#v mysme fanfic
xelasrecords · 11 months
As Daylight Comes
Han Jumin x MC
Jumin and MC have been married for a while, and their friendship with Jihyun is stronger than ever, so what better way to spend their morning together than to have breakfast with a side of teasing and musing on life?
Challenging myself to write a fluffy domestic scene because I realised I rarely write one. I also wanted to write Jihyun with his good ending personality because I barely see it in fics, so here he is at his healthiest mentally.
Words: 3.8k
Masterlist Read on AO3
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The two men's hushed laughter eased her awake, the morning sun a soft gleam behind her closed eyelids. The first voice was clear and deep, one that she heard every day and night spoken like an oath to her soul. The second was gentler, a pleasant lilting voice that she and her husband often heard in their regular calls. She smiled to herself and threw the covers aside; she had already known who she would see before reaching the doorway. They were the sounds that she knew well and loved.
At the dining table, Jumin, her Jumin, was sitting with his back facing her, the sleeves of his navy sweater rolled up. He was leaning forwards, engrossed in telling what she was sure to be a fascinating idea he had recently thought of and possibly should not ever be acted upon. Jihyun was sitting on the other side, his head ducked in an attempt to smother his laughter, mint hair catching the glimmer of sunlight that passed through the floor-length windows as he moved.
Her heart felt whole at the sight of their dearest friend. Finally, they were together. They did not have to painstakingly arrange calls that were always cut too short by their own lives anymore.
Watching them, she didn't think it was possible for them to be any less content than they were now and almost didn't want to intrude. Jumin's sincere laugh, the unrestrained kind only she could pull out, was floating across their spacious home. But she knew them, and knew that they would rather her join them and make their happiness complete. Time did not wear out their love for her, or her love for them. It strengthened their bond, pulling them in tighter than ever.
She could never grow tired of it. It was a feeling she had become accustomed to, yet still marvelled at the wonder, the near impossibility of it.
She padded across the room, the light granite floor cold beneath her feet, and slid her arm around Jumin's shoulders. "Wonderful morning everyone. I wasn't aware we had company." She pressed her lips against his mussed black hair, catching a faint whiff of fresh wild cedar. Jihyun, having seen her approach, visibly brightened and gave her a wide smile, one she graciously returned.
With one hand around her waist, Jumin pulled her onto his lap and kissed her shoulder, sliding up the thin strap of her loose top that had drooped down. "The company had stopped by unannounced."
Jihyun looked sheepish. "I'm sorry we woke you up. I thought we had been quiet enough."
"I'm honestly furious that you didn't wake me up earlier," she said good-naturedly. "Were you just going to leave if I didn't?"
"Jumin told me how you had to stay up all night for work. I didn't want to disturb you."
She waved it away and picked up a turkey sandwich in front of her, eating it with enthusiasm. "Disturb me all you want. I welcome it."
"Are you sure you don't need more rest?" Jumin murmured into her ear, both arms circling her waist. "I could force him to stay until you wake up later. Glue him to the chair with a powerful adhesive or a magic spell. I may not be the pioneer of creativity, but I have brought several creative projects to fruition. I could think of something."
"With determination comes great result?" she suggested.
"Exactly. There is no reason I can't attempt sorcery if nothing else works."
She turned around and winked. "I could help you with the enchantment."
He sighed into the crook of her neck. "This is why I married you, my exceptional wife. You are ever supportive and full of love."
Jihyun smiled despairingly into his slice of sandwich. "Why are you two the way you are?"
She and Jumin shrugged in one coordinated movement.
As she scanned the table for more food, she realised there were a variety of sandwiches and fruits spread across the marble top. Silently, she sent Jihyun her gratitude for bringing an abundance of anything other than pancakes. However much she loved Jumin, she was quite sick of slathering strawberry jam or maple syrup or even more strawberries on the pancakes he made.
The fruit assortment interestingly lacked strawberries too.
"This sandwich is good, Jihyun. Did you make this?" She examined her second helping of a toasted cheese sandwich in her hand. The cheese was still oozing when she bit into it.
He grinned. "Ah, it is?"
She performed a dramatic moan. "Orgasmically so."
She held back her laugh at the mischievous glint in his sea-green eyes. Truthfully, she might have sent a text to Jihyun to save her from a lifetime of pancake breakfast. And he might have responded to her plea with utmost seriousness and come to her rescue the very next day.
It was a possibility that they might have conspired on something that would have mildly offended Jumin, yes.
Some secrets were best kept as secrets.
But Jumin, blissfully oblivious, was studying her with extreme amusement. "I have to remind you that we skipped our morning sex. If you are heavily aroused, you only need to ask." His voice had dropped low, his breathing fanning her neck. "I will give you everything that you desire. It is what I wish for myself as well."
She leaned against his chest and whispered, "Make it an afternoon quickie. Let's do it later."
"So you're giving me the order to wait." His hands ran up the inside of her bare thighs until they reached the lining of her shorts, his clothed knees nudging her legs open. She suppressed a shiver; familiar was his touch to her, a pleasurable rush still spread across her skin whenever he did it. "What do I get in return? A fair bargain has to benefit both parties."
She squirmed against his thighs on purpose, knowing the friction would crack his composure. "You get a lesson in patience," she drawled, voice low and raspy, "and I get to watch you exercise your iron will. I will be satisfied. Didn't you want me to feel good?"
Jumin looked scandalised. "In nowhere would that be constituted as a fair deal, and patience is a virtue I have long been practising. I wish to propose an alternative."
"Shall I take my leave?" Jihyun interrupted. "I don't have to see to know what you two are doing down there."
"Nothing!" Hastily, she put away Jumin's hands and grabbed Jihyun's over the table before he could stand, ignoring Jumin's huffing. "Please stay. We are two very chaste adults."
Jihyun's smile was wry. "That's not what I heard about your sex life."
"You told him?" She whirled on Jumin. "I thought you'd have more respect for my intimate life. This is a breach of my privacy. I'd never got a betrayal of this magnitude, and from my own husband!"
"Interesting," Jumin said. "Would you like to know how he reacted when I recounted our latest session? He was not surprised. Not one bit. In fact, he was too ready to supply a reaction. I have to wonder if he had prepared himself beforehand."
She narrowed her eyes at Jihyun. "You traitor."
"I was just trying to be supportive, but I suppose Jumin has always been too good at reading my intentions." Jihyun shook his head regretfully.
"That's right," Jumin said, a smug tone in his voice. He was always proud when he could prove their decades of friendship through their mutual understanding.
With a scoff, she shifted to the chair beside him and scooped a handful of blueberries and an egg sandwich into his plate before doing the same for Jihyun. When she looked down, she saw that Jihyun had filled hers as well. For a while, the dining room was silent as they dug into their meal, save for the cutleries clinking against plates and fabrics rustling when they helped each other with more food and drinks.
She could live like this every day, she thought. It wouldn't be so bad to have Jihyun here more often. Jumin was one of the kindest people she had ever known, but he had edges that remained sharp and could only soften in the presence of his best friend. Jumin with Jihyun was fully at peace, and Jihyun was no different. He spoke his mind without holding back and did not hesitate to share his art with him. Between them was a sense of safety she never found between anyone else.
Anyone else except her own friendship with him.
Jihyun meant just as much to her, and she to him. They would sacrifice their sleep if one was ringing up the other in dire trouble, despite being on opposite sides of the globe. And sometimes Jumin would leave them to talk into the night while he slept, knowing they had things they were more comfortable sharing alone, though he would chide her for the black rings under her eyes in the morning and fuss over her.
Jumin was never jealous. Rather, he was delighted that his wife got along well with his best friend and had no qualms announcing it whenever he could, not caring if anyone thought it strange. To him, the joy of seeing the two people he loved the most being close surpassed other petty emotions. She could read it on his face. It would have broken his heart if they found each other's company distasteful.
She wondered if it was the same for Jumin, if he could see that she cherished Jihyun and had missed him too. She might have entered their lives later, but time did not dictate closeness. If someone were to be taken out of the equation, the other two would be left flailing, stranded with half of their string cut.
She felt the three of them were always better when they existed in the same space.
"Did you know why he came here?" Jumin cut through her thoughts and gestured at Jihyun. "He claimed to have forgotten his camera. Under normal circumstances, I would have accepted it as a reasonable excuse, except he has done this three times."
"You said it like it's a bad thing. Do you not want me to drop by?" Jihyun asked mildly.
Jumin raised his brows. "You're an artist. You could have come up with a more creative excuse."
She straightened up and looked right into Jihyun's lively eyes. They were the eyes that had freed themselves from the sorrow that plagued his younger, more foolish years. "Ignore this cynical guy. He doesn't know that joy is found in little things. I, for one, commend you for your intricate planning. That is some strategising and determination you have shown. Anyone who doesn't appreciate your effort shouldn't be eating your food." She glared at Jumin.
"Thank you for recognising my effort, but that isn't all." Jihyun paused. "I also missed you. I enjoyed my trip, but the places I visited made me yearn to come back because you weren't there. Of course, I speak including you, Jumin."
"I see I have been demoted to an afterthought," remarked Jumin.
"That is what you get for acting all mighty." She rose to fetch a glass of orange juice from across the table, Jumin holding back the front of her loose white top as she leaned, but Jihyun was faster. He had noticed what she had been eyeing before and placed the glass in front of her. She smiled gratefully at him; she doubted there was anyone more eager to help than Jihyun. It was a quality she and Jumin liked to discuss admiringly among themselves.
Jumin settled back into his seat and picked a grape from the centre platter. "I don't appreciate the poor translation of my intention."
"At least you know you can rhyme," she said and turned to Jihyun. "You have to know how much he pined for you. He stared out the window like a Victorian lady waiting for her husband to be relieved from his duty. I thought he was one second away from being locked in the attic." She shook her head solemnly. "So close to being driven to madness from yearning."
Jumin let out a flat gasp. "Why, I never."
"Nevertheless," she pounced on, "I am not without conscience and virtue to lock anyone away, especially when that person is someone of my own heart, so I had no choice but to persist. Have some pity on me, I beg you!" She clutched at her chest.
Jihyun burst into laughter, which produced a small smile from Jumin. "All right, I'll admit I missed you," Jumin gave in. "I could use seeing you more often."
A brief look of wonder flashed in Jihyun's eyes, searching Jumin's and was quickly reassured when they recognised the familiar fondness in his unwavering gaze. The steel in Jumin's grey eyes dared Jihyun to refute it, but he wouldn't, not this grown version of him.
