#watch it still be age restricted lol
alchemypanda · 2 months
I just realized leaving in that one scene from incorporated means probably getting age restricted and considering I hate how youtube makes most people give them their actual passport to bypass it I'll just censor the scene...
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lamamasjamas · 21 days
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Love at First Sight: A Complication (3/9)
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A/n: LOL LOL LOL, continuation of the first pregnancy. Again, if you read this before uhm... no ☺. I changed some minor things. I already liked this part so it was fun to reread and revise.
Warning: Dark!Din, Dub-con smut, breeding/pregnancy kink, very heavy with the kinks in this one, Stockholm Syndrome, dark fic!!!
Love at First Sight Masterlist
You watched Din from the kitchen, washing dishes as you were softly reclined against a rocking chair. He gathered enough credits for it after a few bounties off world, he said it was to help you relax, to help you feel better.
You glare from where he stood, drying his hands on a towel at the side of the sink and turning to you slowly with a warm smile. You couldn’t help but think he looked smug.
His eyes roam over your form that you kept hidden with a blanket. His gaze stays on your belly.
You wince as you shift, trying to find a method to have the least amount of pressure on your back. The pain has been building up for months. It was hard to find relief now so late in your pregnancy.
You were slightly overdue. He wasn’t as worried as you and you were practically trying to get him to do something about it since the first few days the complication occurred.
You’ve been begging him to see a doctor for the past month before your due date, but he denied, stating that he knew a lot about pregnancy and birth and that he was practically prepared for anything. You were a bit frightened when he came to you with a vial of pills and tablets one day, claiming they were vitamins.
He said he asked a physician for them but you had a feeling the barrel of his blaster did most of the persuasion. Especially since you only went to the doctor once to confirm your pregnancy and Din refused whatever they wanted to prescribe you, even denying them the chance to talk to you in private and to schedule another appointment.
You didn’t think it was healthy being cooped up in a ship for most of your pregnancy. Ever since he took you, you’ve been idly waiting for him to return each and every day from his missions. You had nothing to do, nothing to think about except him, him, him.
And the child. But taking care of the green baby was more effort than it was before. It used to be a reprieve. A solace. But he stays the same age. He was fifty and he still toddled like a three year old.
He constantly needed attention and care. He’d wander and get himself hurt if you weren’t vigilant. You often wonder if the mandalorian knew he subjected you to constantly be a mother. If you were stuck with him for the rest of your life that is…
That may have been his plan after all.
Din stays longer because of your restrictions in mobility as the child inside of you grew. It makes you feel suffocated. Although everything does at this point.
He moves towards you and you think you would have liked it if he had his armor on. It made him seem less human. As if his depravity was justified.
Your hands shake when he pulls you up from your seat carefully. You’ve been on the verge of crying lately, one because you physically were exhausted and two because he refuses to take you to a doctor or even a midwife often causing you to shun his advances tries for conversation.
He guides you to the bedroom and you pass by the nursery, slightly peeking inside to hear the soft snores of Grogu bundled up in his blankets. Your hand goes to your stomach as you stop for a moment watching the rise and fall of his breaths.
To think soon there would be two little noises of gurgles and giggles in the house. You almost laugh at the predicament. You would have never thought you would be here months ago.
A part of you believed that you would have travelled the galaxy before settling down. You glance at the mad beside you. Maybe in another life, one where he was normal, where he was sane… you would have travelled the universe together, willingly had a family together.
Dins hand puts pressure on your back and you groan. The bedroom seemed like a good idea now, you wanted to lay down. Dins heavy steps creak against the wood as you shuffle to bed, reaching out for the blankets and attempting to crawl to your side of the bed.
He chuckles as you struggle to get comfortable, rearranging and moving things around and then sighing again when it didn’t look or work right. He stops and his face falls when he could see the tears drop against the pillows below you, making the covers darken.
His hands roam frantically over you, finding nothing physically wrong. He frowns and smooths a hand over your head and face.
“What’s wrong?” he asks panicked, his words short and quiet. You sniffle. You couldn’t help but start to ramble.
“I’m so tired and I feel heavy and I need to see someone, something might be wrong with the baby, with me, I just-“
He stops you, holding your hands gently.
“Hey, hey, we’ll go tomorrow, yeah?” His voice was shaky. He was desperate to placate you.
Your tears stop and you calm instantly. He narrows his eyes suspiciously.
“Okay,” you respond and lay on your side. You really were worried, and scared. You also wanted to go outside. It was a chance to see the world again before you inevitably had to hide in your wooden spacious cottage.
He wrapped you up tightly in winter clothes. He said it was cold when you started to complain, and he was right, but he didn’t have to know that as you stepped out into the snow your teeth clacked slightly before you willed them to stop.
The planet was covered in a soft blanket of white. The homes expelling fumes from their heaters and fire places. You’ve never experienced snow in your home world.
You stared at the open door suddenly feeling nervous to get to know this new village.
The 'trip' was going to be to Grogu's school, since you've never seen it, and straight to the local midwife's home.
Grogu was wearing his mittens and his boots, and you gushed over him when he huffed and puffed from Din putting a hood over his head, protecting his sensitive ears.
You couldn't bend down to pick him up, but Din brought him to your arms and he stopped his whines considerably. Your mobility was further restricted from the fur lined coat placed on top of your shawls.
The sheer amount of clothes you were enveloped in made you look hearty, rather than expectant.
As you shed your layers once entering Grogu's classroom, you still felt as big as before, especially as everyone started to crowd and lean over to watch as the mandalorian carried your coats for you. You sigh, watching as Grogu twaddles off to his friends, giggling and happy.
Everyone was surprised by your presence. They’ve never seen you before, except for the time you arrived a few months back, your stomach was still small, at least smaller, and only a select few were able to catch a glimpse of you if ever when you were out of the house to get some air.
Still, your cottage was located further away from the others. It was bigger as well, with plenty of land around it. Din cared for privacy and only the neighbors were able to keep up with your outdoor appearances.
Rumors spread quickly of the Mandalorian and his “wife”. They thought he was very protective of his family by the way he scoped everyone out the first few days he brought his son to school, almost cold in his demeanor when he asked about the classrooms and their policies.
Din had gone momentarily to speak to a teacher assistant. A droid. You’ve learned of his distaste for droids early on. He keeps you far from them if he can.
He leads the assistant to the side as they try to greet you. Your mouth opens in a polite greeting but Din’s sharp tone cuts the droid off midway.
For a moment you stood there, suddenly feeling your heart beat rapidly in a mix of embarrassment and anxiety.
Many of the parents approached you, asking which child was yours. You pointed towards Grogu, and they gawked, looking to the Mandalorian and wondering what he looked like under the helmet.
They initially thought you were the green one. Now they were wondering if it was him.
As many of the parents chuckled softly and began to pull you into a group of gossipers, your nerves died down.
You appreciated being talked to, maker knows how long it had been since you’ve interacted with anyone.
You gasp when they ask to touch your stomach and you’re suddenly pulled back into a cold and hard chest. Some swooned at the protectiveness and some looked at you in pity, especially when he stared down at the parents talking to you.
You rolled your eyes. They took it as you showing your annoyed fondness towards his actions.
The walk to the midwife was short, and you didn't have to wait long to be admitted into her makeshift office.
You appreciated the padded chairs and the homey feeling inside. The warm brown walls and the vibrant plants inside made you feel safe. But the midwife, not much older than you, watches in amusement.
Din complains when she orders you to undress quickly after shaking your hand, not yet being told the problem but looking smug as she puts on her gloves.
Your eyes blink up at him pleadingly as you start to shrug your many layers off and she pats on a medical table located further into her cottage. Her warm smile invites you onto the table easily. He sighs loudly, passing over his blaster at his waist pointedly before leaning against the wall next to the doorframe outside.
She rolls her eyes before closing the door softly.
"Very protective, hm?" she mutters cheekily. You nod, your cheeks burning in embarrassment.
"When was your last check up?"
She sits in front of you, a rolling chair whose creaking wheels make your eyes shift.
"Eight months ago."
Her brows furrow slightly before relaxing again.
"You're really far along, sweetheart," she scolds softly.
You wanted to cry. You felt guilt build up in your stomach, even if it wasn't entirely your fault. Her eyes glance from her notepad to you and she pauses at your anxious state. Your hands shake as you place them over your stomach.
"I think I'm o-overdue..." you stutter worriedly. Her brows shoot up and you start to panic, your eyes start to water, and your breathing picks up. She shushes you gently, her eyes glancing towards the door.
"I'm going to do a checkup for you, okay?"
You breathe in deeply and exhale. Nodding along to the instruction to calm.
The checkup took about an hour, Din was practically pacing outside of the door by the time you came out, smiling tightly and fully dressed again.
The midwife sat you both in her office, which seemed almost comically small for Din's bulking form.
"The baby is fine," you both sigh in relief and she smiles at you, she turns to Din, "I performed a membrane sweep on your wife-"
"I'm not his wife," you interrupt quickly, fiddling with your fingers over your bump. He turns to you in slow silence, obviously irked by your comment. She stares between you both, clearing her throat and continuing.
"Like I was saying, I performed a membrane sweep on her and-"
"What is that?" he demands.
She sighs deeply, maintaining her smile with a strain.
"It's a technique where we take the amniotic membrane off by sweeping over the cervix. Helps her body know that she’s ready."
He nods as if he understood. You sigh.
"The success of the procedure isn’t certain. I suggest other methods of inducing labor as well."
She smiles cheekily as she leans her elbows on her desk, Pressing her hands over her chin and grinning fully at your confusion.
"Of course, the most enjoyable method is to have sex, but there are other methods."
You tense, Din shifts in his seat, watching as she writes down on her notepad and rips the sheet off loudly.
Before she pushed you both out of her door she winked.
He was relatively silent on the walk home and you were buzzing, practically bouncing on your feet as he started opening the door.
He was expecting you to jump him the moment he took off his helmet and you started shedding your coats to the floor. But he was shocked at the way you practically ran, more like waddled, to the kitchen, taking out ingredients for spicy stew.
You didn't even notice him walk out the door to pick up the kid from school, too busy pacing around the house and eating fruit.
During dinner you breathed in and out your mouth wide open, pouring water down your throat from the excess amount of spice you put in your own serving. He shook his head gently at your antics, especially when you went to sleep without even looking in his direction.
It's been two days; the membrane sweep did not work, and you were getting antsy. You've checked off every single thing off the list, except for the ones that needed a certain partner.
You were getting antsy, your hands were constantly on your belly, almost pushing down as if that would make the baby come out.
The house was warm, Grogu was playing in the common area, gurgling half mumbled numbers as he pushed building blocks and toy ships one by one.
For a brief moment you imagine a baby next to him, a human baby. Brown hair, brown eyes. Playing along.
You brush the window curtains open, the slight chill of the glass migrating to your cheeks. You shiver as you see the image in front of you.
You watch Din's deft fingers work over the panels of his ship, hyper focused on the way they flexed against the metal and the way they gripped tools.
Sparks flew, illuminating his armor and helmet. He grunts in irritation when a weld didn’t come out as well as he’d liked.
He turns. His hands making their way to his hips as he watches you back.
You retreat further into the house when he quirks his head in question of your stare. The moment he entered the household he was met with you waiting at the table for him, food ready at the table and steaming.
Dinner was relatively silent; you were unfocused, and you ate mechanically. You hurried to the bedroom the moment you finished and placed your plate in the sink.
You take a yawning Grogu from his seat and hurriedly strode to the nursery.
He sighs, getting up to wash.
He stood in the hallway, dishes done and left to dry in the rack, watching his son sleep peacefully. The crib next to his empty and half of the room vacant. He sighs, wishing the baby would come soon.
There were two separate bedrooms apart from the main bedroom, each big enough to accommodate two or three children. Grogu had chosen his little siblings toys. The color of the walls.
He was just as excited.
"Din, I need your help," you shout from your bedroom. He comes in immediately.
"What happened?" he shouts back, looking frantically throughout the room.
You were in the bathroom; he ran towards you only to see you in your underwear twisting and turning in front of a mirror.
"Why did you take me?" you ask, tracing over the trimming of lace lining your panties. Your ass looks incredible as you pulled up the waistband over your hips, it bounces as you poke at it, wincing when the cellulite emphasizes over the lighting.
You sigh, looking towards him in a heady stare. He walks over to you, envelopes you in his arms and sighs as you turn your face away from his chest.
"I love you."
"Do you? I don't think you can fall in love so quickly-"
"Well, I did," he says shortly.
You sigh, his hands smooth over your abdomen and you stop his hand, watching him through the mirror intently.
Something was wrong with him, he knew. You drove him to do things he wouldn't do otherwise. It was as if the moment he saw you, something was triggered in his brain. He couldn't function without you now, he would get angry, depressed, demoralized.
You were a necessity now.
"Would you fuck me, Din?" you ask innocently. He shivers at the way your eyes lift lazily up to meet his in the mirror.
You lead his hands under your underwear grinding against his palm as he cups your mound.
His fingers get sucked into your cunt and you sigh. You rest your head against his shoulder.
"Please..." you beg. A quiet okay was said behind your ear and your feet shuffle in anticipation.
His hand quickens and his fingers work you over slowly and firmly. It was as if you were being rocked by a wave, back and forth his palm connects with your clit, rubbing it firmly and then sliding across it, letting it go and doing it over and over again.
You gnaw on your lip, you could feel heat build within you ever so slowly, so gently that you sigh in content. The pain and throbbing of your body was soon forgotten as he led you to the bed, his fingers gliding over your folds and moving to your opening mouth languidly.
