#whew i went on a rant there
saekkas · 1 year
nonono anon who implied mikka is not a good boy lemme argue here bc
evidence: he loves praise (in every sense of that word yknow)
conclusion: he strives to get it from his beloved bc that is thr highest form of validation
verdict: when he wants to behave himself he can and is a good boy (and a bastard like I mentioned before but he tones it down to just being a little shit)
THIS !! precisely ! and also, i think him being a cocky lil shit is just a form of self-preservation.
i hc that mikka chooses to be a bastard because his ego (and he, himself) is fragile. he'd rather have people hate him for the persona he puts on rather than get hurt by people whom he could care less about.
and that is why !! he's such a good boy with his beloved bcz he's so much in his element with them, and he trusts that he won't get hurt by being himself around them.
it's like that saying yk? that your inner child comes out when you're around the people you love. the people you care about, and care about you in return. the mikka that could be, the mikka that should be is a kind-hearted, free spirited good boy, and i do not believe otherwise <3
also, yes, anon, i very much agree that he would be on his best behavior for validation. he loves being complimented for his looks and soccer skills, sure. but around his love ?? the one he treasures most ?? the one his whole world revolves around ?? he'll be on his best behavior because he wants to be loved, coddled, and spoiled for him. not anything else.
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autistic-shaiapouf · 2 years
Still wrapping my mind around the fact that my father was a genuine deadbeat + misogynist and I actually did in fact have a horrible childhood considering I cut both of my parents out of my life,, like you think about it and it's like well yes that's not a thing normal people do but I'm still kinda like, but what if it wasn't that bad and it's bad that I'm thinking it was bad,,, ,
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dastardlydandelion · 1 year
horror queers yes!! they’re so good and fun tbh. i’m also honestly disappointed they went the cop route w kirby, i would have loved to see her be a film professor or be working in that industry on some level. although maybe that love of horror movies wouldn’t be as prevalent after everything she went through 😭 i heard good things about sick also, i’ve definitely been meaning to check it out.
they are! i don't listen to podcasts regularly but i do tune into horror queers every now and then bc they're a blast. also i like to put some various shudder podcasts on when i'm doing stuff around the house, esp she kills.
also dude, i feel you. i was hoping that once dewey was dead we'd be done with the cop protagonists in scream. and this other cop guy detective bailey or whoever, joining the cast with his motivation being a murdered daughter?? like, really?
i am high-key sick of dead and/or brutalized female characters being used as props in male characters' stories and we've all seen "disgruntled cop with a 'fridged wife/daughter/sister" specifically. he is like. the most generic character ever. put on any prime-time crime drama or action movie and you'll find that character. he's as cliche as the meet-cute, as copy-and-paste as a clipart png. i think kirby reed being a cop is more divisive than detective bailey bc she's such a fan favorite but this guy bugs me too just in concept, i rly hope his death is a gruesome one.
now...to play the devil's advocate here...i get the logic of including police officers in stories like this. bc it's easy, okay, it's easy. murder is a crime. the ghostface murders ppl. cops (in theory) investigate crime. ergo, making a character a cop is a conventional way to involve them in the events of the story. do i like this? absolutely not. but do i understand the convenience of it? yes. but just bc it's convenient doesn't mean it's *good* storytelling and regardless of whether you're sick of copaganda or not (i am and it seems you are too, anonymoose friend), we had a cop protagonist in this franchise for 25 yrs!! we've done that before, scream, i thought we were doing DIFFERENT things now!!!
albeit...i'm still thinking kirby might be ghostface? idk. i keep going back and forth. i would hope they wouldn't bring her back just to add her to the body count. i get that her being ghostface would feel like ruining her character to so many people who loved her and while i'm sympathetic to that, i would also be (cautiously) down for it depending on how well it's executed?
we haven't seen kirby in 12 yrs. who knows what almost dying at the hands of a ghostface did to her! not to mention finding out her best friend was the other one!! and as messed up as it is, sometimes becoming the thing that scares you is the easiest way not to be afraid anymore. and theoretically, if kirby were to be (a) ghostface, she'd be like the anti-dewey and if thoughtfully executed, imo it'd be an interesting angle.
plus even in scre4m, kirby is THE BEST but also has some callous af lines??
like telling jill [sydney] was the reason she loved horror movies so much? ik she's prolly just referring to being a fan of the stab franchise, but in-universe it's still a pretty tactless statement. or at the police station right after jenny and marnie got killed, kirby mentions not getting a ghostface call and just, idk the way she asks if she's not going to live as long as jill and olivia seemed kinda...i mean, kirby has every right to be worried about her own safety, but the way it was phrased, it was almost like she was a self-aware movie character asking, "what exactly is my role here?"
that said, it's extremely probable that kirby is NOT (a) ghostface. she could truly just be another heroic cop protagonist. i don't love the cop part. but i'll take it, if it means having her back and alive.
since kirby is such a fan favorite, it'd be controversial and polarizing to go the route of either killing her off or making her a killer. if they bring her back only to kill her off, it'll actually be a death the audience *feels* bc we care abt kirby and it will establish a sense of stakes in the movie. but it could also easily come across as cheap bc, uh. where we left off in scre4m she was bleeding on the ground, so many of us assumed she was dead already. killing her now could feel like bringing her back *just* for the sole purpose of killing her and that's just plain mean.
making kirby (a) ghostface? who wants the lovable fan favorite to be a villain?? the in-universe horror fan us diehards see ourselves in? one notable of the (many, many valid) complaints about scream: resurrection was that the horror fan ended up being the primary ghostface and cited her love of horror as a motive for violence, thus playing into the stereotype that consumers of fictional violent content are bad people in actuality. in context this didn't bother me personally, but that's besides the point: the point is a sizeable percentage of the audience of a horror film does not want to see the character they relate to thru a shared love of horror be the villain, esp not a villain that potentially plays into an unflattering stereotype abt horror fans. making kirby the ghostface would be a risky move ripe to alienate that audience.
on the other hand, we love the ghostfaces almost as much as we love kirby, don't we? sydney prescott is freaking final girl royalty and depending on who you ask, a draw greater than ghostface. but the thing is neither one exists without the other. we don't have our horror heroines without our villains, nor our villains without our horror heroines...oh good lord, i'm really rambling now and for that i apologize but i'm already this far in i might as well try to remember what the point was...
yes! ghostface, okay. we love them! don't ask me how many ghostface costumes i have! there's dozens of ghostface fan edits, fanfics, posters, fanart, t-shirts. we rank the ghostfaces and playfully debate abt crossover fights with other villains or final girls. horror fandom as a whole celebrates its villains as much as-- and frequently more often than --its horror heroines (i have complex feelings abt this and the gendered dynamics at play in the horror genre, but again, my personal feelings are besides the point here). this is a phenomena touched on by two ghostfaces in-universe, even. amber says the problem with stab is that there's "no bad guy to keep coming back." beth of scream: resurrection declares, "the killer is the real hero of the story," when pointing out that it is the villains who return for sequels, their masks the face of every franchise.
if kirby were to turn out to be ghostface, depending on the execution (which imo is more crucial than the concept itself here), she might wind up being the most popular one yet! the audience already loves her. the audience already loves the peanut-eyed ghost mask. but we don't necessarily love them for the same reasons, so putting her in the mask is tricky.
whatever they do with kirby, it's not going to please everyone. they already made one controversial choice with her occupation. maybe she'll wind up being in the movie for all of five minutes and the most controversial thing of all will be that they brought kirby back after a decade and did nothing with her character at all beyond the badge.
wow i am so rambling now, oof. sorry buddy. you got my scream gears turning!
but honestly i would've loved to see kirby as a film professor or working in the horror industry. i would've gladly signed up for her class! or watched her movies!! you bring up a good point tho, maybe kirby isn't as into horror movies after she lived thru one. i feel like it could go either way? i know people who cannot consume certain kinds of content that they previously enjoyed because of trauma, now finding it too triggering. i know other people who coped in the opposite way and became even more voracious in that consumption bc they related to the content, or found catharsis in protagonists getting resolution for fictional trauma when they couldn't get resolution for what they experienced irl.
