#yandere draco edgeworth x reader
rabbitreader09 · 2 years
Im bacckkkk, with a bit of yandere vtsom content, since he’s a popular yandere on my blog, this is for draco! And a yandere alphabet!
This alphabet was remastered by @dear-yandere but sadly i could not find the original creator of it anymore, but nontheless, lets get into it! Oh, and if you want this for any other character, feel free to slide to my requests!
Yandere Alphabet - Draco Edgeworth♣️
Warnings!: major yandere themes, mentions of imprisonment, violence, obsession, spelling/grammar mistakes here and there (?)
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
- Draco is probably one of the most affectionate yanderes you could meet, he most often shows his affection towards his darling by serving them, this he can portray in a wide variety of actions, cooking his darling their favorite meal, doing their laundry, softly waking them up in the morning and bringing them to bed at night and more, he will show this kind of affection in whatever circumstance, even if you have never seen him in your life a mysterious gift might just appear on your doorstep every once in a while.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
- When it comes to your safety and protection, he doesn’t know boundaries, the ending mess doesn’t bother him, he knows all the ways of disposing of a body and cleaning up blood until not even a black light can make it visible, so as long as the final outcome is the one he desires, he doesn’t care about the mess it leaves behind.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
- While he might as well be a monster, Draco isn’t cruel towards you, its hard to snap his patience, even if you fight against him with arms and legs. Your crys will usually be met by comfort when your with him, even if you don’t want it.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
As hinted at, he takes his role of caretaker a bit too serious at times, he wont push your boundaries too far, but cleaning you, feeding ect. Are things he wont compromise on. The only other thing he will do that might not abide your will would be a good night of cuddling every once in a while, its kind of his self care and also something he is not likely to skip.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
- if you let him, he will pour out his heart to you, if you don’t, he might pour out half. The only vulnerability about him is that he has quite fragile feelings when it comes to you, if you keep on telling him how you hate him, or try to run away at every glimpse of a chance, eventually he might just be the one to throw a tantrum, but really that does not act in your favor at all, in fact the worst case outcome might just be him growing more dependent on your physical touch.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
- he usually feels disappointed, betrayed even, but he usually wraps it up in some delusions, and that fixes it most of the time. He usually lets you tire yourself out, either by holding you down or locking you in a room for a few hours, should it happen on a daily bases though, he might be forced to use a few gags and ties just to keep you bound up for a little while.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
- its not a game to him in the slightest, in fact, he wishes this was just your two’s perfect domestic life, he treats it seriously, and god knows you escaping is one of the things he fears the most. You climbing out a window when he was gone for just a bit too long, running just a little too far for him to catch you, that is a fantasy of nothing but horror to him, you being gone, and him potentially being locked into prison, knowing your out there, meeting other people, forgetting about him, that is a fate worse than death.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
- it was all supposed to be a normal night, except it turned out not to be, you had somehow been able to get ahold of his key bundle and fled the house, it was only minutes after you set foot into the outside that he found your empty bed, the variety of unlocked doors and the complete absence of his keys telling him everything he had to know. When you finally got outside wearing nothing but your sleeping clothes, the only two options you could comprehend to choose from was running out into the road in front of the mansion and hoping a car would pass or you getting far enough, or the thick forest behind it, which was also your choice since the road felt too open, there wasn’t a neighboring house and someone driving by this mostly empty place in the middle of the night was just too unlikely for you. Bad thing was that the mansions forest was surrounded by multiple metal gates decked out with razor wire and or electricity. Draco found you almost shredding your arms trying to pry under the first fence in only a couple of minutes, probably nearing a breakdown as he scrambled to get you back inside to the bathroom to take care of your wounds, and you made it even worse. As water flew down into the bathtub so he could clean the dirt you collected off you, he desperately tried to wrap your arms gashing with blood in bandages, but you kept pulling them back, unraveling them and screaming. His mind spun and all the delusions he set in place to not lose his cool seemed to crumble around him, so as you pulled your arms away again, throwing off the bandages once again, he dug his fingers into your hair as far as they’d go, shoving your head under the water in the bathtub. He just wanted you to shut up for a second, he needed you to stay still, and all the fear, anger and stress that the situation had build up inside him had spilled over as he watched the water bubble around your head, your hands scrambling to get your head up above water and painting the bathwater and tub a light shade of red. He only barely caught himself before the bubbles around you stopped appearing, he laid you back onto the ground and used the time that it took you to cough out all the water you inhaled to finally wrap up your arms. After that incident, not only were your arms covered in scars, but it made you realize what damage Draco was able to cause and that in reality, you didn’t have any control over him, he never spoke or acted on it, he basically acted like it never happened, but he sure was pleased with your sudden rise in submissiveness afterwards.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
- for him, a picture perfect dream would be living alone with you in a comfortably small house, with a pet and perhaps even a child (adopted, DNA experiment, whatever, he doesn’t care) , maybe even away from Vincent and Victor, where you’d greet him with a warm, welcoming hug every day when he got home to you, where you only existed for each other, that’d be something he could dream about all day.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