You suck his fingers as he laid on the mattress pulling you on top of him. He imagines your sucking motions to be akin to your lips around him, you look into his eyes deeply as your tongue swirls over his digits. He groans, slowly pulling away from your lips and trailing his fingers over your neck and towards your breasts, cupping underneath them and making your eyes roll up.
His chest was firm underneath your hands as you closed your eyes and moved your hips to an invisible rhythm.
The next morning, he would finally notice the red marks marring his skin, as he glances towards you, watching him as you pull the sheets up to your breasts, covering them in an innocence he knew was a farce.
His cock bumps against your cervix repeatedly, and you speed up, feeling him open you up each time your hips met.
You whine when your thighs start to cramp from your desperate movements.
"I-I can't -"
He flips you making sure you bounced and landed carefully on top of the sheets and pillows.
"You want it hard or soft."
You moan.
“Hard. Please.”
He has you with your back against his chest, your legs spread wide as he spears his cock into you quickly. You gasp with each thrust, arching your back against him as he sucks bruises against the tender skin of your neck.
His hips plop against your ass loudly, you had to cover your mouth from the feeling of your slick running down towards his thighs and making you slide easier against him.
You feel pure pleasure, almost as if your body is renewed and numbed down to a form in which pain doesn’t exist. You cum harder than you ever had before in your life and as you fall limply against the sheets, your belly atop a comfy pillow placed under you by Din, you sleep instantly.
He was convinced he made you pass out and for a second he worries, almost sliding his cock out of you before you whined, gripping his hand and pulling him so that his arm would wrap around you, effectively forcing him to stay put.
You shivered when you felt him shove himself deeper inside of you because of the proximity. Eventually when you were deep in sleep, which hasn’t happened in a long time, he pulled out, his seed and your slick rushing out of you.
You woke up that day feeling better than ever, albeit a little sore, but you don’t think you’ve felt that much relief in a while.
As you sit up you groan, the weight of your bump finally getting to you. You look to your side seeing the outline of his half erect cock through the sheets and hold your breath.
He woke up with his cock in your mouth, already hard as you climbed on top of him and started grinding.
He was elated at the fact that you were initiating this. It made him feel as if he was wanted, as if he had a purpose.
You couldn’t agree more as his thick cock stretched you that morning, making you see stars and replacing the aches in your body with pangs of intense pleasure.
It felt good to be fucked. It felt good for him to tire you out and to sleep from satisfied exhaustion. So, you did it each and every night until you would inevitably go into labor.
It had gotten to the point where you didn’t even worry about how overdue you were, you just wanted the excuse to have him inside of you all of the time.
He was feral for it. He loved your body; it was so plush and swollen and his. The fact that anyone from the outside, when you make him take you out for walks to aid in your predicament, could see that you were carrying his baby made him want to ravish you then and there.
You would often have mothers come up to you now, saying that you were going to have a big baby, and that they would probably be as strong as their father. It made him keen.
The whole village knew you belonged to him, especially as you stuck to his side and huddled for warmth from the heavy winds and the freezing air and especially as you hold his son as if your own, close against your chest as if you haven’t seen him for years even though he was just a walk down a path the whole day.
Everyone thought you were a happy family. They thought that when you wrapped your arm around his you were cherishing your time together, you were, in a way, it was just that you only wanted his cock. He usually took that as a signal to hurry up home, especially when your hands started to wander over his chest plate, supposedly wiping off dust or snow from his armor.
A big and happy family is all he wanted. He was just missing a member at the moment.
“Fuck, Din, h-harder.”
It's been three days so far. The midwife said you were dilated 1 centimeter. It only made you more desperate for his cum.
Sperm softens the cervix, and a soft cervix prompts dilation.
"I can't-" he groans, holding your hips still and leaning away.
"Please-" You press your ass against his crotch, pressing him deeper into you and making yourself gasp out against the pillows, your drool accumulates and spreads against the pillowcase, prompting you to lick your lips.
"We're so close..." you say pleadingly.
He squeezes your waist, stilling you from bouncing your hips against him.
"Close to what?"
"Our baby," you whine.
You knew him well. You knew what made him tick, and how well you could manipulate your way for something you wanted. That being, getting plowed into the mattress, with the bonus of speeding up the process of labor.
Your voice echoes in his head. Our. You usually referred to them as yours, because you're carrying them and you're going to be the one taking care of them. So you thought.
Also, because you didn't want him, at all and in any form, out of sexual pleasure.
He twitches and you swear you hear him growl. A shiver runs down your spine and you push him further.
"I want to give you a baby. Don't you want me to?" you murmur moaning and whiny, mimicking the women in holos usually seen in your same position.
Your hand moves under the swell of your belly, making you wince from the uncomfortable position and connect with your clit. You circle your hips, feeling him start to thrust lightly against you.
"You can put another in me after..."
His fingers meet yours and rub with you. You almost scoff against the pillow from his sudden eagerness, but your breath catches from a particularly hard thrust.
"I'll give you as many children as you want," you blurt out as you feel your body heat up quickly. You didn't have a filter anymore, your mind was shrouded in the feeling he was giving you, in the need to reach completion.
"Please- I want to expand- mph, our clan-"
He hushes you, thrusting into you with precision and pushing you into the sheets below careful to not put pressure on your stomach. You didn't even notice that he turned you over, your back hit the mattress, his hands pinning you beneath him. His mouth glides along the valley of your tits.
His tongue slides over to your swollen and dark nipple, helping him engulf your fatty tissue into his mouth. He sucks in pulses.
He lifts your ass in the air, pressing himself as deep as he could go before pulling out and thrusting in again. His pelvis slides against your clit each time his cock meets your cervix.
You come apart with a tremble and a high-pitched whine. He groans into your breast, sucking until your milk coats the inside of his mouth. Your back slowly lowers back into the soft blankets and he holds himself up, his head buried in your breasts.
You sigh, pressing your hands against his hair as the pressure on your chest was being relieved. His cock was pulsing in time with his suckles.
Your nails were scratching behind his head, caressing his brown locks and smoothing a thumb over his cheekbone.
He came with a long groan, still inside of you, when you tug on his locks after he bit you lightly.
He lifts his head, his eyes search your own blissed out ones, half lowered and drowsy. When he kisses you, you respond back sensually, slowly and as if you meant it.
It stung him.
The only way he could get you to show him affection was if you were in a state of euphoria and not your complete self. You grumble as his lips start to part yours.
"I'm tired," you mumble. He chuckles, nodding his head, helping you shrug some pillows under yourself and placing his body behind you. You hum as you press your head against the pillow.
His lips meet your earlobe and you smile lightly, still in a daze. You pause when he speaks, lowly.
"I will get you swollen again. I know you; you seem to forget that. I know your using me to get off, but any words said to me are a promise."
Despite yourself and despite everything else you clench around him, a quiet moan escaping you as he presses himself against your back and slid back into you slowly.
The very next day the contractions hit, he carried you to the midwife across town and you met a very beautiful, yet slimy, chubby baby.
Your eyes softened when he first handled her with gentle care, as if she were made of glass. He smiled, almost grinned, when she gurgled and moved her head from side to side, looking for you.
You forced your hands to stop shaking when you gently cradled her to your chest. Staring into her eyes as they opened slowly, you truly started to believe it wasn’t unbelievable he fell in love with you so quickly.
A/n: Reblogs and Comments much appreciated lol. 🥰❤️ mwah! 💋
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imagine--if · 1 year
Hi may i ask for a niragi dating headcannons? Thank you (^-^)
Btw, I love your work
A/N: Thank you so much ☺️ I’ve been wanting to write for you all sooner, but my laptop charger decided to stop working, so I’ve been a little restricted with working and basically did this on a different computer because it’s literally impossible for me to type everything on my tiny phone screen 💀 Anyways, enjoy!! Requests are closed now but I’ll be able to answer every one that’s come in for you in the meantime 🤍
Warnings: Mentions of suggestive stuff (hickeys ☺️) and violence… is Niragi a whole warning himself lol
Quick note: These headcanons are personalised slightly since I absolutely hate how he acts with Usagi (you know what I mean 😐) so let’s say he’s more of a decent person than how he’s portrayed in some scenes 😅♥️
🖤 Dating Niragi Includes… 🖤
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🤍• Aaaaghhhh it’s the strutting bully in black and white who is almost as crazy possessive with you as Banda would be 😵‍💫 have fun, because once he notices that you didn’t shy away in disgust from his bold flirtatious advances and returned his attention back at the Beach, take him, boy’s yours 😂
🤍• These headcanons are typically set in Season 2, but before the fire and Niragi’s presumed death when it all burned down, with time and privacy, you somehow found the soft side of the victim-turned-bully who desperately wants you to believe that he’s a powerful, intimidating bad boy.
🤍• Jealous jealous jealous 💀 especially with Chishiya; if the smug blonde looks at you for a moment too long with that raised brow and observant eyes? He gets Niragi’s rifle shoved into his face with a barrel of insults and threats. Because deep down, he’s still vulnerable and doesn’t want anyone turning your head or seeing that he’s not done fearless trigger happy guy, he’s just Niragi.
🤍• And if you end up telling him when you’re alone that you only want Niragi, he has to a take a second to not cry. 🥲 Still, when it’s not just you two together where he lets his walls come down, he’ll persist on showing off by declaring how he dedicates his wins in games to you or something. All the survivors nod in confirmation with wide eyes at you when you question it in amusement.
🤍• He’s not one at all to back down from PDA, since subtlety is not Niragi’s strong suit, but if you’re not comfortable with him leaving massive hickeys for the world to see and his tongue down you’re throat in wide open public… yeah, okay, a roll of his eyes but he’ll tone it down and keep an arm slung around your shoulder.
🤍• He likes you playing around with his rifle, which is a wonder, since anyone else who gets too close to it has it snatched away and pointed right in their face 😅 but Niragi’s surprisingly quiet when it’s just you two in your room, him sitting behind you and playing thoughtfully with your hair, or guiding your hands absentmindedly, while you look over the weapon’s triggers and material. Occasionally his head drops in the crook of your neck with a tired pout and he gets fed up of your attention being on it instead of him, which could lead to… well, him having your full attention 😉
🤍• But after the Beach burns down and Niragi’s presumed dead, it leaves you to stick with Arisu and his group while you stay quieter than usual, watching the colours of lovebites fade from your skin over the days and your mind drifting to the cocky bastard who you’ve seen cling to you at night, neither of you saying a word about it but just letting it happen. Being the only comfort to each other, the only person in possibly years that Niragi’s let, in or even loved.
🤍• So when you see him at that evaporation game, or threatening Chishiya and Arisu with his gun, it’s a wave of relief and tears that makes him forget what he’s doing and hold onto you like he’d never let go again 🥹 he keeps saying he’s sorry, over and over, cradling you so tight you have to tell him that you can’t breathe
🤍• However, because of what happened at the Beach, he’s now terrified all over again about you hating him because of the burns on his face, so when you assure him that you don’t care and that you’re only glad he’s still alive, he’ll get that urge to break down and cry again 🥺
🤍• He’s still as arrogant and headstrong as he was before in games and with people, but a little weaker. You’re basically his nurse, cus the dude spits blood 😶 and him being him teases about that, but really, he wants to make sure he’s strong enough to carry on and get you both safe back in the real world, where he can look out for you instead of the other way around, and be a proper kind of couple
🤍• Niragi is increasingly protective now too, since he already lost you once. There’s no way he’ll let it happen again, and it’s hard to convince him to let you do things in games without him doing it all for you with you behind him. He means well, obviously, but it can be a bit overbearing sometimes 😅
🤍• All in all, once Niragi’s in love, he’s in love, and he won’t let you go. He’s actually a really great, passionate lover, all violent cray-cray traits aside - they’re never directed at you anyway, never - and there won’t be a day that goes by where you can’t tell.
🤍• I might have to write an imagine about this now 🥹 gotta love Niragi 💕
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silverzoomies · 11 months
peter maximoff x reader smut
warnings: solo masturbation. that's pretty much it, sorry
word count: 2,625
a/n: i wrote about him jerking off again. whoops. i've been absent for a week. but i'll be home tomorrow !! and hopefully i can get back into the flow of writing. until then, here's this rushed, unpolished thing i wrote on a whim !! it's super clunky and i'm so sorry lol !!
edit: made some minor changes to this. fixed some things that felt off, but overall it's still the same idea.
taglist: @dewberryobssesed @violetharmonscupcake @kaismanwich @jellyluvr @icannot3 @taintandviolent @ahoyladiesz (as usual, ask to be added !!)
Home alone, at long last. Helllllllz to the yeah. Down in the heart of his (mom’s) basement, Peter lies lazily on his back in bed. Today, it's one of those slow, hot afternoons midway through summer. Sunny, with a slight overcast. Peter hasn’t been outside to see it for himself. But he heard some guy on the radio call it “totally tubular” weather for a day at the beach.
He almost wishes he’d take a two second run to the Bahamas, or somewhere else. Peter could kick it back on a towel and watch babes in bikinis walk by. Maybe he could even stir up some trouble in the sand. Like he used to do, way back in his childhood. Just for some extra mayhem.
Alas. Today, Peter feels lazier than lazy. He’s found a new name for himself in Lazyville. As the leading candidate in the office of laziness. Speeding all around the globe for the umpteenth time this week sounds like too much work. Even a super powered mutant, living life in the fast lane, has his off days sometimes. What’s one break, eh? Breathing a sigh, he stares up at the ceiling. Earphones rest over his ears. Peter listens to a melodious tune by Jefferson Starship. Over his belly, he twirls his thumbs, bobbing his head along with his jams. Chillaxin’ and relaxin’ as one should on his day off. Hm.