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lucyswinter · 5 months
earlyseasons!spencer having a crush on fem!reader headcannons?
.-‘*•_spencer reid crush hcs .•*-.’💗’-.•*
pairing: spencer reid x fem!bau!reader
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genre: fluff
warnings: none :)
♡ ♡ ♡
-you guys were both hired onto the bau around the same time, so you went through training together and were well aquatinted by the time you were officially colleagues
-he always thought you were really pretty, but didn’t really develop a crush until he saw you in action at work, and was immediately stricken with you after your first case. the way you could command a room and take charge…he thought it was very atttactive
-he looooves talking with you! he isn’t super easily flustered or anything, he just takes any chance he can get to start a conversation.
-to add on, he always comes up with random little facts for you each day. “hey, y/n! i love your ladybug earrings. oh, did you know that a ladybug can eat up to 75 aphids a day? cool right!?”
-always remembers little things about you. you could call it his love language, but that’s really just who he is. within the first few days of meeting you, he already knew your coffee order by heart, and brought it to you nearly every morning
-even though he doesn’t really get flustered easily, he does get a bit…okay a lot blushy at any small touches. like you brush past him on the way to a meeting? his cheeks are red immediately
-he likes to daydream sometimes, and he often spaces out and stares at you without realizing. you’ve caught him looking a few times, but never said anything
-his favorite part about you was your smile. he loved seeing it after he made a corny joke or shared a lame fact. he liked being able to make you happy.
-he thought he was fairly discreet about it, but everyone else at the office thought his crush was painfully obvious
-it didn’t take him long to realise he wanted to ask you out. it took him a while before he was able to build up the confidence, but one day, after one two many cups of coffee (one cup), he stopped you in an empty corner of the office and just went for it
-“look I- this is probably really random and it’s a bit crazy that I’m doing this, but I just- whew okay…I like you. A lot. You’re like… really pretty and really smart and I would like it very much if I could take you out or get coffee or…” you roll your eyes at his caffeine fueled rant and interrupt him by pressing your lips to his
-“sooo…you like me too?” “yes, you idiot! now kiss me again!”
♡ ♡ ♡
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huhniebowl · 1 year
A Dare’s a Dare
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Elliot x Reader
Warnings: Smutty smut smutt & also a try at some plot...pray he never sees this
a/n: whew...hey guys. long time no SEE! it’s been a hot minute & i’m so sorry about that. please accept this gift as an apology...i didn’t even mean to make this so long, & i definitely still need to make corrections, but alas, here we are. please enjoy & maybe leave a comment? i love reading your guys reactions/thoughts! :)
a/a/n: wait, also, can we talk about cochella? because i was SAT! mama’s boy is already my favoritee.
One of the lightbulbs in the bathroom flicker as you lean down to sniff a line of coke off the porcelain sink. Then it blows out. You told Elliot weeks ago that it needed to be replaced, but as usual, his “I’ll get to it.” gets lost in all the other bullshit he spews. 
Throwing your head back, you scrunch your nose and sniff. Not yet used to the burn.
Unrolling the five-dollar bill, you shake it out and shove it in your pocket. He left it in the bathroom for you anyway. You do a quick sweep around to make sure there’s nothing that can show what’s been going on in there, swipe the powder off your tight long sleeve, and walk out. 
The music that was once muffled behind the door is now clear as you sway to the beat on your way back into Elliot’s room, Jules and Rue sitting on his bed with a joint between Rue’s lips. 
“Ooo, that the vanilla backwood–” You start, then stop when warm hands grab your face, and your lips are pressed against another pair. It happens so fast that you barely have time to process it before the warm body moves away. You stumble and look up. 
“That wasn’t 10 seconds,” Jules calls out, leaning into Rue. They’re going straight to hell if you have any say in it. Though considering the life choices you’ve all made from the moment you crossed paths, you’ll be right there with them. Elliot too. 
“You’ve never really kissed a girl before, huh, Elly?” Rue mocks, lighting the blunt. 
Elliot leans over and whispers in your ear, “Let me keep my dignity, and I’ll let you keep my five in your pocket.” Damn. Touché. 
You shrug and nod, reaching to grab his face and pull him forward. You’re too high for this shit. 
“Start the clock.” Elliot points, looking at Rue before meeting your lips in a heavy kiss. He wraps his arms around your waist and pushes you against the nearest wall. 
Your heart is going well over the average beat per minute, and for once, you can honestly say it wasn’t because of the line you just did. You’ve wanted Elliot since the day Rue introduced you to him. Charming, snarky, sarcastic. Qualities right out of your manifestation journal. 
The both of you clicked immediately as if you’d been a past connection. Got even closer as the year went on. 
You once considered confessing. Telling him you wanted the title of being his and him yours. But that long since died out the closer you became. You’d rather him a friend than nothing. 
So every girl he's ever brought up, fucked, confided in you about, you sat there and took it. Shoving down what you felt and ranting it all out to Rue and Jules until you felt good enough to shove it down again. You thought you were doing pretty good, well, until now, since his hands are squeezing your hips and his mouth is hot on yours. You’re more than sure your pussy rivals Niagara Falls right now. 
You know this is some fucked up dare on Jules's part nonetheless, and you really shouldn’t enable her, but fuck it. 
It’s just a kiss. 
So you melt into him, let your hands slide from his face, and rest one on the back of his neck and the other in his curls. You accidentally give them a harsh tug when Elliot pulls back a little to suck at your bottom lip while slipping a warm hand into your sweats to grope your ass. 
At the same time you whimper, he huffs out a hoarse ‘fuck’ against your lips at the tug. You open your eyes and pull back just a bit to see he’s already looking at you. Desperation is evident on his face, and his chest heaving just as much as yours. His eyes dart back down to your lips, and you can tell he’s about to go in for another kiss. You just about meet him halfway until your drug-muddled brain processes that you both aren’t alone. The harsh shrill of Jules yelling out shatters the atmosphere.
“10!” You jump, and Elliot freezes, dropping his head onto your shoulder, as his shake with laughter. Unfortunately, the new position leaves you face to face with your friends looking at you with a smugness you want to punch. You throw up your middle finger. 
“We literally yelled out 10 a good zillion times. You two were practically fucking in front of us.” 
You roll your eyes and push Elliot off when you feel him start to leave soft kisses up your neck, afraid you might actually jump him in front of company if he keeps going. Besides, that wasn’t part of the dare.
“You’re so fucking horny.” You groan, sliding down on the carpet, still trying to catch your breath. Elliot grins and takes the joint from Rue. 
“Sorry, but I couldn’t go out like that. A dare’s a dare.”
