#wendel the wise
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The children of Arabella the Undying/the first slug healer
In order;
Sebastian the Spiteful of the Eastern Caverns
Komma the Kind of the 99 Caverns
Wendel the Wise of the European Caverns
Bryan the Brute of the Southwestern Caverns
Rhonda the Reckless of the Pacific Caverns
Callum the Cautious of the Southern Caverns
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supersecretnerd · 1 year
The way Wendell & Wild depicts panic attacks is perfect-
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cpyclopse · 2 years
Kat 💀 & Coraline 🐀
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My art
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Okay okay okay so I enjoyed Wendell and Wild, it was visually fantastic, filled with great concepts and accompanied by a great soundtrack, but when watching it I felt like it wasn’t what it could be. It was trying to do so much and wasn’t able to execute its best ideas to the fullest. The pacing felt off and it wasn’t focused enough. The narrative was its weakest point, which unfortunately kinda destroys a film. Additionally, it didn’t feel as lively or fantastical as previous films of Selick’s.
There’s a lot about this film that would need to be reworked to get it to live up to its potential, and I had one idea about a story change that could’ve helped it.
In order to focus the story you need to cut back on characters, subplots, and topics you’re trying to cover. All the topics and characters the movie tries to cover are good in concept, but you can’t do them all effectively and meaningfully in just one movie. You have to decide who and what is most important to this story.
For this proposition I’m going to focus on the theme of corporate greed, gentrification, and the prison industrial complex.
So one problem of the film is that the villains, the Klaxons, aren’t very memorable. They’re pretty one dimensional and uninteresting in their villainy. They’re greedy, that’s about it. That simple motivation feels true to life when you look at the villainy of real life corporations and their CEO’s, but it doesn’t make for entertaining children’s movie villains. They’re nowhere near as interesting and enjoyable and genuinely scary compared to Oogie Boogie from Nightmare Before Christmas or the Other Mother from Coraline. So for the purposes of my idea, scrap the Klaxons are reinstate Belzer as your main villain.
So in this version Rust Bank is still in trouble, it’s run down and dying a slow death as it runs out of inhabits and funding, just like in the original. But instead of a corporation coming along to put a prison in, Belzer decides that Rust Bank is the perfect place for his new faire, AKA, a place to torture souls for all eternity. Maybe the underworld has run out of room and needs to expand, I don’t know the explanation for why Rust Bank specifically is chosen, but I do know that this is an easy way to bring the (ironically) liveliness of the underworld into the movie’s main setting. Wendell and Wild, Belzer’s well meaning subordinates, have no clue the faire is a huge torture device, nor the danger it poses to the living members of the town, they think this new construction is all for the best, because that’s what their daddy told them. Here Wendell and Wild kind of take Siobhan’s role as they learn of the destruction this faire (being an analog for prison) causes.
This is just one angle the film could have taken though, but it would have brought the fantastical world of the dead to the main setting of the film, not only making it more engaging but more visually memorable. It helps create the kind of world you would want to explore, like is created through the tunnel in Coraline or is seen everywhere in Nightmare Before Christmas.
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dingusships · 2 years
Ace 🤝 Wendell: pointy technicolor dorkass bastards who are scheming yet sweet-hearted. and also bald
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Commonly mistaken as his Father, Jack Frost, Gingerbread Cookie is one of the sons of Father Winter himself. Longing to make a name for himself and wanting to get away from his father’s shadow, Gingerbread Cookie has been traveling around the earth to learn more about himself and what his purpose on life could be. Being an immortal spirit has its perks as he’s been traveling around 100 years by now but so far, he hasn’t achieved much of anything. On one particular Christmas Eve however, he just happened to hear a certain father’s wish for his daughter to be with him every Christmas. While he couldn’t bring the dead back to life, Gingerbread Cookie decided to grant the man his wish the only way he could, through transferring the girl’s soul into a doll. Ever since he did this, every Christmas Eve, he peeps around this certain family just to check on them. However, on one particular Christmas, he saw that the doll was alone and was looking quite lost. Against his better judgment, he asked her if she would like to accompany him on his travels and she happily agreed. From then on, the two would soon become best friends and would help one another learn and grow as they roam through the earth as immortal beings.
