#which way does it curl? how does it floof? fuck if i know!
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more of the dapper lad! i Cannot get him out of my brain
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ellispup91 · 2 years
Day 25: Fetch (Free)
**Content warning for coarse language.** Thump. He sets the crate of goods down firmly on the pier in front of the merchant. 
“Here.” Ellismus straightens, brushing blond locks back from his face with a bloodied hand. “This is just one’ve them, I know, but th’ bandits’ve been dealt with an’ it should be safe f’ you t’ go on an’ collect th’ rest now.” 
He blows out a short, huffed sigh. Damn, am I ready for a bath. 
Going after the bandits who’d ambushed the passing merchant and relieved him of his merchandise wasn’t a difficult request—there had been all of six of them and none particularly impressive—but the drying blood spattered across his skin and leathers is sticky and he’s tired. 
The merchant—a weedy man with a patchy beard far more ginger than his short dark hair—stares aghast at the crate at his feet. Then—his lips curls. He looks to the Miqo’te. Ellismus blinks. 
“...What?” The merchant does not appear impressed by his response. It’s gonna be one of those days, is it?
“What do you mean what??” Thin arms gesture towards the goods and the Seeker is honestly surprised it doesn’t come with a foot stomp as well. “There’s blood all over everything! Look! It’s seeping into the crate! Those are rare and expensive silks—and now they’re ruined!” Oh. There’s the stomp. 
He can do little more than offer a shrug, a sympathetic tip of his head. 
“S’kind of th’ risk whenever rescuin’ stolen supplies an’ stuff. Since most thieves aren’t willin’ t’ just… hand them over without a fight.” 
“Sorry isn’t good enough! How do you plan to compensate me for the loss?” 
Cat-like crimson eyes blink again. What? Surely, he thinks, he must have misheard.
“M’sorry, I— Did you just say compensate?” The way the merchant stares down his nose at him, a familiar sneer twisting his already unfortunate features. Like the blond is the worst kind of idiot. Hackles raising, his tail twitches and floofs. 
“Look at my stock—ruined by the mess you made! I can’t sell this now! So, what do you plan to do about this??” 
Ellismus doesn’t answer. For several seconds all he can do is stare at this man. Then he snatches the crate back up and, stalking past him to the end of the pier, dumps the bloodied box into the water. Turning back, he spears the gaping merchant with a flat look. 
“There. All clean.” 
“Wh— You—” The merchant splutters. “You can’t do that to silk! You— Do you have any idea— What are you looking around for?!” His voice pitches into a screech as he the Miqo’te starts twisting in place, gaze searching the ground. 
“My fucks. I think I lost them somewhere.” He’s sure he’s never seen anyone turn such a violent shade of purple so quickly.  
“Why you… You owe me—”
“Nothing.” He doesn’t even let him finish. “I owe you nothing. Because nothing is exactly what y’ paid me t’ go out there an’ fetch yer shit. Which y’ only lost cause y’ were too fuckin’ cheap t’ hire someone t’ guard it in th’ first place.”
“But, you— You’re the Warrior of Light, you can’t speak to me like that!” The smile that curls across his scarred face is evil.
“Apparently I can. And I promise I can do a lot worse than swear at y’.” The merchant’s gaze drops to his bloodstained armour, to the blades strapped to his hips, and Ellismus watches as fear dawns in his face. He leaves him like that, mouth opening and closing like a dying trout, and turns on his heel. He stalks off in the direction of the nearest Aetheryte. Time for that bath… 
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whumpzone · 3 years
Linden & Colton - 19
CW: references to noncon, Col fearing he'll be sexually abused, flashbacks, brief victim blaming, pet whump, dehumanisation
Linden’s phone buzzed again, and he knew exactly who it’d be before he even looked.
Sure enough, messages from his brother were crowding his phone screen. Vikram texted in small, frantic messages, that Linden found oddly funny.
lol fine knowing you you’ll never suggest a day
are you free tomorrow? I’ll come over for lunch or something
you know you miss me!!
Linden rolled his eyes, but truth be told, he did miss him. A new message appeared before he had the chance to start typing.
fine FINE I just want to see jaffa. you can die idc
That made him huff out a laugh, but he’d never give Vik the satisfaction of knowing that. Instead, he typed back:
Tomorrow is fine, don’t worry about bringing food. What are you doing now? Can you ring me? I have something to tell you before you visit.
Vik replied almost immediately.
yeah gimme 2 secs, who have you killed lol!
He checked around for Colton, but he was nowhere to be seen. Probably still working his way through the little chores and tasks Linden had given him, which meant he was either changing the roll of toilet paper in the bathroom (great for dexterity) or watering the balcony plants (providing plenty of fresh air and sunlight). Either way, he still positioned himself in the corner of the lounge, the furthest from his Pet’s ears.
He answered on the second ring. “Vik?”
“Hey, big man. You alright?”
“Yeah… yeah… I, um, I need to tell you something before you come over.”
“You sound tense, mate. What is it? Everything okay?”
“Yeah, everything’s fine it’s just- I have a Pet. Uh. Yeah.”
Vik didn’t miss a beat. “Are you serious? You, a Pet owner? Please.”
“I know, but there was this, this ad, in the paper, the council were talking about this random stray and they said if no one claimed him they were gonna put him down. They would have murdered him, Vik! And I don’t know. I just thought, fuck, no one else is gonna do anything are they. So I rang them up and they gave him to me for free.”
“Wow,” Vik said, a placeholder while he digested all of that. “So, how is he?”
“He’s alright, yeah. Only recently learned that he could speak. He’s still really really jumpy.”
“He’s scared of you, then,” Vik translated.
“Yeah. I don’t know how much of him you’ll see tomorrow. I’ll tell him it’s alright if he just stays in his room.”
“I can’t picture you as a Pet owner, even though you’re not a proper one.”
“Not a proper one as in I’m a good person with a soul?” Linden quipped. Vik snorted.
“Basically. Ew, it’s weird! He does whatever you say! But you’re just- you’re Linden. You’re my stupid baby brother. He should be telling you what to do.”
Linden smiled. Vik always put him at ease. Difficult topics seemed to flow off him like water off a duck. “Yeah, yeah it is kind of weird, I’m still getting used to it. But you see why I wanted to let you know beforehand.”
“Oh, yeah, totally,” he laughed. “Or else I might have thought he was burgling your house and I’d have asked to join in.”
“Oh, shut up. See you for lunch.”
“See you, Pet man!”
Linden felt the weight lift from his shoulders, but not entirely. Now he had to tell Col.
. . .
He had finished over ten minutes ago. Shiny drops of water still lingered on some of the wider leaves, not quite ready to drop into the moist soil below. But the balcony was too warm and sunny to resist, so Col was still kneeling there when he heard Master’s voice behind him.
He flinched hard at the sound, getting up quickly and ungraciously, tripping over his own feet as if he hadn’t just been caught lazing around.
Through the doorway, a perfect rectangle of light caught Master’s face, cutting down through one eye and turning his left cheek a tawny brown. He had his hands clasped behind his back, and leant forward slightly.
“Don’t worry about getting up, you’re fine, love. No, I don’t know if you heard, but I was just speaking to my brother Vikram over the phone. He’s going to visit tomorrow.”
Master was having a guest. Col nodded, but his mind went white. He suddenly felt like he wasn’t in control anymore. He was underwater, and Master’s voice barely faded through from above the surface.
“You can stay in your room, okay? You don’t have to come down and see him, if you don’t want to. There’s no pressure. I just wanted to let you know beforehand.”
The words flowed past his head, and whatever barriers had been pulled down over his mind kept them from making a dent. “Thank you, sir,” his body replied.
“Okay?” Master half-smiled. “Okay. Good stuff, Col. It’s a nice day- stay out on the balcony more, I know you like it there. I’ll see you later, okay?”
He nodded, but it must have been delayed, because he blinked and Master had left the room, as if he had never been there. Had Col dreamt it?
Turning around, the flowers were wet, so he had completed that task. He knew he had been ordered to stay, so he did, trying to keep the creeping dread from flooding him entirely.
The next day-
It all came crashing down. His eyes snapped open and he was in his room, waiting, and then there was the click of the front door and Master was speaking, speaking with another voice- there was a man in the house-
Master only ever had guests when his Pet had been bad, and he was going to be taught a lesson, and that’s why he was told to wait in his room, that’s why he was prepped, maybe it was a small mercy. But he had been in such a state of denial, barely able to process the news, that he hadn’t done anything to make it hurt less.
All he knew was that he was on the floor in the corner, the furthest one from the bed, and his arms were wrapped around him as if that’d do anything to stop the onslaught. He knew they would just force his limbs apart and restrain them like that until they were done, and it didn’t matter whether he cried and begged. Sometimes they even enjoyed it more when he did. Once he had been lifted up by his throat and told to beg for his life, and it made everyone laugh, because look at it, it wants this, it’s begging for it.
The door handle turned and Col could see Master’s face. His eyes scanned the room briefly before they landed on Col, tucked away in the corner of the room. “Col? What is it?”
. . .
Hey, Col. Vik is here, just so you know, but again, no pressure to come downstairs. He knew what he would say, the tone he’d say it in, so he could hopefully make Col feel secure. But it all fell apart when he laid eyes on the Pet, curled up and trembling on the far side of the room.
“Col?” he said. “What is it?”
“You promised,” Col sobbed, utterly betrayed. Linden’s heart broke. “You promised you wouldn’t- wouldn’t- wouldn’t do that…”
“I won’t,” he said, understanding immediately and wanting more than anything to go over to Col and pull him into a hug. But he couldn’t. He knew that.
“You said you wouldn’t let anyone else,” he whispered, looking up at him with bloodshot eyes.
Then- the moment of vulnerability passed. Not that Col looked any less vulnerable. He was still hunched, small and weak, programmed to do whatever it took to make Linden happy. But he caught his tongue, and the mask slipped back on.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. You can do- do what you want to me. Of course. I’m not, I don’t mean to question you, Master, I’m sorry, I know my place, I’m good, I promise I’m good.”
“You are, you’re really good.” He put a hand over his heart and kept it there. “I’m not going to come in, Vik isn’t going to come in. Neither of us are going to hurt you. I promised, and I’m sticking to it.”
Col was still sobbing, but it was more uneven breaths than actual tears. He couldn’t have spoken even if he wanted to with the way his lungs were pulling the rug from underneath him.
“For now, I think you might feel safer if I just left you alone, so I’ll go back downstairs, okay? And I won’t disturb you again. You just make sure you feel better, that’s all that matters. Don’t worry, Col. You’re safe.”
Vikram didn’t say anything as Linden returned, but he did raise his eyebrows. Linden just nodded, keeping quiet until he was sat back down and, hopefully, out of earshot.
“Poor thing,” said Linden. “He thinks, well- he just sees everything as a threat. I don’t know if he’s ever had a positive experience with another person before. At least not in his memory. Did you…”
He trailed off and Vik simply nodded. All humour was gone from his face; he knew when to leave it out, and when it would help. “Yeah, I heard a bit of it. Heard him crying.”
“I don’t want you to take it personally-“ Linden started, but Vik had already swatted at him.
“Oh, stop it. As if I would. But I am- I am happy I’m here, even though I’m sorry it’s scared him. You need someone too, Linden. Like, shit, this is a full time job.”
“You sound weird, being nice to me” he smiled weakly. Vik grinned back at him, in complete earnest.
“Well then, we can talk about something else, if you want. Something I can confidently mock you for. Where’s Jaffa, too?” he twisted around in his chair, searching for her. His floofed-up hair, hairsprayed to excess, bobbed around on the top of his head as he went. “Where’s my little main attraction?”
Soon Vik had Jaffa on his lap where he was brushing her absent-mindedly, listening to Linden talk about the latest book he had read.
“You are a fuckin’ hermit, dude.”
“And?” Linden pulled his best bored-looking face.
“Well… actually, yeah, stay indoors. Forcing you to come drinking with me would be at the rest of the pub’s expense.”
“You’re a bastard,” Linden laughed. “It’s you they should be worrying about, with that boulder of hair on your head. Look at the state of it, it crunches when you touch it.”
“The ladies love it.”
“Yeah, ‘cause they know if they get locked out they can use it to smash a window.”
. . .
Above them, Col listened. He couldn’t make out the words, but both men seemed happy and upbeat, excited about the night ahead of them, excited about the pliant little bitch waiting upstairs.
Before that, though-
Colton had been openly defiant. He had begged for it to stop before it had even started. He hadn’t taken an ounce of pain, nothing had earned him the right to plead for mercy. He had not only been insubordinate, but he had done it while Master had a guest. That kind of embarrassment would not go unpunished. Master would not have his authority undermined by some common stray.
Col desperately needed to apologise. He knew he shouldn’t just wait for his punishment like usual this time. This time he needed to right the balance. He would prove that he knew his place, and show Master’s guest that his rule here was absolute. So with shaking hands, he slowly creaked open the door, and went downstairs.
The laughter died as he came into view, and even the feeling of their eyes settling over his body made his skin prickle. For a split second, his feet locked in place, but as usual his fear pushed them onwards. He kept his head down, his arms behind his back, his shoulders hunched. As soon as he reached Master’s feet, he knelt. Forehead to the floor. Hands to his sides, ready to be stomped on or grabbed. He was a slave. He was always open for his Master’s use. He did not answer back and he did not question.
“Col, are you, are you sure you want to be here?” Master asked from above. He was very sure. But yes, of course, it was no use Col thinking these kinds of affirmations in his head. He had to make them clear.
“I’m here to apologise, sir, for daring to answer back and embarrassing you. Your Pet knows that he is owned completely and it was c-completely wrong to question you. I had no right to ask for mercy, I don’t deserve any. I’m a mindless Pet with no free will and I exist to serve you. P-Please, accept th-this apology. It won’t- won’t happen again.”
He stammered, towards the end. He could only hope Master wouldn’t get angry about it.
. . .
Ironically, it was now that Linden was embarrassed. He glanced over at Vik, and as the two brothers made eye contact, it was as if they had exchanged a whole conversation.
You see, see what I mean? See how he is?
Yeah, dude. It’s fucked up.
I’m sorry.
Don’t be. You’re doing your best to help him. I’m not embarrassed if you’re not.
He gently reached down to Col and rested a palm on top of his head. He jerked in surprise, a weak gasp escaping his lips, but he otherwise stayed perfectly still.
“Okay, love. Thank you. I’m not angry, okay? My brother is here and he always puts me in a good mood.”
He shot another glance at Vik, mouthing this is how I make him understand. Vik nodded. He was looking at Col curiously. Linden wondered if this was how he had pictured him.
“You didn’t embarrass me. You’re fine. I’m not going to hurt you. Vik doesn’t want to hurt you either. Why don’t you go and sit on the balcony, and I’ll sit with you later, and pet your head? You’re not in trouble.”
As he retracted his hand Col’s head tilted upwards, chasing the warmth of the touch. He kept his eyes low, but whispered, “Thank you, sir, thank you, thank you for having mercy. It won’t happen again, I promise.”
“Okay, you’re okay. Let me help you up.”
It was technically an order, and Col obeyed silently, offering no resistance as Linden slipped a hand over his elbow and pulled him to his feet. He smiled at Col, but his face was blank and resigned. Beyond fear. He had done what he could, and his fate was in Linden’s hands once more. It hurt to know that. Linden could decide to leash Col at any moment, torture him with knives and burning oil and belts, and Col wouldn’t be able to do anything about it.
Linden steered him to the base of the stairs, and then gently encouraged him upwards, until he had drifted out of sight entirely.
The house was silent. He turned back to Vik, but neither had to say anything. Linden already knew that he understood.
first half of the taglist!
@newbornwhumperfly @whumpadump1939 @firewheeesky @whump-me-all-night-long @captainseconds @grizzlie70 @unicornscotty @lave-whump @princessofonward @cupcakes-and-pain @bumbumbea @whumpfigure @yet-another-heathen @secretwhumplair @whumps-up @as-a-matter-of-whump @getyourwhumphere @itzagoodthing @whumpymirages @soapparentlyilikewhumpnow @zipadeedooda-drabbles @penny-for-your-whump @briars7 @legallylibra @angel-stars @loyds-of-registry @tears-and-lilies @badluck990 @rosesareviolentlyread
@vickytokio @neuro-whump @thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight @whumpsy-daisies @control-whump @theydy-cringeworthy @starnight-whump @cursedandtired @jo-doe-seeking-inspo @justabitofwhump @glamrockgregory @rippedjeansandfadeddreams @genesissane @justbreakonme @addyez @httyd-chocolate
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cockasinthebird · 3 years
So so so long ago, I told the dearest @opaldraws that I would write her a fic for her Instagram Steve au, which is one of my favourite aus because he so would have a huge following and post gorgeous lavish pics of himself with all that his parents’ money can buy, and I did start writing it! Only it took me, say, half a year or more to finish it??
So here you go! To Opal and every other reader, I hope you enjoy!
His oversized shirt a dusty rosa, fuzzy and just a bit too long in the sleeves, the neck of it slipping down to expose moles dotting one shoulder. Skinny jeans in a light denim hug his legs like they were sewn for him specifically, it’s a wonder to behold. 
Steve is warm and cozy inside, lying down on a daybed, surrounded by pillows, posing in front of large windows peering out onto the frozen forest, barren and covered in snow. Hawkins is brutally cold during the winters; so unforgiving that the photo shoots they do outside are thankfully scarce, even though Steve would work himself sick with a cold.
If it wasn’t for Billy and his stern insistence, Steve would have gotten frostbite seven times already this winter daring to wear just too little for the sake of fashion and aesthetic. Anything for his 800k followers.
But all his adoring boyfriend can really do most of the time is stand behind the camera and appreciate all of Steve’s gorgeous self with an all too satisfied sigh, as Steve glances over his shoulder at the camera, lashes done up with just a gentle hint of mascara, hearts scattered like freckles across his nose and cheeks. 
Valentines is two weeks away by now, and Steve wants to show off and inspire some date looks, soft and delicate and beautiful. He never does anything with his hair, really, everyone already so jealous of the phenomenal floof of it that he wouldn’t ever dream of changing it now - the pastel aesthetic and his hair is practically his entire brand!
He poses on his stomach with his legs bent, feet kicking in the air, sleeves pulled over his hands as he smiles coyly.
Then he’s on his side, chest turned towards the camera, one leg bent with an arm draped over it, face turned away to give the perfect profile. 
And then he’s on his back, head hanging over the foot end of the daybed, hair just grazing the floor as he looks directly into the camera, eyes big and brown.
Just like Bambi, is the oft used comparison by Billy, and even if this is slightly boring, he can’t help but smile at how utterly beautiful his boyfriend is.
He stays kneeling there, even as he lowers the phone to meet with Steve’s gaze directly, and all the same, Steve stays hanging there, smiling at the way Billy stares with adoration.
“What?” he huffs incredulously.
Billy doesn’t find words to respond right away, he’s always more adept with action instead, and moves in to kiss those perfect lips, so soft and pink, both of them smiling into the embrace, Billy’s hands smoothing across Steve’s cheeks, careful as to not ruin the makeup. 
“I just… love you,” Billy hums with closed eyes, not giving Steve time to miss him.
And Steve laughs again - a sound so blithe and full of joy it’s invigorating and humbling. He reaches up to run his fingers down Billy’s golden curls, raking painted nails across his scalp and tugs there gently till he receives a delighted groan.
At the parting of lips, Steve dives in with his tongue, meeting Billy’s in a lackadaisical sense that urges forth affable moans from both, heat surging up and down Steve’s splayed out shape with every salacious little noise.
“Mmmh, ah… are you- are you done?” Billy whispers, travels away from lips to kiss along Steve’s freshly shaved jawline.
There’s no immediate response as Steve stays still, enjoying the praising kisses like gentle butterflies. He eventually grabs Billy by the sides of his face to guide him away, letting their eyes meet, staying there for seconds too long, admiring the ocean view; crystal clear waters brimming with love.
“Just getting started,” he chuckles once more, but the intent of it this time far more salacious, and Billy’s quick to catch on to that.
Steve rolls around in a rush and gets up on all fours, back arched beautifully, the large sweater hanging loose off of him. He bats his lashes at Billy, who can’t help the insanely cheesy grin spreading from ear to ear, before reaching down to yank at the belt loops of Billy’s jeans, beckoning him to stand up.
And Billy would never dream of not giving his princess what he wants, getting up on his feet only to bring his half hard cock straight into Steve’s eyesight.
A pleased hum roams around Steve’s chest as he slowly undoes Billy’s belt, gazing up with a sly little smirk as he pops free the button and lets the zipper run loose. When fingers curl around the denim to pull down his pants, Billy himself grabs the hem of his shirt and throws it over his head and away, never-minding where it might land since literally nothing else matters right now other than the way Steve’s licking his lips.
“Look so good for me, sweetheart,” Billy coos and gently pushes away the few locks that obscures Steve’s pretty face. “Gorgeous.”
He knows that that’s all Steve wants to hear - that he’s pretty and beautiful and gorgeous and attractive and desired, and Billy knows that flattery will get him everywhere, but even if he sought no boon, he’d still spend every single day of his life praising his boyfriend endlessly, and he plans on doing just that till there’s no more breath in his lungs.
But right now it proves most helpful in urging Steve on, leading him to run his open mouth along the thick outline of Billy’s trapped cock, tongue out to wet the fabric of his black trunks, up to the tip where he nibbles with lips around the head, lapping at where pre cum stains.
The euphoric sensation can be heard in Billy’s stuttering breath, seen in the manner his abs twitch with restraint, felt by the hand tugging in dark locks of hair.
Steve teases the elastic band of Billy’s underwear as he moves further up, dipping his fingers in and running them around the waist, lips just inches above to kiss the warm and taut skin. At an all too torturous pace he pulls down the fabric just enough to expose Billy’s flushed and steely cock, Steve’s lustful gaze following a throbbing vein from the shiny head to the waxed base.
He leans in to press his nose against the fresh skin, inhaling the musky scent deeply, planting wet kisses on every inch within reach, and finally wraps his fingers around Billy’s all too eager erection, the blushing bride nail-polish pairing well with the red of his hard cock.
“Stevie…” Billy breathes his name reverently, filled with lust and devotion, hands petting soft hair.
And Steve gazes up through his lashes at the amorous whisper of his name, taking in how intently Billy watches his every movement. Eyes locked together like this, Steve slips out his tongue to wet his lips till they’re shiny and slick with spit, then presses it flat against the side of Billy’s girthy cock, licking the entire length of it, all the while admiring how his boyfriend gasps and moans at the sight of a most salacious display.
