#very very beautiful characters the both of them are <3333
knightlysnowy · 11 months
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Attacks on @devilheartsz and @breadthe
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vivakitkt · 1 year
I love you, why can’t you love me?
Synopsis: You love Xiao. But how will it take for him to notice you? Then a chance to end your feelings for him. To relieve yourself from the pain. Do you take it?
Warnings: angst/ maybe comfort, !hanahaki reader, reader is implied as adepti(immortal, etc), not proofread
A/N So I wrote this at 11pm on new years eve yes i dont sleep but yea finally finished this :') first time writing a piece with a specific character in it. One of my longer pieces as well. Might write pt. 2 👀 Hope you enjoy it!!<3333
Part 1(this story is pt 1) Part 2 Part 3
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Loving Xiao was hard
He was closed off, only becoming "close" to the few who he could feel as ease with. Although you tried your best, cooking his favorite dish, almond tofu, being nice to him, taking care of his injures even with his stern protests. But it never was supposed to be you was it.
You were waiting for him at Wangshu inn. Trembling from the frigid cold, clenching onto the thin blanket you were keeping around yourself from the breeze.
Dont want to catch a cold, you told yourself. Not to mention already that you were feeling a little sick in your throat, coughing up more frequently than usual.
It was getting pretty late, you wondered, where could he be?
His food would be getting cold soon and plus it wasn't like him to stay this late without sending you a message. You couldn't even feel his presence around the area.
Should you go and try to find him? Yea. Maybe you should. You know, just to make sure he was okay. As you quickly turned into a puff of smoke, leaving your previous spot into the sky. Soaring through the clouds, you finally spotted the green flash of his teleportation.
As you started to drift down onto solid ground, a few feet away from Xiao, you noticed another person with him.
Huh? Was that the traveler? What was Xiao doing with them? You questioned while staying behind a tree to hide yourself. Xiao was probably just helping them out! Of course he was, the travelers was a nice person anyways. Its not like Xiao had feelings for them or something. Right?
But why was he blushing like that? And smiling like that? You've never seen him like that before despite knowing him for centuries. Did he actually have feelings for the traveler?
I mean, of course who wouldn't? With their courageous personality, outgoing self, and impressive battles. And to top it off, they were good looking. Who wouldn't like the traveler?
It made no sense at all to hate them. You were just being dramatic. All of sudden you started to cough, hard. So you quickly took a step back and disappeared again into a cloud of smoke.
The very next day, you were feeling uneasy. Maybe it was because of the events that took place but also because of that cough that almost gave you away. So you decide to have some tea with Zhongli, to ask him some questions and to chat of course!
Heading over to Liyue Habor to meet with him, you couldn't help but notice the lack of flowers around the area. Although Liyue had beautiful mountains and incredible sunset views, there wasnt a lot of flowers around. A few in the habor but none except for the sweet flowers you saw. Maybe you should talk about it to Xiao or Zhongli.
Finally you arrived and quickly saw the ex-archon with the funeral director Hu Tao.
Ah y/n, what a pleasure, Zhongli spoke, what brings you here?
Oh is this a friend of yours Mr. Zhongli? Hu tao teased, I guess I'll see you later then! She waved goodbye, leaving you and Zhongli both alone
Shall we go for tea? You asked the calm man
As you two made it to a table, you set out the tea and poured some of the rich tea into the porcelain cups.
For you and Zhongli, it was easy for you two to start a conversation. After all you had been with him very early on since he started his archon days. Even being with him when he took Xiao in as his own. However, your peaceful conversation suddenly took a turn as you started to cough hard once again like last night. But this time blood and...flowers dropped out of your mouth.
Y/n! Zhongli shouted, Someone send a doctor! As you closed eyes from the unbearable pain.
You woke up in a bed as you started wrinkle the sheet and proped yourself up with your elbows. What happened? Huh? A sheet of paper writtern, hanahaki disease. As soon as you read that, a doctor entered the room along with Zhongli. The doctor then slowly told you of your disease. A disease where a person who feels unrequited love, will cough up flowers. The only two end results of this disease would either be that the other person returns the feeling or......death. One other possible cure was a surgical removal but the victim will forget the feelings held for their beloved.
Forget their feelings? So you would forget about Xiao. All of the years spent with him, the memories, and all of the small moments when he let his wall down. Would be gone at the expense of you living. Should you get the surgery to forget your feelings about him? Or love him till the day you die?
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allgremlinart · 6 months
hai good friend,, tell me about mai. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of her before… look what we are doing to our beautiful queens 😔
YIPEE I love when me going insane about a character for a day makes you curious about them... especially cus atp I can kind of predict what is going to pique ur interest
ok ok: so, Mai. She's 1/3 of Azula's Evil Girl Group, colloquially known as Ozai's Angels, and thats the context you see her in for most of the show which is why it's important to know. You know how all cartoons in the 2000s HAD to have ONE morose goth chic? Well she is atla's quota. She's a noble, she's an only child (THEE only child. The first only child they made at the only child factory <33), she fights with 🔪KNIVES 🔪!!! she's Zuko's canonical comphet love interest and she has a very understated but underrated arc..
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Her role/arc in the show:
I mentioned Ozai's Angels because her interactions with Azula and Ty Lee are the real meat and potatoes of her character. They're like... baby's first toxic yuri love triangle <3333 REALLY can't overstate how toxic yuri love triangle they are. Mai and Ty Lee end up betraying Azula in season 3 which is both the climax (imo) of Mai's arc and the inciting action for Azula's descent (but we're not getting into Azula never ask me to get into Azula please). A lot of people reduce Mai going turncoat to JUST being about saving Zuko - and like partially it IS. She saves Zuko from dying because she loves/cares about him and that's a big part of it.
But it's ALSO about her finding her voice ?? Like throughout the show we NEVER see her voice opinions about something unless it's to say that she's bored, or jaded, or what have you. She never seems to have strong feelings about anything; her stated reasoning for joining Azula's Imperialism Girl Band is because she's bored living with her parents 💀 but it's like. It becomes clear to the audience later in the show that she was raised to never speak unless spoken to, to mask emotions, etc etc LIEKKK SHE'S SOOO REPRESSED ONLY CHILD SHE'S SO WOMAN TM... So her telling Azula "I love Zuko more than I fear you" was THEE cuntiest moment EVER because it's like oh shit ?? this is something pretty unexpected from this character ?? Waow so crazy so cunt ??
A lot of people point out that she and Ty Lee never really got a "ohhhh Imperialism is bad" arc like Zuko did but. imo there wasn't a whole lot of room in the show for it lol. Would have been something interesting to explore in the comics for sure !! but uhmmm I'd rather walk into the ocean than watch Gene Luen Yang try and write about imperialism and colonialism again so maybe its better we never got that.. (no offense to him he's just... not that great at doing it in the atla comics...not his strength..)
Her reception in fandom:
She's usually only ever talked about in the context of being Zuko's love interest (either positively OR negatively) hence my post that you saw. Like. Victim Numero Uno of zutara/kataang shipping wars cus at least a bunch of people LIKE Aang whereas people either ignore or actively dislike her.
There's often discourse about like. Who's the "toxic" one in the Mai/Zuko pairing and it's annoying when she gets flak for it cus like newsflash: they both are. My GOD they both are. They've canonically broken up twice. They're the emo boy/goth girl pairing. They're cute together. They're miserable together. They're both homosexual. You get it.