Traits: Ambitious, Self-Absorbed, Good
Aspiration: World Famous Celebrity (Lmao this is the closest one to his goal narrative-wise)
You guys would not believe the glow-up this sim had in his initial creation xD I’m glad he turned out really well now and I’m definitely in love with the way he looks. I also think his real name would be something like Wendell. But before anyone asks, he was mainly inspired by Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians) and Howl (Howl’s moving Castle.) And before anyone asks, yes the gingerbread stuff is one of my upcoming works and despite what happened, I will release the download soon. 
Special thanks to the following!: @katrina-y @simandy @eunosims @kindlespice @pralinesims @moonpres-sims @simbience @suzuesims @zouyousims @ddarkstonee @sammi-xox @christopher067-sims4 @algu-sims @kotehoksims @obscurus-sims @stacked-rubbish
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ruknowhere · 5 months
The Wild
In the empty lot - a place
not natural, but wild - among
the trash of human absence,
the slough and shamble
of the city's seasons, a few
old locusts bloom.
A few wood birds
fly and sing
in the new foliage
--warblers and tanagers, birds
wild as leaves; in a million
each one would be rare,
new to the eyes. A man
couldn't make a habit
of such color,
such flight and singing.
But they're the habit of this
wasted place. In them
the ground is wise. They are
its remembrance of what is.
-Wendell Berry
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elliepassmore · 10 months
Emily Wilde’s Map of the Otherlands review
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5/5 stars Recommended if you like: cozy fantasy, fairies, light academia, epistolary narrative Big thanks to Netgalley, Del Rey, and the author for an ARC in exchange for an honest review!
Emily Wilde’s Encyclopaedia of Faeries review I'm so so happy I got approved for this! I absolutely loved Emily Wilde's Encyclopaedia and am very thrilled that I got to read more about her, Shadow, and Wendell's adventures so soon after reading the first book (now if only I can get that luck with the Divine Rivals sequel). This book opens in September of the same year the last one ended in. Emily and Wendell have been back at Cambridge for some time now and Emily, now tenured, is working on research to locate Wendell's door. Emily does seem to have some new social skills, though these seem largely to be remnants of what she learned in Ljosland more than anything and she is still overall the same grumpy, focused professor that we loved from the first book. The stakes in this book are a little higher, with Wendell's stepmother upping the ante, which results in more than one dangerous encounter (along with all the other, normal dangerous encounters). Admittedly I did like the more laidback pace of the first book more, but I was also interested in seeing how things would play out with Wendell's door and his stepmother, so I was glad to see that come into play in this book. It also means we get to see a bit more of Fairy, albeit a different realm/kingdom than the frosty one we saw in book 1. Emily is, as mentioned the same as usual, if not a smidge less reticent when it comes to socializing. She remains focused on her work and has an avid interest in cataloguing everything they come across on their adventure. I appreciated her methodical thinking paired with the instincts she's gained over years working with/among fairies. I also liked that her caring side was shown a bit more in this book. She's worried and cares for Wendell on numerous occasions, which brings out that softer side of her, but there are also moments when she worries for her niece, Ariadne, who is a member of this expedition. Wendell is also the same: strikingly glib and woefully uninterested in hardships/labor (and ridiculously in love with Emily). I enjoyed the humor he brought to the book and the fact that even with everything else going on he was still fussy about their accommodations. We get to see more of Wendell's magic in this one, and it was interesting to learn more about what he can do. Ariadne, Emily's niece, is a new addition to the team. At 19, she's an undergrad in the dryadology department and somewhat idolizes her aunt. She's eager to learn and has a fierce stubborn streak that helps her get her way on more than one occasion. Ariadne is quick on her feet and also makes friends easily, which also helps the group out on more than one occasion. Personality-wise, she provides a nice counterweight to Emily and adds a bubblier aspect to the story. Another new member of the team is Rose, the dryadology department chair and someone who is not on good terms with Emily and Wendell for the first part of the book. Rose is an old-school professor and is resistant both to new methodologies as well as to Emily's trust in certain fairie elements. He kind of bulldozes his way onto the expedition and I wasn't a huge fan of him at first, but the longer the trip goes on, the more tolerable he becomes, and he and Emily reach a sort of understanding and actually end up being buddies by the end. Shadow returns in this book as the loving and spoiled dog we know him as. There were some mentions of his advanced age in this book, which I don't remember being a thing in the first one (though perhaps I forgot), but I was glad to see the pup again. Poe also comes back and I was glad to see him. Things seem to be going well for him and his lady, and I was glad to see the little guy. Wendell's cat, Orga, also makes an appearance and I already like her. She's aloof and fierce and more than willing to claw people up if they aren't doing what she wants. We don't get to see much of her, but I'm looking forward to more appearances. We also meet a fuchszwerge, a new kind of fairie, that Emily names Snowbell. He's a vicious thing but has the excitement of a kid, and I did like the interactions with him. Overall, I enjoyed this continuation of Emily's story and the new characters and settings it brought. The end of the book said the adventure would continue in "Book 2," which I'm assuming is a typo for "Book 3," so I look forward to whatever comes next for this little group!