- he has a way of coping with delusions and fantasies, but god knows when it comes to jealousy nothing will take his mind of it, he gets jealous easily, and any potential suitor has to be out of the way for him to be able to sleep at night.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
- In most circumstances he’s affectionate, soft and kind. Every time he sits down next to you he can’t hold himself from telling you how beautiful you look and he has a guilty pleasure for feeding you your meals, even if he doesn’t get to do it often.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
- his love language mostly consists of gifts, favors and physical affection, and their sure to never fail. He keeps lists mental and physical of all the things you like, if you don’t know of his true intentions, he may seem like a mind reader.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
- his behavior is similar, but still bears a few differences, around most people he has more charisma, his smile is always a bit wider and faker, not to mention he might drop a sarcastic remark or joke in the middle. But when he is with you he’s softer, more relaxed, and he never brings himself to deceive or mock you, your too precious to him for that.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
- even with the gruesome way he will handle others, he can’t bring himself to lay his hands on you for the sake of a lesson, the only times he ever did were very spare and more done in the heat of a moment than as a way to punish you. It would consist more of silent treatments and taking away you freedom to get you to stick to certain rules, he convinces himself their for your safety and not to for his control.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
- he despises the idea of you being somewhere where he can’t immediately locate you, if theres an emergency who would come to help you? Surely not any of those people outside, and besides, the few trips he takes with you outside surely are enough anyways.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
- As long as the situation isn’t an urgent one, he is quite patient with you, it makes the feeling when he finally cradles you in his arms a lot more rewarding, maybe its frustrating from time to time, but when he looks at your face he can forgive it all in the blink of an eye, because your worth waiting for.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
- this one is a bit complicated, while is he not a ‚if you die I die‘ yandere, he could not move on from your death or dissapearance from his life, he will more be left as a shell of a person, and deep down never give up the fight of getting you back, even if your long gone.
Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
- While he doesn’t necessarily feel guilty, sometimes he wonders how different things might’ve been if he had a bit more patience, and if this was really the best solution for you. Sometimes that unhappy frown on your face gets to him just a bit too much and he gives in and lets you go outside just a little bit, even if that is restricted to the mansions backyard, but despite that, while he might be a bit delusional, Draco is not stupid, he knows that what he‘s started cannot just be pulled back from, and so he can’t let you go until you‘ve learned to accept his presence.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
- honestly, he isn’t that sure himself, sure his childhood was …odd, given that his only ever purpose was to be a weapon to his brother, but its not like that gave him separation anxiety or abandonment issues hard enough that he’d feel the need to cling onto another person for comfort. The safest bet is that you made him feel like he could be more than a clone of his brother, that he could live a happy and normal life with someone he felt a deep connection to, and that he doesn’t believe theres someone else that could make him ever feel this way.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
- he feels sorrowful, and he’ll usually do anything to get you to at least put on a neutral expression. He feels worst when you isolate yourself from him, when he can’t even get a proper sentence out of you and is given nothing more than a dull ‘yes’, ‘no’, or ‘go away’.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
- While he’s not super unique in his behaviour, he is definitely more loving and patient than most others would be and the conditions he treats you in and with are a lot more luxurious than what could be.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
- while the chances are slim, there might be a way. If your on your perfect behaviour, get rid of any restraints and locks and make him believe that you have truly fallen for him, maybe he will just get a tad naive, and trust you just a bit too much, and in that moment, you need to run, leave the district and start a new life. With the right motivation and a bit of luck, you might just escape.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
- I think we can all agree that Draco is anything but weak, and that he is capable of doing a lot of damage, but to your luck, he will not try to hurt you intentionally or as a punishment, but that does not mean he might not unintentionally cause you harm.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
- Draco has a ton of charisma, so if his darling is easily swooned by that, he can win them over quite easily. His most common way of worshipping you is taking care of all your physical needs, food, laundry, hygiene, clothes, you name it, he will make sure to always let you look your best.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
- fairly long, if things don’t work out that is, he will yearn and admire you so much and try to make you fall for him in so many ways, gifts, dates, favors, service, stalking or even murder, but if fate doesn’t want you to be together after all, he will just have to force it.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
- He might, they way he always meets your fight and cry with gentle comfort could break your mind, make you drown in your own guilt and eventually manipulate your brain to staying with him, even if your heart is still indifferent. He will never use the term in his own mind and he will never tell himself that he’s gonna try and break your mind, but you can be confident that he wont be indifferent when it has happened, unlike many other yanderes, he enjoys the submissiveness and the cooperation of a broken darling, so… be sure to to protect your mind when your with him.