Also a lot of times people just call her boring or emotionless and it's like congrats !! you have fallen for her facade... in conclusion... sorry this is so long uhm.. your fault for asking me though... how long is it going to take until I've just told you the entire plot of this cartoon piecemeal ask by ask...
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signanothername · 8 months
Exploring character dynamics: Blades
Blades and Heatwave: Very Older Brother, little brother dynamic. They would die for each other and brag about it later. They would also definitely roughhouse if Blades didn’t any know better. Also Blades trying so hard to imitate HW in part 2 of double villainy. He wanted to be a good leader too
Blades and Chase: Autisim vs ADHD if robots. They balance each other out perfectly. Just put them together and I’m already smiling cause I know I’ll have a good time. “What’s sooner than immediately?” “I have no idea” 
Blades and Boulder: ADHD vs AuADHD. These two are a menace. They always do the craziest things together. I’m honestly surprised the writers didn’t exploit that more. These idiots kidnapped a lion. I love them. I’m also pretty sure that Boulder learned a lot about first aid from Blades since more often than not he’s the one acting doctor.
Blades and Graham: Their episode together makes me so soft 😭 They’re their both the “weakest” members of their active teams and can sometimes overlook how essential they are “At least they found you… that’s important”
Blades and Kade: Imma be 100% honest, I don’t think Blades could take much of Kade, him considering Mr. Pettypaws a better partner says it all. He wouldn’t get angry, just more and more annoyed and sassy.
Blades and Cody: Watching the show, I noticed that Heatwave and Boulder are closer to Cody, while Blades and Chase dare closer to their partners. Still though, this bot was fresh on earth, dealing with the fact that he would have to fly despite his fears and still said “For Cody”.
Blades and Chief: Dad and son. He was so exited to be paired up with the chief, adorable.
Blades and Dani: HSKEBSKA THESE TWO HOLY SHIT!!! Sassy as all can be. Big sister - little brother, man you can feel the love in this relationship. Dare I say it’s the most develop? Like, it doesn’t grow the same way Heatwave and Kade do, but you can feel this closeness. Blades is extremely protective of Dani and Dani is so encouraging of Blades, even when she considers something his doing as silly she’s there for him 🥹 ARGH, when she left for her space mission and he had to transform and didn’t get to say a proper goodbye, that shot of him as a helicopter just there, when she cried the moment she heard his voice 😭😭. How they’re very verbal about their affection and bring the better out of each other (Dani becomes kinder and Blades is always developing his skills) I love them so much. They’re gonna be great leaders in China and I WISH WE GOT TO SEE THAT.
Allow me to share my thoughts as well :D
Blades and Heatwave: I agreeeeeee!!!! I feel like Blades looks up to Heatwave and admires his skills, and i wholeheartedly believe he tries his best to make Heatwave proud, something he doesn’t actually need to do, cause Heatwave is already proud of him, HW just never says it outright, but you see it in how protective HW is of Blades and how he’d actually do the things Blades ask him to
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Heatwave is protective of all his team, but he’s even extra protective of Blades, their relationship reminds me of the lil bro who gets bullied but keeps it a secert only for the older bro to find out and go beat the shit outta the bullies, getting hurt in the process
You know for a fact HW has been in so many fights just to protect Blades, he probably fought people just for looking Blades the wrong way <3333
Blades definitely imitates HW sometimes, probably without actually realizing it chchhc, that one episode of him trying to act hardcore and slaming his fist on his palm only to go “ow” is so adorable and i wholeheartedly believe he’s trying to act how Heatwave does
The leader role kinda doesn’t fit Blades, cause he doesn’t know how to act when pressured which the leader role is full of, it’s a role with so much responsibility tied to it, not to mention Blades is more of a free spirit, putting him under a restrictive role can inhibit his outta the box thinking and creativity, and that’s why in part i believe he tried to imitate HW, cause HW is an amazing leader and Blades doesn’t exactly know how to lead, so he goes for the next best option, imitating his own great leader <3
That obviously doesn’t mean Blades can’t lead, in fact I wholeheartedly believe he can and would be really great at it, he only needs a bit of time to find his own footing, to find himself in the role and to adapt to it, he’d definitely be a lot more carefree as a leader, a leader who makes his team always feel safe to approach him with any problems they may have and it’s heartwarming to think about :D
I think the fact Blades can adapt to so many things no matter what life throws at him is his greatest strength, so you can imagine my joy when Blades is assigned leader to his own rescue team in China <333
Blades and Chase: YOU GET ITTTTTT!!!!!!! Their characters balance so well for a variety of reasons cause you have Blades, who’s always anxious and thinks of the worst scenarios that could happen with Chase who’s always calm and thinks logically, which means Chase is the best candidate when it comes to helping Blades deal with his anxiety
Meanwhile you have Blades who understands social situations and innuendos and is very invested in pop culture and you have Chase who literally could never grasp social situations and innuendos for the life of him, and isn’t very good at learning the culture he is in at all, so you have Blades sometimes filling that gap
Their personalities contrast so much and that contrast is what i love the most about their relationship!
Also can I talk about how much I adore how they always take care of each other??? There’s a reason I like to believe these two are Amica Endura!!!! They look out for each other and you can tell they’re really close, they always help each other out and it’s always so damn heartwarming <3333
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✨Adhd and Autism solidarity✨
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They have a lot in common both are artists, one who loves to paint the other loves to make signs and decorations, both love to explore the world, one through learning about the culture and nature, the other through pioneering, and both are very chaotic, these two probably love to go on adventures together sometimes
And as you said, the fact Boulder knows first aid?? He probably got Blades to teach him, i feel like Blades actually tries to let Boulder teach him about engineering too, kinda like listening to each other interests, but the boredom is infinite and his adhd brain can never allow it gugujgvjvj, it probably goes with Boulder talking for hours only for Blades to admit he didn’t get any of it, Boulder completely understands and is happy Blades gives him a chance to ramble regardless <3333
Hope you don’t mind but- *snatches the AuADHD Boulder headcanon* it’s mine now :)
Also can I talk about the fact Blades is good at dancing and Boulder loves dancing but his size doesn’t help? I like to think these two have dancing sessions sometimes!!