Some people struggled with getting used to being loved unabashedly. She recalled when Jihyun was a younger boy and how he would rather stake himself than accept the love he was given, but that was long ago. Time and their persistence in loving him had encouraged him to be brave, and Jihyun himself had learned to allow people to love him. The vulnerability of baring your soul to love someone could be unbearable, but believing you were worthy of love could be just as unthinkable.
She was glad he had Jumin to rely on when they were children, and Jumin had him to be his true self with. What had been a constant, stumbling search for faith in each other had grown into intrinsic trust.
"How long can we do this still?" she wondered aloud. "Sometimes I feel like we haven't changed—we have eaten together like this more times than I could count—but we're not who we were anymore, are we?"
"Four hundred and five times," Jumin stated. "Barring other types of gatherings and casual hang-outs. A lot of things have happened since the first one." He lifted her hand against his lips and kissed the back of it reverently. She remembered the time before they fell for each other and how after they had, their connection had become more intimate than she had thought possible.
"You keep track, I should've guessed." Jihyun's voice held infinite softness. "It was an eternity ago. Goodness, we were such wide-eyed kids then."
"Perhaps the time we have left doesn't matter as much as the time we have shared together—the time we are sharing now," Jumin said. "But sometimes as I'm living in the present, I can already see how we will be entombed in history, though it's a memory that I will look back on fondly."
"Please don't say 'entombed'," she said. "Memories don't die just because they have passed. We keep them alive, just like this. We'll continue to talk about nonsense and eat good food and be there for one another. Otherwise, we wouldn't have anything to hold on to when life gets hard."
"Or maybe we won't do this forever. We can't tell what the future holds," Jihyun mused. "Change is the natural order of the universe, but in this life full of changes, I can always count on you two to be here for me, to make me happy." He smiled at them, the corner of his eyes crinkling. Jumin nodded contentedly, and she laid her head on his shoulder, sharing his peace.
"I certainly would be appalled if I stayed the same all these years." She shuddered. "I like that we change together, that our new shapes still fit each other somehow. I've grown out of enough friendships to know that this isn't always the case."
"I'm afraid I cannot comment much on friendships." Jumin frowned. "My friendship with Jihyun is the only true one that I have, but it wouldn't be complete if you never came into my life—our lives. I will always be thankful for that. You brought us all closer."
With an arm propped on the table, she watched Jumin's thoughtful expression and eased the crease between his forehead. He had spoken aloud of what she was thinking about earlier, the completeness of the bond between the three of them. It was funny, how sometimes it was as if his mind and hers were intertwined. The time they spent together has left an indisputable mark, seemingly without her notice.
Time was often like that. One day you clambered through life with cuts on your knees and found yourself standing on steadier ground, wiser but irreparably changed in the next. It did not beat on a steady rhythm; it sprinted and languished at the exact moments you wished it not to.
"Everything he said was true," Jihyun reached over the table to squeeze her hand. It was soft in her touch. "You're a blessing on earth. I was right to come here right away."
"Meeting us is always the right decision," said Jumin adamantly.
"Except if he's asking you to translate an ancient necromancy spellbook that's ninety-nine per cent fake, then maybe it isn't a good idea to be here," she added.
"Ninety-nine per cent?" Jumin sounded offended. "It's disrespectful to equate a book that holds mystical wonders unimaginable to mankind to a lousy disinfectant."
Jihyun ignored him and looked at her warily.
"He made me light up pungent-smelling candles around the house with him. I still don't want to know what kind of candles they were." She grimaced at the memory. "We had to move out for a few weeks until the smell disappeared."
Jihyun wrinkled his nose at Jumin. "What dead creature were you trying to raise?"
"A mouse that my bodyguard accused Elizabeth the Third has killed. Petty murders are below a lady as dignified as she," he declared with conviction. "I should know."
A look of surprise passed over Jihyun's face. "And you care enough about the mouse to call it back from death?" he asked slowly.
"I needed to put it under interrogation to extract the exact cause of its death," Jumin said. "It was imperative that I clear Elizabeth the Third's name."
"Naturally," she cut in cheerfully. "When one dies, one can simply be revived and questioned about one's lethal injury. No worries whatsoever that recalling the event might be traumatic to them."
"Did it, um"—Jihyun struggled to find the right word—"come alive?"
Jumin sighed in defeat. "I would have to try again another time."
"You would not." Her tone was severe. "You will either lose the truth of Elizabeth the Third's innocence or me. Your choice."
Jumin looked tortured, but she did not budge. Jihyun's eyes danced between them with amusement.
Eventually, Jumin splayed his hands out in resignation. "I shall comply with your wishes."
She patted his arm. "It's for the best. You don't want to accidentally exorcise the whole world with your corpse-raising activities. I can only support your hobbies up to a point, love."
At that, Jihyun chortled into his drink and Jumin shot him a betrayed look, though he still offered his handkerchief to him. "Not that I don't believe in you," Jihyun said when he calmed down, "but your experiments tend to be disastrous. Maybe you should consider those around you. We're the ones who have to deal with your mess."
Jumin crossed his arms. "You two have no loyalty towards me, especially you, dear lovely wife." He tilted his head at her. "You're supposed to be the love of my life. My sworn life partner for eternity."
She rolled her eyes. "Please, I did agree to glue Jihyun earlier. Was that not enough?"
"This is about me now?" asked Jihyun.
She produced a coy smile. "You're always in our hearts."
Jumin, seeing the opportunity to shift the blame, quickly said, "That's true."
"You two have sadistic hearts," Jihyun pointed out.
"Don't even try to deny that sadism isn't what you're into," she said and grinned when his cheeks heated up. "I know about your fantasies too."
Unfortunately, Jumin took this moment to inspect the table and made an astute observation, cutting off Jihyun's stammering. "It has occurred to me that we have too many sandwiches and no pancake in sight."
Her and Jihyun's attention snapped on each other, eyes widening in horror.
"Did you know how easy it is to make a strawberry pancake, Jihyun? We could eat it every day," Jumin went on.
"We could, yes," Jihyun said tactfully, "but it doesn't mean we should. Anything too much could make you sick, my friend."
"And I'm full," she chimed in. "Maybe next time?"
"She did eat a lot earlier," Jihyun said.
"Did you?" Jumin stared at her with suspicion.
She leaned back and rubbed her stomach. "A whole lot. If you force me to eat, I'd have no choice but to vomit everything onto your lap. That would disrespect Jihyun's hard work on packing all this food, and I'd be sick and have to eat again—which would be a major annoyance with a burned throat—and you'd have to change into stripeless pants."
Jumin looked puzzled. "But I have other striped pants."
"Not if I used all of them to clean up the vomit."
He sighed but relented. "If you say so."
When Jumin averted his gaze, she breathed out a silent air of relief and felt Jihyun nudging her foot beneath the table, a playful twinkle in his eyes. His lips were pressed into a flat line, fighting the smile threatening to break his sympathetic ruse. She prodded his foot back and gave him a light shrug.
Not long after, Jihyun would have to leave for yet another thing and she and Jumin would have to count the days until the next time they met. But it was not their concern yet. Right now, the murmurs of their talk and the music of their laughs were enough for her. There was nothing to complain about when they made her happy.
Distance and frequency of meetings did not matter. She could have one minute with them together and still be satisfied, however temporary the satisfaction might be. A mere minute would make her yearn for more until they piled up to make an infinite, but she was not demanding. Whatever little time they could carve out of their routine was enough.
This was good. They were happy and radiant and comfortable that she allowed herself to believe that it could last forever.
And it would. Their love would never wane.
One thing I love about their friendship is how honest they are with their appreciation. They're not ashamed of showing that they care, and their elegant linguistic style (though V's is more casual than Jumin's) makes it easy to write their vulnerable feelings just as they are. They don't toughen up their words or purposely censor them when they get emotional. They're fluent in articulating their feelings, and I think this would be even more natural when they've all been close for a long time.
The domestic scene challenge was made easier since I was vibrating with giddiness to express more love for Jumin and V. I'm the happiest when I write about love and them. Grinning maniacally every time I type their story out.
Before anyone comes at me, I don't think Jumin would be jealous. He could be possessive when he's gripped by his darker thoughts, but in this phase of his life, he's stable. He's secure in his marriage, he has a grounded relationship that's nurtured over the years with MC, and he shares a safe emotional space with V. Everyone is at their best here. The three of them have complete trust and respect for each other.
When I first started writing here, I used to think I have to make the MC's personality neutral enough so that most readers could relate, but now it's free real estate. I do whatever I want.
I was nostalgic about my college days' friendship, hence the more sombre tone in the middle. It feels natural in my friendships to joke around and make sexual quips in one moment and reflect on life in the next. I wanted to recreate that safety and sense of belonging I used to feel.
This was supposed to be finished earlier but I suddenly went through a friendship breakup during the editing stage, so I couldn't find it in me to write about the joys of friendship when I just severed one of mine. She was my close friend for almost a decade. I still think about her from time to time.
Buy me a glass of something that's definitely not coffee because I can't stand it but it is the website's name if my story touches you in some way? No worries if you don't. I'm still grateful you've read all the way through here.
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ghostiedreamsz · 5 months
When I get super into Mystic Messenger my first instinct is to text my brother, who knows very little about the game and honestly doesn't care. Here are some of my favorite highlights of our conversations:
(Major spoiler warning for Yoosung’s route btw ⚠️)
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Fun fact: I got my first Zen Bad Ending 10 MINUTES AGO
I was planning on getting it anyway but the fact that it wasn’t on my terms and Echo Girl won pisses me off lmao
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serede986 · 2 years
Secret Relationship (Jumin and You)
It has been a while since you both decided on being more than friends. Before that,  Every weekend, Jumin asked you out to meet him for coffee or for a stroll in the park, or a picnic near river Han.
You both decided to keep things to yourself for now, at least until you were sure that you are going to continue as lovers. 
Certainly, since you've never behaved so comfortably with Jumin in front of RFA, let alone publically, they would question. But more importantly, they won't approve. They care about both of you. Let's just say you would reveal things when time feels right.
As you both were growing closer, hiding the thing was becoming more and more difficult.
There was one instance where all of the RFA was visiting places for RFA's upcoming party. While walking towards the place, Jumin decided to walk with you, all the way back. You both were pretty far, but not so much to hide the hands you both were holding.
His action was so sudden, you could feel the heat settling on your cheeks. Look at that smug look on his face.
As you were reaching the place, Yoosung called out for your help to get Seven off his back. While Jaehee turned to scold Seven, her eyes went on your hands.
Hurriedly you pulled your hand away, dropping your phone while doing so. Although this got everyone's attention, and a questioned look from Jaehee, you picked your phone and jumped on Jaehee's back, teasing her and having a laugh with Seven. As long as it gets people's attention away.
You could hear Jumin chuckling. That guy.