Except, Peter’s kind of antsy. No one’s home at the moment. He has all this free time to do whatever he wants, in the privacy of said home. With not a soul around to judge him, or even bug him. And listen. It’s been centuries since he got off. Which may or may not be a slight exaggeration.
But wouldn’t you believe it? Despite his uniquely handsome features and outrageously fit bod; Peter has absolutely no game whatsoever. Crazy, right? Who woulda thought it? The dude who locked himself away in his (mom’s) basement for a good ten years. He’s awkward as hell? Say it ain’t so! Whoa!! Insane in the membrane!!!
Not to mention, it might as well have been a geological age since he got laid. Whatever. Who needs the companionship of someone else to have a totally righteous time, huh? Haha…
Today, Peter dubs himself the crowned king of slacking off and jacking off.
Pulling his earphones down to rest around his neck, his fingers move to find his jeans. He teases himself for a beat or two, his palm rubbing over the denim. Another beat, and his cock is freed from the tight, restrictive material. Peter makes a mental note: He might need to invest in looser pants. This pair is rough and uncomfortable around his legs, so he shoves them all the way down to his ankles with virtually no shame.
What does it matter anyway? For the time being, he’s free. At least until his mom gets back, that is. He should really stop thinkin’ about that. Every time Peter remembers - oh, yeah - he’s a grown ass man still living at his mom’s place; it kinda wrecks the vibe. Makes the mood crash and burn. Total boner killer. And he’s not even hard yet.
His half-hard cock rests limply over a curly patch of silver hairs. Peter would never admit it to anyone, but he’s always been self conscious of his hair situation. Some chick back in high school - he can’t even remember her name - said his silvery bush “looked really weird.” Like the pubes of some geriatric. 
Peter can barely picture her face at this point. But the sound of her giggling at his expense is, unfortunately, locked away in his brain forever. Another embarrassing memory to withstand the test of time. Probably until he dies, or becomes a geriatric himself.
What was he doing again? Oh. Right.
Peter gives his dick a firm squeeze, like he’s checking to make sure it’s still there. Before taking the semi-hard length into his hand. Slowly, he strokes himself to hardness. Breathing a relieved sigh, Peter settles into the groovy-patterned sheets of his bed. The smooth tip of his cock inches through his closed fist with every stroke. As his frustration blossoms, his length throbs with an intense longing for something more.
Thick veins pulsate under his hand. Sparkling beads of precum leak from his tip. He coats the head in a generous glaze of slickness, eliciting a hushed noise from the depths of his throat. Keeping himself as quiet as humanly possible is basically a instinctive response. But he doesn’t have to hold himself back right now, does he?
Sweet. Peter’s gonna be as loud and obnoxious as he wants.
Pumping his cock a bit faster, he momentarily stops to fondle his balls. They rest heavy in his palm, smooth to the touch and loose between his fingers. After teasing himself impatiently, Peter redirects his attention to his twitching length. Aching for more stimulation. He jerks off with a pleasurable rhythm. Subconsciously following the beat that resonates from his earphones, his strokes fall into a more consistent pace. He leans further back in bed, letting his lips part. His nerves tingle. And as he revels in the sensation, he loudly moans. Letting the noise rip through the silence of his ( mom’s ) basement.
Said basement has now become more stifling. Kudos to the summertime heat for that one. Peter’s Conan the Barbarian T-Shirt - now damp with his sweat - feels like too much of a hindrance. He pulls the fabric up, letting his upper half breath. With his shirt clamped between his teeth, Peter leaves his body exposed. A sheen of sweat coats his abs, and his pecs raise with each labored breath he takes.
He takes a half second to admire his own physique. Honestly? No bullshit? His body looks pretty damn amazing. If only there were someone around to appreciate how naturally jacked he is. It’s a hell of a tragedy, really. All this smokin’ hot, speedster bod goin’ to waste. Tsk tsk tsk.
Who was he even kidding? Why would anyone wanna waste their time messin’ around with a total shut-in like him?
Dammit. Now's not the time for some hateful, self-ribbing. He should distract himself with something. Something like-
Using the gift of his mutation, Peter increases his speed by a few notches. His fist squeezes tightly around his length, stroking his cock even faster. He groans into his shirt, knitting his brows as arousal washes through his groin in waves. It feels good. Really fucking good.
But it’s not enough. He wants to utilize this free time as much as he can. It’s the perfect opportunity to get even more frisky than he usually would. Peter bolts around the basement, searching for a few hidden…uh…treasures, we’ll call them. In a blink, he reappears on his bed, leaving his overly tight jeans and boxers discarded on the floor.
Lying next to Peter over the wrinkled blankets, rest a bottle of lube - the tingly kind, a stroker toy - clear, with literal, silver lining, and a polaroid photo. The toy hasn’t been used in eons, but its quality is still up to par. Peter made sure to clean it the instant he found it again. And the photo, well…
It’s his own, filthy secret.
A low-res, high flash picture taken of you at last year’s, X-mansion, Halloween party. Whoa, mama. You were scantily clad in the most outrageously suggestive Indiana Jones costume Peter ever saw. Back at the party, you even tipped your hat and cracked the whip a couple of times. Which may or may not have awakened something in him. But that’s beside the point.
You were so tipsy that night. Way more flirtatious than you naturally would be any other day. Peter remembers you pressing your body against his, hanging over him all night like a sexy sack of potatoes. He sat next to you on the couch. With a cheesy grin on his face, he watched your every move. The tiny shorts you were wearing kept riding up your thighs. It was obvious you were braless under a tight, cropped, button-up shirt. Leaving so little to the imagination.
Point blank, it was fucking awesome.
You crossed your smooth legs. One over the other. And you leaned in to whisper something hot in Peter’s ear.
“Take a picture with meeeee, Quickie, I wanna remember this moment forrrever and everrrr.” You pleaded, your breath tickling the skin of his neck. 
What followed, he hadn’t seen coming. As someone - it’s all a blur, Peter can’t remember who - snapped the photo, you pressed your glossy lips to his cheek. Your giggles were so coquettish and teasing, he felt shivers race through his body at mach speed.
“I’m, like, sooooooooo scared of snakes. Geddit? ‘Cuz I’m Indiana? But your snake doesn’t scare me. Can I pet it, pllllleeeassse?” You giggled again with a little whine.
Making an abrupt move, you reached for Peter’s crotch in front of everybody. After zipping away to grab you a solo cup full of water and some bread, Peter snatched the photo from whoever. And he bolted home in a fit of shameful embarrassment.
In retrospect, you weren’t just tipsy. You were majorly smashed. You didn’t remember a single minute of it. Figures. He’s not too surprised you wouldn’t remember flirting with him.
Peter sighs, blinking himself out of the memory. Eager to continue his once-in-a-silver-moon, jerkin’ session. He squeezes a fair amount of lube into his palm, wrapping his large hand tightly around his cock. Over every inch of his aching length, he spreads the slick substance. Tingles sparkle like stars across the hot, velvet skin of his cock. Wet noises echo lewdly through the basement, as Peter pumps his leaking dick fast and hard.
Clenching his shirt between his teeth, Peter tilts his head back. A loud, seething moan slips from his lips, slightly muffled. He pauses again, grabbing the stroker and guiding its smooth slit over the swollen head of his cock.
“MMmmmnnn~!” Peter hums a steady moan, exhaling through his nose.
The inside of the toy feels nothing even remotely close to the real thing. Kind of a bummer. But the tunnel’s soft, bumpy ridges are still a double A plus. A little too good sometimes, actually. The toy slides down Peter’s cock as he pushes his entire length through. It’s a tight fit around him. Tighter than it should be. Which is doing wonders for his confidence. Maybe he should be more proud of his size.
He’s above average enough, the small toy can’t contain the length of him entirely. His weeping tip peeks out the other side of the stroker, prodding through with every pump. Peter breathes another, shuddering moan. His brows crease in pleasure. Pumping his cock with the squishy toy, he whines in desperation. Forcing his thick length through the toy’s tight grip, slick with lube and smooth as silk. The ridges inside tickle and massage his cock, stimulating his buzzing nerves. 
The muscles in his groin tighten, stiffening his legs. Shoving his cock rapidly through the ribbed tunnel of the toy, he groans louder. Letting his needy noises slip as they please. Fuck it. No restraint. Indulging himself further in his degeneracies, Peter keeps your photo close by. He shoots a glance at it, admiring your soft thighs and amazing cleavage.
He daydreams about you. Imagining the way you’d feel around him, squeezing him so much tighter than any toy. You’d be needy and wet for him too, making it so easy for Peter to bury himself balls deep inside you. 
Peter thinks about the way your titties would look, bouncing with each thrust of his hips against you. Would your nipples peak, stiffening under his fingers? How would you react if he had a little fun, and teased you with a superspeed buzz? Would you even like that? Would you think that kinda thing was weird?
He really does want you sooooo bad. But you have absolutely zero idea. Peter knows he’d treat you right if you let him. If you ever gave him the time of day outside of missions, he’d take you on the wildest ride you ever strapped yourself into.
Clenching his teeth hard into his shirt, he wraps both hands tightly around the stroker. Peter leans as far back as he can, bracing his feet flat on the bed. The blankets curl under his toes, as he lifts his hips. Driving his cock through the slick, textured toy and fucking it hard.
“Nnghh…fuuuuck. Fuck.” He groans, voice catching under fabric.
His breaths quicken, and his moans morph into desperate whimpers. Peter aches for your heat, and the closeness of your body. Your gentle touch. Your sweet voice and little whines. He knows, without a doubt, you’d feel beyond amazing. And you’d probably taste so sublime.
Squeezing his eyes tightly shut, Peter whimpers into his shirt. Saliva seeps through the fabric, melting off his tongue and dribbling down his chin. His cheeks burn hotter, turning a brighter shade of crimson.
“Mmmmmfuckyeah-” Peter moans, followed by a muffled mumble of your name.
He fucks his cock through the toy at rapid, superspeed. Lifting his hips off the bed as if roughly drilling into your tight heat. Peter’s cock throbs as powerful surges of electricity erupt in the pit of his belly. Glossy, white streaks of cum spill from his tip, flooding over the toy. Dripping down the squishy sides of it. His cum stuffs the inside full, coating his dick in its stickiness. Peter thrusts his cock fast enough to appear a blur, until he’s completely spent.
Lying in a sweaty heap over his blankets, Peter pants easy breaths. Tousled, silver hair rests messily over his head. He pulls the stroker from his cock, and slick cum trails after it. Wet and thick against his softening dick. He throws his head back into the bed, taking a moment to compose himself.
It’s really crazy that he’s thinkin’ about you like this, isn’t it? He’s honestly really embarrassed by it. Peter grabs the polaroid and stares at it longingly, unable to suppress the grin pressing into his dimple. Damn. He just can’t help himself. No matter what, he’s kinda ride or die for you.
If only he had the balls to tell you up front.
Peter gazes at the photo for a few seconds too long. Lost in the sight of your sexy body again. You’re such a goddamn knockout. He guides his attention to his dick to find…he’s rock hard again? Seriously? Dropping his head onto the bed, Peter groans with agonizing frustration. He just can’t catch a break, can he? Why’s he always gotta be so antsy, so on edge, or so horny all the time??
A faint sound, like creaking wood, graces his ears. Peter tilts his head up instantly.
Only to be greeted by none other than the unexpected sight of you.
Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Ohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuck-
You’re standing in his ( mom’s ) basement with your mouth agape. A faint indication of blush paints your cheeks, though he can barely see it. Peter should be moving. He should do what a speedster naturally would do in this kinda situation: Clean up and dress himself in less than a blink’s time. Just to play innocent afterwards. Maybe he could gaslight you into thinking you didn’t watch him get his rocks off.
But he’s stunned to the point of being frozen. Neither of you make a single move. Except for Peter’s dick. It twitches subconsciously in his lap, catching your attention. And your eyes widen further.
He really should’ve gone to the Bahamas. Peter’s betting those beaches are seriously bangin’ at this time of year.
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rayshippouuchiha · 2 months
Um… Hi, Ray! Hopefully this isn’t weird, I’ve just been thinking lately, and, uh. I guess I wanted another opinion? Someone to tell me if I’m being dumb? Hopefully this isn’t a bother, I’m just stressing a bit and worried I’m making a big deal out of nothing-
So, to get down to it, I used to be really into theatre when I was younger- Think elementary to middle school, I guess, it’s been a while. I dunno how good I was, because, you know. I was a kid. But I liked it, even if I never got big roles! It was fun, though looking back, our theatre teacher and the one who directed all the plays was kind of a dick, lol. Lots of favoritism there. Same for his wife.
Except something that’s made me more uncomfortable the more I think about it is one… Incident? Basically, uh, I was something of an early bloomer in regards to my. Chest, I guess, and puberty in general. And they’d often film rehearsals to watch them back and go over things with us, like what we needed to work on. And one day his wife pulled me aside and pointed out that my breasts were visibly moving in the recording and kinda. Scolded me? Guilted me? For it. I dunno. I was an anxious kid though, left me hyper aware of how my body moved, and it stressed me out enough that I dragged my mom with me to the store in hopes of finding a more restrictive bra. The one I settled on was super uncomfortable and tight and made it hard to breathe, and it ultimately didn’t fix the problem, or at least I felt like it didn’t. Because again, I was now hyper aware of my body and could still feel them moving. Because. That’s how movement works. But it stressed me out to the point that I started wearing jackets all the time, and would zip them up during rehearsal to hide myself and try and make sure no one saw anything. I definitely overheated a lot because of it.