Blades and Graham: AAAH SO REAL!!!! Y’know I love how they have that in common, it makes a great connection point for the two
Blades and Graham aren’t physically strong, but that’s not where their worth or importance lies, Graham’s strength is his brain and his knowledge in engineering, he literally saved the lives of the entire island multiple times due to his input, whether by stopping his family from doing something that could potentially be a disaster or finding the source of what is causing problems to begin with (like finding the source of the earthquakes that were happening because of the speaker in “shake up”
Blades is agile and fast, really light on his feet and while all that’s good this is not what makes him important, what truly counts is his quick thinking and his amazing sense of the situation, he’s creative and that’s important in a rescue team where rescues always take an unexpected turn, his loyalty to the team is boundless and he always does what’s needed of him even when it’s completely outta his expertise, and this might seem strange to say, but his anxiety is actually a good thing, cause he sometimes does bring up really good points, his anxiety make him think of how a scenario can go wrong in so many directions that the team wouldn’t usually think about and asks them out loud, making the team stop and think, and that’s also really important
So when Graham and Blades don’t really realize how their existence is so damn important it hurts my heart, cause their perception of themselves isn’t the best, they think they aren’t as important which isn’t true at all
They both think low of themselves when they fail and it hurts to see cause everyone fails from time to time and that’s ok
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I adore these two ughhh 😭❤️🌷✨
Like the mere idea of being partners with Kade was completely outta the question for Blades
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HW’s and Kade’s personalities clash head on and that’s actually why their dynamic works, an unstoppable force meeting an immovable object, therefore canceling each other
And it’s honestly kinda funny considering how similar HW and Kade are, they obviously differ in some things, but overall their similarities exceed their differences
Yet we see that Blades is very comfortable dealing with HW, but wouldn’t be comfortable dealing with Kade, and i like to believe it’s in part cause Blades can’t handle really intense people like HW and Kade, but can adapt to them if given time, which Blades did have a really long time to adapt to HW but not so much time to adapt to Kade, so dealing with Kade seems like a nightmare, but we see he does consider it when Kade gives a really good idea only for HW to tell him to “think again”
Overall, I think it would’ve been amazing had we gotten an episode in which Blades and Kade worked together, it would’ve probably been a fave hcchchch
Blades and cody: oooh that’s a nice note, I didn’t really notice that!! Tho i’d say Blades definitely loves Cody and loves to spend time with him, “Virtual disaster” is definitely one of my favorite episodes, and I ADORE Blades’ and Cody’s dynamic in that episode
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I feel like Cody and Blades get along so well, and Blades definitely acts like an older bro to Cody
Not to mention Cody seems the best at calming Blades when he’s upset, get his mind off the thing that upset him, like when Dani leaves for her pilot testing and Cody tells him “come on, let’s find enough paint for your sign” and we see how that immediately makes Blades feel a bit better :D
Cody seems to understand that Blades is driven by his emotions and that’s what he focuses on when interacting with Blades, and tbh that’s something I feel like Cody and Blades have in common, they both got really big emotions that require someone to acknowledge, and that’s why Cody always acknowledges Blades’ feelings and vice versa
Blades and Charlie: I don’t have much to add to what you already said cause that’s literally it hcchchchvjcj
But i’d love to talk about how Charlie seems to entertain Blades’ desires and child like wonder, gives him a chance to explore his world in his own way and helps him live the role <33
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Charlie is an amazing dad, both to his biological and Cybertronian kids <333
Blades and Dani: OH MY FUCKING GOD THEYRE MY FAVORITE PAIR OF PARTNERS!!! And i agree! I think they’re the most developed!
I think Blades’s and Dani’s relationship is the most complex, Dani loves flying, Blades doesn’t, Dani is a risk taker, Blades has saftey as a priority
Their personalities are quite the opposite of each other, but that’s why they work! Blades teaches Dani patience and kindness and Dani teaches Blades to open up more and accept the danger that comes with his work
Their love for each other is literally radiating through space and time zhhxhdh
You can tell Blades becomes really attached to Dani, the episode where Dani goes to space is proof of it, Blades becoming upset at the idea of her leaving is so damn heartbreaking him going “I hate when she leaves” literally tore my heart in two
But what truly gets to me is that by the end of the episode when they have the talk Dani promised? He says “I hope you get it” he’s so supportive of her no matter how much it hurts him or how much he hates the idea of separating
Goddammit I really wanna say more but know when you love something to the point it’s genuinely hard to put into words??? That’s me with Blades’ and Dani’s relationship they’re SO DAMN ADORABLE AND ID DIE FOR THEM
And since words betrayed me here’s one of my favorite scene of them just HSHSHSJHZHSJSJSJSHHSKAKS
Damn this got way longer than what I meant for it, hope you enjoyed regardless dhhdhd
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jinkookspencil · 9 months
bts as musicals
simply put, bts as staged musicals i'm familiar with. a very random list and post i wrote up at 3am. it's not to be taken too seriously of course, and this is just my sleep-deprived opinion and take
namjoon - hamilton
i feel this is self explanatory for anyone familiar with both hamilton and nj
hamilton, entirely self written about a self-made man with the weight of the world on his shoulders who needed to prove himself, all while being completely in homage to rap legends through and through
hamilton is also a musical very centered around loss and i can really see that in joon
loss, rap, and the eternal internal struggle!!!
he'd have so much fun with it but it'd wreck him
satisfied especially
also i hate to make this point but when it comes to the hate that these two receive, sometimes it’s clear that it’s really forced hatred
seokjin - hairspray
the ladies choice amiright ladies?
obviously there’s link, the very attractive man who everyone wants 
who is hopelessly in love with a plus sized beauty <3333 so jin
jin has often expressed his love of being “unserious” and we all know he can be like that mostly on camera, but he definitely has that more serious side that really is the basis for his character
isn’t that vaguely reminiscent of hairspray too though?
we often think of it as this unserious musical but it actually has more layers than one might remember, discussing prejudice, body image, individuality, self-image, integrity
i think all of those things matter a whole lot to seokjin 
yoongi - les miserables 
fuck the system 
really, all about rebellion and revolution 
but also let me break your heart a little
and let me make you remember that you’re actually living life
very similar themes across both yoongi’s solo work and les mis - injustice, class, tragedy, loss, to name a few. while also being so sympathetic towards its varied characters, reminiscent of yoongi’s sensitivity and mindset
shit think of how yoongi might react to 'i dreamed a dream'
hoseok - wicked 
I think jack in the box just solidifies this as my pick for hoseok tbh
because there’s the childlike wonder side we all see and know (wizard of oz, j-hope of bts)
but then everything that surrounds it and the real story behind it (wicked, jitb)
both wicked and jitb offer a look into a “character��� we think we’re familiar with, but it turns out we really aren’t
when we finally see them tell their story in their own words
elphaba struggles with her “role” and so does hobi, literally spelling it out for us in jitb
they both feel trapped, and thus reclaim and reinvent themselves 
It’s a very identity-focused musical/album that still links back to prejudice in our world, too and "where they fit in"
jimin - chicago 
chicago is a look into fame/celebrity and corruption and ambition, and i think jimin has quite strong values when it comes to that
to me, it seems as though he finds those topics very interesting to think about
and also, how that all intersects with sexuality and gender
it feels like the crux of what chicago is as a musical but also who jimin presents himself to be
taehyung - west side story
i wanted something that’s a bit of a more classic musical for taehyung, and out of the ones i am familiar with, wss seemed the most fitting (tho i have a sneaky suspicion that one of the ones i am *not* familiar with might be more him)
taehyung is a romantic and, like nj, he almost romanticizes his losses and spends time looking back and reflecting on his own relationships and even his relationship with 'love' as a whole - layover proves it
so of course wss makes sense, the dance numbers, the longing, the risk of it all, the fact that it's story about "the power of love"
i think it'd leave quite the impact on tae, if he hasn't seen it yet
despite being a retelling of romeo & juliet (which tae would LOVE) wss also set the precedent for many musicals to come, much like tae did. looking back, it was very innovative for its time in so many different ways
musically, it's very taehyung. i could see him wanting to do covers of the songs. maria, tonight, and something's coming (he'd always go back to this song)
in every iteration of it, it's also very cinematic and very personal at the same time, which means it is very taehyung
jungkook - grease 
I didn’t WANT to pick grease and feed into that stereotypical ‘bad boy jk’ idea
but like i can’t not
and it’s not so much that it is representative of who jk is as a person
except aesthetically (the dazed cover is proof)
but that i can see jungkook himself enjoying the musical numbers and poking fun at john travolta, imitating him in his dance moves
i think he’ll particularly enjoy “you’re the one that i want” and might develop some sort of ‘corruption’ fantasy of turning a good girl bad
this might be me projecting that i want jk to do to me shhhhhhh
oh and he will go through a phase of calling his car “grease lightning” and sing the song every damn time he gets in it
yeah it'd be hard as fuck to get jk to get rid of his john travolta impression
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another-day · 3 months
hey gang, guess what time it is, for the last time in season 3....
spoilers for episode 19 of inanimate insanity invitational!!!!!!!!!!!
oh. my. gosh.
this was such a beautiful episode, most things felt resolved and it was just SO GOOD
if you didn't see my previous posts, i was up at 2am to watch this episode due to timezones, and it was so so worth it. let's begin!!!!!
