#wanna be back on my giffing bs but also thinking about giffing makes me go meh lately
hwiyoungies · 9 months
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wonwoo - BOOmily outing #3
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justsomefluff · 4 years
Hi hun! I love your work so much! I was wondering if you could do ATEEZ reacting to finding out you still sleep with your baby blanket? I still sleep with mine and I’m 19 and I’m throughly embarrassed about it 😅 thank you so much!!!
Okay thats endearing af so don't be embarrassed!!! Also this is kinda short bc I was getting really soft and I could've written forever but I couldn't let myself go there lmao
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(ok this gif doesn't really match but it’s so funny wtf)
The second he finds out you still have your blanket he’s like... I’d die for you
Like he loves that you have that innocent, meaningful part of your life still with you
Joong loves that it shows your soft side, that only he gets to see
It really shows him that you are a sentimental person and he’s like “I hope she keeps me forever like that blanket uwu”
Loves and I mean LOVES when he finds you sleeping with it
Whether he caught you in the middle of a nap, or maybe you went to bed earlier than he did
He sees that and it’s cuddle time
Doesn’t like to disturb your sleep though so he’ll just very gently wrap himself around you and brush your hair out of your face
Just a lot of soft touches until he falls asleep too
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Mama Hwa activated
you’ve got a baby blanket, and youre already his baby? Perfect for his need to parent
Like he’ll still be boyfriend goals but he’s also gonna treat you like a toddler sometimes
Not in a bad way, I mean like he’s gonna tuck you in and sing you to sleep and all that stuff an actual mom would do
He just cant help himself, I mean really you need to go easy on him
He’s too soft around you
Like he might die if you get any cuter, cut it out!!!
And he always makes sure you have the blanket the way you like it before you sleep
Like if you just wanna hold it? Cool he’s got you. If you wanna wrap up in it...Also cool!
Will take care of all your blankie needs without question
Just wants to give you the world :’)
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the second he finds out about your blanket he’s gonna wanna get a matching one
“Wtf why” 
“so I can have a piece of you when im on tour” and your hearts just goes POOF
and so he finds one super similar (not necessarily identical but its one that works)
becomes just as attached to his new blanket at you are to yours
takes it everywhere
but its so cute like you guys will be cuddled on the couch each with your respective blanket omg
and the guys find you all the time like passed out with your blankies and holding hands and stuff
they’ll take pictures of you two to tease you about it but you guys secretly save every single photo
it’s just perfect lock screen material really
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Teases you at first, I can’t even lie about that
but it’s not mean or anything it’s more like “you love that blanket more than me” kind of thing
but eventually he just sees it as a part of you
and if you’re ever not holding it, it’s so jarring to him
like “where's the blanket this is so weird you look naked we gotta go get it”
it always puts a smile on his face though
like if you ever have to go somewhere that you cant or don't want to bring it to, then he’ll stay home and secretly bury his face in it
it becomes a comfort thing for him too bc it smells so much like you
if you ever catch him smelling it he’ll be like “I WAS JUST SEEING IF MAYBE WE NEED TO WASH IT”
he’s embarrassed but you’re endeared to no end
you’ve totally got at least one picture of him with it somewhere bc I mean... your two fav things on earth in one pic?
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Okay San relates heavy bs you’ve got your blankie and he’s got Shiber
Will send you pics of Shiber wrapped up in your blankie like bro :’(
And you guys will stuff both Shiber and your blanket in between you and hug at the same time
Because lets face it, nothings gonna get in the way of cuddles alright I don't make the rules
And one night he’ll be like “let’s trade for today”
but then five minutes in both of you are like “nope nope we gotta switch back I cant do this”
but you both think it’s really funny low-key and end up laughing at each other’s inability to sleep without your favorite thing
he’s so sweet to you about it though like if you’re ever sad, he knows exactly what to bring to make you feel better
uses the blanket constantly and whenever you’re at home he always has it for you
like you sit down in another room for two seconds and he’s like
“You left this in the bedroom” and throws it at you
and he’ll get Shiber too bc “they’re friends”
overall he’s just so cute about it and genuinely understands the need to have something like that around
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(^ him practicing his keynote speech on why you should cuddle with him instead)
Okay Mingi’s a big baby about it 
like he gets it but he’s low-key (read: highkey) jealous of the blanket right
“Cuddle me insteadddd”
won't let you live like fr
never tries to take it from you or anything though
just wants you to prioritize cuddles with him is all
will literally take advantage of any moment that you don't have it right
like if you're on the couch watching a movie he’s basically in your lap
if that’s your emotional support blanket then you’re his emotional support human okay
“why do you need an emotional support blanket when I can be your emotional support Kpop boy?”
“Mingi, I don't think that’s how it works” (I mean can he really still be your emotional support Kpop boy if he's already your bf? how’s that work?)
he eventually figures out a way to get his cuddles though
he just compromises and sleeps under the blanket with you
“Why didn’t I think of this before it’s perfect?” 
“Maybe bc you're an idiot” 
cue play fighting that leads to smoochies under the blanket
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Ok this one is problematic for you
because he likes to borrow it
“Wooyoung-ah, that’s MINE”
he has the “mom says it’s my turn” attitude lmao
like no. it’s not your turn if it’s not YOURS...I digress
he gets so annoying about it that you cave and buy him his own blanket
it’s not even close to the same kind as yours, but you got one in his fav color and everything so he’s really excited about it
covers your face in kisses to show his gratitude
but he immediately washes it with the special detergent you use so that it’ll still smell like yours
and he turns into Linus from Charlie Brown you know?
never washes his blanket and takes it literally everywhere
if you wash it for him he won't talk to you for like a whole day lmao
“But it had to be done. Wooyoungie, it was for the greater good”
“Shut up”
but he’s secretly really happy that the detergent smell is back bc it reminds him of you awwww
so basically he picked up your habit really fast and it just sticks
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tell me why Jongho is protective of your blanket
jk, I know why
it’s bc he knows you’d be devastated if anything ever happened to it
he’s always chaperoning you like “Jagiya, don’t eat that rn you’ll get crumbs on your blanket”
or “be careful not to spill that on your blanket, bb”
like “Jongho...sweetheart...I GOT IT”
and if anything ever happened to it, like it gets stained or ripped or something
he’s already googling how to fix it
acts like a surgeon “ok, we need to be very gentle with this stain” “cut the thread very precisely”
so dramatic, but it’s cute because you know he’s only like that to make sure you’re happy and have everything you need
like three months after he finds out that you have the blanket he’s basically a certified tailor and stain-remover
perfect house-wife when it comes to your blankie lmao
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“RYAN WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU GO?!” and other shit you might wonder
First off: I am so sorry for disappearing off of the face of the earth oh my god
Second off: I’m going on an indefinite hiatus as of Sundayish. Yes, you read that right, an indefinite hiatus. All the content on the blog will stay for our enjoyment, and I fully authorize use of my gifs anywhere and everywehre
Third off: if you’re struggling rn, shit gets better, PLEASE trust me on this.
TLDR of this post; I got better, so can you, and I’m heading out.
ENT GC: let me know if you want admin. Do what you want with the blog, and if you wanna make a new group chat, please do so since I won’t be around to add people.
How can I contact you/get your contact info before you go? Dallyn and Daphne have my contact info so if you ever need to reach me and I’m gone... yeah. Like I said, I’ll be heading out Sundayish, so I’ll periodically log in here if you wanna talk to me/get my info before I go.
What’s your actual name? That... that’s a long story, too. LMAO. Especially if you know me. DM me for the story if you know me.
Why are you leaving? So, as you guys know, I started college, which is completely and utterly whack. Everything is changed, everything is different and I have friends now? Like, WTF. I’ve been so wrapped up in work it took me forever to get on here after Dallyn texted me “your account got hacked” so... oops. I let everyone into the ent gc (oh my GOD i look back at that and have a love/hate relationship with it!) and let me know if you figure out a way to make admins on it??? I’m confused AF.
I’m going to be focusing off college and staying off Tumblr for a while. It was 2 am technically today and I was reading all my old posts like “jfc I was so depressed???” and now I’m just... not. I made friends, real friends, over the summer. People who understand and get it (and yes some of them are ent stans.)
Why did you disappear in May and why are you leaving again? Shortly put, and I don’t mean to sound mean, I made real friends. Real as in I will physically interact with them in real life (aka college friends). I kind of weaned off Tumblr slowly, and only kept going back for the ent gc (I LOVE YOU GUYS THOUGH!!!). And it kinda became a drag.
When I came back to Tumblr, it was like late January and early February. I’d just got out of the Instagram rping world and was so tempted to start one here, but I was scared and intimidated, and I’m glad I didn’t. Breaking off rp was the best thing I’d ever done for myself, and the best thing that this toxic girl ever did for me. My shitty mental health had been kinda dependent on this rp, it’s hard to explain, but I was being a jerk and kinda had been since freshman year with projecting my feelings onto my character’s and blurring the lines far too much between me and her. She was (and is!) still hella overpowered, hella perfect, and something that would absolutely never happen in canon.
Honestly, this whole situation was basically the lyrics to the song Clarity ft. Foxes by Zedd. I love that song, go give it a listen.
Point being, I got myself off of that once I realized. The problem had started in January 2017, ran through October 2017, and then took a hiatus until junior year but only started to really manifest itself in February 2019. And honestly, mainly when school started back, in September/October 2019 and lasted until January 4 when she and I had our last fight. (She messaged me again, later- here- and since making that post, we’ve ended things on neutral terms.)
So I came here. Tumblr. I’d been here in 2017 right after the OTHER rp ended, and I think Tumblr became my new outlet then, too. I was a baby in the middle of my freshman year then. And then there I was, coming full circle. As a senior in high school. I read all of my old posts about how I’d never make it, and there I was. I’d made it. The end of HS was in sight.
I straight up vibed through all of May. Now, I was slowly making friends in college already, but it only really took off in April and May, which is when I left. I focused more on those, building those connections. I loved you guys on Tumblr, I still do, but I was definitely going to meet these college friends. And as I pulled my head out of Tumblr, I got a job, an actual paying job , in June- and I was already gone.
As I looked back on my posts last night/this morning I was thinking “oh my GOD what the fuck” because jfc, Tumblr had turned into the place where I vented. And then as I got through the months, I became happier. The pandemic was around, duh, and I didn’t have as much school stressing me out, there wasn’t as much craziness around. I was free, I didn’t have people from high school to deal with, and I got better on my own.
YEAH, I was talking to a college guy. And yeah, that was nice, but it was more of a side thing. He was my friend, and he played me, but I learned to be myself. Learned to love Enterprise wildly and give absolutely no fucks.
And it is oh so nice to give zero fucks. It’s an amazing feeling. I hope everyone gets there someday. And yeah, I’ve had moments where people don’t like me, and moments where I’ve felt down, depressed. That’s not saying life is always perfect 100% of the time.
But what I’m trying to say is: it gets better. And to me, Tumblr was like a crutch. Sometimes you need it to help you stand, but when you think you always need it, and can stand on your own, that’s where the problem is. In May, I became confident enough to let the crutch go. And I’m thankful that I did that.
I still love you guys, everyone reading this post, the people that know me and are going to miss me. It’s not that I hate this website or anything- I just stopped using it as a crutch, you know?
Where can I read this crazy fanfic? DM me, haha. It’s the classic “self-insert but NOT a self-insert” fanfiction originating form a fifth grade idea, reformatted by my depressed fourteen-year-old self. And I wouldn’t change it for the world. Yes, it’s Star Trek.
I also have one for the girl’s relative, too, which IMO is much better. She’s less overpowered, more of a real human being.
So why mention the fanfic and RP? It’s weird; I’ve come full circle. I wanted to be this perfect girl, and then I planned how she’d finish her story (and I’m finishing it. I am, I promise, because she’s a part of me that I wouldn’t trade for anything). As I’ve taken a break from the E/AP-verse (my public nickname for it haha, someone found out here) I’ve realized again, I came full circle.
All I wanted back then was to be happy and I thought a guy would do it. Popularity, a bunch of friends, a “hot body” (btw FUCK BODY SHAMING and you’re all perfect) and all that BS that the media tells you. What really gives you happiness (or at least me)? Confidence. The fact that I know I have friends I can count on here. Yeah, a relationship is nice, but complete yourself before you get into one.
And when I planned my OC’s ending back in February, that’s what she got. She’s married in my head now, to her (and my!) perfect guy, but the important part is that she’s happy, and she’s herself before she got married. Before she got in her relationship.
So, yeah. I think that covers it. In all honesty, if you have more questions, send them to the ask box and I’ll tag them and all this as “ry’s goodbye” and update my nav page. It’s 12:39 AM so please excuse any typos!
Bye, guys. For now, at least.
I love you.
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jimimn · 3 years
rambled a lot again  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
jfskkakd I forgot to mention this in the previous ask but JIMIN'S TAG ON TWITTER 😭 EVERYTIME THEY USE THAT "our army recieved an award" tag IM- OK I LOVE THEM SO MUCH 💘💓💕💓💕💞💕💝💞💓💗-💫
ASDFCGEVBHRNK (i mayhaps am blushing because of your confession but we’re gonna pretend i didn’t say that 😌😌) AND SAME OKAY!!!! blonde jungkook yes hmm he came and just ran a truck over me and left me barely breathing but am i complaining? absolutely not ✨ ruin me king thank you 😌👌 JUST GIMME BLONDE JUNGKOOK SELCA AND IN A BUN I BEG PLS my life will be complete after that AND MAYBE JUST MAYBE BLONDE JIMIN IN A BUN ALONG WITH HIM LIKE THAT ONE OT7 LIVE im crying already just thinking about it. we don’t mention THAT idol performance in this household without going absolute feral. the chest and the bun in that performance ahhahahah :) AND HIS PERMMMMMMM ooooofff the way i loved it. SDFGHKJLKL its okayyyy studies first!! I’m sure you can find the performances on youtube to watch it!! ALSO CAN CHANEL CALL JIMIN ALREADY?????? no one wears chanel like park jimin does. period. his choker yesterday had me hahhahhah 🥵 like that meme where the puppy (?) is sitting on a table and there’s fire all around and the pup says he’s fine. i am that pup and the fire is jimin’s chanel (or not) chokers. and add his ON body rolls and stares to it and that’s it you have how-to-kill-shivi-in-one-go package ready. PLUS THE SHIRT WAS SEE-THROUGH TOO HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP and god the way i love loose shirts on him. thinking about his 5th muster japan outfit without the blue jacket. loose white shirt and chokers and black skinny jeans hahahahhaha im fine asdfghjkl IM SORRY I GOT SIDE-TRACKED RIP 
OMG TAEHYUNG’S WEVERSE UPDATE man he legit has the power to pull off every single colour damn kim taehyung looked so fucking fine in it 🥵 and lmao i saw a tweet about the clown emoji lmao and it said “don’t you love it when taehyung mentions ARMY in his posts” and it had pictures of tae actually mentioning army in his posts and the last one was “🤡” and I SNORTED SO LOUD IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT READING IT that my sister sleeping beside me slapped me in her sleep 💀 AND YES OMG ON IS IT!!!! neither bangtan nor ARMY are getting over ON until bangtan perform it in front of a live audience. not even then i guess. everything about it is absolutely grand and iconic. I wonder if any more award shows are left or if this one was the last one BECAUSE I AM HOPING FOR A BS&T PERFORMANCE am i dumb for hoping that? absolutely 120% yes BUT THE HEART WANTS WHAT IT WANTS. 