You grumble and try to ignore the ripple of hurt that rides through you. For a split second, you let yourself believe that maybe the kiss was of hidden motive. Despite it being a dare, you hoped there was at least some truth behind his touches. 
Suddenly you hate your friends for the dare, but more so yourself for letting the strong wall you built fall the second he unknowingly dove into your hidden desire. 
Your response was a bit delayed, a dry laugh as you reached out for the joint. Closing your eyes and letting your head thump against the wall after your pull. 
Time goes by, and your high eventually fades. Rue and Jules left when Jules’s dad began calling about her whereabouts. You stayed behind with Elliot, you two in the middle of a movie when your friends decided to go. 
When the credits roll, you glance at your phone. Two am. 
“Can I stay the night?” You ask, looking up from your phone. Your stomach swirls when you notice he’s already looking in your direction. Stare intense, and you wonder how long he was staring in the first place.
“It’s pretty late, and I really don’t feel like going home.” You know he’ll say yes, so you quickly text your sister and toss your phone. 
“Yeah, sure,” He rolls over and stretches, “You know where everything is to shower and shit.” 
You nod and roam around his room for a shirt and a clean pair of boxers. 
“You don’t already have a hookup planned for tonight, do you? Cause that would suck.” You laugh under your breath, turning on his orange lamp. Your back faces him while you move around, and you notice he’s silent. Too long for a joke. Not even a scoff. You turn around and see him on the edge of his bed, hands running down his face. 
“I stopped those a while ago.” You raise your eyebrows and shuffle in your spot. The air goes tense, and you don’t like it. So you try to shift it. 
“What? Ran out of girls in the area?” Your smile drops as soon as it starts when he looks up at you in annoyance. A look that’s never been directed to you. 
“No, I got tired of fucking people who didn’t give a fuck about me.” You’re immediately swallowed by guilt. You cross your arms and stop shuffling. 
“Fuck, I’m sorry, Elliot. I didn't mean it like that.” He waves you off and gets up to grab a clean towel. 
"Mhm." He walks out to his vacant cousins' ensuite bathroom and slams the door. You jump in your spot and groan. Muttering to yourself on your way toward his bathroom. 
You brush your teeth once you’re showered and dressed. His boxers rolled down to fit your hips. His shirt smells like him, and you find yourself bringing it up to your nose any chance you get. 
Spitting out the toothpaste, you rinse your mouth and stare at yourself in the mirror. Eyes trailing down to your neck and remembering how Elliot’s lips softly moved up that sensitive part of your skin hours ago. You wonder what would have happened if you didn’t push him away. 
Would he have kept going despite having company? Bite down? You shudder, shaking your head and gripping the sink. You've stayed over at his place before, but this feels different. Something is looming over the two of you, and you don’t know if you like it. 
You give yourself a dramatic thumbs up in the mirror and walk towards his room. The orange light from before is off, and a dim glow emits instead. He turned on his string lights. 
The ones you got him for his birthday last year. You smile to yourself and see Elliot cross-legged on his bed, rolling another joint. 
He doesn’t acknowledge you, rightfully so. But it still doesn't make you feel good. You lean on his door frame and watch his fingers skillfully pearl the backwood. You know he knows you’re staring at him, but he doesn’t make a move to say anything. 
Your eyes move up to his mouth, fixating on how he uses his tongue to lick the seam of the rolling paper. His eyes flick up while doing so and lock with yours. Your breath hitches, and you watch as he trails down your body before making eye contact again. You divert your attention elsewhere, clicking your acrylics against each other. 
Elliot sighs, and you hear him place his rolling tray on his desk. 
“You just gonna stand there or help me smoke this?” A silent peace offering.
You stay by the doorway, still a little unsure, watching Elliot place the blunt between his lips and lie on his back, holding his lighter out to you. 
“Light me.” 
You huff and push off the frame, crawling on his bed and taking a seat on his window seal. The square cut out big enough for you to comfortably sit in. You grab the lighter from his hands and spark it, leaning forward to light his spliff. 
“Elliot, I’m—” Once again, his eyes meet yours, and your words die in your throat. You’re closer to him than before. His curls are still damp and loose, framing his face. Skin soft and dewy from skincare, and the amber glow from the flame. 
He’s so fucking beautiful. Being this close, your thumbs itch to rub over his apple tattoo; then over his eyebrows, then gently use the pad to pull down his plump bottom lip to watch it bounce back into place. 
They’re loosely holding on to the vanilla backwood, pink and soft. You want to kiss him again. Taste the flavored remnant that undoubtedly coats his lips the longer the joint sits there.
Elliot shuffles, and you snap out of your revere, clearing your throat. You quickly light his joint as you feel the lighter wheel heat up under your thumb. Then continue your apology. 
“I'm really sorry for earlier. What I said was fucked up.” 
“Yeah, you think?” He’s being sarcastic, but once again, deserved.
“At least the sex you’ve had meant something. They don’t just fuck off after.” Elliot takes a long pull and hands it over to you. 
“Who would’ve thought me, of all people, craved intimacy during and after a fuck.” He gives a dry laugh and blows out. 
“Eh, I wouldn’t say that.” Elliot looks over at you. “The guys I fucked were only interested in me for that reason. A fuck.” After a pull, you let your head rest against the wall, “Led me to believe it would be something more, then left with a half-assed sentiment once I gave them what they really wanted. Never even cummed for a guy.” 
You shrug, then blow out the smoke before continuing. “So I guess we’re on the same boat then, huh?” 
You look over at Elliot, his face unreadable. Silence falls over you both like a thick blanket as you pass the joint between each other. You let him get the last hit, holding it out for him lean up and take a pull. 
He crosses his legs and puts his hands behind his head, eyes lidded and red as he watches you snuff out the blunt and toss it out the window. You suppose your eyes don’t look too far off from that too. 
His voice, although soft, jumps you out of the silence. 
“You’re more than just a fuck.” You suddenly find it hard to breathe. 
“You too, Elliot.” You whisper, scared to break the atmosphere you two have made. He’s quiet for a moment before continuing. 
“I wouldn’t treat you that way. At least with me, you’d cum.” 
Your heart damn near stops, and you inhale at his words. He reaches a hand out to your ankle; the pads of his fingertips cool as they rub at the warm skin over the bone. Mindlessly playing with your anklet, you shiver as his hand moves to caress your calf. 
He shuffles closer to you, and your thighs quiver at the new tension. You can’t process what’s happening anymore. What’s real, and what’s fake. 
Being high blinds the practicalness you usually have when it comes to Elliot, making everything regarding him, sugar-coated. Elliot’s processing through your brain like he’s a wad of sugary cotton candy, and you’re feigning for it bad. 
It’s why you feel your body mindlessly moving on its own as you climb down from his window and over to him. You straddle his hips, and his hands slide under your shirt like clockwork. 
He’s close enough to where his breath fans over your lips, he’s focused on them until he catches your gaze. “I know I can give you what you need.” 
You nod, letting out a shaky breath when your clothed clit barely rubs at his dick, poking under his sweats. His body reacts to prove his words right. 
“So, please, can I make you cum?” He doesn’t need to ask twice. 
“God, yes, Elliot.” And just like earlier, his lips are on yours. It has your pussy puddled in seconds. It’s slow, wet, and sounds lewd even in your ears. 
