#vtsom fluff
vincentmydearest · 2 years
Save your tears (Claude x gender neutral reader) (Comfort)
Headcanons of Albert comforting gender neutral Reader!
Victor finally arrived (Victor Blake x gender neutral reader) (reverse comfort)
Warm Feelings In Our Hearts (Vincent Edgeworth x Reader) (fluff)
Headcanons of Claude comforting female reader! (Platonic and romantic)
𝒀𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝑫𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒐 𝑬𝒅𝒈𝒆𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒉 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒄𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒏𝒔
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rabbitreader09 · 2 years
What about a little bit of Fluff and comfort with the Boys Vincent, Victor and draco?
Wooo one shots!
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Pairing: Vincent Edgeworth x reader
You buried your head in Vincent’s shoulder, feeling him rest the book he was reading on your back, every few minutes or so, he pressed a small kiss against your forehead or cheek, then went back to laying his head against yours.
You fondled with the buttons on his top, popping them open and closed, he didn’t mind it, he had already gotten rid of his blazer and shoes a long time ago, and now you just laid on top of each other in silence. You were sleepy, but didn’t doze off, just wanting to feel his embrace a bit longer. You loved the feeling of his affection, it felt so trusting, and even with his usually dark demeanor (even towards you) so comforting.
He pressed another light kiss against your head, you smiled, leaning further into his chest, it was cold, and as hard as metal, but you didn’t mind, and he knew you didn’t. Some people would long to listen to their partners heartbeat, but you didn’t need that to love him. Your finger gently ran down to his collar, pulling ever so slightly so he‘d look at you, which he did. You gazed at him, god he was beautiful, it was mean sometimes. You pulled harder, swaying him in to kiss you, his lips honestly felt a bit dry, but that you didn’t mind either, you just kissed him because you wanted him close to you.
The air always felt cold when you parted, so much so you always had to hold yourself not to reconnect yourselves. He looked at you, his lips forming a thin smile, inside you melted, you loved seeing him smile, not his cocky smirk, or the often fake laughs he gave from himself, no, that nearly transparent smile he wore at night, when you were close, you loved more than anything.
Without much hesitation, you knocked both of you down on his bed, a loud thump echoing trough the previously silent room, he didn’t say anything to it, he didn’t even make a face. As you laid back down on him, wrapping your arms and legs over his body, he simply put his hand down at your head.
„I would‘t feel complete without you…“
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Pairing: victor blake x reader
The sound of cars rushed by as the dim moonlight shined in trough the car windows, the cold breeze coming in from the only rolled down one gave you goosebumps.
You and Victor were originally just going to take a small trip in the car, but traffic seemed to have decided that today it was gonna throw a tantrum, the 3 hours car ride turned into 8, and then 10. And as it slowly got darker and darker, with 3 a.m fast approaching, you decided to just park at a pit stop, get some sleep and hope for better luck tomorrow.
While the situation might‘ve been quite stressful for most, you were honestly quite comfortable with it, Victor let you climb over into the drivers seat on top of him and gave you his vest while he smoked a few cigarettes out the car window.
You heard him exhale, sending a line of smoke into the outside air, before throwing away the burned off cigarette and rolling the window back up. You were quite lucky he used a decent amount of cologne so he wouldn’t reek of cigs, otherwise holding him this close would take a lot more out of you.
He hummed as you repositioned yourself a bit, now more sitting in his lap than laying on top of him, you made brief eye contact, he smirked pitifully, „don’t kiss me, I‘ll taste like shit“ he chuckled, you narrowed your eyes at him, then connected your lips without hesitation, they were warm but as expected he did indeed taste of tabac.
You pulled back again, your slightly scrunched up expression telling him more than enough, „told ya“ you smacked his cheek jokingly, opting him to be quiet, „im flattered you‘d still wanna kiss me like this darlin‘…“ he leaned his head into your neck, his breath was warm and steady, gently brushing up and down your neck. You both leaned back.
„I adore you, mi amor…“ he hummed quietly, making you chuckle.
„You are such a hopeless romantic dear..“
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Pairing: Draco Edgeworth x reader
A weak fire sizzled in the chimney in front of you, it had been burning for a couple hours and was slowly eating up the last bits of wood inside, despite its dying flames, you just stared into it, laying on the couch in front. The atmosphere was cozy, but also suffocating, the heat coming from the flames was both comfortable and unbearable, it just seemed to switch, outside it was storming, thunder fast approaching, so the places in the house the heat didn’t reach were very cold.
„miss/mister y/n?“ you opened your eyes, only then realizing you had closed them in the first place, you looked up to see Draco standing next to the sofa. „What with the formalities Draco?“ you asked, a hint of mixed sarcasm and annoyance in your voice.
He paused before speaking another sentence, „Its getting late, you should sleep in a bed.“ you rolled from your side to your back, looking up at him, his eyes always looked lively despite looking like single beads sometimes.
„Is everything alright miss/mister y/n?“ he asked, still not breaking eye contact with you, „So we really aren’t any closer than that, Mister Edgeworth?“ you raised an eyebrow, and you swore he smiled and chuckled for a quick moment.
He sighed, a few strand of his bangs falling out of place before he sat down in the couch next to you. You grabbed his arm, leaning your head on his shoulder, „Thats more like it.“ his lips twitched up, he was obviously trying to hide his amusement.
You sat in complete silence for a few minutes, the presence felt so calm, almost even calmer now that he was here, the fire cracked quietly every few seconds or so, and the wind howled past the windows.
„Should I stack on some more firewood?“ he asked after a while of you fondling with strands of his hair. You shook your head, „not when I get to sleep by you tonight…“
He was unimpressed by your prompt decision that he didn’t even have the choice to disagree on, but its not like he would‘ve declined in the first place. You swooned to the side, eventually laying your head down in his lap and hooking your legs over the side of the couch. He reached up and pulled off his glove with his teeth, moving down to draw lines trough your hair and to caress your face, so softly you felt you might just fall asleep right here and there.