JIMIN’S TAG ON TWITTER YES OOF THAT NEVER FAILS TO MAKE ME EMO 😭😭😭 THEY LOVE US SO MUCH 😔😔😔😔 stan people who stan you back 😭💖 ALSO OMG I REALISED I NEVER ASKED YOUUUUUUU who is your biassssssssssss? (its absolutely fine if you don’t wanna tell me tho no pressure 💖💖)
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spadesinglasses · 4 years
The Old Guard (Movie)
okay after days and days of seeing the lovely Joe and Nicky just pop up in my youtube recommendation along with the other gay couples. I finally finally got my hands on the movie and found the perf day to watch it.
Okay let’s begin the reaction. Which im actually writing as soon as i ended the film.
First thing first, i was expecting a repeat of the monologue of when they first died on screen again when the scene repeated. Lowkey hurt that it didn’t happen but i can see why.
Second, the betrayal box was shown on the trailer so that was not surprising. Sad that Lala, sorry that’s the character from kinky boots lol, i’m sad about Copley’s character. His reason for betraying Andy and the gang was personally not good enough. 
I can see why Copley would be persistent on having a cure for disease. Anyone who had a love one die because of some uncurable disease would feel that way. Still, i call bs on his naive thinking. A bunch of immortals being handed off to a scientist, AND HE THOUGHT THAT THEY WERE GOING TO BE MORALLY GOOD ABOUT IT? AND NOT TREAT SAID IMMORTALS AS RATS?
Really dude?
Is the history in The Old Guard universe THAT different for ours? Is racism not a thing there? Hilarious.
Sorry I wanted to word the above stuff in a more direct way, but i feel like it’s going to be a bit vile and too much so i’ll refrain from saying it. All i’m gonna say is that Copley was not thinking when he cooperated with a white scientist guy.
My bad way of thinking aside. Let’s get back to the movie.
When Booker first came on to the screeen i felt bad vibes from him. Something about his whole thing was not clicking for him. I knew something was bad was going to happen.
Also a sign that Booker and Copley is going to betray them would’ve been when Copley saw that Nicky had his gun on him. I doubt Copley could see from that far. So unless Booker fed him info, that will be entirely impossible.
Moving on, the bullshit that is mr lex luthor batman v superman edition 2.0 and his ranting in that convention. I knew i’m gonna hate him as soon as he opened his mouth.
One thing i hate the most are villains who justify their medical bullshittery.
We all want for medicine to progress.
We are all aware that science is never morally good. And most of all doctors and scientists has the moral compass of a cookoo clock. 
An immortal plus a scientist will always always equate to fucking hot mess.
I knew Copley is going to have a reason for why he was working with Merrick. Copley was morally good, he really thought he was doing the right thing, hell he worshiped the gang and their results. Its just that for him, he wanted to have a hand on it.
We can all debate whether he has ulterior motives subconsciously. Or whether it was all just about his wife dying. (my side will be that he subconsciously wanted a hand on shaping the future, but it was buried by his want to save people who was suffering what he went through.)
But yeah that connection was solidified when he talked about his wifey.
Now can we just talk about that scene of Joe and Nicky just spitting poems at one another? Right off the bad we were introduced with a soft spoken and soothing Nicky with a snarky Joe and my goooooood when Joe started talking about who Nicky is for him my  heart clenched and I just imagined being the receiving end of both of their romantic gestures. Omfg i would dieeee.
(fun fact, even after watching the trailer and seeing a lot of gifs and edits of that scene, it didn’t click to me that Joe is played by Hot Jafar actor. My friend had to point that out for me to finally get the AHA moment xD. I knew something was familiar about the guy and his voice but yeah xD)
I wish to be sang by Joe and Nicky as they both cuddle me to sleep. Oh to be the middle of that sandwhich ;A; one can only hope.
Oh i also wanted to talk about Nile’s pov with killing. I have no idea how long she had been in the military before “awakening” so im not sure and again this might sound immature, tone deaf or ignorant but, she really joined the military and was surprised that they kill people and taught to deal with it? Has she not heard of the veterans who leave the military filled with ptsd and some other stuff? 
At the very least she looks like a millenial and you’re telling me she has that all sunshine and rainbows point of view of the military? This is like Copley all over again. That ranting was really unnecessary and it didn’t even resolve or whatever. 
I get it she’s young and new. She literally has a family she couldn’t leave just like that BUT all she focused on is the fact that Andy killed a lot of people? REALLY? THAT’S WHAT MAKES YOU NOT WANT TO HELP THEM?
Im sorry  that part is just ridiculous for me. At the very least find something better to hang over Andy’s head. Like i dunno colluding with drug people i guess?
OH OH You know what really made me sure that Booker is working for Copley and Merrick? That is when he talked about his son dying of cancer. That moment I was like “Oh yep this is my confirmation. I better prepare myself.”
I want to be thankful that the torture scene was not too much. I hate plots and tropes of scientists and doctor quacks toying with humanity and such because they are always so graphic and just inhumane. Thank god the director is a woman and we didn’t have to deal with unnecessary testosterone bullshitery that most male directors do for their movies.
I was definitely not expecting to feel sad for Booker. When they passed the judgement to him, It was fucking sad. Deserving but nonetheless sad. Booker hated being alone and straight boy has a point when he talked about how Nicky and Joe have one another. But still fucker got my gays locked up, I ain’t treating him nicely after that.
AND BOOKER POTENTIALLY WORKING WITH HER? straight boy really ain’t learning anything huh.
Im excited for the possibility of a second. I’m excited to see more of Quynh and what she can do. I really hope that she ends up becoming a goodie at the end. I really don’t want her to just die as a villain.
Overall. Despite the lack of solid motivations and conflicts and stuff, the movie is very good. I rarely watch action movies because its always testoroney filled bullshits. and just dicking romance but yeah The Old Guard is right up my alley.
Now for the theories i come up while watching.
Disclaimer that I have not or is not going to follow the comics that this movie is based on. I don’t have the interest to do so so if any of my theories is actually canon and has already been talked about before, and is confirmed, please understand that I don’t do in depth research for these posts. This is all just the ranting of a guy who watched a movie. Not a critique that seem to be very abundant here in tumblr.
Theory The immortal 5
I have not kept track on how many immortals are there but my theory is that only 5 immortals are allowed to exist. When Andy lost her immortality she said that its finally her time, that maybe she finally reached her end goal. Does that mean that Nile was not immortal before that time? I would assume so because her family would’ve freaked out right off the bad when she’s a kid and her wounds just close up right in front of them.
So the immortality is not birth given but rather bestowed when one of the immortals reach their end. Im not sure if it’ll be just 5 or so, but there seems to be a give and take situation with the immortality. We also find that it’s not according to who got it first or who’s the oldest since some guy died first before Andy when we know Andy is the oldest. 
uhmm... welps i think i forgot the rest of the theories i have in my head that haven’t yet confirmed by the film lmao.
oh well.
I love it i loooooove it
 i wanna be in the middle of joe and nicky or just be see them personally flirt with one another. I would die happily.
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hawopro · 4 years
Prince of Tennis (2019) meme
I was tagged by the lovely @sandreeen​ on my main (@rupru-russiaxprussia​) but anyway, I’m going to do this here! Never done this before, was I supposed to response with reblog or?? :D?? Original post here
Tagging: @zhuxinjie @wndrnvrlnd @luckycheesefoodie321@kdramapit @pillarpair @tsukkiyume if yall wanna do it, and other who’s watched this show and need to rant like I did months ago.
Lmao like I’m doing now actually, bc these answers are long............ Let me know what you guys think! I’m always down to talk about this show bc this fandom is so little hahaha
1. Favorite character(s)?
2. Favorite school team(s)?
3. Favorite coach(es)?
4. Favorite supporting cast member(s)? (characters who aren’t regulars, aren’t on tennis teams etc.)
5. Favorite original character(s) in the adaptation?
6. Who do you think enacted their role best?
7. Favorite singles match?
8. Favorite doubles match?
9. Favorite story arc?
10. Most amusing tenipuri scene(s)/moment(s)/running joke(s)?
11. What did you like most about the adaptation?
12. What do you think the adaptation could have improved on?
13. Any other thoughts you want to share?
1. Favorite character(s)?
Childhood favorite is Zhuo Zhi (Fuji) BUT now my taste in fictional guy is douchebag with character development, therefore Ji Jingwu (Atobe) is my favorite hands down. And Ming Ren did such an amazing job that I swooned tbh... perfect amount of arrogance, charisma, with mushy inside (letting Shishido back on team and caring about Siyang like come on). But I love this adaptation of Siyang (Tezuka) as well, anime Tezuka was too dry for me. Yu Shirota’s Tezuka was good, but I love this dorky Siyang.
2. Favorite school team(s)?
Rokkaku! They’re so pure and adorable, super chill and quirky af! So accepting of Lu Xia (Ryoma) into their midst. Babies.
3. Favorite coach(es)?
Rokkaku’s coach! Mr. Six, old wise man. Where can I find one? I need life changing advice.
4. Favorite supporting cast member(s)? (characters who aren’t regulars, aren’t on tennis teams etc.)
Echizen Nanjiro (I forgot his Chinese name). Is he supporting cast?? Haha I love that he’s obsessed with a singer, make weird food, but really love Lu Xia. None of that perverted bs from anime. I approve. Especially love his and Qiao Chen’s (Momo) interaction over the singer (how Qiao Chen called him Dage and then switched to Shushu in front of Lu Xia lmao). Most striking scene is when he and Lu Xia shared a blanket. My heart.
5. Favorite original character(s) in the adaptation?
Qi Ying’s friend Peng Xiang (Sakuno’s friend uhh Tomoka?) I thought she was kinda annoying in the anime, but Peng Xiang is supportive af, always there with encouragement for Qi Ying. So funny when she said she won’t look at men other than Yu Qing and then Rokkaku walked in with sleeveless shirts.
6. Who do you think enacted their role best?
I think everyone did really great! I think the director and writers really know the anime personalities. Kudos to them for awesome in making characters well-rounded and realistic in this adaptation. Side characters from other teams didn’t get much thoughts, but I’m sure that’s due to budget and time constraint.
7. Favorite singles match?
First thought would be Siyang and Jingwu’s match. But that’s bc I’m biased. Upon thinking more, I like Lu Xia and Zhuo Zhi’s match during practice in the rain. They are a good match up, and it’s a shame we never got to see the end of it (in any adaptation.) Zhuo Zhi was actually being serious haha. It’s like they’re battling for the title of Siyang’s no.1 favorite.
8. Favorite doubles match?
OH i gif this so hard, but the Rival pair match!!!! god I love their dynamic and their development on the court! I swear when Golden pair graduates, and Baiyang (Kaidoh) and Qiao Chen became capt and vice capt, they’ll be the new Golden pair. Who else know you better than your rival amirite. New recruits would whisper behind their backs “are you sure that’s Yu Qing’s golden pair? they’re fighting like cat and dog” and then be flabbergasted when witness their teamwork during game.
9. Favorite story arc?
Studying for exam arc and training camp/power up arc. I’m a sucker for those slice of life team interaction. It’s not a sport anime without the studying bootcamp at a team member’s house. The training camp arc has nice interactions with Yu Feng (Fudomine) and you can really see that while Yu Qing is one of the top tennis schools, they really have a lot of flaws and have to work really hard to be better! That and the pillow fight scene during the power outage. And Yu Feng thought they were training. All I’ve ever wanted. Very nice.
10. Most amusing tenipuri scene(s)/moment(s)/running joke(s)?
This adaptation is hilarious! I love the whole Yan’s juice (Inui’s juice) running joke and Nanjiro’s inedible cooking with crawfish and durian and weird stuff. I also love how everyone just fainted when drinking it hahaha even Siyang couldn’t handle it. Stretcher bros are funny af, that one time they’re so used to carry stretcher and needed to bring it everywhere hahaha. And when they tried to paint each other omg. Also love when Qiao Chen crashed into Nanjiro, and Nanjiro was drawing chalk line around them to preserve evidence afd;sjlkda i died laughing. And when Qiao Chen swerved his bike and Lu Xia fell off. And Qiao Chen and Lu Xia’s double practice... there are a lot more, but I will shut up now.
11. What did you like most about the adaptation?
I’d say refer to my post Things I loved about... but basically I love how there are a lot of nuances from the anime in this adaptation. Everything is as similar as possible to anime but not forced. So I def prefer this adaptation to the JP movie or the Taiwanese series.
12. What do you think the adaptation could have improved on?
The tennis and cgi could be better imo. The JP live action movie had amazing cgi for the special techniques and they didn’t look outlandish or cringey... Also I might be wrong, bc I’m no tennis expert, but most of the actors didn’t seem to know how to play tennis? Their serve, smash and sometimes forehand really cringed me... no way those forms are legit... that ball would have flew into the fence... it’s a bit distracting and kinda embarrassing when I tried to get my friends to watch this hahaha “here watch this tennis show, but don’t watch the tennis in it”
13. Any other thoughts you want to share?
oof I spent way too much time writing this instead of studying... please come talk to me about this show! I love it so much! If yall ever write fic on ao3, please link me, I’d love to read bc there’s so little content for this fandom that it hurts me! Thanks for reading my rant until the end hahaha
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angelaiswriting · 4 years
The Year of the Bitch| JAN + FEB 2020
Hello, my darlings!
Long time no see, and I apologize for that. I thought I’d let you know a bit about how these first two months of my Bitch Life (lmao) have been going and I’ll do it under the cut because I doubt many will want to know about my life.
