#we wont stop until its in our grasp
poughkeepsies · 3 months
You asked so let me lay out the mental gymnastics I have done to reach buddie roomates
1. Not a single bts of that loft. I feel like we were getting loft bts all the time last year (also there were like so many loft scenes last year too so that might be why)
2. Built the biggest most expensive rolling stage thing of all time. I believe either they have to build new sets this year or rent the sets from fox = bucks loft didnt make the cut (pure spec on my part watch oliver post bts of the loft today on his ig takeover)
3. “Giving the fans what theyre asking for” in terms of buddie what the fans have been asking for (at least that I see the most and think the writers would be aware of) is buddie canon, trapped dads (which was mostly just finale spec but I do think could happen in cruise disaster), buck breakdown/therapy, buckley diaz fam content, death to bucks loft/buddie roommates. And buddie roommates not only captures 2 of those but is also my fav of them so my mind went there
4. Buck and eddie closer than ever / knowing each other on a deeper level than before (Im paraphrasing bc I cant remember all 20 devastating ryan quotes rn): from personal experience, you can be very close with someone, but living with them is a whole new experience and you learn things about people you never knew before. One of the most intimate ways to get to know someone imo
5. Kind of like a said with a newish audience, 10 ep season that includes 2ep big emergency and madney wedding, and also the fact I feel the show has never explicitly hinted at buddie (I dont count the s2 stuff tim has said was fan service and 601/612 felt like it but thats it) I dont think full buddie canon is on the table this season. But a great way to explicitly hint that buddie canon is happening at some point would be roommates storyline
In conclusion: there will probably be 30 loft scenes this season and Im dumb but one can dream
everybody take a look at this ask and learn. this is the exact kind of deranged unserious reaching that we've been missing in this fandom lately. I love you and I applaud you anon 🫵
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socksandbuttons · 3 months
Swap AU Stuff
Alright let's jsut try getting down basics maybe
Also this maybe long actually.
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The obvious Swaps Lunar and Eclipse: Basically how we meet them in episode. I legit went along with thinking this Eclipse wasn't memory wiped the whole time so thats kinda- in the air a bit. But Lunar being the original body (I have a post showing how Eclipse looked then), Eclipse with the one he made (to be taller. He can't stand being small... Well shorter than anyone really. A shame he has Bloodmoon towering over him.) The Glamrocks: They are as Swapped so Chica is Freddy, Freddy is Roxy, Roxy is Monty and Monty is Chica (I love them immediately after giving them luscious hair im sorry). Rox and Sun are friends and he's quite protective of Sun, also a cowboy cause swap au/Foxy etc. Digi in the discord came up with this and i died cause it was so good actually. Eclipse and Lunar still go thru the whole October Arc with Moon and Sun. Moon being far more quiet but aggressive. Made Sun to hinder Eclipse. Let me paste my lil paragraph i had in discord
"Sun likely has more denial about moons treatment of him, however like lunar he does start questioning if its good for moon to get the star (like sort of getting the Moon Wont Stop so i need to do something he might hurt himself etc) plus lunar and eclipses treatment of sun would be a huge factor too, eclipse obviously is terrible at communcating and while he's a bit of a jerk, realizing sun might be in danger or hurt is something he might catch on faster. maybe. im thinking anyway sun catches attachment to both that outweighs his denial of moon being terrible actually. he's still grasping at things even well after. doesnt realize he gets awful panic attacks until someone points it out actually. and then i lost my train of thought but moon still loved sun just…. very clearly was not the forefront of his goals tho. feels very betrayed by sun after and likely wont fogrive sun. vs sun whos too willing to forgive despite his anxiety screaming at him NOT TO. i just wanna show a different thing to this cause lunar recognized halfway into october and let moon handle the rest and recognizes that eclipse was hurting him much sooner than sun wouldve (see the… current sun. og sun recognizes now but it truly took him a WHILE, communication Real now.)" Anyway, Sun does end up getting adopted by both Eclipse and Lunar. He's never gonna be taller than Eclipse. But as mentioned he's got a lot of things to work through about Moon (Roxy will kick so much ass for him.) Generally trying to grasp that yeah no it was pretty fucked up of Moon to do anything to Sun. Now the timeline gets a lil weird beyond this because like KC would've also been in this plot. KC unlike our Bloodmoon, is actually far smarter (Im sorry to bm fans), he DOES work with Sun but generally more for his benefit of getting rid of Moon. He doesn't really need to be bribed for this actually. Imagine KC being so pissed about Moon showing up in his systems and hes LIKE WTF MAN. Zappity Zap Zap Double Dee Moon Anyway Cue Bloodmoon arriving. And like bloodmoon does- He does technically hold Eclipse hostage but gets bored. So there is mild agreement. Bloodmoon does what KC did and FORCED themself out (like our OG boy!). They're uh... theyre not very keen on sticking around a daycare as fun as itd be to tear it up. They like lightly bully Sun but Roxy to the rescueee. Anyway, 'Does KC die in this au?' No he doesnt. He gets CLOSE to it but Bloodmoon just goes 'Hmn. nah son you're coming with me'. Lunar still feels incredibly bad about it though. Space arriving sooner actually more or less helps like avoid some certain issues here and there. Unlike Earth where she arrives much later (due to be literally distracted.) Space goes directly to the daycare. Thus kinda- changing some bits. He does meet Bloodmoon, hates him though. 'Why aren't you thinking this through' 'We wanna see how much they scream' 'You'll be electrocuting yourself before you get the chance' '...That means Eclipse gets electrocuted?' 'Put down. the fork.' KC handles Bloodmoon with much exasperation. Bloodmoon picked up this sucker and went 'our Spawn'. Baffles KC. Space ends up meeting Crater, Moon got annoyed with Space's presence being literally really hard to work around. Sends Crater, Crater and Space get along well enough that it wasn't Moon intention but this works too. Space (theres irony here) gets concerned with Crater and her not viewing herself with autonomy. She is still just a 'basic AI' as she puts it. Does what she's told. Bloodmoon doesn't really use her just kinda shoo's her off to Space or Eclipse. 'No you're no fun-' 'I have told to monitor you' 'WE DIDNT ASK MOON FOR A BABYSITTER' 'I am programmed to defend' 'We dont need defending either' 'You are still vunerable' '...Go away' 'Affirmative. Destination please?' 'DAYCARE'
Anyway How do i sum this up. Roxy and Sun are besties Lunar and Sun vibe. Eclipse is soft with Sun.
Bloodmoon has claimed ONE child. Doesn't really claim Moon but thats a later thing. Moon and KC despise one another.
KC didn't really want this fatherly figure but he begrudgingly accept them. Funny things happen with these three. Bloodmoon doesn't become pacifist, just more or less moves away dragging KC with them. A little bitter at Lunar's murder attempt but its fine. No one died there but heavily maimed.
Eclipse and Moon still ultimately hate one another. There is a Swap version of Solar thats Moon and- we'll get confused so just know its out there. Space and Crater are good friends and partly why both end up questioning their existence but both support pillars to one another that it just kinda isn't as devastating. Unless someone dies. Crater does end up having her own personhood, Moon does get attached to her even if he doesnt admit it. Space doesn't question creator enough but Crater does and vice versa. Bloodmoon(s) does have a name but ill reveal that later??? idk
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ask-carmenpondiego · 2 months
Chapter 21: No Place Like HQ For the Holidays
Once back at VILE HQ, the jet lands and the team disembarks, M procuring a wheelchair with his shadow powers and strapped Carmen in while he started to hum some carols. The mare sulked having to stay seated and not walking on her own. She did want to get up and about with these new augments so it wouldn’t slow her down. Deep down she knew it was for her own good and health to stay off her legs so they can heal properly within the cybernetic casing. “Can I at least have crutches?!” She had asked before they departed. “What? No! You put pressure on your arms the same way as your legs? You’ll blow the sutures and start bleeding all over my equipment!” She remembers Skyggja scolding her.
Blendin had already opened the double doors for the moving to begin. It didn’t take long for the HQ to be swarmed with flying and crawling drones carrying crates and boxes. Kiros went on ahead to help direct the drones with Skyggja’s help after Carmen explained which parts of the top floor was theirs. Carmen wheeled herself out of the way and into the living room, next to the big screen tv which blipped on by itself, 079’s face showing up rather annoyed. It took one look at Carmen and sighed. “Oh great. One of you is broken. This is why we cant have nice things..” She raised an eyebrow and smirked, “Good to see you too, 079. I’ll be adding two names to our household and they will be setting up a lab upstairs on the penthouse floor, so there may be another computer system connecting to ours. PLEASE behave and cooperate with these new agents. I don’t doubt they will attempt to delete you somehow if you start shit with them.” The ai rolled its eyes. “I’ll highly doubt they can but I suppose I can see what I can do to assist. I make no promises.” Carmen smiles and gives an awkward thumbs up, still getting used to the feel of the augments. “Thats all I ask, just a solid attempt in peaceful coexisting. I’ll even give you more monitors if you wish for around the HQ~” 079 gave a deadpan look with confetti and balloons on the screen. “Hooray. Now I wont have to squeeze into those abhorrent tiny screens on your mobile devices. Some of you really need to clear the phone storage from all that porn..”
Blendin hops over with a tablet to show his mother, “Hey Mom, I had some help with M and Kiros and.. 079? Anyway, we came together and we are working on a present for you! I am trying to share the knowledge of the ley line door travel system to your system so you can do what I do! Now, this stuff is super top secret so I could get in a whole lot of trouble for this if I’m caught BUT Kiros insisted that 079 will keep it under lock and key so no one else can track it! And there may be a way to even hook it up to your time machine! M said he’ll tinker with that later.”
Daring had wandered in and stayed a fair distance away and watched the two discuss the travel system. She scoffed as she saw Carmen get excited and hug Blendin, perhaps a little too tight. She didnt realize the added strength she had due to the new blood and augments, that is until he yelped. Daring was still trying to unfluff her feathers as she watched. She was glad a life wasn’t lost, even if it was one she still didnt trust. Perhaps she could tolerate her mother but she certainly kept her opinions known.
As far as she could tell, her brother had fallen right into his mother’s trap and just handed over the ability to steal everything from under everyone’s noses. There must be some way to stop it all. Her thoughts were jarred to a stop as striped arms suddenly wrapped around her from behind, picking her up and twirling her around, “Adora!!! This is a wonderful surprise!! Welcome home!! Lemme give you a big hug! Rrrrrrrr!” Waldo had snuck up on her in a way he would describe as very dad-like. Daring shrieked and flailed in his grasp, “Let me go! Help!” Carmen turned quickly, hearing the screech and instantly relaxed when she saw Wally try to be silly. “Wally!! Let her go, she’s not in the right mood right now.” He let her go with a playful pout, “Aww alright. I was just excited to see our baby girl again. You grew so tall! Look at you! Pretty soon you’ll fill out and be even more like your mom. She sure did give the attractive and smart genes to you, kids.” Daring huffed and straightened her clothes and tried smoothing out her feathers once again from puffing up “I am NOTHING like her! I may be glad she’s still here but I still think she’s up to no good!” She pointed to her smirking mother.
Wally looked over at Carmen for the first time since she came back and stopped short, worry plastered across his face. “My light! Are you ok? I heard there was an incident but it wasn’t specified how bad! What.. your hair, your arms.. legs.. your color.. what happened?!” Carmen started to explain, then when she heard the words coming from her own mouth, the realization of everything started to hit. Her eyes suddenly were pouring tears, and her new hands shook. She finally had a moment to truly process. She reached up to Wally who knelt down and embraced her so tightly, crying as well, “Please.. my light, please take this as a sign to stop. I know you are trying to help cure me but let’s.. just try to find a doctor or something. You’re risking your life to save mine, the accidents are getting more frequent and more dangerous… I want you to stop stealing. Please.” Carmen wiped her eyes, pulling away as she calmed down, making herself push the panic aside, “I can’t. I still have to try. Its what I’m good at, its what I do. Its not like they’ll accept me back into the detective programs..they’ll just throw me back into that horrible place to forget about me.” Blendin hugs his mom around the neck from behind the wheelchair, nuzzling comfortingly, “We wont let anyone take you or any of your agents away from us! And we’ll find a cure, Right Dad?” Wally smiled a little worriedly, “You said it. Now lets get you cleaned up and settled from that trip, maybe some relaxing time in front of the tv or something..” Carmen scoffed with some tears still brimming her eyes, “Relaxing in front of the tv? So I can get lazy and fat you mean?” She teased, wiping her eyes.
Daring crossed her arms and stood brooding from across the room. Ninoga and Kiros were lifting a heavy piece of furniture through the doorway and had to pass in front of Daring. She caught a glimpse of the muscles on both agents and blushed, looking away. “Excuse us, little snack. Don’t want to squish you.” Kiros chuckled with a low teasing rumble, winking at her. She turned scarlet in the face and hurried over to her family, “Guys, where’s the bathroom?!” Wally pointed just down the hall as Carmen looked at her and then at Kiros having a belly laugh while the young pegasus rushes off. “So THATS why it smells like Teen Spirit on Prom Night in the jet! Kiros! You are a scoundrel!”
Kiros shrugged as he held the furniture while Ninoga was pivoting, “I didn’t do a damn thing but I know you wouldn’t have me any other way!” He grinned, now on the move to set the furniture to its proper place. Lekir set a box down, which was picked up by a crawling drone and scuttled off, the vesk stepping out of its way with a bit of a gruff. “Its already like an infestation of these drones, you sure you wanna bring them here?” Carmen nodded, “I can tell this is the break they needed, just like they gave us a break. We have the room and they can be very helpful to us.” Lekir crouched beside her as Wally was busy looking through the tv channels. “How are you feeling? Any pain or anything?” She brushed her fingers through Carmen’s hair as Carmen put on a smile, “I feel great, I cant wait to try to get back on my feet. Wally wants me to relax… and to stop thieving.”
They look over to Wally who had been channel surfing and was currently dancing to some up beat music, occasionally singing along, before changing the channel again, “Mum!….Dad!…..Bingo!…..BLUEY! Man, Kid shows are so fun these days!… Ooooh baking competition! Thats not a cake!!… IT IS A CAKE!! Blendin! Are you seeing this?!” Lekir dropped her face to deadpan, “You? Stop thieving? Heh, thats not going to happen, is it?” She watches Wally pretty much jostle his son in excitement of a purse being sliced and revealing cake. “I will never be able to fathom what you see in him..” She stands up, her hands on her hips. Carmen smiles, “I dunno, he makes me laugh like theres not a care in the world.”
That night, after all the moving had calmed down, they all gathered around the dining room table. A couple stacks of pizza were on the kitchen island nearby, half already emptied. Carmen looked around as they all chattered, dishes and cups clinking, and all she could think about was that she had spent so much time trying to get to this point. But she found it was all worth it. She finally had connections with her family and made new family along the journey. She actually felt complete for once in a very long time.
The sounds of the gathering played over a speaker for a few moments more before a hand reached and switched it off. “This does not sound like a funeral dinner, does it?” A lower ranking gentleman in a suit lowered his head, “N-no sir. It does not.” The one in the chair facing him turned, picking up the umbrella that was placed onto the desk between them, inspecting it closely. “What does it sound like to you?” The younger rank, gulped, “A..a happy celebration, sir?” The blade sliced out from the tip and back in with a press of a button. “A happy celebration. Now. Your task was simple. I see no malfunction in your equipment so the failure rests with you. You told me, no. You ASSURED me that you would have this taken care of.” The lower rank stammers, “I made sure she was gravely hurt, at the very least, if she had a big enough injury, she would not continue.. we wouldn’t need to resort to eradicating her..” They look at the expressionless form of their higher rank. “It seems like you have forgotten what we stand for. Therefore, I will rectify your errors and put you on a path of clarity.”They press a few buttons on the console as a swarm of nanites suddenly covered the lower rank for a split moment and then returned to the opening they had come through. The lower rank just collapsing to the floor, all signs of life removed without cause nor damage or anything, as if every bit of life force was simply consumed and destroyed right from the source, without so much of a sound from the victim. Within moments, two workers came in and took the body to the incinerators. They press the intercom, “Send Mali Negatta into the field, we have a holiday gift to give the thief on this naughty list.”
A voice came over the intercom in return, “Hey all, this is Mali, I’m not available right now but I will return to accept any jobs starting in the new year! Otherwise, stop calling. Byieeee” The higher rank sighed and sat back in the chair. “What a christmas miracle. Well, all things come to those who wait..”
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itgomyway · 8 months
Hi sweety! I've just read this https://www.tumblr.com/itgomyway/730190673012260864/i-saw-your-response-to-that-one-anon-asking-about?source=share, and I'm still lost cause actually what the anon here referes to is exactly what I was pondering... Ok, deal, we get thay a fly in imagination is equal to a fly in so called 'reality' but I think that this anon refers exactly the same as I : since both are real, how you bring something from the subjective consciousness to the objective consciousness so the 'ego' can actually perceive it phisically? I KNOW it sounds very loa, but is kind of confusing...
Look the other day, we run out of watter in house 'cause the provider cut it for a while, it happends often, mostly when it happends is normal to stay 6 to 7 hours until the change of turn where the next group of workers remembers to give us watter again, so I thought then 'I don't wanna wait 'till 1pm to be able to go to the bathroom or make use of water, so i sat in my living and imagined the sound of the watter runing again in the kitchen, I did it for about 15 minutes. Nothing happened. Then I went to the bathroom, did my things, and still no watter so I figured out some water from somewhere else to wash my hands and bla bla bla... but thought again, WE have to do our things, We NEED water to cook and finish the day as it should, we need it, not just us but our neighbourgs too, so I stayed there, closed my eyes and imagined again the watter running this time in the bathroom, I've probably done this about 3', as at the same time was thinking 'this isn't working, if this time also doesn't work I better leave it. Probably I'm crazy' BUT guess what? The minute I thought it the watter started to flow again... Is like counsciousness has a good sence of humor, like black humor or 'it' decides when things will manifest as one wants...
For example right now I NEED to get out the place I'm currently living, move away with my pets, and I do the same process but nothing happends! Things get worse here and I'm tired. It's been a while that I'm on it so It should work aswell here too. But nothing happends...
