#well I had fun with my friends so who's the loser here hm? >:(
DPXDC prompt. Dead on main. Someone who knows you better than you know yourself.
Perhaps Fentons are not able to recognize their child, despite the fact that they hunt him day after day. But for childhood friends, who saw each other in absolutely ridiculous situations that parents are never allowed to know about, just one sneeze and a bored sigh is enough to realize that this weirdo fighting next to him is the same guy with whom you tasted soap and then stood looking at each other from different corners and giggling.
And so, the dialogue after the battle with the creatures of Infinite Realms, to which Constantine had to invite a potential ally not yet approved by the League:
Phantom: Well, mom always said you were bad news...But a crime lord, seriously? What happened to your plans to become a literature teacher? Red Hood: Hey! For Gotham, this is a very high-paying in-demand job. And I don't want to hear anything from Casper. At least I have my own business. What kind of part-time job do you have? Are you selling sheets to your buddies from this green goo? Phantom: This is ectoplasm. And they're not my friends, and anyway… Constantine: King Phantom, do you know Red Hood? Phantom: Do I know him? Ha! This street rat was Splinter of my beginnings until my family moved out of Gotham.
Red Hood: Wait, wait a minute. Phah...Holy shit. I thought I was the best example of what it means to be a disappointment to a family, but you beat me here. Oh, man, only you...The ghost king who is the son of the ghost hunters? Seriously? Hahah! I thought your rebellious phase ended the moment you told your father that you wanted to be an astronaut and not inherit the family business.
Danny*groans and covers his face with his hands*: My life is over.
Red Hood: Literally~ No, of course I always knew that your parents' disregard for safety in the laboratory would someday kill someone, but I didn't really expect this? Like, wow… Phantom: What makes you think it was an incident in the lab? I mean, there are so many possibilities around. It's ridiculous and…hah Red Hood: Dude, look me straight in the face and tell me I'm wrong if you dare. Phantom:…Fuck you, stupid bookworm. Red Hood: Stubborn nerd. Phantom: Red bucket! Red Hood: Pale toadstool! Nightwing: Um, can you guys please stop fighting? Red Hood: What are you talking about? This is how we always communicate. Phantom: Yeah! Well, in our defense, my sister always thought we both could use a therapist. Oh, man, he made me lose my train of thought. Where were we, J? Red Hood: Since when are you able to think? And I complimented your new hair and skin color. Phantom: Right, right… But, hey, not all of my parents' hypotheses really have a right to exist, and you know it! Hm, did I mention that you're built like a fridge and how does this leather jacket suit you? Red Hood: I believe not. And who's talking about your parents' work? You were an airhead when you were alive too to be honest. And as I see it, not much has changed. Why the hell are you still starting a fight with puns? Stop telling your opponent your position. This is terribly stupid! Phantom: Oh, please, these ghosts are definitely not a threat to me. What's wrong with having a little fun? The fact that you don't have weapons to handle something stronger than a blob ghost is your problem not mine, loser. But let's get back to our greetings. Red Hood: Sure. Then listen here…
Nightwing: Jay, why didn't you say right away that you knew Phantom? We've wasted so much time wondering if it's worth summoning him, and you just stood there and said nothing. Red Hood: Pfff…Because I didn't know that until today. He used to be human. And we haven't seen each other for a long time. So how was I to know that he would take such a ridiculous pseudonym? Nightwing: Then why the hell didn't you feel worried about teasing this creature? Red Hood: Why should I? It's just Danny.
Tucker: Oh man, 84 murders, attempts to kill Joker and to much fights with Batman and Black Mask and… Danny: Yeah, yeah. It's all very interesting, but it's not what I asked you to find. Get to the point, Tucker. What I will wear to our dinner tonight depends on this. Tucker: Seriously? As far as I'm concerned, whether he's single or not is less important than all this shit. Aren't you afraid to show up at his house? Danny: I'm invited. And for that matter, I'm Amity Park's former public enemy number one. Which one of us should be worried, hah? So he's not dating anyone, right? Don't try to distract me. Tucker: Dude! Danny: Ugh, in my experience, when he acts like he's lost his mind, he usually has good reasons for it. And if not, given some of the events of my alternative future, I have no right to judge him, so…
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pompouspuffball · 2 years
Went to a Japanese Cultural Festival on my city the other day! (or earlier. It's a multi-day event)
It was a lot of fun!!! I went with my friends the first day! We went around the festival the whole day! I got a lot of goodies! My favorite is my Yor phone strap, a postage stamp (from a mini-event), and a sticker set!
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blue-jisungs · 6 months
heyy, how are you doing? hope life's treating you well during the last days of the year 🤚😔
I wanted to request smth but I'm not sure if I should send it here bc I didn't see a link? anyways. I was wondering how would wonwoo or scoups deal with a s/o that hasn't dated nor kissed before and therefore is scared of the commitment and all the pressure that comes with catching feelings? maybe I have a friend who's insecure about that, iykwim
thank you for taking the time<3
firsts (and hopefully, not lasts)
author’s note. hi dear anonnie!! i’m doing good, thank u for asking <3 i hope life was treating you tenderly too!! :D
++ thank u mother @l3visbby for proofreading<33
summary. having a conversation about your worries with wonwoo, who’s understanding and caring
also this turned so self indulgent like 😭😭😭 i relate to all the bitchless single ppl out there fr fr … so worry not, i getchu…. i mean, your friend >_<
word count. ~1,5k
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sometimes you wondered how did that happen. that meaning you and wonwoo dating. him, a talented and handsome idol with lots of charisma, good traits and fans. you, being a simple human with an ordinary life.
it was even quite… boring. nothing really happened in your life. highschool, then college. working and studying, an endless cycle. you were never the one to party – or get invited to parties. sure, you got along with your classmates and co-workers (or even their friends!) but you couldn’t help but feel envious when in their early 20s they already had dated, partied and had the fun of their lives.
you met wonwoo while on a vacation on jeju. for something that felt like ages, you decided to take a trip. alone. just with yourself.
while having a lonely stroll around the neighborhood, you stopped to pet a cat. it had a collar, it certainly wasn’t stray - and surely, loved belly rubs. so while you were petting the feline, wonwoo noticed you. heart warming upon seeing the simplicity and beauty of human nature, he stared for a while longer and went back to the place he stayed at.
he passed you a couple of times – on a beach, when you were secretly petting the cat, when you were riding a rented bicycle with wind blowing your hair.
you were cute and wonwoo decided that ‘screw it’ and approached you once you were reading a book under a byeonggeul tree. and the rest was history.
you’ve been dating for almost three months. yet… you haven’t kissed. wonwoo understood that, how could he not? he respected your boundaries and told you to take your time. he didn’t know the reason – that you haven’t kissed anyone, that he was the first guy you held hands with, that he was your first everything. and in moments like these, when the realization hit you like a wave crushing on rocks by the shore, you were terrified. how come you’re 27 and still a loser? bitchless loser, as many of the younger people would say. sure, wonu never made fun of you (simply because you never talked about it or mentioned it to him) but your friends, that knew you for a long time now… you felt it in your bones that they’re making fun of you.
“hey, is everything okay?” your boyfriend’s (gosh, that sounds so beautifully strange. you never thought the possibility of having a boyfriend is something that was actually possible for you) tender voice reached your ears. tearing your dozed-off eyes away from a random spot in the wall, you nodded with a shy smile.
wonwoo sat next to you, placing his warm hand over yours.
“come on, i can see something is bothering you. you’ve zoned out” he snickered and you just send him a smile “you do that a lot lately, you know? is something bothering you?”
‘you. you are the reason of my bothers’ you thought, sighing.
“well…” you started and already knew it was a mistake. wonwoo cocked an eyebrow.
“so there is something” he hummed, satisfied “you know i won’t judge, hm?”
he knew exactly what you were thinking. one would think it’s kind of creepy. actually, you found it adorable. he knew you so well, almost as if you knew each other since childhood.
“i know but… it’s silly” you mumbled and your eyes met his warm, ebony irises. wonwoo fixed his glasses with a swift flick and shook his head. you opened your mouth to say something.
communication is key, they say. you should probably tell him what’s on your mind, right?
you just sighed.
“how do you… bear with me? we… we haven’t kissed and–”
“i hate to interrupt but i’ve told you this. i don’t mind. you being comfortable it’s the most important thing to me and i would hate to lose your trust” he said, a bit sternly but you knew it was pure care speaking through him.
“i know but… i haven’t kissed, wonwoo. like, never. and actually, i’m scared. because this is my first relationship. my parents and friends have this pressure on me… and it’s so draining. ‘you didn’t even kiss yet?’, ‘when are you going to introduce him to us?’, ‘does he take you on dates?’, ‘do you live together?’, ‘are you really committed?’... ‘are you sure you like him?’... and how… how would i know? i’m scared” you burst out suddenly, words leaving your lips like water erupting from a waterfall. you see his eyes widen in shock, lips parting.
“scared of what?” wonwoo asked, blinking slowly “me…?”
“no. yes. i mean, no!” you laugh and see a wave of relief wash over him. then he frowns, so you explain “i’m scared of what you’ll think or… or where we will be in the future. i’m scared to do some things with you but also… kind of excited? i’m scared of committing but i’m also frightened of not committing! like, with all respect, how will i know i love you? do you just wake up one day and know it’s love? i’m scared i’ll get hurt or even worse, hurt you. i don’t know what to do…” your voice died in your throat.
great, you overshared. now he’ll think you’re actually insane.
you could see wonwoo was baffled. you sat in silence for five minutes, his thumb drawing circles on your hand in a soothing manner.
“that’s… a lot to process” nonu let out a small laugh and you smiled.
“i know, sorry. it’s just been on my mind lately” you mumbled. wonwoo brings his leg to the couch, then puts his other hand and grabs both of yours. looking you in the eye with seriousness, you tense a bit. uh oh.
“to be honest, baby…” your boyfriend starts (and the nickname still makes your stomach swirl with butterflies - even though you always thought it would make you cringe. surprisingly, coming from wonwoo’s lips, it doesn't) “it’s hard to answer all of these. i really like you and i truly hope our relationship will last. but human heart is really unpredictable. we don’t know what the future will bring and we can only do our best and hope, it’ll only be positive things”
you nod. you’d like that – wonwoo was a person you could never get tired of.
“i didn’t know i’m your first boyfriend. and… i feel very touched that you trust me enough to share it with me and be with me. if you’re scared that kissing or something will overwhelm you… i’ll do my best to guide you into everything you want. and if you don’t, i’ll understand that” he said and you suddenly feel like crying. your friends always say that men are shit. wonwoo must be a real angel, then.
“i can’t really tell you how you’ll know you love me. everyone realizes in their own time, their own way. i don’t think… i don’t think i’ve ever experienced romantic love, to be honest” the words left his lips and you stared at him in shock “we’re not so different, dear”
you melted, feeling your lower lip start to quiver.
“and… thank you for sharing your worries with me. i’m really proud, you know? you were scared of others’ opinion, what i will think… of your own emotions. and it's normal. it’s understandable, especially in your first relationship. but i’m here for you, okay?” he cooed, his lips forming into a gentle smile.
“you’re not… angry?” you asked quietly. his face morphed into confusion.
“no, why would i be?” he asked, genuinely puzzled.
“well, it kind of sounded like i wanted to break up. which, i don’t of course. but um… you know… a girl tells you she’s scared… i dunno…” you rambled and blew air into your cheeks.
“i’m not, of course i’m not. in fact, i’m happy. i know now how you feel, i know what’s been troubling you. and i just want you to know that… with time, it’ll become natural for you. i mean, i’d hope so” he grinned “also, for the record, i won’t judge your kisses. of course i wouldn’t but… if that makes you more comfortable, then–”
“but be honest, do you even want to kiss me?” you huffed. he giggled, shaking his head.
“duh! what kind of a boyfriend would i be if i didn’t want to kiss my gorgeous partner?” wonwoo asked a - obviously rhetorical - question, squeezing your hand gently. “i do. i really do. but as i said…”
you loosened your hand from his tender hold and smacked his arm jokingly. he looked at you disoriented but with an amused smile.
“take my time… blah, blah, blah. okay. i will, you know it” you said and sent him a serious look “but promise me… if i ever do something wrong, you tell me. right away. like… ‘y/n you’re being a bad partner!’”
wonwoo scoffed and seeing your serious look, he nodded.
“i will. i swear on my love for chan” he said and placed his hand on his heart with a proud smirk.
“awww- wait, what?” you laughed and wonwoo followed along, the comforting sound of your laughters merging together in a beautiful melody.
and you have a strange feeling in your heart. you’re not sure what is it but you’re certain that it’s its way of saying ‘you’re safe with him’.
masterlist <3
taglist. @mirxzii ,, @primoppang ,, @l3visbby ,, @nicholasluvbot ,, @planetkiimchi ,, @weird-bookworm ,, @slytherinshua ,, @kazmura ,, @laylasbunbunny ,, @dazzlingligth
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spaceyflowers · 1 year
HI ADRIEN!!! I hope you’re having a lovely day so far. 😩💓 TY FOR ALWAYS REBLOGGING, I LOVE YOUR TAGS AND I LOVE RRADING THE COMMENTS YOU HAVE. 🥰🥰🥰 I have a few questions for you, from a fellow writer! 😎🙌🏽
If you were to be sucked into the Lookism webtoon, what would your character be in the story?
Adding onto the first question as a Lookism character, who would be your main allies/friends and who would be your main enemies/foes? 😳
What is your favorite romance trope? 👀
Who is your favorite Lookism character to write for/write about?
Do you listen to music while writing/drawing? And if so, what do you listen to?
I hope this isn’t too much to ask. If it is, I APOLOGIZE IN ADVANCE. 😬🙏🏽 Wishing you a good rest of your day!! 😘
speaking of my disease i went on quite a bit so im putting a cut after my first reply <3
my life in the lookism webtoon: realistically, i think i would be one of the j high student background charas who say funny one liners whenever humor is needed and then im never seen again JSHDJWJD
but if im allowed to be delusional then i want to be a member of big deal that plays an older sibling role to them like jake/sinu does 🫶 i think it'd also be nice to befriend some of the j high kids unknowingly lol
like i can imagine the j high trio showing up during the big deal vs workers arc and spotting me, going "hey, you're the nice person we meet at the cafe sometimes! you're a member of big deal?! you said you worked at a convenience store!" and im just like "well... i do work at a convenience store. on big deal's street. you guys never asked"
and ofc this means my main enemies would be gun, eugene/workers, and prob dg ^_^
fave romance trope: friends to lovers bc im such a sappy soft loser 🤞 also,, i was really sad when i saw u, day, and jann talking about friends to lovers being a bland trope a while ago but i understand 😭😭 i was going to say sumn but didnt want to be the "um ACTUALLY" guy 😭😭😭
anyways all i have to offer for what i had wanted to say is this 💔:
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fave lookism chara to write for/about: hm... kind of a hard choice, but ironically i think it's probably my writing blog's top requested 3: james, gun, and jake. they're all starkly different compared to each other lol but their unique personalities are fun to write!! vin jin's also pretty fun to write bc of how obnoxious he is <3
listening to music while writing/drawing: YES MUSIC IS MY LIFE I WOULD BE LIFELESS WITHOUT IT 😭😭😭😭😭😭 #1 MUSIC ENTHUSIAST FOREVER ‼️ (thus why i am always asking for music reccs lol)
i listen to a wide variety of stuff in many languages!! indie, vocaloid, pop, jazz, rock, etc... unfortunately i am also the "i listen to every genre :] not country tho." guy and im not a fan of super heavy metal either u_u;;
most of the time i listen to whatever i want to fit the mood of what im working on! and since i usually work on romantic stuff (lol) that means ive usually got a romantic playlist/song on loop ^_^
ik this wasnt asked but here's a recc from me to you: finding something to do by hellogoodbye 💖 (this song makes me think of going on a fun road trip with a crush!)
OKAY THAT'S ALL dw about the question amount i had lots of fun answering them <33 !! i hope you have a very lovely day youself, cat!! (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡
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chippedaxe · 3 years
yessss for karl?! omg yess please pleas please can you write a dom step sis! reader ruining innocent stepbro! karl!!
like she teases him and he just isn’t experienced at all and she just fucking destroys him, wanking him until the sensitive little bunny is crying and begging to stop from overstimulation
Title: Silly Boy
Warnings: !TW: STEPCEST!, NSFW (Minors DNI), cursing, corruption ig, blackmail, degrading, teasing, humiliation, penis degrading, small penis, overstimulation
Pronouns: She/her Afab
Synopsis: The reader dominates Karl and knocks him down a peg.
Word count: 2k
Note: If this type of content offends you in any way then please just ignore it, I have tons of other content on my page that isn't stepcest content and you're able to blockout any stepcest content by blocking the 'tw sepcest' or 'stepcest cw' tag <3
- This prolly isn't what u wanted but I thought of this and wanted to write it! also this hasn't been proofread and it hasn't been edited at all!
*Btw Veruca Salt is a spoiled kid that gets everything she wants, from Charlie and the chocolate factory.
Your eyes glared down at the younger boy, towering over him to show dominance "S-sis, what're you doing?" Karl asked "Trying to scare you, is it working?" you leaned down and kept eye contact with the stammering boy "u-um not really.." he stuttered out "then why're you stuttering over your words? You're obviously intimidated." you placed your hands on your hips.
"Well why're you trying to intimidate me? I'm just trying to read this book!" he groaned "Because someone has to knock you down a peg, you think just because you're younger that you can get everything you want? Well not if I can help it!" you were furious by the boy.
"What're you on about? What've I done to you?" Karl asked worriedly "You've been asking for a whole lot this week, veruca salt!" you threw your arms in the air and started pacing around him and his chair "What? Like what?" Karl was utterly confused "You've been asking for non-stop rides to your friends houses, and you've been leaving your laundry around for mother to do!" you cross your arms.
"You're overreacting!" Karl complained "Oh I'm not done! You've also been taking money from mom's purse!" you called him out "What- how did you know about that??" Karl immediately became tense "Oh you look so stressed dear brother, just relax- don't worry... I'm not gonna tell her-" Karl sighed in relief "Oh thank god" and got cut off by you finishing your sentence "-If you promise to be a good brother and listen to what your stepsister says!" you finished.
"WHAT? No way! I'm telling mom and dad!" He began to stand up but you pushed him back down "Oh no no no, you're gonna tell them what? That you stole the $200 that mom presumed was stolen by a thief? You gonna explain that to her after she already called authorities and had someone sent to jail?" you spat venom at him.
