#wip ?? i dono...
themadknightuniverse · 11 months
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Western lacho WIP :]
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star4daisy · 5 months
hi daisy!! i need to ask about it's jail time!!
heeey lia
so this is a very old idea where barty and reg have been a thing all their lives cuz their parents r criminals together but when they get murdered and the cops come running barty takes the blame (they were already being initiated in it, Sirius left and Regulus hated it so Barty usually got his hands dirty for him) so he goes to jail and to protect reg he sends him to the college sirius ran off too, so this would go over barty's time in prison where he meets Evan and tries to survive in there and reg in college finally learning what freedom is and meeting james but they're still holding on to each other cuz they've always been each other's safe place, but its hard to comunicate while Barty's locked up trying to run things from there and keep reg safe and there's these weird new feelings they might be having for new people and the guilt over it
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unbizzarre · 1 year
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“My dinner party,' Miles grated. 'It's just breaking up.' And sinking. All souls feared lost.”
Work in progress. The dinner party scene in “A Civil Campaign” from Lois McMaster Bujold’s Vorkosigan Saga. Characters from left to right are: Ekaterine Vorsoisson, Captian Koudelka, Olivia Koudelka, Dono Vorrutyer, Alys Vorpatril, Miles Vorkosigan, and Enrique Borgos (under the table)
This is a drawing of my friend’s favorite scene in the vorkosigan saga! I personally found this book to be the most stressful to read in the entire series the first time I read it, but that was mostly just cuz I take a lot of damage from secondhand social anxiety for fictional characters. On a second read of the book I was a lot less stressed able to wholeheartedly enjoy this scifi comedy-of-manners for the delightfuly intricate social and politicial clusterfuck it is 🥰.
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Second image is early planning for the piece trying to figure out where the hell everybody was supposed to be seated. Goddamn was that a logic puzzle!
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wowowwild · 8 months
For WIP Wednesday, which I never do but am doing this week, I am showing you ten of my favorite lines from my Klapollo Bang fic (which is starting posting on Nov 1st). I am doing this bc I need to motivate myself to finish chapters 4-6 which are giving me trouble. I've been writing out of order so I have 50k so far but they're not at the beginning.
"No worries, I get it," she winked. "I was hidden behind Polly's giant forehead."
2. Klavier looked like he didn't believe him, which was fair because he was lying.
3. "It must be hard having a celebrity girlfriend who is also a cat and a boy."
4. "Did you steal this from a little boy's birthday parry, Justice-dono?"
5. "A sink? Are you physically incapable of using a desk that was made to be a desk?"
6. "Did you seriously forget he's famous again?"
7. "I can't believe people are mad about the pineapple. There are so many horrors in the world."
8. "The bowling incident of 2024 speaks for itself."
9. "Don't worry, Justice. I'll keep my judgement to myself. Just know that I am judging you."
10. "Yeah, I know it was for his birthday, but- You meant Trucy, didn't you... What am I talking about? You didn't mean anything. You're a cat. I'm arguing with my cat because he won't listen to me talk about law... This is fine. I'm calling Trucy."
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cleverclovers · 1 month
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Hey, folks. It's me again. Resident struggling disabled artist and pet parent.
I got my SSI payment, got my bills paid, and found out I'm short for rent by 3$ after going for groceries out of desperation, yesterday. I was in the hole by 55$ when I got paid, and I was desperately trying to fix that so I'd have that money to work with, but unfortunately I didn't manage to sort it out in time.
I can't afford cat food or litter, as it stands, and I kinda need that. And more food to last till the 8th because I have no faith what I have will make it that far. I have till the 5th to get rent in. I'm scared I won't make it again. Every time I ask where my parents can see it solidifies their decision that when my mom's accident settlement comes through, I'm going back to live with them.
I won't survive that.
I have a patreon. I'm trying to update it more regularly. It's Rosesinclover
That's also my Venmo and cash app
I've been struggling to finish comms, but I'm trying
I'm stressed out. I need the help. Comms are open but if you'd rather make donos to see wips or something, or even the cats? I can do that
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r-u-living · 13 hours
Thanks for the tag, @agirlandherquill ! (I don't have a tag list yet, so I'll just be using my followers! Another thing to add to my to-do list)
I'll be using Pollen from my WIP list!