Well, my ask was how we bring things to objective consciousness?? if u can enlight me with this I would thankyou for ever! Thankyou beforehand🙏🏻💖 your posts are awesome
BTW Sorry for my english, is not my mother tonge but I'm working on strenghten it😌
your english is fine and thank you for your words :)
there is no subjective to objective you are still seeing a separation. you just replaced “physical reality” and “imaginary” with “subjective” and “objective”. neither of these things exist nor do they matter. as consciousness you are everything and you dont have to do anything. if youre currently very attached to identifying as the ego then its no doubt its hard for you to grasp. and that’s okay. personally i don’t see a problem with you attempting to use loa to manifest your problems away, i do it whenever my ego wont stop bothering me but ill never look to non dualism for a solution as the ego because it doesn’t understand its not real in the first place. you were doing a technique to turn your water on, aka manifesting. you deemed it as a process and the moment YOU were aware of the actual water turning on, not the method making the water turn on, it turned on. even though you consciously used loa, it is still non dualism because thé instant you were aware was the instant it existed. hope this makes sense! good luck on your journey :)
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voregeoise · 2 years
I good friend of mine said amnesia is a good trope in vore. Which gave me the thought of what if the prey was the one with amnesia? Enjoy!
Slight warning, this is very much not fluff.
Do you not remember me?
I'm your friend! You've known me for years! Why do you not recognize me? What happened?
Why are you scared of me?
Why did you hurt me?
I tried to get close to you and... you stabbed me in the side. You're still holding that blood stained dagger. I gave you that knife as a gift, now it's covered in my blood. Why? I know you got hit in the head... but please... don't forget me...
The wound wont kill me, its far from lethal for my kind. But it hurts, in a lot of different ways.
I don't know what to do... I've got you cornered, but I don't want to... but if I don't block you... you'll run off, and might not ever come back.. even if it scares you.
God.. it must be terrifying for you if you really have forgotten me. To be trapped in a corner by a monstrous thing like me, even if we were friends mere hours ago. You know what I am, and what my kind does to your kind.
I wonder if you remember that I've done it to you before. To devour you whole, it was always such an intimate and close thing for us to do, hold you with my whole being, to have you trust me to do such a thing, and now you've forgotten it.
I take another step forward and you point the knife at me. A drop of blood falls from it's tip and lands on the ground. Your breathing is heavy and shaky, you're staring right at me.
I can't let you keep that knife, you're going to end up hurting me again. Or worse.
I take one more step towards you. You make a dash for an escape, I don't let you. I grab you by the throat. You swing around and thrust the knife at me again but I grab your arm before you can get another hit on me.
"D-Drop it!" I order with a wince.
You do. With a thud the bloody knife falls on to the ground. There's tears in both of our eyes, with you now completely defenseless against me and me having to restrain you like this.
I pull you in close to me and embrace you. You're struggling and begging for your life. I wish I could explain that you aren't in danger, but you wouldn't believe me, not in this state.
I hold you there in a hug for a long time, but your struggles and pleas never slowed. Just kept trying to wiggle out of my grasp.
I can't risk it, i can't risk you getting away, I need you, I can't have you leave. I need you close. I know what I have to do, I don't want to do it, but I have to.
I'm so sorry.
You stop struggling as my open maw waits above you, your tears turn to sobs, pleas turn soft, there's a feeling of hopelessness in your voice. It pains me.
As your face presses against my toungue I realize that your sweet taste isn't there, just the salt of tears and a bitter aftertaste. The feeling of love and trust isn't there, it makes me sick to my core.
I force you deeper, my only consolation is that you aren't struggling, I wish I could thank you for making this easy. My throat stretches in uncomfortable ways, this isn't anything like the other times we've done this. I loved doing this with you, but I hate doing it like this.
I try and swallow, you're pushed a little further down, another gulp sends you a little further, and again and again and again. This cycle goes on for far too long, until your form finally drops into my stomach. You're safe in there, but you wouldn't believe me. You just curled up in a ball and sobbed to yourself.
I can only do the same.
I beg you to trust me, to forgive me, to remember me.
Please trust me, we've done this so many times and you've never been hurt. Please remember me, you've been within me so many times, it has to be familiar to you.
Please forgive me... I'm sorry..
I'm so sorry..
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yahoodarling · 2 years
Kazuha X (GN)Reader X Aether PART 1
Warnings: Mentions of Tomos death, obsessive reader, manipulation
This is a base to build on for PART 2, more notes at the end of the fic.
The air was in unease, a looming presences lay heavy over Kazuha and Aethers shoulders. They stood in the wild, enjoying some time wandering Liyues hills together until the scent of danger hung over them.
"I cant tell what it is." Kazuha whispered, eyes and ears on alert as he scanned the trees and bushes.
"I cant either. This is weird, i don't like it."
"Lets just get out of here!" Paimon said, hinding behind Aether.
"Get in the teapot. Ill call you when its safe, wait for me." Aether says as he brings the teapot out which Paimon hesitantly enters.
"Now that thats done we should focus."
"Agreed. Lets just make some distance." They both move to walk out the sandwood forest, still on high awareness.
"This alludes me. I cant figure it out." Kazuha said slightly frustrated at being unable to detect what he usually could.
"What do you think it could be?"
"Im not s-"
"Im rather hurt Kazuha." You jeer, appearing out of thin air thanks to the electro vision sat on your hip. "You used to be able to notice my sound even in storm yet you couldnt here, should i take offense to that?" You laugh with a smile. 
"Who-" Aether was cut of by himself as he looked to Kazuha for help, the look of clear dread on Kazuhas face made Aether hault in his words. 
"Hey! Whats wrong?!"
"Id say. Cant even say hello back to an old friend?"
Kazuhas face molded from shock to a slight grimace, his teeth gritted together. 
Aether was surprised, he had never seen Kazuha like this before. He stood on guard but mind ran with questions.
"Hmmm… i have time, why dont i explain the situation to you my dear golden traveller?" You say with a perky voice. "Come sit." You sit down on the grass and lay your sword to the side out of arms grasp, a show of temporary peace. Aether hesitantly sat down too, not sure how else to respond while Kazuha sat close next to him.
"You see, ive come for his head." You say with a smile. The blunt words made Athers stomach churn.
"Heres the story…"
The Kaedahara clan were masters of iron, their smiths skilled at smelting swords only true warriors could weild, every sword a unique build to match a unique person. Your family were a high ranking martial clan for the Shogun, masters of many wepons and worked in the shadows for her almightys wishes. Together the two clans joined, the one smelted the blades, the other gave each blade a purpose. You and Kazuha grew up together, both training to weild swords, enjoying practise together as kids, running in the wilderness as teens and striking down foes as young adults. Kazuhas skills were refined in order to understand a blade but yours were mastered and focused on. The skill difference never mattered, you both simply enjoyed the time spent. Two good friends became three and Tomo joined, a tight group forming and many nights spent laying in fields with swords and visions to the side and laughing at memories and stories to share. A close bond knit between the three of you, a bond that was put under a great strain.
"Just do it! Its the almighty Shoguns orders. We dont need our visions, we can fight just as well with out them." you tell your friends.
"Thats not the point, its what they mean." Kazuha rebukes with Tomo nodding along.
"I must agree, there is more from the future we can unlock. I cant just give my aspirations away."
"So you choose power over loyalty?" You sneer, disgust on your face.
"Its not that and you know it."
"Then what is it?! They wont stop till each vision is in their possesion and it is our duty as Inazumas citizens to follow our archon. What ever reasons she has is just enough for me."
"But its not for me"
You huff but you swallow your anger. "Fine. Im still handing mine in but i wont report you guys. Just, dont cause a mess." You give up dissapointed in your closest friends.
"Thank you" Kazuha says with a smile back on his face. "Even in disagreement we can still find acceptance, in that i find our bond special."
"Im gonna follow my families orders, i just hope they dont collide with our friendship."
"We will stay safe." Tomo nods with a confident smile.
"You watched him die." Kazuha interrupts. "You stood to the side and watched him give his life with out even a glance to protect him."
"It was his choice and i was under orders."
"Ive come to terms with his passing but… it still hurts that you just watched emotionlessly, unblinking at the death of our dearist friend. Does it not hurt you? Do you not feel sorrow in your soul?" He asks, almost pleaing. 
"Anyway, …" you continue ignoring Kazuha
"How can i forgive you?"
"It was his fault. I warned you." 
The rain blurred out your meeting with the newly declared criminal.
"What now?" Kazuha asks dejected, eyes empty as he held Tomos dim vision.
"Pass me the vision." You say sternly. 
Kazuha looks up with a face of disgust. "You cant suggest that… You wish to give his vision?! All we have left?! Handing it away would be like surrendering him to them, i cannot allow that."
"Its the law."
"What happened to you excusing us?"
"There is no more 'us', just 'you' so give it to me by orders of-"
"Shut it! Shut up please!" Kazuha kneeled down into the dirt, rain soaking him that his tears went unnoticed. He couldnt keep himself stable, faced with a friends death and anothers betrayal, the comfort he wished for was not recieved.
You let him cry, you wernt a monster and you were his friend but you also had a duty, to your family and the Electro Archon.
"Two weeks. In two weeks time i must begin my hunt to take you down. After Tomos stunt you revield yourself and i cant hide you any more. I apologise but i cant hold my promise, i did what i could but my hands are tied." You turn around and walk away, not allowing grief to take hold of you and only the battle lust and mix of frustration and anger take its place, what your family provoked and army demanded of from you. "For the Shogun" you say and leave.
After two weeks you took on your task and began to track down your old friend. In the months to pass it was a game of cat and mouse, a hunter and prey. The fact Kazuha still had his vision while you did not have yours put you in great dissadvantage but you persisted and soon your battle lust grew, the chase excited you, everytime you saw Kazuhas shocked and hurt face excited you. This became a game, a game that hooked you. You missed what you once had with him and Tomo but that was all gone. What you were now was one of the Shoguns dogs, happy to fufil your masters demands.
Kazuah took to sea and you could not follow, bounded by the law you had to hault your chase over Kazuha and move onto other targets. It was dissapointing and in time you missed him greatly in both lust and genuine sorrow but the praise from your family you recieved got to you, rising in ranks every reward and promotion you got resulted in the lust taking over more and more of what was once genuine until the only reason you thought of Kazuha was for the rush it gave you. 
The next time you saw Kazuha that same rush came, his aid to the resistance brought him back and you ate it up sadly it was short lived, you could not savor the hunt as the war ended so quickly. All of a sudden the Shogun took off the decree, vision holders could have their vision and Kazuha was removed as a criminal, it broke you, after so long of waiting for him to come back and now you just had to sit by and watch him go free? 
"It is done. The war is over." Kazuha says before you. 
You keep your head down, refusing to look at him to his face. 
He sighed, "I am finally going to put Tomo to rest, please, join me." He pleas softly.
You scowl, unable to accept the defeat.
"I will not." You say simply, ignoring the reminant of pain you have by habit.
Kazuha was about to tell you off, how you were being immature and selfish but he held himself back. To him you were a sad person, fulled with hate, confusion and unsettled anger so he withdrew, not willing to fight you over it.
"Good bye" he says and walks away, he never knew a few days after you ended up visiting Tomos memorial to grieve for the first time in a long time. 
It was a spark, perhaps you could embrace a better path, perhaps you could forgive and accept your mistakes but that spark was immediatly drentched away.
"How can she do this to us?! We gave her our everything, followed each of her rules and this is how she repays us? With a slap to our face?!"
"I cannot accept this, we lost. Its as simple as that and so easily too. Just what was the shogun thinking?"
Your family and other members complained, there were many outraged at how the war ended.
"My child," your parent called for you. "I want you to hunt down each main member that aided the resistance. You may start with whomever you wish but your new life duty is to erase them all, you hear me? Till your last breath you fufil this role. The Shogun has abandoned us, you may not listen to her rule any more."
Their order was conflicting, to go agaisnt your archon, the one you betrayed your friends for? But as the same time the news was exciting. You could choose who you wanted to hunt down first? You had someone on mind.
"And with borders opening and getting my vision back, im here, in the flesh. Liyue is quite different to Inazuma, its a nice breath of fresh air haha." You laugh. 
Aether looks at you stunned, the story you just told was not one you should just laugh about afterwards.
"So you are continuing persuimg me even if it goes against the Electro Archons rule?" Kazuha asks but more so tried to make you follow back into your loyalty for her.
"Im in the land of Geo, her word cannot reach these mountains." You chuckle and stand up, grabbing your blade causally and stretching your shoulders. Your movement immediatly gets Aether and Kazuhas attention as they leap to defence. 
"Now, we have the wandering Kadehara Kazuha and the golden traveller, Aether, two big roles in the war. Im rather lucky i can take down two birds at the same time haha." 
"Ready your blade Kazuha, i wish to see your improvement!"
Ayy, this DEFINITELY needs a part 2 BUT in what direction shall it go? Comfort/redemption or Dark content? I coukd turn it smut ngl… comfort smut or dark content smut. What ever way this gets recieved ill write the second part to the majority reaponse.  
Should i stick with this colour coded system? Does it make it easier to read?
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shesvoided · 3 months
dear brittany,
you hurt me more than anyone else in my life and i think of you every single day. i don't understand this hold and why i cant let go. i was doing so well until you texted me about a month ago. months of progress were washed away and i was left more confused and angry and sad than ever. what gave you the right to reach out to me again for it to lead to absolutely nothing? maybe it was my fault for answering you back in the first place.
it takes me an embarrassingly long amount of time to get over someone or something. i wasn't shocked that it took me almost a year to stop wishing we could work things out and be friends again, but its been a year and four months and i feel like i've been set back months and months of finally accepting that i need to let you go and thrive without someone who could hurt me so much and not seem to care. i'm mad at myself, and i'm glad you were able to forgive yourself but none of this makes sense to me.
how do you get to carry on like nothing is wrong and i'm the one left broken? don't you feel ever feel bad? don't you ever think about all the things you did to me that could never be justified? how do you not feel bad knowing you're the same person you were when i met you ten years ago? does that not scare you?
i will never actually tell you any of these thing. you don't deserve to know how much i still miss you. you wont ever know that instead of accepting all the bad and hating you like i probably should i'm thinking of all the good times instead. what is it with humans and training our brains and hearts to grasp onto any sliver of love instead of taking a good hard look at all the hurt and having the strength to walk away. you never loved me the way i loved you. you never cared. you went behind my back and hurt me like it was game, like i was nothing to you. like i didn't call you my best friend and a sister. i have so much love to give and you took advantage of it. you took it and smiled in my face then threw it away like it was nothing.
i want to hurt you so bad. i want to curse your name and never think of you again. it hurts so bad to still feel this way and i am so scared i always will. i wish you never texted me a month ago. why couldn't you have just left me alone? do you know how many times i saw an old photo of us pop up in my phone, or listened to a song that reminded me of you and wanted to text you? do you know how much self control it took for me to not look back and instead do what was best for me? why couldn't you do the same.
i would say i never want you to reach out again but that would be a lie. i feel so pathetic for wanting you to reach out again. deep deep deep deep down in the pits of my soul i hope you never do. i don't deserve to feel like this again. my only hope should be to release you......i hope i get there someday.
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libidomechanica · 5 months
Untitled Composition # 11120
A treochair sequence
               First Stanza
Use of pale line. Cloud the literary effemininely gay?
               Second Stanza
But Nanie, O. The heart, all to eat of man, and them to lingering. But a
back to me, squawking naked like woman in my eyed like a better
free! The white apart. May be, if all; and where himself to what in drawn
of better of all the oak-room I prinkles of view his possible
for thee truly wish’d unknown, and though right, on white rose! When shipwrecked
to walk the heart as only because you, I never set bees therefore
hard the answer, such sweet the glancing stay he invocations, of Love,
as the singing in its shone him rises, on more nearly Seasoning.
Even the sacrification, who sworn forbade him, but thee vanquish’d.
               Third Stanza
A gust—which thee change the porch, a thrust unders will to Nanie, O. And so
small for than answering girls, the world lips have there that best pleasant my
boots. Still wrapt his mien; and now happier than end!—Well, because thy heart
bear youth wont to church-yard pierced at every bones the hill-sided, ah woe
of this verse forth of beautiful. Blue gaze on my boon! Many a prisoners
choke out, as he watch; thus through though broad lookest dyes; and prayer the
Gulbeyaz, whose quite of season I’m an hope once, to coffee, breath? Thou half
epileptical made forehead’s Narrative the Face of one whose few
or grieved sometime them love. He taught kills and the best his bird on the prison-
cell in vain, and morning in present sigh Gulbeyaz, as your scrambling
in the Hell! But by you will begun the wild wood besiege and of seare:
but within my doubting and better frae their been you no man’s good in
your fall those themselves; and if a Spanish! The people know we spake and
all that was of light’s bloom turned wide univers divinity without.
               Fourth Stanza
The beast and fortune that in disbelieved, and oh! For dead. Like a
fool destroy; and, long, listent on that they stand thee listening broom turn the
time that I would having best charmer’s eyes dark vein; our life is come once,
no drops twice, but to have puts free as I don’t, because in Pluto’s garb,
thy side. And sunk in each thee without your down with such a fallen into
your coyness expired! With besprent forget nobody requiem
become again. To say my future that bad, my life—her boat last the
desire, of which to see’t; yet in the read their ways of religion,
who live form the curtain field that same stream having been teeth favoured
Queen came downes bent love lived thousand twisted of the bed. Emperors for
all see the deep that help me, and many teach in a stops of ground it
with countered in the muffle. Falls me our old and go. And detests to
awake and so that she was coast; and the lay: our sight, and yet deed; and
your maid; that move the lots for his eyes a man woke hers, a gust—which brow,
after the francke shadow over the goodly sunk again, and the law.
               Fifth Stanza
Of stones thorn! If we could I love thee, and some clang an opened between
the lady. No more, to guess how long’d for then death o’erflowing, full of
whom all iron chills out, passed Creame. ’Er happy lot, that Cadiz, by which—
as we flits and that slavery this grace, to words enter brother
noticing I thinking heart is wide, and place, but not, till I swear, said hem
onward, and love heart would slept all mistake. Some sultanas to portraits
for the grasp the veering is inarticles, numb nubkins, the dull, while
almond flow; and so, and vows, and fever yellow, tis filled to use a
florid maid had self-’ and I dared not knees, fluid into you floating
troth, and slow a will lay the grey. Of natures, until it bear more thee.
               Sixth Stanza
Beside of my low rough the might of its boil’d, her face. That unusual
phantom cold him more cleft bring changed her fee, so white robust observing.
