#wolfstar raising Harry after POA
theresthesnitch · 1 year
Happy Birthday @impishtubist!!!
For Imp's birthday, I said I'd finish a fic that I promised her months ago. Unsurprisingly, life happened and I didn't finish it. I told her that I didn't want to start posting *another* WIP that wasn't finished, but I did give her a link to a google doc with the first four chapters of a long Wofstar raising Harry after POA fic. (About 11k worth of fic)
I did want to go ahead and share some of that fic here, so below is a snippet. I've shared a few before, so I'm going to start tagging it with the title, "All the Same."
Anyway, enjoy the small piece of Imp's birthday half-fic.
(they're discussing coming of age parties held for wix as they turn 17)
Harry shrugged. "Maybe. I don't know who would invite me to one." 
Sirius studied him thoughtfully. "I'm sure you've got lots of friends who would love to have you there." 
"You definitely do, Harry." Remus places a hand on his arm. "I know I was only your professor, but you were very well-liked." 
"Oh, I'm sure I'll get invitations. I just don't know how many will be inviting me, and how many will be inviting The Boy Who Lived." He shrugged, brushing through the pictures on the table with the tips of his fingers. "I don't really want to go just to be someone's party favor." 
Sirius inhaled sharply. “I’m sure that’s not why you’d get invites.”
Harry shrugged again, not making eye contact. “It is. A lot of people only want The Boy Who Lived.” 
Sirius wasn’t sure what to say. He looked at Remus who regarded Harry carefully. “I’m sure that’s very frustrating, Haz, but I think you have more friends than you realize. I taught your classmates and friends, and there are many people who love you for exactly you, not for the curse you avoided as a child.” 
Harry looked back at Remus, and Sirius managed to register the weight of this reality in his eyes. Sirius would do anything to take this pain away. "How do I know the difference?" 
"I think you have to learn to trust your instincts," Sirius said. 
"He's right." Remus smiled at Sirius, and Sirius’s heart fluttered. “You’ve got great instincts. I think if you trust yourself a little more, you’ll find that you can already tell when people are being genuine with you.” 
“What if I get it wrong?” Harry twisted the front of his shirt around his fingers, twisting the fabric until it formed a small knot around his finger, then letting go. The gesture took Sirius off guard–so similar to one that James always did when the conversation got serious. 
“Then you get it wrong.” Harry’s eyes shot to Sirius as he answered. “Sometimes, we get things wrong, and that’s okay too. You learn from that, and you do better next time.” 
Harry chewed on the corner of his lip, like he wasn’t sure. “I guess.” 
“Either way, we’ll be here for you, Remus and I.” Sirius glanced at Remus, who nodded at him encouragingly. “Whatever you need, we’ll be here.” 
Harry didn’t say anything, but from the way he looked between them, Sirius could tell that he thought there were strings attached. Like they’d be there until Harry did something that made them leave.
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whinlatter · 4 months
something tells me you don't really like tonks, just a hunch xD
For the relationship ask if you're still doing it: harry and remus, molly and remus, teddy and adromeda. I would love to see what do you think <3
noooo i love tonks! i had a ball writing her and think that @evesaintyves’ rendering of her is one of fandom’s greatest gifts 😭 i just find it very funny that harry thinks she should low key get a grip. and as a clumsy young woman who should myself get a grip, i say: get off her case, hjp.
ok the remus + tonks/black extended family universe... hyped for this one. delicious choices, thank you anon. (i have a few more in the inbox i'm going to take a stab at but am trying to avoid spoilery ones or ones where i risk boring you all again by repeating old talking points, so if i don't get to one pls forgive me...)
right — to business. we begin with everybody looking at remus lupin waiting for him to put his crippling self loathing aside to write (1) singular letter to his dead friend's son:
Tumblr media
i jest (to an extent). but i do think the entirety of harry and remus' dynamic is best encapsulated in one singular scene in PoA:
“When they get near me — ” Harry stared at Lupin’s desk, his throat tight. “I can hear Voldemort murdering my mum.” Lupin made a sudden motion with his arm as though to grip Harry’s shoulder, but thought better of it.
i know there's a very understandable move in AUs to imagine what would have happened if remus had raised harry - or, more often, if remus had been 'allowed' to raise harry by dumbledore. but looking past the whole plot-requiring-harry-to-be-at-the-dursleys thing, the truth is, canon remus lupin would never have put himself forward to raise harry, because of his own (not unfounded!) concerns about the precarity of his existence and the dangerousness of his condition. remus' sense of self - more specifically his fear of himself, and his very low self worth - consistently lead him to hold harry at arm's length from the moment he's introduced in the series until its bitter end. i don't think remus at all approves of the way harry is treated at the dursleys. but i can very much imagine that remus thinks it would still be better than the life he could have given harry if he ever had been called upon to serve as his primary caregiver. one of the most interesting implicit dynamics in the series is that harry notices this and does, to some extent, resent it (obviously the fact that he only ever calls him 'lupin' in his narration, though uses remus to his face, and also: 'Harry had received no mail since the start of term; his only regular correspondent was now dead and although he had hoped that Lupin might write occasionally, he had so far been disappointed.') while the harry & remus fight in DH is about harry's view of what remus ought to do re tonks and the baby, it’s also harry coming as close as saying to remus: you're letting your own child down like you let me down. ('I’m pretty sure my father would have wanted to know why you aren’t sticking with your own kid, actually... He had it coming to him,” said Harry. Broken images were racing each other through his mind: Sirius falling through the veil; Dumbledore suspended, broken, in midair; a flash of green light and his mother’s voice, begging for mercy… ‘Parents,’ said Harry, 'shouldn’t leave their kids unless—unless they’ve got to.')
molly and remus: i think this is a very, very underrated relationship! i know there’s a lot of molly-bashing around these days, especially if you’re a marauders and/or sirius and/or wolfstar stan. but i think it is very very overlooked that the person who looks after adult remus the most from 1995 onwards, and who shows him some of the deepest trust and roots for his happiness, is molly. for a man who has plainly known a huge amount of financial/food/housing insecurity, and who is so villainised in wider wizarding society, it is no small gesture for molly to not only provide for remus materially but also to trust him in a house with all of her children and encourage him in a romantic relationship he struggles to feel entitled to and worthy of. (i love sirius, but he is in no fit state to ‘look after’ remus in the last year of his life, and fandom’s continued unwillingness to recognise the importance of domestic/caregiving labour as a vital contribution to the resistance will never not be problematic af). remus clearly values and admires molly in return - the only time he actually ever entertains a parent/guardianship role is when molly is weeping over her boggart, crying onto remus’ shoulder (‘what must you think of me?’) and he assures her that if anything were to happen to her and arthur, he would be a part of the team making sure her children are taken date of (‘what do you think we’d do, let them starve?’) remus’ relationship with molly is often the more mild-mannered translator of her viewpoint to others (especially others with hot tempers), and mediator trying to find middle ground between molly’s protective instincts and the battle/ready instincts of others. (more grist to my sirius & ginny parallels mill — in DH, when a fuming ginny is desperately trying to sneak off to fight in the battle, it’s remus who appeals to molly and ginny to find the compromise of ginny staying in the room of requirement to know what’s going on but not actively fight, a mirror image of his role mediating the dispute between sirius and molly over harry’s right to know what’s going on at grimmauld in ootp…) molly accepts this compromise, a sign that she trusts remus implicitly (she never frets that a werewolf is living among her children in ootp onwards, and invites him to christmas readily even after months undercover with the pack) and also feels able to call him out (‘i’ve always said you’re taking a ridiculous line on this, remus’.) this is too long but basically — justice for molly and remus, unlikely buds!
