raurquiz · 7 months
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#DiaInternacionalDeLaPaz #worldpeaceday #startrek #errandofmercy #strangenewworlds #enterprise #home #theundiscoveredcountry #khitomer #thenextgeneration #unification #deepspacenine #whatyouleavebehind #voyager #alliances #startrekdiscovery #startrek57 @TrekCore
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pinkstarsmelody · 1 year
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☆ ★ hendrix ★ ☆
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i am kind of twisted now
heyista how are you all? i am kind off twisted now because i was wondering what people are doing in this world where people do not care for each other, even for their own famly they only take care for them self. i always wonder that if people get happy in other in people happiness like in seeing someone happy make them happy ,just imagine how happy and good people will live if this happen everyone will be happy in thier own in way .well i tell people that thought they laugh that will never happen but they never thought they are saying bad about thier own speices . i think how cruel human can be but there is good people in this world but thier number differ very much .well i was wondering about other living organisms how we miss treat them . i am not saying we should instant not eat meat. just imagine someone eating your babies,how horrorfying that will. most will say that i am not being considerate but to the son or daughter whose your eating they have also have attachment with them . i am not saying that every animal have them most of them have.life can be cruel of them us human with such preliviges we whine and thus on how people make fun of vegans and vegetarians people should not make fun of vegans nor of non vegeterian it should be a choice because forcing can not create a change . thus human still understanding how to live and be happy . this was just some a my thoughts hope you enjoy l reading it and i will be some interseting blogs on different topic some will be controvericial and some will be stresing and some will be peaceful. thus enjoy everymoment of your life (does not mater sad or happy embrace them in a best possible way
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bucioluis · 5 months
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zeldatoday · 6 months
During this time of conflict in the world with the Israeli-Palestine war. & the harsh reality that there is a genocide happening and the media is hiding it. Even worse countries are providing the Isreal side more money. While the Israeli side is cutting off food and water to the Palestinian people and continue bombing. The anger in the voices of the people of Gaza as they can not escape because Egypt has it's boarders blocked. This is ethic cleansing at it's finest.
I do not understand how humans have not figured out to work together to find peace with one another.
Why kill? Because it is the most extreme-that we have been doing it for as long as humanity has existed. Fighting over things such as land, religion, race, power.
& If one side kills, it demands for the other side to kill back. There is no time for understanding - there is just time for murder. Peace negotiations become challenging when peoples lives are lost. How can we reach a point of understanding after the lives are already lost? How can we come together and help each other, not cause each other more pain and trauma.
Coming together to understand each other - hear each others stories and who we are. We are all existing on this planet together & have no idea why we are here and what will happen after.
If we come together to be serious about world peace -because if we can figure that out and we can move forward to live in a cohesive world.
Could we reach a point of spiritual enlightenment? Or just a state of enlightenment in general?
What would our world look like if we found a way where we could all find individual peace? What could we do to create a world where we can all find peace in our individual lives? Living out our dream and ideal lives.
How can we help each other instead of killing one another? How can we reach a level of understanding of each other across all boarders
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worldpeacelover · 7 months
people people let us endorse peace and leave conflicts.please consider petitioning leaders to embrace peace talks.please people go to this link and ensure world leaders that we the citizens of earth want world peace…thank you and may God/Jesus/Allah/Vishnu bless you for taking a stance against world war https://chng.it/SVwhbCLw5g
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seelenurlaub · 7 months
„Frieden kann nicht erzwungen werden; er wird nur durch Verständnis erreicht.“
"Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding."
Albert Einstein, schweizerisch-US-amerikanischer theoretischer Physiker deutscher Herkunft und jüdischer Abstammung (* 14. März 1879 in Ulm; † 18. April 1955 in Princeton, New Jersey)
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schwarzsonnig · 7 months
Ich war heute in einem Waffenmuseum.
Nicht aus freien Stücken, da es Teil des Ausflugsprogramms durch die Stadt war und wir als Studierende kein Recht hatten, es abzulehnen. Wir stießen auf eine Reiseführerin, die wunderbare Sätze von sich gab.
"Die erstaunliche Verbesserung der Schießwaffen bescherte dem Land militärischen Erfolg."
Militärischen Erfolg.