„You fill my heart, dear.“ he hummed, but you didn’t even really hear, his touch and the atmosphere were already rocking you off to sleep, he smiled pitifully.
„Its better to sleep now honey, its not pleasant to miss the morning.“ his arms snaked around you body, and before you fell to sleep, you felt him lift you up.
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aweirdfan101 · 1 year
Hello dearies! @oni-otakue had an ask and I am here to fulfill it! I’m so sorry this took so long!! I had a lot of dental stuff and just overall health issues to deal with!! I hope you enjoy it!
Warnings: Yandere themes, not proof read
Type of writing: Fanfiction, Yandere headcanons
About: Yan! Myers(VTSOM) and Yan!Claude with a Fem!Daughter figure reader who asks them if they want her to have children! (Separate headcanons)
Characters: Myers(VTSOM) and Claude(VTSOM)
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Yan!Myers x Fem!Daughter figure reader headcanons(Platonic)
💙I feel like Myers wouldn’t care too much about if you had children or not. As long as you weren’t in a relationship he didn’t mind. (Please remember surrogates and adoption is a thing)
💙If he did end up becoming a grandfather he would definitely spoil them, it would honestly be hard for him not to spoil your kids.
💙In his eyes you’re perfect and you’re his daughter. Your children are worth pretty much equal to you. He does genuinely love your children though, but he would sorta be absent more often since he has a business.
💙If you ever need help with raising your kids he more than likely just gets a nanny as I doubt he’s amazing with kids…
💙Yet something cute he does is literally reads a ‘How to Raise Kids’ manual. He probably shows up to your kids and says ‘How do you do my fellow kids?’
💙He tries to act ‘woke’ or ‘hip’ as he says. Yet he fails horribly. It’s honestly sometimes cringy, but also really funny. You probably have to pull him aside and tell him when something isn’t exactly in with the times.
💙He is probably pretty cuddly with your kids and often hugs them and offers to watch them. Also, when you’re kids are older he would definitely want to teach them about finance.
💙If Myers found out someone was posing any sort of threat to your kids. He could get them rid of easier than saying 1 2 3. And if they’re really pissing him off, he’ll gladly take care of it himself.
💙Myers would definitely try and show your kids his way of thinking and how to clean up blood and overall just yandere stuff. He 100% tries to teach them how to stalk someone. He usually starts it by ‘Don’t tell your mother.’
💙Myers is basically the rich grandpa who’s still a sweetheart and cuddly grandpa.
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Yan!Claude x Fem!Daughter reader Figure headcanons(platonic)
💙Claude wouldn’t mind if you had kids. However, he would definitely make sure it’s either adoption or surrogacy. He is definitely a stricter grandpa and often watches over them for you.
💙He always wanted children, probably around 4. So he wouldn’t mind watching over your kids or even taking care of them if you had stuff to do or even just needed a break.
💙Claude probably researched a lot about having kids and babies. He helps you a lot with taking care of your kids and the biggest piece of advice he gives you is that if you’re tired and so drained just walk away from the baby for a moment. Take a breather and even take a nap for around an hour.
💙Claude is extremely protective over your kids. If someone even looks at them wrong they’re going missing. He’s a detective so he knows what police officers look for and knows how to avoid showing evidence.
💙Claude honestly takes almost like a father role of your kids at times. He’s pretty strict and tries to teach your kids something at any chance he can.
💙He’s pretty similar to Myers with teaching how to clean up blood, hiding bodies, but he’s a lot better at what to teach considering he’s dealt with murder cases before.
💙During your pregnancy if you do surrogacy, he’ll one 100% treat you like a princess and just ask for something he’ll get it for you. Even if the pregnancy is pretty easy, he knows pregnancy can sometimes suck so he wants to help where he can.
💙Claude very secretly wants you to have a girl kid. He doesn’t care what the gender is, but he wants to do their hair and if your son wants to have their hair done he gladly does it. Deep down he really just wants to style your kids hair, even though he sucks at it and is still learning.
💙Even though Claude’s strict it’s more than likely your kids will cling to him as he’s actually pretty sweet and deep down has a huge soft spot for them. He cries when he first meets your kids. He will forever hope you didn’t notice his tears. (he was full blown sobbing you noticed.)
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sweetcafa · 1 year
Hey would you mind if you could do a Vtsom headcanon? Which character does like to be hug and able to give hug as affection to Y/N or Mc? (I don't know exactly how to describe it)
Ofc! I was surprised that I got a Vtsom request so soon since it’s pretty underrated. But ofc we love to hug some of these charters. Take ‘em to therapy while we’re at it 😔For the sake of it we will be doing are main 3 bois. 👹👌🏻
Order up!
Hug rating headcanons
Fandom: VTSOM
Vincent Edgeworth
Victor Blake
Draco Edgeworth
Theme: fluff
Vincent Edgeworth
.This man sucks tbh 🫡
.He dose not seem to be a very affectionate person at first
. Or at least was never given that much physical attention in his life
. But if you normally show affection like hugs or cuddling he might try and sneak in a hug
.mostly his hugs can be stiff but once he gets use to it
.you might as well drop what you’re doing
. His hugs become really warm and you just melt
. One time you got scared when he hugged you from the back
. But when you felt his arms around your waist while his head was laying on your shoulder
. You never felt safer
.Its a 50/50 if his hugs are really affectionate
.But he normally gets stunned when you give him a hug
.He will just stand there one arm rapped around you while the other lays on your head
“good day love. I wouldn’t mind if you rest with me. I don’t want you overworking yourself. Not when I am here to take care of you.”
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Draco Edgeworth
Slightly better then his brother 7/10
.Even tho like his brother he didn’t really get that much physically attention
. He is slightly more open to these type of things
.tho the main problem is that his normally to busy to give you hugs
. A quick hug or peck on the cheek is the best you can do
. So it’s normally you giving him the hugs
.But it’s really sweet when he hugs you
.like when he comes back home after leaving all day
. You were right there sitting on the couch reading.