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eaglesnick · 7 months
“Aristocracy is always cruel.” - Wendell Phillips
Providing you are old enough you will remember the financial crash of 2008, and even if you are not, we are all suffering from its catastrophic economic fallout to this day.
The Tory Party, never slow to miss a chance for blaming others, spread the lie, and continues to spread the lie, that the Labour government of the day was responsible for the economic collapse in this country. Regardless of what the Conservative Party may say, it wasn’t the Labour Party that ruined the economy it was greedy bankers. In fact, it was Prime Minister Gordon Brown who played a pivotal role in SAVING the financial sector from total collapse.
“The weekend Gordon Brown saved the banks from the abyss."  ( Guardian: 21/02/10)
 “Paul Krugman, an American professor, has been awarded the Nobel prize for economics - hours after writing that Gordon Brown might have saved the world financial system."  (The Telegraph: 13/10/2008)
Originating in the United States, the 2007-2008 financial crisis came about when the US housing market collapsed. Predatory lending by financial institutions, and excessive risk taking in the pursuit of easy money, resulted in the collapse of the financial sector. In short, old-fashioned greed by the already rich led to the near meltdown of economies across the world.
Spreading the lie that it was the Labour Party who had caused the economy to collapse the Tory Party and Liberal Democrats formed a coalition government and immediately imposed a policy of austerity on the country wrongly claiming it was the only way to grow the economy. This has proved disastrous for ordinary working families, in particular the poor.
“On a more human level, many negative social trends seem to be linked to austerity politics. Rough sleeping has more than doubled since 2010, while the number of homeless families have risen by more than 60 per cent. The numbers using food banks have spiralled, from around 41,000 in 2010 to over one million by 2016-17. Such developments appear to be linked to various significant reforms affecting the welfare system, and in particular controversial new policies launched since 2010, such as Universal Credit and the ‘Bedroom Tax’. (Sage Journals: 05/03/19)     
Writing in the Guardian, Polly Toynbee asks this question of posh-boy David Cameron and his pal George Osborne:
“After promising that we were “all in it together", why did his axe fall on the weakest, poorest and sickest people, and on children, leaving his middle England voters unscathed?  (04/02/21)
I would answer that this is what Conservative governments ALWAYS do and Rishi Sunak’s Tory administration is no different.  Jeremy Hunt is rumoured to be contemplating cutting welfare payments to poor and sick to fund the reduction of inheritance tax paid by the rich.
“Welfare cuts worth billions planned by ministers. (BBC News: 13/11/23)
“The Institute for Fiscal Studies has said abolishing inheritance tax would cost an estimated £7bn a year, half of the benefit of which would be enjoyed by people inheriting estates worth £2.1m or more.”  (Yahoo News: 17/11/23)
It’s reassuring to know that millionaire, posh-buy Hunt, –related to the Royal Family, Head of School at Charterhouse and then onto Oxford where David Cameron and Boris Johnson were his contemporaries – is keeping up the English tradition of the ruling class maintaining their wealth and riches at the expense of the poor.