It’s been years and I’ve since gotten better about wearing jackets All The Time- I can take them off at home or in the car or at work- But I still need one relatively close or I start getting uncomfortable. I’m still hyper aware of the way my body moves and get nervous moving too much around others.
I dunno, I feel. Kinda dumb for freaking out so much about this. I’m worried I’m being over dramatic and I just. Wanted other thoughts, I guess. Thanks for listening Ray, hope you’re doing well.
You are absolutely not being dumb, darling.
You were approached by someone in a position of authority over you at a young age and inappropriately scolded for something that was both natural and already hard to deal with at a time in your life when you were young, vulnerable, and likely already stressed because your body was changing.
It's understandable that something like that could stick with you even into adulthood.
Just try to remind yourself that it was wrong of her to do that, your body and the way it moves is nothing to be ashamed of or to hide, and just be gentle with yourself.
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accio-victuuri · 10 months
💟 yh family concert vlog cpns & some yibo thoughts…💭💬
thank you to yibo-official for feeding us with some content this weekend. it’s been kinda quiet since friday, so this is a sweet treat for everyone before monday comes in.
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( excuse this very extra gif i’m using for this post. lol. i’ve just been obsessed w/ how yibo looks in this. the way he turned his head is so cute. soooo… ☺️ )
YBO is back. or the question is, did they ever leave? lol. ever since that news/rumor came out, together with the lrlg post, I was still 50/50. Because it’s hard to confirm things, especially ones that involve his career and what’s allegedly going on. However with the content that’s being released, from OnO to now, it has the same feel as the original YBO. who knows. I’m just happy, like everyone else, to see this kind of updates from his team.
Yibo is not really one to share much personal stuff anymore on his social media accounts so YBO is so important. Plus the fact that they regularly update their IG too ( remember to interact on their please! ) for us international fans gives them plus points in my book.
It’s also a relief to see the negative comments wind down to being non existent. I truly understand why some fans feel the need to complain, but ybo is not really that place. I personally don’t like the idea of acting like an anti in a space that represents yibo. that could just be me tho.
Anyway, I hope we get more! I wanna see the bts footage they have with BTF & One and Only! I feel like they spoiled us with HB’s 1 hour + BTS footage so we’re all expecting to get the same for BTF & OnO. BTF has some restrictions i guess with what they can share since some filming were done in military sites.
Now I wanna highlight this portion of the vlog, with WYB being in a good mood during the last part of the concert.
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This was the part where some people were saying that he looked ‘unhappy’, implying that’s because he didn’t wanna be there / cause there are mostly bxgs who attended. however, this clip, and a lot of the moments on the blog told a different story.
He was obviously not dragged in there — crying and screaming to perform. He was invested with his performance. He looked happy to be with his professional “family”. It’s an example of some fans having their own biased interpretation with this event. I respect those who decided to not attend, it’s their choice and money. But it was really irritating to see them nag and bitch about those who decided to support yibo. Plus it’s their own money. They can spend it however they want.
Funny thing is, those big name accounts who were so vocal about being against Yuehua Ent. & attending — did in fact, attend the concert 😂😂😂 so yeah. It’s an age old story. Don’t believe big name accounts, especially on weibo. These KOLs that “lead” fan opinion can be very shady. At the end of the day, we’re all here to support WYB and his projects in the best way we can. 🙏🏼
The fact that the video is 8:05 minutes long which is an example of how kadian/numbers are important. Well, not all the time, but the team takes that into consideration. So if you see them pulling a 10:05, that would be very sus 👀
As usual, some editing similarities….
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Again, editing similarities, even if there are so many could still be a coincidence but it’s fun to still pay attention.
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Also the details in YIBITO. He has the apple watch! I will never get over the fact that this “detail” is being highlighted like this when it is a popular cpn among turtles and we always look for it.
Some also noticed this “….” Which we don’t know the relevance of, but it could be a clue that LRLG is from Bobo’s team. This is unusual for me, cause ellipsis are usually “…” right?
I’m taking it as a galaxy brain cpn 🌌
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ZZ also allegedly got off work today at 19:22, and then ybo posts @ 19:36. Yes, WYB has his own team but since we CPN that their staff could overlap — this timing is interesting. Maybe it needed a final sign off from the other boss? 😂😂😂😂
SHOUT OUT TO BOTTLED JOY, cause WYB was seen using some during the bts. He also took one with him in the Thailand roadshow. So i guess it’s safe to say that he has a good relationship with the brand, despite what others feel about them. He wouldn’t be showing off if he wasn’t. I’m looking forward to his renewal with them and what new stuff & campaign will be in place. BXGs will surely be lining up to support.
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jokeringcutio · 1 year
A Gift for his Gift - Albert Shaw / The Grabber x Reader Insert [ WARNINGS ]
Minors, Do not read. There are more warnings and tags to this that you'll find below.
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“I think I’m gonna keep you,” he had said. And he seemed to keep that promise.
Note: This part can be seen as a (dark and explicit) continuation of The Gift, in which the reader explains how she ended up in the Grabber's basement... to him.
Pairing:  Albert Shaw | The Grabber (The Black Phone)/ Fem. Reader
Fandom: The Black Phone (2022)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Rape/Non-Con, Kidnapping, Dark Story, Smut.
Additional Tags: Reader Insert, Age Difference, Older Man/Younger Woman, Height Differences, Extremely Dubious Consent, Kidnapping, Female Identifying reader, Angst, Dark Fantasy, Rape/Non-con Elements, Stockholm Syndrome, Dark
Series: Part 2 of The Window  
Written for @willshipanything-blog (Not even sure you'll like it when it goes dark and twisted like this but, lol, I promise I'll try and write a sweeter continuation as well for you ;) )
Read [ on AO3 here ]  Or read below on Tumblr: 
He was going to keep you. The stranger whose house you had barged into had made his promise and kept to it. Waking up to the basement room had you back into a panic, but when your heart calmed down again, and the pain between your legs brought you down to earth, you remembered.
Oh, you remembered how you got here and how things got this far.
A quick glance at the dirt in the corner of the room to see if he had brought a plate, only to realize he was standing there, quietly staring at you. A white polo shirt with thin red stripes vertically and bigger ones horizontally at the hems was covering his chest. It had only a few creases but looked clean. He was wearing brown pants and old man slippers. So ordinary, it made you wince.
Ever since the time he caught you, he’d never shown his true face again. Always there was that damned mask. Sometimes fully, sometimes just half of it. The emotions on it changed as well.
You knew who was behind it though. You’d seen him. You knew the color of his hair and the depths of his pale eyes. You could draw the wrinkles on his head, the crinkles at his eyes whenever he smiled. You knew how his mouth looked, how his lips felt against your skin.
You could measure the size of his hands with two or yours. You knew all the hairs, everywhere, that he had on his body, knew of the shape of his hips or the firmness of his thighs. The way his hipbones pressed against you as his pelvis was pressed to your core, you remembered.
You’d learned the hard way about the shape of his stomach, the lack of hair on his chest, the firmness of his hand when he wielded his belt.
That horrid belt.
How he loved to tie you down to the bed with it, ever since that very first day when he had trapped you in his house. You remembered how tight the belt had felt when he had first used it on you; how the edges cut into your skin whenever you tried to move. He had his big black dog watch you so you couldn’t get away while he moved the rugs. Unfair, it sounded in your mind. How heavy those rugs had been to you, but how easily he carried them away, two at a time. It was not fair, you thought. Nothing about this was.
You had hated how you could not do anything but watch as the man who had tied you to the dingy bed made his way up the stairs, rugs disappearing with him. Your arms were still restricted to the bed, the dog still snarling and growling and sometimes snapping at your feet. You had watched the rugs being carried away until they had all gone, and with them, your chance to escape via the window.
Oh yes, you knew each and every bit of him. From his laughter to his growling as he pounded deep into you, as deep as he could go. You knew the sound of his rapidly increased breathing as he neared his peak, and the feel of the stickiness of his cum as it dripped from your core.
You knew it all, and it was unfair that he had left you guessing at his name. Nothing other than sir, mister or monster. But he was just a man. He had you rasp daddy to him during those moments of heated passion, when he would pin you down to the bed and have his way despite you crying he was in too deep. He urged it out of you, punished you if you didn’t say it.
He loved that you were smaller than him. Younger too. He alluded to your size, to your age, to everything about you that he deemed so different from himself. He often placed you on a pedestal, compared you to goddesses and the virgin Mary.
You were none of that, not any longer. He had made sure of it.
Looking up at him as he stood several feet away, back resting against the grey paint-chipped wall, you hoped he did not see the distaste for him in your eyes. He hated it whenever he caught sight of it, hated that after weeks in his underground prison, you still chose not to love him back. Not fully.
You had to force the memories away. They were all that had been built during the time that he had kept you here. He was your world. He was all you knew now.
And there he was, staring at you like he had done for many of the nights since you arrived. A mask covering his face as if you didn’t know what you would find beneath it. But you would recognize him anywhere. Among crowds. Among any star in the universe.
Your captor. Your keeper.
You rolled over, wincing at the ghostly feel of him still inside of you. He knew how to bruise. You did not know whether he’d done it on purpose and took delight in it, though.
Then your eyes slid to the dried blood and cum stains on the mattress. Your very first time, down here, with him. How dirty you felt knowing what he had done. To know what he had done to you.
He moved. A step forward from the dirt-streaked wall. His polo shirt so ordinary. Like any other man, except he was not.
“Still thinking that they might find you?” he asked, his head tilted, curiously. His mask fittingly neutral today.
“My friends,” you started, but your voice came out dry, barely audible to his ears. My friends will come to find me, you wanted to say. Just… anything to show you had not given up the fight. You’d be out of here, one way or another. But your throat felt swollen and you had to cough. No words came forth. You felt little. Small and isolated.
“Your friends?” he urged you, and you hated it. How curious he sounded, how caring, when you knew he was not.
When had he ever listened to you? Ever since you got here, things had always been done to his terms. He invaded your privacy whenever he fancied, came down to look at you long and hard, even during the nights. He often refused to engage in conversation with you, stating that he just wanted to be with you or liked the look of you.
It made you wonder what was going on in that mind of his.
The mattress dipped under his weight as he sat down next to you. A scent of musky mildew, eggs and something that was all uniquely testosterone invaded you.
His strong hand was upon you, turning you by the shoulder till you faced him. Your lips trembled and you did not dare to look him in the eyes, knowing what you would find there. Raw lust. Possessiveness. A primal need.
“Oh, little dove,” the words came out like a whisper. As if he cared about you.
His free hand drifted to the hem of the shirt you were wearing. His shirt. Your own clothes had long since been discarded and taken away from you. Now you were dressed in his leftovers. Another mark of his ownership of you.
His shirts were a few sizes too big for you and looked more like a dress. He found it easier that way. They gave him easy access to your body whenever he wanted to cope a feel. Like now, you thought, when you felt his calloused hand deftly slide underneath the shirt. His rough fingertips gently tipped against your skin, touch ever so lightly, tracing a pattern upwards, until you felt his strong fingers curl around your breast. His hold was instantly firm, thumb twitching past your nipple, massaging your breast and kneading it in his hot hand.
A gasp escaped you, unbidden, but you could not hold it back. You felt his touch shoot sparks down your body, all the way to your core, betraying your mind. Slick started to form between your legs, your pussy throbbing with each and every pinch his fingers made.
You hated how your body betrayed you. It had only taken a few weeks, but now, whenever he touched your breasts or kissed your neck, slick would form down below, lubricating your passage for his awaiting cock like an invite. That bulbous monster riddled in veins, that was too thick and too large for your body to handle. Yet he made you take all of him, and your body adjusted to his size. Every. Damn. Time. 
Fit him like a glove, he'd said. You imagined it being a glove a few sizes off.
You knew he craved you hot and slick and ready. Pussy pulsing and throbbing. You thought that despite your feelings for him, he had trained you well. As if your body adjusted naturally; an instinct to survive that had kicked in. The first time your walls had been dry and it had been awful. Awful, what with the size of him and all. And he had given you no respite, thrusting and grunting and coming deep inside – with only his pre-cum and spit to guide the way.
He usually wasted no time before he penetrated you deep, you knew by now. He'd shown his true colors during the many visits he made. He came downstairs to the basement only to watch or touch or come deep inside. There was nothing else. Just that.
Like now, when he lifted the hem of your shirt to reveal your dripping cunt. How he nudged your legs apart – it only took a soft nudge of his elbow and you spread them. Your own hand instantly snaked between your legs to help him, knowing he liked it this way, your fingers spreading your glistening lips.An invite in. A glistening core. Tight walls pulsing with need.
He positioned the head of his cock between your glistening moist lips, then, without delay, pushed the tip of his throbbing shaft inside. You threw your head back in a gasp, fingers clawing at the stain-streaked mattress below. You felt him, all of him. His ridges, his veins, his pulsing hardness as he thrust deep inside and stroked your vaginal walls. Hot skin deep within you.
He started a firm and modest pace. Deep strokes that made your walls quiver and pulse. Dirty, you thought, while your hands clawed at his shoulders to give you some leverage. This man, who showed you no mercy in his thrusts. Who dived even deeper, hitting your core, making your pussy itch while battering your cervix painfully. This man who grunted dirty little nothings in your ear, gasped and puffed and bit his lip for you to hear. So very close upon you, his sweat covered skin rubbing against yours.