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oh the character development is amazing, this versus how lost he was at the beginning of season two is just so interesting and amazing to see. i'm so so proud.
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full honesty, i have a lot of trouble emotion-wise, and hearing this kinda caught me off guard because, as much as i'd like to ignore it, springy's never been anything more than a villain to me.
it helped me realise that, yeah, springy is another character like everyone else, and they have feelings, and they have capacity for goodness. it really got me thinking, especially since this line really had me relating to them. but ah well, onwards!!!!
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seeing cabby get pissed was really funny, but also she's turning the broken insult walkie talkie presented to mephone in the last episode. it was very very cool, a reclamation of power really.
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can you tell i like cabby
also this was such a pivotal moment for her, and as someone who apologises for literally anything people deem wrong, this was incredibly inspirational and soooo cool to see.
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the poor guy, he's been nothing but berated this whole episode
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the way i literally almost screamed at two in the morning i was shivering and shaking throughout the entire episode and this was like my sould left my body HE'S BACK and oohhhhohohohoo GUYS GUYS GUYS
this was such a beautiful scene; a robot who sacrificed himself for a happy ending for so many others encouraging another robot whom was the living result of his sacrifice to embrace the life he has. THEY DRIVE ME MAD DO YOU SEE?????????
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NAME DROP!!!! also i think this is the first time he's acknowledged cobs in reference to his own actions, he's coming to terms with his memories and experiences, and realising he can learn from them GOODNESS do you see what i am saying BOTH THIS AND MEPHONE 4S's SPEECH ARE ENCOURAGING HIM TO LOOK PAST HIS MISTAKES, AND NOT DWELL ON THE PAST
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does this mean mephone's finally gonna treat toilet like an actual person, WHO FREAKING KNOWS!!!!! but i really hope he does i really do
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guuuuyyyyss stop i'm going to cryyyyy LOOK AT THEIR LITTLE MESSED UP MARRIAGE PLEASEEEEE
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i had to squeal so quietly when i saw this BUT YAAAAY MY LOVELY LITTLE CABBY WON!!!!!!! i was so happy she absolutely deserved this and its so symbolic that test tube's vote ended up being the deciding factor and AGH i'm so happy!!!!!
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they're so silly and so supportive of one another, and the fact that even with balloon considering himself a more self assured person and more independent, nickel's still willing to stick by his side to cheer him up!!!
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guys them look at them
"Or of..." HER OR OF HER FREAKING OUT GUYS this guy's so silly and i'm so glad they're getting along again <3333
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their sweet little family i love them dearly
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communication is key !! this was very cute and i'm so glad they're getting along again
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THE TEETH DETAIL they're literally spoiling me dude
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GUYS THEY MADE YURI REAL i love them so so so so much
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because of course she'd put her prize towards a knowledge bank for everyone, cabby's such a gem you guys i love her so much
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i'm so glad they're getting along now, they're such a silly pair!!!
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i literally almost cried when i saw this, mephone 4's reconstructing all these things that made him feel like he was useless to push himself forward, and its so beautiful to see, i'm probably gonna print this out and put it on my wall because its so meaningful and just UGH
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the heroic pose, the self assured smile, ready for anything
this was a beautiful way to cap off the season because there he goes !! its so exciting!!!!
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he's gonna need it girl lets hope the season 2 finalists didn't go insane
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WAAAAAAAAAAH they used the the track "don't leave me until i find my way back to you" and the way i almost sobbed my little heart out that was such a beautiful homage and track and GOODNESS!!!!!!
overall this was a great episode. though i feel some dynamics, such as mephone 4 with 4s, and silver spoon with candle weren;t explored nearly as much as i would've liked, they crew really did an amazing job on this episode.
thank you so much for all your hard work inanimate insanity crew, and i'm so excited to see the rest of season two and how it'll play out!!!
till then, i'll see you next time ooooonnn episode in review!!!!
(bada bada duuuuum!!!)
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divorcedwife · 12 days
your art is gorgeous and deserves all the notes in the world. i love all of your fashion and outfit designs and the way you draw poses and facial expressions is always so perfect. don’t let the internet fool you into thinking more numbers means more liked. i think your art is some of the most beautiful art i have ever seen
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oh thank you!! i definitely think you're right that it's good to face what we want and that there's no shame in wanting attention. i've been trying to not be so ashamed of everything in general because i've realized that most people deal with that too, and that being at ease with myself helps people be at ease with me too
but in general, i am very happy with the amount of attention and kind words i get, and i definitely agree that more numbers =/= more joy. i used to chase certain milestones and think that i would reach a point where i'd be content and satisfied, and reaching a milestone is cool but it's still just numbers. ultimately, it means more to me to get thoughtful feedback, or when an artist i respect likes it, or to see the same people stick around for months and years :-) i do notice that & i love to see it
and not to be mean, but i also really don't vibe with how some people i follow on instagram, that are popular artists, act very demanding of their audience's attention and money. i don't think following someone online means you pledge your eternal loyalty to them, and i never would want people to think that if they scroll by an art piece of mine without interacting, or just liking, it's a deep betrayal lol. it's fine! ultimately, my feelings are mine to deal with, and it's not on anyone else to provide validation to me at all times. i really don't want anyone to feel guilty for that
like people are not entitled to free labor from artists, but artists are also not entitled to a "fandom". i remember being really not impressed back on deviantart with how popular artists talked to their followers and tbh i think some people are rude to feel more like rock stars. it's not cute.... i don't like it... i feel like the respect has to go both ways
also im kinda glass half full-ing my way through life - if something doesn't work out, i'm like well, this is a good way to practice failure and emotion control. can't go through life with everything going smoothly at all times, that's just how it is. i cant control what happens, only what i do about it. if i post something and it doesn't work as well as i thought, oh well, it's ok, i'm learning to detach value from notes, i'm going to be just like the buddha very soon
god this is so long. im sorry, i have so many thoughts re : being an artist online and handling metrics and so on. the TLDR : i really love being there on tumblr dot com and i feel really lucky that so many people like my art, like my original characters, and it's a pleasure to be there :-) thank you again!! <3333
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HAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ARIIII IT IS IIIIII!!!!!!!!! i'm here to bombard you with the very same questions of the question game bc i really wanna hear your answers too!!!!!! so 1. your comfort characters pleaseeee pretty please andd 2. a scenario that you've replayed multiple times please pretty pretty please!!! luv u btw wait also u are 10000% that gojo cover is the most beautiful thing in the world and nobody can tell us otherwise<33333333333
- @catchuuu
MICKEY IT IS YOUUUUUUUU :33 welcome welcome!!!!!! take a seat……. here is your ari delivered pastry and drink 🍩🍵 <- some tea bc it’s late. it’s gonna help you sleep better trust !!
