#when the muse strikes you just gotta go with it
neverchecking · 1 year
Ooh, bestie plz. That yandere time piece left me aching with the amount of need I didn't know I had
So I wanna request one more, if that's okay. Yandere Time, once again, but with a breeding kink. And please, feel free to go into explicit detail.
(May and I both personally hc that time has a breeding kink. I literally wrote a whole ass smut piece with a pregnant reader on both her page and mine about this. Same piece, links on both pages lmao)
The amount of horny I am for this man is not okay. Time can bend me over and fuck me like a bitch in heat whenever he wants
...Ahem. Sorry.
I'm gonna be yer 🧚 anon, okay?
OMG YOUR FAIRY ANON?! THE FAIRY ANON?! After you messaged me here I went to May's page and began reading some of her stuff, and every time I came across a 🧚anon post I knew it was going to be good. I just- Drooling, kicking my feet, barking, the whole nine yards.
Anyway, I am absolutely here to please. Time could take me anywhere. There are some pieces that I write and I'm like...Should I share this or keep it to myself? And I gotta admit, that Time one was one of em. The reception to it was just so fantastic and I'm glad everyone liked it. Anyway, I got another Time request around the same time as this one and I just- lightbulb.
Also also, never be sorry Darling. I love to hear all the dirty thoughts. Really gets the writing juices flowing yk? Plus, I get my own 🧚anon? Sign me tf up.
Smut so MDNI. 18+. You asked for explicit detail, so I hope I brought it to the table!
Smut CW: Reader is a little bit of a Yandere themselves, AFAB reader, Subby! Time, breeding Kinks!
Fairy boy
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It was hot.
So unbearably hot. Sweat was dripping between every curve of the body he had worked so hard to achieve, leaving behind a misty sheen as his breath fogged in front of him. The air around him was practically smothering, but he couldn't bring himself to care. No, this was a religious experience that he was blessed to experience.
Nothing could ever top this moment. Not anything he had experienced up to this point.
But oh, how willing he was to show his absolute devotion to you, his Goddess, his muse, his star given soul mate. Anything to show your saintly soul that his own was open to you. To take, to shred, to treasure, to obliterate. Anything, and it was yours. He was truly committed to your entire being.
And you knew it to. He knew you knew it from the glares you would shoot inn keepers that fluttered their lashes at him. He knew you knew it from the sharp, venom laced words you would hide behind a sweet, lace lined tone designed to make the other just wilt before you for even thinking of approaching him. He knew you knew it from the dangerous, but ever erotic, gleam in your eyes as you followed the movement of the one waitress that left her hand to linger on his shoulder for a second too long.
And was it ever anoetic.
It was like linking a chain between the two of you with every interaction making it stronger. Reinforcing it with titanium steel only to enhance it with unbreakable enchantments. It was coiled so tightly around the both of yours hearts, like a double headed viper ready to strike any other imposter daring to try and tame the other's rearing serpent. Perhaps there was something unhealthy about it all. but he couldn't find himself to care.
He couldn't even find it in himself to think.
Not when the searing trails of both his cum and your own trailed down his thighs, burning like magma wherever it touched. Not when your own form was bouncing above his own, your own skin polished with sweat as your inner walls, velvet and absolutely piquant (He would know), clung to him, pulsing and squeezing him for everything he had to offer you. Not when his neck and collarbone, littered with bites and hickeys, angled itself mindlessly to give you better access.
Everything about him was positively brainless, nothing but a useless doll for you to use and abuse should you deem it what you want.
But you wouldn't.
You would never dream of hurting him in any way, shape or form. It's what made you so exquisite. You cared for him in a way no one else previously had. Everyone else in his life either left him or was left behind, but you- you had followed him. Clung to him so tightly he had no choice but to be dragged down to whatever depths you fell through to. Not that he would ever let you fall far.
No, he couldn't imagine a life without you. Without your semi-stern glares and light scoldings whenever he gets just a little too reckless in ensuring your safety. Without your gentle hands, cradling his face as you coo at him in that soft voice of yours that he was yours, only yours, and you were his, and nothing, not even the Golden three themselves could pull the two of you apart. Without your smaller frame underneath of him, clinging to his form as he drilled into you, imprinting his every inch onto your being, absolutely ruining you for anyone else.
He knew he was. No one else would ever live up to you. You were beyond words, celestial if it could be something tangible. He knew anyone else chances were all but derelict. Not there ever was a chance for any other possibility.
"Goddess, Link-"
You never called him Time. Never. Besides nicknames, the only other moniker you called him was his name. You called the others by their titles, but not him. You once explained to him that it was because he was more than just a title to you. He was more than just a hero. He was your very reason for pushing on in the morning, for breathing, eating, simply existing in this realm.
He was more than just a title to you.
He was Link, the humble farm boy who was traumatized beyond belief. Who required delicate handling even when he didn't feel he deserved it. Who needed someone to ground him and smooth out his chipped and tattered edges.
He needed you.
Oh, he needed you badly. Even just having you here, cunt squeezing around him as you rolled your head back, hair falling back before you were leaning forward. You laid on his chest, emphasizing the heat around you both, as your forehead landed on his. Your hips never stopped moving, dragging deliciously up his shaft, leaving a milky white sheen in your wake, before slamming back down, a filthy squelch echoing out.
One of his palms, flat and heavy, raised to clap against your ass cheek, making you clench around him as your head fell forward, whimpering into his ear as something wet dripped onto his lap.
You shivered and shuddered, but, gloriously stubborn you, refused to slow even the slightest. He knew what you wanted from him, and he was more than willing to give it to you.
You wanted a baby. His baby. You wanted to carry his child, a piece of the two of you together. You wanted to be tied together for the rest of your lives. You wanted to be the mother of his children.
He could see it now. You all round and barefoot, taking care of the house while he went to work with the knights at the castle or down at the Lon ranch. You, wearing a soft pink apron, as you baked and cooked meals to last the time you would be in recovery because you both knew he was useless in the kitchen. You, who would look downright elegant, despite the strenuous act you just went through, cradling his baby. His baby that would suckle at your teat as you glowed like the angels above came down just to bless this event.
And he craved that.
With a low groan, his arms shot up to wrap around your back as his hips hammered up, pushing right against your own as he plunged in as far as physically possible. He was sure he was kissing the ring of your cervix with how far he was docked within your walls, which throbbed around him. Old loads leaked out around him, making room for the new stuff, as you cried and withered, cumming around him with a cry of his name.
He knew he would go through whatever needed to give you your desired child, and it seemed you thought the same as you sat up, chest heaving in heavy pants, staring down at him. Overstimulation racked his spine, as he was sure it did yours, but he was given a mission. A quest.
And nothing would stop him from completing his quest.
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00belle00lovely00 · 3 months
Well, since poly ships are now an option, curious to see how you'd view DogDay x CatNap x CraftyCorn 🫢
(I don't personally ship those three together btw. Just curious 🧡💜🤍)
OH! OF COURSE! I've noticed as of late that this ship in particular is VERY popular.
And yes! Poly ships are very much welcome since I'm poly myself. And to be completely honest with you, the majority of the ships I mention don't specifically fall into my favourites, but boneless I still love these concepts you'll give me! Hey, even you could say it helps me improve my writing skills!
shy x extrovert x introvert
Wouldn't it be downright hilarious to picture Catnap and Dogday being Craftycorn's muses for paintings? IT'S A CUTE CONCEPT, YOU ALL KNOW IT.
Could we all just agree that she carries and costume-made diary everywhere she goes?
Both Dogday and Catnap in my head would've probably intimidated yet striked Craftycorn's interest in every way. Catnap, even though somewhat too quiet or too lazy to go on with the day, is a very calming type of person who rarely gets angry at others or anything for that matter. And as for Dogday he's legitimately a sunrise and smiles kind of active guy, which in a way Craftcorn found them both endearing. And BECAUSE of that, she would've had a crush on them both at the same time and battled with her own feelings the whole time in who she liked the most, or in some way, even hoped she didn't since her nerves would be the end of her.
Craftycorn would too take her feelings out in drawing, just like in anything for that matter, and what would be her biggest fear? Catnap and Dogday seeing the things she has drawn at the end of the sketchbook.... don't ask what it is. We all know what it is.
Their date? Literally a cosy sleepover.
Their favorite activity? STARGAZING!
Wanna know what's ironic? While Craftycorn would be all insecure and overthinking about the whole situation, Dogday and Catnap would be noticing these patterns of nervousness and literally girl failure, and start to equally agree that they find that strangely attractive. And amusing. But that's Catnap talking.
They both also think she's pretty as hell.
And yes. they talk about it all the time because ✨communication and consent is the best romantic gesture✨
Even though Craftycorn is a very shy and soft-spoken girl, she's SURPRISINGLY VERY capable of defending herself and others she really cares about. And I'm talking both verbally and physically. She'd be able to pull out a punch on whoever complains about ANYTHING related to Catnap, Dogday or even her. You go, girl!
Okay... actually, changed my mind. She would do it but feel INCREDIBLY guilty later.
They watch My Little Pony and Carebears together on a date. Change my mind.
Could you all imagine how GOOD it would smell the air of their houses was every time they hung out? Like- you're telling me the air would be jasmine scented on one corner, vanilla to the other, and then lavender in every cushion? MY GOD.
I wonder if they do PDA. Craftycorn and Catnap would be most likely to do it but very lowly (like holding hands or wrapping an arm with each other), while for Dogday he would WANT TO... buuut he doesn't want to cross boundaries. So he'd keep it to himself. And probably crying inside not to pounce on top of the two of them into a tight hug.
They love it when Catnap helps them to sleep, especially lullabies.
