are open!  I have a master taglist and one for each character!]
@mortuus-poet | @giggle-shade | @ghcstvibess | @pixelatedprofilepic | @maezydaezy | @writtenbyhollywood | @ivyinthesun | @vaultdwellingghoullover | @heif | @catclaw1 |
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inkyray · 3 days
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BLIND DATE (c.s & m.s)
summary: as an influencer, you are invited to one thing gen z content creators do once they go viral; they go on a dating show! yikes, you think. but what happens when you go on a date with two triplet brothers, and end up taking a genuine liking to both of them, unsure of who to pick at the end?
warnings/content ahead: you literally have a huge yap session with the two of them, just a bunch of talking, influencer!reader, NO SMUT I JUST THOUGHT THE MEME WAS FUNNY and fit perfectly between these two images like buttcheeks, inspired by this dudes channel ngl: https://www.youtube.com/@DavidAlvareeezy/videos
Chris's version, part 1
You couldn't believe you agreed to do this.
The lights blared from every direction of the studio and the large paper backdrop was whiter than snow. You watched as multiple people fixed the boom microphone from above you, asking you to quickly speak for a test. "I don't know what you want me to say." You chuckle nervously, waiting for someone to give you an idea on what to speak about. "Perfect!" The person behind the camera suddenly announces, and they go back to fixing the position of the multiple cameras set up. "Oh, okay." Looks like that was all the test that they needed.
No, you weren't filming a porno.
Being an influencer, you were invited by other influencers for a video, being one of many girls invited.  All you were aware of was that this was a blind date, and you were one of a few girls–and guys–as you've heard, selected to go in the video. You were reached out by the management team behind the influencers, not really knowing who this date will be with until the cameras are rolling. You weren't famous, but you were recognized. You had a charm behind you and humor that kept you going, along with beauty that was certainly there, and that's what you were told.
"Okay, get comfortable sweetheart, we're about to start." The so-called director calls out, you straighten your back and close your phone. You were told to dress as if you were going out to an A-list restaurant for the fanciest of the rich. And that's what you attempted to do. You felt silly being the only one in the room dressed in such a way, and you secretly hoped whoever came out wore a suit or something, but at the same time, you knew you looked the best in the room, and that gave you all the confidence you needed.
A candle was lit in front of you, and the man behind the camera allowed himself to quickly explain to you what will happen once more, although you didn't need him to.
"So, you will go on a date with 2 different men for about 30 minutes each. When your date with them is done you will immediately be followed up by the second, who would have previously been in the other room with their date. In the end, you have to choose one of the guys, and one of the guys will have to choose between the girls." The man had a habit of explaining stuff with his hands, you looked away from them before you formed a headache.
"If the two of you miraculously choose the other, you get to have a real reserved date to one of the biggest restaurants of LA, that will be fully paid by us. If no one matches with the other, you won't get anything but a thanks for being in the video."
You give him an assuring nod and even a smile, hoping that it would be enough for him not to explain it again. "I understand, thank you."
"Filming on 3.. 2.. 1.. Action!"
This all seemed too serious for its own good. You force your gaze on the roses in front of you before a short man in a baseball cap enters just a little beside you on camera.
"I'm sure you can all recognize the beautiful woman in front of you." The owner of the channel you were filming for starts, and you immediately grin. He calls your name and you look up, facing the camera with a wave. "Why don't you introduce yourself?" He suggests, and that's what you do. Giving them your name and basic surface level information about you.
"—and yeah. I'm so excited to try the fucking food they have in that other room, you have no idea how good it smells in here."
"You can't swear."
"My bad."
He sighs. "There you have it, ladies and gents!" He chuckles, a little amused. He carries on the intro a little longer, explaining to the audience this time before promoting his Patreon.
After a few long and boring minutes for you, he goes back to the real topic at hand. "Now, " He turns to look at you. "Are you ready to see who's about to come out?" Suspenseful music begins to play from nearby speakers and the lights begin to dim, you take no interest in hiding your surprise and laughter. "Is that a threat?" You wonder out loud.
"And she's ready!" He decides for himself, pointing toward an opening curtain off screen, to which they shift the cameras to face it. This was only a video for YouTube, yet the production was so high and these videos passed by the millions in views, you can't help but hold your breath as the curtains begin to open.
Oh God, what did you sign up for?
The curtains open to reveal— oh. Oh. He's quite pretty.
Maybe this was a good idea.
The boy turns the false direction, expecting you to be there. "Oh, Chris, bud, wrong way." The owner of the channel shuffles, helping the boy in front of you to actually face you. "There we go," Chris mutters to himself, fixing the sagging black pants of a suit that clearly does not fit him. You were growing a liking to this already, but you found confusion to what you were supposed to do.
You turn to face a different camera angle, "Should I.. get up and greet him?" you quite literally ask the woman behind that camera. She offers you nothing but a shrug in return. "Thanks." You whisper in appreciation, taking her answer as a yes as you get up to greet him.
"Hello." You smile, reaching a hand out as you watch his gaze rise up from your shoes all the way to your pretty face. "Hi." He processes the fact that you had decided to greet him so up close. You recognise him as that viral triplet you see everywhere, and you could only guess that the second date would be his with brother. Chris awkwardly takes your hand in his, not really sure if he should shake it or pull you into a hug or what. You also get confused, dapping him up. With a worried look.
You didn't really know how to get embarrassed, truly. If anything you would feel silly, but even then you weren't really embarrassed. It's honestly, whether you realize it or not, a blessing. Because as long as you're not embarrassed, then the people around you won't find it as is. Instead, they'd find it humorous and laugh, like now. Even Chris laughs at the randomness of the greeting.
"Oh, this is awesome." The channel owner mutters to himself, already tasting how many good clips he'll get out of you from this video. He could already imagine shortened clips trending on social media of the two of you. "How you feeling, Chris?" He shifted his attention to him, he was fairly shorter than Chris, needing to crank his head up the slightest bit.
Chris blows in a breath, his chest rising, calculating his answer. "Feeling so ready to uh—" he looks around, unsure of his very limited vocabulary. "–fall in love?" You grin, knowing he was definitely looking for a word other than that. "That's the word?" You raise an eyebrow, Chris shrugs in response, giving you a look that says he had no idea. The studio team collectively laughed.
"Well, how about you two seat yourselves on that table?" The guy suggests and you see Chris dart his gaze to the table covered in linen tablecloth, roses, and 2 lit candles.