"You're evil!" Karl shouted "Me? Evil? I'm not the thief here" you grinned mischievously "Although I could be- if you don't wanna have to do everything I say then just give me something precious you own" you held your hand out expectantly "What am I supposed to give you? My soul?" Karl questioned "If you can bare to part with it then yes" you gave a mean smile in response to his sarcasm.
"I have literally nothing!" Karl exclaimed "You have your phone" you suggested "Dad would kill me if he found out I'd given it away!" He shouted "he'd kill you if he found out about that money too" you reminded him "I- I could give you... I'll let you date one of my friends!" Karl smiled nervously as he hoped you'd agree "What friends? You're a nerd, no one would want to be friends with you" snickered.
"S-Sapnap! He's strong, he loves animals, he has big muscles!" Karl said "The brute with dark hair? He's cute but not my type" you yawned "U-m.. Quackity?" a bead of sweat dropped down his face "He's super cool, really funny!" Karl was starting to worry as he was already running out of friends to pair you with "No.. My type is nerdy boys that I can dominate, ones that get nervous a lot and stutter over their sentences" you hinted.
"Oh- like Wilbur? I'm not really his friend but I can try something!!" Karl wasn't getting the hint "No, I was thinking more specifically towards someone like you." you finally told him "M-me? But I'm your brother!" Karl was in disbelief "Step-brother. And I don't really like you, I just think that you're pitiful and if you're gonna be selling someone's body to me in exchange to keep your secrets safe than it may as well be yours." you explained.
"But- Well- I've never done that before!" he put his hands up defensively "Well obviously, who would want to touch a greasy nerd like you?" you sighed. "Well- No, that's wrong!" he shook his head "Well I'm not gonna make you, just give me something else then and I'll be on my way" you told him. Karl looked down at his feet for a moment as he mulled over what was happening and what decision he was gonna make.
Karl lifted his head and made eye contact with you "Okay." he replied "Okay what? Okay you're gonna give me something?" you asked "No- I mean- okay I'm gonna give you my body" he mumbled quietly "Gonna need to speak up, can't hear you over the sound of our parents crying over having such a disappointing child" you ridiculed him.
"I'll give you my body, damnit!" he yelled "hey- quiet down, our parents are only just down stairs!" you made him shut up. "Whatever" he leaned back in his chair and slumped down "Karl. You need to give me your full consent, you can't just go 'yea whatever' and expect me to be fine with that!" you furrowed your eyebrows "Why?? What- do you need me to beg you for it?!" he was getting aggravated.
"Actually yes, I do" you decided to torment him a little bit "Big sis, please please please fuck this desperate loser" he put his hands together to make a praying gesture as he mocked you "That's more like it, runt." you grabbed his chin and forced him to face you "We can stop at any time, if you choose not to speak up then that'll be your fault" you made sure he was fully aware that he had a say even though he wasn't in control.
"Thanks. Now- how do we?" Karl was now confused on what you were gonna do, and he was having some type of delusion that he was gonna be the one in charge dominating you. "I think I'm just gonna have some fun by jerking you off, is that okay bunny?" you teased "W-what do you mean you're gonna jerk me off?" Karl asked nervously "I'm gonna stroke your dick, never done that before?" you bullied him.
"N-no, never even thought about it.." his face became red and flushed, you slowly slid onto his lap and straddled his leg "No? You haven't? Are you lying to your big sister? That's not very nice you know, Mom always told me that you shouldn't lie (Unless it's to your dad) " Karl glanced away from you and tried to hide his face "Aw you can tell me the truth, I'm a good listener after all!" you encouraged him "I haven't.." he persisted.
"Well then let me introduce you to the pleasure that is being jerked off, slide your pants down" you instructed "What? Do I have to.." he was clearly embarrassed "No. I guess I could just palm you through your pants" you shrugged. Karl sighed in relief and let out a small breath, tilting his head back in the chair and waiting for you to do what you wanted.
Your hand dipped between his legs, your palm rubbing his growing bulge "H-Hey that feels weird" he told you "So what? You want me to stop?" he shut his mouth, encouraging you to keep palming him. "This would feel a lot better if you let your cock free, instead your trapping it in your tight pants and strangling it.." you frowned "F-fine.." Karl blushed as he slowly pulled his pants down.
You watched in delight as he released his penis "Oh is this what you were worried about?" you stared down at it "O-Oh god-" Karl felt humiliated and went to put it away but you stopped him "It's cute.. I wouldn't expect a nerd's penis to be big anyways" you told him. Karl's little cock twitched at your words, moving slightly on its own "oh. my. god. You LIKE when I'm mean to you! That's why you never argue back! It all makes sense now.." Karl looked down to avert eye contact.
"That's perfect Karl, you love when I'm mean to you- and I love to make fun of you! Win Win!" you felt a small rush of excitement. Your hand wrapped around his cock which forced a choked out moan from him, his hands moving to cover his face "you're acting quite rude Karl. Look at your big sister when she's talking to you!" you ordered.
Karl slowly revealed his face, revealing how much pleasure he was having. "F-Feel's weird, let go!" he ushered you to let go of his penis, even though his body disagreed; his hips bucking up into your hand to help finish him off "Trust your big sister." you said as you continued to pump your hand around his cock. "Fuck! Fuck you!" Karl's whole body shuddered as he was having an orgasm, his penis twitching in your hand.
"Wow Karl, that was rude." you huffed and narrowed your eyes, your hand still lingering on his crotch "A-are you done now?" Karl panted as he was trying to catch his breath "Done? I've barely even started!" you laughed maniacally as you began to slowly stroke him again "Ah- no no no, that's too much!" Karl whined. "You want me to stop?" you asked him "Yes!" he exclaimed so you let go and pulled away "What?" Karl was confused and a bit upset "Hm? What is it?" you asked "You're just.. done?" he looked saddened.
"You told me to stop!" you explained "yeah but.. I didn't really mean it.." Karl's cheeks were dusted red "Well come back here then" you grabbed his hips and forced him back down onto his chair. Karl was already eager and bucking his hips up against you, your hand grabbed him again and started to jerk him off "Ah!- Ah-" Karl tried to keep quiet but couldn't help the escaped noises that came out.
You placed your free hand over his mouth to try and muffle his moans, his voice vibrating against your hand "You can never be quiet! Always have something to say, don't you?" you rolled your eyes at him. Karl clenched his eyes shut and tapped the chair repeatedly with his hand to let you know he was ready to cum again, you let him release his load yet again but you didn't remove your hand.
"A-Again?? I can only take so much.." Karl whimpered and whined "You're feeling this way already? But I've only just started!" You frowned "Well I guess I can give you a break now but there won't be any breaks later on when our parents go out to dinner." you stood up and got off him. "T-Thanks.." Karl huffed "For what?" you asked "Thanks for um- pleasuring me?" you scoffed and walked back to your room, ready to return at night time when you had Karl all to yourself.
*guys lemme know if u want a part 2 bc I could certainly make one of the reader x karl at night time after their parents have left.
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strangelysamantha · 3 years
hi can i request a blurb or a whole imagine where jj rlly likes reader but she’s a kook and his friends don’t like her that much, 💗 thank u
hatred runs out ❀
jj maybank x kook!reader.
warnings: swearing, hateful feelings, that’s all.
words: 2,015.
summary: you are a kook, you were trying to befriend the pogues as they made you happier than you had been in months. the only downside, none of them were quite welcoming, besides jj.
request? yes!
a/n: my ask box is open, send away! i’m working on multiple imagines that should come later! like and comment if you enjoy this. thanks for the request! <3
my masterlist
“she’s a kook jj, i mean, you aren’t seriously crushing on her? are you?” john b looked up at jj, and frowned when he saw he wasn’t laughing. “john b, i don’t know what it is man, but she’s different. i just know it.” john b cackled, “she’s not different. she’s a kook, i mean come on… she hangs out with topper. that says enough.” jj rolled his eyes, obviously annoyed. “you just don’t like her because she associates with sarah’s ex.” he shakes his head. “no, that’s not the reason jj. your mind is just fogged up, because you clearly aren’t thinking straight.” jjs anger was boiling up, and before he did something he would regret, he decided to just walk off.
jj stormed away. he continued walking despite john bs attempt of calling out to him to stop. he was trying to clear his mind, he genuinely liked you, so much that he felt the need to tell john b. jj wouldn’t usually be this upset, but when john b of all people disapproves because you are a kook, when the girl he is dating is sarah, it angers him. after ten minutes of air, and chilling out, he returns to john bs house.
once inside he sees you and kie. he was completely caught off guard. “oh? you’re here.” jj spoke to you, causing you to look up. “hey jj. yeah, i decided to stop by before my shift. do you want to join us? we’re playing uno.” your smile immediately lifts a smile to jj's face. “sure i’ll play some uno.” he approaches the table, and you deal him seven cards.
kie was the only one who semi liked you. obviously she wasn't ecstatic about you, but she was open to tolerating you. as time went on, she started to enjoy your company, she realized you weren’t that bad, and despite being a kook, the two of you related on many things.
“first card is a yellow two. jj can go first.” you stare at him, waiting patiently for his move. his heart was beating fast, as he tried to pick a card. as he placed a yellow seven, john b walked in. “why is she here?” you didn’t miss the sharp tone that lingered in john bs voice. “oh, i decided to stop by. i’m sorry, i should have asked.” you stand up, reaching for your jacket. “that’s right. you should have asked. you can’t just show up to someone’s house randomly. it’s weird.” you frown, not realizing until now that he didn’t trust you enough to even be considered an acquaintance.
“she’s welcomed here whenever she wants to be, john b.” jj spoke up for you. kie backing him up by softly saying yeah. “no. she’s not. it’s my house jj, and i don’t appreciate you inviting random kook strangers over. she’s not a pogue. she’s not like us. meaning; she’s not welcomed here.” you frown at his words. you quickly feel out of place and you rush to the door, pulling your shoes on. “i’m going to go.” you spoke up, grabbing your purse. “good. see you!” john b exclaimed, watching you walk out the front door and down the steps.
“what the fuck bro?” jj stared at john b waiting for an explanation. “what?” jjs eyes narrowed on his, he couldn’t be serious could he? “why do you always do that shit bro? i mean honestly. what makes her any different from sarah?” john b shakes his head. “don’t even compare them. they aren't similar.”
jj scoffs, “oh they’re not?” jj begins to expose the similarities but john b shuts it down immediately. “jj i’m not going to explain myself to you anymore. i don’t like her, and i don’t want her over here.” jj groans in frustration. “if only you got to know her man, then you’d know how amazing she is. i mean ask kie. kie thought she was annoying at first and now they can be in the same room without being in a yelling match.” kie nodded, listening in but staying mostly silent.
“fine. the only reason i’m agreeing is because you hate kooks too, which means you might be right. about her.” john b sighs, giving up. “thank you. please, even if you decide you still don’t like her, please just consider getting to know her.” he pleads, “i already said i will.” john b rolled his eyes, jj smiles, “okay. we should invite her to hang out with us after pope gets off work.” they all nod in agreement, planning something so they could see if they wanted you to join their party.
the pogues had planned on inviting you to the wreck, and then to a mini trip on the hms pogue, for a boat ride. you were ecstatic, excited that they wanted to actually hang out with you. you think hard, trying to find a perfect outfit. you didn’t want to overdress, or underdress, and you didn’t want to look bad. after deciding on a simple outfit and swimsuit, you head to the wreck.
you see the group in the back corner. when you walk inside, jj is the first to spot you. a smile spreads to his lips, as he waves you over to join them. you sit down by john b, jj sitting on the other side of you. “hey.” you say shyly, not entirely sure if this whole thing was a set up. you were hopeful it wasn’t, but you could never be too sure.
“hey, thanks for coming.” pope said. you smile brightly at him, “thanks for inviting me.” pope nods. your stomach was hurting by how nervous you were. jj made small talk with you, as you guys were waiting for kiara. you weren’t entirely sure what they were planning, you were just glad to be a part of it.
“alright guys. here’s the scraps.” kiara walked to your table, setting down a bowl of fries, and then a plaster of burgers. you smile softly, jj and john b immediately grabbing the food. you wait, not entirely hungry since you ate before you left. jj offered you a bite of his burger, “oh thanks!” you laugh slightly as you bite from where he had bitten, enjoying the taste, “hey you actually have mustard right there.” you smiled as you spread mustard on jj’s face. you couldn’t help the giggles erupting from you, as jj’s mouth opened wide in shock. “oh really? well you seem to have some ketchup-” his finger rubbed ketchup on your cheek. “all over…” he gestured to your face. “hey! give me a napkin.” you ask for a napkin and jj laughs. “no.” you immediately look over to pope, giving him a smile. “may i have a napkin?” you ask. he smiles, “sorry jay.” he hands you a napkin and you wipe the ketchup off your face.
“thank you pope. i like you. unlike some people at this table…” you look at jj and he’s just smiling like a maniac. pope laughs. “glad that you think so highly of me just because i handed you a napkin.” you nod, eating a french fry before glancing at john b. he was awfully quiet. “john b?” you question. he looks up at you. “yes?” annoyance already rolling off his tongue. “are you okay?” he rolled his eyes. “yes. even if i wasn’t, i wouldn’t confide in you about it.” you frown.
you wait a second, trying to think of how to lighten the mood. “you know what we need to do?” you look from pope to jj, to finally john b, poking at his arm. “what?” john b looks up at you. you tap jj’s stomach, indicating to him to stand up. he stands up, making room for you to be able to move out of the booth. you poke john bs side. “we need to dance.” you grab john b's hand, doing anything possible to lighten his mood. his frown was still hung on his lips. he hesitated and followed you to the middle of the restaurant. jj and pope stay back at the booth.
you lean over the counter, asking kie to play a song she knows john b would enjoy. “john b. you just need to calm down, and relax. you just need to dance like nobody's watching.” he stares at you, shocked. “it’s okay. i’ll do it with you.” his favorite song started playing, and you began to awkwardly dance. he laughed at your ridiculous moves. he held back from joining in, he didn’t want you to win. you began to break out dancing, and he can’t help but laugh. you look up as someone enters the restaurant. a smile flies to your face. “sarah!!!” she runs up to you.
“hey!!! i didn’t know you guys would be here.” you smile, still swaying slightly to the music. “sarah i would have definitely invited you if i knew you were free.” she nodded at your words. “all good girly, we still good for monday?” you smile, “of course.” john b stared, confused by this whole interaction. not only did you know sarah, you were actually friends with her. you had plans to hang out with her. maybe he was wrong, maybe jj was the one who was right. maybe, you actually were similar to sarah.
“do you want to join us?” you ask, sarah grabbed your hand spinning you around before breaking out in a fit of laughter. “stay another minute here with you losers… i’ll pass.” you jokingly act offended, “hey!” she shakes her head. “only kidding. i definitely would, but my dad wants me home. he claims he has a fun night planned but it’ll probably just consist of watching a movie and eating from here.” you nod. “well have fun with that.” you spoke, she smiles, “you know i always do.” you roll your eyes at her joke, she walks away grabbing her to go food before she disappears from the restaurant. “hey i’m gonna go take a sip of water.” you move back to the booth, jj refusing to move so you end up sitting on his lap. you sip water as you catch your breath from dancing.
john b heads straight to kiara. “how long have they been friends?” he asked abruptly. “her and sarah?” kie questions, pointing at you. he nods, “yeah.” kiara laughs, “they’ve been buddies for years. they didn’t get super close until a month or two ago.” he nods at her words. he was still shocked. he looked back at the booth, seeing you sat on jjs lap, his hands held firmly around your waist. you were speaking to pope, and he actually looked interested in what you were saying.
john b had just realized that he had the wrong idea of who you were. whether sarah made him realize that or not, he definitely didn’t want to hold a grudge with you, especially if sarah was your friend. john b walked back to the table, his attention on you. kiara had followed swiftly behind him. “let’s raise a toast.” the group was confused but they lifted their cups of water anyway. “to the newest member of our club.” his glass pointed in your way, his cup clashing with yours. you smile. john b was the only one you were worried about, and now he was saying he welcomes you.
the group cheers as you smile brightly. “thank you guys! i’m so excited for our future adventures.” you drink from your glass. the group waited for kiara’s shift to end before taking the hms pogue for a ride. you were sat by jj, pope to your left. kiara and john b talking as they directed the boat.
“well, welcome. you made it.” pope smiles, laughing slightly. “i did, isn’t that crazy. john b hated me like 6 hours ago.” jj laughs, “classic john b for you.” you nod at his words. pope, jj, john b, kiara, and you, talked all night, watching the stars as you guys got closer. it was so much fun, and today’s events allowed you to become a permanent group member.
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poisonmaximoff · 2 years
BELATED FATE (Elizabeth Olsen x FemReader).
The whole story: here.
Chapter 12. Lost in each other
Elizabeth’s POV:
Time flew by catastrophically imperceptibly today and we all had a lot of fun. Y/n and I didn't even end up being losers, because Dan and Scar had the same number of points as us. Getting hungry and deciding that we had already played enough, our company moved to a nearby restaurant hall.
Y/n obviously couldn't help but start asking Scar about filming and she happily answered all of her questions. Her eyes literally burned with admiration and curiosity while she carefully listened to every word of the woman, shaking her head or slightly opening her mouth in silent surprise from time to time. Seeing her being so genuinely passionate about something has become one of the most satisfying and heartwarming things in my life.
Today I even had an appetite to have a full good meal, and not like it happened recently, when I had to force food into myself. This has never happened before, but probably the reason is the stress that I'm currently successfully relieving.
I sit between my friends eating pizza and Y/n sits across from me, sometimes giving me shy glances and warm smiles. Today her behavior seems a little different from the usual, or I just didn't notice something before.
"Lizzie, can we go outside for a couple of minutes? I really need some fresh air" Scarlett whispers in my ear.
"Uh, yes, sure." With one last look at Y/n, who is distracted by something on Olivia's phone, I follow the woman outside, grabbing my jacket just in case.
The cool breeze gives me goosebumps and I mentally thank myself for taking the outwear. Turning my head to Scarlett, I meet her narrowed eyes and a kind of suspicious look.
"What?" confusion slowly washes over my face, but my friend still remains silent for a few more seconds.
"Liz, you know, we've been friends for so many years, that's why I want you to be honest with me. What's going on between you and Y/n?" her question almost makes me choke on my own saliva.
"What are you talking about?" not understanding what made her ask this causes me an increased sense of anxiety inside.