OH IMAGINE THIS. What if Craftycorn knew Spanish and called Catnap "Lunita" (little moon) and Dogday "solsito" (little sun). NO- IM-... IM NOT SAYING THIS BECAUSE I'M HISPANIC AND I ADORE HEADCANON CHARACTERS THAT RELATE TO MY COUNTRY- THAT IS NOT-
(for context to the next headcanons):
Catnap in my own interpretation is a selective mute. All due to the 'red smoke incident' that occurred a few nights ago. He was so terrified of how not only his lavender gas was transported into that horrendous gas that made his friends laugh ever so hysterically and dementedly, but his body acted in a way that made no sense whatsoever. His movements were strange, creepy, and terrifying. So much so that it scared Catnap beyond thought. Even though all argued that it was just a 'collective nightmare' they had due to the circumstances of the storm. It didn't change anything Catnap went through. Everything he saw...
And at the end of the day, he decided to make a silent vow. Where he wouldn't let that smoke ever come out of his mouth again, even if it cost never to open his mouth. Never to speak again.
DogDay and Craftycorn after hearing about Catnap's vow, they were EXTREMELY worried about him. On some occasions, they tried to speak some sense into him about the mere thought of never talking again, but at the end of the day, they had to respect Catnap's decision. SO IN EXCHANGE, THEY WANTED TO LEARN ASL TOO! AND IT IS SUPER CUTE AND- KAINFIYLIAHDFCHASKDCFHNAKSJDCFHALNKUH-
Craftycorn also thought of teaching Catnap how to draw, with of course Dogday coming in to learn well. Since it was an alternative and temporary idea on communication while everyone else was catching up on Bubba's lessons on ASL.
For some reason, singing doesn't accidentally make the scents of any of the Smiling Critters out of their mouths. So whenever Catnap can, he tries to open up from his comfort zone (with the encouragement of the others) to sing them to sleep with a nice lullaby.
I swear to god my AO3 fans are out for blood now. They probably gonna be mad asf if they find out I'm wasting so much time on this than the fanfic chapter I'm writing.
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bagog · 25 days
If you're still taking the reverse trope prompts, may I have too hot to cuddle for (m)Shenko? Absolutely happy to have Shaun featuring as well if the muse strikes but absolutely not required!
Sounds like fun! Lemme see what I can do:
The air inside the Citadel apartment was crisp--frigid, even. Kaidan padded around the kitchen barefoot, wearing one of Shepard's too-small-for-him shirts and a pair of sweatpants, once in a while rubbing his arms to try to smooth out the gooseflesh there.
Shepard and he had planned on a staycation in their apartment while Kaidan was off from his duties, and so the fridge was well stocked. This wasn't exactly how they'd imagined it going, however.
"Alright Shepard," Kaidan called, walking up the stairs with several food items in his arms. "I've got marjan fruit, grape leaves, rye toast, and corn porridge. Any of that sound good?"
Shepard lay in their bed, looking bedraggled. Dark circles hung beneath his eyes, and a fine sheen of sweat made him look... sticky. The Ifter-Manatoit fever was not a good look on him.
Despite his husband listing off some of his favorite foods, Shepard stared blankly up at Kaidan, shaking his head. His throat dry, he rasped, "Sorry, I just don't think I'm hungry."
"Okay," Kaidan smiled, but there was a watchful caution in his eyes. "Well, I'll keep it all up here, just in case you decide you want something."
"I just..." Shepard cleared his throat, swallowing dryly, "Just want to sit with you, if that's alright."
Kaidan nodded warmly and set the food next to the bed. He fetched his book from the bedside table and slid into bed next to Shepard. His husband scooched over and laid his head on Kaidan's chest, hooking one leg over Kaidan's and holding him tight. Kaidan kept one arm behind Shepard's back, softly stroking up and down his spine, while he held is book in the other hand.
Shepard was asleep--or as good as asleep--in minutes: soft breath against Kaidan's chest. Kaidan could normally pass several hours like a sieve with the right book, but today he found his mind wandering.
It was like there was a radiator wrapped around him, cuddling up to one side. It wasn't till sweat dripped from his hair onto his shirt that Kaidan realized how much of Shepard's excess heat he'd been absorbing. He sweltered for another thirty minutes before gently shaking Shepard awake.
"You're still burning up, Shepard," Kaidan placed his sweaty palm against Shepard's sweaty forehead as if to confirm. But when Shepard pulled away, the imprint of his body was left as a wet patch running down Kaidan's side, his sweats and t-shirt soaked. "I imagine its gotta be uncomfortable cuddling up like this."
"I already feel awful," Shepard declared, pitifully, "Worth feeling a little more awful to be... I mean... You are not awful. You are good. You are a good. You're worth it, you know?"
"Shepard, you're delirious," Kaidan intoned, but there was a bit of a smirk playing at the corner of his mouth. "I have an idea, I'll be right back, okay?"
Once he moved away from the bed, the air conditioning of the apartment once again had him shivering as he made his way into the master bathroom.
A few moments later, he came back and shook Shepard awake once more. "Here, come with me. Shoulda had this idea two days ago."
Shepard stumbled out of bed, Kaidan supporting him under a shoulder like the old soldier needed a patch up. In the bathroom, Shepard stared down into the hot tub with a questioning look.
"Do... I smell that bad?" Shepard rasped.
"Ha!" Kaidan exclaimed. "No comment. But no, let me help you in."
"Too hot," Shepard shook his head. "No hot tub. Please?"
"It's alright, it's not hot. Just... temperate. Not quite cold, but definitely not hot. Lean on me, there you go." Shepard stepped into the water with Kaidan help and sank into the water. The sound of relief that came out of his mouth as he sat and let the water lap up and over his shoulders was pure relief.
Kaidan quickly peeled off his own sweaty clothes and tossed them in the hamper before carefully stepping into the cool water.
"Now we can still hang out and be comfortable," Kaidan said, but he couldn't keep the shiver out of his voice as he took his seat next to Shepard and put an am around his husband's shoulders.
"You... cold?" Shepard said, dreamily. "Nooooo. Here." He wrapped his arms around Kaidan beneath the water and laid his--admittedly still damp head--on Kaidan's shoulder. Between the heat radiating off Shepard and the coolness of the water, Kaidan stopped shivering and stopped sweating. Shepard snoozed against his shoulder, and Kaidan let his head fall back against the tile.
Shepard needed rest. Shepard needed to cool off. And Shepard needed Kaidan. Kaidan smiled to himself that--at least this once--he was able to give Shepard exactly what he needed.
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boozye · 8 months
I love reading your rants and ramblings about Lucifer, and was wondering if I could persuade you to overanalyze why Lucifer blushes during the Home Screen line wherein he says it was lonely without you around. AFAIK, it's the only one he blushes for except for when he admits to going on a spending spree on Akuzon.
I was surprised by it honestly! He says things on the spot with such confidence usually. But then I noticed he seems to save his more sweet lines for when he and MC are alone. Unless it's with the express purpose of someone else listening. Like he's hyperaware of his surroundings, but very cool and calculated about it.
Lucifer is very aware of other people's feelings. He makes a point to take notes of others taste and preferences. Personally, I think that usually, these are traits related to being a people pleaser or a pushover in general. Because they can't stand any sort of negative emotion being aimed their way. However, there are those who can stand it and accept it as a part of life, despite being aware. Lucifer strikes me as the latter. He doesn't usually enjoy others being upset with him, but he accepts it and tries to make amends. He is aware that, for example, Mammon is constantly gonna talk smack about him because he's the punisher, but he accepts it because someone's gotta stop his constant godamn antics sometimes.
Anyways, getting back on topic.
I think he blushes because he thought too much about it. It's not something he says out of nowhere. He was LONELY WITHOUT YOU, HE WAS THINKING ABOUT YOU AND MISSING YOU FOR WHO KNOWS HOW LONG UNTIL YOU ARRIVE. The feelings and words have been swirling within him too long to just be casual and spontaneous about it. So he just resigns to saying something so sweet in earnest for once without any calculations. So he blushes.
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Or maybe he's just drunk idk
Those are my musings about that :^)
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sezja · 20 days
Number 3 for Sanson/Guydelot for the kiss thing? :3
Send me a Ship and a Number and I will Write a Kiss (Still Accepting!)
3: …goodbye.
"It's only three weeks," Sanson reminds him, having the audacity to sound amused. Guydelot doesn't see what's so amusing about it - three weeks apart, with him left behind to babysit the rest of the unit? He doesn't see any good reason why he can't tag along; he's an officer of the Twin Adder too. Gotta be good for something.
"Three weeks too bloody long."
"I can't believe you're sulking about this," Sanson says, pausing in his packing for the journey (a three-week trip to Doma on behalf of the Alliance, for tiresome political reasons Guydelot wasn't interested in). He straightens, turning to face Guydelot, who leans casually in the bedroom's doorway - not sulking, no matter what Sanson might think. "As though you don't wander off for moons at a time when the whim strikes you."
Aye, but you're always meant to be here at home. Feels wrong the other way 'round. "That's different."
Sanson rolls his eyes. "Of course it is."
"It is. That's a bard following his muse. This is you-"
"Following orders? Doing my duty?"
"This is you leaving me behind, is what it is."
"Oh, Guydelot." Sanson sighs, shaking his head. "You would hate it, you know. Endless meetings, treaties to be renewed, speeches, errands..."
Fair enough. Like as not, he'd've skipped all of the official business and spent his three weeks finding his own way around Doma and Yanxia, getting lost and finding his own entertainment. But it's the principle of the thing. It's Sanson leaving him behind for three miserably lonely weeks!
Sanson smiles at his simmering silence, knowing he's right; that Guydelot would've been bored spitless with all the politicking.
Guydelot's going to miss him.