Just a spoiler: I’m working on the cover of a coming-soon book 😏 + goal for the next few months: try and don’t catch this coronavirus bs 🙃
Memory wise, I still suck ass, so #i’m sorry #i’ll forget to talk about some things.
Generally speaking, January and February are exam months because of uni and long story short, your bitch failed an exam for the first time ever. But you know what? I’m not even sad about it -- I wasn’t the day I failed (I mean, at first I was ofc, but the wait for the train home gave me time to think and I realized that I wasn’t as sad as I thought I’d be), and I’m not sad now. I think it was a great lesson -- and to put it with my brother’s words, “You gotta start failing or the real world will kick your ass.” Like,
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also, considering as it was said by someone who can’t face shit for the life of him... double the energy of that gif
But yeah, at the end of the day I came to the conclusion that sometimes we have to fail in order to succeed, and that failure? Bitch, it kicked me into Hyper Motivated Bitch mode, I’m not even kidding.
Also, I learned that no matter how hard some things might seem (Economics exam, I’m looking at ya) or how little I think I know (Economics exam, still talking about your ugly ass), it’s the effort that matters and bitch *out of breath*, the effort I put into that exam!
I’ve also come to terms -- and in a peaceful way, wow, look how mature I’m getting -- with the writer’s block that’s still digesting me. I have zero (0) inspiration or motivation to write these months days, but I’m trying to get back on track by reworking a novel I’d actually like to publish one day. It’ll most likely be a long ass process, but it’s okay, it’s still a ride I’m willing to live through to the end.
The high I’ve been on for the past two months is now dropping down into a puddle of new fam problems (*dramatic exhale* -- I’m still learning how to ask for help but for once this is not the case lol), BUT I’ve been working on myself a lot ever since New Year’s. I’ve been working out, I’ve been consistent with yoga and meditation, I’m trying to build healthy habits in general AND WAIT FOR IT
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I’ve been getting into the hang of Photoshop once more!!! My parents got me a drawing tablet for Christmas (I have vague memories of saying this already tho ?) and not only did it allow me to make Tatyana’s file a little more ‘personal’ in a way, buuuuuut I might’ve been getting into digital art?? 🙈 I’m loving it and despite being a newbie with this whole thing, I’m having so much fun, you guys have no idea. It relaxes me even when I make mistakes and I think this whole experience is a great teacher, considering how perfectionist I tend to get. I can fuck around, draw shitty things and still have fun while doing it, but also paint fairly decent pieces that make me proud of my horrible ones.
The most exciting part of this ‘artistic journey’ is... *drum roll* a friend of mine is going to publish a book (in Italian, so it probably won’t travel the world and you won’t see my art but who cares) and I’ve been making a book cover for her for the past... month ? ish ? I’m very slow, but I also have other things to do, so that’s okay. It’s not entirely my work since she gave me a drawing her friend made and I reworked it, BUT STILL, YA KNOW??? I’m very excited about it and happy and proud of the results I’m getting, despite it still being a WIP and all. I might even share it once the book is out, who knows! I just need validation lmao
Last but not least, I’ve been more forgiving with myself. I’ve been getting to know myself better, I got back in touch with a friend I hadn’t heard from for over a year... In a weird non-self-centered way I’ve been focusing on myself and my (mental and physical) health a lot more and while the results might not be tangible yet, I’m feeling a lot happier and that’s the vibe I wanna keep with myself for the whole fucking decade.
Before this whole coronavirus shit hit the fan I was planning trips with my dad, but now it’s all on pause. But the moral of this story is, I want to experience more -- more things, more feelings, more time out with the people (my doggo included) I love. We only live once (or, at least, we tend to forget about our past lives?) and maybe I won’t live mine to the fullest of its capabilities (your bitch is broke), but that won’t stop me from going out there when I can.
Special shout out to my cousin for still being my inspiration -- and to Arianna for adding herself to the list. They’ll never see this post and read my appreaciation, but it’s also thanks to them that the bitch inside me is thriving.
To end this rant I’d like to thank the friends that’ve been walking this path with me, most of all Ty aka Fran Fine (lol, you’re still saved like that on my phone) and Claudia for sharing it and also sharing things and experiences with me. Knowing you’re not completely alone in this truly is a good feeling and a blessing.
My next goal is to find a balance between being there for myself and being there for my friends. I’m sure I’ve seemed a bit detatched lately, but it’s only been because I’ve been trying to figure my shit out. March and April (all the way through to December) will be better, I promise 💛
There’s a lot more I’ll remember only after hitting ‘post,’ but these are the very highlights of my journey so far and I really wanted to share also bc this bitch needs to be kept accountable.
Kudos to you if you made it past the ‘read more’ thing and then to the end of this very rambly post. If you want to share your progress in this Bitch Project thing, feel free to hit me up; we can cheer each other up!
Much love,
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adventurous-blob · 5 years
Episode Gladio commentary!! Here i go!!
Imma go easy since its my first time also thATS WHAT SHE SAID
anyways, difficulty and immaturity aside, time to begin.
Kay so Gladio's episode is 'bout self discovery? dudes just pissed Ravus beat him I guess? I mean, fair enough but he leaves noctis and they go do like a dungeon and it's just?? It all seems really chill considering he's the Kings shield.
Eh, non-sensicle rambling aside.
Okay so im guessing its gunna be like Gladio telling the story which i'll be playing- neato.
"Just a scratch, the other guy got off a lot worse." Yeah, uh, suure.
"Worse than looking like some kind of thug?" Damn Noctis, chill your beans bro.
Oooo 'Blade master', can't get a title cooler than that, right?
Oh gorsh,,, I suck at controlling Gladio,, This'll be interesting...
Yep. This'll definitely be interesting. Even with the tutorial.
He's just casually sat surrounded by voretooth corpses, as you do.
"Are you mentally prepared?" Cor, sweetie, Gladio seems to just be a 'suck it up, buttercup' type i think he's subconsciously mentally prepared even when he isn't consciously.
"Unless i get more power." Gladio you sound like Vergil from devil may cry, just don't stab yourself with a big sword and go power mad, yeah?
Cor is so serious,, but like he's sort of soft too,, like you can see he cares by what he says and stuff, y'know?
its like 'You go fight that thing you probably aren't strong enough to fight yet!! but stay safe too! don't want you dyin' on me!!' except, more like Cor would say it.
I feel like i've heard the name Gilgamesh before?
Gosh i love Cor and Gladio so much,, they're stronk boyos.
"Alright i've got this." Yeah!! yeah you do!! Thats the spirit Gladio!!
oh uh i've only just noticed but there are bodies everywhere... hecc...
Okay they're alive but also dead now i killed them. Also,, the soundtrack?? that battle music?? hell yeah, thats some good stuff.
Ooo waterslide!!!!
Eheheh Gladio rode the snek. ooo this is spoopy...
Wait we made it to the blade master already?? wha??
Ah okay i was meant to fail against Gilgamesh, that was a little frustrating at first...
"If you do not fear death" yeah i fear that Gladio lets lEAve
"So the blademaster..."
"He's a master of blades. What-- where you expecting something profound?"
coming from someone who plays mainly rpg games i expected it to be something with flying swords? like bahamut except smaller and weaker y'know?
also are we inside a tree??? the whole of this so far and like chapter uhh 4-5 (the one where they're in the crater, i apologise for poor memory lmao) just reminds me of devil may cry 5.
Awhhh, they're eating Cup Noodles togetherr,,
oh hecc yes SAVE.
Option: tell me more
My brain: tell me More, tell me more, tell me mo-o-ore, but Gladio singing it.
imma throw hands with Gilgamesh how dare they deem cor unworthy he's a stronk bean
"Keep your eyes and ears open."
*open area appears*
Me, immediately: I don't like this.
Bdhshjdndjs tHEY DID THE THING!!! Where Cor jumps on Gladio's back and then brings down a strike on the enemy!! Aaaa teamwork is so great!!!
"do you have the strength to survive these trials?" uh I sure hope he does
*looking at a body stabbed into the wall*
You okay there pal?
Sword stuck in the ground: *has the option to touch it*
I'm sorry but my whole play through of final fantasy I couldn't take most things gladio said serious because I'm immature and kept making dirty jokes but this,, this right here has to be the peak point where I could make a dick joke or say 'i dunno that's pretty gay Gladios.'
"hand holding stops here" no Cor stay please ;~;
Sometimes I hate the combat in this game, not because I think it's bad,, just,, gladio,,, in enclosed spaces,, with lots of foes,, it's not good for camera angles.
Ah yes. Touch the glowy thing. That's ALWAYS a great idea!
The soul keeps calling Gladio "young warrior" and sometimes I forget Gladio is like only 23? Like I dunno, he seems older? But at the same time?? It's like right? I dunno? Maybe it's his looks or personality who knows.
COR!!!! HEYA!! :3
"you wanna know why?" I mean, hell yeah. duh.
Awh he's worried bout Noct but i agree tbh, plus, Noct is fine they're just fighting that big dragon thing with Aranea!! :3
okay i can hear growling and snarling thats never good, but maybe its just a big puppy?? No??? awh okay ;~;;
Gladio with a gaint pupper would be adorable
ANYWAYS i'm getting side tracked again oops
Can i just use columns to defeat the blade master? just like 'You might be the blade master but iM BOB THE BUILDER' and just yeet a column at him??
Every column i see i just want to yeet now. In honour of yeeting columns, i paused and made a poem:
my nam is Gladio
and am strong
i hav sword
i tri do no wrong
when wyvern hit
and i do poor damage
it seems liek
somethin i must manage
so when wyvern
has me beat
i pick up a column
and i yeet
hope you enjoyed.
tOuuCh the soWoRd
bdjdndj i want an enkidu now they're so cooll!!!
toucH the gLowly
Actually Cor can i go home please??
also pft the soul like "Yeah well i knOw betteR." i can't.
however, i can yeet column at this bandersnatch and i will.
i picked up a column after the fight and i dunno how to put it down so i guess Gladio has a Pet column now. Imma call it stony.
NUH i got rid of stony ;~; see you in the afterlife stony.
The way Cor describes the blademasters eyes makes me think of Kakashi from Naruto with his sharingan.
also Gladio's confidence and positivity give me life.
final chamber- this is it!
a red giant?? really?? damn it.
i have my headphones on full and the soul just said "Come here to die, have you?" and it made me jump
"You looking to die again?" Gladio is not having this souls bs
it's talking about Cor and i am ready to tHROW HANDS,,, Cor is bean.
Cor giving Gladio a final warning but not stopping him makes my heart feel weird,,,
Awh that lil grin, Aaa the "Come back alive, be safe Gladio." has me soft™️
"He'd better be ready for me." Uh, Gladio, thats whAT SHE SAID!
Oh hecc here we go!! Heya Gilgamesh!! Time to defeat you!! :3
Gilgamesh isn't actually thatbhard to fight??
oH SO NOW HE HAS AN ARM geez lemme guess he's stronger and has more health too now?
Oh look i'm right!
Okay yea he's a lot stronger i don't like this but Gladio can do it!!! I believe in him!!!!!
Also after realising a tactic i have defeated Gilgamesh and i was right Gladio could do it!!!! :D
"I may be all muscle no mettle, but i'm gunna keep protecting Noct the only way i know how." YOu GO GLADDY!!!! I'm v v proud!!!!
Awhhh Gilgamesh is actually pretty cool dude i like him. Awhhhh he's giving Gladio his sword!! I'm so happy aaa!!
I really like Gladio and all of this and aaaa im so hAPPY for Him!!!!
they're just talking and its really nice and i'm not crying but i'm overwhelmingly happy for them!!
wait Gladio got the scar on his eye from dealing with a bully? damn i need to finish brotherhood, huh.
Prompto said "The more you know" and the gif popped up in my head and i'm lauGhing so damn much why is that so fUnny???
"What can I say? I'm worth the wait." Noctis,, sweetheart,, Foreshadow mucH XD
Awhhh, i'm really happy for Gladio. I'm actually really happy with that whole DLC to be honest. It was fun to play and i feel i kinda got more of a look into Gladio's and Cor's characters and such, y'know? That, plus i got better at playing as Gladio too! And getting better at stuff like that is always good! Practice makes perfect after all!
So yeah, hope you enjoyed my commentary of Episode Gladio!
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cannedapricot · 6 years
Road Trip with! NCT Dream
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the album,,,,,,, the mv,,,,,, i’m soft don’t touch me,,,,,,,,,,,, here’s a road trip au based on their mv to let my uwus out. also this gif makes me hella emo
so i know school has started in most countries
but for this au, pretend that you’re still on summer vacation!!
aka what i wish i was on rn ugh
high schoolers! dream!!!
mark’s already graduated high school
and will head off to his uni after the summer ends
then donghyuck, jeno, jaemin and renjun’s gonna graduate before next year summer
which really means
that it’s gonna be the last summer of your crew as high schoolers
this thought didn’t really go through your head until a week before school starts
when the 00 line fucking shows up at your door with their bags already packed
and bright smiles
you’re just like-
????when did we agree on a sleepover????
“come on, dear y/n, it’s not like you were planning on doing anything else”
you eyes narrow 
i mean,,,, they’re right tho,,,,, all you’ve done all summer is laze at home because it’s way too hot outside,,,,,,,,but,,,,,,,,,,,,
“can,,,,, you even drive tho”
“i even don’t trust him with my fish what makes you think i trust him with the wheel”
fuck no one’s sane here
but what’d you really expect from two jocks and two art geeks
the same jocks and geeks that pushed you back into your own home and watched as you packed
wipes away tear
“why am i always forced to do dumb shit with you guys”
“whAT DO YOU MEAN????”
and so you were pushed out the door after having a word with your parents
who only agreed to let you go cause they deemed renjun trust worthy
because he’s the only one who at least acts normal around your parents
right on the curb parked mark’s old and stuttering blue car.
on which he sat in the driver’s seat, trying to get the old thing to play music
“are you sure we’re not gonna die”
“nope, but it’s the only car we have available”
jeno whispered in response, throwing your bag in the trunk
“ah, y/n, i see you’ve been successfully dragged into hyuck’s dumb idea”
donghyuck climbs into the passenger seat next to mark, 
flipping his friend off in the proccess
“you are all here because we are all friends and we love each other”
you, being squashed in the back seat:
“no - not really”
“wtf jaemin there’s another row of seats in the back stOP TRYING TO PUSH ME OUT”
“fucking donghyuck”
wow great start to your trip 10/10
picking up chenle and jisung literally took five seconds
they lived next to each to each other
and it only took one excited nod from chenle for jisung to tag along
and that’s the story of how you ending up being in a shotty blue car with seven teenage boys
miles from home on an empty ass road
screaming the lyrics to micheal jackson songs into the heat (thanks to dj haechan)
at least mark got the speakers to work again
at one point, jisung and chenle at the back decided to sit up onto the car, with their legs on their seats
“how the fuck do i disown them”
“push them off”
everything was going swimmingly
until the car breaks down in the middle of the road
“i knew this was gonna happen sighs”
mark then jumps out to check the hood
then immediately notices something wrong rip
“hyuck, pass me the box in the glove box.”