Quickly, you make yourself over there but the sound of fast stomping makes you stop in your tracks. Chris sprints past you and to the seat by your phone, he stops in his tracks in front of you and struts the chair out for you, a crooked smile playing on his pink lips. "I didn't know I would be going on a date with a gentleman?" You joke, playing along as you seat yourself on the chair, he scooches you in.
"Oh please, it's my pleasure." He then proceeds to face the camera and give an orotund deep laugh, mocking the chuckle of how the elite upper class man of the northside would laugh. "Ha, ha ha." He makes his way to sit himself on his own chair. You're genuinely amused at this, "And your pince-nez glasses, good sir?" You say as if reminding him, his smile slowly falters as he looks around.
"What are those?" Chris looks at you, and you realize his eyes are blue laced with utter confusion. "Pince-nez glasses? Aren't those like– the tiny eyeglasses made for like one eye?" You begin to furrow your eyebrows, questioning yourself. He mimics your expression, realizing that you both had no idea, and that he needed an answer to what those were immediately.
"Those are not what those are."  The channel owner scoffs, you roll your eyes as you and Chris turn to face him in sync. "Shut up, David." You say and Chris nods along, "Yeah," He looks at you as if looking for permission, then back at the guy who started this whole thing, who seemed to be glaring at him. Chris had his mouth open to say something, but the look on the guy's face has his mouth shut up again like a fish underwater.
"Yeah, that's what I thought." He was standing behind the camera now. You could have sworn you were back in middle school. But then again, you were in LA. Chris's head snaps to his direction, "Ay! Watch ya mouth!" He points a finger at him and you notice an accent lacing his tongue for a split second.
"Ask each other the fucking questions! We don't got all day!" David replied, you widen your eyes. "You can't swear, dude!" You reply, clearly mocking him.
"It's my channel!"
Now, after a few moments that entertained the staff but would most certainly be cut out from the video, you turn to face Chris who was already smiling at you. "I'm being held against my will to ask you a question before the real shit starts." You let him know. He nods once, "I think I got that, care to ask it?" He raises an eyebrow. 
"Yeah, I noticed the smallest slip of an accent." You start off and you watch his face morph into realization with a small chuckle. "You're from the east coast?" You form the question as an assumption. "Yeah, I am. Surprised you noticed that fast." He responds. You wear a proud look, feeling satisfied with yourself. "What can I say." You shrug looking at the camera.
"Can you tell where, exactly?" Chris decides to challenge you and you accept it, taking a moment to replay his previous sentence in your mind again. He visibly watched you replay it, taking the moment to fully digest your appearance. He's seen you online before, many times, actually. You were pretty then, but his pants would certainly be on fire if he said you weren't even prettier in real life.
"Boston?" You finally ask, his mouth goes agape as he looks toward the staff. "Am I right?" You chuckle lightly. "Yeah," He says, "You are." He turns to you, grinning.
That only fueled your ego, it was practically visible on your face. "Now ask me," You sit up straight, ready for a question. You liked being asked stuff and answering them, it was your whole schtick. People would ask you questions, and you'd answer with a response that didn't even fully answer the question, leaving people still curious to know about you. You managed to hover around questions but still giving some sort of response like your life depended on it. You didn't know why you did it, instincts, probably.
"Why'd you agree to do this?" He asks like he couldn't believe a girl like you would consent to do a thing like this. You pop a shoulder, "I was high and they did mention steak was involved for free, so I was like 'why not?'" Also because you had had little to no romance in your life, so why not feed it artificially? But you wouldn't tell him that.
"Seriously? You agreed because of the free food?" He didn't seem like he bought it, slightly squinting at you. "And you agreed because you wanted to fall in love?" You silenced him, and he seemed to just shake his head for a moment.
"Nah, you're right."
"All right! The food is coming in!" A voice called from behind and the two of you turned to see fully dressed waiters in tuxedos walk in with a tray of food. You get excited, peaking at the food that finally reaches to your level, making eye contact with Kraft Mac & Cheese and some chicken nuggets, one particular nugget was stabbed with a white plastic spork.
"Oh, you're joking." You looked up, seeing Chris process the meal that was put in front of them.
"I have no clue where you guys got steak from!" David yells from the camera. "You literally said it in the message." Chris says, trying to understand whether he was being gaslighted or not.
"I added 'no promises'!" 
"Oh shit, he did say no promises." You recall, looking back up at Chris.
You gesture to his plate. "You try it first." He gives you a worried look, "What if they didn't fully heat the nuggets?" He looks genuinely fearful, you feel repulsed at the suggestion. There's no way you'd eat cold chicken nuggets on a date.
"I can guarantee the nuggets are fully heated!"
"Shut up, David." The two of you say simultaneously. Chris turns back to you, going to reach for the nuggets with his two fingers, before you interrupt. "This is a fancy date." You remind him in a whisper, as if you were a separate person helping him out throughout this. "Oh, right." He says, hesitantly picking up his plastic spork and stabbing through the nugget. 
Now this feels stressful. You watched him slowly bring the nugget up to his mouth, holding your breath as you imagined the temperature when it reached his tongue. His mouth was stiff for a moment before fully chewing on the nugget. "Fully heated?" You ask, the set decided to play suspenseful music again. God, this was so corny. Chris began lifting his eyebrows in an arch as he fully chewed the nugget, swallowing it down with a glass of iced water they had brought in. It was originally supposed to be wine, but they quickly found out he doesn't drink.
"Fully heated." He confirms, closing his eyes in thanks and you let out a breath, immediately going to reach for your nuggets with your hand. You chewed the first bite of your nugget as Chris gave you a look. "What? Utensils are needed for you because you're a man."
He wore an exasperated look and you only chuckled. "Are you guys hearing her?" Chris scoffs. You make an annoyed face, quickly noticing just how dry this chicken was. "We got any sauce in here?" You stare at the nugget in hand like it'll suddenly poof with sauce. 
"Okay." You nod. "Great."
"Chris, if this was a real date, where would you have taken her?" The question was asked from behind the camera, and you raise an eyebrow, turning to look at Chris as you're curious to hear his answer. Chris looks up from his plate of mac & cheese and settles his blue eyes on you, calculating his answer. You watched him visibly think it through, and for some reason you felt yourself grow nervous. So much he could possibly say, all with the very little information given to him about you.
"Probably a Hooters."
"You want me to feed him?"
"I think I'm perfectly capable of feeding myself," Chris laughs. "This food isn't even that good." He quickly adds, you nod. "Listen to him."
"Just do it, for the video. Matt is doing the same thing in the other room right now." Chris visibly winces at the suggestion, there is no way his brother is agreeing to let some girl feed him. He can't even imagine it in another universe. "You're full of shit, Matt would never."
