#william joyce x reader
thewritersaddictions · 3 months
Christmas Stories 2024 Master List
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Welcome to the Christmas Stories 2024 Master List
A/n- There will be some fluff for and during the Christmas time. This is 24 days of fluff, dedicated to the cold holiday time.
Word Count-
Series Master List
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Day 1- Jim Hopper + Fake Dating
Day 2- Joel Miller + Kissing under the mistletoe
Day 3- Alcina Dimitrescu + Looking at Christmas Lights
Day 4- Negan Smith + Catching snowflakes
Day 5- Steve Rogers + Sick s/o
Day 6- Eddie Munson + Building Gingerbread houses
Day 7- Koing + Cuddling Together
Day 8- Elijah Mikealson + Drinking hot cocoa by the fireplace
Day 9- Spencer Reid + Celebrating new years together
Day 10- Rick Grimes + Roasting marshmallows
Day 11- Leon S. Kennedy + Opening Christmas Gifts
Day 12- Daryl Dixon + Building Snowmen
Day 13- Steve Harrington + Christmas Shopping
Day 14- Jensen Ackles + Watching Holiday Movies
Day 15- Soldier Boy + Watching Snow Fall
Day 16- Joyce Byers + Baking Cookies
Day 17- Loki + Chirstmas Cruise
Day 18- Michonne + Snow Angels
Day 19- Billy Hargrove + Sleding
Day 20- Ellie Williams + Snowball Fight
Day 21- Bucky Barnes + Slipping on ice
Day 22- Stefan Salvatore + Ice Skating
Day 23- John Price + Decorating Christmas Tree
Day 24- Karl Heisenberg + Babys First Chirstmas
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Completed On: (12/24/24)
Posted On: (03/28/24) - (12/01/24)
CS24 Tags-
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pwettylouis · 2 years
18 - Billy Hargrove Version
When no one can see that she’s grown up, y/n goes to the Hawkins high boy, Billy Hargrove, for help.
*You can pretend that y/n is adopted or Hopper had a kid with another woman if you don’t look like Hopper
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Billy took a deep drag from his cigarette, leaning against his deep blue Camaro and watching all the kids of Hawkins high waist their breath amongst each other.
“Y’know that shit will kill you, right?” He looked over to see Y/n Hopper, queen of Hawkins and daughter of Sheriff Jim Hopper.
Billy took a deep breath and tapped the end of his cigarette on his car, leaving a circle of ash on the blue paint. “What do you want?”
“I need your help, Billy.” He scoffed and pushed himself off the Camaro.
He snickered for a moment, lip between his teeth. “If you’re just going to waist my time, then I’ll be leaving.” He said as he went to pull the car door open.
“My dad is cop, Hargrove.” Y/n placed her hand over the door handle as she stared at him. “How do think he’ll feel when he finds out you tried to run over a couple of kids. One of them being his own step son?”
When she noticed Billy retract his hand, she pulled away and stood tall.
“Or, that you sneak girls into the public pool after hours? I don’t think that’s what your boss meant by swim lessons.”
She spoke, crossing her arms and smirking with a raised eyebrow. Billy took in a deep breath and clenched his fist.
“What do you want?” He seethed.
“I need you to pretend to be my boyfriend.” She took a deep, shaking breath and shifted the books in her hands.
“And why should I do that for you? Huh?”
“Karen Wheeler ring a bell? Or how about that time you and Steve got in that fight, and your little 12 year old sister had to break it up? I can ruin your whole tough guy imagine, Hargrove.”
Billy looked pissed now, like his head was going to explode. She watched as Billy took in a deep breath, closing his eyes for a moment before swinging the driver side door open.
“Get in,” Y/n smiled to herself as she made her way around the car. Billy’s nostrils flared as he pulled out of his parking spot.
He was silent as he sped out of the schools parking lot. The two made it down the road in silence, some rock song playing quietly.
Hargrove was almost half way to the Hoppers cabin before he finally spoke up. “Why do you need me? Why not that Harrington asshole?”
“Because my dad actually likes that Harrington asshole, and having someone he likes isn’t going to work.”
“So what do you want me to do? How do I pretend to be your boyfriend?”
“Drive me around, take me on a date, anything that couples would do.” She spoke as Billy turned into the driveway.
Yeah, Billy had taken out many girls in the past, but he didn’t know how a actual relationship worked. And neither did Y/n.
The car was put into park behind Sheriff Hoppers cruiser, Billy sat in silence for a moment before turning to the sheriff’s daughter.
“I’ll pick you up at,” he glanced to his watch. “4:30 tomorrow, we can go to Star Court or something.”
The girl leaned forward in her seat, hand reaching for the door handle as she smiled. “It’s a date, Hargrove, one of many.”
Her eyes drifted to the window at the front of the cabin where her father stood. He’s always on high alert when people pulled in.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Hargrove.” She leaned over the center console and placed a kiss on Billy’s slightly stubbled cheek.
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Guys you don’t get it i am so obsessed with these types of fics and now i can not get a Steve Harrington, Richie Tozier and more version’s out of my head.
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angelkissiies · 2 years
will byers x gn!reader
tw/cw : fluff, so much fluff. young love. pining. realization of love. unspoken feelings. best friends to lovers. will byers being happy for once.
a/n : love him as much as I do, he deserves it. also ignore any grammatical mistakes, it’s been a tough weekend lmao.
word count : 3409
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Mid-December in Hawkins was beyond what you could consider cold, at that point it was pretty much always below 30 degrees. The roads and sidewalks were covered in thick patches of transparent ice that, if you were unfortunate enough, would victimize you in a heartbeat. Despite all of this, it did not phase Will. He had still decided to show up at your house that morning sporting the largest winter coat you’d ever seen. He could’ve put the marshmallow man to shame. That brought you to now, sitting at the kitchen table with the boy eating breakfast much earlier than you would’ve preferred- not that you really minded. You never admitted it out loud but spending time with Will was the highlight of your weekends because without fail he’d show up like clockwork every Saturday afternoon.
“Do you want some juice?” You asked, the fridge standing wide open as you looked back at the boy for an answer. The frigid air mixed with the already cold weather made you shiver.
Will nodded quickly, shoving another fork full of eggs into his mouth. He’d taken the liberty of making breakfast, seeing as he woke you up literally at the crack of dawn. “You don’t drink it with pulp right?” He questioned mid chew, raising an eyebrow.
You scoffed, holding a hand over your heart in mock distress. “You think that lowly of me? That I’d tolerate pulpy orange juice? Disgusting!” You laughed, pulling the carton out and closing the fridge behind you. “I actually don’t think I know anyone who drinks orange juice with pulp.”
He paused for a moment, his face deadpanning before he responded. “You literally know Nancy.”
A faux gag emitted from your throat, face twisting in disgust. “Oh that’s gross.” You moved to lean across the table, pouring the juice into his cup and then your own. “Anyways, since you’re here so early- I’m guessing there’s something you wanted to do today.”
Will smiled, throwing back the glass of juice in record time. “You bet! There’s this frozen pond just about a mile from here and I thought that maybe we could ice skate on it!” He exclaimed, feet tapping on the ground in excitement. He knew, for a fact, you could rarely ever say no to him- which usually leads to the two of you in massive trouble.
You eyes almost popped out of their sockets, It was pretty common knowledge to Will that you had never skated. Ever. Not once. “Will-,” you began, only to be cut off by the boy.
“No no, I know. You’ve never done it before.. but I have! I could teach you.” He assured, reaching across the table to grasp your hands, pleading silently. “I promise I won’t let you get hurt.”
The offer was tempting, it sounded like it could be fun- but with your luck it would definitely end with an injury. The more you thought about it, the more you wanted to spend some quality time with Will.
“Okay, I’ll do it. Just promise you won’t let me fall, okay?” You asked, holding out your pinky for Will to take. He gladly linked his pinky with your own, squeezing it as hard as he could playfully.
He stood from his seat at the table, gathering the now empty dishes and placing them in the sink. He didn’t bother to wash them, knowing your mother did them after their breakfast every morning. “Now, I know you don’t have ice skates so I brought my mom’s. She’s a size 7 in shoes, so I hope they fit.” He moved across the room to the bulky bag you had been wondering about since he arrived, the size now made sense considering what it held.
You laughed lightly, sitting down on the floor next to where he was. One by one he handed you Joyce’s skates, they looked well loved which made you glance over at Will. They just have done this often together, it almost felt like an honor to have him ask. “I think they’ll fit, I can try them on first though. Just for good measure.” You assured, unlacing the tops so you could slide your socked foot into the skate. As far as you could tell, it was a decent fit. You restrung the laces just a tad looser and wiggle your toes around, pleased with the comfortability.
Will watched you expectantly, taking in the subtle changes in your face as you experienced putting on ice skates for the first time. It may not be the biggest milestone in the world, but it counted to him. “So? Are they okay?” He asked, moving his hands down to pull the tongue of the skate out a tad, releasing some tension at your ankle.
“They’re pretty much perfect!” You smiled, slipping your foot out of the skate and setting it to the side. You wanted to leave immediately, you were so excited it hurt. “Let me run and put some warmer clothes on, could you write my mom a note? Just so she doesn’t worry.”
He nodded instantly, hopping up from where he was to rummage through the drawer next to the fridge. Most of the random things you had no place for found a home there, including the designated note pad and pen the two of you used to write notes to your mother when you left without speaking to her. She never really minded, she appreciated the effort to make her worry less- though it never worked. She always worried, like if the two of you went to the arcade- she would occasionally call up there to check in on you and make sure you were okay. He scribbled a simple note, nothing too lengthy.
‘Me and (y/n) are going ice skating at the pond on Spencer road. We won’t be gone too long, maybe a couple of hours. See you then!’
You had hurried into your room, closing the door quietly to avoid waking up anyone unnecessarily. The time now reading 5:45am, you picked through your closet- pulling out a winter coat, long sleeved sweater, and a pair of thick jean pants. For safe measures, you added a pair of leggings underneath the pants. You couldn’t be too warm, right? As you hustled to change, you ended up throwing your hair up to avoid it getting in the way. This made record time for getting ready, as the clock had only recorded four minutes passing. You snatched a couple scarves off of your dresser before heading back out to the kitchen where you had left Will.
“I didn’t see a scarf with you when you got here, so I grabbed this one for you. If you went home with a cold, I don’t know if Joyce would ever forgive me.” You joked, holding out the plaid scarf that clashed horrendously with his coat. You’d love to say that you’d planned it, but you really weren’t looking too closely at color when you grabbed the scarves so unfortunately you couldn’t. One way or another, it was still funny.
He made a face of faux disgust as he snatched the fabric from your hands before his lips upturned into a smile. Nobody paid attention to him the way you did, if this was anyone else- they would’ve never noticed he forgot his scarf, but you were different. You didn’t look through him, you actually saw him. “Thank you, I would’ve worn my own but I left in a hurry to get here. I wanted us to have more time to skate.” He explained, pulling on his coat. Once he had zipped up the massive thing, he wrapped the scarf around before securing the loose ends in his jacket.
You zipped your own coat up the rest of the way, following in suit with your scarf. You left the loose ends out though, as they felt too bulky underneath. You then haphazardly threw on your tennis shoes as they really wouldn’t matter later. Officially, you were ready to go- before you could utter a word though, Will was two steps ahead of you.
“Cmon!” He smiled, grabbing your hand and practically dragging you to the living room. He stuffed the skates back into the bag and threw it over his shoulder before hustling you out the front door. If there was one thing he didn’t want to do, it was waste time. That was until he halted on the front porch, “Did you remember to fill your tires?” He asked, crossing his arms over his chest as he squinted at you, he knew the answer already but chose to give you the benefit of the doubt.
Your mouth fell open, you had completely forgotten about the tire. As if the whole incident of having to walk your bike home wasn’t a clear enough reminder. “Uh.. well.. about that..” you began, looking anywhere but his eyes. You knew for a fact he was giving you that face, the stereotypical ‘I’m not mad or surprised, just disappointed’ look.