"Well, firstly, you couldn't take your eyes off her all evening, secondly, we all saw what happened after she got her first strike, and thirdly, she's constantly flustered around you, doesn't it say anything to you, hm?" Scar's mischievous look only spurs me on the defensive mode. Sounds like complete nonsense, nothing can happen between us and I don't care how it looks like on someone's part.
"We were just happy about her victory, it doesn't mean anything like that at all. And I haven't been staring at her all evening, you're making things up. She's flustered around you too, by the way, and," I point my finger at the wedding ring on my other hand, "I'm getting married soon" an inexplicable bitter taste on my tongue after these words, said in an embarrassingly nervous tone.
"Hey, relax, why are you getting so defensive so fast? I didn't mean anything bad." Scar raises her hands in surrender, but the spark of disbelief never leaves her eyes.
"I just want to tell you that no matter what happens, I'm always here to talk. If this girl affects you in such a way that I finally see you in a truly good mood — that's great and I'm happy for you. Just remember that everything should have its limits." The ambiguous phrase echoes in my ears and before I can answer, a tender voice behind us makes itself heard.
"Are you two okay? It's been a while already," Y/n says as she walks up to us and gives us an inquisitive look, her right eyebrow slightly arched.
"Yes, and I'm already going inside." My friend taps me lightly on the shoulder, giving me one last warning look, and walks back in while I remain standing still, keeping my eyes at the shorter girl next to me.
Y/n's POV:
It's almost impossible not to melt because of the way Elizabeth looks at me sometimes. She is like the person I've known forever, who constantly makes sure that I'm safe, take care of myself and feel alright. The quivering tenderness that fills her eyes at such moments makes me want to spend hours drowning in these emerald orbs. I'm absolutely not sure that I'm not seeing things, but still the thought that she might care about me warms my soul.
After spending a couple of minutes in silent staring contest, her velvety voice breaks the silence:
"So, Y/n...Wanna walk a bit? There is a cafe with my favorite donuts nearby." She winks at me and nods somewhere to the right. There's a beautiful park with a breathtaking view of the evening sunset on the other side of the road opposite us and I simply can't refuse this offer.
"Aww, do you want to treat me with donuts? How sweet of you, El." I'm playing with her a little.
"Indeed. Their pastries are some of the best in town and a must try." Her bright smile leaves me no choice, even though I wasn't going to deny her anyway.
"Won't our friends be wondering why we've been gone for so long?"
"I think they're having enough fun not to notice our absence." Well, I definitely don't need to be persuaded more.
"By the way, why did you hide from me for so long that your best friend is literally one of the biggest Hollywood celebrities? How did you two even meet?" I ask curiously as we leave the store with our donuts.
"I wanted to surprise you and I did it successfully by the way." The smile never leaves her lips. "We've known each other for, I think, twelve years already. Our parents knew each other and so we were lucky enough to become friends in our youth. In fact, I'm extremely proud of what she has achieved." Another proof that she's the sweetest person and a really good friend.
"It must be really cool to be able to hang out with people from her circle. El, have you ever wanted to be an actress too?" Her face took on a thoughtful and slightly distant look.
"You know, I didn't really have a choice, so I didn't think about it. Do you mind sitting down here so we could eat?" she asks, pointing to a pretty wooden bench a few feet away from us.
"Yes, sure." El nods in response and we sit comfortably, admiring the amazing evening sky and enjoying a surprising calmness of the park.
"What profession did you want to have in the future when you were little, Y/n?" she asks, biting into her dessert and resting her head on her hand, which she placed on the back of the bench.
"A zookeeper, actually. I still think it's a great job, but now childhood dreams have turned into an adult confusion, so I don't know," I say with a shrug.
"Oh, I really understand you. Sometimes I vacillate between the desire to drop everything, go somewhere and open a small flower shop, and wanting to work here in our company. Adult life is a bit complicated, isn't it?" I don't fully understand if her smile is sad or usual one, but it wouldn't be correct to ask this.
"Yeah, it is. I don't even know what exactly I'd like to do in my life and now I'm trying to figure it out. It seems to me that I won't be able to hold out for a long time in this job, since the only thing I like is helping you and attending some events" I say sincerely, letting her know that I actually enjoy working with her.
"I sincerely hope that you succeed in this. Let me know if you need any help, okay?" Oh, even this small question means so much to me.
"Okay, thanks, El," I reply, turning away from her to hide the slight blush on my cheeks that has appeared there once again.
We sit in silence for a while longer, enjoying each other's company, delicious desserts, and a wonderful view before our eyes, until someone's deep voices interrupt it.
"Good evening ladies, may we keep you company today?" two young tall brunettes come up to us and sit on opposite sides of the bench, putting their hands on its wooden back.
"Such beautiful women being without their gentlemen is simply unacceptable," says the guy who sits next to me, brazenly moving closer to my side and eyeing us, while licking his lower lip. God, what a horror, they look and act like they've escaped straight Tiktok.
"What makes you think that we need men at all?" I turn my attention back to Elizabeth and all I see is obvious annoyance on her face and body language. I can only agree with her, but I'm so uncomfortable right now that I'm struggling to get any words out of me.
"Every woman needs a man," smirks the guy next to Elizabeth, staring straight into her eyes defiantly. Yeah, sure, we all dream of getting an impudent hot guy who doesn't know the words "personal space".
"Is that so? Weird, because my girlfriend and I think differently." She declares almost venomously, laying her hand on my waist and moving me towards her." Wait, what?!
"Isn't that right, sweetheart?" Her gaze doesn't even ask me to play along with her and I'm still sitting here in a daze, but my face luckily doesn't show it at all.
"Absolutely, darling." I say with a smile and sound quite convincing, although to me it seems like I just collapsed inside.
"Oh, so you're...uh...one of those?" Elizabeth's and my eyebrows arch at the same time, showing total dissatisfaction with what is happening right now and her hand tightens on my waist.
"One of the normal people who just enjoy their life and mind their business? Yes, and you should do the same. Will you leave on your own or should I ask those gentlemen for help?" she says through almost clenched teeth, nodding at the two policemen nearby.
"That's unnecessary, we're already going." The young people hurriedly left our place, letting us be alone again.
"Ugh, I hate people like that so much, like they just had to ruin our mood." She seems still distressed judging by her rapid speech and tight grip on my side.
"Yeah, we're lucky these guys wasn't aggressive as they often are," I exhale almost into her neck as I'm sitting extremely close to her body.
Turning her head to me, she apparently notices my puzzled expression and loosens her grip, still not removing her hand from my body.
"Are you okay?" comes out almost as a whisper from her mouth and I involuntarily linger my gaze on her plump lips.
Noticing my silence, Elizabeth slowly tucks a loose strand of my hair behind my ear and tilts her head to the side, waiting for an answer.
"I am, thank you. Are you?" I manage to break out of my short trance and look up at her eyes, which a few minutes ago sparkled with bitterness, but now express only the warmth I used to.
"Me too. Are you cold, Y/n?" her brows furrow slightly as she touches the tip of my nose with the back of two fingers, checking my body temperature.
"That's fine." My glare darts between her perfect features.
"It's not, let me give you my jacket, I don't need it right now."
"No, it's okay, really, I promise," I rumble, but she interrupts me by draping a thing over my shoulders, making sure it will keep me warm enough.
"There we go." Elizabeth's words are a little louder than a whisper, meant only for me.
"There we go." I repeat, basking in the warmth of her clothes and hands moving up and down my arms in an attempt to warm me up faster.
Her movements are stopping little by little and everything that is happening now seems to create a dome around us that cuts us off from the outside world.
Now there is only us and the connection that we managed to create in such a short period of time. Elizabeth, removing one hand from me and placing the other on my shoulders, moves a little closer to me, leaving not an inch of free space between us. My eyes never leave her face, big emeralds and slightly parted lips. I can't help but notice the glimpse of doubt in her eyes, but she, having replaced it with something inexplicable, begins to slowly lean towards me and my breath seems to no longer exist at all.
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fanimesenseiwrites · 3 years
For Lucifer and Mammon and Beel how about: 1 moment that they assist MC when it comes to adjusting to Devildom or understanding something about it and 1 moment where MC does the same for them when they are in the human realm
Oh my god, this is such a great ask! Thank you for gracing my inbox with this! Unfortunately I could only think of stuff for in the Devildom so that's what I'm going to post, otherwise this will just sit in my drafts forever lol. If I ever come up with ideas for the human realm I'll write and post those too.
The brothers help MC out in the Devildom:
"So... Diavolo's the only actual royalty, right?" MC asked, curiously.
"It's Lord Diavolo" Lucifer corrected them. "But yes. He is the only heir to the throne."
"Right, right, my bad. So where's the king?"
"He's asleep."
Lucifer sighed. "Why do you need to know?" He was already tired of all the questions, and he had a sneaking suspicion that MC had plenty more lined up.
"I'm just curious. Everything is new and strange to me."
"Well must you ask me all these questions?"
"I mean, I guess I don't have to ask you... I just thought you were the smartest out of all your brothers."
Lucifer allowed himself a small smirk at that stroke of his ego. "... what else do you want to know?"
MC grinned at him. "So I've heard you and your brothers be referred to as "rulers of hell" and sometimes "princes of hell" but if you aren't royalty...?"
Lucifer hummed as he thought about the best way to explain it. "Think of us as... nobility. Just as the British Monarchy up in the mortal realm gives noble titles to their heirs who would not take the throne, we have been awarded such titles by the king based on our strength."
MC nodded. "I see... I think I get it now. Thanks for answering my questions."
"You're welcome. Just be sure that your curiosity doesn't get you into trouble. You know what they say, "curiosity killed the cat," Lucifer's voice was just a little more threatening than it had previously been.
"But satisfaction brought it back," MC finished the quote, either not hearing the change in his tone or not caring.
Lucifer watched MC as they left his presence, and he just knew they were going to be a thorn in his side for the remainder of their stay.
MC was walking back to the House of Lamentation after extra study hours. They hadn't done so well on their last history test and they really needed to study so they could do better on the next one.
As MC walked home, they noticed a crow watching them and following them, but cautiously keeping their distance too.
MC smiled at the crow, then stopped and rummaged around in their backpack for something.
The crow watched them curiously.
MC pulled out a pack of crackers from their bag and broke a couple of them up and laid them on the ground before looking back at the crow.
"Those are for you."
The crow watched them cautiously as it slowly made its way to the crackers.
MC crouched down and watched the crow with a grin.
The crow ate some of the cracker and chittered happily.
"You're so cute," MC told the crow.
"Look at the loser human talking to a crow!" A passerby demon told his friend.
The crow squawked and flew away when the two new demons appeared.
MC sighed and stood up. "You didn't have to scare it."
"I wasn't trying to scare the crow."
The emphasis the demon put on crow scared MC, but they tried not to show it.
"Right... well, you two have a good night." MC started walking toward the house again.
The two demons jogged to catch up with MC and walked along either side of them.
"So where are you going all by yourself?" The demon who had scared the crow asked.
"I'm going to meet a friend, they're waiting for me a couple blocks up," MC lied, hoping their words would deter the pair of demons from doing anything to them.
The demon clucked their tongue. "You know, demons can tell when you're lying. I just heard your heart rate increase when you lied just now."
"And you absolutely reek of fear," the second demon spoke.
MC glanced between the two demons, now truly afraid for their life.
MC tried to run but the demons were far too quick for them.
They each grabbed one of MC's arms and the first one covered MC's mouth with his hand before they could scream. They dragged MC away from the road and into a secluded alley, before pinning them against a wall.
"Ya know, human flesh is a fun treat but the soul is where its at," the first demon spoke to the second.
"I agree, I guess we'll just have to share it," the second replied while grinning deviously at MC.
MC was so scared that they were shaking and tears were streaming from their eyes.
Suddenly, MC's attackers were pulled away from them and slammed into the wall opposite of them.
MC felt immediate relief at seeing that their rescuer had white hair.
Mammon growled harshly at the two demons, making sure they were well intimidated before asking, "What'dya think you're doing? Did ya really think the human exchange student was just walking around with no protection?"
"W-what are you going to do to us?" One of the demons asked.
Mammon hummed before tossing them to the ground. "Not shit."
"Really?" One of them asked as they got back to their feet.
"Yeah, I'ma just report ya to Lucifer and Lord Diavolo. They'll get more of a kick out of punishing ya than I will," Mammon told them as he rest his hands on his hips.
The pair of demons stared at him in horror.
Mammon fake lunged at them just to scare them. "Get outta here!"
The demons quickly ran away.
Mammon rolled his eyes and looked at MC. "Hey, are ya o-"
MC practically threw themself at Mammon, wrapping their arms around him in the process. "Thank you so much! I was so scared!" They sobbed.
"'Kay..." Mammon rubbed their back. "Calm down, everything's fine."
MC looked up at him. "How did you know I was in trouble?"
Mammon grinned before putting two fingers in his mouth and whistling loudly.
A crow flew down and landed on Mammon's shoulder.
"The crow!" MC cried happily.
Mammon reached up to pet its neck. "Yeah, they're my familiars. So that means I've always got an eye on ya!"
MC chuckled. "Well I guess that's a good thing."
"Yeah, but that don't mean you can be out walkin' around by yourself! Don't ever do that again! You call me to come get you next time, got it?!"
MC nodded.
"Good." Mammon grabbed their bookbag and threw it over his shoulder, the crow flew off when he did that. "C'mon, let's go home."
MC smiled slightly. "Okay."
They headed back to the House of Lamentation together, walking as close together as was comfortable.
MC sat in the cafeteria at RAD, and despite feeling hungry, they couldn't find the appetite they needed to eat the food in front of them.
Beel walked over and sat down next to them with his own tray of food.
MC looked up at him. "Hey Beel, do you want my lunch?"
Beel instantly perked up at the prospect of more food but frowned when they looked at MC's tray. "But you didn't even touch your food."
"Yeah, I'm not really hungry."
"... are you sick?" Beel tried to fathom the possibility of not being hungry.
"No... I just... I don't feel like I can eat this food. It's all so weird."
"Is it weird or just different?" Beel challenged.
"No, it's weird," MC told him flatly. "I mean half of the food has poison in the name and cheeses are aged for longer than I'll be alive and the scorpions are as big as lobsters! Also, who would eat a scorpion?!"
Beel frowned and almost pouted.
MC looked at him. "Oh shit, that was rude. I'm sorry..."
"... have you even tried a scorpion yet?" Beel asked tentatively.
"... no," MC admitted sheepishly.
"Well why don't you try it?"
"Can I eat it? Or will it kill me?"
Beel shook his head with a small grin. "Lord Diavolo adjusted the menu so nothing served here will kill humans."
MC nodded. "Well that's one less thing to worry about... but how do you eat the scorpion?"
"Some people like to eat exoskeleton, like me, but for those who don't they eat it like this." He snapped the tail off and sucked the meat out of it.
"Oh... that reminds me of eating a crawfish."
Beel nodded then cracked open the abdomen and pulled out the meat inside using a fork.
"Ya know, that actually makes a lot of sense."
"Now you try," Beel coaxed.
MC nodded and looked down at the scorpion on their plate, still feeling a little intimidated.
"You don't have to like it, just try it," Beel told them.
MC nodded and took a deep breath before snapping the tail off and sucking out the meat. "Hm... this is actually good."
Beel grinned. "I'm glad you think so."
With some encouragement and explanation from Beel, MC finished eating their lunch for the first time since they had arrived in the Devildom.
"Hey Beel?" MC asked as they walked to class after lunch was over.
"Hm?" Beel looked down at them.
"Could we go out after school today? I want to try more Devildom food with you."
Beel smiled at them. "I'd like that."
MC smiled back at him. "It's a date!"
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kpop-dungeon-dark · 3 years
REQUEST (Nerd!Felix/Yongbok x You)
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Warning(s): Non-Con, humiliation, degradation, brat taming, watersports, breath play, rough filthy shit. Read at own risk.
"If that isn't our little Yongbokkieeee~" Felix sighed and shut his eyes tightly when he heard the familiar dreadful voice from behind, holding the straps of his school bag even tighter. "Aigoooi~ aren't you in a hurry, foreign booooy?" Her perfectly manicured hand placed on the boy's shoulder, pulling him back.
"Let go, Y/n-ah…" The boy spoke, trying his best not to snap at the little slut. She was so foolish. A fucking clown. A narrow minded little racist bitch. That's what.
"Ahhhh… your Korean is soooo adorable…" Before she moved to stand in front of him, heavy tits tightly packed in her school shirt, the first few buttons up. "What's the rush, Aussie boy? Too proud to make friends? Tsk, tsk!" Felix felt like smacking her infuriatingly cute little face.
"You know it's not like tha-"
"LISTEN UP, EVERYONE!" Y/n clapped and got everyone's attention, the whole hallway of students going home stopping to look at her. "OUR FOREIGN BOY DOESN'T WANNA BE FRIENDS~" she pouted as if it really hurt her. "HE AVOIDED ME ALL DAY IN SCHOOL TOO! HOW PROUD, TSK!" Everyone booed him, calling him names and whatnot. It was terrible.
Had he known moving to Korea was going to be like this he'd have never agreed. They made fun of his looks, his accent, the grammatical errors he made and his English name that he preferred. Even though Felix was using his English name in his documents now that he was all grown up, Y/n had somehow learnt his Korean one and she wasn't going to let him live it down.
"Aigo what a loser" splashing the juice in her hand at his shirt, the girl clicked her tongue and walked away while laughing, leaving the boy in absolute despair due to how badly it stained his shirt.
He didn't want to hurt her because she was clearly fucking naive and dumb but fuck. Y/n was making it fucking hard.
Felix checked his room one last time to make sure it was clean and smelt nice with just the right amount of ventilation. Setting his books up on the foldable desks he'd set up on the bed, the boy opened up the other desk too. His mom had asked him if he could teach her bestfriend's child some English as they were apparently in the same year as him. The boy was happy to help and agreed so now his mom's friend was going to drop the kid off at their house that he didn't know anything about.
And who else could it be other than the one and only. How fucking cliche.
The male was unsure of how to act when he heard his mom's voice and another women's before his door was knocked, opening as Mrs. Lee along a stern looking tall and built women in a police uniform appeared.
Felix got up and respectfully bowed to the women as she greeted him back, her friendly smile really unusual for her stern features. "Hello, dear. Thank you so much for your kind gesture. I've been looking for a good teacher for quite some time now but my child is… slow." She chuckled. "Maybe it'd be easier for her if someone her age teaches her…"
"Oh, of course. No problem at all. I'd be actually very happy to help. That way I get to revise too and study from a different perspective, ma'am." He didn't know why, but he couldn't stop the smirk from appearing on his face. Oh. She was trying her best to hide behind her mother but Felix had seen the pathetic little girl.
