#with wayyyy too much mascara
sweatyflytrap · 9 months
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Thank you for the tag @userkritaaay IT WAS SO MUCH FUNNNN
Literally spent way too much time than one should trying to get it right. I made like three testers and then got IRL people involved 😭😭
Tagging @skitskatdacat63 @fractalkiss @karlmarxverstappen @xiaoluclair @danielverstappen @wormeo-and-juliette and anyone else who wants to do this (PLEASE PLEASE TAG ME IF U DO)
Link to picrew
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hearts4hughes · 11 months
hits different | trevor zegras
(trevor zegras x fem! reader)
a/n: i’ve had this idea in my notes forever, and i’ve just managed to finish it😭 it took wayyyy too long, but i’m proud of this!
warnings: intoxication, alcohol, angst, light swearing
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the pulsating bass reverberates through your body as you stand at the bar, drink in hand, trying to wash your hands of the memories of a love gone wrong. your mind drifts to the mess that trevor made of you and the hurtful images that linger in your thoughts.
you wondered if he had already moved on. if he was cooking for another girl at his apartment, or if he had strolled through the streets of anaheim with her hand in hand. had he forgotten about you? three years of love washed down the drain like dirt and filth as he confided in another woman with his love. just the mere thought sends waves of nausea through your body.
it didn’t make sense. you thought breaking up with him was the right decision, but since then, all you’ve felt was pure heartbreak.
it all started with the duck’s bad season. he was frustrated and stressed. he thought he was the problem- even though he wasn’t- and he went into an emotional hole. at the time, you didn’t understand what was happening. you thought he fell out of love with you, so as hard as it was, you broke up with him. the second the words flew off your tongue, he broke down- sobbing, yelling, begging, anything that would help you stay.
you can't help but reflect on how you used to move on so easily, like switching out partners and escaping town, but everything feels different now. the bars you visit play songs that remind you of what once was, and it hurts like nothing you've experienced before.
“y/n,” julia calls out, snapping you back into reality, “you have to stop thinking of him, it’s not going to help.” her hand rubs comfortingly up and down your back. you look at her, your face completely blank of emotion. it’s easier said than done to forget about someone who preoccupied so much of your time, and the alcohol in your system isn’t helping.
“i know, i just,” you stammer, “i just can’t escape him. it’s like he’s haunting me. everywhere i look i’m reminded of the memories we made.” she looks at you with pity.
“love is a lie, babe. you know this already.” she says- the same thing she’s been telling you since forever. “remember when you broke up with aaron?” she asks and you nod in response. “you thought he was the one and that you’d never ever move on, but after a little bit you did. you just need to give it time and you’ll get over him.”
whining, you grab your shot, throwing your head back and downing it. your nose scrunched as the alcohol burned down your throat. “but what if i don’t want to get over him, jul? i don’t want to forget about him. i just want to be with him, i just want trevor.” your words were slurred- almost incoherent.
people around you began to stare and watch the unfolding scene. protectively, julia brought you into a hug, shielding your face from everyone before they saw your tears. “let’s get you home, honey.” she cooed, wrapping her arm around your waist and helping you out of your seat.
julia brought you home, making sure you got into your house safely before driving away. you swung the front door open and stumbled into your apartment. the digital clock on the wall read 2:20am. you ripped off your heels, discarding them somewhere in your living room, and walking into your bedroom. your hair was a frizzy mess, lipstick smudged, mascara smeared everywhere, but you could care less.
you find yourself alone in your room, surrounded by memories of the past, with one particular item catching your eye- trevor’s hat. it sits on a shelf, seemingly untouched since the day you parted ways. the sight of it evokes a rush of bittersweet emotions, and you can't help but pick it up, feeling its fabric against your fingertips. the hat holds a piece of him, a piece of the love you once shared, and the weight of the memories is overwhelming.
as you hold the hat in your hands, a wave of nostalgia washes over you. memories of your time together flood your mind – the laughter, the inside jokes, the intimate moments shared under that very hat. you miss him, and the feeling intensifies with each passing day. the warmth and comfort that his presence once brought into your life are now a distant memory.
you bring the hat close to your chest, hugging it tightly as if it was him. the scent of his cologne, faint but still lingering, brings you back to those tender moments when he would embrace you, and your heart aches.
with each tear that falls, you let yourself feel the grief, the longing, and the emptiness that comes with a wound that hasn’t completely healed. you find yourself whispering his name into the fabric, wishing he were there, holding you.
suddenly, you hear a key turning in the door down the hallway. is it him? is it trevor? or has julia come to take you away from your apartment and the suffocating reminders of him?
the door closes and you hear footsteps approaching your room. the footsteps become louder as the mystery person gets closer. you close your eyes, not bothered to know who it is; however, a small part of you hopes, even wishes that it’s him.
“love?” he calls out, causing your eyes to shoot open. you see him standing in the doorway- a blurry version of him due to the alcohol and crying. a frown adorns his lips as he looks down at you. your tear stained face and bloodshot eyes give him a hint of what you were just doing. “oh y/n,” he coos, making his way over to you and repositioning you into his lap.
his arms snake around your body, pulling you close to his chest. you open your mouth to say something, but the words get caught in your throat. he presses reassuring kisses to the top of your head as you cry into his embrace.
"i’m so sorry, y/n," he whispers, his voice filled with remorse. "i messed up, and i’ve been a mess ever since you left." you try to find the right words to say, but your emotions are too overwhelming, your heart too raw. instead, you bury your face in his chest, holding on to him as if he might slip away again.
"fuck, i thought you moved on," you manage to say through your tears, your voice shaking. "all i could imagine was you with another girl, trev.”
he sights, gently rubbing your back. "no, love, there hasn't been anyone else. i’ve been miserable without you. you were always the one."
“i thought you had fallen out of love with me, that’s why i broke up with you.” your voice trembles with hurt as he feels a pang of guilt in his heart.
his expression softens, his eyes searching yours for understanding. "i was going through a rough time, and I didn't know how to handle it. i thought i was the problem, and i didn't want to bother you with my struggles. i never meant to hurt you." you move your head away from his body, staring deeply into his eyes. he’s been crying too. in that moment, you realize that he's hurting too, and maybe, just maybe, there's a chance for healing and forgiveness.
"i miss you, trevor," you admit, your voice barely above a whisper. "my friends try to take me out to have fun and get drunk, but i always end up slurring your name until someone puts me in a car. they’re going to stop inviting me soon.” you joke- a coping mechanism you’ve had since you were young.
he lets out a small laugh, bringing his hand up to wipe away stray tears, “i’m here now," he replies, "and i want to try again, to make things right. i love you, and my life is a fucking wreck without you."
“i love you too,” your voice is soft and sincere. a smile graces his lips and for the first time since forever, your lips connect with his, reviving what you thought was gone.
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ughgoaway · 3 months
thinking about drunk teacher girlie out on a night out with the women of the 1975 and the drunk phone calls that follow, of course.
you sneaking off to the bathroom to call matty after a couple of guys hit on you, and it's just drunk rambling about how much you like him.
"and there was this really tall guy. like wayyyy taller than you-"
matty cuts you off mid-sentence, saying, "Alright, I don't know if I needed that bit of info, but -"
"SHH MATTHEW LISTEN. he was all like 'oh you're so hot you should come home with me', and I finally got to say 'no, I have a boyfriend.' Isn't that so cool!!"
"very cool my love," I like to think it's the first time you use the term "boyfriend" when talking about matty to him, so he gets a little flustered at you finally saying he's your boyfriend. but he doesn't put too much weight on it, considering the whole "drunk out of your mind" thing.
so yeah, it's early on in the relationship. And whilst obviously, matty knows you like him, but he didn't quite know how much.
"and I just think you're so pretty. I used to always tell my friends about your pretty curly hair." You ramble, slurring your words, but matty can still just about make out what you're saying, "I want to do your hair. Will you let me?" You perk up immediately at the thought, and matty can't help but lightly laugh at how excited you sound.
"Of course darling, you can do it tomorrow, yeah?" matty is already grabbing his keys as he talks to you, preparing to inevitably come pick you up
"Mmm, yeah. then we can have a shower together. and I can steal your nice shampoo, the lavender one." You're leaning against the sink as you talk, and you can feel yourself getting more and more tired with each word.
"Will you come get me matty, m'tired. and I wanna see you, my pretty boyfriend. " You complain, and before you even finish your sentence, you can hear the engine roar to life on the other side of the phone.
"Be there in 20"
matty manages to get there and soon wrangles you away from charli, who at first doesn't recognise matty and shouts at him for "kidnapping! wait, or is adultnapping?"
after minimal fighting and a lot of flirting from you ("Do you know you're like, really hot? a proper dilf. " "Yes darling, that's the 3rd time you've told me I'm a dilf, thank you though.") Matty gets you in bed, but before long, you start whining about your makeup being on.
"ughhh it's gonna be so bad for my skin. but m'too sleepy. oh well!" You try to flip over and burrow into the pillows, but matty stops you and pulls you to sit up before running off you get your makeup wipes.
"Nope, it'll only take 3 minutes, and I'll do it for you, sweetheart. You just sit there and look pretty, yeah?" You hum happily at being called pretty, and stay on the bed trying not to fall asleep sitting up.
Matty quickly searches his cupboards for anything you've left behind on your nights staying over. he stumbles across a pack of makeup wipes and briefly remembers you saying something about just them not being enough. But honestly, the way your eyes are drooping, he knows it's more about speed than technical skill at this point.
he gently wiped at your eyes, making sure to get the mascara off, "because I know it always burns your eyes, baby. just a few more wipes, I promise."
soon enough, you're passed out snoring on the pillow, and matty is getting you comfy before settling beside you.
now... the next day at school? hellish. 30 screaming 6 year olds + a killer hangover is not a good combo. and you almost feel like scolding carly for convicing you to go out, but to be honest, you were just as bad an influence.
matty brings you a coffee at lunch, "knew you'd be absolutely hanging, sweetheart. was no trouble popping in, really." he says with a sweet smile and a takeaway coffee.
you immediately have a few sips of the coffee, sighing happily as the hot liquid falls down your throat. you put the drink down after chugging a little bit too much at once, but that's forgotten as soon you pull matty into a deep kiss as a token of your appreciation.
After a few seconds too long with a little bit too much tongue for a kiss at school, matty pulls away a little bit dazed and blinking hard. "I'll bring you coffee everyday if that's the welcome I get, fucking hell"
So he brings you coffee whenever he can get away from then on, switching to herbal tea once you get pregnant with baby healy no.2 <3
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peccaberry · 2 months
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I am archiving my April fools day ACD chapter here so when I take it down tomorrow people will still be able to find it! Thanks so much to everyone who read it and told me they got a good laugh, I had a ton of fun making it ❤️ (Also here's a link to ACD in case you want to read the actual fanfic and not just my joke chapter)
Hi my name is Rei Dark'ness Dementia Raven Akabane and I have short slate black hair (that's how I got my name) with spiky tips and steely grey eyes like a knife and a lot of people tell me I look like Champion Lucas (AN: if u don't know who he is get da hell out of here!).
I don't think I'm related to Lucas but I wish I was because he's a major fucking hottie. I'm a Pokemon trainer but my Pokeballs are all made of Red Chain because I'm wayyyy better than the other trainers. I'm also in the Survey Corps and I work for the Galaxy team in Hisui where I'm at rank ten (I'm only 16 tho LOL). I'm a badass (in case you couldn't tell) and I wear mostly bloody ripped up uniforms because I get in so many fights with dangerous Pokemon ( I always win tho!!). I love Anthe's clothing stall and I buy all my clothes from there.