. He walked over siting beside you
.Before you could of ask how he was-
. He wrapped his hands over your shoulders resting his face over your own
. He pulled you close hugging you there for over a minute or so before saying something
“I missed you love..can we stay like this for a little more.?”
“Of course Draco. You can rest all you want. Before you went back to reading. The silence was peaceful.”
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Victor Blake
The best mf 9/10
.He is the one to hug you.
. His love language is definitely Physical touch
. He loves to hug you before picking you up bridesmaid style.
. It becomes a daily thing for him to hug whenever he can
. Tho he can be slightly flustered when you are the one hugging him
.Normal front face hugging and back hugging is what he dose
. Even those hugs when you run up and jump into his arms while he holds your thighs so you don’t fall
.one if not the most affectionate guy you have met
. It was a normal early morning . You were walking around the house looking for Victor
.And to your lovely surprised he was standing near the counter with lazy eyes and coffee
.You walked over wrapping around him while your still sleepy self, laying your head on to his chest
. You heard him place his coffee down
.Wrapping his hands on your neck. His arms lazying hanging beside your head. using your Shoulders as support
. Placing his head onto of your own resting his head and eyes
“Still sleepy? No worries love you can stay here with me. You and I can stay like this for as long as you want.”
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Yipeee order is complete 👹. I hope anyone reading this enjoyed the headcannon. Even tho I am new at this I am open to ideas on how to make my writing better. But it was nice doing something wholesome for such a dark game.Hope you enjoy the little drawings. I am planning on using those for most if not all fanfics 🫡. I need to keep drawing since I have zero ideas.💟
Have a good day/night.
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homoeroticvillain · 2 years
vtsom x ace attorney chapter 4
aha its here again, and its barely even related to ace attorney this chapter. its just soft college blakeworth
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iforgotthisdetail · 3 months
Ok looks like our game is alive again and I really can’t help but be like: ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
so here’s a few doodles (yes again, i swear one day i’ll post a real illustration, i just… need time and motivation to do an actual one :,))
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and a little bit of fluff:
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can’t wait for what’s coming to vtsom :3
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lordtraco-fanfics · 3 years
In response to your tag, here's another song suggestion to do if you want for VTSOM: "Van Horn" by Saint Motel. (Ship of your choice; I feel like the chorus fits a LOT of the ships from this fandom)
Aaaaa I love that song (and Saint Motel in general)!! Apologies, but I'm on a Blakeworth kick even though this screams kruecent at parts.
Vincent sat up straighter at his desk, eyes slipping from the words that had long since become meaningless babblings. His sight was drawn yet again to the small clock in the corner where a white cat figurine sat. The mix reminded him of his roommate, but more specifically his tardiness.
Victor was always out late doing something. It was for the best, seeing as Vincent's extroverted friend studied best in groups or at least in environments with a level of noise that Vincent couldn't stand. He needed absolute quiet the likes of which his roommate could not give. So they swapped who had to study at the library every other night. It had worked well the past couple years.
Still, sometimes it left Vincent feeling strangely lonely. And deep down he had to admit he got worried whenever he was out this late, reminded of that first night together. That heart-stopping moment, thinking that his roommate had fallen dead on the floor, still haunted Vincent. He never wanted it to happen again.
Vincent sighed, exchanging worry for an equal amount of irritation as he spun in his chair. He couldn't smell it at a distance, but the nickname was a clear indication that his roommate was inebriated.
"I thought you were studying."
"Was, I was. But I got thinking-" Victor put his arms up almost defensively, but such movement caused him to lose balance and lean against the wall.
"Clearly not!" Vincent's voice trembled ever so slightly in fear, but he smothered it in anger. "You have a test tomorrow, will you perform at your best while hungover?" Not waiting for a response, he made his way past him to the bathroom, getting a large glass of water.
"No, Vin, listen-"
"I will entertain your words if you drink this and address me properly," he pushed the glass into Victor's hands and gave an expectant glare.
Victor did drink most of the water, huffing a little in irritation when Vincent shook his head. He drank the rest before trying to speak again. "Vincent Edgeworth."
"Yes?" There was an edge of irritation, but he let the sarcastic tone his friend used slide.
"Look. I figured it out. You're a ten. On everything; looks, grades, jokes. But you hate me." He flung his arms wide in exuberant displays, as if his final sentence was a joyous sentiment.
"I'm not understanding you." Vincent grabbed the glass back from him before he could break it. Their hands touched for a second and Victor retreated from it as if burnt.
"I can never tell if you hate me or wanna date me!"
Vincent pinched the bridge of his nose with his free hand, taking a deep breath in and out. "Sleep on it, Victor, you're smart enough to figure that out on your own."
"You're right, I know better than to ask a lawyer for a straight answer." His words were biting, but indirect enough to not be as hurtful.
"Am I wrong to expect an economics major to present a better offer in these transactions?" Vincent quipped back, letting a smirk slip past his defenses.
Victor could only laugh, laying down on his bed. "You're right, you're right, I'll get us some cat cocoas in the morning. Don't let me sleep through the alarm."
"I wouldn't dream of it."
For some reason, even as annoying as it was, Vincent found it easier to study to the intermittent snoring of his roommate than the worrisome silence of earlier. He nudged the small cat figurine on the clock, petting it gently as if it were real.
It wasn't as soft as Victor's hand had been. But all the same, the thought made him blush. He certainly didn't hate Victor.
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lordtraco · 3 years
Vtsom chap 4 reactions (with @navadesen ):
Who let him have a stethoscope???
*sees chapter card* this is Fine
He's wearing a bowtie to symbolize being a child.
I'm here for diddly dots!
"a chance of fate? [Excuse you, we're MARRIED! I chose this!]"
