#watch repairers
alan5561 · 2 years
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Watch Repair Services
W.T.C. Watch Repairs Ltd is known for providing high-quality watch repair, service, and refurbishment. We are a master watch repair shop in Holborn, London, with a team of highly competent and experienced watch experts. Our professionals are experienced at repairing and servicing high-end watches to perfection. Call now.
Website : https://www.wtcwatchrepairers.co.uk/
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sheltiechicago · 2 years
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Watch Repairers: Second Prize by Kushal Gangopadhyay
Indian Photo Festival Portrait Prize 2021
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anyway i want to reiterate that i hope the rat grinders are tpk'd, revived and uncorrupted solely bc i want them to have to spend senior year together. 'redeemed' doesnt necessarily mean friendly with the bad kids and honestly? its so much funnier if they continue being bitchy to each other but without the trying to end the world stuff. they've built plenty of positive relationships w/ former villains now it's time for the next stage: uneasy alliance buzzing with the tension of both sides trying to hold back the urge to clown on each other
introducing, fantasy high senior year: the group project
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ryllen · 6 months
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OH NO CRINGEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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fanaticalthings · 15 days
Jason only resorts to his emergency signal when he's 0.1 seconds away from death and only when he's 100% reaching raw desperation levels of survival
BUT he also uses it when he's faced with the most mild of inconveniences, so the batfam are always stressed when they get his panic signal because is he about to fucking die or was he just locked out of the family Netflix account?
And obviously they can't take ANY chances, so it's always a 50/50 on whether the night ends with the fam huddled in the medbay of the cave, or whether all of them are fully costumed, weapons sharpened and ready to throw hands in Jason's apartment and Jason's just casually lounging on his couch like "Oh hey guys, I'm out of flour, can one of you run to get some?" with the most annoying shit-eating grin you've ever seen.
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coachbeards · 2 months
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TED LASSO (2020-2023) ↳ 2.08 | 2.09
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vxlinor · 7 days
Essek watching Orym and Dorian fall in love in Aeor and getting hit with his own memories of traveling through the ruins years ago and wondering if there was a future for him and Caleb
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hypewinter · 1 year
Danny is an antique shop owner. He also does repairs. One day, a customer comes in wanting to repair a watch for his friend. But the way he speaks makes the shop owner believe this man is much more than a "friend". So in addition to repairing the watch, he adds in a little shield mechanism.
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houseofevanbuckley · 1 month
hc that Buck will keep Tommy company while he works on his machinery and Tommy watches documentaries with Buck 💕
Buck visiting Tommy and complaining about his car making a weird noise and having to bring it to the mechanic for the 3rd time in as many months.
His jeep is getting a bit old now but it’s filled with memories and he refuses to change it.
Tommy who go trained on various vehicles throughout his life. A neighbor teaching him when he was a teenager. Training at the army. Training at the fire academy and then flying academy.
He’s been tinkering in various machineries for years and he’s not going to let a simple jeep best him. Buck is happy to let Tommy look at it, it will save him some money he could use otherwise. Like for a date maybe.
The issue tho? It’s that Tommy has working clothes, and by working clothes I mean an old pair of jeans, covered in old oil stains, a white tank top which is clean but has old stains that dried, but still quite white, and some heavy boots in case something fall on his feet. It happened before and Tommy learned from it.
Buck never thought jeans would drive him insane, but the way it curves around Tommy’s thighs? The way a black stains is just under his left cheek like he rubbed himself there to clean his hand, actually Buck can even divine the form of fingers on that stains and it’s calling to him.
To forget about the heat pooling inside him he gets close to the car and Tommy who just opened it and moving things around and just watch, until he says “you know, my dad never taught me anything about cars. Is it weird?”
And Tommy just goes “you wanna learn?” With a soft smile, just offering, no judgement whatever Buck decides
And so Tommy work and talk during the whole process, he knows Buck loves knowledge, trivia, information and Tommy is more than happy to info dump his boyfriend for once.
Once Tommy fix what the issue was, it was just regular stuff but a mechanic would have either ignore it so Buck would come back and spend more or spend only like 30 minutes on it to fix it since it was quite simple.
They get clean together, Tommy getting his regulars clothes back on him while Buck has to change bc he got some stains on him even just while looking but it doesn’t care about it. The price was more than worth paying.