Will barely batted an eyelash, “You can ride on the back of my bike, but we will be filling that tire today.” He stated, shoving you playfully as he slid the backpack off of his back and into your hands. It was obvious that since the two of you were going to ride together, you’d need to carry the bag so you’d both fit safely- you didn’t mind. He clambered onto the bike, scooting forward to leave you enough room to be comfortable.
The backpack fit snugly on your back as you hopped on after him. You froze momentarily, realizing just how close you were to him. It flustered you a bit, but you pushed those feelings aside as you moved to wrap your arms around his waist. You never really rode with Will, since you both had bikes you usually just rode alongside each other rather than on the same bike. It made you unusually nervous.
He would never admit it out loud, but his stomach came alive the moment you held him. It wasn’t in a romantic way, but it sent a flight of butterflies into his stomach. Ignoring the fluttering, he began to peddle, but as much as he tried and tried to get those feelings out of his mind- he couldn’t. With every bump in the road, you instinctively held him tighter, which didn’t help his predicament in the slightest. Not to mention the feeling of your head resting against his back, it was almost empowering despite how nerve wrecking it was.
The sights passed by in a dull blur, blending together as the two of you sped along the side of the road. There were barely any cars, as most people were either asleep or at work at this time of morning- that was better for you two, less cars less risk. Before you knew it, Will had pulled off of the main road onto a small dirt trail that led back through a thick grove of trees. To say it was sketchy, would be an understatement.
“So this is the place?” You asked, hopping off the back of his bike. As you looked around you noticed just how well maintained this area was. The trail was clear of any brush or litter, meaning people regularly came through to clean it. That realization made the situation out in a much brighter light than before, seeing as it didn’t look like any murder would go undetected here- not saying that Will would murder you but.. you can never be too safe.
He threw you a smile, waving you forward as he walked his bike into the grove. The trail was pretty easy to follow, it was impacted into the ground from a history of use. “This is the best place in Hawkins to skate, I’m honestly surprised you’ve never been.” He admitted, looking over to you as you walked alongside him.
You shrugged slightly, adjusting the backpack on your back to a more comfortable angle. “My parents are the most active, unless you count my mom's aerobics class. They don’t do much outdoorsy stuff like normal families.” It was true, your parents were more into watching movies and shopping as a bonding activity. It was fun, sure, but you felt you’d missed out on a lot.
Will chuckled, stopping abruptly to tuck his bike into a patch of brush on the side of the trail. “Aerobics count for something, they just don’t compare to his.” He stated, grabbing your hand before taking off down the rest of the trail.
If you squinted, you could see the trails end just up ahead. It was brighter on that side of the grove, as if the sun had chosen to shine on that spot only. You tried your best to keep up with Will , gripping his hand for dear life as he dragged you to the grove's edge.
Once you exited the patch of trees, you finally understood why he was in such a hurry. You’d been partially correct about the sun, it had begun to shine down through the cloud cover and onto the ice of the pond. In turn, the ice was glowing a soft ethereal light that lit up the entire clearing.
“Oh my god, Will. This is amazing.” You breathed out, you couldn’t help but agree with him. Aerobics definitely couldn’t hold a candle to the flame this lit in your chest. It was as if heaven had become a real place on earth, none of it felt real.
Will watched your reaction, beaming with pride as he soaked in the morning sun. He couldn’t have chosen a better person to share this side of himself with. Truth be told, you and his mom were the only people we wanted to do things like this with. The two of you made him feel comfortable enough to breathe freely. “I know, how about we hop on the ice?” He suggested, not realizing he still had a hold on your hand. He was quick to realize when he felt you squeeze it gently, a redirection of your excitement. He led you down to the edge of the ice, right where the ice met the ground- the safest starting place for you two to launch from.
You swung the backpack off of your back, sitting down on the ground to unpack the skates Will had haphazardly shoved in. Thinking about it, that was probably the training for the weird poking feeling in your back the whole bike ride. You felt dumb not realizing before now but shook those thoughts off. “So, just to clarify- you won’t let me fall, right?”
He sat down beside you, pulling his tennis shoes off. He pretended to think about it for a second, earning a scoff from you. “I pinky swear, I will not let you fall.” He swore, holding out his pinky for you to take. It was an endearing gesture, but you knew he couldn’t promise anything. It was the effort that counted though.
Your pinkies linked together, drawing a smile to your lips as you shook them- as if it was a handshake before turning back to the task at hand. Your shoes slipped off and you began to fumble with the laces on the skates. It was pretty easy, but for some reason anxiety began to grow in your stomach. A bundle of nerves being poked and prodded by every moment you got closer to actually skating, internally you knew that Will wouldn’t let you get hurt but it still scared you.
The two of you sat in peaceful silence as you finished lacing up and tying your skates, then came the real question.
“Will, how do I get up and actually on the ice?” You asked, looking from your bladed feet to the ice just a few inches away. Because the blades were so thin, it seemed impossible to stand up and step onto the ice without actually breaking your neck. The anxiety creeped back up into your throat as you looked between the boy and the ice.
He noticed the hesitation and was quick to act, “Close your eyes, okay?” He instructed, grasping your hands within his own. As you closed your eyes, you heard a rough ‘click’ of his skates against the ice. His hands moved down to grip your waist, sending a heartaches worth of butterflies into your stomach. He was careful as he helped hoist you up onto your feet, steadying you as you wobbled slightly on the unfamiliar skates. As you began to grow accustomed to standing on the blades, he gently lifted you from the grass onto the ice.
You had been holding in a breath this whole time, terrified that he might slip and drop you, but as you opened your eyes you could breathe again. You were standing upright on the ice, Will still holding your waist to keep you steady. A delighted smile pulled at your lips as you leaned forward to wrap your arms around him, hugging him tightly. “Thank you, I probably would’ve died trying to do that alone.”
Will pulled away, bowing. “No problem at all, I’d do it again in a heartbeat.” He chuckled, holding his hands out for you to take. His fingers were slightly tipped in pink, the cold air relentless on his exposed skin. From what you could tell, it didn’t bother him.
Taking his hands, you clasped them tightly. You weren’t as afraid anymore, more focused on the curvature of Will’s lips as he smiled at you. He was the perfect boy, that was something you’d always known.
He intertwined your fingers together, using a free hand to give himself some momentum. He pushed off the ice, sending the two of you into a slide forward before he slowly began to loosen his grip on your hand. This terrified you, making you instinctively reach out for him, only to be greeted by his arm moving down around your waist.
“It’s okay, watch this.” He assured, prompting you to keep your eyes open as he pushed off again. He had the two of you gaining speed, and as you watched and attempted to copy his movements- you seemed to be helping him. He wasn’t pulling all of the weight as he had been, feet gliding across the pond effortlessly. The air was crisp, turning your nose and cheeks a soft pink as you came closer and closer to the other edge of the pond.
Will used his free arm to turn, utilizing gravity to send the two of you into a whirlpool spin. He quickly grabbed a hold of you, pulling you tighter into him as the two of you went in circles. His face was filled with delight as he bunched his hands up in your coat, watching as your eyes shone.
You felt like you were flying, the momentum causing your scarf to flap wildly in the wind as you tightened your grip on Will. You don’t think you’d ever be able to describe this feeling, a mix of terror and pure unbridled joy. The thumping in your chest was the only indication that this was real life, heart filled with adrenaline. As you began to slow, and inevitably stop, you didn’t let go of Will. The world spun as you had and your body hadn’t caught up- and as you attempted to acclimate to the stillness, something caught your attention. The boy in front of you was laughing, Truly laughing. a noise that you didn’t often hear. His body shook with joyous laughter that came from a deep place of carelessness, making a smile form on your lips.
He took a deep breath, crisp winter air filling his lungs as he looked down at you. “Isn’t it the best?” He asked, moving his hands to correct your scarf back around your neck so you wouldn’t get too cold. His fingers brushed across your cheek as he did so, sending a pang of nerves into his chest. He did his best to ignore it but the feeling blossomed into one that encased him, making his cheeks turn a shade of red.
“I couldn’t imagine anything better.”
That was the truth. Being here with Will was something you wouldn’t trade for the world. Despite the frigid winter air and the frostbite nipping at your fingers, you were filled with warmth.
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bookshelf-dust · 1 year
the ache
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billy hargrove x gn!byers!reader
word count: 625
warnings: grieving, mentions of death, post the battle of starcourt
a/n: um, so…i just wrote this in thirty minutes, give or take. it’s a bit of dialogue that i’ve been kind of toying with in my head for a few days, and here i am, at one in the fucking morning, writing this. i’m sorry in advance. (also for context, none of the season three hopper death shit happened.) i love you all. <3333
When you don’t show for dinner, Joyce knows exactly where you are.
There’s no guesswork, or calling around. She knows.
She knows because she’s been where you are. And she knows you shouldn’t be alone.
She remembers when Hopper had come and sat on the floor in front of her without a word. It had settled something inside of her, that small gesture. Sure, it hadn’t soothed the ache—nothing could do that, nothing but time—yet it had helped. It felt like a breath of fresh air.
Joyce parks the car, and makes her way to where she stood all those months ago as they lowered him into the ground.
You’d been silent then. She wasn’t sure you were breathing, really. And when they’d finished, when the funeral was over, you’d just stood there. And she’d waited until you made your way to the car, and she took you home. Anything for her baby.
The grass is chilly under your palms, where you’re desperately ripping the blades up and flinging them to the sides. There might be two sparse patches left by the time you’re finished, but that’s okay. It’ll grow back.
Your face is wet. You gave up on wiping it dry long ago.
When you hear footsteps behind you, you don’t even have to turn because you know exactly who it is. Who’s come for you.
You start to cry again, but this time it’s worse. This time you’re sobbing.
Joyce sits down beside you, settling on her knees.
You look up at her, but you can’t really see her because your eyes are filling with tears and blurring your vision.
“Oh, baby,” Joyce says. She runs her hand over your leg.
You cry out. You’re practically wailing. It hurts, you’ve noticed. It’s like an ache, and it won’t leave. It stays.
You look away from her and at his headstone. William Hargrove, it reads.
That’s all he is now, a plot. A marker. A memory.
“Mama.” Joyce never takes her eyes off of you. Seeing you like this fills her with an immense grief, and she wants nothing more than to make it all go away. To fix it. To kiss it better.
“Mama, I miss him.”
A sob wrenches free from your throat, and you’re wiping desperately at your face again because now she’s here and she can see you at your weakest. But it’s no use, so you let it come.
“My baby,” you cry.
Images of Billy flash through your mind: sitting with him in the staff room while it rained one day at the pool and no one could swim, helping him get a tangle out of his hair, kissing him on the cheeks just to see him blush.
He’s gone. He’s never coming back. Your Billy is dead.
“Mama, please.”
You don’t know why you’re begging, but you are. And you keep begging, like it’s going to fix something. It’s not.
Please what? Please bring my boyfriend back. Please undo what happened that night. Please let him be safe. Please.
Joyce wraps her arms around your shoulders and you cling to her like you’re afraid she’ll disappear too. Like she’ll be in the ground and you’ll be sitting and crying out for her just as you are now.
You’re not sure how long you cry for, but she lets you for as long as you need.
And when you’re done, you go home and lay in bed. You slip on one of his shirts, and you think about him.
You cry some more, and try to remember something Hopper told you after he’d taken you out of the mall that night.
“That feeling never goes away. But everyday it does get a little easier.”
You hope he’s right.
please let me know if you liked this! feedback is always appreciated!! comments and reblogs mean more than you know. <33
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thewulf · 6 months
That Was the Moment || Steve Harrington
Summary: Request - Stevie and reader. Kinda based off jayton and Jill by zane Williams. Basically it’s like a flashback, they are with all their friends and all of sudden dusty asks how they met. Everyone laughs ahah because it was like one day she became such a big part of their lives but they never got the back story... Read Rest Here
A/N: Ahh really enjoyed writing this one. Thank you so much for the request @loving-and-dreaming
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Y/N
Word Count: 3.7k +
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TW: Talks of physical abuse, attempted sexual assault.
