#very women want me fish also want me vibes
hotcinnamonsunset · 2 years
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my love of summer adventures is stored in these stranded colorwork halibut btw💙🐟
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famemonsterrr · 11 months
Astrology observations part 6. 🪽
- siblings were their signs are in the same element tend to be closer because of their same nature ( a friend of mine is a Sagittarius and her little sister is Aries and I haven’t seen these two arguing or being awful to each other EVER in fact they support and love each other sooo much)
- water placements do everything with music. Study, cleaning ect
- air placements need to watch something while they eat
- earth placements need a lot of silence.
- fire placements need a lot of excitement and adrenaline.
- speaking of music…go and see a playlist of pisces, Gemini, Aquarius and Sagittarius. They listen to EVERYTHING. ( my Spotify wrapped had my 5 top artist being different from each other because I can’t listen to one genre it’s sooo boring).
- again speaking of music…earth placements are the least experimental with their taste in music. They have found what works for them and they stick with it forever. (my Capricorn bestie listen to 3 genres my cancer sun bestie who has Virgo placements listens only to limited stuff and doesn’t know almost all of the iconic artists)
- Aries moon as kids they were getting angry for the most unnecessary reasons. It’s a fire moon thingy 💅🏻
- Sagittarius moon act like everything is fine and then cry behind close doors. Babes don’t be shy I promise u we will not laugh at u. 💀
Speaking of Sagittarius. They don’t open their hearts unless they know they will not be judged or make fun of. Deep down are really sensitive but they laugh it off because being honest and vulnerable is for the pussies right? (Women are more open with their emotions)
- Pisces has strong and weak memory at the same time. These bitches remember useless things or things that happened years ago but can’t remember a simple thing that was said 2 mins ago or even names that was said the very same moments.
- I have noticed cancer placements aren’t sentimental at all ( my cancer bestie throws away things and my mom who has cancer mercury doesn’t like to keep nothing unless it’s really important). On the other hand me as I Pisces love to keep everything to remember everything. ( i ain’t kidding but I have keeps every bottle of perfume I have bought or even broken stuff just because someone gave it to me. it really breaks my when I have to throw something away). Scorpio is the middle ground.
- I have seen cancers either having a lot of friends or just 2.
- Aquarius woman are always sooo likeable. I haven’t found one that i don’t like. They are just here vibing and doing their thing. Also they look younger than they are. Especially risings. (My bestie has Aquarius rising and looks underage when she is adult)
- Sagittarius placements if they reallyyyyy loooove u they care about ur opinion. Usually they don’t give a shit about opinions. (My ex boyfriend was like that he was asking me for everything. He wanted to hear my thoughts and opinions. That’s was really sweet and also was doing anything I told him would look on him.)
- I want to know what’s makes a Leo man dressing so flashy? Okay we support girly pops 💅🏻
- Capricorn men have the energy " I have big dick " metaphorically and literally but they will not flex it like a Leo or Aries would.
- Libra women tend to like men who are "uglier" than them.
- Scorpio placements know how to respect boundaries because they don’t like people crossing theirs.
- the water sign who tends to share a lot is Pisces the least of Scorpio
- the earth sign who tends to share a lot is Virgo the least is Taurus
- the fire sign who tends to share a lot is Sagittarius the least is Leo
- the air sign who tends to share a lot is libra the least is Aquarius.
- it’s very funny but as a Pisces with 8th house placements I can stay strong in very difficult situations and see the positive in bad but if someone break my mug or throws away a small thing of mine this is where I cross the line and start crying. Pliz fellow fishes tell me I ain’t the one🫣
- we need to talk about the fact when Virgo placements are in distress they will start cleaning the whole house. Like okay miss clean girly…maybe cry and let the cleaning for later. This coping mechanism is stressful. I want to hug y’all 😭
- I have noticed that Gemini writing amazing essays. They are amazing writing thoughts and feelings down on paper.
- if a Pisces placements friend or Scorpio placements friend or anyone with 8th house/12th house placements tell you they don’t like someone or they think the vibes are weird. Always TRUST THEM. they know what they are talking about.
- speaking of water signs they are stronger that what we gave them credit for. They don’t escape like a lot of people say. They are strong and keep until the end. Unless someone has 12th house placements or Pisces rising. (Sorry but y’all so self destructive).
- Capricorn x Gemini friend duo is also really underrated. They vibe sooo well even tho they have different styles and approaches to life but what they manage to do is that they have a lot of intellectuality. Maybe they would not last long but definitely they will have a beautiful friendship.
- Leo’s care for the opinion of others even if they say they don’t. You know this attitude "I’m a baddie I don’t care what people think" it’s their fake it till you make it but they never make it.
- when u see a air placements and earth placements cry u know it’s very serious for them and they need support 🫶🏻 btw they aren’t touchy so just allow them to cry without judging them.
- libra moons have u healed the fear of being alone?
- put a Pisces or Sagittarius in chart and u will see a psychologist or a person who loves the human brain and behaviour.
- Aries people are the biggest cheerleaders and women have girls girl energy.
- what’s up with mutable signs getting stimulated by a thing and then get bored of it? Like girlyyy why? Where is ur dedication? probably not in the room.
- Virgo men are sooooo messyyy…and rarely take care of their looks or their personal spaces ( I have sooo many examples)
- Pisces is disorganised in everything and it’s almost hilarious until they lose their things and then blame others.
- i will tell this 100 times if it’s needed but if u need help with ANYTHING go to a Capricorn friend. Even just an advice is really helpful. I love y’all sooo muchhh 🫶🏻
- 5th house placements showcase someone who not only is creative but will definitely have a good relationship with kids or will have amazing relationships with their own kids.
- 0 degree placements are showing that you are like the sign it is on. ( I have mars in Taurus in 0 degrees and honestly I act like a Taurus sometimes. The way I care for aesthetics,smells and I’m soooo stubborn in my opinions. it’s sooooo annoying)
- the most hilarious thing is hearing Sagittarius saying they are logical and not control by emotions. ( yeah that was my ex like girly pop u were influenced by every emotion and boredom is one of them. He cried more than me in the span of 2 years. Like okay hahaha babe keep believing ur delusions)
That’s all 🪽
Guys thank u for reading so far and giving a lot of support. I’m soo greatful every single time 🥰 stay healthy and hydrate girly pops 💅🏻
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Sword gays showdown, round 1 of bracket one
For Di Feisheng:
First off there's literally a bit where he's being nice to the evil lady who is obsessed with him and then one of her lackeys goes "miss, this is kinda suspicious he's never been interested in women before I think he's planning something" and he's got the most homoerotic relationship with like his ex and his ex's new bf. ALSO as for his swordiness, he names his sword "sword" because he doesn't see the point in naming a sword but he's also overprotective af over it and like has to be bribed to show it off to other people because they're not worthy to see it
My man had one goal and that was to become the #1 swordsmaster in the land. And then he does!! but then decides his sole aim over the entire course of the show is to fight the (now retired and dying) former #1 with whom he has intense gay divorced vibes. He literally is the strongest dude in the place who could probably take over the throne and be the Villain the world thinks he is but no. He is too busy roadtripping and trying to heal his husband so they can have their promised swordfight. His sword is named "sword". He's the most sword gay of all sword gays. He also has a very unique blade that's explained in amazing detail here
For Yin Hanjiang:
You've heard of gays who studied the sword now get ready for the gay who IS the sword.
Yin Hanjiang was fished out of a mass grave by the head of a demonic sect, and developed homoerotic loyalty towards the man, becoming his sword. He seems emotionless and calm, but he will go murderously feral if something were to happen to his Venerable (aforementioned head of demonic sect, Wenren E). Learning this caused Wenren E to look at his subordinate in a new light, eventually leading to them getting together. Also various fun moments like "if you want me to put down my sword, why don't you ask first if my sword is willing?"
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ageingfangirl2 · 8 months
A Reason To Come Back! Shanks (OPLA) Part 2
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Reader is a mermaid who washed up close to death in Luffy's village and made a home for themselves. Shanks comes back and tries to convince y/n to join his crew. Shanks x Female Reader.
Part 1
'Then join my crew!' Shanks said in a carefree manner.
That was four months ago, you didn't quite believe Shanks would go through with his promise, so you said yes.
After that first meeting, you went back to the tavern with Shanks to meet the rest of his crew, after stopping at your house to get some dry clothes. Shanks had so many questions about mermaids just like Luffy did and you tried to answer all of them. Maybe Luffy was right about him being a good guy, he gave off the vibe of someone you could trust but wouldn't want to cross.
You were nervous meeting the rest of his crew since pirates were primarily male, but they quickly put you at ease and were amazed at just how much booze you could put away, turns out that was a pro of being a mermaid. One of the newer crew tried to hit on you and it was then you revealed apparently what Shanks suspected when he heard you laugh, and that was your ability to compel. Let's just say the rest of the crew would never let the guy live down the humiliation you put him through.
Before he went to bed Shanks told Luffy of the promise he'd made to you. At first, the boy was upset that you wouldn't be joining his crew but was happy you'd both be pirates one day.
It did feel nice to let loose, laugh and have fun around others. And Shanks kept his eye on you the whole night. Maybe returning to the sea one day might just happen for you. You sketched a rough drawing of the jolly roger you'd seen during your escape, and it turned out Shanks and his crew didn't like that crew already so were all on board to help you.
