#sebastian the spiteful
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The children of Arabella the Undying/the first slug healer
In order;
Sebastian the Spiteful of the Eastern Caverns
Komma the Kind of the 99 Caverns
Wendel the Wise of the European Caverns
Bryan the Brute of the Southwestern Caverns
Rhonda the Reckless of the Pacific Caverns
Callum the Cautious of the Southern Caverns
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zetadraconis11 · 3 months
HL Incorrect Quote #100
*in the Room of Requirement*
MC, bursting in: I finally did it!
Sebastian from the sofa: Did what?
MC, holding up the Field Guide: I finally found all the pages!
Natty, looking up from her book: THAT'S why you've been casting Revelio everywhere?
MC: Yep! And not only that, but I also found all of those Demiguise statues!
Poppy, while petting Highwing: ...is that why you've been taking cat naps all around Hogwarts?
MC: Yep.
Ominis, from a lounge chair: For the record, sleeping on the floors of Hogwarts are not as bad as you would think.
MC: Oh, and I found ALL of the Astronomy tables!
Amit, by a telescope: You did?! I hope it wasn't too dangerous...
MC: Nonsense! I've dealt with a whole lot worse than some mongrels and spiders. This was a piece of cake.
The group:
MC: And don't get me started on those bloody Merlin trials... But I did all 95 of them!
Sebastian, horrified: 95???
MC: Yes! It was not worth the pints of coffee and tea I downed, but I have done it all!
The group:
MC: I need to sleep. *keels over onto lounge*
The group:
Ominis: The more I hear about what MC does, the more concerned I get.
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bezierballad · 4 months
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@SebacielShippers Checkmate.
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championsandheroes · 10 months
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What are you going to do, Cassandra? Pay him in exposure (to the elements)?
If you want to throw a coin to your artist, you can do so over at Patreon and society6. You'll get the comics early, get regular sneak peeks, and maybe get some cups or shirts that way too.
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friendlessghoul · 3 months
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Buster Keaton & Dorothy Sebastians Spite Marriage - 1929
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bapydemonprincess · 24 days
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blondeaxolotl · 7 months
I believe that Sebastian is actually a very ticklish person, it's just that no one ever tried or thought about tickling him. Until someone like Grell does and they all find out he yelps like a fucking dog when he's being tickled, like full on screams, like damn did someone accidentally step on their dogs tail/paw? No it's just Sebastian being tickled actually
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lysblack · 3 months
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Tav's version of ✨Romance✨
Both Astarion and Nere are so into it.
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busterkeatonsociety · 1 month
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This Day in Buster…April 22, 1929
The headline in the Washington Daily News reads: “Buster Keaton, With New Leading Lady, Scores Again.”  An unintentional double entendre perhaps - Buster & Dorothy Sebastian had a long-standing affair which began when filming “Spite Marriage.”
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zetadraconis11 · 5 months
HL Incorrect Quote #42
Ominis: MC, are...you okay? You sound a little tired.
MC: Oh, I've just been spending all night looking for some demiguise statues. Those little buggers only light up then, and I'm trying to get rid of them.
Poppy: You're getting plenty of sleep, though, right?
MC: Let's see...what's today?
Sebastian: ...Tuesday.
MC: Okay, so, yeah, I haven't slept since Wednesday.
The group:
MC: Oh, and I can smell color! Isn't that cool? Who would have thought the color yellow would smell like cinnamon?
Natty: Alright, I'm getting Garreth. We need someone to brew a Sleeping Draught.
Sebastian: Wait, now I'm curious why yellow smells like cinnamon-
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justbusterkeaton · 8 months
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Spite Marriage (1929)
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cto10121 · 1 year
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The gays are not okay
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nitrateglow · 3 months
Posted this a day early before the 10th Buster Keaton blogathon starts. It's a review of Spite Marriage, a Keaton film I have very complicated feelings about, though overall, I like it a lot.
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friendlessghoul · 2 months
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Buster Keaton and Dorothy Sebastian Spite Marriage - 1929
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bapydemonprincess · 2 months
"Oi," A familiar drawl snaps the butler out of his brief mental check of today's chore list. Chin pinched with black gloves. Looking off into nothing.
Currently both the Gardener and Young Master are standing by, all taken care of; bundled up for the winter chill that has hit them hard this year.