“you’re prepared???? does this happen often or????”
so mark tries to fix the car in the blistering heat with renjun nagging beside him, holding an umbrella to hide the two of them from the sun
whilst the rest of you start playing uno on the back of the car
multiple times, not once, buT MULTIPLE TIMES
jisung won every round 
which made the rest of you bond trying to break his win streak
“jeno do you have a plus four to screw him up with”
“i only have a green plus two if that helps”
and that kinda goes on until mark lee emerges from behind the raised hood, telling y’all to give the car a push
“yeah just a second, jisung’s finally losing-”
everyone grumbles as they hop off and start pushing
“lets just put our rage into pushing this stupid car”
which ends up moving easier than y’all thought it would
so the seven of you stumble a little when the car started moving by itself
mark nearly drove away himself lmao
made the group of you chase after the car for a moment lmAO
you wished he did drive off though because the second the car starting moving with everyone back on,
he yells,
“siri where’s the nearest bus stop to get home”
then as the day slowly got darker,
your screams didn’t die down lol
the latest feud was over chocolate vs vanilla
and you honestly think about how you got stuck in a group of dumbasses
“remember when hyuck hated jaemin and jeno back in freshman year lol”
“what you still remember that? i’m sorry hyuck :’cccccc”
the group of dumbasses did make you laugh though
so maybe it wasn’t so bad
night then came and the conversation finally started to tone down
mark pulls to the side of the road 
“let’s call it a night, yeah?”
the rest of you mumble in agreement
“our last summer as high schoolers huh”
you hum, running your hands through jaemin’s freshly dyed candyfloss hair
“but will anything change even if you guys graduate?”
chenle asks from the back, head on jisung’s shoulder
“not much, i don’t think. we just won’t see each other as much.”
it was a clear night, and the stars were brighter than ever
everyone was staring up at the night sky, enjoying the cool breeze
“we always have summer right?”
a round of agreement sounded before jeno cuts through-
“does this mean we’re going on another road trip next year?”
“way to ruin the mood jeno”
“oh please no, i don’t think i can handle another one with you dumb fucks”
you loved every moment with them
“this is a cute moment and all, but can jaemin get off of us now?”
renjun asked, referring to the long boy sprawled on top of jeno, renjun and you
“i was planning on sleeping in this position tho-”
he didn’t get to finish his sentence before the three of you pushed him off
mark chuckled before leaving his seat to pull the hood over the open seats
“good night”
you were shook awake by mark the next day, greeted with a sky that wasn’t even awake
“what’s going on?”
“fancy watching the sunrise?”
turns out, mark woke up earlier than the rest of you and drove to an empty beach to watch the sunrise together :’)))))))
you stumbled out of the car, legs soft from sitting for too long, finding the rest of the boys sitting on the hood of the car and on the concrete in front
donghyuck pats the space next to him and you hop on top of the creaky car
“is this safe”
“probably not”
“ o h “
it’s all quiet before the sun starts coming up
then gasps were heard and wishes were made
and it was all heartwarming :”)))))
before all of you made a dash to the cold ass water
trying to chuck mark in
chenle was screaming the entire time
then one idiot cough hyuck cough accidentally chucks sand into mark’s blue car
which then leads to mark pulling the squad into a self wash station
“come one guys let’s wash this car together!!1!1! wE’rE aLl In ThIs ToGeThEr”
“wow i suddenly dont know you”
then some idiot coUGH HYUCK COUGH starts chucking suds at everyone
and renjun getting pinned to the car by jeno but u h 👀👀👀👀👀👀 
y’all end up drying yourselves by sitting under the hand dryers in the bathroom
“at least we don’t have to worry about showering”
“hyuck you started this shut up”
hopping back into the small car, the group decides to start heading back
mainly because your snack supplies were running low
but also because you don’t think the car’s gonna survive any longer
but mostly because snacks were running out
“chenle ate all the fucking pocky”
“i love best friends throwing each other under the bus”
taking a shorter route home, you stop at a basketball court to move a around for a while
“why is jaemin and jeno on one team, they’re the star basketballers of our school tf i call bs”
“you literally picked your own team-”
nomin vs the rest of u fuckers
no surprise, nomin won
now you guys owe them mcnuggets
“hA SU C C”
“let’s leave them behind quiCK TO THE CAR”
mark: trips over own laces running
in no time, you were in front of your own house again
unlike before though, you lowkey didn’t want to leave your friends
“i still can’t believe that we ran out of snacks in a day and a half-”
“blame chenle”
renjun pats your shoulder as jeno and jaemin go get your bag for you
“we’ll be living and sleeping at mark’s place until he leaves. you’re welcome to join”
mark from the driver’s seat: what.
and as they drive away with mark questioning when this was decided,
you head back inside to restock you bag, leaving for mark’s house just a few hours later
when high school started up again, you weren’t surprised to see renjun having chensung in headlock in front of your locker
whilst hyuck just whispers-
“right in front of my goddamn salad” at the sight
creaking open your locker, the first thing you do is stick up a group photo taken on your trip
nomin lean on your shoulders, craning their neck to look at the photo
“we look dumb”
the picture was taken by mark setting a timer on his phone then running to join the picture 
everyone was lined up, leaning against the old blue car against the sunrise
but mark bumped into haechan who bumped into jeno, who bumped into jaemin etc etc
and the picture ended up coming out with everyone slanting as y’all fell in a domino effect
but the smiles on your faces were precious :’))))))))
“i think it’s cute” 
you say, closing your locker, ready to face another year with these fuckers.
hi i’m apri and i present to you yet another unedited piece of shit :’)
listening to the dreamies’ album while writing this made me really emo about mark’s graduation so it got really deep in the middle im s o r r y
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ralfstrashcan · 5 years
3x16 Reaction / Commentary
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Alec “Proud Puppy” Lightwood
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THAT FACE HAHA. Also crêpes man I'm jealous.
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Rude man, don't rip him away from his hard earned waffles.
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This is so hilarious to me, okay, this prompting hand flick Alec does (which you can't see here because I can't gif, only screenshot ahahaha) man I love it. Sadly I didn't find a gif of this yet, so I can't put one :( I can't even put into words why it's so hilarious to me. And Magnus's sceptical gaze hahaha.
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I mean we all knew this was fake, not least because it implies Magnus is wearing the same outfit two days in a row and obviously this would NEVER happen, but also because in no universe does Alec have smooth dance moves. It's a law of nature.
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lol is this an innuendo or something because I don't get it, pls help
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Tiny waist touch is spotted and highly appreciated.
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That scene transition was brilliant and there is nothing else to say about it. I lost count of how many times I've rewatched it because it's awesome. The way Alec's voice sounds slighty off, the way Magnus gets heavier in his arms, the way everything spins out of focus, and Alec's last “Stay with me” sounds almost hard with urgency.
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When I first saw this I was legit yelling at the screen why the hell Alec is just shaking him instead of, idk, doing CPR but I did him a grave injustice there because he actually does and I really appreciate that. (Though, if he learned first aid I wonder all the more about 3x12 (or was it 3x13, I lost count lol) where he just lets Sentry Guy die without even trying to save him.)
That being said, I'm really happy we got to see the immediate aftershocks of it because I was half afraid this episode would just start with Magnus in the infirmary bed. Still, I have a question. Who called Catarina? Izzy? Because why is she then so shocked when she learns Magnus is not breathing? When she presumably first entered the room to receive the instruction to call Catarina, did she not... wonder why Alec was cpr-ing him? Or did Magnus not immediately stop breathing after collapsing but just, faded slowly while Alec had already told Izzy to call Catarina? I kinda wanna know the mechanics here.
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I mean, no surprise there if you keep killing them?? Ahahaha.
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My fangirl brain: What, General Amaya from the Dragon Prince is gonna appear? Sign me the hell up!!!! My rest-brain catching up: No this is not a crossover and no, r is not y and just, no. My fangirl brain: :<
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........ignoring the fact that summoning her is super stupid, there's also the tiny detail that they don't have leverage why would she help them are they just gonna say “pretty please”?? I can't believe them.
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lol Bohemian if you see this, this panel is only for you to haunt your dreams XD hehehe sorry sorry but I just couldn't resist XD
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Wtf I can't believe those words just came out of his mouth. Jace, you're gonna start with a pep talk? You were possessed and forced to do things against your will, you should know better than this. Honestly.
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The way his voice goes up, just kill me now.
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I absolutely loved this scene, in terms of acting it was perfect and it was painfully in character for Alec to blame himself for everything that's not going alright with someone he loves. The problem I have however (because come on, there's always a problem with me) is that they genuinely want to tell me that Alec didn't realize Magnus was faking it? Magnus loses his magic and he “doesn't think twice”? I mean, that's either really really insensitive or really really stupid. And Alec might be insensitive sometimes, but not like that and he surely isn't that stupid. So, uh, I don't really like that bit. Again, if he was secretly happy that Magnus's immortality is gone that's one more thing to feel intensely shitty about, I get that, but being secretly glad how things turned out and not realizing the other person is suffering from how things turned out are two entirely different things. And just, tf Alec. He can't possibly be that dense, can he, that he genuinely thought Magnus was okay with this. Even if he thought this was something Magnus could get used to in the long run, he didn't expect him to need some kind of settling-in period? Really??
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HELL YEAH I STAN CAT SO HARD IN THIS SCENE. And I'm so glad she's the voice of reason in this.... after deigning to appear at long effing last ahahaha sorry not sorry for that dig XD Look it's not her fault, it's the screen writers'.
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I got a soft spot for Simon calling her Fray. Also, high-key loving how they're all sitting there waiting for news and finally acknowledging that something's up with Magnus.
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LOL CLARY TELL US HOW YOU REALLY FEEL. Kidding. It was the Evil Rune at work again, even though she's nowhere near fire. Maybe it was the hypnotic neon lights? In any case, this is becoming a real problem lol. (No, tbh I found that outbreak totally hilarious XD)
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.............................*sigh* I mean, your fierce determination doesn't change the fact that this plan is doomed to fail and you still don't have any leverage over Lilith, but sure. Go off.
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YEAH BECAUSE AS SHE PROVED SHE HAS COMMON SENSE. Though I really hope she also told Alec about this dumb-ass request by his dumb-ass parabatai so he can intervene. But, tbh I don't really expect that to happen. *sigh*
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Kill herself and then revive herself, hoping a short moment of death is enough to severe the connection? Or maybe, uh, try to use her rune power to cancel her Evil Rune instead of summoning Lilith??? Just for starters.
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“See, I infused it with a strong dose of Plot Convenience, so that shouldn't be an issue.”
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“Why? Why do you hate him so much?” “It's simple. All my life I've had to sit by and watch...”
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Thanks for 100% confirming my headcanon, I do love that :)
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I really like the detail that he's so out of breath from the magic, it shows that it was probably more harmful that just a shove back? Oh the questions I want to ask.....
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Bitch you're 484 don't round down so much hahaha
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Is Lorenzo actually gonna be swayed by this????????????????????? uh
Edit: Ahahaha we later learn he actually is and obviously I had to write a ficlet about it, so uuuuh whatever I'll put it at the end with all my other shameless self promo I'll include in this thing XD
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OH YEAH I remember the “Different outfits for different occasions” comment from 2x19 I wonder what she'll wear? The same, or even older??? Btw why does she share a smile with Meliorn as if this is a private joke? Because, like, it isn't.
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I mean that's touching and all, but that doesn't change the fact that Lilith loves you and seeing you dead would absolutely tear her apart, thus making this a fitting revenge. Wtf Jonathan this is no sound counterargument.
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Hm. Tbh I liked her youngest self best? But she's still cast very well. And I recognize that her talking face to face with Jonathan would have been a little ridic if she only reached his navel XD
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Ugh, Bohemian, can you see me rolling my eyes?
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lol at least this was funny
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OMG Luke could you be any more dramatic, are you actually kidding me. I'm gonna be sick soon if you don't cut the bs.
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Wow the first sign of Sizzy that didn't suck, yay! XD this was actually pretty sweet.
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Oh you mean that time that Raphael was feeding on her and they were indulging in mutual addiction? Because as soon as Izzy was clean she steered clear of Raphael.
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..............................................what happened to “scumbag ex”? Why am I even asking?
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?? Yeah? What happened to “While Saia lasted it was the best thing ever?” Then again that was what, three episodes ago? Can't hold him accountable for something that happened so long ago, right.
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Hahaha okay that was cute.
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1) LOL how hilarious would it be if they summon Lilith and just get her corpse plus Jonathan holding the sword still sticking out of her chest. 2) Jonathan is a true sadist, making her wear those heels. 3) Who's that wheelchair for? I mean, Lilith designed this apartment for her disciples, right?
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.................which she doesn't need, since she's no warlock and her powers come from her angel blood, not ley lines. So, points for trying, show, but please don't mix up your races. Makes you look so unprofessional. (Except if this is a hint that shadowhunters also run on ley line energy, have ley line magic flowing through them etc. but honestly I'm not even entertaining the thought because then I'd have a conniption.)
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Wtf it's literally standing twenty seconds of intense mindnumbing pain, why the hell would you need a coach for that? Just hold it together and endure it. Also, if they attempt it, 20 bucks say he'll die for some dramatic Sizzy “Oh shit you could really have died, too” moment.
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Awww you can really see the love in that touch. <--- sarcasm.
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Awww you can really see the love in that touch. <--- no sarcasm.
Honestly, Magnus's touch is natural and familiar (btw love the uncoordinated grabbing) while Alec turns Magnus's chin as if he's trying to make as little physical contact as humanly possible. Is a hand on his cheek really too much to ask for? *sigh*
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lol you'd think he'd start with that immediately after Magnus wakes up instead of taking risks (it's what I would have done) but whatever.
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He's.... actually there to help? For free? Or is Alec gonna have to hand over the Institute's keys to him when the job is done? Lol. (Also that suit jacket could be straight out of Magnus's closet.)