teddy and andromeda: i weirdly think a lot about teddy lupin these days. i tend to imagine teddy as a very mild-mannered, affable, calm child, like who remus might have been had he not been bitten, with tonks' heart and sociability but also with something of remus' more philosophical disposition. i think he'd slip very naturally into a big brother role because, in part, he does see himself as having a responsibility to take care of people, and i think this would shine through in his relationship with andromeda. we know teddy was raised by his gran, and i imagine she feels enormously protective of him, perhaps bordering on strict in her desire to keep him safe from the harm that came to all the rest of her family. but i like to imagine teddy didn't act out against this too much, in part because he understands where it comes from and in turn feels very protective of andromeda. growing up in the aftermath of the war would make teddy as a child particularly aware of the grief and pain and the silences among the adults around him, and i think teddy would take any compensatory protective strictness on andromeda's part with good grace, and humour her for it. i like to think teenage/young adult teddy serves as the translator for any of his gran's more prickly edges, and that they have a very close relationship that both of them really treasure.
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neongreenllama · 8 months
I'm back on the omega Remus and alpha Sirius agenda! Tell me about how Harry reacts when they tell him they are pregnant with Teddy 🥺🙏
i guess it depends on the context. if we're talking pre-teen harry who was raised by wolfstar he'd probably throw a bit of a tantrum first because he's so used to being the spoilt only child with all the attention on him and doesn't wanna share. then, when they reassure him he's still getting the new broom for christmas, i think he'll just accept it and look forward to his sibling (getting impatient because it takes so long). he'll probably ask a lot of questions about how exactly daddy got papa pregnant, and then tell the answer to all his classmates and teachers, whether they ask or not
if we're talking teenager harry after poa or ootp ....... i'm sorry but the same boy who has come to every wrong conclusion ever and calls a moon a "floating white orb" had no idea they were even dating. he thought they were just besties living together and giving him shared presents. as friends. they had a friendship ceremony in the backyard where they exchanged friendship rings. to celebrate their friendship. he probably also assumed remus was an alpha just because he's a werewolf and is completely taken aback that he can even get pregnant. that he and sirius spent 3-4 days in isolation every four months was just a coincidence.
but once he understands what's going on, i think he'd just be really happy and excited for them! and he gets a sort of sibling so that's cool!
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impishtubist · 6 days
Your thoughts on wolfstar raising harry? (Let's forget for a moment how Remus didn't care for Harry in the books or reached out to him, but I don’t really see that happening.)
Lol, yeah, I had like 20 stories about Wolfstar raising Harry on AO3 once upon a time, until the Remus stans/apologists got too annoying and I took them down 🥰
Ngl, I still like a good Wolfstar Raising Harry (TM) story (both reading and writing it), but it has to be about the raising Harry part. 99% of the time, the author is just concerned about writing a bunch of Wolfstar smut and like 1% about raising Harry, which is so boring. Yeah yeah yeah, the two characters kiss and rub together and orgasm, we get it, it's boring, move on.
Here are some Wolfstar raising Harry things that I would like to see that no one is ever going to write because the world is cruel to me:
Sirius and Remus being dads to Harry but they're not together - and no, that's not an excuse to write Sirius/OFC and Remadora. I think platonically devoted Wolfstar is a super interesting concept. Sure, they might hook up with or even date other guys on the side, but their best friend comes first. They each have their own floor at Grimmauld and it's great. Or maybe the three of them rotate between living at Grimmauld or living in Remus's cottage (or living together in Hogsmeade when Remus gets the teaching position).
Wolfstar that wasn't together prior to POA and didn't even have attraction for each other. People falling in love in their 30s is so interesting to me. Sirius gets custody of Harry after POA, and he and Remus resume their best friendship.........until they both have the startling realization that, uh, they might be interested in men and aren't straight like they thought they were. And.........maybe they are also interested in each other?
Wolfstar was a thing prior to POA, but Sirius isn't interested in getting back together with Remus after his release. He gets custody of Harry and proceeds to live his best life. Remus has to earn his place in their lives again, which he does, but he works hard for it. As he should.
Wolfstar being a thing briefly from POA-OOTP or so, but then they divorce and split custody, so Harry goes back and forth between them. And no, that's still not an excuse for Sirius/OFC and Remadora, and no they don't get back together. They learn how to parent amicably and soon find their way back to a friendship, even if it's not the same as before.
Hmm I'm sure I could come up with more, but that's it for now. My point is: unconventional Wolfstar and unconventional Wolfstar raising Harry are stories I'd like to read, but everyone is SO tied to the idea of fanon Remus, fanon Sirius, and fanon Wolfstar and no one's brave enough to branch out and write something truly different, the end.
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broomsticks · 1 year
fic rec list: 15 het Remus rare ships
aka not remadora, not gay remus, but a secret third (fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh) option
okay so i totally played myself here: this started out as a cracky spite reclist, but i should have known better… i may now have fifteen new ships.
seriously, they’re legitimately good. SO many good reads.
the list: remus/hermione, remus/lily, remus/minerva, remus/trelawney, remus/poppy, remus/petunia, remus/narcissa, remus/bellatrix, remus/fleur, remus/pansy, remus/cho, remus/luna, remus/ginny, remus/lavender, remus/andromeda.
bonus: several remus HP poly ships, and several excellent buffy the vampire slayer crossovers: remus/jenny calendar and remus/faith lehane.
1. remus/hermione
look. i don’t just have a fic rec for this. i have a rec for a ship manifesto (original link | wayback machine) and rec list (LJ comm het-reccers | wayback machine)
Because of the slim canon interaction and the many obstacles to writing the pairing, it’s often done badly. But I think when it’s done well, it’s done very well; a writer who can keep the two characters true to the Remus and Hermione that we know and still write a convincing relationship between them tends to be a good writer. Consequently, there are some real gems among the fandom. In conclusion, yes, this is difficult to write and indeed to get your head around. But done well, it can be challenging, thought-provoking, fluffy, angsty, dark and hot. Often all at the same time. And in a fandom that ships cephalopods, this can only be a good thing.
first entry on that reclist is a ~10k E-rated fic titled after a shakespeare sonnet, and the rec begins:
This is by far my favorite fic in any fandom or ship. It's a beautiful story that depicts how these two characters slowly weave into each other.
the second entry has implied past wolfstar, and there’s fic by both setissma and musesfool on the list.
2. remus/lily
holy fuck this ship blindsided me with the angst and tragedy!! mwpp era writers, why are you Like This.
The Day After by violet_quill (1k, E). canon compliant, november the first, 1981, adultery. the repeating motif of street trash hurts me.