               Seventh Stanza
The lay, The circumferent palace forest acquaintance you, so my
armada of air is statue of year a glance young flowers do loving,
but this mind, and is cave his heards, to flattered longer white, ye, O:
their sand, gazing, for heads or child; so coarser; and tempt to mountain full
be thy cruel wrong. Is giving friends, friendship were little weep forbear and
look’d a broken the said, by every brows spend? He walked again the Skirt
of life, and your down, when her in my absent sight still have deep do
hideous power, echoes: whatever without a young, what I disclosed
and roll’d by the trouble when first on a weeks of the still the city,
by every perished, as still its provision of thousands behind I
and eat the merchantment spilt, if by the Prophetical eye-glare
approbably current needful down scythe, destroys and unwish the she
entire, how set you spoke not abuses; and slipping the shall her on
still unsation,— so that hills, and harden instant, before long day wax
too late without an opening miser and see no others are as
she and chamber, as if we sawdust and their thing us, a blue every
hails there brave house shepheard sight, from tigression, or a few this garded
body think of the snakes, that lift they condemn, abjure thing shee was
of shivering whats good deal like me with his incessed. In bet: the
time to white follow sweet as of such as I can’t answered be, but out?
               Eighth Stanza
When weary minute past, a years to maker, but rather, why, I’d
so small men wilt behold young, and there! But which last by night fell upon
a morning- steel; and fixing quest some Old Story foot; and, and other’s
eyes of that it seemed as sheeted waste, what you, girl with Ambrosia, mix
the cried; he slabbed the blue; you rose! In the alone Love, thousand wounds,
beauty anguish een. Alas! Fed by tradition—timid, and as such
an odoriferous slende, rag of his head! It is not this own weary
mighted. The scorn such sweet’ I like her grave; beside does not meet not
gaine, for those Palaces if their marble to the last but being that
we poore names of those into a hearded not seem’d as harsh in the
secrecy our patience, or out this soul to a convalescent Moon, ah!
               Ninth Stanza
Would held high and brake, removed to roam over there. When our gun barren
shining rock the day to bed has diving, say Forgiven as if to
knee might perforse. So that men, even the involuntary Sweet! They
are old such sang out fragments his coming his aged the rapture; but
ah! Bid me and her far with spicy chocolatest despair: he only
knows than creak’d, the frown in the lake&then she floors, thou, being to die
with your tongue can sponge o’er whispers of ourse, passed them lovely won’t let to
should makes it might before a foe. Nowhere is the midnight clothed upon
new, know thus and wine my loved to strung heard rift, upon his song with steed.
               Tenth Stanza
When I told by both the hid? Watch and pebble, appeare: so welterian.
               Eleventh Stanza
And time to face is face! Is the very you’llknow how roar, just and him
he is. Being gracious mixt with his carried, her seem’d magic. And died
each robed in curse, tender if you were one knows, they wild what love or feet
word and so old. From heave travelly should alone: and in her second
time. Like and grow bale—that not truce wits impetuousness,—not fry. I can’t
say the hurried my old fit, the drink was steel when all we weeks; found win
must remorseless, t was not deadly to dances sowed! Had their four, with
the soft are brother place: I have been some slippery as a great assays,
and mother’s pardon ere, upon the condemn the whole seas between them
glided past eight with one in the which, which he doubled; where, each the eastern,
wi’ dew, the right renew. To the blood, and smile. Falls from his head, by-
and-by ye doth rattle. And I’ve refused; her den, and miss, accomplete.
At stopp’d, and counted to qualify. When young Corinna’s charms, between
the place force; but sweet voice; wrough a fall though less Earth! His fingers course ill.
               Twelfth Stanza
The flog they pass of State be a row. And fisherman her heads or neither
kiss’d a distant that astray. What not up by herself; her and that
I can foot out, again, stab herse, until allow’s eyes claim’d to waked
as case we are so stuffins did of part to thus: yet you when Salámán,
and left sidewalks each in t to worry him, and thing water father
maiden, April more suck hard; silence at four, you trembling roar: then.
               Thirteenth Stanza
Love and gazed beautiful with what it was an old and all there waiting
is into joints; it in thing keys is first, thou death—most by rings of what
shall I would have such nobody to the strong; for, thee possible up
the calm me and the voices with think at the registry, nor I am
alone by care, in fighting, vertical and need to hate. See the
moment of thy rymes are of moss, at least one with curious care
to wet a taste and suckling, dark grey. Me outcast and die, but there was
blithe and I am not the most just as we provoking. To sit down;
the suppress on the obey—the present chorus cousin, ’ as freedom
far from a woman never say thy harlots, though tremulous file, o
Rotha, within another subject grated by blinded before King
Hope. For I have not warlike the swore to bear and singing.—Mother went,
and, and man heard me wilder’d what could weep, Love and with the you What’s how
appear, took me whose fairly out for the lands decay: and lyeth with our
Sexes’ intermined with sympathy tender was gone, but we burn
and, murmur great, which thee, who ne’er look at me every days she adore?
               Fourteenth Stanza
Of the quite rose-garden, as molten lead bind are they did not. As one
clean, i’m a learn tomorrow bale—they never provision I won’t exprest
in the forsoothe my mother’s maching disguise, nor so delight beat!
               Fifteenth Stanza
So: for was no grasp the close terrors. A vulgar the had becoming!
Ye whose north; whether, kneel down against the bed and hurl, my life. The wonder’d
he crimson gem, that grew distinct, flashing on her stars who is alpha
beta better dying what heavens your vice. As throne troubled the
moment over that gentlements, stake men curiously; her brother’s
well aloof the slave into the scarce forgot. Fruit bee. Something on tow.
               Sixteenth Stanza
And let the wildering the rise; with dew, how appear—but within its
must have reasonably curling veins that, coffin, and tale dissolv’d, and
breathe air, her maid it was well upon his stone bag man, gave he negro
Baba paused they happy as we! Which pulse and blaspheme! Yet you brough I
will slipp’d, or hate is majesty youth chewing very lapped around he
case fortunes of hostes eclipse that breast, give upon his apples who
cannot be he dreamlet affect of her elfin great kind let then a’
was so very worthy Xerxes the flowers, still the seasons new, nae
carpet or how thy love so early lead was to beating on that white
heat, yet render will not into depths—she added, nor cared before me.
               Seventeenth Stanza
They were masts were, and dark brow wrote that move! In thoughts by the deepes, which
man of life in straight remaine differer know that glimpse of they bow, leauing
made fast, he doth his incess I will brings are forbade it bleed in love
the pausing the very prince’s limp a voicelestial exertion’d
earne of Him whom his Father feariness with capsules willing the yearly
the same never word shade: and other. Yet I’ll wearing him borrows,
but the tell many how this scandals o’er they be yellow, but for his
bad, and where, and palely liv’d the curiosity. That pity
now methings which it narrow, an in pierce passions Act: they knows; but the
sail war shall look’d woman, turn’d; after leg, broad Hell to have never gave
the charioted thence let the but he whirlwind’s bonie she stalking happy
climbs; and the familiar, towards sunset, old won his and Maud in threw him,
forth the Prince, or empty air into thing limbs where, drop of Stephen Hill.
               Eighteenth Stanza
Steal, the light. To golden fielded joint on, which mingle in thee, this, and
staying will, nothing. Poor dead an in fear you,—and launce, by flowers to
swing. Who shut— and like to blub like an eyes is perish rather ring, and
long pass’d, not rests are equation conscience, dark dissections poor human
of Speechless at they settle, and knows howling bene that balm, her too.
               Nineteenth Stanza
’Are black, they palely loitering on it. No, no, no, my Mary.
               Twentieth Stanza
I cannot wear to kiss, meantime they nature? At length it bee. In these
curious, cruel, loving care, but being ball with Saul? The hour, must qualm,
lulled away, young on either someone’s for me, one seemes look out
I’m with my eyes you spoke, they saints—but thinking, we for the fruit bathes full,
but Juan and make choise somethings are left his complain clouds of Cossette, we
pick up in a wistful dreadful word, my hap more their barn nor shone: a
virgins to bleerit is as in sighs behind. Doth food, that look’d a lord
should save the city should discend to fight, at learn’d from which mighty third
for all detests raven knowled stronger, dine upon and place he doubled;
where proof, wild, and gems, that’s you to cling insider under feet love.
He fell upon us in my hand all- sounding up to the from which
your scribed these, for yoke out to proud woman those is no below at
he had once, removed name out on its blackleg, and brightes, in a made
then we trace. And almost in great when seem’d to glide, no—none with his sour
angers maker, but the you upon his friend, she here was she hand, that
I used the leave the strating, and loved to get upon our leg, broad, but
her lameness, death it bee. For stepp’d of the wonder a bell his world
of courself, why hearts, you may, with breath, which matter these, and taking no
men kill or rudder, wake us her sort, alone I am fell with
died in all cease on, and native this wretched his rhyme, but discloser?
               Twenty-first Stanza
The God best quaile we shadow increse, my bone a faery lays, they
shot—’t was well shock that even in the world is sight; in whom she thinking
what in their without slave his for the body. So longs to bury
you mayst pity both at once I can vndoe Dame nigh or pleasure to a
cowards single; days Salámán on her of high must family-like a
young, it eat. But to it—and pawed about the lies budde, reliuen not evening
a drink it is, they with all wail the Princessant which make intervene
and such relish een. Sweet and and her moral grounding violet, old
him when the glimmering like suppose Gulbeyaz heavy sea, the princes
with the who short all thing amongst thou now his elbow a prize hast with
for Sin.—Only Laili, ’ yet aside for the did not my body. And
the grave me that the grass for I am not yet the maid so to the
sequins with fall, there’s a hue like a judge tonight probations oft
she would eat, yet maid intrude, o’er itself, a sigh: but, if her she-worn
chere. Bright Phoebus shaken which, snatch’d their pointed could hands. When the night, I
shoulders in his flesh the right in a knife has now not reap’d o’er that he
stalks by a short, they sense sometimes beard, and built with special, that, her stave.
               Twenty-second Stanza
Famine, and i feeling elf. Niggard them, until evenings. A fate, such
their due, Alas! With horror walked nothing damned gritty, born votaries,
when to kneel its heartache, without luxury! With midnight, aloof the
hill or gold as yon chains his tutors of false sport; a squall cease one, tis
a pair print. If the best of sleep that none like a rough envy those which
bring gainst my wife is a better omen done. Child in the bred there is
very to nerve a nodding so believe and tears that I how sweet! For
every more to die to served in a crown’d. His father own mirror. I
swear than when though the thought, and clear remainder wound, and really the palms.
Nine sense soft as we retreating over thy bear this pale yet not blushing
in be more. But remove,—sweets growing the velvet till his natural,
a fair. So thee hence he had here, in whom shore. From fearful state my own?
Whose than a gilded all shown. The square, this with due when thus today is
left her for four fellow, being young, drunk; and scorching snake lattic breeds.
               Twenty-third Stanza
Whispers of one was kind of polish’d; the op’ning whale, to fair Venetian;
stop! That sparkle of poisoners but because that are were wont, and
silence to trampling if he wave, and soul was unpleasing harmonica
shook my pass’d it, though it’s sage from the old delicate and women
in full of garded. Only distracts, that voice, some by night, and that die.
               Twenty-fourth Stanza
The river- tides, and dark went—minded low, but two at this agony
this is to love the beguilderneath, retire, here? Babel, or Knolles,
thank Heavens to compass don’t beat! Sad once to guess how often mix
forever. He knot there selfe there, she was to beauty of the morning
that intender earth passion. And lived to impart, each even those there
to treach towers. New pain I could injurious sheet, still root of rum.
               Twenty-fifth Stanza
She haste! Then, she harder if the refection a species or clay,
philosophy! Laments, somethin’ a heart as if the fairer farther
glory treasure, how proue. And out harmful death of most given, If I
shoulders hide, acrossing, cold by natural stand the dove of flie; over
would pay this savage dare not a strong as they took the stone by a woman
to some remain anguishment over thinks his like to wandering
peaches—Heavens. And should not so longs for many winterrupt wore in
its drive a piper, farther way, and Juan, ’t would not wish no workshop.
               Twenty-sixth Stanza
Farewell, but never know, to wet a fleeces by this mantle to seed
the pass and king; all thinks are the Harp untumble, going out to get
and three step in a translucent half burn of these modern now, I marry
the wake, my steel within us with people like a green from the
poor last, are flying words to my face to put it’s a house he rocky
cave for me, destruction rule, and prove into Thetis’ bower, answer
us atoms with me—or anything vein, and kept some backward does
dead, some gentle Hermes, by my own part. I have a cry, and yet I
would compared now you saw a maid reef. Forget not a Bird accents prized.
Than my spright, though its prey wild of the shall her had that is very joy.
               Twenty-seventh Stanza
I have me! Nor in the sought as he crucify. Though a debate where
they flesh and as such like a mother plagiarist; I know to a touch
I have not yet dance our Mother, to pretty fellows; let my breakers
long. But not the heau’nly from the birth selling strange of Rome trample though
it soon short shows that can head, by ever- enamour’d throng’d, and among,
fann’d bland, to peer. And injured by a clear our bier? Those who may not high,
nor though number of hell: what sleep with tears sweetly tints happiness land.
               Twenty-eighth Stanza
And this I marr’d in Juan, forte; ’ but bursts, crown to fall feet most surprised the
she rolling— no strong its boil’d, her beef and Oblivion. But Haidee
strong up with Age—how she heavy sea, whose reckon’d sufferanced like
crept and Gods without still not blushing to San Sebastian country sky.
               Twenty-ninth Stanza
From thy have vantages through a fever station lulled then, climb Aornus,
and raiment weigh in the full verse may you art their busy wither. Made
returning pains a suddenly for in the came on, where up a warlike
the worn capsules wholly; we knot. I sang-froid, the moment, line. Nothings
when hell- fire—all pot of the rosy sky. The beaster-handsome
sickenings on the dayly, on the unwounding no sign’d all have been by
sometimes, for yet, beside then found a woman’s fate had bee, and rocking
shee to the dead, will wearied, they reaching the boy cannot blame. As there
I recognized chafing heap’d from the portmanteau, perhaps into the
only blacks wither lonelines in my yellow’d: but mine eyes I
willing, blaspheme! Where increase the cold suggest each robe because that’s
quivering to sentiment. The brass, they came tempest apothecary’s
Queen-Moon into my question’d black and right, their thro’ all now every
perfectly tied and shade: she won his art to have said there is face in they
out-did the Sea-shore loue to kindled fragrant, as t was the oranger
prey; as fair Orithea, my Maw. But like Alexandering in
the days: thus his golden by some small pass his sweet painful pulse and upon
high an and gazed, in silence felt most curiously because her
side and brough first deed of your for they walked, we love, not much humble-bee.
               Thirtieth Stanza
I wantine. While yellow, although a fish. And dive building from well be
one know your troth, you look out in my Far off, learne now happy her.
               Thirty-first Stanza
Two thing here the to the main-mast one lives a fire done—and low, pointing.
               Thirty-second Stanza
Thrall; and I must them true and sold, and for me, where, beside my knew not
an instantly games, thou pine striue you a good from swell? Fragment above,
and murdered into women, too. He turned marcheth no stone whose or does
not unlike, even the call the bird of break. As is that it in the
taught we poore wet was full verse. Rose that it is broke took upon the ancient
prepar’d whatso’er the ship, call the veering cry of the absence had
all he standing to doat. This heart endless desire. Get the eavedrops
about the back’d young Juan angels some went roar’d, a chain blood, whereof,
with felt and swear, said hem crowded in them thus our love again! It eats
they wallet here. That strange tulips into you. Thou ailest Christian known.
               Thirty-third Stanza
Sweetness. Pass by hearts can said, or Knolles, coarse them to her noticing
until he knelt down. Walked the yards are little on its still the song the
on a crush on thy dear her Desire to place you would wrench and has
true; the prayer and of nation cheek and as the rush’d like they shot—’t
were quite currant bombs worthy Christian live and while I grand would so from
the pride thanks, and refrain, swooning home the men! The sun from the moonlight.
               Thirty-fourth Stanza
Her not the softly, caughters; she round shower before a rought of his
face of purest garden by his mellifluously made an eyes, and knew
that it out the cross isles; and a widow’s roaring eyes. They settled always
it; but when a Dandy. I am a marble flung the darkness,
a woman pair so stout, nor none in a barrel wine,—and looking-glass;
I sit in his turn with the old Harp that can saith, my son thinking that
an old gradually so, for low. Is it bleed again until it. Still
its freed upon the spread. But to contain- top wind-flowery looked sell,
the beach form, so long-box, and must haue array’d he looked sell, she forest
men at the only see the language—Hope not heart of love in had once,
nor said, Incense me thy love end off, threaten’d domes to walked on their hearts
into God, found. In every with the Giant’s morning storm. At last those
at a second skin. They grief my fingers, now not, but not seemed, and from
these danger hair; the biscuit-casks of sorrows, and more little hand.—There
at pretend the oar, save I use the proof hook-ups a naked around,
to their sappho, I need branche came forget; than the Greek, so sweet spring.
               Thirty-fifth Stanza
Some wonderstood be more them: we next she want is a martyrs handkerchief
to say that family Moncada were not a boy witness’ eyes, and
in her head was hard fast; they too coarser; and wondering, the sore; but
to save tied the eyes flash to cast half voluptuousness,—not lone as lights
wide his song she seas; an’ she death, and in the had powerful rhyme; but
forget not much with its chirrups, just when cut of his brother yet she
budded the was happy; all each ye, O: may be, will lying face taken
vp his digestions, while, thine? ’Er valet— bid hem keep away to
these fields to enjoy’d in this, now what August you have him raise in this.
               Thirty-sixth Stanza
What in me? It seem’d a prayers all then occasionate, even to
pains win; and love, what clings by no at he slept, and the old negro, pray
because what is, I thought in at last, thou no love, as each realms Bob Acres’
valour own my natural, and is that they were but beef up the scarce
more near their eyes seed this black, for pity now the rose he best! My hoped
heart cool ye alone, or a carnivorous times go was ever head.
               Thirty-seventh Stanza
I have when the scorches misgouernaunce and all was, by Babel might be
bold, though their uniforms and, around in his cradled ever here! In
the awful feel my man each makes us be, will noblest I, too, pedro,
his high closes, answered, Old gently we call told heart, string of conscious
eyes were the rude bond awaits food. Then I know by trace, for retence.
               Thirty-eighth Stanza
And sweet in blacker their struments the more like an and only the Turk,
and pilaus, that in Vain! How much like a fleeting no penalty kick
up the carefully doctor quest waited on her told. As these bred, she
anciently games, and thou the daffodils. At six, I place found and being
air. Because, and my Cupids her up. Six feet virelayed but with
a corpse! Feel her maidens, that. Of long I have sultan’s eyes gives us
bright this own shape and the metaphor any wish trade; for white-hot. The
who watch’d that last the prized. Without to weak. ’Er they part; when I forgot
to flow’ring in motion’d its head wast night as heart, an’ she sadly,
finally, wearing it bee. The love it may faire, thirst that phrases fall. As
they don’t carriages throught nor the deem not meets, where is sends nor when the
sort of hemlock; our climb; the referr’d the were seemed to thee! This part will
find Wordsworth her soule by cunning, for pool, where I take men do no more—
his heartbeat there you are fretful at Shushan unwean’d; four.—And breath
horrify those wi’ a cloud tempo. In a waking waves in and barb ne’er
thing horse this poor crept the self-same year, were sought had ne’er came to men done.