And still, that damned mask would not come off.
Wet, sopping sounds filled the room. The heavy scent of sweat and sex coated you like a thick blanket, suffocating, unable to break away from. The scent filled your lungs as he thrust even deeper, his strokes irregular now as he reached the point of no return. How he loved slicking you up and then filling you up with his seed. How he loved to paint your womb with his semen. He retreated with a loud squelch, his cock popping free from your abused core. How many times had he been within you today? Two? Three? You’d lost count, and you could not quite say. Sometimes, the days seemed like nights here.
You looked at him through your lashes, lying on your back while his hand pushed your tummy down, pinning you to the mattress. Your knees fallen to each side, showing your treasure to him. You could see the fascination in his eyes despite the stupid mask he wore.
His grey-blue eyes were upon you, watching, intently, as the white dribble slowly started to trickle out between your legs, only to push it all back inside of your pussy with one thick thumb, his index finger then joining in as he stuffed you full – and yes, there it was. His finger was all in, all the way up to the knuckle while you heard him whisper for you to be his good girl and take it all in.
A gift for his gift. Why not let him give you something in return, when you came to him so willingly?
You bit your lip and turned your head to the side. You did not want to see this, did not want to see the fascination in those eyes and imagine how he was biting his lip behind that mask in pure fascination. You did not want to feel him push all of the juices back inside, but did you have a choice? How could you not feel his fingers teasing your itching core? Ignore how your sore vaginal walls fluttered around his fingers as he pushed back his sperm and your cum?
Did you have a choice not to? Was there a place to spit it out when he had abused your mouth? To hide his cum after he was done? You tried it, so many times, to just sit on that dirty cracked toilet and push it all out. You’d used your fingers, clawed at your own cunt, tensed all of your muscles, just to get the last traces of him out of you. But like him, his semen was thick, it stuck. It would only escape you hours after he had been done. And if he had abused your mouth, the taste of his cum would remain on your lips and down your throat till the next time he came down to have you taste him. You'd gladly have his eggs and soda, if he hadn't started to cover them in his sperm to ensure you'd never get rid of the taste of him. It'd be nutritious for you, he had said.
He was ingrained in your being, in so many ways.
His fingers diving deep inside of your cunt broke you out of your thoughts and your eyes flew open wide. Another gasp. Your body clenched. “So wet,” you heard him chuckle in your ear, his voice breathy and dangerously low, his breath ghosting past your ear. “So willing.”
You pressed your lips into a tight line and waited for him to remove his hand, but he did not. His fingers remained there, nestled deep within you.
“Thank you,” it were those huskily whispered words that made you close your eyes tightly and turn your head away. He thanked you for wanting to do this with him? But you had not-
He caught your chin with his fingers, aware of how you tried to block him out. But he’d have none of that. He turned your head back to his, forcefully with his fingers on your chin. As if to make a point, he moved his head closer to yours, forcing your lips tightly against his mask.
You knew he was regretting his choice of mask now, that he would have wanted this to be his real lips on your skin. But he had chosen for this, to be masked, and he would stick to it. He always would.
Soft humming in your ear. He was delighted by what he had done. Another wet squelching sound and his fingers were gone. You felt like you could breathe again.
The sound of a zipper and the rustling of clothes. You could hear him fasten his belt.
It took a moment, but you managed to catch your breath and bring it back under control. Your chest moving less rapidly, you turned to face him. You felt the mattress dip again and watched as he lay down next to you, head propped upon his hand as he lay sideways, elbow supporting his weight. He hummed an unknown tune near your ear. The mask muffled the sound somewhat.
“They said this place was abandoned,” you slowly said, while you watched how he seemed to tense up. He was resting on his elbow, mask towards you. His wispy grey hair fell around it like it was part of the attire. You wondered if he was unshaven underneath. If there was a grayish stubble like there had been a few days ago.
“My friends,” you said, swallowing while you gathered your courage. You’d never told him this. You’d never explained how you got to be in his home.
“They said this place was abandoned and dared each other to check it out. I was on my way home when I came across so I…” the words died on your lips when you saw tense again, spine straight. There was a glint in his eyes, one you could not place, and it frightened you. You tugged the shirt you were wearing down, as if it could cover the whole of you and create a barrier between you and your predator.
The man stopped humming and you thought he looked to be lost in thought. Had you said too much?
You saw him sit up fully now. He held his mask, as if the object was about to wobble off.
“Abandoned?” you heard him say, voice muffled from the mouthless mask he wore today. His fingers twitched, and a low laugh escaped his throat. He wanted to change masks, you thought as you studied him. This face did not fit his emotions anymore.
“Oh no,” another dry heaved chuckle, “No, dearie.” It was odd to see this creature, this abomination of a man, propped up on the bed next to you, probably smirking behind his mask. His pale eyes were upon you. “This place is lived in.”
You merely looked at him as if to say, yeah, I figured that now, but then the man started laughing again. His right arm fell to his side, then slid around his own belly. Your eyes traveled there, noticing how the white shirt he was wearing had ridden up, revealing parts of his naked stomach. How often you had felt that part of him pressed against your own. Naked. Sweating.
“Good God, I am lucky.”
You watched as his laughter died down and you imagined how, behind the mask, his tongue came to peek from between his lips, tipping one of his canines as if in thought. You could see his eyes, drifting away from your form and sliding across the room.
The words that came out of him next sounded unbidden; like they were a thought fleeting away from him. “The house, the unlived in house? They must have meant the one across the street.”
You stiffened. Wait. Did that mean…?
But as he said it, his voice faltered. Another realization, you thought. But what?
His whole attitude seemed to change all of a sudden and within a flash, he had scooted to the edge of the bed. With a clap of his hands on his thighs, the man rose. You watched his hand fall to his side, his rings glinting in the faint light that came from the window high above you.
His voice was low, dangerous almost. “You hang in here, dearie. I’ve just been remembered there’s something that needs to be done.”
And with that said he left, leaving behind the realization that your friends, if they had been looking for you would have been visiting the house opposite of the one you were trapped in. And wasn’t that a horrible thought?
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simplyfandomish · 11 months
Imagine being a Captain of a rebel resistance force against the Galra Empire...
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Simplyfandomish’s Masterlist 
Word Count: 4,444
Warnings: None! Other than cheesy fluff, Lance being a flirt, and badass female fighter pilots
(Totally stole the plane design from Star Wars lol and character descriptions were inspired by @ctchrysler​‘s Original Characters💕) 
Set in Voltron Season 2, Episode 3: “Greening the Cube”
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“Hello, daddy. Hello, mom.
I'm your ch-ch-ch-cherry bomb!
Hello world! I'm your wild girl.
I'm your ch-ch-ch-cherry bomb!”
Nova’s blue eyes twitched in frustration as tools and small gadgets jumped off of the table and shelves as a result from the high bass setting that echoed through the ship.
Even with her earplugs pushed tight into her ears and her sole attention drawn to the weird space spore connected to her computers and scopes, the obnoxious music managed to penetrate her small bubble.
It seemed to be a religious practice for the ship's captain to blare annoying Earthen 80's music whenever they could. And it annoyed the other ship’s occupants to death.
“Stone age love and strange sounds too.
Come on, baby, let me get to you.
Bad nights causing teenage blues.
Get down ladies, you've got nothin' to lose.”
On the floor above, Nexia was being restricted to a much-needed nap.
The upbeat music caused her to groan in frustration and slam her pillow onto her face, desperate to at least muffle the infuriating sound. She continued to steam in anger as she reached over for her belt and buckled the pillow around her head. She began to smash her head against the wall.
“Hey, street boy, want some style?
Your dead end dreams don't make you smile.
I'll give you something to live for.
Have you and grab you until you're sore.”
Ishoël was busy in the ship’s hull with her maps and coordinates. Her large purple ears twitched and rang slightly due to their sensitivity to the blaring music, but she couldn’t help but tap her foot and swish her tail along with the beat.  
Being of Galran descent, she had never heard such upbeat music before, only monotone hymns and war chants. As much as her squad would whine and complain, she quite liked Earthen music. It was so different!
“Hello, daddy. Hello, mom.
I'm your ch-ch-ch-cherry bomb!
Hello world! I'm your wild girl.
I'm your ch-ch-ch-cherry bomb!”
In the center of it all, the bringer of suffering was you. You danced around the ship’s deck like no one was watching - and even when Nexus and Nova would sit by, glare, and judge you, you wouldn’t stop anyways.
You would always argue these moments of dance and song were all in honor of your team’s success of the many successful liberation missions against the Galra Empire. The twins and Ishoël would always agree with your statements and let you return to your goofy, silly party state.
Oh, the perks of being Captain!
Your long pink hair swished and swayed with every movement, you enjoyed having your hair down once in a while. You loved these rare moments, when you could blare your foreign music and dance wildly.
“Cherry bomb!
Cherry bomb!
Cherry bomb!
Cherry bomb!”
Back under the decks, Nexus trudged out of her barracks with her pillow still tied tightly around her ears and entered her sister’s lab. Nova glanced up from her test subject towards her miserable twin.
Any other day the scientist would smirk and revel in her twin’s irritation, but both of the twins were suffering terribly at the moment.
“I swear, I’m going to kill that nerdy Earth kid for introducing her to this crap.” The eldest twin grumbled as she slammed her head onto the messy work desk in front of her. Her pillow knocked over a pencil cup and an empty test tube.
The younger twin nodded her head silently, her eyes never breaking from one of her many computer screens, her pale nimble fingers flying over the keys.
“What’re you doing anyways? Trying to make electricity with your space potato?” The ship was blessed with a moment of silence as the sound system was preparing for the next terrible Earthen song.
Nova ignored her guest and carried on with her business. “Isn’t that the squishy asteroid thing we picked up outside?” Another round of silence. The eldest grew a tick mark from her sister’s kuudere personality, but the expression was turned into one of confusion when Nova read the computer screen, “Under attack...Galra...Help.”
Nova ignored Nexus again as she typed in the coordinates the space spore produced. With a chime from her computer, she turned the screen to her Nexus. The image on the screen provided all the answers.
“The Olkari?” Nexus asked. Nova nodded in affirmation. Nexus nodded firmly, “Let’s get this to miss leader, before she makes us all deaf.”
“We're no strangers to love
You know the rules and so do I~”
Nova and Nexus shared a horrified look before sprinting out of the lab and to the main deck. “Not this song! It’s awful!”
The sight before the mighty Paladins of the Legendary Voltron was not at all what they were expecting.
When the Paladins heard whimpers and wails behind the cell door, their immediate thoughts went to torture, but last time they checked, a romantic movie with the Romeo and Juliet troupe wasn’t torture.
The Black, Red, Blue, and Yellow paladins shared a dumbfounded look with each other.
“She loves you!” Their mission’s target was sobbing like a baby, his eyes never tearing away from the holographic movie screen.
The paladins approached the kidnapped king. “King Lubos?” The black paladin asked. Confusion swam in all of the paladins’ minds. Both the king and his chained assistant turned to the newcomers.
“Who are you? The jesters I requested?”
“Ummm…” The blue paladin started awkwardly, “We’re here to like...rescue you?”
The king made a noise in the back of his throat and discreetly pressed a button on the side of his recliner. The lights flashed on momentarily blinding the occupants, and the main doors slid open. Red lights and sirens flashed all around.
The Galran base leader stalked into the room with a vicious smirk. They were caught!
“You could’ve just said ‘no thanks’.” The yellow paladin remarked towards the traitorous king.
“Looks like someone came to rescue you, your highness.” The base leader smirked in amusement.
“You turned your back on your own people to save your own skin.” The black paladin accused, offending the Olkarian King.
“I’m doing this for my people! They wanted to fight the Galra, but they’re too powerful. The gala could destroy us!” The king tried to defend his actions, but it was a blatant excuse and the Paladins knew it.
“So you helped enslave your people to build some super weapon?” The blue paladin hissed.
“Don’t make me the bad guy!” King Lubos snapped and pointed a finger toward the base leader, “He forced me to do it!”
“Did he force-feed you too?”
The silence spoke a thousand words.
“You’re no king.” The red paladin piped up before charging at the Olkarian king. The royal tried to scramble away, but was head-butted by the chained assistant and thrown into the paladin’s grasp.
The red paladin raised his bayard toward the king’s throat. “Ok! We’re walking out of here! Anyone who tries to stop us and Lubos gets it!” The paladin’s teammates spluttered from shock of Keith’s sudden declaration.
“La-sai, what’re you doing?” The king whimpered towards the angered assistant. “You betrayed our people, I can’t live this lie anymore!” La-sai stated with a deep glare.
“You don’t want me to hurt your genius engineer, right?” The red paladin returned his attention to the Galra commander.
“Oh, be my guest~ His work is done. The cube is complete.”
“What?” King Lubos exclaimed, sweat dripping from his forehead. “B-But, I thought we had a deal!”
“Guards, put them all out of their misery.” The commander smirked. The Galra soldier bots’ guns lit up as they began to charge its ammo, but before anything could happen, an explosion shook the entire building. Red laser blasts cut through the wall and separated the paladins and the Galra.
Through the newly formed hole was a mysterious ship. One that only the Galra could identify.
“Valkries!” The Galra leader was choked on the large clouds of smoke.
“Need a lift?” A female voice called out through the plane’s speakers. The paladins didn’t know who or what side they were on, but they needed a quick escape and the world presented itself with one. Hastily, those who sided with Team Voltron climbed onto the ship’s nose and held on tight. The pilot backed out from the building and sped off towards the forest.