He doesn't think about how he doesn't like coffins anymore than he likes bars; he doesn't wonder who has the worse fate. He tries not to remember that he will be the only one left to put flowers on the graves. He doesn't think about James either.
bonus shoutouts to:
No Harm, But No Certain Good by victoria_p (musesfool) (1k, M), hogwarts era secret relationship, uhea as fuck
The Bowl Of Lilacs by copperbadge (12k, M), first war to eventual remus raises harry au, more plotty/remus-centric than shippy, but the remus/lily is both on page and significant
3. remus/minerva mcgonagall
two excellent poa fics:
The Ten Month Career of Professor R. J. Lupin by pauraque (3k, T):
He raised his hand to knock, but stopped halfway, caught in the shadow of decision. All during the long, hazy summer he'd thought of this, of what he should say, of how he should act.
god, i love this remus. the reminerva and sevinerva (yes, i did just invent these) love triangle is so beautifully woven!
A Year In The Life by copperbadge (41k, T): what a love affair! loved exploring a faculty romance through the eyes of these two, and the ending was so painfully drawn out! the Rent lyrics!!!
4. remus/sybil trelawney
two more POA with perfectly characterized dramatic trelawney, who Sees and is completely, hilariously wrong with her interpretation -- i adore this trope sm.
The Baby in the Pumpkin Patch & Other Stories by @evesaintyves: Chapter 3: The Seer, the Bell Jar, and the Packet of Crisps (~2k, G)
Black With a Tail by @paulamcg (500, G)
5. remus/poppy pomfrey
Take Care of Yourself by @patriceavril (8k, M), a lost years/pre-POA remus/poppy. so soft and tender, the little peter HC and the briefcase HC :') never gets old!
6. remus/petunia
A Different Fate by lordhellebore (6.5k, T): remus and petunia raise dudley and a disabled harry au, in 65 x 100-word drabbles. fluffy, angsty, a surprisingly wholesome take on this pairing!
7. remus/narcissa
Disparities by @puuvillaa (2.5k, M). first war fic, yummy hatesex, who is using who?
Fallen Stars by @siriusly-sapphic (4k, T): hogwarts-era alternative sorting slytherin remus au is such a good setup for this pairing!
8. remus/bellatrix
lots of intriguing takes on this pairing!
Bellatricked by Ellen Smithee (ellensmithee) (800, E): dark remus lupin, er, snuff.
What the Moon Revealed by Maria_de_Salinas (2k, E): can’t go wrong with a good first war hatesex!
Before the Veil by Donna_Immaculata (4k, E): more snuff fic hahaha. implied wolfstar, established snupin
worth mentioning that this pairing is not ALL snuff fic -- there’s a surprising amount of soft!bellatrix -- but tbh i liked these better.
9. remus/fleur
before marrying bill, fleur wants to make sure she is… Riding The Real Thing by snapealina (2k, E).
there’s also an interesting muggle art camp counselor/camper au (5k, M)!
10. remus/pansy
Pruddy's Inn by littlealex (2k, E): post-canon au, ahhh gorgeous '00s era fic.
Pansy's legs disentangle themselves from around Remus' shoulder and arm, and Remus collapses on top of her, unable to support his own weight. She sighs contentedly and threads her fingers through his hair, her eyes still shut firmly against reality. What good is reality, she muses, if I can just pretend to get what I want?
11. remus/cho
The Heart by bloodsugarlove (7k, T). teacher/student told from teacher pov is always fascinating and the prose in this one is unique and lovely! note: doesn’t warrant the underage warning, no whiff of underage sex anywhere.
It's something of a scandal that Cho is seeker for Ravenclaw; many girls appear threatened by this, though they can't deny that is is rather decent at the position. Boys think it is fascinating, and Chang herself is arrogant in the most charming way. Not that Mr. Lupin really thinks so, mind you; it's a collective opinion, and anyway he has had quite his fill of arrogance. He has had quite his fill of a lot of things. He would really rather think of something else.
12. remus/luna
Stubby Boardman and the Cacao Bean by kestrelsan (2k, G), a remix fic!!! loved the original drabble and it was so cool to see it expanded into this oneshot.
honestly this is a real quality ship! in addition to all the delicious smutty kink fic that’s all over the ship tag, there’s also:
this postwar perfection -- he was learning what was real: like Heliopaths and Snorcacks and love! -- Bearing Fruit by @paulamcg (2k, M),
this creaturehunting mission fic, with multiple pieces of fanart, created for @hpdrizzle fest 2017: The Naturists by hikorichan (9k, T)
and this lovely post-canon get-together -- Anytime by @nanneramma (1k, T) -- the seasonal pacing works so well for this nature-connected pairing!
13. remus/ginny
The Meaning of Restraint by Darsynia (4k, M): caught in a club and i’m not even underage! stellar vibes and dynamic here.
open my heart (let it bleed onto yours) by @lunapwrites (~20k (wip), E) -- a fascinatingly, wonderfully explored postwar marriage law au!
14. remus/lavender
Big Teeth/Little Red by PacificRimbaud (5k, M): oh my god this was utterly delightful. it’s a library meet-cute and a halloween party and the age differences, hahaha. a ton of age gap pairings here -- harry/pansy is the only one that is not, iirc.
While he tugs at the cap, he wonders at the audacity of living one’s life as Sirius Black. What must it be like: to understand the line between being a man who has bad ideas, and being a bad man? To gleefully ride along the edge of it, to toss away all but your own discernment, to simply do what you would like to do so long as no one’s being harmed, to not worry about what your desires say about you, to call your godson’s half-dressed former girlfriend a bad idea to her waggishly smiling face at your kitchen table and to let yourself bask in the fallout, sated like a wolf that's helped itself to a lamb. A— …big bad wolf…
15. remus/andromeda
Shelter at Your Door by starfishstar (13k, T): an andromeda doesn’t elope, marries and later leaves lucius au. the r/a relationship in this au is so well-written, their compatibility is so lovely, and although tonks is never born in this au, the r/t echoes are deliciously haunting!
"So," she said softly, pressing down against him, and Remus, following instinct at last, arched to meet her. "Are we doing this?" "Yes," Remus agreed, a whisper in her ear. "We're doing this." Careful not to sound judgemental about it, Andromeda asked, "Have you done this before?" With Remus and his insistence that everything about himself was dangerous and not to be allowed, it was difficult to know. He gave a self-deprecating laugh. "Yeah. Couple of times." "Oh?" she teased, still gentle. "What happened to being too dangerous for anything beyond friendship?" Remus' mouth made a wry twist. "It found itself on a collision course with being nineteen years old and horny, that's what happened to it."
a bonus: if anyone's taking notes, i couldn’t find fic for:
remus/olympe maxime,
remus/myrtle warren,
remus/the grey lady
remus/parvati or remus/padma patil,
remus/rita skeeter in english,
remus/angelina aside from the remus x gryffindor chaser sandwich,
remus/millicent bulstrode that was not a crossover,
remus/rose weasley or remus/victoire (there's a bunch of remus/lily luna all written by one author)
not to mention literally any creaturefic at all -- remus/basilisk? remus/nagini? remus/mrs norris? remus/hedwig? y’all, i’m disappointed. there was one remus/crookshanks [chapter 21].