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vincentmydearest · 1 year
𝒀𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝑫𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒐 𝑬𝒅𝒈𝒆𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒉 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒄𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒏𝒔
TW/s: mentions of kidnapping, monopolizing, invading privacy (ig?)
Tag: @h3apm3ch4n151m
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He accidentally loves you more than he planned
In my opinion, he's definitely submissive yandere
He's willing to monopolize your attention to him alone whenever you come over to the mansion
He will try to stand by your side more than he did when he's around Vincent.
Draco needs wants a lot of compliments from you for no reason! (Actually, it's because he can't live without your attention and you)
Small things you brought with you have gone missing but, you didn't care since it means less or no meaning to you. However, it's very valuable for the culprit Draco whose have been stealing your stuff.
Of course, he will ask how your day went! He will try to investigate who you spend time with, and what kind of food you like so he can cook it just for you!
Draco will try persuade you into staying at the mansion little bit longer for your safety. Example, he will say it's dangerous for you to drive alone so he will prepare you a guest room near his bedroom
He would kidnap you, duh. Even if you don't want to!
When you finally have feelings for Draco and ask him out on date, ooh god. You are in so much trouble!
"Draco," You said while standing behind him.
"Ah, (Y/n). What's it?" He asked with a smile on his face.
You gathered up your courage and exhale the breath you didn't know you were holding in.
"Well, straight to the point. I want to ask you on a date. I know you are incredible busy taking care of Vin-,"
"I accept," Draco said with a smile on his face.
Oh.....Oh. You feel relieved that he actually accepted your date. After all, you want to know him better since you are interested in him. The fact he's attentive is what make you so attracted to him
"Then, we can plan our date after you have done your work. See you later!" You said before going on your way to Vincent.
"See you later, (Y/n)" He smirked.
The day he will finally get you is coming sooner than anticipated.
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aweirdfan101 · 2 years
heyo ! :0 i recently found your writing works and think it 's super cool that you write for so many fandoms ! i was wondering if i could request a writing of any kind of Yandere Draco from VTSOM x fem reader? it can be smut or not , whatever you 're comfortable with ! and no worries at all if you wanna pass on writing this , i understand ^^ have a wonderful day !
Hello dearie! I decided to do smut because there is no smut of him tbh. I hope you enjoy reading this and have an amazing day/night!
About: just some Yan!Draco x Fem!reader smut. No real plot lmao
Type of writing: Fanfiction, Yandere, Romance, smut
Warnings: Yandere behavior! Also smut. Lots of nsfw.
Characters: Draco Edgeworth, Fem!reader(aka you!)
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Yan!Draco Edgeworth x Fem!reader (NSFW!!!)
Draco POV
I’m finally home to my beloved.. Today was a little stressful, one of those horrors messing with Y/n almost survived. Just the thought of that bastard going home alive was making me see red. But that didn’t matter now, not only was I able to kill them, but I get to see Y/n. Just the thought of her makes me smile..
I opened the door to our shared apartment and immediately noticed Y/n..was gone?! I started to frantically look around place. But I relaxed when I saw Y/n laying on the bed we shared. “Oh! There you are! Haha..I thought you were gone. But that doesn’t matter now! I get to see you and you’re right here!”
Y/n chuckled a bit, I’m sure she thought I overreacted. But..that didn’t really matter, not for tonight at least. “Don’t worry Draco, I could never leave you, even if I wanted to.” Y/n smiled a bit, but I don’t think she knew just how write she was. I walked over to the bed and placed the phone she was using to the side.
“Hm? Is something wrong, honey?” Y/n asked as she was looking at my figure. “Nope..everything’s perfect, love.” I began to remove my clothes and then Y/n realized what was going on. “O-oh..” Y/n’s stutter was just so adorable! We’ve had sex before but she’s always seemed a little shy. I’m already getting more excited by the second.. Everything, just everything about her is perfect..