David sighs, "You're right. Just fuckin' do it. If your brother won't, you gotta."
"This was not a part of the consent form I signed."
You turn to look at Chris. "We'll get it over with, here," You begin scooping up some leftover mac & cheese with your spork. A while had past of you and Chris submitting to what the studio staff was telling you, forcing you to answer questions. They were all surface level romantic questions, but borderline uncomfortable. It was kind of hilarious. Now, you were doing truth or dare cards that the set had put together.
"You're willing?" Chris was in shock, "It's just a fucking spoon to your mouth." You stand up, leaning over the table as you hold a hand under the spork so nothing would drop. "Open." You tell him as you stood and he remained seated. He looked up at you, "The things I do for YouTube, man." He sighs before opening his mouth for you, you shove a quick spoon in his mouth.
"See, wasn't that so easy?"
"Go check on how Matt or Nick are doing right now or something." Chris rolls his eyes as he chews his food, you follow up with what Chris said by flipping the guy off. They were so keeping that whole thing in.
A few minutes go by, and you begin to learn more about Chris. Your humor seemed to align with his perfectly. Honestly, it felt like you were talking to a best friend. He was beyond intrigued by you, and his facial expressions seemed to make it known. The entire time, you wondered how the next date would follow up with this.
"Time's up!" It was announced, they were now getting ready to bring in the second date who you would have dessert with. You gave Chris a quick hug goodbye as he moved on to the next girl, and you waited for the next boy.
@pepsiboyy @jetaimevous @luvr4miya @christopherscamopants @imwetforyourmom @mattssluttywaist @sturnsxplr-25 @flosslikeabosss @meg-sturniolo @stasiesturn @realuvrrr @always-reading @lovergirl4387 @sleepysturnss @milesfordays11 @nonat-111 @liagazed @freshloveforthefit @blueeyedbesson @h3arts4harry @hypnotizedsturn @sturnthepot @mattspolitank @fratbrochrisgf @soulzaaa @matthewscherrypie @mattslolita @happy-bluffs80240 @dwntwn-strnlo
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skimberwood04 · 2 days
Tcf 2 spoiler chapter 197
When Cale met God of Hope :
When he lifted his head, what he saw was darkness with countless tiny lights like grains of sand scattered in it. 'They're not stars.' It was a light different from that of stars. The larger ones were like sand, and the small ones were as tiny as dust. And the size of the light was very faint. No matter how bright it was, it was incomparably dimmer than a star. Therefore, Cale was sure that what he was seeing at that moment was not the night sky. "You're really an interesting kid." The God of Hope called Cale a "kid." "As expected, you can see those lights." Cale opened his mouth without realizing it. For some reason, he felt like he could speak comfortably with this God. "What is that light?"
And of course, since the other person spoke informally, Cale also spoke informally. He spoke in the same way with the God of Death, and there was no reason to treat the God of Hope with respect. The God of Hope responded. "That light is the hope you created." ... What? "The hopes you've created so far have created light in your darkness." "... The hopes I created? Is there such a thing?" "Haha-." The God of Hope laughed as if he were happy. "I thought you'd react that way." The God continued speaking with a voice mixed with laughter. "Kid, it seems like the God of Balance probably wants you to become a God and join her under her command." Cale's expression stiffened. "What does that mean?"
"Well. Since you're a kid who likes to hear the essentials, let me explain it simply." Oh, does this God like him a bit? Cale thought that this God knew a bit about him. "At this moment, the possibility of you becoming a God is being created. Moreover, you're progressing in a direction that would make you a high-level God. Therefore, the God of Balance wants to get ahead, have you under her command, and observe you." Cale furrowed his brow. "Because there's a possibility that you'll inherit my position." In a moment of hesitation, the God of Hope asked. "Do you know about the Ancient Gods?" He had heard about them before. "There are five Ancient Gods, including me, the God of Balance, the God of Chaos, etc. Until now, none of us has yielded this position to any other entity, and we've been maintaining it. Yes, they're all greedy. They also crave power." True. Cale unconsciously nodded, but then stopped.
~ Cough ~ The God of Hope continued speaking while fake-coughing. "Anyway, the God of Balance has always been in conflict with the God of Chaos." "Just hearing the name, it seems likely." "Right? But there's an entity that the God of Balance hates more than any other." "Is it you?" "Yes, it's me. She hates me more than anyone else." "Why?" "Hope sometimes creates an enormous flow that ignores all balance and chaos."
Mmm. Cale crossed his arms and listened to the God's words in silence. "Hope is the being that creates a new destiny." Creates a new destiny. "That's why the God of Balance wants to subdue you because you have the qualifications to succeed me." Cale opened his mouth, thinking that the God of Balance might be right. "If I become the God of Hope, could I control her from below?" "Well, there's no need to answer that." Although the God of Hope avoided answering, Cale asked. "So, did you come to prevent me from joining the God of Balance?" "No, that's not important." As if the question were wrong, the God of Hope asked indifferently. "Kid, isn't there something that must come before everything else?" The God also threw another question as if it were something obvious. "Kid, you don't have the desire to become a God, do you?"
~Ha~ A brief laugh burst out from Cale's mouth. He nodded without hesitation. "Yes, I don't want to become a God." The God told him immediately. "But you're concerned about the weight of the imbalance that the God of Balance spoke of, aren't you?" "...You know a lot about me." "Because I did." At the casual question, Cale paused. The God of Hope spoke indifferently. "I also didn't want to become a God. But it was a situation where I had no choice but to do so. Because someone had to take care of it. But I want to support your dreams instead of the lonely position of God or the qualification to exist forever without knowing the end."