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The last rays of the setting sun cast an orange glow over Hawkins. One of your favorite things about the summer sun in the Midwest of the United States. A few years ago you dreamed of escaping the tiny suffocating city you’d called home for your entire life. Your father was the local preacher who quite literally expected you to be somebody your entirely weren’t. You’d turned out to be the familial disappointment because you couldn’t stand putting on a show. You’d turned out far too buck wild for your overly conservative family that took the Bible far too literally. Almost every weekend resulted in you pissing off your father which in turn stressed your disgustingly passive mother out. He’d end up screaming some insufferable fucking Bible passage at you as you ran to whatever friend’s house would have you for the night.
But then you met Steve. He changed everything for you. No longer did you want to run away. You’d found your person so suddenly and out of the blue it struck you like no other. You never got along with you father, no. But you’d toned it down for everybody’s sake. It wasn’t possible to continue living with such hostility.
You felt a hand snake around your waist before pulling you close. Steve. Your guy. The one that had quite literally saved you from yourself. You’d know it from the way he smelled. Oh, so damn good.
“Sweetheart.” His lips lazily mumbled one of the many pet names he loved to use. You felt a chill run down your spine as his lips brushed over your forehead.
Your arms naturally wrapped right around him as he pulled you into him, “Hi Stevie.” You grinned into his chest. He just made you feel so safe and secure in his embrace. So loved and adored. Like nothing you’d ever experienced in your time here. Something you knew didn’t come around too often.
“Missed you.” He now had you fully wrapped in his embrace.
You couldn’t help but to smile at that. He was always so damn sweet to you. It’s been nearly two years since the two of you had started dating and he never cooled it. In fact he only seemed to get sweeter as your relationship grew into something serious.
“It’s only been a day Steve.” You giggled not giving a care in the world to the now older teenagers who decided to join the two of you outside. It was a summer tradition now for the last few summers, after everything happened. Joyce and Hopper had the group over for a bonfire the last weekend of August. A sort of way to wrap up the end of the summer. The kids, now teens, were heading into their senior year which blew your mind. As much as you wished these things could continue you knew the kids would move on and grow up. Look at them now.
He huffed pulled you back, “Too long lovie.” He planted a not-so-subtle kiss on your cheeks much to the chagrin of the kids.
“Could get a room or something.” Will grumbled turning away after earning a laugh from Robin who knew better than to say something. She’d gotten used to the affection the two of you loved to share with the other.
“Don’t worry Byers, already got one.” Steve flicked him off. You shook your head showing his arm lightly.
A bunch of groans erupted from the entire group not wanting to dive into that side of your lives, thankfully for you.
“Alright.” You laughed trying to turn the conversation around, “Let’s get this campfire setup before Hopper arrests us or something.” You looked over to El who was nodding eagerly.
“He will. Let’s get to work. It’ll spare us a lecture about how he only ever asks us to do one thing.” She pushed Mike down to where the logs were stored knowing the house like the back of her hand.
Once the campfire was roaring the sun had dipped into its final decent for the night leaving nothing but your group, the cracking fire and the moonlight illuminating the sky. Steve pulled you into his lap not taking no for an answer. He whispered into your ear when you tried to squirm away from him, “You’re heading back to college in a few days. Please let me hold you while I can?” And how could you resist that smile? You couldn’t. That’s how you ended up huddled onto his lap fighting sleep as he rubbed his hand up and down your arm.
You faintly heard the conversation from the group before hearing Dustin speak right to you, “How’d you two meet anyway?” Your eyes looked to him as he pointed between the two of you, “I’ve never heard the story. One day you were just there.” He scrunched his eyebrows as he tried to recall your story.
“I don’t think I’ve heard it either, care to share?” El asked, she too had taken residence on her boyfriend’s lap. A general consensus among the group arose before you turned back to Steve who was nodding along letting you know it was okay with him as long as you were okay with it. See, the two of you didn’t meet under the best of circumstances. You weren’t ashamed of how you met it just wasn’t super conventional so you never went out of your way to share the why.
You gave your boyfriend a quick grin before turning to the group feeling comfortable enough to share, “Sure. It wasn’t under the best circumstances.” You sighed remembering that dark fourth of July night two summers ago, “It all started with an argument between my father and I. He wouldn’t let me go see the out of town preachers son…”
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Flashback to the Night You Met Steve
“Dad, come on! He’s already out-front waiting on me! What’s the big deal anyway? He’s your friends son!” You couldn’t believe it. You thought for sure it’d been easy yes, but you were sorely mistaken
He shook his head attempting to block the front door from you. Lucky for you, you’d already beaten him to the handle shimmying out the front door before he could really stop you
“So, help me God Y/N! You will be grounded for the rest of days if you do not get back here right now!” He bellowed as you ran down the front walkway ignoring his threat. You heard him yell something else incoherent before jumping into the truck of the boy who had invited you out, James or something. You didn’t really care. You just wanted out of the suffocating house under your fathers reign. You’d finally come to the realization that nothing would ever make him happy so you might as well start living your own life. Pissing him off one decision at a time.
“Let’s go!” You looked at him urgently wanting him to punch it.
“On it.” He smirked before taking off down the road. You sighed sinking back into the seat. You just wanted out of the damn house one way or another, not really thinking of the repercussions of your own decisions.
It started fun but ended in your worst nightmare. You were buzzing after a few beers provided by the boy whose name you’d already forgotten. He was cute enough. More of an excuse to get the hell away. So, when he hand started running up your thigh and you stopped him abruptly you could recognize that he wasn’t happy. No, you weren’t stupid. He presumed
“No.” You bit out as you scurried away from his touch.
He wasn’t far behind as he grabbed at your lacy sleeve, ripping it clean from your pretty Sunday dress. Oh boy, your mom wouldn’t be too happy with that, “What the fuck Y/N?” He nearly growled as he grabbed at your wrist. That would leave marks you thought as he clamped down not letting you get too far away from him.
“I said no!” Lucky for you he was just as buzzed as you were so he eased up when you started punching at him arm.
“Oh, fuck off you prude bitch.” He let you go after your punched at him, “Ain’t worth it anyway. Find your own way home.” Leaving as fast as you blinked you gulped. Well, this wasn’t good. You weren’t really sure where you were and well you were a little tipsy.
Before you could have a mental fucking breakdown about it all you set off on foot. You felt like you were walking on the old country road for what felt like forever before a pair of headlights landed on you as the vehicle crested the hill in front of you. Your heart rate picked up as you recognized that the vehicle was slowing down to a crawl and a stop right in front of you. A boy you vaguely recognized popped out of the driver’s seat, “What are you doing out here sweetheart?” He must’ve been your age. You recognized him from something, it had to be school. Hawkins High was bigger than it seemed, and you hardly could keep up with your own friends let alone those in other circles.
You backed away slowly, scared like a deer stuck in headlight, “Hey, don’t go. It’s dark and raining. Storms coming right up. By the looks of it, it looks like you need a ride. And lucky for you I have a nice warm jacket and big cozy seat for you to sit in. What do you say?” He shrugged off his leather biker jacket before slowly, oh so damn slowly, walking up to you and placing it on your shoulders.
“Is that a yes? Cause look, there is no way in hell I’ve leaving you out here.” He spoke once more not really giving you an option anymore.
You hummed, “Yeah, okay.” Nodding your head, you looked away, almost ashamed for such a handsome boy to see you in such a state. And that was the moment you met the love of your life. You didn’t know it then, no. But what a moment. So simple and small that changed the trajectory of your seemingly crumbling life.
“You’re Y/N right? Y/N Willows, the pastor’s daughter?” He asked once you buckled in next to him. He was oh so patient with you.
A quick nod of your head as you looked down and away from him, “Yeah. That’s my father.” You didn’t mean for it to so bitter coming out of your mouth, but you couldn’t really help it. You weren’t your fathers biggest fan these days anyway.
“Ouch.” He tried lightening the mood sensing your discomfort in the whole situation.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know your name.” You whispered out grimacing at your own timidness. You hadn’t a clue why this guy was helping you out and the guilt of wasting his own time was starting to set in.
He gave you a soft smile even though you couldn’t see it. He knew something was up when he saw a pretty girl walking alone in the rain late on the Fourth of July. His heart nearly shattered when he saw your torn dress, roughed up hair and bruises littering one of your arms. He recognized you immediately. You were a grade below him in high school, but he knew exactly who you were. He’d taken an eye to you but quickly shut it down when he realized who your dad was. He never stood a chance and didn’t want to deal with impressing somebody like that. He couldn’t. He’d never be good enough. So shamefully he never tried.
“Steve. Steve Harrington.”
It clicked for you. The it guy who dated Nancy, one of your older sisters best friends. You’d heard about him through the gossip you’d soaked up second hand.
You finally looked up to him knowing you’d have to get it over with one way or another, “Nice to meet you Steve. Thanks for the ride.”
He nodded giving you a gentle smile, “Anytime. Can’t have a beautiful girl wandering the streets alone. Especially when it’s raining. You’ll catch a cold.” He said so casually you weren’t sure if you had heard him right or not.
You blinked at him for a few moments before continuing. It was hard to make out all the features on his face in such darkness on the road, “Do you know where you’re going?” You asked him not sure where he was planning on taking you.
“Do you want to go home?” He asked you back all too curious as to what your answer would be.
You shook your head softly, “No, not really. My father will skin me alive if he sees me like this.” Letting out a defeated sigh you let his jacket swallow you whole as you leaned back into the seat fully.
“How about this then? Let’s head to Jenny’s, the all-night diner, order some pie or something and get you cleaned up?” He offered up acting like it was no big deal. Like you taking up his entire night was fine.
“Oh no, I couldn’t burden you like that Steve. Already saved my ass back there.” You smiled over to him.
“It’s no big deal really. It’ll be a nice distraction actually.” He hummed hoping you’d take him up on the offer. He needed it. A conversation with a friendly face. Even if he hasn’t spoken you directly before he knew how kind you were. He’d heard about you. He knew you were rebelling. Breaking out of the mold your dad had crafted so finely for you. It was a pleasure to watch but it seemed as though you’d gotten yourself into a bad situation tonight. It made his heart clench as the thought of somebody laying a hand on you let alone enough to leave marks.
“Really?” You asked hopefully. You really didn’t want to go home yet. It was far too early, and your family would still be up. You couldn’t take the questioning that was sure to commence from your appearance.
“It’d be my pleasure sweetheart.” He grinned before heading off to Jenny’s.
Once you got there he held the door open for you and got your chair. You removed the jacked, leaving it on the back of your chair completely forgetting about the nice marks the boy had left you.
If he was trying to impress you it was certainly working. He was being ever the gentleman It was when you finally turned you got a good look at him. He was handsome as hell. Way more handsome than you remembered or could recall. No wonder Nancy was so head over heels for him at one point.
“What’re you looking to distract yourself from Steve?” You asked going for it.
He stifled a laugh as he too studied your face. He couldn’t see any bruises forming there, thank God but it still didn’t stop the sad look as he noticed the bruises on your arms darkening.
“You didn’t come to play? Did you?” He laughed once more while leaning forward in his chair, “To answer your question though, life I suppose.”
“No, I suppose I don’t. Life?” You tilted your head in curiosity to his statement.
He bit his lip without noticing, “Yeah. I’m working a dead-end job. Have no idea what I want to with my life. My parents won’t stop hounding me about it. I just… I don’t know.” He sighed in frustration while stirring the coffee he had ordered.
You grabbed at his hand without much hesitation. You wanted to comfort him, that was you. Ever the empathetic one, “Well you only just graduated right? With my sister and her friends? She doesn’t know what she wants to do either! Don’t beat yourself up about okay. Parents can be tough, but they just want the best for you.” You tried to remind yourself as well. Your dad was still your father and he too wanted what he thought was best for you even though you vehemently disagreed with him.