During those four months, you kept yourself busy, fishing, helping around the village and keeping an eye on Luffy. You also had started putting things aside in case Shanks kept his promise and you had to join his crew which didn't seem that bad.
Today you'd just finished swimming and were returning to your house when you saw a familiar red-haired pirate sitting on your porch.
'SHANKS!' you call out.
I should have known y/n wouldn't be at home. They weren't in town when we arrived so I assumed they were swimming in the cove. Other than Luffy and myself no one else had been to the cove to see her mermaid form, it was her private space.
'SHANKS!' y/n calls out.
I look up to see the red-haired girl walking up the path towards me smiling and dripping wet. It was very unusual to see someone with the same hair colour as myself but y/n explained mermaids either got the colour from their mother or father or could get a mixture of both but y/n got her mother's red hair and tail.
I stand up and embrace y/n, who hugs me back. She was a lot smaller than me, but that didn't mean you should underestimate her, 'I told you I'd come back. You get younger each time I see you.'
y/n blushes at the compliment and playfully shoves me back, 'How old do you think I am Shanks?'
My face drops, this was a trap women liked to set to trip men up, 'err I don't know maybe early twenties.'
y/n grins, 'Such a charmer, we're the same age Shanks, mermaids just age slower and appear more youthful.'
I was shocked by her answer but also relieved. I said the early twenties to not sound awful when y/n could easily pass for eighteen or nineteen. At least we wouldn't have a kid on the crew with us.
'I didn't come to ask your age y/n, I came because I have something for you.'
y/n tilts their head and their eyes widen, 'what do you have for me? How's the arm by the way? Still getting used to only having one?'
Before leaving last time I'd lost my arm rescuing Luffy. I had no regrets and would do it again. It was tough but I was slowly adapting.
'Some days are harder than others but it will take time,' I reply honestly.
I reach behind me and under my cloak pull a wrapped-up piece of black fabric before handing it to y/n. y/n slowly unwraps the fabric and gasps loudly.
'You did it Shanks...this is the jolly roger I saw...thank you...' y/n stumbles over their words, tears pricking their eyes, 'what happened?'
It warmed my heart to see her get happy and emotional staring at the flag belonging to the ship that killed her family, 'they had a lot of enemies, and my crew simply pinned them against each other until they were no more. You're free to return to the sea y/n.'
y/n puts the flag down and throws themselves at me, causing me to grunt at the sudden impact but y/n wasn't that heavy so I was able to catch her as she hugged and clung onto me, 'you kept your end up so I'll keep mine, looks like I'm joining your crew Shanks.'
I laugh and put y/n down, 'Welcome to The Red Hair Pirates. I think you'll fit in nicely.'
It turned out that y/n was already packed, ready for the day to arrive. The rest of the crew and Luffy were waiting at the tavern, so we headed down there with y/n's belongings.
'I'M GOING TO MISS YOU SO MUCH Y/N!' Luffy shouts in y/n's face as soon as we enter the tavern, but y/n simply smiles and ruffles his hair not fazed by the loudness.
'I'm going to miss you more,' y/n replies and squeezes his cheek.
I clear my throat behind them and they both look up at me, 'What about me Luffy, won't you miss me?'
Luffy grins like an idiot, 'Of course, I'll miss you Shanks, you made me want to become a pirate but how many mermaids am I going to meet in my life?'
y/n sniggers, 'and since I'm now a pirate mermaid I guess you're number two in his eyes Shanks or should I say, captain.'
I roll my eyes but embrace the situation. Things were going to be a lot more interesting with y/n on the crew.
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babiebom · 6 months
How I felt about the bachelor/ettes my first time playing
A/N: mostly because my feelings about them have changed a great deal. Like don’t hate on me but I’ve disliked a lot of people due to first impressions. also I needed something to post since I’m writing very slowly because I’ve started work and have been sick for the last 509 years. I miss having free time to write. But a girl needs to make money I guess. The rest of the villagers will be in different parts!!
Tw: I hate more than half of them and am mean, cursing, maybe some sexual things but obviously not full on smut.
Wc: idk babe
Sdv Masterlist
Before we get into this I would also like to say that the way I met everyone was not on day one or day two. I think I met almost everyone like not one day at a time, but like I think it was after the Egg Festival that I had met everyone. ALSO the first time I played was with friends.
Immediately had a crush on the emo
Like going into the game I was like “I heard there was a town emo where is he?”
My friends also were like “you should find the emo”
Then when I found out his name I was like “?????from black butler?????”
“can he PLEASE leave his room now”
“Oh my god I was too busy fishing and missed when he left his room”
I stood outside his room for days and that’s why I never met anyone.
Considered going after him instead of Seb for a minute
Like I actually thought he was super cute and sweet
Thought his hair was stupid and cackled for a minute
Sang sk8ter boy after I saw him on a skateboard
And by sang I mean I sang the entire song to myself while running around the map.
Also laughed at his anime hair
He was standoffish and I said that I would stalk him bc wtf is your problem
Literally I was like? I will make him want me so bad because he’s being mean.
I got over him after him being mean a couple times though then decided I wanted to make him depressed
Then found out he was actually depressed and felt bad
I did not realize that he was a person because I never went into the clinic because I never needed to
Then when I met him I was like “OH YMCA!!!”
Idk why I thought ymca I’m so confused
Literally I never talked to him ever because I was focused on Sebastian.
I think he said something weird and I decided I wasn’t going after him
My friend then said HE was going after him because Alex was acting weird and y’know off to him bc he’s a guy( he does act different to men)
So I’d decided I wanted to mess with him and said “oh no I’m ALSO going to Alex’s house”
To which he told me to back off
Both me and my friend are petty enough to go after people that say they dislike us like absolutely not you’re not allowed
I thought he was an asshole
Not because he said something mean
But because he kept talking like a rich guy that knows everything
It annoyed me
I also thought he looked like the love interest on the cover of a weird romance novel
Then he said something about a crab in his pocket and I was like oh he’s me but not afraid of sea animals okay
Lmao me
She was reading under a tree and was very awkward
Also I thought she was really pretty
Like insanely pretty
I think I chose her as the woman that I would marry if I were into women and not obsessing over Sebastian.
I thought she was Penny and got VERY confused bc wasn’t she just wearing a skirt wtf
Then realized they were different
Then my friend decided she was going after her
So I decided that I wanted to befriend her because why not
I just like being a menace in games
Also thought she was a Lesbian immediately.
I thought she was the HOTTEST woman in the game
Then tried to befriend her
And she gave me mean girl vibes so I decided that I hated her
Literally made me feel like I was in school and being made fun of
Avoided her after that because absolutely not.
Technically mixed BUT BLACK GIRL
If you cannot tell I am a black girl and I got excited at the depiction of a black person that is nerdy and smart like actually
Thought she was very socially awkward like MAAM what?
I think I met her once then the next time I saw her was at one of the festivals?
Maybe it was the Luau when I finally talked to her again
And she just SLLLLLURPs
And I’m like????ok that’s gross but mood
I wish my hair was still blue
Literally my first thought
Then I was like??????? Who is this lady dancing wtf
I’m pretty sure I briefly met her during the first time I played with my friends but only like I clicked through her words so fast because I wanted to finish the meet everyone task so I could fuck Sebastian
So when I finally played alone and took the time to get to know people I was like???? Where’d she come from???
*clears throat* WIIIIIIITCH
Also I disliked her a lot
I’m pretty sure I hated her more than I hated Haley
And I’m pretty sure it was because her dialogue was like “go away” or something and I was annoyed like bitch this is the first time I’m talking to you wtf
Then she said something about being disappointed she couldn’t go on the farm anymore because I’m there and I decided to take it offensively because I already disliked her
I thought she was pretty but that was overshadowed by the worst first impression.
Then I found out her and Sebastian were paired and got in the way so many times
Like I actually blocked her from going into his house by standing there so she couldn’t get in
Don’t get me wrong it wasn’t a “omg girl likes my man she needs to get a life” thing
It was more of a “I dislike her because she was mean to me now she’s no longer allowed to go in here only I am because I wanna be mean.”
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the-fluff-piece · 11 months
Sanji x reader modern day AU part 2:
I just want some f**ing coffee
Part 1: I just want some f**king...wine!
Part 3: I just want some f**ing sleep and comfort
Check out my other stuff:
My Masterlist - Short and Multichapter stories
Headcanon Masterlist
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The date you were on the other night was disappointing - but the food was great! For some reason though, a chef from the restaurant took an interest in you. After crashing your date, he realised you were living right next to him all this time - and vows to court you until you're his! In this chapter, Sanji will bring your hungover ass some delicious breakfast and you'll get to know him (and his lips) a little better
Saturday morning. You woke up late, two glasses of wine really did knock you out, how pathetic. In uni, you could easily have double that and not even noticed. Sleepy and with a light headache, you check your phone - no message from Thomas. So he didn't like the date, either. No surprises there. Still stung.
You peeled out of your blanked for your morning ritual: a cigarette and coffee on the balcony. You caught your reflection in the mirror: yup, looking tired as fuck. Bags under your eyes, hair like a bird's nest and the general vibe of something that had existed for too long at the bottom of a handbag. Enough to scare the shit out of the judgy older lady from across the street when she would see you. It were the small things that made you happy.