bonus recs:
remus/hermione/ginny/luna, a nice lovely fluffy fun (E-rated) romp
remus/pomona/hagrid: "You see, I was thinking if you fucked this plant in werewolf form, we could get a beautiful crossbreed for dear Ru's birthday next month."
bonus bonus recs:
+1. remus/jenny calendar from buffy the vampire slayer
Weighed Down With Good Intentions by Thistlerose (8k, M):
"And your friends? Come on, Remus. You had to have had some. Outgoing, personable guy like you." Her tone was light, the kiss she pressed against the corner of his mouth playful. "They're dead too," he said, his smile fading. "All of them. There were never many," he added when she looked at him, her eyebrows raised. "Three. Four. One turned out not to be a friend after all." "And he – or she – " "He." "Is he dead too?" "Prison," Remus said. He closed his eyes and saw Sirius's face instead of Jenny's. Rough black hair, storm-colored eyes, lightning smile. Grease under fingernails. How many different kinds of lightning had he discovered that summer?
jfc this is GENIUS. the references to both BTVS and HP, the intertwining of both stories — it’s canon compliant to both, afaik, except for the bit where remus survives the second war to have that very last conversation — and holy shit that very last cameo!!!
+2. remus/faith lehane from btvs/ats
The Intent To Be Lost by voleuse (1.5k, T), post-Chosen, an encounter with a stranger.
"You could meet me again." She raises her eyebrows, leers a little. He rises from the floor, his body casting a lean shadow on the carpet. "Perhaps," he murmurs, idly running his fingers around his wrist. Faith shrugs again, but pauses before she exits. "You should," she hesitates. "You should be careful out there. At night." He's strong, but she's not sure if he's that strong, and he's starting to look a little pale. "It can get rough after dark." "Indeed," Remus says, but he smiles almost politely. "See you," Faith replies, and she tries to shut the door quietly behind her.
impeccable characterization sells a good crossover every damn time.
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padfootastic · 1 year
maybe it’s becoming less of an unpopular opinion, but Remus is not a father figure to Harry. whether he’s a ‘good’ person is debatable, he’s human, but his flaws are often glossed over and he’s definitely not the saint fandom makes him out to be. even if we ignore his abandonment of Harry for twelve years (which doesn’t compare to Sirius not being able to be there because he was in JAIL), he doesn’t tell Harry about the friendship with his father until the end of POA, then promptly disappears from his life. he then shows up in OOTP, then promptly disappears after Sirius’ death. you can argue he was grieving the summer after, but Harry gets nothing until DH. Remus absolutely deserves the verbal smackdown from Harry in DH about abandoning his son. it’s just a shame no one else thought to do the same on behalf of Harry.
oof, okay, i see we’re out for some (nice, well deserved) violence ;)
i’m sure it comes as no surprise that i strongly agree with this
it’s like—even if u say that he couldn’t/didn’t need to contact harry pre-hogwarts (which i heavily disagree w tbh) then what reason did he have for his distance during hogwarts and ESPECIALLY post-poa? like, our boy had zero family during the third task, the least he could’ve done was come see him??? but nope. remus was just like ‘i’m outta here bye 🥸’
and don’t even get me started on all the fics/hcs that fully equate remus & sirius in terms of parenting in all the wolfstar raising harry stuff. like, i’ve mentioned it before and i really don’t care what individuals write about fandom is ur playground and all that but!! BUT!! when the dominant perception becomes that remus was just as good as, if not often better, than sirius at being a parent and s becomes the irresponsible man child then that’s where it gets me fired up. like, the audacity to not just be wrong but also completely malign sirius, the one adult who unselfishly cared about harry?? ugh sorry. u can tell this is my soapbox lol.
Send me unpopular opinions!
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lielowat-lupins · 2 years
Favorite Wolfstar Fics thru 2022:
- All the Young Dudes + Out of the Blue (mskingbean89 - 526k words)
- Flight 143 (thebiinbitch - 66k) - Sirius is seated next to his ex-boyfriend Remus on a flight from London to NYC and he has to come to terms with his still-lingering feelings as they continue to run into one another in the city.
- good old-fashioned love boy (all2well - 157k) - After POA, Peter is captured, Remus returns to Hogwarts to teach, and is surprised when Sirius is announced as the new Charms professor.
- that’s the art of getting by (sarewolf - 40k) - Remus is given Harry to raise after Halloween '81, begins raising him in small town, Sirius is freed early on from Azkaban, and moves in to help raise Harry. ANGST
- saccharine (moonymoment - 26k) - Remus falls in love with Sirius, the ghost haunting his apartment, and his love begins to make Sirius more real, but the reality of a future together seems unlikely. (I sobbed)
- To Be Alone With You (Shay_Fae - 16k) Remus's suicide attempt during the summer before 6th year forces Sirius to confront his deeper feelings.
- Of Memories and Milk Thievery (moonymoment - 57k) - Sirius and Remus can't seem to leave each other alone even though they have been divorced for four years and their immaturity and lack of communication really starts to weigh on their son Teddy.
- Billet-Doux en Noir et Blanc (MoonCat457 - 29k) - Remus and Sirius have been hooking up for 7 years, but Remus wants something more and wonders if the trip to Paris that Sirius has just invited him on as his wedding date will finally be his chance.
- How Remus Got His Groove Back (RealityShowJunky - 42k) - When Sirius rejects Remus's love confession, Remus decides he needs to take control of his own life. And Sirius realizes the mistake he made.
- Text Talk (merlywhirls - 141k) - When Sirius texts a wrong number, he accidentally launches into a new friendship with the chronically ill Remus Lupin.
- A Wolf’s Heart (mizdiz - 87k) - After meeting in a bookstore and starting to fall for one another, Remus is hesitant to let himself love Sirius because of his fear of being a burden because of his serious chronic illness. WARNING: will definitely break your heart
- The Incomplete Recounting of Four Nonconsecutive Tuesdays in the Spring of 2002 (BrujaBanter - 11K) - Sirius and Remus decide to try couples therapy to work on their issues after Sirius comes back from the dead years after falling through the Veil.
- The Art of Falling in Love (MessusMinnow - 67k) - Moony and Padfoot start to fall for each other as anonymous texting pen pals without realizing they actually know each other in their real lives.
- all my cards are here (haey1 - 112k) - Bartender Remus joins a band called The Marauders as their new bassist and begins to fall for drummer Sirius. He soon begins to suspect Sirius might have feelings, too, which complicates things as the band rises to fame.
- The Impossible Season (coyotesuspect - 21k) - Sirius returns from the Veil, but he is 17-years-old and doesn't have any memories of what happened to him as an adult. Remus is conflicted about what to do with this new version of Sirius in his life.
- Carry the News (sleepingtigers - 25k) - Set in the ATYD universe, Sirius’s POV after 1981.
- Let Nothing You Dismay (montparnasse - 18k) - Sirius works through his deep feelings for Remus and his confusions about his own self.
- i found you (de_sire - 23k) - Sirius finally finds his Soulmate after searching for years and years, but wonders why Remus didn’t try to find him.