Were you named after anyone? - "We never name our young we have special calls. When I escaped the prison-type-thing, I thought it would be best to have a name, so I came up with a few. I've changed it several times"
When was the last time you cried? - "When I got my wing caught in a bit of electrical wire. It wasnt on, but I couldn't reach around to untangle myself, so I was just stuck there till the morning when I saw the hole near my wing and started to pick it apart and eventually got most of the wire open and could free myself."
Do you have any kids? - "Oh god, no! What would I do with them? I don't have a family to bring me food, and the extra weight would mean I couldn't fly!"
What is the first thing you notice about people? - "If their human or not. Or if they are angry."
Do you use sarcasm a lot? - "Yes. More than all of the north side combined."
What is your eye colour? - "I haven't looked in the mirror in a while, but I'll say. Brown? Black? I know they're dark."
Scary movies or happy endings? - "Like I would be let into a movie theatre. But a happy ending sounds nice enough."
Any special talents? - "I can make my eyes vibrate and touch my tongue to my nose and lick my elbows."
Where were you born? - "The apartment on the 4th floor near the 4th tree on the 4th street next to the big grey truck with a number 4 on it. It's my lucky number.
Do you have any pets? - "I have Juno. Does that count." "No! I don't!"
What sort of sports do you play? - "Me and my siblings used to play this flying-type game where someone would whatever ball we could get our hands on, and we would chase them around for as long as it took to get them cornered and then they would have to pass it onto someone else."
How tall are you? - "I am quite tall for my mutation! When I was born, my family said and I quote "Wow that baby is very tall for our mutation!" And I was the 2nd tallest in my murder -" "She's 4,9 ." "Shut up Juno!"
What was your favourite subject in school?- "My aunt taught me knitting to keep me out the way. Never went to school."
What is your dream job? - "I've never thought about it. A trash collector would be useful."
@wraith--2 @cabaretofwords @vampysmusings @everythingismadeofchaos @rossiici @sparklyshinymagpie @amb3r-dono @aguztofwind @reedandstorm
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pikapeppa · 10 months
WIP Wednesday
Thank you very kindly to @johaerys-writes @starsandskies for the WIP share tags!
A little blurb from my Aloy/Drakka fic, where Drakka meets the GAIA Gang! I'm working on Chap 17 now, but Chap 16 is done (in the editing phase), so this is from that chapter:
There was a bustle of chat and dishes being passed around as everyone dished up their lunch. When everyone was tucking in, Aloy looked at Drakka. “Okay. The GEMINI mission.”
Beta looked up, and Varl raised his eyebrows. “You want to talk about the mission? Now?”
“He wants to know about it since it’s in his territory,” Aloy said, and she turned to Drakka once more. “All right. You remember how GAIA has subfunctions that carry out tasks for her?”
“GAIA’s little Marshals, yeah,” Drakka said.
Erend spat some juice, and Kotallo’s eyebrows shot up. “Pardon?”
“That’s what GAIA’s subfunctions are,” Drakka said. “They’re like Marshals that carry out specific tasks while she oversees the whole mission.”
“That's what you meant?” Erend exclaimed. “I thought you were talking about Kotallo’s, um, you know.” His cheeks went pink.
Aloy frowned. “What? What does Kotallo have to do with it?”
Erend’s face went redder. “His little Marshals, you know? I thought Drakka meant his, uh, his fellas. You know, his…” He cleared his throat and started gulping from his stein. A smile lit Zo’s face. “You thought Drakka was talking about Kotallo’s sperm?”
They are all stupid your honour I love them.
Tagging forward for everyone to share WIPs of their fic or art! @contrivedchaos @perhapsrampancy @elveny @fantasy-girl974 @picksleydust @alyssalenko @mwasaw @iamcayc @beardedladyqueen @garbage-dono and anyone else who sees this and wants to join in!
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archangelsunited · 9 days
⭐ i would love some directors commentary on TWSIC!!!! >:3c
akkkkkkk. Thanks for the ask, Bishop!
I feel like all I do is complain about this fic, which I love, but is driving me out of my skull 9/10.
Here is the first meeting of Yar, who is, in fact, a canon character. I actually first wrote him in the first draft of Grieve at the Mercy, as a foil for my failboy Donos. (OC of all failures. I love him so much) But I lost that draft of Grieve at the Mercy in the great WIP disaster of 11/23.