"I am going to miss you, you know."
The bard starts, surprised to hear Sanson all but echo his own thoughts word-for-word. "That so?"
Sanson carefully folds a shirt, adding it to the pile. "Believe it or not," he says, dryly, "I do prefer your company to meetings and negotiations." He glances over his shoulder, not quite smiling. "But don't let it go to your head."
He can't help it. He smiles despite himself, shoving away from the doorframe. "Do you now?"
"And there it is," Sanson laments. "Going directly to your head."
Guydelot steps easily up behind him, winding his arms loosely around Sanson's middle, resting his chin on top of the shorter man's head. "Mayhap you'd best tell me all about how much you prefer my company to all these other little nuisances," he says, pitching his voice nice and low, the tone that always turns Sanson's legs to water. "Seeing as I'll be all by my lonesome for three long weeks..."
"You're insufferable." Sanson's a little breathless. That's a victory in itself. Sanson turns in his arms, reaching up to wind his arms around Guydelot's neck. "Maybe you ought to give me a kiss for the road, for a change."
"Maybe," Guydelot agrees, leaning down to do just that.
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munson-blurbs · 1 year
For your 2k celebration: Eddie/Lover's Lake/book 🌼
Big, gigantic thanks to @trashmouth-richie for helping me with this one!
Warnings: attempted drug deal, mention of drug use
WC: 899
Mud squelches under your trainers as you make your way towards the lake. It’s a familiar destination; your favorite place to write. But today, you have other plans.
Eddie’s already there, waiting for you. He’s sitting on a stone wall, idly tapping his ringed fingers against his tin box. Your stomach flip-flops at the thought of what’s inside. 
Come on. Don’t be such a coward. 
“Um, h-hi,” you stutter, mentally kicking yourself for letting your anxiety seep into your voice. “Thanks for meeting me here.”
“Yeah, no sweat,” Eddie says, patting the empty spot beside him and popping open the box lid. You oblige, bringing your backpack onto your lap. “All right, I can do $15 for half an ounce.” He takes out a crinkled plastic baggie, frowning as you inspect it critically. “I really can’t go any lower; you’re already robbing me blind here.”
“No, no,” you shake your head, “‘s not that. Um, I was wondering if you had any, like, magic mushrooms?” Your face burns as you say it. 
Eddie’s eyes widen. “Never took you for a psychedelics kinda girl,” he laughs incredulously, “but, yeah, I should have some.” He digs through his stash, tongue poking out of the corner of his mouth in concentration. “So, what’s the occasion?”
“The shrooms. You going to a party, or…”
“Oh.” You wipe your palms on your jeans. “I, um, I’ve been having bad writer’s block, and I heard that drugs can help…unblock things? I smoked weed with my friend, but it didn’t do anything.”
“Oh, yeah?” Eddie asks, not breaking his focus. “What are you trying to write? Essays and school shit?”
You shake your head. “I’m working on a novel, actually,” you admit. It sounds silly when you say it aloud. “It’s like a horror-mystery hybrid? I don’t know,” you finish lamely, hoping he finds the shrooms soon.
But you’ve captured his attention, and his chocolate brown eyes light up as they meet yours. “No way!” he exclaims. “I love scary stories. I swear, I’ve read everything Stephen King’s written.” He crosses his heart for emphasis. “Can I get a sneak peek of your book?” He pouts adorably, melting your heart and easing your nerves.
“It’s just some chapter outlines so far,” you explain, tugging your notebook out of your backpack. It’s an assuming marble composition notebook, but it holds all of your hard work. “And I haven’t written anything in weeks, hence the…” you gesture to his lunchbox of drugs in lieu of completing the sentence.
Eddie raises his eyebrows as he scans your writing. “This is…really fucking good,” he muses, flipping the page and continuing to read. “How do you come up with this stuff? Puts my Hellfire campaigns to shame.”
You laugh bashfully. “Sometimes, inspiration just strikes, y’know?” Your smile falters when he skips to the rough sketches you have for your characters. You’re not an artist, not by a long shot, but you know he’ll be able to recognize who you’ve modeled a protagonist after. “Okay, give it back,” you blurt out, attempting to grab it from his hands, but his grip is too tight.
“What, you got some naughty drawings in here?” He waggles his eyebrows, making you giggle despite your embarrassment. “Don’t worry; I won’t judge.” Before you can protest further, he finds the one picture you were hoping he’d somehow skip over. It’s a tall, lanky guy with curly brown hair that touches his shoulders. He’s wearing a concert t-shirt with the sleeves cut off, displaying his tattoos, and ripped black jeans. “Whoa,” Eddie breathes, and you’re praying to be swallowed up by a black hole. “This dude is totally metal.”
“Wh-What?” Did he really not know who it was supposed to be?
“The guy,” he says, pointing to the drawing, “he looks so badass.” He closes the notebook but doesn’t hand it back. “Could I hang onto this? I wanna read more, but I gotta get going. Promised my uncle I’d make dinner tonight, and he’ll kill me if I say that and then order pizza one more time. Actually,” he pauses, a mischievous glimmer in his eyes, “do you wanna help me cook? And stay for dinner, obviously. You could maybe tell me more about your story. Might help get those creative juices flowing or something.” He shrugs like he didn’t just use all of his courage to ask you.
“Sure,” you smile, hopping down from the wall and brushing off your pants. “And you can tell me about your…campaigns?” You furrow your brows, unsure if you used the correct terminology.
Eddie narrows his eyes. “I don’t know…how can I trust that you’re not working as an enemy spy?”
You gasp, startling him. “Sorry,” you apologize sheepishly, “but that just gave me a great idea. Maybe Kal–that’s the totally metal dude–used to be allegiant to the enemy, but is trying to redeem himself!” You pluck the notebook from him, flip to where a pen serves as a bookmark, and jot down your thought before you forget it.
“You’re welcome, by the way,” Eddie teases, taking the book back and tucking it under his arm for safekeeping. “You’d better mention me in the acknowledgments. Better yet–dedicate the whole book to me.”
“I can see it now: ‘For Eddie Munson: thanks for the idea and for not selling me shrooms,’” you joke back, walking in tandem with him.
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seokjinsonlyone · 9 months
Hi there!!! May I know your take on this? Which member do you think would be most likely to like having their s/o in the studio with them when working? This just randomly came to mind one day when I realised I could lowkey spend the whole day watching them work 🫢 So there's that..✌️
bc if you think about it we really be watching the tannies do nothing and be absolutely enthralled like in the soop love that and half the time they just be napping soskskks we literally did watch jk sleep on live for like 20 minutes before a staff finally cut the cameras 💀 but there really is something extra fascinating about watching them work like just that one lil 30 minute part of the recording the in the soop theme song i’ve watched that section by itself probably like 8 times and then there’s that one idk if it’s a bangtan bomb or an episode but the clip of rap line like editing ddaeng boooiiiii butters my biscuits like nothing else anyway now that i’ve rambled on for far too long this what i think
tae’s giving the one that would like it the most but like you not just gonna be sitting there you’re gonna end up working too 💀 like he’s bouncing ideas off of you asking you if what he recorded sounds good if you were listening to a song would you like this part if it was like this or like that like you’d be inclined to ask for composition credits messing around wit tae in the studio
yoongi wouldn’t mind at all seeing as half the time he’s in the studio he’s not even working just waiting for inspiration to strike and what are you if not his greatest muse so ofc you’re always welcome your presence is comforting to him and honestly some of y’all best times is cuddled up on that couch his head resting on your shoulder while you just talk and joke around about nothing and everything
joonie likes it too like he just likes being around you all the time you’re very grounding and comforting to him i think he can actually work perfectly around you so if you told him you wanted to tagalong it would be no problem like he’d be at his desk looking at his monitor tip typing away he checks on you periodically makes sure you’re okay gets you both water orders food in and you sit next to each other practically conjoined at the hip when you eat and then he leaves you wit a little kith and goes to work some more maybe shows you what he’s doing and how if you pop over his shoulder for some attention and when he’s done for the day he takes your small hand into his big one and y’all go home together and talk and kiss and cuddle some more 🥰
jk is obviously okay with you being in the studio like he let us in on his birthday that one year idk if it was 2021 or 2022 time is a social construct and my life is turning into one gigantic blur but whenever he made the my you song you know what i’m talking about anyway he’s fine with you being there bc he spends 75% of his time new boot goofin impersonating people doing riffs and runs just trying things out when he gets serious tho he still doesn’t mind you in there but you gotta be on your best behavior his focus don’t last long and if you compliment him his ears will turn red
i think jimin would let you but only on his terms like he don’t wanna show you anything too raw only wants you to see his best or as close to best as it can get before he sends his work off to others for the final touches like he’d let you listen to stuff that’s basically finished or if he had more administrative tasks to care for then probably but he’d be rushing through it bc he doesn’t want to bore you so watching him record and make melodies and all that it’s probably a no for the most part :3
seokjin probably likes to have a separation between his work and private life like y’all can’t be together too too much or you probably gonna get on each other nerves distance makes the heart grow fonder and so on and so forth also i think he does music with a certain level of vulnerability and he needs to process that alone before inviting anyone else in of course you’re one of the first ones he shows no doubt no doubt but i feel like you won’t be much privy to the inner machinations of his process like he’ll show you what he does but not when he doing it 💀
i’m sorry but hobi is giving hard no like when he works he works like he is stressing antagonizing pushing himself to his limits and his boundaries he’s on a self imposed deadline that he will make and cannot tolerate any distractions whatsoever like it’s all good when he’s off work and he’s happy to destress after work with you but you is not getting in that studio when hobi is making magic you’ll just have to watch the documentary like everyone else <\3
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fanfoolishness · 1 year
Jedi: Fallen Order musings
Ahhh I finished the game! I suppose I don't really need to put spoiler tags for it, since it's several years old. But it was highly enjoyable and I loved it!