My dreams? Cale uttered what he remembered as soon as he thought of his dreams without realizing it. "...Becoming a slacker?" "Yes. That's a really good dream." The voice of the God of Hope was serious, as if he truly believed that. Cale opened his mouth, pretending not to hear that. "… It's said that hope creates an enormous flow. So, are you going to step forward and create a flow that will eliminate karma?" "No. Not exactly. Didn't I tell you? It's not me; it's only hope that sometimes creates that tendency. Instead, I came to tell you a little story." It was when... ~Blink~ Cale could see the lights floating above, extinguishing one by one. ~Swoosh~
An unknown wind was blowing from somewhere. He looked towards where the wind was coming from. It was also dark there. But there was a very faint and small light. Cale instinctively knew. That light was the God of Hope. 'Mmm?' Cale saw something shining beyond that small light. It looked like a human face. But it seemed like it was an illusion, and soon he couldn't see anything. At that moment, the voice of the God of Hope was heard again. "Apoitu is a place where the World Tree lost its will, and the Dragons abandoned their duty." A strange look appeared in Cale's eyes. As soon as he knew that the story the God of Hope was trying to tell him was the story of Apoitu, the world he had to go to in the future, he realized that it was a 'clue' or 'information' that was useful to him. The useful information for Cale now would be how to bear the weight of the discord mentioned by the God of Balance. "The global capital, purpose, and the world itself are not properly established, so there is no one there to handle the enormous flow. But in this world, when something disappears, something else always comes to replace it. It's a law." The surroundings became brighter and brighter. "Cale." The God called Cale's name for the first time. "Find the Blue Wolf." At that moment, Cale thought of one of his comrades. Lock. Member of the Blue Wolf Clan and successor to the Wolf King. "Before antiquity. Countless living creatures that have existed since before Humans created history. Among them, there was one that was both fierce and merciful."
A being that can handle the numerous discrepancies and variables that occurred in Apoitu, and resist the changes in trends and destiny. "The ruler of beasts and the king of beasts. Find the Blue Wolf, who has lost his status and is being forgotten." Cale's mouth opened. But before he could speak, the God was faster. "There's not much time." At that moment, Cale could see that the darkness was fading away faster than before. But the small light in front of him didn't show the slightest tremor. "Take the Blue Wolf and the Black Dragon with you. When the two choose their own paths, the flow will change." The God was talking about Lock and Raon. "And there's something I want to tell you." Suddenly, the darkness disappeared. In the bright room, the shape of the God of Hope could barely be seen. The faint and small light was not visible under the bright light. Even in the darkness, that was the only light. The voice of the God of Hope became faint. "Being a God is not easy." Ha! Cale let out a laugh without realizing it. But he made a promise seriously. 'I don't want to be a God.' First of all, he wasn't interested at all. Gods were unbearable. Cale didn't like the idea of living obsessed with work, like the God of Death. 'I'd rather work under the Crown Prince!' Cale shook his head and blinked. Naturally, he thought he would be in the Blood Demon's room... "...?" But when he opened his eyes, the view was different.
Is it just me God of Hope feels like Cale?
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inlovewithregencyera · 16 hours
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transcript under cut : )
Thornfield House, July 7th, 1818
Isabella: And you did write to her father informing him of this, right?
Max: Yes. He wrote back to me an hour ago, and they're leaving for Hollow directly after her birthday. I've asked him to keep this in confidence of himself and Lady Grey, and he says he will as it would break his heart to tell Aurelia himself.
Isabella: *clutching hand* When will you tell her?
Max: I don't know, and I don't know why you're all tasking me with the impossible. It's not fair, truly. *sniffling* If I had a lover and I lay dying of consumption I wouldn't have Frederick tell her. It should be an intimate moment between them.
Isabella: I think she shall be very upset.
Maximilian: *voice quivering* She'll be plagued with perturbation. Perhaps it would be easier if that idiot thought about how his actions effected others for once in his damn life. He overwhelmed her with affection and now I must tell her he's dying.
Isabella: Oh, please don't cry. More than anything, I hate seeing you upset. I don't care much for people's emotions, but yours always tug at my heart.
Max: Luckily for you I have no more tears left to cry. My eyes have been soiled with tears for the past 12 hours, I believe I'm done for today.
Isabella: Dear Max, crying that long isn't good for-
Max: Don't you stand here and tell me what's good for me and what's not. I don't expect you to understand. You've rarely been emotional a day in your life.
Isabella: have been emotional many times in my life, I just know that crying *THAT MUCH AT ONCE* does you no service!
Max: *scoffs* You are heartless sometimes, you know?
Isabella: How am I heartless for telling you the truth?
Max: I cannot help crying if I am again watching someone I love die.
Isabella: *scoffs* He's not dead! And there have been cases where people overcame this disease.
Max: And you think he will be an exception?! That he's some sort of miracle and will prevail through?
Isabella: He could be. Why you've given up on him I do not know.
Max: He's given up on himself! Why should I have hope for his survival if he's not going to even fight for it!?
Isabella: Because he's family, Max! You don't give up on someone even when they've given up on themself. When Eleanor gave up on herself, you-
Max: Damn it don't you bring her up. I told you I was done crying for today, so stop wherever you're going.
Isabella: Your tears won't bring her back, so what use is it?
Max: You are heartless! When you love someone, and they die-
Isabella: Damn you Max if you are trying to insinuate I didn't love her! I loved her more than anyone ever to walk this Earth!
Max: That's not at all what I meant Isabella and you know that! I just can't believe you're telling me that I shouldn't cry now. Name a time when any one of our household was dying and I didn't?
Isabella: When Uncle Percy had a stroke! He was as good as gone right after and I don't recall you ever shedding any tears then. And there's hope for Frederick, he's not coughing blood.
Max: Frederick is much thinner than the last time I saw him and that cough tops it all off. So no, I will not tell myself there's any hope. And I apologize for not crying in front of my sickly, invalid Father, SOMEONE had to be strong for him.
Isabella: Are you saying I wasn't Maximilian? Really? When you went off to do Ducal business and whatnot who sat with him that whole time until you returned? I endeavored just about as much as you to ensure his comfort, *voice cracking* and how can you accuse me of not being strong when you and I suffered the same trials?
Max: Bell…
Isabella: WHAT?! *covering eyes*
Max: I didn't mean to upset you, dear. I'm sorry, and you're right, we experienced the same sorrow. Perhaps we go about it differently when reacting to it.
Isabella: *sniffling* It just hurts that you'd call me heartless for saying crying does you no good. I'm not saying you shouldn't cry, because Lord knows I have moments sometimes, but I know it's not helpful in the long run. He's not dead yet, t-that is to say, *eyes welling up* if he was truly dying, *burts into tears* in which he is-
Max: *extending arms* Come here.
Isabella: *sobbing into chest* Oh Max! Whatever will we do?
Max: *kisses forehead* What we always do I suppose. Deal with whatever God throws at us.
Isabella: *sniffles* Yes. Let us not quarrel as we shall need each other more than ever in the coming weeks.