“I got pick up, Artemis. Light ‘em up!”
“Roger, Luna!”
A plane nearly identical to their rescue vessel, other than its color scheme, soared past them and began laser assaults on the main building as well as taking out all the Galra posts surrounding the base.
“Who are you?” The black paladin shouted over the wind. He tried his best to distinguish their rescuer, but with both the tinted window and helmet visor, the Shiro could only see the pilot’s silhouette.  
“An ally!” She answered with a thumb’s up.
“Shiro, Lance, you guys okay?! Who is this?” The green paladin asked through their comm link, tailing the foreign plane into the woods.
“We don’t know, they said they’re an ally.” Shiro answered back.  
“Here’s your stop!” The pilot said as she hovered above the ground, nearest to where the Olkari village was settled.
“It’s the Geidi Prime Valkyries!” An Olkarian exclaimed, triggering the rest of the populace to flock towards the plane, all cheering and waving.
King Lubos practically threw himself off of the plane’s nose and went onto his knees, his forehead buried deep into the ground. With the Valkyries here, he was toast now! He began to vomit out praises and apologizes, beginning for his safety.
“The what?” Lance asked the nearest Olkarian to him. The alien brought their hand down from the air and clasped them to their chest in a lovesick manner. “The Geidi Prime Valkyries! They’re the best of the Geidi Prime brigades whose mission is to stop all Galra! Much like yours, mighty paladins.”
The paladins observed the medium-sized ship. It had more length than height with its nose being the most prominent and decorative. Along the hood was painted outstretched wings with a sword running through the middle. Down its body was a mint green stripe, and numerous painted tally marks dotted the line. It had four thrust engines with a laser cannon on each of its four wings. The wings themselves formed an ‘x’ shape.
The pilot saluted to the crowd through the window, before swinging back around towards the Galra base and hitting its thrusters. As seemingly fast as their own lions, the vessel swerved through the trees and out of sight.
The Olkari crowd continued their cheering even after she left. Pidge was unashamedly a part of this crowd.
The paladins stared at their youngest with raised eyebrows.
Pidge chuckled sheepishly when she finally realized the looks her team was throwing at her. “What??” She asked innocently. “Did you see those Incom 5H5 fusial thrust engines?! And the LP8 laser cannons?!” Pidge continued on with her fangirl rave.
Hunk, Lance, and Keith recoiled when Pidge began to drool.
“All bystanders are free from the battle zone.”
“About time! What’d you do? Have a pint of mead and flirt?” You snorted.
Artemis was always the first to respond, and always with a sassy comment. “I wouldn’t have minded, the one in black was cute.”
“Whatever, Luna.” You grinned at Nova’s annoyance.
“Are you two done with your lovers’ quarrel up there, because the Galra’s newest weapon is on the move.” Gemini was the next to come through the link.
“Alright, alright, what you got for us, Apollo?” You asked. Your eyes trailed on the weird black floating cube in front of you.
“So far it hasn’t done anything, but cruising along the planet’s surface.” Nova’s smooth, monotone voice answered. “Gemini and I are still trying to hack into the main base to get intel.”
Both Valkyrie ships cruised parallel to each other, staying a good distance from the cruising cube: the Galra’s newest war machine.
“It’s just a dumb cube, what’s it gonna do? Shoot lasers at us?” Nexus wisecracked with a smirk.
The purple lining of the cube flashed and formed a- “GAH! I didn’t mean it!” It seemed the weaponry had heard Artemis’ taunts and fired a laser at her.
“You just had to go and taunt the thing didn’t you?”
“Shut up and help me!”
You rolled your eyes and went to assist your partner, who became the target for the cube’s lasers. You fired lasers at the cube, the bullets only being absorbed and no damage coming to the cube. You became the next target, as the cube started firing its lasers back at your ship. You just managed to flip your plan just in time to avoid being hit with the rapidly fired lasers.
“Great! It absorbs power!” Artemis shouted angrily. Both female pilots swerved out of the way from lasers as the cube continued to relentlessly fire at them.
“Apollo, get me a weakness!” You exclaimed over the comm.
“Artemis, fall back so Apollo can figure it out.” Nexus sighed in frustration and pouted. She came out for a fight and now-! “AH!” She screamed out again when a large vessel flew past her, nearly clipping the end of her right wing.
Gemini gasped, “Oh my stars...I-Its…”
“Is that-?”
“It’s Voltron!”
The four Valkyrie’s stared at the robot in awe.
“So it’s true…” You breathed.
They all watched as Voltron tried to fight off the cube, but the Paladins had yet to realize the cube’s power as they used one of the robot’s special powers to try and defeat the weaponry. Not even a moment later did the cube retaliate with its own power and the mighty robot was thrown to the ground like a rag doll.
“Ouch!” The Paladins yelped from the hard landing.  
“You all alright?!” Shrio asked through the comms. He sighed in relief when he got responses back. “Good! Now let’s: Form Sword!”
The Valkyries watched Voltron summon its sword and slice the cube straight down the middle.
“T-that couldn't have worked...right??” There were now two cubes floating. The pair flashed a blinding light, before returning to their black and purple coloring.
“It can split up?!” Nexus shrieked in the comms.
“Weakness! Now!” You commanded.
“We’re trying!” Ishoël answered back.
Voltron retaliated and sliced the cubes through the middle, but their victory didn't last long as now four cubes flashed and came back online. They began to surround Voltron and fire their lasers at the large robot.
Voltron used its shield to deflect the lasers, but in no time the robot had difficulty protecting all its sides from the four fierce cubes, and eventually, the robot separated into five individual lions.
“I’m going in!” You punched your right throttle forward, your ship lurched back into the fray.
“Finally!” Artemis cackled and followed you in.
You flew past one of the cubes that chased after the red lion, instantly gaining the cube’s attention. The cube fired its lasers at your plane, but you were quicker.
With both throttles, you maneuvered your plane into summersault to avoid the lasers. Upside down, but leveled you fire your lasers against a second cube that was relentless upon the black lion. You swerved your plane to avoid colliding with the weakened lion robot, but now you had two cubes chasing you.
"T-there's no weakness!" Gemini stuttered through the comm link.
"What do you mean there’s no weakness?!" Artemis screeched as she did the same flip maneuver to save the blue lion.
"The cubes were made by the Olkari, they make their tech flawless with no abnormality. No matter who or what the weapon is for.” Apollo piped up.
To make matters worse, the green lion was shot down by a cube. Its mechanical cat body rocketed back into the tall forest.
“Ah!” Artemis grunted when a rogue laser struck the tip of her X-wing. “Oh no you didn’t!!” She roared in anger and fired upon the third cube. The Valkyries’ lasers did nothing to the four cubes, but with all chasing the pair, the beaten-up Voltron lions sat out and tried to recuperate.
"What are they doing?!" Keith grunted out as he and the rest of the Paladins watched as the Valkyries played tag with the cubes. Pidge had been shot down and was unresponsive and now these strange planes were doing another reckless thing!
"I don't know, but that is probably the best piloting skills I have ever seen," Shiro stated in awe as the two planes dodged and spun away from the array of lasers.
Keith and Lance pursed their lips, mainly the latter. Both thought their flying skills were exceptional, yet only to get shown up by a group of mystery pilots.
"They can't hold on much longer," Keith said as the purple-painted Valkyrie had smoke trailing out its wings.
"We gotta get back in there!" Hunk exclaimed as he and the paladins moved to enter back into the field.
"Guys, hang on!"
"I can't keep this up all day, miss leader!" Artemis clenched her teeth as she dove into another nosedive. She winced again when another laser shaved off a piece of metal from her laser cannon.
As much as you never wanted to admit defeat and raise a white flag of surrender, you couldn’t help but agree. Sweat had built around your temples and your knuckles began to throb from how tight you squeezed the throttles.  
Would this be it?? Would you and Artemis be shot down because these stupid cubes couldn’t be defeated?? Would this be the end of the Geidi Prime Valkyries??
“Got ya!” Pidge cheered in victory as she shot a large bright green laser at one of the cube’s on Artemis’ tail. The laser hit the second cube, causing the glowing purple lights to turn green for a moment before an army of vines erupted from the center of the cube. The long, heavy vines coiled around the edges of the cube and the Galra weapon fell out of the sky.  
The second cube left Artemis and chased after the green lion, but Pidge was ready. The lion simply spun around and aimed its newly formed cannon at the cubes.
“Aw come on!” Artemis whined. “He just stole my thunder!” She pouted, hands loose on the throttles now that the enemy was off her six.
“Want some of mine then?!” You grunted out as you spun your ship into a tight freefall. You could feel your seat growing hot and on your screen, the left bottom engine began to illuminate orange.
“Luna!” Artemis punched her ship back into gear and intercepted the second cube trailing you.
It felt like you were back to square one with cubes following both planes. "Thanks, Artemis! Now, let's line it up for him!"
Both Valkyries did one last aerial flip; You pulled up from low in the air and flipped upside down again. Artemis did the same, coming from high above.
You both grinned up at one another through your cockpits as you passed each other. Green lasers came from the side and shot at the final cubes.
You sighed out in exhaustion and relief, while Artemis did flips and spirals as she whooped and cheered.
“Did you see that flip?! I’ve never flown upside before!” She cheered.
“Very impressive, sister.”
“Nice job, Artemis!”
“Watch out, Luna! I’m on my way to steal your wings!”
You rolled your eyes in amusement. “Whatever you say, Artemis.”
Gemini came through the comm links again. "Information has been extracted, and the Olkari are invading. All Galra ships are fleeing."
“Roger that, Gemini. Let's go, Artemis." Both Valkyries turned their planes toward the Galra base and cruised off. The Voltron lions followed close behind.
The blue lion appeared at Artemis' side and started to pull ahead. The pilot narrowed her eyes, he wasn’t....was he?
Artemis smirked before hitting her thrusters, leaving the blue lion in her dust.
Lance blinked in confusion before gaining a smirk of his own. “A race, huh? Not on our watch! Let's hit it, Blue!”
"I want to thank you and the rest of your team." Ryner shook Nova and Ishoël’s hands in gratitude.
"We're just doing our duty to the galaxy!" Ishoël grinned before the three of them turned their attention toward the sky. They blinked to avoid dust flying in their eyes as two Valkyrie ships and five Voltron lions landed.
Nova and Ishoël rushed up to the x-wing fighter planes; Ishoël looked like a goofball as she ran with her arms high in greeting. Nova simply followed behind her with a small smile.
The Voltron Paladins rushed out of their own lions to properly meet the Giedi Prime Valkyries. Their attention went from the planes towards the two people on the ground, all of them gasped when they spotted a human girl with dark blue hair tied in a low ponytail that hung loosely on her shoulder, a pair of goggles sat on her head, and tool belt hanging loosely from her hips.
But what surprised the Paladins was the- “Galra!” Keith snarled as he pulled out his bayard. He charged at the tall Galra female with his teammates right on his heels with their own bayards.
The pilot of the purple Valkyrie plane hopped out of her cockpit and landed in between the red paladin and her own teammates.
The Paladins, minus the raging red, were surprised she made such a landing from that height without injury. “Hold your horses, tomato head!” The pilot shouted as she held her hands up and peeled off her helmet.
And it was like slow motion.
The pilot was female and looked nearly identical to other on the ground. Identical twins, they all presumed. But half of the pilot’s head was shaved down with the other half being a sweaty, windswept mess.
Hunk snorted, “Tomato head.” Keith snarled at him.
Lance was all goo-goo eyes and hearts.
“What's going on here?” Their attention turned to the new voice.
And it was like slow motion.
You approached the group and peeled off your helmet. Your long bubblegum pink hair spilled out of the helmet and down her back in a high ponytail. You looked between both groups for answers.  
“Just another Galra mistake, Luna,” Ishoël answered with a wave of dismissal. Her fluffy purple ears flicked as she smiled shyly, showing off her sharp, pearly white fangs. Her golden eyes turned into little crescent moons with her adorable smile.
The black paladin cleared his throat and stepped forward. He took off his helmet to show peace.
And it was like slow motion.
He was tall, handsome, and boy were his gray eyes pretty. His hair was jet black except for the tuft of white that hung into his eyes. A long, jagged pink scar covered his nose, but to you, it made him even more interesting.
Nova elbowed you out of your daydream.
“We’re sorry for our mistake. I-I’m sure you can understand why-”
“Please don’t worry about it. I’m well aware of what my people are doing. You don’t need to apologize.” Ishoël waved off his apology.
“Ishoël, you’re such a saint.” You cooed as you stepped beside her and wrapped your arms around her forearms. She was too tall to properly wrap your arms around her neck.
“You work with a Galra?” Keith couldn’t believe his eyes.
Hunk, Lance, and Pidge had taken off their helmets and sheathed their bayards; Keith hesitated for a moment before following his team.
“There are many Galras that don’t follow the regime. We have lots of Galran refugees in our ranks.” You answered simply. Nexus nodded firmly with her arms crossed, she shot a stink eye on the red paladin.
Your small smile dropped into immense surprise when the green paladin launched herself at your face. Stars had replaced Pidge’s eyes and she stared up at your squad as if you were royalty. “On Geidi Prime right?? We’ve only heard about your planet here and there, but actually seeing you guys in action! Your planes are gorgeous by the way! They’re technological masterpieces and the engines and laser canons- WOW!” Her team also had looks of surprise, never had they seen Pidge fangirl so hard.
Nova stepped forward and- “Thank you! Finally, someone appreciates all my hard work!” The Valkyries matched the Paladins’ shock as they watched their tech wizard come out of her shell and speak so happily.