“Fuck, baby,” his voice airy with anticipation.
The hand around him squeezes gently and he can’t help the inevitable thrust as his body seeks more friction. Just so, Steve can’t help the self-satisfied and amused little hum either, mouth vibrating against the veiny shaft, which only worsens the situation for Billy even more as he practically whines,
“Shit, pretty boy, please.”
“Well…” Steve muses and runs the tip of his tongue over Billy’s leaking slit, slow and agonizing, treasuring the salty taste of him. “You did say please.”
He slathers up his lips with spit before closing them around the blunt head, pressing it up against his palate as he sinks all the way down to the base, sloppy in the way he massages every inch of hard flesh with his tongue, eyes fluttering closed as Billy reaches the back of his throat.
Steve revels in every single sound Billy let’s out, the drawn out notes of pleasure.
“God, ahh…”
With hollow cheeks he moves back to the head, tongue swirling around like he’s enjoying a lollipop, fingers back around the now shiny shaft to stroke all of his length that isn’t inside Steve’s mouth. Fast then slow, the pressure perfected in a way that proves just how often he’s done this. He drinks up every spurt of pre, twisting and turning his head in tact with his hand, allowing the occasional thrusts Billy can’t hold back.
Until fingers pull at his hair; hard and earnest enough to make Steve stop and move off, looking up at Billy with red and shiny lips, well used and oh so pretty, oh so enticing. He lets himself be guided up on his knees, meeting Billy where he bends over to kiss him, hungrily tasting how exquisite his own pre and Steve’s spit mixes sweetly together, thumb smoothing over his cheeks and down to drag at Steve’s chin, opening up his mouth to let Billy lick into his heat, suck on his tongue and lightly nibble at his swollen lip.
“Fuck, sweetcheeks,” Billy breathes out and presses their foreheads together, “I wanna cum in you so bad.”
A delighted hum bubbles forth from Steve’s chest and out through the warmest smile any one human can manage, and oh how pleasant it sounds when he says, “Go get the lube, then.”
Billy kisses his forehead once, twice, thrice before awkwardly waddling towards the doorway, struggling to step out of his jeans, then whipping around so fast his mullet snaps in the air.
“Don’t… get undressed without me…” he says most ardently with a raised finger for emphasis.
And before Steve even gets to answer, Billy’s pantsless; hurrying through the hallway, heading for the stairs and leaving behind a trail of his boxers and socks. It’s nice to know how comfortable he is here in Steve’s house, no parents around, no siblings or kids. Just the two of them in solitude together.
He can be heard upstairs, running with heavy feet from the stairs and into Steve’s bedroom, to the bedside table where he finds the bottle immediately, then runs back the same way he came from, till he’s standing once more in the doorway to the conservatory, in such record time he should maybe consider joining the track team come summer.
Slightly affected by running, he breathes out heavily, “Now… do continue…”
Steve’s smile goes wide, feels it burn in his cheeks as he leans down to yank off his socks, balls them up together and throws them at where Billy stands and receives a laugh in return of that.
“You’re impossible,” he says lowly and with a slight roll of the eyes, but Steve’s quick to bring a finger up to his lips and make a shushing sound.
Next the zipper runs free and Steve sits back down on the daybed to pull the skinny jeans off in a rather awkward manner, almost as if he’s vaguely refusing to give Billy exactly what he wants, but it seems inevitable when Steve then gathers his legs closed, the oversized knit sweater pooling slightly around where he’s seated, giving the illusion that he’s wearing nothing else, a shoulder still peeking out. 
Billy’s gaze travels up Steve’s bare legs to where moles vanish beneath the rosa fabric, and when their eyes meet, heat clashes together between them with unspoken intentions.
Steve only breaks eye contact to look down at where Billy now starts slowly stroking himself, and he bites his lip at the sight of it, veiny and wet, electric lust coursing through him and down. Down to where he’s been oh so needy and hard for far too long now. And as he leans back, supporting himself with one hand on the daybed, he reaches for the hemline of his sweater, keeps his lip caught between teeth, eyes heavy and sensual as he watches Billy licking his lips in anticipation.
So simple in truth, when Steve lifts up his shirt just enough to give Billy a clear view of his lengthy dick, the outline of it perfect in white briefs, a wet spot forming at the head. Even from here Steve can hear the way Billy’s breath shudders, can hear how he pants and exhales.
“God, Bambi, what’d I ever do to deserve you?”
That gentle praise is all Steve needs, to be told he’s something to be deserved, something holy maybe, cherished and desired to a point where people can’t function. It’s like magic, and it works all those wonders, too, as proven by how Steve spreads his legs and lifts the shirt even higher, up and up till he pulls it over his head, ruffling his hair, but that doesn’t matter right now.
All that matters is Steve giving Billy what he wants, and Billy giving Steve what he needs.
Billy approaches him slowly, suddenly not finding urgency of importance, to then kneel before Steve like one would at a shrine. Kissing firmly with devotion he travels up the inside of pale thighs, giving attention to every mole in his path till he’s met with the leg of white trunks.
Much to Steve’s irritation, Billy skips right past the entire area covered still in cloth, and continues from where the elastic waistband hugs tightly, kissing his way across Steve’s abs, his pecs, collarbone, neck, chin, and instinctively Steve lets his mouth slip open as Billy’s tongue glides across his lower lip before dipping into a sweet and ardent kiss.
In the same moment of such pure infatuation as is found in between their lips, Billy’s fingers hook themselves on the border of Steve’s trunks, whom in turn lifts up his ass to allow for the elastic band to smoothly slip past and down his thighs, his wettened dick hitting his stomach with a lucid slap.
Billy breaks away for them both to gasp for air, to look down at where Steve is drenched in pre.
“So wet for me, princess,” he drawls alluringly, bringing one hand to wrap his fingers gently around Steve’s hardened flesh.
“Mmhm, fuck, Billy…” Steve coos in tact with the slow stroking of his cock, fighting the urge to thrust into the temperate fist, each jerk sending sparks up his spine, causing his thighs to shake.
And Billy kisses the euphoric furrow between Steve’s brows, his flushed cheeks, the moles there, his jaw, down the slope of his neck to bury his nose in the crook and inhales the lingering scent from his honey body wash.
Steve’s head falls back with whines and whimpers at the near lackadaisical stroking, far too little friction, agonizing, lovely. He tilts his head aside and brings a hand up to guide Billy till their lips meet, sloppy and loose kisses as Steve whispers most pathetically,
“Please, don’t tease me like this, Billy, I need you…”
“Then let me take care of you,” says Billy as he leans away to meet with Steve’s gaze, who nods with a sigh.
It’s a bit of a mess really, getting comfortable on the daybed that’s barely long enough for one adult to lay there, then with a billion pillows as well that spill onto the floor as Steve shoves them away to lay down flat against the cushioned seating. There’s limbs everywhere and a near kick to Billy’s face as they settle with him kneeling between Steve’s legs, but it’s all with a good laugh and wide smiles as nothing can truly deter their drive to be brought together like this.
“So gorgeous like this, sweet stuff, all for me,” Billy drawls, voice thick with how possessive he truly is. 
Steve’s thighs fall further apart at that; how easy he is when subjected to Billy’s heated gaze that promises him everything, that lustful tongue that swipes across his lips, the hand smoothly slipping down the inside of his thigh, palm heavy and burning, inching closer and closer to where Steve is suddenly so starved.
The lube that gets drizzled onto Billy’s fingers is cold when pressed against Steve’s entrance, sending a wave of goosebumps up his thighs, eliciting a little shocked inhale from above.
“Cold?” Billy asks with a well humoured huff as he looks up.
“Cold,” Steve says like it’s an important statement, yet he can’t help but to smile at the way Billy chuckles lightly.
And when Billy kisses Steve’s inner thigh all apologetic, he can only hum pleasantly, and when the tip of a digit goes in, moan. He drops his head back and onto a pillow as Billy continues to move his finger deeper and deeper, down to the knuckle just to pull out again without pause, setting a gentle and slow pace of thrusting his middle finger in and out of Steve’s lubed up, clenching hole.
“Mmh, ahh,” Steve breathes out loud as he melts like butter, mixing with the way Billy kisses soothingly up and down his thigh.
It doesn’t take long before Billy’s confident that Steve can take another digit, and is proven right with the, “Yes, God,” that spills from parted lips with a satisfied sigh. Billy loves watching how easily his fingers slide in and out, loves listening to the moans that grow louder when he curls the two fingers inside, loves feeling how Steve’s body tightens around him whenever he finds that bundle of nerves and presses against it. How Steve’s entire body writhes in the pleasure of it, moving to seek more, as if he’s in charge here.
“Please,” he pleads.
“That feel good?” Billy asks with a smug grin pressed against soft skin, looking up in hopes of catching how Steve’s face crumbles as he begs.
The answer is a short, airy, “Yes,” as if longer words would steal from his moaning and keening.
He doesn’t get a third finger before Billy’s already lubing his girthy cock up, because he knows how Steve wants it; how he loves the slight burn as his body stretches around his boyfriend’s width. And in true fashion of that, Steve gasps almost ecstatically as Billy lines up the tip of his fat prick with Steve’s clenching, tight hole.
“God, please, yes Billy-” he rambles out until Billy starts pushing in and his words are abruptly discontinued to instead allow a loud and euphoric moan freedom.
Billy inches closer and closer as he stays on his knees, the daybed just the perfect height for such a salacious affair, like it was bought subconsciously for a good and thorough fucking. And lucky for them how alone and quiet it is out here, for surely everyone in Hawkins would hear how vocal Steve is when he gets pounded in bed, how he can’t shut up even now as Billy’s just about bottoming out, groaning at how Steve clenches hungrily around the base of his cock.
How beautifully Steve’s back arches as his body trembles, a hand up to grasp at Billy’s shoulder, his face buried in brown hair and soft pillows, from where he pants breathlessly as he adjusts to the welcome intrusion.
It’s all too tempting to just bend down and kiss up along Steve’s pale stomach, lick a heavy tongue across perky nipples that can be felt in the way his body twitches and his breath stutters, nibble gently at his jaw once more, before whispering out,
“You fit me so well, Bambi, like your body was made for me to love.”
At that, Steve turns his head to catch the awe and adoration in those crystal clear eyes, but as Billy pulls out just to thrust back in, his eyes screw shut with exhilaration once more, a loud, “Fuck,” escaping.
Billy grunts as he speeds up to feed the urgent need they both give voice to. But it’s not enough. Not enough until Billy climbs onto the plushy bench, pushing Steve up higher till they’re both fully up on the daybed with those long legs tied around tan hips. 
With an iron grip on the frame above Steve’s head, Billy uses the leverage to slam into his boyfriend’s craving hole, skin growing sweaty as it slaps together between them, his other hand down by a hip to guide their bodies together.
Between curses Billy can’t help to let out sweet honey, too, “God you’re so good to me, baby, sounding like an angel choir when I fuck you like this.”
Steve’s hands both immediately land on either side of Billy’s head and pull him into a kiss brimming with love and desire. “I love you,” he speaks softly, like it’s his most cherished truth, “I love you Billy.”
And Billy can’t help the chuckle that brushes against Steve’s lips between kisses, as hearing this still shocks him, even after years of dating and having sex. It’s astonishing that someone this beautiful and magnificent can’t love a beast like himself.
He curls around Steve; wrapping both his arms around his back as he draws them both nearer, balanced together on the far too small daybed that creaks beneath their shared weight.
“Love how strong you are,” Steve whispers as he kisses Billy’s temple, his hand brushing through golden locks. It’s almost impressive how sturdy his words seem when he’s an otherwise whining mess of ecstasy and blithe curses. “Love how good you feel inside of me, ah-”
Billy keeps his nose pressed against Steve’s neck, breathing in how appetising sweat and body-wash mixes. Every single word pushes him closer to the edge, makes his hips buck and dick pulsate.
“I’m close,” he murmurs between kisses.
“M-me too, oh fuck, please, harder,” it spills from delicious lips and into Billy’s ear.
And who is he not to oblige such obscene pleas. With his knees firmly planted on the cushions, and at a pace that will leave him sore tomorrow, Billy gives his most beloved all that he can, the blunt head of his cock near bullying that golden bundle of nerves buried deep inside of Steve, who in turn can only cry blissfully.
It doesn’t take long before he’s cumming loud and ruthlessly, covering them both in hot white, his entire body tensing up to a point where he’s ardently milking Billy’s cock for all it’s worth, as he cums shortly after with groans and thrusts that slaps so hard it leaves Steve’s cheeks red with abuse.
It’s a short moment filled with warm explosions like fireworks as he pumps his remaining energy deep inside of his boyfriend’s ass, hugging him dearly till there’s no other sound that their laboured breaths.
Moments pass before Steve’s the first one to speak,
“I’m gonna be so sore in an hour after this.”
“Promise I’ll kiss it better,” Billy chuckles out and kisses Steve’s shoulder.
“You better,” comes the response and they both laugh joyfully at that, because yes, Billy is absolutely going to make Steve feel all better again soon.
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gretavanbitch · 3 years
Tangled up in blue- 2
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warnings- drugs lol 
One month and six weeks prior- 
Keeping herself busy when Josh was gone was no easy task for Penny. She tried her hardest to focus on work, sitting in front of rows of developed film, feeling burned out. There was no good reason for this feeling, simply that she was lonely. Sighing, she thought of the only thing to relax her and calm her mind without Josh, weed. 
Her bare feet padded across the hardwood floors of their loft softly, overalls rustling slightly as she made her way to their bedroom. She walked to the brown cabinet next to her side of the bed and pulled out a small encrusted gold box. This box was opened probably too often when she was home without Josh, but also when he was there. She pulled out a filter, and papers. Then taking a bunch off the gram, she grinded it slowly, closing her eyes and wishing she was somewhere else. As her hands moved absentmindedly, she imagined what the boys were doing right now. They were probably on some tour bus or green room getting drunk, which sounds a lot more fun than getting high alone. She imagined Josh, sitting in some plush chair with some extravagant jumpsuit on, smiling and laughing with his friends, without her. She decided to shoot him a text, just some reassurance that he was still there. 
Penny: Hey babe, Jake try to murder you yet? 
Sent: 8:23pm 
She sat, licking the joint closed and waiting eagerly for a reply from Josh. After five minutes, she decided that she would put on a record and smoke, just to pass the time. Joni Mitchell’s Blue started to reverberate off the walls of the apartment, causing her to smile softly to herself. She remembered back to the first road trip she took with Josh, playing this album over and over again until they reached the other side of the country. His hair would run wild with the windows down, and a smile never left his face that week. Snapping back to reality, she brought the joint to her lips and lit her lighter, inhaling deeply and falling back into the couch. After the record had run through both sides, she felt like she needed to do something with her day other than smoke and miss Josh. 
Once again, the rows of film stood daunting before her. It was as if they were the royal guard for an impenetrable force in which her motivation was protected. With a hazy mind, she started flipping through the photographs of the recent week, smiling wider with each one. Your favorite was one that you took of Josh outside of a cabin in Washington. He stood away from the camera, but was smiling straight at it, teeth shining and bandana around his neck. That was the most beautiful sight she had ever seen, the purest form of natural beauty. Nothing like anything, ever. She also chuckled to herself as she flipped to one of Sammy biting Josh’s hand, and Jake posed dramatically against a boulder.
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She loved the way that the light reflected with the camera lens, and the way that it interacted with the subject. Just as she was about to write down a title for the series, her phone buzzed on the table next to her, lighting up with a notification from Josh. 
Josh: Hey mama, just got off stage, it went great. I wish you could've seen it. How did the film come out? 
P.S, Jake has tried to stab me sixteen times already. 
Sent: 12:34AM
Penny: It came out great, here see. 
Attachment: 3 images 
Sent 12:35AM 
Josh: Beautiful, my love. You have a gift for manipulating the light, it's amazing. Can we talk or are you too tired? 
Sent: 12:36AM 
The thought of talking to Josh without seeing his face and expressions change with each word, caused her chest to hurt with want. So instead, she clicked the Facetime button rather than call. 
Her phone vibrated for a few seconds, panging in her ear loudly. Yet within the blink of an eye, she was greeted with her favorite pair of brown eyes staring onto the screen in front of him. She smiled, and floofed her hair to make sure it didn’t look too trash. 
“Hey pretty lady,” he smiled at her. Josh was laying on his back on a bed, presumably on the tour bus. He was lacking in a shirt, but the beads that always decorated his neck hung down past his chest. His hand was stretched above his head, and the phone was angled up from his stomach. 
“Hey pretty boy,” she responded, positioning the phone in a more comfortable position on the couch, “watcha up to rockstar?” 
“you know the usual, living the life, but I really really really wish you were here, everybody does.” His eyes blinked slowly, showing signs of tiredness, but he would never reveal that to you right now, your time was too precious. 
“I do too, trust me its so fucking depressing here with just me and Marely,” she sighed, reffering to the tabby cat that her and Josh adopted together a few months ago. 
“aw how is she?” He asked, smiling into the phone. Penny moved the camera to her right, displaying the cat that was curled up by her hip. 
“She is great, but wishes she was living the rockstar life,” Josh chuckled to Penny’s response. 
“Okay but seriously Pen, can’t you just call sick for one week, say you got really bad food poisoning,” he pleaded. 
“If I say that, then I feel like I will accidentally manifest that I will actually get food poisoning for a week,” she laughed into the phone. 
“fair point, but it’s not the same without you here, I’m not the same without you here,” his tone shifted to a more serious one with every word, looking straight into her eyes through the screen. 
“I mean technically I’m on studio time right now, so they wouldn’t know if I came with you for a week or two...or they would fire me,” she scratched her chin, thinking out the possibilities in her head. 
“If they fire you, then just go freelance, they never fully understood your work anyways,” he smirked at her, knowing that she always complained about the company she was hired by, repeating their failures for understanding creativity. 
“Alright Kizka, you drive a hard bargain,” Penny smiled. 
“Is that a yes?” Josh’s eyes widened at the blonde girl through the screen. 
“it is not a no.” 
“fuck yes, so I can book you a plane ride to California for tomorrow?” He now got up from the bunk, excitedly running to his computer. 
“Mhm, just tell me what time.” 
“Ok here’s one, leaves Nashville at 8, gets in Cali at 10,” Josh said, calculating the time difference in his head. 
“you are such a bad influence, Kizka,” Penny rubbed her forehead tiredly. 
“I will see you tomorrow my love, get some sleep okay?” he smiled at her tired expression, kissing the camera of his phone sweetly. 
“see you tomorrow.” and with that she hung up the phone and exhaled loudly. What just happened? One conversation with Josh and she hits the road. It makes her think back to when she didn’t have anyone, and spent years alone in her little studio apartment, taking photos of walls and birds. Now she would drop everything with the snap of his fingers. In her heart she knew that her dependency on him for happiness was not right, but she was too deep in. Her head was stuck underwater, surrounded by the cool rush of his love. The flaws went unnoticed by both of them in fact, just simply mistaking it for head over heels infatuation. 
As her head hit the pillow, she thought that the emptiness of the room was less significant as it was a few hours ago. Maybe it was the excitement of the idea of not sleeping alone tomorrow, or just the few minutes of hearing his voice. Whatever it was lulled her softly to sleep. 
In a hazy dream, she remembered her and Josh’s first kiss. It was outside of their favorite bar after their second date. He stood next to her, shoulder pressed to hers, and hand interlacing with her own. He was wearing his usual attire, a white long sleeved shirt and tan pants. Yet he looked extravagant, his energy was inherently outgoing. As he says, the Kizka’s have a “flair for flair”. The cool wind seemed to push the pair together, jostling her hair softly as he looked over at her. His eyes were slightly hooded, closed just a slightly against the wind. Her glances fell down to his cupids bow, admiring its shape, then to his lips where she wished she never had to leave. He noticed the shift in her gaze and did the same himself, smirking at her. She smiled, tugging his chin towards her. His hands laced through her hair, smiling into the kiss. Their lips met, and they fit together like they were made for each other, and no one else. 
Her alarm forced her out of the wonderful image that played in her sleep, jutting her eyes open to the harsh sunlight of the morning. She quickly packed an old leather suitcase with a few pairs of jeans, shirts, and dresses, knowing that she would be stealing jewlery and sweatshirts from Josh. In what seemed like five minutes she was at her gate, coffee in hand, and camera stowed in her carry-on bag. She decided to text Josh that she was about to board the plane, knowing that he was probably still asleep. 
Penny: Hey, boarding now. I’ll text you when I land
sent 8:05am
She then put her earbuds in, deciding on listening to the new album, just so she was prepared to sing alone at the shows. It wasn’t like she hadn’t memorized it the night it came out, but she always felt bad listening to it with Josh, it just felt odd to her. The first song to come on shuffle was Light My Love, and she nearly cried remembering the fireside performance she witnessed a not too long ago. 
The plane ride went by in what felt like minutes. Her mind was racing with so many thoughts, most about getting in trouble with work, but others about Josh and how excited she was to see him and the rest of the band. The tires of the plane landed in California with a jaulting thud, and she was brought out of her dissociation. 
She knew that Josh expected her to uber to the venue, after all he was probably just waking up now. So she called an uber, standing outside of LAX clad in an old Janis Joplin shirt, flare jeans, and her classic high heeled leather boots. Penny looked straight out of the 70′s, but Josh felt like the 70′s, a pair who perfectly complimented each other. 
The uber ride was bumpy and seemingly and hour too long. She finally reached the venue at 11:46, hastily thanking the driver and sauntering to the tour bus parked behind the stage. She knocked a few times on the door, and after the third time, she finally heard a groggy “what do you want” 
She smiled, pushing the door open with her foot and walking up the stairs, she was met with a pool of long brown hair and a very naked Jake laying on one of the bunks. Josh was nowhere to be seen. 
“Oh hey Penny, what are you doing here?” Jake asked casually, ignoring the fact that he was naked. She was not phased by the latter twins actions, after all, she spent a fair amount of time with the band and often felt like she was equally as close with all of the members. 
“Just lookin for my loverboy, any idea where he is?” She answered, leaning against on of the seats camly. 
“I think I remember him saying he wanted to go hear the acoustics of the empty stage, so maybe he’s there,” Jake answered groggily. 
“thanks,” she said as she made her way, now at a faster speed then before towards the back entrance of the venue. The staff didn’t seem to bat an eye at her as she hastily walked hallway after hallway until she reached the back of the stage. Then she saw him, standing with his arms out wide, silently absorbing the feeling of the empty arena. 
“babe?” she said, accidentally making it sound like a hushed whisper. 