For example today I was wearing a bloody Survey Corps uniform with a matching red hat (because of the blood lol) and black eyeliner to make me look scarier. I was walking down the main street of Jubilife Village. It was snowing and raining so there was no sun, which I was very happy about. A lot of security corp members stared at me. I put up my middle finger at them.
"Hi Rei!" shouted a voice. I looked up. It was…. Volo!
"What's up Volo?" I asked.
"Nothing." he said shyly.
But then, I heard my friend Akari call me and I had to go away.
The next day I woke up in my quarters. It was snowing and raining again. I opened the door of my cabinet and drank some sake from a bottle I had. My cabinet was oak wood and inside it was all the stuff I got from killing all those Pokemon out in the field.
I got out of my futon and took of my Kalos t-shirt which I used for pajamas. Instead, I put on a Fancy Cyndaquil Kimono, a Chatot feather necklace, and red sandals. I scowled into the mirror scarily and made my hair even messier than before.
My friend, Akari woke up then and grinned at me. She flipped her long waist-length Slate black hair and opened her knife grey eyes. She put on her Survey Corps uniform with a matching bandana and shoes. We put on our makeup (lots of black eyeliner and mascara so no one would fuk with us!!!)
"OMFG, I saw you talking to Volo yesterday!" she said excitedly.
"Yeah? So?" I said, blushing.
"Do you like Volo?" she asked as we went out of the Quarters and into Jubilife Village.
"No I so fucking don't!" I shouted.
"Yeah right!" she exclaimed. Just then, Volo walked up to me.
"Hi." he said.
"Hi." I replied flirtily.
"Guess what." he said.
"What?" I asked.
"Well, Irida and some of the others are having a concert at Prelude beach." he told me.
"Oh. My. Fucking. God!" I screamed. I love Irida! She's my favorite musician, besides myself of course.
"Well…. do you want to go with me?" he asked.
I gasped.
On the night of the concert I put on I put on a Fancy Cyndaquil Kimono, a Chatot feather necklace, and red sandals.
I ruffled my hair and made it look all spiky. I felt a little depressed bc I missed my parents, so I cried and made my mascara run down my face. I tried to read a depressing book while I waited for it to dry and I listened to Chatot sing in my voice.
I painted my nails black and put on TONS of black eyeliner. Then I put on some black lipstick. I drank some sake so I was ready to go to the concert.
I went outside. Volo was waiting there in front of the Ginko guild cart. He was wearing a Ginko Guild Uniform (they would be selling stuff at the concert too), huge boots, black nail polish and a little eyeliner (AN: A lot fo kewl boiz wer it ok!).
"Hi Volo!" I said in a depressed voice.
"Hi Rei." he said back.
We hopped into the Ginko Guild cart and Machoke pulled us to the prelude beach. On the way we listened excitedly to Chatot sing while we both smoked pokemon weed and drugs. When we got there, we both hopped out of the cart. We went to the mosh pit at the front of the stage and jumped up and down as we listened to Melli sing along to Irida's flute.
"You come in cold, you're covered in blood
They're all so happy you've arrived
The doctor cuts your cord, hands you to your mom
She sets you free into this life." sang Melli (I don't own da lyrics 2 dat song).
"Melli is so fucking hot." I said to Volo, pointing to him as he sung, filling the beach with his amazing voice.
Suddenly Volo looked sad.
"What's wrong?" I asked as we moshed to the music. Then I caught on.
"Hey, it's ok I don't like him better than YOU!" I said.
"Really?" asked Volo sensitively and he put his arm around me all protective.
"Really." I said. "Besides I don't even really know Melli and he's going out with Adaman. I fucking hate that poser, he's no where near as cool as Irida." I said disgustedly, thinking of his stupid smirking face.
The night went on really well, and I had a great time. So did Volo. After the concert, we drank some sake and asked Irida and Melli for their autographs and photos with them. We got souvenir concert charms. Volo and I crawled back into the Ginko Guild cart, but Volo didn't go back into Jubilife Village, instead he drove the cart into… the temple of sinnoh!
"VOLO!" I shouted. "What the fuck do you think you are doing?"
Volo didn't answer but he stopped the cart and he walked out of it. I walked out of it too, curiously.
"What the fucking hell?" I asked angrily.
"Rei?" he asked.
"What?" I snapped.
Volo leaned in extra-close and I looked into his grey eye which revealed so much depressing sorrow and evilness and then suddenly I didn't feel mad anymore. he suddenly ripped his clothes off and I got excited for a minute but he was wearing some sort of weird gold and white outfit under it. He still looked pretty hot though so I was ok with it.
"Rei this world is stupid. We should just force Arceus make a new one or something."
I gasped and put my perfectly painted black fingernails up to my black lips.
"Oh my god are you serious?!"
Volo shrugged.
"I mean yeah why not. I have a Giratina we can use to do it."
And then all of a sudden someone ran up to us….
It was….KAMADO!
Kamado made Volo and I follow him. He kept shouting at us angrily.
"You ludacris fools!" he shouted.
I started to cry tears of mascara down my battle scarred face. Volo comforted me. When we went back to the Galaxy Team HQ Kamado took us to Captain Cyllene and Ginter who were both looking very angry.
"They were planning to destroy the whole world at the temple of sinnoh!" he yelled in a furious voice.
"Why did you do such a thing, you mediocre dunces?" asked Ginter.
"How dare you?" demanded Cyllene.
And then Volo shrieked. "BECAUSE I HATE THIS UNFAIR WORLD!"
Everyone was quiet. Kamado and Cyllene still looked mad but Ginter said.
"Fine. Very well. You may go to your quarters."
Volo and I went out of the while there Galaxy Team glared at us.
"Are you okay, Rei?" Volo asked me gently.
"Yeah I guess." I lied. I went to my quarters and brushed my teeth and my hair and changed into my favorite Kalos Tshirt and shorts with red sandals. When I came out….
Volo was standing outside my front door, and he had a Giratina with him and the sky was bloody red. He was wearing that weird gold and white outfit again. I was so flattered, even though he wasn't supposed to be there. We hugged and kissed. After that, we hopped onto the back of Giratina and flew off together to go end the stupid fucking world!!
The end.
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saintjosie · 1 year
Also where did you or your spouse get the my melody plush in your pinned post? Asking for a friend
jess won the plush in a crane game so you’re probably SoL there
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side note: jess is one of the most gifted crane game players i’ve ever seen and she regularly walks up to one, puts in a quarter, and comes back with a prize and it’s absolutely insane.
i’m assuming you’re talking about this eyeliner?
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idk how to do makeup tutorials but as best i can describe, there’s a couple of things going on here.
i will add the caveat that this works for me bc of my asian almond eye shape and a lot of what i do is specifically for asian monolids
first, i am wearing false lashes. my eyelashes are good length but having the monolid and asian eye fold means that any eyeliner that goes into the fold essentially disappears when my eyes are at rest and then is wayyyy too dark when my eye brows go up. i use a very subtle false lash that looks like i’m wearing mascara instead of mascara because i’ve found that the band of the lash helps fill in the eyelid fold without using eyeliner.
second, nyx epic ink liner. waterproof, drugstore so it’s cheap and can find it anywhere, and comes with a nice thin tip, great for doing a subtle wing.
i very subtly line the inside corner of my eye all the way out to the outside corner of my eye, while being careful not to over line the fold of my eyelid too much. then i extend it ever so slightly into a wing that goes juuust outside the corner of my eye.
the trick to this particular style of eyeliner comes from the outside corner of the wing relative to your eye shape. i have an almond shaped eye that slants slightly upward, so the outside corner of the wing follows that natural shape and the corner of the wing comes out just slight past where my eye would if it continued in that shape. it accentuates the shape of my eye without being over the top. it might take a couple of tries to get the shape just right because if you go too high, it ends up looking like a wing proper instead of your natural eye shape and if you go too low, it looks like you have sad eyes. both are completely fine styles but just isn’t what i’m going for when i’m going for a more natural look. this is mostly how i do my eyeliner when i’m going out but don’t want to go full glam.
to contrast, if i am going full glam, i’ll use a much heavier false lash but i’ll bring the wing out more and use a fun shape. but the trick is that i’m still following the natural shape of my eye with the wing.
here’s a pic of a more complex eyeliner for contrast (throwback to my blonde era). note that the wing still follows the natural shape of my eye and ends where the corner of my brow shape is so create these really satisfying lines.
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damn i’m fucking hot
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bluerskiees · 2 years
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   ◯⠀﹒⠀🪷⠀﹒⠀𓇼⠀ ﹒⠀
。 ˳ْ  𓋼𓍊  Synopsis: Sanzu aka your new neighbour just seem too good to be true. Finding comfort in him, you run to him whenever you face any problems in life and it magically dissappears. Got someone bullying you? Dont worry, you just got the news of him moving somewhere else for some personal matter. Ofc sanzu didn't kill him and his family and had it covered by ran and rindo. But— what how do you think he reacts when you introduce him to your new boyfriend, the one whom you've been crushing on for a few years ?
Tw: Yandere behaviour, Toxic Sanzu, Kidnapping, Murder, Typical bonten shenanigans, Mentions of drugs and alcohol.
@sleeplessreader @missanonymous1999 @who-dezz @trashmemebitch @reiayanamislover @icecold-dreamland
She was adorable, so naive and so fucking innocent. She was everything he wasn't. He hated it, he hated he innocence, he wanted to ruin her innocence shreds by shreds until she is no longer innocent.
It all started that day, the start of spring. He remembers it just as if it was yesterday. Ofc he does, who could forget it? Seeing an angel moving just a block away.
Maybe it was the way she smiles, Maybe it was the way she talks, so sweet and polite, Maybe it was the her naive and innocent self, Maybe it was the way she didn't judge him, and called herself his new bestfriend. Sanzu doesn't know. But something about her sparked an interest in his heart, Slowly taking control over him piece by piece until his mind is filled with y/n and only her.
Sanzu was busy with work afterall being bonten's #2 wasn't easy, when suddenly he heard the doorbell ring, he was confused, he wasn't expecting visitors now. I mean who would willingly walk inside a death trap? The Haitani's went out to a mission thought, maybe they got hurt? He went outside to check who it was. He looked through the peephole just for his jaw to drop, there you were, innocent clutching the small bag in your hands, biting your lips, eyes shifting everywhere second to second indicating your nervousness. He finally opened the door after staring at you for almost a minute. He regretted it, he wasn't prepared to face an angel this close, it was Intoxicating, your smell, it was Intoxicating, YOU were Intoxicating. Wayyyy more than any of his drugs. You made him feel as if he was in cloud 9. He wanted to keep you all to himself. The world doesn't deserve your beauty. He thought to himself
"U-umm I'm Hayami y/n, your new neighbour, pleased to meet you and oh- have these cookies, I baked them myself ^^"
[ HAYAMI - A Rare Beauty ]
Hayami. Hayami. Hayami, that's what rang inside his head for the next few hours. "Such a precious baby, makes me wanna fucking protect her" he said to himself as he slept soundly dreaming of ways to make you his.
The next day, Sanzu couldn't help but offer you some of his strawberry cheesecakes as a thank you for yesterday's cookies, and his heart thumped wayy too hard when your fingers accidentally brushed the tip of his while getting the bag from him.
Things started off pretty normal, he was the funny, comfortable neighbour. He would make time for you no matter how busy he was. The love he had for you grown wayyy more than he expected it to. In no time, it turned into an obsession, he couldn't stand her eyes on someone that isn't him. He would purposefully hire goons to bully you in the streets just so you could run into his arms crying about how scared you were. But sanzu being the psychopath he is, enjoyed it. The way your tears ran across your face, your mascara flowing down your face. He couldn't help but let his sick brain get the best of him. But he doesn't show tou this part of him. Afterall, wouldn't wanna scare his pretty angel away, would we?