You shuffled to your kitchen where you made a horrible discovery: Coffee was empty. Even scraping at the bottom of the tin can didn't produce enough for a cup, so you grumpily slipped into your fluffy robe, grabbed the pack of cigarettes and shuffled on to your small city balcony.
You lit one and watched the people on the street: an old lady with a cute dog, they were often walking by, so adorable. Joggers. Should do that, too. Sometimes. Not now. Woman on bike, looking fab. Damn, I should buy some of those workout pants, too. They look comfy! Hot blond guy with shopping bags, waving at someone. He looks like a snack. Cute cat yawning. Should get a fuckton of tho- wait a minute, you knew that guy. That was Sanji from yesterday.
Yet another cigarette became the victim of slack jawed staring between the two of you, sailing down to the street two stories below. Poor thing.
"Hey princess, I brought you coffee! On the house!" He shouted, grinning from ear to ear. "I got breakfast, too!" He had the inflection of someone luring an animal using treats. It worked well.
Your caffeine deprived brain couldn't fathom what was happening down there: the cook strolled towards the building and you lost sight of him. Shortly afterwards you heard a knock on your door. You ran inside to look through the peephole in the door.
What the fuck.
"Hey princess, I didn't know what you liked so I brought the classics!" his cheery voice could clearly be heard through the door and you saw his clear, blue eyes looking directly through the peephole in a fish-eye perspective.
"Can we maybe start at...WHY ARE YOU HERE? HOW?" You screamed at the door.
"I saw that you lived here, too! What a coincidence ! I just wanted to apologise for yesterday. Please let me make breakfast for you!" His muffled voice from behind the door sounded excited and way too cheery for this hour.
You listened to true crime, you were half sure that the guy was a crazy murderer, killing lonely women and possibly cooking them. But there was also a strong dependency on coffee and you were sure that you wouldn't make it to the supermarket in your state.
And it would be rude to refuse his offer. You removed the doorchain, unlocking the door. Sanji stood there with the widest, happiest grin you have ever seen, holding up a shopping bag full of groceries and with a duffle bag strapped around his shoulder. He was wearing fine pants and shoes and a very comfortable looking hoodie. The moment his eyes caught your sight they lit up with delight and a flow of barely discernible syllables bubbled from his mouth.
"There you are JUST LIKE I REMEMBER I will make you the best breakfast OF YOUR LIFE ❤❤❤" he mumbled like an old lady talking to her kitty cat. This weirdo was definitely not feeling dangerous enough to be a murderer. You stepped to the side. He moved past you into your apartment, looking around with open interest.
"How cozy! I love that chair - oh I know that book! Wow you have lots of plants, I somehow cannot keep them alive." He looked around like a tourist in the middle of a historic little town, slowly making his way towards your kitchenette.
"Uhm, it's not much, and it's not exactly cleaned up..." you apologised. Surely he was used to grade A equipment.
"It's fine, I have the same one, our apartments are quite similar." He explained, not showing the slightest sign of shock over your dirty little kitchen. "Besides, I brought some stuff." He sat the duffel bag down.
Humming to himself, he began unpacking and cleaning simultaneously like it was the most normal thing for him to operate in your kitchen. Dazzled, you fell into your comfy armchair and watched that tall, slender and overall handsome guy in your kitchen. He unpacked various ingredients and began rummaging through your cupboards, eventually finding a bowl and beginning to mix something. He even made a little show of flipping bottles around in his hand like a bartender or cracking eggs open with one hand. You felt a bit useless.
"Can I help...?" You asked, unsure of what you could even do.
"No, need. I'm cooking for you!" He turned around with a wink.
"Oh...ok." you said, getting up, feeling your headache again.
"I'm gonna...take shower" you decided and went to your small bath.
"Yes take your time! I'll call you when it's time to eat" he assured you.
Getting into the shower stall, your body slowly woke up. The hot water and flowery scent of your soap relaxed and refreshed you, soothed the ache in your head. Haven't had a man in here in...four years? And a handsome one at that. How strange. The realization of what was happening in your apartment at this moment was hitting differently now that you've awakened.
There is a hot guy. In my apartment. He's cooking breakfast for me.
Fuck, I look like shit. Fuckfuck! You decided to put as much effort into this as you dared. Quite frankly, you were out of practice. You washed your hair with the special expensive shampoo you once bought and never really used, you tried to peel and moisturize your face like you wanted to every day, and you put on a light perfume, that also just sat there for special occasions like today.
You snuck to your wardrobe in the bedroom. Outfit - what do you wear to a spontaneous breakfast with a guy who wears business casual on a saturday morning? A Blazer and blouse? The dress you wore to your sisters wedding? Standing in front of your wardrobe, you noticed that it was much too full but you still had nothing to wear.
You reminded yourself that he had already seen you at your (almost) worst, everything was an improvement. Deciding on a casual outfit, you grabbed a shirt and a pair of slacks and peaked into your living room/ kitchenette. Sanji had a towel over his shoulder, whistling as he cut a vanilla bean open. You came to stand next to him at the counter to look what he was doing. His sleeves were rolled up and he wore a black apron.
"Hey princess, there you are!" He greeted you as he took some cream out of the shopping bag and put it on the counter.
"Do you have to call me princess all the time?" You asked. "It's kind of making me uncomfortable."
"If you don't like it, I'll stop, mademoiselle" he told you with a wink. You rolled your eyes at him and he chuckled.
"Do you have something like a whisk?" he asked even though he already had a look around your kitchen.
You pointed to a cupboard above you.
"Thank you, mademoiselle" he said and smiled at you. As he moved to open it, you became once again aware of how tall he was. He reached over your head, getting extremely close and you caught the scent of his cologne.
He took out the kitchen utensil and began whisking the vanilla in a bowl together with sugar and the fresh vanilla. It was fascinating to watch his practiced movements and his joy while cooking.
He reached into his bag again and set a device made of metal on the counter, shaped like a bottle but with a few applications. You knew that thing from that one cooking show, but the name eluded you.
"Know what that is?" Sanji asked when he saw you staring.
"Of course" you say with your most confident voice, "that's a cream whipping thingy" you concluded.
He laughed from the bottom of his heart.
"Exactly! I'll have to tell my colleagues at the baratie about it's new name." He joked while he filled the device of unknown designation with the cream and screwed it shut.
"You know you can also use it for soup" he explained as he put it into your empty refrigerator.
"A whipped cream soup?" You asked and Sanji laughed again. His happiness was infectious.
"I'll show you another time." He promised as he started to prepare coffee beans with a small hand operated grinder. Another time? He was planning other times already?
"So, since you were on a date just yesterday I'm guessing you don't have a boyfriend? Or girlfriend?" He tried to ask casually, but his eyes were darting nervously as he spoke.
"No, I don't" you honestly answered and heard him exhale with relief.
"I bet the guys are all crazy about you!" He mused, watching your reaction. You snorted at that.
"Yeah, so crazy they're all running away" you commented, trying not to sound bitter and failing spectacularly. You added: "seriously, I think I am not made for dating. They all want to be 'just friends', guess I am that type of girl."
"Good to know that other men have no taste in women." He said happily. "Makes it easier for me" he continued. He cooked coffee now, pouring the hot water carefully over the powder. It smelled delicious. While the water turned into precious coffee he began setting the table. You were already reaching for the coffee pot like the junky you were when he caught your wrist. Even his hand felt soft.
"It's not done yet! I'll serve it to you when it's perfect to drink" he told you, turning your hand around in his and breathing the faintest kiss onto your wrist, causing you to blush violently.
"Just sit down while I add some finishing touches. You must be so hungry" he mused.
You wandered back to your comfy armchair on shaky legs, the tingle of his touch still fresh on your skin, looking at the beautiful cook working his magic in your tiny kitchen. When he began to set the table, you were still baffled by the variety and professional look of the foods.
There where beautifully decorated crepes with fruit and whipped cream, a steaming pot of delicious smelling coffee, bread slices surrounded by what looked like home made, savory spreads, fresh orange juice and some cooked eggs. It looked perfect and smelled like heaven. You took out your phone and made a picture to send it to your friend Chrissy to show off.
"Am I already making it to your Instagram? I feel honored" You heard him behind you as he peeked shamelessly into your phone, almost resting his chin on your shoulder.
"But let's not just look, let's eat." He waited behind a chair for you and pushed it to the table before he sat down himself, spinning the chair around and sitting down backwards, with his hands and head resting on top of the backrest.
You didn't know what you expected, but you were overwhelmed. "Uhm, why are you doing this again?" You asked insecurely - the best your ex ever managed was toast and marmalade.
"A beautiful lady deserves to be pampered" he answered in a serious tone. "Besides, I kind of lost my temper yesterday and crashed your date" he didn't seem sorry, in fact he grinned when he said it.
"So enjoy! I cooked up a luxury breakfast for you." His blue eyes sparkled with anticipation as you carefully loaded the crepe onto your plate, destroying the small masterpiece somewhat. You were normally not one to have breakfast, but the appetizing smell got you hungry.