The curly headed man then turned his head over his shoulder, smiling. His smile widened nearly ten fold when he saw the girl to his left. She looked amazing, her hair seemingly always falling in just the right way, she paused for a moment, reaching for something in her bag. 
“don’t move, and look forward again, just like you were before,” She smiled and clicked the shutter of the camera, knowing it would be beautiful, every photo with Josh in it is. She then put the camera away and ran into his arms, collapsing into his embrace. He hugged her tightly, moving his hands up and down her back. 
“I missed you so much my love,” He said into her hair. 
“I missed you more lover,” she replied. 
Hey pretty people! I hoped you liked this chapter, I may or may not write another either tomorrow night or by sunday! Asks are open for Jake or Josh imagines BTW!
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aethelar · 4 years
Newt Scamander might not know a lot about a lot of things, but he knows damn well how to spot someone disguising their wings and Percival Graves is disguising his wings.
They’re black, the wings in question, tucked neatly in against his spine. Too neatly. And too black, actually; very few black feathers are so completely, flatly black - even Tina’s dark grey wings show their blue tint in the sunlight. But Percival Graves’ wings are black. Distractingly so; they don’t look quite right, don’t reflect properly under the harshly artificial light in the interrogation room. When Graves leans forwards to press his questions, his wings lean with him at the same precise angle, held in exactly the same neatly tucked position against his spine.
Newt’s own wings shuffle and fluff behind him, the mottled brown-white feathers ruffling up as he frowns in concentration. He’s not known for keeping them still, and he knows a lot of people move their wings a lot less than he does - but even so, surely the rigid control Graves is exerting over his own would be uncomfortable? Everyone’s wings move. At least a bit. The way Graves holds his, it reminds Newt of some of the soldiers back in the war, the careful, painful way they kept them stiff and unmoving when their wings were injured.
He doesn’t think Graves’ wings are injured. He also, when Graves gets frustrated with his distracted answers and leans further forward into the light, doesn’t think the way the shadows fall on his feathers is natural.
But clearly, clearly, Newt doesn’t think at all when he raises a finger in triumph at solving the puzzle. “Ah,” he says, interrupting Graves’ latest threat. “You’ve not used enough layers. It’s why your scattering’s off.”
Silence. Even Tina’s anxious fidgeting behind him cuts off.
“I beg your pardon?” Graves rumbles, something in his tone that wasn’t there before. His wings though, they don’t move, and Newt showcases yet more of his lacking self preservation by pointing at them.
“There, see,” he says. “Your illusion’s too flat, it’s stopping you from moving them. They’re dark enough that you can get away without proper shading when you hold them still, but if you moved them it’d be obvious that they aren’t real. You need more layers for the light to reflect otherwise it won’t look right.”
Graves leans back, eyebrow raised. “Clever,” he says, half to himself. “And what does a... magizoologist know about illusions?” He pronounces magizoologist carefully, delicately. It means something, the way he says it, but Newt’s always been better at reading wings than people. Tina is frighteningly still behind him, and if Graves’ gaze were any less intent Newt would turn around to check on her.
He has the sudden feeling that he’s made a mistake.
“Only some,” he says around a suddenly dry mouth. “I, uh, I use them sometimes. For my creatures. Their habitats, the environments - um.” He shrugs. His feathers are floofed up in the beginnings of alarm. He wishes for a moment that he had an illusion running on them; Graves doesn’t seem the sort of man he wants to show weakness in front of. “I don’t know much,” he finishes.
“Enough to call a lie when you see it,” Graves says, eyes falling to half lidded. There’s something almost smug in the curve of his mouth, like one of the dragons closing in on an unsuspecting prey.
Newt is suspecting. He can’t say for certain that he isn’t prey but he’s very, very suspecting. He wants, desperately, to look behind him and check on Tina because she’s been too quiet now for too long, but he can’t look away.
“I wonder,” Graves purrs. “Tell me, Newt, what other lies can you see through?”
The feeling of magic in the air is getting thicker. It presses down on Newt, trying to force his wings back in submission, and it’s only years of practice being stubborn that keep him in place.
“I don’t know what you’re asking,” he says as carefully as he can. If anything, his defiance makes the magic coil tighter around him. Horrifyingly, it seems pleased.
“No?” Graves asks. The illusion on his back flickers; for a second, his wings are huge, arched over his head and casting Newt into shadow. “How about the lie that certain magical creatures are a danger to society and must be exterminated? You’ve been quite vocal about that one in the past.” The wings flicker again; they aren’t black. Newt can’t tell what colour they are, but they aren’t black, and they aren’t neatly held against his spine. “Or the lie that muggles take priority in territory disputes? That magical society has to draw further and further back to make space for their greed - how many magical species are at risk now because of that?”
Gold, Newt thinks. Jagged, gold feathers, bleached almost white under the interrogation room lights.
Tina, he also thinks, where the fuck is Tina.
“Or the lie,” Graves says, except it isn’t Graves, there’s only one person with wings like that and it isn’t Percival Graves, “that it’s a wizard’s responsibility to hide, to sit back and do nothing when so much of the magical world depends on us, all because we’re too afraid of being seen.”
Grindelwald’s magic is heavy against his skin, holding him in place and sliding over his neck, gentle and languid and coaxing and dangerous. His pulse thunders against it. He’s pretty sure that he and Grindelwald are the only ones left in the room, and Grindelwald’s wings are curled so far towards him that Newt is almost completely encircled by the reaching feathers. His own wings, tucked in close and bristling in fear, feel small in comparison.
“You’ve such a collection in that case of yours,” Grindelwald says, two-toned stare hot and almost possessive as it flicks over Newt. “And you’re so good at seeing through society’s lies. I hardly think you’re the sort of man to sit back and do nothing, are you?”
Newt shivers. The magic around his throat doesn’t tighten, but would it, what would it do if he said no. Yes. No? Which one means - there are too many double negatives, Newt’s not sure what the right answer is, and Grindelwald’s wings and magic are too close for him to risk giving the wrong one.
“I...” He licks his lips, but that doesn’t help the way his voice stutters. Grindelwald leans forward on his elbows, indulgent, patient. His left wing trails up to Newt’s shoulder, the feathers brushing against his chin. Newt’s creatures are relying on him and if he dies here, if Grindelwald twists his magic and Newt chokes on it, then they’re as good as lost - MACUSA won’t hesitate to destroy them.
“Hm?” Grindelwald prompts.
Newt’s creatures need him. The only answer is the one that saves them.
He tilts his head back and lets his wings fall open in submission, and Grindelwald laughs.
“Such a clever little thing,” the Dark Lord calls him, and Newt closes his eyes and hopes he made the right choice.
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First Meetings
Pairing/s: None, Platonic, General Character/s: Chase Brody, Antisepticeye, Mentions of other Septic Egos Genre: Fluff, Angst, Hurt/Comfort Fandom: Jacksepticeye Warning/s: Mildly Implied Attempt of Suicide, Bullet wound, Soft!Anti Note/s: Sort of inspired by @beerecordings scenario where Chase and Anti ‘first’ meets each other. (AO3 Edition of the Fic)
The circumstance in which he and Chase first met each other after Chase came home from the hospital for the very first time after the day of his ‘birth’ truly shifted the dynamics of their relationship if Anti had to say anything about it. Anti was pretty sure that if they met in any other way, he would have treated Chase in the same way he treated the others.
Anti could still remember that moment playing out in his mind like some crystal clear film. The sound of Jack falling down with a muffled thump on the floor as a massive amount of energy was drained out of him in a matter of seconds as a result of Chase Brody’s creation, the scream for help from Marvin when the newest addition to the house appeared with a bleeding bullet wound on his head, Schneep’s controlled barked orders echoing through the house as he calmed everybody down, and Jackie’s rushed footsteps as he set about on assisting everyone into taking control of the situation… Anti had merely watched the entire situation on with an intrigued gleam in his eyes as the air of panic and adrenaline descended upon his housemates as they raced against time to save the newcomer.
It took Chase nearly an entire month of recovery before he was allowed to be discharged from the hospital under the careful eyes of Henrik. The others warned Anti to be on his best behavior and to avoid Chase if he doesn’t have anything good to say. They don’t want him to hamper his progress, they said. Anti scoffed at the way they seemed to treat the newbie like fragile glass that will shatter with the slightest harsh tone. Jack was the only one who didn’t treat him like a villain. Instead, he patted the demon on the shoulder with a silent knowing gleam in his eyes and murmured a quiet ‘be kind to him, please?’ before he went off to visit Chase again.
Anti huffed and rolled his eyes at Jack back then. Kind? Jack must have forgotten that Kindness never existed in his dictionary.
But as the day Chase was about to go home approached, the other guys became even more overbearing until he couldn’t take it anymore. He resolved to avoid the new guy like he was carrying the black plague with him when he came home. Anti would prefer not to gain a chronic headache that the nagging bastards would heap upon him as they fussed over the new baby of the house.
With that decision in mind, he skedaddled over to the Iplier’s Mansion to pester Dark and help Wilford and the other Iplier egos in their shenanigans to worsen Dark’s chronic migraine from herding his gang of bastards. He spent around an entire week playing with them before he got bored of pestering Dark and darted back into the Septic HQ before the goth-reject asshole took his head off.
It had been three in the morning when he sneaked back into the mansion and the moment he stepped inside the house, his nose twitched at the aromatic scent of warm freshly-baked cookies wafting from the kitchen.
‘Cookies…’ Anti hungrily thought as his eyes gleamed with greed.
Unknown to most of the egos, Anti has a very severe sweet tooth that caused him to engorge himself on whatever sweet thing he could get his hands on in the household or anywhere else. Jack was the only one who knew it (because the asshole knew him inside out just as well as Anti knew him even better than he does) and often bribed him for his good behavior with promises of sweets that he’d possessively hoard in his bedroom which was completely off-limits to everybody else.
He peered into the kitchen through the doorway and blinked at the sight of the newbie’s back. Anti raised an eyebrow, briefly wondering why the man’s awake at this godforsaken house before he shrugged to himself. It wasn’t that rare to find someone else awake at this time of the day since most of them would be up to something related to their own interests.
His eyes were drawn to the cooling plate of cookies on the counter and he practically drooled at the sight of the big chocolate chip cookies. He glanced back at the man whose shoulders were slumped as if he was carrying the weight of the entire universe by himself before snuffling forwards soundlessly to grab a bunch of cookies from the plate.
“You have to wait ten more minutes before you can eat them,” Anti did not jump when the silent man in the room suddenly addressed him without looking at him. “They’ll taste better with some milk.”
Finally, the man turned around and Anti couldn’t help but stare at the deep black bags under the man’s red-rimmed clear baby blue eyes, and the stained bandage wrapped around his head.
He refused to think about how similar it looked to the bandages that were wrapped around his own neck.
The newbie gave him a smile that looked more like a grimace when he saw him.
“Hello Anti, my name is Chase Brody. I’ve been hearing a lot of things about you since I woke up and I’m glad to finally meet the notorious man who’s been striking terror and frustration in everyone’s hearts,” Chase was tired and sad and looked like he was about to fall asleep any second now…
But the curiosity and glimmer of eagerness to meet him was so painfully sincere.
“Your head wound hasn’t closed yet.” Anti bluntly said, immediately hiding the awkwardness he felt when he realized that Chase truly wanted to meet him. 
Literally what the fuck, Chase Brody.
Chase’s fragile smile wavered and his eyes dulled slightly at his blunt observation before he visibly pulled himself back together.
“Marv and Hen’s trying to find a solution to it,” Chase casually said before he looked down at the plate of cookies and tapped some of them to check their temperature. “Still a bit too hot…”
“They won’t find it,” Anti narrowed his eyes as he seemed to look beyond Chase and into the distance. “It’s not something a simple spell or some medicine could cure.”
Chase gave Anti’s bandaged neck a meaningful, understanding look before he pushed the plate towards the demon in a wordless peace offering.
“I still have a lot more baking,” Chase answered the wordless question Anti gestured towards him with a tilt of his head.
“You’re not gonna sleep?” Anti asked as he grabbed a cookie and shoved it into his mouth. He moaned in delight as the flavors started exploding like fireworks in his mouth while the choco chips melted into a heavenly chocolate goo on his tongue. “The fuck kind of drugs did you put in these?”
Chase snorted and breathed out a laugh at the mystified, delighted look on Anti’s face as he chewed on his cookie slowly, cherishing every bite on its own.
“No magic. Just some heapings of love and care,” Chase cheesily grinned at the look of utter disgust that shifted into Anti’s face from his words. “And no, I can’t sleep right now so instead of mulling over my misery for hours I went here to stress bake.”
A calculative gleam entered Anti’s eyes as he thought of the implications of more heavenly baked goods coming from Chase that seemed like they could satiate his sweet tooth. He glitched one of the kitchen chairs behind him and he hopped on to it.
“Well, Chasey,” Anti sighed with a feigned mournful droop to his body that yielded a look full of amusement from the other man, “As someone who doesn’t need sleep, I suppose I could grace you with my presence as long as you pay me with food.”
The younger man laughed and turned around to bend over and take out some of the trays full of cookies from the oven after he heard it ring when the timer ran out.
“Or you could just ask me nicely if I’d make you whatever you like as long as you play nice with me,” Chase placed the tray on the table and smacked Anti’s hand with his own when he saw the demon’s greedy hands attempt to steal a cookie from the tray. “I’ve already given you your stash you complete child.”
It was odd. Anti should feel infuriated and defiant that Chase was scolding him like a child with sticky fingers but one look at those teasing eyes eased the fire in his chest and he settled down on his seat with a childish pout on his lips.
“Jack told you about my sweets addiction didn’t he?” Anti narrowed his eyes as he made a mental note to toss the bastard off the window tomorrow or well… later.
“There’s nothing wrong with liking sweets as long as it’s in moderation,” Chase chuckled. “Although I did hear from Jack that you have a monstrous appetite…”
The kitchen room was filled with light banter and teasing between the two. Anti watched as the weary set on Chase’s shoulders seemed to ease up the longer they talked to each other and the longer he was kept from drowning himself in his own thoughts. Chase could see the demon relax his guard slightly as he treated him without any judgement or nagging about his own harsher than normal personality.
It was nice, Chase thought to himself, to have someone who doesn’t seem to act like he’s going to break any second now.
It was… peaceful, Anti grudgingly admitted to himself, and he actually liked the light camaraderie between the two of them.
A few hours later, time finds Henrik staring with a flabbergasted look at the unlikely duo napping together on the couch in the living room with an empty plate full of cookie crumbs on the table in front of them. Chase was curled up into a ball on his side, head lightly pressed against Anti’s thighs, while Anti was sleeping while sitting on the couch, legs propped up on the table, a drooling mouth gaping open in his sleep, and his arms sprawled on his sides with one hand buried into the floof of Chase’s hair.
Jack, after getting over his shock at the sight of Chase actually sleeping and Anti showing one of his vulnerable sides in public, took a picture of the sleeping duo on his phone for memories and dragged a still shocked Henrik away to let them sleep more with a brilliant smile on his lips.
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rotox for 15 would be cuteeeee
SO CUTE!! Also, this got long, I’m so sorry - tell me if I should put a ‘read more’ on here
Roxxxy does not do online dating.
It’s a mixture of principle and safety - she doesn’t need to stoop to scouring the internet for someone who’s interested in her, and she prefers to meet people face to face, not through a screen. A profile picture doesn’t mean shit, and it’s really not possible to know who you’re talking to until they’re standing in front of you. It’s just easier to find people at bars or clubs, faster to figure out if they’re cute or not, witty or not, better when she can have solid proof of identity.
None of this can explain why she’s sitting in bed at 1 am staring at Tinder, but Alaska is scarily persuasive and Roxxxy couldn’t deny that getting likes and matches weren’t boosting her self esteem significantly.
“Fuck her,” Alaska had said, after Roxxxy had finished her third rant in just as many weeks about her ex. “You know what you need? Statistics.”
She’d been very helpful in setting up the profile and telling Roxxxy who to swipe left on, but once the clock hit eleven she’d headed off towards home, claiming that if she stayed any longer, Sharon would get worried. Roxxxy had felt a little twinge of jealousy, Alaska’s engagement ring glittering as she grabbed her purse, but she had let her friend go with a smile. She’ll find someone. Eventually.
She can feel her insecurities curling around her the longer she thinks about it, and she quickly shuts them down, turning her attention back to the glow of her phone.
Left. Left. Le-
Her finger stutters over the face of the most beautiful woman she’s ever seen, with high cheekbones and a coy smile, her blue eyes glittering. She looks insane, with crimped, neon green hair and bright blue lipstick, and Roxxxy feels drawn to her immediately. 
Roxxxy had told Alaska that this was just to see who liked her, not the other way around. She wasn’t looking for anything, especially on Tinder.
She swipes right.
The woman messages around five minutes later, and Roxxxy feels her heart skip a beat as she opens it, the little black words striking something like the fear of god into her.
Detox Icunt: night owl too? you’re already perfect ;)
Roxxxy takes too long thinking of a witty reply, deciding whether she should copy Detox’s texting style or stick to proper grammar, her heart in her throat as she presses send.
Roxxxy Andrews: I know I’m perfect, but are you really as beautiful as you are in your profile pic?
Detox replies with a photo. It’s the same woman, sans makeup, lying on what looks like a bright orange couch. She’s gorgeous, her blue eyes bright and her smirk doing something to Roxxxy’s belly.
Detox Icunt: no
Detox Icunt: i wear so much makeup you could accuse me of catfishing!
Roxxxy laughs a little, wondering if Detox knows just how close she’s gotten to Roxxxy’s wariness. She types a quick response, keeping up the flirting, becoming more comfortable in the face of this other woman’s humor. She feels comfortable already, and while she’s always been confident, the ease in which she can flirt with Detox surprises her.
Roxxxy Andrews: No. You might just be perfect. Too perfect.
Detox Icunt: are you accusing me of catfishing??? after i just sent a pic of me looking like the grim reaper??
Roxxxy Andrews: It’s not uncommon...
Detox Icunt: here. tell me to do something and i’ll send a pic of me doing it. since my beauty is so incredible
Several ideas spring to Roxxxy’s mind, and they all make her blush. She shoves them to the back of her mind. Calm down, Roxxxy.
Roxxxy Andrews: Put a glass on the top of your head.
Detox Icunt: yes maam
A photo comes in moments later of Detox holding a glass full of wine on top of her head, her hair an adorable floof around her face. Roxxxy wants more of her.
Roxxxy Andrews: Interesting... I think I need more proof. Make a stupid face.
Detox sends in a photo, one eye squinted shut and her mouth wide open in an agonized yell. Roxxxy laughs out loud.
Roxxxy Andrews: Very convincing. But I need more.
Detox Icunt: if you say so
And suddenly, the chat is flooded with pictures of Detox, all clearly from just now, and all clearly a result of her spamming her camera button as she makes face after face. Roxxxy laughs so hard she cries, the selfies never ceasing even as she cries for Detox to stop.
Roxxxy Andrews: Stop!! STOP
Roxxxy Andrews: No more!
Detox Icunt: okay, fine
Detox Icunt: i won’t send any more selfies
Detox Icunt: your loss ;)
Roxxxy grins at her phone, her heart lighter than it’s been in weeks. 
Roxxxy Andrews: I think I need one final proof that you’re real. The only way I’ll know for sure is if I can see you with my own eyes.
Detox Icunt: Tomorrow? 8pm? That Italian place by Mateo’s?
Roxxxy feels her chest warm, excitement and nerves and hope making her want to dance around her room with joy.
Roxxxy Andrews: It’s a date.
send me a pairing and a number!
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mama-m1na · 5 years
My Dear Minstrel: Chapter 1
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“We’re going where, Kerstin?” a seventeen-year-old brunette asked as she tossed a saber.
“Isenbardus Castle!” a sixteen-year-old female exclaimed, “It’s haunted as shit and we’re already going to be there for a few weeks for the competition!”
“I checked online and they sometimes let people stay overnight for investigations,” a seventeen-year-old ravenette chirped from her stretch on the floor in front of the other females.
“Well, if we’re already in the area and we have free time I don’t see the problem with it,” a red headed teenager commented.
“Fine,” the brunette sighed, “But you don’t touch anything unless Mina says it’s okay. Do you remember what happened last time?”
“Sophie, for the hundredth time, it wasn’t my fault Chloe bumped into that vase!” Kerstin exclaimed remembering the situation which took place the last time their group went ghost hunting, “Geez, your friend gets possesed once.”
“That wasn’t the only time someone got possessed, Kerstin,” the ravenette said as she rose from her stretch position and began taking tosses on her rifle.
“Sleep paralysis doesn’t count!”
“Uh, if you’re levitating like three feet off the ground when it happens yes it does,” Sophie retorted as the other girls agreed.
“Fuck you guys.”
A week later the two high school groups known as Rowan’s Imperial Guard and Rowan’s Winter Drumline were flown from Emltucae, Mecaari to Warrington, Anerfec.
They had been preparing for months for their final competitions being held in the different country.
Upon reaching their hotel seven of the females raced to the bigger of the three suites which were rented out and immediately locked the door.
“Yes!” cheered the females as the others were left behind the door in surprise at the coordinated swiftness of the seven girls.
“I told you planning on the plane would pay off!” the ravenette chuckled as she walked over to the couch which could be folded out into a bed.
“Yeah, you right, Rhamina,” the red head spoke earning a disapproving look from each of the other six girls, “Ugh, that was gross.”
“I know right,” Kerstin nodded, “After calling her Mina for a while, her actual name is weird. Hannah, never do that again.”
“I remember when I hated Mina,” a brunette with shoulder length hair, straight cut bangs, and bright green eyes sighed.
“So do I, Sam,” Rhamina chuckled sprawling out over the couch to nonverbally claim it as hers forcing the others to share three to a room for the remaining two bedrooms in the suite, “So do I.”
“Chloe, remember when we go to the castle, if it’s shiny do not touch it!” Sophie said to the shorter female with glasses.
“But Sophie, it was intriguing!” the female replied.
“So, Mina, when are we going to do the ghost thing?” Hannah asked checking things on her phone.
“We’re touring the castle tomorrow at 10 in the morning and we’re doing our investigation that night,” Rhamina replied walking over to the kitchen bar which was literally five feet from the couch and began to charge her phone which was at seventy percent, “Oh yeah, charge your cameras by the way.”
“Why did you schedule it so early!” whined a dark skinned female named Tijarah.
“So you could take a nap in the afternoon and actually get rest for the investigation instead of complaining how tired you are because you woke up at noon and didn’t take any naps before pulling an all nighter,” the ravenette retorted with a hand on her hip and an accusing glare pointed at her sister.