And then they go on Tommy’s couch, Buck still doesn’t have one but he doesn’t need one anymore, not when Tommy’s so comfy. Tommy who pick up the remote while Buck get some snack ready for them and he goes through the channels until he reaches National Geographic and it’s the opening for a new documentary about volcanoes and he gets distracted from the tv when Buck comes back with their drink so he doesn’t change the channel and then see how Buck is already entranced by it even 3 minutes after the opening, and he’s gonna ask if Buck want to watch it when Buck goes “did you know that the biggest volcano in on mars?”
And Tommy knows he doesn’t have to ask anymore, he just hums while picking some food off the coffee table and listen to every facts from Buck and watches him get so animated as they watch it
Buck even going against what the narrator is saying and being right about it when the narrator a few minutes later elaborate more which goes toward what Buck was saying and Tommy is just so smitten by his clever boy. Kissing him on his temple and pulling him against his side while Buck keep randomly shoutings facts and going on his phone to assess the veracity of what the narrator is talking about.
They spend their evening like that, documentaries replacing one an other, Buck leaning against him and talking freely for hours, showing Tommy how interesting the world can be.
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zackmartin · 8 months
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HENRY DANGER (2014 - 2020) ☆ 4.04 danger games
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tiredaalienn · 11 months
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New stuff for Saiki K x hnk!!!
Specifically inspired by @lu-kario ‘s au were kusuo is a lunarian hehehehe ( it's the new design here hehehehehe)
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lucres · 2 years
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goshyesvintageads · 1 year
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Swiss Federation of Watchmakers, 1950
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commsroom · 2 years
there are no visuals in wolf 359, technically, but the sound design is so efficient at evoking such vivid and specific science fiction environments that it's hard not to feel like that, too, serves as some sort of commentary on the humans-without-humanity technological aspirations of cutter & pryce, in contrast with the average people that goddard employs.
the hephaestus is blinking lights and dials and crt monitors and clutter; it has the background noise, the static and jank and creaking metal of old, clunky, cobbled-together retrofuturism. it's a spacecraft that exists in a world where space travel is old enough for all its technology to be out of date. it's the bridge of the nostromo, it's the millennium falcon with its faulty hyperdrive, it's the bebop. it's the paper print-outs; it's their on-board entertainment of one single vhs copy of home alone 2. the hephaestus is falling apart, it's hostile to human life, it's rotting from the inside, but it's both alive and lived in.
the sol is white and sleek and sterile. everything meticulously in place, and all conveniences the hephaestus is too old and too unimportant to qualify for - artificial gravity, cutter's designated smoking section, etc. the sol is also hostile architecture, but not through years of neglect; it's designed that way. it's progress without people. eiffel calling pryce 'lady imacbeth' is funny, but also, like - yes! the sol, and goddard futuristics laboratories, all of that, should look like the inside of an apple store, and pryce is the same thing, personified.
this isn't to romanticize an idealized past, but - aside from the class differential, the corners goddard cuts, the way both the hephaestus and its crew are treated as disposable assets - i think as a form of visual (or auditory) shorthand, there is something to eiffel's attachment to physical, antiquated things, technology he can fix by hand, and what that reflects as resistance to streamlined advancements, the "greater good" with the least concern for the individual. that he's unbearably nostalgia-brained about his pop culture, and that he's an analog man who is concerned with real, genuine, tangible connection and communication in the face of increasingly arcane, "big picture" capitalist-driven digitization and alienation.
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sameteeth · 5 months
is billy the bosun again after he comes back from being dead. its not super clear but also they kinda drop ship politics after s1... like whos master gunner... whos the carpenter... does logan get replaced as armorer ??¿? whos the cook?? it cant be silver, but we see him squeezing mucus from eels (hagfish?) in the doldrums... (for an unclear purpose?) ...
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wolfxe · 1 month
idk what it is about the way dungeon meshi portrays relationships but it feels so unique to me
i like all of the ships and also want none of them to be canon. it's fun to imagine literally all of them, but it's just as fun to examine the platonic relationships and what they mean
it's so refreshing to see marcille & laios' friendship but i totally get why people ship them. marcille & falin's devotion to each other is amazing to explore in any context. chilchuck & laios, laios & kabru, senshi & chilchuck, even toshiro & falin. literally every character dynamic no matter the romance/lack of it is so interesting to me
it really felt like a breath of fresh air getting into something where the relationships between characters felt both real and substantial the way they are, but also capable of being expanded upon and played with without feeling like they're betraying the main themes/ideas. man i love dungeon meshi
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