Second instance that happened on the same day. It was when you wanted to visit the washroom at the location. you started walking alone, since Jaehee seemed busy.
All of a sudden, you were slammed into the wall. As you were about to scream for help, his voice calmed you down.
"Shh.. it's me." You open your eyes, his hands on your sides, resting on the wall. Your eyes widened, feeling his breath on your lips. His eyes staring in yours.
Only if your heart can burst out. You could feel your cheeks heating, getting light headed.
"Jumin... I-I'll pass out." You breathed out, unable to use your voice.
"Hmm..? Should I have my doctor check you?" Jumin whispered, dipping his head to nuzzle his nose against yours.
That wa-
"MC?! Where are you?" That seemed to be your queue. Losing consciousness, you fell in his arms.
"Mr. Han, have you seen- OMG WHAT HAPPENED?!" Jaehee rushed over to Jumin, who is now carrying you in his arms.
"MC didn't seem to be feeling well. It's been happening since morning, she also dropped her phone, which is very much unlike her." Jumin explained, holding you closer.
"Unlike her..? I'll call the doctor right away." Jaehee pulled out her phone, searching the phonebook.
"There would be no need. I-I'll have Driver Kim drop us to the hospital." Jumin stated, clearing his throat after.
"If you'll excuse me.." Jaehee nodded, questioning back would cost her her job. Although it was sudden, Jaehee took note of the situation as she headed back to the rest of the RFA.
~⁠(⁠つ⁠ˆ⁠Д⁠ˆ⁠)⁠つ⁠。⁠☆ how are you guys doing? I think I'm posting around a year later? Maybe more than that? Hope you're doing great and hopefully this work will be up to your expectation.
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s0phos-writes · 1 year
mysme - coffee shop au
hey man...... what can i say.... everybody's got one ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
i just wanted some good wholesome fun and thought what if mysme but a more traditional [read: stereotypical] dating sim that takes place in a coffee shop
this is a no trauma au, rika goes to therapy for her trauma so she never took it out on anyone, she and v opened a cafe with jumin's help…
i tried to picture jumin working in a cafe and i just couldnt so he's just the financier that frequents the place to make sure it's still in running order/making money LMAO zen works to support his acting career, yoosung works to support himself while in college and it's a family business, seven and saeran work there [different shifts at the behest of saeran] also bc family business and hacker isn’t something u can put on a resume lol its mostly something they do on the side… jaehee still works as jumin’s assistant but i think it would still be her “route” for her to quit jumin and join the cafe team…
lol yeah it would be like a basic dating sim, ur goal is to go out with them and get them to like you AW i just had the idea that u could pick if u wanted to be a customer or work there GUH CUTE…
idk it's cute and wholesome and i like it a lot…  i wish i could bake a cake filled with rainbows and smiles and everyone would eat and be happy… that's me… that's all i want
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kirishwima · 2 years
Hi! I’m super duper sorry if your prompts are closed, I tried looking so I could double check but I didn’t find anything, so please disregard this if they’re closed (and I’m sorry again!). But if not can you write something about the rfa + v and saeran falling asleep on top of mc if that’s okay?
We will simply ~not~ talk about how long this has been sitting in my inbox-I haven't written anything in a long while, so I'm sorry if this is a little rusty!
He’d been gaming all night, yet again, his eyes glued to the screen until the morning light seeped in through his bedroom window. He had barely even noticed it though, only pausing when he heard MC’s alarm go off, shaking him out of his daze.
He’d turned to look at them at that, hiding a giggle behind his hands as MC grumbled, their eyes still tightly shut as they fumbled around the bedside table to turn off the alarm, snuggling back into the covers.
Yoosung sighed, shutting his computer off as he gingerly tucked himself into bed besides MC. Except..it wasn’t enough. Seeing MC, still asleep, brows still furrowed from the previous disturbance, he just needed to be closer to them.
He shuffled closer, closer, closer-ever so slowly, careful not to rouse them, until he’d been practically laying atop of them. How they didn’t wake up when he’d put his whole weight on them is a miracle, and yet here he was, his head resting atop their breast, his arms tight around their waist, legs interlocked with MC’s, like a koala tightly wound around a tree.
He promised himself it was only for a minute or two, just to get some cuddles in before he’d have to wake MC up so they wouldn’t be late to class…but he had been up all night, and MC *was* oh so comfortable….
MC woke up bleary-eyed, an odd weight on their chest, blonde tufts of hair tickling their nose-they didn’t need to check to know Yoosung had been cuddled up with them, the cutie. 
They sighed, gently removing one hand from where it’d been stuck beneath Yoosung to grab ahold of their phone, check if they have some more time to snooze before heading to class…..
Poor boy woke up being tugged off of MC, who hurriedly threw the closet doors open, grabbing any garment of clothing they could find, shoving it over their pyjamas as they rushed to the bathroom
"YOOSUNG YOU MUST’VE HEARD MY ALARM CLOCK WHY DIDN’T YOU WAKE ME-IM AN HOUR LATE SHIT-" Their voice echoed from where they’d rushed to the bathroom, the sound of the tap water running muffling their voice.
Yoosung sighed, smooshing his cheek onto the pillow.
"But baabe…you looked too cute to wake up."
MC peeked out the bathroom, cheeks flushed, a toothbrush stuck in their mouth as they glared loving daggers at him.
"Yoosung Kim, you cute freaking monster, you’ll be the death of me."
Yoosung huffed a laugh.
"Love you too baby!"
It’d been another long day of work and rehearsals, meeting upon meeting and a couple photoshoots thrown inbetween it all. 
The only thing keeping Zen sane had been…well, MC. Your lover being your manager did have its perks, after all.
He’d just shut the door of his personal trailer room, smiling big and bright at fans and reporters that had been queueing up outside to get a glimpse of him-until he shut the door, letting out a sigh that made his shoulders hunch.
MC was already sitting on the couch, the day’s itinerary in their hands as they read through and planned accordingly, when Zen approached them, huffing loud and audible as he stared down at them. 
"May I help you~?" MC teased, putting their planner to the side as they spread their arms, knowing full well what Zen’s next move will be.
He slumped himself down into their embrace, letting his weight drop onto the couch besides them, plopping his head into their lap with a pout.
"I’m so tired! Please tell me we’re done for the day-please! I just want to go back home with you, drink a nice cold beer and watch some dumb rom-com and cuddle."
MC sighed, running their hands through his hair, relilshing in the way he craned his neck to the touch, like a cat lazing about in the sun.
"I’d love nothing else baby. But…we still have another meeting with that advertising company I’d talked to you about, and you have that late night show to attend in the evening. It’s a live show so you’ll have to be there a couple hours earlier for a quick rehearsal too."
Zen groaned, hiding his face into MC’s abdomen as his arms wrapped around their middle.
MC shook their head. "Although…I could work somethings out and get you.." they checked their watch, their mind doing some quick math, "a 2 hour break, starting now. How does that sound?"
Zen took a peek at them, his pout so dramatic and comical MC wanted nothing more than to lean down and kiss it off of his lips.
"Will you stay here and cuddle with me?"
"Sure, just let me get some phone calls out the way-" MC laughed as they tried to stand up, only to be pulled back by Zen’s incredible force.
"No! No. Just…stay with me. Let me rest here, just for another 5 minutes."
"Please?" and well, when he looked at them like this, big doe eyes and his thumb rubbing soothing circles into their hip…who was MC to say no?
"5 minutes baby. Then I got to get up and get back to work."
Suffice to say, it hadn’t been 5 minutes. Within seconds Zen was already asleep, MC’s thighs serving as the comfiest pillow he could ask for, his arms still wrapped around them even in his sleep, refusing to budge even an inch.
MC sighed. Guess they could cancel that late night show after all. 
It was late into the night by the time Jaehee managed to get home, doing her best to quietly take off her shoes and coat as she stumbled further into her and MC’s shared apartment. 
She’d completely forgotten she’d promised Zen she’d meet him for drinks after work, and as much as she tried to convince MC to join them, MC shook their head, saying they were too tired, that the she and Zen should catch up and that they’d just head home from the cafe and get some rest.
She really didn’t mean to stay out so late, to drink so much-she knows MC would never mind, but still..she wanted to come home to them, cuddle with them on the couch, fall asleep besides them. As much as she’d enjoyed her outing…it didn’t feel the same without MC there with them. 
She hadn’t realised how much she’d drank, until she stumbled into the bedroom, her pyjamas haphazardly thrown on, her vision blurry as she fumbled with the bed covers, dropping herself into bed-not hearing the soft ‘oof’ that sounded as she fell into what she’d assumed was the mattress.
The next morning she woke with a groan, her head spinning, her temples throbbing in the familiar tell tale signs of a hangover.
She patted the bed, assuming she’d feel the warm body of MC besides her…except she didn’t.
Had she overslept? Was MC already up and about? They’d usually wake her though, it’s not like them to wake up without gently waking Jaehee too…
"Morning baby"
That…that’s MC’s voice. Why is it so close to her ears?? There’s shivers up her spine, her cheeks flush as her eyes snap wide open and her hands push down on the mattress to push herself up-
Except there is no mattress. Instead she’s currently pushing herself off of MC, who’a awkwardly trying not to wince as Jaehee jabbed them in the ribs in her rush to get up.
"I-what-did I sleep on you?!"
MC huffs a laugh, stretching their muscles out as they sit up-the first time since last night that they’ve been able to freely move. "That you did."
Jaehee’s about to die of embarrassment, already hiding her face in her hands, an apology halfway through her lips, when MC grabs a hold of their hands, tugging them away from her face.
"You kept mumbling my name and cuddling me-it was so cute I thought I’d transcended to heaven!"
Jaehee shot out of bed, grabbing her glasses as she awkwardly tried to find her composure.
"That…let’s…let’s not speak of this again."
"Does that mean no cuddles tonight?!" MC peered up at Jaehee, wobbling their lip. "I liked you cuddling up to me so boldly! I’d…like if you did that more often. Preferably sober."
And well, who’s Jaehee to refuse such a request?
"…I’ll think about it."
See, you’d think Jumin wouldn’t be the type to ask for affection so boldly, that he would never be the one to initiate a cuddle session-
And you’d be 100% wrong. This man is touch STARVED, he’s a man who has tasted water for the first time in decades and can’t get enough, will drink a whole ocean dry in his quest to quench his thirst.
He has no qualms about PDA, will hold MC close to him at any given circumstance, will guide them through a busy room with his hand resting on the small of their back, will wrap his hands across their waist and tug them close to him when he craves their hugs, be it at home or in the middle of a fancy gala, my dude Does Not Care. He’ll get the affection he seeks, when he seeks it, always.
