#who inserted herself in my life when i was 13 and fucked me up for the rest of mine
torque-witch · 1 year
TW Trauma
But as my personal diary, there’s something I wanted to touch on as I continue to navigate whether my mannerisms are autism or cptsd.
(Yes, my therapist gave me a list of neuro-psych evals I can pursue, but these things cost money or could cost my medical paper trail for future endeavors bc of how fucked everything is)
Looking back now, it’s fairly clear that autism does run in the family, particularly with my sister as she very clearly displays textbook mannerisms, high stakes social grievances, high IQ, sensory limits, etc. I can see that my Dad is probably the culprit as he’s literally been neck-deep in a hobby for 30+ years and LIVES at his office and doesn’t have social interactions outside of customers. Meaning he literally doesn’t sleep at home. And my parents aren’t divorced. (They should be)
But like my personal grievance, as I’m aware that I’ve socially been more flexible, is that I’m realizing all of these characteristics later in life that are still somehow a product of trauma, and that can be confusing.
I shut down and go non-verbal during high-stress or confrontational situations. I remember that I started doing this because my mom would never accept what I had to say when I was defending myself, so I just stopped talking and looked blankly at her while I disassociated. This made her even angrier bc she assumed I didn’t care about my own personal failings. At some point that turned into laughter and I still do that when something is upsetting to me or physically painful. To the point my dad called me a masochist at 13.
My mom would ask me how my day was every day and I would just say “good.” And not expand because there were no follow up questions. It made her angry bc she assumed I just didn’t want her to know. And to a point, I didn’t. She made it so that after she was done homeschooling me she inserted herself into the public school in the music program, that me and my sister were in, so almost none of our interpersonal relationships and interactions were private. It was a defense mechanism.
I had a very obsessive approach to middle and high school crushes. To the point that my crushes noticed and called my behavior repulsive and creepy and generally treated me poorly. It got less creepy after 10th grade. But it basically just meant that I was living in a fantasy world in my brain and over-estimating my importance in other people’s lives. I still somewhat do that. But I also wonder if my parents essentially teaching me that relationships are evil and never having a sex talk (literally ever) made me hyper-focus on everything I could be missing out on. On top of me never seeing them hug or kiss in 30 years of being alive.
I also didn’t understand hierarchies in high school, or any social setting. I was friends with teachers. I had multiple different kinds of friend groups, and sometimes they would get angry that I would hang out with other groups. I was always confused why popular people avoided me or would be fake to me. Or yes, I would be duped by them and become the joke.
I was clearly being used by certain friends and I went along with it because I wanted their validation and connection. But was this all because I wasn’t getting that at home?
And for a while I think I just went through different periods of my life after/through college adapting to specific groups and ripping myself from them violently when I felt threatened or unappreciated as I learned quite late to stand up for myself and recognize that I was being used. I became a new person every time and very independent.
I’m certain of who I am now, but who might I be tomorrow? As an adult I don’t think I’ll change that much now that I have a solid understanding of my morals, needs, societal niche - but I do acknowledge that I have been many people I hate in order to avoid being perceived. Becoming disabled changed a lot for me because it was immutable. But my personality has always adapted to the people around me or my work.
So is that a trauma response? Or was my very existence a breeding ground for trauma to be incurred on me.
The last one is super super TW for abuse, but I think what really seals it for me is when growing up I just really didn’t understand the importance of cleaning and/or may have been struggling with ADHD as well. My mom was very upset that I just “couldn’t” seem to clean my room properly, that I wasn’t bothered by it, and that I would “forget on purpose.”
She straight up called me r*tarded. Threatened to put me in a boarding school or military-like reconditioning for “bad kids.”
But I now know the problem was that she just never explained the importance, nor gave me a step by step description of how to do it. And that was just plan negligence. It’s hard to connect with her now remembering that. Because it still shapes my meltdowns. I’m stupid. I can’t do anything right. Nothing WORKS. I’m trying my best and nothing is happening. I resist learning because it feels painful if I can’t do it on my own terms.
So yeah. Maybe an unnecessary ramble, but that’s sort of my dilemma as I try to unravel why I exist like this. Especially in the work force again and noticing it big time.
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meabh-mcinness · 1 year
Hello, big big fan of your Mairuma shorts here! Loved, loved, loved the Narnia Courting HCs, him being so attractive when his personality is like... *that* is just Unfair.
Scrolled through some of the Narnia-related stuff and the idea of 'Human!SO who somehow learns about him bullying Iruma and is appalled' would not leave my head, for several nights.
Could I request a fic about the prompt above... where the fem!SO decides to (or actually does) leave him...? Backs off, puts some distance between him and her, and eventually fucking ghosts him because she really went 'wtf' and had to re-evalute their whole relationship when she heard about it.
(My inner overdramatic angst-obsessed ass will not let me live in peace, especially when I also think about your HC of Narnia having clingy, yandere, and stalkerish tendencies, completely losing his shit at getting dumped. *insert 'took break-up horribly song' in the background*
I just,, really,, want to see him freak out at a problem his strength and new shiny position as a 13 Crown can't solve, okay?)
Premise is that they've been in a (secret) relationship for a... good amount of time already, and been living together too. Maybe had a rocky start at the beginning given his... uh, Opinions on non-Demon species, but she really thought he was okay or at least wasn't hostile anymore now.
She stays at his home and rarely goes out, initially without complaint (because it really wasn't safe or feasible for her to leave without him), but now it's really out of habit and also because Narnia (and maybe even most Naberius when they fall in love? Maybe that's why they avoid romances?? They get overbearing and obsessive and suffocating???) has the unfortunate pathological need to hide away and shelter his lover from any possible harm/rivals/competition for attention, a tendency that Narnia does not even try to curb. He does get busy with work, but he always comes back and showers her with gifts and HIS attention, but Haaaates the idea of sharing with anyone else.
But human?? Am social creature that need stimulation, so she's slowly become lowkey unhappy. The Devinet has become her best buddy, girl ends up picking up so many skills and hobbies, Magic, trying to occupy herself while waiting for him. But she stays, because she does have feelings for him, fell in love with the Netherworld, and gave up on going back to a life back on Earth. For a long time, they settle into this comfortable (?) status quo.
And then it breaks. Maybe one of the online communities she joined talk about meeting up for an event, someone posts about the tickets they got for a concert, maybe Narnia unintentionally sets her off by calling her (genuinely out of fondness) 'pet', maybe she even hears about Iruma, the accomplished and very-much-Not-a-human Lord Sullivan's grandson in the news, participating in demonic society, having fun and Living his life... and she. wants. Out. so, so badly.
And so one rainy day knowing that Narnia would be out for work and not back for awhile, she cleans up the house, picks up her travel bag, and Goes. She ends up having the time of her life, making new acquaintances, new experiences, new memories; that the home they shared feels like a whole different world.
Narnia, meanwhile, has come back to an empty home, an empty bed, and a letter on the table.
OK so first off I love this??? So much?? Hurts my heart so good, this idea does.
But also, also just hear me out now, what if this took place right before Narnia became a 13 crown instead? Like say, reader leaving is what made Narnia hate humans so much, because one broke his heart after promising forever and he's trying to hunt them down. Put himself as a nominee so that he has further reach to be able to find and chain them down to his side or get rid of them all together, I can't decide? Which is why in the bathroom scene he says it's not long now, because he means it won't be long until he can do whatever he wants in his quest to find them.
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celepom · 2 years
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The Dark History of the Reincarnated Villainess | Akiharu Touka 
Konoha Satou has a dark history. Although she’s not the only middle schooler who’s dreamed about romance and adventure, Satou takes it to the next level when she writes herself into a reincarnation fic as the main heroine. But little does she know, her fantasies will become reality when she wakes up in her Dark History! There’s just one small complication…Instead of playing the role of heroine, she’s the most despicable villainess—Konoha’s little sister, Iana. Which means if she wants to avoid tripping her own death flags, she’ll have to remember every last detail of her story… 
I’ve been getting really into Isekai stories where women change their fate (whether it’s a “reborn in another world” scenario, or their life is reset to the catalyst moment), and this is one of the Funniest Fucking Ones I’ve read so far.
Imagine you’re reborn in that super edgy self-insert fic you wrote as a teenager. The one filled with all the weird dark shit you were into in your edgy, teenage, Not-Like-Other-Girls Phase. Except you’re not the saintly maiden protagonist, you’re the first villainess who tried to murder your self-insert. And you woke up after just attempting to murder her. So you desperately try to make things right and outwit your fate of being executed but everyone (except your beautiful kindly sister, the former self-insert) is suspicious as hell of you, because, frankly, you were kind of a Shit before regaining your memories.
So you have all this life-threatening drama with a side of “WHAT THE FUCK WAS WRONG WITH ME???!!!” as you slowly remember all the weird shit you put in a fic you wrote when you were 13/14.
“Oh yeah, I was super into elves at one point”
“My friend said all my characters looked the same, so I tried to make this villain more muscly and...oh gawd this is how my art translated into reality???”
“Oh, yeah, there was that whole murder-mystery subplot with the kinky sex dungeon...”
“Right, I wrote in vampires because I went through that phase where I thought being bitten and a thrall to a vampire was super hot.”
It makes for some hilarious comedy, and then (as of the 4th volume), what happens when the story starts “correcting” itself. Changes you made, lives you saved to try to make up for your teenage internalized misogyny, suddenly the story is forcefully being put back on track with elements that were never in your narrative to begin with. How do you correct a story you’re not the one writing anymore?
It’s fun, and an enjoyable ride if you can handle some darker elements (usually sex-related, because horny developing teenager...)
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A lonely kitty in Gotham
Chapter 1
Tired... Marinette was extremely tired. All she wanted to do was curl up in a ball and sleep but instead she sat staring at the wall of her office in her small apartment she had bought and was now living in because her parents kicked her out.
Why was she staring at the wall you may ask? Short answer, she had finally done it! She had finally tracked down Hawkmoth and Mayura after 3 years of fighting she now knew both of their identities (Gabriel Agreste and Natalie Sancoeur) and not only that but she had an entire file filled with proof. Now all that was left was to take back their miraculous and hand them over to the police (not before cursing them first... obviously).
Unfortunately it’s not going to be as easy as it sounds. You see Marinette or Nettie which she goes by now was alone, completely and utterly alone.
No Parents, no family and no friends.
Three years ago Nettie had all of the above she was happy, she had a best friend Alya and a group of many friends from her class, she had two loving but slightly distant parents who ran the most popular bakery in all of Paris possibly even France and her amazing grandmother Gina who traveled the world and told her all about the crazy things she did (some of which she promised not to tell her parents about because it may have been considered breaking the law but nothing reallllly bad).
But all of that soon changed over the first year Hawkmoth terrorised Paris with his akuma and was later joined by mayura with her sentimonsters. Slowly she lost everything including her partner in fighting crime Mr.Bug holder of the ladybug miraculous.
Nettie is in procession of not only the black cat miraculous but also forcefully became the last remaining guardian of 18 other mini gods that are bound to jewels (excluding the butterfly and peacock (not that she would ever give them up because they are basically her family now and she will do absolutely everything to protect them)). How?
Running late to class 3 years ago she saved a (very) old man (186 years old to be specific) from being hit by a car, and for some reason that was enough for him to “gift” her the black cat miraculous as he saw her true chaotic soul and aura (it didn’t matter that she was only 13 YEARS OLD!) he thought it was a brilliant idea to turn her into a child soldier fighting a war against two supervillains more than double her age.
After and introduction to the one and only God of Destruction, who by the way is OBSESSED with the stinkiest of cheeses, she became one of Paris’ main superheroes Kitty Noir alongside her partner Mr.Bug who she guessed to be around the same age as her at the time. It was easy to deduct that he was going to be more of a problem instead of a partner due to his obsessive and intense flirting and lack of skills other than some possible fencing training, all in all he didn’t have a clue how to fight. He was also apparently extremely reckless... like more reckless than her pouring 2 energy drinks into coffee before downing it and has died so many times in a fight she now also has a close relationship with tiki the God of Creation having had to end the fight herself (honestly why did the old guy pick him because it seems like he didn’t even do a similar ‘oh help save me’ situation like he had with her otherwise the old guy would already be dead!) Even though she wasn’t that much better to begin with she did have some hand to hand combat training curtesy of Gina and her ‘friends’ (let’s talk about those later). And she was now training in martial arts and going to the gym to build more muscle and become better without the enhanced supersuit just incase (she also sticks a domino mask on before transforming because she’s paranoid okay and if she is ever forced to detransform she doesn’t want anyone knowing her identity right of the bat to use against her, okay!)
Alongside that she was also extremely smart (like genius level) great with technology and quick to come up with some absolutely insane but brilliant plans. This all resulted in her taking on more of a leadership roll whilst fighting akumas. Mr.Bug only got worse as time went on and her civilian life went downhill, it took 8 months for the old man (previous guardian of the miraculous and temporary mentor for 2 of the months) to become compromised and pass the roll onto her. And the first thing she did was take the ladybug miraculous back and erase the holders (Adrien Agreste her former friend) memories of being Mr.Bug.
The only problem with that was the battle Miracle queen where master fu (the old guardian man) was compromised, and so were all 8 of her temporary heroes except Viperion, holder of the snake miraculous, who had started to tour around the world with his farther Jagged Stone) this ment there were two consequences of taking The ladybug back, the first being she was now alone against two superpowered terrorists but also that she had to switch transformations at the end of a battle to be able to purify the Akuma and cast the miraculous cure to fix everything and yes that did include... resurrection of people who died in the cross fire.
Anyways, back to how Nettie is alone. Only a few weeks after the first attack, an exchange student transferred to the the newly dumbed Akuma class *sigh*. At first she seemed nice and had and was telling the class of her interesting life, her mother was a Italian diplomat and she’s traveled the world.
But Nettie had a bad gut feeling about Lila Rossi which unfortunately was correct. On her third day in the class she started gushing over how kitty noir aka Nettie dearest (obviously unknown to everyone else) saved her from and Akuma attack and they became “best friends”, to say Nettie was left speechless and confused at the lie is an understatement.
Regrettably Nettie was unable to prove her story was a lie because how would she know said superhero didn’t save her without revealing her secret identity.
But the girl carried on creating more and more outlandish claims, such as how she saved Jagged Stones cat on a jet runway (like come on seriously what airport would allow a CHILD of even a cat to run out onto the tarmac). But pointing this out was apparently a mistake which Nettie soon discovered in the girls bathroom after class. Lila sauntered in with a sickly sweet smile that was soon dropped when Nettie refused to give into this girls bullshit.
Hence she was pinned against the wall and threatened, that if she didn’t go along with lie-la’s lies she would lose everything she loved before leaving so she wasn’t caught. Not believing her Nettie continued to point out inconsistencies and facts that contradict her story’s but no matter how much proof was presented to the class lie-la was able to turn it around (meta theory coming into her head: maybe she wasn’t affected because of the miraculous magic) and plant the idea that Nettie was a bully into all her friends heads which apparently all share one brain cell ( or so she thought until Adrien confirmed he knew they were lies to but he was taking the ‘high road’ because nobody was getting hurt, it’s definitely not like lilas ruining all there future careers by promising favours and opportunity’s that will never come and convincing them they no longer need to put in any effort for their futures *insert eye-roll* ).
So life continued and her friends started to turn on little Nettie the scattered brained, clumsy girl who bent over backwards to protect and make sure they were all happy. It hurt more than words could describe the day Alya her BEST FRIEND led the class to turn their backs on her and declare they no longer want to be friends with a jealous bully anymore.
Luckily Nettie wasn’t akumatised but she came very close to it. The only things keeping her going were her duty to Paris and her family.