But! He was an interesting character, and I thought I would give him a cameo in TWSIC. Then he decided to be a plot point in another chapter.
“You have a nice store of food,” the orc said. He was munching on some dried snowberries. “Stolen.” Vivi was going through each dead Silver Hand’s pockets. Keeping Vivi terse is an eight step process. She's not here to make friends, not here to have a conversation. She's a little socially awkward from her time in prison. “Nice bow I can use --- sure you don’t have a proper pair of trousers hidden in that pack?” Vivi is doing her- I am not upset I can't get you exactly what you want, and I am going to take that not upset out on you. “Stolen kilt is the best you’re going to get.” Vivi gathered the coin and put it in an empty coin purse. She tossed the stolen purse to the orc. She's not being nice, here. No siree. She's giving the nice Orc the gold because she is totally worried he'll kill her for it otherwise. You know, with the stuff she already gave him after rescuing him. “Does my benefactor have a name?” Yar totally clocked her. “Vivi.” “Vivi, I am Yar gro-Gatuk--  truly, you are blessed by Hircine.” He's trying to sound her out, he doesn't think she is against werewolves- kind of hoping she's a sign the daedra is sending someone to solve this bitch of a situation. He wants to leave, but he does know he might be in trouble if he leaves any other werewolves behind him. “Stole that, too, then. You have a problem finding your way out?” Vivi asked. “I went to a lot of effort to not kill anyone.” Here we have the first miscommunication that is going to lead to Vivi's deification. Yar is thinking she is a minor daedra now, kind of irreverant, but confident in her abilities to think she can get away with not killing a bunch of murderers. “I can be unseen if I wish.” Yar stared her down for a moment. “Do I have your blessing to leave?” Vivi, right here, is going- oh, fuck, he thinks I'm like an old matriarch or something. I must look so old. Yar is going, I don't want to offend the person who doesn't fear daedra. “Flee,” Vivi croaked. “I hope you outrun any arrows that seek you, and the ones that don’t.” And as you can see here, the miscommunication is just piling on.
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| qJack Manifold Roleplay Blog, a part of the Yaoiverse RP Group |
| Blog Runner @nightmareentertainment / cannot be seen by the main-island yaoiverse blogs, only the others in Purgatory |
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"Ohhh, new viewers. Welcome to the show!"
What You Need To Know! :
Jack Manifold is affected strongly by the radiation, fused with metal and wirings so much he is near a partial cyborg. This is not what he signed up for; but at least he can always see chat through the screen horrifically embedded in his forearm!
Jack identifies as male and uses He/Him. For now.
A part of 'Team Crab' and proud.
Stuck in purgatory hell. He came here willingly. This isn't exactly what he signed up for.
Blog is Television themed, like a live broadcast. You are chat.
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Before We Begin! :
#We're Live! - Text Posts
#JMTV.Transrate - Reblogs
#JMTV.Transcode - Asks
#DONOS! - Submissions
#Live Chat Reaction - In-Person Thread Tag
#Check The Vods - Finished Thread Tag
#Streams Down / #OOC - Out Of Character
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#Yaoiverse - RP Tag
#Straightverse - Angst Tag
#Yuriverse - Noncanon Tag
#Sexoverse - Suggestive Tag
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Screen - Jack [you are here.]
Audio - Natalan @deaths-obedient-servant
Tuner - Duxo @lapaloma-dearriba
Power Supply - Condi @shapeshiftingdreams
Logic Board - Sneeg @theholyfork
Signal - Axo @yaxozer
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PFP: key
DIVIDERS: radioactive , Tech1 , Tech2 , lines
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mydarlingdahlia · 1 year
Can my mooties like…give me writing prompts pretty please 🫠
@moraxsthrone @meowzfordayz @xxsabitoxx @bunny-n3zuk0 @renhoeku @akaza-dono-the-basketball @yeahitzally @thatonegenshinsimp
*slips all of you money as if I don’t have 7 WIPS in my drafts rn*
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bunnvoid · 2 years
WIP Game!
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips. (You can make your own post or reblog this one!)  I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? Dnd campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!!