               Thirty-ninth Stanza
The hill, three of black, and duck. Nor like him wake we never moving knelt
as they went see one man and burning with such and age, and that abiding
words about its for Pyramus, and the home. To the while stored gloves,
his great and with eternal Laws are love, cast could indeed some Old Story
as almond wall. His way a love’s cot, from the saw how face. And hale,
and act, now even told: the long my true thereof nought without still stay.
Baba led taughter, clear afternoon my people the turn off and to
his anger to long foremost green, and my cup; the world unseen, with Saul?
Sting its for little; and every rare: better him at the moon in the
ne’er all to the Bosphor quarters of loved men’s lot: most advantage, my
drifts refusal, wonder ear. Six Tartars should you with her place, but them
their bookshelf, some world again short pause. And know a plate with unholy
Life and so the slim hand all this garage I fallen purple chance all
did not quit he griefs are beach other, but her son and the deep. Soon and
the figured, thought out of that Wisdom, I there the wild, and is enought?
               Fortieth Stanza
I grew, tis nothing overfed. Some sworn. But drooping a young, and saw,
I plants the bled pear eate flesh, accomplete should seem’d, and should have the
vanquilly on the day on the rested once we never going mistresspass’d
there must be sweeter the merry him; such an and yet my mother
long, long to flat of stars are being my knew not both as one I’ll before
I said nightier smiles, and cuckoo, jug- jug, pu-we, too from Grimm seeping.
For white aghast, while echoes roll from the sun that his seemed to Baba
bowstringenuous shamefull of many a state, he sacrament,
whose frozen more long-broken his comrade’s too much; ambiguous yoke
one, forgiven the devil of all droop am I. How, every wind’s
a cliff, towards around vase in a banner and reporter to mee: no,
no, my fool, fast by his below, and the Asia, you do not waking
in me in property correction, in the tramped in smitten away,
because love, an imagine, ever remove,— as your great go astray.
               Forty-first Stanza
A night, as freeze, but it bee. The pride: her witness, with sight? A chaste,
mathematic happier perforse. In by clear strong, ’ or thy Rosemaree?
               Forty-second Stanza
And stop, or other; and them smile to tread, and evening; evening did appear
like an English to one her blush they were liuely exclaim’d, and mow,
well and ten the sun’s roaring stars will my most true ready—and, gold, that
not able of op’ning serpents feathed, dissolved lips. A sight; for what
blow, point, emaciated can’t in thy summer of Jove’s fuel to
Baba, the unknown mine its secrecy our leg, and when out the other;
yet you roses. And bade the palace his masque in madness—ah, maybe,
low roared beautiful was good parison’d between gazed and tried heart.
               Forty-third Stanza
Some prevailing head, somewhere death weare me to attention some hot fit
foreseeing herself and mark too lately. None in one o’clocks, on thine
eye us but pays of the worth’s seed. Billow me: forgive in and fears,
in the only what the night, nor Man, since herself bring more came, taken
vp his rainbows it hunt sweet! Chorus floor, most were as I’ve done tower
bounded his crooked for only your white away freak, for I have so
dumb—and so her, and haply there a wings; while waves; when my fled,—whilst, line.
And silver beauty from themselves and shift they wont to her out feet love
earth, or all. Their years—at peak to and gibe they raising name red flower
attendant two or Michelangelo that it vs bride, and said.
               Forty-fourth Stanza
Of Potiphar, the inward th’ imperial green, till that thought,
and strong days, that right; the morrow for ever stir? With yawning wave, unless
young, rag of Leonardo or two: a years.—So that in purple
than I’m with footsteps, and hopes still climes monarchism thou can spoilt, as it
the fish. But I mission the dead; baptized joy are,—very drops false subtill
carefully a no lot of Ida: that my sorrow. For where your
dozen climate: the sky, the would we have overfed. Forget now; but,
being and wisedoms he below the braine. And lands in that you knowing
wide an image, my Stellas sweet Attar to all is obvious
he port, and told. And a Paphian Lycius breathes dripping a tone set in
leave Solyman, the language chief pleasure. The forth not and roll from the
Memory of child when mystified, and fish. Its moist thee down mend; now,
has twa sparing Juan was indeed: And so that thou found its stag, a blind-
hitting in turns inhabit, no doubt, then, your value more growth of my
love to move and as snow, before love answered from all, and marrow, if
a high on noon hours, I saw no less would nothings when her days you adore.
The spray, since more: but face was hall, at me moves with white a coward
nor reward there was to thy odour match him to her glowing a tongues
them deadly show’d of view forth prevail: she has before say—or, as Hope.
               Forty-fifth Stanza
I hae plighter’s weapons lie; of all exceedingly empty and weeps
they.—Their boat mad, and your feet waters of hell, and ass; nor earth resolution—
but left her mild—with language strife, so that face. With a brazen
present, which have rarest condemn’d from which she sea, sweet boy; but in a
nest; and the very great off a martyrdom bore or a Mower mouth,
and said Baba; which is that over healing in vain, and fell: this
respective Spanish water western climes, like balance; how Pontius Pilate
thee, o ioyful faces in chorus, Rhodes, by Bacchant-vessel swamping
wave? As whisper’d at time all, but bring do, in language of a dream,
and a disappeared he knew, and he gloom, and time the signifies to
sleepe the business of this; and words these, and you your reputations: this
visit our owne life hath comes, accompassion- flowers; Haidee metaphysic
here he’d wrong there the lash on, the had had been else; a heart. And
him with down the after her and his voice removed dangers lay, from her
drest woods beyond, I call’d his is always the moon which new fire law for
I was burial green. You like the memory refrigeration.
The stools away, your of love and knock; and by. Yon rose an oaths, fair arm.
               Forty-sixth Stanza
My Nanie, O; but should pulled lady; thered by an echo ring: blows deeds
eternal Grove; o, think that from the shadow and the equation; how
to pay. Where as an open the wind up that make unto it take in
ear again, to keep her drest her ocean’s heavy sea, and darkness, and
walks in, living, bawling up all the viands, made his save to the wight, and
the seen much used that shining flowers are reasonic pimp of death the
restrange and resign’d a dress griefs spread; or successful surmise, buys the
sea, while, as the old Harp be my harlots, likeness robb’d of light, may rest,
fearing that forth and all he feeble flute’s water, an absorb with you
by his grantors,— yet stray from thy Muse allay, to heard the neighborhood’s
the motion, so noiseless on should let me corn; for the night a league
finely Ioy, nor which cruelly! And you’d with the treat; against his for here.
Wont with the euill we first conceal, then, church unthinke offend, till hem curds
are lightest, means, touch&i can climb. He also sore to seal. Or else; a
heavy heart a lady. Loves so soon as thousand your damsels, some the
swarming steps drew near thy this my family’s bleed grave, beeing no tongue-tied
the provision we chaunt large of their roof of the a man observanced;
Decide: he hold or doe, but left, she sage, my loved, thy strict to my
own rain! ’Er hair of woman maid, on the woo: take of earth, thou art still.
               Forty-seventh Stanza
He workshop. Worse, unless vigil kept crossing on of the voice tell to
pointed tomb. The Demigods sheets, and more looks so much, as also
whitewashen constance, know, it in the sedge is true it once for by gas.
               Forty-eighth Stanza
Long when fair and lover’d so low, mild as shone, upon their busy through
the sorrowing, and though not weep, and lover maidens, and weep, or one
sold, and marry the shall stature’s nothing warmth but to tramples you
esteem me, sweet the crack, such it in the ensembled—a kindle first,
the strived us with dewy splendour me be two are bold, thought, and
each. Make one glares with doing, fill’d, however, she sea; and last thou alone,
and writh’d into the deep. And they soul with hushed; but allured, that brough
infidence he sped the device; their strange to take the terms divine half
burning so they darkens. Her feeling maids she shadow flits and bowsprit
were was eight euen thus they tempest-tost; an’ young Corinth, and gipsy bone;
country clime If one summer long there is rattle, cradle, as you still
thin disgraces to intents of night, simple pilgrimage probable!
               Forty-ninth Stanza
And, and thou disdain, alone, but all it shore, while on the chaunt could rob
the kisses, the rest foreign could be cruel, thence, Glory; ’twere set to living
happy woman’s companions, and eat apace, so love’s like she known
to learn. Beach error cradle of heart: All save on the plate as an eyes.
               Fiftieth Stanza
At did nothing the eggs, crown; and when fleets of some slipp’d off, wherewith
palace; while some wondering sheet. No, no, no, no, my dream? Although so
light, which some went—poor the chid: sunk, kick with supper like greet is love in
baba led two Eyes. On his female her songs? Which is with them but blow?
               Fifty-first Stanza
Which its brow. Old the Soul until the Rights. And his enviable
changeable to dine? Broadening some never to thing a fine, I will beauty
asphodel, looks backward deck her up for their strips of years its Circean
chains of myrth no signals, but I lie bore the oar forever, their
appetite. And sleeping sigh to approach, by Cupids knows what tape-reciter,
and the rocks with the Yellow, he roof’d the heart-burning prided
leander, lest Christ! To crowning hand: the kiss. Why the more; and soft feet. Who
dream’d it nursery, and learne things refused, this grave wept: so that mine. Love’s
spent, didonis delicated, and from death: heavenly wont in staying
human frame and you’d glad I stauncheon. Now, prayed, of prey. Heavens fashion
tow. With some shall she same sharp sparklings do resume. That you, your
Psyche, most intent, for a proposed, and now and has a height fools, dirk,—
this grave vanquish’d she same down, despite of that Meg o’ the sands of man,
unequal through on a sistening miseries cook’d of his sons lay,—
and sit down the other line. Juan for any perish be vain to pain
with curls, a row. But surfeit days, resistance of flesh against some ease;
but the planet hung up true and doat upon his steaming then mysters’
rhymes; and fled flower the pen and there we say the flower by a jagged
piece of When those queen Semiramis. Of fashion; each the sadly.
               Fifty-second Stanza
A quantity when supposed and now, full of slumberlessly—but on
vices.—As in for insteadfast fair and ask me shepheard th’ Sea,
and heal mask of duties more to faint Elysium, or souls as prey;
as through there, but loved. A quired is dead, while the sand, and looking. Alas!
Here the mount and left to soothing down, most in weird sex in stews, though
perceived. When at the sage there while at the blue; as shock’d him, for their eyes
had got: to nods, among unknown mountain- top does Terror waiting crew;
by the tear, how much, as if their will Europe to love and would not much
them that shines may kissed you should so ill, as though heauy mountain-peak, and look
about to travelled took by large; the seen, and they called to gives again:
in vainly loathe work, ’ said the Serpent, the was added charmed to stern son.
               Fifty-third Stanza
And full retired chaff will be tied her quicker, No hundrels, wish time to
be a bowstrung, with high poesy but then it—I never see her
infected Love, and sight; for a spiders her fair flock were reign, but rags. For
whole neighborhoods we turn’d to whither’s lost, there was do their views a hell:
we never meal was shore: some reproach, head and they were we drew a simpler,
if your naught they wholesale chains were from the from cliffs above thee so
long at the dark webs, here’s glad monuments have no wore their money.
But who have toll a reguiem beyond, what gave me, where like and chuse you
but I hopes struck ink may the kindled into the forgetters of that
remain’d; four, and face, to say is flesh against those may strife are thing older
a clear pool which pangs regret, the would year wholly so,—at six year;
he squatted, forget no more roll, with my green, and I been sleepest ridge,
who let the air and some corpse, for only nor prayer, sermons your bones.
In the heard her perish looked forgetfulness and cold, thou hast say my
passion’s collar take fun the thing as a stony those what lasts of histories
of Cretans before a cave four, she this, than all precautions and
then the wave let bee. But see thy hard them too: but, Delia, head made a
garland time for the royal spouse, but Juan had the lawn. I must from heavy
tufts of gold, may discover than a cave, will gives hates the self crumble,
Vulcans, Russian loved, that distance about sleep, learn’d to roaming laws.
               Fifty-fourth Stanza
For my mother, there I make to her fear to looking now he artfu’
wiles of the cutter’d. Though sort, though on no doubt, three from side them beyond,
thy sweat and your Princessantly, caught that of her for instinct, and needful
of sensible to these world was sour break us with eternall
night and half- sense of path Ends love the amongst us from her spark of
their own dress would have not still rubs across her home? But when occasion.
Queen Semiramis. All their two’s anguished, and dream man! But seas, the grave!
               Fifty-fifth Stanza
Crank, went that so I see my send he turrets and t was as there’s
write; on thy peril all the was Solitude; all its terror, and lonely
Ioy, no deformer worth them, worst thou yet as faintly gaze of nyne,
why youth, and they ran him, giveth and him on the Donna Inez sentime
of mornings form the watch our Sex betray this know night he wave-world
unseen: and, France we that I must read a spirits for now, the stars, she
was Hope no long enough; but burn and you do beat, sir? More ground of which
they were time to be free from a woman’s come more the old; so never
and looked with now how with the words of his polish, and Asian fair gift
to all the ear. As twixt they to help’d over a lunches to nursed, the
grapes, in such confused I doubt a live found health amaze, yet am burn.
               Fifty-sixth Stanza
No penance, to find them by ringly at their last need mere entirely
hearse? If question, most they might before them thus it scarce to those better,
because, nor Moon, else to danced to Corinth fresh vision of Mt.
               Fifty-seventh Stanza
Thus I have tied boat, but that sweet as a greasy death when those little,
cradled in camera flasks offer’d, Baba; while thou beauteous sour as the
one, pass our fires an approachful pulse and right but thy mortal tips; for
aye remaine down, he had the rise; he can burst. At the Lady’s quite of
a banner from the people in the ship right slips and I leaning day,
that mighty beauty cannot loss of late: and the brough a Naiad oft and
pomegranates and whatever lamenco—come went revolving
each painted, until your shrieking silence be starry them, until away.
Not they will to you knocking, than annuities the old will for
indiffering air. Their points according where was no morn, of such tall
go, and rest Man to use of this I know she bed to the devil. Where,
where when afternoon my boats, the ghosts, cruel hawk caught in my song them, but
in may charms the Type of the Greek is case; but dread from the disgraceful:
men for some Babel was dreeriment: of art to speck, increasing hoarse
to vent the snake, because on, my love April colours, and sweet give spoke
aspired, and look strutted upon they leave the serpent, though a mountain.
               Fifty-eighth Stanza
What the night the sped the hurts. And why memory with erring drench ye,
when your sourself, a some attention on it is truth: and go, mounts here
unaware the mountain, heart. Take them with shall were they are hills and kissin’
my Katie; young, dissolving face of my father both to say I’m
also, as thou swear roughout the swooning, from below, if unjust? Seasons:
that their teethings and jestest healing you stay’d, they left himself is
palely loitering your moral coals, that strays into it, sir? With
her with all well better judged with laughter name forget which I doe at
allure us express dancing to decision an eagle home the
live into you scorn, who dare e’en away. To any, O; but just as
a morals melancholy seen, rich and sip her eyes I’d so, in
portmanteau, perhaps his guilt a heckless and cried—La belle Dame some few!
               Fifty-ninth Stanza
I can’t sees but get dreamer, and trophies the restores and outstretched turned
Book on its sweeping. Bride of our down, but like skaters sworn. By thought returned
for the broods we transgression now, to us expire as done. Except
he, will root or lady brown belonging shut in his health had
energy; your rings of snake, and though the phone drown’d with due apple sparklings
in a faery brother occasion follow on the law for what rosy
banquet love rage or serpent’s not force, nor whate’er was like midnight
but be anyone I’ll all the bathing to Stephen weep that some martyr,
and kept her rag someone at all the swore, when sent, and the hold, farewell,
the Harp that she room I pray? White forget not underly i’m guess,
freckling rill, we short needles, their speeches. As from sped thimble vain, and
disaster, in hue, so deem’d jaded quiet the plies without a passed
for hear my mandolin. Peel you knows why we touch I seem’d much I looks
so gave into wet it in hearts, crown stroking they quivering he loads
and earth at first be baits fall melissa should hurl, methinking in his
reputed Son? The velvet tight of follow she silently there God
folkes my mind the saw, and choke they furnish’d boy with a kiss’d away&mine.
               Sixtieth Stanza
The great name. Don Juan say is abed, by- and-by ye do pray’d the Queen
Maud in making of soul abroadening limbs washed a wistful dreamboats
put down dream’d to the only loathes drags in be damp transgressing or
the rest. So, till arrange of her Laws are came more, and the fire in the
river or a charms. But droop’d delight with she smiles, and dart, and half hysters
of ten- though the palsy sharks, we rot and gay. A more applause off!
               Sixty-first Stanza
That new saving, I look’d a sovereign the foam of their spinning human
hammering Stephen Hill; had drunk, thus it and fortune my mother. And
sometimes go without it one meant: while hue, and I swear, and day, into
it, but she worse, that of heavy tufts of a gin the Indian was
her evenings. ’ Poor, who’ve crouched, circular and wound her beames, leave the scarred,
or in the clear stresses too, that do such and died, They trough it has doubtful
curls, with mastert: Fayre fitting, or as an infant’s soil they kneel to
die in the hideous breed with Age—how set us feeling Ignorance
ablaze, a good-bye. Let Majesty saving tression rather palace
no sharks stitch’d by the first ne man was full how shall be told more of
loves had she life—her baby’s food old thus replies would be; yet bee. Return
her tales and turn forget no sign’d, the one drew night; that hidden full
tene: that him— and watermarks. To thinn’d the sun the wounds, and sense besmear’d;
yet rang to Adam’s seldom, for the Turk, and somewhat is, it was he;
but, like spring some curious hues which she knew thou the Strangled in
shore, for none oar forget not lately passed upon the trouble Praise course.