But as a consequence to that good luck, bad luck hit like a truck. She didn’t know for a few weeks until a guy named Jason called her parents to inform them that her favourite person in the whole world her amazing grandmother Gina had passed away in a accident somewhere in the United States. And if that wasn’t bad enough Lila also managed to place a seed of doubt in her parents around the same time. Life fucking sucked. She wasn’t able to process and grieve due to Hawkfuck still being around so instead she threw herself into creating her own business (NeTi Designs) doing commissions, did I mention she’s a talented fashion designer... no, well now you know. As well as diving head first into a very thorough investigation on mothfucker in between fighting Akuma, helping in the bakery, plus training and patrolling the city of lights for two hours each night.
Atleast she didn’t have to make excuses to not hang out with her ex-friends anymore heh heh *cough*.
Eventually this resulted in her parents questioning her on her disappearances from her room after randomly checking in one night while she was out patrolling and the conversation sort of went like this.
“Marinette, where have you been?! I just checked your balcony and you weren’t up their. It’s 2am” Sabine exclaimed when she dropped back onto her bed moments after detransforming. “Mamma I swear I was up there and I fell asleep in the corner near my pillows behind the deck chair. I just woke up from the cold and I thought I herd movement and panicked because ‘oh my gosh!’ Is it an Akuma but it wasn’t it was you mamma” Nettie responded with dramatic waving of her hands and a fake smile.
Sabine was NOT impressed and most certainly knew it was a lie but it was 2am and she couldn’t deal with this right now so she glared at her daughter whilst leaving her room through the trapdoor.
This continued for two weeks with both her parents randomly checking in. Nettie had to eventually relocate her research into a small apartment a few streets away from the library (which she paid for with commission money that nobody but her knew about especially since her business was doing well and she didn’t put it past her class to try and destroy that if they ever found out) and say she was studying to not be caught doing deep background checks on all her suspects, making files for every Akuma and tracking the butterfly’s on a app she created that has multiple resources available to the public ranging from an alert for attacks that can be activated all the way to videos she made in her hero persona showing things such as meditation or basic self defence that should only be used if they’re unable to get to a safe area away from the Akuma or to buy time to then get away depending on the powers of said Akuma. (Could also be useful in regular crimes like attempts at mugging)
This lead to longer disappearances to the point all her stuff that had any value to her or was related to business and miraculous matters (so basically everything) she was practically living there already. Not that she realised since she got maybe 5-6 hours of sleep and week? She was so enclosed in her little world when her parents decided they had enough (after multiple accusations of her sleeping around with older men and doing drugs (all tests came back negative because her choice of drug was caffeine) which where definitely lilas doing) her parents yelled at her to get out and never come back... so she did the only thing she had to grab where her pillows and fairy lights and she was out of the door, the situation was dubbed a future Nettie problem because ya know suppressing your emotions so the world doesn’t end.
(Authors note: I have plans on making this a series. Hope you guys like it 🙃)
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spookysweet-heart · 3 years
Request: No
Fandom: Battle Egos
Pairings: Battle Egos x Self insert
Warnings: NSFW, blood, cursing, gore, death of character.
A/N: Time to kick off October to a spooky start! Here part one, and two. this is part three of the on going Scream AU with the Battle Boys! hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Collage was made by me!  Edited by @semiproeagle!
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       Gale set the air mattress next to Riot’s bed, bringing in fresh blankets and pillows for the both of them. “Alright, remember the door stays open. If you need anything, our room is just down the hall, and the bathroom is right across from it.”
“Thanks, mom. We got it.” Riot closed one of the windows by his bed. “Hey, uh, do you mind if I close the curtains?”
Fluffing up one of the pillows, Kimberly looked over at him, shaking her head. “No, go ahead. I sleep better in the dark anyway. Light just makes me uncomfortable.”
“What are you? A vampire?” Riot giggled at his joke but quickly stopped when he saw his mom glare at him.
“Well, I’ll leave you two to get comfortable.” Gale smiles, walking out of the room, making sure to keep the door open as she walked down the hall.
“Your mom’s nice.” Kimberly sat down on Riot’s bed. Crossing her legs, she watched him make the bed he’d be using.
“Yeah well, you haven’t seen her get angry yet. Just you wait, my mom can be a real bitch when she wants to be.” Riot looked up at her, his eyes landing on her blood-stained shirt. “I feel like you could use a clean shirt to sleep in. I don’t think you wanna sleep in that, do you?”
Looking down at her clothes, Kimberly only shrugged. “Yeah, but I didn’t exactly plan on almost being murdered on my first night here.”
Riot walked over to his dresser and pulled out some of his clothes. He tossed them over to her, giving her a sympathetic smile. “You can use mine. I’ll um- I’m gonna go shower. You can change in here and leave your clothes with my mom. She can wash them for you.”
“You know, you don’t have to do this-”
Riot interrupts her before she can finish. “I want to. I don’t want you to feel like you should push yourself away from us when we can help.”
“Help?” Raising an eyebrow at him, she leaned in a bit. “Help with what exactly?”
“Y-you know, making friends...feeling comfortable with us when everyone’s probably going to be pointing fingers at you tomorrow.” Gathering his things, Riot quickly made his way to the door. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make it sound bad. But it’s just...Lexi and I went through all that in middle school and the beginning of high school. I just don't want it to happen to someone else who’s in our position.”
“I can handle it myself, I always have. But thanks...I’m sorry. I’m just not used to people being...kind? I guess. Not many have been throughout my life.”
“I get it. Well, uh, yeah I’m gonna go shower. If you need anything, you know where my mom is.” Heading to the bathroom, Riot glanced into his mom’s room, seeing she was on the phone, probably talking to his dad. Getting into the bathroom, he locked the door before taking out his phone and sending a text to a group chat with Mare and Bones. ‘Is the camera working?’
Mare was the one to reply first. ‘Up and running.’
Bones replied right after. ‘Guys, why the fuck are you setting up a camera in Riot's room?’
‘Kimberly’s sleeping in there, duh.’
‘Mare is this just so you can see her undress?!?!’
‘Bones, don’t act so shocked, it’s Mare.’
‘And you’re helping him do it Riot, what the fuck!’
‘Hey, he gave me $40 to do this. Besides, it’s harmless. It’s not like he’s getting full nudity.’
‘PG-13 at best, Bones. Just enjoy it.’
‘No thanks, I might not trust her, but I’m not gonna be a perv towards her.’
Riot rolled his eyes and left the chat alone while he got ready to shower.
While carefully taking off her shirt, Kimberly looked at her bandaged-up arm, seeing red spots from underneath where the blood seeped through. Sighing, she looked down at the shirt Riot gave her, but before she could put it on, she looked around the room, feeling uncomfortable. “You’re in a stranger’s room, of course, you're feeling uncomfortable.” Feeling the strap of her bra start to slide down her shoulder, she picked it up quickly with her good arm, not wanting to risk him walking back into the room if he forgot something. After pulling on the shirt as fast as she could, she folded her clothes and took them with her down the hall.
Standing in the doorway, she was about to make her presence known until she saw Gale was on the phone. 
Looking out her window, Gale sighed, feeling exhausted. “Are you sure? Well, what are we going to do? We can’t let her go back there. The girls went through enough already. Yeah no, I know that Dewey. We’ll talk more when you get home. I’m just glad you’re okay. Love you too.” Ending the call, Gale turned around and tossed her phone onto the bed, only to be startled when she realized Kimberly was standing in the doorway. “Jesus fucking Christ how long have you just been standing there?!”
“Um, just now?” Kimberly nervously looked at her clothes before looking up at Gale. “I’m sorry I startled you, but Riot said I could leave my clothes with you to wash.”
“Right, I’ll take them. You go get some rest.” Gale walked over to take the clothes from her hands and noticed her arm. “I’m going to have to wake you up a bit earlier to look at your arm. That okay?”
“Yeah, of course. Thanks again for letting me stay the night.” Handing her the clothes, Kimberly made her way back down the hall to Riot’s room. Sitting back down on the bed, she looked around the room at the movie posters he had on his walls. A lot of them were your standard horror movies like Halloween, Friday The 13th, Night Of The Living Dead, but one stood out from the bunch. A poster from the first Stab movie was hung by one of the windows.
“Why does he have this one?”
“Maybe because I like the movie?” Quickly turning to look in the direction of the door, Kimberly saw Riot walking towards the bed. “Might be fucked up for liking something that happened to my parents, but it was interesting to see.”
“You think that's interesting? I think that's disturbing.”
“So movies based on true events are only interesting to you when they aren’t directly based on something close to home?” 
Kimberly leaned away when Riot leaned in, his hair still wet from the shower. Moving her hand away from him when she felt the drops of water land on the back of her hand, she wiped it off on her shirt. “Yeah, when your brother was the real villain, that tends to do that to you.”
“Oh, c’mon, you can’t tell me you weren’t just a bit curious about him.” Riot sat next to her on the bed, almost shoulder to shoulder despite all the space he had.
“Never, since my dad wouldn’t stop talking about him, comparing me to him nonstop, showing me those articles when I was a kid. That shit changes your perspective.”
“Yeah, but have you ever thought about doing what he and Stu did?”
Shoving a pillow into his face, she made him fall onto the air mattress. “Shut up and go to sleep. You have no fucking right to ask that kind of shit. What’s gotten into you?”
“Hey, I was just kidding. Seriously, that movie is only interesting to me 'cause the acting is so over the top, it’s hilarious. But I did get you going with that act, didn’t I?” Riot had a goofy smile on his face while tossing the pillow back.
Kimberly rolled her eyes at him, getting comfortable in bed as she faced him while laying down on her side. “You’re fucking weird, you know that?”
“I was just trying to be funny.” Riot sat up and stretched a bit. “Lights off?”
“Yeah. Night.” Taking off her glasses, she put them down on the bedside table.
Turning off the light, Riot glanced over in the direction of the hidden camera. Reaching for one of his books, he leaned it against the camera, blocking the view of his bed before getting comfortable.
Back at the Prescott house, Lexi and Sidney were laying in Sidney’s bed. Lexi rested her head against her mom’s chest, just barely being able to keep herself awake any longer. 
“How do you know they won’t come back?”
Sidney gently pats down some of Lexi’s hair, holding her closer as she kissed the top of her head. “I’m not so sure, but it’s something I can handle if they do. I’m sorry this is happening to you.”
Lexi hugged Sidney back, being careful of her arm. “This isn’t your fault, mom. No one could’ve predicted this would happen again."
“I know, but you shouldn’t have to go through this.”
“Well, I’m in it, and there’s nothing we can do about it but fight back, right? I’ll be fine, though. I have the strongest woman in Woodsboro by my side.” Lexi sleepily smiled up at Sidney.
“Alright, kiddo, get some rest. Are you sure you’re up to going to school tomorrow?”
“Yeah, I’m sure. I know things will be fine there, at least.” 
“Alright. Goodnight, sweetheart.”
“Goodnight…” Sidney stretched her free arm out to turn off the bedside lamp before falling asleep, watching the blue and red lights shine into her bedroom from the window near her bed.
Sitting at the kitchen table, Riot worked on the last few problems from his math homework while Gale finished rebandaging Kimberly’s arm. 
Dewey walked in, immediately going to fill a mug with coffee. Looking over at Gale and Kimberly, he finished filling up his mug and walked over to the table, setting his mug down. Nervously clearing his throat, he gains everyone's attention.
"Kimberly, there's some news that I have to inform you about."
"What is it?" Checking her arm to make sure the gauze was secure, she looked up at Dewey.
Dewey took a deep breath in before continuing. "It's about your godmother, Nancy. I'm sorry to tell you this after what happened last night, but she's dead. We found her body last night."
Kimberly's eyes grew wide in shock before she shook her head at Dewey. "No, I was just with her yesterday morning!"
"I know this is a lot to take in. Gale and I will be here with you, and you can stay with us-"
"Did that creep do this to her?! Did he kill her?!" Her eyes looked glossy as tears started to well up.
Dewey stuttered for a moment. "I- well- we suspect that might've been the same person because I got a call from them just before discovering the body…"
"I can't fucking believe this!" Slamming her hand against the table made Riot and Gale jump in their seats.
"Honey, it's going to be okay, we'll be here-"
Riot quickly closed his book and shoved it in his backpack. "I think we should leave. I still have to pick up Lexi and Phantom. Let's go, Kimberly." Taking her hand, he led her away from his parents and out of the house before they could say anything else to her.
Getting in the car’s passenger seat, Kimberly hit the dashboard in frustration.
“Hey! I get you’re going through it right now, but don't try to take it out on my car, I just got it.” Riot closed his door when he got into the car. Looking over at her, he started to feel bad seeing her start to cry. 
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that.” Taking a deep breath in and out, she wiped her tears away with the back of her hand. “It’s just...she was all I had left of a family.”
“I’m sorry.” Riot sighs as he starts the car. “Do you want some coffee? Or anything to eat? We can stop by and get something real quick. My treat.”
Shaking her head, she just silently put on her seat belt. “It’s fine, I’m okay. If you wanna get something for yourself, you should.”
“You know what, I’m still getting you something. I don’t care if you say you’re fine. You need a little distraction right now.” Backing out of the driveway, Riot headed to the nearest cafe to get the group some drinks and breakfast before heading to pick them up.
Lexi grabbed her backpack from the couch, checking that she had everything she needed for the day. 
Sidney walked into the living room. Picking up the remote, she turned on the tv, leaving it on the morning news. “Have everything?”
“Yup.” Hearing her phone go off, she checked it and saw a text from Phantom, letting her know he was waiting outside. “Are you going to be okay here alone?”
“I’m not staying home today. I’m meeting Gale and Dewey in a bit. Are you fine having dinner at their place tonight?”
“Yeah, sure. You’re going to be there too, right?” Adjusting her bag, Lexi heard her phone go off again.
“Of course I’ll be there.” Sidney brought Lexi in for a tight hug before letting her go out the door. “Stay safe and call me or Dewey right away if you need us."
“I will. See you later!” Walking out of her house, Lexi saw Phantom standing by the end of the driveway.
Phantom smiled when she made her way to him. Taking a hold of her hand he leaned in, kissing her. 
Lexi smiled into the kiss before pulling away and kissing his cheek. “How’d you sleep last night?”
“On and off, I was too worried about you. How about you?” Phantom rubbed small circles on the back of her hand with his thumb.
“I slept, but not much. I was way too anxious last night.”
“No kidding.” Giving her hand a gentle squeeze, Phantom leaned down and kissed the top of her head. “I’ll be here for you though, no matter what happens.” Hearing his phone go off, Phantom took it out of his pocket to check the notification. “It’s Riot.”
“What’d he say? Is he close by?” Lexi rested her head against Phantom’s chest.
“He’s asking if we want anything from the cafe.”
Humming in response, Lexi wrapped an arm around Phantom's waist. “A muffin sounds good right now. Can you tell him he can get any kind?”
“Sure thing, babe.” Phantom smiled down at her before replying to Riot with their orders. Before he can put his phone away, he saw another text from him pop up. “Oh...shit.”
Lexi felt his body tense up a bit. “What’s wrong?”
Quickly replying to the message, Phantom put his phone away. “I feel like an even bigger asshole after last night. Riot’s dad told them they found Kimberly’s godmother dead last night, so she’s not doing so well right now.”
“Oh no, and she's going to school? She should’ve stayed home- fuck, she probably didn’t have a choice. What kind of fucked up shit is that. First her dad, and now her godmother.”
“She’s in our group now, and as much as most of us aren’t too excited about that, she’s also a victim till hopefully not proven otherwise. We can look after her, but we still need to be careful.”
“I think you and your brothers have seen too many scary movies. She’s harmless.”
“I hope you’re right…” Gently rubbing her back, Phantom rested his head on hers. “How’s your arm doing?”
“Sore, but better than last night. I can at least bend my wrist without it hurting much anymore.”
“Good. You sure you wanna go to school today?”
“You’re starting to sound like my mom.” Playfully rolling her eyes at him, she pulled away from his hold. “I’m alright. I wanna go. I don’t care what anyone is going to say if they have anything to say.”
Both turn in the direction of a car coming by when they hear it honking at them. “Looks like they’re here.”