Thank you for tagging me!! ^^ @salparadiselost
I have too many so im gonna just list immediate wips shf or we are gonna be here while
Zine pieces for 3 of a kind and Shot through the heart
a really really big character reference sheet commission shout out to my friend for being crazy patient;;;;
Dick patching up after a night out
warm bodies/zombie au sketch pages 2-7
Cat dono thank you charm
Catboy Jay surprise
Tim and an angry little bird
NC animation
Alfred with a gun
'You took my Wallet' Timmy sad boy hours
Robin! Jason meeting a familar friend comic
Catboy Chronicles 'Surprises' comic
Catboy Chronicles 'Grayson is Here' comic
Night Culture intro comic Uncut version
Nightwing funeral project
Annoying big brotherisms mini comic
non dc sketch pages
and then some..
tagging: @ravendraculina @boxonarock @ragingbookdragon
join if youd like! ^^
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friendoftubbo · 1 year
This blog is run by @earmuffstar (they/them). Credit for the header ges to Sad-ist’s Final Waltz, because I had to. PFP credit to Zhuzhee
Mostly canon-compliant except for when it’s funny or when rp demands it
This blog is part of the lovely kiss me son of god-verse the curtain call-verse! I’m open to other interactions as well if you fancy it, unless it is tagged as “;; nerd talk | scenes” because those are specially reserved.
I try to tag common triggers with “tw [trigger name]” sans double semicolons. Other than that, tags without [brackets] are in character. [brackets] are what I’ll be using for out of character tags.
I’m pretty new to rp, especially tumblr rp. if i’m committing a terrible rp crime feel free to let me know!
;; BIG MAN SPEAKS | in-character textposts
;; bloopers | ooc
;; nerd talk | scenes
;; donos | asks
;; stream sniping | reblogs
;; give me money | memes
;; dirty crime boy – @symphoniecalando
;; your Tubbo – @presidentofacrater
;; green bastard – @daydreamnightmares
;; dadza – @oblitusglacies
;; tumble toy – @buryyourcanaries
;; were of the wolf variety – @washingmachinedcat
;; wip – @loyaltiesmaylie
;; wip – @mezalean-mezzatinta
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keniaku · 2 years
for the wip challenge, im very interested in seeing the human heart art or the rum drabbles :eyes:
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"human heart" is maki in a gory backdrop... the idea is like the zenins took away her heart now she's gonna spill all their organs. also i kinda miss drawing smth brutal
“Do you hate anyone, Kokushibo-dono?”
Douma watches the way Kokushibo’s two eyes grow distant, glazed, removed from the present. He does that a lot, Douma notices. He notices a lot of things, about Kokushibo, about a lot of people. He noticed Akaza-dono’s always antsy every time he watched Douma turn his blood to ice and snow. He noticed the way Muzan-sama’s smile widened just a bit too much when he was irritated in the middle of human affairs.
He noticed Kokushibo’s stubbornness in getting Douma back to his old strength stems in desperation, like he was running away from something that’s only been catching up to him. Why he chose Douma to be his outlet, Douma doesn’t quite understand yet. But it’s okay, he’s used to be the intermediary between people and some kinda vague concept they hang on to as means of salvation. Something like a shrine, now godless and abandoned, left to rot
“My brother,” Kokushibo says, but Douma hears no malice between the syllables.
and rum!! this is from the first spring after muzan died. if i ever wrote a full fic for this au itd be divided by the seasons
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sagemoderocklee · 2 years
WIP Oospie-Day
so i kept meaning to sharea WIP Wednesday but i've been a bit preoccupied this week fighting with the doctors office to get my extension letter for my medical leave. so this is a few days late and i didn't have time to make a fancy banner but here's a snippet from Honor Bound, featuring one of my fave subplots: Tenten's
Honor Bound
“Your proposal is intriguing,” she said.
“Intriguing!?” cried Homura. “This is simply outrageous. We are a shinobi village, not a daycare center. The children are perfectly safe—”
“No disrespect meant, Mitokado-dono,” Tenten interupted, her tone suddenly cold, “but the children are not safe. Everyday, we hand weapons to children and ask them to risk their lives. My teammate, Rock Lee, nearly died in the Chuunin Exams our first year attending—and our sensei had us entered into the exam in our second year, unlike many other sensei who rushed their Genin teams into it. I watched children die in the war—”
“It was war! Of course some died! It's simply unavoidable!”