I love how much games are embracing character work these days. I expect it from Bioware, of course, but seeing it from EA and a major property like Star Wars is still really refreshing. I should have guessed that a story set just a few years after Order 66 about a young Jedi would be full of trauma, but I wasn't expecting it to be as in-depth and sensitive as it was. Trauma colors everything in this story, from Cal's wounded connection to the Force, to Cere cutting herself off from it entirely, to Merrin's fear and grief. Even BD-1 grieves his old friend and master and Greez still misses his great-grandmother.
I've seen a few articles about how Cal seemed like a flat or boring character, but I didn't get that at all. He's an 18-year-old young man whose childhood was obliterated by war, who's so afraid of his past and his power that he hasn't tried to leave Bracca in 5 years. He's so guarded at first, because he's had to be. He's slow to trust Cere and Greez, and that trust is broken when he learns what happened to Cere's Padawan. In his youth he reacts like many of us would -- arrogantly and self-righteously -- but it all flows from the deep scars he carries and is so afraid to face from losing his own Master. Fear leads to anger, of course.
He's afraid of trusting again, afraid of being hurt again, so afraid that it isn't until 3/4 of the way through the game that he finally bears to revisit the memories again from Order 66. Facing that loss, and that guilt for not being able to save his master, incapacitates him so badly that a Force vision shatters his lightsaber. (The game remembers it, too, and the animation of Cal reaching out of habit for his lightsaber and realizing it's broken every time you try to use it is heartbreaking.) When he goes to Ilum to try to forge a new lightsaber, he can't help but remember when he came here as a Padawan. BD-1 checks in on him and Cal tells him, no, he's not okay, it's hard for him to be there. The kid is just a massive ball of pain and trauma and watching him slowly unravel that and move forward through the course of the game is a powerful journey. No personality, my ass, LOL.
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And Cere's journey! Her grief is far more complex than Cal's because she bears more guilt, and she was a fully fledged Jedi who thought she could keep others safe, and she failed. Fear and anger rule her, too, but despite that she's stubborn as hell, holding onto hope through everything. Her grief and suffering are revealed slowly and carefully through the game, and seeing the way she starts to heal by mentoring Cal is beautiful. When he falls down, she picks him up, even when he distrusts her -- and when she falls, too, he echoes her teaching back to her and helps her rise. Seeing her recovery of her confidence, her skills, her trust in herself -- ahh I'm tearing up again thinking about it. Also, she is fucking badass with a lightsaber!!!
I'm really excited to see what happens with Merrin in Jedi: Survivor (no spoilers, please!). Can't believe a Jedi and a Nightsister could find common ground, but "I'm the last of my kind" is a trauma bond like no other! I love her weird unsettling energy and the fact that she teases Greez and that when she had a choice to stay in the graveyard of her people and the past or strike out into the unknown, she chose to go.
... Reminds me, I still gotta go find all the seeds for Greez's terrarium. How else will he have the best space garden if not for me? Love him too. I'm always a sucker for gruff scoundrel accidentally catches family feels, and he's no exception.
And BD-1. My buddy, my friend, my savior, my companion. I loved Cal able to warm up and be relaxed with BD, and I loved BD's absolute helpfulness and sweet little noises. If anything happens to him I WILL kill everyone and then myself. ... same goes for Cal, in the end...
Note, I am hoping that whatever happens to Cal and BD, that it's hopeful. Jedi have a nasty habit of all dying out by A New Hope, but uh... maybe Cal will be different! We can hope!!! ;_; Well, we're just not gonna think about that.
I liked the ending. The further we kept going I started agreeing with Merrin and thinking "is this holocron such a good thing to have?" Cal's vision of the Padawans being tortured and himself as an Inquisitor, and the wisdom from the Zeffo sages bemoaning their hubris and the extinction they faced, certainly made it seem like trying to rebuild the Order wasn't the right choice, at least for now. As Cordova said, failure is part of the journey. Honestly a hopeful life lesson and one I need to remember when things don't come out as planned or hoped.
Also. How about Darth Vader just DESTROYING you? I had to look up how to get away because I just kept insta-dying with the Force choke XD The ONLY way to have him duel you is to just show instantly that you are NOWHERE NEAR HIS LEVEL! Dude didn't even get a health bar ahahahahah it was hopeless XD
Other scattered thoughts: with the exception of the Wookiees (sorry, hair technology just wasn't far enough along yet for them), the graphics were gorgeous. I loved exploring the different areas, especially as I gained more skills and abilities, and collecting creature logs and Force echoes. Cal's psychometry skill is very, very cool and I loved it. And I adored the Origin Tree! WOW! Did anyone else get a King's Quest vibe from it? I mean, come on!
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In the meantime, where's my Fallen Order people to yell at? I haven't played more than 20 minutes of Survivor so all I can say about that is Cal's new beard and TATTOO are pretty great, though I miss my poncho ;_; but if anyone wants to yell about the first game with me, I'm here!
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Tagged by: @g0dspeeed @adelaidedrubman @v0idbuggy @direwombat @cassietrn @madparadoxum @simplegenius042 @henbased and @wrathfulrook for WIP goodness of one kind or another, thank you all so much!!
Tagging: @shallow-gravy @strangefable @stacispratt @eclecticwildflowers @ladyofedens-blog @poetikat @florbelles @josephseedismyfather @theelderhazelnut @marivenah @josephslittledeputy @peppertheferalraccoon @neverthesameneveranother @statichvm @strafethesesinners @roofgeese @confidentandgood @detectivelokis @clicheantagonist @chazz-anova @inafieldofdaisies @vampireninjabunnies-blog @voidika @derelictheretic @trench-rot (no pressure of course) and anyone else who has something to share
Also feel free to add/remove yourself on my writing or art tag lists :)
Somehow words happened!! idk if they are any good but when the muse strikes you gotta use it (aka I felt compelled to write two emotionally constipated curmudgeons slowly realizing they've caught feelings, but they still won't actually say those 3 words because isn't killing someone a better way of doing that??) Anyhoo...here's some Jacob POV:
Wiping his shirt over them to collect the sweat and blood off of their skin, she curled up against him like the lap cat she said she never would be. Rubbing the gray cotton up and down her, he mopped up the scarlet that had seeped into her pores as he stared down at her. It was in these rare moments of peace that he could properly observe her, just like he had when she was in the cages. If he didn't know her the way that he did, he could go with the basic compliment of calling her beautiful – and she was, there was no denying that fact (likely more than he deserved) – but more than that, Kit was everything he ever spoke about to his men to try to get them in line, to become the soldiers he expected them to be.  
Would he say this was love? Jesus, that was a frightening thought to even try to comprehend. He’d been alone for so long, had made it that way, Lord knew no one else would want him – but she did. From that first moment in the church, when their eyes met and despite her being a stranger he could see the determination in her, that there was more to her below the surface than she presented to the world. Kit was a woman barely being used to her full potential even when she was fighting against them with the Resistance, and now to see her embracing everything he and Joseph had given her…he’d be lying if he tried to say she hadn’t preoccupied his thoughts for sometime, but now…now she was sinking into the very meat of him, she filled some hole he didn’t remember even having.
Stroking the damp strands of hair away from her face, his thumb ran against the scar above her cheekbone. He’d built a whole file on her and thought he knew all the ins and outs, yet even with all the information he had there were still some secrets about her he had yet to uncover – like how she’d gotten that little white scar on her cheek. It never would have mattered to him before, but the more he looked at her the more he was becoming ensnared in her. He’d always been the hunter, but he started to wonder if maybe she’d been right in those woods all along, he’d become prey to her after all… 
His train of thought was quickly broken however, once she started pressing kisses to the underside of his jaw, stroking the side of his neck softly, the pads of her fingers caressing each of his scars with gentle care. The stark difference between her brutality and the sensitivity she could show was startling and caused a shiver to cascade down his spine, his eyes fluttering shut from her knowledge of just where and how to touch him.
“Well, that was just what I needed,” she said, voice still a smoky husk as she came down from her afterglow.
He huffed out a laugh and rubbed his hand down the length of her legs that curved over the armrest of the chair, fingers stroking against the scars that dotted her muscled flesh. “Sure put a target on your back with that video. Didn’t think you’d look quite so much like you enjoyed what you were doin’.”
“Was I not supposed to enjoy it?” Kit asked with a raised brow.
He’d broken her out of what was deemed fair and just by the society that had beaten them down and tried to make them weak, seeing her act so freely was inspiring. She was everything Joseph had promised she would be and based on her latest performance, he was sure more would happily come under their banner sooner than later. She would lead them through the darkness, and if they couldn’t or wouldn’t see what she promised to deliver, she’d grind them into the dirt under the heel of her boot. There could be no mistake made about what would happen to those deemed weak now. 
“I’m glad ya did.” His gaze traveled over her, stained and sticky with drying blood, aquamarine eyes popped while ruby cascaded from her head and over her skin. She was more some feral goddess that ancient man would have praised - writing songs and making art in her name, willing to go to war and die for her - than a woman of the modern age. “I certainly got to reap the rewards from it afterwards.”
With a pleased hum she slipped her legs from the seat she’d taken on his lap and moved for the table across from them where the monitors sat to lean against it. She was never much for getting close even after he’d just been inside her, she maintained that safe distance from him. He understood why too. Vulnerability wasn’t something people like them got to indulge in. Made hard by the world, forged until unbreakable, steel cast around their hearts and minds to keep them (and the few who did manage to slip through the cracks) safe. Letting your guard down, opening yourself up to someone, was like jamming the knife into your own gut in a moment of weakness. It was just another thing he had her father to thank for. 