Getting into the car, Riot immediately handed them their things after they got settled in. “Here you two go!”
Lexi smiled, taking the bag from him. “Thank you!”
“Thanks.” Phantom took the last coffee in the cup holder and carefully blew away some steam to take a sip. Glancing over at Kimberly, Phantom cleared his throat, putting the cup in one of the cup holders. “Um, Kimberly?”
Looking back at him, she tilted her head. “Yeah?”
“I’m sorry about last night. I didn’t mean what I said. It was uncalled for.”
Kimberly shook her head and looked back out her window. “It’s fine.”
“It’s not, I accused you of attempted murder when you were also attacked.”
“Look, you were scared. I get it. Just forget about it, I forgive you anyway. You were looking out for the person you care about the most. I’d do the same out of fear and protection.”
Lexi and Phantom shared a look before Lexi spoke up. “Um, we heard what happened and we want you to know we’re here if you need us. You know, for anything. We’re in this together.”
Kimberly just stayed silent for a moment. The only thing they heard was a barely audible ‘Thanks’.
Rose, Jem, Ebony were standing by Lexi’s locker. The three of them shared a worried look when they searched the hallway for the rest of their group. Bones made his way to them when he walked out of the restroom. 
“Still not here yet?” He leaned against one of the lockers, looking in the direction of the front doors.
Jem shook their head, looking over at Bones. “Where’s Mare? Running late again?”
“Oh yeah, he had to go with Natpai to talk to his teacher. Had to clear up that he was sick and lost his voice, so he's asking them if Natpai could take the tests he missed while he was out.”
Jem nodded and turned their attention back to the front doors when they heard people whispering as they passed by the group.
Spotting their friends, the group made their way to Riot and Lexi, immediately engulfing them in a group hug. 
Rose pulled away first, looking worried. “How are you guys holding up?”
Lexi shrugged while adjusting the strap of her bag. “I’m alright, just a few scratches here and there. Nothing serious.”
“I wasn’t the one who was attacked, so I’m fine.” Riot’s eyes followed Kimberly, watching her walk away from the group, heading to her locker.
The rest of the group heard the crowd whisper again when they passed by, their eyes all landing on Lexi and Riot. 
Sharing a look, they both sighed, already feeling tired with the day. Whispers turned completely silent when a scream echoed through the hall. All eyes were on Kimberly who was sitting on the floor after falling back when something fell from her locker. There in front of her feet was a Ghostface mask and fake knife. 
Looking around the hall, Kimberly’s eyes landed on the group, but before any of them could go up to help her, two sets of screams could be heard from the end of the hall. Looking in that direction, everyone saw two people running down the hall in full costume screaming as they passed by. 
One of them almost got in Lexi’s face, but Phantom quickly grabbed her, holding her against his chest.
Riot took a step back when the other person almost bumped right into him.
“Jesus fucking Christ, what's wrong with these idiots?” Rose watched the two masked pranksters disappear out the double doors
Ebony looked over at Lexi who was shaking a little. “You okay?”
“Y-Yeah just...shaken up is all.” Letting herself relax into Phantom, she took one of his hands. He gently squeezed her hand reassuringly and kissed the top of her head. 
Bones looked over in Kimberly’s direction, noticing Mare helping her up and leading her away from her locker. “Where the fuck are they going?”
Riot and Rose both looked at Bones, catching him talking to himself. Rose was about to ask what he was talking about till she saw Mare turn the corner with his arm around Kimberly’s shoulders.
“When did they get all friendly?” Rose crossed her arms in front of her chest, not happy with what she saw.
“Mare just has a way with women. Not surprising since she hardly knows him.” Ebony leaned back against the wall, looking over at the mask and knife still on the floor.
“She was probably talking to him since she got here. She’s just a slut wanting attention since no one can give it to her now.”
“Hey!” Phantom raised his voice at them, his expression turning serious from the soft look he had just a few seconds ago. “How the fuck can you say something like that? Don’t assume shit or spread rumors around like that. Especially now when people are dying around us. Mare’s just comforting her, that's it.”
“So what, now you’re on her side?! She’s a Loomis, Phantom! She can’t be trusted!” Rose stepped forward, but she was interrupted by the bell ringing.
“We’ll talk during lunch, this isn’t something we should be arguing about.” Phantom took Lexi’s hand, starting to lead her away and walk her to class.
Riot and Ebony looked at Rose before they also started to leave for their classes as well. Riot adjusted his backpack and looked back at Rose as they carefully walked backward. “You know, jealousy is not a good look on you.” Turning around, they caught up with Ebony, leaving Rose standing in the almost empty hallway.
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acewlwtoast · 3 years
Sonntag 13:28
this is gonna be a long one
OKAY so I’m doing another one of these. They’re obviously in high demand lmao. Also watch me saying I can’t say anything bout this clip cos it’s already perfect, and then still writing a 900+ word post (insert clown here)
ANYWAYS HERE YA GO this is about the Kieutou date clip. I honestly owe Druck my life for this.
Fatou is EARLY and she looks so nervous sjdjjsjdh
they're both so nervous and awkward i love my disaster children
Once again HEIGHT DIFFERENCE (i will never be over that)
Kieu My, why you walking away so fast, this isn't a race
And Fatou running after her and walking next to her i-
The tension in that blue room is SO PALPABLE
Kieu My pretending to take notes for physics, girl we know you aren't good at being subtle
Fatou looks almost sad like she's feeling ignored again?? Bebi.
Kieu My coming up from behind her like i don't wanna say anything but that's hot ngl
Like two stars gravitating towards each other they will be the death of me 
Gay stares™
H A N D S i need more hands tbh #LetKieutouHoldHands2k21
Those stares....this is even worse than on horror-night
Kieu My why you so nervous, you both know why ur here
i don't even need to talk about the perfect metaphor of stars inevitably colliding, like these two are literally soulmates
Kieu My trying to get herself to talk to Fatou akjfhkadslj my girls are trying okay?
She starts talking and suddenly sounds so confident, beginning something is always the hardest
She's literally panicking and geeking out about her space stuff
Fatou got her girl tho. Not only does she make sure Kieu My knows she isn't boring her, but also continues to talk about the thing she knows Kieu My is obsessed with
actual girlfriends
Kieu My actually looks so perplexed when Fatou is interested in her rambling, you really found the right girl.
Like, who has ever asked her about her interests, and THEN also actually listened and cared?
The way Kieu My's looking at her like girlie is in love
“I think it's crazy that everything happened the way it did.” Fatou. You are such a dork and i love you. Also you’re right.
Kieu My looking at her lips so many times before finally kissing her
AAAAH again, the metaphor of stars colliding 
with the red star symbolising Fatou's warmth, and the blue star being a metaphor for Kieu My ice queen persona? (I've heard this theory from Vic in our discord server :))
-> creating a new galaxy that is their relationship
“Ich wollt dich jetzt nicht weiter verwirren/I didn’t want to further confuse you” - “mich oder dich?/me or you?” The fact that fatou can already read her so well
She's smiling at her like "that's my dumbass" and mirroring her posture
Fatou just knows Kieu My needs someone to talk it out, someone who understands her
Kieu My said she's bi out loud, i love that!
Kieu my feeling safe enough to tell this all
Sharing insecurities, we love to see it
She's looking for reassurance that she doesn't sound dumb, that her feelings are valid! And Fatou's just like, yeah i got you. Those two istg
“Ich wollte eigentlich richtig, richtig gutes Abi machen. Ohne Ablenkung/I actually wanted to get a really really good Abi. Without distractions” WITHOUT DISTRACTIONS WELL BITCH YOU DONE FUCKED UP YOU TWO HAD TO HAPPEN SOONER OR LATER
they are so adorable
“Ich würd voll gern Astrophysik studieren./I would love to study Astrophysics.” Can everyone just say thank you to Nhungi for proposing Kieu My being obsessed with astronomy? Cos it's honestly so amazing.
She didn't say anything about her parents directly pressuring her, but more like she feels she has to do great things with the opportunities she's been given. Similar to Fatou.
“München ist voll weit weg/Munich is really far away.” So few words, so many feelings.
*Look, I honestly thought that song was the beginning of Soulmate by Natasha Bedingfield like IMAGINE
just lying in solidarity.
ANOTHER INSTANCE of me thinking the clip would end there and Druck just continuing and adding another 20 years to my life (which i will spend further obsessing over this ship)
They're just really out here on the streets like this. My heart is so full.
Suddenly, conversation seems easy, effortless?
They're actually learning more about each other it warms my heart
The close your eyes thing- I don't really have to say more, those two are just amazing.
Also Kieu My being smooth for once in her life you go girl
And they're playing Can't Help Falling in Love like Druck you're SERVING today
Fatou finds Kieu My so adorable when speaking vietnamese like GURL SAME
Also the things Kieu My says in vietnamese, i know i say dork a lot but LOOK AT THEM
Also Fatou having to constantly stand on the stairs to be on kinda the same height as Kieu My, I will never shut up about the height difference
ASKING BOUT THE BIRTHMARK and Kieu My like seriously answering the question SOULMATES
i have been waiting for a Kieutou hug for forever, thank you for giving me life
Who needs a cuddle clip (okay i still want one) when you can have your otp hugging and holding each other like this
These nerds just be pointing at the sky. They're perfect.
There you go, this is a LOT. Honestly, everyone who made it this far....respect.
Please touch me I'm lonely
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misslilli · 3 years
Felix Felicis
MSR. AU. PG-13. | tagging @today-in-fic | read on AO3
Chapter 21 - The Halloween Fair
[ DS ]
On the afternoon of the Halloween fair, I take out the costume that Miss Hannigan picked out for me from the closet. Ever since I’ve got it, I’m beyond excited to wear it. It’s a black low-cut shirt, a white, checkered suit with a blazer that ties at the waist and a flaring skirt. As I put on the blonde wig and the black beret, I turn to the mirror channeling my best inner Faye Dunaway and say to myself in a breathy, southern lilt: “My, my, don’t you just look dandy, Miss Bonnie Parker!”
My friends have been roped into manning the booths of the fair and somehow, I’ve slipped under the town people’s radars, which leaves me able to roam around the fair, albeit alone. Since I’ve known most people in this town ever since I was little, I’m never actually alone at these happenings, people tend to just pull me into their conversation as I walk by. But as luck will have it, as I’m rounding one of the booths of the fair, I find myself face to face with the one person I had secretly hoped to see.
He’s wearing a brown tweed suit with a matching waistcoat and over the white collared shirt he’s tied an emerald green tie. Perched on his head is a white fedora. ‘Shit. He’s Clyde. What the fuck?’
We stop in our tracks and stare at each other for a moment, taking in our respective costumes. He’s the first one to regain his ability to speak.
“Hey Bonnie, the laws are outside, they’re blockin’ the driveway!” His Warren Beatty impression is perfect right down to the Texan drawl. ‘God help me…’
“Gosh, I hope you’ve parked the getaway car around the corner, Clyde!” I’m putting on my best Faye Dunaway impression again as I add a wink to my statement and just continue to walk past him. My heart thumping hard against my chest betrays my cool exterior, but that’s my secret and my secret alone.
[ FM ]
When we finally get to the Halloween fair that Felix has roped me into, dressed up in a costume I didn’t even pick myself. We trail the grounds together and we’re drawn to the candy apple booth. Well actually, Felix draws us to this exact booth, the little sneak, but I can’t resist his pout and pleading eyes, so we end up getting an apple each. Munching away happily, his mouth full, he asks the question I’ve been too scared to ask myself: “Hey dad, do you think Miss Scully is here too with her friends?” I hope she is, if only to see what kind of costume she has picked out for herself, but I can’t tell Felix that. Instead, I just shrug and we continue our stroll across the town square.
When we round another booth, we both stop in our tracks as we see a blonde woman appear before us , dressed in a checkered suit and a beret on her head. ‘Bonnie. She’s the freakin’ Bonnie to your Clyde. Your sidekick. No, your partner in crime. The woman you love. In the movie of course. Insert awkward cough.’.
Felix is oblivious of course, he hasn’t seen the movies and I doubt he even knows what my costume is, let alone Miss Scully’s. I scrape together the last braincells that are left in my head and a stupid movie quote is the only thing I can think of at this moment.
“Hey Bonnie, the laws are outside, they’re blockin’ the driveway!” The retort she gives me combined with her wink render me speechless until she’s well past me and Felix, mingling with the small crowd that welcomes her into their midst just a few feet away from us.
Felix does the thing I wish I could bring myself to do, staring at her retreating form in wonder and he also speaks the words that have sprung to my own mind.
[ DS ]
Countless conversations later and a little tipsy on the delicious apple cider they always serve at the Halloween fair, I wander along the booths when I hear a voice I haven’t heard in over a year. And could’ve gone forever not hearing again. It’s my ex-whatever Steve, talking to one of his friends.
I’m hidden pretty well in the crowd of people due to my shortness but I can still catch flashes of their conversation. When I hear my name, I stop, straining my ears.
“Dana? Oh God, no. She’s not even close to being a serious contender for a relationship.” I wince at his statement as well as the tone of his voice. “She’s just always there, you know? Like a well trained Golden Retriever, I say the word and she comes running. Such an easy lay!” When they share a laugh I can feel the flush of shame and anger crawl up my neck.
The situation he describes is exactly what I’ve spent countless hours in therapy getting over. But what he says next really drives a stake through my heart. “It’s so pathetic, but if it’s what I have to do to get laid, whatever. She’s even dirtier in bed than any hot teacher fantasy you could ever imagine and what they say about good Catholic girls is very, very accurate, if you know what I mean!”
If he weren’t the demon I have to face every time I try to get over my past, I would’ve revealed myself and give his ass a good kicking for talking about me the way he has. But not knowing how I’ll react to being face-to-face with him, I stay hidden behind a group of mummies and zombies like a fucking coward.
I’m so furious with him and myself for not being able to stand up to him. Where the hell are my friends when I need them? I haven’t seen them all evening and I could really use their company to talk some sense into me. Since they’re nowhere to be found, I head towards the bar set up in the back and slide onto a stool, ordering a shot of Tequila. ‘Fuck it! That low-life is not even worth your time of day!’
On the surface, I’m so angry I want to set this whole damn place on fire, but deep down, the past hurt resurfaces to join the hurt from his words I just heard.
By the time I’ve downed my second shot, I’ve repeated the mantra that I’m a strong woman who’s better off without men in my head about a thousand times. I see someone slide onto the stool next to me out of the corner of my eye as I order another shot of Tequila to keep the two empty glasses in front of me company.
“A third shot of Tequila is just asking for trouble, if you ask me.” I turn my head slowly towards my bar-mate to tell him exactly where to shove his smart-ass remark when I’m faced with my supposed partner in crime, the charming one with the disarmingly innocent smile on his stupid face. I’m staring him down defiantly, my eyes never leaving his while the bartender places my glass in front of me and I grab it, downing it in a swift motion, daring him in my mind to say anything else. He doesn’t comment, good for him, and orders a shot for himself, just raising his glass silently and I clink it with my empty one – I’m tipsy, not insane, chasing one shot with another.
We’re staring straight ahead during our conversation, turning our glasses over and over between our fingers.
“Which guy seems to be the problem and how many rounds of ammo do I need to take him out?,” he asks after minutes of silence. I want to lean into him for just assuming that it’s a man that has me sitting here seething, but unfortunately, he’s right. This one time.
“How many rounds you got?” He scoffs at that.
“Plenty. And I know of exactly eleven ways to get rid of a body without raising suspicion.”
“And here I was thinking the FBI frowned upon their employees giving out top-level secrets on how to hide away evidence of a crime committed.”
“I’m not going to tell you, I wouldn’t want you to be held in contempt of Congress when questioned.”
“How do you know I wouldn’t rat you out when questioned by Congress?”
“Just a hunch… Talk to me, Red. What happened tonight?” He turns towards me and I can feel his gaze dancing over the skin of my face.