“No! It is not unavoidable!” Tenten shouted, anger overcoming her. She slammed her hands on the table before her, staring down the council. “Those children were placed directly into harms way when we handed them their hitai-ate. They weren't shinobi, they were children. This council and Suna's made them into soldiers, but they were still children. Most of them couldn't even mold their chakra properly yet!” Tenten felt tears in her eyes as the feelings she'd been holding in—resentment and guilt and anger—came rushing forth. She sucked in a breath, forcing herself to calm. She couldn't let her feelings rule her now. If she was going to make the council see reason, she had to show them the facts.
Silence stretched in the room as the echo of her anger died down and she found her center. Collecting her thoughts, she took from her pile one of the scrolls and unfurled it with practised ease.
“I have prepared, what I feel, is a simple plan—a way to change the way we do things. Instead of children starting at the academy at five years of age, they should start when they are thirteen—”
“Silence,” the Hokage snapped. “Continue.”
“They should start when they are thirteen years old. At the end of every year, there should be an evaluation wherein the students discuss their goals for the future. During this evaluation, they should be asked whether or not they want to continue training to become shinobi. As long as they wish to, they may continue, but any child who does not may return to a normal school program without shame or judgment. All those who see it through to graduation would be receiving their hitai-ate at the age of twenty.”
“Homura,” Tsunade snapped, “if you cannot control your outbursts you may leave.”
“But Hokage—” Tsunade narrowed her eyes and Homura closed his mouth, glaring at the Hokage. She stared back, gaze unwavering. Finally, he dropped his gaze. “Forgive me, Tenten. Please continue.”
Tenten would never forgive him. Not any of the council for what they'd done to those children. Tonboko still had gruesome nightmares of losing her friends, still feared the forests at night. She did not smile the way she once had, instead she trained with a dilligance that went beyond obsessive, determined to fight the ghosts and monsters in her dreams, and to save the friends who were already gone. How could Tenten ever forgive them for the damage they'd done?
“Twenty is the age when we are considred adults,” Tenten went on. “The longer children are in the academy, then the better their survival rate will be. I have here,” she said, grabbing another scroll and stepping forward, “a statistical analysis based on research I was able to conduct in the last month. On average, a shinobi's lifespan is only about thirty-five years old. Most shinobi die in the field or go missing in action before the age of twenty-five. This applies to shinobi of all ranks, but especially Chuunin, though this may be due to the fact that most shinobi do not advance beyond Chuunin level.”
“Do you feel that this survival rate would increase with these changes you're suggesting?” Tsunade asked.
“Absolutely. Not only will those training to become shinobi have had more time to hone their skills, but they will also be more emotionally and mentally able to handle their missions. Of course, there is no way to completely avoid the mental and emotional toll this line of work has on a person, but I do believe that with these changes we would see a happier, healthier, and longer-lived shinobi which could only be better for the village.”
“And what of those already made Genin?” Koharu asked, speaking for the first time. She looked calmer than she had when Tenten had first begun to explain her proposal. She leaned forward, looking at Tenten intently.
“Those who are already Genin,” Tenten explained, “would be offered the choice. I do not believe they should remain Genin, but they have already seen so much. I think some of them will choose to give up their hitai-ate—permanently or temporarily—but I know there will be some who cannot. However, I do believe they should return to the Academy and graduate at the age of twenty. They could be given D-rank missions while still training, but anything more should be heavily considered. They are still children, and now they are children carrying a heavy trauma.”
Koharu nodded. “Interesting. You realise that such a thing will cause quite an uproar, don't you?”
“Yes, Utatane-dono. I have considered the potential backlash this proposal will receive. I believe the pros of moving forward far outweigh the cons.”
“And you are prepared to endure the ridicule and possible ostrisization from your fellow shinobi?”
“I have spoken with enough of my comrades to know that those closest to me support this intiative.” She pulled another scroll from her pile, passing it to the Hokage. “I have here a list of shinobi, from both Konoha and Suna, who agree with this plan.”
“This is a petition,” Tsunade noted.