As much as he loves seeing you cry, he only enjoyed it if HE makes you cry. If anyone else makes u cry, consider them dead <3. Unfortunately a guy from your class learnt it the hard way. One day you came crying to him and he was absolutely confused because he didn't hire anyone to make you cry. He made you sit om his lap and explain everything to him. It was awkward at first bit you went on rambling about how they guy stole your money. Sanzu saw how hard you worked the past month and this made his blood boil. He made you some foods and after making sure you're sound asleep, he went into another room to call Ran and Rindo, 2 men just as sadistic as him. Even though they teased him about how much he's simping over a girl, they got the work done in less than an hour :)
He was mentally laughing when u told him about how the guy got transferred somewhere else. Even though you found it a bit suspicious, you brushed it off.
He loved the fact that you He was the one who you loved them most. He was planning on asking you out until you said something that made him mad.
"Haruuuuuu, meet Akito Hayashida, my boyfriend ^^"
"What? Boyfriend?"
"Mhmmm, I've been crushing on him for the last 4 years and turns out he likes me too, isn't that great?"
Sanzu couldn't help but glare at the poor young man. If looks could kill, your boyfriend would be 6 feet under by now
"Uhhh- heyy nice to finally meet you, Y/n talks about you a lot y'know?"
As much as sanzu hated this new guy, what he said just now made his heart flutter. He was sure now. That you were just trying to make him jealous. No way you would like someone else right? Someone so pathetic as him. Haha yeah no way . You're just making him jealous.
A week into your relationship, you got a text from your bf. You opened to read it happily but what u saw broke your heart
It was a picture of hm kissing another girl, how dare he?
*insert picture*
"Hey just so you know, you were a bet for me"
"I do not like you"
"Let this be our official breakup y/n-chan"
"The girl you saw in the picture is my new girlfriend"
"She's a lot better than you right?"
And just like the naive puppy you are, you ran into Sanzu's arms crying for the nth time. You told him that you would never date anyone again :( . It was already late by now and you decided to go home when someone hit your head with something, making you faint.
When you woke up, Your body ached. Looking around you saw your hands and legs tied, a cloth over your mouth preventing from shouting for help. You cried, not knowing what to do, where you were and literally anything about the present situation .
"Shushhh darling, do u do anything other than crying hmm?" The voice— It was familiar. NO. It couldn't be him right? Sanzu would never do this would he ?
The hope you had fainted away when you saw sanzu flashing his psychotic smile towards you saying how much he missed you. You wanted to run. You told him to remove the ropes and all u got in return was his maniacal laugh along with him saying that you're such a naive little girl, perfect for him.
He tells you that he kidnapped you and you are now in one of his secret villas, the one which so many police officers couldn't find. He made sure to add more security cameras just in case u tried to run away from him.
He tried to feed you but all you did was turn your head away, fighting the urge to cry for the nth time. You hated yourself. You hated the way you still think he will let you free, that this is all a huge joke. But it was obvious now, he wasn't planning to let you go anywhere away from him.
"Ugh, can you just shut up and the damn food? I ain't free all day y'know?"
"Well, who asked you to feed me ? No one did. I hope that answers your question. "
You thought you were finally standing up for yourself and felt pretty proud of it until sanzu grabbed a fistful of your hair.
"Listen here sweetheart, you are mine. Whether you like it or now. You gotta accept it" He practically growled into your ears.
He fed you forcefully and exited the room.
Sanzu was out. You know what it means, there's no one home except you. You wanted to use this as a chance to run out of the place that held you hostage for the last 3 months. After exiting the house, you realized it was in the middle of the forest. The extents he went to keep you to himself, away from the whole world scared you so much. After running through the forest for about 10 minutes, You saw the devil himself, aka sanzu talking to someone in the distance all you could hear was 'Yes boss' and 'Will do boss'. You didn't want to get caught so you walked backwards as silent as you can but unfortunately for you, you stepped on a twig causing it to let out a sound when it broke. You were horrified. You could see sanzu taking out his gun and turning around to shoot the 'spy' . But he saw you. Wait— he saw YOU? His eyes widened a bit before clenching his jaws running towards you. You didn't want to stand still no more and ran faster, faster than you did your whole life. Along the way, you saw a gentleman. Probably in his early 30's. You stopped him and told him the situation and he quickly shielded you behind his broad back. "You're safe now pretty girl, and that fucker couldn't hurt you now" . You saw him takin You were safe. You were finally safe. That monster couldn't hurt you no more— or so you thought. You saw him coming towards you and finally stopping with a confused face. The man protecting you earlier dropped his arm too. What was going on?
Turns out your 'SAVIOUR' was Ran Haitani, an executive in the same company sanzu works for. The man who once protected you threw one of hus arm over your shoulders the other one clutching his stomach laughing a bit too hard :/
Samz just rolled his eyes and took you away from his grip muttering, "Back off Haitani, she's mine". Thats when it hit you — you can't run away from him. He would get you either way. By hook or by crook. You knew sanzu would win either ways. So you finally bowed to him. Giving yourself to him, Apologizing for running away from your home without his knowledge.
Ran was pretty shocked/sad to see this while sanzu was enjoying it. He wanted to break you piece by piece and that's what was happening. You realized that you belong to him, your body, mind and soul, EVERYTHING. Even though sanzu was mad at you, he let it slide. Just this once, you knew he would punish you hard if u did the same thing again. Even though you didn't know what his punishment was, you still agreed. Not because you trusted him, but because you had no other chance. He would find you even if you hid in a small corner of the world <3
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aruuq · 3 years
Gifts Headcanons – Haikyuu Characters; Advent Calendar Day 2
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characters: akaashi, atsumu, bokuto, fukunaga, futakuchi, hanamaki, hinata, kageyama, kenma, kita, kuroo, oikawa, osamu, sakusa, suna, tendou, terushima, ushijima x gn!reader
genre & style: fluff
word count: 1.7k
notes: i really tried to turn my creativity on with this one
warnings: mention of food
event’s masterlist │ other gifts headcanons: gnshn ┃ jjk ┃ tkrv
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❄ Kageyama seems like a really awkward person. He wants to show you how much you mean to him, but at the same time he doesn’t want to scare you. Tobio’s terrified that if he buys you something much cheaper than a gift that you bought for him, you’ll be upset; but at the same time if he buys you something wayyyy too expensive, he’s scared of you feeling uncomfortable with a cheap gift. There is only one solution to this situation. Kageyama buys you a few gifts (the range of them is from a carton of favorite yoghurt to a gold necklace with little gems in a charm), and he only gives you your present after he receives his, so that he knows which one should he pick.
❄ This precious ball of sunshine sees the whole world in you. Hinata loves you and wants to share his passion for volleyball with you, so he buys you a ball from his favourite brand (be it Mikasa or Molten). Then he tries his best in wrapping it in a red ribbon, and ta-dah! He gives you your present with a bunch of hand-made coupons for private lessons of volleyball with him!
❄ Kuroo looks like a man who would buy you a giant bouquet of your favourite flowers (they can be artificial if you are allergic), and invite you for dinner in an expensive restaurant. He prefers experiences over material goods, so he makes sure to take you somewhere interesting after eating! It may be a simple walk over a nearby lake, or a night in an arcades, Tetsurou choses it based on your likings!
❄ Kenma is a simple boy. Don’t expect him to give you anything other than a game. But don’t get me wrong. He does it only so you can both spend more time together playing this one specific game you’ve been wanting to play with him for so long. But if you really really don’t like playing games, then he buys you something different that has to be connected with your hobby, and preferably, is useful.
❄ Fukunaga wants to give you something you’ll remember forever. That is exactly why he prepares you something to be an experience you will never forget. Your date starts with a dinner he cooked himself, then it moves to his room where he’s prepared a comfy seat for you to rest while he tells you all sorts of jokes he specially prepared for this occasion.
❄ I think that our Grand King starts looking for a gift for you wayyyy too early. It’s only September, when he creates a note in his planner with ideas of what he could possibly get for you. The funniest thing is that, when time finally comes when he’s facing the decision of buying you something, Oikawa goes blank. There’s way too many options scribbled on the dedicated page in his notebook, and across random places (like his note app on the phone, receipts, tissues, pages of magazines). Finally, he proceeds to buy you something he’s remembered you talking about a long time ago, ignoring all of his helpful notes.
❄ You expect him to give you something stupid. A shirt with a low quality meme printed on it, a whole box of these lighters that shock you with electricity when you use it, or just a silly trinket that reminds him of you. But Hanamaki has different plans for a gift for you. After he saw an ad with some beauty products on your phone that seemed to attract your attention, he decided to buy it for you. It may be a mascara, eyeshadow palette, a moisturizing cream or literally anything that makes him think “Wow. A beauty product. So cool.” It doesn’t necessarily need to be a beauty-beauty product, it just has to scream to his little brain that it is a beauty product. He also wants it to be tested on him right after you open it, because he’s curious how good a job he did by buying it for you.
❄ Bokuto is very excited about the idea of exchanging gifts with you. The big boy that he is with the character that he has, I’m sure he buys you a giant teddy bear that’s his height. He wants you to be able to hug him even if it’s not actually him but a plushy. He also gives you a self-made Christmas card that may be a bit crooked and uneven, and stained with way too much glitter, and maybe some of the kanjis are misspelled, but it’s from Bokuto. And that’s what matters the most.
❄ I think that Akaashi buys you something he knows you want but you will never buy it yourself, cause you think it’s not worth the money (even tho you really want it). For some people this thing might be some clothes, for others a book, and for different ones a game or a phone case or literally anything, so I will not give you any specifics. But you get what I mean.
❄ Ushijima straightforwardly asks you if there’s anything you need so that he can provide this to you. He knows he’s not good at reading people, so he doesn’t want to upset you by giving you an unwanted gift. Your ideal answer would be showing him the exact product that you want (for example showing him the exact pair of shoes you want) – he can also work with a specific item (something like I just want a long blue dress or I want a new coffeemaker) – but what feels like a nightmare to him is you saying that you doesn’t care what he gets you. It probably ends with him buying you a horrifying porcelain statue he’s found in the local bazaar or other weird shit.
❄ Tendou, honestly, is a cutie. His idea for a gift is easy. It’s plain. And maybe basic. But it’s something you associate with him the most. He gives you a giant hand-made chocolate bar with nuts or dried fruits in it shaped like your favourite anime or cartoon character. Tendou even goes one step further and adds tiny gold particles in it to make it more bourgeois. And if you are allergic to cocoa – he does it with white chocolate. And if you don’t like white chocolate – he adds crushed freeze-dried fruit to change its taste.
❄ He’s a rational but romantic man. For sure Kita buys you something he knows will be useful in your everyday life that also reminds you of him. It may be a handkerchief that he himself has embroidered floral patterns on it, because he knows you always complain after eating a meal in public that your hands are dirty, and you don’t want to wipe them in your palms; it may be a wallet he has put his picture in before giving it to you, due to the fact that yours has a broken zipper; or a metal key ring with a fox pendant, ‘cause he knows you always lose your keys.
❄ He’s a funny little man, I love him. Atsumu for sure buys you something very original, you’ll remember for ages. My personal headcanon of him is that he highly craves adrenaline, so I think he’ll buy you a voucher for a bungee jump or a parachute jump, or diving with sharks. He also buys one for himself, so you are not alone while doing this crazy thing.