wahhh you’re so sweet to drop in w these…. i had a crisis answering them bc . i am …. indecisive,.,…… but i’ll try just for you :’3
1/ HHHHHHHHHHHHH what is there to say………… you already know a lot of them i think 😭😭 gojo our belovedest ALWAYS makes me happy and suguru too!!! i think gojo is a bit more of a comfort though… sugu makes me pretty sad….. ANDDD ofc kenjaku!!! my silly emotional support queercoded villain. he makes me smile :3 would also throw in nobara bc her existence feels like a warm hug. she’s my Everything. i had a crush on her when i first watched jjk and i will adore her always!!!!!
jjk aside though…… THIS is where i start getting indecisive bc i have too many fandoms to keep track of + my memory is bad :’3 but ummmm um. kunikida is my angel wife!! and reki from sk8 the infinity makes me sooo happy 🥺🥺 (you would LOVE him btw he has the brightest smile ever) ALSO NOYA FROM HQ…… and ryoji from persona 3….. and kazui from milgram… and tsukasa and emu from pj sekai……….
i could mention more but!!! i’ll finish by saying saber and archer from fate/stay night :> saber is the reason i started loving knights and archer is the sexiest man on this planet + the reason i’m into motherly men + voiced by junichi suwabe <3333 the fate series is soooo dear 2 my heart mickey…. my favorites r actually sakura and kirei but they both make me too emotional to be called comfort charas…. same w shirou……. and every single csm character too 😔 sigh .
2/ hhhh this one was . also tough……. :cc since you went w a childhood near-death experience i will do the same >:3 i was almost brutally murdered (<- grave exaggeration) by a cow when i was like . 10…. it might’ve been a bull?? i was too scared to look it in the eye 😞😞
it was raining a bunch right … and there was this lil nature reserve near my house . w a path you could walk up on a hill but also down by a river….. and it was raining sm that the whole thing was just FLOODED. you couldn’t see any of the rocks in the river…. or the grass you could walk on beside it…… so little ari decided to go down there anyway. for the sake of adventure. and i made it to the end of the path to a fence that you could jump over to get to The Normal Road Home .
BUT …. gasp ………. little ari came face to face w a bunch of cows . up on the hill. right by the fence. they were eating the grass and i was scared bc they were fucking HUGE mickey :((( i was shaking n shivering and trying to blend in w my surroundings……… carefully making my way towards the fence that they were kinda blocking.
BUT THEN …. another gasp….. suddenly i was face to face w this One cow/bull and it just stared at me. for a couple seconds. and then it ran right towards me and my childhood instincts kicked in …. so i like. ran down the hill and then back up so i could jump over the fence . and then i was ok :) but ever since that fateful day i’ve been scared of cows….. i can only admire them from afar 😔😔😔😔
hehe these were so fun to answer… ty mickey my angel <333 ALSO SO TRUE SO REAL i knew i could trust you…….. he’s so pretty!!!!!! ig we just have to bear the burden of understanding him better than anyone else …. a heavy burden but. it is what it is <//3
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shivroy · 4 months
Hiii!!! I just read Melanocortin Blame(Does the Dog Roam Free?) UMMM LOVE LETTER TO SHIV IS RIGHT AAA💗💕🍷❤️‍🩹( reminiscing on her childhood + roman & tying it back around to how barred from intimacy she is bc of it Cracked Me)
&!! I was wondering if you had some kind of good reads or book recommendations, poetry, anything inspiring? I adore your art too(big surprise there, it’s so real to the characters), but I came to the end of it & I’m just sitting here like. God. God.
What a totally consuming style of writing you have. It was so beautiful to experience thank you for sharing it🫀🫀🫀
THANK YOU!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! if anyone else wants to read it without wading through my ao3 it is here
these recommendations are things that like. i could be happy if people reported back on what they were like to them + knowing that people read them because i think theyre amazing.
read or watch angels in america (reading the play is extremely rewarding, i also find a ton of value in both the hbo limited series and ntlive production)
read beatlebone , or, night boat to tangier by kevin barry. two of my absolute favorite books
enjoy a poem that is very dear to me, 2AM, and the rabbinical students stand in their bathrobes
i think everyone would get something out of reading the lost thing , the rabbits, or the arrival by shaun tan
this link directs you to free disco elysium which you should play
thank you. the fact that you read it, and care about it, and can tell me that you care in such a meaningful way is so wonderful!!!!!! <3333
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mango-bango-bby · 2 years
Congratulations Mango!! Both for reaching 6k and adding a new fandom to your list! You're one of the best if not the best soft yandere creators that are out there- you mean a lot to us!! 💕💕
Seeing as you've started writing for Jujutsu Kaisen, I was wondering if I could request some yandere Nanami hcs! One of my best friends is a huge Nanami simp and because she's been getting into yanderes too I think this would be an awesome suprise 😍
(You don't have to write this by the way! A lot of fics must've been requested already, don't overwork yourself! Once again, congratulations! Love, anon <3333)
♡ Yandere Nanami Headcanons ♡
(A/N: Ahhhhhhh my first JJK fic!!! I’m so excited 🥰🥰🥰 I hope you like this!! I haven’t completely gotten used to writing the characters yet so hopefully this is alright!! Thank you so so much for your kind words 🥺🥺🥺and I really hope your friend enjoys it!!)
Content Warning ⚠️: Yandere, kidnapping, stalking, toxic relationships, handcuffs, punishments
Summary: Good ol’ yandere!Nanami headcanons (Yandere!Nanami x GN!Reader)
Masterlist ➸ ♡
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♡ Yandere Type: Intelligent, Possesive, Lucid ♡
♡ Nanami is not exactly one who falls in love easily. He most definitely knows you for a bit before he begins falling for you. But once he falls, he  falls hard. He genuinely can’t think of anything else. Some how everything he does leads back to you. He can’t even sleep because he can only think about how nice it would be to have you lying next to him.
♡ Very logical. He understands that his more obsessive feelings for you aren’t healthy. However he doesn’t care. He also understands that his urge to threaten or even hurt people who hurt you is very wrong. But his urge to protect you overpowers those logical thoughts.
♡ He likes taking pictures of you, especially while stalking you. He has a small box of pictures of you he’s taken, he writes the date and time he took it on the back. All of them are candid shots. You eating, sleeping, changing, cleaning, everything. He just likes to look at them because you’re so beautiful.
♡ Nanami will confess to you and try to begin a ‘normal’ relationship with you. He knows if he does something drastic like kidnap you, you’ll be scared of him. And he doesn’t want that, he wants you to love him back. If you accept you two will start dating as normal as you can with him constantly wanting to confine you in his home. If you reject he will kidnap you.
♡ He will knock you out to kidnap you, he fears you will be hurt if you fight back against him. So he knocks you out with a crushed up pill in your food or drink. Then he simply carries you home. Handcuffs both your hands and legs to the bed so you won’t try to run away once you’re awake.