Diese Schießwaffen töten andere Menschen. Sie nennen es Erfolg 😍.
Übrigens, wenn sie die nächste Verbesserung der Atombombe vorschlagen, die uns zu einem militärischen Erfolg bzw der Zerstörung des gesamten Planeten führen wird, werde ich stehend Ovationen aussprechen. :))
"Dieses Maschinengewehr war seinen Vorgängermodellen in seiner Leistung so überlegen, dass es in x Stunden y Menschen vernichten konnte."
Inspirierend, nicht wahr? Erfolg! Seit wann werden solch grausame Leistungen mit diesem Wort beschrieben?
"Das ist die tatsächliche Errungenschaft unserer Evolution: die Panzerabwehranlage ..."
Bisher habe ich außer der Kriegspropaganda keine ernsteren Errungenschaften unserer Evolution bemerkt.
Schande, meine Lieben. Wisst ihr, was auf den Motivationsplakaten steht, auf denen junge Menschen aufgefordert werden, ihr Leben für den Erfolg ihres Landes zu opfern? "Rette deine Bevölkerung! Schütze deine Lieben!" Tja. "Retten" statt "mördern".
Überlegt ihr nun, wer die Verteilung dieser Plakate in Auftrag gibt. Er ist der Hauptgrund für unser Bedürfnis, uns zu verteidigen. Und wir folgen ihm, wisst ihr warum? Genau deswegen, genau weil wir gezwungen sind, unsere Leben zu retten, weil wir Opfer des Systems, der gegenseitigen Verantwortung, des allumfassenden Gesetzes sind. Und wir zerstören uns gegenseitig. Wir zerstören Leute, die uns ebenbürtig sind, nur um uns zu verteidigen. Manche von uns träumen aus Eitelkeit davon, Helden zu werden. Die Helden des Todes, so romantisch und mutig! Sobald wir auf das Schlachtfeld kommen, verwandeln wir uns in gnadenlose Massenmörder, und aus irgendeinem Grund gilt das als 🎖️Heldentum🎖️.
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Der Text war sehr emotional gerade, denn während der Führung durch das Museum begann ich vor Ekel verrückt zu werden, wenn ich die Reiseführerin so oft Sätze wiederholen hörte wie "Das ist der größte wissenschaftliche und technologische Fortschritt!"
Fortschritt, oh wirklich. So nennt man das heute. Schande, Schande und nochmals Schande.
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divyanshinc · 7 months
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haimishwindows-123 · 7 months
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International Day of Peace
When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. Happy International Day Of Peace.
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digiverse360 · 7 months
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We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves!
Let’s spread the message of peace and build a more peaceful world for everyone.
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bassaminfotech · 7 months
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"Peace is not a destination; it's a journey we must all take together."
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alfafacadespvtltd · 7 months
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International Day of Peace
Peace is a journey of thousand miles and it must be taken one step at a time. Happy International Day Of Peace.
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vertexonindia · 7 months
Embrace serenity, spread kindness, and let harmony bloom on this International Day of Peace
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.¸¸.✻🕊🌿🕊´✻.¸¸. 1 de Janeiro Dia Mundial da Paz! Sem paz, possivelmente a humanidade não existiria! A paz é igual a uma grande roda humana, enquanto todos estiverem de mãos dadas, as armas estarão no chão. #paz #love #diamundialdapaz #harmony #peace #lovingkindness #feliz2023 #peaceworld #coração #branco #diadapaz #worldpeaceday #espalheamor #espalheluz #Pazaomundo #vivaempaz https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm4A1dNL23g/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kirari-art · 1 year
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感謝してます❤️ なにもないときこそ 感謝してます❤️ イマココにある幸せに。 命に。 出会いに。 感謝を込めて❤️ #キラリアート #夢を叶える #japaneseart #銀座まるかん #斎藤一人 #healingart #キラリングちゃんねる #kirariart #夢を叶える #幸せを運ぶ絵 #開運アート #有名になりたい #夢を叶える #freehand #healingart #日本の絵 #世界が平和になりますように #worldpeaceday #幸せがやってくる#happinesscomes #happinessproject (栃木 斎藤一人さんのまるかん みんなのお店 若草本店) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClGaPt-S7Rj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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