“So, we down for watching Studio Ghibli movies until midnight?” Kerstin added after taking out a set of dvd’s from Rhamina’s bag.
By the time midnight rolled around the other girls had gone off into their separate rooms leaving Rhamina in the open of the living room area on her couch now turned bed.
Looking out the window and seeing it was a full moon she closed the window lay on her bed with eyes open.
As she Opened the Way she could feel the energy in the room easier and all in all felt much more at peace and natural.
Taking deep breaths she started to visualize the darkness as a living being it was moving around her and it was fine.
The darkness was her equal. The darkness was the truth of death and the small lights she could see peeking in from wherever were the lies of life.
Each time she breathed in the darkness entered and calmed her.
“I summon dark from death,” she began to chant as she felt her power grow.
After some time in her ritual, Rhamina Closed the Way before curling up in her blankets and letting her tired eyes rest.
“-sami! Kitsami, wake up!”
“Huh?” the ravenette asked as she opened her eyes and swatted away the hands that were shaking her.
She could feel her face heat up as she stared up into familiar boundless cerulean irises.
“Hello?” she asked as she blinked in confusion.
‘This isn’t the hotel,’ she thought looking around the garden she was in right under a plum tree whose flowers were in bloom, ‘This is not a couch.’
“Come on, Kitsami, you know your sister is going to have our heads if we’re late,” the male said as he stood up and held a hand to the seventeen-year-old.
‘And who the fuck are you?’ Rhamina asked herself noticing his strange clothes that consisted of red clothes underneath blue and gold pieces. He had white gloves that reached his elbows and white leather boots that went halfway up his thighs.
‘And why the fuck is he so hot?’ she asked noticing most of his blonde hair was tied into a low ponytail under his blue beret with golden accents.
As he began to drag her away the female couldn’t help but stop and look at the tree she was just under.
It’s dark branches were covered in small pink flowers which drifted off in the breeze and it was just…
“Of course it is,” the male said squeezing her had slightly smiling down at her, “You did grow it yourself.”
Rhamina awoke at about seven in the morning to the sound of her ringtone from the kitchen bar and she begrudgingly went to check it only to see it was an unknown number.
After declining the call she checked her notifications to see a few emails that didn’t matter, texts on group chats she didn’t even want to be a part of, and a few from tumblr.
Knowing that she wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep, Rhamina went to her bag and picked out her clothes for the day and went into the bathroom to get ready for the day.
After washing her face, Rhamina brushed out her long, black hair and let it fall to its full length of just above her thighs before prepping her face for makeup.
She applied a face powder that matched her tanned skin in order to make it look smoother before applying red eyeshadow to the outer corners of her top and bottom eyelids for a subtle geisha aesthetic. To finish off her eyes, she applied black, winged liner and sealed it using setting spray.
Once she was satisfied with her makeup, Rhamina changed into a black t-shirt with white lettering that read ‘Black is my Happy Color’, and maroon shorts before folding her sleeping attire to put away for later.
When she came out of the bathroom she saw that no one was awake yet and decided to order some food from a nearby restaurant that delivered since they had yet to go out to buy food or snacks.
In about ten minutes a knock came on the door and Rhamina checked the peephole to see it was indeed the food person.
She quickly paid before closing the door and setting the food on the table.
Its scent immediately wafted throughout the suite and Tijarah came out of her room to see Rhamina opening a foam box with chicken katsu, rice, and macaroni salad.
“Mina, can I-” Tijarah cut herself off as she saw the ravenette point at the six other boxes of food.
“All of you owe me one meal each. This shit wasn’t cheap.”
“Then why did you get it?” Tijarah asked as she sat next to her sister and began to eat.
“Because I don’t want y’all complaining how I didn’t get you shit.”
“Aw, Mina-chan, you care!”
“No, it was for my sake, not any of yours!”
Once the other girls were awake she immediately was showered in teases from Tijarah and Sam while the others genuinely thanked her.
“Mina, shut the fuck up, you’re such a floof,” Sam said as she took the box which was supposed to be hers.
“No, I’m not! I’m a big and scary fox!” the ravenette snapped back, “I will fucking eat you!”
“Then do it.”
“Come here!”
“Eat my ass.”
“I will.”
With that statement the ravenette moved with her food to the couch as she left her phone to charge.
“So, we’re meeting up with one of the guides at the front of the castle and we get to interview some people from there,” Rhamina said as she scanned an email she just received on her phone.
“Looks like they’re taking this seriously,” Hannah said, “I wonder why, we’re just a bunch of teenagers.”
The others shrugged as they finished up and got dressed before loading into a rented van with permission from one of the chaperones of course.
“Fuck, this country is so pretty,” Rhamina sighed as they drove out near some old cottages, “There must be so many foxes here!”
“We better be careful otherwise Mina might join her kind,” Hannah chuckled from behind the wheel.
“Bet! I should!” the ravenette chirped with excitement as she pressed her face to the window to see lots of tall grass.
“Mina, no!” Chloe called as she tugged on the side of her shirt.
“Mina, yes! All the floof!” the teen squealed at the thought of the fluffy adorableness of foxes.
“Absolutely not!” Sophie exclaimed from the passenger seat, “We need you!”
However the female was just sitting in excitement thinking about the species of canine.
“Shit, Sophie,” Sam chuckled, “She’s fucking gone!”
When the group arrived Sophie parked the van and Rhamina took out her camera getting some shots of the castle that stood from medieval times. The girls had already done an intro in the van when they finally pried the ravenette from the window.
Since they were only taking a tour at the moment Rhamina was the only one with a camera; which, was good since she was the one managing the account the video would be posted on.
“Well, here we are, Isenbardus Castle, haunted as shit and known for housing a vicious pair of twins as it’s Mistresses,” Rhamina spoke as they walked up the steps with Chloe on her right arm only for her to stop and gape at the figure standing there waiting for them.
‘No…. no.. no. No! Fuck!’ she thought as she felt her face heat up immediately being reminded of the time she found her first crush.
At the top of the stairs was a blonde male wearing red clothes underneath blue and gold pieces. He had white gloves that reached his elbows and white leather boots that went halfway up his thighs.
“Damn, if that’s our guide, he be looking fine!” Sophie whisper shouted as Rhamina tried to fan herself to cool herself off.
“Mina, are you okay?” Kerstin asked noticing the reaction of her sibling.
“S-so apparently, they modeled the uniforms after the uniforms of the royal guards from medieval times,” Rhamina said after trying to gulp down any anxiety that was in her system.
“Awe, Mina-” “Shut the fuck up, Sam!” the ravenette snapped already knowing what would be said as they neared the male.
“You girls must be the investigation group for tonight,” he smiled putting his right hand over his heart and bowing slightly, “I am Fidel and I will be your guide for the day.”
Just before Rhamina could reply the male looked up and was caught in brown irises with specks of gold that shimmered when they caught the sunlight. He did not miss the way her mouth opened to reply only for nothing to come out as her face began to turn a shade of red.
Chloe hooted as the ravenette passed the still rolling camera to her only for Tijarah to sigh and take it.
“I’m Tijarah, these are Kerstin, Sam, Hannah, Sophie, Chloe,” Tijarah introduced pointing at everyone as she listed them off, keeping the camera on him until she put both the ravenette and the blonde in the frame, “and the floof who is freaking the fuck out over there is Rhamina.”
“S-sorry,” the ravenette awkwardly chuckled as she looked away from the male.
“Oh, Mina, you poor thing,” Hannah whispered to Sophie as they watched the nervous tendencies of the teen.
“It’s alright,” Fidel said with a smile as he straightened out, “I don’t bite you know.”
Once the male turned around and beckoned for the girls to follow him Chloe looked to the blonde then back at the extremely flustered ravenette before glaring.
Throughout the tour Fidel felt the the glare of the tiny Asian on him and whenever he turned to try and converse with the ravenette he was immediately blocked by angry hoots.
At around noon they walked out to the garden when Fidel said, “How about we take a break?” Hearing the chorus of agreements he continued, “I’ll go and get some tea and snacks, any suggestions?”
“Do you have Thai tea?” Rhamina asked seating herself on a bench underneath a large plum tree for shade, that being the only full sentence she could say without stuttering since they got there.
“Mina, do you really think they have Thai tea here?” Sam chuckled.
“We might,” the blonde chuckled, “I’ll be back in a few minutes.”
Once the male was gone the six other girls turned to Rhamina who took a deep breath.
“You okay there, Mina?” Hannah asked the still flushed ravenette.
“Jesus, Mina, what the fuck happened?” Sam laughed as Tijarah pointed the camera at them.
“Fuck off, feelings begone!” Rhamina said until she noticed movement across the garden and noticed them to be a pair of red foxes, “Do you guys want to hear a story about a fox?”
“Yes!” Chloe cheered from her spot on the ground as she hugged one of Rhamina’s boot covered legs.
“As we were out a-hunting, one morning in the spring, both hounds and horses running well, made the hills and the valleys ring,” she began as a breeze caused the branches above them to sway, knocking petals from their spots and down onto the girls, “But to our great misfortune no fox there could be found. Our huntsman cursed and swore but still no fox moved over the ground.”
“And up spoke our master huntsman the master of the chase, ‘If only the Devil himself come by we’d run him such a race,” the foxes reappeared from the bushes and began to dash around the garden, “and up there sprung like lightning, a fox from out of his hole. His fur was the color of a starless night and his eyes like burning coals.”
“And they chased him over the valley and they chase him over the fields. They chased him down to the river bank but never would he yield,” gradually more and more foxes joined in the games and were all around the girls, “And he’s jumped into the water and he’s swum to the other side and he’s laughed so loud that the greenwoods shook. Then he’s turned to the huntsman and cried.”
“‘Ride on my gallant huntsmen, when must I come again? For you should never want for a fox to chase all over the glen and when your need is greatest just call upon my name and I will come and you shall have the best of sport and game!’” The foxes began to play closer and closer to the females, some even running over or around them, “And the men looked up in wonder and the hounds ran back to hide. For the fox it changed into the Devil himself where he stood on the other side.”
“And the men, the hounds, the horses went flying back to town and hard on their heels come a little black fox laughing as he ran,” from the open window an old woman listened and watched as the ravenette continued her story as the foxes chittered and ran about the garden with her friends playing as well, “‘Ride on my gallant huntsmen, when must I come again? For you should never want for a fox to chase all over the glen and when your need is greatest just call upon my name and I will come and you shall have the best of sport and game!’”
“Ride on my gallant huntsmen, when must I come again? For you should never want for a fox to chase all over the glen,” Rhamina finished only to be pushed forward slightly as the form of a black fox jumped onto her upper back.
It began to chitter and yell as it nuzzled against her neck trying to find her face underneath her raven locks.
“Looks like you’ve met the little guardians of this castle,” a male voice chuckled as the girls turned to see Fidel back with a tray in his hands.
Many of the foxes gathered around his feet hoping to get some food only for him to shoo them away.
Only one remained as the ravenette giggled due to its assault.
“Do you need help, Rhamina?” he asked only for the teen to reach up and remove the canine from her hair before setting it on her lap.
“No, I’m fine,” she chuckled running her hands through the fox’s fur as it laid down on her lap.
“Well, I heard that you were having a bit of fun,” Fidel smirked as he handed everyone their tea watching as the ravenette’s eyes widened.
“You have a very moving voice you know,” he continued as he gave her a cup, “Very similar to a minstrel that would’ve played here.”
“Minstrel?” Kerstin asked.
“Yes, minstrels were people who would perform music and sing during medieval times,” Fidel explained taking a seat, “the Mistresses of this castle would be very fond of them and in fact one of the twins was a minstrel.”
“Oh, that reminds me!” the male snapped before turning to the ravenette, “I need to show you something later.”
Once everyone was finished with tea and snacks Fidel led the girls to what used to be the office of the twins.
“No fucking way,” Sam gasped as the girls looked upon a portrait of the twins.
Their bodies were facing each other and their hands clasped together in between them as their faces were pointed out at the viewers.
However what was surprising was the striking similarities between them and the seventeen-year-old witch known as Rhamina.
The female on the left wore a white dress with white frills and golden accents. The female’s raven hair was cut into a boy-ish style with striking red irises glancing forward with small gold specks.
The female on the right wore a black dress with a purple corset. She  had long raven hair that was braided over her left shoulder. Her brown irises were looking forward with gold flecks reflecting small hints of mischief.
“Mina, stand under it!” Kerstin screeched as she shoved the ravenette forward.
Tijarah pointed the camera at the portrait then Rhamina then both of them in the same frame.
“You all look exactly the same!” Chloe cried out in confusion, “Mina!”
“Yeah, that’s why you looked familiar to me,” Fidel said, “the one on the left is Marianna and the one on the right is Kitsami. They are the twins who ruled this castle. Kitsami was the Minstrel.”
“They say her book of songs is still somewhere in this castle,” the male continued, “and according to the owner whoever finds it is allowed to keep it.”
“How did they die?” Rhamina immediately asked having a feeling the twins would show themselves that night.
“Well, after finding out Kitsami became interested in one of the guards, Marianna invited him into the garden and killed him under that plum tree; which, her sister planted,” Fidel began explaining.
“What a bitch,” Tijarah commented as she pointed the camera his way.
“After finding out what happened Kitsami ran away for a few months and made a living of her songs,” he continued, “but Marianna had everyone under her control search for her sister. When they finally did return Kitsami to the castle it’s said that with the last song she sung, she placed a curse on everyone in the castle before killing herself under the plum tree as well.”
“And how did Marianna die?” Sophie asked earning a shrug from the male.
“No one knows,” he replied, “Many think it’s because of the curse Kitsami placed on her but you can’t help but feel like she deserved it.”
“No shit,” Kerstin agreed.
“That must’ve sucked though. Having someone you love killed by your own twin?” Rhamina asked, “That’s heartbreaking putting that much trust in someone only to get shanked in return.”
“Have you had any supernatural encounters here, Fidel?” Tijarah asked.
“Yes, actually all throughout the castle I’ve heard a female voice singing.”
“Think it’s Kitsami?” Hannah asked.
“I’ve never really thought about it but I don’t think so,” the male denied.
“What makes you say that?” Rhamina asked with interest.
“I don’t know,” he shrugged, “I just have a feeling it isn’t her.”
At around 1:30 the male led them back to the front.
“So you guys will have access to every room and every part of this castle tonight,” Fidel explained as he walked them back to their van.
“Thank you so much for showing us around today,” Rhamina chirped as the others were loading onto the van.
“It’s no problem,” he stated.
Just before the female could leave he grabbed her wrist and said, “If you don’t mind I’d like to meet up again.”
“I- uh- um-” “We have a color guard competition at Garden Grove High School on Saturday. We perform 2:00 in the afternoon, we’re the Rowan Imperial Guard,” Kerstin stated as she stuck the upper half of her body out the back door of the van, “Give me your phone.”
Obeying, the male handed the brunette his phone as Rhamina could only watch in confusion as her eyebrows together, “There’s her phone number, your welcome, be sure to text her because she doesn’t answer unknown calls.”
“Kerstin-!” “Thanks for the information,” the blonde laughed before jogging off, “I’ll see you then!”
The ravenette could only stand there in a daze for a few minutes before her face turned a deep scarlet as she launched herself into her seat and sent a glare towards Kerstin.
“Thank you, Kerstin, watching that awkward mess was giving me second hand embarrassment,” Sam said as the two high-fived.
“Aw, does Mina have a date?” Hannah asked.
“He’s coming to your comp,” Tijarah stated.
“Aw, that’s cute,” Sophie chuckled as the ravenette hid her face in her hands, “Mina, he’s actually interested in you!”
“I am not okay!” she squealed, “Chloe, feel my face!”
“The fuck?! Mina, you’re hot!”
“The only other time this happened was with…” the ravenette trailed off not even wanting to finish her thought.
“Your senpai,” Kerstin and Sam concluded, “Fucking asshole.”
“Ugh, emotions can go die in a pit!” whined the ravenette remembering but not voicing the dream she had the night before.
“Hoot,” Chloe said while hugging the ravenette’s arm.
A year prior, Rhamina had developed a crush on a male in her AP English Language class.
Being brave enough to confess Rhamina wasn’t even met with rejection. She was completely ignored by the male for two months before he spoke to her again and pretended like the event hadn’t even taken place.
“But, Mina, he isn’t like that bitch,” Sam replied, “He actually seems into you and is putting in effort to get to know you.”
“You never know, he could be leading me on,” Rhamina sighed, “It could just be a prank.”
“Mina, give him a chance before you build your walls even higher.”
“I can’t believe myself,” she muttered, “I said I didn’t need anyone else but you guys and my heart is like ‘Nah, let’s screw this bitch over.’.”
~~~Fin. Chapter 1~~~
Warnings: None
Song Used: “Black Fox” by Heather Dale
Pic: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/AQzO3TMCNAuWvAiUzOXm1BXPO-HR0363pdX-vpGFlmj1Bvio5ngXyMU/
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peterjonesparker · 7 years
this is inspired by @suplosers‘s absolutely hilarious incorrect spiderman quotes. specifically, by this one, this one, and this one. also by four drink amy santiago because amy santiago is the love of my life. enjoy a very silly and short fic. oh, i also tag my wife @spideychelle-romanogers, a gem @spideychelleblessup, and the always lovely @bellamywarriorblake.
four drink michelle is forward and horny (ao3 link)
damn autocorrect
It’s only fitting that the first time Michelle drinks, she does so with Peter and Ned. They’re all in Boston for school and it’s orientation week and there are lots of frat parties going on. So, naturally, Michelle insists that Peter and Ned join her, her roommate, and a few of their new friends on their adventure to some of the frats hosting Thirsty Thursday parties.
They all pregame in Michelle and her roommate’s small double and drink vodka that tastes like death. Apparently, alcohol doesn’t really get better than that either. Which, Michelle thinks offhand, might just be a result of the fact that none of them were willing to pay more than ten dollars for a bottle. But whatever the truth may be, Michelle drinks shitty vodka, quickly, in shot glasses, so she doesn’t have to deal with the taste.
Which is how after four drinks, a very drunk Michelle is draping herself across Peter as they stand by the wall in a dark basement at one of the frat houses. He’s got an arm around her waist to steady her, and she would be upset but she honestly thinks she might need it right now. (She’s not entirely sure at the moment, honestly.)
She’s mumbling something about how Peter really should have just gone to Harvard and not MIT beause MIT is great and all but MJ’s at Harvard and then they’d be able to study together like they had in high school and she wouldn’t have to suffer through gen chem all alone. Peter’s chuckling and then he tells her that she doesn’t need his help in Chemistry because she’s a chem major and she should be the one helping him.
For some reason, that pisses her off. It’s a compliment, but it’s entirely too nice. He can’t be too nice to her or else she’s going to fall in love with him and she can’t have that happening on her watch. So she steps back slightly, pouts, and jabs a finger into his chest as she spits out, “Fuck me.”
Peter looks absolutely stunned and taken aback and his mouth opens in that silly way where you just want to smack his jaw back up to where it belongs. And there’s a blush forming on his cheeks and he’s about to say something when Michelle finally realizes her mistake. Her eyes widen and she gets out, “I mean fight me.” She giggles, hoping it seems like this was just a drunken mistake. Which, in all honesty, it was. But there was a truth to it she didn’t want him to know. “Damn autocorrect.”
Peter scrunches his eyebrows together and it’s too cute. “MJ, we are having a verbal conversation.” He starts to smile a bit, blush still present on his cheeks. But MJ wants him to stop.
“Shut up, loser.” She smacks his shoulder and pushes herself off him so at least he won’t have that to hold over her. She leans back against the wall and crosses her arms over her chest, slightly off balance and feeling like the world is spinning. Peter leans back and grabs hold of her when she starts to drift down the wall.
“It’s okay, MJ.” Peter sighs, a bit sad. “You’re drunk. It was just a mistake.” He pulls her back up so she’s standing straight and she drapes her arms back around his neck, leaning her head down onto his shoulder, even if the angle is awkward.
She pokes his nose and laughs. “Boop!” He just smiles at her, fond. “You love me.”
A smile. His eyes twinkle when he gently whispers, “I do.”
“what?” “what?”
Peter, Ned, and MJ are all crowded into her small double room. It’s Friday night and MJ’s just taken her first midterm for gen chem today and she needed to drink. So Peter and Ned came over, boxes of wine in tow, and they’ve been sitting on her freshly vacuumed floor for the past hour or so, slowly sipping wine from coffee mugs and wincing when the juice wine is too sweet.
Her roommate went to a frat party with some of their friends. MJ would have gone, but today was a lot and she’s tired and she just wants to get drunk with people she knows and not be surrounded by horny dudebros. Well, at least horny dudebros she hasn’t known since high school.
Michelle is nursing her fourth glass of the night. And she feels it. The world is slightly fuzzy and her body just wants to sway with the effort of staying upright. She also feels it in the way her body starts to heat up and she starts to just…straight up leer at Peter.
He’s talking about his physics class and how the lab is so tedious and boring and his lab partner doesn’t know anything about physics and barely goes to class so Peter ends up doing all the work. But those words just course through MJ and all she notices is the way he bites his lip sometimes and how his eyebrow floof is more tame and less noticeable today so he must have brushed it today. His eyes are a deep brown and when he looks at it, it feels like he’s seeing her. A few curls are falling onto his forehead and his hair is a bit frizzy because it was surprisingly humid today given it’s September. His jaw flexes every so often and when he drinks some of his wine his throat moves and she wants to die. He’s so fucking hot and she’s so fucking horny right now. Like, what?
Then he’s saying something about how he wishes MJ went to MIT because she’s good at science and it’d be nice having a best friend as his lab partner. Then four drink Michelle says, impulsively and out of the blue, “Yeah, we’re best friends, but I would fuck you if you asked.”
It’s so entirely unprompted that Peter has to take a few seconds to process it. But then he starts blushing and asks, a bit incredulous, “What?”
MJ feels flustered and she panics so she just blurts out, “What?” And she knows it’s not going to end the conversation and he’ll keep pressing but she’s panicking and her heart is starting to race and she feels drunk but she’s not drunk enough for this.
Then, curse his soul, Ned says amidst a mouthful of chips he’s snatched form the bag under Michelle’s bed, “You said you would fuck him if he asked.” She sends him a death glare but he just raises his eyebrows in surprise and shrugs. As if that’s all just fine. “You two are the only ones who don’t see what’s going on.”