The Young Master insisted vehemently to accompany him and Finnian on their wood gathering. Saying all but "I'm completely done with all my work thus far on my studies, I assure you. so let me get out of this blasted stuffy room for once."
Again in the present Sebastian is still mulling over what he'll be shouldered with after their stroll, and so he still doesn't hear (or more like refuses to acknowledge) the chef approaching them, a purpose in his stomping gait as he arrives right in front of the other man.
"Oi, what th'ell you doin', Sebastian, eh?"
He briefly pinches the end of Sebastian's scarf he threw on half-hazardly, violently shakes it for emphasis, then let's it drop again.
All while looking the butler in the eye as if suddenly he wants to have a bout right there in the main entryway.
"You tryin' t'catch yer death on purpose or wot?"
Sebastian practically snorts, but refrains, lips twitching at this sudden appearance of Mother Henning from the usually unbothered and lazy as-all-get-out chef.
"Oh, is there a problem, Bardroy? Would me being a little chilled while going out for but a mere half an hour bother you?"
"Oh you think you'd be just a "little chilled" eh? Thinkin' you wouldn't come back an' end up catchin' a cold or flu, or even bloody pneumonia with 'ow god awful it is out there, eh?"
He waves briefly over to the boys awkwardly standing near by.
"Meanwhile you got them all bundled up fit for endurin' a winter storm!"
"One: They are children and I am not. Two, Bardroy: it certainly is not my first English Winter, trust me, three-"
Bardroy grabs both ends of the loose scarf and this time tugs firmly, making the taller man prattling before him practically fall forward.
But he doesn't.
Bardroy's firm grip makes sure the other man merely is forced right into his face.
Their foreheads knocking gently, as Sebastian's eyes open wider and stare in pure surprise, those thin eyebrows lifted up high for once.
"Listen 'ere, you," Bard growls low, "believe it or not, the deep south o' Arizona an the like get bloody cold as fuck, got it? In the deserts at night a man can freeze t'death before 'e even realizes it. So don't. Fuck. Wiff cold. Don't ya dare go an' fuck with those harsh winter woods, with these boys on tow, an' next thing ya know Finny's gotta carry back a long ass big ol icle of a butler, prolly cryin' all the fuckin' way, too."
He stops. Finally. Panting a little from this tangent out of no where, noticeably getting red in the face too.
And the butler, still enduring having his face pressed into Bard's the entire time... stars to smile.
And his eyes go half lidded again.
Shimmering and dancing with amusement aplenty.
"Ah, so it would bother you to some extent, then. I see."
And he says it so softly it's almost a whisper, or like just a comment he's making to himself.
Growling again the other man pushes this time, in order to straighten Sebastian up and push him a few inches away.
However he doesn't let him go for long. Oh no, the chef proceeds to grumble under his breath (something about "damn stupid pretty boy with no bloody sense a' self preservation I swear-") as he unwraps the butler's scarf from around his neck and then leans in further, almost aggressively thrusting himself up close again, to wind it back round him. Tighter, more hugging his neck, and finishes with tying what is left somehow.
"There, that's better," Bard openly comments, looking still mad about it but now satisfied with himself as he pulls back a little. But quickly, idly, pats the other man's coat front as if to confirm everything is good.
"I'd also suggest a cap o' some kind too, awright. Somethin' like the scarf. Damn the consequences o' messin' up yer pretty hair an' all that, it's about survival and nothin' else, you 'ear me?'
He finally shuts up this time, really meeting Sebastian's eyes this time, and so invested in this he's expecting to see some kind of expression of grat-
Sebastian sweeps in to kiss the man's cheek.
"Thank you dear," he purrs.
And then he's turning back to the boys and trotting to the door with purpose.
"Now. Let's carry on, before we lose anymore daylight, hm? Follow me."
And Sebastian, the Young Master, and Finny are almost out the door.
When the demon hears the familiar loud groan of a man who's just realized his predicament he's gotten himself into coming from back inside.
And Sebastian allows himself the pleasure to grin to himself, eyes shut, looking the picture of a creature who's just won a hard fought battle and all the spoils that entails.
Note: this whole scene is inspired by that now famous kuro chapter title page from chapter 198:
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blondeaxolotl · 6 months
Being a multishipper is fun because you got two different ships with one of the same characters and you one day just decide fuck it they're all dating now
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