Y/n’s POV(aka you!)
I stared at Draco’s body for a second and then quickly began undressing myself. He’s honestly one of the most attractive people I’ve ever met. I would be lying if I said I didn’t feel my cheeks get hot. Draco began to get on top of me when he started speaking, “God..You’re so fucking hot Y/n.... Everything about you..I could fuck you for hours if you let me..”
Everything he would said to me left me speechless, “I-I..” I tried to form my thoughts into words, but failed miserably. Draco chuckled a bit, “Haha..I’m glad your impressed. But let me just show you how much I love you..” Draco kissed me roughly and then began to move down to my pussy.. The moment I felt his breath touch my clit already had me shaking.
“Ready?” “Y-yeah..” The moment I muttered out a small yeah Draco began to eat me out. His tongue.. the way it swirled around..it had me seeing stars. My moans began to fill the room and Draco placed his hands on my waist. The feeling of tongue lapping against my pussy made my legs shake. “D-Draco..Y-you’re so good..” Then those familiar knots began to tie into my stomach.
“D-Draco! I’m gonna cum!” Just as I said that I came. Draco licked up my juices and chuckled, “My beloved..It didn’t even take that long for you to come undone..” I was to busy trying to catch my breath to understand what he was saying. Draco placed his lips on mine and felt his tip enter my pussy.
“A-ah!” I didn’t expect to feel his tip in me, I didn’t even have that long to rest. “Oh my love..I really hope you aren’t already tired..because you won’t be gettin any, sleep tonight.” Just as Draco told me that, he pushed his full length inside me. “Ah!” He was big..it wasn’t hard to tell..trust me. Draco waited for me to adjust a moment, and then began to thrust.
My moaning continued and Draco started to hold and suck on my tit, while holding me in place with his other hand. Each thrust was rough and fast. If I wasn’t putty in his hands earlier, I was now. I didn’t even think about whether or not Draco was wearing a condom, because frankly, I didn’t care that much. Those lovely knots then started to build up, “D-Draco..I’m going to-!” I didn’t even get to finish the sentence before I came all over his cock.
Draco then pulled out and came all over my stomach. My moaning turn into panting, while Draco still seemed energized and ready to get back to it. Draco then broke the lustful silence, “I love you, Y/n..” “I love you too, Draco..” Draco and smiled, “Up for a couple more rounds?” I smiled and prepared for the long night ahead of me.
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stargazer-balladeer · 4 years
December Fics
- Discontinued
≫ I’m still going to post the alphabet headcanons and other requests. Don’t worry about that.
≫ Requests for character adding to this list is not valid. These are all of my favorite characters in each Fandoms.
≫ This fics can be headcanon, oneshot or drabble. Or maybe a headcanon and a scenario. It depends on how I feel like I should do it.
December 1: Snow (Mystic Messenger) — 707, Yoosung, Zen, Jumin, Jaehee, Saeran & V
December 2: Winter Wonder (Kingdom Hearts) — Sora, Riku, Roxas, Ventus
December 3: Snowball Fight (Pokémon) — Green Oak, Silver, Steven Stone, N, Calem, Gladion, Raihan
December 4: Cold Kisses (Persona) — Akira Kurusu, Goro Akechi, Yu Narukami, Yosuke Hanamura, Minato Arisato, Shinjiro Aragaki
December 5: Cuddles/Snuggles (Fates, Three Houses, Awakening, Echoes, Heroes) — Takumi, Leo, Kaze | Claude, Dimitri, Yuri | Chrom, Robin, Inigo | Lukas, Kliff, Python | Alfonse, Sharena
December 6: Sharing clothes [Yandere Simulator] — Osano Najimi, Amao Odayaka, Kizano Sunobu, Oko Ruto, Osorō Shidesu, Megamo Saikou, Mujo Kina, Aso Rito
December 7: Building a Snowman [Legend of Zelda] — Link, Zelda, Revali, Mipha, Urbosa, Daruk
December 8: Ice skating [Yuri! On Ice] — Yuuri Katsuki, Victor Nikiforov, Yuri Plisetsky
December 9: Baking [FNAF] — gang
December 10: Decorating the House with decorations [Obey Me] — Brothers, Purgatory Hall trio, Diavolo and Barbatos
December 11: Going to a tree lighting event [Ace Attorney] — Phoenix Wright, Miles Edgeworth, Franziska Von Karma, Apollo Justice, Athena Cykes, Sebastian Debeste, Simon Blackquill