The crepe was soft and warm, the cream tasted like vanilla with a hint of cinnamon. Its texture was perfect: creamy and fluffy, slightly buttery. It was perfectly balanced with the fresh, sour taste of the fruits. You could have moaned it was so good!
The constant ping of a cell phone was distracting you from the taste orgasm you were having. Opening your eyes, you saw Sanji, leaning on the backrest, staring at you with hooded eyes and an open mouth.
"Someone's messaging you I guess" you told him, ripping him from his trance.
"Oh, sorry! I should have turned that off." He took out the phone from his pocket and unlocked it. Being as nosy as he had been, you peeked at the screen - seeing the familiar design of a dating app.
Of course he was online dating. Every ping was a match, from the looks of it he got lots. Of course he was a player, the signs were all there, you just didn't want to see them. Suits, cooking, all that "princess" and "mademoiselle" bullshit. You scowled, hard. Years of training in the harsh world have made your scowl a powerful tool to broadcast your dissatisfaction to the world. Sanji understood immediately.
"No! It's not like that! I swear!" He held up his hands.
"I didn't say anything" you told him, surly.
"But you looked. Here, nothing is happening." He handed you his phone. What normal person does that?
You looked at his app, he had almost a thousand contacts, in this small town quite significant. Apparently, he was just matching every single woman he was shown, and most of them matched back. You navigated to the messages, he didn't protest. It really was sad.
He opened most conversations, all of them were a variation of "bonjour mademoiselle, I love you" and were read but ignored. The last messages were months old, he must have given up at some point. It was a strange display.
"You really thought this line would work? Just telling random women you love them right away?" You asked, unwilling to believe that someone would dedicate time and effort to this approach.
"It's no line!" He protested. "I love all women!" He said it as if this was a normal thing to say to a woman he currently was kind of flirting with.
"You won't get very far with that, this is too much too soon" you tried to explain.
"Why?" He asked seriously. "Love is good! Everyone wants to be loved!" He seemed very passionate about that.
"You don't just see someone and fall in love, that's not how it works, and it's not healthy" You were drawn into an obviously doomed debate but couldn't help it.
"No offense but, forcing yourself to date someone you don't like and doesn't respect you seems pretty far from love as well" he mused.
"Touche" you conceded, thinking about last night's disaster.
To your surprise, he blushed furiously and seemed strangely giddy all of a sudden.
"You are already jealous!" He said happily. "You want me so much that you are jealous, but don't be! The dating app didn't work because this" he pointed at himself and you" this is destiny!" He got up and swirled around like he was dancing, pouring you a fresh cup of coffee in the process.
"Just milk, no sugar" you reflexively said. He nodded and poured milk from a tiny carton into the cup. After the wine, the pasta, the dessert and the crepe, your expectations regarding this coffee were sky high.
You took a sip, Sanji almost leaned all the way over the table to savour your reaction.
It held up. The coffee tasted soft and just like freshly grounded beans always smelled. Like chocolate and nuts and warm summer mornings. You smiled as you remembered the delicious scent in the mornings of your childhood when the grownups drank their coffee while you had a whole day of playing ahead of you.
You heard a soft whimper from Sanji. He was staring at you with his mouth open.
"It's so nice to take care of someone who appreciates it." He said. "You're so sensual..." the last words were a husky whisper and his eyes fell shut. An unexpected kiss landed on your lips. It was nervous and hot and a little too wet, his eagerness getting the better of him. His little moustache tickled your face and you couldn't help but fondling that small goatee with your fingers. He kissed and touched you like a horny teenager, moaning as his tongue played around your mouth and his hands wandered over your body like he couldn't feel enough of you at once. His nimble, long fingers threaded through your hair.
It felt good, but it was too much. A guy with that kind of dating app approach was still a red flag. In a second, you could see your heart break when he left as soon as he got what he wanted. This was too easy, too perfect. Something was seriously wrong.
You pressed your hand against his muscular chest, but he didn't get the hint. He seemed to interpret it as you exploring him and he clutched your hand to himself, encouraging you to feel around more. It was seductive to just keep running your hand over his body, you could clearly feel his defined muscles under the soft fabric of his hoodie. But the doubt was too much for you to handle.
As his mouth broke away to kiss your hand, you managed to tell him: "Stop! Now!" He immediately let go and backed off, looking confused but still very much aroused. He was handsome with his lips red from a passionate kiss and his cheeks blushing. Too perfect.
"Did I hurt you? I am so sorry!" He wrung his hands and looked like a boy that had broken something expensive.
"No, it's just too fast. And I honestly don't know if I even want that right now." You explained.
He looked like you just stabbed him. Either he was the strangest, most naive man you ever met - or he was the best actor and most skilled asshole who would break your heart.
He turned away, looking hurt and small. But he was a grown man - he had to deal with rejection. You bet you weren't the first woman he startled. After a few seconds of hurt he seemed to get a hold of himself as he began to fidget with a zippo from his pocket.
"I am sorry I fell upon you like that. And kind of ruined the mood." He looked defeated, but composed. "I will be more controlled in the future. I am sorry!" He apologised with a smile that had to be forgiven immediately.
"Let's just be adults about this and forget it" you tried to somehow save the situation.
"No." He said decidedly.
"What?" You were confused.
"I'm never going to forget that. I don't want to act like I wasn't interested in you. I'll never ask for something in return when I cook for you, I promise. Please, let me cook for you in the future" he pleaded, absolutely losing you. What was his deal?
"So please, enjoy your breakfast" he said and sat down again to watch you. He explained all the foods to you in detail, making your head spin a little with all the information. He was almost like a podcast you could listen to while eating. Although your usual eating entertainment was Netflix. On the couch.
"So, after just now I hope it's not weird...but I brought the last classic for a fancy breakfast." He said a bit flustered.
"What is that? I am already stuffed..." You answered.
"Some champagne" He grinned.
"Did you really bring champagne?" You asked in disbelief.
"Just an open one from the Restaurant, we wouldn't sell that tonight anymore. But it's enough for two glasses and fresh enough." He explained, his relaxed smile back in place.
"Mhm, after yesterday I am a little hungover...just a sip?" You asked as he already poured two glasses.
You felt so tired and cozy, the table wasn't cutting it anymore. Actually, it has been ages since you used the small kitchen table - the couch was much more comfortable.
"Let's sit down here" you suggested and Sanji brought the glasses to your coffee table and sat down next to you with a wide grin and the bearing of someone who had just scored a win. He lay his arm on the headrest just above you and took one of the glasses.
"To destiny" He mumbled a toast.
"Destiny?" You giggled.
"Don't laugh! Do you think it's coincidence that you sit in my restaurant and an hour later I see that you live in my apartment building?" He said sternly.
"We live in a small town in a small building, we would have met sooner or later" you argued.
"Still destiny..." he mumbled with an adorable pout.
You touch your glass softly to his and say: "to daydrinking!"
He laughs. "To the good life" he returns the toast and you both drink.
The champagne is a bit too dry for your tastes, but surprisingly smooth. When was the last time you had a drink before noon? Probably some company event.
Looking at the handsome man on your couch, you deluded yourself into thinking you could have fun with him without attachment. Even in the moment the thought crossed your mind, it was as clear as the sparkling wine in your hand that you already liked him. He looked to inviting next to you, his outstretched arm creating the perfect space for you to rest your head. You leaned against him, feeling the soft fabric of his hoodie and his warmth once again. And it saved you from drowning in his eyes. He gasped a little when you touched him and began breathing really hard - good actor? Really naive? Doesn't matter now.
"Tell me something about yourself" you told him.
"Uhm mhm well I am a cook" he mumbled like his mouth was giving up.
"I know that" you told him. "What about family? Is this your family's restaurant?"
"Well kind of. More my stepfather. I don't really...it's complicated" he suddenly sounded like a normal person again. "But Zeff is really cool! And my colleagues at the restaurant are like my brothers." He told you about his stepfather, the restaurant and what kinds of menus he planned as you sipped your champagne. Between the hangover, a long week and a big breakfast - you were absolutely exhausted. Before you knew it, you drifted off to sleep, dreaming a pleasant dream about you and Sanji owning a small bistro somewhere nice and quiet.
When you woke up again, you were alone on the couch, afternoon sun bathed your living room in golden light, Sanji was gone. You lay outstretched under a blanket, the champagne was gone, too.
Fuck, now I fall asleep at a date? Is he mad at me?
The kitchenette is spotless, safe for the cream whipping thingy drying next to the sink. He cleaned up and left. Maybe you should bring him the thing? Or will he come and pick it up?
Undecided, you poured yourself the last cup of cold coffee. It tasted a little bland now, having lost its full aroma. You looked around your empty apartment and missed Sanji's cheery busyness already. Maybe you should just go and see where he lived. But you didn't even know his last name.
Years of online dating and unhealthy nosiness had given you the talent to find people by first name and extra info. You googled "Sanji" and "Baratie" and found an interesting newsarticle: "Success for charity" it said. "The local restaurant Baratie made a big leap for charity this weekend, inviting the children of the local community centre to cook delicious and healthy meals together. A win for the community and the children".
There was an adorable picture of Sanji, his arm around a cute little girl holding a plate of vegetables. The description read: "Sanji Vinsmoke showed the children that veggies can be tasty".