He grinned as you rubbed the back of his hand with your thumb absentmindedly, “I know you’re right.” He nodded feeling his control being taken over by you, “What about you? What are you running from?” He asked brazenly feeling the confidence you just had.
A huff left your lips, “A dumb boy who wouldn’t say no.”
His eyes quickly scanned your body once more for more serious injuries before he spoke once more, “Are you alright?”
“I’m fine.” It wasn’t a lie. You were fine. You’d be fine. You had to be.
He didn’t seem satisfied with your answer, “Doesn’t seem like it sweetheart.”
“You keep calling me that?” You weren’t sure what you were getting at. You weren’t terribly experienced in the relationship arena. You’d been on dates here and there and had a boyfriend for a few months, but you’d never done anything serious. Anything that led to more than regular surface level conversations.
“What? Sweetheart? I can stop…” His wide eyes relaxed a bit when he saw you shaking your head in slight panic.
“No.” You interrupted him. That’s definitely not what you were trying to get at. You liked it. Much more than you probably should have.
“Alright, sweetheart it is. If you’re okay with it?”
“I’m okay with it.” You nodded in confirmation suddenly feeling hot with his eyes boring holes right into your own. He was so damn handsome it wasn’t fair. And you were sure you surely weren’t looking your Sunday best. Especially not walking around in the rain.
He grinned, not being able to hide it. Not wanting to hide it really. It was something about you that just made him a little giddy. Happier than he’d been in a long while, “I like you Y/N. I like you a lot.” And suddenly you wished you were back in the dark of his car so the night sky could hide the radiance of the blush that now coated your cheeks.
The hours slowly ticked by as the two of you chatted about anything and everything. The waitress just kept coming over and filling up both your draining coffee cups from time to time. The two of you seemingly got lost in the free-flowing conversation going on so easily. It was rare that you felt so free with somebody so quickly.
Your eyes peaked up at the clock over the kitchen doorway and widened as you saw it approaching six am, “Steve, it’s almost morning.”
“There’s no way.” He laughed before turning around and seeing the sun beginning it’s slow ascent for the day, “Well damn, I guess there is a way.”
“I still don’t want to go home.” You groaned while leaning back in your seat, “You’re far too interesting of a person Steve Harrington.”
“Well, I’ll tell you what. I’ll pick you up tonight and take you on a proper date. We can continue talking about all of our hopes and dreams.” His eyes lit up waiting on your response. He was hopeful. Far more hopeful than he’d been in a long time. Suddenly, his life didn’t feel so dim. It felt like there was a new purpose to it. You’d been placed along that country dirt road last night to pull him out of the fog he’d been in for a little too long. He needed you just as much as you needed him that night.
You nodded quickly, following him out of the diner after wrapping yourself right back into his warm jacket and followed him right back into his car, “That sounds like a wonderful plan Mr. Harrington.”
“Wear your second finest Sunday dress Miss Willows.” He tried to make light of the situation. His car rolled to a stop far too quickly in front of your house.
“Thanks again Steve.” You gave his hand a quick squeeze before getting out.
“I’ll see you tonight pretty girl.” He shot you a wink waiting for you to get back into your house. He didn’t dare leave until he knew you were safe and secure. Just one of the many, many things that made you fall in love with your favorite guy.
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“So yeah.” You hummed before giving your boyfriend a quick kiss, “That’s how we met.
There was a twinkle in Nancy’s eyes as she spoke up, “That’s romantic as hell. Did not know you had it in you Steve.” She teased him earning a few laughs from the collective group.
“You want to press charges Willows? I know who that boy is, shouldn’t be causing trouble in this town.” Hopper grumbled clearly most annoyed with that in the story.
You shook your head, “No, it’s alright. More trouble than it’s worth.”
He sunk back into his seat, “If you say so.”
“Anyway,” El spoke up once more, “That’s adorable. Really, it’s like you found your person that night.”
You beamed over to your younger friend, “You can say that again.” You didn’t wait any longer to lean back and kiss your boyfriend once more. Even though you met under the worst of circumstances you wouldn’t dream of changing a thing. He was by far and away the best thing that’d ever happened to you.
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Permanent Taglist (Message me or comment below if you want to be added!) : @loving-and-dreaming @kmc1989 @memeorydotcom @matisse556 @buckylov3r @taygrls @ah-blossom @hardballoonlove @rosiahills22 @djs8891 @mamachasesmayhem
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I wanna be with him, is that hard?
Billy Hargrove x Reader
warnings: none
word count: 577
Y/n's tan skin glowed, when the stream of sunlight hit her. Her medium green Camaro racing through Hawkins Where the last post card he sent her came from. Her eyes darting left to right hoping to see that glittering blue Camaro speeding somewhere.
Most of her stuff tumbling in the back but she didn't mind. She left home and for once in her life. she doesn't have daddy's money backing her up. In this place, no one knows her. Except for that one person she's willing to risk everything for.
William Hargrove. That son of a bitch.
She smacked the wheel again and again while Metallica is blaring through her radio. Feeling lightweight as the Camaro sailed through the road like a surfboard in Californian coast. She'll miss those waves. Specially the surfboard he gave her. Would he be happy when he sees her here?
She shook her head to remove negative thoughts and just tried to find her soon to be house.
It turns out, Billy was much more known here than she thought. Yet not for the good reason. The Billy here was nothing like the Billy she swooned over.
They know him as arrogant, compulsive, and a little prick: That's not what he is. He's compassionate, generous and loving. He's a bit of a prick of course, but not enough for her to hate him.
"You can go home, I'll handle it from here" Joyce told her with a smile. She nodded and went back to her car.
She wasn't going home of course she'll be checking out the practice in Hawkins High. Jonathan had told her Billy always practices in the gym. How'd he know that, she had no idea. But its helpful so she'll go with it. She raced out of Melvalds and made way to Hawkins High.
As soon as she parked everyone looked at her car in awe, she's happy with the attention but she's not here for that. She saw Jonathan waiting on the side of her car smiling. You adjusted her tank top and got out, earning stares from everyone.
"Jonny! I'm just in time, right? she parked and smile. He nodded looking awkwardly at everybody else.
"Oh, I forgot. Here" he gave her the denim jacket she left at their house when Joyce invited her for dinner.
"Thanks, I thought I already lost it."
"So you're gonna go inside now?"
"Yep! see you" she said and walked away. She knows she was rude to Jonathan but she really wants to see Billy. She can't risk that he might've left.
She headed straight to the gym trying to think of what to do to get his attention immediately hid by the bleachers and waited for the right moment.
Seeing Billy, she almost cried. He still looks the same as before he left but there was something different. He looks more mature and has an airy confidence around him. But no matter, she's already here so there's no time to look back.
She watched them when the realized a guy with a nice hair kept guarding Billy. She suddenly hit her elbow on a chair's edge and yelled. All of them looked at her and she mentally slapped herself. This isn't a cool way to catch their attention. She Froze when Billy squinted at her. Shit, shit, shit.
"Hi Billy?" she squeaked.
All she hopes on right now is he won't kill her for showing up.
hmu is you want to request, you can check who i write for here!
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zuc6 · 2 years
HEY! 😎 im a new fic writer, well like- not new but this is my first time writing like a introduction kinda thing so: (not proofread ☠️)
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Hi, im vee. Just vee. Not short for any name or anything, my pronouns are she/they (afab🤙). i like to write oddly specific fan fiction that i dont necessarily see a lot 🦾
Im 17, 6'2 (the hoes gon loooove this), and here are some things im open to writing for
(ALSO feel free to leave requests i love other people's ideas)
Stranger Things
i WILL write for stranger things characters but im open to aging some up but if im uncomfortable im just like..not gonna...do it..
DEFINETLY open to writing like Joyce x Fem!Reader, since i havent seen that yet
Especially Milfs. Milfs 4ever.
CHARACTER POV'S, I've noticed in fics theyre usually from the readers perspective so its like only what the reader thinks of whatever character. Now while i like that i think itd be super fun to throw in what the character thinks of reader. like what they think of you, what they like, what the notice, shit like that!
The Last Of Us
WOOP i love the last of us. by the last of us i mean ellie williams and abby anderson
Im open to Ellie smut, Abby smut, Ellie AND Abby smut, whatever you want fr.
obviously not open to writing smut of minors so if you just so happened to let the thought cross your mind, no 😓
Idk how i feel about Joel x Reader shit considering Joel is like grandpappy but ive seen a lot of people open to it so dont lose hope if u were wondering
OK DONT BUG OUT im not like gonna write shit about underage characters like i said before
If you guys want euphoria shit tho im open to like angst or fluff mainly with like rue because obviously drugs rahrahrah
or like imagine being Fez's younger sister (only by like a year) Like fluff bond with Ash, showing him affection when hes not used to it, being close to rue bc drugs rahrahrah and like sister in law relationship with Lexi ykyk?
(i cant think of shit else)
Random shit ill write:
Reader listening to rock and being an epic hottie
Reader playing instrumentssss
I lean more towards Fem or Gn reader but i will do male reader dw
Reader being emo 😎 jk like metal lover reader
I will of course leave room for imagination but also include like Reader outfit photos
Reader having good sense of music, style, being shy, anxiety, panic attacks, angsty feelings, drama and trauma oooo
pet names
bold, punk, jerk or like asshole reader
Lots of aus, and like modern au bc im annoying
i was thinking of doing like a crossover of like Robin x Vickie but Vickies past is Anne with an E since theyre the same actor yk? it would be difficult to figure out since the timelines in each are so different
anything u want
will NOT write:
age play, baby talk, annoyingly cliche submissive shit, get that shit out of here
i wont romanticize domestic violence or make light of abusive relationship dynamics, hell noooo 🙅🏽‍♀️
Emotional whiplash, i want things to make sense
animal play. if you wanna be a bunny demon angel wolf hybrid please screw off 😭
Any kinks im uncomfy w (ex. piss kink 😦) ill let u know what im not okay with writing
tbp smut ☠️☠️
OKAY HI i wrote this and got extremely busy and just fucking like bonked out so here i am returning. i was gonna delste this account and make a new one because i didnt wanna like write this, disappear, and then come back and act like i never left sooo im back woop woop!
I HAVE GREAT NEWS THO! during my time away i found a new interest to latch myself onto and write about... and that isss...
WOOOOOOOO I LOVE THIS MOVIE!!! and rinney is so fucking cool. i love those little gays, man
rinney fluff and angst is needed so bad i love them with my soul, man
gonna say this once again, im not gonna write smut about kids so pLEASE if any minor hunters read all the way down here just for that, take this moment to consider jumping out of the highest window possible 🙏
fix-it au's and modern au's are gonna be my main go to when writing tbp content because i uh... suck...at writing fics that take place in the fucking 70's in denver ☠️
FIX-IT AU, like finney getting another chance is so good im foaming at the mouth. im currently obsessed with @starsthatlinethesky 's fic on that so (PLEASE) go check that shit out its so good!
brance, MAYBE, most likely. i love bruce hes so sweet and vance is cool so i probably will write shit about those little gay men
terrance and finney's mom place swap. i want to write about finney and gwen being able to be happy without terrance and his destruction so hes getting erased at least once or twice 😊
gwen pov fics since i havent seen a lot of that
stranger things x tbp crossovers are so cool. like finney/will where will moves for whatever reason w his dad after season 2 or 3 since itd make the most sense. i love that shit
not writing smut but i probably will age everyone up a bit once or twice 🤘
i dont know if im gonna end up making x reader shit but if i do, reader isnt gonna be a preppy giddy child, theyre gonna be a punk, an asshole, a badass, closed off and overall AWESOME. you're welcome 🤗
other than that its pretty much fine, if u have any other like show ideas i might be open to write for hmu in the requests babeee MWA MWA
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luv-tiffanyblue · 2 years
Youngest Generation of Hawkins pt. 1
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This is the generation of new hope after the current one passes due to their creativity and youthfulness. Not to mention the phases and personality changes before they grow up. Aka, the children/pre-teens of Hawkins.