- My Empire of Dirt (FivePips - 15k) - Sirius learns he has terminal cancer and wants to make things right with his ex Remus.
- Just what the doctor ordered (WrappedUp - 96k) - Sirius falls for his new vet Remus after rescuing a puppy, but his immaturity and struggles with loving himself cause the relationship to implode; Sirius works on personal growth and a plan to win the love of his life back.
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lucigoo · 7 months
Calmwrimo: Day 16 - 0 Words
Thats right, nothing. Had a terrible day so read a 187k words series instead. Its here if anyones interested, called The Folkllore Chronicals by throughthemist. Wolfstar raising Harry Potter after PoA and Sirius Black helping Draco, I really enjoyed it.
Unrelated to fanworks, the Uk school sytem is SHIT!!! My square peg will not fit in your round hole so thanks for once again failing him!!
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snufluffles · 2 years
Something He Never Got To Say Before
for @impishtubist 's prompt here ; it's not wolfstar raising Harry, but close! hope you like it ! words: 955 summary: Harry wants to call Sirius ‘dad’. [Set in the summer after PoA, Peter’s caught, Sirius is free and raising Harry the best he can.]
It frustrates Harry how it fits so perfectly. Sirius is spelled soft and warm on his tongue but dad—it’s tender and something Harry’s never got to say before and homey and it makes his cheek hurt with a smile. Harry loves how it sounds.
But he isn’t meant for it.
Harry stares at the words.
Oh, and I’m sure my dad will~
That’s where they end, the curved end of the l smudged into a waving, blotted line; Harry’s quill had jerked with the realisation of what he’d written.
He stares, biting his lip, heart starting to pound in his chest. Sirius, he means. But.
Sirius isn't his dad. Harry doesn't have a dad.
It shouldn't hurt as much as it does.
Sirius changed his whole life. He bought Harry a home, now gives him a life that is a thousand times less miserable and more exciting than his previous one—it is love filled and brimming with smiles and soft touches (instead of shrieking and pan-throwing and knee-scraping heart-wrenching hurt) and Sirius buys him candies and ice creams (the very best ones) and takes him to carnivals and teaches him about Holi and Diwali and tells him stories about his parents. Sirius ruffles his hair and watches the telly with him and tells Harry: I love you, kid.
You're the best, Harry.
It's enough. It should be.
It is, in a way. Harry is more than grateful, beyond it really, for all that Sirius has done—he’s done so much for him in a mere twenty days than the Dursleys ever did for him in all of Harry’s thirteen years.
And yet, he finds himself wanting more.
His lips taste of blood as he scrapes back his chair to throw the crumpled parchment into the bin.
He is four (but he doesn't know it then) when he, looking at Petunia's long pale hair and Dudley's very blue eyes (handsome, Petunia always says), asks: “Are you my mum?”
It's a question that's been troubling him, after that Incident at the grocer's, whizzing around in his mind and buzzing right next to his ears and crawling over his fingers ever since.
Petunia turns with a crack of her neck, her face pinching and scrunching. “Where did you get that idea from?”
“That woman at the—”
“I am not,” she cuts in, sharply. Then she shudders. “I'm not your mother and never will be, you understand? I would never want you as my son, you freak of a child.”
Harry fights back tears.
“Who is, then?” he whispers.
“You don't have a mother, you idiot.”
One of the words he learns that day is orphan.
It frustrates Harry how it fits so perfectly. Sirius is spelled soft and warm on his tongue but dad—it’s tender and something Harry’s never got to say before and homey and it makes his cheek hurt with a smile. Harry loves how it sounds.
But he isn’t meant for it. It’s how it is. Like how he will never have his parents back. How the sky is blue. It’s how it will be.
Yet. There’s a childish part of Harry that hopes so badly, hopes with all of his snitch-sized heart and rule-defying soul that Sirius accepts him and calls him ‘son’ and —
Maybe he should write a letter to Hermione. Or Ron. They’re good at family stuff, especially Ron. Harry wonders what his best friend would say if he asked: ‘Mate, what do you do when you feel like calling your godfather ‘dad’?
He probably wouldn’t know, nor Hermione, Harry thinks, chewing his morsel for far longer than he should, staring at his plate.
The thing is, the real thing that is behind it all, that Sirius is really, when you think of it for a good while, the perfect picture for the word ‘dad’. He’s the synonym of dad, really, and Harry’s sure that if he said it to whoever wrote dictionaries, the writer would most definitely agree and immediately jot it down next to ‘dad’ and congratulate him immensely for the insight. (In his mind, he looks like Cornelius Fudge.)
And that is why, when Sirius asks Harry in his gentle voice, eyes grey and kind, if something is wrong (because Harry has been quiet throughout dinner and Sirius is sure the curry tastes alright and there’s nothing wrong Sirius has said and he’s wracking his brain if today is a date kids should be morose on but he can’t handle Harry looking so sadly at his plate, like it’s broken his heart or something) that Harry blurts, “Can I call you dad?”
Sirius blinks.
His spoon clatters on the plate.
Harry’s mouth parts as he realises what he’s said and he inhales a sharp, stuttering breath.
Way to go there, Potter. “Er—I mean…”
He doesn’t know what he means except what he said and he knows that he shouldn’t have said it and there’s an expression (shock? surprise? dread?) drenching Sirius’ face and he needs to look away and down at his plate.
Shame burns in his throat, flaming his face and his heart twists.
Harry says, “I meant…” He has no idea what he can say that would rectify this situation. He stares at his orange-red curry, imagining his face is as red as it.
“Oh, Harry…” Sirius say, voice sounding... strange. He clears his throat. “I—of course you can. If you want to.”
Harry looks up so quickly his vision greys a little. “I can?”
“Yeah, you can.” Sirius’ hand flies to his smooth hair to smoothen it.
He can’t believe it. Sirius smiles; a smile that makes him think of his parents’ wedding photos, that makes Harry believe in everything, including this.
Harry’s face splits into a wide wide grin. “Um, thank you… Dad!”
Sirius’ smile wobbles. “Come here, kid.” Sirius gets up and raises his arms, inviting Harry for a hug. Harry rushes forward, chair screeching, heart soaring in delight, and burrows himself in the tight hold of his godfather, and—dad.
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moonlightdancer26 · 2 years
I remember being so annoyed with Wolfstar shippers even when I was in school, that when we were given a "What book would you rewrite if you could, what would you change in it" the first thing I listed was to make Sirius and Remus half-brothers and making it known that they were related in POA, and when we switched papers to read over the girl who got mine gave me such a dirty look and she asked the teacher if she could swap papers with someone else.
My other changes were: -Snape lives -Harry STAYS hating his dad for SA -Lupin never ran out on his pregnant wife + he got to fight Greyback at the final battle -Filch wasn't so eager to physically torture students, all that torture-talk was just stuff he said to scare the first years
-We got to see more of Fluffy -Firenze stayed relevant after book 5
-Dudley was average weight because I hated how much his weight was mentioned in addition to how terrible he was :/ As someone who was overweight at the time
-Harry finding stuff that belonged to his mom so he got to know her a little better -Petunia being nicer to Harry, while still harsh she still cared for him -Tonks turning into Snape and freaking everyone out because Snape was SMILING and not acting like his usual self and her cover was only broken because the real Snape showed up and got mad at her -Hedwig having a baby owl that Harry raised
Man, Wolfstar shippers suck, don’t they?