You would just stroll through the building and give him back his stuff and apologise for falling asleep on him. Like a normal, nice person. You were 99% sure that he didn't play games like "wait 3 days until you write" or something.
The halls of the building were narrow and long and it took you some time to find his name on one of the doors, it was on the opposite side of the building, no wonder you never bumped into him.
You pressed the doorbell, already anxious to see him again. Soft footsteps could be heard, the door opened. Your world crumbled a bit.
In front if you stood an absolute sexbomb of a woman. She wore Sanji's hoodie - the one you fell asleep on just earlier - and nothing else as it seemed. She had long, smooth legs, a perfect hourglass figure, full lips and the cutest face. Her pink hair was a perfect messy look. You stared. She looked annoyed.
"Yes?" She asked in a melodic voice.
"Uhm, is Sanji here?" You asked, trying to catch a glimpse of the flat behind her. She blocked your view.
"No, he is at work." Her answer was short and finite.
"I brought his cream whipping thing back" you stammered and indicated the device you were holding.
"Syphon" the woman stated.
"What?" You asked, confused.
"It's called a syphon. Thank you. Bye." The woman took the syphon out of your hand and closed the door, leaving you dumbstruck in the hallway.
What is happening here? Who is the mystery lady? What's her relationship with Sanji? Is the writer of this story just messing with you to create a cheap cliffhanger?
Find out in the next installment of this Sanji modern day AU!
I AM SO SORRY IT TOOK FOREVER TO WRITE THIS. I was so unhappy and revised and revised and...you get the idea. It's still not perfect but I am content enough.
As always, please leave a comment if you want more or if you have a wish how it should continue. it's always a great motivator to me and I probably wouldn't have written part 2 if people hadn't asked for it
I am taking the freedom to tag previous commenters, I hope you don't mind
Also: please comment to be taken into the taglist for this story! I think I will write it for a while
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tenyrasims · 4 months
—OC QUESTIONNAIRE Thanks for the Tag @madfeary
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I dont know which one you guys would like to see so I decided to do all of them cause I never did somethinge like this and it might be a good time ♥ So this might be a bit longer.
NAME: Kiyoshi Nakajima
NICKNAME: Kiyo' Or K' (If you call him Yoshi he kills you)
GENDER: he / him
STAR SIGN: Scorpio
ORIENTATION: hes actually Bisexual
FAVORITE SEASON: Spring, summer is too hot and winter too cold
FAVORITE FLOWER: Gladioli (cause it stand for pride)
FAVORITE SCENT: Actually peach, but he would never admit that.
COFFEE, TEA, or HOT CHOCOLATE: Tea or Water - 100%
DOGS or CATS: Dogs, cause they are loyal. he likes that.
DREAM TRIP: hes not a traveler, probably some nice hotel with pool and spa
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: none, hes always too warm.
RANDOM FACT: Hes a very sporty guy, doing breakdance, boxing AND practice tekwando. (as you could tell in the last Episode)
NOTE BY ME: hes the typical scorpio : intense, magnetic, mysterious, brave, too much ego but VERY passionated and emotional on the inside.
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NAME: Daiki Nakamura
NICKNAME: He dont have one cause Daiki is short enough
GENDER: he / him
COFFEE, TEA, or HOT CHOCOLATE: Hot chocolate
DOGS or CATS: Cats cause they are independent
DREAM TRIP: somewhere he can draw and eat good food
RANDOM FACT: Hes actually very passionated about art and drawing. Looks cute in doing everythinge but hates it. Popular with women cause they think hes cute af
NOTE BY ME: Proud but can be shy sometimes. Kind hearted and emotional. He also got a sassy side and gets angry when someone always wanting it their way. (probably kiyoshi)
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NAME: Jimin Lee
NICKNAME: Jim or Jay
GENDER: he / him
FAVORITE SCENT: He likes the scent of the beach and the water
DOGS or CATS: he likes both
DREAM TRIP: Beach holidays anywhere
RANDOM FACT: hes a very calm but dominant guy. Very smart and probably already recognize everything you dont want him to know. Plus he looks fire with his hair back up like in these pics (but almost never wears it)
NOTE BY ME: hes a good singer, songwriter and can plays almost every intrument. Very popular with women in any way. lol
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NAME: Sora Park
NICKNAME: none, Sora is short enough
GENDER: he / him
STAR SIGN: Capricorn
HEIGHT: 5″10
ORIENTATION: he dont know himself and likes to pretend he likes girls but hes Bisexual cause he got such a hard crush on Jimin that he don't even dare to breathe in his direction. LOL😂
FAVORITE FLOWER: Bird of paradise
FAVORITE SCENT: he loves the scent of grilled fish
DOGS or CATS: boths but he would like to have a cat
RANDOM FACT: Hes a very good dancer, loves to skate and Mountainbiking
NOTE BY ME: hes the typical hotheaded Sassy lil' stupid guy who dont think before hes acting. Sometimes he also got some kind of Tsundere vibes.
So thats it ♥ a bit of information to my main chars hehe
Tagging all mutuals as always, sorry to anyone who already did it just ignore then 😋: @jessiemoonsims @kuroashims @okiyukiyo @theosconfessions @jarakio @bloody-soda @grinchycowplant @kuroashims @sikoi @missatlantis @cawthorntales @buggin-0ut @mooosimmer @simvanie @lost-souls-story @glittermutt @simphony-stories1 @moonloose @sertrallne @dantethevampiree @tartosah @rebeldaydream @laelaex @geeky-simz
Love you guys😘
Feel free to share and follow me anywhere for more ♥ I'm also animating Storys on youtube about them. Check my Channel out HERE.
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Genuine question, how did you figure out or realize the whole being butch thing? What does being butch mean to you?
idk if it was like… figure out? more so just putting a name to something i’ve always felt or known about myself. i came out as a lesbian, then i came out as nb, then i was like well i want gender affirming care so that must mean i am Trans™️, & it’s like… none of those words or kind of… vibes (lol sorry) quite fit? i don’t feel like a cis lesbian, & i actually kind of despise non-binary as a concept (don’t send asks abt this i won’t answer them lol, do ur own thing if u love it that’s cool); i think for me personally Transness is a little too serious & intense & limiting to how i feel. & im a white afab person in a smaller body, & honestly…….. we are often the wooooorst demographic of trans ppl lmao so i just didn’t even rly like some spaces i was in. i got the most important gender affirming care i wanted, i moved & i got married, i got to work remotely etc
& so just sitting with all of that it was like. ok well a lot of neoliberal queer spaces piss me the fuck off; i’m not cis, but i’m not TRANS in the way a lot of ppl (very validly) feel; i do Not like nb. i’d read stone butch blues before, i have a degree in critical theory where i worked a loooot w queer theory, obviously i’ve written abt queerness for ages lol. so then i was just like ah. butch. dyke. YAH! sweet. 100/10 feels amazing i love it
& i think for me i love those words most bc they’re rooted in really radical belief that i have. they carry an ethic with them that, at its best & most intersectional ofc, i want to act on, all the time. i want to show up for people & be protective & tough & strong but i also so deeply want to be nurturing & nourishing. i want to allow myself to be nourished & cared for. i think it feels rly wonderful to have a word for transgressive gender that sums it all up bc people lived it before me. they made that very specific & particular space to experience femininity in a way that doesn’t feel like a noose.
i think also butchness is so expansive! something that never sat right w me abt the way we talk abt transness in the west is that i don’t think there are ‘pre’ & ‘post’ transition selves. like… i’ve never been Not Me? like i came out of the womb a dyke. all i did my entire childhood is run around in the mountains, catalogue leaves, play w my dog, read nancy drew, & avidly watch + play any women’s soccer i could. i loved to fish & mountain bike, i grew up in the desert so gardening to me was a miracle. i never cared abt gender at all beyond like ‘well i guess i’m a girl & the women i admire just won a world cup, they’re badass’ & that was it. i liked boys clothes bc they were practical & felt better, but i just. didn’t think about it. ppl called me a tomboy which was fine, i liked scout in to kill a mockingbird so whatever. but i never felt “non-binary” & i certainly never felt like a boy.
& i am… still just like that lmao. i hated my boobs, point blank day 1 lol, but that doesn’t have to mean i’m trans, or that i’ve somehow changed in a way that requires separation from who i’ve been my whole life. i HATE the language of ‘dead/lived’ name; i hate the weird expectation that u should allow the state to have all of ur gender stuff on record (no fucking thank you, y’all can keep my legal name & i will be flying under the radar lol). so i think western transness rly just. irritates me. doesn’t fit. hasn’t ever fit.
so butchness is like. i am 8 year old jude, i’m just older now. if this makes sense ur butch lmao but. it’s this rly free space to play w masculinity in a way that doesn’t necessitate western transness, & also doesn’t necessitate a separation from maternalism, which i fundamentally believe in. i don’t even rly think of my own care as “gender affirming” & more just like… essence affirming. i didn’t want top surgery so my body could be read as male; i wanted it so i could look like me. i want my clothes to feel & fit in a Very particular way bc that’s how i like them. it’s abt practicality, efficiency, comfort.