“Don’t know what came over me, to be honest.” She pulled her hand through waves that were knotted, combing her fingers through the viscera that glued her strands together. 
“I do. That was all instinct.” It was the same thing that overcame him after he’d gone after Winters. “You let yourself do what you do best, no fear of judgment, no so-called morals or ethics.” He leaned forward in his seat, finger pointed straight into the heart of her. “That was nature – ancient and primordial. How we used to be. Savage. Primal.” He looked into her eyes and immediately recognized the things he’d been searching for for so long, and they were all in her. 
He brought his thumb to his nose and rubbed against the tip before fingers brushed through the whiskers beside the corners of his mouth as he cleared his throat and leaned back into his seat becoming the soldier and the tactician once more rather than a man who was about to say something stupid over the woman who sat across from him if he wasn’t careful. “I need to check in with John.”
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hjea · 3 months
If you get this, answer w/ three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog!
aw hi! thanks for sending this along—how about i share three me + star trek facts, since we connected through enterprise, my beloved.
i started watching star trek for the first time in 2021, after only 15 or so years of (gentle) pressure from my darling friend @eggsworthy. despite loving lots of sci-fi, i was always under the impression that star trek was kind of stuffy and boring. plus the sheer amount of it was pretty intimidating. but a year into the pandemic, i finally reached the “eh, fuck it, it’s all on netflix anyway, let’s do this” and we started tng from the beginning. and uh… yeah! obsession ho, trek is exactly my jam! who knew? (@eggsworthy knew)
i’ve since watched all of: TNG, Picard, Lower Decks, Voyager, Prodigy, Strange New Worlds, and Enterprise. I’ve also seen a handful of TOS episodes, plus Star Trek II - VI and the four TNG films. I’ve only seen one episode of Discovery, so I should probably give it more of a shot, but I can’t say it really held my attention. i’ve also been SLOWLY making my way through DS9, but (unpopular opinion time?) it has yet to really make me fall in love with it, the way I fell for TNG, Voy, and Enterprise so much more quickly. i’m midway through season three, and i know most people say it really picks up when it gets to the dominion war stuff proper, so I’ll keep plugging away at it. but where i think it’s lacking for me is i just don’t love the characters as much as the other treks. i’ll be the first to admit that Voy and Enterprise had some pretty significant writing structure and plot problems along their runs, but at least the characters had me going “yes! i love this idiot. i gotta keep watching and find out what happens to them next” from season one all the way through.
the one star trek fic i posted this past fall (an enterprise one here if you’re curious) is the longest fic i’ve ever finished. at less than 10,000 words it’s maybe not a GREAT accomplishment, but i’m still feeling pretty good about it. :D my fic writing style has always been “ooh, here’s an idea for a really cool scene! …yeah just the one scene… that’s it” so breaking out of that made me proud. i would definitely love to write more Enterprise, or any Trek fic, if another idea ever strikes me. prompt away if you’ve got ‘em! though i make no promises. the muse is shy and ever-rusty. but never truly gone.
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idiotwithanipad · 1 month
What comes after death if you're already dead? 
A short concept I came up with for my OC Amy. Fearing moving on... 
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"Before clock strike midnight, someone going up to the stars"
Robin's giddy excitement had thrown everyone off the beaten path; the concept of moving on from their deaths was enticing to everyone, especially the caveman. He looked as though he couldn't hold back his excitement as he bounced on his furred heels. 
Robin had excused himself in a giddy rush and vanished through the wall, leaving everyone guessing and glimpsing at each other in confusion. Amy sat on the sofa, Humphrey's head resting on her knees, her face didn't show any readable expression, just a blank and vacant stare at the back of the Tudor man's head. 
"Moving on, eh? Sounds nice, dun' it?" Humphrey mused, his eyes flicking up hoping to meet someone's gaze. He felt a slow shift beneath his chin as he was gently placed on the cushioned seat beside Amy, who rose from her seated position, dusting off the back of her pleated skirt, a habit she never 'grew' out of despite being dead for 2 years now.
"Where you off to, Poppet?" Humphrey asked, his eyes flicking up to look at Amy's blank face. The girl paused and shifted uncomfortably. She had no excuses anymore, no more 'I forgot something back on my bed' or 'just gotta check something in my room'. She toyed with her now unconnected headphones and shifted her weight from one boot to the other. 
"... Nowhere". Amy slowly headed away from the sofa, passed Fanny who stared at her in bemusement. The girl still avoided walking through walls and instead opted for taking the doors and halls. The group looked amongst themselves briefly and focused on Humphrey, who's eyes were glued to the last spot where he saw his...No. She wasn't his daughter. He needed to stop playing pretend and face facts; Humphrey Ignatius Bone died without an heir, no child to pass down his name. 
"What do you suppose is wrong with Amy?" The Captain asked, looking towards the equally confused severed head. 
"She usually takes me with 'er..."Humphrey sounded dejected, neglected; it was a fact, Amy had clung to Humphrey most days, almost every day since her first week of death, whenever everyone else wasn't hounding and fluttering around her trying to show her around and get her used to death. 
"Perhaps she went to look for a butterfly? It IS a fun activity. Oh! How exciting, I'll join her" Kitty chimed, gathering her dress skirts and preparing to skip along through the wall, before Pat's hand landed on her shoulder. 
"No no, love, she looks a bit off. Maybe we should give her a minute or so, I'm sure she'll come around" Pat smiled, giving Kitty a reassuring nod. With a short sigh, Kitty slumped down beside Humphrey. 
"If I still had my body, I'd go and find 'er..." Humphrey retorted. 
"She's a teen. Teens like their alone time. Y'know, 'hanging' with their parents isn't really 'down with the sickness' is it?" Julian bumbled, grinning from ear to ear at his very outdated use of slang. And his hint to the rest of the group that Humphrey viewed the strange girl as if she we're his own flesh and blood. 
Pat kneeled down in front of the sofa where Humphrey's head lie. They locked eyes with each other and Pat tilted his head, as much as his arrow would allow, to the side. 
"I'm sure she'll be alright. She knows she can always talk to you if she's in a spot of trouble, mate"
Amy sat alone in a room in the west wing, the room where she died, gazing down at the floorboards. Her face still frozen in that same blank expression. Her eyes remained empty and cold, but her mind burned with questions and worry. 
Every time she came to a conclusion, the method lining up perfectly in her mind, a threatening thought barrelled towards it and bowled it down. She bagan to pick at her fingernails, something she did when she was still alive when she was nervous. She hadn't been this nervous since her GCSE's. 
She wanted to run, to get as far away from this house as possible before it all came crumbling down on her. Tears threatened to spill down her cheeks, her eyelids remained valiant as they kept up their mammoth task of cradling her tears, not allowing them to fall. She got up and paced over to the window, looking over the green lawns, passed the livings who played golf, towards the forest. Maybe she could go there? Maybe if she got far enough away she might not go anywhere she was uncertain of? 
Anywhere but somewhere she didn't know. 
Robin reentered the common room. Everyone was gone. His eyes remained low, gazing under the furniture and along the skirting boards searching for one of the members of his mouse family; he had affairs to be put in order, after all. 
"Oh, it's just you..."  A voice muttered. Robin spun around and noticed Humphrey's head still perched on the sofa, he looked sullen, depressed. 
"Haven't seen Amy have you?" His question puzzled the caveman; they were usually always together, it was a huge task just to get her to leave the severed head alone for a moment to teach her to play chess or demonstrate how to skin a mammoth. 
"No. Where you see her last?" Robin asked, stepping closer to the sofa, knuckles stroking against his furs. 
"Right where you are now. After you mentioned your little 'moving on' thing she just- got up and left. Didn't even take me with 'er. Not to sound like a broken record, but, she always takes me with 'er..." Humphrey couldn't even look Robin in the face, even as he crouched to meet his eyes. 
"She tell you where she go?" Robin grew confused; the Amy he knew was always honest, or maybe the correct word would be 'blunt'. He once caught ear from her that she used 'Towels not Tamps'. Robin still didn't find out what that meant. 
"No, she didn't say a word. I asked her where she was going and she just said, 'nowhere'. Then off she went". 
Robin hummed in confusion, his brow lowering and his jaw jutting to the left. He rose from his crouched position and looked towards the doorway. 
"Me go find her. She not be too far, she ghost, she can't leave, so won't be too hard to find girl with big stompy boot in old creaky house" Robin declared, cracking his knuckles and starting towards the door. 
His search was lengthy, even he started to grow concerned for Amy's whereabouts. What if he got the timing wrong in his prediction? What if Amy had already gone up to the stars? He wasn't ready to lose her yet, he still had so much to teach her and tell her. Finally, he caught it. The sweet, sickly scent of that very drink that caused Amy to choke to death. 
It was faint, but he knew that scent all too well. He put his nostrils to work and followed the aroma like a Bloodhound, leading him into a dingy unoccupied bedroom. 
"Ah, there you are. Come, Humphrey want you" Robin chimed. 
"Go away"
That was harsh. She'd never told him to go away before, she usually loved spending time with him. She actively saught him out sometimes, she even had a name for it, 'Nope-days'. Days where she felt homesick and missed some parts of her old life, she and Robin would sit in the TV room watching National Geographic, sometimes she'd fall asleep resting against the furs at his side. 
Robin remained persistent, yet he couldn't pretend that her words cut him deep. 
"But you no want keep ol' Humpty Dumpty down there lonely. He big sad with you not there" He risked moving closer to the young woman, her knees tucked up to her chest and her chin resting against her folded arms. 
Her eyes flicked into the direction of the caveman at the mention of the severed head she cared so deeply for, but her eyes never left the floorboards. 