Although rarely included in today’s Anglican services and hymn singing, this verse from ‘All Things Bright And Beautiful’ (which was sung in English schools in the 1950’s and 1960’s) says it all. Following the chorus
“All things bright and beautiful, All creatures great and small,, All things wise and wonderful, The Lord God made them all.”
we have this verse:
“The rich man in his castle, The poor man at his gate, God made them, high or lowly, And ordered their estate.”
Although this particular verse is largely omitted when sung today, its sentiment hasn’t. Our posh-boy Tory leaders still see their positions of power and wealth as “God given” and when sacrifice is needed to maintain their wealth and privilege it is the “poor man at his gate” who ALWAYS pays the price.
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vampslxsher · 2 years
Wendell n wild spoils
Also I was on the floor when big daddy Belzer was like. All my kids left me and didn't come back :( Like sir maybe if you didn't ohhh I don't know. Dismiss your kids, shelter them, and make them work for you MAYBE THEY WOULDN'T LEAVE.
Which is was so black by the way he really saw nothing wrong with and had the nerve to be like my babies nooo :( and the expectation he had that they weren't gonna make it out there and come high tailing it back home. So black huuu this movie is so black I love it. Glad he got his kids back tho.
And I knew big daddy Belzer was fucking huge size wise. But him coming out of the ground was dope asf.
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thestalkerbunny · 2 years
Oooh I heard about Wendell and Wild and I am curious, how is it? I am in a bit of a netflix streek so I might be able to actually watch it.
Okay so I used my monthly 'focus and use the good data to watch the thing' and man, it was pretty great.
Dialogue and Plot wise, it was a little stilted, a little stiff in some areas-but for an hour or so long movie that's only on netflix, that's to be expected. I feel like with a bigger budget and more wiggle room, this EASILY could have been a 2 hour long movie and it'd be amazing.
But what really got me was the DESIGN WORK
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I'm already a big fan of stop motion in general, but this one really raised the bar. The characters have strong design, it's very diverse, the whole 'story under the story' message is also very strong commentary you don't often see in a kids movie or so blatantly addressed. It really made up for moments where stuff felt abit stilted.
And slight spoiler, but not really, a strong message of the plot is that the real monsters aren't the demons we summon into our lives-it's the turn a profit foundation that don't actually have kids best interests at heart, the juvie to prison pipeline and just how neglectful the prison system can be at times when it comes to giving people second chances through rehab and therapy. That's all I say, I won't give away much more, but I am in love with this movie. and Wendell and Wild?
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Oh just my TYPE.
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ben-the-hyena · 4 months
Got any least favorite movies besides than Encanto?
Hmmm it is hard to think because I dislike or hate many movies but few are the ones that made me angry, this is more shows usually. So I don't know how I'll organize it
Oh well, just titles that just cross my mind : How To Train Your Dragons 2 and 3 (the 3rd is the WORST for total character and plotline assassination, the 2nd does resoect the franchise's spirit but oh boy I'd make a whole post about my problems with it), Ratatouille (not hate but I really do not care for cooking movies "OH NO HE RUINED THE SOUP WHAT A TRAGEDY !" I DON'T GIVE A SHIT and it randomly having cartoon physics in a "realistic" environment throws me off), The Wild (until Encanto THIS was the worst Disney movie), A Clockwork Orange (I KNOW it is a classic but I just find it boring and even if I DO know it IS on purpose to denounce society tgat the main character gets away in the end it frustrates me to have gone through all of that for naughts ; a good movie for that, it did its job good ! Just not for me lmao), Usual Suspect (it was SOOOOO boring I was nearly too asleep to get what was happening in the end, I found out like years later there was a plot twist in the end because it had sedated me THAT much I didn't pay