♡ Nanami really does understand why you’re scared of him. He stays by your side though, reassuring you that he won’t hurt you and he’s doing this because he loves you. Also respects your wishes, if you want him to leave you alone, he will (for a certain amount of time).
♡ Nanami will take you out of the cuffs for certain amounts of time. He doesn’t want your legs or arms to get to stiff. So he’ll take you out of the cuffs and let you walk around the room a little bit.
♡ He’s very good at cooking so you bet he’s making you your favorite foods! If you’re still handcuffed, he’ll even feed it to you so he doesn’t have to take them off of you. You do have to admit the food tastes very good.
♡ Surprisingly really likes cuddling. His favorite position is resting his head on your chest while you wrap your arms and legs around him. He finds it very relaxing. Just feeling your skin against his, listening to your breathing, and listening to your heartbeat.
♡ Nanami is very sweet but he’s not afraid to punish you. If you put yourself in danger (on purpose or not), if you try to hurt him or yourself, if you try to run away, or if you call out for help, you will be punished. And even if it hurts him to hear you cry, he knows it’s necessary.
︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵ Thank you for reading, darling!!
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kairos-polaris · 5 months
For the Character Ask
Yuji + 4,5,8,21,24,25 <3?
thank you so much, my beloved <3333
character ask
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
Any shojo or sports anime in general, but if specifally then Haikyuu for no reason other than it's set not that far away from Sendai, also there was a haikyuu character cut out in the bg of some ep iirc
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
I generally struggle associating characters with songs so probably the one Gege picked for him, 9 mm Parabellum Ballet - "Heart Ni Hi O Tsukete" because how skit coded it is
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
In general, it's underestimate him and completely misunderstand his character his values. Yuuji is someone so so so human and that's what I love about him, his humanity makes his relationships with other characters deeper and more meaningful and it annoys me how people don't see it
Also Higuruma learning rct during the fight with Sukuna isn't an ass pull but Yuuji, who was also established as a quick learner (he got black flash the very same he learned of it!!!), learning rct in the month of training is. Sukuna kinnies they all are
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
My favorite thing to write is his relationship with Sukuna and the possible corruptive influence sharing body comes with. Also, his strong moral senses influencing others, like Sukuna, Gojo and Higuruma
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
I am not really in the hi3d fandom spaces but Kiana Kaslana for sure!!! both are loveable idiots created to house destructive force for their creator's selfish purposes, who would keep going even on broken legs, who would keep fighting to protect others and for all the beautiful there is in the world. Both are bad at math and better at throwing hands, both have a dark haired older friend who loves them so much. The biggest difference is that Kiana got to achieve at least some of her goals and got a pretty happy ending and i don't think Yuuji will be as lucky 😭
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
I don't remember 😭I probably thought he was cute, I love characters like him (especially post Kiana) so I thought he was lovely and I admired his dedication to saving others. I will never understand people who called him immature for it, he is 15 ffs. I bet most of those calling him immature didn't have any greater goals and ideals in his age. Those very ideals gets stomped on in Shibuya too so even more of an unreasonable complaint 💀
And now i love him even more, he is my most favorite boy ever and I will fight anyone who insults him
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happi-tree · 1 year
👀 your pfp is from your fae amphibia au right? i would love to know more about it <3333
Actually, my pfp is from a different Amphibia au that I haven't talked about at all on here! I've tentatively called it "the raven and the dove" and it's roughly based on the movie (the MOVIE, not the books) The School for Good and Evil and my friend @toonteller came up with a lot of it (hi, toon, hope you don't mind the tag!). If you're at all familiar with the characters from that, Anne takes Agatha's role while Marcy takes Sophie's and Sasha takes Tedros'. You don't have to be familiar with the characters at all for the au to make sense, though!
Basically, Anne and Marcy are two girls growing up in a rural village. They've been friends since they were very small, sticking close together and facing the mean-spirited remarks of their peers together. Marcy happens to stumble across a book one day that tells her of a magical place that trains the heroes and villains of fairytale stories and becomes very determined to find it, while Anne rushes along after her because she doesn't want to lose her only friend and sincerely doubts that any good could come of this. The two of them end up getting whisked away to The School For Good and Evil, where they are promptly deposited into their respective schools - Anne into the School For Good, which trains heroes, and Marcy into the School For Evil, which trains villains. And obviously this is a huge mistake, because not only does Anne want to get back to her parents, but also Marcy cannot possibly be evil! There isn't a vindictive bone in her body! The headmaster, Andrias, tells the girls that the only way to prove Marcy's innate Goodness is a true love's kiss (because villains don't get one of those in the stories, right?). They end up causing quite a stir among the students, as they are both generally disruptive and the first to enroll from outside the fairytale realm in a long time, and the shenanigans draws the attention and disapproval of one Sasha of Camelot, heir to the throne of the Storied and the School For Good's golden child. And. Well.
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Quite a lot of chaos ensues in an attempt to get Marcy into the "proper" school and get Anne home, including but not limited to a Marcy corruption arc (and one for Anne, to a different extent), some identity/morality/sexuality crises on the part of Sasha, magic and shapeshifting, a slow dance (with evil overtones), gay archery lessons, ruminations on the societal expectations of beauty, attraction, gender roles, and morality, women covered in blood, true love's kiss(es), and LOTS of impractical fantasy costume changes. It's quite a bit of fun (and Sashannarcy endgame, obviously), even if I haven't thought about it in awhile! :DDD
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astralscrivener · 6 months
For the End of the Year Book Ask! #3, #10, #16 <333 Let your correct onions be KNOWN Beautiful <3333
3. what were your top 5 books of the year?
FUCK this one took a lot of thinking
i had to go to my shelf of favorite reads of the year and it was. very tough to choose.
firstly is yellowface by r.f. kuang, which i talk about more in the next question (i answered these out of order oopsies)
second i think is the fifth season/the obelisk gate by n.k. jemisin. i read the fifth season both last year and this year for two different classes, and then finally got around to the sequel + am currently reading the third book and i am bonkers about them. i am thinking about essun and nassun and alabaster and hoa constantly. deeply unwell. a lot more geology than i had initially expected but i'm having a GREAT time
the long way to a small angry planet by becky chambers. my fucking beloved. i've literally owned the book since like 2021 but took forever to read it but i love it sooo much i love the entire wayfarer crew but i think about kizzy and ashby constantly. the socks match my hat scene was so small but lives in my head rent-free
circe by madeline miller!!!! this one is popular for a reason. i know a lot of people tend to prefer TSOA/their first introduction to miller's writing is TSOA but circe was mine bc i love the odyssey (and also the emily wilson odyssey came out before wiliad. so. i have not had the brain power to get thru the fagles translation of either one yet). anyway i loved this a lot. i connected a lot with circe as a person and a character and her entire web of relationships...i am so emo about it. also i am a circe/penelope truther and when i write a sci fi or fantasy novel very loosely inspired by their dynamic. then what. ....wait i might have just had a breakthru on one of my wips wait a minute—
and finally the haunting of hill house by shirley jackson. i think about eleanor too often. way too often. someone in the goodreads reviews commented on her loneliness and it clicked for me why i like her so much and i have not recovered <3
10. what was your favorite new release of the year?
out of the ones i read this year? yellowface by r.f. kuang. i don't read thrillers much but this one was so much. i loved it. chaotic satirical thriller criticizing the publishing industry and raising questions about ownvoices and representation, which authors and stories the industry rewards and prioritizes, the pitfalls of being a young prodigy, and also it was just bonkers. i know this one was divisive for some people but i loved it. i had a great time. i have not stopped thinking about "they called it a globule" for months.