Oh how fucking perfect.
"Ah I hope my kid can learn well from you in not just academics but manners too… Now! Y/n-ah- where…" Her mother looked for her before turning around to find her hiding, gripping her wrist and pulling her in front of the taller boy. "There you are. Now… learn well okay? Felix will take well care of you" her mother glanced at the boy and he nodded, bowing a little bit as he said of course.
Y/n was trying not to die as she was made to stand right in front of fucking Yongbok out of all! How was she so stupid?! She should have put two and two together! Oh fuck! This was bad! This was terrible for her image! Now he knew that she was looking for tuition and not all that careless about studies as she seemed to act like back in school. And she also wasn't a badass in her private life.
"Be good. I'll pick you up on my way back, alright?" The girl had non-existent balls to brat with her mother as she was a firm police woman and knew how to get brats going. She had gotten enough harsh punishments from her mom to even dare to try. Y/n did her best to pretend to be a good kid. Or her mom had threatened to send her off to juvi or a boarding school! "Hm?"
The girl whimpered, feeling the boy's gaze burn into her very soul. "Y- Yes, mommy." She could only whisper back, head lowered all the way.
"Good baby. Now give mommy a kiss." Y/n could die of embarrassment right now, her cheeks burning as she felt humiliated. Oh she had no idea what was coming her way. This was nothing. Her mother still treated her like a 4 year old baby and not like she was 18. It was so fucking stupid!
"Y- Yes, mommy…" There was no use hiding. Yongbok could see it all and he was quietly observing it. Standing on her tippy toes because of being much smaller than her mom, Y/n kissed her cheek. "Bye, mommy." The copper ruffled her daughter's head before leaving with Felix's mother who was also dressed for work.
Lowering her head even more when it was just the both of them, Y/n held her bag right as she didn't turn around, not wanting to face the smug boy, whimpering when he stepped forward to close his door.
"She… doesn't know, does she?" Felix's deep voice pierced through her soul as he turned around to look down at her now, grinning wide. "Tsk… look at this cute little turtleneck and long skirt… those baby shoes and these pigtails…" Y/n felt her heart starting to pound when he suddenly tugged at her twin ponytails, her cheeks feeling even hotter in pure humiliation. "If only you were actually a good babygirl like your 'mommy' thinks and not a skimpy little slutty whore ridiculing people for no fucking reason at school" clicking his tongue, the boy walked to his bed and plopped on it in a relaxed manner, well aware that he had her exactly where a bitch like her should be. "I wonder how she will react if she finds out that you are actually-"
"N- NO PLEASE!" Y/n finally found her voice and rushed to him, helplessly pleading. "PLEASE DON'T TELL M- MOMMY! I- I AM SORRY!" She struggled, not knowing what to say. This was so awkward and strange. Something she'd never thought of. Fuck.
"Ahhh so you really are an all talk whore, tsk. Acting all cool and fearless in school but actually a pathetic little mommy's baby." Felix chuckled tauntingly and shook his head, eyes cold. Months. She'd been troubling him for months simply because he was a foreigner and made mistakes in Korean. "Come here, let me see. I wouldn't be surprised if you're also wearing a nappy under that cute skirt. Do you need a change?" He teasingly went to grab her arm which caused the girl to stagger backwards.
"N- No! No, Y- Yon- Felix! I- I swear I am not! I am not wearing a-- p- please! Don't do this! I- I won't bother you again! You don't even have to tutor me! Just please don't tell mom!" Y/n hated how pathetically she had to beg him.
"Ah… so it's suddenly Felix now, huh?" The male chuckled before speaking again. "Since I am not a pathetic slut like you, I won't tell your mom but in exchange, you'll have to be good for me. If you oblige, good. If you don't, I'll have to tell her, little one. Because what you're doing will end up harming someone really bad."
The girl desperately dropped her bag, sitting in his feet and holding his knees. "Y- Yes! Yes! Alright! I'll be good! I'll do whatever you want! Just don't tell mom! I don't wanna go to juvi or boarding-" her eyes widened before she slapped her mouth shut. Oh no! She didn't just tell him that!
Felix threw his head back and laughed. "Ahhh so it's like that, I see…" He was enjoying this. Looking down at her, Felix felt something stir inside him as his eyes got darker. She looked so fucking perfect kneeling under him like this. It was getting so hard to hold back now that he had her. "Fine. If you don't want to go to boarding or juvi, you'll have to be my little fuck piggy. And when I say that, I mean it. You'll be my literal plaything and there will be no denying my orders. You'll have to obey and be good like a brainless little slave doll… You will only know what I allow. You will only do as I say. No using your own brain, not that it is very smart anyway… That is the price." He had always had… dark desires. Which was one of the reasons he'd never dated much. But when Felix had seen Y/n all those months ago in school for the first time, he had unintentionally imagined how it would feel to ruin her to the point of despair before building her back up.
And now that he was so close to having it. Fuck. The boy was going insane.
Y/n nodded slowly, tears forming in her eyes as she bit her lip. "Y- Yes, I… I agree. I- I'll be your d- doll, Felix… J- Just please d- don't tell anyone… I- I beg you… I- I don't wanna g- go to boarding or…" A sob left her, his finger catching her tear amidst of falling down.
This was so wrong. But she deserved it. Felix was absolutely disgusted by bullies.
"Don't worry. Like your mother said, I'll take goood care of you." The naive girl had no idea what she had signed herself up for or just what his words meant. "Then… why don't you prove your worth by getting up and stripping to let me see my belongings... And, get those dirty little hands off. Fuck toys don't deserve to touch Master unless allowed." Felix swatted them off.
"W- What? M- Master…? S- Strip?" Y/n was lost.
"What else did you think? Some Wattpad romance where I make you my little sidekick or something before I confess that I've liked you all along?" Raising an eyebrow he pushed her back. "Get to it."
"B- But F- Felix-!"
"It's Master!" The male firmly spoke as he glared down at her, yanking one of her pigtails. "Come on now… time's running and we don't have all day my little toy. You better start behaving before it's too late…" Her sobs and tears satisfied him so much.
Y/n slowly got up with her head lowered, trembling as she stepped out of her shoes, slowly pulling her socks off. "I- I can't believe I am doing this in front o- of you.." She whispered while struggling to not collapse on her knees, literally shivering under his firm gaze.
"I also couldn't believe a person as rotten as you existed." Before he grabbed the hem of her dress, pulling her closer and snorting when she gasped, flinching when he leaned back again. Felix's foot trailed up her shaking leg, the top of his foot rubbing against her covered core before he grabbed the waistband of her panties with his toes, pulling them down from under the skirt. "Ahh… so little girl's mommy really doesn't put her in nappies, I see…" Before he looked back up at her face, his foot resting on the underwear between her ankles now. "Skirt off now."
The girl was wiping at her tears as she shakily undid the skirt before letting it fall, her heart pounding even harder when the cold air attacked her core before he made her pull her shirt up and off, suddenly ripping her bra off which caused her to scream.
"Tsk… you sure are jumpy and scaredy for how tough you act." The boy shook his head, feeding off her misery. "Pick that underwear up." Y/n reached for it when he finally removed his foot from the top of it, stepping out of it and picking it up, even her ears red now out of humiliation. "Put it on your head." Another sob left her as he pinched and played with her breast, loving the authority he had over her.
"Fe- M- Master…" Shaking her head, she tried to back away but Felix wasn't having it.
"What did I just fucking say?!" He snapped, towering over her when the boy stood up, making her cower down before she put the smelly article over her head, biting her lips to stop her sobs from escaping. "Such a good toy…" Felix cooed this time, rubbing her head as he pulled it down and covered her eyes with the waistband, pulling her pigtails out of the sides.
"Fuck… you look good. Just how a dumb brainless slut should look." Fishing his phone out, he smirked. "This proves how you've no problem with being brainless. You look fucking retarded but you're doing it because Master said it. That's exactly what this is about. Obedience" before he suddenly kissed her briefly, making her gasp.
"Now~ smile wide for a picture…" Before he turned the camera on and stepped back, making sure her whole body was in frame. Fuck. Felix was so fucking painfully hard. "Come on… don't be shy" he taunted when she sobbed in protest, making him switch to video instead. "Fine, then." His taunting smile dropped to a firm expression as he approached her, placing his feet on hers before he smacked her face, catching it all on camera.
"Aigooo~" he mimicked her, smacking her other cheek, uncovering her eyes but still keeping the underwear on her head. He decided that it will be a new style for her. "Look at this whore~" Y/n's flushed cheeks now received some more slaps before he placed his hand on her nose and pushed it back, chuckling loudly. "Awww such a cute little fuck piggy we have here… she loves this doesn't she?" When she continued to cry, Felix smacked her head and pulled at the girl's ponytail. "DOESN'T SHE?"
"Y- Yes, Master! Yes!"
"Good girl" pushing her nose back to look like a pig's again, the male spat at it. "Now tell Master you're thankful. Get on your knees and be good."
"T- Thank you, M- Master…" The girl cried out, slowly getting on her knees now. "Thank you s- so much…" Felix parted her legs by his foot, cutting the footage and tossing his phone on the bed before kicking her pussy, causing Y/n to jerk forward, face banging straight into his cock.
A moan left him before he grabbed both her ponytails, wrapping them around his hands. "Now I have a present for you. I bought it all a while back and have been keeping it hidden and safe for when I get a fuck piggy. And now that you're here, I'll give you it."
Yes, Felix was pissed at her and yes, he loved destroying her but he was no asshole. She still had that cute little whore face he adored.
Crouching down in front of her, he gripped her chin and kissed her lips again, ignoring her gasp and kissing her again before spitting right on her tongue. "Swallow it and wait for Master to be back. Face down and ass up. I shouldn't have to fuckin repeat myself."
Y/n trembled as she struggled to swallow his spit, bowing down on the ground, slowly raising her nude ass back up. A few moments passed with Felix bringing stuff over and near her, fumbling with things in his closet before he finally closed it and walked to her. "Aren't you lucky? Finding an owner without even looking. There's so many pets like you who have no Master… or not a good one at least, you know…" Standing behind her, Felix rubbed the lube all over the tiny and thick piggy tail assplug. "Aren't you lucky?"
The girl knew what he wanted to hear so she nervously started, having no idea what the boy was about to do. "Y- Yes, Master… v- very luc- AHHHH!" She could only lay there and weakly cry as Felix laughed loudly at her scream because he'd pushed the plug in, tapping her ass.
"Good piggy~" the male cooed and hooked a thin chain to a small loop on top of the plug, slowly making her sit up in silence, the only sounds being her weak sobs. "Just… give in… it'll hurt less that way and you'll be happier." His eyes were trained on what he was doing, the long chain extending from down her plug having nose hooks at the other end that he plugged in her nose, chuckling when her eyes widened as she located the small cage in front of her.
"Oh, yeah. That is your new crib" Felix was clearly loving this. Kissing her stretched little piggy nose, he placed the pink piggy ears on her underwear covered head, followed by a pink collar that had a small bell attached to it. "You look so beautiful…" Kissing her lips again, Felix attached weights to her nipples, making her whine out in pain as she tried to stop his hands. "Oho~" he swatted her hands away, grabbing the piggy hands and feet before putting them on her, finally folding her limbs and binding them.
"Hmmm… that's like a good filthy little fuck pig." Before he attached a leash to her collar and gulped, feeling his balls ache now due to the masterpiece he'd made, pulling at the leash to have her crawl in the cage before he closed it, chuckling at how she kept tripping. "Clumsy pig." Before he started to take pictures, taunting and humiliating her all the while.
When Felix was satisfied with the photoshoot, he opened the cage and walked to the bed, holding her leash and pulling her with him. "Now… the fun part." Before he tucked his aching cock out much to her horror, sitting down on the bed and pulling her in between her legs. Pumping his cock a little, the male moaned loudly as he started to piss on her face, chuckling loudly when she yelled and protested, trying to move away but only falling on her face, choking when he harshly pulled at her leash, forcefully pushing his cock in her mouth. "You better swallow that!"
Y/n started crying loudly again, wails leaving her throat as his hot piss started travelling down her throat, making her choke and gag as he loudly laughed. "What a useless piggy! Can't even be a good urinal." Before he smacked her face again, now starting to fuck her mouth fast and rough, hitting his hard tip against the back of her throat before forcefully pushing in, a trail of piss and spit hanging down her lips.
"Fuck… fuck…" Felix moaned loudly, his cock twitching inside of her and pulsating from how fucking good it felt. From her soft mouth to her tight throat, to how he could see his cock against her skin, her eyes widened when her breath supply would totally cut off from his balls getting stuffed between her lips.
"Fuck… you're no good… I'll have to train you plenty" her cries were causing shivers and vibrations up his cock as he fucked her face up and down his cock by her ponytails, kicking her pussy as he went faster and faster, his hips starting to ache from how much strength it was causing.
"What a dumb slut!" Pulling his cock out of her throat, he kicked her on her back, making her arch her back when the tail plug brushed against the floor. "I need that useless fucking pussy now. It better be worth it." Y/n felt scared and nervous for her vagina now as he warned and crawled over her now, pushing his way forcefully inside, biting down at her lip when he felt her hymen tear and lube his cock up.
"I am going to make an absolute mess out of you." He promised, his deep voice sending shivers down her sweaty body. "My mess."
I am sorry if it was too rough sjskso you said like bullying gone wrong-
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uvobreakmylegs · 3 years
Floor 200
I’m still working on part two of vampire!Hisoka but here’s a different, shorter piece with him
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Warnings: threats of noncon, implied death, implications of smut
You yelped a bit as you moved out of the way of the two young boys who burst out from the elevator, barely managing to avoid them plowing you down as they sprinted past you.
The boy wearing green at least had the decency to call back a “sorry!” to you as they ran, and the rather messy-looking man with glasses that followed behind them also offered you a quick apology before going on his way. Just as quickly as those three had come, they were gone, leaving through a side entrance of Heaven's Arena while your heart felt like it was going to burst out of your chest at how sudden and unexpected all of that had been.
The encounter was more confusing than anything. With the amount of dangerous characters that lived in the tower, it certainly wasn't a place for children to be running around like that. Some of the people here really didn't give a shit, and if those two ran into someone who was actually dangerous and bloodthirsty, you feared what the end result of that would be.
The elevator doors sliding shut brought you back to reality, and you pushed your arm against one door to hold it open as you slipped inside, pushing the button for the 200th floor.
Thinking about those boys again brought back memories of your own childhood, of running around and playing with your friends and getting into trouble. You sighed a little bit, thinking of the things you used to do and wondering where all that energy had gone now that you'd grown up.
….. Dear God, had you really gotten to the point in your life where you'd be reminiscing about your childhood and the fact that you'd grown up to be as miserable as everybody else? It wasn't like you were that old.
You didn't want to focus on that slightly depressing thought, so you turned your attention to the bags of groceries you held and the meal you planned to make. Tonight was special. After finishing up a few jobs and going through his Hunter exam, Hisoka was actually back and planned to stick around for a while. So to celebrate both his success and return you were planning on cooking dinner for the two of you. You couldn't help feeling a little bit of excitement at the thought of it. It was such a small thing to eat dinner together, but it had been a while since you had seen him last, and you wanted to make the most of it.
The downside of living on the 200th floor of the arena meant that the elevator rides were terribly long, so you usually let your mind wander as the car made its way up the numerous floors. At least the long ride helped you to calm down from that little bit of shock earlier.
The ding of the elevator and the sound of the doors sliding open alerted you when you reached your destination. You left the elevator car and veered to the right towards the hallway that lead to Hisoka's room.
“Hey you- Oh.”
A voice sounded from behind, and you turned around to see who had spoken, finding three men that you knew better than you wanted to. Though for the life of you, you could never remember their names. You only knew them as the one in the wheelchair, the freaky-looking one missing an arm, and the other freaky-looking one in red. Gido.... That one was named Gido. You were about 90% sure that was correct.
“Can I help you?” you asked them.
They all avoided your gaze.
“We were waiting for someone else,” the one without an arm said, “thought you were these two kids that made it to the floor.”
“Do I look like two kids?”
None of them responded to your question. It was clear that they wanted you to leave, but after the last time you had been confronted in these hallways, they knew better than to even say anything out of line.
Hisoka had been pushing you to move in with him, and while you weren't really sure you wanted to live at the tower full-time, you couldn't deny that the room he had on the 200th floor was nice. A lot nicer than anything you could afford in that city. And since there weren't any rent or utilities that needed to be paid, it would be a good opportunity to save up some cash. So you agreed, much to Hisoka's delight.
The incident occurred when you had been moving in; Hisoka had gone on ahead of you, carrying a few boxes while you were bringing up a few bags full of clothes. On the way to Hisoka's room, those three had stopped you, along with a fourth man, one who was covered in burn scars and missing an eye. It was obvious you weren't a nen user, so they'd demanded to know what you were doing up there.
“My boyfriend lives here; I'm moving in with him,” you told them.
“Boyfriend, huh?” the one with the scars asked, “what, you cozied up to one of the fighters here so you could live in luxury without working for it?”
“I don't have to explain myself to you,” you answered.
“No, but you'll do it anyway.”
“Fuck off.”
At that he grabbed you by the throat and slammed you into the wall, the other three laughing behind him as he held you in place.
“It just isn't good for the arena's image if any random slut off the street can be living up on this level alongside the quality fighters,” he said, “so beat it, you stupid bitch. You don't belong here.”
“And a bunch of losers who barely survived their initiations do?”
Your words seemed to hit a nerve for all four of them, and the air around you grew deadly as the grip on your throat became that much tighter. But as he did so, the one with the scars smirked as a thought came to his mind.
“I've got an idea,” he said, “why doesn't your boyfriend make a wager with me? If he fights me and wins, you can stay. But if I win, my buddies and I get to have you for the night, and then you get the fuck outta here.”
“You want to fuck me? I thought I was a slut,” you spat, “is this about humiliating me or are you four just that desperate because no one is stupid enough to willingly get in bed with you?”
He reached with his other hand to grab your jaw and force your mouth closed. Egging him on really was so stupid, but the familiar figure you had noticed from the corner of your eye made you feel a bit more bold.
“You've got a mouth on you. But I've got a few ideas on how to shut you up and put that little smartass mouth to better use.”