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Oh my God Alec just say he could die. Why sugarcoat it? Say it how it is, and Magnus might listen to you.
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.........yeah. This is so relatable and I love how he delivers this line. The desperation is clear, but he's also determined about it. Also, quick question, why didn't Alec get Catarina to be there when Magnus wakes up instead of Lorenzo? I'm not saying it would have changed the outcome but it might just have made Magnus feel less shitty about being exposed to his nemesis in this weak state. Then again I get it, Alec is running on panic and instinct, so consideration is the last thing on his mind.
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This scene was amazing. Or, lol, this part of the scene. Magnus's performance is stellar and FYI the next thing he says, the “Look at me! Can you honestly say you like this?” was improvised and that's just ugh so good. Coincidentally this is also where my issues with this scene begin. They're not about how the characters act, I found that part very very fitting; it's meta.
The issue Magnus is having isn't about some fear that Alec won't love him anymore now that he doesn't have his magic anymore. Magnus is projecting. His issue lies within himself. He feels differently about himself, he can't say he likes this, and it's only in conclusion that he assumes it must be the same for Alec. But Alec isn't the root of this issue. But of course it's easier to pretend it's about Alec than to openly admit his severe self-image issues, so that's what Magnus does. Perfectly ic to me. The problem I have here is that if we take what Magnus says at face value it appears that Magnus only wants his magic back so Alec will keep loving him (sidenote: even more if you cross out Harry's addition and just focus on the “You fell in love with the High Warlock of Brooklyn. Can you honestly say you don't feel differently about me?”) and the solution to that is clear: Alec drops some wedding vows, problem solved.
But that's not the problem here. Magnus would literally rather be dead than without his magic and no amount of Alec waxing poetry about him is going to change that. And honestly, I'm so grateful for Harry's addition because that made it abundantly clear to me that Magnus is projecting. His bewildered “Can you honestly say you like this?” is an admittance of “I see what I am now and I can't bear it, so how could you?” If that scene had been about Alec, that would have been so uncalled for.
And also loooool but uuuuuuhhh I found Alec's speech less than impressive? I'm sorry, I know he tried but it just didn't work for me? I felt like it really wasn't up to his usual par. Lol I honestly rolled my eyes when he started about the spark that lights up the room XD It felt impersonal, kinda. It's hard to describe. Of course I can cut him some slack on that, because he was emotionally severely overchallenged in that moment and had to make it up on the fly, but uh. Yeah.
Anyway what I really didn't like was his closing line because it kinda sounded as if he was making that decision for Magnus and that's not his place. It might be dangerous and stupid and “not worth the risk” but Magnus isn't in a place where he should have his authority revoked, so. Kept from gambling with his life, yes. With sound arguments and empathy, yes. With dictation, no. So that didn't go over too well with me. Anyway I channeled that into a ficlet already, too, which I'm also advertising at the end.
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......has she just been sitting there for six episodes? Btw I wonder, if Jonathan is happily manipulating Lilith by faking positive emotions towards her I don't get why he totally fell for it every time Clary did the exact same thing to him.
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2) Why hello there Plot Point XD srsly why tf would Asmodeus use Magnus's magic instead of his own if, need I remind you, his own demonic magic is stronger than Magnus's, Magnus's wasn't even enough to destroy her demonic possession on Jace.... so why would Magnus's magic be enough to bind Lilith, the mother of that possession, to a room? Uh, lemme guess... Plot Convenience? So when, theory time!, Lilith is slayed he has no need for it anymore and can return it to Magnus?
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“...to kill you while you were weakened.”
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........I gotta be honest, I was really confused at his submissive behavior but then I realized... they have a 10 year history of these mechanisms, and slipping back into the pattern of things must be so easy. Also, I mean, that paints a really wonderful and peaceful image of his formative years, right?
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Jimon Shipper Moment <3 ;) Look I don't even ship it, but their bickering is high-key amusing to me.
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Instead of just standing between them from the get go? Why?
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?????? I guess the incest runs in the family, pun not intended?????? Btw Jonathan's weird incest-y obsession makes so much sense now. If this is literally the only way he ever learned how “familial love” (Lilith Greater Demon Edition) is expressed I have no questions anymore. Seriously, he's so screwed over by everyone and it's just unfair. (On that note, glad we never had to see him make out with Valentine. Some things are just too terrible to envision. Damn, why did I say that, I should just shut up for all of our sakes.) Anyway, back to our favorite tortured soul here, I'm honestly not even sure if I can hold the incest thing against him any longer. His entire life consisted of being raised by Valentine, who kept him in a hut in the woods where he never got to see anyone but him, and then Edom where there was Lilith and demons. It makes a horrifying amount of sense that normal human norms mean nothing to him. He's never lived them, he's never witnessed them and maybe he doesn't even know them. So yeah. I guess I'll just add the incest thing on the long long list of things that are due to the stellar parenting he enjoyed, and not entirely his fault.
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Damn so close to see my prognosis come true. Then again, I guess this was just the perfect timing because who knows if Lilith won't even help them now kill Jonathan because betrayal bla bla.
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1) No need to twist the knife, then again this is Lorenzo so what am I even expecting.
3) If it's like a transplanted organ being rejected by the body, just, idk, look for a different warlock whose magic fits Magnus better? There must be tests for that kind of thing? And even if there isn't, if you go slow and don't immediately portal all over the world plus end an encanto-coma you should be able to tell the magic doesn't fit pretty quickly without going into cardiac arrest. Magnus only got some nosebleed at first, remember, and it got worse only because he didn't slow down. I'm just saying, there would be Ways.
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Wow I never realized before that he's actually got an undercut. Makes his hairstyle look even stupider.
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Wow I believe this even less now than I did in 3x12.
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“Let's hug in these trying times, but please make sure your face doesn't touch mine, otherwise people might draw the absurd and outrageous conclusion that we're in a relationship or something.”
Honestly. Their portrayal of casual intimacy is abysmal and I hate it.
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1) The infirmary is very weird and open space for a place that should be easily closable if you need to contain, idk, sick people and their viruses and keep it sanitary. 2) I've been wondering since the start of the episode, did Lorenzo's pony tail get shorter? Wasn't it longer before? 3) At least Malec managed to make their feet intersect minimally, so yay for small mercies.
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“One dose of Plot Convenience, coming right up.”
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They're just.... gonna torture her? Really? I don't even have words for this. Oh no, I do:
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Seriously. It's as if morality isn't a thing, and torturing a sentient being isn't always and under all circumstances a Wrong and Bad thing to do. Because clearly if the person receiving torture is just Evil Enough then it's okay. Thanks for standing by and doing nothing Simon, this is exactly the reason I hate your inconsistent streak on this matter. I don't even expect better from the born shadowhunters, and Clary is way to un-reflected to even twitch but. Ugh. Why am I even wasting my breath (my typing capacity?) on this. It's pointless.
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Wow this is pointless, too. I mean, why is Izzy not interfering? She literally just fell down. She shouldn't be out of comission by this. Ugh.
Also ugh to Izzy slinging her whip around his hand instead of, idk, his whole upper body and his arms.
Also ugh to Simon waiting to attack Jonathan until the last second as a heroic saving move to save Izzy which, ugh.
But this here
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I'm honestly lol'ing so hard right now. Hahahaha this is just hilarious to me. Then again, who knows, maybe now they'll team up with Jonathan to kill Lilith and I'll get my hopes up again for a redemption arc XD
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......................HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Btw I bet you she copied that move from Doctor Strange.
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lol another thing I didn't see coming.
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1) Hello Hannibal lol 2) Who went in there and put restraints on him? 3) Who's gonna pay that Seelie actress now??
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This scene was actually nice? I know, I'm surprised myself.
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How convenient. I mean, good thing he didn't say “Glorious” otherwise Izzy might have thought he was asking for that one ESC song to be played at his funeral.
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Please, Maryse, don't flatter yourself, all you had to do was scratch Elliot's corpse from the floor boards, the rest was already completely furnished.
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Look, while part of me is undeniably thrilled at the prospect – because while I was totally rooting for a Malec Wedding I was pretty sure it was an unachievable dream, just like hoping for Sheith – this is exactly what I mean with taking things at face value. Alec takes Magnus at his words (that he has doubts Alec will still love him now that he lost his powers) and so he thinks that a grand gesture of commitment will fix it.
But it won't, because that's not the problem. Or at least I hope it's not the problem, I mean if I lost my arm my main worry would be “Holy shit how am I gonna cope without my trusty appendage” not “What are the neighbors gonna think? Will I still be able to rock my favorite outfit without that limb?”
Anyway. I don't think this'll go over too well at this point in time. And honestly, Alec just realized at the beginning of this episode that he was fooled by Magnus's coping facade and tricked into thinking Magnus would be fine without his magic. And now Magnus has lost is magic again and Alec just... makes the same mistake again, blindly believing the words coming out of Magnus's mouth instead of taking a look for himself and seeing how Magnus is faring? Did he learn nothing from this? Alec. Why are you like this.
Anyway, conclusion time: This episode was way more reasonably paced than the last, the shit decision making was kept to a minimum (except for the part where they, y'know, summon Lilith back to earth) and Jace gets a diligence starlet for displaying common sense.
And now, self advertisement time! I wrote three ficlets: a) a continuation of the scene with Alec and Lorenzo b) a gap-bridging Malec scene set after the “I won't lose you” line and finally c) a what-I'd-like-to-see-happen-in-3x17-fic where Alec tells Izzy about his proposal plans.
I'd be thrilled if you checked one of them out. Until next time XD
(Gif Source)
22 notes · View notes
jq37 · 5 years
well. that was it.
**spoilers for prompocalypse  part 2**
Y'all this is it. The end-end. The last recap, at least for Fantasy High.
I honestly could have gotten this up yesterday but I wanted to give myself a hot sec before it was really over. 
But, no way out but through. Let’s get to it. 
We start back up right where we left off with no break in between. Cast still freaking, Brennan still gaping. 
“What the Fuck.” –Brennan 2019
Anyway, Kristen once again appears in corn heaven and she’s very not chill about it. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt. On the plus side, she runs into Doreen in heaven who is young and hot again (which I’m sure Fig would appreciate knowing) and also apologizes for her traumatizing speech to Adaine during her death.
Helio playing beer pong. I wonder if that was always a facet of his personality or if Brennan just decided to yes-and all of Ally’s suggestions of him being a frat bro.
The angels being like, “Please be nice to God. He’s our dad,” was kinda adorable. 
“Why are you dressed like a weird stripper?”/“It’s too hot in here. He’s the sun!”
So while the gang has been living out Breakfast Club + Stranger Things, Aguefort has been Weekend and Bernie’s-ing Heaven apparently. I want to say wild, but tbh that’s pretty on brand for him. The wild part is that he was able to knock out GOD. Like, how even?
Aguefort tells Kristen that Sol is one god of many and she says, “Cool, I always thought that,” as if this is new information but, living in a D&D world, shouldn’t she definitively know that already? Like, the gods in fantasy worlds are pretty blatant about letting their presence be known and there are clerics/paladins who aren’t Heleoic but still have powers. 
OK I have a bone to pick with Ms. Kristen Applebees. You get a chance to talk to the primordial source of all divine power and magic and you (1) ask who you’re allowed to bone and (2) create a TERRIBLE god. Just truly TRASH. She created a reaction gif god. It’s not even a physical representation of the concept. Like, I thought she meant something like Yass from Wreck it Ralph 2 but no. Just a literal Yes! Like, you can trash talk Helio when you come up with something better, girl. Also, wild that you can just…walk into a room and do that. Like you have to knock out Sol first but still. Wild.
“You’ve created a new deity and already you’re fed up with it. I would say that’s par for the course.”
I low key thought Kristen was going to get the option to deify herself. I think because I had just rewatched The Gamers: Dorkness Rising and that figures in to the plot. But, thinking about it, she wouldn’t have gone for that I don’t think.
Aguefort flipping out at Kristen saying that friendship is the greatest magic of all, and rightfully so. That’s BS.
Since when does Kristen have dog tags?
Anyway, as we all suspected, the chronomancy line from episode 1 wasn’t a random line of dialogue, it was a chekhov’s gun. 
I mentioned this in an earlier post. Brennan didn’t seem too concerned that the party was wiping and I think this is why. I think he had two paths for this fight to take. In one, Riz successfully rolled for police and like 6 helpful NPCs plus his mom show up. That’s enough to beat the dragon without dying and Aguefort shows up having Die Hard-ed his way out of heaven. In the other, Kristen dies, goes to heaven, and basically that same series of events happens. Chronomancy saves the day. I think he was shocked because the roll dovetailed so perfectly with the story beat. 
“Is Arthur Aguefort black? Hell yes. My brotha.” Gonna be honest, I basically had that same reaction when they showed his character portrait in ep 1.
Kristen and Arthur jump back into the battle and Arthur gets possessed by Mr. Gibbons. I guess he’s just been hanging around as a ghost this whole time? Because this seems to lend credence to the theory that that’s who possessed Fig in the arcade but didn’t we see him go to the afterlife (which, I have a question about that too later). But I feel like that must have been Brennan’s way of sidelining him for the fight so they didn’t have like a level 20 wizard making it too easy.
“Oh, and Jawbone!” Murph loses it. 
Jawbone stuck in Goldenhoard’s mouth like that meme of the dog smiling, stuck in a fence.
Gorthalax is like, “I don’t feel great sleeping next to this dude.” Fig meanwhile is all, “I wanna sleep between his legs.” She says this at least twice. 
So everyone just have a freaking picnic and takes a nap in the middle of this fight. Can’t say I saw that coming exactly.
Fabian tries to stab Dayne, who is already dead, during the time stop.
“What the fuck do they teach you at this school?”
“Are you talking about the time thing or–”/“Yeah Gorgug! The time thing!.”
“We’re gonna kill this motherfucker, sweetie.”
I love Sklonda so much.
Jawbone is a salad guy.
OK so I know people were shipping Sklonda and Gilear and it was like, “But how would that work with the height difference?” so Brennan, the absolute madman, decides to pair her with the GIANT DEMON???
Adaine about Gilear: Cucked again.
Everyone treating the DRAGON like a JUNGLE GYM.
“It’s basically Jeb Bush’s Campaign.” Ally, with the fury of 1000 suns: EXCUSE ME?
“I bless, [Riz], your mom, and [Fabian.] Are you the only ones with vendettas?”
“I think we’re all pretty blessed.” Gorgug/Zac is so good.