"I don't wanna be around anyone right now, he's gonna have to wait a little longer. Tell him I'm sorry but-..." She couldn't finish. She just bit the inside of her cheek and pushed a strand of her ebony hair out of her face and looked away from Robin. 
Robin jerked slightly as something collided with his back. He leapt away from the unseen attacker and rose his furred fist to strike, but stopped when he noticed who it was. Humphrey's headless body came bumbling into the room, his searching hands shifting around, feeling for something. Robin watched curiously as the body edged it's way across the room towards Amy, as if being reeled in by an invisible line. 
Robin couldn't pretend not to notice the quick glace Amy gave towards the body, the even quicker glance away from it, and the tiny tears that bloomed in her eyes as the body's hand found the top of her head. Once the hand realised what it touched, it's jittering patting motions turned to soothing strokes and caresses. 
It crouched down slowly and felt around for Amy's hand. It touched her shoulder first, then her calf, then finally it scooped up Amy's hand from her knee and rubbed it's thumb across her knuckles. Amy wiped her eyes with the cuff of her hoodie and gave the headless body a tiny smile before looking down again. 
The body's other hand came to collect Amy's other hand too. Without a protest, the body helped her stand to her feet. Her eyes remained fixed at nothing, staring blankly downward. She gave a soft glance up at Robin who watched as the body placed it's arm around her back, maybe so it didn't get swept from her side? Maybe to comfort her? Robin couldn't tell. 
The body's hand continued to hold Amy's, it gave her hand a gently squeeze and began walking off to the right side of the room towards the wall, bringing Amy with it. She looked back over her shoulder at Robin, who began to follow the pair through the wall and out into the vast labyrinth of halls and corridors. 
Amy felt as though she had a lot of explaining to do, especially to Humphrey... Or, to his head anyway. She knew exactly where she was being taken, she knew him too well, and his mobile half. 
The body guided Amy through the wall to the common room and Robin followed suit, jogging up ahead past them and towards the sofa where he'd seen Humphrey's head. 
"Ey! I find Amy. Then your body find Amy. She here" Robin beamed his crooked grin and let out a sharp sigh of relief. 
"Amy?" Humphrey's voice was weak. As if he hadn't spoken in days, it reminded Amy of when she first met him, when he was often neglected in the most unpleasant of places, rarely put anywhere nicer at least. 
"... Hey" Amy mumbled, her hands awkwardly sliding into the front pocket of her hoodie. 
The body finally released Amy's hand and moved to the front of the sofa, it bent down and slowly scooped up its head, fixing it back onto the stump above its shoulders. With a click and a twitch, Humphrey's full form seemed to meld together and come to life at last. His soft eyes blinked and focused on the girl. He moved back over to her cautiously, as if one creak of a floorboard or a single forceful step would result in her bolting away from him. 
"Look, I don't expect you to tell me what's wrong if you don't want to... but, at least tell me how I can help?" Humphrey said, his brow creasing with concern and sadness. 
Robin stepped closer, stroking his furs and tilting his head slightly, wanting to hear the reason for Amy's sudden hostility earlier. 
"It was nothing, I-I was just being a twat" Amy stuttered, her eyes flicking from side to side. Humphrey gave a slow, drawn out blink and shook his head slowly, knowingly. 
"... What?" Amy questioned, looking between Humphrey and Robin who now also looked disheartened. 
"Fine. I just- wanted to be alone for a while because I was scared" 
Humphrey and Robin shared puzzled glances towards each other, Robin even shrugged and itched behind his ear. 
"Scared of what?" Humphrey asked, looking his body over to make sure he didn't look as grotesque as he felt. 
"Of what Robin said. Of.. Y'know. Whoosh.." Amy said with an upward flourish of her hands, before letting them flop back down into her pocket. 
Robin took on the appearance of a deer in headlights and diverted his gaze from Amy to Humphrey, who practically scowled at the caveman for this crackpot theory. 
"B-But, when you move on you go to up to the stars. It big good up there, many people, old family-" Robin began to try and back up his claim before Amy cut him to the quick. 
"What if there's nothing when you move on?" 
Robin's ramble ended in his jaw hanging slack and his eyes bulging slightly, focusing on Humphrey who looked back over at him with the same remaining face of confusion. 
"I mean, you don't actually KNOW what happens when you move on. Like-...maybe you've just been lucky not moving on after all this time, Robin? What if when you move on there's no more... 'Ghosting'? You're just... gone? You're just stuck nowhere. No light, no friends, no family, no noise, no nothing? ACTUALLY dead?" Amy's voice held deep sadness and dread. 
Even Robin had began to contemplate whether or not he thought she was right; he didn't know what was to come. He'd always assumed, after spending these thousands of years in the same place, any kind of new place would be a huge adventure. But what comes after death if you're already dead? 
Robin's head shook slowly and his shoulders slumped down in a heavy sigh. 
"I dunno..." The caveman muttered, his gaze sinking lower to the ground. Humphrey piped up and held out a hand, ready to pat Amy on the shoulder. 
"But it COULD be better than this, you just-"
"I don't WANT better than this!" Amy blurted, stepping back away from Humphrey's outstretched hand. Robin jumped slightly and took a sidestep away from Amy, shocked at her sudden increase in volume. Humphrey's hand froze in place before gliding back down to his side. 
"What do you mean?" Humphrey asked, his eyes widening; she didn't want anything better than being trapped here for eternity? It baffled him, he'd give his arm and his leg to move on if he hadn't already lost his head. 
Amy's eyelids screwed shut and she grit her teeth, unable to believe she let herself slip up like that. 
"I don't want this to be over. Okay?... I don't want to never see any of you again. And even if it's nice- wherever we go after this, how do you know we'll even be together again? I don't wanna be alone anymore, I got enough of that when I was alive. Hell, I think when Mum and I came here when I was alive, that was the most time we'd spent together in months." Amy admitted amidst panting breaths and exasperated hand gestures. 
Humphrey's gaze lowered. He remembered the time Amy opened up about her life. Her busy mother, absent father and lack of friends left her very lonely. He could sympathize, he had a lonely life too, people were there with him, but not emotionally. They weren't there FOR him when he needed them. 
After hearing his theory put like that, Robin hoped he was wrong. His eyes coming back up to meet Amy's. 
"I never alone in life... But alone in death, big long time. It bad. Went mad. No more alone" Robin gave a swift shake of his head and let his emotions get the better off him. 
His arms braced around Amy and crushed her into a tight hug. Amy's nose crunched against Robin's thorax and her lip curled at the unpleasant scent of the old musky furs. With a muffled groan of discomfort, she batted her hand against Robin's arm to urge him to release her. 
It took him a few seconds to register the gesture before huffing and letting her go, but not stepping too far away. Amy released a deeply held breath and sharply inhaled a fresh one, gathering her hand to correct the placement of her unusable headphones
"Well..." Humphrey said softly.
"I hope, whatever waits for you whenever you move on is something that you're looking for, Poppet"
Amy clutched onto Humphrey and Robin's hands tightly, swaying them back and forth slightly with a new smile on her face. 
"I already have it"
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taggedmemes · 10 months
SENTENCE MEME ⟶ THE OUTER WORLDS / PART TWO always feel free to tweak the sentence to fit your muse.
"Every now and then a virulent plague sweeps through our town."
"Hang on, I'm doing some math in my head."
"I'm contractually prohibited from saying anything that might reflect poorly on the company."
"I appreciate the company and all, but you really ought to leave."
"You don't want to be seen around me."
"That kind of talk is bound to put sights on the both of us."
"I'm in about as much trouble as I can be."
"What I need is to understand my own folly."
"Weak spirits lead to weak bodies."
"I really wish you wouldn't say those sorts of things."
"Try using small words for me."
"I was given. no forewarning of your arrival."
"Seems I allowed my excitement to run away with my wits."
"I am most emphatically not keen on any such thing."
"My proposition benefits the both of us."
"I cannot deny that she is talented."
"I got my wrenches and diagnositicators and hairpins and engine tape, so I'm all set."
"He ain't a liar. He believes every word he says."
"I just think, when you gotta make a decision that'll hurt somebody, you gotta see the right and the wrong of it."
"I've always felt weird in here. It's too clean."
"I so rarely get new people to talk to."
"True exhaustion awaits idle hands."
"Doesn't sound like a very motivational religious philosophy."
"Pretty weak religion you got there."
"Every time I've tried to engage you in conversation, you look at the floor, answer in single words, and slink away."
"[Name] has a soft heart. Always has."
"Does that strike you as a responsible life choice?"
"If it were as easy as a few soothing words in the right ears, I'm sure it would have been done already."
"If you don't mind a bit of unsolicited advice, be cautious."
"It's not as safe as you might assume."
"It wouldn't do for such information to fall into public consumption."
"I am one of the few legally allowed to possess such items."
"Whatever you're looking for, it ain't here."
"You must be one of those philosophicals."
"Enough with the questions."
"Explain why you're still yammering on to me."
"I got yelled at for snooping once already."
"She was always obsessing over her serial dramas."
"You seem so personable. Can't imagine how you didn't get on with them."
"She was lazy and thoughtless."
"It's a home for those of us with nowhere left to go."
"I have always believed that freedom is more important than comfort."
"You here on behalf of that cold-eyed reptile?"
"He is positively soporific."
"Seems the sort of thing a hero would do."
"You've seen the miserable excuse of a town."
"I ain't so fragile."
"That was unkind of me."
"I trust you will listen to your conscience."
"I think there's something higher and greater than us."