Just as you guessed, there’s a faint taste of vanilla, and it has you whimpering. Your moans filter in soon after when he grabs your hips and pulls them down, pussy rubbing against his hard-on. 
He’s harder than earlier, and it feels too good; it has you jolting up. His groan is guttural, sending spikes of pleasure through you like no other. You swallow the sound and let him flip you both over. 
“Wanted this for so fucking long.” He breathes, leaving kisses down your neck. You don’t know what to say. Still not comprehending this is happening, let alone someone you’ve been yearning for admitting that he has been too. 
He moves back to yank off his shirt, and you’re whining out to him before you can stop yourself. Needing him back against you. Elliot chuckles at your neediness, returning for a kiss that barely leaves you in touch with reality. 
“Take this off for me?” He whispers, tugging on your shirt. You pull it off and bring him back down, his hands running over your newly exposed skin. Fingers brushing over your tits. 
“Can I?” His voice is strained, composure just short of being lost.
“Yeah.” You breathe, feeling him kiss down your chest until his warm mouth suctions onto your nipple. 
You curse out and arch off the bed, running a hand through his hair and gripping it hard. He groans against you, his dick pressing harder against your thigh as he ruts himself into your soft skin. Desperate for friction.  
You don’t realize how much he’s getting off to this until you bring yourself to look down and see his eyes closed. His lips suctioned around your right nipple, his fingers rolling the bud of the left one. He’s in a state of bliss, so lost in himself. He pops off and moves to the other, tongue flicking over your nipple in a way you wish was on your clit. 
“Elliot, please.” You whine, pussy gushing yet again when you feel him grind harder at you saying his name. 
“Please, what?” He moves off your nipple and lays his head on your stomach. Looking up at you while his fingers replace where his mouth once was.  
“Need you.” You can’t say it; you won’t. You’re more than sure he knows where you want him. You can tell when you hear him huff a laugh. 
“You’re going to have to tell me where.” You quiver when you feel his fingers rub over the drenched spot on your boxers. His boxers. 
“It’s here? You need me here, right? You really drenched my boxers, didn’t you?” 
“Yes, right there. Please, please.” You whine, unable to feel embarrassed. Not when he has you this worked up.
“See. Not so hard.” He muses, sliding them off and slowly pushing your legs apart. 
“Fuck, look at you.” He whispers. “So pretty and so wet. Just for fucking me.” He looks up at you, “Anyone ever made you this wet?” 
You shake your head. “No, just you. Only you.” Elliot’s in awe, someone like you all glistening and needy for him. It's like he’s on a power trip. “Can I record eating your pussy?”
Your mind is too sugar-coated for you to think straight, your trust and reliability around Elliot allowing it to be as such. A question like that from anyone else would have had you shriveling up in disgust. But with Elliot? You find yourself pliant. Ready to let him do anything he wanted to you. 
“Your words.” He murmurs, his fingers pressing down on your clit to watch your juices spread. 
You squeal at the pressure, “Yes, yes!” 
“Good girl.” He feels around for his phone. You hear the start of the video and through lidded eyes, see him shining the camera flash on your soaked folds. 
“Looks even prettier in the light.” You’re not sure if he’s talking to you or the camera, but your pussy visibly clenches at his words, and he chuckles. 
“Can you spread yourself for me?” 
He was going to be the death of you, you’re sure of it. 
Obediently, you slide your pretty fingers to your cunt, and slowly open yourself up to him with your pointer and middle finger. You hear the sticky sound your pussy makes as you reveal your clit to him, the jewels on your acrylics glinting under the flash. 
“Fuck.” He breathes out your name, zooming in. “Keep it there.” He says, reaching his thumb to rub slow circles on your clit. 
“Elly!” You whine, thighs trembling. He hands you his phone without a word, eyes not tearing away from your pussy. With a shaky hand, you take it and position it so he’s in frame. 
“Hold still.” 
“Oka–Shit, Elliot!” You cry, his tongue flicking your clit before you can finish. His eyes are closed, lapping you up like he's starved. You want to close your eyes, too lost in the overwhelming feeling of everything, Elliot. But he told you to hold still.
So you look down in the camera to make sure he’s still within frame and almost cum right there. He’s looking up into the camera, right at you. It has your stomach clenching and pussy throbbing under his tongue. 
“Feels so good, Elly, don’t stop.” You cry out. He keeps a hand firmly on your thigh to keep them open and brings the other to rub circles on your clit. He moves down and shoves his tongue inside. Tongue fucking you and eliciting the only sound he wants to hear from you.
You let out a moan so pretty it has Elliot’s dick harder than ever, and he falters in his movements for a second. Pulling back to leave quick, and messy kisses to your pretty fingers for holding yourself open for him. 
“M’ gonna cum!” You squeal, dropping the phone to grip his sheets. You could feel it; you were about to snap. And you’re so desperate for it. Desperate to cum for him. 
He pulls back for a quick second, “Come on, baby, you can do it. All over my face, come on.” Then he quickly flicks the tip of his tongue back on your clit. 
You reach both hands down to grip his hair, “Yes, like that; stay there, stay there!” You cry, toes curling when Elliot does as you say. 
That’s all you need. The white-hot coil snaps, and you scream Elliot’s name, cumming harder than you believed possible. Head thrown back as one of your hands squeeze the pillow under your head, the other still holding a tight grip on Elliot’s hair. Knuckles white. 
Your legs tremble, and your chest stutters. Elliot watches it all in a daze. He didn’t know someone could look so fucking beautiful while cumming. You look dewy, a thin sheet of sweat coating your body. The woman right out of his wet dreams. 
He did that to you, it was all him, and it has him moaning into your sensitive cunt. Causing your body to quiver. 
“Fuck Elliot.” You breathe, pawing his greedy mouth off you and back to your lips. You taste yourself on him and sigh.
“So good. So so good.” He mumbles, moving to bite at your collerbones. You wrap a arm around his shoulders, your body still trembling with the aftershocks of your orgasm. 
“Thank you, Elly, thank you, thank you.” You whimper, feeling so raw. So bared with him. You’re holding his face in your hand, overwhelmed with how he’s staring at you. Like you hung the stars and the planets. Like you’re wholeheartedly the only reason for his existence, and you almost can’t take it. 
“Wanna make you feel good.” You whisper, reaching down between your bodies and wrapping your hand around his cock. He breathes through his nose and drops his head into your neck. 
“Yes, please.” His voice is thick and coarse. You don’t respond, lining yourself up with him and squeezing his arm, letting him know to slip in. 
“Fuck fuck.” Elliot grits out, as he slowly pushes, his hands on either side of your head. You gasp, wrapping your arms around his neck and locking your legs around his waist. 
Once he bottoms out, you clamp down on him. He stays still, trying to pull himself together not to cum yet.  
He feels helpless, losing himself in the heat of your pussy like this. Never has he been reduced to a mess like this before. 
“Gonna need you to relax, baby, or I’m gonna cum before I get to fuck you properly.” He rasps. You pepper kisses over his shoulder and run your fingers through his hair. Willing yourself to calm down. You feel so full, the pleasure tingling up your spine and throughout your body. 
“Elly, please move.” You whimper, desperate to feel him. He keeps himself buried in your neck, his grip on the blankets tightening. 
You’re just about to beg again when Elliot decides to snap his hips. You choke on your words and lock your ankles tighter over each other. His pace is quick but deep, the tip of his dick abusing that spongy spot you can never reach. 