Michelle picks at the old carpet her roommate had bought off the school’s Free & For Sale facebook page so that she doesn’t have to look at Peter (or Ned, for that matter). But if she had looked up, she would have seen the powerful blush spreading across Peter’s face as he watched her, taking a big gulp as a million thoughts race through his mind. (Oh my goodness, does MJ like me?? Is this just because she’s drunk? Does she just think I’m attractive? But what if she likes me? I hope she likes me.)
bet they’d look better wrapped around
When MJ and Peter finally do start dating over Christmas break (There was a cute exchange of gifts that ended up with MJ pushing Peter against his bedroom door and kissing him senseless. Lots of smiles were exchanged and they told everyone, excited and a little bashful, the next day of the happy news.), MJ gets…well…handsy. She just really likes her boyfriend and she really likes to show him in various ways. Various ways that involve physical affection.
Usually, she keeps it all fairly tame. Occasionally, she’ll pinch his butt or run her hands through his hair or sit on his lap and bite his ear. But generally, Michelle and Peter are fairly tame. That is, unless Michelle is drunk.
Drunk Michelle has a lot of trouble keeping it in her pants, quite frankly. A few drinks, it’s okay. But after she’s finished off her fourth drink, Michelle starts to leer at Peter and lick her lips and kiss his neck and grind against him. Peter, for his part, just blushes and plays along because he not-so-secretly loves the attention. And when he’s a few drinks in, he really couldn’t care less about the fact that Ned’s got his face in his hands and people are watching them, confused. (To everyone else, it just looks like two people drunk off their asses and leaning against each other sloppily.)
So when, after a fairly lame house party, Peter invites Ned and MJ back to his dorm to hang out so the night won’t end, MJ and Peter are draped across each other on the couch in the dorm lounge while Ned sits on a chair across from the pair. MJ is holding Peter’s hand and moving his fingers all around, entranced. Peter and Ned carry on a lazy conversation about Ned’s Spanish class.
Then, suddenly, MJ puts her hand on Peter’s cheek and pulls his face toward him. “Nice hands, dork.” She punctuates her words by squeezing tightly on the fingers she’d been playing with.
He glances down, amused and a bit perplexed. “Uh,” he chuckles as he looks back up at her eyes, which are boring into his with a strange intensity. “Thank you?”
And MJ smirks, biting her lip and letting her eyes drift down his body, which is slightly odd because she’s practically draped over it. “I bet they’d look better wrapped around my-”
“BIBLE!” Ned shouts, standing up from his chair. He lifts his hands in the air and twirls around. “WRAPPED ABOUT THE BIBLE. PRAISE THE LORD, AMEN.” Both Peter and MJ look at Ned, puzzled, before turning back to look at each other. Ned sighs, grabbing his jacket. “I don’t want to be here for any of your kinky talk. Call me in the morning after you two are done.”
Peter goes to call Ned, telling him to stay and they’re just messing around. But MJ runs her hand up his thigh before he can get the words out and then Peter is biting his lip, trying to hold back a gasp as her hand palms his dick. “Fuck, MJ.”
“I was saying about those hands.” She laughs, leaning toward him to capture his lips in a kiss.
So maybe it was best for Ned to leave. They’ll see him tomorrow, anyway.
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sunaddicted · 7 years
Ode To The Broken (00q)
It was dark when James peeled his eyelids open, woken up by something his sleepy brain couldn’t point out yet but that soon would make its way to the forefront of his mind; in the meanwhile, his eyes looked for the alarm clock on the bedside table and its neon green numbers changing every sixty seconds: it was 4:17 in the morning and James felt like he’d been ran over by a car and then put in a blender, before he’d poured himself on the mattress.
Though, he remembered nothing of the sort happening; for their standards, James and Q had had a relatively boring and comfortingly domestic night in, eating chips in front of the tv and cuddling with the cats.
Where was Q?
James forced his body to sit up on the mattress, letting the warm blankets pool in soft waves of fabric around his waist: there was no Q to be found in the bedroom, which wasn’t exactly unusual since the younger man suffered from a serious case of insomnia but whatever had woken up James, his senses felt all in overdrive and a loathsome panicky feeling seized his chest; breathing became difficult, coming into short inhales and quick exhales that made him feel slightly light-headed.
Almost afraid of passing out, James climbed out of the bed and with shaky legs he gained the hallway; suddenly the noise of blood rushing in his temples disappeared and he could distinctively hear the sound of water running in the bathroom - and James was able to breathe correctly again, perfectly aware of what was going on.
James knocked at the bathroom door, not really expecting an answer but he guessed that it would be better to avoid scaring Q into an heart attack - God knew that with the amounts of stress and caffeine on which the younger man practically lived would have made that possibility pretty strong, despite the fact that he was just in his late twenties.
“Enter” Q’s voice bid from inside the room.
“Not you” James murmured fondly at the cat - Pampuria, it was impossible to mistake her white floof for Turing’s darker colouring under the moonlight - that had just brushed against his calves.
“Let her in” Q called out “She’s been scratching at the door for a while”
James snorted when Pampuria looked up at him, a smug mewl putting on display that sharp little teeth that had bitten him so often “Spoiled brat” he said as he pushed the door open, shaking his head when the cat entered the bathroom first, swishing her floofy tail around.
“Don’t talk like that about my Princess” Q said with a smile, letting a wet hand dangle out of the bath, so that the cat could sniff at his fingers and rub against them “Did I wake you up?”
James sat down on the edge of the tub, arms instinctively wrapping around Pampuria when she jumped in his lap - just to be closer to her owner but still comfortably far from water, obviously “No” he reassured “Did you have a nightmare?”
“That would imply that I ever managed to fall asleep” Q pointed out with a grin, fingers nervously playing with the bubbles hiding his submerged body “I just keep thinking about it, you know?” He sighed out in the end, looking up at his lover with tired green eyes.
James carefully freed an hand from Pampuria’s floof, making sure that the cat understood not to make any idiotic movements unless she desired to take a bath, and carded his fingers through Q’s damp curls “Hard choices are part of the job” he pointed out gently, digits massaging the younger man’s sensitive scalp.
Normally, Q would have closed his eyes in bliss at the skilfull massage but instead he let his eyelids slid down to hide his irises as distress filled them. A tear slid down his stubbled cheek and Q angrily wiped it away, feeling so weak in front of James; his lover had literally gone to hell multiple times and had managed to make the trip back alive to tell tales about it “It could have been you” Q couldn’t help whispering, his voice breaking on the last word.
“It already has been me” James murmured “And it could happen again, yes”
Q snorted - a noise that became a sob halfway out of his throat - even as another tear fell down his face “Have I already told you just how shitty you are at comforting people?” He asked, a bitter smile blossoming on his lips.
Even if he hadn’t been Quartermaster back then, Q remembered when it had been James’ turn to be sacrificed in a last desperate attempt to win a battle in the never ending war against terrorism: the halls had been filled by a cacophony of disbelieving murmurs, the news of 007’s death travelling on everyone’s mouths just like it had done so many times before that - the only difference being that they were carrying the downfall of a hero, instead of its conquests and shenanigans.
Only, then M had been able to share part of the guilt with Eve who had understandably missed an extremely difficult shot - hell, an impossible one.
Now, Q only had himself to blame for issuing the command that had led 002 to her death and nobody was blaming him; the higher ups had even congratulated him upon making such a difficult decision, displaying a cold-blooded and clear mind in the moment of need. Nobody cared that 002 had died: she’d been just another sacrificeable piece on the board, a pawn that with its death would open up a safer path to the Queen.
“She knew what she was risking, Q”
Q looked up at James, an eyebrow arched up in silent inquiry.
James smiled down tenderly at those big and tired eyes, just pleading him for the right words to make the guilt a little more bearable “You know that is Double-Ohs are not the most obedient of the lot” he started.
“You can say that, yeah” Q interrupted, his smile loosing a bit of the bitter edge as the corners turned up a little more and made the faint suggestion of dimples appear at the corners of h6os mouth.
“Stop interrupting me” James reprimanded fondly, tapping Q’s nose; as any other time he had poked at the younger man, Pampuria warningly dug her claws in his thigh “As I was saying, you know we almost never follow orders - 002 could have easily told you to fuck off and kiss her arse like she already did numerous times. But she didn’t because she evidently thought too that the move you suggested was the only possible one to avoid wasting all the months of work leading up to that op”
Q sighed and closed his eyes again, this time pushing his head in James’ fingers to ask for more pets. It all made sense - it was the truth: 002 had known that Q was at the end of his rope, that the only thing he could have suggested from behind his computer was to take the leap - and she had because, despite being on the field, she hadn’t seen a better option either “She was my friend”
“I know. But as your friend, would she want to see you like this?” James asked, knowing that Q wouldn’t stop feeling sad just because he knew that 002 would bite his head off, if she knew that Q was crying over her dead body like that; she’d been a peculiar character with quite a mouth on her - and no, James didn’t mean it in a complimentary way - and a peaceful attitude towards death that not many agents really managed to reach.
Q shook his head.
(“Grow a pair, Q” 002 snarls over the comms, gritting her teeth as she scales the wall just using her pigheadedness and a huge amount of luck.
Q rolls his eyes: she could have easily used the elevator - after all, he could control it easily “Of what? Boobs?”
“Someone has been reading naughty Star Trek fanfictions again” 002 sings in a teasing voice “Or maybe Bond is just /that/ kinky?”
Q rolls his eyes again - he does that a lot when he’s monitoring 002 “You’re perverted. If you bring back that throwing knife I spent a whole day balancing to perfection - and that you’re using to scale a wall when you could have taken the lift - I’m giving you a bottle of Macallan as a prize”
002 snorts but Q knows her and waits, eyes following her ascension as he virtually covered her shoulders, making sure that nobody started shooting at her.
“How old?”
Q grins when the question finally comes “25 years old, Sherry Oak range” he answers and when 002 whistles, he knows that he’s going to see his equipment again this time. )
“She’d tell me to stop whining” Q answered, sighing as he shook his mind free of the memory; he knew that one day he’d feel only fondness when remembering the agent but, for now, it still hurt too much.
“Exactly” James gently put Pampuria on the floor and stood up, ignoring her irritated mewl to grab a large towel from the warming rack “Come out now, you’re getting all pruny” he encouraged.
Nobody needed to know that James squeezed Q a little harder than usual when he had him snuggled up against his chest, trembling in his cocoon like a leaf in the wind.
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katrinawritesthings · 7 years
Jinki/Tae; Week Two (Part 1/3); PG
aka the moving day epilogue that somehow turned into three parts
aaka window shopping and gender problems and self-esteem issues ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
so tw for gender problems and also some mentions of past abuse
Key curls themself possessively around Taeyeon the second they walk into the hair salon and almost everyone starts clamoring to meet the babe they’ve heard so much about. After ten minutes Jinki is sent into the Hot Topic bathroom to check on them only to find Jonghyun pressing Taeyeon up against the wall and marking a new hickey into her neck. They all find Choi gently rubbing her shoulders through a panic attack in the caramel aisle of the chocolate store. Jinki finds his elbow being latched onto with small hands when her two datefriends start their usual bickering over which tacky knick-knacks to add to their collection this time.
Moving Day: 1-2-3-4
Week Two: 1-2-3
Extra Baggage: 1
“Mmmmm. Jinki.”
“Are they here yet?”
“Mmmmgh. What about now?”
“How about--”
“What?” Jonghyun hisses, slapping his hands down aggressively on the picnic table. Jinki cocks a brow at him from the other side.
“Chill,” he says, and Jonghyun huffs. It turns into a sigh, and then a groan, and then a tiny whine as Jonghyun deflates and rests his head on his hands.
“I’m sorry,” he mumbles. “I’m just. Nervous.”
“I know, pup,” Jinki says, reaching over to pet Jonghyun’s head genty. “They’ll be here soon.” The only reason the others aren’t here yet is because Jonghyun made Jinki leave early this morning. They got to The Midpoint twenty minutes before they usually do, which is ten minutes before Choi and Key usually do. Jinki told him this would happen, and yet here they are anyway, Jonghyun twitchy and anxious for the first sign of the other three. Or, more specifically, for the first sign of Taeyeon. The other two he’s used to seeing more than once every who knows how long.
“It would help if you would, like, actually face the parking lot,” Jinki says, gesturing behind Jonghyun at the little group of cars on the other side of the big fountain. That’s where they all usually park before they eat and then walk around the outdoor mall every weekend. Jonghyun shakes his head and whines again.
“I’d be up every five seconds thinking I’d seen them,” he says. Jinki snorts. That is true. He continues petting Jonghyun’s hair, ruffling by his ears, running his fingers lightly over the floof that’s grown out from his undercut since the last time he got a trim. He would suggest getting another, but he knows that Jonghyun loves playing with it when it’s at this length the most. Next week he’ll offer to fix it up for him. For now he just watches the parking lot for Jonghyun, answering his less frequent but still often inquiries as to whether or not the other three are here yet.
It’s during one of those questions that a little leaf flutters down from a tree and falls into Jonghyun’s hair. Jinki looks down to pluck it out gently, humming a tired “no” to Jonghyun’s pouty voice. He flicks the leaf away and looks up again just in time to see Choi’s blue little prius pulling into a parking space.
Key gets out from the back first, then Choi, and then Taeyeon, bright and bouncy in her dark clothes and looking around the place with wonder. Jinki smiles. She’s looking so much better from last week. He catches Choi and Key playing rock-paper-scissors for the job of carrying the sodas like usual; Key wins, like usual. They link their arm with Taeyeon and leave Choi there with a smug little smirk. Jinki lifts his arm to wave, laughing softly at the enthusiasm of Taeyeon’s return wave, and that’s when Jonghyun asks again.
“Are they here yet?” he says, voice small and muffled into his elbow. Jinki chooses not to reply as the other two get closer. He just lifts his free finger to his lips to let Key and Taeyeon know to be quiet when they approach. At his silence, Jonghyun wiggles. “Jinki?” he asks, and then raises his head with a little frown. “Are they--?” he frowns more and turns, just in time for Taeyeon to come to a stop right behind him. He pauses, looks up, and then shrieks.
“You’re here!” he exclaims, banging his knee three whole times trying to get off of the bench seat. He doesn’t even acknowledge it as he finally stands and throws his arms around Taeyeon’s neck. “You’re here, you’re here, you’re here, my lovely and wonderful little cantaloupe, mmmm.” He bounces in her arms and nuzzles her neck. She smiles, giddy and amused and so wide it threatens to break open her face, arms falling loosely around Jonghyun’s waist.
“I’m here,” she says, nuzzling the side of Jonghyun’s head.
“You’re here,” Jonghyun repeats in a whisper. He presses even closer with the happiest little noise. Taeyeon presses a kiss to his hair, turns her smile to Jinki and nods a greeting.
“Hey,” she says.
“Hey,” Jinki grins back. He says it again to Key, who waves back lazily. There’s a little sniffle from Taeyeon’s neck; Jinki rolls his eyes. Of course the little dingle is all emotional about it. Taeyeon laughs and leans back a fraction.
“Jonghyun,” she says incredulously, putting a finger under his chin. Jonghyun just leans up and kisses her in reply.
“I missed you so much,” he whispers. Jinki shakes his head fondly. Five more weeks like this, at least, if he’s following the same path he did with Choi. When Jonghyun pulls back from Taeyeon, he wipes his eyes and looks blearily around. “Gwi,” he mumbles, and shuffles over to hug them too. “I missed you too,” he squeaks, nuzzling them all over. Key pushes some of Jonghyun’s hair out of their face.
“Okay. Alright. You’re so strong for someone so small, holy shit,” they say, ruffling Jonghyun’s hair but also putting a hand on his wrist. “I missed you too, you fucking walnut.” Jonghyun squeezes them even tighter for a second before letting go.
“Sor--ooooohhhh,” he breathes. His apology is cut off midway by Choi strolling up, six pack of sodas in one hand and phone in the other. Jonghyun drifts to them, getting to his tiptoes to wrap around their neck instead. “Minho, my space, my love,” he sighs. “You’re so tall and good.” He trails off with more little compliments mumbled into Choi’s neck. Choi blinks at the sudden affection, but wraps an arm around Jonghyun’s waist anyway. They lean down to press a soft kiss to his cheek, then whisper something that Jinki can’t catch into his ear. Whatever it is, it has Jonghyun humming long again and burying his pink face in their chest.
“Oh my god,” he whispers. Choi smirks and pushes him gently to sit back down. They sit on his right, Taeyeon sinking down on his left. Jonghyun immediately wraps his arms around her waist and nuzzles her shoulder, smile as big as his face. “You’re here,” he whispers again. Jinki snorts as he reaches for one of the orange sodas that Choi brought over. Key does as well, and takes a seat next to Jinki like usual.
“I never thought he could get even more mushy,” they say, nudging his side. Jinki snorts again in agreement. It’s cute, though.
“Is he like this every week?” Taeyeon asks, swirling her fingers through the floof at the back of Jonghyun’s head. She looks exasperated already, like she can’t believe her boyfriend is so emotional about this. Jinki can absolutely believe it.
“You get used to it,” Key shrugs. Jinki nods. This is just the tip of the iceberg.
“Imagine living with him full time,” he says, and grins when Jonghyun looks up to shoot him a little glare.
“Living with me is a delight,” he grumbles. Jinki reaches over to boop his nose.
“It is,” he agrees. An emotional, weepy delight. “Real talk, though,” he says, “he’s not really always. He’s just happy to see you.”
“Soooo happy,” Jonghyun sighs. Taeyeon sighs back in a fond way and lets her arm fall around his waist. One of Jonghyun’s hands reaches behind him to pap around for Choi’s hand, which he finds and holds tightly as well. “You too, Minjunggie,” he hums. Between two of his babes, he looks like the happiest clam in the world. It makes Jinki smile to see.
“Food?” Taeyeon asks then, one little hand creeping towards the picnic basket Jinki and Jonghyun brought. Jinki nods. He tugs it over and opens it up.
“Peanut butter cracker sandwiches and oranges and parfaits,” he says, taking each little bundle out. He and Jonghyun spent a lot of time on those parfaits and they need to be appreciated. Taeyeon swipes an orange greedily before anyone else can reach for anything and wiggles her thumbnail into the peel to get it off. Jinki watches her with interest as he pulls a few cracker sandwiches closer himself.
“So how was your first week of freedom?” he asks, wiggling his fingers for emphasis. “You doing okay?” She’s been texting him on and off all week, filling his phone with sparkly emojis and memes at two in the morning, but he wants details straight from her mouth. Jonghyun nuzzles her as well, nodding in agreement with Jinki’s question. The smile that she gives both of them is positively radiant.
“Every passing second only brings me closer to the dark void of my parents discovering me and I’ve had nightmares every night this week and if I’m left alone with my thoughts for more than five minutes I start having a panic attack and I am never no less than one vaguely familiar face in a crowd away from a breakdown at any given time,” she says. “But besides all of that, I’m fucking fantastic.” Her eyes sparkle with light and wonder even as Jonghyun makes a worried noise and rubs at her chest.
“I wanted an afternoon snack the other day and I just… got up and got one and no one judged me,” she says. “Two days ago I told Choi I didn’t want to be around people and they left me alone?” She runs her fingers through her hair in disbelief. “I dropped a piece of popcorn on the floor one time and Gwiboonie didn’t even? Say anything?”
“Not true,” Key says. A tiny smile is tugging up their lips. “I called you cute and touched your butt when you bent over to pick it up.”
“Yeah, but,” Taeyeon says, a soft laugh falling from her lips. “You didn’t, like, scoff at me, or mutter under your breath about how incompetent I am, or sigh really passive-aggressively for the next hour, or… anything normal.”
“That’s not….” Jinki says slowly. That’s not normal behavior at all. But, he knows that Taeyeon knows that. It’s just what was normal for her. He covers himself with a smile before he’s silent for so long that it’s noticed. “That’s not a bad first week,” he grins. Taeyeon nods brightly, cheeks all round and eyes little crescents. Adorable.
“And today,” she says, “Choi says they’re gonna get me a new laptop so I don’t have to keep sharing Gwiboonie’s.” She looks positively giddy as she eats her first slice of orange. Jinki gasps softly. Nice. She needs that privacy to be her own. And this means that Jinki will have an excuse to watch all of the cool little marble slide machines in the electronics store while they’re looking. Extra nice.
The rest of their picnic brunch is nice as well, full of talks and giggles and catching up. Even with Taeyeon’s new presence it feels just as familiar as usual. She fits right in next to Jonghyun, across from Key, an easy lean’s distance from Choi, and an arm’s reach away from giving Jinki a high five for every shitty pun they come up with together. Her laughter is breathy and her additions thoughtful and Jinki has no problem seeing her become a regular fixture in their group.
When they finish their meal, Jinki takes the picnic stuff to his car and then strolls back to their table. The other four are all fixing themselves up to start their usual walk up and down the street, slipping in and out of shops, grabbing snacks, spending time with each other. Jonghyun is pressed firmly against Taeyeon’s side with Choi’s arm around his waist; Jinki shares an amused look with Key. Neither of them are getting their cute datefriends today. He finds it hard to be disappointed at the loss of one day out of a whole week and just stuffs his hands into his pockets, rocking back and forth on his toes.
“Where to first?” he asks. He waits for Jonghyun and Choi to start disagreeing and prepares himself to be the conflict solver like usual since Key can’t make a choice to save their ass; what happens instead is Taeyeon lifts her free hand to rub her ear.
“I wanna get my ears pierced,” she says thoughtfully. Key gasps dramatically; Jonghyun’s eyes grow wide and excited. Taeyeon glances between both of them with a sheepish little smile. “Like, I think,” she says quietly. “One, two… maybe three.” She pokes her lobe, then a little further up, and then in the upper conch of her ear. At that one, Jonghyun hisses.
“I don’t know,” he mumbles. “That’s more complicated than a helix and I took my helix out after a while because it was too much trouble.” He rubs the top of his ear worriedly. Jinki nods. He remembers that, the whining, the soreness, the even less sleep. It wasn’t worth the cute spheres of color in the tops of his ears. Key scoffs, though, and shakes their head.
“A helix isn’t a conch,” they say. “Mine really wasn’t that bad, Tae. It was really fun while I had it.” While they had it. That was years ago, if Jinki is remembering correctly. Before they even knew Taeyeon. The little pink unicorns in their ears were cute, yeah, but Jinki can’t even see the little hole scars anymore.
“Yeah, why don’t you still have it then?” Jonghyun snoots, like he was having the same thoughts as Jinki. Key huffs again.
“Because my style changed and I got the forward helix instead,” they say defensively. Jinki snorts at their tone. That’s totally shady.
“Okay, well,” Jinki says before Jonghyun can snoot back. “She can get the lobe piercings first and then think more about the conch until next week.” Funny how even with a clear destination he’s still the conflict guy. He likes it. It’s familiar. “Right, Taeyeon?” he asks, nudging her side for help. She glances at him, glances between the other two, and grins, amused.