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kidge-planet · 8 months
Space puppies
Hello people, I wrote that fic for @alphaofdarkness because a while ago ( years ago) She drew Baebae's and Kosmo's puppies and she told me that she hopped that someone would write a fic about them, that she waited long but yet, no one did it! SO I NEEDED TO DO IT---
(I took a lot of time to finally write that so idk if anyone wrote it in the meantime but anyways, I hope you like it!)
tw- That fic is a kidge fic! don't like it, don't read it!!!!
Pidge sat cross-legged on her bed, scrolling through data on her computer while Baebae, her dog, lay at her feet. It had been a week since the Paladins returned to Earth to prepare for their next mission with the Atlas. It was a quiet evening at the Holt residence when she noticed something peculiar about her furry friend....
"Hey, Baebae," she mused, scratching the dog behind her ears. "You've been eating a bit more, huh?" It wasn't an accusation, just an observation.
But as she continued to pet her dog, she couldn't ignore the subtle bump beneath Baebae's fur. Her dog's tummy was definitely more prominent than usual. It puzzled her. Baebae hadn't been around any male dogs for months. How on Earth—or in space, for that matter—had she ended up pregnant?
Concerned and mystified, Pidge decided to consult with her family about her discovery. A trip to the vet was in order to confirm her suspicion, and she took her family and Baebae along for the visit. The vet's examination confirmed that Baebae was indeed expecting puppies, much to everyone's amazement.
As they pondered the enigma of Baebae's pregnancy, the days passed. Soon, Pidge's dog gave birth to a litter of adorable puppies that, to everyone's surprise, bore a striking resemblance to Keith's space wolf.
Quickly, Keith got called to see...
"What is i-... HO! wow..." Keith stopped himself in front of the small balls of fur next to Baebae.
"Tell me that you think the same as me..." Pidge showed the puppies with a finger.
"Kosmo is literally the father!.." He answered, not quitting his eyes from them...
"So... What are we supposed to do with them now?"
"Well-" Keith couldn't finish his answer as the puppies teleported away.
That was it, they lost the puppies...
"OK, Kosmo is LITERALLY the father...".
"WE HAVE TO FIND THEM, KEITH!" she grabbed his arm and pulled his face toward hers.
At this gesture, he blushed, "huh, yeah... Let's find them and then figure out what to do..."
They rushed through the Garrison's hallways, searching for any sign of a puppy...
"Should we split up? Or maybe we should stay together?"
"Splitting up sounds good..." As Keith said that, they heard a strange noise coming from a nearby closet... They opened it, and inside, they found a small blue and fluffy dog crawling on the ground...
"One! Now gotta find the four others..." She picked the puppy up, and then turned toward Keith.
He quickly nodded...
So they searched... And searched... But found only 3 puppies... Where was the last one?
They kept looking for it but it was in vain... No blue puppy around...
So they decided to go back to the room where Baebae was peacefully resting, and finally, they found it! The last one stayed here all along! Cuddling with his mother... At the sight of the last puppy, both Keith and Pidge felt relief on their shoulders... They placed the puppies next to Baebae, hoping that they would not teleport away again...
"They will disappear again... That's for sure... Now, what do we do? Is there something that you do with Kosmo for him to not teleport?" Pidge sighed as she sat next to Baebae and patted her head.
"No, nothing... I let Kosmo do whatever he wants... I always did..."
"Well, we have to find a way..."
As they were both thinking of a solution, Kosmo finally teleported into the room...
He walked toward Baebae and licked the tip of her nose very quickly, which got her to yawn, take a look at him, and sleep again....
He then took a look at his five puppies and gave them a few sniffs before actually licking their backs, as if he was recognizing that they were his kids...
"Keith, look, the droll mark that he left on the puppies' backs is different than the one he left on Baebae's nose... The one on Baebae is totally invisible, while the one on the puppies' backs is glittery and a bit blue... Maybe that's how he marks the fact that they are his kids... HO! maybe, that's how he does it for the babies to not teleport everywhere!"
Keith blinked twice and turned toward the babies, "hey, you're right! Maybe we should stay and see what they do? Like... You know... Make sure that they don't teleport again?"
At this exact moment, one of the puppies teleported away... But then, Kosmo disappeared too, and a few seconds later, he was back with the baby and placed it back next to Baebae...
"OK! I get it now! The lick on the back was a way for him to find them whenever they teleport! Awesome!"
Keith smiled and patted the space wolf, "you're doing a great job, buddy."
Keith and Pidge stayed in the room for a while, discussing their options but also taking pictures of the puppies cuddling with their parents because GOSH, who wouldn't capture that sight of cuteness?!
"They're a beautiful family," Pidge sighed.
"They really are."
"I wish I can form a family as beautiful as this one, one day."
"Shouldn't be hard... You're amazing..." He turned toward her.
She blushed, "thanks."
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myriad-writings · 2 years
walking the world for you - e.m.
-eddie munson x reader
-2.1k words
-best friend eddie that deserves a little kiss for all the pining he’s done
Dating wasn’t where you were luckiest, often striking out when trying to pursue people. But even when you accepted a date that someone asked you on, it was almost 100% certain that you would wind up at Eddie Munson’s trailer, bitching about the date to your best friend. 
And that is exactly where you were tonight. 
“-and then, when he walked me out to the car, he was like ‘are you the kind of girl that sleeps on the first date?’ and when I was offended, he tried to act like he was all jokes and that I was the bitch for thinking he was serious.” You pace around his living room while he watches from the couch, eyes following your form back and forth like he was watching a tennis game. 
“Yeah, that’s fucked up,” he agrees absently, going to take another hit from the bowl you had just packed. 
“Hey, don't finish that without me,” you lightly scold him. 
“Well then come here princess,” he gestures to the open space next to him, handing you the lighter once you finally plopped down next to him. “Why do you even bother with these guys anyway? It seems like you have shit luck with Hawkins men,” he muses while rotating one of his rings on his finger over and over. You roll your eyes at his observation. 
“Yeah, I realize that, Eds. Thanks,” you grumble. “What should I do, then? Give up? Hang out with you and smoke forever?” 
“I wouldn’t exactly mind that,” he laughs, flicking your forehead lightly. “But no, I just mean that maybe you should just vibe on your own for a little bit. You always get so worked up about dating, it just doesn’t seem worth it. Like, do you even enjoy going out anymore?”
You lean back into the sofa in defeat, because you know he’s right. You just don’t want him to know that. “No, I really don’t. But I don’t want to just give up, you know?” You turn your head to meet his heavy gaze. “You’re not one to talk about dating, by the way. You haven’t even made a move on anyone since ‘84.” 
“Haven’t felt the need. Just content to chill here with you.” He says with a cheeky grin, making you laugh and smack his shoulder. 
“Is that your plan? To just hang out with my undesirable ass for the rest of your life?” 
That was the thing, it kinda was his plan. The reason he hadn’t made a move on anyone in two years is because he wasn’t interested in anyone since meeting you. He was far too hesitant to make a move on you, because having you as just a friend was better than losing you altogether. Eddie was patient and content to admire from afar, but he can’t tell you all of this when you tease him like that. So instead he settles for his normal excuse. 
“Not forever, just for now.” He hums, watching you shut your eyes and just listen. “And you’re not undesirable, you’re just too good for these Hawkins assholes.” This makes you chuckle dryly and he insists, “No, I mean it. Why else would I let you come over and complain almost every Saturday night.” 
“Because I’m the only one that willingly comes over,” you tease. 
“Hey, that’s not true. Gareth comes over to buy from me like… every two weeks,” he grins, knowing you have a point but he doesn’t mind you saying it. You don’t mean any malice and your friendship is built on making fun of each other. He wouldn’t have it any other way
Actually, yes he would, but he’s resigned to the negative outcome he’s imagined if he were to confess his feelings to you. 
The two of you chill like that for a little while longer before you stand, saying something about how you should head home before it gets too late.
“It already is super late, doll. Just stay the night here again,” Eddie suggests, and you seriously consider it for a second before deciding you shouldn’t. “No, no, I gotta shower and all that in the morning and I don’t wanna take over your bathroom in the morning.” 
He wants to tell you that he wouldn’t mind if you took over the whole house, but he doesn’t want you to feel like you have to stay. He walks you out and watches you drive away until your car is out of sight before heading back inside to pass out in his room. He was in deep, really deep. 
Over the next few weeks, you notice slight changes in Eddie. He’s not acting outwardly weird or standoffish in the way that most people would notice, but he just seems slightly more tense than usual. Like he’s anxious about something, except he wasn’t telling you what. And that was the strangest part, because he told you almost everything as soon as he could. He even used to make a joke about you being like his diary manifested into a person, so for you to not know about something that was going on with him was unsettling, in a way. He wasn’t even asking you to come over like he normally did. He wouldn’t say no to you showing up, of course, but it hadn’t been solicited by him lately. 
That is, until you were left out in the rain after yet another shitty date. You used the public phone to call him, teeth audibly chattering as you spoke. 
“Wait, where are you?” He asked, and you could hear rustling as he held the phone between his shoulder and ear to be able to get his shoes on. 
“Outside of town, near that little dive diner. I’m at the phone booth and I didn’t have anyone else to call, I’m sorry,” you sniffle, emotional from the argument you had just gotten into with your date. He had made a comment about you hanging out with “that freak Eddie” all the time, for some reason he thought you would find it funny. Instead, the argument resulted in him calling you a bitch and leaving you in the rain without a ride home. Asshole. 
“Don’t be sorry, I’m on my way, okay?” Eddie waits until you hang up, and then goes out to his van and finds himself driving at speeds that are way too high for the downpour going on outside. 
Eventually he finds you, sitting on one of those enclosed bus stop benches with your head in your hands. He gets out to come get you, shedding his jacket once he sees that you’re soaked to the bone. “Hey,” he says once he’s closer, and your head snaps up before you relax and see that it’s just him. 