So it’s no surprise for MC when Jumin comes home from work exhausted, slumping himself over MC where they’d been lounging on the couch, Elizabeth the 3d by their feet as they scrolled through their phone.
Jumin just sighed, smiling softly at the sight of them laid down on the couch, and simply…flopped down beside them.
He tried not to squish them with his weight-but he needs to be as physically close as possible, slots himself inbetween MC’s legs, hides his face in the crook of their neck, sighs in content as they wrap their arms across his back and gently rake their nails up and down his forearms.
"Long day?" they ask, kissing his temple.
He simply lets out a long sigh, nodding into their skin. In some ways, he’s more like a cat than Elizabeth is, MC thinks, biting down a giggle.
"I missed you" he breaths, tracing his lips onto the cusp of their collarbone.
"I missed you too. I’m glad you’re home."
And that’s it when it comes to their conversation. They could ask each other about their day, but they’re both content in the silence, enjoying the warmth of skin touching skin, MC finding peace in the way Jumin’s breaths deepen and even out, their touch lulling him to sleep. Knowing they have this effect on him-that he’s this comfortable with them, this vulnerable-it’s an odd sense of power and fear, the need to protect him overwhelming, to keep him tight and safe in their arms.
MC doesn’t care that their arms are getting sore within an hour of Jumin laying on top of them-hell, their whole body could wither away. So long as this man is resting so peacefully atop of them, they will not move an INCH.
You know how it’s illegal to move when a cat falls asleep on your lap? Yeah. The same applies to Jumin Han.
Here is yet another touch starved loverboy, except…he’s actually a little reluctant to seek out affection, at least in the begining of his and MC’s relationship (and when I say begining…I do mean the first 6 months minimum lol)
He loves it when MC hugs him! He’ll hug them back twice as tight. If they kiss him, he’ll laugh and pepper their face with smooches, if they cuddle him he will NOT let go not even if his hands shake.
He craves MC constantly, the moment he’s not touching them he’s already missing them.
So once he gets more used to physical affection…once he feels just as comfortable hugging MC first, cuddling them first…it’s game over.
MC is laying on the couch? He’ll simply waltz on over and throw himself atop of them. MC’s taking a nap? He’ll simply flop into the bed, wrapping himself across them like a vine leaf over rice in the oven. MC’s doing something mundane like brushing their teeth in the morning? Seven’s there, his arms wrapped around them, his head on their shoulder as he yawns loud and grumpy.
Waking up to him atop of them, his head on their chest, his legs intertwined with them is nothing unusual. It’s everyday routine by now. He’ll either drag MC close, letting them rest on him, or vice versa. So long as he gets his daily Cuddle Recommended Intake, he doesn’t mind. 
My boy loves physical affection SO much, it’s his love language! When he loves someone he NEEDS to feel close to them, needs to have his skin touching theirs. 
He’s a little hesitant at first-doesn’t want to intrude MC’s boundaries, doesn’t want them to feel uncomfortable-but once they say they’re okay with it he is ON them 24/7.
He loves kissing them, loves hugging them from behind as they make coffee, loves to breathe in their scent as he lets his forehead touch theirs. 
One night, when MC had already got into bed, reading a book they rested across their lap, he walked into the bedroom, a shy smile emerging on his lips at the sight of them-of his beloved, resting comfortably, safe, knowing he’ll get to hold them close to him. 
He quickly shuffled into bed beside them, a dreamy gaze in his eyes as he looked at them, so engrossed in their book…a little too engrossed in it. Did they not notice him getting into bed beside them? Did they not want to cuddle with him? 
He extended his arm, letting it rest on their belly. MC smiled but said nothing, simply moved a little so they could keep reading their book.
V pouted at that. He shuffled closer, resting his head on their lap, atop the book, a petulant huff escaping his lips. MC laughed, tugging the book from under his head, leaning down to run a hand through his hair.
"You big goof. What is it?"
"Nothing" he huffed. "Just…wanted to be close to you, is all" he said, nudging himself even closer for emphasis.
"Close? You’re practically on me" MC laughed. 
"Still not close enough" V sighed. "Just..need to feel you here beside me. Knowing you’re here with me…it keeps me grounded." He turned to look at them, his eyes so soft, so full of-of love. "I love you."
And what can you say to that? When he says it so sweetly, so quietly, a private confession just for them… 
"I love you too."
He remains like that, his head on their belly as MC shuffles, rests their hands on his shoulders so they can keep reading their book with V stuck this close to them, smiling down at him as he falls asleep in their arms.
"You are so insufferably adorable" they huff as they put their book down, gathering V up in their arms.
Did they have the most comfortable night’s sleep? No, they did not. Was it worth it? 100%, yes.
Sae…is a little hesitant when it comes to physical affection.
He loves it when MC hugs him! But when it comes to him initiating it..he’s a little scared still, needs some reassurance from MC that it’s okay, that they love him and like it when he hugs them, when he kissed them. He never wants to put MC in a position where they’re uncomfortable, never wants to do something they’re not 100% okay with.
So when he comes home one night after a long day of working at C&R, his fingers sore from how much he had to type away at his computer all day…he’s exhausted. All he wants is to come home to MC, knowing he’ll feel revitalised just by seeing them.
He doesn’t expect to find them in the balcony, laying down on the outdoor couch-a small thing, barely fit for two people, yet something they both wanted to have in their shared apartment, a place to relax, surrounded by all the plants and flowers Saeran has been taking care of, the sight of them almost drowning out the hustle and bustle of the city below-a private oasis just for the two of them.
They’re curled up on the couch, a cup of iced tea on the small table besides them, their eyes closed at they seem to be nodding off. Their eyes snap open at the sight of Saeran, a small fond smile creeping up on their lips.
"You’re home!" they greet him, leaning their head up as he bends down to kiss them. "Long day?"
He hums. "Yes. Very. Seeing you is melting all the fatigue away though."
"You big sap" MC laughs. They open up their arms, inviting him in, still laid down on the couch. "Come here. Rest up for a bit with me."
He’s a little awkward at first, bending down expecting MC will move to make space for him to sit-they don’t. Instead they tug him atop of them, their knees bent funny, Saeran’s legs protruding from the edge of the couch, his elbow finding MC’s stomach before he adjusts accordingly, fitting himself into every crevice until he’s laying on them, his face hidden on their breastbone.
"Just…stay like this for a bit. With me. Like having you this close to me" MC admits, running their fingers up and down his back as he sighs, takes in their scent, feels their breath on his head. 
"I like it too. Being close to you-I never want to part. Never again."
MC kisses the crown of his head, lets their face rest there for a moment. "We won’t. We’ll be by each other, always. I promise you." they hug him tight, tighter, as if trying to fuse their bodies into one. "Now get some rest. Just for a bit."
Of course…’just for a bit’ turns into nightfall, the sun setting and the moon greeting them as the two hurriedly get up and off of the couch, the cold night seeping into their bones. Still, it’s okay. When they go back inside, when they lay in bed interlocked in a tight embrace-all the cold melts away. Only warmth remains.
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asterjennifer · 1 year
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Fandom: Mystic Messenger
Pairing: Saeran & Saeyoung (& V)
Word count: 2,599
After so long apart, it was inevitable for them to me again.
He resigned to the idea that's been feed to him. However, his other half isn't exactly thinking the same.
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The moment they stood together in front of the big doors forced his heart to swell up into his throat. The wodden color of warm brown reached his consciousness only in vague shapes, he couldn't really focus on a specific detail on the door. He stood as straight as a candle; unsure how to approach the entire situation.
“Do you need some more time?”
Jihyun's voice was soft when reaching out to the younger man beside him, stiffer than he'd like to admit. His voice was welcoming, warm even the moment he noticed his distress, however, he only shook his head.
“No, no… I am okay. Let's go inside.”
Mint colored hair fell forward after Jihyun titled his head to see his face better; much to his displeasure. He breathed through before rocking back to his heels for a second, taking in more air. It would be fine and it's nothing that's having business leaving his heart to almost hammer out of his chest.
The two, big hands on his shoulders caught him off guard. Turned with ease in order to be face to face, and Jihyun looked at him the way he'd done quite a lot lately. Fresh determination inside his shining eyes that paired ever so well with the new found calm he'd claimed over time. Yet a honest expression of strict feelings that kept his face wrinkle free.
“I mean it, Saeran. If you feel too nervous then we can go in a little later. This small amount of time won't do anything.”
He hushed his racing brain one more time. For a moment he's speechless, wondering how often that actually happened over the short years he spend alongside his old guardian. It's not that he's not wanting to see these familiar faces, it's everything evolving around them. He didn't know what's changed about them specifically. He sighed when closing his eyes, reaching up to put his hand over Jihyun's.
“I'm okay.” He promised firmer. “Please… Just go in first, that way I have a second to process my surroundings.”
Jihyun kept his eyes straight as if trying to see through his soul for any particular lie. But Saeran meant it; he's ready despite his nerves threatening to snap. The older one took in a deep breath, patting his shoulder much too gently and finally letting go of him.
“Okay then. Let's meet them.”
Without another exchange of looks or words, Jihyun grabbed the doorknobs and turned them open. The noises of the party broke through immediately and the atmosphere did a one-eighty considering the smell of food, drinks and people hit forcefully. The lights inside the big hall lightning up the main floor brightly, a little too bright in Saeran's opinion.
He blinked at the pain it caused, lifting his hand up out of reflex. He didn't expect to find so many people in the room, he'd suspected perhaps hundred. Two hundred maximum. But this easily could've been a doubled number of faces, it caused his hands to shake from the pressure he's suddenly finding himself under.
“Don't worry.” Jihyun's voice reached out between the million others.
Saeran watched how he offered his hand in the middle of public. The smile lingering on the older one's face between doting and considerate, could be both at once for all he knew. It's embarrassing given some of the strangers already turned their attention to the scene he's involved in. Although it's maybe childish in some sense he's unwilling to see, he took Jihyun's hand tightly.
It's an instant reassurance that he's not alone right in the heat of the moment. Jihyun had strangely developed this trait of providing him his hand when seemingly overwhelmed. Not that Saeran complained, it's a nice gesture of care. It's difficult to get used to regardless. He's more than grateful though, it's not something somebody has given to him that openly before.
Jihyun began to lead them through the mass skillfully, like he knew exactly where to go. The people's voices lingered in his ears as the shimmer of the stage at the right side of the room kept attacking his eyes. The red curtains fit perfectly well to the red carpet running along the entire floor. The walls a golden touch, exactly like the lights and pattern in the ceiling.
He felt out of place by how fancy everything appeared. It's not quite right he was going across this hall. This very building he'd sworn to tear down one day, bury the dust deep into the ground right next to its occupiers. Days became blurry afterwards and now it could be laying back centuries ago, on the other hand it's just yesterday where he thought of demolishing it all.