December 12: Skiing/Snowboarding/Sledding [Assassination Classroom] — Karma, Nagisa, Chiba, Gakushu, Isogai, Maehara
December 13: Christmas movies [BNHA] — Midoriya, Todoroki, Bakugou, Hawks, Aizawa, Tamaki
December 14: Singing Christmas songs [Haikyuu!] — Karasuno, Nekoma, Fukurodani, Seijoh, Shiratorizawa
December 15: Snow Storm [Yona of the Dawn; Modern AU!] — Dragons with Yona and Yoon
December 16: Playing in the snow [Genshin Impact] — Kaeya Alberich, Diluc Ragnvindr, Xiao, Childe, Zhongli, Xiangling, Fischl, Lumine, Aether, Chongyun, Scaramouche
December 17: Drinking Hot Chocolate [Danganronpa] — Makoto Naegi, Byakuya Togami, Hajime Hinata, Nagito Komaeda, Ibuki Mioda, Chiaki Hanami, Shuichi Saihara, Kokichi Ouma
December 18: Picture [Servamp] — Mahiru, Kuro, Misono, Jeje, Hyde, Licht, Tsubaki
December 19: Wrapping gifts [Creepypasta] — Jeff the Killer, BEN Drowned, Ticci Toby, Masky & Hoodie, Lost Silver, Bloody Painter, The Puppeteer, Laughing Jack, Eyeless Jack
December 20: Build a pillow fort [Snow White with the Red Hair] — Shirayuki, Zen, Obi, Mitsuhide, Kiki
December 21: Ugly Sweaters [Harry Potter] — Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Draco Malfoy
December 22: Dancing [OHSHC] — Host Club
December 23: Under the Mistletoe [Magi] — Aladdin, Alibaba, Sinbad, Ja’far, Titus, Hakuryuu, Judal
December 24: Secret Santa [Bungou Stray Dogs] — ADC & Port Mafia
December 25: Christmas [Everyone saying their Christmas wishes to the Readers]
December 26: Exchanging Gifts [Marauder’s Era] — Marauders
December 27: Game Night [X-men] — Peter Maximoff, Kurt Wagner, Charles Xavier
December 28: Kitchen Disaster [while baking] [Miraculous Ladybug] — Marinette, Adrien, Luka, Alya, Chloe
December 29: Late Night Walks [Descendants] — Mal, Evie, Carlos, Jay, Ben, Harry Hook
December 30: Sleeping [Mystreet] — Garroth, Laurence, Aaron, Travis, Vylad
December 31: New Year [Everyone saying their new years to the readers]
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rabbitreader09 · 2 years
Hiya! I luv ur VTSOM writing content ur such a great writer ! ;0; I saw u had one shot requests on your page and was wonderin if we could get a Yandere Draco one shot based on the Yandere headcannons you posted awhile back ?
They were pretty cool and seemed so accurate !
Dw if u arent able to it's just a request ^^ thank u again for the chance ! U are a cool writer and I luv seeing ur VTSOM content ! ^^
Of course! Also thank you for your kind words it means a lot! :D
Yandere! Draco Edgeworth x reader <3
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Notes: sooo im not the best at oneshots so forgive me if this isn‘t the best but i hope its enjoyable ^^‘ This isn’t 100% like my hc‘s but i tried to at least make it similar.
“Don’t worry dear, ill take care of you…”
He was a monster, insane at best and despite his pretty face you knew what laid behind it, a psychopath, that was it.
And despite everything , you let his charm get to close, too close to pull away once he reached out, and now you were here, wrapped in tender satin sheets, hands and feet inlaid in heavy chains, you looked like a bug trapped in a spiders web.
You were trapped here most of the day ,with no where to go you had to be reliant on your captor coming back and you despised that fact.
Groaning, you turned your face into the pillow, you body was tired out but ever since you caught Draco watching you sleep you developed a horrible relationship with most kinds of resting, only really ever sleeping when you were too tired to function and even then you woke up every hour.
You grabbed a pillow from above, pressing it against your chest before burying you face in between its fibers, it comforted you in a way almost making you forget about the metal around you limbs.
*tap* *tap*
Your ears perked up, by now you were aware the walls were soundproof, however the door was not, so as long as the source of noise was right before it you were able to hear most of it.
Your heart slowly picked up on its pace as you heard a small click, no matter how many times you heard it you’d always get a bit intimidated.