“You really want to know? Well, turns out the asshole of an ex of mine decided that today might be the perfect time to make an encore appearance in my life and reminded me again why I should’ve kicked him to the curb a long time ago instead of hoping I could change him.” Looking down at the bar, I trace my finger through the condensation drops, my anger slowly dissipating and my voice growing more and more quiet. “I heard him say some pretty awful things about me tonight.”
I relax into his hand when he places it comfortingly on my back, right between my shoulder blades, and huff out a sigh. “I’m sorry.,” is the only thing he says, but doesn’t add anything else, giving me the choice if I wanted to elaborate or not.
“What I witnessed today was the way he’s always been but I just couldn’t see through the masquerade of the sweet guy, he was so kind and said all the right things and he quite literally wooed the pants off me from the get-go.”
“Love bombing.” ‘Oh yeah, I forgot, you’re a profiler. You probably already got one worked out for me, trust-issues, anxious attachment style, possibly daddy issues, in short, a hot mess. Avoid at all costs.’
“Pretty much, yeah. And I was stupid enough to believe it.” I raise my hand to call over the bartender for another round.
“You’re not stupid. It’s hard to tell the difference between genuine interest and love bombing in the beginning.” ‘Yeah, no shit Sherlock. It’s exactly why I’m sitting here torn between wanting you to make a pass at me and being absolutely terrified that you actually will.’
“How about we pass on the shots and get some water instead before calling it a night?”
“I think that’s probably a good idea, Mr. Mulder!”
“You know, after tonight, what do you say we just drop the Mister?” I nods slowly, pursing my lips.
“So just Fox?” He makes a pained face.
“No, please don’t. Just Mulder is fine.”
“Mh-hm. I guess since we’re dropping the titles, that that makes me Scully? Little odd, but alright!”
We get the check and argue back and forth about who gets to pay, him putting an end to it with a firm “Will you give it a rest, you’ll get to pick up the next check!”.
In my attempt to slide off the barstool gracefully despite three tequila shots, my heel catches onto the rail at the bottom and I stumble over the stool, knocking it over in the process. I have only his quick reflexes to thank that I don’t follow suit, his arms catching me around my waist and pulling me upright again.
He has the audacity to laugh, the bastard, and I’m beyond mortified. “Easy there, partner! Do you need a ride home? Felix is at a pajama party at his friend Suzie’s house, so I’m free to be your pumpkin carriage for tonight.” ‘NO! Yes? No. Get your hands off me. Don’t let go just yet.’
I’m so confused at the tug of war in my fuzzy head but I hate getting a cab alone and I’m in heels on top of being tipsy, I don’t want to walk home alone at night.
As we walk out, his hand finds his way to the small of my back guiding me through the crowds while making sure I don’t stumble again.
On the drive to the beach house, I manage not to fall asleep despite how tired I feel, too afraid of snoring or, God forbid, drooling onto myself. His hands find my back again guiding me up the stairs to the front door and I turn to face him at the top, even more nervous.
“Thanks for the ride, Mulder. And for listening.”
“Anytime, Scully. Good night!”
When he leans in, I start to panic that this is it and I think it shows on my face, because he only kisses my cheek, just like I did after the birthday party before getting back in the car and heading home. I can’t decide if I’m relieved or disappointed.
I can’t ignore the flutter of excitement every time his hands land anywhere on my body but what I will absolutely deny, even to myself, is the way my heart constricts in my chest when he gazes at me that way and the sense of comfort that settles over me when we’re together.
Bodily reactions I can deal with, it’s when it comes to emotions is where it gets scary.
I just don’t think my heart can survive another Steve.
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makeste · 4 years
Previously on BnHA: Tomura, AFO, Deku, and Nana all met up inside of OFA and were all, “wow this is awkward.” AFO talked a whole bunch about vestiges before realizing that nobody cared (EXCEPT FOR ME. I CARED!!), and was then all “anyway so just to get everyone up to speed here, Tomura is Nana’s grandson.” OFA appeared and was all “what up bro I see you’re still a dick”, and then everyone stood around for a bit waging psychokinetic war on each other and blowing up on the ground and shit. This didn’t really accomplish anything, so AFO shifted gears and started trash talking Deku instead, because he’s a whiny little punkass loser who can’t admit when his brother has gotten the best of him yet again! OFA was all “anyways Deku rules and haters gonna hate, peace”, and then everyone wooshed back out of OFA and back into the real world, Deku with his quirk still intact. Meanwhile Gigantomachia and the LoV stampeded ever closer to the city, and Toga started monologuing in preparation for a seemingly inevitable battle with Ochako! And then the chapter basically just ended there lol.
Today on BnHA: Imagine you are Uraraka Ochako. And you’re out here doing what you do best, saving bitches and being a badass, when all of a sudden some old lady runs up to you and is all “PLEASE HELP ME, MY HUSBAND IS ASLEEP OR SOME SHIT, YOU KNOW US OLD PEOPLE, WE’RE SO FUCKING FEEBLE AND HAPLESS.” And so you’re all “OF COURSE” because you’re a good fucking person, and then she speeds off like she’s got fucking wheels and it’s like damn, grandma, were you in varsity track or what, and then OUT OF NOWHERE she just spontaneously turns into HIMIKO FUCKING TOGA. And she’s all naked and shit, and it’s like damn, Toga, where are your clothes, and she just giggles and ducks into a nearby building. And so you follow her for god knows what reason, and she fucking pounces on you and starts interrogating you in like the most seductive way possible, and you’re all wtf is this. Like, can you even imagine. Anyway so Ochako is having quite a day.
okay lol so I’ve gotta kind of rush through this since I’ve got other stuff I need to wrap up today as well, so! fingers crossed that we get a nice, simple chapter with no controversies or elaborate revelations or anything like that! just give me lots of stuff to mindlessly keysmash about, Horikoshi. I’m counting on you bro
lol what
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an actual fucking plane?? is that allowed?? how bizarrely normal. are we sure this plane does not shoot lasers or something or is powered by someone with like a fusion reactor quirk idk
and who tf is Takeo-san. some random guy Horikoshi is suddenly introducing after 300 chapters to come save everyone at the last minute? pretty sus. Horikoshi is this your self insert
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NO WAY THIS IS ALL MIGHT, RIGHT?? holy shit I swear to god if it’s All Might this lady needs to TURN THE FUCK AROUND RIGHT NOW. stop at McDonalds, order a black coffee for herself and only herself, and drive the rest of the way back home without so much as a bathroom break. there are certain prophecies which we don’t need to be tempting right now, okay people?? holy shit
(ETA: OR, here’s a thought, WHAT IF IT’S BEST JEANIST. hope springs eternal lmao. anyways though surely it’s not actually All Might. he can’t die yet, he’s got like 5 million secret things he needs to explain to Deku, and also Kacchan is unconscious and he can’t just SLEEP RIGHT THROUGH ALL MIGHT’S DEATH like come on.)
oh look more heroes all lining up to be slaughtered by Machia
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real talk, at this point their priority should just be evacuating any citizens in Machia’s path, and then getting the fuck out of his way. none of them stand a chance in hell at stopping him and they know it. the body count is already high enough as it is. regroup and live to fight another day, people
anyway, so Machia is apparently plowing through cities at 100km per hour. that... actually might not be fast enough. Gunga and Jakku were 80km apart, so at that rate it would take him nearly an hour to reach Tomura. that fight’s gonna be long done by the time they get there. huh
okay these guys are saying he’s going to reach them in about 8 minutes. ?? so are you telling me Tomura and Deku and the rest have been fighting for like 40 minutes already?? lmao Gran probably bled to death half an hour ago at this rate. Horikoshi please explain yourself. some of us spent our entire childhoods doodling comics instead of paying attention in math and science AND IT SHOWS
anyway so this is all very bad and this guy is really rubbing it in just how bad it is
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I mean... yeah. obviously the villains are still to blame at the core of it all, but yeah. feels like you all could have planned a hell of a lot better for this. you knew there was the risk of Tomura waking up, and you knew there was also the risk of Gigantomachia waking up as well. and you pretty much had no contingency plan at all huh. society is really gonna be in shambles after this
lmao look at this shit. Machia is so big at this point that it looks like they’re having a picnic in the middle of some desert somewhere. at what point does it cease being a guy’s back and start being its own zip code
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even has its own wifi. amazing
oh shit Compress apparently spotted someone and he’s asking Skeptic to “zoom and enhance” like it’s CS fucking I. that’s not how it works Compress you fucking boomer
anyway so OF COURSE,
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was there a reason you needed to zoom in on them, other than to trigger Toga?? some people just want to watch the world burn
so Toga is now GEARIN’ UP!!
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that honestly is so fucking handy. over at U.A. they have to carry their gear in briefcases like scrubs. does Compress actually have the best quirk in the world?? it flies under the radar so well that I always forget about it, but like WHAT CAN’T IT DO though, y’know??
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“oh hey is that the U.A. kids? Skeptic could you please zoom in on them for absolutely no reason? OH MY GOD TOGA IS RUNNING OFF TO FIGHT THEM, OH MY GOD WHO COULD HAVE FORESEEN, OH MY GOD”
now he’s all “DABI PLEASE DO SOMETHING” but Dabi is all “DABI DON’T CARE”
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Dabi don’t care about NOTHING OR NO ONE!! Dabi don’t got time for this
lmao I literally forgot that Spinner was even there, shit
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so are you gonna go with her then or not? because I got news for you dude, it doesn’t matter how heartwarming your speech is, nothing can stop this girl now that she’s gone full distracted boyfriend meme
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Spinner is the glue keeping this dysfunctional Addams family together honestly. too bad he couldn’t stop Compress from OPENING HIS BIG DUMB MOUTH ah well
lmao but he’s letting her go anyway though
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Spinner for new LoV President. all in favor??
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“PLEASE RUN OUTSIDE OF THE VILLAIN’S PERIPHERY” well thank fucking god the people have you guys to guide them what would they even do without you lklkhlkds
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“sorry for SAVING YOUR LIFE” smh. anyway so how fucking badass is Ochako though?? can we just talk about this. THE GIRL POWER ARC STRIKES AGAIN hot damn
(ETA: and btw, seeing as Iida is nowhere to be found, I’d say odds are pretty good that they did in fact send him to go warn the Endeavorsquad of Gigantomachia’s imminent arrival. godspeed Iida! they need all the help they can get right now honestly.)
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damn Toga you really drained some poor old lady’s blood just so you could pull this kind of sneaky shit. I forgot how much I loved you
ohhhh lol so it’s her “husband” that is Takeo-san lol
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lmao Ochako you rube
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now you’ve done it Toga. there is nothing Ochako loves more than a good old fashioned Old People Romance. DID YOU KNOW SHE HAS SEEN THE NOTEBOOK LIKE FIFTY TIMES. AND NO MATTER WHAT, IT ALWAYS GETS HER AT THE END. meanwhile I just want to watch a movie where James Marsden actually gets the girl for once but we all know that will never happen
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ngl this page would be like a thousand times better if Ochako was still blushing omg. did I ship this before?? I honestly can’t remember but I sure as fuck ship it now goddammit
(ETA: pretty sure I shipped it back during the Forest arc too but I don’t have time to check right now lol. but Toga is just so horny on main for everyone, all the time, and so like, it’s hard not to ship it.)
so now Toga is running off all flirtatiously and Ochako is barreling after her lol
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plot twist, Takeo-san is actually in there. and he has NO IDEA what’s going on. WHAT HAPPENED TO MY WIFE. WHY IS THERE A GIANT MOLE MAN BURROWING THROUGH THE CITY
Ochako why on earth would you follow Toga into this dark creepy house where she could spring at you from any angle out of nowhere. just go back outside and float up over it until you have a high enough vantage point to see all the exits and just wait for her to come out
Toga says she wanted to talk to Tsuyu-chan as well, but let’s be real, you and her don’t have the same kind of electrically charged kismesis energy that you’ve got going on with Ochako though
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getting dragged like a fucking wedding train and he’s not even there to defend himself, shit
blah blah blah just ask her your question already Toga
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would someone please inform Toga that this manga is only rated PG-13
so now Ochako is all “seriously Toga wtf”
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you see that’s what I wanted to know too, lol. I really like that the characters actually think about these things and ask these kind of questions. that’s exactly the contrast between the heroes and the villains right there. the villains care about each other, they’ll give each other heartwarming speeches to please come back alive, and yet they’re utterly indifferent to the thousands of people being killed as they demolish their way through city after city. meanwhile by contrast Ochako’s first thought upon being erotically waylaid by her sexy knife-wielding archnemesis is “but what about that poor old lady is she all right.” just completely opposite energies, almost to a hilarious degree. like maybe Ochako actually should worry about herself just a little bit more lol but heroes gonna hero
and so now what, Toga!! you’re gonna pout about it?? like she’s betrayed you somehow?
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anyway so that’s the end of the chapter! and I’ll just come right out and say that I’m hoping that this fight ends up being something where Toga maybe starts to see things just a little bit more from Ochako’s point of view, and not the other way around, because otherwise I’ll be a little frustrated, ngl. the manga has done an excellent job of making the villains likeable and relatable and getting us to sympathize with them up till this point, but at some point it’s got to start refuting some of these arguments and making it clear that the villains do not actually have any kind of moral high ground here
and also! I really like Toga and would like her to have some kind of redemption arc! but as of now that’s looking to be really difficult if not impossible to pull off, because Toga hasn’t exactly shown a whole lot of remorse for anything she’s done so far, you know? because she doesn’t see it as bad in any way; to her it’s just her way of expressing love, and being true to who she is. but being true to yourself really should NOT involve, you know, MURDER, and so yeah. it’s a problem lmao
but who knows! maybe this battle with Ochako will be the start of something which eventually leads to some sort of change within her! I have absolutely no idea how that could play out tbh, but even so I can hope! either that or she will double down on the whole “villains are victims and heroes are apathetic cruel hypocrites” ideology and decide she wants to kill Ochako and Izuku for breaking her heart, in which case I will be very sad, but I guess if that’s the way Horikoshi’s gonna play it it is what it is!
and lastly, so is this going to be like the final battle between them or something?? surely not, right? like this is just round 2 of 3. well at any rate, it’s sure going to be interesting
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redteabaron · 3 years
What are your opinions on sansan? Why do you think it still popular in fandom?
My opinion on sansan is that I don't like it.
Sandor Clegane had a traumatic childhood and has a sympathetic past. He himself is no longer sympathetic to me because of how he treats people and doesn't care. The way he gaslit Sansa, the way he ran down Mycah and cut him nearly entirely in half, the way he interacted with Arya...People can start off sympathetic, have tragic circumstances - but that doesn't excuse other actions.
To me, when I first came to the fandom, and I'm relatively new to it, it was a lot of women fantasizing about the Fix-It dream. The fantasy of a dangerous man who can fixed with the power of love, who also is jaded and world-weary, is enchanted by a younger woman who helps bring color back into a black-and-white life. A lot of the fantasy I think is the idea that the dangerous older man knows more about the world and also ushers the younger woman and teaches her about the Real World, while she gives him love and affection no matter how he treats her, because he tells her the Terrible Truth of the world.
Thing is...Sansa is already learning about Real Life. She doesn't need Sandor to tell her about it. Her father was executed after the king lied when he said he'd let him take the black. Lady, her direwolf, was killed. Her eldest brother is at war. Her mother with him. And then later they die after being betrayed. To her knowledge, her younger brothers are dead and so is Arya. She is a prisoner of war, who is humiliated and beaten at the whim of the king by knights she grew up hearing tales of heroism and chivalry of. I think she's pretty fucking aware even if we see her denial in text. Denial that is serving as a coping mechanism when everyone around her is waiting for her to screw up. Implicitly, we follow her POV and we know she knows the truth even as it shocks her or horrifies her and she tries to distance herself from it.
