shoutout to all the witches who can't have/use athames because of self harm/injury or any other reason!
you're just as valid as a witch and i love you mwah
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hello there potentially more experienced witches/wiccians/etc
i need help with a question
i'm new to working with deities, and what i've been trying (and unfortunately, failing) to figure out is:
if i wanted to work with/worship more than one deity, do that have to be from the same, idk what else to call it, mythological set?
like if i wanted to work with loki from norse mythology and a different deity from, idk, greek mythology
could i do that? or would there be conflict/consequences?
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gvmdisease · 3 months
bro i want a relationship so bad and ik this is how universe/gods intend for shit to be (me being despratly lonely) but ahhh couldnt they have given me a relationship like I wannt listen to the cure and watch movie with someone in a romantic way yeah i have friends to do that wiht platonically but i want that in a romantic sense too I want to send cute little letters to someone and make them feel loved i want to listen ti them rant and to watch shitty films together and to walk round the really gay little town right around the corner from my house together and i want to gift them rose quarts and carnelian and black obsidian i want to talk to the gods about them i want to read together and fall asleep together and to genuinley just love eachother of course I want to be loved but also want to love someone and even the off chance of finding someone who has the some spiritual belifes as me (witch/wiccian/pagan im not sure where exactly i fit atm) id like to celebrate shit like yule and samhain and litha and shit i want someone that i know i can trust and love someone that gets me and someone i get I want to sing and bake with someone and god i just want to love someone in a romanic sense ik im probably not ready and its not the right time at this very moment but ahhhhhh
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vi-sigoth · 2 months
Man... why is it so hard to find normal Gaelic pagans?
Dude. Tell me about it. I suffer everyday.
If I had to guess though—my guesses would be:
1. The Isles were Christianized earlier than, say, Scandinavia, and big swathes of the Slavic regions, so there were less years of recorded pagan practices that we have knowledge of extending into the beginning and middle of the Medieval period.
2. For one reason or another, there’s been a big revival of interest in Norse/Germanic practice. This isn’t necessarily a recent thing, either. You had Wagner heavily leaning into Germanic myth and aesthetics with his Ring Cycle. You had, whether you agree with him or not, Adolf Hitler and his men rejecting the church’s hold on Germany and reviving interest in Germanic belief (what Adolf Hitler and those closest to him personally believed is a whole other can of worms and too long for this post.) the West is fascinated with Norse-Germanic belief and “Viking” aesthetics because I think in many people’s view, the Norse were the last holdout against the tide of Abrahamism in Europe (which unfortunately does a massive disservice to the Slavs and Balts who often held out for much longer, even until the Soviet period). More recently, you have groups like Wardruna and Heilung and their many copycats rising to popularity. You have (ugh) the show Vikings, which, for better or for worse, brought Norse belief and Viking Age culture back into the public eye. Piggybacking off the popularity of that was Robert Eggers’ masterpiece The Northman. You don’t have a lot of this with Celtic culture, either Islander or continental, because:
3. Protestantism simply put, did not succeed in keeping hold of Scandinavia and the northern parts of Germany like Catholicism did for Ireland, for France. That statement might piss people off, but the difference in how secular Sweden is versus Ireland is pretty staggering. (Yeah, yeah, I know, racial and religious demographics are rapidly shifting and people will ask what about Scotland, what about Wales? It’s complicated.)
4. FUCKINF. WICCIANISM. Gerald Gardner and Rocket Graves, may they suffer for eternity, did untold damage to Islander paganism. Gardner cherry-picked from many European traditions, but he used (cherry-picked) Islander Celtic belief as the glue to hold it together, and mixed that with Thelema, and Khabbalah, which, do I even have to explain why neither of these things have no place in Europe? He and Graves took advantage of the burgeoning pagan revivals and general disillusionment with Christianity people had after WWII. Robert Graves’ The White Goddess is now used as a blueprint for reconstructing Celtic paganism. Despite the fact that he couldn’t back up any of his “research” and couldn’t cite a single source, and that nearly every single academic that studies pre-Christian European belief has rejected it as utter nonsense, I STILL see people claiming to be “Druids” who cite this book. So you have The White Goddess, and Wiccanism/New Age nonsense, which has been bleeding for decades into any genuine attempt at reconstruction. People tend to see the hippie or Earth mother types that flock to this and think. “Yeah, no thanks.”
There are no recent, big budget, well-filmed, well acted movies that depict any of the Irish, Scottish, Welsh, or Cornish (yeah, remember them? Barely any one else does) myth. Almost no one knows how much Celtic blood is in all of Europe. In Greece, in the southern Slavic countries, in Italy, in Switzerland, and the Netherlands and Austria. Bavarians can up to nearly 50% Celt DNA! So can Spaniards! There are no cool depictions of naked Gauls slathered in blue woad hurling themselves at Roman soldiers, ripping their shields apart with their bare hands, running up their shield walls and diving into the fray, racing through Europe in their immaculate chariots. It’s sad. I’d give my right arm to see a Robert Eggers directed movie about that, or about Fion mac Cumhail. The Celts were just as fierce and powerful as any Viking raider you can name, and what do we get? Derry Girls and movies about The Troubles. Which is fine. Ireland in 1900 and more recently was certainly not a boring place to be. But there’s just so much more.