The knob turned to its left, a small creak scurrying trough the room your muscles tensed up as pretty much the only voice you had been hearing for the last month pierced the silence of the room. “Y/n dear? Your awake?” You didn’t answer, peeking up from the pillow at him, like always, he looked like the pure innocent angel everyone took him for, but you knew the truth, if only there was a way to let anyone know…
“Ah, you …did sleep right?” He closed the door behind him, unsurprisingly you once again ignored him, rolling over as he got to the side of the bed, he sighed barely loud enough for you to hear, but you really didn’t care about his feelings.
“Well i got you breakfast. I think you will love it!” The claim of food made you a bit curious but you stayed still deciding to just eat it once he gave up, despite your reluctance he luckily wouldn’t let you go without food and despite everything you couldn’t deny he was a great cook, that was pretty much the only luxury in this situation though.
Your repeated silence didn’t make him go away immediately though, “do you… want a book maybe? I can get you one, just… just say something…” no answer.
His head sunk a bit, he sat down at the side of the bed dangerously close to you, the whole room filling with silence for a moment before you suddenly felt a hand on your waist.
Your heart sunk as he just started trapping you in between his arms, something you had always violently rejected, you didn’t like his touch so cuddling was always out of the picture for you.
“What the- GET OFF” you yelled but he ignored you just as you previously did.
You tried pushing him off immediately but came to the realization that he was strong, a lot stronger than you at least, not to mention you were still in chains, so with close to no effort he trapped your arms against your chest, almost laying on top of you as he pressed you into the bed.
He leaned his head over top of yours, you grit your teeth as to not spit out a line of insults, when you finally gave up on struggling his grip loosened a bit letting you breathe as well as getting of your body slightly. “See? It isn’t as uncomfortable as it could be right? Don’t fight.” His voice brushed across your ear, at this point you were more or less obliged to reply.
“Get off Draco.” You tried sounding intimidating but your voice came out a lot weaker than you had anticipated. He paused, “I like it when you say my name..” he smiled ignoring your request as he laid his head into your neck. “I love you y/n…”
You felt a shiver drill trough your spine, “I know you miss your old ‘home’, but ill show you theres nothing worth going back for. There are people out there that will hurt you, they’re cruel and terrible. I don’t see whats so terrible about staying away from them… after all, I can protect you so much better than anyone else…”
His words outraged you more than anything he’s ever said as you clenched your hands to fists, “I don’t care, you took me away from everyone i loved, everything. I don’t need you and nor do i want you, i want the people back that I actually love.”
“Darling, have you forgotten? They are all long gone.” He replied like it was the most normal thing in the world.
Small tears shined in the corners of your eyes before they turned into long streams gliding down you face, turning you into a whimpering mess.
Of course you knew, you knew it all, they were dead, no matter how much you begged him not to he killed them all one by one, you cried ugly tears trying to to break down, he caressed your head and gently tried wiping them off yet they wouldn’t stop, “sh… come on dear, don’t cry…” he tried calming you but it only made you more upset.
His grip got tighter as he spoke to you but you really didn’t care about a word he said and just continued crying. After a while your sobs finally became quieter and he removed his arms from you after which you immediately pushed him, getting as far away from him as your restraints allowed, which wasn’t very far.
He easily leaned over to you, cupping you puffy-cried cheeks and pressing a kiss against your nose, “Ill pursue my work for the day, ill get you more food later and tend to you in the evening.” He promised smiling ever so softly, almost making you feel that he enjoyed your despair.
He got up and smoothed out a few wrinkles on his uniform before leaving you on the bed sniffing and all on your own. After laying still for a while you calmed yourself and took the food he left on the nightstand, a cup of green tea, orange juice, two slices of french toast with some chocolate and a few sliced up bananas and strawberrys along with a waffle with some syrup on top.
You grabbed a slice of the toast and took a bite, even trough your mouth full of tears it tasted amazing, like always but you couldn’t bring yourself to enjoy it you swallowed it and took the lukewarm tea to wash it down before setting it back down.
And the cycle continued… now you had to wait for your deranged lover to come back to you…
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rabbitreader09 · 2 years
Yandere HC’s VTSOM + TWDAK
Summary: These are yandere headcanons for Draco, Vincent, Victor and Albert <3
Draco 💕
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He’s a jealous and very clingy yandere, he loves you but just the thought of you moving your sight at another human being rips him into fine pieces, what if someone convinces you their better than him? He cant lose you! No, he wont lose you, even if it has to be solved with some chains, your not even going to notice them after a while! Look, he even got you these heart lockets to show you how much he cares about you! You cant deny that now can you?