16. what is the most overhyped book you read this year?
you know DAMN WELL what you were doing when you chose this question. kissing you on the mouth
anyway is this a safe space. is this a safe space for me to be bitch. f**rth wing. it was f**rth wing. spoilering so tumblr doesn't put it in the search for the stans to find me
it is bad. it is bad. i initially gave it i think 1.5 stars (rounded up to 2 on GR) but i hate it more every single time i think about it. there is just so much wrong with it as a book but is also emblematic of a lot of larger issues in publishing, and particularly with red tower as an imprint, but i do not have all day to rant or we will be here forever
end of year book ask!
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arijensineink · 11 months
Author Ask Tag Game
@axl-ul put up an open tag for this and I love these questions so I'm going to do it. Make sure to go read their answers because they were truly beautiful and inspiring <3333 Here's the linky.
And I will of course, use The Wolfena to answer these since it's my. most developed WIP.
What is the main lesson of your story (e.g. kindness, diversity, anti-war), and why did you choose it? I'm not into preachy stories, but The Wolfena has a very blatant anti-slavery, pro-autonomy message woven into it. Autonomy is all. This story is about finding your autonomy even in situations where you feel trapped or have no control over the world around you. I didn't choose it at all, but I once spoke to a highly accomplished author (sadly it was so long ago and I actually disliked the conversation a lot at the time, so I don't have her name). But she basically asked me "Why doesn't your book address slavery?" And I was so annoyed, because I was working on a different book that had little to do with the subject. But that question festered in my mind, and a few years later The Wolfena were born.
What did you use as inspiration for your worldbuilding (like real-life cultures, animals, famous media, websites, etc.)? I've said this before, but The Hundred tv show and Ammonite by Nicola Griffith were highly formative to writing The Wolfena. I drew a huge amount of inspiration from all of the New England winters I've survived, as all of the characters grew up in a total ice-age. I really tried to capture both the wonder of spring and the barren hopelessness of winter.
What is your MC trying to achieve, and what are you, the writer, trying to achieve with them? Do you want to inspire others, teach forgiveness, help readers grow as a person? Naxia wants to free all of the enslaved people in her nation even if she dies trying; Lariette just wants to free herself; Jimian wants to learn to be human again. I wouldn't say I'm trying to achieve anything with them, as they were all strong muses who guided me through the story, at times with minimal effort on my part. But, I do hope they help others understand that we are full of far more strength than we could ever imagine.
How many chapters is your story going to have? This is my shame. The Wolfena has a whopping 70+ chapters.
Is it fanfiction or original content? Where do you plan to post it? The Wolfena is a totally original story, at least I hope, hehe. My ultimate goal is to traditionally publish it, but we'll see where all the pieces fall.
When and why did you start writing? (Assuming this is in regards only to The Wolfena) I think I started writing this story somewhere around 2016? I had to write it to address that festering question about slavery, and also to work through my feelings about womanhood and gender as I became an adult.
Do you have any words of engagement for fellow writers of Writeblr? What other writers of Tumblr do you follow? Well, I used up a lot of typing energy on these questions, so you can find engagement and encouragement over on Fighting For Writing <3
I follow mostly writers, so I'll tag to the best of my ability and leave it open as well for anyone who wants to participate! Firstly my goblins: @angelsofprey @regret-breathing @coffeewritesfiction @incorrectgoddessgang @minutiaewriter @sindellaos and @soupy8lowfish . Other people I see in my feed a lot are as follows: @quinnharperwrites @nanashi23 @readrenard @words-after-midnight and @marmeegle !!!! Of course there are many more, but I think I'm at my typing quota XD It's time for me to stretch and go drink some water!
Much love, bbys <3333 Please take care of yourselves!
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darlingpwease · 1 year
What?? I'm not even trying to escape this time 😭😭 she sounds so cool tho,, I don't know anyone irl who reads those kind of novels, and the people online who write about them are small so I always get excited when I see people talk/write about it lmao,, so she sounds amazing to talk to (I bet she was wonderful either way but I think you know what I mean)
That's alright <333 I absolutely love reading web novels,, so I read those kind of stories a lot
From me??? I just don't think it was ever brought up before for me to mention it. I think they're safe <333 /t ...👀 they're really good I'd suggest reading them some time
KNOW this novel? I practically BREATHED it when I first read it /j
AAA so good so good <<333
He'd be so adorable clinging to you. When you first met him (again), you originally thought that it would be you following him, not the other way around. Maybe getting jealous over your past self, so whenever you go and take Xie Lian on a date, you do so to replace those memories with who you are now. Xie Lian has even caught on to it after a while, but he can't bare to tell you that not only do you have no reason to be jealous over yourself, but also that you're already doing something you've done before <//333
That doesn't make him any less happy though, he happily indulges you. Every new object you buy him is always similar to one you've done before, every festival you take him to, you both have already celebrated, every mountain to camp in and river to swim in, there's always a trace of you two. Not that either are complaining though.
Yes yes,, I agree I agree. Both are good, very good.
-panna cotta
🤨🤨🤨I can't trust you. the only thing I can do is believe that if I grab you by your fox tail, you won't run any further🙄 /t /j yes yes~ she was very absorbed in what she liked and passionate, and although she was too perfectionist, she was very sweet and loving to talk about her thoughts. we stopped communicating after I gave up my old works, but I still hope that everything is fine with her and she is now doing what she loves<3 (bad for them, though, I sympathize with everyone who doesn't know my cute flower boy<///3)
mhm,,, I prefer novels about transmigrators and the like than exclusively xiaxia — with rare exceptions</3 luo binghe my beloved<//3
I mean, you can enter topics without me having to raise the green flag🤨 our relationship is now an imbalance of power I see🙄😒 /t /hj I almost finished reading svsss at the time and accidentally found the 'blessing', but I could not bring myself to read the demonic cultivator, although it looks the most interesting and tragic,,, but I will accept your words, just because of your not completely fox-like authority, and at least some faith in your words.
🎤🎤🎤 tell me something else, I'm listening carefully, I don't trust simple words on the Internet!!! /t /j who are your favorite characters??? /gen
husband material<3333 im so so so in love with him until yuuta does not appear in front of me</33333
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xie lian looks,,,, looks like a puppy. the very obsessive, emotional, sensitive and gentle puppy who puts chin on your palm and smiles like the july midday sun when everything around you seems to shine, emphasizing his extraterrestrial beauty, — only to be able to protect you from everything by more than cruel and ferocious methods, not allowing anything else and no one to take you away from him, going against what should happen when xie lian finds you again and again, eventually becoming so good at it that he begins to feel when you reappear and be yours a shadow by the time you were already mature enough that the thread of your destiny began to weave — and was cut and intertwined into one where he would be the only thing in your life.