❄ Suna is a lil shit. When you meet for the exchanging of gifts, he acts surprised as if he’s forgotten about it. No matter if you are disappointed or you tell him that nothing has happened, he continues his little game until you two arrive at his place. In the middle of a movie marathon, he hands you an envelope with tickets. These can be tickets to the cinema, to an amusement park, or for a train to a place you've been wanting to go for a long time.
❄ Osamu invites you over for dinner. But it's not just any dinner. It’s a dinner you could buy for a lot of money at a bourgie restaurant, the one with twelve courses, decades-old wine, and someone playing violin in the background (it’s probably someone from his team that has taken a few lessons in their childhood, but hey! it’s the efforts that matters). Oh, he also sends Atsumu to one of their friends, so that you can spend this precious time alone, without the interruption of his annoying (ily Atsumu, dw) twin brother.
❄ Sakusa buys you something small and classy you can wear on special events. It can be a pretty gold brooch, silver cufflinks or a tie clip matching your favourite tie. He wants you to think about him while in situations where you may be stressed, surrounded by lots of people talking to you and not giving you a moment to breathe. When your fingers clasp onto the present he’s given you, you already feel better, even if he’s not by your side.
❄ I think that Futakuchi may try to include a bit of everything when preparing a gift for you. A bit of something hand-made, a bit of something he has to buy, a bit of going out, a bit of food, a bit of something he’s seen you wanting for a long time and a bit of surprise. When you mix it all together, the only thing I can imagine is preparing a round of scavenger hunt. You need to go after the hints he has scattered around the city, only to find out that the final place is his backyard. He then gives you the real present, being something you’ve really wanted, and orders a takeout you can eat in his room while enjoying each other’s presence.
❄ Terushima’s idea for a present for you is at the same time really predictable, but not really. It suits him tho. He makes sure you will not know what he has prepared for you until the moment of exchanging gifts. Terushima buys you pretty (and probably expensive) jewelry for your favourite piercing – and if you don’t have any, he takes you to his piercer and tells you that you can do whatever you want; no matter how many you want, he'll pay for them all.
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kim-chann · 3 years
    ❝   Confession  ❞        --       Coffee Truffle Cake
                  - - - | Yūji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, Nobara Kugisaki, Satoru Gojo
                                    〄   Order Instructions ;; Hello again ! I was the anon who asked for ideal date headcannons for Megumi and Yuji and I absolutely loved them. 🥺🥺🥺 Thank you for taking time out of your day to write that !I’m here to request headcannons on how the first years and Gojo would confess to their crush ! :3
                                                                  -- Anon
                                                      ﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏ $ 2.45
༺ Chef’s Note: I’m sorry that this took a month for me to get to. I really hope that this is okay, and I hope that you enjoy your order. I’ve been doing okay for the last month, and I think I’m doing better than last time. Sorry for the long absents, please come again soon!
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༺ Chef’s Note: Sorry if some parts are cringey, I tried my best because ending a confession headcanon is honestly harder than I thought. Also, I felt creative with Megumi’s lol. 
〄          ⤷ Yūji Itadori | 虎杖悠仁 - - -
        ☉ The way the Yuji would confess to his crush would be 50/50; straight forward, or implied so terribly that the person he was trying to confess to made it seem less obvious that he liked them
       ☉  Yuji is a straight forward person, and sometimes, he just speaks his mind without thinking and his attitude is completely nonchalant
       ☉  However, with you as his weakness, he just feels all jittery and shy all of the sudden, he just goes quiet whenever he’s around you because he doesn’t know what to say with butterflies invading his stomach
       ☉  The thing is, Yuji won’t really confess unless it takes him 100 years or at least some random confidence out of nowhere, so you may have to imply it yourself 
       ☉ It’s honestly pretty obvious by the way he acts with his hand fiddling, his cheeks a shade more rosy than his usual shade, the way he walks, the way he talks, and how he avoids eye contact whenever you call his name 
       ☉ Nobara or Megumi will pick up on this and immediately call you into cafe after school to talk 
       ☉ Nobara will be the first one to tell you that Yuji has an obvious crush on you and scolds you how you didn’t even acknowledge it when it was right in front of you 
       ☉  “It’s so obvious! How can you not tell, (Y/n)!” Nobara groans
       ☉ “I agree with Kugisaki. He’s been trying to confess to you for a while.” Megumi adds on, taking a sip of his black coffee
       ☉ Then the game would be set if you and Yuji racing to confess to each other (if you reciprocate it, that is)
       ☉ The next following days, you’ll notice Yuji helping you around more often, taking things off of your work and doing them for you, complimenting you out of nowhere, it’s hard not to blush at his attempts to court you. 
       ☉ The sudden gain of confidence is sort of scary, but you’re trying your best to make sure that he can tell that you’re interested in him too
       ☉  With you giving him a towel for his sweat after training, buying him a drink, treating him lunch, and praising him, it became more noticeable how his face gleams with fluster as he hears your every word and observes every action that you do, it’s honestly adorable (he’s like a puppy!)
       ☉ At the end of the day it alls ends well with just a simple--
       ☉  “(Y/n), I like you!”
       ☉  “Yuji, I like you!”
       ☉  The two of you would never forget the way how you both stared into each others eyes, full of wonder and confusion. Both your minds trying their best to process those synchronised words that the two of you have been meaning to tell. 
       ☉  Yuji would in shock and deny it at first, not knowing what to say, “Wha? No, no wayyyy!”
       ☉  And the next thing you know, you’re in his arms while his face is buried in your neck, his grip tight and comfortable. “You don’t understand how long I’ve been wanting to hear those words from you (Y/n)...”
       ☉ It will all end so sweet and well, give him a kiss on the cheek and this boy is gone for the day. 
〄           ⤷ Megumi Fushiguro | 伏黒恵 - - -
       ☉ I don’t know how this dude will ever get confident to tell you that he likes you in the first place pfft. 
      ☉ I know, I know, Megumi is an honest and a straight forward boy, but just the words, “(Y/n), I like you,” honestly just leaves him breathless with anxiety
      ☉ Megumi would definitely be the type to wake up in the morning and think of you while brushing his teeth and attempt to practice confessing to you in front of a mirror. But Megumi would realise how childish and embarrassing he’s acting and immediately stop.
      ☉ It’s not really obvious to an acquaintance to see Megumi be all quiet, but to people who’re close to Megumi like Yuji and Nobara, notice the way how he looks you at you, the way that his eyes shimmer with a little bit of light every time you smile, and how he just talks to the elders for them to give you less work. It all made Yuji and Nobara quirk a brow.
     ☉ “Oi, Fushiguro.” 
     ☉ Megumi turns around to see Nobara and Yuji standing side by side, hands on their hips, “What’s up with you?”
     ☉ “It’s nothing really,” Megumi states, attempting to walk past them. Nobara groans and pulls him back with the back of his collar, “Oi, we’re not stupid! You’re acting so weird. It’s gross.”
     ☉ “Tch, I said that it’s nothing...!” He tries to flee away from his classmates but they just pull him back with a pout. 
     ☉ “Hey, Megumi-- Oh! Hey! What’re you all doing here?” You pop out from the corner of the corridor and walk up to them, hands full fo boxes. 
     ☉ “Oh, we’re just chatting.” Megumi spoke before the other two can. 
     ☉”I see, I’ll be on my way, see you guys around!” You start to step to away, “Oh yeah, and Megumi, can I talk to you later?”
     ☉ He just nods.
     ☉ Nobara and Yuji stare at Megumi with their eyes bulging out of their sockets when they saw how Megumi’s eyes soften just hearing you. It surprised him how hostile he was, to soft in a second he heard your voice. 
     ☉ “The hell was that?!” Nobara and Yuji yell at him. 
     ☉ “It’s nothing, you idiots!”
     ☉ “You know what? I’m going to doll you up tonight for you to tell (Y/n) your feelings, this is stupid that you’re trying to hide it when it’s obvious. But honestly, I never expected Fushiguro to admire someone. I thought you were the type to say, ‘ah, this is a waste of time,’ and continue on your day.”
     ☉ “I’m not--” 
     ☉ “I agree with Kugisaki, I’d honestly thought you’d be more into books instead of real people.” Yuji says.
     ☉ “You guys!” He whines through gritted teeth, pinching them at the back of their ears. 
     ☉ Later that night, Nobara and Yuji dragged Megumi into Nobara’s dorm. Right now, he was sitting in Nobara’s chair, while Nobara applies slight makeup on his face. He has never felt more embarrassed in his life until now.
     ☉ “Is that necessary?” Megumi asks as Nobara applies mascara on his lashes. “Most definitely,” she replies, with a quick whisper of, “why do you have such nice eyelashes... I’m jealous.”
     ☉ When he came up to you that night, he wanted to die when you turned to him and saw visible lip gloss and mascara on his face, “Megumi! My god, come here!” 
     ☉ Megumi’s breath hitches when you bring him closer to you, face just a couple inches a part when you brush your fingers gently on his skin to feel the makeup with a grin.
     ☉ “This honestly just proves to me that you’re a pretty boy, Megumi!” 
     ☉ “A-A what?” 
     ☉ “You’re a pretty boy.” 
     ☉ “I’m not...”
     ☉ “Mmhm, sure, why don’t you look in the mirror and say that, and tell me if there’s a lie?”
     ☉ “...No.”
     ☉ “Aw, then I guess you accept that you’re a pretty boy.”
     ☉ He turns to you, “I never said--”
     ☉ “I’m messing with you, Megumi!” You say with a laugh, “Gosh, this is why I love you so much--” 
     ☉ The silence was painfully silent. 
     ☉ “(Y/n)...”
     ☉ “I-- forget what I said, I--”
     ☉ “I like you too.”
     ☉ “Huh?” You turn to him, eyes wide. 
     ☉ “You heard what I said... I like you.” He repeats himself again.
     ☉ Megumi went to this dorm that night with makeup on his face, and a visible kiss mark on his cheek. And the thing that stood out the most was a smile. 
     ☉ (Sorry if that ending was bad, I didn’t know how to end it...)
〄           ⤷ Norbara Kugisaki | 釘崎野薔薇 - - -
       ☉ Nobara is the most straight forward against her two male classmates.
      ☉  But that doesn’t mean that she wouldn’t be nervous. 
      ☉ Nobara would most likely confess after getting to know you for a while. Nobara would gain you respect for everything you do, and once she’s settled that you’re the one, she will try to confess as soon as possible because she doesn’t want anyone else attempt to court you 
      ☉  She’s the type of girl to fight people who even look at you the wrong way and defends your name if someone talks shit about you. 
      ☉  “The hell did you say?”
      ☉ “Oi, come over here and say it to my face, I dare you.”
     ☉ Stuff like that
      ☉  It’s sort of scary when she’s in everyone’s business when it involves negativity around you. Sure, you appreciate the gesture, but sometimes, it just gets out of hand, so make sure to let her know what she’s doing a lot for you and she will listen to you (temporarily before she throws hands with people for you again)
      ☉ Nobara will also give you little gifts out of nowhere every time she shops. She really takes pride the way that you smile and is grateful for the gifts. 
      ☉  Sometimes, she’ll invite you to go shopping with her and insists that she pays for everything because it’s her treat. 
      ☉  Nobara is really sweet on how she treats someone she cares about, and she will always make sure that you’re spoiled and happy
      ☉  The way that she confesses will be during a hang out or during lunch
      ☉  “Hey, (Y/n), can I tell you something...?” She’d start off, her cheeks rosy. Once you encourage her she’ll confess, “I like you. I really like you... I don’t know what it is, but I just can’t simply put it into words.”