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Michael “Mike” Wheeler
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"(Y/n), can you stop with the pictures? You're the best, but worse than mom sometimes when it comes to the camera."-Mike Wheeler
Age: 12-14 as of season 4
Relatives: Nancy Wheeler (sister) & (Y/n) (L/n) (cousin)
Occupation: high school student
Fun fact: Mike likes (Y/n)’s presence the best when she hangs out or babysits them since she gets along more with them. Not to mention, she babysits for almost all of the parents of Hawkins when she could, but mainly for him and his friends when there’s a chance (big chance).
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William “Will” Byers
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"I made you some dried flowers, (Y/n)! I saw you doing them in the kitchen once and wanted to try it, so here you go!"-Will Byers
Age: 12-14 as of season 4
Relatives: Jonathan Byers (brother) & Joyce Byers (Mom)
Occupation: high school student
Fun fact: Will sees (Y/n) as his big sister figure along side Jonathan since she gets along with him the most. Not to mention, she has a soft spot for him since she views him as one of the cutest in the group besides Dustin. Also, she tends to join whatever he’s doing when she babysits him.
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Dustin “Dusty” Henderson
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"I'm not going to lie, Mike, but why couldn't (Y/n) be your sister? Nance is the worst sister I've ever met like at least your cousin a piece my offer to pizza."-Dustin Henderson
Age: 12-14 as of season 4
Relatives: none
Occupation: high school student
Fun fact: Dustin has a crush on the Wheeler cousin the moment she babysat him for the first time and always trys his best to be with her. He also may or may not take her camera sometimes to take pictures of him and their group.
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Lucas Sinclair
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"Dude, the best time to relax is when (Y/n) takes you with her to her secret place. Like you never want to leave and she had to drag me back home."-Lucas Sinclair
Age: 12-14 as of season 4
Relatives: Erica Sinclair (sister)
Occupation: high school student
Fun fact: Lucas had found (Y/n)’s favorite spot by accident when he took a wrong turn in the forest and found her reading under a tree. He was the first to find out before telling the others who later forced him and (Y/n) to take them there as an adventure. Now, they go there almost every month as (Y/n) and the core four monthly time together.
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Young Generation of Hawkins 🎞 Masterlist 🎞 Youngest Generation of Hawkins pt. 2
A/n: I only tagged their character names, I don’t tag them with x reader since they’re not the main pairing!
Disclaimer: ©luv-tiffanyblue 2022 rights reserved-please do not repost/translate/modify/copy my work on other platforms unless changed in rules! Please look at my info about my other writing platforms!
🏷: @pearlstiare @fanficfanatic204 @toniisalone
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weaselandfriends · 2 years
What are your favorite books, and which books do you feel have been the most influential on your work? Do you read much non-fiction?
I watched all of School Days because of you. What do you like about it? How ironic is your enjoyment?
I am loving CQ thus far.
When I was very young, the books I read and reread again and again and which certainly had some formative impact on me as a writer were Loser by Jerry Spinelli and Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card, but I think the most clearly influential books on my writing today are Franz Kafka's novels, The Castle and The Trial, as well as Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man. I first read all three of these novels as a teenager and they really unlocked the world of literature for me. All three depict ordinary landscapes as surreal nightmares, the way I would go on to depict the locations in Modern Cannibals and Cockatiel x Chameleon. Another work I read as a teen and which surely influenced me was King Lear by William Shakespeare. I've always been a fan of the bleak and tragic.
Other favorite literary works of mine include (in no particular order):
Moby-Dick by Herman Melville
VALIS by Philip K. Dick
Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys
Ulysses by James Joyce
Catch-22 by Joseph Heller
2666 by Roberto Bolaño
The Day of the Locust by Nathanael West
Nightwood by Djuna Barnes
Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad
The Crying of Lot 49 by Thomas Pynchon
Demons by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Grendel by John Gardner
Paradise Lost by John Milton
As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner
The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle
As you can see, my reading is on the European and especially Anglo-centric side, which is probably to be expected given I primarily speak English myself. I'm always reading new stuff and try to branch out into time periods and locations outside of Western canon, especially given I've read most of the Western canon by now anyway.
I'm not a large reader of nonfiction. Fiction has always been my passion, since I was very young.
As for School Days, I want to stress that my enjoyment of it is in no way ironic. People ask me this all the time, but I legitimately just think School Days is excellent on its own merits. School Days is a detailed, complex psychological drama in which characters are pushed or push themselves into increasingly uglier directions based on initially small flaws or miscommunications that they are unable to overcome or grapple with. There's very little fat or filler in School Days, it is a lean work in which nearly every conversation has some kind of psychological subtext or is deepened by its context, and the pacing consistently pushes the story toward its explosive, tragic end. I recently watched Breaking Bad (also excellent) and found it similar in how an initially neutral or merely flawed protagonist gradually devolves into outright villainy on account of those flaws; other comparable works would be Nightcrawler, Taxi Driver, the aforementioned Wide Sargasso Sea, or Shakespeare's play Macbeth.
I think the overwhelming backlash about School Days is a byproduct of the Western anime culture back when it aired in 2007. This was just about when the internet was coming to prominence and Western viewers were able to access seasonal anime for the first time via fan subs and dubs; before this, anime watching in the West was either hack-n-slash dubs of kid's shows like Sailor Moon or Pokemon or isolated to a few select (and often Western-influenced) shows like Cowboy Bebop on late-night programs such as Adult Swim. Because of this, the Western anime community was fairly embryonic in 2007, comprised mainly of younger people, and almost entirely male. I don't think this audience collectively had the patience and comprehension skills to appreciate a dialogue-based psychological drama, and especially not one primarily concerned with digging into and exposing what we might nowadays call "toxic masculinity."
2007 was a year where "There are no women on the internet" was taken as an absolute truth, a pre-GamerGate era before even tepid incipient criticisms of sexism in gaming were being made by the likes of Extra Credits or Anita Sarkeesian. School Days, depicting a seeming everyman whose casual objectification of women transforms him into a callous monster, was simply not something this anime community was ready for. And so it was raked over the coals, memed on, and generally held up as "one of the worst anime ever made" (around the same time the anime community thought mind-boggling dreck like Elfen Lied was "mature" art). You would see School Days on Worst Anime of All Time lists right next to Mars of Destruction. I think even if you're only lukewarm on School Days you can see how that level of excoriation is utterly unwarranted.
The community, and the internet in general, and popular media criticism, has changed a lot since then, and I think the current zeitgeist is one that would be far more willing to accept School Days and realize its virtues, but its reputation precedes it and few are willing to watch "The Room of anime" with any amount of good faith. Certainly not enough good faith to pick up on its subtle and psychological writing. I think it's no longer as frequently held up as one of the worst anime of all time, but it's still generally despised (usually by people who haven't even seen it).
So, that's why I do my part to try and change the perspective on School Days.
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themadpantransnerd · 2 years
Y'all...what should I write?-
I Write:
Harry Potter
Fantastic Beasts
Undertale AUs
Sally Face
Stranger Things
Camp Cretaceous
The Amazing World Of Gumball
Steven Universe
Paranormal Park
Adventure Time
Locke & Key
Sweet Home
What I'll Write For:
Male Reader (tbh we do need the gays)
Female Reader (ONLY FOR LES or sometjing that ain't those like "omg Im such a baddie" or "uwu" or "softie" or...well, you know. I orefer something more original tbh. I will write straight cuples aswell, though)
Non-Binary/Gender-Neutral Reader (I SUPPORT MY THEY/THEM BABIES)
Trans (MTF or FTM. I myself am trans FTM so, yeah :) although, sorry if the MTF isn't good ;-;)
Romantic (ofc duh)
Platonic (Whether it's bffs, siblings, parent and child, whatever bro.)
Reader with glasses. I have glasses my irl amd I've just mever seen anyone write abt it-
What I Won't Write:
No child x adult. The childs ones will always be platonic, unless the child is aged up.
No "UwU" or "Baddie" or "Softie" or yk. God, it's just disgusting to think of me writting that.
NO. ANIMAL. ABUSE. Im a animal lover and I myself would fucking cry just writting an animal being abused.
Mental Illnesses. Actually, I don't really know if I can write abt mental illnesses, so if requested, uuuhh...please explain to me.
(More rules will be added when/if necessary)
(Being specific, Im not gonna write ships, just include them. I mean- maybe I will? I just never wrote it before lol-)
1: Hary Potter Ships
Luna Lovegood x Neville Longbottom (cannon, and well deserved.)
Hermione Granger x Ronald Weasley (GOD YES-)
Hagrid Rebeus x Madame Olympe Maxime (Hagrid needs some love, guys, come on-)
Ginny Weasley x Harry Potter (I mean...okay, I guess. I don't really ship it bc like Harry didn't even like Ginny [I haven't read the books bc I cant afford it-] but then he suddenly he be MAKING OUT WITH GINNY IN HER PARENT'S KITCHEN. Tbh, never really understood that ship.)
Remus Lupin x Sirius Black (Full support)
Seamus Finnigan x Dean Thomas (Don't it have that connection, though? No? Just me? Okay then-)
2: Fantastic Beasts
Porpentina (Tina) Goldstien × Newton Scamander (y'all know this ship is cannon)
Queenie Goldstien x Jacob Kowalski (IMAGINE THEM BEING PARENTS, THOUGH-)
3: Undertale
Alphys x Undyene (obviously-)
Sans x Toriel (hear me out...punny power couple)
Grown!Papyrus x Mettaton (he still be innocent, though, while Mettaton be like the complete oppisite-)
4: Undertale AUs
Fell/Red x Classic (idk why, they just seem to...fit.)
Nightmare x Killer (Put Crescent in that shit and they suddenly hate eachother, lol-)
Geno x Reaper (Hear me out...Geno be the only one that can touch Reaper- [bc if ppl touch Reaper they die, but Geno can't-] SO FRICKIN' ADORABLE)
Ink x Error (Just a ship I support)
Dream x Cross ( f i t )
Dream x Ink (somebody explained to me how the ship makes sense and I love it-)
5: Sally Face
Larry x Sal (PERFECT SENSE-)
Ashley x Sal (I only ship it bc I support)
6: Stranger Things
William Byers x Micheal Wheeler (don't even have to explain-)
Jane Hopper × Maxine (Max) Mayfield (*cough* bisexuals *cough*)
Micheal Wheeler x Jane Hopper (I still ship it only bc of seasons 1 & 2, tbh-)
Lucas Sincliar x Maxine (Max) Mayfield (TWO BISEXUALS)
Joyce Byers x Jim Hopper (DO I EVEN NEED TO EXPLAIN???)
7: Camp Cretaceous
Ben Pincus x Darius Bowman (GAYS ALWAYS SLAY)
Kenji Kon x Brooklyn (forgot Brooklyn's last name bro Y E S)
Sammy Gutierrez x Yasmina Fadoula (LESBIAN CAMPING COUPLE)
Obvious cannon ships.
9: Steven Universe
Samr with TAWOG
10: Paranormal Park
11: Adventure Time
Same. Fucking. Shit.
12: Locke & Key
Same shit-
13: Sweet Home
Yk the drill-
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unamused-boss · 6 months
Boots and Trumpets
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Robin Buckley x Hargrove Oc
Warning, Strong topics: homophobia, child abandonment, troubled sibling relationship, child abuse, underage drinking, Homophobic language, strong language
I will not tolerate any negativity in the comments regarding sexuality or religion!
Summary: Amelia is now facing new challenges within Hawkins. One being her having the miss her friend Tina's annual Halloween party. So to counter for what she thought would be a boring night, she stopped by a little birdie's house instead.