“Hi,” you give him a watery smile, embarrassed and emotional. But you’re glad it’s him, anyone else would have made you feel worse. But he’s here, giving you his jacket and coming to pick you up 10 miles outside of town after a date he told you not to go on. Of course he’s here. 
He gets you in the van and starts driving back to town before saying anything else, and even then he just asks, “Do you wanna go home?” You shake your head silently, and he gives you a quiet ‘okay’ before turning onto the street that would bring him back to his place. Once inside, he gives you some clothes you had left over there for you to change into, giving you his room to change in as he waits on the couch and wrung out his hair. 
You come out in the new clothes and still wearing his jacket, sitting next to him. Eddie gives you a quick once over before lifting his arm to you, and you immediately fall into his side with a heavy sigh, finally feeling relaxed with his arm around you and his thumb rubbing circles into your bicep. “So what happened, doll?” He prompts. 
“It’s just so stupid, and you were right that I shouldn’t have gone. I just… I don’t know, I was desperate,” you look up at him before turning back to the floor, “He said some out of pocket shit about you and then left me there when I argued with him.” 
You heard him curse lowly under his breath. “I’m sorry doll, you shouldn’t have to stick up for me,” he mumbles. 
“No, I want to. I shouldn’t have even gone on the date after you told me what an asshole you remembered him to be,” You sit up cross legged on the couch to face him completely. “Why wouldn’t I stick up for you? I don’t think anyone else would've dropped everything to come get me as quickly as you did. And then you gave me your jacket, and let me come back to your place all soaking wet and cold. You even had clothes here for me.” You watch his reaction carefully, as he leans forward and pinches the bridge of his nose. “Please don’t say you’re sorry. You’d do anything for me, yeah? So I would do the same for you.” 
Eddie stays leaning forward with his elbows on his knees, shoulders shaking with a soft chuckle. “You’re gonna be the death of me, you know that?” He runs a hand over his face before looking up at your confused expression. “You’re absolutely right, I would do anything for you. Why do you think that is? I’ve spent every weekend since we became friends with you, whether it was after one of your shitty dates or you coming to my shows and making sure I get home alright. I’ve watched you get screwed over by like.. Every guy you’ve ever seen and it sucks because you’re way too good for any of them. But you’re always so excited to go out with them, so I let you, even though we both know the outcome. And I’ll be waiting here afterwards for whenever you need someone.” He searches your face before finishing, “Because I love you.” 
Your brain was going a mile a minute, it wasn’t rare for you and Eddie to say you loved each other, so his serious tone just added to your confusion, “I love you, too, Eddie. What’s… going on?” 
He groans in frustration before adjusting himself to be facing you directly. He musters up every ounce of courage in his body before saying, “No, not like that. I’m in love with you.” 
The silence that falls after terrifies him. He wants to curl up and hide from your reaction, but he feels frozen in place under your gaze. He doesn’t regret saying it, he actually feels relieved that it’s out there, but he just wishes you would say something. 
You, on the other hand, feel something akin to starstruck. Never in a million years would you have thought Eddie looked at you that way. Suddenly everything from the past two years made sense. Why else would he have done these things for you? He’s always been the most reliable person in your life, and you would describe him as nothing short of perfect. You realize all at once that Eddie is exactly what you’ve been looking for, all this time. 
“I’m sorry,” his voice interrupts your rapid train of thought, “I can… I can bring you home if you want, if you’re uncomfortable-” 
“No,” you shake your head. “Sorry, I was just thinking. I’m not uncomfortable, I promise. I just…” you hurry to reassure him, but find yourself struggling to find the words to tell him how you felt. His soft brown eyes staring at you made you feel warm and nervous, but in a good way. Instead of talking, you have to make a quick decision, so you do. 
You lean in quickly and press your lips to his, bring a hand up to the side of his face. You’re afraid you made the wrong move at first, but then both his arms are around you and pulling you impossibly closer as he kisses you back. The butterflies in your stomach flutter even faster, and you both pull away to catch your breath, and you see Eddie smile for the first time since he picked you up tonight. 
“That was a long time coming,” he teases breathlessly, and you giggle at him. 
“How long have you had that speech prepared?” You ask, and he shakes his head and looks down to hide the red flush that covers his cheeks. 
“Since knowing you for two weeks, babe.” He admits, “I’ve been playing the long game.” 
“And was it worth it?”
“For you?” He smiles up at you again, and you feel heart melt for a millionth time that night. “Anything’s worth it.” 
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funficwriter · 1 year
UUUUGH I love Tartaglia and many of his x reader dynamics, but you wanna know a God tier one that deserves more attention?
Tartaglia, the 11th harbinger x Reader, his top underling who wants to keep that privilege.
Childe who notices a cadet fatui outshining their classmates and overhears their interest to serve under a harbinger.
Childe who enjoys just how antsy, how desperate to please you are when you two meet in person. Like the shaky body, the attempt at confidence and the excited yet nervous look? Better than Mora, especially when he remembers that you don't act like this around your friends. Just him and the other harbingers but shhhh let him enjoy the moment
Enjoys your stupefied look when he offers: "You're graduating soon, you're top of your class and I'm short on fresh recruits. How about I take you under my wing?".
Childe wakes you up at an unholy hour of the morning to spar, under the pretense of staying strong. You wanna go back to bed, you gotta earn it!
Even if you do get hurt, he won't stop the fight. You can groan in pain all you want, you'll still look up to see him ready to attack again: "Well? Will you sit there wailing, or get up and prove that you're worthy of being by the side of the 11th?".
The way you strike back when he expects you to be down never fails to excite him. In the flicker of a second in that attack, his eyes are wide and he's grinning with full teeth (predator vibes lol).
Childe who, during his pep talk to his 10 (?) or so legion of recruits, can't help but smirk a bit at the little head nod from you, accompanying his words.
Childe insists on training your cold tolerance by standing outside. Cue you shivering like mad in your boots while he's as solid as a pillar: "So a little cold is all it takes to take down this year's high promiser. Oh, you can handle it? Show me.".
He will also wake you up at early hours for expeditions to kill and I quote "really huge, dangerous beings so greater war trophies".
Prepare; He will talk your head off about combat should you assist him with paperwork in his office. It's his least favorite task so it's only natural that he muses over his favorite. Good luck focusing on both though.
Speaking of his office, Childe insists, after a while, that you knock it off with the formality in such a setting: "Mister this, Lord that, you're making me sound like an old man! Come on, we're cool and it's just the two of us!".
For now imma have to stop here due to work (nooo) but man, Childe as a superior...
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hinnyweasley · 1 year
@hinnymicrofic 4/10: scream
I just realized that I think the fic I wrote today actually fits todays prompt! content warning: mildly steamy due to teenage boy thoughts
"Breakfast is ready, dears. Ron, will you please go wake your sister?" Molly asked as she sat down a plate of bacon on the kitchen table before making her way to the garden.
"I'm not goin' up there! Last time she threw a book at me! Couldn't walk normally for a week," He protested through a mouthful of bacon.
"I got it!" Fred and George called in unison from the couch, rising with mischievous grins. "Oh gin-gin!" George sang as they climbed up the stairs. Suddenly an alarming sequence of bangs, screams, and crashes erupted from the floor above, followed by a pair of footsteps pounding the floor as the twins came running back down to the table. They each hopped into an empty seat on either side of Harry, stealing his and Ron's plates as they casually acted as though they had been there eating the whole time. A moment later a very angry, and wet, Ginny appeared in the doorway. Harry threw a hand over his mouth in an attempt to suppress his laughter as Ginny stood there, water dripping off of her pajamas and onto the hardwood floor.
The twins sighed, shaking their heads, as they walked across the room to where Ginny was standing. "Now Ginny, we've talked about this before. You're supposed to put your clothes on after you shower,"  said Fred quipped. 
"You absolute gits!" She barked as she lunged towards them. 
"Kids are so ungrateful these days, don't you think Fred? Here we are, trying to impart our wisdom onto our dear sister and she attacks us!"
"Right you are, George, it seems our little Ginnykins has forgotten her manners," 
"I'm going to kill you!" She shrieked. The noise must've caught Molly's attention because she now came rushing in to separate the three. "Now what on earth is going on in here?" She demanded, quickly turning to and casting a spell to dry her off. 
"The bloody prats conjured a rain cloud above my bed!" Ginny cried.
"Brilliant," Ron breathed.
The twins gasped in mock offense at the accusation, but before they could say anything Molly began, "You two are to apologize to your sister this instant. And you'll spend the rest of the morning degnoming the garden!" 
"We're so very sorry Ginny," Fred teased.
"Yes, our sincerest apologies. We do hope you can find it in your cold, dead, heart to forgive us," George continued, earning a growl from Ginny, before they departed. 
Ginny grumpily made her way to the table and dropped into the seat next to Harry, lightly brushing his arm in the process. The innocent contact sent a jolt of electricity through his body as he prayed the blush spreading across his cheeks wouldn't be noticed by her, or worse, Ron. When he could finally feel his heart beat returning to only slightly fast than usual, he turned to face her. "I don't reckon you're letting them off the hook that easily, are you?" He mused. 
A playful grin appeared on her face. "Hell no. Just gotta wait till mums distracted before I can strike back," She said as she filled her plate with bacon. "Plus it's more fun to wait. Let them be scared a couple days, then attack when they least expect it," She winked at him. He could feel the heat returning to his face, among other places, as his mind raced with different ways he could help her plan it, and how she would thank him afterwards. 
"Well whatever psycho plan you come up with this time, just please try to keep me out of it. I want to give them any reason to come after me next," Ron ordered, and suddenly Harry was brought back to reality and found he had never been more uncomfortable sitting at this table. 
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