      ☉  She will be biting her lip, her eyebrows narrowed with her fingers fiddling around with each other, awaiting your response. 
      ☉ “Nobara, I like you too!”
      ☉  Once she hears those words from you, she’ll let out a dramatic sigh of relief before holding your hand. 
      ☉ “Oh my god, thank you so, so much. This was going to give me an acne breakout just feeling one-sided for a while... but thank you for telling me the things I was scared about was all me.”
      ☉ Now that she’s your girlfriend, expect her to be inviting you to her dorm to watch movies or even put makeup on you or do a skin routine together 
〄           ⤷ Satoru Gojo | 互助悟 - - -
       ☉ He won’t confess, he’ll tease you in attempt to make YOU confess
      ☉ Gojo is an asshole and won’t be straight forward at all. He’ll be left and right, and up and down, and you can’t predict his movements. 
      ☉ But he is straight forward on teasing the hell out of you. 
      ☉ “Aww~ (Y/n)! Do you like me?~ You don’t have to be shy, you can say it! Say, ‘Gojo san, I like you’~” Before he just laughs at your unreadable expression. 
      ☉ But it makes it confusing how he teases you about liking him, when he’s the one initiating everything. Gojo will give you gifts out of nowhere, then pout that you owe him, share his sweets with you, then complain that there’s less, or sometimes he’ll even treat you for lunch or dinner whenever the two of you are free
     ☉ Gojo is like a child, and he honestly will get whatever he wants somehow because he “deserves it” according to him
     ☉ He’s a touchy person and he always gets into everyone personal space, so expect him to be randomly holding your hand, have an arm around your shoulder, hug you, or just ruffle your hair 
     ☉ It’s sweet but it can get annoying, fast
     ☉ But by the way that he laughs at your angered state, it almost seems like he wants this reaction
     ☉ So if you decide to play with him and pretend to be content with his actions, he’ll be really confused. 
     ☉ Gojo makes you mad on purpose, but if you show gratitude or any sense of content with his teasing one day, he wouldn’t know what to do. 
     ☉ “(Y/n),” he calls, his tone serious, “Are you high? Did someone drug you?”
     ☉ He immediately thinks that you’re on something to be content with his actions because he has never met someone who show’d content 
     ☉ But since your smiles and laughter has thrown him off guard, he’ll be staring at you with awe, his mouth agape every time you joke around with him or smile at him
     ☉ It just proves that he likes you, rather than him thinking you like him. 
     ☉ Which leads to an unintentional and inferred confession, “Hey, (Y/n), do you wanna get dinner with me tomorrow night? I’m free.” Gojo invites 
     ☉ “Is it a date?” You tease.
     ☉ The dead silence is a give away.
     ☉ “If we make it one, yes, love~” He pulls his blindfold over his head and sends you a wink and a grin, his cheeks a shade of pink before he leaves the room.
     ☉ Once he leaves, he’ll put his hand in a fist and chant, “YES!” before he continues on his day, happier and peppier than usual (which is creepy to his students and Nanami)
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༺ Chef’s Note: Sorry that it gets bad at the end but I hope that this is okay, thank you for ordering! Please come again soon!
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lunar-landscapes · 5 years
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Had wayyyy too much fun planning my outfit for Endgame!! The whole thing is Captain Marvel inspired (no shit sherlock), the photos I used for inspiration are in the post.
Eye makeup done using the blue and gold from the Rimmel "Magnif-eyes Palette: Colour Edition", as well as the colors "Latex" and "Dominatrix" from the Kat Von D "Fetish" palette. Liner is Kat Von D "Tattoo Liner" in shade "Trooper Black" and Mascara is the L'Oreal Voluminous in shade "Carbon Black". I also used the Revlon Candid concealer in shade 015 light pale. Lemme know if you guys want a pictorial or something for this, it was so much fun!!
For the outfit: hat is for the band Arkells, moon choker thrifted, leather jacket from Express, flannel from LL Bean, shirt from H&M, pants thrifted, docs purchased second hand from a friend. Bracelets were basically all gifts
I promise I wont spoil endgame but see yall after!!
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samwinchesterfanfic · 6 years
Here I Go Again
Chapter one
Dean x reader
Warnings: fluff, smut, language
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Dean Winchester. He was like my personal brand of heroin. We only saw each other a couple times a year, but when we did, holy shit. Basically, imagine the best sex you’ve ever had, but a million times better, and even then it’s better then that. So when he called and said him and Sam were passing through my part of town, I jumped at the chance to see him.
I pace around my room, looking at two different outfits. A half hour ago they both seemed like great choices, now they both look like crap on toast. I groan, throwing the clothing on my bed before falling onto it myself. Why was he into me anyway? Whenever we went out he had girls, that were so much more beautiful then me, throwing themselves at him. But somehow he only had eyes for me. I glance at the clock hanging on my wall. Shit, I had a half an hour before I was meeting him. I decided to scratch both outfits, and instead went with a more casual look. I put on a pair grey-blue exercise leggings and a dark blue tank top. I pair it with Converse and grabbed my black leather jacket. I take a last glance in the mirror, touch up my mascara, and grab my sunglasses before walking out the door. Dean and I had agreed to meet at a pub about three blocks away, so I put in my headphones and blast The Pretty Reckless as I walked down the busy street. I take my time, and end up arriving a few minutes late. Walking into the bar, I let my eyes wander until they fall onto the flannel of a sex god. I walk over, pausing my music and taking out my earbuds. 
“Well, well, well. If it isn’t the famous Dean Winchester.” I said, leaning against the table he was sitting at.
“Ahh. Y/N Y/L/N. Come here sweetheart.” he stands up and pulls me into his arms for the tightest hug I’ve ever experienced. I breath in his scent, feelings of comfort and love washing over me. I feel his hot breath curl over my ear.
“I missed you.” he whispers. I smile against his shirt, and he pulls away, signaling the bartender as he sits back down. 
“So what have you been up to?” I ask, ordering a whiskey neat. He smirks.
“Some things never change.” he sighs, “Nothing much, Sam and I have been on hunts, I met Gods sister. She was a real joy.” He trailed on, continuing to list his accomplishments of the last year. I let my eyes trace over his features, attempting to memorize the curve of his lips, the way his freckles are scattered over his face, the striking green color of his eyes. I knew these were the features that I would obsess over at a later date, even though every bone in my body wished that I was strong enough to withhold the temptation. He finished talking, and asked what I had been up to.
“Graduated which was a relief, masters in business specializing in management and ownership. Lets see... oh, I bought property.” his eyebrows went up and I nodded, “Yeah, I’m actually opening up a bar. It’s gonna be so cool, we open next month.” I took a deep breath and looked at him. Concern creased his face.
“I-um- I have a boyfriend actually.” I muttered, my heart ripping in two as soon as his face fell. He cleared his throat and finished off his drink, signaling for another round before he looked at me again.
“Good for you. What’s he like?”
“He’s a distraction.” the words tumbled out of my mouth so fast, and I couldn’t stop them. But the instant smile that went onto Dean’s face was enough to heal the guilt that hit me over lying to him about my relationship with Liam. We had been serious for about a year now, in fact I had met him the day after Dean left town, at least the last time I had seen him. I was mourning the loss of a guy I was somehow in love with, and there was Liam. Single, standing there, and completely nice to me. I had no idea why I stayed with him for so long. I missed Dean so much it almost killed me, and I knew meeting him again tonight would kill me, but I always did have suicidal tendencies. I felt a hand land on my knee, and the emeralds that are claimed as eyes wandered to mine. 
“Distraction from what?” he asked me in that sexy voice of his. My teeth sunk into my lip, and I moved slightly closer to him.
“I think you know.” his hand inched up my thigh, slowly enough to kill me with the burning desire that overwhelmed me. 
“So is this distraction of yours going to be around much longer?” I shook my head quickly, letting out a shudder when his fingers tightened mid-thigh. 
“Dean” I growled, my eyes shooting off warnings as his hand made its way between my legs. His face played off an innocent look, and I suddenly got self conscious when I overheard the couple next to us talking:
“Gross. He’s old enough to be her dad, and wayyyy to hot to be with her.” said the women sitting directly to my left. My cheeks flushed and I looked at my drink. It’s not like I didn’t know about the obvious age difference between us, but when I was with him, I didn’t care. We were about 15 years apart, and I knew we were judged when we went out together. The fact that other women took notice to the difference in attractiveness, well that I hadn’t quite been able to deal with yet. Dean heard them too, and took my chin between his index finger and thumb, forcing me to look at him again.
“Y/N, ignore those assholes. You are so fucking beautiful.” he leaned in closer, lowering his voice, “In fact, it’s taking all of my willpower to not fuck you right here on this bar.” he smirked at me, and pulled me in for a hard kiss. I pulled away, and this time ignored the little bitch next to me when allowed my fingers to dance over to Deans crotch. He let out a growl himself, and I licked my bottom lip slowly, knowing it drove him insane.
“I have to use the restroom.” I murmur, standing up slowly and massaging his hardening bulge as I did so. I had walked three steps when he grabbed my hand and led me out of the bar as fast as he could. 
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hoe-imaginess · 7 years
I'm not sure if you've done this before, but can you write Obito, Shisui, Kakashi, Gai, Lee, Shikamaru, and Itachi doing their girls makeup?
Poor Obito. He’s so bad at doing his girl’s makeup. If he makes even one little mistake, he panics and starts over. His girl is like “Obito? What’s wrong?” as he’s smothering her face in makeup wipes, trying to get everything off so he can start over again. He thinks he’s almost done, but suddenly the angle of her left eyebrow is two degrees different than her right. Time to wipe it all off and redo the whole face. He pretty much wastes half of her makeup. That’s a good $200 dollars down the drain Obito. Hope it was worth it
Shisui is pretty good but he makes some minor mistakes. Her mascara is either gonna be wayyyy too clumpy, or it’s gonna look like he didn’t even use any. It’s either twenty swipes or one swipe. No in between. He’d also probably put her bronzer in the wrong places. He misses her cheek bones completely and puts it like, on her jaw or something. A for effort. Surprisingly, his favorite part is picking out her lipstick color. He’s got a thing for his girl’s lips. It’s a treat that he gets to pick what color he gets to see on them
Kakashi is lost the entire time. Maybe his girl has three different primers, and he puts on all three, not knowing he just needed to pick one. So her face hella greasy now. Puts on her foundation, then puts on more, and more, then puts on her concealer. Gives her that nice caked on look. Uses mascara to fill in her eyebrows. Just slaps on the most obnoxious eyeshadow color he can find (okay, that was kind of on purpose) and to top it all off, he overfills her lips SOOO much. He’s like a toddler who can’t color inside the lines. Her lipstick is smeared so bad. r.i.p
Gai is so pure. He puts one dab of blush on each of her cheeks, puts on a little powder, and calls it a day. He says, “Okay! Done!” and when his girl sees his work, she doesn’t look different at all. And Gai is there with that eccentric grin, and tells her she doesn’t need makeup, he thinks she’s beautiful without it. SO CORNY I KNOWWW. But it’s something he’d do okay
Itachi probably does the best out of everyone. He makes the makeup simple, doesn’t overdo anything, makes it look as natural as possible. He doesn’t understand anything beyond foundation though. Highlighter, bronzer, blush, what’s that? He thinks the highlighter goes on the lips tbh. He thinks it’s lip gloss
Lee is so excited. He’s so ready to make his girl look fabulous. He actually does pretty great, up until the blush. His girl had her eyes closed so she probably thought Lee was just blending in some foundation all over her cheeks, but girl no. Lee was putting blush ALL OVER the place. By the time he’s done, it looks like his girl has a permanent sunburn. But Lee thinks it’s cute. “You’re cute when you blush!” he’d say, grinning ear to ear, very proud of his work
Shikamaru is just a fuck up. He doesn’t even bother trying tbh
“_______, what’s this?”