Adaine, who has all the wisdom and intelligence points of the entire party at the moment: You need to stay safe because the reason that we died is that you died. 
The shot that shows everyone on the giant dragon and then the foreground fuzzes out and shows Adaine a safe distance away in the background is hilarious. 
Ice guitar pick. Sweet.
Yeah, Siobhan really shoulda got healing potions out of her jacket, not the freaking wand. Hilarious. The only thing helpful about that was it hinted he was vulnerable to frost damage which they could have guessed. 
I wonder what Brennan had in his notes about the freaking city in Adaine’s jacket. It’s wild they weren’t more curious about that.
I low key loved Emily buffing Murph the whole fight.
“Hell yes Sklonda!”
Ragh: Giving a gay pride speech./Adaine, who doesn’t want to get knocked out again: STAB HIM IN THE DICK DUDE.
And, speaking of, OWWW.
Fig shapeshifting to Dayne. The hell Emily!
And another eye gouging.
Fabian is incapable of doing a single thing without doing some ridiculous parkour stunt first. 
Kristen,not twenty minutes after Riz said it would be crazy to go inside the dragon: Can I climb inside the dragon’s mouth? (Adaine: KRISTEN!)
Gorgug saving Skonda and Riz going, “Thanks for saving my mom!” from across the room.
Brennan is narrating the epic final battle and what cool thing everyone is doing and Kristen is just being digested. 
Riz was my second choice for the coup de grace until it turned out that Kal ate his dad and then he was my first choice. Riz!!!!
What a badass moment for him. The image of him casting a shadow on the wall is super dope.
Everyone flipping off Kal as he dies.
Riz and Sklonda are making dragon casserole bay-bee! 
Aguefort. What a chaos monster.
“I fucked that bird! It is my paramour!”
Hold up, hold up, hold up. Did Kristen’s freaking Yes god kick Sol out of his own freaking heaven? WHAT?
I love that what Adaine got out of this experience was, “Wait, so my powers are bullshit?”
“Everything in this world is bullshit, Ms. Abernant.” Preach.
“So is the sun just a yes now?”/“Maybe.”
Literally 6 cop NPCs. Like they all seem like they’re morons but I’m sure it would have helped!
“Fuck it dude, it’s worth asking.”
“Are you my dad?”/“I was about to ask you the very same thing.”/“What?”
Brennan really likes the word bud.
Freak the fuck out all the time and just fuck things up. 
They got their ice cream later! And Adaine says thank you to Basrar, even though he’s not even there.
Adaine as the 7 freed maidens (way to go Sandra-Lynn) are re-killing Goldenhoard: Us and them are the only good students.
Gorgug’s nat20! What a WILD time for the dice to give that to him.
“You gotta ask. I ask everyone if they’re my dad.”
Gorgug’s dad (Gorbag) has just as low an intelligence score as his son. It’s hilarious but also sweet.
I thought that Digby and WIlma just found Gorgug in the woods? Maybe I’m not remembering right. I would guess that was their version of the stork story but they straight up told him what docking was so…
“Do any other federal agents want to step to Arthur Aguefort on the grounds of his school?”
The Aguefort way!
I wonder what Sam has to say about her former BFF selling her out like that and also getting murdered.
It seems like Gorgug was put on the guest list for hell by accident (his relieved reaction was adorable) but I thought that was orc heaven?
Interesting Gorthalax still has pull in hell when he’s a high school coach now.
How did he watch the fight? Do they have pay per view in hell?
“I doubt Cathilda will end up here.”
Bill is just such a maniac. I love him so much. I wanna say I can’t believe that killing the devil dril tweet was serious but I can. It’s Bill.
Bill and Fabian having a casual convo in HELL.
Oh my God, Fabian’s mom stabbed Bill’s eye out and he proposed on the spot. No wonder Fabian is so into Aelwen. It’s in his DNA.
What a dope ship.
I can’t believe Emily tricked me into thinking that her end speech wasn’t in service to some nonsense. She held it together for so long but I should have known bc it’s EMILY.
“Young lady, I have no idea who that is and I’m telling you right now yes. I will make whoever that person is vice principal.”
Adaine: Uhhhh….we should find Zayn.
Aww, Zayn’s parents were also terrible elves. 
Unwanted Wingwoman Kristen Applebees
lol at Adaine casting Ray of Sickness on everyone suggesting she date ghost Zayne. Great callbacks to the early eps all around. 
Don’t @ me, but Adaine w/ a ghost boyfriend who also had terrible elf parents might be kinda sick.
“Tomorrow, we’re gonna start training you on how to actually swordfight.” Uhhh, I kinda love Fabian’s mom now?
She literally hasn’t been sober in 15 years. Icon.
“I didn’t know you spoke Tornado.”
Siobhan’s late season tendency to just flip things/people off is hilarious.
Wild that Adaine’s parents just legit DITCHED her that hard and she was like, f ‘em. Clean break.
“She’s helping me spread something.”
Gorgug has so many friends now!!!!!
Lol, Fabian’s whole journey has just been about becoming captain of the Owlbears.
Riz got his PI License. 
Lou and Fabian immediately being so mad at the idea of his mom (Hallariel?) getting with Gilear. Emily/Fig having an equal but opposite reaction. 
“Mama, I will kill this man.”/“I’ll kill you first, it’s not up to you.”
Sandra-Lynn gets with Jawbone. Did Brennan just roll to pair up everyone?
Also, the group is almost all related or quasi-related now. Gorthalax got with Sklonda which makes Fig and Riz sorta siblings. Gilear got with Hallariel making Fig and Fabian sorta siblings. Jawbone sorta adopted Adaine and he got with Sandra-Lynn, again making Adaine kinda siblings with Fig. Plus Fig claimed Gorgug as a sibling a lot of eps ago and if Kristen sticks with Tracker then she’ll marry into this mess. Crazy!
Fabian totally dipping on the sequel hook because he’s gonna be busy trying to break Aelwen out of jail.
I’ve been keeping up with the fanart but there was some in here I hadn’t seen and it was super dope!
I’m so glad we had the after epilogue-epilogue. It was a very nice send-off.
Adaine using her oracle authority to get Zayn back into school! She’s so good. 
Lol and she helped Basrar so he can grant other wishes. I love that this is the NPC that she decided she was going all in for.
Riz and Adaine join AV club! Idk why I love that detail.
Riz cutting off Adaine’s very good question about her jacket w/ his PI talk.
“They’re our rivals.”/“Into it.”
“Is ‘The Ball’ not your real name?” I love Fabian so much.
Zac doing Gorgug’s excited crack-y teenage voice when he’s just concentrating on that and not playing the game is so adorable. He’s just so sweet and enthusiastic and a good kid.
“Guess that tin flower worked, huh?” I cry.
I love that Gorgug’s happy ending is basically just that he has friends now. And that’s literally all he wanted starting out. 
Aww, Ragh and Gorgug are friends now.
I knew it! I at some point pitched the idea of Ragh ending up with one of the AV guys so he would be w/ someone who had enough intelligence to keep him from dying and I’m 90% sure it’s somewhere on my blog but I can’t be bothered to find it right now. But anyway, he’s in the lgbt club w/ Ragh and Kristen so it’s def a possibility! 
“My bitch sister? Don’t you fucking dare.” (lol, if that happens then the group will be even more related)
Fabian considering recruiting the Cubbys for his rescue attempt of Aelwen.
“Gilear!” I love that Fig loves Gilear now but still calls him by his first name.
And that was Fantasy High! 
I have at least two more posts in the hopper: And epilogue retrospective type deal and also the official JQ37 ranking of all the adults in Fantasy High.
Thanks for sticking with me this far you guys. I can’t draw to save my life and I don’t really do fic so this is the one little way I can contribute to this thing I love so much. 
It’s been real and I’ll see you all soon for an epilogue because, no surprise, I have more things to say. 
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starkxsarcasm · 6 years
So I have debated writing about this for a while, because it will no doubt be polarizing for a lot of people, but with Infinity War about to come out of DVD,Blu-Ray and that good stuff and having seen a bunch of gifs surrounding this, I feel comfortable stating my thoughts. So just take it how you will and if you agree or disagree, that’s totally fine. But here it goes.
I have such mixed feelings about Tony/Pepper.
Allow me to explain, for this is not a new thing. In fact, I’ve felt this way since the first Iron Man. So let’s start from the beginning.
Iron Man 1
When we are first introduced to Pepper, I was 100% on board. She was classy and sassy, took no shit from anyone and was fiercely loyal to Tony. 
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I mean, look at this power girl. She knows Tony has important shit to do and can’t be bothered with awkward breakfasts or underhanded remarks from “Miss Brown” here. So, in the most classiest way, she basically tells her to GTFO, bitch. I loved it!
And then there first interaction. Oh my god, the cuteness!
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Like, look at these two! They’re so cute! Pepper being the studious, responsible one, reminding the man-child Tony of all the stuff he has to do, all while Tony playfully flirts with her. Adorableness personified!
I mean, most of them in this movie is just so heartwarming! Tony hearing Pepper call his name while he’s being tortured, Pepper having cried when he came back, the little bicker they had when Tony wouldn't go to the hospital, how she stood by him even after he shut down his weapons manufacturing division when it would’ve been so easy to jump ship, the fun interaction with her helping change his arc reactor. I mean, guys, they were on a roll with this! I loved it!
Then came the first point of contention.
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When Pepper finds out what Tony is doing, she tries to stop him and even tries to quit. Now I gave her the benefit of the doubt here, because what Tony was doing was kinda crazy. This was all before SHIELD and the Avengers, so him deciding to just superhero it up was obscenely dangerous. And, to her credit, she listens to him when he explains why he has to do this and does eventually help him download the files and stop Obadiah. All in all, this film was a great set up to their relationship and I so wish it continued on this path. 
But alas, it did not. Then comes Iron Man 2
Iron Man 2
Okay, I’m gonna try not to rant too much on this one, but honestly, this part kinda gets me heated up. So, us as the audience are privy very early on to the fact that Tony is dying from palladium poisoning, spelled out by JARVIS who says, “The device keeping you alive is also killing you.” So like, whoa, holy shit! What’s Tony gonna do now?
So, in comes Pepper! Right off the bat yelling at Tony for donating their art collection.
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Okay, fine. That was probably frustrating after all the time Pepper spent curating it, but...does she even stop to question why Tony is doing that? It’s clearly out of character, or else she wouldn’t be so shocked and mad. Remember, this is supposed to be one of the people who knows Tony best and yes, Tony hides his emotions and thoughts really badly, but this is a blatant sign that something is wrong. But her first reaction is to shout at him? Okay, that’s not gonna get him to tell you what’s going on. At all. If anything, it’s gonna make him retreat farther into his shell. 
And another thing that kinda peeves me is she only chills out when Tony promotes her to CEO. Okay, yeah, huge promotion anyone would be happy about, but did she just forget that Tony is acting super out of character? That something might be seriously wrong?
Then the bit where Natasha/Natalie comes in and they sort of fall back into the goofy, cuteness argu-flirting during that scene, so I’m kinda like, “Okay, we’re back on track!”
Then...The Grand Prix
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No, no, I’m sorry, but I’m with Tony here. What the hell was he supposed to do? Okay, being in the race was a last minute, reckless move but was he just supposed to run away? Let Vanko cut up more cars and hurt more people? Uh, no. That’s not who Tony is. People were in trouble, he wanted to help. And he gets yelled at for it.
Then the plane ride home.
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Ding, ding, ding! Hello! I mean, does this guy need a giant flashing neon sign that reads “I’m not okay”? He is clearly acting super off in this scene, not wanting to go home, wanting to “be healthy” in Venice. He is practically holding himself back from completely losing it in front of her, and she doesn’t even notice? Okay, aftermath of a battle, nerves are frayed, I get it. But come on! It’s plainly obvious!
Hell, the first person Tony opens up to isn’t even Pepper, it’s Rhodey. The guy who realizes, “Hey, Tony is not okay. Let’s put aside all this bureaucracy BS for one second so I can find out what’s going on with my friend.” And him genuinely caring about that let’s Tony open up. Hell, he shows Rhodey the burnt out palladium. And yes, later they fight, but he trusted Rhodey in that moment to let him see him at his weakest.
I’m gonna skip the party scene a bit because I can honestly see both sides. Sure, Tony is acting a bit like a jackass and Pepper is tired, but again, this is still another red flag she just doesn’t catch.
And then the scene that really had me questioning this ship real hard.
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Again, I get it I really do. She is frustrated and overworked. We’ve all been there But she doesn’t even try to listen to him. This is Tony Stark we’re talking about, a man who knows how to talk about his feelings about as well as a fish knows how to fly. And here he is, trying to explain everything that’s going on, stammering over his words and trying to explain his side and she just cuts him off, like nothing. This isn’t even an argument at this point, this is just shouting louder than someone else and refusing to hear them. This scene really rubbed me the wrong way. Tony doesn’t have anyone else at this point. Rhodey’s gone, his house is a wreck, Fury is just cryptic. He needs someone. And she just shuts him down, because she’d frustrated. Like, that is just so low to me.
But okay, the movie goes on, they have the battle at the Expo and Tony saves her. Got it, got it. Cool! The interaction on the roof was cool and the kiss was cute, but honestly...it was just more bickering? And the kiss, the more I think about it, doesn’t seem earned after all that’s happened above. 
But okay! Maybe things will be better next movie, right? Wrong!
Iron Man 3
Now, I’m largely skipping The Avengers, because their interactions are limited and, for the most part, kinda cute. Even the little bicker with the 12% comment was kinda light and funny. They really did have nice interactions, cute moments of flirting and it even kinda made me sad that Tony couldn’t connect to Pepper before flying into space. Overall, I have no problem with them in the Avengers. 
That’s not the case in Iron Man 3.
Now this section is largely gonna be void of pictures and too much ranting, because I’ve already gone over my least favorite scene in this meta here: http://starkxsarcasm.tumblr.com/post/169317464612/musings
But I’m still gonna touch on some things. 
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Okay, but for real. Can someone explain to me what the fuck is going on here in this scene? Like, honestly. I’m lost. Pepper has just told Happy she’s been batting Killian off with a stick for years because he’s constantly asked her out. I think all girls can relate to that one guy who just won’t take no for an answer, so when I heard her tell Happy this, I was like, “Go, girl! Be that strong woman!”
But oh no, Killian’s turned..hot?! (I used that term loosely, because to me he looks like a bag of unflavored corn chips) But...seriously?! Because he’s cleaned up a bit, you’re suddenly all taken aback and all like, “You look great!” Girl, this was a creepy guy, creeping on you creepily for years! Now you’re letting him touch you and be all flirty without kicking him in the nuts?!