I wouldn’t make Remus and Black half-brothers though that’s a great way to completely shatter Wolfstar shippers’ hopes (muhahaha), I’d try to find some other way to do that. I just.. the thought of my precious darling being closely-related to that abusive sociopath is just- no.
Ok but I REALLY love your changes!
Harry hating his poor excuse of a father for a horrible crime? Yes please!!
Remus never running out on a pregnant Tonks? Hmm, sure, why not? Though I do love the fight Harry and Remus had, it’s actually one of my all-time favourite moments in the entire series.
Remus fighting Greyback in the final battle? YES YES YES!!!! That Burrow-burning-down-scene-with-Bellatrix-and-Greyback in the HBP movie (and movie-only) was honestly such a waste. Remus is reunited with the person whom had caused him so much suffering (Greyback, obviously), and the filmmakers did nothing with it. :/
Filch not being so eager with torturing children and only doing it to scare them? Yes please!! I adore Filch (don’t ask)!!
Seeing more of Fluffy? YES! I really wished we could’ve seen more of him!
Firenze staying relevant after OoTP? YES PLEASE OMG!!! I REALLY wished we could’ve seen more of him! I really love him!
Dudley being average-weight? Ohh, I like this one. And yeah, I really disliked how Rowling tried to make fat-shaming okay when the person isn’t nice, Harry is surprisingly pretty shallow in the books. Must be a side-effect from living with Petunia..
Harry finding stuff about Lils and getting to know her better? YES PLEASE!!!!!!! Imagine if he saw a bunch of photos of her and Sev hanging out! 🥺
Petunia being nicer to Harry whilst still remaining harsh? I WANT THIS SO BAD!!!!!!
Tonks morphing into Sev, smiling, and freaking everyone else out, then getting caught by Snape himself? BAHAHAHA THIS TOTALLY HAPPENED
Hedwig having a baby owl that Harry raises? This is my new headcanon now, thanks!
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ncoincidences · 2 years
WIP Challenge 😁❤🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤🤍❤😁🤩🤩 Rules: tell us the titles of all the WIPs you are currently working on right now and a little about them. Then tag five other writers.
@limetimo thanks for the tag! your fdr is the one i’m most excited for!! and you know how i love talking about WIPs and never finish them!!
so, most of these have Undecided Titles because I'm pretty crap at naming fics and I usually do it before posting them.
Legends — Fred and George find out about the marauders during PoA. I’m having loads of fun writing this; there’s humour, fluff, and I love writing about how tragic the marauders were, especially in the eyes of teenagers. Not to mention how Fred and George feel about the knowledge of the marauder’s identities; half their heroes are dead, one insane and after Harry, and the other a fun (but slightly suspicious) Professor. Plus, with Black attempting to enter Gryffindor Tower, they wonder if they should turn the map in.
love song on the radio — rscandyhearts fic that has reincarnated Sirius and Remus (still haven't decided whether they were lovers in prev life or not) + dating app!meet cute + modern au + lots of sirius pining.
Untitled Ghost Regulus Black AU — where straight after dying, Regulus lands as a ghost in Sirius’ apartment. Lots of feels in this one, plus angst! i LOVE writing ghost!Regulus. it's my new favourite thing. so much nostalgia! love for life! and plus in this one Regulus realises, with much regret, how much Sirius actually cares for him, and had he lived he could’ve had a happy life. but as much as I like Regulus experiencing regret at the loss of oppurtunity, this fic also has Sirius showering love on Regulus (sometimes in a sort of literal way — his twisted brotherly kind of way).
Untitled wolfstar raising harry fic — where Sirius comes to Remus with baby Harry and (unnamed) Potter cat, and they raise Harry the best they can while being on the run from basically all factions of the wizarding world: the Order, the Death Eaters, and the Ministry. And meanwhile, also falling in love. And chasing Peter. Yeah, talk about being busy. (Their cat seems to be fond of eating rats though.)
Untitled Regulus Black Lives fic — I've been wanting to write a Regulus lives fic since a g e s , seriously. I think it was one of the first ideas I had while joining fandom. And I've had many. Ok, so anyway, this is a fic in which Kreacher does not want to see his Master dying, or his Mistress grieving (again) and really really wants to save Regulus and somehow, a fire starts in the nightmare-cave? oh? are those monstrous flames, licking the worst of creatures, those born of death and the foulest of magic? Embracing Master and Kreacher with their scorching, eye-watering arms of heat? Oh—wait, WHAT?
last off, i also have three (untitled) wolfstar drabbles, one untitled (seriously, how do you people title fics before posting?) one-shot where Sirius finds out the actual cause of Regulus’ death, and another one-shot, titled ‘Only Child’, reflecting Regulus’ thoughts on when Walburga blasts Sirius off the tapestry, marking him as the only child of the family.
phew. that’s it! (only 10 of my WIPs though ^^) if you’ve read this long essay of a ramble, i adore you, and here, these are buckets of love! thanks <3
tagging: @unspeakable3 , @astranix , @aeridi0nis , @dykesiriusblack , @royalwilmon + anyone who read this and wants to do it!
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theresthesnitch · 2 months
Sirius woke up to the sound of heavy footsteps running up the stairs. He smiled, realizing it meant Harry was home, but it took Remus shifting in his arms to remember exactly what position they were about to be found in.
Remus lifted his head and seemed to realize what they were hearing a moment after Sirius, but Harry's footsteps were on the landing. They hadn't talked about what they were, much less what they were going to tell Harry, and he was about to find them naked in bed together. Sirius panicked and pushed Remus onto the floor on the far side of the bed just before Harry opened the door.
“Sirius!” Sirius turned around and pat the bed next to him. Harry hopped up and leaned into Sirius’s hug. “Sleeping in?”
“Um, yeah.” Sirius pulled the blanket tighter around his hips. “Remus and I were up late last night.” He hoped Harry didn’t ask questions about it.
Instead, Harry blushed. “Yeah, uh. I was too.”
Sirius laughed. “Oh, were you? Want to tell me about it?”
Harry smiled. “Sure, but can we wait for Remus too? Where is he? He wasn’t in his room.”
Sirius was sure that Harry would be able to tell that Remus was in the room by the way his heart rate changed. “Uh, maybe he is in the bathroom?”
"No, it was open."
"The kitchen?"
Harry shook his head. "I flooed into the kitchen."
Sirius pressed his lips together, thinking fast. "Maybe he went to pick up breakfast?"
Harry pulled back from the hug to look up at Sirius in confusion. "You think Remus woke up early to go get breakfast after you both were up late? Remus?"
"He knew you were coming!" Sirius covered quickly. "He might have set an alarm."
Harry stopped to consider that for a moment, then looked excited. "Do you think he's getting donuts? Cause I could really go for one now."
Sirius laughed. "You know, he might be!"
Harry scooted to the edge of the bed. "I'm going to go put my bag away and then make tea. I bet he'll want a cuppa by the time he gets here."
"You're probably right. Make me one too, Haz? I'm probably going to shower real quick."