Sandor is also not just "an older man showing a younger woman the truth of the world". He's 28. She's 13/14. A child. Who he insults, intimidates, and later assaults with the intention of raping her.
Tldr: I don't ship sansan at all. I wouldn't ship them even if they were closer in age.
As for why it's popular? I dunno. I think, personally, it's because they are close to the trope of older man/younger woman who could also fulfill the Fix-It ideal. I think Sansa, like other female characters who we see the most of, serves as a blank slate for ppl for self-inserts (who at the same time don't want to make a self-insert, so latch on to the one in his closest range he himself is attracted to) with the benefit of already interacting with the man other women find fascinating/attractive.
As for me? 🤷‍♀️ hard pass. Couldn't give a non-biased answer here, so apologies for that. Hope that answers your questions! Thanks for the ask.
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ilovefandoms102 · 4 years
Part 12- Shape of My Heart*
Pairing: Rudy Pankow x Plus Size Reader
Summary: Falling in love with someone you can never have is the worst feeling in the world...
@jeyramarie​​​​​​​​​ @drewswannabegirl​​​​​​​​​ @sexualparkour​​​​​​​​ @teamnick​​​​​​​​​ @jiaraendgame​​​​​​​​​ @agirlwholovescoffee​​​​​​​​​ @outerbongs​​​​​​​​​ @jaxxandcomet​​​​​​​​​ @velyssaraptor​​​​​​​​​ @baby-pogue​​​​​​​​​ @they-write-once-in-a-blue-moon​​​​​​​​​ @must-be-a-weasley-92​​​​​​​​​ @kaitieskidmore1​​​​​​​​​ @ma10427​​​​​​​​​ @ifilwtmfc​​​​​​​​​ @lasnaro​​​​​​​​​ @justcallmesams​​​​​​​​​ @judayyyw​​​​​​​​​ @lonely-kermit​​​​​​​​​ @gviosca​​​​​​​​​ @iamaunicorn4704​​​​​​​​​ @jellyfishbeansontoast​​​​​​​​​ @fernweh-fangirl​​​​​​​​​ @runway-to-my-aid​​​​​​​​​ @eb15​​​​​​​​​ @hurricane-abigail​​​​​​​​​ @tangledinsparkles​​​​​​​​​ @fandom-phaser​​​​​​​​​ @sunwardsss​​​​​​​​​ @http-cherries​​​​​​​​​ @bibliophilewednesday​​​​​​​​​ @evaporatedrosepetals​​​​​​​​​ @thetomatosaucee​​​​​​​​​ @tomatosauceagent​​​​​​​​​ @redosmo​​​​​​​​​ @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch​​​​​​​​ @obx-direction-sos​​​​​​​​ @mxltifandoms06​​​ @kindahavefeelingskindaheartless​ @gracielou0518​​ @hannahhistorian92​​
Part 11 Part 13
Note: Hope you guys enjoy and as always let me know what you think!
ps if you don’t like choking or roughness during the dirty stuff just skip it. 18+
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Soft kisses on my face caused me to stir the next morning...
I cracked an eye open to see Rudy, his eyes still having that sleepy look. He leaned to kiss my lips, pulling back to brush some hair out of my face. His hair was a mess, pointing out in every direction, but it was a good look on him. I leaned to stretch my arms and legs, moving to wrap myself around him. 
“I thought last night was a dream,” I mumbled, snuggling further into him.
“Me too honestly, as soon as the director said we were taking a break from filming for a while I hopped on a plane here. I couldn’t take another day without seeing your pretty face.” he smiled, chuckling when I hid my red face in his neck.
“I missed everyone, I...I don’t have a lot of friends here. You all are the only people I talk to.” I confessed.
“Bullshit, come on babe.” Rudy scoffed.
“No I...I’ve lost a lot of friends because of the way I look.” I murmured, memories of those awful times flooding my brain.
“Seriously? That’s insane, I couldn’t imagine looking at someone like ‘oh you’re a great friend and all but you look different so we can’t be friends’, like that’s fucking dumb.” he griped, pulling me tighter to him. 
“It’s alright, I don’t need anyone but you and our little group.” I sighed, kissing wherever my lips fell.
“I still hate that you had to go through that, it breaks my heart.” he admitted, nuzzling his face into my shoulder.
“It’s in the past now, I’ll be ok as long as I have you.” I spoke, combing my fingers through his bedhead. 
I did have some school work I had to finish up today, but it still irked me that it was cutting into the limited time I had with Rudy. I was just finishing up when Rudy sat next to me, he had an anxious look on his face which made me panic.
"I want you to come to Alaska with me on your spring break, to meet my parents.” he blurted.
“I-I don’t know Ru, I don’t think they will like me.” I mumbled, nervously playing with my fingers.
“Of course they will, why would you think that?” he asked, looking at you quizzically. 
“Because I’m not...I’m not who a famous actor should be with. I’m an embarrassment.” I sighed, looking away from him.
“Stop that shit right now...my parents aren’t like that. Speaking of which, when do I get to meet yours?” he questioned, changing the subject.
“I don’t know, I don’t really talk to them...I’m kind of on my own.” I shrugged, Rudy looked at me with worry in his eyes.
“Baby...” he pouted, curling up next to me.
“What? Why are you pouting?” I chuckled, kissing his forehead.
“I don’t like the thought of you being on your own...” he muttered, placing his chin on my shoulder.
“I was a lone wolf until I met you all, I’ve always just kept to myself.” I said, shutting my laptop down.
“Were people really that mean?” he asked softly.
“Yeah, no one in this town is acceptable unless you have the ideal body type.” I shrugged, laying back so his head fell on my thighs.
“All sizes are beautiful, I hate that our society is like this. There shouldn’t be such a thing as an ‘ideal body type’,” he ranted, flipping over so he could look at me.
“I’m glad you think so babe.” I chuckled, my phone starting to ring.
“Hi y/n,” my mom said after I picked up.
“Hey mom, what’s up?” I asked.
“I was hoping maybe you wanted to come over for dinner tonight?” she inquired.
“Make an extra plate.” I murmured, looking down at Rudy who smiled.
“Who else is coming?” she wondered.
“My boyfriend.” I spoke nervously.
I paced back and forth in my living room, ready to go to my parents. However, I was more nervous than ever and I couldn’t shake the feeling that this was not going to be a good night. Rudy looked good as ever, dressed in a black button down with khakis. I wore a tshirt dress my mom got me for my birthday a few years ago with some flats, keeping the hair and makeup low maintenance since it was just my parents.
“Baby why are you so stressed? It’s just your parents, we don’t have to stay long if it makes you that anxious.” Rudy said, trying to calm me down.
“I just have this really bad feeling...” I whispered, rubbing my arms.
Rudy stood from the couch, wrapping his arms around me. He kissed my nose, making me giggle. 
“It’s going to be ok, what could possibly happen?” he questioned, pushing me lightly towards the door.
Boy how I wish he hadn’t of said that....
I pulled into my childhood home, my hands already starting to shake. Rudy opened my door for me, taking my hand in his. He kissed the back of it, giving me a reassuring smile. My mother came out on the porch, smiling as she caught sight of us. Rudy smiled wide as my mother took him in a hug, introducing herself.
“It’s nice to meet you, I’m Rudy Pankow.” Rudy spoke, my mother moving so I could lead us inside.
Rudy and I sat at the table while my mom was finishing up dinner, my father yet to make an appearance. My leg bounced nervously, biting at my nails I stared at the table. Rudy grabbed my hand from my mouth, keeping it in his. He took his other hand to place it on my leg, his thumb rubbing gentle circles to soothe me. 
“Who’s this?” my father sneered, my cheeks heating up in embarrassment and anger.
“Rudy Pankow sir, it’s nice to meet you.” Rudy spoke, standing to shake my father’s hand.
“Are you one of y/n’s friends?” my father asked skeptically, shaking Rudy’s hand.
“Boyfriend actually,” Rudy smiled, looking at me adoringly. My mother entered the dining room, sitting the food on the table.
“Boyfriend? My y/n? HA yeah, maybe once she loses a few pounds.” my father chuckled, Rudy’s face falling. 
“Can we please have a nice dinner?” my mother said, staring daggers at my father.
My parents took their seats across from Rudy and I, scooping a helping on their plates. I picked around at my food, gripping Rudy’s hand tighter than I meant to. 
“So, y/n...when did this start?” my mom asked, pointing at Rudy and I.
“About two and a half months ago when I went to LA.” I answered, glancing up to see my father staring at me quizzically.
“Let me get this straight, this isn’t a joke? You actually like my daughter?” my father questioned, my mother hissing something to him.
“Um no, I’ve liked y/n for over a year before we even started dating. I don’t understand why you think y/n couldn’t be with me?” Rudy inquired, making my death grip on his hand somehow tighter.
“Well son, it’s no secret y/n is well...not exactly who people would picture you with.” my father answered.
“Why?” he asked.
“Rudy stop.” I whispered, but he shook his head at me.
“I guess if you’re going to make me say it, she’s fat.” my father shrugged, my heart clenching in my chest.
“You say that about your own daughter?” Rudy growled.
“Just speaking the truth.” my father said.
“If you were speaking the truth sir, you’d say that y/n is the most beautiful woman. You’d say any man would be lucky to have her because she is an incredible person, a person I want to spend the rest of my life with.” Rudy rambled, making my eyes wide.
“What?” I whispered, my mother choked on her food.
“It’s um, a little soon to be talking about that don’t you think? Barely three months of dating and you want to spend forever together? It just seems a little impractical.” my mother pointed out.
“Rudy, let’s go.” I huffed, scooting my chair out.
“Y/n, sit back down.” my father griped.
I ignored them, stomping out of the house. I was fucking pissed at them for embarrassing me like that. I sat in my car as I waited for Rudy, on the verge of crying. Rudy came out a few minutes later, frowning as he got in the car with me.
“I’m sorry Ru,” I mumbled, laying my head on the steering wheel.
“Nothing to be sorry about. I wanted to punch the shit out of your dad though.” he admitted, shaking his head.
“You know I really like that dress.” Rudy said as we got out of the car.
“Thanks,” I chuckled, walking into the apartment.
“I think it would look better on the floor though.” he suggested, my insides heating up. 
“Oh you do?” I asked, the sultriness in my voice shocking me.
“Take it off for me.” he demanded, unbuttoning a few buttons on his shirt.
I started to take it off, getting just above my undies before stopping. I walked to my room instead, kicking my shoes off. I heard loud footsteps behind me, excitement building in my belly. I gasped as Rudy took a hold of my arm, whirling me around to face him. His eyes grew a shade darker, making me squirm before him.
“Hmmm, that was not very nice.” he growled, his hand coming to wrap around my throat. I moaned, a smirk forming on his lips. 
He walked me back to the bed, throwing me roughly to a sitting position. He stripped me himself, pushing my chest so that I was laying down. Rudy yanked off my underwear, inserting his fingers into me. I gasped loudly, wiggling on the bed. He slapped my thigh, a low rumble came from deep in his chest.
“No noise, no moving. You move or make a sound, you don’t get to cum.” he barked, a whimper catching in my throat.
He stripped himself, getting on his knees. He buried his face into my heat, sucking and licking all around the places that made me tick the most. I had to bite down on my hand to keep from screaming, using all my willpower to keep my muscles still. Rudy inserted his tongue into me, flicking it around. His fingers came up to rub my clit, my teeth biting harder into my hand. 
I couldn’t hold it, I involuntarily let out a moan so loud I’m sure my neighbors heard. Rudy stopped immediately, tsking as he pulled away.
“You were doing so good baby,” he sighed.
“No Rudy don’t.” I whined, earning another slap to my thigh.
“I don’t take orders from you sweetheart.” he snapped, a whine leaving my throat.
He began to slowly and tortuously rub me, making my legs jump. He inserted his fingers at the same time, moving as slow as possible. I frustratedly moved on my bed, letting out a grunt. 
Then he began to move his fingers faster, pounding them into me. I yelped, my legs trying to close in on him. He held them back, laughing as I cried out to him. Just as I was about to cum, he stopped. My hips bucked from the bed, my fists hitting the mattress. 
Rudy grabbed my hips, flipping me over on my stomach. He jerked my hips up so that I was on all fours, my hands curled into my sheets nervously. He slapped my ass hard, a strangled yelp leaving my lips. He leaned down to slurp at the wetness seeping from me, my upper body almost collapsed on the bed. It was so hot, but it was also starting to make me wish I had just listened to him in the first place. 
He inserted his tongue into me again, shaking his head to bury his face deeper into me. The facial hair on his chin rubbed my clit, making me gasp loudly. 
“Baby please please let me cum, I’m sorry.” I moaned, feeling myself start to come close to the edge again.
He moved his tongue to swipe at my clit, taking it between his lips to suck on it. My legs started to shake as I came close to snapping, my breathing picking up before Rudy pulled away. I put my face in the sheets as I screamed in frustration. 
Rudy yanked me up by my hair, leaning down to whisper in my ear.
“You’ll get to cum when I want you to, if that is at all tonight.” he hummed deeply, his deep voice churning my insides. 
“Fuck,” I groaned, slamming my head back down.
He plunged his length inside of me, cursing as he came to grip my ass cheeks. Rudy moved his hands to hold my hips, sliding all the way before ramming himself back in. He did that a few times, a choked moan leaving my throat. I cried out when he began a to roughly thrust inside of me, grabbing a hold of my hair to keep my head up. 
The sound of skin slapping filled the room along with the pants and grunts from the two of us. He moved one hand to pinch my clit, a squeal leaving my lips as he began to rub it between his fingers.
“Do you think you deserve it pretty girl? Do you think you deserve to cum on me?” he gritted, his fingers burning my scalp as he yanked my head back further.
“Yes please baby, I can’t take it anymore. I need it, I want you to make me cum.” I whimpered, hoping that would spark a fire in him.
He pulled out, flipping me back over to my back. 
“I want to see your face when you scream who’s fucking you this good.” he growled.
And scream I did because Rudy plowed himself harder than before, angling our hips so that he could hit that special spot that had me shaking in a matter of seconds. I scratched at his shoulders, trickles of blood beginning to form on his tan skin. 
“Please let me cum, let me cum, let me cum.” I begged, giving him my best puppy dog eyes.
He brought his hand back to rub viciously at my clit, my back arching off the bed. My breathing became more labored, Rudy’s grunts becoming louder. 
“Ok baby, cum.” he spoke.
My eyes rolled back into my head as I came, my whole body locking up. Rudy shouted as I clamped down on his member, his hips stuttering as he stilled inside of me. Ropes of him jetted inside of me, but I was still coming down from my orgasm. 
“Fuck, you’re so hot.” Rudy breathed, a breathy laugh left my lips.
“That was hot.” I panted, wiping the sweat off my forehead.
“I say we shower and do it again.” he smirked, pulling me off the bed.
“You are not torturing me like that again!” I shouted as he dragged me to my shower.
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1. No, it’s not. But I recommend stopping at the S14 finale, which is where everything stops making sense.
Spoilers for S14 Finale
(I’m honestly shocked if you’ve managed to avoid them):
Even aside from the nonsense that is shoving Jeid down our throats after 14 years of nothing, it’s obvious as hell the showrunner changed her mind (she admitted so herself). When both of your actors avoid talking about the scene, you know you’ve made a mistake.
It completely ruined Rossi’s wedding and made everything until 15x02 so fucking uncomfortable I actually left the room. But more than anything, the unsub made no sense. I get it, cases are hard. But why the FUCK would he care if JJ liked Spencer? He didn’t know she was married, much less not married to him? He didn’t know anything about them? Why did they randomly throw in a line about Spencer being in prison just for the guy to discount it?
None of it made any sense. It was super bad.
2. Everything.
Season 15 Spoilers
From the jump, JJ’s stupid ass decision to pick up the gun? Why would she do that? Seriously, why? Like... Spencer was right there. Why wouldn’t she just stand there and radio for him? They weren’t gonna get the gun, how the fuck would they do that?