He's not yet santa, Nav.
Straightforward but hopefully not straight
Me:Victor sounds like a preschool teacher trying to communicate with a fellow adult for the first time in months.
Nav: probably not wrong.
Nav: "because they're involved"
Me: "they're involved! Romantically"
And then Victor took mental damage
♪when you try your best but you don't succeeeeeeeed♪♪♪
Me: If he smiles he might put a SINGLE crease in his suit. So he can't. WHY DO I SHIP THESE IDIOTS???
Nav: Why do you ship these two?
Both: Because they were roommates
Vincent: But I am different! [I'm not like Other Girls]
The Myers Corporation? *Victor turns on the sexy*
"...Are you mocking me?" And that's when they fell in love. Or hate. One of those.
Me: I love my ominous husband and his future husband.
Vincent: Angy
Victor: my dear Vincent~
"LOUSY PERSONALITY" !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nav: Angy diggily dots!!!
both at sad expression: awwwww...
Vincent: I hate scum like him (Nav: famous last words, Vincent)
Us: go-to the party go to the party gototheparty
Wait are we really actually speedrunning Roommates to Enemies to Lovers????
I don't like where this is goinggggg *whines*
Nav: I need these diddly dots, and he needs a therapist.
Me: Enter Krueger.
Poor roommie be drunk
Me: on one hand I wanna believe Victor fell into Vincent's arms...... But let's be real. He probably fell flat on the floor as Vincent went "...huh."
He wasn't drunk???????????
Both: WHY IS VICTOR ME??????
Ouch...... Why does this one hurt
*discussions of personal College Experience* wait why am I him and why are you him
Nav: This is the fluff and comfort before everything goes to shambles
Me: I hate you
Me: Wait wait wait, call him adorable, no response. But call him admirable and he blushes... *Looks at Nav* Why is he you?
Nav: U rite
Both, repeatedly: He so pretty
"my dear" THATS HIM
Vincent: asks question
MC: pulls up dictionary
"Ok but what are you getting at?" He's pretty!
Not as vulnerable??????
Can you use the scalpel on Vincent? Nope
Was that mug his soul?
We can only afford two vanoras
Me: this is the worst pic of loss I've ever seen
I don't like the implications heeeeeere hot chocolate was Vincent's thiiiiing
It's not a bug! It's a feature!
Krueger might be trying to preserve people with his methods!!!
Nav: I'm not licking it
RU37? No I'm not
Vincent you are not pretty from this angle
Me: Albert!
Nav: He's Alfred now!
This is from the fishing game.......
"What am I? Cant you tell? Im-" Danny Phantom!
Red text? Victor???
*spends an entire car ride theorizing and crying*
"look there's a normal 'i wonder what happens next' and then there's PHYSICALLY NEEDING TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS"
*no spoiler messages friends "SCREEEEECH" to let them know that chapter 4 is good*
*rereads instructions* *opens walkthrough*
Me: Oh you're fucking hot~
Nav: ........ ......*intense stare in ace*
Nav: Did I just hear those words come out of your mouth?
Me: ......
Nav: oh he's twitching
Me: ....little less hot now
Best quality: his wiggles
Quoting Victor might not be your best choice here
Actually it is???
*chuckles* I'm in danger
He wiggle longly now
He's a rocum sockem robot who lost
We knew this was coming....
Nav sobbing on the ground after accurately predicting all of that scene
If my ship can't sail, neither can yours.
Nav still dying
"i will write you fluff. ALL the fluff!
Nav: now I need the therapist!
*rereading this* Nav: This is the fluff and comfort before everything goes to shambles
"""Can you use the scalpel on Vincent? Nope""" THAT DIDNT AGE WELL
Nav: I've never felt this dead inside..
Me: Well you did just watch your self and son die.
All in all 10/10 utterly fantastic will recommend to everyone!
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al-llyr · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 文森: G4人偶事件 | Vincent: Phantom of the G4 (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Draco Edgeworth/MC/Zalmona Characters: Draco Edgeworth, Zalmona, MC (VTSOM) Additional Tags: Domestic Fluff, I hope, Baking, Kissing, Mild Spoilers, i use mc's real name Summary:
"I warned you."
In which cookies are baked, crimes are committed and regrets— god, just so much regret.
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vincentmydearest · 2 years
hi! Could you do some Claude comfort hcs? A female reader if you can, take as much time as you need! [:
Yes, I can do it! I hope you enjoy this hcs! Sorry for taking long time!
𝑪𝒍𝒂𝒖𝒅𝒆 𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒕 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒄𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒏𝒔
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Surprise kisses on your forehead while he says words of comfort to you. Are you uncomfortable with your looks and body? He immediately whispers lovely compliments in your ear. He knows when you are down since he's your observant partner.
He will cook you breakfast or dinner if you are living together. He will make your favorite food and place it in front of you on the dining table. A perfect chef 10 of 10.
Do you want to vent/rant about something? He's there willing to listen to your words. He will insert some advices you need to heard and place a light kiss on your lips.
He will take you out on walk for you to clear some stuff off your mind. He don't mind to piggyback you if your legs feel tired. After all, he has a trained body.
Keychains, he will give you cute keychains to your taste. A beautiful keychain with a defense mechanism like hidden pepper spray for you. After all, he wants you to be safe and happy simultaneously.
He will pat your hair in an affectionately platonic way like a father or brother if you want it that way.
He will platonically you give a short or long hug depending on you to cheer you up. There's someone who made you feel in a bad way? Claude will make sure in his power to make the guy not to meet you again.