He makes you home cooked meals and gets you all kinds of entertainment, seeing you happy is his top priority, he’d happily remake your food 5 times if that meant you liked it more! You can usually expect a warm bath waiting for you every evening combined with lots of kisses and love declarations, oh and you cant deny them!
If you try and run away from him, your probably not going to get far, he could run for 3 days straight without rest if it meant finding you, its so dangerous after all! Even if he wanted to take a break the thought of you getting hurt would skin him alive until he found you, having your fragile body back in his arms, oh god did he miss it. Once your home your gonna get tucked into bed tightly, surely you must be cold, oh! And don’t try to struggle when he puts the 3 new chains onto you, otherwise he might have to use force, and neither of you would like that now would you?
He keeps a photo album of you two, of course they are mostly pictures of you sleeping, but once you adjust to your new life your gonna have a bunch of cute couple photos to put in, until then he will just black out the faces of anyone else in the picture and tape them together with photographs of him, its almost like the real thing after all!
He is not a very violent yandere, at least not towards you, but if some nasty pig decides to lay their hands on your perfect, pure body, their gonna pay for that, maybe just a harsh warning will be enough but if he has to he will kill them without hesitation, later he could proudly present you their body to show that you will no longer have to worry about them! Huh? Why are you screaming? Was bludgeoning not to your taste? Would you have preferred gutting?
He’s delusional, he doesn’t believe you don’t actually want him, he just thinks your embarrassed or shy about it, so he will keep you there so you can take your time to accept him, you will have to at some point after all!
Vincent 🖤
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The possessive type for sure, he wont let you go no matter what, even if he has to hurt you, even if he has to kill anybody that gets close, having you close at all times, holding you close and touching your beautiful skin, he needs it all for himself, nobody should even be allowed to catch the tiniest glimpse of you, so get used to the feeling of rope and chains, you will be dealing with them plenty.
He‘s affectionate yet short tempered, acting up will get you nowhere further than a few bruises, he enjoys obedience and most of all silence, except when he wants you to speak, then it isn’t a very good idea to stay quiet.
He loves to have you sitting in his lap, even if you tremble, and after a long day there is nothing better than having you fall asleep on his chest, quiet and peaceful, oh how he wishes it could always be that way…
The chance of escape is low for you, he‘s basically your shadow, a part of you that you cant let go no matter how hard you try, and though he may not seem like the type for it, he will drag you back himself, with most of the doors in the mansion being locked you probably wont even make it outside before he has already caught up, of course you could jump from a window but that would only result in being carried back with two broken legs, only screwing your chances of escape further.
Once your back home you can only start preparing yourself, on a good day you might get a way with a harsh lecture and a few bruises, but otherwise you can expect to have most your freedoms taken away from you.
He can be sweet and caring but if he has to also very violent, if anyone gets too close to you he will get rid of them without hesitation, he wont answer questions about where your friends or loved ones are, after all you shouldn’t even think about them. He knows what he’s doing isn’t okay nor normal, but its not like he cares, your his, and its time for the world to accept that.
If you accept his devotion, he will treat you with as much love and affection as you need, and if you don’t he will simply hurt you until you do.
Victor 🥂
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He‘s more on the sadistic side, he things your fear is cute so he doesn’t mind when you back away every time he gets close, when he eventually traps you against his chest it’ll be worth it.
He‘s probably also more stalkerish, if he doesn’t lock you away instantly you can be sure there is a pair of eyes and ears following you everywhere you go, don’t worry, he wont hurt you, he’s just watching out for these bags of human waste you call your ‚friends‘, always making sure they don’t get too friendly, they wouldn’t like what would happen if they do.
Even though he doesn’t mind some fighting, sometimes he just wants to get some rest, and you flailing and crying will make that quite hard, so how could you blame him for forcing a few drugs down your throat? Its better for the both of you after all, you wont even feel it the next morning, so don’t be upset.
You may have a bigger chance of escape than you would with the others, but that doesn’t mean it would be easy, he can manipulate your senses and move you like a puppet, no matter how far you get, for him you will just be dancing in the palm of his hand.
If he brings you back you will most likely be tied and sat down as he slowly twists and bends your legs, kissing you screaming lips as blood trickles down you skin, hearing bones shatter in your ears as he whispers sweet praises to you, you will get the right amount of medical care afterwards but lets just say he doesn’t take escape attempts lightly.