“You made them?!” Nova nodded with a loud hum.
“That’s AMAZING! I have to see the technological advancements and mechanisms you guys have!”
Stars floated around the pair.
“Of course!” Nova took Pidge by her wrist and dragged her towards Nexus’ beaten plane.
The two battle squads continued to watch the pair with wide eyes and gobsmacked.
“Guess Nova’s found a new friend,” Ishoël commented.
Nexus flushed pink with jealousy and marched over to her plane, angrily grumbling about how no one will steal her twin away from her.
Lance slinked up next to you and Ishoël with his usual cheesy smirk. “So what’re your guys’ names?”
Ishoël smiled with her fangs again. “My name is Ishoël. Nova took off with your friend and Nexus is her twin.” She pointed over to the plane with the purple-painted pinstripe.
“ ‘Nexus’, huh?” He slicked back his short brown hair and readjusted his blue and white chest piece. “I can work with that.” He strutted off confidently towards the older twin.
The remaining Valkyries watched him go with surprise.
“Ignore him.” Shiro huffed in amusement and annoyance.
“That’s Lance, our resident flirt,” Hunk answered with a snort.
“He’s terrible at it though.” Keith rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.
“So, there’s Lance, Pidge was stolen by your friend, this is Hunk and Keith.” He introduced the yellow and red paladins at his side. “And I’m Shiro. You are?”
Ishoël pinched your side so you wouldn’t sigh out the black paladin’s name like some love-sick fool. You cleared your throat and swallowed down the butterflies. Good thing Ishoël was good at reading you. “Captain (Y/n) of the Geidi Prime Valkyrie Squadron, a multi-awarded Ace and one of the leading generals for the resistance~”
You grew pink as your hair at Ishoël’s words. She didn’t have to give your full title!
Shiro stepped forward and held out his hand. “Pleasure to make your acquaintance. I’m eager to work with you in the future to liberate the universe from the Galra Empire.”
You smiled and grabbed his hand. “Let’s go end a war.”
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transmutationisms · 1 year
Love ur takes on the bio/body politics of Succession and I thought 4x09 delivered so much to unpack there!!! Found it so tragic/interesting the way Shiv was talking about her unborn child throughout the episode so resentfully, like a parasite/leech that she’d be prepared to neglect to pursue the company just like her father did…. The cycles of abuse are cycling lol. What do you make of shiv’s relationship to her motherhood and her awareness of her body’s utility to logan’s empire/under capitalism generally? I do really feel like her characterization this season is an interesting summation of the “having it all” discourse of neoliberal feminism (from catherine rottenberg’s Rise of Neoliberal Feminism, dk if you’ve read but I highly reccomend!) Just watching her last ditch attempts to cling to any remaining vestige of power within the company while so brutally reckoning with/abdicating her future motherhood that was hoisted upon her in part due to tom’s striving and ambition…. WHEW.
Also, do you have any insights on why roman was so shaken by seeing his father’s coffin/“is he in there?” I’m still trying to fully unpack that line with regard to what we know about his fear of death/aging and implied abuse he suffered but maybe I’ve got my tinfoil hat on lol.
yeah shiv's position is quite interesting right now. as my bf pointed out, she basically kept her position with matsson by promising not to love her baby. motherhood can be part of 'having it all' as long as there's a huge behind-the-scenes network of domestic workers, assistants, &c to support you. her lines in 4x04 about how she wishes logan could have held his grandkids are also telling; although she hasn't said anything explicitly about producing an heir, we know that's something logan wanted from her because his racism and ableism prevented him from seeing sophie and iverson as filling that role. shiv's earlier reluctance to have children was partly about her relationship with tom, but was also suggested to be partly a reaction to her fear that if she got pregnant, she would basically be relegated to the domestic sphere forever ('mommed') and would no longer be able to even try to become logan's successor. so, having a baby is useful to the company in terms of the long-term line of succession, but also has the potential to basically exclude shiv herself from the game. it converts her body into something that serves logan's interests in a very different way: she's no longer an employee but a mother.
as to roman, this was the culmination of a long fixation with his father's body. way back at the beginning of the show, roman was the one who denied logan was "an elderly patient" in the hospital; he saw logan as basically invincible, except of course for when the worry would break through ("i heard you tried to kill our dad with the sun"). he asked for one of logan's sweaters to sniff, which is later inverted by roman leaving his suit jacket with logan's body on the plane, then echoed by roman wearing logan's sweater around in 4x05. roman was also seen a few times taking logan's advil, a kind of logan relic and a way for roman to metaphorically consume him, which is resonant given how physically unaffectionate and actually violent logan was with him.
roman also has a fraught relationship with his own body, as shown by the body-checking, his restrictive eating, and his inability to fuck or even take his cock out in front of matsson. roman was disturbed when connor sent the funeral home photo of logan's body, and again when connor was talking about going to visit the body. for roman, bodies in general are a site of violence and shame, and logan's body specifically is something that logan always tried to deny existed or to transcend, yet also the way he physically inflicted pain upon roman. so, roman has this fixation on the physicality of logan's dead body, which both is and isn't logan, and which both disgusts and compels roman. seeing the coffin was disturbing because the body was both hidden and displayed, and roman almost couldn't force himself to believe that logan really was dead or even had a physical body that could be killed. and in the "can we get him out of there" line, roman was sort of hysterically trying to 'free' logan, both from death and from the constricting box, as well as trying to get physically closer to the father he misses greatly and has always both loved and feared.
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arrowofcarnations · 19 days
“that’s it-fuck-that’s a good boy” or maybe “spread your legs, baby” ; tbh my favorite from you is honesty your mixnmatch pairings for lack of a better term lmfao, coops/oknutzy twosome or threesome? if you’re not in the mood, dealers choice lol
Thanks for the great prompts! I went with the second one, and picked Finn/Sirius for the pairing :)
Special thanks to @fruitcoops for helping me decide which boys the spicy roulette wheel would land on.
(Rating: M)
Sirius liked the way Finn kissed. He poured all of himself into it, like there was nothing else he'd rather be doing—even if it was leading to sex, even if he'd been hard for ages. He was just plain good at it, too; he'd tipped Sirius over the edge more than once with a well-timed kiss, and watching Leo, Logan and even Remus chase his mouth for more was a common occurrence when they all played together.
Finn was kissing him like that now: soft lips and clever tongue, strong arms keeping Sirius against him on the couch in a loose hold as his hands wandered absently on Sirius's bare back, touching just to touch. He seemed content not to speed things up, as though he'd forgotten they were still in their boxers and hadn't made it to the bedroom yet—as though he'd forgotten there was an offer of much, much more on the table.
Finn kissed him and kissed him and kissed him, and Sirius felt so wanted, so special, that his heart thudded with it.
"Harzy," he murmured at last, breathing hard.
He watched Finn blink some of the haziness out of his eyes and run his tongue over his kiss-swollen bottom lip. "Hm?"
"Going to take me to bed?" Finn had seemed keen, more than keen, on doing just that when they'd arrived at the house.
He watched the splash of pink on Finn's face darken, and rubbed a thumb across one warm cheek. "Sorry," Finn laughed. "Got sidetracked. The beard's really working for you."
Sirius felt a pleased flush heat his own cheeks. He knew Remus liked when he let it grow out for playoffs, but this was the first he'd heard about it from someone else. "Oh?"
"Mhm. The beard, the longer hair..." Finn said, sitting up slowly and guiding Sirius backwards as he went. "And these," he added, giving Sirius a few playful squeezes along his shoulders and arms. He used his leverage on Sirius's shoulders to push him down until he was flat on his back, then settled right in on top of him. "Playoffs look good on you. Spread your legs, baby.”
The way Finn boxed him in made heat pool in Sirius's belly; his boxers felt more restrictive than they had a minute ago as he splayed his thighs wider to accommodate Finn. “Merci," he said, copping a shameless feel of Finn's strong back, the cut of muscle by his hips, the swell of his ass. "Toi aussi."
"Merci," Finn replied, his pronunciation purposefully a little off. Sirius's breath hitched at the press of a thumb to his lips. "Wanna kiss you some more. Ouais?"
There was that thud of his heart again, that warm, cherished feeling that'd been totally foreign to him before Remus and that still took him by surprise with anyone else. He knew Finn liked him, knew there was desire there—it'd be absurd to deny that after all the times he and Remus had ended up in Finn, Leo and Logan's bed—but he hadn't really known Finn wanted this with him. Just holding, just kissing, without trying to get somewhere in any sort of hurry.
Sirius cupped Finn's face in his hands and brought their mouths together just for a second. "Ouais," he whispered, because he wanted that, too.
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astranne · 2 years
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AIRPORT HARBOR CRUSH !genshin snippet
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notes // have this, i wrote it on mobile, didn’t edit/proofread it and while still thinking about the cute boy/man?? (idk his age, i know nothing about him) so yeah xD didn’t have an airport crush but an harbor crush lol
about // kazuha x gn!reader, reader having a silly little crush but thinking kazuha is their true love now (he is <3)
You never thought it would happen this fast nor that way. Falling in love, especially falling in love in a way that was usually told in a romance bestseller, was not something you thought would happen to you.
There was always a small possibility, of course, but when you lived your whole life on a small sailor ship, together with your family, an older brother and your parents- it seemed something that happened in your unrealistic daydreams.
Why and how should you even fall in love, when you always traveled on sea? When you spent maybe a week of a whole year on land, and even that was probably selling the time you didn’t spend on your home, your parents ship, rather well. It would be more realistic to say you spent maybe a few days there, counting all hours together you left the ship.
You didn’t hate it, it was all you‘ve known. And you loved sailing, you were born for it. And still… sometimes you allowed yourself to dream.
And that was when it happened. Well, not exactly. Your family stopped at Liyue Harbor to stock your food reserves again, as you did every month. And since the Harbor had been rather full and all the docking places were restricted only for over night stayers, you had to take the small rowing boat your family owned. Together with your father you rowed to the Harbor, bought the necessary food you needed and started rowing back to the ship, that anchored in the calm sea right before the harbor.
You allowed yourself to let your thoughts wander, your eyes absently following one of the many people walking in the Harbor, and started imagining a life here. Here in Liyue, maybe even somewhere in the Harbor.
The small daydream you had was interrupted by the big shadow cast by a massive ship and automatically, you looked up. The ship was a beauty but that wasn’t what made you freeze.
It was someone, sitting on the railing of the ship and seemingly to write in a small notebook. It was a young man, snow white hair and in clothes, which were traditional inazuman. He was eternal. Of course you didn’t see his close features or the color of his eyes, but his whole presence, this beautiful man- seeing him shocked you to the core and made you gasp.
You heard your father excitedly talking about something, probably about this big sailing ship, but you only had eyes for this beautiful stranger.
And then he lifted his head, just a little and smiled at you. There was no mistake, because he lowered his notebook and looked directly in your direction, only your father and you were in this small boat, slowly rowing besides the bigs ship.
The smile took your breath away and colored your cheeks. Normally you would’ve already lowered your gaze, but you couldn’t- you couldn’t now. He had captured you and he seemed to know it, because his smile became wider and he even waved at you.
You didn’t wave back, just sitting frozen in your small rowing boat until your head finally snapped back to your father, who had called your name several times. Ducking your head, you started rowing again and didn’t look up to the man again, until you could almost pass the ship.
Then you finally turned your head, your gaze immediately finding him and blushing again, because he still watched you with a small smile. You didn’t lift your eyes of him, almost as if bewitched, and fixed him with it until you were too far away. And even then you didn’t turn your body back to your father, still watching the big ship as if the man would suddenly pop up again.
He didn’t and so your rowed back to your own ship, together with your father, while your thoughts were running miles, your heart trying to beat them in a race. You had your first crush- no, it wasn’t just a crush. You were in love, with a random stranger on a random ship and you could do nothing about it.
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dejasenti99 · 1 day
1 and 2 for any (or all.. :3 jk) Deja Senti OCs, 12 for Bowie and Eros, 3 for Prey AND/OR Psyche ANDDDD last one (im sorry </33), 21 if you want :3 (at least I didnt send 1-21 like I said wanted to AJHGSHJ)
ok for the first two i chose who i wanted to talk abt the most
1. nerve is super fun bc he’s very comfortable with expressing his very fluid gender identity in the way that he dresses :-) his pronouns are he/they and if he was asked he would say that “””male””” is just. not what he is lol they’d probably just shrug vaguely and be like 🙂↔️
2. eros doesn’t label his sexuality and neither does psyche, but it’s kind of two different ways?
eros feels like he isn’t obligated to give the world an answer to what he is. if he wants you, he wants you and you should feel lucky. people are more toys than anything to him so sexuality doesn’t matter to him. psyche on the other hand just doesn’t really process affection and ‘love’ the way another person may, so he doesn’t feel comfortable with putting his sexuality in a box and feeling like he’d have to stick to that. it’s too restricting and makes him feel overwhelmed.
3. prey pretty plainly started looking for any attention from whoever would give it to him starting from a young age. in high school, he moved away from seeking that ‘any’ attention from teachers and the likes and wanted more of a romantic connection. he was able to figure out quickly after starting this adventure in life that girls were just not it for him lol.