He will give comforting words to you like 'You are great daughter. If someone says otherwise, they are wrong'. Also with great advices for you (^.^)
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vincentmydearest · 2 years
hoooly shid this is exactly what I need in my life. thank you so much for setting this up!
could I possibly request a short and sweet/fluffy Victor x reader (female, but gender neutral can work too) scenario, set in an AU where they are already living together in an apartment, in which, after a long day of work Vic returns home to find a pleasant surprise: the reader has prepared his favourite food for him (go wild with headcanon here, haha). maybe with a bit of cuddling afterwards too?
if that is too complicated for you to make, that is fine (I will try and think of something simpler lol). nevertheless I wish you nothing but success for this blog! go forth and write some beautiful things!
Hello there! No need to thank me and this is such a cute request!
Synopsis: Victor returns home from long day of work and find something pleasant.
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Victor wants to go home early
Just to see you again
Victor stands against the wall with a telephone in his hand. He was slowly scrolling down on pictures of you and him, reminiscing the memories of going on date with you. Then, loud footsteps can be heard walking into the male washroom which causes him quickly hide his phone in his pocket. It was one of the new employees. The employee went straight into the toilet stall as distress showed on his face and Victor quickly leave the washroom to give him some privacy to solve whatever problems he has.
The sound of the door opening and closing alerts you. You quickly stand up from your brown wooden chair and walk into where Victor at.
"Welcome home, Victor," You greeted him and gently place a kiss near his ear.
He sighed out of relief and relaxation. How could being in your presence do wonders to his tired state?.
"Ooh, dear, I miss you," He stated while you are caressing his face.
His statement made warm feelings go explode in your chest and you laughed gently.
"It seems my dear Victor here is tired,” You intertwined your hand with his.
You lead him to the couch and sat together. In front of Victor, there is a beefsteak with couple nice side dishes. Victor's prosthetic arms hugged you and you return it back.
"Thank you, (Y/n). I have tiring long day of work. Especially, I keep thinking being with you during meetings," He said with his face on your shoulder.
"Victor, It's part of my job to take care of you and love you" You whispered to him and lightly kissing his ear again.
After that, Victor quickly ate the dinner while you prepared the bed for yourself and him to sleep in. You were playing your phone laying down until you feel cold metal arm over your waist. Lightness of the phone goes off as you closed it and turned around to face Victor.
"Hello, my pretty (Y/n),"
"Well hello there, handsome Victor" You compliment with cheeky smile on your face.
He pulls you closer to him and you raised your eyebrows.
"Needy now, aren't you?"
"Excuse you, darling. I am always needy for you," He teased with slight blush on his cheeks.
"Goddammit-! Why are you making-!," You grumbled and dive your head into his shoulder.
"-me flustered!" Victor laughed and just pat your head.
The conversation between Victor and you decreasing as the drowsiness is kicking in both you. However, Victor just won't stop cuddling you and not ever lost his hold over you.
~The End~
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Thank you for requesting and I hope I wrote this request well!
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vincentmydearest · 2 years
Can I request a romantic Claude x Yandere!Monsieur M please? Or if you can’t do that then can I request a gender neutral reader of Claude just giving you some comfort to help the reader cheer up? Thank you!! ╰(*´∀`*)
(Also If you know me, no you don’t. I’m just ashamed of myself rn :;(∩´﹏`∩);: )
꧁༒☬sᴀᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴛᴇᴀʀs☬༒꧂ (Ficlet)
A/n: Hello there! I am sorry this took long time! I can't do character x character pairing so I will chose the second option!
Warnings: Mentions of drinking alcohol beverages, hangover and having a bad day.
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"God, fuck me and my life," You talked to yourself as you are in some bar that you just discovered 3 months ago to take a quick break from your demanding day.
"What's up with you?," A husky male voice presented itself.
"Claude?" You call him out as you turn your view to him.
Claude, the name of your companion that you often bumped into each other in this comforting bar. You raised your glass to him.
"Oh hey! How's life been treating you?" You asked him and Claude take a seat beside you.
"It's still same as ever" Claude answered after ordering a beverage for himself.
"Boring! You should tell me some stories to cheer me up" You said while dramatically putting your back of hand at your forehead.
Claude turns at you to see your tear-stained cheeks. He frowned and put his hand on your shoulder.
"What's wrong with you?" He asked and you laughed pitifully.
"Well, I just had tough day today and I feel embarrassed towards myself. Its... I really don't know how to explain it," You explained and you wanted to gulp down your drink until rough yet gentle blue hand hold your wrist.
"I am just saving you from having bad hangover, (Y/n)," He said.
You always feel happy when you heard his voice saying your name. Then, you felt a hand patting your hair and you sighed calmly. You slowly put down your cup down and hug him.
"Thanks,Claude. I really appreciate it," You thanked him and he pulled away hesitantly.
"No problem, I guess. Besides, you need to go home now, it's-," He looked at the clock.
"-9 P.M." He continued and you just nodded with drunken smile on your face.
You tried to walk on your own but almost tripped. You quietly mumbled sorry to other customers while Claude observed you.
'Change of plans,' Claude thought.
Sounds of your footsteps can be heard by Claude who was secretly walking behind you. Claude saw you noticed a dry leaves and step on it. Dry dissatisfied sigh left your mouth and Claude just let out quiet chuckle.
'How adorable' He thought as you finally arrived at security door of your apartment building.
You turned around swiftly just to see Claude.
"Claude, wanna stay inside my apartment for one night?" You offered, pointing to your apartment.
Claude's eyes widen and just let out a sigh.
"No, besides I already have my own home," He said and crossed his arms.
"Hmm, fine! Then, let me treat you something once we meet each other again," You crossed your arms and stand up properly.
"Fine. Then, have a good night (Y/n)," He tipped his hat down and walked away.
"You too, policeman!" You yelled and laughed after saying that.
Policeman, his fake occupation. Claude smirked and continue his way to his given mission.
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I deeply apologized that I took a long time to write this! One day in the future, I will probably rewrite this. I decided to make it ficlet since you didn't request hcs or something else
The End (Status: Unedited)
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rabbitreader09 · 2 years
Im bacckkkk, with a bit of yandere vtsom content, since he’s a popular yandere on my blog, this is for draco! And a yandere alphabet!