The other three had grown quiet, but the one holding you didn't notice.
“So how 'bout it? Will you ask your boyfriend about that wager, or should I?”
It was hard to speak with how he was holding you, but you responded as you pointed to your right.
“I think.... He already heard.”
The scarred man's eyes followed where you were pointing, and when he saw Hisoka standing within earshot, you swore that man's soul just about left his body.
The other three had already noticed him, and were actively trying to distance themselves from their fourth.
Hisoka was smiling, but the second the man laid eyes on him bloodlust he had been holding back oozed from him, filling up the hallway and consuming all four.
The man who had been on your case backed away from you, holding up his hands in surrender.
“I-I-I d-didn't know,” he sputtered.
Hisoka didn't answer at first. He casually walked up to you two and wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you against him. With how Hisoka's nails dug into your hip, you could tell that Hisoka was well and truly pissed off. The man had stayed where he was, the murderous aura keeping him in place.
Hisoka looked to him.
“I accept your wager.”
The fight between them was one of the most gruesome things you had ever witnessed, and it went down as one of the bloodiest matches in the tower's history. The remaining trio didn't go anywhere near Hisoka after that, and they did everything they could to avoid you as well.
Whatever they were waiting for must have been important to them, seeing as they weren't turning around and leaving at the sight of you. They had mentioned kids, and you wondered if they were referring to the two boys who had come from the elevator.
But ultimately, it wasn't any of your business, and you motioned to the hallway you had been headed for as you asked “do you need me for something? I've got stuff I need to do.”
They shook their heads, their eyes still averted, and you continued on your way. The petty side of you wanted to throw back a quip of some kind, but you decided against it. They already didn't like you; there was no point in making things worse and have them resent you further.
Though it was probably hard for them to start shit when they remembered the way their old buddy was cut to pieces.
When you entered that hallway, to your surprise, you found Hisoka sitting on the floor at the other end. His eyes widened and he grinned when he saw you, flicking the card he was holding and throwing it into the wall. Reaching the end of the hallway, you found several playing cards that had been sliced into the wall at various angles. What the hell was he doing?
“.... What'd the wall do to you?” you finally asked.
Hisoka paused, a new card he was about to throw still between his fingers as he looked over to you.
“After we've been apart for so long, that's the first thing you say to me?” he responded, his eyebrow raised. Though he still had that teasing grin.
“You're making a nuisance of yourself,” you answered, “who exactly is going to clean this up once you're done here?”
“Who knows. It's not my problem.”
“I used to work in jobs like these, Hisoka. Trust me, cleaning up something like this won’t be fun.”
“The people who will clean this up aren't you, so I don't care,” he responded.
You sighed. You wouldn't be getting anywhere with this argument; better to just let it go.
“Is there a reason you're sitting on the floor out here?” you tried instead.
“I'm waiting for someone.”
“Hm. I'm guessing it's not me.”
“Afraid not.”
“Who then?”
“Two promising little fighters who've caught my eye,” Hisoka mused, “but they aren't quite ready to be up on this level just yet. And unless they can get past me, they won't be advancing any further.”
“So this is some kind of initiation thing?” you asked.
“In a way.”
“And how long is this going to take?”
“They need to be back before midnight, so possibly until then.”
Your eyes narrowed at that bit of information.
“Oh? Is something wrong?” Hisoka asked, tilting his head as he looked at you.
“Haven't you forgotten something, Hisoka?”
Seconds passed by as he looked up at you, and you couldn't tell if he was just bullshitting you or if he had genuinely forgotten your plans for the evening.
“Oh!” he exclaimed after a moment, “we were planning on dinner, weren't we?”
“It seriously took you that long to remember?” you asked dryly.
“You'll have to forgive me, pet. I simply got caught up in the moment. You know how I get sometimes.”
“Unfortunately, yeah, I do,” you sighed, “so you're just going to blow me off tonight?”
“It isn't anything personal. This is just something I need to see through,” he explained.
“Oh, of course. At least I know how high I am on your list of priorities,” you responded sarcastically.
Hisoka frowned at that, and as he threw the card he had been holding into the wall, he said “you know I don't like it when you say things like that, even as a joke.”
'Just like you know I don't like it when you cancel last-minute,' was what you wanted to say to him. But as disappointed as you were, you didn't want to get into an argument immediately after seeing him again. And it was easy enough to reschedule a dinner.
“Whatever. We can move dinner to tomorrow,” you shrugging as you conceded.
“I appreciate it,” he said, smiling.
“I guess if I'm not awake by the time you get back, I'll see you in the morning.”
Hisoka nodded, and you began to walk forward, passing him and heading to your room.
A thought occurred to you then, and you turned back.
“When was the last time you ate, Hisoka?”
He seemed caught slightly off-guard by the question, and he looked to the side as his brain tried to recall the last time he had done something as basic as making sure he ate.
“You can't even remember, can you?” you asked him.
“I'll have something when I get back,” he said, shrugging.
You sighed again. Adjusting the bags so you held both on one arm, you rummaged through as you walked back to him. Hisoka looked at you curiously as you held out an apple for him.
“Eat something, idiot.”
Hisoka chuckled.
“If you insist,” he replied, taking the apple.
“I always appreciate the way you take care of me, pet.”
“Yeah, but maybe one of these days you could start to take care of yourself. Kinda sad you need me to remind you to eat, of all things.”
“I can't help it. I like it when you dote on me.”
A slight blur of movement from the end of the hallway caught your attention. Someone was listening in, it seemed. Based off the slight bit of red you had seen, it was safe to assume it was Gido. Why he was listening to you and Hisoka you weren't sure. And it didn't seem that Hisoka had seemed to care; if you had noticed him, than Hisoka definitely knew he was there.
“Something wrong? I wouldn't want to keep you out here as well,” Hisoka said.
“... No, everything's fine. I just need to do one last thing.”
“Since you're blowing me off for dinner, I want something from you.”
You knelt down on your knees and set the bags to the side before you moved in to place a kiss on Hisoka's lips, resting your hands on his chest. He had seemed rather surprised at first and didn't move. But when you began to pull away he reacted, his hand grabbing a fistful of your hair and pressing you harder against his lips. When you felt his tongue trying to force its way in you relented, opening your mouth and allowing him access. You weren't able to stop the groan that came out of you at the sensation of his tongue moving against your own, and to you it sounded like the noise echoed slightly in the empty hallway. Hisoka always made his kisses intense, and you were always left with flushed cheeks by the end of it.
When you pulled away again, he allowed it. His finger twirled a strand of your hair as he breathed “if I didn't know any better, I'd say you were using me to keep certain pests off your back.”
“Well, you have to be good for something, right?”
“Cheeky thing.”
You hummed as you stood back up, Hisoka trailing his hand down your arm as you did so, the sensation of his nails running along your skin giving you goosebumps. One glance back down that hallway and you could sense that there wasn't anyone there. Probably too awkward for even Gido to keep watching you two. Hisoka had already pulled out another playing card as you picked up the rest of the groceries.
“See you later, Hisoka.”
You began to walk away again, but when Hisoka called out your name, you paused and turned your head. There was a mischievous look in his eyes.
“Don't think you can rile me up and then get away with no consequences,” he told you.
“I don't know what you mean,” you said, feigning ignorance.
“Then I'll have to show you what I mean when I come back tonight.”
“It might have to wait until tomorrow; if you're coming back after midnight I'm going to be asleep. I'm not waiting up for you.”
“Trust me, pet,” he purred as he flung another card at the wall, “you won't be getting much sleep tonight.”
You felt your cheeks heat up at the way he said it. It was hardly even that dirty, and he had certainly said much dirtier things to you before. But in a way that only he was able, Hisoka managed to leave you flustered and incapable of keeping eye contact with him. Turning your head away from him just made it worse, as he chuckled at your embarrassment.
“We'll see,” was all you could say.
It was a pretty weak response, and you were quick to head back to the room, trying not to walk away too quickly and show him how much of a hurry you were in to get out of that situation.
Despite all that, you couldn't help the slight feeling of anticipation from what he promised.
You'd probably end up waiting up for him after all.
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jisungsplatforms · 3 years
[Chapter III: Hyunjin & Felix- Certified FBI Agents (or b*tches)]
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Pairing: Producer/Music Major! Han Jisung x Photographer! fem! reader
Genre: NSFW! Smut; non idol au, college au, strangers to lovers
Warnings: Mature Content! strong language, phone sex, masterbation (m&f) + guided masterbation, use of adult toys
Chapter Word Count: 3.9k
Taglist: @hyunjeongins @seungstarss @es-kay-zee @hyunjinsplaything @formidxble @freckledquokka @lbxgsunshine (want to be added? send an ask or a dm! <3)
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Filthy. You felt absolutely filthy.
You met a cute guy through text- as in an unknown dude you merely glanced at a random party. You sent certain texts to the cute guy- as in, a stranger you just met last night. You masterbated to the cute guy- as in, a man you barely even knew. Worse of all, you’re still thinking about said cute guy and how he affected you in a way you’ve never felt before.
But you loved it.
The next morning, you walked through the halls with a tight chest. Your heart beat rapidly at the thought of seeing your red beanie cutie, or rather, Jisung, in person. ‘Why the hell am I so nervous?’ You gripped your camera bag closer to your form as you made your way to your chemistry class.
“Y/n!” You heard deep voice say. You looked up to see Felix and Hyunjin waving to you. As you were about to greet the two, another person called out your name.
“Y/n!!” It was from a voice you’ve never heard before. You turned around to see Jisung running up to you with a cute smile, his red headphones dangling around his neck as he ran. Your eyes widened. You were about to greet him when he ambushed you with the biggest hug ever. “Good morning, Y/n! It’s so nice seeing you in person!”
‘How warm...’ you thought as you closed your eyes and returned his hug. You had to refrain yourself from whining out a complain when he let go of you. “How are you? Did you sleep well last night?” he asked, placing his hands on your shoulders.
Your mouth was agape. You stared into his pure, star-y eyes, speechless. ‘No way is this the same dude I was sending dirty texts to’. He looked at you expectantly, head tilted, waiting for your response. ‘Fuck. He’s so damn cute!’ “O-oh,” you stammered. “Yeah! I did sleep...good...last night…”
“Awesome! Me too! I really had fun talking with you,” he smiled, his words seemingly innocent. You could only blush. Oh if anyone knew the truth behind his words. “Speaking of talking, let’s hang out later so we can get to know each other a little more!”
“R-really? I mean- great! Yeah, let’s hangout later!” you nervously said.
“Yes! I’ll see you later, Y/n!” Jisung gave you another hug before leaving, waving to you as he walked further away from you. You weakly smiled as you waved back. ‘Why am I so awkward?’ Sighing, you turned around to see Felix and Hyunjin gaping at you. ‘Oh, right. Forgot about them’.
“Morning guys,” you stiffly greeted.
“Uh-good morning to you too, Y/n?” Felix replied. “So...How did the party go?”
You glanced at Hyunjin for a brief moment. “Oh, You know. Same old same old. Loud music. Lots of alcohol. People getting drunk, making out, fucking. Kinda what you expect in a typical college party in those cheesy tv shows.”
“Okay, cut the crap, Y/n,” Hyunjin intervened. “Since when did you and Jisung get close? Did something happen between you two?”
Felix nodded. “Yeah, I have never seen you two interact before today. Something happened during the party that you’re not telling us!”
“What’s this? An interrogation?” you said accusingly, “Nothing happened! We just happened to meet yesterday and got each other’s phone numbers. That’s all!”
“Liar,” Hyunjin scoffed. “I know Jisung. He wouldn’t be so buddy-buddy with someone he just met in less than 24 hours- especially to that extent. Something happened! I know it!”
You rolled your eyes. “Whatever. You wouldn’t remember cause you were dead drunk last night.”
“Seriously, man?!” Felix laughed. “Is that why you were complaining about having a headache?”
“Y/n!” Hyunjin whined. “Look what you did!”
“Not my fault! You kept pestering me!”
“Okay. Okay. Let’s stop now,” your freckled friend pushed you two apart. “We’re gonna be late!”
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The bell rang, signaling the end of class...and the continuation of Felix and Hyunjin’s interrogation.
“Tell us.”
“Tell us.”
“Yeah, tell us.”
“Time to tell us~.”
“Come clean, Y/n~.”
“The truth shall set you free~.”
“Are you guys fucking serious?” you said exasperatedly. The boys corned you against the wall like FBI agents. Or more like those cliché high school bullies. Either way, it was suffocating. “I told you! Nothing noteworthy happened! We met, then talked, then texted, and that’s it! End of story!”
“Hm…” Hyunjin looked at you suspiciously. “I smell cap.”
“Something else happened. We can feel it,” Felix said with a sly grin.
“God! You’re both so annoying!”
The boys laughed. “We wouldn’t be so annoying if you just told us!” Hyunjin defended, making you groan.
“Geez…” you muttered as you rubbed your temples.
“Hey! No bullying in the halls!” You all turned to see Minho walking towards you three with an annoying grin.
Felix scoffed before chuckling. “Like you’re one to talk.”
“Wait, Minho!” Hyunjin gasped. “You were sober last night. What happened between Y/n and Jisung?”
“They fucked.”
The younger boys gasped in shock, turning to you in disbelief. Meanwhile, you scowled at Minho’s terrible attempt at a joke. You sighed, “First of all: NO, we didn’t. Second of all, don’t lie to them like that, you asshole.” Minho bursted out in laughter while the other two stared in confusion.
“So...y’all didn’t fuck?” Felix asked.
“Then what happened?!”
“Why do guys wanna know so bad?” Minho asked.
Hyunjin pouted. “Because! It’s just a little weird how those two talked as if they’ve known each other their whole lives.”
“What? What did they do?”
“We just witnessed Jisung coming out of nowhere and hugging Y/n as if they were long lost lovers,” Felix explained.
“Oh?” Minho raised a brow, smirking. “What did you two do to make him act like that?”
“Not you too!” you cried. “Why are you all so hung up?!”
“Because this is Han Jisung we’re talking about! I told you, he’s a shy boy, so it’s just surprising to see him warm up to you so fast!”
“Right?!” Hyunjin said. “It took him a while to warm up to us! That’s why we wanna know.”
You sighed in irritation for the nth time. The once playful interaction was now getting on your nerves. “Alright, no more bullying Y/n, losers. Only I can,” Minho said, patting your back. “I was just joking with you all. Honestly, Jisung thought Y/n was cute so I did little bit of an exchange and they hit it off, I guess.”
Hyunjin muttered, “Still doesn’t explain why he was so clingy with Y/n but whatever.”
Minho shrugged. “I don’t know either. Connection or something.”
“Hmm...Fine,” Hyunjin and Felix said. You let out a breath of relief. Finally…The school bell rang again, making Felix and Hyunjin panic.
“Shit. Let’s go, Hyunjin!” Felix hissed, pulling the taller male with him. Once they left your field of sight, you turned to Minho with a tired expression.
“My Lord, I offer you my sincerest thanks.”
He shrugged nonchalantly. “I know I’m the best. You’re welcome,” he said smugly. “Now that they’re gone...Tell me all the dirty shit you guys sent.”
You stared blankly at him. “What?”
“Come on, you don’t think I know? I’ve been friends with you and Jisung long enough to know where this would go. Now spill.”
Your face grew hot as Minho continued to stare you down with a smirk. “Do I have to?”
“Yes! I hooked you two up, so I need to know the details! Not too graphic though.”
You gave him a pouty look. “No.”
“Boo…” Minho chortled. “You’re lame.”
“Fuck off.”
“Hey. Be nice. I’m the reason you now have a fuck buddy.”
“Again. Fuck off, you little-” You stopped yourself when you saw a familiar figure with red headphones infront of you. “Jisung!” Minho whipped his head around to see Jisung walking toward the two of you. Your friend offered you a knowing smile. He wiggled his eyebrows at you, prompting you to subtly shove him.
“Oh, hi Y/n! Hi Minho!” Jisung smiled, nodding his head.
Minho waved. “Hey, Ji.”
“What’re you doing? Don’t you have a class?” you asked Jisung.
“Eh...My lit teacher is out so we have a free period today. What about you guys?”
“Same here,” Minho said. “Trig teacher out, Minho out.”
The two of you giggled at Minho’s choice of words. “How about you, Y/N?” Jisung asked.
“I, uh, have a free class.”
“Oh, really?” the blonde haired boy exclaimed, his eyes widened excitedly.
“My literature teacher is out too, so yeah. Boom, I’m free.”
“Wait…” Minho said. “Who’s English class are you guys in?”
You and Jisung answered at the same time. “Mrs. Jung.” Minho stared at the both of you expectantly, waiting for the realization to kick in. And eventually, it did.
“Hold on, you have Mrs. Jung too?!” You both yelled.
Minho chuckled. “Finally. How did you two not notice each other before?”
Shrugging, you said, “I don’t know. Maybe it’s the fact that it’s a lecture hall filled with 30 plus people? Of course we wouldn’t have known.”
“Pff, still surprising though.”
Jisung gasped then faced you. “Oh, Y/n! Since we both have a free class, why don’t we hang out now?” he asked, his fingers twiddling with the drawstrings of his white hoodie.
“Oh right. Yeah, we could,” you said. “Wanna come along, Min?”
The older male waved you off. “Pass. Don’t wanna be there to see you two fuck.”
You and Jisung felt embarrassment run throughout your bodies, unappreciative of Minho’s joke. He, however, enjoyed the response he got from you both. “Don’t deny it! We’re all adults still in school. We gotta relieve the stress somehow.”
Minho bellowed out with laughter, beginning to walk away. “I’m just gonna go to the library. See ya, lovebirds! Remember, no sex in public areas! We’re still at school!”
“Hyung, you fucker!” Jisung called out as you sigh. As Minho walked further away, throwing you both a sly smirk as he did, Jisung started pulling you to face him. “Uhm. Sorry about him, Y/n,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck.
You chuckled, “Nah, it’s fine. I know what he’s like too.”
“So…Since we’re both free for the period. Shall we?” he bowed like a sophisticated nobleman offering to dance with a maiden at a ball. You giggled, curtsying to play along.
“We shall, kind sir.”
Jisung smiled, standing up straight to meet your eyes. He started to walk again. “Awesome! I mean- excellent. I know a wonderfully secluded place where we may chat amongst ourselves.”
“‘Chat’?” you asked cheekily. “Are you sure that’s not code for something?”
Jisung’s face glowed red. “No!” he panicked. “No no no. I swear I didn’t mean anything by that! I just genuinely wanted to talk to you. No sexual innuendos whatsoever!”