12. bowie really hasn’t had any reason to not be secure in her sexuality but eros struggled HARDDDD with internalized and blatantly external homophobia when he was in high school sadly. not towards bowie but just in general @ himself bc he’s most important in the whole world duh. he’d turn his attraction to the guys in his classes into anger and was like. a huge ~ bully ~ for a WHILE partially fueled because of that. he didn’t understand why he felt like that and it scared him real bad. if he HAD to label it he’s a bisexual w a male lean for sure.
anyway he didn’t have parents around to monitor what media he was consuming, and while bowie went down a more accepting and educational path that allowed her to come to terms with being a lesbian early on in high school, eros was busy fucking around with fake punks that just wanted an excuse to be bigots using their subculture as a shield. and then one night after him n bo graduated he got reeeeally drunk at a house party and hooked up with a guy for the first time and was like oh! guys are just as easy to get to do what i want and give me what i want as girls are. this opens so many more doors. so to speak :-) and somewhere along the way he just fkn stopped caring about The Gays bc it didn’t benefit him to waste his energy
21. sexuality in deja senti is gonna be really fun to explore. the way they all handle it and still have to learn as they go bc they’re all still pretty young is something i’m very excited to show :-) they WILL fuck up and do and say problematic things, and we just gotta watch the consequences of those actions from the sidelines i fear
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chimerickat · 8 days
How current are we taking about for readers deck? Cuz if it's like in today period of meta I got nothing for you.
I'm the most familiar with GOAT format with gets it name from the consistent use of scapegoat in many of the highly competitive decks. The card list is also very restrictive to anything before cyberdragon was released. For reference cyberdragon was released all the way back in the beginning of the GX anime.
The wonderful thing about fan fiction is that we absolutely do not need to keep any current meta. :)
Trust me, I am not up to date at all. I watched a little of GX because Kaiba was still relevant kind of and nothing after that. I am so out of date on the card game that I still go "wtf is a synchro monster". In fact, I would argue that synchro monsters only became a thing long after Kaiba died in the YGO universe. (Preferably of old age lol.)
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kittievampire · 1 year
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A friend of mine told me that the shit I write alone is too little, too boring, so I decided to fuck his dad. I also decided to open up a little request box. Shoot me an inbox to see what diamonds I have in my bag!
Obey Me
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I will literally write almost anything for my bois.
Mephistopheles, Thirteen, and Raphael
Though I believe STRONGLY that Raphael should be dominated and reduced to nothing but tears and whimpers, I just don't think I know enough about him to capture his character somewhat properly
Same goes for the other two
I'm a kinky bitch, so you won't be judged for submitting literally anything
I'll only be able to write female or GN reader, sorry boys
I wanna stick to what I know, and looking at my double x chromosomes, I think I only know a girl's bod
I'm also really fucked up in the head, so if you wanna be choked half to death by Belphie SAME
I won't do scat, piss, gore, or vore tho, sorry to the freakishly freaky freaks out there
If there's anything I'm uncomfortable with writing, I'll most likely lyk
That and if the concept is nice but it's just that one thing, I'll ask for an alteration
Don't be shy to request some rough shit though, I think we all wanna have rough hate-sex with Satan, it's fine, I get it
Absolutely will not write any smut about Luke, that's just a no-no altogether. Even when he's a grown-up and good-looking, he'll still be our lil chihuahua
Seriously, if you request Luke, I will respond with this
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There's a limit to how angsty you can get?
I guess cheating's the only thing that's a bit iffy for me (that Satan and Lucifer fic was a one-time thing, I can't put myself through that again)
Other than that, I'll lyk if there's anything I'm uncomfortable with writing. Same as smut rule applies here.
Lol ain't no restrictions here bub
I kill for sappy moments with my bois
I will literally do anything, I don't think you can go wrong with this area (watch y'all's asses prove me wrong omg)
I'll take any hc you think of. For spicy head canons, same rules as smut apply here
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I've started fiddling with the idea of writing some stuff about our dearest floor guardians, so I think I wouldn't mind too much writing some stuff about them
Just know that I haven't read the manga, but am planning to, so anyone who isn't present in the anime isn't going to be around
Once again, I feel it should be mentioned, I'm a kinky bitch
I'll do just about anything short of scat, piss, gore, vore, etc.
For these, I'll mainly do a female reader, sorry fellas, just wanna stick to what I know til I think I know what I don't
Will NOT write anything about Aura, Mare, or any other under-age characters in the smut category. They're still kids. No.
Will NOT write anything about non-humanoid (enough) characters
Aka, hamsuke is a no, lizardmen are a no, anything/anyone related is a no
Nothing to say here, I have no limits until someone suggests something truly traumatizing
No limits, don't think you can go wrong with these
Same rules apply as smut for the spicy hcs
Persona 5
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This was an impulsive add because I was so pissed that they wouldn't let me date Yusuke in the game, so I wanna imagine that I can.
I've only played Persona 5 Royal and watched the anime, so anyone not present in either will not be written about
I will NOT write about Futaba, Jose, or Shinya for this section, that is a NO
Other than that, request whatever you want for this section. Once more, I'm a kinky bitch. And I'm in love with Yusuke 🥰🥰🥰
Gore, vore, piss, scat, etc. will not be written about, sorry freakishly freaky freaks
Once more, for these, it will be only female or GN reader. Sorry, fellas
Anything short of cheating here would be nice
No real limitations here
Can't go wrong here, everyone's welcome
Anything's welcome
Same rules apply as smut for the spicy hcs
Twisted Wonderland
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I think I'm ready to start writing for this fandom, but I'm still relatively new so bear with me please
Che'nya and Silver are the only characters I don't feel I know enough about
These are VERY temporary restrictions, though! I promise I'll educate myself soon to remove these restrictions!
For this section, I will NOT write anything about Ortho. Yeah, no. he's too precious ;w;
Once more, feel free to request anything short of scat, piss, gore, and vore
I also strongly believe that some of these characters deserve to be topped to tears or should top the reader to tears, so you'll probably see some favoritism with some of the Housewardens (my beloveds)
Female or GN reader for this section! Sorry, guys.
No real limitations here. No cheating would be nice tho
No limits here
Same rules for smut apply for the spicy hcs
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Additional Notes
If I don't reply immediately, I'm most likely being fucked sideways by life and don't have the time
Doesn't mean I don't love you guys tho 💙
I will also be prioritizing Kin of the Demon Prince, or whatever other fic I may write in the future if I'm finished with that one, just be aware
If you tell me to surprise you, I'm gonna make whatever I pull outta my ass a complete self-indulgence, and you'll be the one to blame for it, sorry kiddo
If ya wanna just ask a question regarding my thoughts on certain things, my story Kin of the Demon Prince/other fics I may write, or myself (no personal stuff, just shit having to do with fandoms), I'll gladly answer them, just shoot me a question
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Still trippin over the fucking my friend's dad bit?
Don't worry, jeez, I didn't fuck his dad, relax 🙄
I fucked his mom.
I'll be your dealer, come down to my alleyway (inbox) and see what kind of diamonds I have in my bag, I'll be waiting~
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swifty-fox · 2 months
I JUST READ THIS i Do Not understand hockey and watched the goalie fight and i am soooo confused i thought this was like an ice stick sports game thing WHY are they doing a hand to hand combat in the middle of the ice 😭😭😭😭
the gloves the helmet the stick thrown away and the grabbing at each others THROATS??? why did it feel like they were the only people in the ice i was like '???? Is facilitating a fist fight an actual session of the game?'
and WHY did it take so long for someone to break them up too 😭😭
so i talk a little about the mechanics of a fight in this post
the hand to hand combat is a TIME honored tradition in hockey. It's part of the game, its a way for the players to let off steam and to stand up for eachother against a rival player whos just kinda being a Jackass.
SO as said there you've got your average brawl. This is a bar fight. they're pissed. This is not pre-negotiated and because it's not serving a purpose the refs are gunna get involved quickly. Sometimes they will allow this kind of fight if one of the players has been a huge ass during the game. FAFO buddy.
Then you've got your average hockey fight. Think of it more as boxing. Generally two guys will call eachother out and literally be like "yo wanna fight dude?" theres some great clips of that. this is a great one you can actually see the ref step away once both guys agree. (Lol sorry age restricted it is dudes hittin eachother)
If it is an allowed fight (agreed too, refs stepped off) you will see them hovering around once both guys have exhausted themselves or usually once someone falls to the ice. then they step in to break it up and escort them to their respective Sin Bin (penalty box)
They fight to pump up the crowd, to add some energy back into a slow game and just cause it's fun. they do take penalties for it though no matter the kind of brawl.
for that goalie fight im not sure whats going on honestly lol it may have been some event and the tendys just wanted to fight. You mostly see Tendys fight during a line brawl (literally everyone on ice going at it) And they're not necessarily grabbing at their throats but actually the plastic armor under the jersey. even though its meant to protect the players body from any number of hits or bumps or bruises It's also a solid piece of underarmor that they can maintain a good grip on so as not to fall while throwing punches. it's that white thing PeePaw Ovi is wearing here
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gildeddlily · 10 months
this is me acting on my star wars brainrot.
I've been a fan of it for like years, but not really. my uncle gifted us the Attack of The Clones DVD when I was like six and my sister and I loved it. Only later when I got my own pc and telephone I watched all the other films, started liking it, went to the cinema to see The Rise of Skywalker and yk all the things a pre-teen can do with restricted phone usage. ten years after watching AOFC for the first time I obsessed over it again, almost for the first time. I spent the last like 5 months watching the films again, then the series (starting with The Mandalorian) and finally The Clone Wars.
now. I've never been a prequel hater. Like, I recognise that it wasn't well written, but the raw plot had a lot of potential. watching The Clone Wars changed my view on everything. now I hate the prequels lol.
the thing is. Anakin's character is shit.
how to explain it.
(disclaimer I'm probably not saying anything new but I have to talk ab it to someone and you're there being pretty so yes. and I absolutely love Anakin.)
In The Phantom Menace we see Darth Vader as a child, specifically a child slave. And just this was enough for the plot, in my opinion. The amount of pain he must have suffered living like that for nine fucking years is massive, and this idea could have become something beautiful to watch. now, my oh-so-rightfully-hated Qui-Gon Jinn, what do you think a child slave (that you've just won in a pod race without telling him) would say to you inviting him to come with you? But ofc, Anakin said he wanted to be a jedi. All right. Let's talk about his mother. She gave her permission to Qui-Gon to take Anakin with him, when the only alternative was making him stay in a planet where he would have been enslaved, again, and lived miserably. Kind of a "this or death" situation.
But Anakin wanted to be a jedi, and she wanted him to be happy. All right. Then the scene with the Jedi Council. (I'm not anti-jedi, but I've seen a lot of people saying that it was Anakin's fault, that what he proved wasn't sane love but obsession- and it's kinda natural? yk, for people who grew up being told to control constantly their emotions and not taught to be deal with them like a normal person (they're repressed alr) it's not strange to end up in a toxic relationship. no one ever said anything ab "yes to relationship, but no to attachment", they just said "you like that girl? boy cm don't get attached". Obi I'm talking with you (I love him so much)) They judge a child slave, who just left his mother, a fucking slave, on his birth(?) planet, who is being judged by a bunch of people he doesn't know in a place he's not familiar with, and with the risk (in his mind) to having to come back in said birth planet, for feeling fear? of course he's scared? Are you actually dumb or don't you realize that you have a child in front of you and not a piece of marble?
And I love the "the Council founds out that Anakin was a slave after years" trope, cause that has to be real. No sane person would say something like that ("fear leads to the dark side" wth man) to someone so traumatized at such an age.
then, a ten years timeskip, and the ex-slave trope gets literally thrown out the window. they didn't talk about it a single time. (don't get me started on Shmi and Cliegg) and yk, I understand it. they had a lot of things to fit in like four hours in total, so I understand.
What I don't understand, is that the hell happened with The Clone Wars series (the film too. that's worse. but in a different way). (this is me judging everything and still loving it)
we got to know the clones as people, and it explains how the clones managed to kill the jedi (and makes it more painful to watch). it was epic. it was shit.
The jedi had bonds with the clones. the clones are slaves, basically, and except for a few episodes, it's a topic that never gets approached. (we love the mistreated Coruscant Guard trope)
Thinking about it, few episodes focused on the clones as people and not characters standing there at Anakin, Ahsoka and Obi's side, and when they do it it's heartbreaking of course (Umbara, Fives, the Domino Squad, Echo's rescue and so on)
So, Anakin is the General of an army of slaves, basically. and it's never talked about. And all right, I get it, they wanted it to be a show for kids too- but than they talked about slavery with the Zygerria Arc (badly too, don't get me started), so why didn't they talked explicitly about what the clones were to the Republic? For a show with so heavy political opinions they shouldn't have avoided it.
and again, the clones aren't the protagonists at the end (clone wars my ass, better be "borderline anakin, his little cute sister (hating on ahsoka is like telling an infant not to cry) and the sassy flirty ex parent-brother") so alr.
but when Anakin becomes Darth Vader he's like the slaver? they made the ex-slave the slaver of million of beings? and this could have been greatly used too, to show how his corruption was deep, deep to the point of making him become the thing he hated the most. but no, it's not really talked about, like always.
his character isn't coherent with his story for like half the script.
so all of this was to say that I hate canon!Anakin and love what Anakin could have been.
I hate canon!Council, and I kind of like what the Councli could have been.
I love Obi. he's just there. hehe. (no, he's kind of a shitty master half the time, but he's not so bad as a brother. brothers can make mistakes they're not invincible but the love is always there alr)
I hate the prequels. I absolutely love every fic written ab it, great vagina I love you (like Tatooine's slave culture, every clones' hc, y'all hc just are)
it's like eleven pm and i should finish my wolffe&fox fic love and kisses I need sleep
(im still gonna watch them and cry over their shitty writing)
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