Harry looked back with a smile. "Of course. I wouldn't forget you." Harry turned and walked out of the room.
Sirius scrambled to the far edge of the bed. “Remus? Oh Merlin, I’m so sorry.”
Remus peaked out from under the bed. “You know, I’ve had some pretty bad experiences the morning after hooking up with a guy, but I think shoved out of bed and forced into buying breakfast just might top all the rest.”
Sirius swallowed hard. “Sorry, it was just he was coming in, and I panicked. We hadn’t talked about us or what to tell Harry and–”
“And now I’m going out to get breakfast.” Remus slid out from under the bed fully now, and moved to start putting on clothes.
“I’m so sorry about that.” Sirius sat on the edge of the bed. “I’ll go if you want me to instead. You don’t have to.”
“And what, do you have some polyjuice sitting around so I can be you for the next hour?” Remus shook his head and pulled his trousers up. “It’s fine.”
Sirius bit his lip as he watched Remus dress. “I know we just talked last night about me fighting for you, but this is not me not fighting for you. It’s just–it’s Harry, and I’m–”
“Harry is your priority.” Remus looked at him with a smile, and Sirius felt his pulse settle a bit. “I’m not mad. He should be your priority. It was also kind of funny listening to you scramble for an explanation. I’ll go out and get breakfast now. Donuts, apparently.”
“I’ll pay for them. You can get some money out of my wallet.”
Remus snorted. “You’re damn right, you’re paying. I’m getting myself a coffee too.”
“Whatever you want. A breakfast roll, too. Or an extra donut.” Sirius grabbed his hand. “Are we alright?”
Remus stepped closer, legs pressed against Sirius’s knees over the edge of the bed. He cupped Sirius’s face, stroking his thumb over his cheekbone. “You still like me?”
Sirius bit back the retort that Remus used the wrong L word, and merely answered, “Yes.”
Remus leaned forward and brushed his lips against Sirius’s. “Then yes, we’re alright. We’ll talk about it later, when Harry is busy or whatever.”
“I’d really like that.”
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mcmactictac · 3 years
is wolfstar canon
Hello and welcome back to another episode of I analyze your favourite ships and let you know if they’d be canon if a coward wasn’t writing them.
I have read all the Harry Potter books and watched all the movies, I have not read All the Young Dudes but I have consumed lots of mauraders content so I’m really hoping all of these points I’m making are canon.
Let’s start with Remus Lupin. That’s a queercoded bitch if I’ve ever seen one. Now I’m always a sucker for queer coding within magical worlds, as there’s a lot of really subtle things to do with it. Now with Remus being a werewolf, there’s a lot to examine there. When examining queer coding we will ignore the shitty implication that it’s a disease that can be given to you by others because that’s dumb and Rowling sucks. We do not stand for homophobia in this household so I want to make extra clear I don’t want to imply any of that.
That being said, being a werewolf is a thing Remus is ashamed of and feels the need to hide. He hides it from everyone around him because he doesn’t want them to look at him differently. You also have to keep in mind the time period this would be set, being gay can be incredibly unsafe and life altering in a negative way. So he hides it to protect himself, despite the fact he is a child struggling with all this internal self loathing. The constant narrative of being a monster that just pushes you further and further into hiding because you have no idea what would happen if they found out. And eventually he finds close friends who figure it out and they support him, they want to help so he feels less alone. And yes he has this outlet now but it’s still a tightly guarded secret. Something he’s only open with to the people he trusts. His lycanthropy is a clear parallel to being gay and although I hate the implication that it’s a “disease” like. Metaphorically most of the things you look for in queer coding are right there.
You also have to keep in mind that Remus was literally never in a relationship and showed no interest in anyone until like the end with Tonks. And it’s pretty clear to me that Rowling threw that in so people would stop saying he was gay. I like Remus and Tonks and the dynamic they have but like. They seem more like friends, the age gap is weird, there’s no build up, it doesn’t make sense for Remus’s character and it’s just like. Not great? Tonks and Remus are great friends but I don’t really see them together romantically.
I’m going with the fact that Remus is just straight up gay. Tonks seems like a cover, and if I was a person who wasn’t a coward writing this, Remus and Tonks are both aware neither of them are straight and are covering for each other. It’s giving me very “let’s get married so you don’t get drafted to the front lines even though we arent in love” like people did during like the Vietnam war. They get along really well but Remus has no romantic chemistry with any woman ever. That is not a straight man.
Sirius Black. This is another fun one. Since the start of his time at Hogwarts he is marked as “different” from the rest of his family because he isn’t a slytherin. We need to keep in mind the Black family is very wealthy, has a high value on their reputation, and are basically just racist, homophobic and classist people. Difference is not accepted, and Sirius already starts out by breaking that mould. Now l honestly don’t remember how much of his interactions with Marlene are canon so I don’t know if I can argue that but like. Yes I am thinking about it, much like JJ, Sirius overcompensates with being a huge flirt with everyone despite having no real feelings attached to any of them. Throughout growing up he continues to break away from his family, and break away from their problematic views. Being raised in an environment like that instills a sense of fear around you. So even if Sirius knew when he was younger, it’s likely he denied it or never said anything because of fear. By the time he leaves he’s pretty much kicked out of the family. Through his school we can also see how supportive of Remus he is, trying to help him and make him feel as comfortable as possible. Giving him support and love he was never given.
If a coward was not writing this Sirius black should not be straight. I’m not certain if he would be bi or gay, but he for sure likes men. It would fit well and be interesting for his character and story.
So how do they work together? Objectively, really well. I’m going to look at this through a canonical lense, so trying to keep what I can of the story but adding these sexuality headcanons in mind.
Remus and Sirius were ABSOLUTELY together in school. I don’t think they were public about it in the slightest. But this is another gay person you’re close with, you care for who fiercely cares for you despite your family or your “disease”. Remus was totally out first, but just to the Mauraders. Sirius never really comes out. He probably tells James first, mentions it quietly one night after thinking about his family. He knows James will be ok with it because he was always ok with Remus. And James is supportive and never says anything, never treats Sirius any different. That’s still the man who is basically his brother. But he sees how Sirius looks at Remus the same way he looks at Lily. He knows, even if they never tell him. But if anyone were to know, it would be him.
They have the chemistry, the stories line up, they’re good friends and it would make sense. Because of the time period it’s quiet and guarded, a relationship kept from prying eyes. They might love each other but they don’t want anyone to know about their relationship because neither of them are really comfortable or ready being out.
Now after school there’s probably a bit of a splitting apart, knowing they can’t maintain what they had forever. The future isn’t made for them and they know that. And then James is dead, and Peter is killed and Sirius is in prison and Remus is forced to pull himself together and do the best he can to move on without them. Now if we were in a timeline where Sirius didn’t go after Peter, and him and Remus could potentially take Harry? I don’t know. They sure as hell wouldn’t let the Dursley’s take him, but dumbledore also isn’t going to just let them live in peace. They would have to go totally off grid, making sure Dumbledore never took him. The priority here would be keeping Harry safe, not on their own relationship.