“Yeah,” she agrees. “I wanted to see how I felt about the two lobes before I got another one anyway.” She lets her arm fall back around Jonghyun’s shoulders and ruffles the very top of his head to soothe his grumpy comment before it even comes out of his mouth. Jinki can visibly see him relax and raises a brow at Choi, who’s smiling a smug little grin themself. Of course they taught her that trick immediately.
“Good idea,” Key agrees with a shrug. After a moment of an unsure hum, Jonghyun shrugs as well.
“Yeah,” he concedes. “So, either way. To Amber’s!” He points down the sidewalk as dramatically as his voice and starts a march, tugging Taeyeon with him and trying to tug Choi; Choi stays rooted and grabs his sleeve collar. Jonghyun stops and turns with a little frown. “What?” he asks. Choi just points behind them with their thumb, towards the opposite end of the mall.
“Wrong way,” Jinki hums, Key smothering a snort into the back of their hand. Jonghyun kind of just stands there for a moment, squinting down the road, glancing behind him, catching all of their amused eyes and quickly looking away. Then he takes a brave breath and immediately starts marching the right way.
“To Amber’s!” he says again, with even more bravado this time. Taeyeon’s loud laughter leads their group down the sidewalk.
At Amber’s, Jonghyun pulls the door open and flounces into the parlor, swinging Taeyeon’s hand up high.
“Hello, we are here,” he sings, twirling himself into Taeyeon’s chest and wrapping her arms around him with fluttery eyelashes. Jinki shakes his head fondly as he holds the door open for the other two. He’s so dramatic. Taeyeon giggles into his hair, though, and squeezes him closer. At one of the chairs, Luna looks up from inking a design into someone’s forearm; she smiles bright and waves a greeting at them before turning back to her work. Behind the counter, Amber lets out a short bark of laughter.
“Another one?” they ask, propping their chin in their hand and looking Taeyeon up and down. Taeyeon looks away shyly but Jonghyun nods eagerly, tugging her up to the desk and nuzzling her shoulder.
“My sweet and lovely and marvelous little sugar plum,” he beams. “Taeyeonnie. The cutest girlfriend in the world.” He bounces on his toes and presses a little kiss to the pink of Taeyeon’s cheek while Taeyeon hisses an embarrassed “oh my fucking god” into her hand. Amber snorts, reaching over to muss up Jonghyun’s hair.
“Obviously that’s a lie,” they say. “When the cutest girlfriend in the world is actually over there.” They point with their thumb at Luna, who takes a second between switching ink colors to throw Amber a thankful wink. Jonghyun huffs, turning up his nose in mock offense. Key slips behind Taeyeon and rests their chin on her shoulder with a smug little smile.
“She’s mine too,” they hum, wrapping their arm around her waist. Taeyeon looks warmed by their quiet affection, her hand coming to cover theirs on her stomach. Amber shakes their head fondly.
“Well, is she just here to meet me or did you actually want something?” they ask, cocking a brow when they speak directly to Taeyeon. Taeyeon starts, blinks, smooths away a flustered grin with the back of her hand.
“I, uh,” she says. “I wanna get my ears pierced.” She taps the two spots on her right lobe to demonstrate. “Here and here.”
“And only there, for now,” Jinki adds before any bickering starts up again. He comes up to rest his chin on Jonghyun’s head with a lazy smile that Amber grins back at. He knows that they know how these two can get about their tiny disagreements.
“Okay, well,” they say. “Take her to pick out which starter rings she wants, and I’ll get a chair ready. Regular price but I’ll knock off five bucks because she’s cute.” They give Taeyeon a quick wink that has her suddenly smiling with much more confidence even as Key huffs and tugs her closer possessively. Jinki turns to find the wall of simple ear jewelry, joining Choi in their search for cute colors.
Fifteen minutes and some of the usual gossip later, they all step out of the parlor and back into the sidewalk. Taeyeon actually has six new piercings: three in each lobe, all letters, all black with silver outlines. Two Js, two Ks, and two Cs. Every time Jinki sees the letter he shares with Jonghyun he has to fight to keep his smile from getting too big for his face.
They go to the scarf shop next. They go to the sock store, the baking store, the sweet factory, the tacky tourist knick-knack shop; they pull Taeyeon into every building and show her every little thing that they’ve picked up on over the years they’ve spent together here. They take her everywhere and she soaks it all up, eager to learn everything she’s been missing out on for so long.
Choi beckons her to the back of the third shelf of the baking store to show her the rows of flower cookie cutters, the leaf-themed measuring set, the entire section of cute plant things. Jinki shows her his favorite little hidey spot in the back of the half-price bookstore where they can smush themselves into piles of beanbag chairs and read in comfort. Key stays firmly rooted on the ground but guides her up the sprawling treehouses in the middle plaza just to take far too many pics on their phone. Jonghyun tugs her all around the grunge clothes shop and picks out a whole outfit from everything that he’s been dying to see her in for years.
Key curls themself possessively around Taeyeon the second they walk into the hair salon and almost everyone starts clamoring to meet the babe they’ve heard so much about. After ten minutes Jinki is sent into the Hot Topic bathroom to check on them only to find Jonghyun pressing Taeyeon up against the wall and marking a new hickey into her neck. They all find Choi gently rubbing her shoulders through a panic attack in the caramel aisle of the chocolate store. Jinki finds his elbow being latched onto with small hands when her two datefriends start their usual bickering over which tacky knick-knacks to add to their collection this time.
It’s all of these little things, little moments, quick interactions, that pull Taeyeon closer to them. The plan for today, besides hanging out and window shopping like usual, was to make Taeyeon feel as included into their group as humanly possible. Jinki thinks they’ve done that and more. Right now, as they’re walking over the cobbled street, Taeyeon closes her eyes and leans her head on Key’s shoulder, smiling softly at the sun as she lets them lead her. Right now Jinki thinks she feels more welcome and more cared for and more loved than she ever has before. He’s proud.
“Tired?” Key asks softly, the fondest smile on their lips as they brush a strand of Taeyeon’s hair out of her face. Taeyeon hums, nuzzling Key’s shoulder. They walk under the shadow of a small tree and she blinks her eyes open to smile at it.
“Hungry,” she murmurs.
“Adorable,” Jonghyun pouts, taking her hand and bringing it back to kiss her fingers. She laughs softly and runs her fingers through his hair, then leans back even further to look at Jinki and Choi.
“Hi,” she smiles, poking Jinki gently and wiggling her finger at Choi. Jinki grins, poking her finger back.
“Hey,” he says. Choi reaches over and boops her nose. She giggles, turning back to nuzzle Key.
“Hungry, Gwiboonie,” she says again. Key pets her hair and points a few stores up the sidewalk in the direction they’re already walking on.
“Lunch is just up there,” they say. The other three nod. It’s been a few hours and it’s getting close to their usual lunchtime anyway. Jinki’s stomach is getting kind of rumbly. “Oh, but,” Key says, more loud than the gentle murmur voice they’ve been using. They slow but don’t stop, easing themself out of Taeyeon’s hold and looking shifty. “Lunch is, um,” they say. “We split up for lunch.” They look between the other three for help explaining; Jinki nods, remembering the little detail suddenly.
“You’re gonna have lunch with just me and Choi, Taeyeon,” he says putting a hand on her shoulder and squeezing gently. Choi puts their hand on her other shoulder invitingly as well. Taeyeon looks conflicted; pleased at the thought of lunch with the two of them but confused as to why she can’t eat with her babes too.
“Why, um,” she says slowly. “Why?”
“It’s just a thing Gwi and I need,” Jonghyun says, curling his arm around Jinki’s elbow. “Just, the two of us, us time. To talk about shit alone. You know?” Jinki nods, glancing at Choi as he does so. It’s their alone time as well, though for them it’s usually spent chilling in silence in the music store. It’s still just as important as what Jonghyun and Key do together.
“I… oh,” Taeyeon says. “I mean. Okay.” She chews on her bottom lip for a second, then shakes her head and then nods firmly. “Yeah, I’m good,” she says. She waves off any concerns before they get voiced. “Makes sense.” She nods again, as if to reassure everyone that she’s good. Jonghyun smiles and takes her hand again to kiss. “Oh, but, um,” she says suddenly. This time it’s her that wiggles her hand away and looks shifty. “It’s… there, right?” she asks, pointing at the little coffee shop just ahead of them now.
“Mmhmm,” Jonghyun hums.
“Okay, well, then, before that,” Taeyeon says, and comes to a slow stop right at the edge of the building. “Um.” She looks around at all of them, swallows, shakes her head, and moves passed Key to lean up against the wall. “Um,” she says again. Jonghyun leans up next to her, Choi on her other side, both radiating calm. Jinki steps closer as well so he’s next to Key and not blocking people on the sidewalk.
“Take your time,” Choi signs. Taeyeon squints at their hands; they sign it again, slower this time, and she nods, understanding.
“Yeah, um. Um.” She runs her fingers through her hair and takes several deep breaths. Key takes her hand to hold and Jonghyun starts petting her hair instead. After another moment, she takes a deeper, more steady breath. “I don’t… think… she is working for me,” she mumbles. She looks up with nervous eyes. “Like… the pronouns, or, being called a girl.”
“Ooohhh, babe,” Key says gently. They cup Taeyeon’s face with their free hand and rub their thumb over Taeyeon’s cheekbone soothingly. “That’s okay, it’s nothing to feel guilty about.” They fix Taeyeon’s bangs and tuck a longer piece of hair away. “Do you want us to use ‘they,’ at least until we figure this out?” they ask. “Is ‘Taeyeon’ still okay for now?” Taeyeon swallows thickly.
“I think… yeah, okay,” they say. Jinki leans up against the wall beside Jonghyun.
“Is it because you’re not used to them?” Jonghyun asks. “Or because they just feel wrong?” He holds their hand in both of his, squeezing gently. “Because, when I first started using ‘he’ and everything, it took me a while to get used to it. And I thought I was faking, or, like, not trans enough, because I kept misgendering myself and accidentally deadnaming myself, and… yeah.” Jinki puts a comforting hand on his waist. He remembers that. It was a tougher time for Jonghyun more than anyone else. Taeyeon hums uncertainly, staring at the ground between everyone’s shoes.
“They feel wrong,” they say firmly. Then they look up with hesitant eyes. “But,” they say. “Yesterday, they felt so right.” They rub their cheeks with their free hand and a heavy sigh. Ahh. That kind of makes sense to Jinki.
“Didn't you say,” he starts, “you felt like you were genderfluid?” He’s not the fluid kind of nonbinary himself, but he feels like that’s one of the ways it can work.
“I mean,” Taeyeon says. “I’m not sure?” They sigh heavily and lean their head against Key’s shoulder. When they start mumbling to the ground Jinki shuffles forward more to hear better. “I don’t know, like, before it would always either be just. Varying degrees between ‘yeah, I guess I’m kind of a dude right now’ and ‘holy shit I am not a fucking dude at all.’ And I always just assumed that ‘not a boy’ meant ‘a girl’ because, I don’t know, twenty-three years of crushing cisnormativity and extremely limited face-to face gender experimentation? Or whatever. And I always wanted to feel, like, pretty and cute and she pronouns always sounded so nice in theory, so I figured I just floated between, like, demiboy and girl, but now, I don’t… know.
“Like… I still wanna be cute and pretty,” Taeyeon says. “And I definitely felt like a girl earlier. But now I don’t. I don’t wanna--I’m not a girl. Right now. And, like, yeah, I guess that makes sense that I’m fluid and I just… fluided away from that gender feel, but… Now I don’t know what I am.” That last part comes out as a distressed whine. Jonghyun coos a quiet noise into their hair, mumbles little sweet nothings meant to soothe rather than actually advise. Taeyeon groans quietly and leans back to rest their head against the wall. “I’m not a girl,” they mumble. “And I know she pronouns aren’t girl pronouns and all of that but. They still feel like it and they feel wrong. I can’t, like, make the disconnect in my brain. And I’ve been thinking, since the clothes shop, and, like. He pronouns don’t feel right either. Neither do they, really, and neither do, like, any that I can think of off of the top of my head.” They raise their hands to their head to grip and tug their hair lightly.
“All of it feels… just... wrong,” they whine. “She feels like I’m calling myself a girl. They, ve, it, xir, spivak, ne, no pronouns… all of these feel like. Like I’m saying that my gender right now is neutral, or agender, or, just, that it is something that I can define. Like, that’s what they’re linked to in my brain.” They rub their forehead with a sigh. “Every time I think of them I think of just. Screenshots of trans resource websites given to me on off-record chats to study in secret with lists of gender-neutral pronouns. But I’m not that. I’m not neutral. And I know that any pronouns can be used for any gender, but I can’t just stop feeling how they make me feel. I can’t unlearn that shit in a week. And it doesn’t even matter if none of them match what I feel if I don’t even know what I feel like in the first place.”
“I’m not making any sense,” they sigh after all of that. Their close their eyes, breathing slowly towards the sky. Choi squeezes their shoulder comfortingly.
“Yeah,” Jinki mumbles in agreement. He gets some of it, but not all, and there are technicalities and details and questions that he’s sure they don’t have the slightest idea how to explain. “But, uh,” he says quickly, when Key shoots him an incredulous little glare and he realizes he’s taken too long to follow up. “Look,” he says, dropping his chin onto Jonghyun’s shoulder. “You can’t even figure this shit out for yourself. You don’t need to explain it all to us.”
“Ye,” Jonghyun says, voice small. “We don’t need to understand to help.”
“It took me six years to figure my gender stuff out completely,” Choi signs after tapping Taeyeon’s shoulder for attention. Jinki nods. Good point. That was a whole long process and Jinki had only been there for a little more than half of it.
“Do you wanna sit here and brainstorm for a little bit?” Key asks gently. Taeyeon looks at all of them, gratitude in their eyes but defeat in their frown.
“I want… to not deal with this,” they mumble. “It’s too stressful, can I just.” They shake their head and rub their hands over their face. “Can I just say my gender is leaf for now?” they ask. “I wanna be a leaf. I wanna be cute and fluttery and smell nice and… not have to have an existential gender crisis on my first weekend out with my new family.” They move their hands to settle on their cheeks. “I can do that, right?” they ask hesitantly.
“Absolutely you can do that,” Key says firmly. They cover Taeyeon’s hands with theirs. “Your gender is whatever the fuck makes you feel comfortable.”
“Being a leaf makes me feel comfortable,” Taeyeon mumbles. “Leaf… leaf gender, no… no pronouns. Or--fuck, leaf pronouns. Or… petal? Hrm.” They wiggle Key’s hands off and play with their fingers, twisting and squeezing. “Petals are cute. Petal...self. Pet--petself? No, that’s. Mmm. Petal… something feels off.”
“Two syllables?” Jinki suggests. He knows Taeyeon was talking to themself there, but that’s what feels off to him. He’s used to one syllable pronouns and two syllables feel weird in his mouth without a little time to get used to them first. Taeyeon gasps, snaps dramatically, and points at him.
“That’s it,” they say. Then they pout. “Dang,” they say. Jinki exhales softly in amusement.
“So….” Choi signs, hand drifting into Taeyeon’s line of view. “None or leaf for you?” they ask.
“Did that mean leaf?” Taeyeon asks, watching Choi’s hands drop. “The sign for that is so cute, oh my god,” they whisper, eyes round. Choi pauses, then grins, even smugger than usual. “I wanna use leaf pronouns, yeah,” Taeyeon says, an actual smile finally starting to pull up leafs lips as leaf turns to the rest of them. Jonghyun hums, a happy noise, and presses a little kiss to leafs cheek.
“My beautiful and adorable little foliage basket,” he chirps. Taeyeon makes a soft noise and covers leafs face with a hand.
“Fuckie,” leaf whispers, clenching leafs hand tightly in front of leafself. “What was it you called me before?” leaf asks, lowering leafs hand to take Jonghyun’s and squeeze it. “Plum blossom? Peach blossom?”
“Sugar plum,” Jonghyun corrects.
“Oh,” Taeyeon says. Leaf puffs up leafs lips for a second. “Can you call me Peach Blossom anyway?” leaf asks. “Or, Peach. Like, as a name.” Leafs hand squeezes and lets go of Jonghyun’s several times, leafs other hand clenching on air at leafs side. “Taeyeon and Taemin and even just Tae feel too… like....” Leaf trails off with a puff of breath, a frustrated frown at the ground.
“Gendered?” Key offers.
“Yeah,” Taeyeon says, perking up. “I know they’re not, technically, but, like. They are.” Leaf mumbles that part awkwardly but everyone still nods. Knowing something and feeling it are two vastly different things that they all understand. “Peach blossoms, though,” Taeyeon says. “They’re really cute flowers. And not associated with gender in any way in my brain. And peaches taste so good.” Leaf kind of stares off into space as leaf says that, teeth digging into leafs bottom lip. Jinki shrugs.
“I don’t know,” he says. He could never bring himself to like them. “They have a weird texture on the inside.”
“Listen, if you bit into me I’m sure I would have a weird texture on the inside too,” Taeyeon says, reaching over to poke him with a cocked brow. Jinki snorts, letting it turn into surprised laughter against Jonghyun’s shirt. Holy shit.
“I mean, good point,” he says. That is a very true statement. “Peach Blossom it is.”
“Peach Blossom,” Jonghyun repeats, nuzzling the name into Peach’s neck.
“Peach Blossom,” Choi signs fondly. They all turn to look at Key; Key rolls their eyes but can’t hide a smile.
“I’m not saying it a fourth time in a row,” they say. “But, hey.” They fix Peach’s hair, straighten leafs collar, and smooth out leafs jacket. “You’re cute.”
“Oh.” Peach grins, smiles, beams, hides it behind leaf’s fist. “Thanks.” Leaf straightens up, looks around at everyone, and takes a deep, steadying breath. “I’m still hungry,” they announce.
There’s a short pause; then Jinki snorts very unattractively and giggles into Jonghyun’s shoulder. Choi chuckles as well, a blessing of a sound, and Key shakes their head fondly. Jonghyun clings to Peach’s arm and nuzzles a little smile into leafs neck.
“Okay then,” he says. “Lunchtime.” He slips a hand up to the back of Peach’s head to tug leaf into a slow kiss, and then another, and then two more before Jinki rolls his eyes and pulls him away before they just start making out in the middle of the sidewalk. He saw Peach’s hand creeping down to touch the butt. Jonghyun blushes but licks his lips and keeps his hand linked with Peach’s. “Um,” he says, feeling around with his other hand for Key’s wrist. “See you in a bit?” His voice rises like he’s not sure how to do this thing that he’s never done before. Jinki pats his shoulder and moves so he can stand with Choi on Peach’s other side.
“Have a nice lunch,” he says. Choi nods and puts their hands on Peach’s shoulders pleasantly. Peach glances back at both of them, then at leafs two datefriends, and nods.
“Yeah, um,” leaf says. “Yeah.”
“Okay,” Key says, taking Jonghyun’s hand and wiggling his other away from Peach’s. “Bye babe, and other babes.” They wave at all three of them; Jinki waves back pleasantly.
“Goodbye, my three loves,” Jonghyun says, a pout on his lips as Key tugs him firmly into the coffee shop. Jinki watches them walk up to the counter through the glass, amused at how Jonghyun immediately clings to Key’s arm for comfort. He should have known the lunchtime split would have been emotional today.
“They’re so good,” Peach whispers. Jinki looks at leaf; Choi does as well, and they share a grin over leafs head.
“You’re good,” he says, and Choi boops leafs nose. Leaf smiles sheepishly and rubs leafs nose, turning to fully face the both of them. It hits Jinki suddenly that his last solo interaction with Peach was an awkward hug and some bumbling on his part. He’s more comfortable now than he was then, but he’s still thankful that Choi is going to be with them.
“So,” Peach says slowly, biting leafs lip. “If they have lunch in there, then where do we go?” Leaf gestures at the coffee shop with one hand and then around the rest of the mall with another. Jinki grins and takes leafs shoulders to gently face leaf across the street.
“We go there,” he says, pointing directly across. “And then there.” He points at the shop right next to the first. “Ice cream and then muffins.” He wiggles his eyebrows as Peach slowly inflates with a soft gasp, hands rising to squish leafs cheeks.
“Nice,” leaf whispers. Jinki grins and takes leafs arm to lead leaf towards the little crossing point. Choi scoots ahead of them, faces them, glances behind themself, and then continues to walk backwards with a wide smile.
“We’ll get your laptop after,” they sign. “And then we meet up with them at the arcade.”
“At the….” Peach says slowly, focusing on Choi’s hand as they finger spell the word out instead. “Arc… there’s an arcade?” Leaf hisses, whipping to Jinki for confirmation. Jinki nods and points back across the street and just a block down where the arcade is, doors open and colorful lights twinkling.
“Oh my god,” Peach breathes. “This is the best day of my life.” Leaf practically drags Jinki to the ice cream shop in leafs excitement but Jinki can’t find it in himself to mind. He’s just glad that he’s a part of this day.
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franklyshipping · 7 years
I love reading headcanons so I figured I’d make some of my own, I’m a stickler for detail so I hope y'all enjoy and you should expect a few more after this too 😉
PAPYRUS: The most adorable cutie patootie cinnamon roll ever, a major giggler mixed with loud ‘NYEH HEH HEH’S’ at every conceivable interval! He loves tickle fights especially because he gets to be a little kid in a way and he loves being able to retaliate and make other people laugh more than anything else.
His normal ticklers are Undyne because she loves any opportunity to beat him (and she thinks he’s adorable but she’d never say that), also Sans because he’s the big brother and Papyrus loves having fun with his brother, and sometimes Frisk because they love hearing Papyrus’ laugh and loves spending time with him too. Also, Mettaton takes a chance whenever he can because he simply cannot get enough of darling Papyrus’ laugh and multiple reactions, but Papyrus loves all of it nonetheless because he gets to connect with friends.
His worst spots are his ribs which are always certain to get the giggles bubbling away, his spine is his real bad spot though and never fails to elicit squeals and the odd snort, which everyone else never fails to tease him about. In short he is the adorable lee of the underground 😊
SANS: This guy pretends to be the hard guy, being all suave with his puns and cheeky mischievous nature, however when it comes to tickling he becomes genuine putty in his ler’s hands (literally in their hands 😂). His loud belly laughs and yelps let Sans finally let go of his worries and just laugh freely.