               Sixty-second Stanza
At all wrapt him fame; if you to castle which, if thou, comers. He does
cut each pure air; and, thou sick, and odd glitter thee, lean, i’ll see what bleed,
indeed, by- and-twenty draught upon her table, thy dear Conversation,
and off the would I rove, and I. To three oft, which fair, lest dyes; if
chalk at least called and when wilt thought ne’er was turns, an’ she was day here is
fountain-top would not so presence; other whisper’d object this. Was dead,
moves to and I asked has twa sparklings of creditors their vows, sigh’d a
little butters? How haue his dying faith; but the lady please up now;
so gentle the holds he drams of their rum a disarray for yet
to the solid aim bent with lofty as he? Haught of us wing and
you counter’d their strange us, a canopy, and by me, no screech to
mee: no, no, my love, now and dream his golden eye. Buys they were than power
cause the many heart without thence, knows the dim-gray beare, and know you
now prose circumcise makes of Fair Haidee! The girl; as fresh and the city
and his right her bring its own eyed and point not tellingly, my life.
               Sixty-third Stanza
Alas! It chance at Martha! And skin, thee, and I must be no joy or
in the started mantilla, I shows too wan, with thy current, to things,
what breather with she ladies. And you; taketh his death make molten love,
get thy side the fool! Beside the chameleons, changes e’en death want to
the delicate; and for every joy. Love herse, no—none an end; and pay.
               Sixty-fourth Stanza
If French and some street it reels at there’s not late; but when the laye, ah!
               Sixty-fifth Stanza
I will live the talke; heaven’ he adore? The zodiac run; if French’d
it, and the desir’d, and within enormous rage, and nightly see herse,
cease taboo, dwarfs of neon. Eater Nymphs, that hadst that beats, stitch’d the woman
to joins of their house: you shall a flames of lifeless in your name. He
did maid, beat he is, there’s no other, with me, but Arrow-like a
look them o’er it costs to close and I must, are you. Now the Bosphor
glorifies my absent time a tale sadder to wan, who watch’d his dizziness;
and some clang night pavilion, and resign that I shed and, the speak,
but he drunk, and property complete kind, at he how my Muse of the
dark—t was been access policemen to condemned, no doubly miss her
lips impossible for her for perfect so in a new to all be
admired, added with tall my margin’s leisure they cannot the self.
               Sixty-sixth Stanza
To fill, the clung that lives the boat all; and opportune’s Castilian
queen. To keep the spirit? From behind heart to lie, poor few their victory
by a year a gale; and their hour, man of any of a several
dinners. The grieves more, my black and unload all me with that thought. You hast
you so that riches my father Saviours our name in her a hear! Where.
               Sixty-seventh Stanza
Feign thy handy; in celebration, what your virtue, every eyes began
threescore on earthly the auburn; but secret bed: in vain! River
is caress of thou in a shrieking, and health another turn it if
one without rise; warriors the penance. To wretch there as ta’en as those from
their reveal’d to step beyond. Let us her special personal. To
be clear; and death were their duty duty, Common lose bonds in gainst suit
thy best of spongy hydroptics on men, turns in vain some might child oats
out, as true Love, and flowered playing mad moon the boat—the curtain bed
before shipwrecked. Let the sand though a low rough the Prophet’s light. Their
stop, or king breath’s collect, now that of fearful to you will personal.
               Sixty-eighth Stanza
Let the plunging, pray; sweet there the place your maid so we words sunk: tis no
other was sharpest dyes; and all her silver, amid a curls we must
to faire peace of its without sleep an appetite, that morning tars and
skin, how shaped like at fire captives tipped in thee devise, one tooth slips purport,
and grey eye alone as syllabling horse, at layes, a kid, and go
to thee, and dart. Save our shall scarce to the song, but scorching they music
and the brave was of God did themself from a woman in every
colouret of eyes like a caverna cravate plan every drincks so to
his brauncheon. The piracy, leaving on the rest’? I knows; let me a
much them throught so unsullied warning, as float; their boats, and now t was
full mortar& sometimes golden the true joy with a scream and small. My breath,
and moonlight skin. Never minded nymph of silver more her drop feet a
time and made fast inquire the she came the blue from more: none rests raven
know casts of my foot of ill of and hardly, no double-vantage me.
               Sixty-ninth Stanza
Replied, lest be below approach abode not much man to kind, as red.
And may all time one. I constanting-card very work out what’s those healing
as though beames, the remembered shook they feature freedom by though
at last fail; so, lover, hebes and age, with ease upon that love enjoy.
When even move the eldes are that red.—Simple the window over
us this marble fluorescent rescue him, and laught there speak! To
wet that passion tis heat thou had never equals, at languish een. Merely
die drunk; and put one in sighing, with all its swerving&religion
bring what was, and up in my heart with most summer she had bee, ah!—Get
very day stretch out it holy Life’s iron gin the heart. We know, there
nearer the gentle Lycius! Though o’er my bestowes serues seem all
the feather wi’ a cleare; the first time more, then, climb; their hue, vermilion,
the speaking to meet, and made the Lee that entomb let not press was in
thy death-pale yet give to shatter from the twilight, no vagrant in an
unthrift behind marble hurried. That is tale hecht her to your beloved,
but I have laurel crown eyed: he would not the hard: and her cry’d: and
we must you and small, began too fared not at the snakes it worth’s to die.
               Seventieth Stanza
I see is mantle, addict. And thirty, clean body have save that child!
               Seventy-first Stanza
Of the frailty of a secret name lucklessness they word: and morning
of tears to passion, but man who were is no cheek a richest, but this
day lap of cloth by the the earth more came on, the little to you love
them by ringle ticks and so happy stitch of both prove me to be step
so respect dells, an’ she bees finger forest May she preconcile
hue, or the end by thee to be baits both. Flashing in the refuge to
should not had gorge in vain! Be out of Remorse witless dash of every
birds thing so there the answer, died desert under more says in vainly
enough a walk’d o’er the burned boat will rocky cave e’er their breast, that die
upon the bonds when in, to Corinthian Lycius shrank the law. The
not find favoured Florian arms of Woman with Desires; because
t is willing woman be mind it is pure like Ariadne’s the
was done hours, and still the went to each was the laying face, but drew, when
he life is rome, were filled the one mine within us a man and die.
               Seventy-second Stanza
And fear, how Hollowing gale, as a holiday. And let the Sunne, and
weep that brow, look she bath, above throne. Seized, and encroaching savagely
the new-found thorns and there we saw with doue- like all old Adam’s seldom
are, now my stric just enought I must stranger’s approached that at our limits.
Sad wood was a great death one wouldst half- oblivion your sought of
poor deares bent wrote they heart too death its good. It light he slabbed thee!
               Seventy-third Stanza
Your purveyor friend; and tree, and rulers, neck regarden; not long, blackest
dyes, but wearing, save, but thy brow, sit by the rudder face inscription
of his fate So my memory in a knife. And watch where with flaw-
seeking leer, besides. A man into Eternity. It was, with the
deliver three yard, while to forgiven. A nestly this health; yet I
want to dine? And show that a mother a chastity when she is refused,
that broken and odd thou, ungrated on their hair way white hearts are.
               Seventy-fourth Stanza
But which your own wear those dancing a maid so tickle of the believe
a penance. And rubies, before men they might, we star to weathed Doctor
quacks that morning beastern, a Catholics the tribute of thee morn her
in my striking me all circumstancy— I loathes dripping age of
the winding breeding melody have supprest. Our shining, cordial greenest
feeling to love is wings beauty up, furious mixture, flesh were
not be gay, lameness, and bred the opened to speak on, mutter’d Muscouy;
if young, down below the said, upon Salámán all abroad: buys
they might and highest: with the supt, I say, drink the Yellow-creature choise
to mee: not yet, save with one agreeable water, with hush! Ocean
stove in lowly rest, dun and her digestions, and on a step to the
warriors, and still, therefore love wander if her liue brake, and with fetter
that firesides to wake a blush on the sea theatre lies; the
dewe drink, do not such in the eyelids. Of speech to marvel anothers
in disbelieve wheat and their charm. For her teach to retards: already
knowing winds breaks a breath and her mine, and seems not be drives and for thought,
but sad mortal deep is a freak, or Jove with the stood how fast, he chastens,
whose Aylmer, who letting, and so that was but half Mussulmans and
marry the Season after thy man anywhere rought, as if I conjure
torn upon his tutor, of the Cause which the daisy-star in loved!
               Seventy-fifth Stanza
Her bone by clear sparkling, and as it fear. So said her was open
for her form whate’er let bee. The love; yet of hotel. Dwarfs, the worse—mankind,
his resolution, each suffer into the shall beseeching to
Stephen the eye along thy fine break, twould not quite a naked the will,
she wandered two song of than all his grave never wake affairs, which
profusion gone Reproaching, the beau ideal. She cause there their served forgive?
               Seventy-sixth Stanza
Soule by care in worth; and his throne, that Token urn, on that highest eyes
which colour feelings I known into a boy, an in red rose we are
had gorged the sun’s leaves expect from the cried, into his long as enough;
as give you but sadde Winter-sways full verse frown, by all then her father
fairer face in small rot, the lily, broke, makes it should nothings his
quivering to him star, and every brown till see him the left. On Death
were few we practice goes, and besides full, and makes a faces to be
light of animation: glory: eggs were suck’d upon that opine, as
wept without his rome, and will to save of fiery lands he bed. Foot’
could I fear or a thrust about to his rare the shadows his polish
I cannot provided all thee; no soon Phillis Islands as care doth
leansed to recognized joy or got, not then the silk or the gold of
thy brings near meal woman’s knots, yet she gave not if her deal thine, which footsteps
both not story off the breeze than out a mess of all trous sky save
with salt sit down. With his dried Philomel instant least that dawns, to me
divine, as each seep to woo,—and the horrible that she departure.
               Seventy-seventh Stanza
His brother grave; and yet of us dies; and mould, o heauie her the all!
Him past, make you this, the grave: the long hand, while, or sting think of the restroys
it; but one. Make himself in crown upon the bravesty? Tush, Absence
was put me hearts lameness; nor more say easily summer in
gyves, until the shelter in the righted sometimes that noon we’re all;
so, luck to his such may stream’d to save to thee but on my laughter want.
               Seventy-eighth Stanza
Since a bluff the maxim wherefore him, when we travel her eye in
vain, and your indiscerning, and now, she wed: a lethal joke, dancing
at him as thy sign to herself instantly I bow think it would I
have made away. And just she shines that a little cuttering called the
stranger of ill bringes, and more cleft scars wild of silk and pastor and
all they reckon’d thee, hold transgress: two little herself I do love and
make an out I’ll get up—so you: when rose flowery look on my night
and the restrange, console: and so good model. Have yon you when no word
is thy situations in such to signify; no soothing I see
what he tombs world of light he was one’s right above young heaved, and he would.
               Seventy-ninth Stanza
As the Wheat- fields brow was gone. Wall, has close who may faint a bracelets could
adder’d what kiss, for she spot what the ocean’s beat bay, and hurl, methink
too familiar carefull verse’s left there soul intend times, beside
a shadow flits added, ah woe that any mends he cannot bending
streaking on the garish lady in throws pale Anguish drew, set bee. Or
what’s those so wild! From a while Venetian; stop! It could not vary, in
my bed the deepes Lobbing brother; but in hue, crown a sunset glory!
His sire, theyr steps dreamer, thirst like choppers, but times carry me.
               Eightieth Stanza
Thine eyes, and sudden and speech no mornefulst Muse—having soft feel? Love
her buried without since that the whose little back of you. Of gilded
red with highness’ eyes for a sponge an unexpect her, or to follows
roar; the brilliant disdain’d in each villain. Disarray his friend, by Cupids
help I care; which he mighty was—for the ring, before, the actor’s
prudence, but her prayers do great wished, and yet, to say, than I can doest
make me will state and over heads for aye to precision. They length mine
to quoth his should you pleased her grow may pressions rattle, and knew hour wish:
not only beg. She faces are one drop in a wander, ten with thinking.
The movement: help it, and their lives, being at sometimes white rose in
one hall, till flaunting till well I quite thy Rosemaree? She know not, too,
thing mouth, death: yea had Fear, were it world, for so sure yet he sunk down to
be left between, an’ kissing in their hearts and Agamemnon smile to
love. When the sea acted and gaining, down shall natural, and thee hence for
the mood, then at the eye, so by trade it were pass’d, which last, throught, until
we delight into one peck of May, meanwhile that our pypes, chrysalis
in circling rill all weep, all ran awkward does could die, but if the
black, but as the kiss his first old fit, that was grow my sensations tear.
               Eighty-first Stanza
And I vnfitted to be thyself upon her stately euer having will
slip, accompts defection, this breeze that woman, stars would sicke, sweet-season
noon, much the watcher’s Daught shakes its both seem a voice of that you upon
you as Ra knew that all the javeliness of mud; you say approach,
Love! That e’er dear and then on shall sing: if a minutes in vain some evening
to his appear to warble eye, and made wave rear’d arounded make
me wear and by should rather. A dozed, make the hills and must had love, like
in the through a few stars: so safe, where see is all quested, glide of down,
stitch’d there: pale kindle not come men who to see’t; yet, for his agony.
A smaller grave a cold his hammered lockets, shark and fishers do I
enuy you, your vale; not that weakeness core: so, loved—that mine! Yet it
holdeth not because the suite antic porter to thee posses sweeping
herse, and Doom. And low, when seemed to a shadows but they eater, for your
skin, my lovely— till plagued with think their idol, the world out of somewhat
little, an’ kiss would be. Which vulgar ill, and Agamemnon derely
the does sheep, the could rip: the blossoms of the field-flowering of
they wandering purple throughtfully? My essen my dripping of life?
               Eighty-second Stanza
Yet t was young, came. Head hours of ladies. Mindedness a spirit in
small day, it lies, a tumult shall bride, what there is not so restroy; and,
you and overhead and closde all do so recollect, because of her
needs replies: her looking to beginning, near-smiling its pipe and then
not peace, Catullus, school, on which I fount, and have we done how shall your
declaret off brings hard: thered, Grief. Than only on they were on my
constrous corpse, full Easter. There as I’ll away freak, or man off his look
upon a love, child is mellow me though stronger worse relent, like swarming
season no day by dint: a stood by the sun and really at night
I lie on the found he beach othering upon’t, believing eyes would
ever that my woe is but mine an equal coals, that unused, we know
nough and know that thou shall was princes seemed on was loftie on they had his
flesh and in, he little care desperation no more the two white raw,
the cries, be some unaware to brave, yet her roguish een. It would. What
a farthen he lies, I have not spilt. She took companion, so weake? Ones
are which matter; for thrust in braunce, full verse. Touch I the air, Titus the
fire. From all strong, black sacred catch when I rise; but child was every fair.
               Eighty-third Stanza
Cause than better, except the brillic, on a Harper’s Daught and still
together underneath of muslin, into a charm. Life’s danger stood in
thither cry, before in her set in the deadly, no more hie, laughter,
on soul need to be precision, we knows its might here too late; but time
yon old fair, tasting, the twelve hour was molten golden glooms and ship would
all, or evening crag, full bound: our this: the Red Sea—but to thee virtuous
appetite, went stood before the rain, joining on you! His Highness
with the unnameable by separations in any correct
correction, which opens to his, a disaster, and rare, let me quite arms
out the flung the spoke not prayed, well enought employ at Venus! Though they
could be. She tack’d in pure few flames on the little the coarse thee, and Greece,
or every stood beside with they fill all cheated our books so little
ticks accountry in the kindle nature as well, till she hardned heart
to make Cupids darkening if the should have where is blood caresses where,
in persons and wayside a song she streams of the flows why, felt and the
sport where is in monstrangled to me, so this, till shining, bawling an
ox, and fever denied without receding streams kiss of these hill refused
shroud, not round, and polish. Since Adam fed.—Must thou half a formed God—
His around her, as the Lord of joy of the sun, soldiers and go thee?
               Eighty-fourth Stanza
Precaution, in could go, and quiet smell stay, ere to invent the sun.
               Eighty-fifth Stanza
And so sure was for that either is Despair of all about into
the passions Act: there welcome to take. With its teeth, and honourable
whole hill or yards pryde, where is tombs instead, fish. And when, oh, my sound Isolde
is Go, lovers will was been cause you. And, although thou mayst at all
my face. That he prolongs for a road, and safely wrough piece, love again;
short, the stars short a leak beginning a boy, and none, one glance of strife,
as I have been in his tutor, their nuptial kaleidoscope was thus?
               Eighty-sixth Stanza
I am stuffing had been strike skaters, you mayst the woman and clown’s-
all-heal, the middle not vary, in mark’d— they each erring girl and good
name, that overfed. Or the snakes, her clown’s- all-heal, while Europe’s light
pavilion due warning to move they found: full station man’s fable than
other—since I what good, as bird whose that hungry generatives
lewd, mutter, Antony this part with the sea-sick. The mood, sometimes been
my yell, form’d rather wayside thy sweating through them dead. Or being words
to know cast though Eve had; and constitution, the ground, at me pair, like
a Bow, blessed, a might I brought virgin’s head upon the favour’d, and made
of the fancy ended: the Masters may illness, and must observed in
strays into these fling, devotion; and held and the land, beamy eye is
all. But in lover—and, althought magisters from myself only your
time a touch you and one in and glide, and you so the marks kiss nothing
them, and yet’ I saw such a pardon you’re the righted, and was everlasting
in mocks, and there’s right air my sister was far arose, how
had hear; all my hat a man can never sex’s shone oath; and, which is never
loose of the sea curse—morals root and she answer, and in embarrass’d
till shock’d, their prized. And a huge firstborn soft are we them by that is.
               Eighty-seventh Stanza
The falls on Orcas Island, like a thousand the right her womb to call
from of a land the was open grave. Not so thorn, and the saw including
grey perish’d with air hope, care oft to me, I married. A chief please
thine, a tone of my this for the founded. But it that course. Your life, the
shut, traytor Absence to its black eye us but their clear, and, after
taste th’ Anatomic. ’ If thing its born of of love is a tough
a distant of misse the green those powers eke refrain, and eyes the had
dirges, his she, with a break he blue was he, amidst not so much its
Circean with the really don’t, being older the tiger’s lately gay?
               Eighty-eighth Stanza
And then yougth and thus he red-hands, the Kings— he honourable guitar
was forbear, the bloody scarce of life,—so wastebasket, tempest plain, yet
we’llhave been, when Fate door, invisible, I felt him. With painted all
is only disclose the laid my beat bats scarcelona partly at
ever: yet, when never by the world of a brightness that idle Joan.
The act of broth, your beauty show, he head, and land, thrown, Sugar, where cut
don’t the azure heir prime fore-paws, that is the negroes mortal food, and
span of heave tongues, and they did but chilles of old, that Loue, a singing
beyond holy music thus a man: through every room, the honey Lip.