Best we can do, friend, is keep making people of Celtic heritage aware of their history, their people, their gods, and make THAT Celtic history popular in the culture.
Then we get our Robert Eggers Gaul movie.
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defectivegembrain · 6 months
trick or treat !!!
A witch! Old English wicce "female magician, sorceress", feminine of wicca "sorcerer, wizard", from verb wiccian "to practice witchcraft". Further than than is controversial though! There is a suggestion of connection with Proto-Germanic *wikkjaz "necromancer", from Proto-Indo-European root *weg- "to be strong, be lively".
Source with more details here!
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urblackcatfamiliar · 5 months
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☀️ ☆ child of the stars ☆ 🌙
hi, call me the star. i use they/pup/sea. this is my digital shrine/spirituality blog since i dont have space or the money to have an irl shrine
before you ask, no im not a witch, wiccian or pagan. i dabble in some aspects, but i dont follow any one practice. im very private about my own practices so dont expect me to go in depth about it here. im just a queer on the internet with weird beliefs
this is also just my blog for information about spirituality that i find interesting and anything related to it really
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identity-theft-101 · 11 months
Cards: This you; work on those damn WIPs my guy. PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER, MAN! (/j)
Also when the Snake card came out I thought to myself, "Hmm, feeling like this means a lot to him." I had no idea that you had dreams that had them as symbols. The Moth card is also a Luna Moth btw.
And as a side note, you now have three swords due to your reading... and a merperson; do what you will with that information.
-Goose Anon
Note this is intended as a /Gen
TW: Religion: Mentions Paganism, Wicca, Christianity, Religious Trauma
I am actually a type of Pagan! I personally follow along after the Norse God Loki for main deity. So, snakes are a big symbol for me! I will often have dreams which include random snakes or a specific brown snake that will give me guidance.
Due to some religious trama from Christianity and my evil grandmother I decided to take to paganism and I find its much more fulfilling!
It's also much more fun to believe in a religion that premotes magic! Besides, magick also WORKS. (speaking from experience) My group believes in karma, not using magicks for evil and generally not having a set hierarchy. We each have our own specializations! My Bestie ---LUNA--- reigns more in the domain of fortune telling than I do, but I'm pretty darn good with Runes!
ON THAT NOTE: I MUST CLARIFY-- I am NOT a Wiccan. Wicca and Wiccan symbols are very commonplace in the American pop culture front, but many people don't know how strict Wicca can really be!
I don't have anything against Wiccians, their practices are just not for me!
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i hate how i wanna make my book of shadows but i also hate paper. i fucking hate paper. i hate the sound, feel, smell and sight of paper it's so obnoxious i hate paper i hate it i hate it.
(for those who don't know a book of shadows is something a wiccian keeps to keep track of their magical/spirtual journery and such. pretty much just to keep track of what they learn about the religon.)
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Bulling and hazing hates some things or sexual harassment are real bad
And hating people for their religion race skin coulee are bad too religious tolerance herr wether your black white hispanic jewish wiccian a white whitchlike me or American Indian Alaskan eso aborrigionsnai or Eskimo we all have to hay get this get a long every one hear espscsly at work or the work opppertunity center or the job you work at really boys girls men woman
In Childress school local police force fire dept football
Team chargers your eagles steeler we all have to all get a long no matter what race background ethnictaicy you for religion or part of the country come from
Born raised
In get a long really god bless st c online safty come first and Formot safty all the time safety over profit evil and money my every time blogger chsttrtbug chitter chatter be safe stay safe
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gaiasgaurdian · 4 years
This post is for anyone who needs protection. As you cut chords, it can be worrisome and create anxiety. You are protected, cared for, and loved by the universe. No one can cause you harm going forward, and your ancestors or guides will take care of them.
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wellhellomarvel · 3 years
SO YOU MEAN TO TELL ME, as of next week, ON TOP, of everything else, Wanda may have to also:
Lose her kids
Lose the Vision she made
Kill ANOTHER two Visions (White Vision and WestView Vision)
Still not have her brother
Realize she has been hurting people when she never meant too
Become an enemy of the state and have to go on the run
Truly face her demons (a thing millions of millennials can’t do who haven’t had to save the earth many times)
HAHAHAHAHAH I’m gonna break in half on her behalf.
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asshatproductions · 3 years
Idk if we are gonna see billy and tommy grow up at all in wandavision but if we do I swear to god Disney better not gloss over the fact that billy is gay I will R I O T
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cursed-chains · 5 years
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give in
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sakuraandsunflower · 3 years
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A glimpse of my goddesses <3
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getheroutofhere · 4 years
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Two coffin cuties up for grabs $50 bones to your door free shipping I do accept paypal if interested please feel to message me thanks 🖤🦇🕷🕸
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wiccashire · 4 years
⭐ I am active again!
If you're someone who posts/reblogs wicca themed stuff, ppkease like or reblog!
My Dashboard is way top empty :*(
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