Not many people know of this little weakness but there are a select few, Papyrus for one since he knows practically everything about his brother, and he loves the opportunity to turn the tables on Sans and relishes in the power that most little brothers only dream of; however Papyrus is discreet since Sans never can hide his embarrassment. Toriel knows too, she and Sans are undoubtedly close and she relishes in making him laugh with something other than puns, I’m pretty sure she gets some enjoyment from embarrassing him too! Frisk is the only other person who knows and isn’t the sort of person to take advantage, but if they ever see that Sans is sadder than usual they’ll give him a little cheer up. Which Sans always appreciates.
His bad spots are his ribs which unlock his deep chuckles which quickly morph into strong belly laughs when you reach his ghost-tummy. Light skitterings are all it takes to make him a mess, however when you do relent you better start running because he’ll give you a hell of a bad time in revenge. He’s the revenge taker of the underground 😊
TORIEL: Just need to say first….GOAT MOM IS BEST MOM! Okay, so Toriel is the definition of adorable when it comes to tickles; squirming, giggling and curling up into a cute floof ball make her an immediate target. I mean who could resist that cuteness?!
Literally everyone knows of how sensitive Toriel is but few take advantage because they would always feel bad about taking advantage of her! However that doesn’t stop everyone. Sans is always the first to give her a few pokes if he feels her puns are getting more attention than his 😂 Also, when she gets sad about her past family life Sans will always be there to get her spirits back up, she always appreciates it even if she doesn’t immediately show it. Her only other proper tickler was Asgore, even though it was mainly in the past he always tickled her because he loved seeing her laugh and be happy. Honestly like how a couple really should be, always with care and attention.
Her main tickle spots are her floofy, furry tum tum which gets her giggling and squirming but her death spots are behind her ears and the bases of her horns and i CAn’t eVEN BECAUSE SHE SQUEALS AND BLUSHES SO MUCH IT’S UNBELIEVABLE! In short, Toriel is the most embarrassed ticklee of the underground.
UNDYNE: Whoo boy you have to be one frickin determined cookie to be able to unlock the ticklishness of this fearsome warrior, she’ll deny it everytime but she has her sensitive spots just like everyone else. Her loud boisterous laughter is hilarious to behold 😂
People know about Undyne being ticklish but are always far too intimidated to even try for fear of her strength and her capacity for revenge. There are a few who do though 😉 Tickling Undyne is one of Alphys’ favourite things to do because she’s the only one who ever gets to see her all giggly! They always have tickle fights together and Alphys enjoys getting a little payback now and then because who doesn’t love tickling their bae? Papyrus has tickled her once (by accident in training) but she swore him to ultimate secrecy, with a little persuasion containing a ticklish theme of course 😉
Undyne’s main tickle spots reside at her ear fins where the skin is EXTREMELY sensitive, like legit she will break a freakin window with her screeching holy fuck. Her gills are also pretty sensitive and will make her scrunch up her neck and giggle like a kid it’s so cute! But her death spot is definately her feet and particularly the webbing and this is probably the only thing that would get her begging for mercy….before she abruptly kicks you in the face 😂 Undyne is the most resistant lee of the Underground.
ALPHYS: I can’t even with this smol weeaboo child like talk about a major SQUEEEEEEEEEEE at the very thought of her being tickled holy hell! She gets ever so embarrassed and takes about an hour to recover, like she will legit still be engulfed by a giggle fit for ages! I think she kinda enjoys it too because she likes it when her friends make her laugh and cheer her up when she’s having a bad day.
LITERALLY EVERYONE TICKLES ALPHYS! I swear at one point everyone banded together and agreed to make it a group activity or something 😂 Undyne loves to tickle her because she loves her laugh, Mettaton tickles her because he’s a mischievous little shit and loves making her squirmy and embarrassed. She may not be as close with everyone else but they will always team up and tickle the living daylights out of her in case she’s been working too hard or feeling down. Because every single goddamn being loves her to pieces because it is literally impossible not to 😊
Alphys is a walking tickle spot like poke her anywhere and she’ll jump a mile! Although I have to say that going for her tail will elicit uncontrollable squealing, giggling, blushing and squirming all in the space of a microsecond, like every aspect of her is a bundle or nerves! Seriously if you so much as poke her tail….holy shit she will squeal so hard and her giggles will give you a cuteness induced heart attack, like she literally cannot deal with it! Alphys is the most adorable lee of the Underground.
METTATON: This sexy, fabulous superstar will have you thinking his confidence means he couldn’t possibly be ticklish. Oh darling do I have a surprise for you! It varies between his forms, boxy and NEO aren’t as ticklish and you’d probably only get a few giggles. His EX form however….darlings you are certainly in for a treat 😉
Alphys constantly takes advantage of all his little nerve receptors (that she herself installed might I add) are I swear she gets a kick out of making him squeal! Another few people who like to take advantage include our lil Blooky who enjoys phasing through his cousin’s metal body to send shockwaves and shivers to get him giggling! However our star’s main predator is Papyrus who simply relishes every noise and reaction he can get from his mischievous robot, not that Mettaton really complains about it of course 😂 I personally think Mettaton rather enjoys being made to giggle and laugh, especially with all the teasing people can dish out on him!
When it comes to specific spots the main ones to go for would definately be his black waist, hips and thighs which aren’t made of hard metal, but just a softer material. This makes them perfect for squeezing which will have him bucking and snorting in no time! Also, it wouldn’t do any harm to skitter around his pink soul a little, you’d get the most delicious squeaks and giggles! 😂 Even though he’ll get his revenge on you after, he’ll never really try to stop you and go quiet if you ask him about it….. you can all make of that what you will 😂 Mettaton is the bashful lee of the Underground.
FRISK: AHHHHHHH SMOL INNOCENT CHILD TOO PRECIOUS FOR THIS WORLD!!! Ahem…this adorable ass human’s laughter puts a smile on everyone’s face so tickling Frisk is basically everyone’s favourite hobby. Frisk’s giggles are basically drug-like and people cannot get enought of them, however that puts our lil human in a bit of a situation now and again *cough* all the frickin time *cough*.
This is rather similar to Alphys since EVERYONE TICKLES FRISK!!! Bless this child honestly it must be a curse being that adorable. Papyrus will do it because he loves the scrunchy expressions they make, Sans does it because he’s a cheeky shit and loves making the kid laugh more than anyone else, Mettaton is also a cheeky shit and is always fascinated with the way humans *coughhh* Frisk *splutter* react to everything 😂 Undyne is relentless and insists it’s a type of training to tougher Frisk up (I call BULLSHIT FISH WAIFU), Toriel is motherly and loves seeing Frisk laugh freely, and pretty much the same with Asgore on that front too 😊 Frisk literally generates happiness so no wonder everyone wants to hear that adorable hooman laugh and giggle all day!
Frisk may not be a complete walking tickle spot but that doesn’t mean they’re safe, oh hell no honey! If you so much as brush their neck, shoulder or ribs then they are fucking GONE! Childish squeals and giggles and unrelenting squirming will occur without fail! Their worst spot however….if you so much as think about going for their knees then their determination will go into goddamn override. There must be a hella big buch of nerve endings residing there because even after someone’s relented the twitching and giggling will remain for about half an hour 😂 Arggghhh I am getting nausea from all this fluffy goodness christ help me. Frisk is happiest lee of the Underground.
ASGORE: Oh this adorable goat dad he is just so perfect 👌 Deep chuckles, belly laughs and snorts are your rewards when you get at his majesty and you certainly will not regret it….actually thinking on that you might do, especially if he himself is in a mischievous mood!
Very few people actually know of our King’s little weakness because no-one has ever really gotten close enough to him to find out let alone try, but there are a few exceptions of course 😂 Namely Toriel, I mean c'mon couple tickle fights are inevitable aren’t they! They still do at present since they’re still close friends, that sort of connection doesn’t really go away. Another would be Undyne, she found out in a training session and loves trying to embarrass him with it, she relishes in getting rid of his big, tough kingly act and gets him to loosen up; he’s always grateful for that. Frisk also knows cuz the smol child is always DETERMINED to make everyone happy and they love his deep, chuckly laugh!
His worst spots would certainly be around the base of his horns and around his ears, but make sure you’re careful cuz if you let his head thrash too much he’ll pull a damn muscle! But his kill spot is his floofy tummy! Go to town there while you can because the guffaws, loud laughter and eventual BLEETS won’t last long if he overpowers you. Then yousa better be ready for teasy papa ler! In short though, he’s the hidden lee of the underground.
ASRIEL: SMOL GOAT CHILD WHO NEEDS ALL THE PROTECTION IN THE WORLD TOO CUTE AND HUGGABLE…ahem, well to business. This lil giggly ball of floof will give you endless joy since he’s ticklish EVERYWHERE!!!
His main ticklers are his parents because they’re mainly making up for lost time, and because they love hearing their son’s laugh because who wouldn’t cherish something so pure?! Since Frisk is his hooman bestie they never hesitate to get him if they even sense a frown or drop in his mood, what kind of friend would they be if they didn’t get him giggling and squirming? His last main ler may surprise you, it is in fact sans. Asriel (when he was saved and brought to the surface DON’T QUESTION IT JUST ROLL WITH IT PEOPLE) was always trying too hard, sans forgave him ages ago because he knew he had no real control, and one day he saw Frisk reduce him to a giggled out ball o’ floof. So of course, being the mischievous shit he is, decided to cheer up the kid. It was something they both needed, then Asriel got the message and is a lot better for it (wow rambling soz).
His tickle spots are DEM EARS, DAT TUM, AND DEM HANDS AND FOOTS. He’s so damn giggly and his voice goes up like 3 octaves and then the BLEATING gosh darn, once he starts he can’t stop. He’s especially sensitive to the lightest touches, his feet are by far the worst, particularly the toe pads; his laughter literally goes silent. He’s always way too exhausted and is too kind to ever get anyone back, all in all he’s the lee that needs it the most.
Wow this took longer than it should have, hope you like it and naybe a ler one will come soon? Patience, patience and most of all STAY DETERMINED!!! Love you all xx
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fearofaherobrine · 7 years
Roleplay Server Log #173
"Family Issues, Torturing Jeb, Jewel is Drunk”
[Doc] Is just walking to Lie's house. - Honestly... he's freaking scared of you. Don't you get that?
[Stevie] - Oh yeah right, like that's believable
[Doc] Okay, he's scared of his feelings for you. Is that better? He was seriously considering trying to make you fear him again so he wouldn't have to deal with those emotions. I smacked the shit out of him for even saying it.
[Stevie] Goes silent-
[Doc] So don't give him that. I hate telling anyone this, because I consider it mean-spirited. But stop being such a fraidy cat.
[Stevie] - I'M NOT THAT BAD!
[Doc] Stops for a moment to give him a skeptical look and then resumes walking.
[Lie] See's them coming and opens the door- What is it this time?
[Doc] Just walks inside with Stevie and plunks him down.
[Notch] peeks around the corner and then comes in the room. - Hi... Stevie.
[Stevie] - Father...
[Notch] Reflexitively opens his arms for a hug at the word.
[Stevie] Does hug him-
[Notch] I've missed you. You know I'm here if you want company.
[Doc] Well that's sweet at least. Where's Cp?
[Stevie] - Yeah, the rest of the memories just came back...
[Lie] - Down in his private rooms...  He's only been coming out once everyone is either away or late at night to get food
[Notch] I'm glad they weren't forgotten. We had some good times. - wipes a little tear.
[Doc] Still?
[Lie] - Yup
[Doc] I'll get him. - Xe goes to the hole and calls down - Cp? Can you come up here?
[CP] - Why?
[Doc] Because I asked instead of dragging you?
[CP] - Fuck no
[Doc] Do I need to get TLOT?
[CP] Growling can be heard-
[Doc] Then just come up on your own. You can't hide from your problems forever.
[Notch] Is just standing there next to Stevie - He's a mess...
[Stevie] - How so?
[CP] - I do not have problems!
[Notch] quietly, but Cp can likely hear him anyway- Emotionally. He just hides and sulks when he has too many feelings about something. If it's really terrible he'll stay in his cat form because he feels safer crying in that shape.
[Stevie] - I see...
[Doc] Because it's safer emotionally? Cats don't have much in the way of facial expressions. And you can curl up in a little warm ball and doze and no one suspects how much you're actually hurting inside since that's what cats normally do?
[CP] - Shut up
[Doc] Just looks at Stevie and gestures to the hole like - SEE?!
[Stevie] Can't stop the small laugh which escapes him-
[Notch] whispers - grumpy floof.
[CP] - You did not just say that...
[Notch] ooops...
[CP] Head pokes up out of the hole- I will fucking murder all of you...
[Doc] Shush, You love us. Especially Lie.
[CP] Growls and starts sinking back down-
[Doc] Reaches for the back of his shirt to pull him up. - No you don't. Come up here.
[Doc] Pulls him up so he's sitting on the edge of the hole with his feet dangling down the ladder. - Stevie got his memories back.
[CP] - So?
[Doc] What do you mean so? Talk to the poor sod! He's still your brother!
[CP] Grumbles-
[Notch] They're so alike...
[Stevie] Nervously- Brother...
[Doc] Yes you are, you're both stubborn cows!
[CP] Flips Doc off-
[Doc] grabs his finger and shakes it away. - Say your piece Stevie.
[Stevie] - Huh?  What!?  But...  But I don't know what to say!
[Doc] Tell him you love him. You said it all the time when you were a little kid again.
[Stevie] Blushes bright red-
[Notch] You guys spent so much time playing together. Probably like you were at the beginning.
[Stevie] Incoherent noises-
[Doc] I know; tell you aren't scared of him anymore.
[Stevie] - Ah, well, uh...  I'm...  Not?
[CP] Scoffs in annoyance- I can fix that
[Doc] Smacks Cp on the back of the head lightly- No, you won't.
[CP] Grumbles-
[Doc] So give it up Cp. You can't weasel out of this one.
[CP] - Watch me
[Doc] This is what I was talking about Stevie.
[Notch] Gives Stevie a little nudge from behind
[CP] - The fuck are you talking about now?
[Stevie] Stumbles forwards a little-
[Doc] What do you think? He's your brother. Your father's dying wish was for you two to be reconciled and protect eachother. Make some effort and stop running from your feelings.
[CP] Stiffens at the mention of their actual father, his shoulders slumping a little afterwards-
[Stevie] Also gets a bit sadder at the mention of their father-
[Notch] Gives Stevie another little hug and holds out his hand to help Cp up.
[CP] Ignores the hand, his thoughts too distracted-
[Doc] Takes Cp's limp hand and puts it in Notch's open one.
[CP] Jumps a little at the contact and tries pulling away-
[Notch] Closes on his reflexitively and is pulled enough to stumble, taking Stevie down to the floor with him. - Ooof!
[Notch] Goes for the gold and grabs the brothers in a desperate hug together.
[Stevie] Snuggles into Notch a little-
[CP] Becomes stiff as a board-
[Doc] That's better. And Cp, loosen up. Be glad you have a family. - Motions for Lie to join them.
[Lie] Sits next to CP and rests against him, knowing her touch will relax CP-
[Doc] There's the distinct and very quiet snap of Doc taking a picture-
[Doc] Makes a run for it, giggling like a maniac.
[Notch] Explodes into laughter
[CP] Struggles out of the hug to chase Doc down-
[Notch] Is just laughing on the floor next to Stevie. - Dammit Cp. Ah, perfect moments never last long-
[Doc] Is lauging way too hard and staying just out of reach.
[Doc] I won't show anyone but Deerheart if you stop chasing me, but I won't delete it!
[Lie] Sighs- Should I track him down...
[Notch] Maybe for Doc's sake.
[Notch] Turns to Stevie - how's Alexis and the new kitten doing?
[Lie] Thinks for a moment before giving CP a mental burst-
[Stevie] - That kitten hates me
[Notch] Seriously? I wonder why?
[CP] Freezes dead in his tracks as the image reaches him-
[Stevie] - No idea, but I think it's been sleeping on my side of the bed
[Doc] Notices Cp's isn't chasing hir anymore and stops to look back.
[Notch] Ah, cats. sometimes these things take time. I'd just make the bed bigger.
[CP] Is having a very difficult mental battle with himself over continuing chasing Doc and going back to his mate-
[Stevie] - It's already insisting on sleeping between us
[Doc] Uses the opportunity to sneak away.
[CP] Realizes that Doc is no longer in sight- DAMNIT!
[Notch] well that is the warmest spot.
[Stevie] Stands- Maybe I should be heading home now...
[Notch] Sure you won't stay for dinner or something?
[Stevie] - No, I think Alexis is making food for us...
[Notch] Looks a little sad. - Go fishing with me sometime?
[Stevie] - Absolutely....  Father
[Notch] Thank you Stevie. Come over anytime. I'll drop whatever I'm doing.
[Stevie] - And you're always welcome to our place too
[Notch] Okay, I don't want to intrude. I wonder if they'll be wedding bells for you too soon? Alexis really missed you.
[Stevie] - W-Wedding bells!
[Notch] Just a thought....
[Lie] Heads upstairs to wait for her mate-
[CP] Quickly comes through the front door- That was a very tempting thought love...
[Lie] - I thought so...
[CP] Thinks back to the image she just sent of herself tangled in ropes and pounces on his mate- Bedroom.  Now.
[Lie] Can't help the small laugh she releases before squirming at the thought of just what her mate could do to her as he carries her into the bedroom-
[CP] Tosses Lie onto their bed, spawning ropes and grinning mischievously- What to start with...- He watches his wife squirm in anticipation before pouncing on her once more, tightening the rope around her wrists and tying them to the head board
[Lie] Tugs at her few bonds just to test them as CP watches
[CP] - Hmm, you know what, I think I'm a little too impatient for anything else right now...- He starts stripping her and himself of clothes, leaning down to kiss her and nip at her sensitive skin
[Lie] Moans and arches into his touches, anting more-
[CP] Smirks as he lets his fingers travel downwards into her muff and start playing  with her- Let me hear you say it Lie, say you want me...
[Lie] Bucks a little into his touches-Please CP, fuck I want you so much right now- Her voice trailed off into a whine
[CP] Grins, his own member already getting hard as he slides it up and into Lie, relishing her moan of relief as her eyes begged him for more which he was more than willing to submit to.  He began pleasuring her, his mouth finding other sensitive spots on her body as he fucked her, delighting in all the little noises she would make for him.  He kept going until she came, and he followed after her, panting a little before nuzzling his mate- Hmmm, you do make a good argument against not chasing Doc...
[Lie] - I'm glad, mind untying me?
[CP] - Why?  Perhaps I want another round~- He emphasized this remark by biting her neck causing Lie to squeak
[Lie] - CP!
[CP] - Well now I know another round is in order if your calling my name out like that~
[Lie] Groans but submits to her husband, she knew how much he wanted this, she could feel it from her mind, and she wasn't sore yet so she could keep going as well.  She just hoped Stevie and Notch had left the house and couldn't hear them as CP started again-
[Notch] Is still sitting next to Stevie and jumps as his phone rings-
[Stevie] Tilts his head curiously at the noise-
[Notch] Looks at the screen and groans before answering it.
[Stevie] - What is it father?
[Notch] Hisses- It's Jeb... - into the phone, with an annoyingly happy tone - Happy birthday!
[Stevie] Is now confused-
[Notch] What do you mean where am I? I'm staying with friends.
[CP] Comes out from the bedroom in just his pants, cocking an eyebrow curiously at the two still in his house-
[Notch] Yes.... -lying- I did have a stroke. It was a really close call. My face looks kinda weird and I'd prefer no one see me like this.
[CP] Snorts and practically yells- LIES!
[Notch] Yes, Lie is here! She's one of the people I'm staying with!
[Notch] Yeah, yeah... Doc is around too. Yes, I know I'll go back to Doc's house tonight! Sorry, her boyfriend is kind of a shithead.
[Stevie] - Brother shut up!
[Notch] trying to drown Cp out-No! I don't want to stay with you instead! Especially not with the baby. It would be too much!
[Notch] Is trying to cover the phone partly with his hand - Stop yelling! Sorry, I think he's drunk.
[Notch] Gets a concerned look - Shut the fuck up Cp! Someone stole your computer and kicked you in the nuts?
[Notch] Do you want to fucking talk to him Cp?!
[Stevie] Groans- Father...  Should I get Doc or TLOT?
[CP] - Only if I get to drag him in to talk to him
[Notch] Don't do that! Fucking hell... What are you five? I can't talk on the phone?
[CP] Slowly starts making an opening-
[Notch] What do you mean am I in the game? Don't be crazy, I told you! I'm sick!
[Stevie] - But you are...
[Notch] Glares at Stevie and mouths - it's a secret!!!!
[Stevie] Ducks head guiltily-
[CP] Has the opening big enough for a human-
[Notch] Now what's this about a computer? Was there anything important on it? - notices what Cp is doing - STOP THAT!
[CP] Grinning with mischief-
[Notch] Look, I'll talk to you later. No! I'm not avoiding you! This just isn't a good time!
[CP] His arm darts into the opening-
[Notch] Trying to swat at Cp with his free hand- STOP THAT!
[CP] Grabs Jeb- Nah- Pulls the other human in before starting to walk off
[Jeb] Starts screaming and accidently breaks his phone squeezing it too hard.
[Notch] CP!!!!
[CP] Chuckles darkly- Have fun
[Notch] Is fuming-
[Jeb] Terrified staring at everything around him, even Stevie.
[Stevie] - Brother why!?
[CP] - Because it's fun
[Notch] Because he's rude! Don't act like your brother Stevie! It's way harder to make friends that way!
[Stevie] - Yes I know that father
[Jeb] Sort of curls up shaking rather hard.
[CP] - You might want to calm your friend down
[Notch] Grumbles at Cp calling Jeb a friend.
[Stevie] - Should I get some of Lie's flowers?
[Notch] Yes please.
[Stevie] Runs into Lie's greenhouse and returns with a few calming flowers.  He places them next to Jeb-
[Jeb] He said I could annoy you... I thought that meant we could talk... please don't kill me! I didn't tell anyone else!
[Stevie] - I'm betting he means my brother...
[Notch] I'll take that bet...
[Stevie] - What should we do father?
[Jeb] Seems afraid of the flowers too.
[Doc] Yelling from outside - Cp? Are you incapable of keeping a secret?! Why did you drag him in here?! And don't lie, no one else can do that and I saw it in the chat!
[CP] - For fun
[Doc] You fucker! You can keep the other creepypastas a secret but you out us? What the hell is wrong with you?!
[CP] - What?  I'll eventually send him back
[Jeb] Is calming slightly because of the flowers, and fixes on Notch-  You....you... lied to me... and... why do you have hair?
[Notch] Goes beet red- Cp!!! And of course I lied to you! who would believe the truth?