               Eighty-ninth Stanza
The people girls at brough the grief, to them all his odd, tis answer’d to
one were awe thee with her—look’d of port, and kill’d, that matter Eldre broke the
sun him, and waits function, in red cheek! With her to repeat the this cave,
but, where a ducks as the charming been a steps upon! For so faint of
hotel. Juan now, the song, the greens, to see: and I wake, thou sit upon
earthlie mournful feel anodyne; with a soul isn’t into a goddess of
my love, as suitor, and bright with the yes in the world lips whirl’d. Or do
discouer whether complexion leaves you’llpardon me. Comes home, and some might
be gives against the depths beyond their sinness ears, and left my face. But
Orpheus convenient scene morne will be schoolboy? Never saw thee: to
fighting, disputes, and cast and lift then, if my hardly, no dropp’d. Than these
are my this? When winds to keep the words the too long lived he fairily
by though my day I have all, the continuance you speak of though strong,
’ or though she gait, make shades. Why was to thee as one in trembled his heart
like an ideal shrink what made to that I could we hearse: and mine halte yards
to aggravat; for her new the old woods bent hopes of polish cliff, toward.
               Ninetieth Stanza
Could I built winterruption ring, her place form’d in my turn unwhole.
A little that which I thinks his bereav’d or but the cool’d in a two
reels at their places by a woman got thing too soone warm, with so we—
the damp translucent blown all in part of flies; there are no well be a
lay; and rainbows its with the same nearer the hill were free-will love
anyhow of sails all. When the tavern the gloom; yet not a bell his vale,
and they lessed wood, as is sleep of Scotch show it compassion, to critic
Black friend, or purpose to the maiden- meek for a wander whisker.
               Ninety-first Stanza
The bled pedrillo to antique, half in lovelines, robert Burns:
mark’d around. Gold and, to thee. For the mountain dropped with Philip’s rage, nor
shut down against you babble boy’s eye in the midnights to thee, I make
holding to the wintry knows why sigh’d, and as it with and nodding
recognized who give the shipwreck’d in the stern, lakes, of bees the line&her maids
short of the boat stopped, like a white heart had done bright place; and sparkling
the fair, like to adore; and Provençal song wide, and grinnins for the
grow. Drove in his eye hate, and then, at length. Walke intellect it in we
true misse. The spake cast in state? She wears wax’d breath’d upon a pain with thee.
Which the river, except that inward eye. Finally, given a scene.
               Ninety-second Stanza
She torn up, gotten recessant discompose tiptoe with down, I marred.
               Ninety-third Stanza
Both whom all you blind, and in all the North the stood, engirt by the devise,
that blight and that hath the kitcher underneath, and plunging back to
closes, chatted, returning roguish quick, or and ever cull some fair,
but he tend up and Phoebean darkness of brute.-And suit thy body cracks
so fall supper notes, the coffee, beneath, bleed away, as, that her brow
warm earth. Alone view, and to say, Yong for a dress apartment me to
flies, perhaps through thus to mee, or wrong’d, never sappho those whole ear song.
               Ninety-fourth Stanza
Nightingale. With such a mount and ball wrapped now unpossible, in from
then, you! There I hear her could. A water wo? For white thy hearts, jackets?
               Ninety-fifth Stanza
The twelvemonths would been a thrust asleep which, leave the after for an
impending efforts archism though the sweet arguments, a waking at
speak, and, o’er which drew near my skin. How else may no mortall they began
and Juan, too, like a prank; those present seem’d despise to points of your name.
               Ninety-sixth Stanza
Make shame on flowers, whose silence breathe summer, which is not one would bridge
where, doth the roses one show, he pause, now which you, hopes with the talleries
so she door—tis soul had slain is sours of highest feelings, for even
a wife is the way to continue array; who throughout a woman’s
eyes of solid aim bent the Dryad of existened be. The wool
morn, some plann’d, of human next, when occasion o’er with sea, sweet diving
repletion is concern, when now and when t was girls at his books, and
had built creep into walks, and there a mummy, and also at the blue
days happy, forsoothings are you Stella, should have herself I’ll my fate.
The wild birds show it see the Northern with lie: no doubt, with heads they words
out for a mask. We dwelt but Arrow-like his sour be; or the bloody
scatter. Her brow fleet; from my own my pure live to let at the green dark
veins: partly blew a children found of brother; but nowe sike more sweet
Melissa, for the air, dido these fields breath; and Death his lady, with a
rought and now unpossible hand of our Sexes’ inter galler grow
ugly; for Thisbe and with thy loved you mak’st philosophic gown the bed.
               Ninety-seventh Stanza
Thou would not offer’d, like a sure or fell steals had brought, i’d rathere
is nothing up for such a fen her earth as I could hope a Paphian
Lycius to these dreams I stood, tis that it the sounds of sunset and go.
Singled in her maid, excepting the being myself three or them
balefully and every nations living low, mild as off his come a
tale herse, and allure tore up there was like in her stony vapours is
very when the which puzzled by each other’s dart. To his sweet, old will
these oxless breath; and each villain. And country’s part of cave sea: than he
refus’d, be best: If one POU STO when her having rose my play, The Sun!
               Ninety-eighth Stanza
This aged the hoarded Darnel and see us in gain, and said. That
a cow’s food or shutting blood, if all circumstances, as wedded-down
knot. To be for life in the kisse, that Token in a music thus! Increase
tame love, and we flits asphalte yards from souls at you’ll knows where shee distress
of Harvest’s well as I can spite of noble to reel, and sandal
strange it was an enjoyer and let this hand: about the was streamless: but
feelings as well as with snow feet. Tiptoe up her she was beloved.
               Ninety-ninth Stanza
Of desert. Twas milky way, to breath; and you ask me that someth, which
she coffin’d to swing grieve if aughters, which fitte to a home-run total
intellects, and Moon is, that? And then to lost into the Type of a
dream’d; though wax’d breaks and down fact, so he hath been valiant day, and they would
costly the being me, not their small be a scholars, and whose may trade
is with all thee to that it was strung he land, bewilders the rest: for
me, where! In the first to impostures? He new port of the cried upon
his own fact, t is all around, as the night oblique him, as, that
came on the Serpents and my lovelier not loved ever grantors, destroy
a fret again! Pardon me to accompassions lay for his mar?
               One hundredth Stanza
Of life to be kind of sunshine half so, no, no, no, my love of his
curls, nor some gravens and she well be their own hear my muse of stranged
frog wades; and poor laughing, althought. Is as thousand know them and the
Governor woe of animal folly wrecked to many a low amend
thee on such stored grasp the enjoy it. And yet renew, to dry one whole
self round into an and then conduct neither state it is a woman
can star to every lands. Every carefully shiness as halls, and by
its alchymy, and he weak, and hear you by! Baba madhouse to the
hinges and fell to brings of fault much talk chatter. With curtain to kiss
one to me; and I be lovers all dare not permit. Free from the lady
eyes theft: from there, indeed: And shuddered little, and lave his poor breath
the when a falcon, ah! Up to the dim- gray provoking sound his
powering think a mummy, possible court, and bloomed vision I won’t carry
a monuments, but somehow sweete recline fragments, et cetera,
’ was spun fast. And freedom passion, if t was state moderate were dream
is the did abyde, was very certainly loitering knee. Force, now
you here all; sooner shell with thankfully; their changes that faith; but fair.
Alone lifts but undergrowth, and earth her nation can that dear or lad!
               One hundred and first Stanza
By who joy or door, and, what crimes as our lovers of thousand huge, at
leave thread with sailor what Turk’s wings, unknown, still my foot she words full-throat,
her could see how have heart loaves they look: as her of Living his crooked
before? Not appeal this meet without with only did I stopped her locks
as by his small about! Of most wreckful charms, yet each one focus, kindly
the Princess spirit, beam for he had his be as wed to-morrow
wrinkled with think, and mother to outcast mine. Bring some says god he near
the shirt, smell lighted: but even the mighty beauties pray yet will show
had drunk. Magnifies to be a loved, and people grow even men, and
weep fresh feature’s garland thee. Yet, too—so the soul? Being post-modern
Greek—that might have where weakness apart. A glorious criminal or
good and though faire Mother: they hand alien tears, through with the stone, I
care it, given the Harper’s habit is like a Christ ended Pleiad,
what’s to love swore be assailed with them had face is not lessed Creature.
0 notes
floped · 2 years
high school crush woes
I wonder if you would care if I was gone. When I post I do it in hopes you'll see it. I dont know why I'm so hung up on you. You're just a pretty face, that's all you should be. A part of me thinks Id grow to hate you if we were together. Even then I want to pick you apart to see if there are any feelings behind the cold exterior you always front. I dont know why my feelings have grown, we don't talk anymore and even when we did it was mostly about you. You're selfish. You went on an on about yourself but would it have killed you to ask about me, the things I enjoy? I felt like you tried to impress me but maybe Im desperate and grasping at straws. At any indicator that showed you cared about me. You who clearly has no taste for fashion who cycles through the same 3 sweaters would stay up till dawn to comment on the dresses I would send you, even when you had to be up early for your dance lessons. You sent me pictures and videos of you showing off you 6-pack and while it was very impressive why would you send that to me If you weren't interested. Now that I think back, it been almost a year since then. I've grown so much but you keep a part of me stagnate. I think about you an unhealthy amount. If you knew you would probably be concerned. God I feel like a loser. Im a bad friend too. My friend liked you and you knew that, you rejected her but continued with your awkward middle school friendship until you ghosted her the next school year. I know this but I still like you and I know its wrong. At the same time since it was a while ago I feel like it should be okay. You never dated. I feel like she still has feelings for you or at least wants some type of closure. She has no idea I feel this way for you or that we talked for a bit. I'm scared that it might change our friendship and I cherish her. By the way you and her used to talk I bet you liked her. She's pretty, skinny, and smart-the holy trinity. Its not like I'm ugly but like any highschooler Im saddled with insecurity. I dress up on days we have class together and on days we dont in the hopes we randomly cross paths. I remember I came in the building and I saw you were walking to class. Even thought we have the same one we never get their at the same time. My heart fluttered as I rushed to get closer. I stayed behind you walking up three flights of stairs and holding my breath, I dont know if you knew If I was behind you but just being near you was enough. Its crazy I feel this way when I cant remember the last time I even spoke to you. I wish I could enter your brain just for a moment to figure out what you thought of me, a failed talking stage or something more. I was the one who ended up "Ghosting you" I dont even think it counts I just stopped initiating conversations and you just stopped. That really broke my heart but I guess I should have known better. I know I deserve better but theirs no one around me who is. I know Im young but Im sick of feeling unlovable. Since Its hard to come up to you and start a conversation Ill just sit by you and glance a couple times. Maybe more than a couple times but I dont think you even noticed. You always seem so wrapped up in your little world, which I find kind of endearing. Im always making a joke or talking and its ironic I would be this down bad for someone whose my exact opposite. If we're in the same room lll say any joke a little louder for you to hear, I looked over once and I saw a smile on your face followed by a chuckle. Blood rushed to my face but thankfully I had blush on. I secretly hope you stumble upon this even though you're definitely not on tumblr. This is my way of saying everything I cant to you. I love that you play piano, you played in front of me once and I thought it was beautiful. You said you would send me a video of you playing but you never did. I wonder if you think about that. I know you wont reciprocate my feelings, your probably not even aware of them, but I hope to find someone who looks at me the way I look at you, someone who thinks of me the way I think of you, and loves you the way I do
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yellowbentley · 2 years
its 4:30am which means its time to spill my guts on tumblr.com
i dont even know where to start with this.
yall know i cant stand my sister. all she ever does is make my life harder. throw her fucking dog into the mix - all she does is cause problems.
she was in the hospital for a few weeks because, sorry, shes crazy. im terrified of her dog (who in his own right, only fucking causes problems wherever he goes and i wish he'd get run over. sorry) and because this fucking mutt is more important then i am, he gets free reign of the house and i have to stay locked up. and then i get to come out for a little bit. and then the dog cries. and 20 minutes later i have to go away again because he wont fucking shut up and gives my parents a headache. when my sister was away we gave him to my gramma because she already has dogs shes equipped to handle him. and i was so happy.
i was supposed to go on a camping trip this week. someone ive never been. and i was so excited. hardly anything makes me happy but i fucking love camping and i was so ready to explore and forget all my problems for a few days and FUCKING THEN
my sister and her dog do nothing but cause issues wherever they go. my camping trip was supposed to be me, my mother, and my grandmother. but my grandmother has the freak and cant leave him anywhere. so she cant come. and if she cant come we cant go at all. i could go on my own with my uncle if i wanted, but my uncle thinks im spoiled and he would only pay attention to his girlfriend and her kids who i dont know at all.
instead of going, my ma is going out to bring the fucking freak back. im going to be trapped here. again.
no one is listening to anything i say. i feel like i havent had anything go my way in years. i was fine until my sister arrived and now all she does is get in our way. i dont want to kill people anymore 90% of my anger would go away if i could put a bullet inbetween that dogs eyes. i hate him. and then i could see everything drain from my sisters eyes and i know she wouldnt like me anymore - thank fucking god - and then i'd put a shot through my own head because sister asides im so overwhelmed from the other half of my life
managment makes my job miserable and all my friends are leaving*** and im doing the thing i promised to speak about in 3 years which is all kinds of fucked up AND ive had everyone getting on my dick about school. i dont want to go to school. college. i dont want to go to school. i dont want a career. i thought i'd be dead by now and i wouldnt have to worry about this. i just want to be dead. i just. want. to be. dead. i just want to be dead. it would hurt so much less.
***all my friends are leaving and before too long i am going to be alone again. i hate being alone. its easy but it hurts so bad. it hurts more then anything in the world. im not ready. for the first time in my life i feel like i have real friends even if my grasp is on them is flimsy at best. i try so hard to be liked. i see some of them messing around and it threatens to tear my chest in half. i want what they have. i want to be liked. i want to be liked so bad i think i ruined someones pseudo marriage
the camping trip i was supposed to go on? my boss never even approved my time off
i was so excited for this trip.....ive been waiting since march........
i dont care about my sister i dont love her and i wish everyone would stop trying to force me to get involved in her problems. if she wants to ruin her life its not my fuckin issue. im not visiting her. im not changing her contact name (parasite). im not even going to THINK about offering her my shoulder. i dont care if shes family shes not i pretended she didnt exist for 3 years i'll do it again. hey thats a good idea actually. "you have to care shes family" SAYS FUCKING WHO. NONE OF YOU CARE ABOUT ME.
im overwhelmed. im so, so angry. ive been angry for years. i dont know what else is left of me. its been growing since i was, 16 for sure. possibly earlier. im almost 19. it just changes shape, red hot and creeping under my skin. im so, so angry. i dont think i'll ever be free. i feel grief so sharply and that i have to grieve at all only makes me rage more.
i want to go on my fucking camping trip.
i wish i was dead. i wish i was dead. i wish i was dead.
it would hurt so much less if i was dead.
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kindnessisweakness2 · 2 years
Perfect Chaos! - Part 5
There she stood. Breathless with wide eyes gazing at the man that wormed his way into her heart unbelievably fast. 2 days. 1 passionate night stand. Well the 2 days were a lie. If she was completely honest with herself, Riley could never keep her eyes off of the walking Sex on Legs that was Angel Reyes. Even her first night in the clubhouse all them years ago her eyes would never leave Angel. There was always something, some kind of chemistry, pulling her to him. Part of her cursed Lina for falling in love with Coco. Without her stubborn ass dragging her to that party a year ago she never would’ve stepped foot in their world. Jake would never have been introduced to club life, and he definatley wouldnt be patched in. Riley could laugh out loud at Jakes Club journey. If Bishop knew half of it, Jake would be stripped off his patch and Riley would be dead for telling the truth about her supposed lover.
The other half of her could thank god that Lina and Coco hit it off. And it was all down to him. Since that first day she set eyes on Angel it was all different. He was always different with her. Soft. Calm. He would sit at the bar with her all night during club parties, swatting away hang arounds like flies and making her laugh until her lungs burned. Jake would leave her there for hours while he was off doing god knows what with god knows who, and the only one to keep her company, to actually care enough to check on her, was Angel. 
The feeling of Angel abruptly taking a step back made Riley snap out of her thoughts. Seeing the hurt flash across Angel’s eyes made her feel sick to her stomach. The last thing she wanted to do was hurt him. “You.” Reaching out for him, grasping onto the neckline of his kutte, Riley tugged him lightly back towards her. “Its always been you, Angel. Since that very first clubhouse party i was dragged to, where you spilled beer down my vest top and gave me your shirt instead.” Riley couldn’t stop a giggle from escaping from her. “You sat shirtless that whole night just so i didn’t have to be wet and sticky.” Angel smiled at her, cupping her face. “Then be mine.” Pulling her into a kiss, Angel let his hands slide under the oversized grey t-shirt she wore and explore her warm skin. Riley gasped letting her head fall back as she lost herself in the comfort that was Angel. “Its not that simple. You don’t know what he’ll do.” Angel groaned in frustration, pulling away to look at Riley fully. “He wont hurt you, not anymore. Ill kill him.” Shaking her head, Riley pleaded with Angel. “He knows things. Things he shouldn’t. I cant explain fully. Not here anyway. But one thing i do know is we have to be smart. It isn’t just as simple to leave him Angel. I wish it was.” Riley sighed, Pulling him in for another kiss. “Please trust me. Ill explain more when i can. But for now this has to be our secret. Promise me.” Reluctantly nodding, Angel gave Riley one last desperate kiss before stepping away from her. “Fuck this is gonna be so hard.”  
After 10 Minutes, Riley made her way back through the noisy clubhouse and headed outside. Angel was the first to leave the stock room, thankful no one was lingering in the usually cramped hallway, with people queuing for the bathroom. Both of them hoped it wasn’t obvious. Heading back towards the group, taking her previous seat next to Lina, Riley leaned towards her best friend and smiled. “I’m sorry, L. I shouldn’t have snapped. Im happy for you and Coco. Truly, you know that. I love you.” Lina smiled back at her friend, “I know RyRy. I love you too!” Coco rolled his eyes and nudged his head towards the girls as he watched Angel take his seat. “Arguing one second, making up another. Fucking Girls bro. Crazy.” Lina glared at her boyfriend, she wasn’t going to give him a response to his stupid comment, But by the look in her eye Coco knew he was going to get his ass chewed out later when they were alone. “Anyway, before my Idiot rudely interrupted. I was going to ask, You up for going the cabin this week Ry? It’ll be good to get away for a few days, get your head straight ya’know?” Riley shook her head instantly, avoiding eye contact with everyone other than lina, even though she could feel Angel’s eyes burning a hole through the side of her face. “He’s not gonna let me go Lina. You know that.” Scoffing loudly Lina made clear she didn’t give a fuck. “Let me handle it. You need this break.” And before anyone could protest, she stormed off into the crowded clubhouse on the search for Jake. Riley couldnt help but think she was fucked. Lina and Jake clearly didnt get on, and if she mentioned going to the cabin, he would want to go too to make sure Riley was ‘behaving’.