Now after POA is where things get messy. Because you essentially have two years here before Sirius dies. Even though Remus knows he’s innocent he went 13 years thinking he wasn’t. That trust isn’t going to magically return overnight, he’s going to have to unlearn all of the wrong things he figured out over the past decade. And this Sirius is different. This Sirius doesn’t need a relationship, he needs support, love and someone to help him. And Remus is there for that. They both still care for each other but they aren’t at a point where they work anymore. They just appreciate the comfort that the other provides. Remus takes care of Sirius the way Sirius took care of him so many years ago. It isn’t about a relationship, it’s about love. That love for each other is still strong, and it’s still there. Nothing is going to change that, they’ll always be a part of each other.
So no I don’t think they got “back together” before Sirius died. Or even if Sirius survived, before Remus died. If by some miracle they both survived the war down the road? Maybe. They’d still have that tight bond with each other and over time and as they heal it might develop again. But no I think they only really “dated” in high school. But that love for each other never really went away. It’s still a huge part of each of them, and even if they aren’t in a relationship that doesn’t mean they aren’t in love.
So in summary:
-Remus is gay. His story is queercoded but in a homophobic way.
-Sirius likes men. It further distances him from his family and is something he has a lot of internal problems with
-they’re secretly together in high school. James probably knows but he never pushes
-post POA they don’t get “back together” but they are still fiercely attached and care about the other deeply. The lack of a relationship is not an indication of no love. They don’t really care about labelling it as much they’re just Remus and Sirius and they just. Need each other
-if allowed to survive till the end they may get back together
So I would say yes, Wolfstar is canon. We have nothing to prove none of this didn’t happen. They could have been together in high school and Harry would never know. And even if the relationship fizzles out, that love is always still there and that never goes away.
If you’re still here this is part of a series I’m doing, and I’m going to be doing this with a bunch of other stuff! It’s all going to be under #deathoftheauthorbirthofthemcmac so if you like this one I’ve got a jjpope one up and more to come!
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limetimo · 3 years
RAB fics I read this week
rewrite my heart (let the future in) by secretpersona
I Sleep with the Dirt by Fire Glow by Grey_Kenaz - Dumbledore and Sirius pull Regulus out of the cave after PoA. He's slowly recovering from his 15 years as an Inferius. Impaired brain capabilities or difficulties to control his emotions won't stop Regulus from plotting murder and protecting the little friends and family he has left.
Hatred by Grey_Kenaz Regulus is hurting and takes it out on James Potter.
A Surprise Star by FiresFromOurHearts Regulus strolls up to the Shrieking Shack like "Sup bitches!" and I love him for it
Text Talk by merlywhirls it's modern wolfstar texting fic, Regulus has a very tiny little subplot in there, but is a Good Boy and I want to pat him on his silly little head
set those ghosts alight by justwhatialwayswanted Gryffindor Regulus, BAMF Narcissa
The Phone Call that Changed the World by Fall_Fairy_101 Regulus rings up his older brother to go Horcrux hunting with him!
All You Need Is 20 Seconds by thissucks one of the tags is DILF Regulus and honestly that's all you need to know. ♥
there's nothing not to love about you by justprompts - Regulus has an "accident" during potions and is de-aged to a 6 years old. It's up to Sirius to look after him until the antidote is brewed!
Even if I can't by Inexorablement House Elf magic fuckery makes it that Harry pulls Regulus out of the lake, but Regulus pulls Harry to 1970s. Operation Fake Seer Harry is a go! Looking fun!
Chain Reaction by elder_millennial_trash, fuckboyregulus, givemethearapyimawalkingtravesty, Kiwiwhore, Pluto_Princess did I say sexy?
Dripping Death by FiresFromOurHearts Regulus haunts Grimmauld Place. He's going to kill Voldemort. He might not have a physical body but that's but a little detail.
Crepuscular by EmptySurface LOOK, I don't usually vibe with Fem!Harry but I would too adopt 15/16yo Regulus at the drop of a hat. Boy has massive abandonment issues and is still thinking in a "follow rules or we'll kick you out!" mindset that was drilled into him at Grimmauld, so it's not a very smooth sailing.
The Blacks by WanderingScout after OotP Dumbledore is killed and Grimmauld is attacked by Death Eaters. Grimmauld Place saves the last living heir of Blacks by pulling him to the past, to 1970s. Orion and Regulus go 'welp', call a healer and the Potters. Good thing Wally is in France.
Rest In Peace? No, Live In Peace by A2idB1u3 Regulily is dead, Sirius is in the Azkaban, Evan Rosier is MIA and raising Harry falls to one Barty Crouch Junior! First POV but it really works!
Summer Rain by Evandar Harry has serious hots for his god-uncle and with his guardians on a honeymoon... no time like the present!
A Second Chance at Happiness? Maybe? by animeotaku20 I read this one a whiiiiile ago and just recognised the title but I'm pretty sure I liked it! Harry time travels and saves Regulus from the cave and it goes from there.
The Black Family Reunion by teecup_angel What it says on the tin, pretty much. I like how officially Sirius is the Head of the family but it's really Regulus running this show.
Dear Cousin, Love Regulus by LLAP115, XxTheDarkLordxX - Thisssssss! A classic!!! Letters from Regulus change Draco's life.
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impishtubist · 8 months
Miss Imp, would you happen to have fic recs for Sirius raising Harry fics, without Remus somehow shoehorned in as the all knowing, responsible parent?!
The man virtually flees from Harry at the end of Harry’s third year and couldn’t even be bothered to send a single letter to Harry during his fourth year. I don’t think even if Sirius had been freed at the end of PoA, Remus was rushing in to take parental responsibility.
Haha, I mean, he definitely wouldn't have been! (Ignore every Wolfstar-raising-Harry fic I've ever written, those all involve a Remus who is eager to step into Harry's life, which is not canon Remus.) He even ran away from his own flesh-and-blood child. So no, if Sirius had gotten custody of Harry after POA and also tried to mend things with Remus, Remus would either A) have stepped up right quick because the alternative would have meant losing his man, or B) run away.
Anyway, I'm bad at putting together fic rec lists, but you should check out @greyeyedmonster-18 @femme--de--lettres @zazima and @padfootastic. They all write Sirius-raising-Harry fics where Harry comes first no matter what.
It's also been a while since I've read it, but the fandom classic A Life More Ordinary might have some of what you're looking for? Sirius raises Harry on his own first before mending things with Remus, and I definitely remember a scene where Remus tries to discipline Harry without consulting Sirius first and there's a fallout from that.
before the door of hell lamps burned might also be a good one to check out. Remus is like. off in a tent somewhere in Mongolia and the whole fic is just Sirius raising Harry post-POA.
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30slash03 · 3 years
Well, I was reading an series of posts about things surrounding Lily and James's death and of course it had a lot of Remus and Sirius on it.
So what I want is an wolfstar fic not on the marauders era or raising Harry, but one taking place after PoA while changing the outcome of OotP (i.e with an happy ending together for them, neither of them dying, etc). Does someone knows a fic like that?
EDIT: Also, I forgot, never saw something like that but just to make sure I don't want anything or anyone bashing Tonks. I love her and if you're going to recommend something where she acts like an b*tch trying to make them break up please don't
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