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zevranunderstander · 1 year
okay time for my daily "i stand with john gaius" post but tamsyn muir did not write a bisexual maori man who was a renowned scientist who had dedicated his life to saving the earth and exposing the schemes of the ultra-rich who was then made out to be a terrorist and global threat when his only goal was to help and who ultimately was brought down by his own character flaws and shortcomings while under immense pressure in a situation where everyone he ever loved was being executed in front of him and seconds before death did something he - to our knowledge - could barely control, just for the entire fanbase to go 'yeah he's like a cartoon villain. he's an irredeemably shitty person and everything he does is inherently evil and manipulative'
#myposts#tlt#im not saying he doesn't have bad character traits#like his clear problem to be seen in a bad light by anyone and the lengths he goes so people cannot judge and blame him#and his frankly a bit creepy tendency to rename people#but can i be so real? i think both of these are PERFECTLY explained by his backstory#i think he genuinely has a tendency to shift the blame away from him himself and thats tbh just how some people are#but. he also was made out to be like... the antichrist by people so i GET how that can increase your desire to be seen in a good light#and i think. of course its weird that he renames people but. he explains his philosophy behind it pretty well with titania and ulysses#like. you dont have to agree w him but if youd resurrect someone and they are very much not the same person they were when they died#would you really be comfortable calling them the same name?#i mean its a pretty philosophical question but i dont think theres a morally wrong answer to it#the fact that he had to rename his friends in the first place bc he altered their personalities so they think they aren't from earth?#now that is pretty fucked up#but first of all its also a bit sexy and second of all like. what do you say to your friends when you make them remember earth like....?#'im soooo sooorry guys i blew up palmet earth and almost all people on it? like#what would you do if this legitimately would have happened to you#also ill be real. the scene where hes like 'pyrrha was saying i was lying and that guys as careful as me don't have accidents like that'#about how he killed those cops#and then at the end of the chapter alecto is like 'did you ever find out what happened with your accident'#and hes like 'come on love. guys as careful as me dont have accidents'#like. when he breaks the entire facade of this super helpless guy whom everything bad ever just happens to on accident#i found that a bit hot. ok. that was very very very fucking sexy of him#the only thing i really cant defend abt him is the imperialism but to me this choice has something from the ending of hunger games you know#oh god i will make a separate post on that i didnt know there is a tag limit VHHDVDHDJDJJ
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moeblob · 2 months
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Windy at my house + power flickering = no comm work = quick laptop doodle
#my characters#i genuinely hoped the wind would die down but like ??? nah?#and the last time we lost power without an actual storm it WAS bc of wind#and so i just get so panicked over please dont fry my tablet with a power surge#if it calms down by tonight i really wanna work on art since i spent almost all day yesterday struggling with a pose and i finally#think i thought of something that could work and then (gestures to the wind) fuck me#also in regards to these two you have seen me drawing deacon a lot recently and i only drew armya once so far#she is a devoted follower to fulj which is really rare since fulj no longer has a large following nor a temple#so when fulj finds her its comforting and reassuring and she adores armya a lot#however the fact that fulj relentlessly teases deacon and calls him names is like..... ok wait would you really be mean to me if it wasnt#for her ? like would you still pick on me? :c and shes like lol yeah dude absolutely#deacon is just constantly dunked on by the lightning group and hes so sad because he wanted to be friends :c#but also the guy wouldnt really recognize the followers if it wasnt for the traces of lady fulj#so if they would wander into the city without having been possessed recently he probably wouldnt even cast a glance their way#nothing personal he just straight up doesnt decipher looks fast at all#he could think they look familiar but then not know why ESPECIALLY if they wear something he's not used to them in#like if armya showed up in something other than her loose white jacket he would not be able to go AH YES ARMYA immediately#he identifies people by hair or clothing details so it kinda messes him up if people remove whatever identifying trait they have#long hair getting a hair cut? suddenly a whole new person#and armya knows this very well since he never looked her way unless fulj was possessing her or trailing her#so she does like to tease him as just. we are both in servitude to a deity and same rank but like. bro youre too easy to mock#(fulj agrees)
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buttercup-barf · 14 days
Under the cut are mostly self-insert doodles of decreasing quality. Again, not much directly tied to Team Fortress 2. Might as well toss these out while I have no access to my puter. Much yapping under the cut and in the tags incoming.
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Another self-insert, this time less of a "here's me as a tenth class" and more of a "here's my game experiences translated into the class I would take the place of". The Cleaner. Although I guess they could still be wearing either suit. It doesn't matter that much.
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That one Convict's Case taunt with Backup would be extremely funny, because the man would be on the verge of a breakdown (he does not want to go to jail so bad you have no idea). The second image- I owe no explanation. You know what I am. You see the pattern with my favourites.
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The duality of the man. Resting face versus "just heard you express interest in religion/Russian folklore" face. He's not that hard to make friends with, when you pull him away from all the explosions.
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Some doodles of trying to figure his face out. Unfortunately, the more I stare at him, the more I worry that he looks like A Certain Guy With The Last Name "Kazarin", and the fear of never being original in my life caught up to me.
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Don't look at me, don't perceive me, I refuse to explain any of my actions to you.