Essentially, S15 turns all of the characters into fucking idiots. Starting at the S14 finale, they cheapen Spencer and JJ’s friendship AND JJ’s marriage. It turned it all into boy and girl can’t be friends, and I’ll never forgive them for it. It would have made eons more sense if it was a Jemily confession.
But beyond that, the only other episodes I’ve seen so far are Saturday and Date Night - two of the worst written episodes I’ve ever seen in this show. We ignore it because everyone loves Cat Adams, but that’s actually why I hate them. Also...
Max is a raging Mary Sue. 
She is a self-insert garbage character that I’m convinced was never supposed to exist. She was thrown in to make Spencer “normal” instead of just letting him be autistic. She’s rude to him and he doesn’t care because... they need him to not care about it. Her storyline makes no sense. She’s just meant to “fix” Spencer’s autism bc that’s the only way he could be happy and in love, right? If he’s “normal?”
You’re telling me that Spencer Reid, seasoned profiler and almost murderer who was imprisoned, REALLY thinks that his Mary Sue girlfriend is capable of murder? Look me in my eyes and tell me that. That’s the stupidest fucking thing I’ve ever heard in my entire fucking life.
Even further, you’re telling me ACTUAL murderer, prolific hitwoman, and genius Cat Adams believes this random girl saying she murdered someone? The same girl who called Spencer on every bluff except the one about her father? ARE YOU JOKING?
Then the whole making Spencer super hot for Cat thing. She tried to murder his mother. She also either ordered someone to r*pe him, or at least made him believe it happened. Come on, man. I get it, it’s hot, whatever, but it really shouldn’t have been canon. It was just some horny writer being weird. Not to mention, it canonically made Spencer a cheater. 
I will never get over that scene - let’s walk through this from an unbiased perspective please:
Girlfriend witnesses boyfriend making out with murderer who tried to murder his mother and your family. Girlfriend says, “Hey, you seemed real into that kiss?”
Boyfriend laughs and goes “Haha, yep! Sure was.”
Girlfriend laughs and goes “Haha, you like the bad girls.”
Boyfriend who has never once shown a single interest in anyone even remotely resembling a bad girl ever in 15 seasons, “Yeah, usually. But I like you, good girl I just cheated on!”
Girlfriend is happy. “Let’s kiss!”
What the fuck. MAKE IT MAKE SENSE.
This isn’t even to mention that Spencer in 15x02 goes “I can’t imagine a life where I’m not waiting for JJ” to “I’m ready to move on with Max” in Saturday to “I’m hot for Cat” in Date Night to “Maeve is the only woman I’ve ever loved.” 
Pick a fucking lane, bro.
There’s a lot more I’ve heard but haven’t seen yet that is a disaster (including the continuity error where “Rossi knows the jet better than anyone” when he literally didn’t know it existed before he returned to the BAU - JJ and Spencer know it better than him). But I haven’t watched it yet so, guess we’ll find out then.
3-4. Hahah this made me laugh because my immediate answer was... 2008. I actually used to have a MGG/Spencer Reid blog in 2011. Let that sink in.
I think my rewatch started Dec 2019? I don’t remember. We took a lot of breaks, including a couple months between S12-13 since we bought them. I watched S13-14 in a week, lmao. We’ll probably finish S15 this week.
5. Awwwwe ewok baby! Clearly from how much I just typed in this massive rant, my arm is feeling somewhat better. I hope it is fully healed in a couple days, but until then I’m mostly just writing bar prep essays.
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singofsolace · 4 years
What’s your opinion on how Lilith was treated in part 3🥺
I think the writers should all be taken out back and shot 🤣 (Please know this is just a dark joke, used as a coping mechanism. It is not meant to be taken seriously.)
My honest answer: I think Lilith, and by extension, Michelle Gomez, suffers from a very specific and insidious brand of misogyny when it comes to the storylines she is given to play. 
Let’s review Lilith’s “tragic backstory” : Lilith was cast out of the Garden of Eden because she refused to have sex with Adam in the way that he wanted. Then she wandered, lost, in the desert [insert Zelda insisting Lilith was a survivalist who provided for herself] until Lucifer found her. For a time, they had a mutually beneficial and charmed life, but eventually Lucifer became cruel. It is heavily implied that he raped and abused her profusely.
Now, the reason I hated the way Lilith was treated in Part Three so much that I considered never watching the show again was because of the pregnancy story line. Apparently, I can handle implied rape, torture, and abuse, but I draw the line at a 5,000-year-old woman in a 53-year-old woman’s body being impregnated for bullshit “survival” reasons. Lilith is so completely shit upon by the show that her only outlet for protection (Zelda’s coven) turns her away, despite Zelda herself having almost been raped by Lucifer. Not to mention the rather ludicrous fact that she’s willing to house complete strangers (hedge-witches), and Gryla, of all people, but not Lilith, a woman she used to worship.
It just doesn’t make any sense. The pregnancy story line could have been avoided so easily, but no, they decided to go with it for... what? the drama of it all? The idea that Lilith purposefully had sex with Faustus so that she would be impregnated by Lucifer for the sole purpose of surviving another 13 months is absurd to me. Sure, Lilith is a survivalist at heart, but after 5,000 years, you’d think she’d come up with a more long-term plan than having a baby by her abuser--which, by all accounts, she’s already done...?!?! Lilith isn’t called the “Mother of Demons” for nothing?!?! 
Anyway. I hate the pregnancy storyline, because complex female characters are so often reduced to their biology. Now Lilith only matters to Lucifer because she is carrying his child--not because she’s a powerful witch in her own right, with lots of sway over Sabrina, I might add.
I’m just so tired. I’ve seen this same thing happen to Dana Scully, Cora Crawley, Jean Milburn, etc. It’s terrible writing at its finest. They can’t think of what should happen next, so they throw in a “surprise” pregnancy and hope the audience buys into it. 
Fuck that.
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kikiscastleinthesky · 4 years
I’ve seen a lot of tumblr blogs that ship zutara and I decided that is time for me to open mine too. So, yes, I’m a zutara shipper. And for the time being, my posts are going to be dedicated principally to analyze the ships in ATLA. 
Disclaimer alert:  I’m not forcing anyone to ship zutara. And I won’t accept hate because I (and many others) may have a different opinion, If you are one of those persons I invite you to leave, don’t waste my time and yours, because I’m not even going to reply. Everyone has the right to ship whatever they like and want, without been mocked, harrassed and humiliated. 
Well... now that everything is settled: 3...2...1 go!
I’m starting with this small analysis, because every zutara shipper has been attacked on why zutara and zutara is horrible yada yada but, this ocassion I’m gonna use all the attacks we get and defend it. 
I. Zutara is way the worst toxic relationship:
You call Zuko the abuser, the toxic and the bad tempered? Then you     didn’t get a clue of his redemption arc.
You call zutara toxic for:
a)     giving your mother’s closure and final acceptance into the group?
b)     saving each other’s life?
c)     being the “leading co-parenting” of the group?
d)     support you when you’re about to beg for his uncle forgiveness?
II. The cave scene didn’t mean anything, and just think about it, they would never ever get along well:•      
  Of course, I misunderstood Zuko confessing his own grief, probably he just hates her.
When Katara opens to her mother sorrow like she never did with anyone was like no big deal.
 That part when she offers to heal his scar with SACRED water was totally illogical.
And being the first person who he let touch his scar really said to me that they were absolutely toxic.
 Yes, he betrayed her initial trust. And it hurt, but guess who betrayed worst? The man who for three years was his father. But nope, Iroh, should never forgive Zuko, for what he did. (Right? Katara was betrayed and she should bever have interest in him, so Iroh would never forgive his abuser, right?)
III. Zutara is about getting in love with your abuser:
The abuser love? When did Zuko abused Katara? When did he forced to do something she didn’t want? Did he ever physically abused her or sexually assaulted her? Even if he tied her to a tree, he never humiliated her, he never hurt her or overpass against her. Or are you trying to make up his whole plot to eliminate all his attacks towards team avatar only rest in the female character? (Have you forgot how he betrayed his uncle? Or even himself?)
IV. Zutara is an age gap, it would be underage thing. “You don’t like Aang because he is a child and still pair Zuko, being a minor.” You want to hypersexualize two kids (Aang and Katara) into having sexual interest.
Katara would have been dating an underage guy too. She would have been 18 and Aang 16. I know! Age gap only matter when the man’s older. Both Katara and Zuko had gone through puberty, and both were in adolescence, both shared the same maturity level. Yes dude, there a huge difference in being a CHILD and being a TEENAGER, yes, still minor, But with puberty hit already.
Actually, I still believe even being 11-12 you can get like a… spark… a hint. Even if its not a relationship whatsoever, and not having sexual interest of any kind. If you really want to see what closest we get to a “real” attraction and potential between kiddos that age, you get S1Mike and Eleven (stranger things) / you get Chihiro and Haku (Spirited away) / you get Pazu and Sheeta. (The castle in the sky) –Wooo, that really changes things right?
But yet there are people that believe shipping zutara is “pedophile” I thought in seriously not replying to this stupidities but, here I am, dismantling their theories.
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So, this is real life. An adult person trying to sleep with a prepubescent kid. So… there is no support on this. Because a ship is about two fictional characters in a fictional story.
What about fictional pedophilia? Well, we can change that: Fictional pedophilia is a psychosexual disorder when you ship an adult fictional character (+18) to have a sexual interest in a fictional prepubescent child (-12) and / or attempt to engage both characters in sexual acts.
So step one… are either Zuko or Katara either an adult or prepubescent child? As you can see in the image at the right, both have gone through puberty. Step two, are you trying to a couple of minors to get sexually involved? No, this is a love story, not porn. And before you yell at me for the porn zutara comics/fics on the web, I guess you should see the porn Kataang /fics comics on the web too.
But I don’t hate any ship. So, technically, neither Kataang, nor Sukka, nor Yukka, nor Jetara, nor Maiko is pedophilia.
Ok, yeah yeah its not pedo, but is statutory rape, so yet it’s illegal.
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Oh yes, if we state that 18 is the age where you are considered an adult (at least in my country) both are minors, your term is partially correct. But guess what would be statutory rape too?
Sukka (15) and Maiko (16-17), both implied to have sex relationships and canon during the series.
The episode "The Southern Raiders" became (in)famous among the fandom for what is a truly epic instance of this trope. Zuko bumps into a very flustered Suki on the way to Sokka's tent, and she hurriedly excuses herself. He walks into Sokka's tent to ask him a question and finds him pants-less and surrounded by flowers and candles. He even greets Zuko with a suggestive "Well helloooo..." before he realizes who itis. After a short talk, he rushes Zuko out and sticks his head out to call for Suki. And if there was any doubt, Sokka is shown the next morning fiddling with a flower necklace for no apparent reason... except to indicate that maybe Suki had been “deflowered”.
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And yet, if Kataang had sex, it would be statutory sex at some point too: 16 and 18 -Conclusions: Statutory sex takes all ships equally.
V. Poor Aang he would be devastated.
Kid, he’s 12, in the comics he’s 13-14. Or what? Haven’t you guys had a broken heart ever? Your high school sweetie? Or Aang’s so frail to not be able to find love? To close himself for a better opportunity? Seeking your own happiness in not selfish. What is selfish is seeking your own happiness at the other expenses.
And even that, we all know what would Aang do if Katara starts a relationship with Zuko. (Even if it wasn’t Zuko, I highly doubt he would like Katara dating someone else) He would go on avatar rampage. That is NOT healthy, that is NOT romantic. That is extremely possessive and selfish to do. It’s psychotic. Because Aang cares more about himself than Katara’s feelings, even if she would be happier without him.
VI. Zutara is all about sex interest.
Well once more you mistake chemistry with sexual needs. Wanting me to sleep with my husband means I only use him for sex relief? If I find myself sexually attracted to anyone probably means I just want to sleep with that person and nothing else.
VII. A hug is all zutarians have to acknowledge zutara:
We have a complete extended analysis in all the small details, but we like to use that forgiveness hug because in that hug you have more potential that all the kataang scenes all together. We have thousands of complete analyses, pages dedicated exclusively zutara. 
VIII. Katara “fell in love with Aang” and it’s not one sided.
Uh... Nope, just because two persons are good friends it doesn’t mean they are a good couple. Yes, the way the both of them interact is absolutely beautiful, But not romantically.
Do we see Katara’s view on romantically being drawn towards Aang? Yes, we see it, and yes, unfortunately, is one sided.
How Kataangers complete this:
·       The fortune-teller: I didn’t see like “Wow omg the avatar is going to be my future husband!” But… was like “uh… really?… well, I guess it’s him” Zutarians and Aunt Wu are the base for many backs up theories. ;) Aang is not the only powerful bender you know? And actually, that episode is way trying too hard to demonstrate the crush Meng has for Aang and Aang has to Katara. How is even healthy to accept that sometimes persons don’t like you back and it’s not the end of the world.
·       The cave scene: I forgot that Katara is telling him to be her boyfriend and they will live happily ever after. And really, it all gets us to a real Oma and Shu theory. Not to mention that they were “forced” to kiss because their kids innocence believed if they kissed, they wouldn’t die, and that Aang messed up things as well. But if you see it beneath, if she was truly interested, she would have told Aang: “wow omg we kissed, ok. let’s give him a clue…” nothing, she goes back in treating him same as always.
·       The headband dance: Well that’s a fair point yes. Actually, I felt something different…unfortunately Katara later had to tell him not to kiss her.
IX. Zutara is because you projected on Katara and had a crush on Zuko, because Katara and Zuko were your favourite characters and because is the bad boy style romance.
My crush was Jet <3, and zutara was the most logical endgame for girls. Ask any girl, ANY 14 yo who would like to date: A high school, nice and handsome guy or a 7th grader that had potential to be her best friend. (See the logic) 
And nope is not like “Insert fav characters of the opposite sex to ship them” You need to see real development.
I don’t know why they stereotype Zuko as the “bad boy” – relationship archetype. Zuko is never seen to be the classic fuck boy who treats girls like shit and suddenly there comes a lady to change him. Maybe he is a “bad boy” (confused though) in S1 and S2, but his redemption arc is literally the answer of why he is not “bad boy” anymore.
If Katara was truly and really romantically interested then she wouldn’t have friendzoned Aang. Once? Nope 4 times. And also… are we forgetting kind of imagery…
 When Aang fixes her a small necklace with the fishing  thread.
 When he kissed her at the invasion. She didn’t  reciprocate it. (I’m not even mentioning the mommy proud speech)
 When he wanted to talk about the kiss in the western  air temple (Comic love is a battlefield)
 When he kissed her at the play and she had to told  him to back off.
 Strange imagery
 She was June Pippinpaddleopsokopolis (Aang’s  granddaughter)
When Aang got shot, she held his body in her arms in  the exact way Mary held Jesus in Pieta’s sculpture.
 She was Sapphire Fire. (Aang’s pregnant mother)
After they got married, in the book legacy, she said  she enjoyed most seeing Aang becoming a man. (Honestly ladies if I got a BF  the least I want is seeing how the kid transforms into a man)
I’m looking forward to watch you grow into manhood  as I did to your father (Katara’s letter to Tenzin)
 I’m really  trying to deny Oedipus complex here.
Still hard for me to track Katara’s love interest for little Aang since all we see is more a relationship mom/sister or Harry/Hermione. I have heard rumours that Bryke wanted to give the ship “mystery” and “expectation” but I think they really messed up, I didn’t see expectation or mystery, I saw a child insisting to a girl that didn’t reciprocate. It wasn’t even like she didn’t have much of a chance, because her love interests:
Was killed by Long Feng
Gave him a hideous mustache and disappeared him after Azula’s attack in the western air temple.
Forced to be attached to a toxic relationship.