attention at all to names and faces lmao), The Lion King live action remake (OOOH IT FELT LIKE NECROMANCY FOR HOW COPYPASTED BUT SOULLESS IT WAS IT HURT... I HATED IT SO MUCH I STRAIGHT UP STOPPED GOING TO SEE DISNEY LIVE ACTION REMAKES AFTER THAT), Star Wars 7 and 9 (ABSOLUTE FRANCHISE ASSASSINATIONS WITH A MARY SUE AND COPY PASTING FANDNSERVICE WITHOUT MAKING IT MAKE SENSE OR ORIGINAL, A FORCED SHIP, FORCED DRAMA... The 8th was flawed too BUT I liked it for DARING trying to be different !!!), Ice Age 5 (GOOD GOD IT WAS SO LAME AND UNFUNNY IT SHOULD HAVE ENDED WITH THE 4TH OR BETTER THE 3RD SINCE THE 4TH WAS OKAY AT BEST MEH AT WORST)... RIGHT now I can't think of more, I mostly have titles of movies I find meh or just too flawes but without being disliked either (like Wish. It is a BAD movie, objectively, Disbeh deserves this failure and I'm glad it flopped hard. Yet it was okay to me. And Rise of the Guardians was okay too, but no sorru folks visually sure it is gorgeous but plot and characters wise it is VERY meh and the ending/Pitch's defeat sucked ass I was frustrated and annoyed while I was like 14 and seeing how people adored it anyway made me understand/realize sometimes people will call media "good" only because it has beautiful looks) so idk more
There are also movies I didn't watch but refuse to because I know I WILL hate it or at the very least will be angry about for the posts and clips I saw and might grow to hate it out of frustration of seeing it praised. Like Nimona (a Tumblr/Twitter post that lasts for 1h30 and will be relevant only for 2 years. Also fugly artstyle and charadesigns, also I'm petty and I loathed how Tumblr used it to mock Elemental which was a masterpiece and the best Pixar in many years and the best Pixar romance so fuck this) and Wendell and Wilde (for all I read about the main character Idc she is grieving for her parents, she IS an ungrateful edgy bitch who actually HESITATED to sacrifice an innocent guy for her own gain but because she chose not to and because "she's a sad kid :(" the narrative passes her off as good and in the right. I'd have not been as patient as the nuns and her classmates, as kind as they were she kept hating and being angry over anything- sometimes a painful slap in the face and a kick in direction of a therapist's office is needed I'm sorry)
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the-helena-files · 3 days
🦇 May wrap up
So, may was a very slow month for me reading wise, mostly because I got sick and my head ached so much I became illiterate, then at the end of the month I developed a unhealthy obsession with the fallout TV show (I am not immune to the noseless man) but now I'm finally back at it and managed to read 4 whole shiny books.
Emily Wilde's map of the otherlands by Heather Fawcett
Starting the month strong, I read the sequel to Emily Wilde's encyclopaedia of faeries, and my friends, this book is GOOD. The whimsical faerie vibes are ON POINT, it's cozy and at the same time the stakes keep you entertained, and Wendell in this book is at his PEAK, I had to annotate almost every quote by him. 5 stars, can't wait for the last book.
The Familiar by Leigh Bardugo
Confession time, I'm not much of a Leigh Bardugo type of reader, I have six of crows on by TBR though, just waiting for a good moment to crack it open. But I wanted to see what the hype was all about so I picked up The Familiar. It was nice, I thought the love interest was a very interesting type of character that subverts the vampire myth in a very cool way, so I liked it. 4 stars.
Vampires of el Norte by Isabel Cañas
This book saved me from a huge reading slump after I got sick, I liked it, i really enjoyed the use of Spanish (and that's the third Hispanic book I read this year), I just wish it was better at showing why the main couple like each other so much instead of telling us constantly. 3,5 stars.
The Last Tale of the Flower Bride
I almost DNFed this book and I'm glad I didn't. I started when I was sick and the fairytale surreal descriptions didn't collaborate with my fever so I had to put it down for a while. I came back to it two weeks later and it was a bliss. It gave me a nightmare about my own toxic codependent childhood friendship, 5 stars.
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mysteriesmuse · 2 years
~ ‘Faithfully Yours’ ~
Love Letters Through the Ages 💌📩📫
“Hey Archibald, do you think this is too much?” 