“Wait here, Saeran. I will announce your presence as soon as I spoke to them.”
Fuzzy feeling, he thought to himself. His own steps came to an standstill, Jihyun let go of his hand altogether and suddenly he stood by himself behind the stage inside the darker part of the party. Ironical, a little fainted voice in the back of his head mumbled, quickly he suppressed it.
He peeked around the corner due to his insatiable curiosity. His hand against the wall's burning and he's certain the place itself is already flaming independently. But finally he could see them all in the very center of their successes.
Jaehee and Jumin stood with their usual professional attitude when discussing something that must've been important as usual. Yoosung and Zen lending an helping hand since the blond college student carried a list of his own. They looked… carefree. Happy. But there were two faces that had oxygen pressed out of Saeran's lungs right away.
She's present, too. He'd not seen her in what felt like an eternity. Eternity? Eternal...? The memories bubbled up to the surface when seeing her smile beam underneath the artificial light. She wore a pink dress, exactly how she did the day she arrived at Mint Eye two years ago. A lot more fancy today, of course. Her hair's braided back, showing the every inch of her face which hadn't changed in the slightest.
She was still pretty. Still the girl owning positive vibes, lovely attitude with her hands always being busy in some way or another. He'd not expected to feel his cheeks get warmer at the sight of her; especially now where the issue at hand wasn't his territory to play in. She's not the only face leaving his knees to wobble, though.
That red hair of childhood struck harder than prayed; the string of bitterness rose into his mouth. He wore these glasses he didn't even need in the first place. That happy suit in a lot more brighter shade than any of the two ever preferred. They both liked dark clothing most. It's true, his brother was an adult now. Simultaneously he's stayed the boy that he'd been since forever.
So many feelings woke up in a single second, just watching them laugh, speak and interact that easily with each other's concerning. They acted as themselves without a care in the world to play pretend. The RFA truly reminded of a close family.
“I've been waiting for this moment.”
Jihyun told her, to which she gazed back in confusion at first. Not long after her face shifted into pure shock, all their reactions were similar when thinking about it. Saeran's hand on the edge of the wall had strengthen the grip drastically until the tips of his fingers turned whiter than his skin.
No, he couldn't do this. Seeing them this way, peaceful and complete, where's his right interrupting this for the countless time? V assured he's wanted numerous times throughout their recovery together. Telling him they were searching, praying he survived in order to meet. Was it true?
Right there in the shadows of the greater good, far away and known by only the cloak of invisibility, he was home. All his life he's spend time in the dark by himself. There was too much light that it burned his retina, the warmth of the room letting sweat run down his back uncomfortably. This wasn't his home in the past, it wouldn't be in the presence and never be in the future.
The urge to turn on his heels and run until his body broke down filled his veins. He couldn't meet them like this, they shouldn't see him. He remembered well what exactly he'd done to the members of the organization and no matter how much time passed; this couldn't be his life. It implied so much happiness. That's nothing he's confident believing in. He couldn't be that happy without consequences.
“I have a news many of you wouldn't have expected – I'd like to introduce a new member of the RFA.”
Jihyun's tone of excitement tore him from spinning thoughts circling around his head. His body took a step back due to fear; he's aware what's about to happen. He didn't want it. He could not want it.
“I should have discussed it beforehand with the rest, but time was not so gracious with me.”
The short hint of a chuckle made Saeran's stomach sink. He couldn't smile at them if they were to find his presence soon. Should he shake hands with them? Apologize for all the destruction he'd done? Be silent and simply stand in the corner like decoration? He didn't know. Unconscious, his scar itched until he scratched it slightly.
“A new member...? But he did not discuss anything with us..” Jumin questioned.
Yoosung followed with a suspicious hint to his voice. “I think my skin is crawling right now..”
He swallowed, it's not that easy making out their words despite the short distance. People shut their mouths one after another; he's feeling the tips of his ears pulse the longer he was conscious of his body. He pressed a fist out of pure helplessness against his chest, hard and tight.
“Please give a round of applause for our newest member.”
And suddenly people were actually clapping. Saeran knew they're waiting for him, his mind went completely blank when acting on auto pilot, coming forth from the wall into the lightened side of the party hall. A variety of eyes staring holes through his tense limbs; there's not a single thing on his mind other than staring back.
He grazed the RFA, not one without wide eyes coming back. However, the second he met the ones oh-so very familiar, he's stuck in a slow motion. Saeoyung stood right there in front of him, mouth hanging open it what he assumed to be bewilderment.
It scared him to the bone. Hearing his own name being shouted by a voice he'd never imagine would even remember his existence. His ocean colored eyes widened in a different kind of shock as his older twin brother urged forward clumsily.
“You're Saeran, aren't you? It must be you!”
He yelped way too loud, way too emotional. His amber started getting wet once the tears reached the corners. Saeran felt torn, unable to keep his eyes at one point of the other's face. Exactly like before, he was left speechless. The hug that followed only added oil to the flames. His arms shot up instinctively; out of unwell emotions he'd rather forget about.
“You're alive. Thank you so much for being alive.”
The hug's strong and content, the grasp of his brother something he's sure he couldn't ever escape. His body continued to have grown a few inches taller than him, a little bigger than him, a little healthier and stronger. Nonetheless, Saeran wasn't sure who of them was weaker in that second.
“...See? I told you there is nothing to worry about.”
Jihyun tried talking to Saeran, affirmation of that kind he's not yet used to. He started shaking from head to toe, then. That scent knocking him over internally, reminding him of the ice cream under the sunny sky they shared in the past. That weird unconditional love he gave up shamefully quick.
“It must be you. Say something, Saeran...”
He pulled back to take him by the upper arms, for a brief thought he worried Saeoyung would shake him. Instead he stared in obvious desperation. What could he say? What should he say? It's luck he's standing on his feet right now and didn't fainted in the middle of the charity event.
“Saeran. It feels like you'd go away if I hold you. Don't go away! Don't you ever leave me now!”
God they pierced through deeply, each and every single world of that stupid man across from him. He shook his head slightly; unable to think of anything or find an action that could prove he's not mentally absent. Saeoyung's torturing stare finally broke away because of Jihyun, who stood behind him with the rest.
“Thanks, V. You have my gratitude for eternity.” His voice slipped at the edges.
“You saved my brother, didn't you?”
Jihyun's warm smile twisted into a painful one. “…I'm sorry I hurt him in the first place.”
He only received half of their conversation, busy scanning his other half closely. The last time he had seen his brother's face that up close was...
“.. You remember me. Even though my face is like... what it's like now.”
The second the meaning fell over his lips, he felt stupid. Supposedly should've said something touching or real for the thick air to finally dissolve. Saeyoung's head snapped back, eyebrows rising as high as they could as his grip tightened to the point of edging on hurtful.
“What are you talking about? Of course I remember my brother.”
Why did this hurt so much, but at the same time got this immense weight of doubt and shame falling down his shoulders in featherlight manner? Why did hearing that connection coming out of the other's mouth had him want to cry his soul out of his body? Why was he cursed to be melancholic even in the moments of true happiness?
“Let's never part again. Now let's stay together, safe and sound.”
Saeyoung pulled him into another hug, almost more aggressive then the one previously. Saeran this time managed laying his arms around his brother in return; to actually take hold of him after he's been unreachable for years. An emotional flame right there underneath his skin, immeasurable in comparison to a wildfire.
There. He said the name out loud. A name so very conflicting to his heart. Going from the most precious word, to an insult to his faith and back to something soothing. The looks of the other RFA members filled to the brim with empathy, sadly Saeran didn't realize. He registered his own tears that ran down his cheeks, becoming more and more the longer he held his brother.
“It IS you...”
Feeling the nod, Saeyoung buried his face into the crock of his neck. The shaking of his shape unmistakably a sign of a silent cry with which Saeran was more familiar with than enjoyable. Instead of thinking over past memories, he gave the tears a pass since they're liberating. Hugging back and hiding into the suit of his older brother, mimicking his doing, almost too close to breathe properly. Yet neither could care one bit.
They stood there for mintues inside each other's arms. Hours? He didn't need to know. All he needed was to internalize the fact he finally go back the one thing he's been craving all his life. Looking for, fighting for in the first place. Crying out for endless times.
His family.
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elvendara · 1 year
So I was looking through my AO3 and saw that I had 49 notifications in my inbox of unread comments. So I delved in to see what I’d missed. There were several really nice comments about my (abandoned) fic V-Men, so I thought, hmm, let me check it out and see if I get inspired to continue the fic.
Bad idea! LOL OMG, the writing was not great and the pacing of Yooran was WAY too fast! I kept imagining how this would play out in a movie and just, no. What was I thinking? Anyway, if I do finish this fic, it’s going to have to be completely re-written and I just don’t have the motivation to do that.
Not putting myself down. There are plenty of fics/stories I’ve written that I LOVE to re-read. It’s just that this one wasn’t one of them.
Any other writer's have that issue?
Other comments I missed were for Revenge of the Pack and that fic I thought was great! (Tooting my own horn with this one)
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saeyoungs-sunflower · 2 years
Of Little Faith (Jihyun x CMC)
Summary: When you’re bound to someone, tied together by spring from the hands of Fate herself, the time never feels like enough. And yet, when the time is cut short the string is not, giving Jihyun something he’d never had before. Before Jane, before their promise, and before her request.
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol, unsupportive parents, mentions and brief descriptions of mental illness (specifically anxiety and depression).
Notes: Lads this has been sitting in a google docs folder for a WHILE. I originally wrote it for the @nostringsdetached​ zine (which I ADORED being apart  of) but I just never got round to posting when we got the clear to. I’ve re-edited and decided to share, and I hope you enjoy! (also hello nice to see you again<3)
Takes place in an AU where Jihyun meets Jane in his final year of university, during his year abroad in Italy. Before the RFA, before Rika, before he was who he is.
The CMC in question is my OC Jane, who I mentioned in a tag game quite a while back. If by some chance you remember that lol, here she is! I made a little character profile as I was working with an incredible artist (who is inactive now, as far as I’m aware, but trust me I wept when they brought her to life for me) so I thought I’d link that here in case you wanted to get a feel for her character! I didn’t go into huge descriptive detail about her in this piece just because of the nature of the zine, so I thought I’d share.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I’ll leave you to it.”
Jihyun was starving for some fresh air, weaving through the waves of students that huddled together in the already stuffy living room. The air had grown stifling, sticky – his patience wavering with every clap on his back and every roar from the neverending game of beer pong.