Apart that all those points I’ve mentioned, Kataang is not a relationship for me. Staying in a formal relationship with the first person they met of the opposite sex at 14 -12 (guys not even Disney does that, jeez not even studio Ghibli) and not having any chance to experience any other relationship. Never experiencing a broken heart, or someone better. I think that it gives the wrong idea, telling guys that no matter how long they are placed in friendzone, eventually the girl will fall for them. They just have to keep insisting.
You could say, but what a hypocrite! Snow White was 14 years old when she went to live with that prince! Many princesses are 16! And not to mention that many men were the first they met! Like Aurora, Rapunzel, and Cinderella. Well, you are right at one point. But ... the interaction of these characters changes radically, mainly because they never "give cute kisses" to their future husbands, nor do they treat them like their brothers or their children and ... the men were never friendzoned, except for Naveen at the beginning. You see the real attraction of teenage girls with an older boy. And I'm not saying that they should never be friends or support each other. Mulan and Chang were allies, friends, they supported each other, they saved their lives. But at no time was there the kind of interaction Katara and Aang had.
If Kataang was to be endgame, we would see Katara’s reaction to Jet, totally different, THAT kind of reaction was what I was waiting. (That kind of reaction is what every princess do, at least one time)
The same chemistry we saw in Yukka / Sukka. Honestly, I saw more chemistry between Haru and Katara.
Or at least give us some character development like: Aang, I know my feelings where not as you wanted but now I decided I want to be with you because (list everything here except he being the avatar), I really like you, perhaps we can give it a shot. Or like several things that could clue us that she is interested (come on people, two persons can kiss/hug/ have sex and that doesn’t imply they will be together in a formal relationship) But all we got was: Oh, right, he’s the avatar... suddenly I fell for him and I’m gonna kiss him fully in the mouth and that’s how I’ll tell him and that all my confusion has magically disappeared.
X. I’ve never saw that kind of spark between them. Again, it was “Just a hug”
Yes! That’s initially the whole point of it, a friendship hug, the truth of why we don’t need silly blushes. Because that forgiveness hug shows their initial relationship, they are friends! All their love needs to come first from a truthful friendship, by the contrary of calling the “immediate falling” like Aang did for Katara, it shows us that friendship love can evolve into something more beautiful, and that’s why we like the ship, because all zutara shippers know Zuko and Katara wouldn’t fall in love like that all of the sudden, they have to create the romantic relationship, and that’s what we portray in the fics.
What makes Zutara exceptional is that he, sees her, he hears her, he listens what she had to do, at anytime he forced her to do something she didn’t. And before a “teenager adolescence ship” he sees her as a human, with feelings with own ideals and goals.
And there is a complete and extremely well based analysis in: The crossroads of destiny + The southern raiders + The lighting saving.
XI. The comics show us how toxic they really where.
Their interaction in the comics was something I like to call: destroying a character. Not only Katara, who turned to be that awesome badass to the submissive girlfriend. From how I see it in the series to the comics there’s all I have to say: That’s not my girl.
XII. How Katara could be queen of a country that almost aniquilates her tribe and killed her mother? It would be a betrayal.
I think this argument is out. Not valid. Is like saying a Jew can’t date a German because of the holocaust. (German doesn’t mean nazi, just as Zuko, who was from the Fire Nation and didn’t order Katara’s mother assassination, and not every citizen of the fire nation means a ruthless killer). Is like saying that a Japanese can’t date a us citizen because of the bombs in WW2. And even if we see it “political”, is like… an aphrodescendant can’t rule a country that is racist, then Mr. Obama would have never reached the presidency.
Two persons can unify them, because they can demonstrate that being from different country that initally has not good terms can reach peace. The union between those countries represents the power of maturity, of overcoming adversities and the power of forgiveness. *Our lands now connected by love* And I want her to be queen, I want her to rule, I want her in charge, I want her in power. Imagine all the potential she could have (politics, business, negotiations, rebuilding, restoration, education, public health!! ***faints***) Not only for the fire Nation but for the whole world! Imagine that once Zuko abdicated they left to the south pole and she opened a fighting school and a healing school of her own (like master Pakku, but now her students are given a medical license that acknowledges them as professional healers) And this is just an idea. Like these ideas are hundreds. It would have been the perfect feminist role model!
XIII. Since the beginning, Katara was always interested in Aang and she always supported him and was for him when he needed her. That’s proof they were meant to each other.
If a girl expresses faith in your abilities, she loves you, she hugs you, and she supports you clearly she’s completely into you. Because obviously female best friends don’t exist.
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petork · 3 years
-105 please
NB i am told this was meant to say 1-50
thanks queen <3 here we go
1. Who is your favourite ghost?
lately? it's been kitty. and i'm contractually obligated to love the captain
2. If you could see the ghosts like Alison, which one do you think would come the closest to making you want to leave the house?
the obvious answer is julian but probably actually robin, i HATE being spooked (as the asker can attest xx)
3. How would you feel if you couldn’t see the ghosts, but knew they were there, like Mike?
i'd feel mad jealous even though i'd actually have it pretty good. the other person would be trying so hard to tell me how much it sucks and i'd just be like 'but... goast.....'
4. Would you want to see ghosts like Alison, or would you rather be ignorant to their goings and doings?
again my immediate answer is I WANNA SEE THEM but i also know that might suck in many ways. at least for a while. i am not a patient person so i don't know if i could learn to live with them like alison could. but on the other hand... the chance to actually talk to people from the fucking actual past... thinking emoji!
5. If you were a ghost living in the house, would you rather be upstairs with the main nine ghosts, or downstairs with the plague ghosts?
upstairs for sure, sorry to the plague ghosts but i do not want to hang out in a basement for eternity
6. If you were someone who died in the house would you rather be “sucked off” immediately, or would you like to hang around a bit and get to know some of the other ghosts before getting “sucked off”?
i would probably just end up staying forever because i'm scared of the void of death.... <3
7. Which ghost would you miss the most if they were “sucked off” in the next series?
UNBELIEVABLE question? i'd miss ALL OF THEM. but see question 1 also
8. Which ghost do you think you’d get along with the best?
it's hard to say. i think they would all get on my nerves because as said i am not very patient. but the one who would irritate me LEAST... maybe pat?
9. Which ghost would you say you’re most like?
captain. not to be a cliche but i'm gay and repressed. and also irritable and grumpy
10. Which ghost would you say you’re least like?
11. What is a (popular or not) fan theory that you love?
(pasted from prev answer) i don’t actually like ship it because he’s definitely older than her, but a couple of people have said kitty sometimes acts like she has a crush on thomas. which is cute to me even if she does need to get better taste (love u kitty xxx)
12. What is a (popular or not) fan theory that you don’t quite agree with?
(pasted from prev answer) not so much a specific theory but i disagree with the general idea that anything of consequence went on with the captain and havers. i think it was meant to come across as just a snippet of the captain’s poor sad gay life and, as several brain geniuses have pointed out, due to the timing of germany invading france + the captain’s medals the flashback must have been from a good few years BEFORE he died. and i think the flashback was the last time they ever saw each other, so i don’t think that a) havers has any link to the captain’s eventual death or 2) anything romantic ever happened between them
13. Favourite ship and why?
captain x my cute oc boyfriend because i've tailored it to my exact needs. why ship retail when you can ship bespoke?
14. Least favourite ship and why? (Please be nice though!)
patcap as we all know. like YES i'm a contrary bitch so i don't like things that are popular and i do think i'm better than everyone else... but really idk why exactly i just don't gel with it at all. and when i've tried to read fic in the past it feels to me like their characters are kind of flattened. and i think the captain is too much of a bitch. and i think pat is serving us normie heterosexual. it's the 'cinnamon roll' ship of this fandom and i can't STAND (metaphorical) cinnamon rolls. AND ALSO pat is not the simple soft dad cinnamon roll fandom often makes him out to be! like he is a very nice person but he's also fucked up and insane like all of them. anyway my brain charges extremely low rents
15. If you could go back in time and live in the house/on the property at the same time as one of the ghosts when they were alive, who would you pick?
captain. need to know wtf's going on with him
16. Would you rather inherit the house (and its ghostly inhabitants), or just visit?
realistically... visit. i think i would lose my mind eventually if i lived there
17. Do you think we’ll ever know how every ghost died? Do you think there will be anyone whose death we’ll never learn about?
i hope we do, but i also appreciate that isn't the sole point of the series, otherwise it would be kinda boring and discovering how they died wouldn't be as impactful. if there's anyone's death we don't find out about, i think it would probably be robin? lol what if it was so long ago he just forgot
18. What is your favourite Ghosts fanfiction?
so i'm stupid and i never use bookmarks on ao3..... i've read a LOT of different fics i like but do you think i can revisit them? no! because i'm stupid! so i cannot fairly pick an absolute fave sorry
19. What is your favourite Ghosts fan art?
all the babies and children on here talk about horrible histories the show being 'their childhood'........ put some respect on terry deary's name. and this artist did!
20. Tag 5 favourite Ghosts fandom content creators!
honestly i'm not good with like. knowing people. but here are 5 fanfics i've enjoyed (based on the author's replies in my inbox because, again, i am too stupid to use bookmarks)
21. Are there any historical periods you wish we’d have gotten to see a ghost/ghosts from but didn’t?
(pasted from other post) not to be predictable but i would have liked to see a 1960s ghost. like a mod who crashed his scooter or something. we have enough 20th century ghosts though but i believe the us remake has some kind of hippie ghost…
22. What is something you’re hoping to see in a future series?
flashback to the captain getting some. like implied or whatever. i can't cope with him dying a virgin. he needs this
23. What is something you’re hoping to see in a future series, but know we probably WON’T get to see?
(pasted from other post) alison meets someone else who can see ghosts, and we get to see the ghosts at THEIR house…. i always love it when we see extra ghosts but i know they probably won’t make any recurring because it would come off as running out of ideas. but i still think they should add a 90s teenager named roy
24. Which lesser-seen characters would you like to see more of in future series?
tbh there's none i can think of that i think we should SEE more of, they get a pretty good balance. there are some i definitely want to learn more about though
25. Are there any characters you wish we’d see less?
don't make me pick a least favourite child </3 but also i think thomas could probably tone it down a bit.
26. Favourite one-liner?
I'LL WAIT FOR YOU, MY COMELY NUG - me whenever i order chicken nuggets on just eat
27. Favourite episode?
DON'T EVEN... i like 2x06 and 3x05 a lot
28. Top 5 headcanons for [insert character name here]?
i'm going to do the captain because obviously i am
- he may or may not have been lavender married
- he may or may not have had a drinking problem
- public schoolboy with domineering father, clearly
- IF he had a lavender wife then she spent all her time in the company of her 'odd' female friend who wore men's clothes, smoked cigars and drove a motorbike. the captain was obviously clueless
that's 4 so a cheeky one for fanny:
- she did a lot of medicinal coke
29. Whose costume is your favourite?
kitty. gotta love an ott ballgown
30. Whose costume is your least favourite?
that's an offtopic question. you have been stopped.
31. If you could do a complete redesign of one of the ghosts’ costumes, whose would you change and how?
i would give thomas his double denim
32. If you could play any of the existing ghosts, which one would you want to play and why?
i think i'd be good at playing mary. meek weird girl who says things that don't make any sense? omg she is LITERALLY me
33. Which ghost would you least like to play and why?
julian, i'm not getting my pussy out
34. What one thing would you miss most if you became a ghost and had to live by the same rules as the Button House ghosts?
FOOD. food. eating and food.
35. How do you think one or more of the ghosts whose deaths we haven’t seen died? Or, if we know the cause of death but not the reason for the death (like Mary being burned as a witch or Humphrey being beheaded), why do you think they were killed?
i think mary's execution might have had something to do with her husband's death and her being unfairly accused or something. also like, she just acts kinda weird, and we know how that often played out for women back then...
and i think the captain died in some really boring mundane natural causes way (congenital heart attack or something) but he's stuck around because a) he's never come to terms with the whole h*mo thing and 2) he was just really mad that he died so boringly
36. Favourite [insert character name here] moment?
37. What do you think [insert character name here] was like when they were alive? Do you think they were exactly the same as they are now, or do you think there were any major or minor differences?
ok i'll do fanny for this one. i think she was less domineering when she was alive, in death she clearly thinks of herself as above the other ghosts and bosses them around, and when she talks shit about george it's not like he can get back at her in any way. but it would be interesting to see how they interacted when both were alive
38. It’s your turn to pick a movie for film club! What are you watching?
(from prev post) i haven’t seen any movies errr….. maybe austin powers because it’s so sad that julian died just a few years before it came out because he would love it and get really annoying about quoting it all the time and it would be really funny for the captain (who thought the movie was unironic) to have to deal with that. and fanny would NOT COPE.
39. Would you rather share a room with Thomas (constantly sighing and reciting bad poetry) or Fanny (falls out of the window screaming every night)?
fanny. men be quiet challenge
40. If you could do some kind of historical swap (i.e. place a ghost in a different period from their own), who would you choose and what period are they from now?
i would like to give kitty the chance to be a 20th or 21st century girl. maybe an era like the 60s or 80s that was known for daring fashions, i think she would luv it
41. Let’s settle this once and for all. Who’s the real leader, the Captain or Pat?
42. If the ghosts could eat, what is one food you would like to share with them that they might not have tried before?
doritos tangy cheese, mountain dew baja blast, 4loko. i would make thomas try a jalapeno. i would also make them try my cooking experiments because i do that to anyone i live with
43. You’ve heard rumours of a tenth upstairs ghost who doesn’t often venture out of their room to visit with the other residents of the house. Who are they? (i.e. make up a ghost OC. I know i’m putting you on the spot. I just want to see what you come up with.)
it's george button and his bitch ass is too scared of his wife to come down. his downfall comes when he finds out there's another gay ghost and simply has to clap them cheeks (he fails)
44. Tell me a song you think [insert character name here] would like, or a song that reminds you of them!
i think alison's probably already introduced him to them but thomas + anything by the smiths. i would also make the captain sit quietly and listen to a tracy chapman cd (for my lover...)
45. What song(s) do you think would annoy certain ghosts the most?
the smiths would annoy everyone except thomas. literally they'd all be trying to re-kill him
46. Who is one actor you’d love to see guest star? What kind of character would you like to see them play?
steve coogan as like. anyone. preferably a ghost. a roman centurion ghost if you wanna get cultural. but seriously i just want alan
47. If you could have one Horrible Histories song in Ghosts (either sung by a ghost/ghosts, or playing on the TV or computer for them to watch), which one would you want it to be and why?
that song about how no 'british' stuff is actually british. like tea. i want julian to melt down
48. What do you think the ghosts’ jobs would be in a modern living-human AU where they’re all just chaotic housemates?
captain & kitty: have their own wedding planning company
julian: still a politician but instead of an mp he's like a parish councillor. handforth antics
fanny: headteacher
robin: cool off the shits teacher at same school who undermines fanny wherever possible. deals weed to students
mary: runs a shop selling like healing crystals and incense and dreamcatchers
humphrey: customer service supervisor who actually likes his job because he takes no shit and just fucks with every single customer
thomas: unemployed podcaster
pat: dogwalker
49. What is one modern invention you think [insert character name here] would be surprised or confused by?
fanny would be so baffled by any Feminine Products. when she discovers tampons it's all she can talk about for a week. the mooncup made her go into a coma
50. Name an AU you haven’t seen someone create content for, but which you’d love to read a fic or see some art for.
not to be the way i am but i'd love if anyone ever drew art or something about my au which is a modern-day au where fanny and captain are alison and kitty's divorced parents, julian and robin are captain's brothers and alison's wack uncles, mary is their childhood nanny, thomas is a student lodger at button house, humphrey is a cat and pat is just some guy. but yeah in the past i've had a couple of anons on here mention it and i did melt into a puddle... i think if someone did art i'd explode and die. in a good way like
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mymindsmadness · 5 years
Why I hate seeing the Uchiha logo on Sakura’s shirt/why I don’t ship SasuSaku
DISCLAIMER: I’m not shitting on anyone’s ship. I get it. You love them. You do you booboo, I’m just here to speak my truth. Don’t come at me with comments shitting all over the things I love. You have your opinion and I have mine.