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I are currently sitting inside your shared ride with Nancy Wheeler and Steve Harrington. I had the pleasure to have the whole back seat to myself, with my boots propped up onto the window opposite of your head. My baggy washed out jeans hanging from my ankles with my golden colored sweater tucked into my jeans with a brown belt.
“Steve, the more you complain about it and not work on it the more it’s going to suck.” I said to him after hearing him complain about his college essay for the past fifteen minutes.
“It’s not bad Steve, it just needs some rearranging.” Nancy reassured. “You just have to…” Nancy went onto this thing about how he can fix it but I truly did not care. They went onto something else about some dinner that they had to go to. Everything came to a halt when a roar of an engine stopped every word that was about to be exchanged. Both Nancy and Steve stepped out of the car to have a look at the noise while I only peered out of the window. We all saw a charged blue Camaro drive by us and parked. Our eyes still followed to see who owned it. My eyes made contact with the California plate on the back of it.
“What are the odds..” I laughed, I’m kinda happy another Cali kid is here. Maybe I can make a new friend. Two people got out of the car, a dude wearing denim on denim with curly hair styled into a mullet and a twelve year old with red hair with a skateboard. They both looked familiar. But then I saw it, it was the missing earring to my set that I had when I left in California. I thought it fell out when I was packing my bags.
“No fucking way…” I said in shock. ‘Out of every town in this country, you just had to show up here…’
You gotta be fucking kidding me. Out of every damn state that those asswhips could pick. They pick my state. Indi-fucking-ana. I can’t handle this. I'm gonna throw up. I don’t have the energy to go find a new place to live. I can’t let any of them see me. I can’t live through this. This has to be some sort of nightmare. A really bad nightmare. God I didn’t change my last name either. Everyone is going to know. He’s going to figure it out and I’ll be thrown in front of a flippin bus. What am I going to do?
“Hey!” An all to perky Tina jumped up at me while I was at my locker. “How are you Amy?”
God, here it begins.
“What’s up…” My voice sounds frazzled, get it together. “I’m fine. What do you need?”
“Well as you know by now there is a new hot topic on campus.” Tina grinned.
“Yeahh.” I answered clearly to most with no enthusiasm, but not to Tina. “What does he have to do with me?”
“Well. I was hoping you could hook me up with your cousin!”
“Cousin? No he is not my cousin, we are no were near related.”
“Really?” She seemed not to believe me. “You guys just look really similar, I mean if you never took your sunglasses off I’d think you were him.” She obviously meant it as a joke. I can tell by the light giggle that she gave after making her comment.
“Well we’re not so I can’t help you there.” I stated blankly to her. “Hope you’re able to get in his pants.” I tried to end the conversation there but I was stopped.
“Hey wait!” I turned back to face Tina, who had pulled out an orange slip of paper. “Here you're invited, hope you can make it.” She said before skipping away to her next class. I looked down at the flier to see ‘ Let’s get sheet faced’ printed in bold on it. I laugh a bit at the play on words before folding it and putting it in my pocket. ‘I am skipping school today’ I made my way to the back exit of the school when a light force knocked me a few steps back.
“Oh my god! I am so sorry, that was completely my fault. Please don’t yell at me, I’m just trying to get to chem.” A familiar frantic voice called out to me. Robin Buckley.
“Robin, it’s okay.” I reassured her.
“Are you sure? Cause listen if that scary dude is related to you please don’t send him my way.” She begged. 
I huffed. “I’m not related to him, Robin, don’t worry. I’m playing hooky, I’ll catch ya later… hopefully?” I say. I start walking past her to the free world from Hawkins High School
“Yeah, to-totally.” The faint voice of Robin can be heard from the closing doors.
Halloween Night: Friday 31, 1984
“Listen Tina, I can’t make it.” I told the bummed girl over that phone. “I’m sorry, I’ll come to the next party you throw.” I reassured her.
“But why are you flaking out on the Halloween bash! You never miss this specific party in the few years that I have known you.” That is true. Once you went to Tina’s annual halloween party you’ve never missed it. But that is changing this year. Being that your twin brother and step sister now live here, there is going to be a lot more flaking then just at the halloween party.
“Tina I told you, I’m taking Will trick or treating with his friends tonight.” You told her once again. “We can do a sleepover some time next week… okay.” 
“Okay.” I heard her sigh, “I see ya around.��
“See ya later Tina.” I hung up the yellow landline. I walk over to the livingroom to see Will fixing his ghostbusters costume.
“I still can’t believe no one else dressed up this year.” Will said sadly, “Everyone dressed up last year.”
“It’s okay Will, they just think they're too cool to dress up.” I reassured the small kid. In the back you can hear Bob explaining to Johnathan how the camera works when Joyce came behind Will with his, whatever it is, backpack for his costume.
“Listen, stay close to your brother and Amy, and you get a bad feeling just tell them so you can come straight home.” Joyce told him. “You promise.” Will gave her a thumbs up. “Okay.”
“You ready to rock and roll, Will the wise.” I smiled down at him.
“Be safe.” Joyce shouted out to us, mainly to Will. We all got into the car. Jonathan driving, Will in the passenger seat, and with me in the back. We start to make our way over to Mike’s neighborhood. 
“I just don’t get what she sees in him.” Jonathan says all of a sudden.
“What?” Will answered in utter confusion.
“At least he doesn’t treat me differently.” Will said. “I can’t even go trick or treating by myself. It’s lame.”
“What, you think me and Johnathan are lame?” I said, trying to lighten his mood. 
“No, but it’s not like Nancy is coming to watch over Mike. You know?” Jonathan just sighs. He looks at me from the mirror. I give him the same look. We both feel bad for the kid, but what are we gonna do? I don’t want anything to happen to Will. Sooner than later we are at Mike’s front yard. Will makes his way to get out till Johnathan stops him.
“Hey.” Jonathan says to Will.
“Yeah.” He answers.
“If I let you go by yourself, will you promise to stay in the neighborhood.” Johnathan suggested. 
“Yeah.” Will’s mood brightened up. “Yeah-Yeah, totally.”
“And be back at Mike’s by 9:00.” Jonathan told him.
“9:30?” Will tried to persuade him. “9:00.” Jonathan said again.”Deal?” “Yeah deal.” Will rushes out of the car to go to his friends.
“Will.” Jonathan stops him from leaving the car to hand him the camera. “Don’t let any of your spazzy friends touch this.” Will laughed and took the camera to go over to his friends. 
“You’re a good brother John.” I smiled at him. “I’ll see ya later.” As is tried to get out of the car but Jonathan stopped me.
“Wait where are you going?” 
“I don't know, I’ll probably walk around the neighborhood.” I said. “I got a friend down that street.”
“You’re really not going to Tina’s party?” He was bewildered by this. 
“Yeah John, I’m really not going.”
“But you love Tina’s parties.” He simply stated.
“Well I’m not feeling it this year.” I told him.
“Bullshit.” He called. “Why aren’t you going?”
“I just don’t want to go.” I’m sticking to this. “I have someone I can hang out with, plus I’ll be close to Will if something happens.” John and I just stare at each other for a minute.
“Okay.” He sighed. “But if Nancy gets upset that you’re not there, I’m not taking the heat.”
“Okay.” I smiled at him as I got out of the car. I walked my way over to where the boys were messing around as John left for Tina's party. “Okay turd-nuggets.” I begin.
“Really, what are you twelve?” Mike sassed. 
“And are you a lollipop with that stick up your ass?” I sassed back to him, I start back up were I was interrupted. “I will be down that street with a friend, I will be back her at 8:45 to make sure you guys are fine. Okay?”
A chorus of “Okay’s” filled the air.
“Great! See you shit-heads later.” I walk off a familiar bird’s house. I walk up the stairs to the front door and give it a quick knock. I wait until the door opens. 
“Amelia?” Robin says confused. “What are you doing here?”
“ I was hoping we could hang out for a bit.” I suggested. “Is that okay?”
“Oh! It’s completely fine!” She exclaimed, “I just thought you'd be at some party.”
“I didn’t feel like partying tonight, ya know.” I made my way into her house.
Tina’s Halloween Party: Friday 31, 1984
The party was in full swing. TP covering the lights of every room. Alcohol filling the mouths and noses of every teenager on the property. Music blasting as loud as physically possible. Someone throwing up in the front yard. The smell of weed coming from the master bedroom with each new blunt that was lit. The sound of a name being chanted in the backyard. A keg stand can be seen with an all too familiar blonde on top, like always. 
“Billy! Billy! Billy! Billy! Billy! Billy! Billy! Billy! Billy! Billy!” Is chanting through the crowd as the new keg king came down from his stand. Spitting out that remaining beer from his mouth.
“That’s how you do it Hawkins! That’s how you do it!” Billy yelled. The statement “We have a new keg king, ladies and gentleman!” Being shouted along as Billy made his way into the house. His senses are filled with the atmosphere of the room. Till he sees a certain fallen king with his princess. 
“Got ourselves a new keg king Harrington.” Tommy boasted.
“Yeah, eat it Harrington!”  Steve looked onto the, now new, keg king. Waiting for something to happen.
“What’s wrong Harrington? Your little dyke is not here to save you.” Tommy fake whined to him. As a way to taunt him. Tommy was about to keep laughing when he felt beer splash over his shoulder. “What the? What the hell Tina?!”
“Don’t call her that!” Tina shouted at him “If she was here she’d leave you crying.”, too drunk to keep dealing with him but still wanting to defend her friend. Nancy, now done with the testerone in front of her, quickly left to get something stronger to drink. Tommy is now pissed that he is covered in pungent drink. 
“Go worry about yourself before you come at me guys.” Was all Steve said then walking away from the other teenage boys. Staring off at the brunette as he went after his girlfriend.
Billy turned himself around to face Tommy. “How were you talking about that got Tina mad?” He asked, genuinely curious about the lesbian that was not present tonight at the party of the semester.
“Oh. Just some lesbo that hangs with Harrington.” Tommy retorted, making it seem like she isn’t worth Billy’s time. “She can be a fucking asshole.”
Laughter filled the Buckley house this Halloween. The two girls conversed with one another for the past few hours. Being comfortable with one another knowing how the other truly is.
“Wait.” Robin kept laughing. “You got caught kissing Heather Halloway from her bedroom window then proceeded to fall from the second story?!”
“Yeaah, I’m not welcomed over at the Holloway house any more.” I giggled.  
“Jeez, you’ve done more than I thought.” Robin smiled. “I’m still scared to change in the girls locker room.”
“Hey I’m the town lesbo.” I calmly giggled. 
We fell into comfortable silence, “Hey, I wanna ask you something?” Robin asked.
“Sure.” I said, waiting for her question.
“What was California like?” I sat silent for a second. Due to my silence Robin thought she had hit a nerve. “If you don’t want to talk about it you don’t have to!”
“It’s okay, I just haven't talked with anyone about California.” I reassured her. “ It was like a constant sunset everyday…” I started.
“The weather was always perfect. And the beaches, oh my god the beaches. They were always clear. I lived in Santa Monica, very touristy but beautiful.” I was happy I could finally talk about my home again. “Ugh that sand was so soft under your toes when you walked. And there was this boardwalk that my mom took me and my brother to all that time-” 
“You have a brother?” Robin asked curiously.I stopped. ‘No I messed up’.
“Yeah.” I frowned.
“Do- Do you miss him?” Robin asked.
“Everyday… but I hope he’s living the California dream as you guys would say.” I covered my truth with a lie. Not wanting her to know that my brother is here in Hawkins. 
“Well from how to describe California, it sounds beautiful.” She reassured me.
I stared back at her with a smile. “Thanks Robin.” Silence filled the room again. Comfortable silence. I liked being around Robin, even with her nervous attitude, she was truly one of a kind. I was about to say something when I glanced at the clock of the wall to find it was close to the time I told the boys I would meet them.
“I gotta go.” I sighed disappointedly, “But I’d love to spend more time together.” I am hoping her answer is a yes.
“Yeah, I would love that! Well not like love-love, but do love being around you. Not in like a couple ways cause that would be weird since we’re just friends. Yaaa know.” She panicked.