Your walls flutter around him, so warm and soft, and he needs more. 
He’s pussy drunk, panting into your skin at how you’re squeezing him in so perfectly, greedy to milk him for all he has.  
“S’pussy was made for me, just for me.” He mutters.  
You can’t find your voice. Eyes rolling to the back of your head and mouth open as Elliot fucks you into the mattress with all he has. Your nails dig into his back, and he hisses at the sting. 
You find yourself gasping for air when he pulls up from your neck, his face flushed and his baby hair curling at his forehead. 
“Kiss me, plea—.” You whimper, and he’s already moving to your lips before you finish. It’s sloppy, more a meeting of spit and tongue than a kiss, but you’re high off it. 
You’re going to cum again, and Elliot can tell, by the way your pussy is tightening around him. 
He can feel your cunt drooling, his precum mixing with your arousal, causing a creamy ring around the base of his dick, and the mere sight of it has him higher than he thought possible.
“M’ gonna cum. You gonna come w’me?” He mumbles against your lips, his eyes far away.  
You nod, “S’close, Elly.” You grow impatient, moving your hips to match his sloppy pace. 
“That’s right, fuck me back, baby.” His voice is hoarse. Completely lost in his lust and need for you. You feel it again, that familiar heat pooling; you’re right there.
It takes one more snap of his hips, and you’re cumming around him hard, eyes shut and mouth open in a silent scream as you cream all over his dick. There’s a ringing in your ears; Elliot sounds far away as he works you through your orgasm while chasing his. 
“Cumming, fuck m’gonna cum.” He sounds like a broken record, but he can’t help it. 
He’s so lost in the way you’re squeezing around him. So perfect and tight. You hold him as close as possible in your weakened state, making eye contact and fulfilling your thoughts from earlier by pulling down his bottom lip with your thumb. 
“Cum inside, Elly. Wanna feel you cum.” And he’s cumming. A resounding whimper works its way up his throat as he paints the inside of your sopping cunt. He goes limp on top of you, kissing you up the valley of your chest, until he softly catches your lips in a slow and lazy kiss. So good, and thank you’s tumbling out his lips.  
You feel hot, & sticky but can’t bring yourself to push him off. So you bask in the silence, your nails raking through his scalp as you gather your bearings. You feel yourself spinning, wondering where this leaves you two. If this is the end of your friendship. If he—
“So,” Elliot draws, looking up at you and unknowingly snapping you out of your thoughts. 
“Wanna be my girlfriend?” You look down at him and can’t help the laugh that erupts from your throat. Light swatting his head.
Because, of course, this is how Elliot would ask. He smiles, content with how he can feel your chest rumbling under his head, and presses a kiss to your shoulder.
“Yeah, I’ll be your girlfriend, Elly.”
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fairymascot · 11 months
rewatching utena for the first time in about a decade and it is truly the funniest show ever.
we just finished the black rose arc, the last ep was truly a mindfuck. mikage completely succumbing to his delusions and unable to tell memory from reality, finding out he's been frozen in time for decades, mamiya has been dead all this time and anthy was pretending to be him. mikage is defeated and expelled/set free from ohtori, the existence of his life and of nemuro memorial hall wiped from everyone's memory.
then the following episode is a recap. and maybe you're thinking, whew, this arc was a doozy, it'd be nice to have it broken down into a nice, digestible 20 minute episode that'll really help me understand and process things! AND THEN THE ENTIRE RECAP EPISODE IS ABOUT NANAMI AND HER GOOFY SHENANIGANS OH MY GOD.
'wait so what's real and what isn't, how long was mikage trapped there was anthy the one orchestrating this all along--' 'HEY REMEMBER WHEN NANAMI WAS BEING CHASED BY SURFING ELEPHANTS IN INDIA???' it is so POINTEDLY and MALICIOUSLY unhelpful, it is truly the most king shit I've ever seen. it's broadcasting the clearest message possible that if you went into rgu expecting it to explain anything to you, it's not gonna happen. you are getting elephants instead. fuck you.
(this post was brought to you by @not-the-blue who is watching the show with me for the first time and has no idea what's going on, i just turned her frustrated-amused rant into a post❤️)
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shitswiftiessay · 4 months
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if taylor and travis ever have kids, they will be exploited to hell and back by their two narcissistic parents.
see i used to believe that taylor valued privacy and would be the type of person to protect her children’s privacy if she ever had any. but now we know that the privacy stuff was ALL joe, and ever since they broke up, taylor has been calling the paps on herself 3 times a week because she’s such a fucking attention whore who needs to be ✨bejeweled✨ at all times. it’s hard to imagine that her constant hunger for attention and money wouldn’t extend to her children.
i mean we’ve already seen from the anti-hero video (which she directed herself) how much disdain and flat-out HATRED she has for her future kids who don’t even exist. she’s so worried that her future kids are going to be name dropping clout chasers who only care about money (which is REALLY fucking ironic considering… yk).
and we already know what a clout chasing dickwad travis is, there’s no way he wouldn’t use his kids with taylor for clout just like he uses taylor and swifties for clout. he’d probably have them on his podcast and if he’s still playing football, have them seen at all his games.
i strongly believe they would be just as public with their children as they are with their relationship, shoving those kids down our throats, probably putting them in magazines and movies, or modelling brands as a family (like brittany and patrick mahomes did with their two kids). they’re both so in love with themselves and the attention that they get for being a “power couple” i can’t imagine them NOT exploiting their kids. they might even become family vloggers just to get more attention. and it’s a horrifying thought.
and then when they get divorced and there’s a custody battle- WHEW! yeah. no, that can’t happen.
god, sorry i went on a bit of a rant there but let’s hope that they never, ever have kids!!
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imaginespazzi · 1 month
In terms of them being serious b4 college, I got that vibe initially too. I know there's all the freshman year rumors and I think it would make sense that they weren't together at some point but I also think they dated in high school. Btw, like other anons have mentioned I think ppl take the freshman year stuff too seriously, this is the theory we have the least amount of proof for imo. Again I think it sounds believable but I also think it's been exaggerated a lot.
I also agree with anon about their closeness in hs reading as more coupley. I have gone on vacay’s with my besties but the thing is Paige never seemed like a regular bestie to Azzi. Like I'm pretty sure she's known Colleen for around the same amount of time, they lived in the same state and went to the same school but they didn't seem the same type of close. Paige was in a different grade, state and school. They got close super fast and all of a sudden their families are arranging vacay’s together, having them fly out to each others games, etc. Covid happens and for some reason Paige is living with them. Idk to me it just feels like all the parents knew they were more than friends and constantly adjusted to give them opportunities to be together.
I see them having been separated for less than a year with possible reasons including the distance and protocol making it so that Paige could barely go anywhere. Maybe during high school there were othersort periods of time where they took breaks/broke up. Once Azzi came to came to campus I don't really see them being platonic, this time period is when we got some of the most obvious interviews. I can see them being more casual until 2022 but I don't think they were platonic. So, my vision is: they've been romantic from almost the start.
whew, that was probably my longest most delulu rant to date but it's been in my head for a while so I’m taking the opportunity to share😭
I love when y'all rant like if y'all could see my face as I read the rants, like nodding through points y'all make like please send long asks always!