He had slid aside the glass door to the balcony, confident that the other guests were far too engrossed in the festivities to notice a ghost like him fade from view. However, upon stepping out into the cool evening air, he discovered that the balcony which he had previously assumed to be empty was, in fact, occupied.
She must have noticed the growing rose in his cheeks and the slight crack in his voice, as she offered him a kind – perhaps pitiful, Jihyun was unsure – smile. “Don’t be silly, you’re welcome to join me. I’d enjoy the company.”
Perhaps it was the smile – which he now decided was indeed kind – or the gesturing nod, or the way she shuffled to the side as an invitation for him to take the space next to her, but he found his feet moving towards her before he could even really acknowledge it. Like he had been pulled in. He leant on the railing, careful to not let his elbow brush against hers, as they silently watched over the bustling, quaint Italian city.
Jihyun didn’t entirely understand why he had chosen a year abroad for his final year of university, nor did he understand why his father had agreed to it in the first place. Maybe it was the promise he had made to focus solely on his studies and was just in need of a fresh environment to do so. Or maybe, in some capacity, his father knew that he already had his son locked down, that he had no need to worry about him straying from the path he had personally laid out for him. Because he wouldn’t, Jihyun also knew that. He wasn’t going anywhere.
“I don’t think I’ve seen you take one swig of that beer since you got here,” she said with a playful chuckle, the same sweet smile gracing her features, “not a big drinker?”
He swirled the amber liquid in the bottle, shrugging a little, “Just not a fan of beer really. It was thrust into my hand when I arrived and to be honest, I felt too awkward to put it down.” Jihyun had a surge of courage then, turning his body to face her entirely, one arm on the railing, “And what about you? I’ve only seen you barely take a sip of your wine since it was poured for you.”
Because it was true, she had caught his attention nearly the second he arrived, and Jihyun felt an almost youthful spark of euphoria at the fact that he had also caught hers.
“It was a thank-you-gift from a friend for hosting this party, bless her. I didn’t have the heart to tell her that wine makes me ill.”
They stared at each other for a moment before erupting into full laughs, wordlessly trading drinks and settling back into their place above the city.
If he had only been watching her before, he was now actually, fully appreciating her. She was the living embodiment of a free spirit, even by her looks alone. Long, wavy, brown locks fell over her shoulders, messily tossed over one side. Her long, light skirt just brushed against the top of her raggedy boots, and she wore a jumper that was entirely too large for her and was the kind you’d expect to see your grandpa in. There was jewellery anywhere jewellery could be – gemstones displayed on nearly all her fingers, silver adorning her ears and neck.
It was not exclusively her looks, though. All evening she had been a harbour, a source of spirit. Everyone practically flocked to her every time she walked into a room. Her night so far seemed to have consisted of tight embraces, full-bellied laughs, unstrained smiles and casual touches. Comfortable, amiable intimacy was apparently her forte, something that was sufficiently unfamiliar to Jihyun. Some may say he was starved of it, but he was also wildly fascinated by it. This girl was an enigma to him.
She was absolutely delightful.
And now, away from the energy of the party, she appeared so calm. She was a picture of peace. Sublime, Jihyun might say, but only to himself.
“I’m quite surprised to see you at a first-year’s party, to be honest. Aren’t you third-years too mature and sophisticated for that?” she teased, her eyes still fixed on the city ahead but he could see the curve of her lips and the glisten in her eye.
“I live in the flat below. My flatmate was invited but he begged me to come along to keep him company. Although,” he said, turning to watch his friend inside who currently had his tongue down a girl’s throat, “he seems to be doing just fine.”
“He’s having fun, I’d say he’s doing more than just fine. It’s nice to see. So many people are content with ‘just fine’. Too many, I think.”
“I’m guessing that was a dig at me,” Jihyun said amusedly.
“Not a dig, just an observation. And besides,” there was a knowing smile on her face that revealed both everything and nothing at once, “you’re not like that I don’t think. You’ll be the one hosting parties one day. Once you learn to let go.”
“I don’t understand what you mean.”
She finally moved her eyes away from the hustle and bustle below and turned her whole body to him, giving him a once over. He felt the urge to squirm under her gaze. It wasn’t a look of scrutiny that he was so used to, especially from his father, but one of care. It was gentle, warm. Tender.
Jihyun damn near jumped out of his skin when she moved towards him. The last thing he was expecting her to do was ruffle his hair, moving down to unbutton the first few buttons of his shirt before untucking it from his trousers. He looked around frantically, fretting about how this could be interpreted from an outside perspective, what assumptions could be made. She didn’t seem at all bothered.
She stood back from him, admiring him as though he was her finest artwork. With a satisfied nod and a sip of her beer, she returned to her space on the railing, as though nothing had happened. As though her heart wasn’t pounding against her ribs like Jihyun’s was.
“And what was the point of that?”
“The start of you letting go.”
“That’s a lovely thought, but I don’t think it works like that.”
“But it did.”
“How do you know?”
“Your shoulders have relaxed and the crease between your eyebrows has smoothed. You show more than you tell, even when you don’t mean to.”
“Oh yeah? And what else do I show?”
“Your eyes,” she noted, “they’re yearning.”
“I think you’re giving me too much credit. I don’t believe I’m capable of creating something so beautiful, like you are.”
“Oh ye of little faith.”
He watched her now with a newfound curiosity that felt foriegn to him. What was it like to see the world through her eyes? How was the way she looked at the city different from his? How could he live up to her expectations of him, and why did he have such a desire to do so?
Jihyun didn’t have long to ponder over these thoughts, however, because just as soon as they were raised, they flew away with the sliding of the door. Another girl stumbled in, eyes frantic and voice panicked, “Jane! Sofia is throwing up in the bathroom and she’s asking for you. Would you mind…?”
“Okay dokay, I’ll be right there,” Jane replied, pulling her friend into a side hug and planting a kiss on her cheek with a loud smack. Jihyun noticed the anxiety drain from the girl, from her face to her feet, her jumbled jabbering replaced by light giggles that tumbled out of her mouth freely as she skipped back inside.
“I guess that’s my cue,” Jane chuckled, taking a hair-tie off her wrist, almost as though she was prepared for this situation. Jihyun imagined she was.
“Good luck, Jane.” Her name fell easily from his lips, felt welcome on his tongue, like he had been saying it all his life; like a distant memory.
“I’ll see you around,” she said, pulling him into a tight embrace. In normal circumstances he would have been startled and flustered by the gesture, and though he definitely acknowledged the heat in his cheeks, he couldn’t help but feel that he was expecting it. It was just so her, whatever that really meant. He felt an ineffable urge to find out.
“And I will see you around,” she teased, positively beaming at him, “you can’t get rid of me that easily, Jihyun.”
He didn’t know how she knew his name, but he didn’t even get a chance to ask as the moment it left her lips, she left him on the balcony, bouncing back into the flat to comfort her friend.
Jihyun’s eyes followed her as she left, and now fell on the activities that took place inside. He had only spoken to her for no longer than twenty minutes, but in that time his whole perspective had shifted, no doubt in part due to Jane and their encounter.
The guys shouting and cheering as they played beer pong no longer poked at his nerves, but rather encouraged him to join in on their jubilations. The music was no longer a dull beat in the background, but now had his feet tapping. The couple making out in the corner no longer repulsed him, but now made him think of the buzz of young love, the beauty of the reckless and the free.
His once immovable hold started to slack, but there was a thrill that came with the guilty grip of his fingertips, for now they held on with the potential of one day letting go.
The following encounter Jihyun had with Jane flew by.
As he came out of his class Jihyun got a glimpse of her, grocery bags up to her elbows that he could already imagine leaving deep pink marks along her arms. However, that was clearly not enough to dampen her mood, as she stumbled down the path with a smile on her face and joy illuminating her features.
Her eyes caught his and in a split second she was bounding towards him, greeting those who seemed to recognise her on her way. Clearly he wasn’t the only one charmed by her.
“Hello, Jane. Are you going back to the flat? Let me carry some of that for you.”
But just as he went to relieve her of some of the weight, she glanced into one bag, a twinkle in her eye and a sly curve in her lip. His heart danced.
“Let’s go for a picnic!”
“Right now?”
“Right now. I know a lovely spot, let’s go!”
And just like that, Jane grabbed his hand and all but skipped down the street. At some point he had managed to take some of the bags from her, finally settling on 50/50 despite the fight she put up.
Her presence was easy and comfortable, despite the occasional skip in his heart’s otherwise regular rhythm whenever she held their eye contact for an extra second, or brushed her fingertips against his forearm as she laughed. Even if he wanted to believe it was so, Jihyun knew at heart that she wasn’t flirting. This was just her, brimming with genuine and innocent affection. She wasn’t trying to shoot her shot, she was just positively, undeniably fond of him.
And Jihyun wouldn’t have it any other way. Though he enjoyed the subtle flush of her cheeks when he leaned over and tucked a stray hair behind her ear as her hands were busy making him a daisy chain. He had only pure intentions, it was just a happy bonus.
During their casual chatter, Jihyun asked her how much he’d owe her for the food, which was only returned by a wave of her hand and a stubborn shake of her head.
“I’ll just provide the food next time then,” he stated.
Neither were particularly good at hiding their excitement at the possibility of a ‘next time’.
Several next times later, Jihyun still couldn't believe how seamlessly the seconds slipped by.
Jihyun sat stiffly on her bed as he tried his hardest not to shuffle under her attention, the brush gliding across the canvas in swift, free movements. Every time she glanced at him he felt his chest flutter, the feeling not unfamiliar but also not unwelcome.
Something within him shifted again when she finally revealed the finished product. He was overcome with a desire to create, every paint stroke examined only fuelling this more. A string of compliments and expressions of gratitude fell from his lips, and he looked up at her before she could shy away, “Please may I paint you too?”
Jane’s expression fell ever so slightly, which didn't go unnoticed by Jihyun, “Wouldn’t you rather paint something else?”
“No,” he stated, eyes locked on hers, “I want to paint you.”
With hesitant hands she handed him the resources, fiddling with her fingers once they were no longer occupied. Jihyun had never seen her so unsure.
“I don’t know what to do with myself,” she laughed, timid and uncertain but only to the trained eye.
“Hmm,” Jihyun surveyed the room, spotting the slightly battered but obviously well-loved guitar in the corner. “Play me something?”
And she could never deny him, so she did just that – fingertips plucking at the strings with such grace that Jihyun worried he would never do her beauty justice. But in time, the sketches became paint and the hums became song, both lost in a sanctuary they had built with their trust and inspiration alone.
“You’re lovely,” he said.
“And you’re wonderful,” she replied.
Jane almost cried when she saw his finished piece, though she wouldn’t reveal to him why. He’ll find out one day.