I’m totally on Tony’s side here! He has a right to be jealous, if this is how she acts towards some creep who got a five dollar makeover! To her credit, she turns down his proposal, but then acts all flustered and blushy when he leaves. What the hell, Pepper? What happened to that power girl who told “Miss Brown” to kindly fuck off?
And then the subsequent “I can’t sleep” through “Tinker with that” scene which....*deep breath* Yeah, if you wanna know my feelings on that, read the above linked meta post, because talking about it more is just gonna make me angry.
And, even after all that, even after Tony plainly explains he is not okay, the next scene with Maya is literally just Pepper taking potshots at Tony, calling Maya an “old girlfriend” and arguing with him about all that’s been going on. And yes, Tony was dumb threatening the Mandarin. Yes, Pepper has a right to be freaked out. But honestly, when is enough gonna be enough? He is trying to do the best he can, while also suffering from PTSD. Shouting at him is not going to help! I don’t know how many times I can say that before it sticks. Then the house collapses and she thinks Tony is dead and it’s sadness all around. She gets kidnapped again, Tony has to save her. Fast-forwarding because, again, I largely have no problem with these scenes. I even kinda like the “I got you.” “I got you first” line. 
Then, when Tony finally does come to rescue her, first thing she does is call him a jerk. Um...okay? You’re welcome? He just fought through hell and back to get to you, but sure, “jerk” works, I guess. Then the mad scramble for Tony to go and get her followed by thinking she’s dead. Again, no problem with this bit, but that may be due to RDJ’s phenomenal acting during it, because damn, he sells it. 
And then boom! She’s alive and we get some fairly cool kickass bits from her before it all settles down. Now one line that has always bugged me is the “And all your distractions?” Distractions? Like Tony said at the end, his suits are not distractions, they’re cocoons. When is she going to realize that? Also, no, “So are you going to get help for your PTSD and nightmares?” Nope, just “distractions.”
Not gonna go into Civil War, since Pepper isn’t in it, but if anyone wants to hazard a guess as to why they’re taking a break, *gestures to above text* take your pick!
And now for Homecoming and Infinity War
These I’m combining because the problem I have with the relationship now bleeds into both movies and here it is.
Is it just me or does Pepper seem bizarrely disinterested in marrying and having a family with Tony?
Think about it. When Happy pulls out the ring, she gets this look on her face like, “Uh, excuse me?” That may be from the fact that Happy had been carrying it around so long, sure, but then when Tony tries to defend it, she’s all, “I can think of something better.” Um...ouch.
Then in Infinity War, the line, “If you wanted a kid, you wouldn’t have done that.” Speaking, of course, to his new arc reactor. But...what does that have to do with anything? Pepper, after all this time, is still riding Tony’s ass about being Iron Man and helping save the world and her, and is holding the fact that he wants a kid over his head, almost in revenge. Like, “Well, you chose this, so no kid for you!” And she constantly shoots down talks about a kid and the wedding and just....did you take the ring or not, honey?! What is your issue?
Again, I know this will be polarizing for people, and you’re not stupid or wrong if you like the ship, but guys, I’m gonna be honest. I’m kinda just over it. It started off with such promise and just degraded into unpleasant arguments, ignoring when Tony needs help, and constant “yes, no” backs and forth conversations. 
It’s just not a fun ship for me anymore. I wish it was.
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tellywoodtrash · 6 years
ishqbaaz 09.08.18 lb
ugh back to this half-assed performative apology of his. what’s the point of apologizing HERE, bitch????? go do it in front of her basti-waale and restore her honour. fucking asshole.
ughhhhhhhhh these fucking flashbacks are making me relive the trauma. 
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lmao om is me and i am him. watching this whole thing with the most distasteful expression, yet cannot look away from the ~drama of it allllll. 
.... i hit pause before she could complete her sentence but this dumbass bish is about to say“ jo kuch bhi hua, woh humaare beech mein hai” isn’t she????? 
i mean well and good, it’s the sensible way to go to prevent any further garbage in the press, but ohhhhhhhhhhh goddddddd does he deserve to have it all outed and be shamed in public and then fucking jaileddddddd. 
lol poor tyagi. didn’t get his scoop. 
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lol you shoulda done that like 5 minutes ago son, when bhaiyya and his wife were distracted with all their angst. now it’s his turn to do some marammat of your face. 
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itne pyaar aur sexual tension se toh isne kabhi anika ko nahi pakda.
yes, pleaseeee DO come back, daksh kapoor! you’re the only villain worth watching in this show. 
i mean, svetlana too, but her dumbass plans never really work out. daksh always at least manages to do some damage. 
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lmao A+ to camera angles for attempting to make tingu look tall. 
why’s dadi consoling prinku? she was chill af at how everything unfolded. you’re the one who was having a minor heart attack at every slap daksh got, dadi. 
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lol ofc omRu are focused on her thappad skills. 
why didn’t anyone bother cluing omRu in on all this? they could have held daksh down as anika and prinku kicked him in the nuts repeatedly. 
why the fuck is anika standing here listening to all this bs? 
yeah no, whoever it was should have run him over. he deserves it. 
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om in full on MOM mode. 
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ffs is anika operating under MY HEROOOOOOO kinda feelings now, just coz he came and jalaofied the batti???? godddddddddd. he didn’t even do it with the intention of saving you or anything.
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“kaash maine ussi din tumhaari baat maan li hoti. kaash maine us din tumpar yakeen kiya hota.”
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“yakeen karte karte bohut der kar di aapne.” 
i hope you stick to this stance and not give in to his damn puppy eyes.
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she shoulda fucken slapped his hand away, instead of just moving away all dignified.
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“ab aapko mujhse kya chahiye?”
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“tumhaara saath.”
betaji woh toh milne se raha. 
but at the breakneck pace this track is going at tho, you should be able to get it (it = her forgivness, undying love, all the pati waale rights, including bow chicka bow wow) by like... tuesday.
nothing a tellywood heroine’s sanctimonious ass loves more than a big public exposé. and he promised her the chance to slap as well. how could she say no!
“sirf priyanka ke liye.” that’s their safety phrase in this universe. 
at this rate, sex karte waqt bhi yehi bolna. fucking idiots. 
the girl just woke up from a coma literally one hour ago. can you fuckers wait before springing this shit on her?????????????
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this poor kid. 
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(i made this gif coz i’ll be using it at least once every lb @ shivaay. please listen to it so you can imagine the level of disdain i have in my voice every time i use the gif.) 
prinku is 1000% ready. she about to spend all night practicing that ulte haath waala maneuver to fucking slap the teeth outta daksh’s lie-spouting mouth. 
payal is the biggest dumbass in this whole plot. firstly for tapping it without wrapping it. secondly for just playing along to anyyyyyyyyone saying anything. daksh ne kaha toh she did this. then anika ne kaha toh she did that. phir se daksh ne kaha toh she did a third thing. and now she’s doing whatever these two are telling her to. honestly woman. for someone with TWO brains inside you right now, you have zero functional critical thinking skillz. 
i heavily relate to shivaay’s daant-chabaana at her stupidity. 
... yeah it’s really none of y’all business about what she does with that baby, so piss off maybe? 
yeah literallly fuck off with your maafi payal. NO MAAFI FOR YOU. 
yeah that ladne ka naatak was hella bad. it’s just your good fortune that daksh was an overconfident dumbass. 
lel om feeling hurt he was left out of all this plotting. 
imma just apply navina’s RL to tia baby and headcanon that she’s enjoying herself on the swiss alps rn with a new man. 
are you guys watching her insta live and musically videos? she’s cute af. 
lel has billu been watching suno chanda? interesting use of the word “zyadti”. 
how convenient dadi’s come around to being on team anika, now that she’s done allllll the fucking emotional labour for this fam. fuck you dadi. in every universe your affection for anika depends on what she can do for you oberois. 
lmao allllll this lecturebaazi mein no one noticed that anika noped the fuck outta there. you self-involved bastards. 
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billu ka sensor doesn’t work in this universe kya? 
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also, if he isn’t into tia anymore, why is he still wearing the engagement ring she put on him?
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TADAP!!!!!!!!! RO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MARRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!1 JAL JAL KE MARRRRRRRRRRRRR BC!!!!!
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yeah damn right you’re not worthy of maafi. the best thing you can do rn is free her from this garbage sham of a marriage, credit her account with like a few hundred million dollars and set up a cool life for her and gauri somewhere outside this hellish country. new zealand maybe?
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who beat shivaay up and can i get a piece of that action? 
and good on omRu for fucking schooling him on his bs maafi maang-ing methods. 
i’ll need at least 3 continuous weeks of billu’s sachche dil waali koshish before i’ll even consider thinking about maafi. 
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gyeommine · 6 years
How EXO Show Their Affection
“Hi me again ~ could you make an headcanon about how would jongin show his love for his gf”
so i am going to do this bullet point style so i can get all these members down! 
(all gif creds to the original owners)
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(he’s so handsome like???)
i think he would be pretty stereotypical™ and cheesy
he would love to give and send you flowers
every other week you’ll have a cute ass bouquet at your doorstep w a cheesy note saying “your love x” .
oho it’s so greasy but you’re still all blushy and smiley afterwards.
he will also send a gushing good morning text whenever he’s away or misses you.
i think in general, he will tell you he loves you a lot.
and will beam like an idiot when you say it back.
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i don’t think he would be as obvious as our greasy leader
understated is this boy’s thing, bc he’s a lil’ shy
i think he will be extra clingy
he will nuzzle into you like a cat pining for attention
and you obvs give in (bc who wouldn’t?!)
it would be cuddles for days and i sincerely doubt this sweetheart would ever let go
lots of back cuddles too
you’ll just be standing around and oH minseok hey
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(must u ruin me like this?)
okay i think he would for sure spoil you
but he would also be super thoughtful about it
he’ll remember every time you’d have ever said “i like that!” when passing a shop window or looking online
and one day a lil’ box will appear on your bed
you’d half forgotten that you had even mentioned it until you opened it
then you’d melt
and he would look lowkey smug but also lovingly because wow you are so cute when you open stuff omg 
and he’d smother you in lil’ kisses bc he can’t resist
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(he looks so damn soft somebody punch me)
i highkey think his thing would be matching stuff
if he saw a jacket that he really liked, he would get a matching one for you
you guys would have matching rings and studs if your ears are pierced
even novelty stuff like stuffed animals, esp for when he’s away.
i reckon he would also send lil’ video messages
he’d blub and rant away about you
he’d apologise bc he thinks he’s being cringy but you’re probs too blushy for words.
so you’ll probs both cry and miss each other even more
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(you can fight me if you think you’ve seen a purer soul)
okay get ready for the sweetest human being in existence
he’s so clingy and loving all the time
most definitely will pepper you w kisses whenever he walks in the door
like suho, will probably tell you how much he loves you every other day
he will also probably write about you 
a lot of his solo stuff will be all mushy about his favourite person
but he will be hella shy to show / play it to you
you’ll probably just fall in love with him all over again every time
just let that sweet lil’ voice and guitar playing whisk you off your feet.
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(this boy’s duality i sWEAR)
playful teasing all the way from this fiend
he’ll go in to kiss you but will pull away all of a sudden
he’ll tickle you to death
he’ll pick you up when you least expect it
every time it’s “sorry baby, i’m only teasing”
but you bet he’ll keep doing it.
he’d love the reaction and the cute whine when you’re playfully denied
so ofc he’d give in and he’s all cute again
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(this is so mushy and cute i wanna cry)
okay so i think he’s such a greaseball
flowers, notes, cards, the lot.
he’s so in love and just has so many words to describe it
he’ll definitely sing to you w that insane range he has
but it’ll be sweet and quiet just for you, so only you can hear it
also just expect dumb one liners and pickup lines
accompanied w that dumb laugh he has when they work or don’t
he’ll have a new one for every other day, don’t you worry
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(hello yes i am in love w park chanyeol)
okay so this big puppy is probably the most affectionate
he’s full of cuddles and sweetness and if you don’t melt every day when he’s around, you’re dating the wrong person
especially loves surprise hugs from behind.
he’ll just pull you into his arms and hold you there
he’s squashing you and you can’t breathe but cute right???
he will definitely write songs about you like the talented ass he is
he’ll be super proud and excited to show you
and then that smooth, deep voice hits you and bam smitten. 
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(fuck off that was the purest thing i have ever seen i am suing)
generally i think soo is quite understated
so when he does say those 3 words, he means it and it makes the moment that much more sincere.
but i am firm believer that he also has a big ol’ soft side
he’ll just bring you back this soft toy
it’d be on your bed with a note saying that it reminded him of you.
you’ll call him and ask why w a chuckle, because it’s so unlike him
and he’ll shyly reply “because it was cute”
and you’ll be dying because you have the cutest boyfriend in the world 
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(exucez moi s’il vous plait?! ce n’est pas juste?!)
i think he would love to spoil you
he’s just happy he has someone to pay for and cherish completely
he’d love to take you out to dinner a lot
probs w a new necklace he got for you
he knows that money isn’t the way to your heart, he just wants people to know you’re his when ppl ask when that necklace is from
like baek, he’s a big ol’ tease just to to top it all off.
but you know that it’s all affection so you’ll play along;)
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(how is this man’s smile brighter than my entire future? nasa exlpain)
here’s one of the softest boys alive
although he’s probably quite understated w his affection, it’d still be cute
he’d have super sentimental stuff
he’d keep the tickets from the first movie you saw together
or he’d take pictures of you at that blossom tree you always walk past
he’d also do silly things like buy matching phone cases
or matching lil’ toys that he named
idk he’d just be like a high school girl, but it’d be so pure and vanilla i just
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(i turn into a complete train wreck at the sight of him l o r d y he’s hot shit)
okay so his affection will be light teasing and wit all the way
“you want to cuddle? i mean i guess i have to”
but it’s such bs he’s so soft for you
he’ll smile like an idiot whenever he looks at his lock screen because you’re smiling back
i also lowkey think he would have a lil’ polaroid of you as a good luck charm bc he’s all sentimental
and whilst all the members have boring contact names, your name w a lil’ heart will stand out on his phone
he may not say those 3 words as much, but when he does it means a whole lot
okay so i tried to do this quickly but it’s suddenly midnight lmao whoops. i tried to vary this as much as possible but it’s always a lil’ difficult w 12 ppl! hoped you guys enjoyed AND had a good christmas! <3
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I honestly have no idea how there’s over 450+ of you now but there is and I wanna let you all know how thankful I am to have you all around. Roleplay has always been like a small window of escape for me for stress and a distraction but aside from the roleplaying I’ve also come to meet some pretty amazing people and have the honor of befriending them so I’m really thankful for that the most. To meet such amazing and talented people and just be able to have a wonderful and good time together is what I appreciate the most. I’ve been in this site give or take for a good number of years now and a lot’s changed since I joined but overall I’m very thankful to all the people I’ve gotten the chance to write with, talk with, and get to know so thanks for putting up with me and my sunshine boy like I really appreciate it a lot cause Cloud just really means a lot to me okay. And I could probably ramble on about him but this isn’t about him so I’m gonna hold back on that, stay tuned lmao. So on wards we go!