But I agree with you, the vibes have always been pretty interesting with them because it's just not the same with anyone else ya know? Also now that you've brought up different states, it really isn't the same as like me and my bestie like I said before cause that girl has been in my life and my parent's lives for decades atp but their parents were bringing girls who hadn't even known each other for that long so maybe there's something to that theory actually. That's some cool liberal parents tho ngl 😭
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omkookie · 11 months
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Based on THIS Rio fic 🩷
Whew, this ended up becoming way longer than I intended it to be...😭
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⌈ ⚠️ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ⌉ Yandere!Rio’s Misandry and manipulation, kidnapping + drugging. 15+ Not proofread.
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“Okay, look. Listen to me.” He tells her while taking her cheeks into his large hands, and holding her face. “There is someone dangerous outside, and we need to be quiet.” His explanation confuses her, and she whispers in question, “Who is it?”
Satisfied with her calm response, he gently lets her face go. Then, he looks back at the door. “I’m not too sure.” He answers. She quirk a brow up at him, Wondering to herself if Rio was now a crazed lunatic or being genuine. 
Could he be telling the truth? Would there be any reason for him to tell her the truth? 
She asks herself what benefit there may be for him. There is honestly no benefit for him to be honest with her, He’s probably lying to keep her quiet. Maybe, he figured that if he lured her into thinking that there was someone dangerous outside she wouldn’t scream for help. 
She's never seen him like this, and she was afraid. For the first time in her life, she was afraid of HIM.  She was tied up. Her arms and legs were bound by thick ropes that were meant to prevent her from escaping. “Anyway, it’s alright, MC. Just be quiet.” He strokes her cheek with his gloved hand as if to comfort her, “I’ll take care of you now, and I’ll make sure that you never feel unsafe again!” His words scare her, and she tries to resist the urge to scream when he kisses her cheek. 
“Rio, please…” Her skin crawls when he kisses her. Despite that, he doesn’t look too bothered as he asks her, “Please what?”
“Please let me go!” She begs him.
He stares at her blankly, his poker face remaining completely neutral even when he sees the tears in her frightened eyes glistening. “Please don’t look so afraid.” He tries to calm her down, “I’ll untie you in a minute.” 
“Rio! Please just untie me already.” She musters a weak glare at him, trying to blink back her tears. “Why are you even doing this?”,  “Why?” He echoes, looking utterly confused by her question. “Because I love you.” He states simply. “You don’t love me! If you did, then you wouldn’t grope me while I sleep. You wouldn’t kidnap me either!” She retorts. 
Rio visibly grimaces, his hands tightening into fists for a moment as he considers her words. “Everything I’ve ever done was out of love.” He answers sharply before gagging her by tying a cloth around her head. “You tried reporting me to the police… But thankfully, they thought you were drunk because of how much you were slurring on your words.” He stands, and brushes off the dust left on his clothes by the crushed up pills he earlier drugged her with. As he gazes down at her he tells her, “I went through a lot of trouble to bring us here.” 
As tears run down her face, she closes her eyes shut, Hoping that this is all a nightmare she’ll wake up from.
A Camera?
Oh, how unfortunate! Did she not feel safe in the palace? Of course she didn't. She was surrounded by men. Men were disgusting, vile creatures. He knew just how terrible they can be, and just how much they must have scared her… Especially those Rhodolite princes. Rio's prejudice against his own kind astounds her, as well as his blatant misandry. How can he continue to rant and say such vile things about men? Seeing how deep his hatred ran made her uneasy…
And hearing Rio bash her friends, made her feel even worse. His manipulative tendencies were award winning… and even though she knows she shouldn’t listen to him, his words were slowly getting into her head. 
She snaps out of her thoughts when she hears Rio's voice, “We’ve been missing for so long that there are posters, as well as leaflets with our faces on them.” He says as he picks up the winter dress he bought her, and sets it down next to her before he brings his fingers behind her back to strip her. “At least, The police don’t think that I've kidnapped you or anything… I’m good friends with their chief. They surely think that something bad must have happened to us both.” The smile he flashes is so dazzling, so sickening. The fact that he was smiling innocently after kidnapping her and keeping her as a prisoner here was insane.
She doesn't know where she is either... She’s even lost track of time. 
All she knows is that there’s snow? So she’s no longer in rhodolite. What she doesn’t know however, Is that Rio has brought her to a far away country that shares borders with Achroite.
Rio strips her with a practiced hand, easily sliding her dress off of her before redressing her. She doesn’t fight against him, she knows better than to do so after countless tries, and he presses a chaste kiss to her forehead. “I’ll prepare dinner!” He says cheerily as he picks up her discarded clothing and heads towards the kitchen. 
Finally untied for the first time since being here, she gets up and walks over to the windows. She peers through the safety bars of the windows and feels a chill run down her spine as she observes the cold white snow. 
There was nothing but snow.
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🩷 An: I think yandere Rio is like that one guy that everyone loves and respects, and so he would never be a suspect for anything bad.
Drugging the MC after she confronts him about touching him her like a creep is what I imagine he would do, because he doesn't want to 'hurt' her too much or do anything too forceful. The drugs would start taking place about half an hour after she sets out to go to the police in a carriage. Rio of course follows her and makes some excuses about her being drunk or something to the police officers since he's good friends with their boss. The police dismiss MC since they think she's spouting gibberish because of how she's slurring on her words. Oh, and they know she's good friends with Rio so she's safe with him. 💀
Poor MC y'all ✋😭
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jennamacaroni · 10 months
Thoughts on what Carli Lloyd was saying about the organization after the game?
what a question whew.
first of all i think its rich of her to talk about arrogance when she was the most selfish and arrogant player in the history of the program. literally couldnt stand being a bench player on a team that won the fucking world cup.
second, its incredibly disingenuous to put the performance this tournament (and last night especially) on the players and their "dancing" (????) and showing literally any speck of joy when the issue is CLEARLY due to the coaching staff and the truly head-scratching decisions that have occurred not only in this tournament but since the tokyo olympics. she went off on the players when she should have been directing that ire to the tactics, the formation, the lack of rotation of players, julie ertz playing centerback for the first time in nearly eight years (when alana cook was the most capped player in the year leading up to this tournament yet she hasnt played A SINGLE MINUTE?!) when we so desperately need her in the midfield... the list of things going wrong with this team starts and ends with vlatko andonovsky and to say otherwise is just plain garbage.
she should just say clearly that she thinks the players fight for equal pay and respect from their federation or their 'wokeness' is a distraction from their play rather than blame a fucking tiktok dance or whatever. what the uswnt players federation has done for the sport not only here in the united states but the ripple effect it has had on federations around the world is a huge reason why we are seeing such improved investment and run of play across all 32 teams in this tournament. and many teams that didn't even make this tournament. their courage has inspired other players to stand up to their federations and fight for what they deserve. what the uswnt players have done off the field is bigger than any one game or tournament and her alluding to that being a distraction is fucking garbage and i cant stand listening to her.
the only worthwhile thing that came out of her mouth is that the team last night is lucky to have moved on and the post was the player of the match. end rant.
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mrntta · 4 months
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When are mfs going to realize that literally these three are horrible people? I keep seeing comments on the og comic where they are trying to put the blame on one single person as if the three of them didn't make decitions that quite literally fucked everyone else.