Though he isn’t very gentle when handling you, he will chop up anyone that sets their eyes onto you, their not allowed to do that, you‘re his little gumdrop, not some trophy to hand to others, and if they they do get too close, they will simply have to learn trough pain and blood, afterwards he could at least use their body for a better purpose, so no need to ask why the meat tastes funny today, its simply a… special type.
If you stop fighting he will become calmer and will eventually give you more freedom, although if you grow bratty and ungrateful, he will show you how to put you in your place
Albert 🔮
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He‘s a very sadistic yandere, he knows you‘re afraid of him and he will use that to his advantage, wether it be getting you to do something or just entertainment. Your as playable as a doll on a string and he finds it quite cute how you flinch when he only shines his fangs at you, the way your waist stiffens up when he places a hand on your shoulder and so on.
He drapes his vest over you almost every night before crawling to your side, your like a trembling little plush-ball to him, and he finds that mighty adorable.
He can handle some disobedience but don‘t try and fight him and avoid insults, he wont hesitate to drag a blade over your collarbone to make you shut your mouth. He knows not to take it too far of course, after all he still loves you, but what has to be done, has to be done.
Your chance of escape? Oh honey, id suggest you don‘t risk it, running away from a powerful dream entity? Do you have a death wish? Well, he wont kill you, but you can prepare for the most horrifying game of tag of your life, he could just get his dream eaters to bring you back, but that would be no fun now would it? He‘d much rather chase you down until he has got you pinned on the floor, his heel digging into your back as you try to crawl away with last bit of power in your body before collapsing.
When you wake up you will be back in bed, thinking it was a dream for a second before you see the marks the bear traps had left on your ankles, he will come to check on you after a while, a cup of your favorite drink in his hands to cheer you up from your loss. Of course, your aware he’s mocking you for thinking you could escape him but him just making it into a game, other than that he wont punish you, your body’s already damaged enough from him chasing you.
He can and will stab a knife into anyone chest who try’s take you away, he‘d run down the world if he had to, anyone who lays their eyes on your body deserves to die in a ditch, he even feels bad to feed their ratchet body’s to his dream eaters, not even they deserve it, its not even jealousy, its absolute hatred, a simple ‚hello‘ to someone who isn’t him could make his blood boil, your his and nobody else’s, you, belong to him.
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aweirdfan101 · 2 years
Hello, can I request yandere platonic general headcanons for vtsom Draco? Also, I love your writing!
Hello dearie! Thank you for the request and I really hope you enjoy this! Thanks for the compliment and have a nice day/night!
About:Yandere Platonic General headcanons for Draco Edgeworth
Type of writing: Fanfiction, Yandere headcanons, platonic
Warnings: Yandere stuff
Characters: Draco Edgeworth, Y/n (aka you!)
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Yan!Draco Edgeworth x Fem!Reader(Platonic)
🖤Okay, so I feel like a lot of people think is some innocent baby, and to be fair- he kinda is. However, that doesn’t mean he can’t be absolutely evil, cause he can and will. Sometimes it can be taken as though he’s just super nice, but the thing is.. he can kill, and spoiler he WILL kill you if you mess up when he’s asking you questions.
🖤Now that that’s out of the way, we can get to the real meat. He is super good at hiding how much of a yandere he actually is. You’ll never be able to hear him stalking you, you’ll never know how many people he’s killed for you, and of course, you’ll never know how twisted he can truly be.
🖤I really hope you’re an introvert because he will NEVER let you go somewhere without him, all under of the guise to keep you safe. Like really, this man will argue in lowercase just so you won’t leave without him, or just stay home.
🖤You will most likely get kidnapped by him one way or another, it’s nearly inevitable. He wouldn’t hurt you or anything while you’re there, he’d just simply keep you locked in a room! It’d be really nice cause chances are it’s in Vincent’s house.
🖤He is extremely hostile to anyone who is around you, like if anyone gets to close to you, they are gonna end up missing. He won’t kill cashiers or waiters unless you know them personally though. But yeah, he’s pretty damn violent to anyone who’s close to you.
🖤Back to you being locked, he’d probably let you out at some point so you don’t go insane. He’d be a little weary about how you’re dressing because he knows that sometimes people can’t keep their eyes to themselves. Especially cause you’re a woman and he knows sometimes people are more violent and overall just bad to women.
🖤He’d try his best to make sure you’re overall happy while in the room he keeps you locked up in, which is pretty difficult because y’know, most people to consent to being kidnapped. But as long as you aren’t hurt or wanting to die every second. He really cares for you and tries to let you know he wouldn’t hurt you.
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