“That’s blush, it goes on the cheeks.”
“Eh, k.” *smears blush on his girl’s eyelids*
Not only that, he like beats the foundation brush onto his girl’s face. You’d think he was hammering at a nail with how hard he was doing it. She complains, but he’s still just like “Huh? What? I thought you said I had to blend it well! I’m blending it!”
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trashynoona · 7 years
Tumblr media
Word Count: 4,021
Genre: Fluff lotsa fluff, with possibility of future smut (I mean come on, look at this guy?!)
I took a deep breath, inhaling the cold air of winter. The trees are barren and the grounds were covered in snow. It has been exactly 1 year since I had broken up with the man I thought I was going to marry. We met in Spring 4 years back while in middle school. I had literally fallen for the boy when I tripped over my own shoelace during physical education class. The rest was pretty much history from then on. Somehow, along the way, as we grew older, our goals seemed so much farther apart. He was a happy-go-lucky lad while I was a perfectionist go-getter. We tried, we tried so hard to keep the relationship going, but the harder and longer we tried, the more painful it was when it fell apart.
It has been a year, and yet the feeling of being in love with this boy who is also my best friend seemed so familiar. I liken this journey to a train ride. I wished for it to be a through-train; for the boy to be my destination. But the break up had only proven that I was on a train with many stops. I had went through a massive rebound phase, I thought I had fallen in love, but at the end of the day, I was alone on a train without a known destination. Many times, I had wish to go back to the comfort of the boy; but deep down, I knew I was a child no longer, I could only go forward in this train ride, there was no brake on this ride.
I tucked my scarf tighter to my neck as I scurry to class. Despite having moved to a new city for college 2 years back, the harsh winter is still pretty much the bane of my existence. ‘Huddle close!’ I heard a couple walking past you giggling into one another’s warmth. It brought back memories to the days when I first moved to college with the boy, except this time, I am facing the winter alone. He has moved on. 
I don’t blame him nonetheless, I did cause him a lot of hurt that past one year. While he was still hopelessly waiting for me at our platform, I had moved on to a new station. By the time I realised I wanted nothing but to be back at the platform with him, the boy was no longer there. So I fearfully put on my big girl pants as I continue my train ride along. 
I am terrified of the unknown; I fear the cold without the warmth of another human. But I realised it was pointless to cling onto someone hopelessly if it was not meant to be. 
School has been pretty monotonous, I am trying my best to bury myself in my studies, perhaps this way I will be oblivious to the harsh winter in my heart. 
‘You’re coming for tonight’s party right?’ My close pal Kenta asked.
‘Do I really have to??’ I whined.
‘Duh.’ My handsome friend rolled his eyes as he shove a sandwich down his throat.
‘But its not fair! It’s so cold but I have to dress in cute skimpy outfits...’ I whined further.
‘Well... come wrapped like a dumpling then.’ He replied indifferently.
‘And be the biggest loser at the party? No thanks! I’d rather freeze to death.’ I answered.
‘It’s settled then!’ Kenta gave me a wink before running off to his class.
Damn, I was fooled once again. 
It was 8pm and I had to get ready. I picked up my phone to check the weather app. It was 3 degrees celcius. ‘Tonight is probably the death of me...’ I thought to myself. I opened my wardrobe in attempts to pick out something suitable for a party and the weather. It was no easy task, especially since I simply could not stand the cold. I settled on a woolen pullover and a cute skater skirt. I guess my body will just have to compromise. At least my torso will be warm I thought.
I arrived at the party with Kenta. The music was booming and people crowded in the dance floor. From the corner of my eyes I saw the boy, with his arms around his new girlfriend. He looked very much in love. I force a smile and dragged Kenta to the drink counter.
‘Cheers to the shit weather!’ I quipped.
‘Cheers to me getting laid tonight!’ Kenta responded.
Kenta was an interesting human. He is a massive party animal and narrowly meets the mark of a fuck boy, but he is also on the dean’s list and an awfully loyal friend. It has been a mystery to how this human exist. 
Naturally like bees are attracted to the pollen of sweet smelling flowers, girls flocked to Kenta. ‘Sorry girls, I have to ensure my bae here meets someone before I attend to my needs.’ He told the girls.
‘Fuck off Kenta! I am not planning to get laid! I didn’t even erm, shave.’ I whispered.
‘Too much information girl! Gross. But I’m sure we can find someone for you.’ Kenta half shouted to me with the booming music.
As the night went on and one too many cups of unknown alcohol, Kenta and I began obnoxiously pointing at potential mating partners for one another. 
‘Hey hey, Kenta, that girl in the dress one size too small looks like a suitable prey for you.’ I pointed out.
‘Hell nooooo. I heard she’s clingy as fuck. What about that obnoxiously loud dickhead chugging beer over there?’ Kenta teased. He knows I can’t stand being around chauvinistic dickheads for any longer than 5 minutes.
‘Yeahhhh sure.’ I laughed.
‘How about a bet. If you make out with Mr Dickhead, I will do your laundry for the rest of the year.’ Kenta proposed.
‘Including my undies?’ I asked.
‘Including your hideous granny panties gal!’ Kenta shouted as he raised his cup to me.
‘DEAL.’ I raised my cup to Kenta.
‘It’s just a kiss. I can probably just head over, pass off as a drunk slut, make out with him and walk off all within 5 minutes. Without even having to have a conversation with the dickhead.’ I snickered at Kenta’s flawed proposal. 
I took another shot before I headed towards Mr Dickhead who was soaking in all the attention from the people who just witness him beating some other dude at a beer chugging competition. I tapped Mr Dickhead on the shoulder and he turned around. He was handsome. Very handsome to be exact. In fact, there was something tender and vulnerable in his eyes. 
‘Fuck I am analysing wayyyy too much.’ I thought to myself as I grabbed the stranger by the neck and pulled him into a kiss.
The crowd cheered.
His lips are tender and plump. I moved my lips to pry open his. I had to make sure I was ‘making out’ and not just ‘a peck on his lips’. Kenta can be quite a sore loser when it comes to the fine prints. 
His tongue swiped across my lips before I could put my tongue in his mouth. ‘Classic dickheads’ I thought. Strangely, I enjoyed the way his tongue danced with mouth. His warmth was comforting, I was melting into the kiss. He pulled me closer by the waist and gently stroke the small of my back. ‘He smells much nicer than I thought he would.’ My brain was going into over drive. Time felt still. I quickly pulled away from the kiss and everything seemed to be in motion again.
‘That was very bold of you cutie.’ He smiled as his hands slipped away from the small of my back.
I missed his warmth. ‘He has a cute gummy smile and his eyes sparkled as they disappear into a smile.’ I thought to myself as I observed the stranger.
‘GIRL YOU ROCKKKKKK!’ I heard Kenta cheering as he linked arms with me and we became lost into the crowd. 
‘I can’t believe you actually did it notty girl!!’ Kenta teased.
I shot him a wink and picked up a new cup of unknown poison.
‘Now go find yourself some girl to fuck okay?’ I told Kenta.
‘Promise you’ll text me when you’re home?’ Kenta asked.
I nodded, raised my cup to him before walking over to hang around a bunch of acquaintances. I decided to stay a little longer since I was already out and the music was pretty lit. The poison in my cup pretty much took over and I was dancing and scream singing. I felt a hand ghost around my waist.
‘Hey cutie.’ The man whispered into my ears.
‘Yeah I am not interested.’I tried to walk away, only to have him grab me by my wrist.
‘Dude let go!’ I raised my voice as I tried to escape his grasp.
‘She said let go bruh.’ Somebody else was holding onto my wrist.
I squinted and tried to figure out who it was. The stroke lights and my intoxicated brain made it difficult.
‘Mr Dickhead! It’s you!!!’ I quipped.
‘I think you should be the one fucking off dude. She literally called you a dickhead.’ The man snickered.
‘It’s a term of endearment dumbass, did you not see me smooching him just now?! Do I need to show you again?!’ I yelled before falling into Mr Dickhead’s arm. Once again, I held onto his neck and brought him in for a kiss.
Time stood still once again. His warmth engulfed me. I felt safe. The security of his lips were broken when I felt someone tugging on me. It was the boy.
‘You’re drunk, let me send you home.’ He said matter-of-factly.
‘No. Go back to your girl.’ I answered coldly as I pulled Mr Dickhead away from the boy.
Without really thinking, I dragged Mr Dickhead out of the party with me. I was in no control of my emotions. Tears were spilling out of eyes and I was breaking down in front of some stranger I made out with. ‘Way to go girl’ I thought to myself.
‘Oh my god, I am so sorry. It’s just, ugh. I hate how weak I am. Ugh I...’ I was fumbling with my words.
‘It’s fine.’ Was all he said as he draped his jacket over my shoulders.
‘Why are you wearing a short skirt in such a weather even?’ He asked.
‘Because I did not want to look like a loser...’ I said between sobs.
‘Honey, you would easily still be one of the cutest girl in that party even if you came in your PJs...’ Mr Dickhead announced as he followed me along.
‘Really....?’ I sniffled.
‘Maybeeee not with all that dripping mascara and snot.’ He teased.
‘Shut up. I’m drunk, I get to be ugly!’ I whined.
‘Nobody would’ve believed you were the same girl who pulled me into an extremely sensual tongue twister just an hour ago.’ He teased again.
‘Do you have to make it so gross?!’ I tried to whack him on the chest only to have him hold me closer.
‘Shut up and just huddle up with me. You’re shivering like a hairless puppy!’ He ordered. 
I did not refuse.
The pavement was pretty much covered in snow by the time he had walked me to my apartment. Just as I was about to bid the stranger farewell, I received a notice on my trusty weather app. A hail storm was about to approach. 
‘Woah it sure is getting really cold, you should hurry upstairs snot monster.’ He quipped.
‘Erm... My weather app just announced that a hail storm is about to approach.’ I told him.
‘Well fuck... I live at the opposite end of campus... Guess I can probably try running back and pray hard my super fast reflexes will help me avoid getting struck by raining ice!’ He said in an animated manner as he cheekily jogged on the spot.
‘Do you wanna come up to my place at least until the hail clears?’ I asked.
‘My mum did tell me not to go home with strangers...’ He teased.
‘Fine, die in the hail storm then asshole!!!’ I was drunkenly offended and I threw his coat back at him.
‘Hold up feisty snot monster! I did not say I listen to my mother...!’ He half yelled as he ran along with me.
‘Just promise you won’t jump on me? I know I am pretty dashing, judging from how you threw yourself on me during the party not once but twice?’ He teased again.
Kenta was right, I could never deal with dickheads. But I have invited one home. Fuck my life.
‘Mention that again and you’re going home in the storm!’ I warned before I let the stranger into my house.
Text message from Kenta: ‘YA! ARE YOU HOME?! ITS ABOUT TO HAIL!!!’  
‘Why did you call me Mr Dickhead?’ He asked.
‘Whaaa...t?’ I jumped and dropped my phone before I could reply Kenta.
‘In the club...? You called me Mr Dickhead? It hurts my feelings you know!’ He pouted dramatically.
‘That’s EXACTLY why you’re Mr Dickhead. Besides, didn’t you call me a snot monster!!’ I argued.
He was giggling at the expense of my annoyance. His eyes twinkled again.
‘Well snot monster... my name is...’ I cut him off before he could tell me his name.