On Undyne's part, the responsibility of being a queen was clearly way too out of her control, while YES, she wanted the best for everyone else, let's remember when Sans offered his plan of dismantling and re-fixing the CORE, and instead of trying to think coldly, she instantly went ax-crazy and tried to forcefully take his eye, showing that, while she was desperate, she has no control over her emotions, but unlike Sans, I actually feel bad for her since like I said, there were monster DUSTING FROM STARVATION, so of course she desperatly wanted to find a solution as soon as possible, although, she is now a full blown tyranical dictator by what she seems like in the future.
Alphys is probably the LEAST bad of them, as just like Undyne, she desperatly wanted to find a solution to fix the CORE, was choosing Sans eye as a solution in a "maybe" scenario was a good choice? certainly not, but fuck man, she had the entire weight of "saving the Underground" on her shoulders (plus her relationship with Undyne starting to crumble) and honestly, out of the three, she had the worst fate, wich honestly seems WAAAAYY too far for what she did.
Sans...whew, I love him, but he's undeniably a piece of shit, ESPECIALLY after the CORE incident. Wanting revenge for getting his eye forcefully ripped off is SLIGHTLY understandable, but lobotomizing Alphys, destroying the CORE, lying to people on Snowdin that Undyne ordered to eat the fallen humans, and manipulating his brother into eating human flesh without Papyru's knowledge were certainly a choice, and the worst is that he did all of that out of pure spite, like, damn, was dooming the entire underground worth it Sans? by the looks of it, it seems like it wasn't, and frankly, it feels bizarre whenever I see people trying to defend him or making atwork of him as a stupid dog who can't think of his own (reminder that he quite literally manipulated everyone in Snowdin and Papyrus into eating human flesh, there's a reason he never ate anything during 8 years, he is NOT dumb).
So basically, Undyne is a tyranical Queen, Sans is a control freak, and Alphys was just...impractical (bc imagine if Sans's eye didn't work out, she would have sacrificed his "friend" for nothing).
Anyway, sorry for the sudden rant lol, but I wanted to express myself out since I keep seeing people justifying one of them (Especially Sans) as if only one was guilty and the other two were innocent.
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pearlofyoureye · 7 days
The Five Headcanons?
oh ily for this so bad (under cut cos this is long long fr)
florence grew up in a fairly supportive and doting family, and she's always been very secure in the fact that she's a raging lesbian; i always saw her and margaret as potentially being particularly close because i imagine margaret was either sporty or felt detatched from the other girls (una being too pretty and 'feminine' whilst lettice went on about who she was going to marry and enid only took interest in her books) because she's a lesbian as well (see the dynamic between daisy and lavinia in my fic for reference)
una's family is actually undercover; i don't think una's father would willingly join the nazi party out of allegiance with hitler's ideals with his jewish blood being from his parents; i'm fairly sure in specifics it was his mother, which would make him jewish, too. if not for the fact that he could've hated himself, i don't think he'd willingly put his child(ren) at risk that badly in the event of other party officials finding out about their heritage unless it was for something like inside info?
enid, to me, is quite autistic, and i think that's part of why she saw elizabeth knowing her secret as legit life or death? a white, upper class girl like her from a good family probably could've gone to oxford anyways even if they found out about the cheating, because there used to be an entrance test to sit anyways, which she likely could've passed anyways
margaret and astrid still keep in touch via letters even when margaret presumably leaves the school, because with elizabeth gone i think they both wanted to give their relationship a serious shot
florence had a bit of a thing for una (i have actually written about this and i've just been reluctant to post as always) and because margaret and astrid had a fairly functional relationship when elizabeth wasn't in the picture, she went for it
florence has an older brother, una has a younger sister, margaret has brothers either side, lettice and enid are only children
they were all fairly scared of elizabeth, who i found to be highly selfish and immature in a dangerous way; her being willing to hold secrets over their heads that could've gotten people murdered (una; i could talk for england about how dangerous and selfish it was to have this info simply lying around because it wasn't a game!! her family could've been legally murdered under german law at the time!!) or had their lives ruined (margaret)
they mostly still visit enid in prison during the war; at the time there would've only been one major women's prison, H.M prison holloway in islington, london, which i also think is where margaret comes from!
i see florence as being from somewhere in the midlands, probably somewhere niche like worcestershire, where her surname is from, whilst i imagine the other girls to be from cheltenham; margaret and florence attend deepdean because it's where their mums went to school and they were also childhood friends
florence wins the 1936 olympics in Something and it's where she gets closer to una again because it's in berlin
whew rant over...feel free to send me any questions on any other HCs of mine you want, i think EXTENSIVELY about all this because i have nothing better to do
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carnivorousyandeere · 9 months
Help, I've fallen for Marcus and I can't get up. There's this scenario rattling my noggin, it won't leave me. BUCKLE IN. (Please ignore this request/concept/rant if you aren't comfortable with it!) I just love this bastard man. Imagine a clinically depressed darling that came to Marcus during a low point, makes it so easy to manipulate. He helps them rebuild confidence ofc, he has to show them he's the best! Darling develops an unhealthy attachment- heavily crediting HIM for fixing them. The whole "you're the only one who believed in me" delivered with a naive smile (defo fuels his ego LOL). All in all, Marcus thinks the long term 4D chess he's playing is going great. He'll let his 'future spouse' enjoy their current life, he's already cemented himself as an anchor. But in recent months, darling's demeanour starts to revert. Increasingly withdrawn, anxious, and gloomy. When Marcus subtly tries prodding, darling tells him it's their head acting up, nothing's wrong. He's going INSANE because darling is being oddly stubborn. Marcus grits his teeth, deciding to heavily reinforce how he'll never judge or abandon them. If they're ready to talk outside office hours, they can just call/text his personal number whenever. He'd set a custom ringtone for his darling's number LMAO. Cue one night, his phone rings. Marcus plays it cool like he wasn't scrambling to answer the call, only to hear darling bawling their eyes out. Through the sobbing and hiccups, he manages to piece things together. Poor darling went through an extended period of their friend group forming a clique and purposely excluded darling from everything. Darling tried fixing it on their own but it backfired, now they've been made into an ostracised scapegoat. Their mind and emotional state is fragile, they're seeking comfort from HIM just like he conditioned them to! This time, Marcus is going to break darling for good. Only because he loves darling so much. Whew, I did NOT expect this to become a mini fic. I got carried away i'm so sorry K;JDBBFSFKBSDFALSBARLKGBA.
WHAAAT this is so good 🥹 literally perfect scenario for Marcus. He hates hearing you cry through the phone, wishing he was with you in person to hold you through it… but he can’t help being ever-so-slightly grateful to your “friends,” for doing some of his work for him, showing you that you really can’t trust just anyone… people are so cruel and flaky. Not Marcus, though. He’s steady, calming, consistent, always there to hold you and protect you, if you’ll let him. And you will, because you trust Marcus ❤️‍🩹
Adoooore Darling pulling away to try and fix things themself, Marcus feeling hurt by it… delicious delicious angst all around
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rachelsfav-queer · 7 months
Was it weird the first time baby Wednesday wanted to nurse for mommy and daddy?
I mean, beyond a little awkwardness with trying to figure out positioning so everyone was comfortable, not really.
Again, I cannot say this enough, this relationship is built on healthy communication and understanding. They’re all learning on how to be open and understanding of each other. So, however the first time nursing comes around (which I’m honestly not sure what that would be like) they’d get through it by talking.
Wednesday, Enid, and Yoko are brave with each other. They’re each other’s safe space and brave space. They encourage each other to give themselves to each other. And no matter what, they all accept each other, flaws and weaknesses and all and they help each other work through them.