[Jeb] Flirting with the what?!
[Stevie] - I think I'm still missing something here...
[Doc] Sticks hir head through the ceiling, - the only thing that's missing is some of Cp's brain cells!
[Jeb] Screams in terror-
[CP] Laughs at Jeb's fear-
[Doc] Turns to Jeb - Shut the hell up, I'm still mad at you.
[Jeb] Goes white with fear and totally silent
[Stevie] - Ummm...  Father?  What should we do?
[Notch] Take both Cp and Jeb and shake some sense into them I suspect.
[Stevie] - And how are we going to do that?
[Notch] It's.. it's not literal.
[Doc] Good enough for me. - Xe grabs Cp by the shoulder and shakes him roughly before letting go again.
[CP] - HEY!
[Doc] gets mostly into the room and gives Jeb a smack with the fluff of hir tail-
[Jeb] Gets knocked flat on the floor
[Stevie] - Um...
[Doc] Well I feel better.
[CP] - See?  Good idea
[Doc] Still mad at you too. Zip it.
[CP] - Whatever...
[Notch] Kneels next to Jeb. - Just... no more screaming okay? I had to lie to you. I don't trust you.
[Jeb] Frowns - You're the one that took the money to keep your own mouth shut.
[Notch] I think they would have drummed up a scandal and fired me if I hadn't. I don't blame you for staying. You have a family to support.
[CP] - Family is overrated
[Stevie] - Really?  You're going to say that now?
[Doc] Well, you know firsthand what will happen if you out us. I'll probably have to humiliate myself in some fashion to get you home at all. So keep your mouth shut about all this or there will be consequences.
[Jeb] Just nods shakily
[CP] Starts walking back to his bedroom-
[Jeb] Where am I?
[Notch] do you mean like seedwise?
[Jeb] Maybe?
[Stevie] - Um...  You're in minecraft?  I don't really know seed names since brother is usually the one that drags us around...
[Doc] This is a private server. Invitation only.
[Jeb] I see...
[Notch] It's very well protected. Don't even get any funny ideas. Even NOTCH AI's can't break in here.
[Stevie] - Luckily your not an AI father
[Jeb] Father? Did you shack up with an Alex?!
[Notch] What?! No!
[Doc] Most Alex's are asexual anyway...
[Stevie] - Mine isn't
[Jeb] Oh, is this some father of the game thing?
[Doc] Yours is an exception to the rule Stevie.
[Notch] It's complicated....
[Jeb] How long have you been here?
[Lie] From the direction of her bedroom- YOU DID WHAT!?
[Notch] Umm... real time, I'm not sure...
[Jeb] So what were ya gonna do? Hide here forever?
[CP} Comes racing into the workroom as a red cat with Lie following-
[Lie] - Freaking ass...
[Doc] Catches Cp like one would a mouse with hir paws -
[CP] Many angry noises-
[Jeb] More angry cats. What is it with you and bitchy cats Markus?
[Lie] - Ahem...
[Jeb] Oh shit.... it's you...
[Lie] - And what's that supposed to mean?
[Jeb] We've met. That's all! No offence miss!
[Lie] Grumbles-
[Doc] You've met me too dumbass-
[Jeb] I'm sure I'd remember that!
[Lie] - You have, just as you've met me in this form as well- Shifts to her cat form
[Lie] - If CP takes us out, then yes
[Jeb] His thumb is sliding towards his mouth and he makes an effort to stop it.
[Notch] It wouldn't be a big deal if you didn't insist on pissing everyone off!
[Lie] - Oh joy, so it's not just us
[Stevie] Is rather confused right now-
[Notch] he just has an abrasive personality. You don't get much practice socializing sitting in front of a computer doing 3d modeling and writing code all day.
[Lie] - Wouldn't know, I'm really not good at that sort of stuff at all
[Stevie] - Ummm, should we get TLOT?  Or at least get him away from brother for a little while?
[Notch] Fuck it... Jeb, you wanted to go drinking with me so damn bad, lets go.
[Jeb] Wait? What?
[CP] Perks up from under Doc's paws-
[Doc] It's okay Stevie. I can handle Cp. Plus I know TLOT's busy with the new villagers.
[Jeb] wait... TLOT?
[Stevie] - New villagers?
[Doc] Yeah, we brought in the much smaller village that had sworn fealty to him before he escaped here. Less then twenty of them and a witch for a leader.
[Lie] - Yes Jeb, as in the brine you abused and essentially tortured to try and achieve your own goal!
[Jeb] Shrinks in utter shame -
[Lie] - I feel the need to pee on you...
[CP] Purrs with a bit of pride-
[Doc] Lie! I think you're spending too much time with Cp.
[Lie] - Doc, I only get like this around this asshole...
[Doc] He is a prick, I'll give you that...
[CP] - Will you let me up now?
[Notch] Hauls Jeb to his feet.
[Doc] To quote you "nah"
[Stevie] - Er, maybe I should head back to Alexis?
[Doc] Actually no, you should stay and help me. You're just the Steve I need right now.
[Stevie] - I'm not sure I like the sound of that...
[Doc] Pulls out a pair of gold armor pants and makes a burrito around Cp with them before pushing him into Stevies arms. - There, now he can't set it on fire and peeing will mean sitting in it himself-
[Stevie] - Ummm, and what exactly am I supposed to do with him?
[Notch] Just come with us and keep an eye on him. We need him to send Jeb back.
[Lie] Rubs against Notch's legs-
[stevie] - Oh, okay...
[Doc] slips through the wall and Jeb shudders at the sight
[Notch] Picks up Lie and lays her on his shoulder-
[Lie] Purrs happily-
[CP] Angry noises-
[Notch] Just walks straight for the bar.
[Doc] Picks up Jeb by his clothes and carries him like a dead rat-
[Stevie] Follows them with CP-
[Jeb] Whimpering-
[Lie] Glares at him-
[Stevie] Trots a bit to catch up with Notch- So who exactly is this guy to you?
[Notch] He's as much a father to this place as I am, a brilliant programmer, and a visionary. Too bad he's an idiot in most other ways.
[Jeb] mutters- fuck you....
[Stevie] - Yeah I'm not calling him father
[CP] - That's something we can agree on...
[Notch] I would never ask. He didn't earn it from you and he's already got a kid for that.
[Jeb] Earn? What the fuck did you do Markus?!
[Lie] Lazily bats a paw in CP's direction-
[CP] Mews at Lie in response, squirming in his purrito-
[Stevie] - Ah, brother stop that!
[Doc] Cool your heels Cp it's not like we're going somewhere you hate.
[Doc] Makes a point of giving the lava pool a long enough stare for Jeb to notice before walking to the door
[Doc] Plunks Jeb down a bit hard and transforms back into a human in front of him.
[Lie] Purrs as they step inside-
[Doc] chuckles
[CP] Yowls a bit-
[jewel] -is siting at one of the booths staring at the group-
[Doc] Shoves Jeb inside as he sputters angrily
[Lie] Mews at Sam, her tail lazily swaying-
[Sam] Seems happy to see them, but surprised that Jeb is there and that Stevie is an adult again
[Stevie] Gives a little wave-
[Sam] Reaches under the counter and holds up one of Stevies drawings rather proudly
[Stevie] Blushes a little- Oh, umm...
[Lie] Jumps onto the bar counter and glances at Jewel, wondering if she'll be a problem-
[Stevie] Takes a seat at the bar with CP-
[Doc] Gives Jeb a shove into a booth -
[Jeb] Practically falls into it.
[Sam] Squeezes over Lie a little bit-
[jewel] -quietly- hello doc
[Doc]Sheepishly- Hello Jewel... how are you?
[jewel] well my voice is back to normal so I would say good
[Notch] Is ordering food and drinks from Sam.
[Doc] Sorry about the side effects. It's not a perfect treatment.
[jewel] I am still trying to understand though
[CP] Squirms some more and yowls-
[Lie] Purrs and bumps against Sam's bony fingers-
[Doc] You can always talk to me if you want.
[Jeb] grumbling quietly- Sure, just be nice to the weirdo with the mask, and treat me like a sack of potaoes.
[Sam] Gets Cp a bowl of rumchata and sets sit on the bar with a bit of waving to indicate to Stevie that it's for Cp.
[jewel] -looks at jeb- what did you call me?
[Stevie] Nods and places his still squirming brother next to it-
[Jeb] Weird... Just another of Notch's weird friends. You're probably playing from a terminal in freaking Norway or something. [He thinks she's just an avatar of a real person.]
[Doc] She's here, just like you're here. Brines aren't the only ones that can live on the internet.
[Jeb] They're..they're not?
[Notch] Gets a wicked look-
[Notch] Ever hear of Slenderman?
[Jeb] Yeah... internet creepypasta baloney that gets bantered on Reddit and 4chan. And a cheap ass game, what about it?
[Notch] She lived in his house. -thumbs at Jewel. As well as my son Cp.
[Jeb] Blithers- Bullshit!
[jewel] yea Slenderman can be very strict on rules
[CP] - I'm not your son!
[Lie] - Shush CP
[CP] - That he is
[Jeb] You're all just... fucking with me! I think I'm going crazy.... maybe that's it.. I'm hallucianting!
[Lie] - What can we do to convince you this is real?  Have some of us visit you out there?
[Doc] We already did that kinda...
[Jeb] Is just muttering to himself.
[jewel] -pulls out her ax-mace and holds it next to her to try and scare jeb-
[Notch] Snap out of it man!
[CP] - Put it away Jewel, he's my prey, not yours
[Jeb] Just kind of curls up, his pupils are rather diailated-
[Doc] Geeze... Lie can I have a calming flower please?
[jewel] your a cat leave me alone this one is fun to scare
[Lie] Nods and concentrates, spawning a few of them-
[CP] Blast a fireball at her- Last warning Jewel, you know Slender's rules about this
[Sam] Panics because there's fire in the bar-
[jewel] fuck you -blocks the fireball before putting her weapon away-
[CP] Smug expression- I could always call Splender over
[Notch] There's a tiny twich of a smile.
[jewel] shut up I was just trying to scare him splender needs no involvement in this.
[CP] - Then fuck off, he's my prey
[Sam] Tries to distract Jewel with a large sandwich-
[Lie] Flops on the bar counter-
[Doc] Sighs- Xe decides to take the opportunty to eat and rips off bits of chicken to offer to Lie.
[Jeb] Is breathing a bit too fast, but the flowers are having an effect.
[Lie] Daintily takes it-
[jewel] -looks at sam weirdly because a sandwich wouldn't distract her unless she was really hungry which she wasn't-
[Sam] seems slightly dissapointed.
[Notch] You're not hallucinating. Get a grip on yourself.
[Jeb] Makes a rather strangled squeak, he's just plain scared.
[Stevie] - Hey Sam?  Could I get some food?
[Sam] Looks happier already and starts making Stevie a steak, lamb chops and carrots - [assuming he'll share meat with Cp since he's a cat at the moment. ]
[CP] Is trying to drink his rumchata-
[Doc] You know I actually need to check on Splender anyway.... - Scoots the bowl gently under Cp's chin.
[CP] Hisses a little before drinking-
[jewel] -looks at sam- do you have any kind of sweet alcohol drinks of any kind I really just want to get drunk right now.
[Doc] I wonder how he's functioning since TLOT's adjustments...
[Sam] Makes Jewel a huge pina colada with a giant chunk of pineapple on the side.
[jewel] thank you -takes it and starts drinking it-
[Lie] Jumps off the counter and up onto the table in front of Jeb-
[Jeb] Fixes on the cat with a slight eye twitch-
[Lie] Notices the twitch- What's wrong?
[Notch] He's scared of you. You did attack him last time you were a cat
[Lie] - Hmmm- Tail lazily swishes about
[CP] Snickers a little, proud of his currently griefing wife-
[Jeb] Hunkers down in the booth, there's really nothing to put between him and the cat.
[Sam] Puts a platter of tacos betwen them in a diplomatic way
[Notch] Grabs a taco and takes a big crunchy bite- Good one Sam!
[jewel] -is trying to drink the pina colada faster but it's too thick-
[Lie] Cleans herself a little-
[CP] Sputters as he leans on the bowl too hard and flips it onto himself-
[Doc] Good grief Cp.... - Xe gets out a sponge and cleans him up before undoing the pants to get the rest. - Another one please Sam.
[Sam] Takes the bowl and dutifully brings another.
[CP] Makes a run for it as the pants loosen-
[Doc] Holds him tightly. - Oh no you don't. Stay put dammit.
[Doc] No! Stay here! Why are you running anyway? There's food and liquor and your wife is already here. What are you gonna do? Go sulk by yourself?
[CP] - No...  But I'd rather not be wrapped in that gaudy thing!
[Notch] Jewel... take it easy... you're gonna get an ice cream headache
[Doc] Well I won't wrap you up again if you just stay put!
[CP] Grumbles- You were talking about adjustments to Splender?
[Doc] Yes. -sits back down and puts hirself on eye level with Cp- He kinda has brine powers now. He'll get a boost from all the Testificates faith just like you and me.
[jewel] -stops- I just want to get completely drunk this isn't helping.
[CP] Shudders before getting a bit angry- WHY WOULD YOU LET THAT HAPPEN!?
[Sam] Makes a resigned face and passes her the rum bottle.
[Doc] What do you mean? I didn't do anything. I mean, is it a problem?
[jewel] thank you -starts to chug the bottle-
[CP] - This will probably be worse then the time he found the kindergarten full of hyped up kids on a field trip...
[Doc] Whats the worst that could happen? He's already a bit hyperactive, but it's generally harmless.
[CP] - Groans
[Doc] The only brine power he has specifically is seed-hopping and it'll probably just be easier for him to do now.
[CP] - You'll see what I mean later
[Jeb] Is watching Jewel chug with some actual concern.
[Doc] That's a bit ominous... Should I prepare anything special for him?
[CP] - I think it's better if you learn first hand
[Doc] Always the mysterious one.... - offers Cp a bit a of chicken idly.
[CP] Swats it away-
[Doc] And grouchy.
[jewel] -finishes the bottle as the alcohol is starting to kick in slowly-
[Notch] Should I get you some water Jewel?
[Jeb] sneaks a taco and turns it over and over in his hands. It's small and rather low res.
[Stevie] Looks at Notch- Father, aren't you going to get anything?
[jewel] -there is a soft sound of sniffling coming from jewel-
[Notch] Oh, yes. I got distracted. Let me have some tacos too, please.
[Sam] starts making more for him
[Doc] Jewel... come sit with me. - pats the stool next to hir.
[Jeb] Takes a tiny bite of the taco and makes a weird face at it.
[jewel] -looks up at doc for a second before putting back down her mask showing she is crying-
[Doc] Ah... it's okay. You're among friends Jewel. Just let it out if you need too.
[Lie] Lays down-
[Stevie] Starts eating his food-
[CP] Lunges forwards and grabs the lamb chop before taking off across the bar with it-
[Doc] Just watches Cp run- Just stay inside, that's all I ask!
[Notch] Pure cat, it always tastes better if you steal it.
[Lie] Flops over to watch her mate-
[CP] - Shut up!
[jewel] -is quiet and hard to hear but is talking- they broke everything I made and got praised.
[Lie] - So what's wrong with the taco Jeb?  It smells just fine
[Doc] I'm sorry Jewel... but if you want to try again. No one here will break your stuff.
[Jeb] It's pixels. freaking pixels! It looks like a perler project! - His eyes are a bit frantic
[Notch] Just eat it, it's fine.
[Lie] - Of course it is!  It's minecraft!
[Jeb] eye twitch-
[jewel] I can't bring back the robot I made I lost pieces when they smashed him
[Lie] - Just eat you idiot
[Doc] was there anything left? Even a small piece?
[Jeb] Forces himself to take a bite and obviously holds it in his cheek as if afraid to break his teeth on the little cubes.
[jewel] many but not the all the important pieces it wasn't right to build him from scratch it wouldn't be him anymore
[CP] Jumps up with still half a lambchop-
[Lie] Smiles a little before licking his chin- You've got meat juice everywhere
[Doc] I can still help if you want. I'm pretty good at fixing things.
[Sam] Makes a point of shaking a finger at Cp for making a mess. -[he's teasing]
[CP] Hisses at Sam while Lie sneaks some food from him-
[jewel] but the chips aren't all there. he was smart and was suppose to be his very own being my first friend. they killed him in the back yard.
[Jeb] Chews and swallows, he's just staring at the taco in suprise.
[Notch] I told you it was fine.
[Doc] Ah... I'm sorry for your loss then. But I'll be your friend if you want.
[jewel] -starts crying harder and runs towards doc-
[CP] Nudges some more of the meat towards his mate while keeping a look out on the bar-
[Doc] Turns the barstool around and catches her in a hug- It's okay. You're safe here.
[Notch] Gives Jeb a bit of a wicked look- Better eat up, you know your food bar can tick down fast in survival.
[Jeb] Little squeak and starts eating quickly-
[jewel] -hugs doc maybe a little to tightly- friend!
[CP] Gives Jewel a confused look-
[Doc] Is a bit suprised but hugs back - Yes. Though I think maybe you've had a bit much to drink.
[Lie] Bumps against CP, purring a little-
[Notch] Eats his own food happily - It's obvious that giving Jeb a hard time for once is making him rather pleased with himself
[jewel] -starts making weird blubbers of happy crying-
[Doc] Rubs her back -Aww...
[CP] Rubs against Lie again and then lays down next to her-
[Jeb] What... what do you people want from me?
[CP] - I brought you in for entertainment purposes
[Notch] Pfft!
[Doc] Just keep feeding us info on what Microsoft is doing. Or I'll... I'll tell Cp he can go kick you in the balls again!
[jewel] -walks over to the pool table noticing it mostly made of wool and ends up climbing on to it and laying down- this comfy.
[Jeb] Squeak of remembered pain
[CP] Happy purr-
[Doc] Walks with Jewel. - Did the liquor make you sleepy? There are beds downstairs.
[jewel] a little where downstairs?
[Notch] And don't tell anyone what happened. Several of them can travel through anything electrical to get at you.
[Doc] Points- down the ladder. If you really conk for a long time I might have to go home, but you know where to find me I'm sure.
[Jeb] Fearful look
[Lie] Licks CP's ear-
[jewel] okie -goes down the ladder but there is a thump after a few seconds jewel fell down the last two blocks because her hand slipped-
[Doc] Slides down too- Here, I'll help- walks her to a bed.
[Notch] Leans closer to Jeb and points at Cp - This one can even get at you in dreams, trap people in nightmares forever.
[Jeb] Is staring at Cp in terror
[jewel] -lays down on the bed- yay night night!
[CP] Isn't used to essentially having his ego stroked-
[Notch] Gives Cp a smug look.
[Jeb] Just let me go.. please...
[Doc] Enjoy your rest. Drink lots of water when you wake, you'll likely be dehydrated - climbs back up the ladder.
[CP] - Why?
[Lie] - Geez, his reaction is pretty much the opposite of yours Notch...
[Notch] Yeah well, I didn't have much going on out there. Here is more fun. Plus, lets be honest... I was unhealthy and overweight, it's nice having tons of energy. And... I feel like I have a family now.
[Jeb] You could have just found a woman dammit! Only you would want to live in your own game!
[Lie] Purrs a little- I'm glad you feel that way
[CP] - He has
[Notch] Thank you Lie- Blushes- She's.. not like that... unfortunately.
[CP] - You can't leave that ugly dead animal on your head alone when she's around
[Lie] - CP!
[Notch] Pouts- It doesn't look that bad!
[Doc] Hey now, I did a good job on that! It just looks weird because you're used to seeing him bald.
[CP] - Dead animal
[Jeb] Detter then that damn fedora....
[Stevie] - Brother knock it off
[Notch] Grumpy- well you never even comb yours! It's always greasy and sticking out all over.
[CP] - So?
[Lie] Groans a little- CP, I'm the one who sleeps with you...  It's something you still need to work on
[Notch] I'm just nervous anyway! I'm not good at flirting and she just... like she doesn't get the hint...
[CP] - She's a server!
[Doc] She might be a demi... Hey, Deerheart is kinda the same way and she has plenty of carnal desires. She's kinky as hell sometimes!
[Notch] Eyebrows try to hide in his hair-
[Jeb] You're flirting with a server?! You mean the admin that runs it right?
[CP] - I don't need to hear this!  And no, we mean a literal server
[Jeb] How can he... Markus... is this some kind of Japanese thing? Did you get a sex bot?!?
[Notch] NO!
[CP] Stretches- He hasn't even kissed her yet
[Notch] She's a lady! A very dignifed one at that! I'm not trying to have a one-night stand with her.
[CP] - Doesn't Doc consider her my mom?
[Doc] She is, kinda. I mean, like a stepmom at least. A nice one.
[CP] - Yet we never met her
[Doc] I didn't say I understood why he hid her from you. I don't think she knows either.
[Notch] sadly - And now... it's to late to ask him...
[CP] Ears droop a little, not having meant to turn the conversation this way-
[Jeb] Is staring at Notch. - you.... you crazy... you're trying to make yourself a family by stepping into the shoes of a dead NOTCH ai?!
[Notch] Looks down-  Fuck you Jeb.
[Stevie] - It's more than that...  We...  We'd already had two NOTCH's...  Our actual father...  And an imposter...
[Doc] little growl- And now that we've cut our teeth on TLOT's NOTCH, he's next....
[Notch] Reaches out for Stevie-
[Stevie] Immediately moves into Notch's touch-
[Notch] Hugs him warmly, and whispers- I'll be the last you have. I'm not going anywhere kiddo.
[Stevie] - Thank you
[CP] - I don't need your help with that asshole!  I'll figure it out myself!
[Doc] You haven't had much luck so far. You have allies and friends, get over it.
[CP] Growls a little-
[Doc] Imitates his little growl and scratches his ears.
[Lie] Chuckles a little- Hell TLOT could be considered part of the family as well since he's the one that turned me into a brine
[Doc] Grandpa brine. He'd be on your side Lie, and Gk on Cp's side as his opposite age-wise.
[CP] - I'm from the alpha of the game!  They are not that much older!
[Doc] He's had more incarnations and lifetimes then any of us though. I think some of them may have been timeslipped or even  occured simultaneously somehow. It's the only explanation that makes sense.
[Doc] And that makes you my sister Lie. - Grins.
[Lie] - I thought I was your mom
[Jeb] You're all crazy!
[Doc] Only in irl
[Lie] - Then how am I your sister?
[Doc] Because TLOT finished my brinehood as well, remember?
[Lie] - Ah, right
[Notch] Takes the opportunity to give Jeb a light slap because he's being hysterical.
[CP] Snickers-
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