‘Nope. I don’t need your name. You’ll become an acquaintance if we exchange names, and I am not keen of that.’ I answered.
‘So... I am suppose to call you the snot monster?’ He asked, amused.
‘Yes. I am snot monster and you are mr dickhead. And you leave the moment the hailing ends!’ I ordered.
‘You’re not a very friendly host you know that snot monster... I thought... you know... maybe we could cosy up in that bed of yours...’ He smirked as he moved closer to me.
‘I’m kidding. Gosh. Uptight much snot monster?!’ He continue looking at me with a cheeky smile which got on my nerve. But at the same time, that cocky smirk was kinda enchanting.
‘Well help yourself to whatever you need. I’m heading to back. REMEMBER, if you try anything funny, I swear I will leave you crying for your mother.’ I warned as I threw him a blanket and pillow for the night.
‘Got it snot monster!’ He answered. He seemed to enjoy my annoyance way too much.
I guess that’s exactly why I don’t date dickheads.
‘Rise and shine snot monster!!!’ An increasingly cocky annoying sing-song voice was ringing in my ear.
‘Go awayyyyy~’ I whined.
‘You need to eat to nurse that hangover snot monster!’ He sounded more serious this time.
I sleepily opened my eyes to see a handsome stranger leaning on my door. He had a cheeky gummy smile and eyes that scream mischief. My head clicked and I recalled letting the guy I made out with on a dare with Kenta back to my place.
‘Why are you still here?’ I sleepily rubbed my eyes as I dragged myself out of bed.
‘Well... a snow storm followed after the hail storm and we’re pretty much stuck in the building...’ He answered matter-of-factly as he began chewing on the toast he had made.
‘Whaaaaat?’ I asked.
‘Check your trusty weather app if you don’t believe me!’ He said with his mouth full.
I ran back to my room and picked up my phone. He was right. And I was in shock.
‘Holy fuck!’ I gasp.
‘What? What?’ He came running with a slice of half eaten toast.
‘I look like shit.’ I looked at him.
‘Yeah you do.’ He laughed as he took another bite from his toast.
I had no argument for that. I had a massive bed head and my eyes were crusty. I did indeed look like shit. But strangely, I wasn’t too bothered by the fact that the strange handsome man I barely knew saw me in such a horrid state. In fact, it feels kind of natural.
‘Well fuck that shit. You said I would still be one of the cutest even if I were in my PJs didn’t you?’ I teased as I picked up a slice of toast for myself.
‘Yeah yeah yeah whatever.’ He said.
‘Do you really think so though?’ I asked.
‘What?’ He asked.
‘That I’ll still be cute even if I had went in my PJs..’ I said.
He nodded. ‘To be veryyyyy honest, you don’t look too shit right now either. Kinda cute actually.’ He quipped. His cheeky smile was plastered all over his face.
‘Do you have some strange fetish for unkempt girls or something?’ I asked, faced all crunched up.
‘If I do, I would have seduced you by now, snot monster!’ He shot me a wink.
‘Why does he ALWAYS have to be so annoying?!’ I wondered.
‘So... What do you wanna do snot monster. I knowwwww. How about netflix and chill?!’ He looked really excited, his eyes twinkled again.
‘Netflix and chill...?’ I asked, face darkened.
‘The literal netflix and chill dumbass. No way am I going to risk you bruising my beautiful face.’ He whined.
‘I’m glad you remembered.’ I looked at him, pretty proud of myself.
‘Also... erm your heater is broken.’ Mr Dickhead announced.
And so Mr Dickhead and I went on a Gossip Girl binge session huddled in winter gear.
‘Blair Waldorf  FTW!’ He cheered.
‘OMG IKR?! Everyone thinks Serena Van Der Woodsen carried the show, but she has honestly been nothing but a self centered whiny bitch the entire show?!’ I added.
‘Yeah! She comes and goes as she please, gives up a spot in Brown for some useless bratty reason and gets pissed with lonely boy when he decides to date Blair. Like girl.... you shouldn’t have broken up with him in the first place then?!?!’ Mr Dickhead quipped with sass.
It struck me out of a sudden. I was being a Serena to the boy. I left him heart broken, only to come running back when he moved on.
‘Why are you sulking snot monster? Did I said something wrong???’ He sounded concern.
‘It’s not you... remember the boy who offered to send me home last night? He’s my ex... We were really in love, but we grew apart and I broke it off with him after 4 years. I thought I had moved on, but my world came crashing when HE moved on... I’m such a Serena!’ I was sobbing now.
‘Hey hey. It’s okay...’ He said as he stumbled around to look for some tissues.
‘No it isn’t... I was selfish, and now I have lost my chance!’ I was a crying mess.
‘Look snot monster. Look at me.’ He said as he held onto my shoulders.
I looked up as I attempt to wipe away my never ending tears with my hands.
‘He’s not the one for you.’ He looked into my eyes as he tighten his grip on my shoulders.
‘How do you know?! You know nothing! You’re just saying it!’ I cried even harder.
‘I know. and you know why? Because you call him a boy.’ He said.
‘Boys don’t deserve a beautiful woman like you. A man does.’ He continued.
‘You actually didn’t sound too much like a dick for once Mr Dickhead.’ I giggled in between my sobs.
‘Ha. Ha. Ha. Very funny snot monster. Come here you.’ He pulled me into his arms as I continued sobbing.
For some reason, it felt so right. My body moulded into his perfectly. He did not seemed to mind some strange girl crying into his shirt. His warmth made me feel safe again. Suddenly the harsh winter seemed a lot more bearable.  
I woke up foggily, as I realised I was still in the arms of the familiar stranger. I tried to move a little to gain grounding of my situation.
‘Hey... You’re up?’ He whispered. He rubbed his eyes sleepily as we both set up; his warmth leaving me once again.
‘The storm has cleared but I figured all that crying must have left you exhausted since you fell asleep so soundly so I thought I shan’t disturb you.’ He explained.
‘Thanks...’ I smiled.
‘Well since you’re up and the weather has cleared, it’s probably time for me to go... My bunny must be starving by now.’ He announced.
‘WHAT?! You have a bunny in your dorm?! How??!!’ I asked, exasperated.
‘Well snot monster, there’s a lot this beautiful face can do.’ He shot me one of his annoyingly enchanting wink and smirk combo again.
‘Well thank you, for everything Mr Dickhead.’ I said as I walked him to the door.
‘Thank you for having me snot monster. I had fun.’He said, his smile seemed almost sad as he walked away.
‘WAIT! My name is...’ 
‘Let’s keep it this way snot monster. I’ll tell you my name the next time we meet!’ His eyes were twinkling again.
‘But... When will I see you again?’ I whispered to myself as the familiar stranger disappeared in sight. Suddenly the winter seemed kinda harsh again.
It was back to the usual grind again. School and lunch dates with Kenta.
‘So.... How was Mr Dickhead???’ Kenta quipped.
‘He’s....nice.’ I said, slightly smiling to myself.
‘Nice? That’s all? Wow he must really suck in bed.’ Kenta snickered.
‘What??? I did not sleep with him???!!!’ I smacked Kenta on his arm before I got up from my seat.
Being the perfectionist that I am, I had pretty stellar grades and I was part of a scholars program by the university. I was going for an exclusive scholars exchange program halfway across the globe. While it is kinda sad to leave Kenta behind, I was kinda glad that I was going away from the harsh winter and into the nice warm Sun. I pulled my scarf closer to myself once again as I scurried to the exchange’s meeting.
‘A very good afternoon to all scholars. It is a pleasure to have you here. Please take a seat and the briefing will begin shortly.’ The professor in charge announced.
I found myself a seat as I casually scanned the room. A familiar sight caught my attention. It was the same annoyingly charming smirk. It was Mr Dickhead across the room. I stared at him wide eyed as he waved. 
‘So as you should already know, all of you represent your majors in pairs and will be heading to our various partnered universities. Here are the names of your partners. Kindly find one another, and take a seat together as we continue with our briefing.
I scanned through the list and found my name along with a Kim Sanggyun.
‘Hey Snot Monster. We meet again!’ Mr Dickhead was all smiles again as he settled down in the seat next to me.
‘You’re Kim Sanggyun...?’ I asked.
‘Guilty as charged.’ He answered with the same cheeky smile.
‘I told you we would meet again didn’t I, Lee Do Hee sshi.’ His eyes twinkled.
‘How did you...?’ I asked.
‘I saw your notice lying on the coffee table the other day snot monster... Why do you look so shock? Surprised that a dickhead like me is a scholar?!’ He quipped.
‘Honestly... yes....’ I snickered.
And so Sanggyun and I travelled together, half way across the globe. I happily strutted out of the airport in my summer dress and sunnies. I took a deep breath, inhaling the summer air. 
‘Ready for the adventure of a lifetime snot monster?’ Sanggyun asked with the same cheeky smile I first spotted at the party.
‘Yes.’ I answered. 
(OH MY GOD. I AM FINALLY DONE. Okay this was quite difficult to write, because ‘boy’ is actually real. I have a super fluffy conclusion planned out, but I thought I’d see the response to this one first. So please show my story, Sanggyun and I some love plzzzzz. This is especially dedicated to all Kim Sanggyun-deprived fans out there!!!!! I sincerely hope sanggyun’s career will take off from JBJ onwards, he really deserves so much more?!)
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gethealthy18-blog · 4 years
Full-Face Makeup Using Black-Owned Clean Beauty Brands
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Full-Face Makeup Using Black-Owned Clean Beauty Brands
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Not a long post today as I’m directing you to a new video I just shared! I know, it’s been wayyyy too long since I shared a video and honestly I don’t miss it all that much (sorry!) but for the contents of this post it definitely made more sense to share it as a video. Today I’m talking about black-owned clean makeup brands and sharing a full-face of makeup with entirely Black-owned companies. After I shared this post on Black-owned Clean Beauty Brands, I put in a big order of products, including different makeup brands. So I wanted to share the actual products I used and let you see for yourself what they look like when applied.
Below you’ll find a video I shared to IGTV as well as a list of all the products I used. I highly encourage you to check out these brands and products. It’s pretty obvious from the video which ones I loved and will definitely be reordering. Very excited to discover more!