You couldn’t help but laugh at his shyness. “Relax. I was just messing with you, Jisung.”
“Oh,” he sighed in relief. You laughed even more when you saw his shoulders slump.
“Sorry, but you were just so cute, I couldn’t help it.” Before any of you could dwell on your words and grow flustered, you dragged him through the hallways. “Let’s go? I’m dying to see this ‘wonderfully secluded’ place you’re talking about.”
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Jisung led you outside of the building, towards the garden near the back of the campus. “Oh wow,” you breathed, taking in the serenity of the area. “I didn’t even know we had a garden here.” You reached your hand out to run your fingers against the sea of Hydrangeas.
“Right?” he chuckled as he led you down the concrete path. “I didn’t even know about it either until the beginning of the school year.”
“How’d you find it?”
“I-uh-found out about it when I was hiding from Changbin.”
“Changbin?” you looked at him in surprise. “The sweet, muscle-y dude that wore all black at the party?”
“Pff, ‘sweet’ but yeah. Him. I’d...rather not talk about what I did to make him hunt me down.” Jisung shivered as if he had relived a horror movie. You snorted at his reaction, finding it funny. “Yeah...but ever since I found the place, I come here when I feel overwhelmed with life or need inspiration. So, a lot,” he snickered.
The two of you walked further into the garden until you reached an empty patch of grass. “And...here we are!” Before he let you sit, he took off the mismatched flannel he was wearing over his hoodie and laid it on the ground. “After you,” he gestured to it. You laughed as you sat down, finding the act sweet.
“Thank you!”
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The two of you spent the last 80 minutes getting to know each other and it felt like it was the fastest 80 minutes spent. You learned about each other’s passions, dreams, fears, everything. Nothing sexual mentioned at all, not even the sinful deeds you’ve both committed the night before.
“Okay okay. Favorite color?” you joked, laughing when Jisung rolled his eyes.
“Really? Are you running out of questions?” he playfully sneered at you.
“Just answer!”
“Red. What’s your favorite subject?”
“Photography, duh. I am an aspiring photographer,” you lightly shoved him with your shoulder which made him chuckle. “Oh! Speaking of, can I take a few pictures of the garden? It’s pretty and I might need them someday.”
“Go ahead.”
You snapped some pictures of the different areas of the garden, taking extra attention to the pink Azaleas and other flowers in the vicinity. Wanting to ask Jisung a question, you turned around to find him already staring at you like a love-struck fool. The both of you blushed; you didn’t even remember what your question was anymore. You heard Jisung chuckle timidly under his breath. Getting the pictures you were looking for, you went back to Jisung, who was now laying down with his eyes closed. Finding the way he looked so relaxed pleasing, you snapped a quick shot of him sunbathing under the cool skies with the flowers swaying in the background. Remembering what you wanted to ask him, you were about to ask him your question before the bell rang. “Crap. second period already ended?”
“For real, right?” Jisung said, looking at the building. “Didn’t even feel like an hour passed.”
“Yeah…” you whispered. You walked back to where Jisung was at to grab your things.
“Where are you going?” you looked up to see Jisung sitting up and giving you his doe eyes- which made your heart thump.
“Don’t you wanna eat?”
“Nah,” he said as he laid back down on the makeshift blanket, closing his eyes. “I’d rather stay here and talk to you more.” You heard him whisper. You felt giddy at the fact that he wanted to spend more time with you. “Oh!” he quickly sat up to look at you. “But if you’re hungry, we can totally go to the canteen!” You lightly nodded, feeling your stomach growl.
“Sorry but I didn’t eat breakfast...”
“No problem! That’s why I said we can go!” He stood up and gathered up his things from the ground. He picked up the flannel and dusted it off. “Ready?” He stuck his left arm out for you to take. You giggled as you wordlessly looped your right arm with his. You snuggled closer to his arm, catching a whiff of his cologne. You felt so safe with him, despite only knowing each other for a day.
And that scared you.
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You sat on your desk, writing your notes. The black inked pen glided smoothly on the lined parchment. The only source of light was the white lamp on the left side of your desk. Sighing, you stopped writing, feeling the need to sleep overcome you. You placed your pen down and rubbed your face. The chair lightly screeched as you stood up. You switched your lamp off then climbed to your bed, not even bothering to clean up your study space.
As you pulled your blanket over your body, your phone pinged. You turned your head to check the time on the clock. ‘9:57p.m.’, it read. Your eyebrow ticked in irritation. Grabbing your phone, you wanted to text the person the kindest ‘fuck you’ until you read the name.
Message from Min’s ho3
Seeing that it was from Jisung, you abruptly sat up to reply to him, internally cringing at the fact you were so desperate for him. ‘I need to change this dude’s contact name’ you laughed silently. Your phone unlocked and immediately directed you to the message.
Min’s ho3: u up?
Me: Yeah, I am.
I was about to sleep tho ngl
Min’s ho3: fr? dang you sleep early lol
reminds me of seungmin
You scoffed.
Me: It’s not even that early!
Min’s ho3: hmmm yeah it is... 🤗
Me: Excuse me?
Min’s ho3: jkjk
anyways. how are you? wanna chat?
or if you really wanna sleep, thats fine too
Me: Nah. I’d rather stay and talk to you than sleep
You smiled, wondering if Jisung would get your reference.
Min’s ho3: ohhh you make me blush. really using my own words against me, baby?
Me: What? Did that bother you?
What are you gonna do? Punish me?
You squirmed on your bed, squeezing your legs together after sending that risqué text. You were nervous if Jisung didn’t want to reciprocate your feelings...But you knew he would. Of course he would.
Minho’s ho3: it didn’t bother me before, not even a little, but now?
call me
In a flash, you pressed on his contact and tapped on the telephone icon under the picture-less grey icon. The texts faded and changed to the call screen. Your phone only rang once before Jisung answered.
“Baby…” his voice sounded raspy, sending a delightful chill up your spine. ‘Shit…’
You cleared your throat before speaking. “Jisung?”
“Nuh uh. Don’t ‘Jisung’ me, baby,” he spoke. His voice held an air of authority in it, causing your core clench around nothing. “Are you asking for a punishment?” You nodded your head, not even realizing he couldn’t see you. “Hm, baby? What’s wrong? Cat got your tongue all of a sudden?”
“No? Then answer me. Are you asking for a punishment, angel?”
Jisung scoffed. “Well too late now, baby,” he said. “Take off your pajamas for me.” You dropped your phone and slowly stripped off your shorts and underwear. You kicked them to the side of your bed and shivered, feeling the cold air hit your wetness. “Off, babe?”
“Y-yeah,” you whimpered. “They’re off.”
“Good. Do you have any sex toys?”
You felt your face heat up. The thought of you revealing to anyone that you own them was humiliating. “I- yeah. Yeah, I do.”
“Then use it.”
You hesitantly reached under your bed for your dildo. Embarrassment filled your chest. ‘I’ve used it before. Why am I so ashamed to use it now?’ Before you could insert the purple silicone toy inside you, Jisung spoke.
“Don’t fuck it just yet, beautiful. Want you to tease yourself first.”
You huffed in frustration, not liking how Jisung stopped you but still listened to him. You brushed the dildo on your clit, sighing when you felt the stimulation. You continued rubbing yourself, your hips raising once in a while. Through the phone, you could hear Jisung panting, signaling that he started touching himself as well. The thought made you wetter. “Fuck. Jisung,” you whimpered, biting your lip.
“Not yet, baby,” he sighed. “Keep playing with yourself until I tell you otherwise.”
You wanted to cry. The feeling was good but didn’t want anymore teasing. You moved the toy from your clit to your core, teasing your entrance. You felt yourself clench when it touched you. “Jisung…” you pouted, wanting him to give you permission to fuck yourself.
“I said not yet, brat,” he growled, faintly hearing wet slapping in the background. “Keep asking and you’re not gonna cum at all.”
All you could do was to shut up, not wanting to piss him off any further. You threw your head back, toying with your clit again. You whined and moaned, feeling the beginning of your release bubbling. You called out Jisung’s name again, warning him that you wanted to cum.
“Close already, baby?” he chuckled darkly. “So fast.” You put more pressure on your sensitive bud, core clench rapidly. You were on the brink of cumming when…
As if you were possessed by his words, you immediately removed the dildo from your clit, making you whine. Tears began streaming down your face at the loss of your orgasm. ‘That fucking sadist’.
Hearing your sniffles, Jisung laughed darkly. “Aww,” he sarcastically sympathized. “Were about to cum?”
“Y-yes…” you said quietly, trying not to back talk to him in case he decides to be crueler to you.
“You were? Aw, I’m sorry, darling,” Jisung snickered. “How about I let you fuck your dildo, hm? To make up for it?”
“Yes, please!”
“Then go for it, angel.”
Finally, you let the silicone toy invade your sopping pussy, letting out a loud moan as it slowly entered you. Hearing your cries of pleasure made Jisung throw his head back with a moan of his own, loving the sinful sounds that escaped your lips. He stroked his cock faster when we heard another moan from his phone.
“Oh shit, Y/n,” he hissed. Your eyes rolled back when you heard him, moving the toy faster inside you. Because of your denied orgasm prior, it didn’t take too long for you to grow close to your second attempt of a release. You moaned, your core clench tighter and tighter with every pump.
“Jisung!” you cried. “‘M so close! Shit!”
“W-wait. ‘Want you to hold it,” Jisung ordered. His breath was heavy, hips bucking as he drew nearer to his orgasm. “Want to- fuck. Wanna cum together, baby.” The thought of cumming together sounded hot. You tried slowing your movements only by a little, still keeping the strength of each thrust. That proved to be useless, however, because you could still feel the warmth in your lower stomach grow hotter and tighter. You bit your lip, feeling the need to scream.
“Jisung, please!” you were full on sobbing at this point, the need to cum was overpowering.
“Shit, ‘m close, Y/n!” he moaned. “J-just a little more!”
Fuck it. You snapped your wrist faster, hoping that Jisung would hurry and catch up to you. On the other line, Jisung was nearing his end, spurred on by the sound of your filthy cries of his name. His hand pumped himself faster, twisting when he was at his tip. Hearing your breathy moans and whines was driving him mad. It was addicting; so addicting that it was the main reason why he was moaning quieter-just to hear you.
“Holy fuck- Y/n!” Jisung cried, his dick spurting steaks of white all over his hand and stomach. Hearing him moan brought you to your own release, twisting and twitching as you cummed around the purple dildo. You called out his name the same manner he did. You shook, quietly whimpering, as you continued to ride out your orgasm until you slowly pulled it out of you. The both of you could only hear the sound of each other’s heavy breathing through your phone. Jisung was the first to speak, though he was still too breathless to speak completely coherent.
“Ah-shit. D-did you feel good, Y/n?”
You hummed as an answer, not having enough energy to do or say anything. The round cheeked boy giggled when he realized this. His chest surged with pride. He smiled lazily to himself. “Really? Sweet,” he sighed. “I’ll go now to let you sleep, yeah?”
You hum again in acknowledgment. “Goodnight, beautiful. Sleep tight.” You closed your eyes, listening to the sound of your phone beeping, signifying the end of your call. As you sat up to clean yourself up, you caught sight of your messages with Jisung.
‘Crap, what am I doing with this boy?’
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little-fairy-forest · 3 years
Hm... Do you mind if I ask for a pro!hero Bakugou and a villain reader who is a phantom thief, the type of thief who only steals from the rich without getting any victims and is able to escape from any situation and treats their encounters as a fun game cause he's the only one so far who takes them seriously and uses his wits.
🍀 hello! Thank you for the request, I deffiently had to think about this one, I thought about a Peter pan type persona but less friendly?
Pro! Bakugou x theif! Reader
Bakugou x gn!reader
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So reader is someone who probably either came from a bad background who suffered from low income and had to make ends meet or had friends or family who were in a similar situation
They had to use their wits at a young age to make sure they could get food on the table or clothes on their back, god forbid someone needed medicine
You found it easy to take toys from children at playground and sell them if it was a limited edition or if it was a badge you only got at an convention
This spiralled into a "lifestyle" of sorts for you, as you grew older and had a stable job, a roof over your head and plenty of food for yourself, you wanted to help others who were in need
Unfortunately you weren't able to become a "hero" through schooling so you became your own version.
You found it easy to swipe items from stores or markets, and give them to food banks and/or families in need.
However, your latest scandal involving you and a few others involved got whiff of the pro heros
You and your team managed to take villain weapons from a hideout, and sell them...yes that was very illegal but you stopped a whole villain organisation so the news was impressed but concerned
Bakugou was not happy, why? Because he was ment to find those weapons. He had a whole ass mission for them. He has spent months trying to track this group down and you found them in one night?? The fuck??
Yes he wanted to know who you where and what the fuck you were doing
You were out one night seeing if there were any scraps left on the street or loose change on your daily patrol
You ran into the famous Dynamight my accident "Oi, it's late go home" bakugou said to you, not knowing what your intentions were "sorry sir, I was trying to find my ring I lost earlier shopping its special to me" you said hoping to convince him
"Its 2:48 am how will you find it now? Seriously use your common sense and wait till its bright outside tch"
"Well rush hour starts at around 7am, and this street is filled with a lot of bypassers until around 11am-ish. I could wait till the market is closed at 4pm, but the alleyway is also used for heros to quickly make their way around town-" you started to mumble to yourself hoping to bore the hero...but you were so wrong
"Hah?! How do you know about the alleyways?? Only heros who got the city blueprints know about those underground passages?! Speak up!" Bakugou was so pissed, seriously only heros knew about the passages, they were designed for them and them only
"Huh? Oh-oh well my hero friend let's me use them and-" yep...you were fucked
That's when you started to sprint and I mean run for your life
Bakugou wasn't giving up easily, he thought you were a villain and knew about some underground mission starting up and he needed answers, now
"Aye! Get back here loser!" Bakugou yelled using his quirk to catch up to you
You had some of your support items on you incase something like this happend, normally only low profile heros would patrol this area so that's why you though you could get away, but not when Dynamight is around you won't
You got out your support item that let you grip onto buildings, which is helpful when you need to escape quickly, like now
"Shit shit shit, if he knows about my quirk I'm a goner" you say as you quickly try and out smart Bakugou by turning into alleyways and running down building walls
"YOU FUCKER CAN RUN FOR MUCH LONGER" Bakugou roars chasing you down the building wall
You managed to take a sharp turn into a small hideout near one of your sidekicks buildings, heros don't know about the building since it is a cover up for a company, you stay hidden as you hear Bakugou running around near you blasting the walls to see where you were hidden
"I'm giving you to three before I make a roast chicken out of you bastard!" Bakugou threatens as he starts to blast down the thin walls in the complex
You decide to see if you can negotiate with Bakugou, well...at least to save your ass
"Hey,hey I'm here, don't blow me away" you say raising your hands and looking at Bakugou
"State your name, quirk and what your intentions are" Bakugou says aiming his gauntlet at you "I'm y/n l/n also known as the 'phantom hero' like the one you threw a fit over, yeah that's me. Make sure you get my good side for the paper" you say giving him sass
"Hah?!? That hero wannabe?? Good luck dumbass your ass is going to jail!" Bakugou starts to walk over to you when you had an idea
"Want to know about the villain group who attacked pro hero Froppys agency? Hmm? About their locations in Korea and China? Or do you want me to rot in a jail cell and never say a word?" You bribe him. You knew he couldn't say no ;)
'Dammit, there smart how the fuck do they know about that?' Bakugou wonders
You and Bakugou make a secret agreement that you can give Bakugou information and he takes the credit helping him gain hero points in the media and you get your back coverd on missions
You both know your reputations would be burn to the ground if the media finds out so you need to keep this little agreement hidden, for now...
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Honestly love the idea that Bakugou kinna cheats his way to the top, gets in some scandal with his past with Deku and he needs to regain himself...
Anyway hope his was okay I'm not the best about writing a villains p.o.v but I try :)
Thank you for the request
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drawlfoy · 3 years
Wonders of Ohio P.9
requests are closed, but please read this first :)
if you want to be tagged, send an ask or message me!
pairing: draco x reader
request: nope, my original shameless self insert idea lmao
summary: american high school senior y/n y/l/n is in for the ride of her life when their exchange student is...a bit strange (but very hot). NOT a nonmagic AU, though you already knew that if you’ve read part 8 ;)
warnings: swearing, mentions of a break in, concerns about a home intruder, objectively the most fluffy scene we’ve gotten so far in this series (hehe), draco being fucking obnoxious and moody (did i mention swearing?)
a/n: ayoooooo so here’s part 9, as promised. i’ve started getting back into the hp universe more and more, so i should probably be picking up my writing soon. i’ve been feeling more myself again!! which is super awesome. i don’t think many people read this series anymore (or my author notes in general but i don’t blame yall) but i’m having a lot of fun writing it, so i’m going to keep going :)
music recs: 
puppy princess -- hot freaks
loverboy -- A-wall
linger -- the cranberries
tags tags tags: @gruffle1 @missmulti @cleopatera @hahaboop @accio-rogers @geeksareunique @eltanin-malfoy @war-sword @cams-lynn @itsivyberry @ayo-cowbelly @nerd-domland @yesnerdsblog @shizarianathania @evanstanfanatic @strawberriesonsummer @hariosborn @night-ving @straightzoinked @imintoodeeptostop @naiomimoonshard @jejegu @ophelia-enthusiast @alwaysbeanunknownfan @nearly-memories @litty-dumb @callieclearwater @malfoy-wife15 @charlenasaxen @belladaises @fiantomartell @writeandtranslate @erisdogwood @loveissupernatural @sycathorn-slush @big-galaxy-chaos
word count: 3.8k :)
Y/N couldn’t help but wonder if Draco deliberately waited until the last minute to tell her family that he was leaving so he could evade her questioning. She tried to talk to him later that evening by knocking on his door, but she was met with complete silence. 
Draco was ignoring her, and she didn’t get why. She’d promised to not tell anyone--even begged for him to trust her and essentially swore on her life--but he still wasn’t acting normal. Perhaps he didn’t want her to badger him with questions about the magical world. 
Or maybe this was an excuse to get away from her.
Y/N swallowed the second possibility and locked it away somewhere out of sight. He’d left without a single word more to her (not even a congratulations for getting into a top 20 school, that loser) and never even bothered telling her when he’d return. And maybe that was the nicest part of it--she could pretend like he was never coming back.
