#why he made that noise...
kingofmeatballs · 2 years
The second i saw this video i had to capture this magnificent moment
Ah. Yes. The Chickiplier.
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gottagobackintime · 1 year
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Trent being startled/frightened
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kindahoping4forever · 11 months
Ashton performing with Joshua and the Holy Rollers in LA last night
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demondamage · 6 months
Your ocs are doing laundry. What did they forget to take out of their pockets?
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hollypunkers · 1 month
personal star wars opinion vent
idk why people who like old republic star wars stuff like me are so defensive of the old jedi. they werent great. thats why i like them. its ok. “the jedi were actually right” well, i have consumed more than my doctor’s recommended share of star wars movies and books and tv shows and… um, i never had THAT take. what on earth?
like, even Star Trek knows their fantasy space government isnt perfect but the authors were trying to make their best example of a responsible society where people valued being moral above all else. the authors of Star Wars were explicitly trying to show where the old republic and jedi went wrong. they lived next door to sith lords for years and didn’t even notice, like, they weren’t even good at the one thing that was their “spec-ial-ity”. also, its totally cool to separate kids from their families even if the families would want them back? even if the kids are brought to war zones and expected to fight/work? YALL. what are you defending here.
I like the old republic and the old jedi order too, but like, NEITHER one was good and both explicitly had fallen morally to such a state that a sith lord literally took over and the galaxy suffered TREMENDOUSLY as a result of their incompetence. “Slavery is outlawed in the Republic” well dude, its being openly practiced on multiple planets. if only someone could do something about it. like the galactic wide government and their highly moral magical negotiation/military force? oh, they can’t? maybe theyre not that good at doing what they say they do. maybe they say a lot of nice things but when push comes to shove the jedi commit genocides and hide the evidence (murdering those tuskens was downright jedi-like, dont you know?). maybe questioning your government and not letting them get away with shit, even to the point of direct action and even violent rebellion, is a good thing. its almost like that was always the point.
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maxladcomics · 9 months
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But HOW does he spell it like that
Nova belongs to @fluo-skeletons
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theforgottengreatpoem · 10 months
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"I'm sorry Jim. But you've done awfully well. Have a rest now."
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natelia-aldelliz · 1 year
I just had two different thoughts (that's twice as many as usual!) :
What if Ghost decided to learn how to speak Gàidhlig as a surprise for his Johnny only to have him look at him awkwardly because "sorry LT, I only know a few words of Gàidhlig, my native language is Scots...."
".... So I can't call you maw rye?"
"..... Is... Is that mo ghràidh?"
"So you do know Gaelic!"
"I said I knew a few words!"
Or, what if it was a bad day, Soap is already feeling a bit distraught, stuck in his head, emotional, irritable, he has difficulty focusing (more than usual) and he can feel a headache coming. Remarks, teases, that he usually lets slide with a joke seem to cut him, deeper and deeper with each one.
Ghost doesn't notice. No one does. Because Soap does his best to not be a bother.
But then, Soap is talking about something he likes back home and Ghost cracks his usual "speak English" joke. But this time Soap freezes.
He wants to say "I'm sorry I'm speaking my native language, that your people, to this day, are trying to eradicate and ridicule", wants to lash out, be mean, but he doesn't.
He just smiles a little, without his eyes, and tells everyone that he's going to bed. Because he knows that it's not fair to now be mad about something he usually jokes about. Deep down he knows that Ghost doesn't mean it like that, that it's their little inside joke.
But it doesn't keep him from crying in his pillow.
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buccellato · 3 months
should be sleeping but instead I'm thinking about how much Vash has been treated with love and care and kindness, even if he doesn't think he deserves or outright tries to deny it
it doesn't get shown as much later in the manga (but also everyone is busy and freaking out by that point so...), but early on we get to see glimpses of him having fun and getting fed treats (and sheltered and comforted) from casual, everyday sources. He carries the weight of every mistake, screw up, injury and death around his neck like a millstone, but very rarely does he ever knowingly allow anyone else to lighten his burdens—and when he does it's often under the guise of a mask.