& lastly to me butchness has a remarkable space for tenderness that masculinity on its own just cannot hold. like. it’s abt being protective & strong, sure, but it’s in service of others. always always always. so sometimes that looks like communicating calmly, sometimes that looks like infinite small acts of service for ur friends or ur partner. when i think of settling into myself it’s more about returning to who i knew i was when i was a kid, when i was the only person my dog liked & how it felt to sit on the swings when the sun was setting after the monsoon; it’s allowing myself to love like that — caring, & quiet, & full.
ultimately to me butchness is about devotion, more than anything in the world. devoted to safety, devoted to community. no one is devoted the way dykes are bc it’s how we survive. it’s how we have always survived — the steadfastness, the faith, the joy, even thru suffering, to not be boxed in. to help each other. to be funny & kind & thoughtful & not reject the absolute best parts of womanhood for the sake of a western box. to demand care. it’s so beautiful. devotion.
tldr it’s the best
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kakiastro · 1 year
2023 Astrology Vibes
Last day of 2022, I think I can speak for everyone when I say this year was something 🫣
But 2023 is going to be a different vibe and I’m going to tell you why
1. For the last 5.5 years Saturn has been in his home signs Capricorn &Aquarius! These were the probably some of the most challenging years and you had to do a lot of growth and break away from karmas. Also add Pluto Capricorn that’s been intensifying everything! Look at the years from 2017-Present. Check what houses Saturn, Capricorn and Aquarius were transiting those years using transit chart.
For ex. Saturn has transited in my 6&7h so I’ve learned a lot about relationships (platonic&romantic) and I’ve had some health stuff that made me want to change some diets.
2. Now Saturn is leaving his home signs into watery Pisces for 2.5 years. Pisces is ruled by Jupiter&Neptune. What happens when realism sign and non realism sign come together? It means it’s time to wake up and smell the roses 🌹 wherever you’ve had your rose colored glasses on, Saturn is about to snatch them off😭 if you have Saturn Pisces natally, then you are about to go through your Saturn return! check and see what house Pisces rules in your chart to see the themes you’re about to experience . Don’t worry you guys got this!
3. In numerology, 2023 is a water ruled year! The number 7 is ruled by Cancer. Cancer is ruled by the Moon.
4. In Chinese astrology, it’s ruled by the water rabbit! Rabbit means fertility and growth!
5. Pluto also takes a dip in new sign Aquarius for a few months before going back into Capricorn before stationing in Aquarius permanently in 2024 for 20 years. Aquarius is an air sign but is known as the water bearer
So what happened when you put all of these things together? Well here are my own 2023 predictions…
1. Spirituality will be on the rise, especially occult, I feel like people will dive into the unknown, I feel like people will be finding God on their own terms without influences from churches. More people may leave churches due to corruptions and I feel like karma is going to come to the toxic people who uses religion for their own gain
2. Something with fish, maybe a low fish supply since Saturn restricts. Also Pisces rules the deep ocean and Saturn represents time and ancient stuff, I wonder if we’ll find some ancient civilizations or species in the oceans?? When Pluto enters aqua, that may advance it since aqua rules technology and Pluto rules dark hidden places👀
3. Women will be the focus next year since it’s a cancer ruled year. I’ve seeing lots of babies and pregnancy signs so I think a lot of new souls will be born next year, these new babies will be advanced, I’m talking doing things at 2 when they shouldn’t be able to do until their 5 😅 honestly the whole Pluto cap and future aqua generation will be. Watch what I say😅 back to women though, sisterhood will become a big thing, women banding together to start a business or just to have a small support system.
4. The moon rules over our family, ancestors, home life, our private life, our emotional comfort. Themes surrounding these topics will be the focus. Now depending on your moon sign, this will tell you how your year can go, I would personally check your solar return chart and see what sign the moon is in for that year
For ex. In my solar return chart, the moon is in Leo 10h with moon ruler in the 9h for 2023, themes of children, traveling, having fun. My uncle &his gf is having a child in February!
5. Pisces also rules over addictions, with Saturn here I feel like more people will began to talk about there addiction struggles or become more aware. I know for one that I personally need to take a step back from social media & be more present, focusing more on my creative projects. So things like that will be topics
6. I’m very interested to see the kind of music that will be released! Pisces rules over music! I feel there’s going to be timeless music(Saturn ) it wouldn’t surprise me if a new genre appeared, last time Saturn was in Pisces, the grunge era was huge!!! Kurt Cobain was a Pisces. So I’m wondering if there’s going to be another Pisces icon on the rise next year? I feel like it would be someone who’s been in the industry but just now becoming mainstream, I’m thinking it’s going to be woman or feminine energy
7. Also a lot of good movies will be out next year as well! I feel like movies dealing with the past will be the theme, now I know movies are made a year before but I think by the time they are released it fits perfect with what’s going on Astrologically. I always tell people to pay attention to the movies and tv shows that come out. I feel like they’re a glimpse of what’s to come the following year! Especially the big ones, like Wakanda forever & Avatar both were the biggest movies and had themes of family, women and water hellooo
See you all next year
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hushed-chorus · 1 year
Six Photo Sunday
Hey everyone, I hope you've had a good week! I'm scheduling this ahead of time so thanks to everyone who may have tagged me already!
Today I'm doing something a little different. I wanted to share some photos of places that inspired What Remains After The Storm.
Although WRATS is pitched as a fantasy AU, I'd say that is a 'flag of convenience' (i.e. I could play fast and loose with the setting to suit the story's needs). In many ways, WRATS is a historical fantasy based in Cornwall, UK, including Cornish mythology and fictionalisations of real places. So please enjoy these photos and tidbits on the fic's inspiration.
I'll share the first photo above the cut, and the following five below.
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Cornish cliffs (Image by Tim Hill)
Whenever I imagine young Simon scurrying around on the cliffs, I think of something like this. The moor backs onto the cliffs, and the sea is often rough. Wrecks were incredibly common around Cornwall's coast, owing partly to strong currents and its many reefs and skerries. Many impoverished locals would seize the cargo of wrecked ships, and were often accused of intentionally luring ships to wreck by using false lights, but there is no clear evidence that this happened.
More (and tags) below the cut
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Bodmin Moor (Image by Richard Norris)
The Cornish moorland has been gently grazed for centuries, so it is a patchwork of heather, gorse, bracken, coarse grass and distinctive granite tors which resemble pancakes stacks (though not pictured are some of the beautiful wooded valleys, one of which features in chp 8). It is exposed, frequently windy, and often dangerous--dotted with forgotten mine shafts and boggy terrain. When not at his barn, this is where Simon wanders with his goats.
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Mên-an-Tol (Image by LoggaWiggler)
This formation of neolithic standing stones is one of my favourite places in Cornwall. Local folklore says that if you suspect that your child has been stolen by Fae and a changeling left in its place, you can pass the changeling through the hole and have your child returned to you. It was also credited with curing rickets. This formation and its legend is directly referenced in WRATS, where it is known as "the Way-In Stone" (and previously known by Simon as "The Scone With The Hole").
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St Michael's Mount (Image by Tim Hill)
My other favourite place in Cornwall! This small tidal island is where Pitch Manor is based in WRATS. It can be reached at low tide by a causeway (pictured part-submerged here) amd otherwise must be reached by boat. The island includes a castle and chapel, with a small village and harbour on its landward-facing side. In WRATS, the location has been the seat of the Pitches since time immemorial, but in reality it has a long and varied history, such as a site of pilgrimage, siege and tourism.
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St Ives harbour, Cornwall, no date given (from the book Reflections of Old Cornwall by Reg Watkiss)
More vibes for you! Fishing was the basis of Cornwall's economy for centuries. Whenever a shoal of fish was sighted off the coast, almost everyone would turn out to help. The men and various boats worked together, arranging their nets to scoop up the whole shoal, while the women waiting in the harbour to salt and barrel them.
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Newlyn, Cornwall c. 1900 (from Reflections of Old Cornwall)
This steep, cobbled street is very typical of Cornish villages. Many of the granite cottages are homes which doubled up as fish cellars, but some structures were inns or boat- and basket-makers' sheds. When I look at this, I can't help but think of a bare-footed Baz, hood drawn over his face, angrily stomping a puddle. Today, most Cornish villages are dominated by holiday lets and airbnbs, and many of the houses have been renovated beyond recognition. However, you can still glimpse some of the old charm in numerous places.
Ok so yeah, that's my love letter to Cornwall done. Thank you for indulging me, and I hope the readers of WRATS get something out of this!