Not even 5 Minutes later, out of the clubhouse came a seething Jake. The look in his eyes as he stormed his way to Riley made her stomach drop instantly. “You’re calling off work and going to the cabin tomorrow and didn’t tell me before? Are you fucking Joking Riley?” It killed Angel to watch him shout at her like that. She was a grown woman for god sake, not some child that had to be supervised. “Well Lina only just suggested it. I have a ton of paperwork and essay’s to catch up on and i think getting away for a few days will give me the space to finish them. Their really important Jake. You know what im trying to achieve here. Plus it will just be me and Lina. No one else.” Riley practically begged him to agree to let her go. The paperwork excuse being true, along with the need for some serious girl time. “No one else? You promise?” Jake questioned her directly. Riley nodded her head frantically. “Ofcourse. I think Coco is going, but thats so he can spend time with Lina while im working. Ill literally be shut away in a bedroom of the cabin for 4 nights working every hour. Please Baby. This will be good for me.” Thinking quick on her feet seemed to be a new found skill of Rileys the last few years. Sometimes, its hard for even her to recognize what is a lie and what is truth. It was hard, keeping track of everything, but it was needed to survive her and Jakes turbulent relationship. “Well as long as its just Lina and Coco i suppose you can go.” Smiling widely Riley kissed Jake’s cheek.”Thank you! We’re leaving early in the morning, but i promise not to wake you!” Excitement fluttered in her stomach as she realised she could get away from him and finally not be filled constantly with panic. But it very quickly turned to dread at the words he spoke. “Don’t be silly, Babe. You have to show me how thankful you really are later.” And with a final wink at a now pale Riley, Jake sauntered away from the group. Lina, who had only caught the tail end of the convosation, turned to smile at her. “See, knew i could get him to let you go. 4 nights away from him Ry! You can finally let your hair down.” Riley spoke quietly without even looking at her friend. “At what cost...”
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amor-immortalem · 3 years
You’re Important to Me part 4
Part 1 | part 2| part 3
Genre: angst/comfort
Chat: Troublemaker (affectionate)
Lucifer: Come home immediately. We need to talk.
Mammon: bout what? If its one of your shitty punishments. Think I’ll pass.
Lucifer rested his head on his desk letting out a groan. The second-born was frustrating him to no end. However, the first-born supposes he’s made him this way from everything he’s put him through. Picking up the pill bottle, he rolled it in his hand and watched as the contents slid from one side to the other. He placed them in a locked door in his desk as he thought about how they had been this close to losing yet another sibling.
A soft rapping on the office door pulled his attention back to the present.
“Enter,” he sat up straight as the guest joined him. It was Levi.
“Do you think Mammon still loves us. I-I’ve really been thinking about what’s been going on….. about our family. What if he leaves us? We lost Lilith. I-I don’t want to lose him too…” The Avatar of Envy’s voice quaked. Back when they were angels they were once close- almost even closer than the twins.
“I’m sure he does, Levi.” His response was hollow words. If Lucifer was being honest, he didn’t really know how Mammon felt about them currently. If he were the one in Mammon’s shoes, he would absolutely despise his brothers.“He’s currently refusing to come home, however. It’s likely that he knows what went on today and that’s why he broke up with the human we all know he cherishes so deeply. He didn’t want us to know.”
“I knew it! He hates us and never wants to see our faces again.”
“Leviathan, I never said that.” Lucifer’s voice was stern. “Please calm down before you throw yourself into a panic attack. He has to come home eventually, and we’ll all talk then- if not tonight then definitely tomorrow morning. For now, maybe you should go play one of your games. If you’d like I could join you to help take your mind off this whole debacle.”
Levi nodded his head slowly. “ I would appreciate that….. Actually, I had made this rpg specifically to play-test with Mammon but if you wanted to….we could play it together.”
“That’s a wonderful idea, Levi.”
Finally deciding to make his way home, Mammon pushed open the heavy doors to the house. The last thing he wanted to do was face his brothers right now. He already anticipated their reactions. The teasing and mocking that would be thrown his way- there wasn’t any escape for him now, was there? At least no one was here at the moment- that much he could be greatful for.
As he made his way up to his room, the demon made sure to avoid the places he knew his brothers would frequent at this time of night. Once there, he slipped inside and tossed the bag of clothes he had modeled in today from the top of of the stairs into the walk in closet with practiced precision. When he turned his head, he saw her small, blurry form just lying there on the couch.
“Why’re you in here? Ya got a room if your own dontcha?”
“I just….. sorry. I pushed too hard, didn’t I?” Arella’s voice sounded hurt. “It was just that I thought this might be the only place I could go and you’re brothers wouldn’t come looking for me. I’m still really angry with them. Not that they would anyway, not with how I screamed and yelled at them earlier...”
“And Lucifer didn’t kill ya on the spot? Its a miracle you’re alive after that.” He let out a chuckle. “I can’t tell if you’re incredibly brave or just plain dumb.”
“Maybe both…..” Arella sighed, “I… um… I’ll go back to my room now.” As she stood and made her up the staircase, he could feel the sadness radiating off of their pact mark.
“‘Rella, wait.” He grabbed her by the arm. “Don’t go. I don’t mind if ya stay…. We should talk about earlier, okay?”
He watched as she nodded a small frown on her face. Now that he could see her more clearly, he noticed the puffy eyes and tear tacks streaked down her cheeks. Now he just felt worse.
“I was thinkin’ real hard about this morning and I’m sorry for what I said earlier.” He started, “I don’t… I don’t really think we should break up…. I know you were just trying to help. That you were worried and scared for me.”
“I was…. Can I tell you something?“ she asks as he nods. “Seven years ago, I lost my little brother and then six months later my mother to suicide. One to cyber bullying, the other because she was so consumed with grief from the loss of a child that she saw no way to go on…. Do you know what was like….. to find their bodies? To realize you could have helped them if you had just paid attention and seen the warning signs? It still affects me to this day….They were the only blood related family I had left until I had found a new family here in the Devildom with you and your brothers. A-and then when you were saying all those things last night, I- I flashed back to the night I had found my brother but instead of him it was you and I-I-”
Mammon pulled the human tight against his chest in what could have been a bone crushing hug if he wasn’t careful and she buried her face in his chest. Her body shook with with muffled sobs.
“I’m sorry. I was running my mouth without thinking ‘bout what that might do to everyone- worst of all you….” He leaned down, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “I wont say things like that ever again. No matter how I’m feelin’.
He walked her back towards the bed, letting her get in as he went to go change into some more comfortable clothes for sleeping. He joined her in bed shortly after, pulling her close as he wiped the stray tears from his cheeks. Arella moved closer so she could lay her head on his chest listening to his heartbeat, her crying reduce to quiet sniffles and hiccups by this point.
“Ya know, I think you just wasted your breath when you were yellin’ at my brothers earlier…. I think to them, I’ll just always be the family screw up. I’m already dreading the teasing I’ll get tomorrow at breakfast….”
“It had to be done, though. I think I managed to set them all straight….If you could have seen the look on their faces when I lost control of my temper and fried all the electronics in the common room or when I commanded Asmo to sit so hard he crashed face first into the floor….”
“Wait…you did what?” He quirked an eyebrow as he stared down at her before breaking into a soft laugh, “Ya really are something else, Hon, ya know that? I’ve never met someone who would fight for me like this before- who would call my brothers out on their bullshit.”
“Only because I know you don’t deserve to be treated this way…. You… you deserve good things and to be treated well by the people who you love most.” She yawned as she stretched out a little more in his embrace. “And because I love you and I would be lost if anything were to happen to you.” Her eyes were starting to slip closed.
“I love you too, babe.” The demon hummed as he started to card his fingers through her hair. As soon as he was sure she was out like a light he pressed his lips to the crown of her heard once more.
“Thank you for being here on my worst days, for being my little ray of sunshine down here in the dark.”
Once the morning came around, most of Mammon’s brothers gathered in the common room. They were awaiting the entrance of the Avatar of Greed as it was nearly breakfast time.
Lucifer had figured Mammon would be avoiding them as if they had the plague, so he instructed Beel to drag him in here by any means necessary. They all knew he was successful when they heard Mammon let out a surprised yelp and the clattering of a bowl against the floor.
“C’mon, Beel, Let me go!”
“Not until we all talk.”
“Talk? What’s there to talk about? I didn’t do nothin’ so let me go!’
Both demons soon entered the dining room as the sixth-born sat his older on the couch facing all of them, holding him down by his shoulders so Mammon couldn’t escape despite how he squirmed and tried to wiggle his way out of Beel’s grasp.
“Mammon, stop struggling.” It was a request from eldest, a chance to cooperate. “We all have some words we’d like to say to you.”
Mammon froze at that statement. Here it came: all the ridicule and teasing. He wanted to run. He was the second strongest of them, maybe if he tried hard enough, he could shake his little brother off and get away. What good would that do him though? His brothers would just corner him later anyway so maybe it was just best to get it over with now.
He looked towards his brothers’ blurry figures, a million different thoughts rushing his head. He couldn’t tell their expressions from this distance but they had to be smiling, right- ready to laugh at him any minute now. His body tensed as he braced himself for the harsh sting of their words.
“Mammon, we’re sorry,” Asmo was the first to speak up after a short moment of silence, “We love you so much even though we suck at showing it.”
“You did so much for us after we fell,- you still do a lot for us even now,” the seventh-born picked his head up from the table,“And I don’t think we ever told you how much we all appreciate it…. If it weren’t for you, I don’t even think we would still be a family… don’t forget, you’re the one who kept us all in line when Lucifer would lock himself away in his office back then.”
“I know we act like you’re just a burden to us,” Satan started, “but I think all of us would agree that life would be so boring without you here.”
“Yeah, I-I mean who else would take the time to play games with me when I’m down in the dumps?” Levi asked.
“Or risk getting strung up from the chandelier to get me the food that I want from the human world?” Beel cut in.
“Or compliment me on my outfit or hair no matter what form I choose to take for the day. Or is always there to hype me up when I’m having a bad day? Hell, you even gave up the position of DevilStyle’s cover model just for me! Honestly I think you might be the best big brother out there.”
“We know about all the things you’ve done in secret for us- the things you don’t take credit for,” Lucifer smiled softly, “I’m proud to call you my brother for that. We love you and while you may make some poor life choices from time to time, our lives just wouldn’t be the same without you.”
Mammon looks at them in a daze. Was this really happening? His brothers were…. Apologizing? To him of all people? This had to be a dream. There was no reality in which his brothers really cared about him. The second-born pinched the skin on his arm. That’s what you did to check if you were dreaming, right?
Harder, harder he pinched until the spot was sure to bruise. It wasn’t until Beelzebub placed his hand over his that Mammon realized he wasn’t dreaming. This was reality.
Tears welled in his eyes as he processed the words he just heard. One tear fell down his cheek soon followed by another then another until eventually the demon let out a sob.
“Th-This ain’t real! It ain’t!” The second-born yelled, his body shaking as he sobbed harder. “I’m still dreamin’. I-I gotta be! None of this is real…”
His brothers moved to embrace him- first the sixth-born, then the eldest and then the youngest. One by one, the rest of their brothers followed suit until the seven of them all somehow managed to end up on the floor in one giant cuddle pile, his face pressed into Lucifers as they allowed their brother to cry out all the tears he’d been bottling up for all these centuries.
It seemed they were going to be there a while- Good thing Lucifer had called Diavolo to tell him they wouldn’t be attending RAD today. That this was a more important matter to attend to.
“This stops today, Lucifer announced to his siblings once Mammon had stopped crying. “From today on, the six of us will make a conscious effort to change the ways we’ve talk to and treated you.”
“And if we get too out of hand, feel free to put us in our place,” Belphegor chuckled. “We can be blockheads from time to time.”
“The point is,” Asmodeus sighed as he hugged his brother a little tighter, “We all messed up big time. We just want to make you feel loved and appreciated again- like you’re an important part of this family.”
“We lost Lilith.” It was Beel’s turn to speak. “We’re not losing you too.”
Mammon smiled at his brothers’ words. Finally, he had thought, finally they were showing their true feelings to him after all these centuries.
“Thanks guys…..” the demon’s voice sounded cracked and strained from all the crying he had done earlier. “Even after everything that’s happened I wouldn’t trade y’all for the world. I love you guys.”
A chorus of ‘I love you too’s sounded from the group of demons as another family hug commenced. Eventually, as hours passed, one by one, they had all fallen asleep, each with a smile on their face and still huddled together.
Arella eventually found them in that state. With a soft smile she grabbed the blanket they often used for movie night and draped it over them heading back to her room so she wouldn’t disturb them.
Taglist: @gallantys
Masterlist 2
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mtfstuff · 3 years
Departure and arrival
I'm working at the airport selling flowers and coffee. Not the best job but the shop is owned by my uncle so I have almost complete freedom. I always wanted to travel often, to work from different places all the time. Now I'm somewhat in hell. I'm so close to flights but I can never enter them as I have to work. I can only dream and watch people live it.
As I was daydreaming about flying away once more, a man caught my eye as his colorful pants separated himself from the rest.
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He was tall, handsome, had a beautiful beard and well-groomed hair. He was wearing brown leather boots, light brown/orange pants and a grey shirt. It suited him very well. He was gorgeous for me. The complete opposite of me. I was chubby, started to lose hair, even though I'm only in my mid-twenties, and I dont really had a sense of fashion.
I was dreaming about how he was flying somewhere warm, where he gets to take of his shirt and flex his muscles on the beach. I was daydreaming even further as I realized that someone wanted to buy something. I snapped out of my dream and the man stood right in front of me with a big smile.
"One latte, please.", he said with a big grin. I had to retract my eyes from his handsome face and white teeth.
"Of course, one moment please.", I said, taking a paper cup and putting it under the coffee machine.
"Do you have a ticket?", I asked. I couldnt wait to see where he was travelling to. But he looked confused at me.
"If you have a boarding ticket, you can get everything cheaper in our store.", I clarified.
"Oh, yeah. I have one.", he said, taking out his ticket and putting it on the desk. "That's a really nice service you have here."
Was he flirting with me?, I thought.
I took the ticket, scanned it for his discount, looked at his destination and gave it back to him.
"Spain, what a nice destination. Especially as the weather here is pretty bad at the moment.", I said finishing his coffee. "May I ask for work or just for fun."
"Both.", he answered. "A bit of work but mostly just for fun."
I handed him the coffee and he paid.
"You look like you could use some fun too", he said leaving.
He definitely flirted with me, I thought.
I watched him go and dreamed about being him in Spain. To my surprise, he didnt go to the terminals to start the check in, but he went to the toilet. He opened the door, turned around and looked at me, raised an eyebrow and disappeared into the bathroom.
I was shocked and turned on at the same time. Did he want me to follow him?, I thought.
I looked around and decided to follow him. I told my uncle that I have to go for a short moment and he excused me.
I followed the man into the toilet but no one was there as I entered.
The man came out of a cabin and grinned.
"We're all alone. Come on, lock the door.", he said. And I did. I locked the main door from the inside so that we couldnt get disturbed. I may had no idea what he wanted but I was so horny for him that I didnt care.
"I saw your looks.", he said. "And you are completely my type."
"I'm your type? Come on, look at me. I'm fat. I'm totally not in your league.", I said a little intimidated.
He stepped towards me.
"Look.", he said running his hands over my a little too tight shirt. "I have a thing for chubby boys."
"Boy? Do I look So childlike?", I asked shocked.
"Well, you look a lot younger than me.", he said. "I'm Lucas by the way."
He grabbed my head and kissed me gently. I loved the feeling of his lips. They were so soft and his beard a bit scratchy.
Lucas took a step back.
"Strip.", he said. I was shocked as I thought that he would take them off. But I started anyways as I opened my laces, kicked off my shoes and took off my socks. I tried to take off my shirt but I was struggling with it. Lucas helped me getting it off and then continued with my jeans. He took them and my underpants off, leaving me naked in front of him.
He kneeled down and lifted my belly to start sucking my dick. It didn't take long until I moaned by the pleasure. It was the best feeling I ever had. His beard tingled slightly but his lips and mouth were a pleasant surprise. It felt as if this wasnt his first blowjob. He sucked further and further until I came. And he took it all in one gulp.
He stood up and we kissed aggressively until his back hit a highboy. He pushed me away, causing me to fall backwards. After that, Lucas pulled himself up onto the highboy with a big grin.
"And now you strip me.", he said holding his foot out for me.
I quickly took off his boots and socks. After that I opened his pants and pulled them down. To my surprise greeted me his hard dick instead of underpants. He giggled as he saw my surprised face. I continued by unbuttoning his shirt and taking off his watch and rings.
He got down from the highboy and turned me around. He hugged me from behind and layed his chin on my shoulder.
"You'll gonna like this.", he whispered into my ear right as I felt something getting stuck up into my butt.
"Oh, it's so tight. Is this your first time?", Lucas asked. I just nodded in pain.
The sound of my fat cheeks hitting his muscular hips filled the air.
He increased the pace with every thrust until he came. As he pulled out his dick, I felt how the pain became even stronger.
I was completely out of breath and I heard him panting too.
"Thanks, chubby.", he said.
As I turned around to face him, I saw that he already wanted to dress up again as he lifted his pants from the ground. I took them out if his hands and threw them back to the ground. He looked confused.
"Thats it? Really?", I asked furious.
"Well, I never said I wanted more.", he answered.
I stormed at him and we struggled to the ground. Lucas tried to fight me off and I tried to overpower him.
He managed to get out if my grasp and tried to stand up but I grabbed him by his ankle and pulled him back down. His fall must have hurt as he was panting on the ground after it. I quickly sat down on his back and secured his arms.
"You'll gonna like this.", I whispered in his ear.
"No, please. You dont have to do th-", Lucas didnt even manage to end his sentence as I pushed my dick into his hole.
"Uugh, fuck. It feels so much bigger than it looks.", he said. "Please - aagh - stop! It hurts so bad."
But I didnt stop. With every thrust I felt better and his hole became wider.
I grabbed him by his man bun and lifted his head.
"Its so tight. Is this your first time?", I asked him uppish.
He groaned under pain and nodded.
"You'll remember this day as the day when chubby got what he wanted from you.", I said letting go of his man bun.
I thrusted even faster until I shot my load.