I am a music lover leave me alone all of my follow forevers have mood music. I say all of my follow forevers when in reality this is just my second one cause I skipped like four I should’ve made tbh lmao.
In the wise words of Rihanna: I WANT YOU TO STAAAY.
@fairlegacy: Honestly what is there not to appreciate about you? You’re very to yourself most of the time but I’ve somehow managed to chuck through that hard exterior of yours and now we’re best friends, you are my bro, like I see you as my big brother and part of my family, someone I can trust and go to for logical advice. Though our personalities and ways of seeing things are different we somehow manage to understand one another by the end of it. I’m so thankful to have you in my life and that you’re in it. Like I legit can’t imagine it without you my dude and I don’t want to so thanks for sticking around and for putting up with me. I really admire you and look up to you in many ways. You’re also such an amazing Zack roleplayer but honestly that’s a plus okay to me that doesn’t mean everything since I’m interested in you the most aside from the roleplaying. I love you man and thanks for always being a shoulder and a rock for me when like things get rocky. Thanks for helping me up when I think I can’t stand up anymore. You’re an amazing friend Sam and a very good person I’d move mountains and fight dragons for you my dude. This is gross as fuck but you need to know that I love you okay.
@gaeaguard: You’re an awesome friend and I always look up to you cause of how much effort you put into a lot, always trying your best to be as understanding as you can and to be there for people and let them know that you care for them. I appreciate it a lot when we get to talk and we’re usually just joking around and like just crying over final fantasy in some aspects lmao but you’ve also given me advice and like showed that you care for me a lot and just want what’s best for me so thanks for that. Thanks for being a good friend and a good person to a lot of people I feel really lucky to know you a bit and be able to talk to you from time to time. Aside from being an amazing Aeirs rper/writer/graphics maker you’re a really cool and wonderful person so thanks for being in my life as well friend.
@jjillekkot: Bestest friend! You and I grew close pretty quickly and I’m so happy to have you in my life, extremely thankful in fact and like I don’t know to be frank you’re just a blessing to me? You’re always there for me you always wanna talk to me and like you just give me some time of your day or as much as you can to spend time with me and that just really means a lot to me. When I’m feeling down you always try to cheer me up or remind me that I’m not by myself and that I shouldn’t take on things on my own and I really appreciate that sentiment a lot. I enjoy talking to you, roleplaying and writing with you, you’re such a wonderful writer and such a sweet person. You’ve dealt with so much and yet you try to understand everybody and tend to put in more effort than another person which tbh to me isn’t a very fair thing to do and honestly you shouldn’t deal with half-assed bs like that so it’s why like I try to remind you all the time that I’ve got your back for anything and everything as well. I’m just so glad to have you in my life and know that you’ll always have me as well.
@mccnoracle: Tbh you’ve been in my life for the longest time and we’ve gone through a fair amount of things together. Good and bad we always seem to stick together somehow no matter how much we struggled. I know you’re going through a hard time right now and I really do mean it when I say I’m always here for you and I’m here to help you, that I can be someone you can depend on as you have for so many years now and you’ve pretty much done the same for me. You’ve been in my life in one of the hardest times in it, I struggled for months maybe even a year and you were there (regardless of the bad) and that still means the world to me that you didn’t abandon me when I was struggling and sometimes even falling apart. You’re more stubborn than I am but I want to be there for you the same way you were for me well ish this time without like the arguing and stuff I think you know what I mean lmao. You’re a very important and special person to me and I really do hold you dear to me, I’m extremely thankful to have you in my life so thanks for putting up with me. I know you struggle with a lot but do know that you’re a wonderful person okay.
@sanctiichor: KOKO! Ah I’m so glad that I met you! You’re such a wonderful person Koko and like you’re also a wonderful writer and I really admire you for that and not just that but your art is always so beautiful? When I get the chance to see it or when you decide to share it and it always leaves me in like shook okay? You’re such a wonderful friend and you’re just such a wonderful influence in general and I think that doesn’t just apply for me but for a good number of people. You always have me laughing at your gif reactions when you send them out and you just have such a wonderful sense of humor I can’t believe that when I first followed you I felt a little bit intimidated by you lmao. Honestly it was probably your son, he so tol and majestic okay but anyway I’m glad that we managed to be in friendly terms and that we talk every so often! I feel really blessed to have you in my life you’re awesome! You go glen koko! 
@phylxrchus: Eyyy Kaoru! You’re a really good friend of mine and you’re just an overall warm person at least to me. Always know how to have a good time and I think you’re also a very positive influence for me so I also feel pretty lucky to have met you and be able to also call you a friend of mine. I know you’re going through quite some stuff at the moment that’s pretty big so know that I’m wishing you a lot of luck and that I’m always here waiting for you! With whatever you need you know I always got your back and I’ll always try my best to be as supportive as possible for you just like you’ve been for me which I appreciate extremely. You’ a pretty amazing person and I really appreciate you and your muse too when you throw him at Cloud lmao. 
@lockethart: YOU! YOU DORK YOU! YOU AWESOME AND COOL PERSON YOU! Ok but it’s funny how we first started to talk because it was just us screaming about nt and tifa like literally I think we were caps locking each other for a good set of minutes there lmao but on a serious note you’re an awesome person and you’re also very sweet. When we get to talk I laugh, you have a beautiful sense of humor and you’ve told me that I make you laugh as well which makes me happy that I can bring you to smile and laugh like you do for me. I really appreciate that cause I’m always very busy more often than not, head of my household so like there’s a lot of stuff I have to keep up with and in mind and coming here to talk with you from time to time or just plot or pick at each other/our muses is always such a nice thing to me. Laughter truly is the best medicine and though to a personal level I don’t know you too well I don’t doubt that you’re a magnificent individual. Thanks for sparing me some time of your day whenever you get the chance and for like talking to me cause tbh I’ve always wanted to but never knew how to approach you cause I thought I was too lame and you were too cool. Tifa is queen okay, and keep on rocking!
@aetla / @valfreyan: Let me just start this off by saying that I love every single one of you and that you’re all very awesome and cool and that I wish you all only the good things in life cause Bunny’s gonna kill me for this. Ok now that I got that outta the way I can talk about Bunny the Bully. Realistically speaking I’ve only been talking to Bunny for a few days that’s legit it and most of the time she’s just punching me around not joking you can even ask her to verify lmao but she’s a very wonderful and considerate individual. She might be yelling at you that she wants to fight you and beat you up but she’s a very soft person and very caring and I get those vibes from her. She’s also very helpful, gives great advice and is a hex girl so be careful about that too lmao. No but seriously Bunny’s a blessing and I guess I just get easily attached to people I’m always a friendly dude so like I already consider her a very nice and good friend and I will beat anybody up if they mess with her too, I still can’t believe I was intimidated/scared by you arxrxr but even then I always thought you were amazing when I saw you on the dash through mutual we had, you make me smile and laugh and that’s honestly one of the best gifts I could ever be given. Thanks for being so amazing and wonderful Bunny.
@valkiris / @ladydames / @cosmicworn (idk what blog you’re on ok): DAWN! Ok so I’ve told you before that for the longest time I’ve admired you and been like too nervous/afraid/unsure/idk of how to approach you and talk to you but like I always had that want to get to know you better. I always thought you were cool and amazing, and tbh I still do now and even more now that I’m like actually talking to you little by little. You’re such a fun person like muses and writing aside you’re really chill and you make me laugh too quite a lot like yesterday when I told you about my phobia I thought that was hilarious and adorable okay that was gold to me. You also made a comment about how like usually nobody would know if you’re not doing okay cause you’ll keep it to yourself and honestly I’m the same way you are with that but like always know that you can depend on me okay? That I’m always there to want to lend a hand and to help you out like you’ve handed me advice just the other day and helped me handle something. Aside from being an extraordinary writer you’re an equally extraordinary person and I’m just really thankful and feel so lucky that I’m like passed that wall that was preventing me from socializing with you and getting to know you? I just didn’t want to come off as annoying cause I guess I do tend to talk too much to people but like thank you so much? For just being your wonderful self.
These are people that I’ve either talked on occasion/have went out of their way to talk to me/I want to get to know better and are just really amazing okay you’re all really amazing and if I could tag every single one of you I would but I’m doing this by memory rn and this is taken much longer than it should have cause I started doing this like….. ..3 hours ago and I’m now just getting it done BUT THE POINT IS THAT I LOVE YOU GUYS OKAY A LOT AND THANK YOU SO MUCH.
@magitekelite @qkslvr @exiistisms @moonfayth @foughtsorrow @lockedfighter @lazuliss @leviathkand @legacycarry @gamenu @thighsbitch @eruditorem @ryusxnka @rosalithe @rude-at-your-service @tactiquess @trashkingizunia @triggerxhappy @honorificus @hatsuuharu @white-bird-in-a-cage @wutaiiwarrior @witchinfest @firixn @goddessoath @gxnwrought @jen-ova @astralchose @asouldivided @duelbreak @aloofleader @residentangel @kingdomkxy @islelight @xkuja @xkuja @xfarron @catncore @crystarium-rose @appointedescort @vxmpirehunterd @badassbarmaid @blackmage-lulu @klcpto @praesidioest @adventurouswind @ablackwing @stcrmblade @solauctor @serpentsun @lanahub @osolars @braskide @drexm-eater @dragooniv @pathoftrials @drgfyre @depthsbled @smashkick @visumbra @spiraledeye @scphiiroth @stellaux @ofbesaid @re-no @chezqah @wildrosemonarch @galbanaspired @faeriesboon AND THERE’S MORE PEOPLE OK BUT I CAN’T REMEMBER THEM RN.
&. YOU
I know for a fact I missed a lot of people and there’s so many of you and I wish I could tag all of you but everybody in general really who follows me or like spares me some time of their day like thanks so much you’re awesome and you’re the real MVP. I truly appreciate it and hope that the future ahead only gets better for you!
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groundramon · 6 years
I saw an Allura/Lotor gif and I'm a little worried. Allura is a confirmed teenager while Lotor is god knows how old?? I'm scared Stormy
HEY SO I FORGOT TO ANSWER THIS ANON BEFORE, SORRY I answered it vaguely in a non-answer post when I got it because I didnt wanna post spoilers, but then I had the intention of answering it a few days later with more detail and i….forgot fkjghfkh
But I actually have a lot to say about Allura/Lotor so here’s your mandatory spoiler warning and here’s what I have to say about it:
I guess the first thing to point out is that Lotor’s age is unconfirmed…well, besides “centuries” but that can mean anything.  I think we can confirm that galra age differently than humans, we just don’t know on what scale, so he’s probably not an old man who just looks young and luxurious for some reason.  (I would have thought alteans would age in a similar way, and in fact that may be the case considering allura only has a confirmed “teenager” age and not an actual number, but I don’t know.)
Having said that, I’m currently functioning with the mindset that he’s a young adult, maybe college-aged.  After all, he’s been “studying for centuries” so even if 100 years = 10 galra years, he’s been studying for centuries and probably didn’t begin studying until he was at least highschool aged.  I think he’s young, but not quite as young as Allura.
I think its important to keep in mind that his age is unconfirmed from a discourse-related standpoint, but I feel like he’s probably more than a teenager, but it’s not like it matters in the voltron fandom anyways sooo…  But Voltron has surprised us with ages before (Matt, even Allura to an extent - I always thought she was older and I wasn’t the only one among anti/”technically im an anti but i dont wanna get involved in the discourse” friends of mine) so it’s still good to keep that in mind.  I think that if they DO make it canon, we should assume Lotor has the mentality of a teenager (maybe 18) unless explicitly stated otherwise.
However am I the only one who didn’t get romantic vibes from those scenes??
Yeah yeah, you can argue that if a boy and a girl sit next to each other then the writers are gonna force some heterosexual bullshit, which I mean…they do pull that angle a lot with Allura (which kind of enforces to me that Pidge is NOT mean to be a love interest alongside the others, same with Shiro being a male love interest, but I digress….) but outside of that, I didn’t really feel it.  I’m not saying they wont go that angle, because again if a boy and a girl sit next to each other they may pull the het bs angle, but I legitimately dont believe that the interactions would indicate romantic interest/future if the writers were competent.
Now, are the writers competent?  I guess we’ll have to wait and see.  But I think it could go either way at this point.
My thoughts on Lotor as a whole also kind of taint my acceptance of the whole thing.  I can’t be bothered to write a big whole thing on the evidence I have to back this up right now, but it’s my personal opinion that - based on the scene towards the end with the white lion and how he killed narti - that he is allies with the voltron team, but will also betray them without a second thought if it’s convenient for him.  Thus far, nothing he’s done for them has hurt him - he’s an enemy of the majority of the galra, so gaining their trust in exchange for galra information is nothing but beneficial to him.  I think Lotor has a hard time bonding with people - he considers someone allies and even friends until they’re un-useful to him.  If they simply aren’t useful then he wont have any reason to throw them out, but in Narti’s case, Narti was a threat to his mission, so he disposed of her.  So basically, until Voltron actively threaten Lotor, he has no reason to betray them.  So he is their “ally” but not really “redeemed”, if that makes any sense at all?  But that’s just how i interpreted it.
…my only concern is Kuron.  Kuron has vouched for Lotor a lot during this most recent season, but we know by now (or at least, if my hypothesis is correct) that that means little to Lotor.  If Lotor figured out Kuron was watching him like he did with Narti, he won’t hesitate to kill Kuron.  Which, erg, that’d be a big red flag for the rest of the team.  I actually wouldn’t be surprised if something related to Kuron is how he splits apart from the rest of the team, but I can’t really predict how it would happen because I dont know.  I dont even know if I’m right, but god I hope I am because that would be both interesting and not horribly stupid and cliche and out of character for Lotor.
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