As attractive as that option was, she had to admit that there was a Draco-shaped hole in her passenger car seat every time she drove to school. And in the kitchen when she was studying. And everywhere else he’d once touched. 
“Why do you think he went back?” 
Y/N took a break from reviewing her Art History final exam notes to look up at Lizzy. “Maybe something happened with his dad or he wanted to spend his holidays with his family? It’s probably not that serious.”
“Speaking of his dad, I tried to look up his name and see if anything came up,” Lizzy began. Y/N felt her heart jump into her throat. “Don’t you think it’s kinda sus? I haven’t found anything for him. It’s like he’s been completely wiped off the face of the earth. Do you know anything about it?”
“Honestly, I don’t think it’s any of my business.” Draco’s franticness when she found out lingered in the back of her mind as she chose her words carefully. “I’m sure if he’s a genuine political target, they’ve just scrubbed the web clean of him, being a minor and all.”
“But don’t you think it’s funny that he’s apparently so important but there’s no evidence of him or his father ever existing?”
“Lizzy.” Her voice was firm. “It’s entirely possible that his real name is different. And either way, it’s not our story to uncover. He’s entitled to his own privacy, and if he doesn’t reveal his true identity then we need to respect that.”
“Oooookaaayyyyy, Mother,” said Lizzy. “You’re so fun. You know that, right?”
“It’s my job.”
After the close brush with Lizzy, Y/N avoided the topic of Draco with her friends like wildfire. At the back of her mind, she registered that that was probably more suspicious, but when Sylvia asked her about him during lunch, she finally spun up a story.
“I told him I liked him,” she told everyone, the words stinging her throat. “He doesn’t feel the same way. I just would feel better if we dropped it.”
Her friends reacted immediately with sympathy, telling her that it wasn’t her fault that he couldn’t see her for what she was worth. Somehow, this made her feel worse. She didn’t even need to tell him her feelings to know his thoughts--he didn’t see her as anything but a “muggle”, or whatever he called them. She never stood a chance.
Y/N spent an embarrassing amount of time wondering how things would’ve been different if she was a witch. She didn’t know anything about his world (apart from the fact that they really had a stick up their asses about people knowing of them) but she somehow craved a place in it. Would Draco feel differently towards her if she was magic? 
It was probably better if she didn’t pay too much mind to it, but she couldn’t let the thought go. Every time she shut her eyes at night, the memory of waking up next to Draco replayed in her head, over and over. She would’ve sold her soul to have gone back to that. Would things have been different if she had just...not found the letters? She was driving herself crazy digging through all her interactions with him. There’s no way she was imagining things, and judging by the surprised reactions of her friends when she told them he didn’t reciprocate feelings, she wasn’t the only one who thought something was there. If he was really so disgusted by her and her people, he wouldn’t have let her sleep in his room, in his bed no less. 
As December wore on, her mind began to be occupied by another feverish stream of thoughts. If she didn’t already feel like she was going crazy over the Draco problem, she was going completely insane over the fact that she was misplacing things like crazy and forgetting the most basic of things. It seemed like it was almost every day that she was forgetting where she put her keys (even though she could’ve sworn she’d hung them up by the door) or getting home to find the door already unlocked even though she was sure that she’d locked it behind her. It would’ve creeped her out, but she was really off kilter. It just wasn’t right having Draco away, and the sense of dread she got every time she went by her room just threw her off balance. What if she still had lingering sickness from whatever magical infliction she suffered? 
He really should’ve stuck around to watch after me. Just in case. 
Another thing was bothering her--a name she saw pop up in the pouch from when she went through his letters. It was a small portion of his collection, and she didn’t even think to examine it until after he took them back from her, but she noticed that the name “Pansy Parkinson” came up more than once as a return address. 
Her mind immediately jumped to the worst--Draco was madly in love with another girl, a magical girl, and traveled back home with the express purpose of declaring his neverending devotion for her and complaining about that rat Ohioan muggle that he had to spend his days with. 
Y/N knew it wasn’t healthy, but no matter what she did, she couldn’t quite shake it. The fact that he’d no doubt grown up around girls that would be suitable for him to date was making her physically ill with jealousy, which was probably the most embarrassing part of her feelings for him. Nevermind how much time she spent fantasizing about how soft his hair felt or how his stupidly pretty fingers would feel grazing her skin--she couldn’t even cope with the idea of him existing with other women that were honestly a better choice to him. 
That Christmas was surprisingly bleak. Being an only child always made for a quiet house during the holidays, but the expectation she held of having Draco there set her up for disappointment. Her house felt empty.
“Do you think he’s coming back?” Y/N asked her mother as they did the morning dishes together. 
“Well, I assume so. Why wouldn’t he? He was scheduled to spend the entire year with us. I think that if he’s changed his mind we would at least know by now.”
“What if he’s still deciding?”
“Why, miss him already?” Mrs. Y/L/N’s tone was teasing, but she felt her cheeks grow hot. 
“Quite the contrary. I’m just wondering if I’m about to become the pampered only child again or if I’m going to need to go back into the unglamorous life of sharing the spotlight.”
“Y/N,” her mother tutted. She’d stopped doing the dishes.
Y/N made a point to evade her knowing look. “Mom.” 
Her mother took a breath before answering. “Nothing. As a matter of fact, I did get a letter from him a few days ago. He’s scheduled to return the second week of January, right before school goes back.”
“Oh,” said Y/N. No matter how hard she tried, there’s no way her relief wasn’t visible.
“How’s that for your Christmas gift, hm?” 
“Hey! Hey, it was a joke,” Mrs. Y/L/N said, throwing her hands up in a “no can do” sort of gesture. “I know that you’re good friends with him is all. Unless…”
“Mom!” Her cheeks were all shades of red.
“All I’m saying is that he seems to enjoy your company.”
“Stockholm syndrome, I’m telling you.” Her explanation of what that meant was on the tip of her tongue before she stopped herself. There was no reason to--the only person who would need that explained to them was no longer on the same continent as her. 
“Whatever you’d like to think.”
The snowstorm hit them without warning, two days after Christmas. Her parents had left for the night to attend a charity auction, but unfortunately for Y/N, by the time that they realized that their daughter would be snowed in, the roads were too dangerous to drive on. Y/N begrudgingly agreed to do all of the things they told her to--get the generator ready, make sure the fireplace was prepared, and locate all the candles in the house. 
On any normal day, she wouldn’t have been concerned in the slightest, but she’d felt uneasy in her house ever since the night of the break-in, and now that this was the first night she’d have to spend alone, her heart was pounding at the thought of having to sleep in an empty house. Especially if the power was out. Especially when whoever broke in was still on the loose. 
She locked up at dusk, making sure that every entry to her home was completely sealed shut. The generator was in the basement, all set up in the case that the lights went out. She’d located all the bottled water in her house in case the pipes froze, and she finally retired to her room to relax. 
The sense of dread that hovered around Draco’s room was gone, thankfully. The overall feeling of creepiness was just beginning to lose its jarring sting, but she’d never quite been able to shake how many things she misplaced in the beginning of the month. 
She busied herself with mundane activities--she cleaned out her closet, organized her drawers, read, changed her sheets, and finished the last of her homework--but nothing could distract her from the gnawing inside of her. The hairs on the back of her neck constantly stood up, even when she was tucked away in the corner of her room, nestled into her blankets. The tingling was akin to what she felt when she walked into that antique shop on homecoming night--the same night when Draco helped her off her feet and narrowly kept her from throwing up all over Heather.
Looking back on it, she realized that when he grabbed her wrist, he must’ve done something to quell her nausea, something magical. There was no way her carsickness could’ve been able to disappear so quickly. 
Her soliloquy was interrupted by what sounded like footsteps outside. Before she could assess the situation and decide what she was going to do, a boom sounded off in the distance and she was all of a sudden bathed in darkness.
Y/N froze.
Someone was most definitely outside her house, but thankfully she’d locked all the doors. And, thankfully, the boom told her that her fuse box hadn’t been messed with. A tree had probably just fallen on a transformer. 
But those small comforts still didn’t change the fact that she was no longer alone--and not only that, but no longer alone without power. 
Her thoughts were interrupted once again by banging on her front door. Y/N jumped, just barely managing to clap her hand over her mouth to muffle her shriek. She’d seen enough horror movies to know that alerting someone that you were home wasn’t the smartest move. She’d have to be strategic. 
Heart pounding out of her chest, she crept out of her room and down the stairs. The power outage was quite lucky, she realized, as whoever was outside couldn’t see in. The moon only cast a slight light as it reflected off of the snow, so she was going to be able to see the person outside before they would see her.
She squinted from her perch by the base of the staircase. She could make out a silhouette, a tall and lanky one. The weak moonlight reflected off a very light head of hair, and Y/N was struck with a feeling of familiarity.
No way...
Y/N stood frozen for a few seconds as she heard the person knock on the door again. A muffled version of a familiar British voice said, “Is anyone there?”
Throwing all caution to the wind and praying to any higher power that was listening to her that her suspicion was correct, she pushed down on the doorknob and swung it open.
Her heart stopped. 
“Draco? What are you--”
Before she could get another word out of her mouth, she was pulled into the tightest (and snowiest) hug of her life. One of his arms wrapped solidly around her waist, the other reaching further up to her shoulders to hold her closer. He was tall enough in comparison that he could rest his chin on the top of her head while she cautiously clasped her hands around him, breathing in the same soft pine scent that she knew so well.
When he finally let go of her, she noticed that his face was decidedly less pale than what it had been when she first opened the door. At a loss for words, Y/N just made her way behind him and shut the door to keep the storm from blowing any more snowflakes in. She noted that Draco was shaking.
“You’re okay,” he said, his voice low and quiet.
She grinned. “Yeah. Believe it or not, I’m not that scared of the dark.”
He didn’t look nearly as amused, wringing his hands out in front of him instead of meeting her eyes.
“You’re going to freeze to death if you’re gonna just stand there in soaking clothes,” she chided. “And what are you doing back half a month early? I know you must’ve missed me, but I didn’t expect you to miss me THAT much.”
He rolled his eyes, bringing Y/N the comfort that the sarcastic asshole was still in there. “We need to talk.”
“No, what you need to do is get changed into dry clothes,” she said. “Not sure if you’ve noticed, but until we get our generator working, there’s no heat...and I’m not sure if the Ministry is going to like it if I let you die on my watch.”
Even though he didn’t normally laugh at her jokes, he seemed especially solemn when she said this. It became very clear to her then that he regretted his brief display of affection.
“What are you doing, just standing here? Shoo! I don’t want to see you dripping snow all over the rug.” She waved him off until he made his way up the stairs, still eerily silent. 
Once she was sure he was actually getting dressed, she made her way to the kitchen where she started heating up the water. She’d never been more thankful for the fact that they had a gas stove instead of an electric one. 
The tea was almost finished brewing by the time that Draco was back downstairs, perched awkwardly on the couch. She’d never seen his sweater before--it was in a rich forest green with a silver crest of a snake. 
“Are you going to tell me whatever is going on? I’ve never seen you like this before,” asked Y/N as she handed him the mug that she knew to be his favorite.
He took a sip and waited a bit before responding. “I found out some things while I was away.”
“Is that it? Must’ve been something pretty interesting for you to come in here and act like I’m your long lost love or whatever.” She took careful note of how his cheeks were especially pink, but it must’ve been because of the cold.
“I shouldn’t tell you everything, but I think you should probably know the gist of things,” he began. “First of all, I figured out why I couldn’t use the Obliviation cube on you. Also, you have to consent to an Unbreakable Vow.”
“A...what? Care to elaborate? Like, at least a little? Why didn’t it work on me?”
He sighed, a sharp breath of air that left his lungs in a huff. “Because you stumbled upon a very important box that can bestow the gift of magic onto anyone. And since you did something in your dream to try and open it, it permanently took root in you. I tried to reverse it, but there’s always going to be an imprint of magic on you.”
“Sick. So I’m a witch now? Like you?”
“No.” His tone was sour. “No, you’re not. For that to work, there needs to be a ritual actually completed by someone magical. That’s why you got so sick--because you would’ve needed me to help you through your dream sequence and open up the box. So, now that you’ve essentially pushed yourself into the magical world uninvited, I can’t use anything on you that’s catered towards Muggles.”
“Rats,” said Y/N. “That’s no fun. What about the whole part about my safety? And what’s that vow thing?”
“Apparently someone really, really wants that box,” Draco told her. “It doesn’t just give muggles the gift of magic--it can also give current wizards powers that are otherwise completely unavailable to the rest of the population. In the wrong hands, they could wreak havoc on the world. And I’m almost positive they think you have it.”
“Oh…” Everything started falling into place. “So, the break in? That probably was them right? And, uh, let’s say if you feel like maybe someone has been in your house while you’ve been gone? Like, that’s something I should be worried about, right?” 
“Is that happening to you?” His face looked significantly more pale.
Y/N was tempted to tell him no--just to ease his nerves--but something in his look told her that she needed to be truthful. “Um, kind of. You know how I can be forgetful, though. It’s just little things, like sometimes I come home to find that the front door is unlocked when I’m sure I locked it, or I can’t find little things like my car keys and my phone, but it’s all easily explained.”
“I never should’ve left,” he said, tucked his knees up to his chest. “I should’ve known that that was Merlin’s Box.” He swallowed, meeting her eyes with a gaze that looked so forlorn that her heart ached. “I’m so sorry.”
“Hey, hey, all we have to do is tell them I don’t have the box, right? And then they’ll leave me alone.” 
“I don’t know,” he admitted. “I assume so, but if they didn’t find the box when they originally ransacked your room and they’re still hanging around, I don’t know what to do. That’s why I can’t obliviate you, the proper way that we use on wizards, because I can’t always be there to save you. Once I’m gone, you’re going to have to manage on your own.”
“Please, Draco,” said Y/N. “People will always talk a big game, but once I pull out my pepper spray it’s over. I can take care of myself! I didn’t need protection while you’re away.”
He smiled then, a small one that seemed more sad than anything. “You sound like me. When I was younger.”
“You probably don’t even know what pepper spray is. What’s that vow thing?”
“You have to promise that you won’t say anything that would reveal what you know about me and my world,” said Draco. “I need to find a wizard to say the incantations, but it shouldn’t be too hard. I ended up telling the Ministry what happened--I’m not going to get sent away as they have a clear record of me at least attempting to wipe your memory and they agree that you need to be able to protect yourself. Unbreakable Vows are just really intense promises. If you break it, you die.”
“Is that your way of saying you don’t really trust my word?”
He rolled his eyes. “It’s required by the Ministry. If you don’t comply, then you’re going to be completely obliviated and then you can have as much fun as you’d like trying to run from whoever that criminal is without even knowing why they’re after you. Oh, and without me.” 
“Then why are you even offering the vow? Don’t you want to go home?”
Draco took a long drink from his mug. “I still have a sentence to carry out. If I go back home, I’ll get sent to the same prison that my father is being held at right now.”
“A...sentence?” Y/N stared at him. “I know you mentioned a punishment, but a sentence?”
He remained silent and refused to meet her eyes.
“Draco, what exactly did you have to do?”
“It’s none of your business,” he snapped. The sudden switch of tone made Y/N start, but he was unwavering in his scowl. “I’d prefer to not think about it.”
“But...Draco…” Y/N cast her gaze to the ground so she didn’t have to see the no doubt furious look in his eyes when she continued to push. “How bad? Do you think that maybe whoever is after me might know that I don’t have the box anymore? And that they might be trying to seek revenge against you for whatever it was that you did instead?”
He didn’t respond.
“Think about it. That would explain why I was untouched this whole time that you were away when they were still keeping tabs on me.”
With a pronounced bonk, he set his mug down on the coffee table. “I’m going to bed.”
She managed to get one more look at his face before he spun around to head up the stairs and was shocked to see what was etched into his face--anger, yes, frustration...and also shame. Unmistakable shame.
final a/n: weeoooooooo i’m like 3 minutes early...this is a monumental moment for my blog. let me know what you guys think (if there’s still people sticking with this series fjkds;al). i am going to go back into my hole and work on some math hw (wonders of ohio y/n vibes...i have low key become her trying to roleplay as a stem girl). the plot is going to thicken and hopefully there will be more fluff soon. i honestly didn’t want to add the hug bc i do want this to be slow burn but it has come to my attention that this is now about 30k words long and i haven’t given y’all so much as an inkling that draco has feelings/anything will happen between them so i gotta give you something to hold you over fjdska;
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pillow-anime-talk · 3 years
one of your normal days.
synopsis: Some precious moments between the Wammy’s House boys and their girlfriend.
# tags: scenarios; current relationships; soft romance; some fluff; PDA; pet names; sfw
includes: female reader ft. l lawliet, mihael keehl, nate river, mail jeevas & beyond birthday {death note}
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It was three in the morning when you ran your hand across the bed and it turned out to be empty on left side. You breathed, a bit disappointed, rubbing your eyes with your fists, then lifted your body into a sitting position, opening your eyelids.
“Love?” You grunted, then yawned, and next, you get up from your soft mattress to leave the bedroom and went into the next, bigger room, which had a mass of monitors and binders. The bright light was unpleasantly painful to your tired eyes, but you made yourself to come closer to put your little hand on the detective’s shoulder. “Why are you still awake, love?”
“Oh, Y/N. Sorry if I woke you up.” He whispered, looking from the computer to your sleepy figure. “I still have some work to do and...”
“I know, but let’s go to bed. You’ve been sitting here since supper... which was at seven.”
“Yes, you’re right. But work...”
“You know, work won’t run away, but health will. Let’s go to sleep. I’ll make you breakfast in the morning and help you with your documents. But now let’s rest, okay? Will you do it for me?” You asked softly, kissing his pale temple. Thanks to this his tense arms and back relaxed.
“Fine.” He said in a warm voice, allowing you to kiss him one more time.
This time, however, the kiss landed on his thin, sweet lips.
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You smiled at your boyfriend, and your hand grabbed a glass of Scotch whiskey with one ice cube. You drank it all at once and kissed your man’s lips.
“Mihael, let’s go dance!” You got up from his lap and then you grabbed his hand. “One song, I promise!”
“Y/N, I don’t like to dance, you know about it...” He started calmly, which made you pout. After a while, however, a small, lovely smile appeared on your blushy face again.
“All right, I’ll dance with myself. I will be back soon! Order me a drink!” You waved at him and headed for the center of the dance floor. Immediately another, totally random girl took your warm hand and you laughed as you started having fun with her.