Whew, sorry went on a rant there lol. Honestly, I’m not great at writing first time stuff. It’s just a topic that I don’t really know how to navigate.
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phleb0tomist · 5 months
idk if anyone has mentioned this before, sorry if you have i’m a new follower & i’m in the UK so idk what it’s like in other countries, but can we talk abt how for intense chronic pain the first thing out of a health professionals mouth is “just take ibuprofen/ paracetamol” or “have you tried ibuprofen/paracetamol”? like, i’ll actually lose my mind if i have to hear that from a health professional again. i have trigeminal neuralgia & that makes it IMPOSSIBLE for any pain medication to work unless it effects the nerves or specifically targets that - otc pain killers & even high dosages of opioids or morphine do not even touch the severe unpredictable pain i have to experience multiple times on a daily basis (so if it doesn’t work & does bad, why take it, right?). & yet every single time i need emergency assistance or pain relief for this horrendous pain i get “have you taken or tried ibuprofen / paracetamol?” & they get a shitty attitude with me when i say “no, because it doesn’t work”.
they act like people with chronic pain haven’t tried it ?? like erm yeah, because if ibuprofen & paracetamol worked then i wouldn’t be in severe pain all day every day, wouldn’t have to take multiple nerve medications of high dosages at specific times & permanently have to damage the nerves in my face via surgery just to get the pain to stop. if ibuprofen & paracetamol worked then i’d actually be able to leave the house, talk to people, move my face & eat without triggering intense, random pain that can last for days 🥴 it’s become a running gag unfortunately between me & my other friend with chronic pain because we’ve been asked that so much. like do they think we refuse it to make their job harder or what ???!!
@ health professionals i’m sure that if someone can’t take ibuprofen or paracetamol or is adamant against taking it then it’s for a reason .. if it doesn’t work, if it causes an allergy, if it’s bad for their body, anything. I know they’re meant to ask but they get this attitude like we’re ignorant / haven’t exhausted all of our options, I mean you’d think they’d know that, right .. ??? But nope lol, ibuprofen & paracetamol. Thanks im cured! 🙄 (whew .. sorry to rant in your inbox omg i wrote a lot but this absolutely makes me furious, my eyes roll so far back into my skull i can see the back of my head when i hear this & from what ive heard from others with chronic pain, at least in the UK it’s very common too ??? 🙁) ahh however .. thank you so much for spreading awareness about chronic pain & conditions, especially in younger people. They wanna act so bad like we aren’t there but I’m so sure that tons of younger people have chronic pain or conditions but just haven’t been diagnosed yet imo !!! You’re doing gods work by talking abt stuff like this & i hope you have a lovely day !!!! 💗
IM SAYING!!! i’m also in the uk and i’ve dealt with this, so have some of my friends. im sorry you have too.
my take is below the readmore.
i think there are multiple reasons for this fixation on paracetamol/ibuprofen so im just gonna ramble my understanding of the situation. a couple decades ago the NHS went all out trying to reverse the overprescription crisis of drugs like opioids/sedatives by creating newly strict prescribing rules, particularly for young patients. this, on top of the increasing mismanagement & limitations in the providing of other NHS services, means that some doctors end up posing paracetamol as a cure-all even when other drugs or tests or physio are needed because they can’t really offer anything else. obviously there’s also patterns of health professionals minimising patients’ pain, reframing pain as a willpower or solely mental issue, and underestimating the damage that constant pain can do to someone’s body and psyche. also statistically, the pain levels of certain groups (people of colour, afabs, women, fat people, etc) are widely minimised by medical professionals. if they don’t believe your pain is real, they won’t wanna give you strong meds for it
also this is conjecture but i’ve gathered that a uk doctor’s record looks bad if they prescribe things to youths (regardless of need!!) and their record looks good if their patients can be ‘adequately treated’ with ibuprofen or para. more than one nhs doctor has implied to me that this is how their job works. i think it’s inexcusable that people’s pain is being dismissed but i can see why uk professionals end up with that mindset. a huge combo of factors made things this way. but sadly we as patients don’t know why we’re being brushed off, and the only explanation we can find is that our pain & our point of view are worthless. which is not cool lol
it’s so weird. like i’ve been on prescribed opioids for years because over the counter painkillers never worked on my body but professionals are STILL pushing them as if their only job is to cheerlead paracetamol. so I take para every day. but sometimes i take a break to see if it’s even doing anything and there’s zero difference. i’m only taking it because otherwise docs refuse tests and treatments. they will not test me for certain issues until i’ve demonstrated that i take paracetamol round the clock and it hasn’t helped. when i was a teen my family called 999 for me (my doc said to call an ambulance when i had the symptom i was having) but the operator didn’t want to send an ambulance until i’d taken paracetamol. HELLO? another flavour of this is that sometimes i’m vomiting so much for weeks on end that i can’t keep any pills down, and yet i get repeatedly and angrily asked “why haven’t you taken paracetamol?”... HELLO? i did take it but it came back up 40 times, along with all my other meds. idk what they want from me.
to the person who sent this ask and to anyone who relates, my heart is with you. it sucks so bad when no one will listen to your lived experiences. especialy when the cost is your health. pain relief for everyone!!! now!!
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theflagscene · 5 months
Dude, you’re not supposed enjoy the smell of your grandpa that much. Wtf Min!? I mean I get it, everyone’s old man smells like Old Spice occasionally, thinking your crush is sexy because they use it to is perfect normal. But that’s only if you’re not comparing him to your grandfather the whole time you’re thinking about it.
Also, what is with these shows (it’s not just in Asia, media across the globe in general) acting like 30 is old? I bet you had Cherry Magic been made as a sapphic series, the female lead would’ve have three cats, a chocolate addiction and people asking her why she didn’t have children and a husband yet.
The same goes for ones like Moonlight Chicken and Old Fashioned Cupcake, the male leads as 39 going on 40 and because they’re single apparently nothing else they have in their lives mean anything. Jim owned his own business, raised a child into a very strong and intelligent young man, kept his community together and was a well loved part of his neighbourhood. But! The dude was single, so therefore he was painted as living a lonely empty life.
Same went with Nozue, he was the head of his department at work, he was extremely well liked, had a decently sized apartment (which in Japan is unheard of unless you’re very well off). Yes, he lived a somewhat mundane life, but who the hell doesn’t!? But apparently because he was single he was pitied and gossiped about by his colleagues, and because he never dated any of the women that tossed themselves at him, none of them considered that maybe he was happy single or! - and this is another issue for a entirely different rant - maybe that he was either gay or aro/ace.
Whew, okay, I’m cool, I’m chill. Sorry, I think I had a moment because my own birthday is coming up soon and as someone in their late 30’s that is constantly being told ‘omg but you look so much younger than that’ I just got a bit annoyed. Also, sidebar; I really don’t get why it’s considered some kind of compliment to tell a person; oh you don’t look that perfectly fine adult age, you actually look like a barely legal child instead.
Why is being an actual adult human being considered so bad? You couldn’t pay me to be 19 again, that shit was terrible!
Seriously if you’re 19 and somehow stumbled upon this weird rambling post, don’t worry honey, one day you’re gonna be 35 and not have to deal with any of the confused shit you’re dealing with right now. It’ll be okay, hang in there, being a grown up is actually way better than it sounds.
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