This alphabet was remastered by @dear-yandere but sadly i could not find the original creator of it anymore, but nontheless, lets get into it! Oh, and if you want this for any other character, feel free to slide to my requests!
Yandere Alphabet - Draco Edgeworth♣️
Warnings!: major yandere themes, mentions of imprisonment, violence, obsession, spelling/grammar mistakes here and there (?)
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
- Draco is probably one of the most affectionate yanderes you could meet, he most often shows his affection towards his darling by serving them, this he can portray in a wide variety of actions, cooking his darling their favorite meal, doing their laundry, softly waking them up in the morning and bringing them to bed at night and more, he will show this kind of affection in whatever circumstance, even if you have never seen him in your life a mysterious gift might just appear on your doorstep every once in a while.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
- When it comes to your safety and protection, he doesn’t know boundaries, the ending mess doesn’t bother him, he knows all the ways of disposing of a body and cleaning up blood until not even a black light can make it visible, so as long as the final outcome is the one he desires, he doesn’t care about the mess it leaves behind.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
- While he might as well be a monster, Draco isn’t cruel towards you, its hard to snap his patience, even if you fight against him with arms and legs. Your crys will usually be met by comfort when your with him, even if you don’t want it.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
As hinted at, he takes his role of caretaker a bit too serious at times, he wont push your boundaries too far, but cleaning you, feeding ect. Are things he wont compromise on. The only other thing he will do that might not abide your will would be a good night of cuddling every once in a while, its kind of his self care and also something he is not likely to skip.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
- if you let him, he will pour out his heart to you, if you don’t, he might pour out half. The only vulnerability about him is that he has quite fragile feelings when it comes to you, if you keep on telling him how you hate him, or try to run away at every glimpse of a chance, eventually he might just be the one to throw a tantrum, but really that does not act in your favor at all, in fact the worst case outcome might just be him growing more dependent on your physical touch.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
- he usually feels disappointed, betrayed even, but he usually wraps it up in some delusions, and that fixes it most of the time. He usually lets you tire yourself out, either by holding you down or locking you in a room for a few hours, should it happen on a daily bases though, he might be forced to use a few gags and ties just to keep you bound up for a little while.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
- its not a game to him in the slightest, in fact, he wishes this was just your two’s perfect domestic life, he treats it seriously, and god knows you escaping is one of the things he fears the most. You climbing out a window when he was gone for just a bit too long, running just a little too far for him to catch you, that is a fantasy of nothing but horror to him, you being gone, and him potentially being locked into prison, knowing your out there, meeting other people, forgetting about him, that is a fate worse than death.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
- it was all supposed to be a normal night, except it turned out not to be, you had somehow been able to get ahold of his key bundle and fled the house, it was only minutes after you set foot into the outside that he found your empty bed, the variety of unlocked doors and the complete absence of his keys telling him everything he had to know. When you finally got outside wearing nothing but your sleeping clothes, the only two options you could comprehend to choose from was running out into the road in front of the mansion and hoping a car would pass or you getting far enough, or the thick forest behind it, which was also your choice since the road felt too open, there wasn’t a neighboring house and someone driving by this mostly empty place in the middle of the night was just too unlikely for you. Bad thing was that the mansions forest was surrounded by multiple metal gates decked out with razor wire and or electricity. Draco found you almost shredding your arms trying to pry under the first fence in only a couple of minutes, probably nearing a breakdown as he scrambled to get you back inside to the bathroom to take care of your wounds, and you made it even worse. As water flew down into the bathtub so he could clean the dirt you collected off you, he desperately tried to wrap your arms gashing with blood in bandages, but you kept pulling them back, unraveling them and screaming. His mind spun and all the delusions he set in place to not lose his cool seemed to crumble around him, so as you pulled your arms away again, throwing off the bandages once again, he dug his fingers into your hair as far as they’d go, shoving your head under the water in the bathtub. He just wanted you to shut up for a second, he needed you to stay still, and all the fear, anger and stress that the situation had build up inside him had spilled over as he watched the water bubble around your head, your hands scrambling to get your head up above water and painting the bathwater and tub a light shade of red. He only barely caught himself before the bubbles around you stopped appearing, he laid you back onto the ground and used the time that it took you to cough out all the water you inhaled to finally wrap up your arms. After that incident, not only were your arms covered in scars, but it made you realize what damage Draco was able to cause and that in reality, you didn’t have any control over him, he never spoke or acted on it, he basically acted like it never happened, but he sure was pleased with your sudden rise in submissiveness afterwards.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
- for him, a picture perfect dream would be living alone with you in a comfortably small house, with a pet and perhaps even a child (adopted, DNA experiment, whatever, he doesn’t care) , maybe even away from Vincent and Victor, where you’d greet him with a warm, welcoming hug every day when he got home to you, where you only existed for each other, that’d be something he could dream about all day.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
- he has a way of coping with delusions and fantasies, but god knows when it comes to jealousy nothing will take his mind of it, he gets jealous easily, and any potential suitor has to be out of the way for him to be able to sleep at night.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
- In most circumstances he’s affectionate, soft and kind. Every time he sits down next to you he can’t hold himself from telling you how beautiful you look and he has a guilty pleasure for feeding you your meals, even if he doesn’t get to do it often.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
- his love language mostly consists of gifts, favors and physical affection, and their sure to never fail. He keeps lists mental and physical of all the things you like, if you don’t know of his true intentions, he may seem like a mind reader.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
- his behavior is similar, but still bears a few differences, around most people he has more charisma, his smile is always a bit wider and faker, not to mention he might drop a sarcastic remark or joke in the middle. But when he is with you he’s softer, more relaxed, and he never brings himself to deceive or mock you, your too precious to him for that.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
- even with the gruesome way he will handle others, he can’t bring himself to lay his hands on you for the sake of a lesson, the only times he ever did were very spare and more done in the heat of a moment than as a way to punish you. It would consist more of silent treatments and taking away you freedom to get you to stick to certain rules, he convinces himself their for your safety and not to for his control.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
- he despises the idea of you being somewhere where he can’t immediately locate you, if theres an emergency who would come to help you? Surely not any of those people outside, and besides, the few trips he takes with you outside surely are enough anyways.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
- As long as the situation isn’t an urgent one, he is quite patient with you, it makes the feeling when he finally cradles you in his arms a lot more rewarding, maybe its frustrating from time to time, but when he looks at your face he can forgive it all in the blink of an eye, because your worth waiting for.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
- this one is a bit complicated, while is he not a ‚if you die I die‘ yandere, he could not move on from your death or dissapearance from his life, he will more be left as a shell of a person, and deep down never give up the fight of getting you back, even if your long gone.
Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
- While he doesn’t necessarily feel guilty, sometimes he wonders how different things might’ve been if he had a bit more patience, and if this was really the best solution for you. Sometimes that unhappy frown on your face gets to him just a bit too much and he gives in and lets you go outside just a little bit, even if that is restricted to the mansions backyard, but despite that, while he might be a bit delusional, Draco is not stupid, he knows that what he‘s started cannot just be pulled back from, and so he can’t let you go until you‘ve learned to accept his presence.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
- honestly, he isn’t that sure himself, sure his childhood was …odd, given that his only ever purpose was to be a weapon to his brother, but its not like that gave him separation anxiety or abandonment issues hard enough that he’d feel the need to cling onto another person for comfort. The safest bet is that you made him feel like he could be more than a clone of his brother, that he could live a happy and normal life with someone he felt a deep connection to, and that he doesn’t believe theres someone else that could make him ever feel this way.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
- he feels sorrowful, and he’ll usually do anything to get you to at least put on a neutral expression. He feels worst when you isolate yourself from him, when he can’t even get a proper sentence out of you and is given nothing more than a dull ‘yes’, ‘no’, or ‘go away’.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
- While he’s not super unique in his behaviour, he is definitely more loving and patient than most others would be and the conditions he treats you in and with are a lot more luxurious than what could be.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
- while the chances are slim, there might be a way. If your on your perfect behaviour, get rid of any restraints and locks and make him believe that you have truly fallen for him, maybe he will just get a tad naive, and trust you just a bit too much, and in that moment, you need to run, leave the district and start a new life. With the right motivation and a bit of luck, you might just escape.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
- I think we can all agree that Draco is anything but weak, and that he is capable of doing a lot of damage, but to your luck, he will not try to hurt you intentionally or as a punishment, but that does not mean he might not unintentionally cause you harm.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
- Draco has a ton of charisma, so if his darling is easily swooned by that, he can win them over quite easily. His most common way of worshipping you is taking care of all your physical needs, food, laundry, hygiene, clothes, you name it, he will make sure to always let you look your best.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
- fairly long, if things don’t work out that is, he will yearn and admire you so much and try to make you fall for him in so many ways, gifts, dates, favors, service, stalking or even murder, but if fate doesn’t want you to be together after all, he will just have to force it.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
- He might, they way he always meets your fight and cry with gentle comfort could break your mind, make you drown in your own guilt and eventually manipulate your brain to staying with him, even if your heart is still indifferent. He will never use the term in his own mind and he will never tell himself that he’s gonna try and break your mind, but you can be confident that he wont be indifferent when it has happened, unlike many other yanderes, he enjoys the submissiveness and the cooperation of a broken darling, so… be sure to to protect your mind when your with him.
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aweirdfan101 · 1 year
Hi! I was wondering if you could do a Vincent (from VTSOM) and a reader like Reagan from inside job? Like they have the personality and have a job like hers?? If that’s alright with you, take as much time as you need! Thanks! [:
Hiya dearie! I’ve never watched inside job but I watched some clips of Reagan to get an idea of her and did a bit of research on her so I don’t just screw this all up! I hope you enjoy this and thank you for the reassurance on time lol.
Warnings: None!
Type of writing: Headcanons and Fanfiction! Can be seen as either romantic or platonic :)
About: Vincent(VTSOM) with a reader that’s like Reagan(Inside Job)
Characters: Vincent Edgeworth and GN!Reader
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Vincent Edgeworth(VTSOM) x Reader who’s like Reagan(Inside Job)
🖤At first, Vincent admired your dedication to your work. He found admirable how hard you worked and wanted to thank you for working hard and say he was proud of you.
🖤But he does get a little worried about you overworking yourself and is even a little worried about how your job may damage you, but he doesn’t want to show it overly and hides his care for you a bit.
🖤He often tries to get you to sleep since the dark circles he sees under your eyes kinda worries him. (He can’t talk though.)
🖤He may sometimes try to help you in social situations since he’s honestly pretty good at swaying people with his words and overall connecting, or at least pretending to connect with people.
🖤He sorta relates with you with your job since his occupation at Myers Corp was sort of like your job. He does get worried for you overall safety at times, but trusts you.
🖤Vincent would actually try to help you with your social awkwardness a bit. He thinks it’d be important for your job and often practices with you on your social abilities.
🖤Something cute I think he would do is he would try to ease you up a bit to affection, unless of course you didn’t like it. The first time you hugged him he probably short-circuited, but he loved every second of it.
🖤If you ever hurt his feelings on accident or someone else’s he’ll pull you aside for a moment and politely tell you that what you said could be seen as hurtful. He understands it may be a little difficult to understand that what you said could be seen as hurtful.
🖤However, if you say you don’t care he’ll probably have to stifle his laughter.
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aweirdfan101 · 1 year
I wanted to ask if you could do a female y/n and Winston Loomis just going on a date together, I think Winston will be very shy, and I also think Winston would wear soft bookworm outfit, and make sure to drink water and sleep well for yourself!