Mello watched your dancing body from time to time and smiled at your joyful face or the stars in your both pretty eyes. However, when your expression turned to a look of fear and the hand of a man other than Mihael’s appeared on your hip, the golden-haired boy got up from the couch and left his mafia friends behind him, heading towards you and the guy who definitely wanted to die.
“What do you think you are doing, bastard?” He asked, pushing the blue-eyed guy backwards and, at the same time, grabbed you around the waist. “Get the fuck away from my girlfriend. Only I can dance with her.”
You smiled under your breath as you turned towards his face and put your hands around his shoulders.
“So... Now you will dance with me? Pretty please?” You asked with an innocent smile and the twenty-year-old sighed loudly.
“Yeah. One stupid song.”
“I love you.”
“Yes... I- I lo-love you too...” he said ashamed, pulling you closer to his body.
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“Nate! Nate! Nate! Sweetheart!” You screamed as you ran into his room, so he twitched in surprise. He looked at you, raising his right eyebrow up and you smiled as you came much closer to him. “Take a second for me, pretty please. I have something interesting to show you!”
“What is it?”
“You will see! Come on, come on.” You grabbed his smooth hand and he obediently got up off the floor and followed you, still not understanding what was actually going on.
Only when both of you entered the living room and then onto the balcony Near understand what you wanted to show off; your small garden, which you have been nursing from several weeks.
At the sight of a tiny lemon tree, a patch of carrots and onions, and a few colorful flowers, he smiled gently, then looked at you and your satisfied face.
“What do you think?”
“It’s cute. You have a really good hand for plants, Y/N.” He said honestly, stroking your head. “When will they be ready to eat?”
“Hmmm... I think next week. Tomorrow I will also plant some tomatoes and cucumbers! I wish we had a bigger balcony...” You laughed softly, pressing your cheek against your boyfriend’s warm arm.
“Well, you know. If you want, we can move to the countryside. We can afford it. I will buy us a house with a huge garden for you. You will be able to continue planting.”
“Nate, you know you work a lot. There is no good and fast internet connection in the countryside.” You kissed his pale cheek, then knelt down, touching a small, green leave of the lemon tree. “But if we get old... I would like to live in a quiet place away from everything and everyone.”
The twenty-one-year-old smiled, thinking how you two will look in a few decades in a small, white house with a huge garden, many flower beds and maybe small dog or lazy cat...
It was a nice thought.
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“Haha, you suck as hell, boy.” You laughed, still pressing the buttons on the black console as your vehicle passed Mail’s red car and took the first place in the ranking.
“Shut up. I’m just giving you an advantage, ‘cause I’m nice to you. That’s all.” He muttered, though you could clearly see the wrinkle on his nose and the nervous gaze hidden behind his white goggles with amber-tinted lenses.
“Just admit you don’t know how to play in ‘Mario Kart’. People are never the best at everything, you know. But I will support you even if you suck, babe.” You shrugged, but Matt denied it, still trying to win. “Ouu. What a loser.” You said when you as first crossed the finish line and winning the race.
Mail frowned as he laid his blue console down on the floor. His head stared up at the white ceiling and after a few seconds, his eyes moved to your cute face. You smiled warmly at him, moving closer to him and resting your head on his shoulder.
“Hey, Mail.”
“You may suck in ‘Mario Kart’, but I love you anyway. Don’t worry.” You whispered, closing your both eyes, and he sighed loudly, patting you on the head.
“I love you too, stupid girl.” He replied just softly like you did it just a moment earlier, also closing his eyelids and breathing much more calmly.
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“What are you doing, dear?” A low voice echoed in the small, bright kitchen, so you turned and laughed gently as you saw the hunched dark-haired boy next to the white refrigerator.
“Croissants with strawberry jam. Your favorite.” You answered truthfully. “I’m almost done, but maybe you want to help me, Bey?”
“I’d rather watch you do it by yourself.”
“Okay. Then come over here.” You laughed under your breath as you continued to work on your sweets. Beyond was watching you closely during this time, every now and then asking what you are doing at randomly moment; of course you were always answering his questions, all the time encouraging him to help you. He refused, however, saying he will probably screw up something.
So when you finally put the croissants in the preheated oven, you turned to him and smiled again, saying that they would be ready in about twenty minutes.
“Maybe we rest on the couch for a while?” You offered, grabbing his cold, but smooth hand and pulling him towards the living room and the sofa on which you both lay down after a few seconds; Beyond on the mattress, you on his warm chest.
Although the feeling of love was foreign to the black-haired boy for most of his own life, now he understood the idea of ​​loving another human thanks to you. It was nice to have your tiny body in his arms and smell your fruity hair shampoo or shower gel.
Also, it was as nice to eat your croissants with some jam and be fed by you.
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thoughts of the evening | cuckold/cucquean hcs
tw!!// hard kinks, humiliation kink, exhibition kink, cuckolding kink, hard dom reader, hard dom characters, cuckold, cuckquean, pre-established poly relationships and scene safety protocols (everyone is consenting in these scenarios, these are just hard kinks and the after care is assumed not implied)
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hard dom Tamaki fucking confessions out of you that make Mirio's cock ache and leak in his boxers
he won't stop abusing your sore cervix until you tell your boyfriend (who's in the corner like an obedient little bitch ever since Tamaki ordered him to and fuck that made you wet) that Tamaki fucks you better than he ever did
and it makes you guilty even as it makes your pussy clench around Tamaki's thick girth that sex with the indigo haired male hits all the right spots with ease compared to your well intentioned boyfriend's fumbling
"f-fuck, baby -hngg- his cock is so much better than yours-" that makes Tamaki start to fuck you faster, starting to chase his pleasure and yet still making sure to fuck you stupid in the process
he's had a lot of time to think of the best ways to make you fall apart in front of his best friend, and he puts them all to good use
even brushing his fingers over your tight back entrance, smirking at the blond in the corner, "Bet you never even thought about taking her here hm? You are brilliant my friend, but sometimes you lack imagination."
there was nothing that could stroke his ego more than hearing you cum beneath him while you babble loudly that you wouldn't let Mirio's "loser dick" touch you ever again so you could save your pussy just for Tamaki
Mirio was crying even as he nodded eagerly when you asked if he wanted to clean Tamaki's cum out of you
Tamaki stroked Mirio's hair as the blond ate his copious load out of his girlfriend, and started planning ways to turn him out
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Ochako's name flashed on Deku's phone, and you were feeling mean today so you told him to answer it
"H-hello?" his voice was chipper as always, but you clenched your pussy tighter around him while he was fucking you and his voice stammered (you were laid out on the bed, the result of the massage you demanded not surprising either of you. Deku loved fucking you when you were prone on the bed, he said you were tighter with your legs together, and he liked how deep he could force himself into your pussy)
"I'm pulling up to the house, can you come help with the groceries?"
"Tell her to get her pathetic ass up here so I can make fun of her for stealing your dick from her," you ordered as you got close to another orgasm, Deku's fat cock stuffing you almost too full and the head of his cock dragging against your spot relentlessly
"Get up here, 'Chako," was all Deku could get out because he was cumming- again- in your pussy, just like you wanted him to
So when Ochako was sitting across from you and fingering herself, face flushed with shame, you told them both the plan you came up with on the spot
"I'm gonna have Deku's baby," Deku's grip on your hips tightened painful and he was hard again in less than ten minutes since he drowned your cunt with his cum
"B-but-" Ochako started, quickly cutting herself off realizing her mistake, but it was too late, and a cruel smug smirk curved your lips as Deku started rutting into you once more
"B-but, b-but, nothing." You mocked, clenching around Deku to make him moan and start kissing your shoulders as he fucked you harder, getting off on you humiliating his girlfriend as much as you did. "Your pathetic pussy can't even make him cum anymore. He's been fucking my pussy all day, and he s-still can't get enough."
She sniffled, tears falling down her cheeks as she continued to stuff her pussy with her fingers
That made you cum and with a shout Deku filled you as well, his cock plugging all his hot cum inside you
"You can babysit," you offered with a smirk
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annabethy · 4 years
under the mistletoe, watching the fire glow day 8: merry ex-mas
Character A’s ex will be at the Christmas party A is attending. Character B poses as A’s fiancée,, percabeth
Percy’s heart just about stops the second he sees his ex at the Christmas Party.
He has just walked into the room, prepared for this to be a good night, but then all hope going flying out the window when he catches the red flash of hair that’s painfully familiar. He really shouldn’t be surprised considering all their friends were the same, but he didn’t think they’d both be invited.
It’s been a few years he supposes, but he still can’t bear to face her. It wasn’t like their relationship ended in a hostile manner or anything. She had just dumped him, and he had been heartbroken, and they haven’t spoken since.
That being said, he thinks it’s totally appropriate when he walks right back out the front door of the party and holds himself against the wall. He’s sure the people that pass by him think he’s going insane, but he can’t bring himself to really care because his ex-girlfriend is in there, and if she sees him alone, she’ll no doubt make a jab at him, and that just cannot happen.
Percy doesn’t move for what feels like eternity. He’s thinking of every possible solution, but the only one that comes to mind is flat out leaving. The only problem is that people have already seen him and greeted him, and it would make its way to her that he left, and then she’d know. Percy curses himself for getting into this situation in the first place. There’s no escape at this point, and it kills him. The only way out would be to do something stupid like fake being engaged, or—
Percy starts, standing straighter.
He could fake being engaged.
Honestly, it’s the best chance he has of not being made fun of by his ex. But Percy knows her too well despite it being years. It would bother her to no end to see him with another girl, much less engaged to another girl.
About a million things could go wrong, but he thinks it’s brilliant.
As Percy begins to through the groups for anyone that looked willing to participate in plan fake-engagement, he can’t believe that this is what his life has come to. He should be ashamed of himself.
Oh well.
People walk into the party in groups or pairs, and it makes his life much more difficult. New York in the winter is freezing, and his fingers are becoming painfully numb. He’s about to give up as his body starts involuntarily shivering, but then there’s finally a girl approaching the front door by herself, and this is his only chance.
She looks really pretty, too. She’s wearing a short black dress with a pink wool coat reaching to right below the length of the dress, and her hair falls in blonde ringlets down her back, ruffled in the wind. She would be the perfect fiancée for him.
“Uh – hi,” he says, stepping a bit into her path. It’s admittedly not the best thing to say to a stranger you’re about to propose to, but how else is he supposed to start this conversation?
“Hi,” she answers cautiously. She moves a bit to his side as though she’s about to step around him, but he moves to follow her. The glare she gives him has him jumping back in alarm. “Can you move?”
“Yeah, I will,” he says. “I just have a quick question, if that’ll alright.”
There’s a pause as she doesn’t answer. Her grey eyes trace over his, questioning, and then she says, “Do I know you?”
“No. I don’t think so.”
“Then I’d appreciate it if you could move so I could, you know, get inside.”
Maybe she isn’t the best fiancée because he can already tell that her patience is thin in the first two seconds that he’s been speaking to her. Still, he’s out of options.
“I need you to marry me.”
She blinks. “I’m sorry?”
“Just for tonight,” he promises.
“Uh, the length of the marriage is not my concern here.”
Percy glances over his shoulder, making sure no one was listening. This didn’t seem like it was going to be ending in his favor, and he did not need an audience for that.
“My ex is in there,” he pleads. “If I go in there, she’s going to have some rich boyfriend on her arms, and I’m going to look like a loser. She likes to insult me, according to my friends, and it would really make her mad if she thought we were engaged.”
She chokes. “Your solution to seeing your ex is to fake an engagement?”
“I never said I was smart.”
“That’s the worst idea I’ve ever head.”
Percy’s moves out of her way, conceding to the fact that she wasn’t going to be of any assistance. Surprisingly, she doesn’t move.
“How do you plan on making it work?” she asks, crossing her arms.
“Are you considering doing it?”
“Oh, no, but I want to see just how badly this is going to go.”
“I’ll be honest. I didn’t think that far.”
She laughs, covering her mouth. “She’s going to know.”
“Not if you help me,” he pleads. “We’d be a cute couple, too…”
She grins, sensing the silent question. “Annabeth.”
“Percy,” he returns. “This is going to come off weird, but you’re super pretty, and she would not like that.”
“She’s the jealous type, huh?” Annabeth shifts on her feet, biting her lower lip. “I do love making people jealous.”
He claps once. “Perfect!”
“And if I do help you, what do I get out of it?” She smirks. “Besides a hot fiancé.”
“I’ll take you to dinner afterwards.”
“Hm. Where?”
Percy’s wallet screams as he says, “Wherever you want.”
“Now that’s an offer I can’t refuse.” She steps towards him and slides her arm into his. Percy is completely astonished that it worked, and as they step inside, he realizes how natural this feels, which is hilarious considering this is the least natural engagement there is.
There is a wave of warmth that washes over them, and there’s Christmas music playing in the background.
“So,” she starts, locking eyes with him. “Is there a plan?”
“The plan is to not fuck this up.”
They don’t actually end up talking to anyone for a while. It turns out there weren’t as many people there that he knew as he thought there was. His ex is still there with her friends in the corner of the room, and Percy’s sure she’s seen him by now. There are eyes burning holes into the back of his neck.
“Who are we trying to fool?”
“Behind us. The girl with red hair. Her name is Rachel.” Annabeth outright turns on the couch to glance at her, not at all subtle, and Percy nearly shrieks.
“She was looking at you,” Annabeth tells him. “And now she knows we were looking at her,” he mutters. “Thanks for that.”
“What do we do?”
Percy blanks. “I don’t know.”
“Tell me what to do! I’ve never been in a fake relationship before!”
He gawks. “You think I have!?”
“This was your idea,” she accuses, but she slides in closer to him. Her body presses up against him. He tries not to focus on the curves he feels pressing into his body. Percy’s hand automatically goes to wrap around her waist and holds her in place.
It takes a while before they actually have to speak to anyone, and when they do, it’s not at all smooth. Percy’s bright red as he introduces her as his fiancée to a group of kids from his class, and Annabeth doesn’t even hide the laugh that bubbles out of her mouth. She seems to bask in his embarrassment, and it makes Percy feel a little insulted.
(Also a little endeared, for some reason)
“That wasn’t funny,” he says, avoiding eye contact after they leave.
“That was hilarious,” she disagrees.
“Shut up.”
“I’m not saying anything.”
“You’re laughing at me.”
“How could you expect me not to.”
Percy glares at her and is about to retort something, but then someone else is standing in front of him, and when he finally tears his eyes away from Annabeth, he is surprised to see Rachel standing right before him, an unreadable expression on her face.
“Percy,” she says, though her eyes are trained to Annabeth. “It’s been a while.”
He shifts uncomfortably. He had thought he wanted to make her jealous, but he had been so deep in conversation with Annabeth that he’s lowkey disappointed to be pulled out of it. “It has been.”
“How are you?” she asks, and Percy can sense the plastic tone of her voice. He hates it, and he hates the way she’s looking at Annabeth as though she’s ever had any right to judge.
Percy’s grip tightens on Annabeth. “It’s going pretty well. The wedding is only in a few months now, so that’s been pretty busy.”
He sees the gears turn in her head. “The wedding?”
Percy mocks a frown. “My fiancée and I are getting married. Haven’t you heard?”
“Of course I have,” she says, “I just didn’t hear anything about a wedding.”
Percy quickly learns that Annabeth is absolutely horrible at masking her emotions as she presses her face into the sleeve of his shirt and snickers. The lie is so obvious considering Percy and Annabeth themselves haven’t even heard of a wedding.
“Invitations were sent out months ago,” he says innocently.
“Oh? I was invited?”
Percy pouts. “Of course not. I just figured you would have heard.” The look on Rachel’s face is priceless. Percy doesn’t think him and Annabeth are convincing in the slightest, but it is pretty fun regardless. “I don’t think you’ve met my fiancée. Rachel, this is Annabeth,” he says, motioning to the girl in his arms. “Annabeth, Rachel.”
“Nice to meet you,” Annabeth says. She doesn’t sound pleased to meet her at all. She’s nothing if not a loyal fake fiancée. “Heard so much about you.”
“All good things I hope,” Rachel says.
Annabeth gives her a sympathetic look. “I wish I could say they were all good things, but you know how it is.”
“I know how Percy is,” she counters.
Annabeth laughs, and Percy feels tiny under her scrutinizing gaze. He didn’t know someone could disarm another person with just once glance, but here he was about to marry that person. He kind of loves it. “Baby, no, you don’t.”
Rachel looks like she’s about to open her mouth to say something else, no doubt a weak jab back at Annabeth, but then Annabeth turns to look at him, a soft smile on her face. “We should probably get going, yeah? We have the meeting with the wedding planner tomorrow.”
Percy decides to play along. “I thought we had the cake tasting in the morning.”
“The meeting is for the cake tasting, silly.” And next thing he knows, she’s pressing a sweet kiss to his lips, leaving him trying his best to not make it overbearingly obvious that his brain is going haywire. “Let’s go, yeah?”
Her face is close to his, and he can feel her breath on his lips. He wants to kiss her again, so he does. For the act, of course. “Let’s go.”
They stand up together, hand in hand, and they barely even glance at Rachel as they walk past. Annabeth calls over her shoulder, “It was nice to match the name to the face,” and they leave trying to maintain what little composure they had left.
The second they make it out of the house, Annabeth breaks down laughing, and Percy follows after her.
“Oh my god,” she wheezes. “That was amazing.”
“There’s no way she believed us,” he breathes out, ducking to rest his hands on his knees. “That was the worst performance of my life, and I was in theatre in high school.”
Annabeth laughs harder, wiping at the corners of her eyes. “Did you see her face?”
“Yes. I didn’t know someone could be so mean. She looked like she was about to cry!”
Annabeth shrugs, still stifling giggles. “Who cares. She’s never going to see me again anyways.”
That does bring Percy back down. It’s been maybe two hours since they met, but he’s loved every second of it. He wants to see her again, but…
“I guess I owe you that dinner now, huh?”
She runs her fingers through her hair. “You don’t have to.”
Percy swallows, looking anywhere except her eyes. “I want to.”
Percy brings his eyes back to hers now and finds her looking at him with a smirk. “You’re laughing at me again.”
“Only because we’ve been engaged and you still don’t know how to ask me out,” she assures.
Percy brings himself to her. “Annabeth. Would you like to get dinner with me?”
“Depends on where,” she says teasingly.
“Anywhere your heart desires.”
She puts her hands behind his neck and kisses him once. “I’d love to.”
Percy thinks it’s a bit insane how everything has played out. They started with an engagement, and now they’re on a date, and he’s already falling in love. It must be something of a Christmas miracle.
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