@johnwgrey @bookish-bogwitch @artsyunderstudy @erzbethluna @facewithoutheart @captain-aralias @raenestee @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @yeonjunenby @cutestkilla @ivelovedhimthroughworse @larkral @stitchyqueer @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @ileadacharmedlife @confused-bi-queer @aristocratic-otter @tea-brigade @whogaveyoupermission @nightimedreamersworld @fatalfangirl @thewholelemon @onepintobean @chen-chen-chen-again-chen @shrekgogurt @theearlgreymage @martsonmars @blackberrysummerblog @orange-peony @palimpsessed @valeffelees
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firstdivisiongirl · 1 year
okay im way too shy to say this off anon but ive been highkey lowkey stalking your blog and your vibes??? Immaculate. 100/10. you seem like a very Good and Safe person to be around and i look at some of the stuff you post/write and go ':] heehee this is enjoyable :]]]'
okok stalkerish ramblings aside, i do have a request, if youre comfortable with it!! could you write a ficlet/mini-fic (whatever term you'd like to use theres so many :,3) about a sanji x transmasc!reader?
basically reader is afab and has been dating sanji for a while now, but has just recently come to the realization that they are actually more comfortable/happy being referred to as a man!! obviously, they are scared of what sanjis going to think, especially because hes, well. respectfully, because sanjis Like That. but!!! but eventually they gather the courage to come out and tell him, and then you can write sanjis reaction(s) however you'd like!!! admittedly id like it to be fluffy, but if you want it to be angtsy then feel free to make it so <3<3
okok sorry for the wall of text uhh have a good day and take your time please 💗💞💗
Hi! Thank you so so much! I’m happy you really love my blog and vibes. Don’t feel shy. I’d love to meet you. You can totally DM if you ever want to talk or anything. I’d love to hear from you. This was fun to write and it took me so long because I wanted to make sure it was perfect for such a big fan of mine. I hope you like it and you enjoy this. Can’t wait to hear from you in the future.
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The Real Me (Sanji x Trans man reader)
If there was one person you could talk to, it’d be your boyfriend Sanji.  He was the sweetest, even when being sweet to all the other women in the world.  But this time, that was the problem.  Sanji treated women so respectfully, while men not so much.  And you felt more comfortable with being a man than a woman.  You were afraid to tell Sanji this because you were afraid he’d hate you and break up with you.  You wanted to spend the rest of your life with him, but you also wanted to be referred to as a man. Everytime you thought you could tell Sanji, you’d see his face and get nervous.
One day, you decided it was time.  You walked down to the kitchen early that morning.  You looked through the porthole window.  His ocean eyes sparkled with excitement as he stirred ingredients in an old pot or chopped veggies.  The smile on his face reminded you of one of the many reasons you fell in love with him.  You were starting to fear this talk, but you knew you had to.  You bursted in a cold sweat, but walked into the kitchen.  “Oh hello Y/N swan,” Sanji cheerfully said, “what’s my lovely girlfriend doing up and about so early?”
You sighed, “About that Sanji.  I don’t feel comfortable with that.”
Sanji’s face lost all color, “what do you mean?  Are you breaking up with me?  Do you hate me?  Is this mosshead’s fault?”
You grabbed his shoulders trying to get him to breathe.  “No Sanji,” You said nervously, “I love you!  I don’t want to break up at all.  I just don’t feel comfortable as a girl.  I feel more comfortable being called a man.”
Sanji looked at you.  He paused for a second to process everything.  You were getting really scared.  Finally, he smiled.  “Ok.  I understand.  If you prefer being referred to as a man, I’m happy to do so because I love you.  How long have you felt this way?”
You looked down at the ground, “a while.  I just didn’t know how to tell you.”
Sanji caressed your right cheek causing you to look at him.  You saw nothing but love and admiration in his eyes.  “I understand,” he started, “you were nervous.  But I’ll love you no matter if you were a man, woman, fish, whatever.  Just know that you can come to me with anything and I’ll never stop loving you.”  He kissed you softly.  You finally felt at ease.  You helped him finish cooking breakfast.
Everyone started coming into the kitchen ready for breakfast.  When everyone sat down, he got everyone’s attention. “So everyone before we start eating,” he said, grabbing your hand, “I’d like you all to meet my boyfriend, Y/N.”  It was weird for him to introduce you to the crew because they all knew you, but it made sense.  Now, they got to meet the real you.
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Please do not copy, modify, translate, or repost my writing on other platforms. Comments, reblogs or likes are highly appreciated!
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For the headcanons ask thing - Captain Hook?
I'm doing this for Captain Hook in Descendants Verse, just saying.
Well, I honestly don't know if it's realistic, but I think that all three Hook siblings have the same mother. He just has the vibes, you know?
Besides, his kids had to get it somewhere.
And also, I want to say: When Harriet tells him she is with Anthony Tremaine, his first and foremost problem is that he is french.
Unrealistic but funny
His hook is detachable and the kids make it a competition to give him the coolest hook-accesory for his birthday. They are extremely competitive over it and the whole Isle knows.
(The whole Isle is also betting over it.)
Yes, several of CJ's gift went „BOOM!“
Yes, few times, they somehow managed to get hook-accesories from solid gold. Don't ask how they got it. You don't want to know.
No, not a single one of the gifts is actually useful, except for the one Sammy Smee gave him one year to show the Hook siblings how it's done.
James keeps all of these gifts regardless.
He doesn't always recognise his children. Whether it's because of alcohol or Neverland madness or some combination of both, well, the choice is yours. The outcome is the same.
Canon is a suggestion ✨
Ok, you remember the first headcanon?
Now imagine the woman was a siren. That bloodthirsty type that lures sailors to their deaths, which explains why she is on the Isle. And, well, Hook is a sailor, and she is bored.
So she decides to seduce Captain James Hook, mostly just for the fun of it. Also with the full intention of drowning him later.
Except he falls for her, hard.
And when it stops being funny to the siren, she proceeds to try and murder him.
Key word try.
It's not working.
She poisons his tea?
He drinks it, only noting that „the tea tastes a bit funny, my love,“ and „are we out of sugar again? Do you want me to go get some?“
Throws dagger at him?
Well, he just dropped something and bent down for it, so she misses. He then picks it up casually, telling her „I think you dropped this, darling.“
She starts screaming as soon as he is off deck.
He never catches up on this.
Fuck, throwing him overboard?
Nope. Still nothing.
He is back within minutes, brushing it off, saying that he must have slipped. How doesn't he drown, for all that is sacred?!
The siren is not amused at all.
Ursula, on the other hand, is very amused. She fished James Hook from the sea, because she doesn't want her favourite telenovela – Hook family drama (tm) – to end.
And I also think that the siblings would have a blast with siren's song. And Harry totally went "copy-paste" in his father's taste for dangerous sea-women. Just saying.
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what kind of hanfu would you envision lupin wearing :3c
// Hello anon, first of all: thanks for sending something so catered specifically towards me (designing useless alternative outfits for my blorbos). Second, I just want you to know that this was one of the most redraw-heavy, hair-pulling, triple-digit-layers experiences you've sent me on. Also lots of reading and research, which I am now going to make you read.
There's a lot of different styles of hanfu depending on the eras, the three main, popular styles these days are from the Tang, Song and Ming dynasties. There's more but you don't need to know about them here lol.
The ones I've drawn here aren't like.... super historically accurate but more of a mix of modern hanfu + Lupin-vibes for the✨aesthetics.✨
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This is called Feiyu-fu/飞鱼服 from the Ming dynasty, which translates to 'flying-fish uniform' for its depiction of the Feiyu/飞鱼 in the embroidery. It's not actually a fish but a dragon-like creature, with wings and a fish-shaped tail (guess why it's called flying-fish lol). It's one of the more popular types you see in modern hanfu because it's just really elaborate and cool looking.
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Speaking of elaborate, here's a closer look at my suffering!
Historically, Feiyu-fu was one of the type of clothing to be bestowed upon people by the emperor. There's like different tiers depending on the embroidery, the dragon or the Long/龙 is like exclusively for the emperor and then following that in order of tier are: Mang/蟒, Feiyu/飞鱼, Douniu/斗牛, Qilin/麒麟 etc. Those guys, unlike the Long has 4 or less claws instead of 5. If it's confusing, don't worry about it, they're basically different types of mythical "dragon-like" creatures.
There's a whole culture of gifting these specially embroidered clothes (from the imperial court to court officials, nobles, foreign royalty etc.) and it's pretty prestigious to get one. I found it fitting for Lupin since:
it's very lavish and opulent, also high-status
seems very much like the type of thing Lupin would somehow get his little thief hands on✨
unrelated but the two white stripes down the front on aren't a thing, I made it up for style + to add the lupine flowers on it (although they kind of look like wheat??? I tried my best ok)
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Okok so fun fact, later in the Ming period, the Feiyu started to not be depicted with wings for some reason, and it became really really hard to differentiate it from the Mang, so some people just started wearing their Feiyu as a Mang... because it's a higher tier and second only to the emperor's Long-clothings. I just think that's funny and it reminds me of Lupin lmao.
Here's a more casual style with the Feiyu-yesa/曳撒 robes + a zhaojia/罩甲 on top!
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So the flower here on the zhaojia is the plum blossom, or meihua. It's known as one of the four "gentleman-ly" flowers along with, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum (梅兰竹菊).
I thought the gentleman-ly theme was fitting for Lupin... although the four flowers' symbolism is more for strictly pure, noble and righteous characters.... That's ok, it's how Lupin thinks of himself anyways psh
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Close-ups for the long-hair enjoyers. The little thing he's wearing is called fa-guan/发冠, it's basically a little crown-like thing that's used to hold up hair, sometimes coupled with a cloth/ribbon. The version on the right is a style very commonly seen in cdramas these days but it's historically-inaccurate... it looks cool though lol.
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More details! These are called hebao/荷包 and they're basically little pouches to store things in, like money or handkerchiefs. They can also be used to carry fragrant herbs/perfume. They can also gifted from young women to men they like :^))))
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For alternative hanfu styles, I think something like the modern Tang dynasty-inspired hanfu would fit Lupin as well... they're more flowy and with larger sleeves that you can hide stuff in... They look best in motion! An example from those videos of skateboarding hanfu guys.