the Gods cannot interfere with what is about to happen, but he has already sunk down enough and has been overthrown not only and not so much by heaven, but also by you, kissing you while your fingers slide along his neck, stroking the marks on his thin skin, almost forgetting that he is a God, that he is much stronger and powerful than you when xie lian looks at you from the bottom up, touching your palms with lips and letting you let his hair down, enjoying the painfully familiar unfamiliar look; for a moment you see the most gentle and kind young man, looking with bright naive eyes, kind and impulsive, spoiled by the world and fate itself, not yet knowing either the dirt or the sadness of the world — eccentric, but divine, like only a soaring bird or the first ray of the sun after a hundred years of harsh winter. he was like a kaleidoscope of colors, unblemished by nothing but his morality, desire and you, stealing kisses from you while no one is looking, timidly intertwining his fingers with you, learning something like this for the first time — your prince was bright, colorful, intense and loud, he was everywhere and always with you, while your god was gentle, quiet and calm, like a gentle timid wildflower, much more beautiful than any decorative ones, but at the same time not at all the way you remembered the one who scratched your heart like a kitten with a claw. and you know that he sees it in your eyes, for a moment kissing more jealously and rudely, as if forcing you to think about him now, about what he is doing now, childishly hating when he saw in your eyes not himself now, but the prince who caused your death,
who killed you.
he tells you that you've met before, he knows you even when he was a prince, like a demon whispering to you about the time when you were almost lovers, and he promised that you would become Gods together and be always together, that he would protect you from everything and you would make this world perfect, — and you have strangely detailed dreams about a kingdom that no longer exists, and a facial craze, forcing you to wake up in a cold sweat while xie lian lies nearby, not needing sleep, but just wanting to be there with you — and immediately feeling that your heartbeat is going crazy while you're breathing hoarse, loud, scared, and he's gently soothing you, without asking what you dreamed, as if not for the first time encountering this,
and for a moment you are bitter that you may not be his first "you".
while he goes further, sees more, hears more, while you only look back, seeing that he has become different, and each time your memories are more and more mixed — when you were the child of a rich peasant, when you were the child of a rich merchant's concubine, when you were the eldest child of a high-ranking general, when you were a member of the royal family, when you became the child of a famous scholar from the city — and there he is, always he is, always leading you away from how it should be, as if already at the moment when you were born, your fate was intertwined with his, no matter in which state you were born or where, he will always find you. and the more memories mixed about it, the more thoughts mixed with others, the more glances, no longer understanding whether he looks at you or at that peasant, or at that townsperson, or at that heir to the kingdom — or as his future spouse, as if you can only be his spouse, to be with him like mandarin ducks, whom everyone is trying to separate with the help of blows of a stick on the water.
you are devoted to him, he is the only God in whom you believe, you know that you will never leave him and you will never stop believing in him — but you have limits when you no longer understand what you are doing, while xie lian only becomes even more clingy and needy, bringing you to your home, where it is very conveniently, he takes care that the house in the forest is comfortable and clean when you return, even if can't cook you anything delicious despite all attempts.
when he almost obsessively tries to make you understand that this is a beautiful house, with beautiful things, in a beautiful place, very beautiful and nice, as you love, he knows how you love, and you just... you get... tired. knowing that you are constantly repeating yourself, because you do not change the same way as he does, do not remember everything, do not know what you did and did not do until deja vu pounces on you, as if humiliating you in the fact that you constantly go to the same places. this is good at first, but the period of your reincarnation is painfully short, as if you are just floating around the world until you find a suitable body instead of passing the circle of reincarnation; and although xie lian becomes even more and more obsessive with you every time, even more dependent, feeling how his world becomes stable and correct while you are around, it hurts you to understand that you have nothing to give him.
you adore him, you are absolutely loyal to him and absolutely devoted, and you know how painful your lives are without him, and how you remember all your lives and his when you see his gentle soft figure, but maybe that's why you will never be equal to him.
because you are so full of love for him and his love for you that you will never be able to ascend until you feel everything that is meant for you.
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hehehe~ panna cotta of culture, I see<3333
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captainmera · 11 months
Hello Hello! I read through your golden brother fic amd got caught up a few days ago! Wanted to say that it's absolutely PHENOMENAL! You explore hunter's dynamics with the cast so well, it's really beautiful! The way you handle vee makes me cry tears of joy, it's literally EVERYTHING I wished was covered in season 3, i love this identity crisis-ridden slug so much you have no clue 💚💚 It's like catharsis while also excelling in its own right 😭 so so effervescent
Also, Jacob???? NEVER expected anyone could (or would) take such a one-off guy and make him so interesting! Im loving the self-righteous parallels drawn between him, belos, and luz, and how all three of them go about handling that. it's very intriguing and I'm excited for how it turns out. 🤔🤔
It's very important that you know the palismen wanting to be in the microwave is the funniest thing ever, I start cry laughing whenever the Beep. shows up. And hunter gradually getting more lenient about it??? Like he's so done but also?? It's in line with his development in the story??? Slowly unlearning the behaviors instilled in him that perpetuate his paranoia and growing to be more relaxed and happy?? Represented by an adorable running gag??? PHENOMENAL work. Absolutely amazing.
sorry for the long ask I just really like this fic & thought you should know. k thx have a good one 👍
GOLDEN BROTHER FANFIC <- He is talking about this.
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Sweet titan, thank you!! (TTATT)!!!
And don't worry about long texts or rants!! I like it! %D <3333 It's fun! Aaaaaanyway...!!!
BIG RAMBLE (and some fanfic related doodles) BENEATH THE CUT!
That's so kind of you asdfghj I really appreciate it!! I love storytelling and character focused stories/plot/themes, and writing this fanfic has been a really nice exercise for me to indulge in that.
I'm making a story of my own which is also character driven! So, again, it's really nice to stretch my legs in writing too. :)
I'm glad you think so highly of my fanfiction!! I really wish a season 3 could've happened!! It's been fun trying to juggle all the characters and set them up for their own arcs.
Yes!! I feel like a lot of the show was building up a lot of themes to identity, finding yourself, loss/grief (of various kinds: Loss of family, loss of oneself, etc). But also showing the opposite theme: Of finding yourself, relief, peace and acceptance. Even moving onwards.
Themes that Vee represents/embodies really well - especially as a shapeshifter.
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I think, for one, Hunter and Luz was supposed to have opposite arcs. Hunter finds himself and Luz loses herself. They would balance, thematically, off of one another. While still keeping Luz' struggle as the main character as the force to move the plot along; Hunter's arc only getting spotlight to support/dual Luz journey/decline/rise.
Taking the season three episode titles, I lean on the "for the future" one the most, as I think Luz dealt with a lot of doubt about where she fits in and what she can provide going forward (both for herself and her friends/family).
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And I think Jacob would've been an interesting character. As much of a gag he is, he does represent certain aspects of both Luz and Belos.
He wants to be the chosen one (like both of them) and he wants to do something for his town (save it from witches, like Belos), and he wants to fit in with his community (like Luz) and can't quite find a way to do so. Perhaps even losing sight of what is going right in his life in favour of the grander greater thing (like both Belos and Luz) - That if they don't fit in with normal, perhaps it needs to be abnormal, and grand, and epic.
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..... I mean I say all that, the difficulty is pulling it off lmao asdfghj ||||||OTL|||||
AND THANK YOU FOR NOTICING THAT'S WHAT THE GAG IS ABOUT. I'm genuinely surprised people liked the gag so much, I was worried only I would think it was funny haha, but it also pleases me you picked up on it's purpose :'D I love that all I have to write is *Beep.* and y'all know what's happening. :'DD
thank you I really needed a nice message today (ToT)/ <333
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