“Hey, Archie, do you think this is too much?” 
“Hey, Arch, do you think this is too much?”  
He’d swear on his fathers future grave that he’d hear Douxie say that sentence a million - No billion- times over the centuries, Archie thought. 
His poor wizard familiar seemed remarkably consistent in calling for him at his letter writing desk. Why must you ask? 
“Well, it all started centuries ago when Douxie, I, and you all parted ways after a remarkably well-successful few decades of wizardly adventures.” Although, it was simply put in Archie’s opinion that having you around made Douxie somehow less impulsive.
After parting ways though the wizards kept in touch. 
Delightful, right?
“No! Blast, I’d be sitting on a horde of Brasher Doubloons and licking fatty sardine oil off my paws. For every time that young Hisirdoux asked me the question, ‘do you think it’s too much?’
Well certainly not D. You’ve only been in love with them for a couple centuries now. You’d think maybe you ought to cut to the chase!” 
“There’s certainly no harm in signing it ‘your friend’ or ‘take care’ or ‘patiently awaiting your response.’”
“Fuzzbuckets,” Arch rubbed his temples.  
“We’ve all been patiently waiting for him to do something. Zoey, and I. TrollMarket. But what we didn’t know, or at least, I never realized until now.
I ‘accidentally’ okay, I know, and maybe not entirely accidentally.  
Found a trunk full of old letter correspondences from Douxie and Y/N. 
And every time after he’d ask me, his dear old wise familiar, for advice he’d scratch out the various friendly signatures and address it ‘faithfully yours’ to you.”
Pacing back across the floor Archie continued, “For centuries! Every single one! 
So, I’ve concluded I’d not be rich, but rather I’d be in debt owing Wendell billions of dollars beyond anyones wildest dreams. Because,” Archie finished, plopping down, “Douxie had some damn sincere game going this whole time.” 
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sunbowmarvelarchive · 6 months
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The Transformers and My Little Pony crossover that almost was. From the final episode of My Little Pony N Friends: David Wise' The Prince And The Ponies Storyboards by Wendell Washer:
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saphushia · 1 year
Tag 9 People you want to get to know better
tagged by @dustskys weee hello here we go
Three Ships || incredibly loaded question to ask a multifandom blog aubsdfjgk. lets see... i'll see if i can't pick some more interesting ones i don't post about as much
Ace/Law (one piece) -- i think they would have a very interesting (read: funny as shit) dynamic. also i think it adds a lot of depth to the question of 'why did law turn up to the paramount war' (maybe luffy wasn't the brother he was intending to save...)
Tango/Zed/Impulse (hermitcraft) -- they are simply. very cute!! i think they should all get together and have girls night where they paint eachother's nails and record eachothers readings on the geiger counter (zed always wins) and work on The Mechanism
Goggles/Rider (coroika splatoon) -- you have no idea how much i've been resisting the urge to reread the octo expansion arc of coroika for these idiots because if i read it i will be so so distracted from all my current projects
Last song || The Air Traffic Control Tower by Gabby Start (and now as i continue to write this, Deja Vu by Fox Stevenson has come on (and now Autotheist by Baby Bugs because i'm slow))
Last Movie || uhmmmm... wendell and wild, i think? been a while since watched anything. oh actually i recently caught most of a neocranium stream/watch party of emesis blue, does that count?
Currently Reading || haven't read in a lil bit but i really need to go and finish book 2 of the one piece spin off novel Ace's Story, i got too distracted working on the comic lmao. honestly i should go and continue reading the log horizon light novels i started ages back as well
Currently Watching || just finished watching Jerma's edited long drive vid, tho series wise i'm still workin on catching up on one piece lmao. been watching rtgame vods of telltale wallace and grommit as well lately
Currently Consuming || just finished the welsh cakes i cooked using dough my bf sent me <3
Currently Craving || more welsh cakes. i will not be happy until my physical mass consists at least 30% of welsh cake
tagging... uhhhh @fluffyartbl0g, @snooziest-phantom, @setacin... ok i know that's only 3 but i wanna go draw now aihsdflgk. close enough
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