Foundation: Range Beauty (mixed coconut milk + villa)
Bronzer: Luv + Co Loose Mineral Pigment (in Trust)
Highlighter: Luv + Co Cream Highligher
Brows: Mented High Brown Pencil (in Medium Brown)
Eyeshadow: Lovinah Eye Magic Palette
Eyeliner: Lovinah Liquid Eyeliner
Mascara: Luv + Co Natural Mascara
Lips: Mented Matte Duos (in Nude Lala)
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Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheHealthyMaven/~3/e-QPMvfjqDQ/
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stagesofabreakup · 6 years
Stages of a Breakup: Week 45
1. Sleep not too late
2. Eat muffins
3. Listen to a podcast your friends did because they said they started to talk about who their bridesmaids would be when they got married and you wanted to see if you made the cut
4. You did!! ☺
5. Take a million years to get dressed
6. Finish watching the last episode of Black Mirror you didn’t realize was the last episode!
7. Get a text from a comic inviting you to watch a show with them, and to do a mic before
8. You accept!!!
9. Write a fb post about stand up comedy and money that gets a lot of likes
10. Hurry to the gym because now you have places to be!
11. Wait for the train because it’s delayed
12. A pipe burst in the subway and it’s just shooting water onto the tracks like a small geyser
13. It doesn’t get fixed
14. Go to the gym
15. Work out a little while watching and episode of Love It or List It that you’ve seen before (which is miraculous because you’ve only seen one and it was this one)
16. Leave to go to the mic
17. Your friend isn’t going but you still wanted to go
18. It’s mostly only men there
19. The host puts you up right away even though you were late which is confusingly nice
20. Have a good set where you talk about porn
21. Watch most of the rest of the mic
22. Leave to go to the show
23. Get in for free by saying you’re a comic which you were nervous about but it went fine!!!
24. Pin hair back and put some mascara on
25. Feel slightly less gross
26. Still smell from the gym & just life
27. Watch show
28. See friend
29. Move to watch show from a better place
30. Know 2 people on the show
31. Run into someone else there
32. Hang after the show at a bar that you threw up and made out with someone the last time you were there
33. Buy the second round of drinks
34. The producer of the show you went to is also the one you had a weird email thing with that was embarrassing
35. She comes to the bar to hang out
36. It’s actually fun and goes well!!!
37. You guys bond over puzzles
38. Ride the train home with your friend who lives near you!
39. Home
40. Eat way too much
41. Be on Facebook wayyyy too long
42. Start watching another episode of The Staircase
43. Think about masturbating
44. Think about taking a shower
45. Think about masturbating in the shower
46. Text your friend Charlie and apologize for never calling him back
47. Sleep
48. Wake up, wander to the kitchen, eat a muffin, put on perfume (?????? Why) go back to sleep
49. Wake up for real later
50. Gym
51. Go late to a mic because getting dressed is hard and anxiety producing, especially when you know you will be on a stage
52. Go up
53. Go to a bar afterwards with a group of other female comics
54. Get a little drunk
55. Get Chinese food with some of them
56. Take the train home
57. Feel GREAT
58. Wake up a little earlier than yesterday
59. Gym
60. Shower
61. Get dressed
62. Drink a beer
63. Eat some frozen asian dinner thing
64. Go to a mic late
65. Sit with Molly
66. Go up
67. Get a burger at a great bar
68. Go to a second mic with Molly and another girl who works at a blog and has a Britney Spears podcast
69. Do well at the mic!!
70. Talk to Molly afterward about LIFE (ever heard of it???) and your trip to New Orleans soon (she is also going back)
71. Take the train home for a long time
72. Snapchat a lil
73. Find out via snapchat your friend is ALSO watching The Staircase! Your ex-boyfriend probably told her about it
74. Decide to watch an ep of it
75. Jk watch like 3 episodes of it which are all an hour, stay up until 6:00am, finally force yourself to stop watching even though you only have 2 left
76. Sleep until 3:00pm
77. Get up
78. Eat a sandwich you made in the toaster oven
79. Go to the gym
80. Walk for an hour
81. You go girl!
82. Think about the worst things that could happen on your trip to New Orleans, accept that even if all of them happen, you’ll still have a good time and be ok
83. Go to the last night of an open mic that’s ending
84. Go up in the first group
85. Have fun
86. Have a respectable set
87. Remeet people
88. Get free wine and pizza
89. “Hang”
90. Walk to the train with a friend after getting like 3 different really nice compliments
91. Decide to watch another episode of The Staircase even though you have to get up in less than 8 hours for a 15 hour shift
92. Wake up
93. Woof it’s rough (ruff)
94. Eat a weird breakfast of mostly cheese
95. Unintentionally watch only the sex scene of XXX
96. Get dressed in old underwear for like the 4th time this week because you need to do laundry but there’s no time anywhere
97. Go to work
98. Build a desk!!!!!!!!!!!
99. Get very surprised by a white man from Connecticut you work with who was so open and happy to teach and learn and do physical projects with you
100. Learn about track lights
101. Make 42 dollars in tips
102. Eat food a child left behind
103. Laugh
104. Feel good
105. Do your second shift
106. Feel exhausted
107. Get almost no tips
108. Ask to go home 30 min early
109. Take the last two alcoholic seltzers from the work fridge you’re allowed to take
110. Have three different people tell you how you can “change your script” to get more tips
111. Leave at 12:43am
112. Call your friend Charlie
113. Make a plan to hang out tomorrow at 8:00pm when you get off of work
114. Be tired just thinking about it
115. Spend what feels like a long time waiting for the train but is actually probably only 15 minutes
116. Get home
117. Poop
118. Open/drink one of the alcoholic seltzers
121. Almost cry
122. Send him a thank you email instead of calling because it’s 2:00am
123. Find the Demi Lovato documentary online
124. Try to decide if you want to watch that or The Staircase Part II
125. Demi
126. It’s truly nuts
127. Her voice is incredible
128. She is 5 years sober at 25
129. You’re 28 and have never owned any property or a car
130. It’s fine
131. Wake up
132. Go to work for 10ish more hours
133. Get good tips!!!
134. Have a really fun shift!!!
135. Get a free piece of cake!!
136. Call your brother back while you’re walking to the train
137. Talk to him outside in the cold for 2.5 hours
138. It is an amazing conversation
139. He tells you things about himself during high school you never knew
140. You share some stuff as well
141. Your hands are numb
142. Finally get off the phone
143. Call Charlie
144. Agree to meet at your house
145. It takes him more than an hour and a half to get there
146. You almost fall asleep
147. Clean your room
148. Eat
149. Charlie asks if he can stay over
150. You say “duh”
151. Watch some of The Staircase II
152. Charlie comes!!!
153. Talk & drink
154. Laugh
155. Change for bed
156. Put on Swordfish
157. Wonder if you guys are going to hook up or cuddle or anything
158. You don’t
159. It’s nbd and so fun
160. Sleep
161. Get up
162. Charlie has to go to work or something
163. Aziz Ansari sexually assaulted someone
164. Laze around for a bit
165. Take a shower
166. Get a brilliant idea
167. Try to write it out
168. Call your friend Ariel to talk it out
169. Finish it, post it
170. Be late to brunch at your friend Nate’s house
171. Get there!
172. Eat the most amazing meal of: buckwheat banana pancakes with carmalized bananas and nutella, massaged lemon kale salad, bacon, baked beans!!!, scrambled eggs, sauted mushrooms and espresso martinis
173. Have so much fun with Nate and Rashida
174. Get threatened by Nate’s downstairs neighbor
175. Miss the Saints viewing party you were supposed to go to at a friend’s cousin’s apartment for the playoff game
176. The Saints lose really marginally
177. Start Inside Man
178. Hang out and talk
179. Dance
180. SING SONGS and record them
181. Freestyle a lot of songs about: séances, mermaids, tortilla chips, drones
182. You guys sing a serious one and cry
183. Have an embarrassing and kind of painful but ultimately good texting conversation with this guy you’ve had a crush on where he says he’s seeing someone but also apologizes for unintentionally leading you on and acknowledges that he finds you attractive and was definitely flirting at times and respects you a lot
184. Feel ok
185. Order Dominos as a group
186. Run in the cold to pick it up
187. Bring it home
188. Find that they really fucked up the order
189. Call, get free replacement wings
190. Eat everything
191. Rashida leaves
192. Finish watching Inside Man
193. Sleep at Nate’s
194. Go to bed at 6:30am
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emptealism · 7 years
The Vixen
So.... I started a “Cheryl runs a BDSM dungeon and Betty starts working there” future!fic. Eventual Bughead / past bughead
Here it is: 
Chapter 1 
Deep in the back of her mind, Betty knew that the journey she was about to begin would have real world consequences. That if they found out, people would talk about her and make judgments and tell her parents and – shhhhhh.
 “You don’t need to think about them” said that calming, bitter voice in her mind. “They can’t fucking touch you. You’re an adult.”
 She took a deep breath and added an extra few sweeps of mascara before inspecting herself in the mirror. She hadn’t given in to this side of herself in a long time, not since she almost boiled Chuck to death in high school, and she was so excited she could hardly wait. Seeing herself in leather, fishnets, boots and too much eyeliner exhilarated her, empowered her. She was going to knock this out of the park, stomp on some balls or whatever, and earn some much-needed cash.
 After exchanging a few last minute texts confirming all the details, she drove over and met Cheryl at the back entrance of the club with a sly smile and a kiss on the cheek. Cheryl had her flaming hair in twin braids, fake freckles dusting her nose, and an all too innocent smile.
 “So you made it after all… If tonight goes well I have a feeling we’ll be making a lot of money together. Follow.” Cheryl snapped her fingers, opened the door, and made her way down a cliché long dark stairwell, Betty on her heels, vibrating with anticipation.
 “So what -” Betty began.
 “Shhh, you’ll ruin the magic.” Cheryl paused on the stair with a quick finger to Betty’s lips, shushing her immediately in a quietly seductive tone.
 This was already getting weird, and Betty knew it was only going to get weirder from here on out.
 They made there way down a dark hallway with softly glowing fairy lights hanging from a mysteriously tall ceiling to a door that announced “OFF LIMITS”. With a meaningful look, Cheryl led Betty into the room and immediately Betty was taken right back to high school cheerleading practice.
 “Welcome to Vixen’s, Betty Cooper. This time, you won’t be second string, I promise.”
 She wasn’t sure what she had expected from Cheryl’s dungeon, but this definitely wasn’t it. The room was almost an exact copy of their high school locker room, if their high school locker room also had a lounge area with a giant fuschia velvet Chesterfield. Cheryl perched on the arm of the sofa and gestured to a bench.
 “Have a seat. I’m going to go over the rules.”
 “Ok, great, um –“
 “Save your questions for the end. Rule number 1: establish your boundaries. Know what you are and are not willing to do before you enter a room with a client. Before you negotiate. This is the first and most important rule. Do not, under any circumstances, make exceptions. While this might be emotionally charged, this is a business, and at the end of the day you have to live with what you’ve done. So decide early what your hard lines are because trust me, you do not want regrets. They will beg, plead, and offer you wayyyy more money than you’ve ever had in your pathetic little life, but it will not be worth it.”
 Cheryl looked at her expectantly, with more sincerity that Betty had ever seen on her face in the span of their lifelong relationship.
 “Ok” Betty nodded.
 “And I want you to know that I do not care, and will personally respect whatever lines you choose to draw, or don’t. At this point, I’ve seen it all. I don’t really see you as a scat girl, but if you’re down with it, I can always use another.”
 “No scat.” As with all new endeavors, Betty had done her research. When Cheryl had approached her at Archie’s engagement party last month, Betty had laughed in her face.
 “Me? Betty Cooper, a dominatrix? Are you kidding me?”
 “Think about it,” Cheryl had said with intense eyes, “I know what you are, Betty. I see you, even if none of your little friends do. And now that you’re back in town, you’re probably looking for employment. Here’s my card.”
 One month of curiosity induced research and boring interview after boring interview for jobs she really didn’t want, here she was. At Vixen’s, Cheryls Southside Dungeon.
 Cheryl continued with her rules, and Betty began to see how much Cheryl cared about her clients and her employees. This wasn’t just some pervy fun for her, this was her calling. And she was bringing Betty in for some reason – well, Betty knew the reason. Cheryl loved control, Cheryl loved knowing, and Cheryl saw potential.
 The Chuck Clayton incident.
 She had gone too far, but she had loved it, the sense of power over Chuck, having his life in her hands, having him beg for her, the looks he continued to give her for the rest of their time at Riverdale High.
 10 years after high school and Betty had finally gotten herself together. She’d had a life in New York City, she’d lost her virginity, she’d had a promising career, time away from Alice Cooper, all the expectations of Riverdale – and she had grown up. Now she was back in Riverdale to care for Polly and her kids, and she needed an escape, something the opposite of domestic, and this was her chance.
 Working at Cheryl’s secret southside bdsm dungeon was the last thing she ever thought she would do, but here she is. And Betty could not be more excited.
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