Alright that's finally done! I'm going to go and pass out for the next 10 hours _(┐ 「ε:)_
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panzershrike-pretz · 5 months
okay pretz... top 5 songs? dare i ask for sea shanties specifically?
1. Elephant's Dance - Ye Banished Privateers
This is my favorite ever since I started listening to sea shanties! It was one of the first I ever heard and it's absolutely amazing.
I get chills when they get to "we are born of the salt, we are children of the sea, we don't bend our knees for no king or country, so we hoist the Jolly Roger, the colors of the free, and if we hit the Gallows that's the way that it must be". This. THIS 👈👈👈👈 I LOVE IT!!
Whenever I listesn to it I have a whole animatic with my characters playing in my head. I'm happy
2. Fly With the Seagulls - Anchorsmashed
THIS ONE!! I only discovered it fairly recently, some months ago (ok probably half a year or a bit more but I have no concept of time). I LOVE IT!!
"If I could fly as high as a seagull, if i could glide on top of the wind, I would make my way on shore, I would make my way in land, I would sleep in those green fields again" - same buddy, I too would like to be a seagull and fly over land and sea, appreciate it all from above and be free like a bird, able to fly wherever I want, whenever I please
I love this song because of it, but also,,,,, c'mon there's a bird. I'm presdictable
3. The Day of the Clipper - The Jolly Rogers, Bounding Main
The vocals on this one!! And the overall just happy tone of it!! And i'm sorry but "we rather fight the weather than the fishes down bellow, God help us if the riggin' ever fails" is so????? THE VOICES!!! THE WAY THE WOMEN BLEND IN SO NICELY WITH THE MEN!! WHEN I HEAR THIS SONG I CAN ONLY THINK OF A SOFT BREEZE WHILE I STAND ON THE BEACH!!
It's sacred, i have to listen to it as I look upon the ocean and daydream- i love this one, the vibes are just amazing!
4. Round The Cape - The Longest Johns
Yeah I have animatics inside my head for every one of these songs but like. One of my favorite animatics is this one :3 trust me
I sing this one all the time! It makes me happy >:]
5. The Flying Dutchman - The Jolly Rogers
This one was very hard to choose 😭 i had like. Three songs that would fit in here but i had to chooses only one so here it is 🥲
This one was q surprise for me when I first heard it! It starts WAY more calmer than it actually is, I never expected for it to be so????? Agitated??? Stormy????? Anyway I love the vibe 👍
6 (bonus because I already wrote all of this before i decided to change 5). Welcome to Tortuga - Ye Banished Privateers
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bookgeekgrrl · 3 months
My media this week (3-9 Mar 2024)
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😍 That Was the River, This Is the Sea (what_alchemy) - 44K, Kaysanova, no-powers academia AU, meet ugly, annoyances-to-fuckbuddies-to-lovers - this was really lovely. the emotions were so good & chewy - very real family dynamics with all that grief and anger and love, Joe's journey of not immediately recognizing his own feelings 'cause his so fixated on a specific vision. And the sex was hot hot hot. I really loved Nicky's unabashed scent fixation. Just 😍😍😍 all the way around.
🥰 The Anthropocene Reviewed (John Green, author & narrator) - collection of essays about human things in the world; really enjoyable & hopeful
😊 The Canterville Ghost (Oscar Wilde) - via Serial Reader app
😊 Two of a Kind, the Perfect Pair (stfustucky (iwillpaintasongforlou)) - 78K, shrunkyclunks, fake dating - stucky bookclub pick - enjoyable
😍 Play It Again (metisket) - 63K, EXCELLENT Teen Wolf multiverse fic
💖💖 +74K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
the sound of you (wearing_tearing) - Stranger Things: steddie, 3K - short but super cute meet ugly
Accidental husbands… (darter_blue) - MCU: shrunkyclunks, 17K - - reread, a very delightful 'woke-up-married-in-vegas' fic
Ghosts (US) - s3, e4
D20: Adventuring Party - s3, e6-11
D20: The Unsleeping City: Chapter II - "Feasts & Families" (s7, e8)
D20: The Unsleeping City: Chapter II - "Fight at the Museum" (s7, e9)
D20: The Unsleeping City: Chapter II - "Nulla Dies Umquam Memori Vos Eximet Aevo" (s7, e10)
D20: The Unsleeping City: Chapter II - "Let's Get Tiny" (s7, e11)
D20: The Unsleeping City: Chapter II - "The Battle of the Hot Dog Cart" (s7, e12)
D20: The Unsleeping City: Chapter II - "Of Rats & Dragons" (s7, e13)
D20: The Unsleeping City: Chapter II - "History Checks and Lost Dex" (s7, e13)
D20: Fantasy High: Junior Year - "Vulture Clash" (s21, e9)
D20: Adventuring Party - "Emo People Meet at Panera" (s16, e9)
What Next: TBD - Google’s Scam Obituary Problem
Pop Culture Happy Hour - 2024 Oscars Guide: Original Song
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - What Happens to the Food You Try To Sneak into the Airport?
Vibe Check - Hey, Sis: featuring Raquel Willis
Today, Explained - Why groceries are still so expensive
⭐ The Atlas Obscura Podcast - GALS Gone Wild
It's Been a Minute - 'The Harlem Renaissance' and what is Black art for?
Vibe Check - The Oscars Are My Super Bowl
Code Switch - This conspiracy theory about eating bugs is also about race
Short Wave - The Recent Glitch Threatening Voyager 1
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Mr. Kaor’s Letters
Shedunnit - Lucy, Anthony and Anne
Films To Be Buried With - Ray Winstone
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Exploring the Abandoned with Blake Pfeil
99% Invisible #572 - WARNING: This Podcast Contains Chemicals Known to the State of California to Cause Cancer or Other Reproductive Harm
Today, Explained - Can Reddit survive going public?
Worlds Beyond Number: Fireside - Fireside Chat #000 "This is Our Salad"
Consider This from NPR - Generations After The First Nuclear Test, Those Sickened Fight For Compensation
Pop Culture Happy Hour - 2024 Oscars Preview And What's Making Us Happy
What Next: TBD - Why TikTok Went Silent
Pop Culture Happy Hour - Couple To Throuple
Dear Prudence - I Want People to Shut Up! Help!
Short Wave - The "Shocking" Tactic Electric Fish Use to Collectively Sense the World
You're Dead to Me - Emma of Normandy
It's Been a Minute - And the winner is… outrage? Plus, if the economy is good, why does it feel bad?
⭐ Worlds Beyond Number - The Wizard, the Witch, and the Wild One #1: The Open Door
Under the Influence - Buy-O-Pics: When Brands Become Movies
Les Misérables (Original Broadway Cast Recording)
Cats (Original Broadway Cast Recording)
Carly Rae Jepsen
Lord Of The Lost
Judas Priest
Women of Rock
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negative-speedforce · 3 months
Watched Hazbin Hotel. My thoughts:
Note: I would literally rather slather myself in gravy and jump into a pit of lions than read discourse/internet drama, I know there's something controversial about the creator but we're not going to touch on that because I hate drama.
Hazbin is a show that just kinda... is. My girlfriend wanted me to watch it with her, and of course I obliged, given that I love her dearly, but I'm really having trouble forming a definite opinion on it. Did I like it or not? Idk.
The music was really good. I loved almost all of the songs, and they were definitely the best parts of the series. My personal favorites were "Hell's Greatest Dad" and "Out for Love". The scenes with the music went all out and actually made me feel genuine feelings.
The character designs were busy, and looked like a nightmare to animate, but I thought they were fun. They reminded me of some 14 year old edgelord's pet project. I could tell that whoever designed them had a lot of fun and was very passionate about them. The bowties on everyone and the extremely red color pallete were a little much though.
My main grievance with the character designs was Hell's apparent sexual dimorphism. The male characters looked so interesting- take Vox, Husk, Angel, and Zestial for example. They all evoked some kind of vibe, which I really appreciated. The female characters, on the other hand, did not. They all just looked like human women, but maybe just a little bit to the left.
It was kinda boring and lazy character design in my opinion, and it kinda reminded me of boob fish from kids movies- you have to know this character is a girl, so we're making them look like a human woman even thought they're definitely not human at all.
The body diversity thing wasn't much of an issue to me, since most shows don't even bother with fat characters, and if they do, they're just the punchline of a joke. I'd rather not be represented at all than turned into some kind of taboo humor, which, given the way the show treated other topics, like sexuality, would be the likely result.
Plot wise, it seemed to be all over the place. There were moments where I absolutely loved the series, the high points of the series being Charlie and Lucifer's song at the end of episode 5, Charlie pleading her case in heaven, and the whole scene in Cannibal Town (also canonical asexual character, explicitly stated to be so in the episode? Hell yeah!)
Unfortunately, the vast majority of the show seemed to focus on unimportant side tangents, which made everything seem drawn out and contrived.
I don't really have a lot of other thoughts, but here's my closing statements: Hazbin Hotel is really a show that... exists. It had potential- a lot of potential, if it hadn't been so rushed and scattered.
Rating: 6/10
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