But despite that all he is so incredibly cared for—kids willingly play with him to the point that they expect him to show up, strangers shelter him and cry when he leaves them, people willingly choose to risk life and limb and stand by him against his brother. Even his scars are testament of small acts of kindness imo—yeah they're proof of people hurting him (or just terrible, rotten luck), but he has a couple of really deep scars that might've taken him out if he didn't receive some form medical treatment; his body has incredibly enhanced healing but also he very clearly has limits to how well it works. Plus some of them have been very obviously patched up by a regular nml doctor working with what they have (I do not believe ship 3 would graft a metal grate over his chest because that just seems like a pain to work around with any sort of metallic equipment tbh), which means someone may have seen him get hurt and then willingly chose to help him afterwards, regardless of the circumstances.
So despite the cruelty he is forced to witness and experience all the time, he also gets to absorb so much love and little acts of kindness regardless of if he wants to acknowledge it or not.
Basically I guess what I'm trying to say is this: Haha Get Loved Idiot
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junranghae · 2 years
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a wild Jun has appeared 
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mitchmotch · 2 years
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iruka: good morning, sleepyhead. i have to go to work, but i left some breakfast for you on the stove. behave yourself
kakashi: maa, sensei, what could possibly make you think i wouldn’t?
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royalarchivist · 1 year
I love how it’s so much harder for Bad to pretend he doesn’t find Quackity’s dirty jokes funny when they’re together in person
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distant-velleity · 7 months
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A wallflower with very little regard for friendship. Some nights, he can be found singing for the customers of Mostro Lounge.
and some trivia—
Twisted from: Ursula’s golden necklace
Chrysos is a lionfish merman (don’t ask why I chose lionfish specifically, the reason has become really convoluted by now). Side effects of this include being able to open his mouth ridiculously widely should he feel the need to; he usually doesn’t. It freaks people out.
He has ties to Prince Rielle—or so the rumors go, anyway.
He has an uncanny talent for being able to mimic others’ voices upon hearing them frequently enough (and ‘frequently’ can be subjective). This can be dangerous when paired with his UM, for both others and himself.
Consistently has some of the highest grades in the freshmen year. Classmates are always asking him about it, but he stays tight-lipped; only recommending that they talk to his housewarden.
(tagging @thehollowwriter cuz i think you’d be interested)
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bunnihearted · 1 month
i wish i didnt have avpd bc if i didnt i'd knock on my neighbor's door and ask him everything im wondering. such as 1) are u ever at class????? or are u at home constantly????. 2) why are u always in your kitchen when u have a 3room apartment to yourself?. 3) how is it even possible that u have things to do in your kitchen and make consistent noise from 8am to 12pm?????. 4) why do u walk like and elephant instead of like a normal person? plus why do u slam stuff instead of closing it normally?. 5) do u ever study or do u just walk around and slam stuff in the kitchen all day?. 6) genuinely WHAT tf are u doing in there???? why are u in your kitchen all day every day wtf is wrong with u?????
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oatbugs · 2 months
#meeting the sociologist/philosopher who flew in from barcelona and got basically no sleep just 2 be on time to our date soon#im wearing the earrings the ex situationship person chose for me. they have 3 sharp metal bits hanging down from them. it feels#cold like a knife and also they make noise whenever i take a step which acts a little like a friend and also a beating. dont forget who cho#for you. do you miss her? do you miss her? when you see his face will you miss her?#im going to look someone else in their eyes today#im going to study with my friend today and tomorrow#i had a call w a friend yesterday . he taught me logic metatheory intensively and he also said this whole experience has been painful for#him and the rest of my friends bc its like watching someone nearly drink cyanide over and over#it made things a bit clearer#he said its like watching a lion get declawed and that i was essentially unrecognisable. something happened to his friend#and he wanted his friend back#so im going to go back.#he said he doesnt mind dying alone. he asked why hes doing philosophy and i said pure love and he said thats true#im supposed to be in love w abstractions more than ppl#and im supposed to be in love w my friends before any romantic partner#ok going up tottenham ct escelators is a religious experience recently bc every time i will either make eye contact w the most beautiful#person ever or be reminded of the way they held me on the way down here or how i held them on the way up#anyway lets go
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