#women's adhd
cafeblossomss · 6 months
the most helpful thing i have ever seen from neurodivergent internet spaces is “THERE ARE OTHER TIMES OF DAY TO BRUSH YOUR TEETH”. this has genuinely saved me from executive dysfunction spirals so many times.
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galacticscrotum · 9 months
Neurotypicals all need to be reminded that if you made fun of someone in school for being “weird,” you were making fun of autistic people and that’s ableist and wrong. If you don’t educate yourself and change, you’re a bad person.
Things I saw kids get made fun of for:
Walking on their toes
Communicating directly
Not making eye contact
Making too much eye contact
Having special interests
Not having the right interests
Having few friends
Trying to make friends
Being “too” happy
Feeling overwhelmed
Being shy
Not talking much
Talking too much
Having fun being silly
Being serious
Doing well in class (nerd)
Doing poorly in class (stupid)
Any noticeable stims
The way we eat
A lot of other shit
Yeah, those kids were neurodivergent and you were an asshole to them. Do you see all the contradictions in that list? You never actually had a problem with anything we did or didn’t do. You had a problem with our existence. The way we talked, walked, breathed, you bullied us for it.
What’s even more disgusting and insane:
Lots of these kids chose to spend their elective periods with the special ed kids class. Lots of them grew up to be teachers, SpEd teachers, psychologists, etc. not because they want to help autistic people, but because they want to feel superior.
A big fuck you to all of the bullies and jerks that treated us like shit simply for being different from you.
I hope you’ve changed, but I know you probably haven’t. You’re doing the same shit, all that’s changed is you’re getting paid for it now. Go to hell. (A very particular section of hell where you’re marginalized for your neurotype and forced into ABA therapy and treated exactly how you treated us).
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hellish-cruelty · 9 months
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I'm just a woman from the Greta Gerwig universe.
Movies- 20th century women (2016), Frances Ha (2012), Little women (2019), Barbie (2023), Ladybird (2017), Mistress America (2015), Maggie's Plan (2015)
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 2 months
Late Diagnosis of ADHD in Women
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Future ADHD
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neurospicy · 2 years
This might be an unpopular opinion but if you’re mean to someone for being awkward, having weird interest, being a picky eater, speaking in a monotone voice, etc, and they later end up being diagnosed with autism, you are, in fact, still ableist. People shouldn’t have to have an official label or dx to be treated like human beings, and the fact that you’re more worried about the social connotations and disapproval you may face for being mean to someone with the autism label rather than being worried that you were cruel to someone who can’t help it says a lot about you.
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turns-out-its-adhd · 10 months
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My therapist told me I am 'very self-aware' and I was like 'ok, and how do I make that stop?'
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ineedfairypee · 7 months
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My whole life is a series of side quests
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I've come to the realization that I like to talk but I don't like talking to people. When I talk to people, especially new people, I never know what to expect but talking to myself is so simple and stress free. Now if only people would stop assuming that I'm crazy.
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kodoandsangha · 5 months
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[alt text] Not diagnosing a child doesn't mean they won't notice they're different. It just means that instead of thinking "I'm struggling because I have autism, ADHD, anxiety, depression, schizophrenia", they will just conclude that they are struggling because they are stupid, weak, annoying, unlovable, etc.
I cried when I got my AuDHD diagnosis. Literally sat in the office and cried. I finally had answers why I was just... different... from everyone else. Why I laughed at things when others didn't. Why sometimes school work didn't make sense despite reading the directions 10 times. Why social interactions never went correctly. There are days I still cry. Not because I have it, but because of all the things that happened when I didn't have the tool set I have to now to face things differently. The world became a different place to live in once I learned what was going on with me the entire time.
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frogg-hatt-420 · 10 months
I’m touch starved but if you lay even one finger on my body I will recoil in horror.
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love-islike-abomb · 5 months
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I've heard all these and it just shows how abelist neurotypicals really are. Not everyone who is neurodivergent is the same and just because "you know someone with autism" doesn't mean all of us are the same!! Lumping us all together is abelist ASF!!
"You're using it as an excuse" is neurotypical for saying "stop being so sensitive to me making fun of you!"
"you have friends" I have 2! 3 if you include my husband!
"you don't have it that bad" it's called masking because if I revealed my true autistic traits it would make you uncomfortable. It's always "be yourself" until we are and you don't like it!
"you don't look autistic" what do you expect? Me to have 3 arms growing out of my back? Wtaf!!
The more I looked at this the angrier I got because Anyone who's different is silenced! If we speak out about the abelism, racism, or anything else we are silenced!! No more!!!
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 2 months
Late diagnosis of ADHD in Women
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Future ADHD
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womenloverlmao · 2 months
Matthew Gray Gubler was written by a woman with undiagnosed ADHD and I will die on this hill
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girlofhoneyandglass · 12 days
me: but am I autistic? like really tho? what if I'm faking it
Also me: has a meltdown and tears half her room apart because they couldn't find their favourite necklace
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kermit-coded · 5 months
forgive me, i'm only on episode seven of fantasy high freshman year, but fabriz has bewitched me on the sole premise that i think it would be very funny if riz was fabian's bi awakening. like riz does some dope shit with his gun or is rambling about clues and fabian goes "oh shit".
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arson-09 · 1 month
tonights acotar thoughts are with the Illyrian women and how rhysand has utterly failed them despite his supposed efforts
Hes ‘allowed’ them to become warriors if they wish. But thats not even the bare minimum. from my memory he acknowledges that he doesnt enforce the wing clipping laws (smooth move) so that’s basically useless and as to be expected of a man, he misses the point of feminism and equality laws. WHERE are the laws and protections for women in marriages?? if the illyrian are so ‘brutal’ and ‘backwards’ the assumption can be made that divorce isn’t a thing unless the man requests it. No women requested divorces and probably no such thing as no fault divorces. As well as forced marriages (which also brings up the consent age) Adding on, what about abortions and other pre natal and natal laws and protections? again, assuming women arent allowed to have abortions or simply any bodily autonomy, where are those decrees rhysand? Im not even getting into the potential of LGBTQ+ illyrians and their rights (Logically there are LGBTQ+ illyrians but ofc sjm wouldn’t mention them)
He makes such a fuss about it being a womans choice (a hypocrite as we see in acosf) yet unless a woman is able too or wants to fight he doesnt seem to care. Which is also a major flaw of sjms writing, women only gain their independence if they can kick ass and fuck as they want. Which is of course valid but thats a very shallow way to view feminism and equality. The whole point is that a woman can choose, wether its to be a warrior or a stay at home mother, but theres nothing done for those women who want that lifestyle.
This has influenced me in my fic writing a lot to where a this topic has become a major focal point in my fic somewhat by accident. I think that logically there would be a rebellion from mostly illyrian women against rhysand, hes promised them so much yet has delivered so little.
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