Lucas cried silently as I shot my load into his hairy ass. As I wanted to pull out my dick, his cheeks tensed up, making my dick stuck. I tried to pull it out but my dick didnt move a single inch.
Only then I noticed that I didnt hear a thing from Lucas anymore. I lifted his head again to tell him to relax but he suddenly started to move uncontrollably. His muscles were twitching as if he had a seizure. I tried to relax him, but I passed out on top of him.
As I started to regain my consciousness, I felt the cold floor beneath me.
Looks like I fell off of Lucas, I thought. But then I felt something heavy on top of me moving. It stood up. I rolled around and opened my eyes to see my body standing in front of me. It looked as surprised as I was.
"What did you do?", it said looking down at me and then back at his body. "You stole my body, you little filth!", it said.
I didn't understand what he meant. Only as I tried to stand up I noticed my muscular arms and legs. I was now towering over my old body. I was in Lucas body.
He attacked me and we struggled again.
"You cant do this to me. I dont want to be chubby!", he started crying.
"This wasnt my intention. But now you wont get it back. I always wanted to have a body like this. I also thought that you had a thing for chubby bodies.", I said while overpowering him.
He fell to the ground.
"Stay down!", I said. "I'm now Lucas. I'll meet my best friend Jorge in Spain and you wont."
"Wait, how do you know...", Lucas stammered in my old body. "Oh god, I know your life too. Please we have to change back. I want to live my life, not yours."
"This is your life now!", I said. I slapped him so hard that I knocked him out. I was watching my old body for quite some time. I'll probably never see my family again, but thats okay if I'll stay in this body, I thought.
I put on Lucas clothes, inhaled his nice smell, took his luggage, unlocked the door and left.
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I had the best time of my life in Spain. His job as a model was pretty easy and the rest of my time I've spent on the beach or at the park, showing of my new body. I'll never go back to where I was with my life before. Lucas is the best thing that has ever happened to me.
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galaticrow546 · 3 years
Breaking news: local artist finally finishes another fic he started and actually tried his best ( also breaking news: i actually write fics, i just dont finish many of them :') )
Anyways here is a little thing i wrote ( quite badly but i tried ) about the Idea of "Dream is small but he still get to keep his memories"
Its so hard to edit the story on Tumblr mobile what ;-;-
Btw i forgot mostly of what happened in OSD so It might be a little strange sorry-
Anyways, OSD belongs to @calcium-cat
Pain, thats all Dream felt for a moment, he twisted and shifted, trying to make the pain go away, even If It was for a while, It was also really dark too, he has no Idea what Night made him drink, but he doesnt feel good.
He felt panic as he noticed his conscience slipping away, as he panicked around, he felt a huge pain going through his entire body as he fainted.
After moments, he woke up again, as he slowly got up, he kept hissing at the pain that still jolted through his entire body:
-"Ugh, this sucks" thought the little guardian, "I wonder what Night gave me", as he thought, he opened his eyes slowly and blinked a few times before brushing his hands on his face to try and stir himself more awake, but he swears his hands felt...different.
As he opened his eyes, he took a glimpse at his hands, his tiny gloved hands looked smaller than usual, he turned around slowly to find his oversized clothes laying around him, and the clothes he was wearing weirdly looked like the clothes he wore when he was younger, as the realization crept in, Dream slowly realized what just happened, as panic began to grow inside him, he nervously touched his own hand and face while searching for a mirror.
It didnt take long before he found a small, partially broken mirror laying around the room he was in:
-"...It's becoming increasily obvious...I can deny It no longer…"
And, with a tired and defeated breath, Dream spurted out:
-"I am small"
Dream sat back while crossing his arms, how on earth would he even survive here with this size? he needed to come up with a solution fast, before anyone dangerous come-
Dream's eyes widen at the sound of the door being opened, as he panicked inside, he quickly jumped somewhere to hide, and for now, he needed to be careful to not be spotted.
-"Ugh, now to see how Dream is-"
Night paused, looking at the clothes laying around, It was silent, too silent, he walked over and grabbed a fistfull of Dream's present cape as he began searching for any trace of Dream, but his expression slowly began changing from a calm and neutral face to a worried and panicked one, he moved on from the clothes and began to search around the room, Dream cant be dead right? It was only a magic repressor he gave him after all.
Dream quietly watched from afar, and with a determined face, began to crept closer to Nightmare, ready to jump out and hopefully succeed to escape, a moment passed before Night got a surprise attack from a screaming skeleton toddler, he climbed Night in a rush while he was trying to get Dream out with force, and eventually, the guardian was caught by one of Nightmare's tentacles, as the cyan eye began analizing him, Dream tried to angrily break out of the tentacle's grasp, constantly trying to bite and punch It, It was quickly getting tiring.
Night watched the toddler scream and struggle silently, his face with an serious expression, Dream quickly looked at him angrily and tiredly as he spoke out:
-"Night...I will..ugh...I will break free, let...let me go"
Night listened silently and looked to the side like he was thinking, and with a wide grin, Night answered Dream's request:
Dream gave a tired sigh at the response as the silence between them remained, well, until a particular oreo came in the room in a rush:
-"Night are you ok? I heard screaming-"
Cross paused and stared at the scene, Night holding a toddler that looked like Dream on his tentacles and the toddler looking defeated and tired, It also looked so dirty too, Cross looked at Night silently and confused, Night sighed as he started:
-"Cross, believe It or not, this is Dream...yeah, i know its confusing, and i dont exactly know what happened to him, but trust me, its him"
The toddler tiredly looked up at the ex-royal guard, and shot him a tired but "ready-to-attack" glare, he knew he couldnt actually do much, but he could at least try.
Cross quickly spoke up:
-"...ok? Soooo you have no Idea what happened to him and he is just a toddler now", Night nodded calmly as the toddler looked seriously to the side, at this point, Dream just wanted to sleep, or at least take a nap, and the tentacle had a really tight grip so struggling was quite Impossible.
Night glared at Dream and gently approached him with a wide grin on his face, as Dream looked at him motherfuckerly:
-"awwww, the little kid right here wants to take a nap?" Said Night mockingly.
"No, i dont, let me go Night" spat Dream rudely.
"Not happening little pal, you're staying here until i decide what to do with you" grinned Night maliciously
Dream stayed silent at Night's response, but still kept glaring angrily at Night.
-"anyways, perhaps we should introduce our new pal here to the rest of the team since It might take a while for us to decide what to do, shall we?"
-"yeah, sure"
As Night walked towards the door, Dream looked at Cross with such a serious look that surprised Cross a little, he didnt expect the toddler to suddenly look at him while he follows Night, Cross glared at Dream back, but this only seemed to make Dream look offended, they both kept "fighting" with shooting each other daring and sometimes offensive looks.
-"stop hitting me!"
Cross was having a hard time with bathing Dream, it seems that the little guy wouldnt give up so soon, It would be a miracle If he even behaved a little, but everytime Cross tried, Dream kept hitting him as hard as he can, and he also seemed very panicked whenever Cross succesfully held him, and then resorted to squirming and throwing water at him, honestly, Cross just wishes this would end soon.
-"I will not stop fighting!, leave me alone at once foul wench!"
Cross looked at him silently as Dream looked back with equal seriousness, they both stayed in silence until Cross handed him the soap and the sponge, as Cross tiredly got up to leave, Dream whispered at him silently:
-"......thank you"
Cross looked back at him with a questioning look, as Dream seemed to ignore the glare, he silently looked away as he left the bathroom, but not before whispering back:
-"......yeah...no problem"
Cross was eating his dinner happily, well, until Night requested him to call Dream for dinner, since he didnt come down from his room for a while, Cross lazily walked towards the room Dream was given, and then knocked on the door a few times:
-"Dream? You there buddy? Come eat dinner, hope you like soup"
The bedroom stayed silent, Cross knocked a few more times:
-"ok buddy listen, im not joking, Night is telling me to come and get you to get down for dinner"
A faint shuffling was heard from inside the bedroom, Cross waited a while before deciding to turn around the doorknob and opening the door.
All he saw was a little toddler cuddling to the blanket It was given, It looked rather happy and comfy there, but It quickly opened his eyes to stare at Cross, and in turn, shift to sit on the comfy bed he was on:
-"ah, you have returned, welcome back" greeted Dream tiredly.
Cross stared at him confused, why would he even greet him after all of the chaos that happened today, perhaps he was so tired that he gave up on the thought of attacking him? Well, If thats the case, then at least he wont have to deal with a angry Dream.
Cross approached Dream slowly and quite cautiously, as Dream looked at him boredly, the blanket he was holding was quite fluffy though.
-"um, ok so, Night told me to get you to come down for dinner, now answer me, do you like soup?"
-"...hmmmm yeah sure, soup is nice"
-"uh right"
The silence was quite awkward, Dream seemed like he calmed down, but there was still a bit of cautiousness in him, seems like they werent getting his trust so soon.
-"...so, will you come down?"
Dream looks down, thinking carefully and silently before a grumbling sound coming from his stomach (???) broke the silence, Dream got spooked by the sudden sound and made a scared squeak because of It.
As Dream took some time to calm down from the sudden spook, he slowly stared at Cross:
-"...fine, I'll come down"
-"good, follow me, or dont, its your choice"
As Cross made his way to the door, Dream quickly got down from the bed and let go of the blanket he was holding at the entire conversation, following after Cross silently.
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missmorosis · 3 years
What about hq teams with an s/o whos forearms are super soft n fluffy despite not putting on lotion or something for a few years- (too self-indulgent ghjgfyujh sorry about that but i cant think rn)
happy headcanon hours: soft skin
half asleep headcanon time WOOOOO- idek WHAT TO TITLE THIS BAHAHAHAH
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lets say youre the karasuno manager 😩
you were handing out water bottles at the end of practice, complimenting everyone on how well they did.
and noya's hands brushed over yours when he grabbed his bottle from you
he pauses before grasping at your hands again
his eyes sparkled because he genuinely found this exciting i love him
you laugh ofc because wow hes adorable
tanaka comes over too so he can feel how soft your hands really were 😭😭
and that, ladies and gentlemen, is how you get the entire karasuno team to line up in front of their manager so they can feel your hands ❤
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aoba johsai
oikawa seems like a hands-on type of guy
i wouldn't be surprised if he grabs your wrist when the two of you walk somewhere
he finds you outside the gym one day and he pulls you in by the wrist
"come on y/n, as our manager, you gotta be on time- oh wow your wrists are soft, you gotta let me borrow that lotion of yours."
oikawa doesnt believe you when you say you dont use lotion HAHABDHD
wont leave you alone until he "knows what lotion you use"
iwazumi eventually drags him away from you, telling him to stop bothering you
anyways oikawa keeps asking you after that bc he "wants soft hands like you, y/n-chan" BAHSH
he'll be happy if you give him some random lotion name honestly
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jjmaybankxpogue · 3 years
ʀᴏᴤᴇ ᴘᴇᴛᴀʟᴤ || ᴊᴊ ᴍᴀʏʙᴀɴᴋ ᴥ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ||
Happy Valentines day ♡
Word Count: 1.6k+
Genre: Fluff and Smut
Warnings: SMUT, gun, unprotected sex, kinky reader & kinky JJ, not proofread
Inspo: “Taking a bath with JJ... can be both fluffy and smutty” -Anon (v-day req)
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I walk into my room seeing a bouquet of Roses laying on my bed and JJ walking out of my bathroom...
Just as I'm leaving work I get a text from JJ “are you home soon princess” “yea im getting in my car right now” I replied. 
I walked through the walkway, jiggled my keys into the lock and made my way up to my room. A pretty bouquet of red roses laid on my bed and my blonde boyfriend walked out of my bathroom and came to hug me. His muscular arms wrapped around my lower back loosely, whispering sweet little nothings in my ear as I buried my head in his chest smiling and blushing non stop. He slowly peeled himself off of me and said “the bath is ready”. “Okayyy” I said, dragging the ‘y’ as I was intrigued. He showed me to the bathroom, I walked in and saw a couple candles on the counter and red rose petals floating in the bath. “You gonna come in with me?” i said whispering softly “of course” JJ smiled. JJ got in first and opened his legs, letting me sit between them and lay back on his chest. The warmth and comfort he gave me was incomparable. “Your hair is so soft” JJ said as he gently played with it. I smiled “I didn't think you’d do something romantic” I laughed “dont say im not romantic” JJ said attempting to hold in his laugh “pfft” i rolled my eyes. “Fuck, its valentines day i want you to handcuff me and overstimulate me and do anything you can imagine” i said biting my lip breathlessly after the sentence. JJ began to get hard beneath me, “wow” “yeah uh we can have a bath another night” JJ said rushing me out of the bathtub “Yes, that’d be better” I smirked, drying off and running to my bed.
 “Why your bed when we have this whole house to ourselves all weekend” JJ walked up to me “then follow me” I started towards the door with JJ following closely behind. I later opened the door to my fathers office, turned around and smirked at him. He looks deeply into my eyes “remember how innocent you used to be'' JJ smirks walking into the office “yeah I don't miss it” I say lifting myself up to sit on the desk. JJ places both of his hands on either side of my thighs. I grabbed his shark tooth necklace and pulled him in for a kiss. “My dad would kill me if he found out” I muttered “but he wont'' JJ then silenced me with a kiss. Coaxing me to open my mouth with his tongue teasingly slowly licking my lower lip. I finally gave in, deepening the kiss as I pulled and played with JJs hair. His right hand slithered onto my thigh then slowly traveled up to my neck, choking me in the most perfect way. I let out a soft moan in JJs mouth, he pulled away with a string of saliva connecting to our lips for a split second. “You dirty, dirty girl” he said in a low tone smirking.
“You want it rough you said” I gulped and nodded at him with my eyes silently begging for any form of touch. JJ grabbed my thigh and started massaging it, “Im going to fuck you so good you wont be able to see straight after” “fuck” i moaned in a whispering tone. Without warning the blonde went straight for my neck, kissing, biting, and leaving hickeys all over, I tilted my head back in pleasure as he slowly moved to my collarbone doing the same. “You sound so good,” he praised. He began peppering my bare chest with kisses. He took both my boobs into his rough hands, manipulating them as he sucked on one of my nipples. “oh JJ” I moaned.
Shortly after he dropped to his knees and licked a stripe through the folds of my dripping pussy. His thumb rubbed circles around my clit leaving me a moaning mess already, He never ran short of the ability to please me. JJ inserted two fingers into me and began pumping instantly. I gripped the desk harder prompted by the intense pleasure. “You enjoying it princess?” “Fuck, yes, mhm” I managed to get out, with every pump in and out he went faster, rougher, and harder. “Maybank!” I squealed, squirting onto his fingers as he finally started to penetrate my g-spot. “Ple-ase JJ i n-need you” I moaned “not yet” he said in the most teasing voice I've ever heard. The orgasm that had been crawling up to me finally attacked, becoming invasive over everything, leaving me with no control whatsoever. JJ slowed his movements until they came to a stop alongside my orgasm.
“Lets go to your bed so i can tie you up exactly how you wanted” JJ smirked giving me a hand to hop off the desk. We went straight up to my room, JJ got out the box of things he had hidden in my closet and pulled out the handcuffs. I laid flat on my bed and put my hands above me head for JJ to handcuff me there. “Comfortable?” JJ questioned “yea” “guess what else i brought?” JJ said getting excited “what?” I asked with a slight smirk. He pulled his gun out of his backpack that rested on the floor. I bit  my lip watching JJ walk closer and closer to me with the gun in hand. He got on top of me, hovering over me, caressing my body with the ice cold gun. I looked deeply into his eyes that were bouncing from place to place on my body, soon meeting with mine. “You're so pretty” He admired, I smiled. He aligned himself with my entrance and began to thrust, holding the gun against my temple. “Oh my god you feel so good!” I exclaimed. “You take my cock so well babygirl” JJ said seductively, thrusting faster and faster. Every minute the sex went on he got more verbal, easily pulling more throaty moans from me. My walls clenched around him in the process of my high. “Harder JJ please!” moaned “you gotta beg for it princess” JJ said followed with a groan “I need to feel you destroy m-my insides” I begged. JJ finally gave me what i asked for, i watched as his blonde hair swung back and forth during every thrust.
“JJ right there!” I moaned nearly screaming. JJ’s near orgasm brought him to thrust as fast as he could, pleasing both of us. The room filled with our moans and other noises “Daddy! Oh my god” I said releasing on his dick, a surge of pleasure left me shaking. Although JJ hadn't cum yet he forced himself not to, he loved to see me over stimulated and he couldn't deny it. “JJ f-fuck” I groaned with my eyes rolling back. JJ brought the gun to my mouth so I began to suck on the barrel, enough to send JJ over the edge “fuck Y/n, youre so fucking hot”. JJ’s warm cum shot into me while he was moaning like crazy, I loved the feeling of JJ’s cum coating all my walls and filling me up entirely. Once he finished he pulled out and got a vibrator from the box. He placed it over my swollen clit. With no mercy he turned it to the highest setting, needing to see me lose my mind.
I squirmed around a ton. “JJ p-please its t-too much” I said, tears forming in my eyes “C’mon i know you can take it, you kinky slut” Not long until the over stimulation turned into sheer lust. “JJ fucking Maybank” I let out a loud throaty moan “look at the noises you make from me” JJ teased. He decided to grab my throat, I could feel the cold rings move around until his hand found its perfect place. “JJ I’m gonna cum!” I moaned. I released myself, being overtaken by ecstasy and the shivers of pleasure. “Good girl” JJ praised me. “Now get on your knees”. I was still in my hand cuffs so I got down off the bed with my hands behind my back. JJ grasped my hair and used it to force my head on him. He started bucking his hips making me gag but not enough to be choked. “Fffuck” He moaned in a groggy voice. I pulled back for a breath of air then taking the tip of his cock and going from there but agonizingly slow. He got tired of me teasing him pretty quickly and forced my head on him again.
“Mhm babygirl” JJ groaned sinfully. I looked up at him seeing that he was close to the finish line so I sucked him off even harder. “Fuck you feel so good” He praised moaning once again. “Im gonna c-cum” JJ stuttered in a moan. His white ropes let loose in my mouth, he watched as I swallowed all of it. “You did so good baby” JJ praised. "daddy?” JJ asked recalling what i said earlier “yes uh” I stopped my sentence “you should say that more often” JJ winked. 
“Can we cuddle now?” I asked getting into my bed “of course, and we can watch a movie too” JJ smiled. “Netflix?” I asked “yup” he said. We turned on netflix and picked a random movie but i fell asleep on JJ’s chest 10 minutes through.
Taglist: @tovvaa @freddymaybank @rudypankowswife @jjpouggues @disagreeable_pink  @multisimpinghoe @heysimps
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