Awwww. Of course, dearie! I really like Winston and to be honest I think he’s adorable! I hope you enjoy this! And thank you so much for the sweet words :)
Warnings: None! Just a lot of fluff!
Type of writing: Fanfiction! No smut! Just a lot of fluff
Characters: Winston Loomis(VTSOM), and Fem!Reader!
About: Winston Loomis and you go on a sweet date!
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A Beautiful Flower Blooming (Winston Loomis x Fem!Reader)
It was a gorgeous day out, despite the soft rain. The pitter patter on the window in the cafe you were in was calming. The most important part of this day, was the man sitting in front of you, it made you smile. His presence in general was enough to make you happy. His dark green trenchcoat looked soft and fuzzy.
“You look beautiful… I… I’m very happy to be here with you today…” Winston had a faint red on his cheeks, he was shy, but you could tell he was genuinely happy to be there with you too. Winston had ordered some coffee, it didn’t have any sweetener and was full black. It probably tasted more like battery acid in your opinion.
You smiled at his compliment. “Aww… well thank you, I remember the first time I heard you speak I was shocked… I didn’t exactly expect you to have a voice…” You said, a little chuckle escaping your lips. Winston smiled as well, he was always so stiff, but with you, he softened, a side of him he never shown to anyone, just you would he relax with. “Ah… yes… I never had much to say… And even now I struggle to just call you by your name instead of madam…”
Suddenly Winston blushed. “I love you, madam… Even now I like to say it… To me it makes me feel like I’m showing you the respect and love you deserve…” Winston said, his voice slightly quieter. His words were sweet and they could put anyone at ease… and he was saying them to you. You were his everything, you made him happy.
“Thank you Winston… that’s… very sweet of you. You’re really a sweetheart… you know that right?” Winston smiled at your comment. He loved your voice, he loved hearing your ranting, rambling, whatever you wanted to say he wanted to hear. “Thank you… Y/n… You’re a sweetheart yourself… But… I wouldn’t exactly say I’m a sweetheart… I feel quite rude sometimes actually.” Winston has a small frown on his face.
“Winston we can all be rude at times. That doesn’t mean you’re a bad person. We all make mistakes and.. that’s okay… I wish more people knew that.” You say, taking a sip of your hot chocolate after. Winston’s cheeks reddened. “I… Thank you… I needed to hear that…”
After a while of the two of you chatting over your drinks in the cafe, the sweet atmosphere making the two of you be cheesy, and Winston opening up a small bit. You were holding his hand as he walked you back to your house. It was beginning to become evening and he used the excuse of wanting you to be safe so he could be by your side. Though he genuinely wanted to see you come home safe too.
“You’re a lot more romantic than I thought, Winston… We should go out more often.” You said, a smile on your lips, the date was lovely. In your mind at least. Winston blushed and smiled, he gave your hand a gentle squeeze. “Yeah… it was… a-and you were lovely too! Y-you’re always lovely actually…” Winston stuttered a bit, he did have a bit of a stutter at times, but you would never make him feel bad for it. Winston knew that.
The two of you approached your house. Winston smiled and he gently held your hand as he stood in front of you, he wasn’t overly tall, but definitely a little taller than you. His thumb gently rubbed the palm of your hand. “I really appreciate you going out with me tonight… your company was… better than anyone else’s…” Winston said, blushing a tad bit, but happy.
“Aw… well thank you, Winston. You little sweetheart!” You said, letting out a small chuckle. Winston took a deep breath and his lips parted a bit. He clearly wanted to say something, and finally the words came out. “C-can… can I kiss you?” Winston asked, you blushed and smiled. “Yes Winston… you may…”
Winston was surprised, but he happily leaned down and pressed his lips gently against yours. The kiss soft and innocent as he gently wrapped his arms around you. He reluctantly pulled away after the holding the kiss for a few seconds. He smiled and so did you. A warm air was around you, despite the rain. Maybe it was the love you felt for him, and his love for you. “I love you, Winston…” You said, smiling at him lovingly. “I love you, too…” Winston said. Giving you one final hug.
“The date was lovely… Let’s do this again sometime…”
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sweetcafa · 1 year
No incest or familycest stuff
No non-Consensual acts
No pedo/ adult x minor
No teacher x student unless in college
No kinks that I feel are uncomfortable.
Plz no heavy lewd or gore request
No character x oc
If the creator is not ok with sexualizing there character I won’t.
If the character is a minor you will be A. 1-2years older. B. Same age or if not having a canon age will be hc one. If platonic any age will be fine.
Please tell me if you even want a one shot or a head canon or both just to make it easier plz😔
I can do
Light Lemon
Fluff / angst
Platonic romance
Any other specific request I find comfortable
Head cannons
One shots
Every student/characters
If it’s the staff/teachers it will be platonic
Saint spell book
(More will be added )
Project: Eden’s garden
Ulysses Wilhelm
Wolfgang Akira
Damon Maitsu
Grace Madison
(More will be added)
Murder drones
Mican yujin
Keir (the thief)
Cirrus (the priest)
Fancy stranger
Blooming panic
Trapped with jester
The mf jester
Dj roadkill
Witches x Warlocks
Spooky month
The hatzgang
VTSOM (Vincent the secret of myers)
Therpy with Dr.Albert Krueger
Dr.Albert Krueger
Taylor lee
Genshin impact
Every character 🫡 there are god Damm so many
MC (Mandela catalog)
Alt Gabriel
Alt ceser/ceser
( also dessert au )
Apple pie Adam
Blueberry mark
Lemon tart Jonah
Strawberry ceser
The owl house (TOH)
Hunter/possessed hunter
Raine 😩 bgg/puppet,possessed puppet
Maybe Belos 👹
Romantically platonic/or just platonic
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Thank you for reading my rules and list. Have a great day/night. Request are closed from now. Don’t worry if you request something before Jan 2 I will get to it.You may ask further questions if you want to ask.
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