#team fortress 2#tf2#that's it that's the only tags i am putting this in. maybe someday i will have the balls to do more but for now that's about it#while i have the chance - and since posts with more of my yapping in the tags don't pop in people's feeds much - i might as well ramble-#-about these guys here. self-inserts or not i'm projecting only half of my bullshit on each one of them. creativity 👍#backup is tall and pale and has sharp canines and more of a dull brown hair colour with tired grey eyes. no amount of babyface or soft-#-hands can really help a motherfucker when he's grimacing so much because he just Hates being around half the people on the team.#cleaner meanwhile is on the shorter side and has constantly flushed skin and brighter colours and whatnot. you can't see it because of the-#-mask most of the time but they do smile a lot more and have a more cheery disposition towards life and see the whole team as their friends!#backup transitioned fully (albeit not very legally lmao) and is scared shitless of not being seen as a man although the last time that ever-#-came up was years ago. he holds onto his last name as part of the heritage he loves and loathes at the same time - attached to his culture-#-and religion and bloodline while also resentful of his family and the regime he knows someone else on the team suffered under.#cleaner just kinda binds and calls it a day. he only does it to confuse the team because while he doesn't identify with being a girl he-#-loves the confused looks his epic gender reveal moment gets. they do not remember their family name or where they grew up or what even got-#-them to this kind of mental state. and he's chill with it he values the here and now way more than some dark edgy backstory.#backup despite trying to be an honest man is afraid of vulnerability as well. he stubbornly refuses to express love towards certain people-#-lest they feel disgusted and turn away. he's afraid of consequences afraid of losing the people he loves afraid of his ''interests'' being-#-what drives them away. it doesn't by the way and he just wasted time being a cold indecisive loser for several months lmao#cleaner wears a suit that hides all of them yes but they pretty much never lie. he is always his truest self and he can always just burn-#-people who don't like him enough to make it a problem. they are a lot more comfortable indulging in their interests - be they innocent-#-and juvenile or violent and dangerous. he is quite open with his affection and his fascinations that backup would rather keep secret.#i want to establish that these two can only exist in separate universes because they both have feelings towards the funny assistant lady-#-and the funny inventor guy (selfshipping for the winnn) and would fight over those two. cleaner would win by the way#it's also a really funny point of comparison. cleaner is objectively more fucked up than backup and still managed to be more normal about-#-their feelings and live as a healthier and happier person than that guy. comedic gold honestly#OKAY I'M DONE if you read up to here you get uhhh a cookie :-)
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yoonstudios · 1 year
#another vent! don't read if you don't want to! it's long.#so um. my mom and i got in a small fight while out shopping. not anything extraordinary just a regular small dispute and she got#kind of annoyed. and whenever anyone annoys her she *always* says 'it's fine' or 'i'm fine/over it" and it has become noticeable to me#over time. so i told her 'i know you're annoyed with me' and she literally told me 'fine. do you want me to just start telling me that#i'm annoyed with you??' and i was like 'what? yes! why wouldn't i want you to??' but she didn't really answer it. we got into the car#and i said 'sorry i didn't mean to upset you earlier' and of course she was like 'oh it's fine' so i just said to her:#'what i wanted to say was that telling me how i annoyed you and told me what you thought would get us a lot further than just covering your#emotions with a constant 'i'm fine' and not telling me anything.'#and was just like: 'i love you madison but that's not how it works.'#like ????? girl yes it is how it works!! good communication strengthens trust in relationships!! how is this a foreign concept to you??#but something clicked when she said 'look your father hates it when people talk about their feelings or how actions and words#make them feel. if i get used to telling you how you made me feel then i'll start doing it to your father.'#and i just fuckin. sat there. i didn't even say anything for a good minute bc i was so astonished but everything like. made sense.#this house is so full of 'i don't care' 'fuck you/off' 'i'm fine' and so many other harsh words and careless but hostile name-calling—#we don't even know how to tell each other how we feel and think. there's no healthy connection. whenever someone gets emotional by#crying or saying something about how they feel they're called 'soft' 'snowflake' 'sensitive' or sometimes worse names i won't mention#but it's all the same shit. the shaming of being human is revolting but it also shows how dysfunctional this household is. like#it seriously checks every. single. mark. i don't even tell my mom about my problems because all i ever get back is a 'just relax' or#'stop being ridiculous' and there's no sign of comfort or trying to problem-solve anything. it's just 'get over it you'll be fine.'#it made me realize that everyone in this house doesn't know how to properly communicate or work through emotions- thoughts- and conflicts.#myself included. ever since the age of 9 i had such a hard HARD time showing and receiving affection (physical and emotional) from friends#but i didn't know why! it just felt so goddamn foreign! but now it just. now i understand where my deeply rooted#emotional unavailability came from. healthy communication of affection and conflict was never shown to me and all i ever saw from#my parents were fights. lots and lots of fights. i think i thought that's all normal relationships looked like. i thought any affection or#display of healthy communication was fake and a trap of some kind so i just never even chanced a good friendship. i started having healthy#friendships just in late 2020 when i started realizing what in the fuck was going on. i'm more mature than a reserved 9 year old girl now#of course so i'm learning how to be more emotionally available but. i just need a minute. what the fuck.
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nanaslutt · 8 months
Geto def gets off to being called a pervert
I see the vision clear as day anon, i hope you enjoy<3
Geto is so dirty in this holy........
contains: fem reader, roomate!geto, panty thief, teasing, dirty talk, degradation, praise, accidental voyeurism, mating press, unprotected sex, creampie, oral (reader receiving), cum eating, geto is nasttyyyyyy, slight crack at the end, shoko makes an appearance :p
“Suguru can I borrow that band tee you were wearing the other day? I’m about to go out with shoko.” you scrolled on some social media site on the sofa while you called out for your roommate in the kitchen.
Head hanging upside down off the armrest, looking at his naked back in your twisted view, waiting for his response.
Geto peeked his head briefly over his shoulder from the counter he faced, letting out a short laugh before he replied, wanting to ask if the ridiculous positions you came up with were actually comfortable.
Saving his smart remark for another day and responding that he didn’t care, followed by the location of the tshirt.
Picking up your body you placed one foot in front of the other, making quick work for his room, voice ringing out in the hall, “thanks!”
“Shoko said she’s heading here soon so I should probably start getting ready.” you shouted from his room, reaching for his second dresser drawer, where he said it would be.
Pulling the nob back and messing up his carefully folded clothes as you pulled out shirt after shirt, unfolding it to get a better view of the piece before shoving it back in when it ultimately wasn’t what you were looking for.
Eyebrows scrunching inwards when your sights landed on a piece of bright pink fabric shoved deep in the bottom of the drawer. Not remembering suguru ever wear anything like it, you pulled it out.
And you really don’t remember him wearing anything like this.
Because what you were holding between your fingers was your panties.
Jaw dropping slightly in disbelief, head turning back towards the doorway you just walked through, before snapping your neck back in front of you and digging deeper.
“Where are you guys going?” he questioned, yelling from the kitchen as he chopped up some vegetables, back facing the direction of his room.
A decent sized pile was forming of the undergarments you thought you had lost the deeper you looked. You were fuming.
Between Suguru and yourself, you divided the chores up evenly the day you moved in together. Him opting to be on laundry duty over trash, both splitting the dishes.
Never once did the thought even cross your mind that they might’ve been kidnapped by your usually sweet roommate; who is in charge of handling those same panties every day; when you were unable to find them anywhere in your space.
You scoffed in disbeleif at his antics, tongue poking the inside of your ckeek, making it bulge.
You heard him say your name from the kitchen when you didnt answer his question.
Wading up the thieved panties in your fist, you stormed out of his room. Stomping down the hall at a much hastier pace than before, his toned back once agains came into your view.
Geto paused his chopping, muscles in his body going rigid, because he swears you just threw something at his back.
Turning his body to face you, he looked down at the underwear at his feet, a smirk creeping onto his face when he drags his sights back up, making eye contact with your furious expression, brain racing with questions only he could answer.
"Whoops," he says, not an ounce of remorse in his tone. He could practically see the steam coming off of the top of your head when your face scrunched up in a scowl.