“Yes, Hokage-sama. In the event that this council does not agree to pass this proposal, then I am prepared to take this to the next level. The petition has already reached enough signatures between our village and Suna's, granting that, should your council not see fit to move forward, I be heard by a council of the Great Nations and our allies.”
“You're well prepared,” Tsunade said, a hint of pride in her voice.
Tenten inclined her head. She had to be prepared for anything, she could not fail the children again.
“My concern,” Koharu said suddenly, looking over the scroll that detailed Tenten's proposal, “is that this will severely weaken Konoha's forces. We are already at a great disadvantage, you realise. We sustained a great number of losses during the war, not to mention the damage to the village and the strain on our resources housing Suna's people caused. If we do this, we would see our shinobi forces cut by at least a third, and we wouldn't see any growth in the numbers for years.”
“This is only the first step of my proposal,” Tenten said, and again another scroll was passed to the council. “The main objective is to ensure that children live happy and whole lives, not marred by war; that children are able to experience childhood and make the choice for themselves when they are ready to become shinobi. Eventually, as we move forward, the initiative would be presented to all shinobi villages, great and small.”
“And what if a village does not agree to this proposal?”
Tenten had been waiting for this question. “With the war at an end and our alliances at their strongest, there is no reason for this to be seen as damaging. If this is truly a time of peace, then this would not hurt the other nations. It is my belief that now is the most ideal time for this proposal to be put forth to all of the shinobi nations. Any nation who refuses would be seen as hostile, which would go against the alliances formed.”
Tsunade raised an eyebrow, glancing up from the scroll to pin Tenten with her gaze. “I take it you intend to use this pettion to propose such an amendment during a summit.”
“Yes, Hokage-sama.”
“Very well. All in favour of a secondary hearing on the matter of the Children's Protection Act?”
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arlome · 2 years
WIP Wednesday
Well, since it seems that I managed to miss two Snippet Sundays in a row, you now get a WIP Wednesday instead!
So this is from that same SLBP story the rest of the snippets are from, and yes, we're still on Kojuro :P
“Aren’t you a pretty lad,” Atsuko croons under her breath and shuffles closer to him to pour him an overflowing serving of sake. “How old are you, Kagetsuna-dono?” 
Here, this close to him, the faint scent of her sweat is sharper, more primal, and, mixed with the almost cloying aroma of her hair, it calls to a baser part of him and causes him to stir under the layers of his heavy armour. The swiftly redirected flow of blood, coupled with the unusual amount of drinking, makes him a tad more lightheaded than before, and he barely managed to stop himself from swaying on the spot.
“Fif-fifteen,” he croaks inelegantly, and clears his throat. “And you, miss?”
This must have been the wrong thing to say - or rather, the right thing to say - because the girl covers her smiling mouth with her sleeve again and laughs merrily. 
“Oh, my,” she breathes, shaking her head. “You shouldn’t be asking a woman such questions, dana!” 
“M-my apologies!” he stammers, completely horrified. But Atsuko doesn’t appear to mind this transgression on his part - not really - because she takes this opportunity to lean over the tray and right into his personal space, biting the bottom of her lip enticingly. 
“Oh, but you’re lovely,” she sighs, echoing his exact thoughts from only moments ago. “You’re not a man yet, are you, Kagetsuna-dono?” 
“M-man?” Kojuro stutters, voice unnaturally shrill. He has a fair idea what she means by that, of course, but he’d rather play dumb than admit the fact outright. And so, he brings the overflowing saucer to his lips - spilling some precious sake onto the tray in the process - in a desperate bid to prevent any further discussion on his part. 
“Yes, someone who’s penetrated women before,” Atsuko explains coyly, smiling. And then, without pulling backwards, she presses her lips to his reddened ear, and adds, “want me to turn you into one?”
Kojuro chokes on his drink. 
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cleverclovers · 8 months
I need to pay my 75$ phone bill, and buy some kind of travel ticket to get to my brother's funeral. I don't know what the ticket is going to cost, but I'd at least like to get my phone bill paid so I don't have to worry about it...
I've got a couple commissions and a memorial drawing to do, but. I'm feeling up to drawing again so if you're interested I'll add to the queue.
If not... If you just want to dono that's good too.
$rosesinclover or [email protected]
Here's the WIP of the memorial. He liked my Legend of Zelda series and begged for this one for ages...
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