“I know Rob.” I smirked, “I’ll see you at school later.” 
As we said our goodbyes, I made my way down the street to see the boys. I saw the familiar ghostbuster’s suits from where I was. I could tell that they picked someone up along the way to go trick or treating with. ‘How cute, they made a new friend’. There were two stragglers in the back of the group, by the hair cuts I could tell that it was Mike and Will. I did a small jog over to them.
“Hey shit-heads!” I yelled to them, all their heads slowly turning to me as I made my way over to them. “Did you guys get anything good?”
“What Amy, why are you here?” Mike complained.
“Cause it is close to 9:00 and I want to check on you guys, is that so bad?”
“Yes.” He answered.
“Okay you know what, you're a little shit.” I said to him, “Besides who’s your new?... friend…”
It appears that we have the same looks on our faces. I stared at Max. She stared back at me.
“Shit…” I accidently said out loud.
“Do you know Max, Amy?” Lucas asked me.
I took a deep breath in. “No.” I said simply. “Listen, hit up a few more houses, I’ll come get you in a minute.”
“Where are you-” Dustin started.
“I need a minute guys!” I shouted at them, walking over to Mike’s front yard. Dammit, why. Why! The last person I want to see is with the kids I watch. Shit. This is bad. She can’t tell Niel. No, she can’t tell Billy. Would they even believe her if she told them? Shit, what do I do? I was taken out of my head when a very upset Mike walked by me. I was about to ask him if he was okay when I heard a commotion in the street. I look over to see Will being picked on by some older boys.
“Hey! What the hell are you doing!” I shout at them as I run over to them. “Get back here you fuck heads!” They ran away the minute I had my eyes set on them. Will was pushed to the ground, dropping his candy and camera. I kneel down to him, “Hey Will, are you okay?” I calmly asked him. “Did they hurt you?” I kept asking. Will was not responding what so ever. He just kept looking up at the sky, like something was looking at him. “Will?... Will!” He started to get up slowly, still not answering me. He started to move slowly. Till he ran straight to the back of Mike’s house. “Will!” I shouted after him, grabbing his candy and camera. The other apparently heard me since I heard multiple pairs of feet behind me. I made my way down some brick stairs to find Mike with Will hiding behind a wall.
“Will! I couldn’t find you.” Mike panicked with worry. “I heard Amy shouting then I couldn’t find you, are you hurt?” Due to Will’s heavy breathing I could tell what was up.
“Holy shit!” Dustin yelled. 
I kneeled down to his level looking him in the eyes. “Did you have another episode Will?” He was still looking around like a scared cat. “I’m gonna get you home, okay buddy.”  Mike made his way to help Will up. When others tried to help he called them off. Blocking off the rest of us to take Will with him.
“Mike?” Dustin tried.
“Keep trick or treating, I’m bored anyways.” He started taking Will with him.
“What’s wrong with him?” Max asked, looking to us for an answer. The boys and I were silent, nothing to say.
“It’s something you don’t have to worry about.” I told her. “Dustin, Lucas go up there for a minute. I need to talk with her.”
“What! Why?” They both started to complain.
“I don’t want to hear it. Go!” I hardly ever get stern with them, but when I do I hope they know I mean what I say. They both, begrudgingly, made their way up the stairs. I turn myself back to Max.
“I go by Amy now…” Well this is awkward.
“What did you want?” She asked me, quit literally over me already.
“You can’t tell Billy I’m here or anyone.” I told her.
“What? Why not?” She was baffled. “Do you not know how much Billy misses you?”
“No Max I don’t, because I’ve been here for the past 4 years.” I stated. “Just please don’t tell him, and don’t tell anyone that we’re related. Got that.”
“Good. As far as me and you go, we just met. Okay?”
“Okay.” She said a bit quietly. “Now let’s get you back up there with your friends so you can enjoy the rest of the night.” I take her back up to Dustin and Lucas. And since Johnathan isn’t here by 9:00, looks like I’m stuck here.
Jeez, the next month is gonna be a shit show. Max knows I’m here now. Johnathan is nowhere in sight. On top of that my twin brother is here too. Hopefully this can’t get any worse than it already is.
Man. I was so wrong about that…
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Hello! I hope you enjoyed this part of the story! Also so sorry for my absents, I know you guys are wanting fics/stories. All I ask is that you be patient with me, thank you. If you have any kind of feed back I would love to hear it. And please tell me what you think of Robin and Amelia's interactions together.
I always love good feedback!
Thank you for reading and have a great Christmas!
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readleafbooks2022 · 2 years
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【素敵な洋書絵本の紹介】 ラザルド一家は、毎年、野球のシーズンが始まる前に、ちょっとした旅に出るのが恒例でした。 今回はアフリカ旅行。そして、一家は変わった生き物を連れて帰りました。 それはなんと...恐竜! ボブという名前の。 でもボブは友好的な恐竜です。 トランペットを弾いたり、ゲームをしたり、一緒に野球をしたり。 けれども子どものような好奇心の塊のボブは、ちょっとしたことで、街の人に迷惑をかけてしまいます。 どのページもボブがいっぱいに描かれているので、周りの人々や動物たちが小さく見えます。 迫力満点で、躍動感のあふれるボブを、一家と一緒き過ごすことができますよ。 大きな大きな恐竜と、彼を愛���る一家のお話です。 Dinosaur Bob and His Adventures with the Family Lazardo Contributor(s): Joyce, William (Author) , Joyce, William (Illustrator) EAN: 9781481489478 Publisher: Atheneum Books for Young Readers Binding: Hardcover Pub Date: April 25, 2017 Target Age Group: 04 to 08 Physical Info: 1.52 cms H x 23.11 cms L x 28.19 cms W (0.57 kgs) 48 pages Publisher Marketing: A family brings a most unusual souvenir home after vacation in this classic picture book from the brilliant mind that brought you The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore. The Lazardo family has brought back a peculiar souvenir from their trip to Africa...a dinosaur! Ah, but Bob is the friendly sort of dinosaur. The kind who enjoys playing the trumpet and tossing around a baseball. Bob is an instant neighborhood hit...until his love of chasing cars with his dog pals stirs up trouble with the police for "disturbing the peace." But it's the Pimlico Pirates' opening game and Bob's love of baseball might just be his get-out-of-jail-free card... #williamjoyce #readleafbooks #art #本 #本棚 #絵本 #児童書 #絵本屋 #洋書絵本 #絵本が好き #絵本が好きな人と繋がりたい #絵本のある暮らし #芸術 #英語 #イラスト #base #baseec #恐竜 @readleafbooks Webショップで紹介中。プロフィールからぜひどうぞ! https://www.instagram.com/p/ClYfKxEPYor/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
0 notes
urfaeriegf · 5 years
ʚ Stranger Things Masterlist ɞ
Blank ✦ Coming soon
Blank ✦ Coming soon
Blank ✦ Coming soon
Blank ✦ Coming soon
Blank ✦ Coming soon
Blank ✦ Coming soon
Blank ✦ Coming soon
Blank ✦ Coming soon
Blank ✦ Coming soon
Blank ✦ Coming soon
Blank ✦ Coming soon
Blank ✦ Coming soon
Blank ✦ Coming soon
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godofavengers · 7 years
Steve: nancy where are my sons and daughter?
Nancy: you do realize there not actually your kids right
Steve: Nancy! Don’t talk about my sons and daughter like that!
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pariahsparadise · 3 years
goodbye kiss
nav. | m.list
word count- 0.5k
pairings- will byers x gn!reader
author’s note- i had a dream like this last night (what with stranger things on my mind all day with all the new info that netflix gave us yesterday) and had to get it out in words. i think i overused the word “breathe” in this one but idrc. unedited, as usual.
warnings- just kissing because they’re still minors, fluff, swearing. it's kinda fast-paced, but i needed to write this down before i forgot it, so i'm sorry
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Your voice jolts him out of his brooding, and he sits up straighter on top of the box he perches on. “In here!” he calls, hating his voice for how shaky it sounds. You make your way into the room, carefully stepping over stray cardboard until you stand in front of Will.
“So, I guess this is really happening, isn’t it?” you ask, immediately beating around the bush. It’s one of the things Will loves most about you, you’re the most straightforward and bold person he knows. He wishes he could be more like that sometimes.
“It is,” he says quietly, standing up as well. The side of his mouth quirks into a sad smile as he looks down at you, and you bite your lip to stop yourself from saying something you regret. His silent gaze becomes too much to bear, so you find yourself breaking eye contact as you scan the nearly empty room around him. You laugh as your eyes fall on a discarded piece of paper, recognising it immediately.
“Look at this!” you exclaim, picking it up with a quick swipe of your hand. “God, it’s the portrait I drew of you in art class. I didn’t know you kept it.” Will laughs, gently angling your hands towards him so he can look at the drawing too, “Oh, but I had to. I don’t think I’ve ever looked better.”
Your heart skips a beat at the feeling of his skin on yours, but you force out an awkward laugh to cover for the red in your cheeks. “Please, our teacher thought I drew a mushroom.”
“It’s probably because of the hair.” Will jokes, shaking his head slightly, breathing out a chuckle. In the next second, he stops breathing altogether, because your hand leaves his to gently push some of the hair out of his eyes.
“Probably,” you whisper in agreement, and the next thing you know is Will’s lips on yours.
Your eyes fall shut at the sensation, and your arms twine around his neck as Will’s lock around your waist. He kisses you harder, stealing your breath before breathing it back into you, it now accompanied by the words;
“I love you.”
You don’t know how long the two of you stay like that for, swept in each other’s embrace, but you know it isn’t long enough. Joyce’s voice finally breaks the two of you apart, but Will’s arms stay firmly wrapped around you as yours tangle in his hair.
“William Byers,” you say gently, resting your forehead against his, “You have the shittiest timing ever.”
He huffs a startled laugh at that, making you giggle. “I’ll write to you everyday,” he promises solemnly, his fingers tracing patterns on your waist. “And I- I’ll visit. I’ll do my best to be yours, as long as that’s what you want.”
You answer him with a soft, slow kiss. “It is, Will,” you say, disregarding Joyce’s loud summons for Will completely, “It is.”
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Make It Hard For Me | Tom Hiddleston x Reader
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Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Summary:  The hotel lost your best friend’s, Tom Hiddleston, hotel reservation. So now you are sharing a room. A room with one king sized bed. Add in that you are hopelessly in love with your best friend. This is a recipe for disaster. Tom has a very arousing dream the first night in the room which only further complicates matters.
Warnings: Dom/sub Undertones, Light BDSM, Sub!Tom, Female Dominant, Friends to Lovers, Vaginal Sex, Oral Sex, Dom/sub, Light Dom/sub, Begging, Dry Humping, Grinding, Smut, Sharing a Bed
Tom shoved the heavy hotel door open with his shoulder, hands full with his luggage. You followed behind him, ladened with your own bags. Tom scowled and huffed when he dropped the bags just inside the door. You stumbled around him.
“I can’t believe the hotel lost my reservation!” Tom groaned. You put your bags down on the ground and sighed. Tom hadn’t stopped whining since he discovered they would share a room for the next two days.
“At least they didn’t lose mine.” you responded. “Then we would really be up shit’s creek.”
Tom stepped into the room. “Fuck. We are up shit’s creek.” He chuckled darkly.
You peeked around him to see what caused your normally composed friend to curse. You spied a single king sized bed. Your cheeks heated at the thought of sharing a bed with Tom.
“It will be fine. I’ll just take….” you scanned the room. “… that chair over there.”
Tom screwed his face up, and then his shoulders relaxed, taking a deep breath. “If anyone is sleeping in a chair or on the floor, it will be me, darling. It is your room.” He removed his glasses, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I apologize for my mood. I don’t travel well.”