If you are a SasuSaku shipper and you read past this point, you have no one but yourself to blame for your anger!
I’m probably gonna rant a bit, so I’ll start with the bottom line. Sakura and Sasuke’s relationship is one of the most toxic relationships I’ve ever seen.
Unrelated (but kind of related): All the female character are written pretty shitty, and that adds to this whole mess.
Part I [Young Love]:
Okay. I get it. She’s all for Sasuke and he doesn’t give her the time of day. We love a queen that gets hers in the end. The problem is that Sakura’s core personality traits are based off of her obsession. Her wants. Her flaws. Her essence as a [non] person is completely defined by Sasuke’s character. This is even verified when Kakashi asks them about themselves and Sakura literally gives [giggles] Sasuke for every answer.
When they’re tested with the bells, Sakura shows no ninja prowess whatsoever. She shows no skill beyond hiding in a bush. The only time we really see her moving/thinking/talking, is when it’s to ‘rescue Sasuke’. She even refers to him as ‘my Sasuke’ a dozen or so times. Seriously, it could be a drinking game.
During the chunin exams, we see a little more of a backbone from Sakura. But even as she struggles to make herself be seen, she really only wants to be seen by – you guessed it – Sasuke.
When Sasuke gets extra angsty [YOLO style], and tries to leave the village, Sakura tries to go with him. Think about that. Sakura tries to leave the village. Her home. Her family. Her friends. Everything! She does this because the idea of becoming a criminal is more appealing than being left behind by Sasuke.
But you know what? I’ll excuse it. She’s only thirteen at this point. She’s entitled to make stupid choices in the name of puppy love. We’ve all been there, man. And sure, at thirteen all love feels like true love. You know what girl? I forgive you.
Part II [Personal Growth]
At this point, Sakura’s whole character arch is defined by the people that leave her. And I could forgive this – almost. Enter Tsunade. I love Tsunade. I worship Tsunade. She is probably the one female character in the whole show that is as well integrated as the men [if we ignore the fact that her whole backstory is revolved around them]. When Sakura started training with Tsunade, I knew there was about to be an Eye of the Tiger montage. Sure enough, my girl comes through. Come Shippuden, Sakura is kicking ass and taking names [literally]. Better yet, she found her niche in medical ninjutsu [insert joke about how females always play the healers]. She’s got chakra for days and the control of a saint. Piss my girl off? You ‘bout to lose a lung.
Yes, Sakura’s still insecure when it comes to her place among the others, but can we blame her? She had demi-gods as teammates. But it’s different now. Sakura knows she’s a badass. She’s fully aware that her control and strength are something to be proud of. She uses those years of neglect and training to help her comrades!... and chase down Sasuke.
By the beginning of the 4th war, this bitch has lost her damn mind. At this point, Sakura and Naruto have been searching for Sasuke for the last 3 [or so] years. All this time, Sakura is under the impression that she’s in love with him. The times from when Sasuke left to the end of the war, are some of the most defining years in a person’s life. At 13-17 is when a person’s personality really starts to develop and lay out the foundation for the adult they will be.
Part III [All’s Fair]
Now, I’m not saying that Sakura didn’t hold a certain level of love for Sasuke her whole life. It’s very possible. However, there was no way it could be a romantic love. Think about who you were when you were twelve. Now think about who you were at seventeen. Did anything change in that time?
Sakura could not have been in love with Sasuke because she didn’t know who he was. They hadn’t been in contact in years! She had the memory of who he had been on a pedestal, and without him around to alter that image, it became more and more idyllic. By the time Sasuke returned [at the end of the war], Sakura was still in love with the idea of him.
She had put their relationship and romance in the forefront of her mind all of her life. It had been her driving force and defining mindset. When this crazy ass bitch [ily gurl] activated her seal and literally jumped on a pike for her boys, it was the most badass thing she’d ever done. And when she was done with that? She got upset that Sasuke hadn’t noticed/cared. She was fighting for her friends, her family, her village, her life… and all that confidence she had gained was brought down by the fact that the boy she thought she loved didn’t notice.
Part IV [In Which Sasuke Cares… Allegedly]
Remember when Sakura finally got Sasuke to notice her? When he overcame his terminal broodiness and admitted that he was touched that she never gave up hope in him? When he kissed her goodbye with the promise of returning and being worth all of her unfounded love and attention?
Oh… right… that never happened.
I mean… he tapped her forehead like Itachi did to him that one time… Same thing I suppose.
Okay, okay… I might be being a little harsh. I’ll concede that it is a genuine act of affection for Sasuke. But… a minor one. Alright, our broody boi doesn’t like PDA… Still, we’re given no indication that they talked about their feelings before this goodbye. That’s backed up by the fact that she asks to go with him – something she would have done before now if they had. Legit, Naruto got more of a goodbye than Sakura did [two dudes, chillin’ in the woods].
To the best of everyone’s knowledge, Sasuke only stayed in Konoha for about a year after the war. Now, depending if you follow the manga or anime, some of that time might have been in jail. My point is, that a year or less was spent in the village after several years of Sakura loving him from a distance.
At this point, she very well might have learned about the older Sasuke. She might have decided that she did still love him [doubtful on a realistic level]. But then he leaves. We’re not sure for how long, but if we look at Boruto, it’s common for him to leave for long periods of time.
Once again, Sakura is left behind with her memories of the man she thinks she loves [because without a functioning adult relationship, there’s no way to be sure].
Part V [Sakura Achieves Her Nightmare Dreams]
Let’s step into Boruto for this next part. We flash forward to all of our beloved characters in their adult years. I know what you’re thinking ‘Oh! I’ve missed so much! They’re all so grown up!’. Hahaha, don’t worry. They’re not at all the same people.
Since the series is based on the children, we’re forced to fill in some of the blanks ourselves. Sakura – the best medic nin in Konoha. The woman whose strength rivals that of her mentor’s. The woman who mastered the Seal of 100. The woman who grew into her own as a character, even if the driving force was a boy - is living her best life as… a housewife? I mean... maybe?
We don’t know this for sure, and a lot of us hope she runs the hospital or something [because we want all good things for our girl], but have you noticed that she doesn’t wear a headband? A ninja one that is. The girl who worked hard to not be left behind’s whole adulthood is… the woman left behind.
Even if it can be argued that she achieved her goal… has she? Yes, she wanted to be Sasuke’s wife and baby mama since waaaaay too young of an age to be thinking about that shit, but like this? We know from the fact that Sakura fainted when Sasuke came home that he’s rarely there. This means that she probably raised their daughter alone. Even now, she can’t just leave because Sasuke’s always away.
If you think I’m taking libraries with filling in the gaps, I refer you to that one time her daughter basically asked if they were really married. And if you think I’m exaggerating Sasuke’s absence, I refer you to that time he almost killed his fucking daughter because he didn’t know what she looked like!
Let that sink in.
Part VI  [In Summation]
Sakura was a girl that grew up with a false ideal of love. She obsessed over a person that didn’t exist and carried that falsehood into her adult life. When presented with everything she thought she had wanted her whole life, Sakura jumped on the chance because it was the logical move. In gaining everything that she thought she wanted, Sakura lost any personal growth that she had gained by the absence of her obsession aka Sasuke.
Sasuke, who had ignored her as a child, tried to kill her as a teen, and barely acknowledged her beyond using her to revive his clan, can’t be bothered to even appreciate her. Even as he leaves again as an adult, he says goodbye to their daughter [again, with an oh-so-affectionate poke], but simply walks away from Sakura.
The truth is that given the way she blushes and faints around him still, Sakura doesn’t know him. She’s still in love with an idea of the man that grew from the boy she had been obsessed with all her life. She wears the Uchiha symbol on her back as a reminder that she did it. She got the guy! True love wins again! I mean… maybe? He’s fucked her at least, so…
There’s a chance that Sasuke loves Sakura. I think he loves her for loving him. At the very least, we know he’s fond of her… I assume.
Sakura was a character that was used to further the plot of a man. Even as an adult, she’s left to sit and pine as the boys go off on their adventures. She’s a woman that’s stuck in a hell of her own creation – even if she loves her daughter and the things that marrying Sasuke has brought her.
There’s ‘getting the guy’ and being trapped in a toxic idealized relationship. How you choose to see this one is up to you.
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pomeqraniqht · 3 years
ship headcanon memeWho? What? When? Where? Why? (Rusty & Sofia. I literally cannot remember if i sent this already asdkjfjga I feel like I did but idk)
I’m procrastinating. If you fancy it send me a ship and a number and I’ll tell you my headcanon.
1. Who makes the first move and how?      - Rusty made the ‘official’ first move between them but they were eye-flirting long before wearing a mask made it cool. But now? They BOTH make the first move when it comes to each other, they aren’t shy from one another and it’s honestly such a blessing to see Sofia come out of her shell for her inked angel because... *sigh* I never thought she’d develop the way she did and these two are just.. ~ugh~ <3 2. Who is the most insecure and what makes them feel better?      - Sofia Patterson/Parker is the most insecure and a smile from her favorite inked angel makes her feel better. Honestly Rusty helps her insecurities but he also adds to them; a lot. I feel like the more serious they’ve become the more pressure she is putting on herself to be ‘perfect’ but then she has those moments where she remembers Rusty doesn’t love her because she’s ‘perfect’ he loves her for who she really is, and she’s the girl who cries whenever he plays their song and falls in love with mint chocolate ice-cream while pregnant with his kids. It’s such a hot mess for her but he always finds a way to bring her back to reality.  3. Who is the most romantic?      - both? Maybe Sofia more than Rusty but by a smidge? They both are romantic in their own ways and I think it’s great it’s not the typical roses and chocolate bullshit (not that that isn’t great and all...) but they’re unique. They show their love in different forms, an example would be for valentine’s day she’s going to suggest they go and get tattoos, or that Rusty picks out a tattoo for her and she gets to pick one for him (if he even has any space left by this point.) 4. Who can’t keep their hands to themselves      - Literally both of them, they can not leave each other alone at all. Sex anywhere and everywhere; it does not matter anymore. So long as they can fit they’ll fuck. They don’t know how to not touch each other anymore, especially when it isn’t sex. It’s always hand holding or he’s got an arm around her or something; they’re always touching somehow.  5. Who says ‘I love you’ first?      - Sofia did the day she told Rusty about the baby, on her old kitchen table... literal hours before they broke up because he cheated on her.  6. Who would they ask if they ever had a threesome?      - I don’t think they would ask anyone? Sofia’s insecurities wouldn’t allow it and I’m not so sure Rusty’s possessive and jealous nature would either.  7. What do they get up to on a night out?      - Depends honestly. Before Rusty got sober they would go out on the town, drink, dance, fuck, and have fun any way they could find. Now? Probably movie night, dinner, sex in the car/bathroom of a movie theatre... 8. What do they like in bed?      - Everything but especially cream-pies and Rusty calling Sofia his dirty little girl because she’s only dirty for him and him only. They’re addicted to each other in ways I didn’t think could be possible.  9. What is the most embarrassing thing they have done in front of each other?      - I want to say for Sofia it’s probably pushing out a baby? If that even counts? Or maybe it’s trying to squeeze into spanx so she doesn’t look like she’s just had a baby. I feel like for Rusty it was the dance of his breakdown and his relapse, his behavior at the clinic and everything.. I think that was a pretty low-point for the both of them.  10. What two songs, two books and two luxury items do they take to a desert island?      - Literally any song Rusty ever wrote; two books: How to Build A Boat for Dummies and What is poisonous and what isn’t. Items? Those reusable matches and a water purifier.  11. What do they hide from one another?      - Sofia used to hide her damages and Rusty used to hide his drug habit (also Sofia hid a baby from him for about 6 months because well...marriage issues). 12. What first changes when it starts getting serious?      - Rusty’s drug use and Sofia’s behavior. She’s like a little clown fish finding her own, she’s obsessed in a way without even intending to. She inserts herself around him and she just needs to be with him. But mostly? It’s the way the two of them think about life after they meet each other. They both LOOK so polar opposite but on the inside? Their souls mirror one another.  13. When do they realise they should get together?      - Officially? The day Rusty gets jealous seeing Sofia talking to her ex-boyfriend. But like super officially? Individually? Rusty realized it the day Sofia told him she was pregnant and left, Sofia realized it the first time he looked her in the eye and he didn’t look at her like he wanted to fuck her... He looked at her like he was a blind man seeing the sun for the very first time.  14. When one has a cold, what does the other do?      - Sofia turns into a private nurse/doctor, whatever he needs he gets. Sofia? She tries to fight off Rusty because they have two kids and moms never get a day off, ever.  15. When they watch a film what do they choose and why? Who gets the final vote?      - Something funny over horror; Sofia can’t stand scary movies and she will have the final vote.  16. When the zombie apocalypse comes, how do they cope together?      - This is a good question and honestly? If a zombie apocalypses happens I feel like they would fight for as long as they possibly could. I’m going to say it happens before they have kids because I can’t imagine their adorable children killed by zombies. I feel like Rusty would go to any length to protect Sofia and vice-versa... I feel like they’re the type who would either go and take over a prison for safe-keeping or go into the woods and fend for themselves that way? They’re not dumb by any means so I feel like they’d have a good chance. But if someone got bitten or died the other wouldn’t be far behind them because if the world was ending and they didn’t have each other? Then what’s the point in living.  17. When they find a time machine, where do they go?      - Sofia would go back to the last day her dad was alive and force him to go to a hospital, maybe somehow they’d be able to save him. I imagine Rusty would go back and stop himself from cheating on Sofia... I don’t want to say he’d go back and never do drugs because I feel like if he wasn’t an addict then maybe they never would’ve met?  18. When they fight, how do they make up?      - Sex. A lot of meaningful and emotional sex.  19. Where do they go on their first date?      - I think their first ‘official’ date was a carnival Rusty had taken her too. They would get together and hook up, have meals and such but... never like an official date.  20. Where do they go on holiday?      - Sofia has always wanted to go to Italy, so maybe there?  21. Where do they get nervous about going with one another?      - Since Rusty is a popular musician, anywhere? But before that I feel like Sofia was nervous of him showing up at her job. It’s a bad thing to admit but he’s a little scary to look at for the younger kids and to be a school teacher a certain type of look is required. But more-so she never cared... she just knew if someone SAID something she would lose it. She’s protective over how people view Rusty and the way they judge him because of his ink, she thinks its bullshit. He’s beautiful. Accept it.   22. Where does their first kiss happen?      - On Dynasty’s dancefloor during some dirty dancing.  23. Where is their favourite place to be together?      - In a bathroom, whether it is in the bath, shower, a sink... Bathrooms are their kryptonite.  24. Where do they first have sex?      - In a bathroom in a club.  26. Why do they need to have a serious chat?      - Because Sofia’s pregnant, Rusty’s using drugs, or Roman said a bad word and said his father taught it to him.  27. Why do their friends get annoyed with them?      - They abandoned their friends for each other, and it’s not one more than the other. They both literally ignored their friends in pursuit of each other.  28. Why do they get jealous?      - Because they see the other talking with someone of the opposite sex. It’s unavoidable at this point, they’re both tangled like vines and without each other they’d both die.  29. Why do they fall a little bit more in love?      - When Rusty touches her nose and calls her ‘Tiny’ in a certain tone of voice, or when he sings lullabies to their babies at night, or when he gets that certain voice as he is talking to their babies in her tummy. For him? I wanna think it’s when she fights for him because up until they met not many, if any, people ever fought for him. she believes in him, she sees the good and light within him even if others don’t. He’s amazing. Go buy his new album now.  30. Why does it work (or not work) between them?      - It works because they even each other out in ways I can’t even begin to describe to you. He makes her feel good, she calms him down. They’re yin and yang, literally opposites but somehow they just work.  @rustyparker
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