"What the fuck were you doing with my panties, do you have any idea how long I've been looking for some of those!?", he feels the anger in the air with your every word.
"You sure you want me to answer that?" he giggles, crossing his arms over his bulging pecs, letting the weight off one of his legs as he braced his lower back into the counter.
"Oh my god!" you shook your head, "you're such a fucking pervert!" you shouted.
"Woah, you don't even know what I did with them yet. Don't you think you're jumping to conclusions when you call me that, huh?" he retaliated, faux offense gracing his features before a more smug look took its place.
"There is no non..." throwing your hands up in search of the right word, "freaky explanation as to why you hid my PANTIES suguru!" Lip curled up in frustration again when laughed at your retort, “so I think my choice of words was fitting." you finished, referring to the name you called him.
"Haha! yeahh, you might be right." both hands dropped from his chest and slid into his pockets. "I wrapped them around my cock a couple of times when I was jerkin' off." An amused look sticking to his face when your jaw dropped in speechlessness, face turning completely red at his confession.
"Came all over the crotch of ur pretty panties too, pretended it was ur pussy." his big mouth continued spilling his dirty secrets out into the open air.
"Y-you," stuttering as you felt the air around you shifting into a heavier one, one that you both picked up on, heart racing in your chest matching the throbbing between your legs as you spoke, "pervert."
"F-fucking pervert, fuck!" you moaned into the air when his curved cock drilled perfectly into the most sensitive spot inside you for the nth time that evening.
Really hoping Shoko was taking her time as Suguru held your thighs open by your head, pushing your flexability to the limits as he bullied his thick cock inside your gushing pussy.
"Yeah? tell me how fucking nasty I am baby," he groaned with a smile. Eyes not being able to choose their favorite sight as he looked between where the two of you were connected; your cum making a ring form around the base of his cock; and your pretty drooling face that was looking so fucked out.
"S-so f-fucking disgusting for st-ealin' my dirty panties sugu-ru." words getting broken up by your pleasured moans as he brought his hips back till just the tip of his cock was caught on the rim of your little hole, before fucking it back in with such force it made you dizzy.
"C-cant believe you would d-o that." whining loudly when his thick thumb came down to rub circles into your throbbing bud.
Geto felt a tingling sensation of pleasure jolt through his spine at your harsh words, "M' sorry baby," he lied between his teeth, "got tired of seein’ ur cute little ass walk around the house in basically nothing." cooing at you when you squeezed your cunt tightly around his length at his filthy words, "h-had to do something about it,"
The both of you bounced against the bed as you let out loud Ah's and curses in response to his mean thrusts.
"Nothin' compares to this tho," Geto smiled, rubbing your clit faster when he noticed it made you tighten up your pussy, "Fucking ur pretty little pussy like this is so much better than my fist 'n holdin' ur panties against my face."
"S-suguru thats so nas-tyyy." you drawled out when he picked up his pace, fucking into you with such force and speed you thought you were gonna pass out.
Leaning his body into yours, practically crushing you with his weight with your legs dangling over his shoulders, he brought his face just inches from yours, lips grazing each others at his rough thrusts jolting you both around.
"Is it?" he replied to your declaration, opening his mouth and moaning against your lips before he closed the distance, " Felt so fucking good tho," he laughed against you, pushing his tongue into your mouth, his groans mixing with your squeals.
Less of a kiss and more of him just crushing his jaw into your own as he overwhelmed you with his tongue. Greedily inhaling your moans into his lungs as he continued his assult on your sensitive clit.
"Sugu' 'm gonna cum, fuck-" you mumbled against his wet lips. His own high-creeping rapidly up on him, feeling his balls tighten as they slapped against your ass.
"Me too baby m-me too," eyes squeezing together and eyebrows furrowing, thumb against your clit becoming sloppy as he started to lose himself, "gonna let this pervert fill you up, huh?" he babbled, breaking the kiss and buring his head in the crook of your neck while he messily sucked and kissed the skin there.
"Gonna take a-all my fucking cum like a good girl?" his moans raising in pitch, goosebumbs forming on the back of his neck hearing your loud whines and moans go straight into his ear.
"P-please, give it to me, please." you begged, "fu-ck, c-coming," you managed to voice before your cunt constricted around him, squelching noises increasing when your pussy forced your orgasm out around him, "oh m-y go-d" you repeated as he fucked you through it.
Getting thrown into overstimulation as he repeatedly hit your g-spot, not being able to move his thumb off your clit, or even voice him to do so, "cum inside me sugu-ru," you whimpered into his ear, helping him reach his end. Squealing at his rough thrusts losing their once steady pace when he came.
He bit down hard on your neck, groaning and whining into the skin as he fucked his cum into your womb. Timing his heavy thrusts with the ropes of warm seed spurting out of his dick, pressing his balls hard into your ass each time he did, making sure he really filled you up.
Geto’s eyes rolled back in his head feeling the aftershocks of your orgasm spasm around his twitching dick, milking him for all he was worth. "holy shittt." you voiced at how full he was making you feel.
Your overstimulation died down when his brain was no longer able to function well enough to remind him to play with your clit, something you were grateful for.
He silently lifted his head from the crook of your neck and pulled his incredibly sensitive cock out of your warmth. Staring between the two of you to watch his cum drip out of you, his mouth watering.
Your own arm being draped over your face while you tried to catch your breath, blocking you from seeing his next moves.
Holding your legs up and spread by your calves, he leaned down to your pussy and started sucking on your folds.
Caught off gaurd at the simulation you shot your hands down to his head, trying to push him off you at the intense feeling of his fat tongue on your mound.
He forced his tongue into the tight ring of your cunt, greedily drinking up your combined cum and moaning at the taste. Your thighs twitched with the need to shut around his head at the vibration.
Detaching his mouth from your pussy with a 'pop' he sat back on his heels, your calves still in his large palms as he stared at your abused pussy, licking his lips clean.
"So much fucking tastier than your panties." He grinned.
"You really are disgusting Suguru." Shaking your head against the sheets as he finally let your legs drop back down to the mattress.
"Careful, my cock likes when you talk to me like that." He teases, meaning every word as he tucks his drenched cock back into his boxers,
"Whatever, take me to the bathroom please." You said, ignoring his previous comment, "Cant stand and I need to pee." Holding your arms out to him.
He giggled at your dramatics; even tho he really did fuck the strength out of your legs; scooping his palms under your thighs as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
He raised you from the bed in a princess cradle and started walking you to the bathroom, "You need to learn how to take it easy. Seriously." you chastised, noticing the bruises and bite marks on your neck when you walked past a mirror, "If this is how you're going to treat me when we fuck, you're better off sticking to stealing my panties, at least they won't feel what you do to them." you complained, only partially meaning your words, which he knew.