He’ll know her one day.
And again, just like every other meeting, they just simply couldn’t keep their grip tight enough on the hours.
The day Jihyun told his father he would no longer be pursuing a career in business, Jane had waited anxiously in her room, leg bobbing and teeth gnawing at her lips. She had practically jumped out of her seat when she heard a huge door slam from below her – from Jihyun’s flat. No more than half an hour after his father had arrived.
She waited a moment, then her phone lit up.
Jihyun: It’s done.
Jane didn’t bother asking if he needed someone, she knew he’d lie. Essentially throwing herself down the stairs, she made round the corner to Jihyun’s flat, only to stop in her tracks at the sight of a man in a crisp navy suit leaning against the wall, pinching the bridge of his nose. She saw a glimpse of her own father in his stone demeanour, his cold expression. Her stomach turned.
He saw her, sparing her barely a glance, then moved past her. Though it became abundantly clear that he had given her far more than just a glance when he spat something under his breath, stopping just next to her, eyes forward.
“Know your place.”
“Sorry,” she bit out, turning her head to look him dead in the eyes, “I don’t like to stay in the same place for too long.”
He scoffed, “You’re all the same.” And then he disappeared down the stairwell.
Jane flew to Jihyun’s door, quietly tapping her knuckles against the wood. It wasn’t long until he opened it, a small and unconvincing smile plastered onto his face as he let her in. He shut the door behind her.
“Come on,” she cooed, opening her arms for him, “let it out.”
He finally crumpled into her then, head in the crook of his neck and shaking arms in a death grip around her waist. He didn’t cry, but the sheer force with which he held onto her told her all she needed to know. He was broken, but in the same way that the sun must break the indigo sky in order for another day to begin.
At some point they descended to the floor, and there they stayed until sunset, her hands gently combing through his hair.
There was only instance where time passed excruciatingly slowly.
Jihyun stared at his phone.
Jihyun: Haven’t you seen you recently, you okay?
Jane: oh, yeah sorry! i’ve been kinda sick so just cooped up in the flat hahahah, i’m all good though! i’ll be around again soon, just don’t wanna make you ill as well!! so stay away you!! ;)
It was simple enough, yet Jihyun couldn’t stop the anxiety from creeping up his skin. He decided to text one of her flatmates asking if they could just check up on her, so he knows that she’s actually okay. That she was telling him the whole truth in her text, despite what his gut was telling him.
She had never been this quiet.
He got a text back a couple hours later saying that everyone else went home for the weekend, and that she usually forgets to lock the door during the day so if he feels the need to, he can probably check up on her. She wouldn’t mind the intrusion if it’s him, they said.
It was evening when Jihyun decided that the worry was too much and he went upstairs.
He knocked once, no answer. Twice, no answer. After three knocks, the adrenaline kicked in and he entered the silent flat. He rushed to her room, and released a shaky breath when he spotted her through the crack of her door, sound asleep at her desk. Still not completely convinced, though, he approached her slowly, and his heart dropped.
Her face was coated in black smudges, from both the charcoal in her hand and the mascara that ran down her cheeks and collected under her eyes. Underneath her was her sketchbook, one that she never let anyone touch, let alone peek in. On one occasion she had let him move it, which shocked her flatmates to no end. But he never looked inside. Now he saw a glimpse of the angry, painful, dark sketches as they lay under her sleeping head.
Everyone thought of her as a painter, that is what they knew of her; nobody was aware of the charcoal lines she scratched into the paper behind closed doors. He inspected them further, identifying one as a self-portrait, and Jihyun almost felt sick from how she portrayed herself - anxious, tired, alone - and he suddenly understood why she had become so emotional the day he painted her. She just simply didn’t see herself with the same beauty that he did, that she was, which was evident by the harsh, ugly lines that filled the pages of her visual diary.
Having cried herself to exhaustion, Jihyun easily lifted her and carried her to her bed without so much as a stir. He tucked her in, bringing the blanket up to her chin and smoothing down her hair, watching with unfettered affection as her eyes fluttered in her sleep.
Jihyun slept on her sofa that night, unwilling to leave her completely alone. They’d talk in the morning, but for now, he let her rest.
It was only a matter of time.
Their reckless wandering had led them here, settling down on Jihyun’s bed and watching over the city where they had built their friendship, much like the night they met. Jihyun’s chin rested upon Jane’s shoulder, his arms looped around her middle, her back against his chest. Neither one knew that the other was lost in their thoughts, let alone that one was significantly more lost. And not the kind of lost she so often craved.
The call Jane had received only a couple weeks before played on repeat through her already busy mind like a broken record. It popped and crackled like one too, her choked sobs having been her only response before the cold click sounded on the other end, followed by deafening silence.
She hadn’t done enough. She hadn’t reached her end of the deal, and now she had to face the consequences. It had been one year and she had still not impressed her father, so Jane was to return to England to study law, following the path her father had laid out for her in the beginning. Jane always thought she could get away with a little bit of wandering, but this particular adventure had come to a close and this time, she was completely powerless. Jihyun didn’t even know yet.
She was set to leave in the morning.
She grit her teeth and brought herself back to the present, savouring every luscious moment she had left with him. Her next adventure would come soon, she thought. But right now, as the departing sun painted the sky with warm hues, she wanted to stop running for just a moment, since her greatest discovery currently held her in place. Jane never liked staying in the same place, but now there was nowhere else she'd rather be.
Despite the pleasant silence, there was still a heaviness that hung in the air. Words that hadn’t yet been said, the knowledge that they both felt the way they did but were comfortable simply basking in the warmth of their company. But now they couldn’t help wondering if friends really held each other like this. Longed for eachother like this.
Intimacy had been so alien to Jihyun that he started to question whether his overbearing desire to have her in his arms was as innocent as he convinced himself it was. Jane wondered the same. She was always free with her affection, never a second thought when she held and kissed her loved ones, void of romantic ties. But now she was painfully aware of his hands on her, his nose pressed against her neck. There was now hesitation in her affection, and there was urgency in his intimacy, both alarm-ringing signs that something here was different, and the powerful seduction of the unexplored was oh so richly felt by both parties.
Jane suddenly jumped out of Jihyun’s grasp, crossing her legs in front of him. He mirrored her action, his confusion quickly dissipated by intrigue.
“I need you to promise me that, no matter what, we’ll always find each other. That come what may, we’ll make our way back to each other, and will have unwavering faith that we will do so, no matter how unlikely it seems. Please, promise me, Jihyun.”
Jihyun didn’t question her request, he rarely did. Rather he raised his pinky, waiting for her to lock her own with his. She wanted to laugh, it was such an incredibly sweet gesture. But instead she took it firmly, binding them together in the vow they made, though they both imagined that binding was there even well before the night he had found her on that balcony.
It was inevitable. Fate’s cards had been dealt to them before they knew they were playing. Before they knew the rules.
So they showed their cards.
There was an eternity between the lift of Jihyun’s hand and its contact with her cheek. His knuckles brushed against her skin, warm and inviting. His fingertips then trailed down her face as he guided her gaze onto his. She held onto his wrist, her eyes on his, calling to him the same thing she said the night they met.
Let go.
And it was right then, in the glow of dusk and the quiet of the nearly sleeping city, that their lips brushed against each other for the first time. It was hesitant, tender, yet electrifying. It wasn’t long until they invited more, hands roaming over unexplored territory with new eyes – eyes that no longer hid behind the words unsaid. They welcomed their once hesitant curiosity with unbridled abandon, selling their secrets to the night; fumbling hands putting the key in the last lock on their hearts.
Jane didn’t sleep, she simply savoured his embrace every second before dawn as he slumbered. Limbs tangled, skin against skin, souls intertwined. But once the first rays of morning showed their colour, she knew it was time to go.
Her head lay on Jihyun’s bare chest, his arm draped lazily over her, his quiet, shallow breaths tickling her skin. Jane took the opportunity to absorb his features, committing every detail to memory in a rare moment of grounded presence. Hot tears spilled from her eyes as she untangled herself from him and collected herself, unable to look away from him for more than a second despite the colours swimming together as she silently cried beside him.
She had told him so many times to let go, and he had. That was the quiet boy’s cry. Now this was the wild girl’s whisper, for all she wanted was to hold on with all the strength she could muster.
She found some paper and a pen, the ink leaving her last request of this adventure. She refrained from writing the three words that had hung on her tongue since he first took her in his arms, knowing that if she did so, she might be suggesting that it was her last chance to tell him. But it wasn’t, she had promised.
Jane placed the note on his bedside table and leant over him, giving him a gentle kiss on his cheek so as not to wake him. “Until next time, my love,” she whispered, and left.
Jihyun woke to an empty side of the bed, cold and void of that which he longed for. “Jane?” he called out, eyes falling on the messily folded piece of paper beside him. His heart hammered against his ribs as he opened it out, eyes scanning over the only two words she left him.
Have faith.
Jihyun chuckled despite the sting in his eyes and searing hot sorrow in his veins. It was only two words, but it was enough. It had to be.
He took the spare key she had given him, knowing that her flatmates were once again away. When he saw for himself that any trace of her had disappeared, he went to her balcony – where they had first unknowingly made their promise.
He lifted his pinky to the sky. “You were trying to tell me something, weren’t you? I promise I’ll pay more attention next time. Next time.”
One day, they’ll have the future they never got the chance to discuss. One day, he’ll hold her in his arms again and never have to worry about running out of time. And one day, he’ll choose the wrong path which will convince himself that any future possibility of tasting the sweetness of joy was gone, that’d he’d destroyed his one and only chance. He’ll hurt, get hurt, and become hopeless. But then, one day, he’ll meet her again in the strangest of circumstances, and one day she’ll be able to tell him “I was right.”
And one day, he’ll reply, with firm and uninhibited confidence, “You were.”
As long as he did what she asked of him with those two small words. And he would.
As he held his pinky up, he felt an invisible tug, like the sky had tied string around it and pulled. It was barely even there, a flutter of a moment, but no less certain. In an instant he felt something wash over him – relief? Peace? Hope? It hit him after a moment, abruptly and resolutely.
“I’ll find you, my dear, but until then -
Have faith.”
Thank you so much for reading, have a beautiful day <3
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luc606 · 1 year
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surprise! new fic! it’s rated M so I’ve decided not to cross-post, but you can read it on Ao3 here:
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anas-tasiaa · 2 years
I saw someone on Reddit said that she wished for a platonic route for 707 and-
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I love Saeyoung, yes. He's a boyfriend material, yes. This is an otome game, yes. But-
If only.. if only we have a choice of MC to be his companion/best friend/supporter rather than girlfriend or wife, I would totally support it! 🥲 Platonic relationship is as precious as romantic relationship can be! Though, of course, no offense to Saeyoung lovers out there! I'm a hardcore fan of Saeyoung too sjjshshshdjd but I would love to see MC with Saeyoung as best friend as well!