You flopped onto the bed. Tom’s eyes widened as your boobs bounced. He stuck his hand in his pocket and adjusted while your eyes were closed. “I remember that trip to New York two years ago. You were an absolute bear until you slept.” you groaned, wincing as you dug underneath your hips extracting a TV remote. “Speaking of Schitt’s Creek, want to watch the latest season?” You waggled the remote at Tom, whose hand was still in his pocket. “I’ll even pay for room service.” you sing-songed the last sentence.
Tom’s lips curled in a smile and he chuckled, dropping his chin down. “Let me take a shower first and wash off the flight.” He headed towards the bathroom.
“Don’t use all the hot water!” you yelled after him, grabbing the room service menu and flipping through it.
Tom’s head popped around a corner. He gave a brief salute. “Yes, ma’am.” he smirked before disappearing again.
You fell back onto the mattress. “Fuck me.” you hissed.
Two hours later, Tom lied on the bed, his curls still half wet, eating room service chocolate cake and watching the latest escapades of the Rose family. You stifled a yawn next to him. Tom paused the episode.
“Sorry, the jet lag is finally hitting me.” you yawned again. Tom turned off the TV and stood up, pulling his shirt off. Your eyes widened in shock. “What are you doing?”
Tom stared at you, confused. “Getting ready for bed? I sleep in boxers.”
“Oh.” You squirmed under the covers.
Tom held out his hands. “Unless you are going to be uncomfortable—”
“NO!” you snapped back a bit too quick. “No. It’s fine. You are the one who has to work, you should be comfortable.” You flipped his side of the covers back. “Get in.”
Tom blushed, but slipped under the sheets just the same. You leaned over and kissed his cheek, ruffling his hair. His blush deepened. Tom turned onto his side to hide his face. “Night.”
“Night.” You snuggled under the covers and switched off the light before slipping into a deep sleep. Tom stared at the ceiling, too worked out to even consider sleeping.
Tom’s moans pulled you out of a restless sleep. The room was dark from the blackout curtains. You squinted to make out his form on the other side of the bed. He was on his stomach and grunting. It took several moments before you realized what Tom was doing. Your breath caught in your throat. You should have turned away, but you didn’t. Your friend, your crush, the starring role in all your sexual fantasies was grinding against the mattress next to you. Moaning.
“Please.” Tom whined in his sleep, hips rocking. “Please, ma’am, let me…”
You gasped, loud enough to disrupt Tom, who rolled onto his side. Whether or not he woke up was unclear. You rolled over in haste, not realizing how close to the edge you had scooted to stare. The loud thud of your body hitting the unyielding hotel room floor woke Tom for certain. He bolted from the bed and rushed to your side of the bed.
“Are you okay?” Tom asked, his face masked with worry, brow furrowed. He was unaware of the raging hard-on stretching against his boxers until it was too late. Tom prayed you hadn’t noticed.
You had, but were in too much shock to say anything. “Fine. I’m fine.” You brushed off his offered hand, scrambling to your feet. “Just a nightmare.”
Tom straightened himself up and twisted his body into an unnatural position to hide his clear arousal. Still deluded that you hadn’t noticed. “Must have been some nightmare.” Tom chuckled and his laugh disappeared into the dark night, leaving nothing but an awkward silence.
“It was something alright.” you retorted, slipping back underneath the covers. You punched the pillow back into shape. “I’m going to get some more sleep. You?”
Tom couldn’t go back to sleep now, next to you. Not in such a state. He tried to remember what he had been dreaming about before you hit the floor. The dream drifted out of his mind like tendrils of smoke, but considering his state, it must have been a sex dream.
“I’ll hit the bathroom first.” He hooked his thumb behind him. “Don’t wait up.” He joked before ducking away.
You settled in and feigned sleep until Tom returned, and the two of you drifted off.
The alarm rang too soon for Tom’s taste. He groaned, reaching out for his phone, hitting the snooze.
“Five more minutes.” he muttered into his pillow.
You stood up and slipped into the bathroom to shower and get dressed. When you emerged, Tom still laid asleep. His bare back exposed to the air. You marveled at the form of him, wondering how it would feel to run your hands along the planes and angles of Tom’s body. Your body heated at the thought of what you would or could do to him.
“You’re staring.” Tom’s voice cut through your daydream.
You jumped a bit. “Sorry.”
Tom sat up and smiled, ruffling his mussed ginger curls. “It’s okay. Just not used to the stares coming from you of all people.” He reached over and grabbed his shirt from last night, pulling it on.
You rolled your eyes. “Don’t flatter yourself, boy.” You slipped the last word and smiled as Tom blushed at the moniker. As you suspected he would. You stepped toe to toe with him, tilting your chin to see his face. “Now go take a shower while I order breakfast.”
“I love it when you boss me around.” Tom smiled, trying his best to keep his body from betraying his true feelings.
You curled up on your toes to kiss his cheek. “One of the many reasons we are best friends.” You smirked as Tom slid past you, smacking his butt.
He spun around in shock. “What has gotten into today?” The corners of his lips twitching into a smile.
You shrugged your shoulders. “Maybe I thought you needed to be punished.” Your eyes twinkled. “Have you been naughty?”
The blood drained from Tom’s face. Had you seen something, he panicked. “No.” he choked out, digging through his luggage to find clothes for the day and ducking into the shower.
You stared at the spot where Tom once stood, hands on your hips. “Liar.” And then went hunting for the room service menu to order breakfast for Tom and yourself.
Tom ate his entire plate of pancakes and bacon, along with not one but two cups of coffee.
“Are you planning on running a marathon today?” you questioned as you nibbled on your fruit, having finished up some eggs earlier.
Tom wiped his mouth. “I don’t know when I will get time to eat again. Low blood sugar is a common problem at cons.”
“Well, we can’t have you passing out, can we?” you giggled.
Tom stood up. “Are you going to head over with me today?”
You shook your head. “Nah. I thought I would lie out at the pool for a bit.”
Tom nodded back. “Just as well. I’m only over there in the morning. Meet you back here for lunch?”
“Text me when you head back?”
“Will do.” He kissed your forehead.
“Good boy.” There goes that blushing again. “Have fun.”
Tom cleared his throat. “Right.” He pulled on his pair of well worn grey boots, grabbed his phone, sunglasses and hotel key before leaving the room.
The weather was hot, but a light breeze kept you from overheating poolside. You brought a book along to read but were too distracted to focus on William Joyce. This morning had brought some answers, but more questions. Questions about your relationship with Tom. By the time he texted you saying he was 15 minutes away, you resolved to clear the air once and for all.
No one noticed how distracted Tom was that morning. The perks of working with strangers. Had Luke or even being Benedict been around, he would have to explain why he couldn’t remember people’s names and his sudden case of butterfingers. Something was going on with you. That was all Tom knew. That and the fact he was hopelessly in love with you. Sharing a bed last night tipped him over to the point of confessing his feelings, just to clear the air. But he chickened out.
“Tom!” you called out from the bathroom as you heard the door slam to the hotel room. “I need help.”
Tom rushed to the sound of your voice. He stopped in his tracks when he spied you standing in the bathroom wearing just your swimsuit, still damp from your swim. It hugged your curves and Tom swallowed hard.
“I can’t get the strap undone. Will you help me?” You glanced over your shoulder at him. Tom blinked several times, not answering. “Tom?” You barely contained your smile. “Did you hear me?”
“My suit strap.” You gestured around your neck. “Untie it for me.”
“Sure.” He choked out. “I’ll just…” You backed up until you pressed your body against him. You wiggled your ass against his crotch. “You are a bit too close.” He commented as he struggled to keep his fingers from shaking.
You jumped forward. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make it hard.”
Tom’s fingers stopped picking at the knot. “What did you say?”
“I said I didn’t mean to make it hard, you know, untying the knot.” Tom finished undoing the knot, letting the straps fall on your back. His hands lighted on your shoulders, hot from the time in sun. You turned to face him, holding your suit up with your arm. How he wished you would move your arm. “What did you think? I was flirting?” You quirked an eyebrow.
Tom fidgeted, hands twisting in front of him, rocking back on his heels. “Well… no… of course not… that’s… you’re… and we are…” he mumbled and fumbled, cheeks turning a deep pink.
“Because I was.” You brushed past him, allowing the suit to drop as you stepped out of Tom’s sight.
It took Tom a second to register what you said. He turned on his heel to catch you digging for some clothes and pushed you against the wall, his lips crashing against yours. Your fingers weaved into Tom’s hair and you pulled his head away.
“So…” Your chest heaved against Tom’s, your nipples grazing along the fabric of his shirt.
“I want you.” Tom breathed, leaning to kiss you again. You tugged him away.
“I want you too.” You pulled him to whisper in his ear. “I saw you last night humping the mattress, begging. Will you beg for me, Tom?”
Tom gulped. “Yes.”
“Yes, what?” You smirked at Tom, whose eyes grew wider every second.
“Yes, ma’am?” He ended his sentence with a question mark.
“Good boy.” You pressed your lips onto his as Tom moaned into your mouth. Tom’s tongue explored your mouth hungrily. Your hands slipped down to squeeze his cock through his jeans. “Very good boy.” you muttered, pushing Tom off of you. You shimmied out of your suit and took a seat at the edge of the bed. “Strip for me.”
Tom furrowed his brow. You frowned. “I don’t enjoy repeating myself, Tom. Now strip.”
The speed in which Tom peeled off his clothes probably broke records. You giggled as he hopped on one foot, tugging at his boots. You raised a single eyebrow and licked your lips when Tom pushed his jeans and boxers to the ground. “See something you like?” Tom responded.
“Just thinking all the rumors are true.” You leaned back onto your elbows and beckoned Tom over. He crawled on top of you to kiss you again. You pulled him away by the back of his head, pushing him down your torso. “Let’s find out how talented that mouth is.”
Tom pushed your legs open with his broad shoulders. His beard tickling your thighs. Tom sucked on the delicate skin before ghosting his lips over yours, earning a hitch in your breath. You tugged his hair hard.
“Stop teasing.”
“Yes. ma’am.” He licked a fat stripe along your slit. You shuddered and sighed.
“Yes. That’s a good boy.”
The praise only spurred on Tom’s efforts. His nose nudged your clit. You bucked up into him. As Tom sucked and licked you, your orgasm near.
“Tom, I’m…”
Your nails dug into his scalp when he sucked hard. You came with a scream and gushed onto Tom’s face, who continued to eat you out. You pulled him up and spun the two of you so Tom laid flat on his back. You teased the tip of his cock along your slit.
“You tell me when you are close.” You kissed his lips, his beard glistening. He tasted of you.
Tom nodded against you. You lowered yourself onto his cock. Tom hissed and grabbed your hips. You pushed his hands away. Tom whined.
“This is not about you. This is about me using you for pleasure. I will decide whether or not you get to cum, understood?” You stared down at him.
Tom twitched inside of you. “Yes ma’am.” You rocked against him. Tom bit his lip.
“I want to hear you.” You continued to ride him, flattening your palms against his chest.
Soon you could sense Tom getting close. “I’m…” Tom panted. You stopped moving on him. You clenched around him. Tom groaned, his eyes closing and his hands fisting at his sides.
“Do you want to cum, Tom?” You mock pouted.
“Please…” You clenched his shaft again with your walls and wiggled a bit.
“Please, please, please let me cum. I want to cum. I need to cum.” Tom pleaded. His eyes wide as you moved so slow on him.
You reached down to find your clit and rubbed it with your fingers. Your hips rocked back and forth frantically. You reached up with your other hand and squeezed your boob. You came with a gasp, squeezing tight around Tom.
“Come for me.” You hissed.
Tom bucked into you twice before spilling into you. You collapsed against Tom’s chest. He panted, his chest hair tickling your face. His hands reached up to draw swirls onto your bare back, goosebumps popping up. You rolled off of him to the side. Grabbing his chin and turning his head, you kissed his lips with a tender touch.
“I think we need to talk.” you commented with a smile.
Tom’s eyes fluttered open. “That is an understatement.”
The two of you giggled in each other’s arms.
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