"Don't act like your pussy doesn't throb when you see how I marked you up." you rolled your eyes at his retort, making it to the bathroom that neighbors a wall with the kitchen. He placed you down on the seat of the toilet before backing up and leaning against the doorway, facing the doorframe parallel to him as he let you do your business.
"I just had to listen to you guys fuck each other like rabbits for ten minutes, please don't make me listen to you dirty talk each other outside of the bedroom too."
You knew that voice.
"Shoko! good to see you, didn't realize you made yourself at home." Geto snarkily remarked.
"Your pretty roomie gave me a key you big oaf, now go hide in your room for awhile kay?" she brushed her hand in the air, signaling him to fuck off, "Was suposed to take her out but its sounding like you broke her legs so.. well just watch a movie here." she sighed.
Geto brought his attention back to you once more. He had to fight back the laugh burning in his lungs when he saw your crimson face buried in your hands, shinji posing on the toilet in embarrassment.
Stupid fucking panty thief.
“pt.2” here
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tender-rosiey · 9 months
1am thoughts, thinking about Gojo introducing kid Megumi to his newborn baby and Megumi being protective of them and even calling them his little sister/brother at one point and gojo is running LAPS he's just overwhelmed and happy over a small yet powerful phrase.
to protect — gojo satoru x f!reader
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a/n: this is so cute i am gonna cry also megumi is like 11-12 here
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you’re finally back home, after a long day at the hospital. you’re finally engulfed in the comfort of your bed while your husband is still sat up with his little girl bundled in his arms.
he hasn’t let go of her since you have been discharged.
“’toru, honey, you have to sleep soon; you can hold her tomorrow,” you sleepily murmur to your husband.
he nods and whispers, “I know. It’s just I—I can’t believe it’s real,” he kisses her forehead softly, “that she is finally here, our little princess.”
a tired smile makes its way to your lips. you hum in understanding, gently caressing his cheek. he sighs happily, before looking at you, “but you, missy, actually need to rest. you’ve had a long day.”
you frown and he chuckles, and his hand moves to stroke your hair, “rest, pretty. you were a champion today,” you move to nuzzle closer to his side and your arm wraps around his torso.
and so his little girl is comfortably nestled in one of his arms, while the other is wrapped around you so his hand can pet your head lovingly.
satoru truly feels like he is holding the world in his hands right now.
suddenly, the door slowly creaks open and a very familiar face peaks from it. satoru chuckles, “come in, megumi; they’re both asleep anyway.”
the boy carefully pads his way to gojo.
he is so used to seeing him being all goofy and unserious, so it catches him a bit off-guard how serene and quiet he is being right now. megumi looks at the sleeping baby then whispers, “what’s her name?”
“d/n,” satoru answers fondly.
megumi nods then observes her for a small while, “she really is a perfect mix between the both of you.”
a soft and quiet laugh escapes satoru’s lips, “you’re right,” he looks up at megumi with a grin, “you wanna hold her?”
the boy is taken back and his expression betrays him as nervousness takes over his face. his eyes don’t leave the girl and his gaze is more than troubled, “…what if I hurt her?”
satoru shakes his head, “you scared? she is my daughter; she is the strongest baby ever,” he grins, “no one can hurt her.”
megumi rolls his eyes, but quickly directs his focus to the little girl. he takes a moment, before he extends his arms. satoru gently places her in his arms. megumi’s hold on her is protective, and he doesn’t look as awkward as satoru thought he would.
actually, he is quite the natural.
he gently rocks her, and he can’t help but smile at her sleeping face. megumi whispers to her, “hi there.”
she coos at him, and starts swaying his arms around. she slowly opens her eyes, and a tiny smile appears on her chubby face. megumi’s eyes widen a little, and he immediately looks at gojo, “she is smiling.”
satoru laughs, “she is a very smiley baby, but i think she likes you a lot. she only smiled at y/n and me,” he feels you stir a bit in your sleep.
he pulls you closer and rubs your shoulder then he giggles at how quickly you fall back asleep. while satoru is occupied by you, megumi is staring in awe at little miss gojo.
later, satoru wakes up in the middle of the night to check on his little girl in the adjacent room. he groggily gets up, after kissing your forehead. he walks there, and when he finally reaches the room, he notices the lights are already on, and the door is left a bit open.
he peaks a little into the room, and sees megumi standing by the crib. he is fondly looking at d/n, and gently petting her head. he is whispering something to her, but satoru is still able to hear it all the same.
“don’t grow up to be annoying like your dad, please.”
satoru scowls, and contemplates bursting into the room, and bullying the hell out of megumi. however, he ultimately decides against it. he doesn’t end up regretting the decision.
megumi gently boops her nose, “you’re like a little sister to me now, so I promise to protect you.”
she squeals and makes grabby hands at him, and he chuckles, “you believe me, huh?”
satoru slowly backs away from the door and walks away. when he is a safe distance from the door, he starts running and bursts into your shared room.
he dramatically falls to the ground, “that was… the cutest thing ever! after d/n and y/n’s smiles, of course.”
he stands up, proudly. his heart is at ease as he now knows that there is yet another person to look after his baby girl, if something happens. a content grin is on his face as he enjoys the silence and comfort. it’s short lived, as always.
a pillow is thrown at his face, and he stumbles to the ground.
“that’s for waking me up, satoru!”
“noooo, baby, I am sorry!”
“uh—,” megumi awkwardly stands at the door, holding d/n up, “guys, she pooped.”
satoru grins, and excitedly stands up—with a camera that he got out of nowhere to take photos of her—he coos, “aww! your first shit, pretty girl? what a good girl!”
megumi places her on the changing table beside your bed. the smell of her great ‘achievement’ fills the door, and he takes the chance of gojo being distracted to run out of the room, before another nuclear explosion drops.
the girl is gleefully clapping upon seeing her dad, and he reciprocates the smile tenfold. he gently holds her feet and sways them slightly, “such a big girl, already pooping!”
“want daddy to change your diapers for you?” he coos and the girl just puts her thumb in her mouth and starts kicking her feet. he chuckles and slowly opens the diaper. he is met with the vilest smell, and he can’t believe his sweet daughter can produce such smells.
however, he quickly composes himself, and tries to make his way through the travail of changing the diaper. he proves to be too weak because he, after a moment, looks at you, “uh, babe, teamwork makes the dream work?”
you groan, falling back to the bed.
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