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akimbo628 · 2 years
Despite his composed exterior, Jumin’s chest was aching like he was being attacked with each vow the couple took.
“I, Jihyun Kim, take you, MC, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward..”
“...For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health…”
“...To love and to cherish…”
“...Till death do us part.”
As Jihyun and MC said their “I do’s�� and kissed for the first time as husband and wife, Jumin felt as if a part of him had withered and died. Everything felt so final.
~A fic for JuminWeek 2022 for Oct. 9th (Pragma) as well as for Mystictober 2022 for Oct. 10th (VxMC) & 13th (Wedding).~
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xelasrecords · 4 months
Locus of Pain
Kim Jihyun x MC
MC doesn't tell Jihyun she's hurt. He finds out anyway.
I'm back with smutty and messy ambiguous relationships! With GE Jihyun's personality. I will forever campaign for his GE personality until it becomes mainstream in fics and I don't have to put a disclaimer anymore.
TW: discussions on adult child abuse, self-destructive thoughts and actions, brief mild gore imagery, self-harm
Words: 4.5k
Masterlist Read on AO3
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She stumbled into the apartment with a pained grunt.
She ought to feel bad for staining the floor with her blood, but she had more important matters to attend to. Her back was burning with lacerations and every step she took was straining the bruises that had burrowed into her muscles.
She tried not to swing her hands too much as she headed for the bathroom, disposing of her jacket at the foot of the bed. For once she was thankful for Rika's cramped apartment. It could be suffocating at times, but it was easy to live in. Jihyun said Rika had a taste of unassuming minimalism. She thought building a gilded emerald cult with thousands of followers was pushing the definition.
Gripping the edge of the sink, she clenched her jaw and started peeling off her blood-crusted shirt. The injuries shouldn't be too deep since the blood had stopped flowing down her back like a free-flowing motherfucker. But as she pulled the shirt over her head, it tore the barely knit skin apart, and warm blood started to trickle down again.
She cursed her thin epidermis. It was not supposed to tear over a mere picture frame thrown at it, even if the frame was large enough to cover half of the bedroom wall.
Her father had excellent aim and strength. He had proven that to her many times.
Sometimes she fantasised about breaking his skull in with a scorching hot pan, wondering if his hair would melt from the heat or if his eyes would bulge out of their sockets. Would he scream for her help? Would he plead for mercy or curse her for being a demon spawn? Then, she could blame him for fathering such an evil inside her.
Her stomach curdled with guilt. The resentment was hers alone, and he had loved her despite her selfishness. She couldn't shed away the primal care she had for him. She was her mother's daughter, after all.
Twisting her body in the mirror, she made a quick work of cataloguing her injuries. Two long gashes that dipped into her flesh but wouldn't require stitches, one blackening bruise near her ribs, and several cuts and bruises that stippled across her back. She tested her breathing. No wheezing. No punctured lung. An improvement from the last time. Jihyun wouldn't need to know.
She stepped into the shower and washed off the blood. The cold water chilled her bones. But it had to. It was better to feel all of it. She had asked for his wrath and now she dealt with the consequences. Besides, it helped with closing the wounds.
After she put on a pair of shorts, she reached for a bottle of alcohol from the medicine cabinet. Sharp gasps escaped her mouth every so often as she tried to pour just enough. Medicine was costly and she shouldn't waste it. The burn blinded her vision white and she hunched over the sink, focusing on the cold ceramic under her fingertips and the slicing of tiles beneath her bare feet.
When her sight had stopped swimming, she took a deep breath and bent her arm behind her in awkward angles to slap adhesive bandages to the wounded area. She grunted in frustration. It was tougher than she'd thought. She was nauseous from constantly looking up to check her reflection, the evening autumn draft was pricking at her exposed skin, and the plasters kept sticking to the wrong place.
She glared at the mirror. Do not faint.
How many nights had she spent patching herself up? And yet she still struggled. Her lack of progress was almost laughable.
She didn't think there were any glass shards embedded in her though. One good thing that came out of this. She tried not to think about the larger shard she had pocketed when the picture frame glass shattered, now buried under the bloody heap of clothes.
She froze when she heard someone punching in the door passcode.
She was about to kick her bathroom door close when Jihyun entered and switched on the lights from down the hallway. Their eyes locked, and he stopped in his tracks. Her throat constricted.
This was not how she wanted him to ever see her.
His face grew horrified, and he dropped his satchel in his rush to get to her. She had a fleeting worry that his satchel might have dropped onto the blood-stained floor and she might have ruined his fine leather bag.
Jihyun stood before her, his mouth opened and closed. She schooled her face into indifference and waited.
"You—" he started, "what happened?"
The impulse to lie was on the tip of her tongue, but she couldn't find a good reason to when he had caught her like this. She doubted he would believe her excuses. The day had been long and she was so tired.
"A jolly good ol' catch-up with my parents." Her tone was casual.
Jihyun watched her with a worried frown, then squeezed into the small space and ran the tap water through his hands. He was moving with a surprising efficiency as he lathered his hands with soap before scanning her injuries and her first aid supplies.
"Please let me help." His teal eyes were desperate. She had forgotten how luminous they were from up close. "You can't do this alone."
"You shouldn't have come here tonight."
"I'm well-versed in healing people," he urged. "I used to heal my own injuries when I was with Rika. I treated hers as well. I know enough, so you can trust me." His fingers twitched, almost reaching for her before dropping to his side. "Please."
More than the fact that she was found out, she hated that she had made Jihyun worry about her. The only thing she excelled at was to instil negative feelings in people who cared about her. Always wrath in her parents, sometimes concern in Jihyun.
Jihyun had never lost his head at her, but she was waiting for it to happen. No one had the patience of a saint, not even him.
It was a pity she had condemned him to another relationship where he had to play the caretaker. Letting him treat her would be an appropriate compensation for his scare. "Go on," she said. "But I should probably lie down."
Relief flooded his face. "That would be the best. Can you walk on your own?"
She nodded, but he held her arm and assisted her to the bed. He sat her down, slowly, and helped her settle into a comfortable position to lie prone in. She buried her face into the pillow that smelled faintly of mint leaves. It was Jihyun's side of the bed. It comforted her that he was permanent enough in her life that she could find traces of him in her private space.
"Has it always been this bad?" Jihyun asked quietly. The feeling of his lithe fingers inspecting her skin with clinical precision was unfamiliar. His touches were always loving, adoring, not stiff with anxiety. He had never seen her with weeping wounds. She had never let him into the truth.
"Only when I deliberately provoke them. Mother goes off the rails, father blames me for not caring about my own parents, I try to save myself before things escalate." She raised her head and smirked at him. "I don't always succeed though. Got a picture frame to my back, as you can see. Took being backstabbed by your family to the next level. They were supposed to hang it where their guests could see, but I doubt they'd hang it without the glass now. People would ask."
There was a brief silence before he spoke. "That's terrible." His voice was soft, barely a murmur. "I'm so sorry. I didn't know they are violent."
She shrugged. "You're not the one who should apologise. And they will anyway, once they think I've iced them out for too long. Not that it means anything."
He shook his head, and strands of aquamarine hair fell across his forehead. They softened the distress that wrought his features. "You're not a mouse they can play with."
"No, I'm just their daughter they can hurt," she said. Jihyun pressed a bandage against the grisliest gash across her back and she winced. "Do you think it'll scar?"
"It most likely will. Had it been any deeper, you would have needed stitches." He paused, his palm resting on her spine. "Why didn't you call me?"
"It didn't occur to me," she lied. She wanted to lay down her defences and curl into his arms. She didn't want to keep fighting for herself. There were times when escaping was better than fighting for nothing, but it wasn't something she could ask from him. Her cage was her own.
Jihyun's fingers curled against her skin, and she could sense the waves of sorrow unfurling around her. "Can you think of me from now on? It doesn't have to be all the time, moments when you are hurt will do. If you call, I will come."
"I think of you all the time, Jihyun."
"Oh. I didn't know that." The surprise was evident in his tone. He applied another bandage to her back, smoothing it cautiously over the raw wound. "But I know no one is meant to bear their burden alone. You have been through so much."
"So have you, love. I'm not special." She gave him a bitter smile. "Now, why did you come here unannounced?"
Jihyun studied her for several seconds. "I wanted to see you," he said. "You've been withdrawn lately, so I thought something had happened."
She chuckled. "I suppose this counts as something."
"I never had to imagine you in my position before," he said. "I thought you'd confide in me when you're hurt. It's what you always urge me to do. You taught me to be more trusting. But seeing you like this makes me realise how much fear you and Jumin must have felt when I took matters into my own hands." He let out a ragged sigh. "I don't know how I would cope if I came here one day and saw you unconscious on the floor."
Lucky he wasn't here when she blacked out from a concussion a few months ago.
She made a dismissive gesture. "Do as I say, not as I do."
"Only if you let me do the same thing."
She levelled a glare at him. "Definitely not."
Jihyun snorted but worked silently after. The stinging pain was dulling into low throbs. She had lost count of the bandages he used, but it must have been more than necessary. She felt the adhesives even on the spots that didn't require them. Jihyun was being excessive. After everything she had gone through, she was confident that a small, uncovered cut wouldn't be her reason to die.
He should know. He had been stabbed and was still alive fretting over her.
She heard him uncapping an ointment and felt a cool sensation on her skin. He carefully massaged the salve into the bruises, sending shivers throughout her body. How nice he was. How patient. How kind.
When he pushed her hair aside to tend to the base of her neck, her breath caught. His fingertips sent fire down her synapses. It had been so long since they did anything. The distance she put between them was growing taut. The farther she pulled, the harder she would crash back into him.
Her arm moved on its own accord when she grabbed Jihyun's fingers and pressed her lips to the back of his hand. The strong herbal scent from the salve burned her nose, but this smooth hand was his. Hers.
Jihyun was always there for her to come back to.
He was not home. Home, to her, was not something that she ever longed to go. It was the misery that strangled her into obedience and shrunk her world into a dark, bleak place to survive in.
He was her sanctuary on a far-off island. Nothing could get to them when they were together.
Jihyun let out a light chuckle that sang to her heart. "Let me wash my hands. I don't want to make you any more ill."
She squeezed his hand. "I missed you too, you know. I'm glad you're with me."
He stilled, then crouched beside her head. He tucked the hair that obscured her face behind her ear and kissed her temple before gently wrestling his hand out of her grasp. The shape of his lips was just as she remembered it.
She watched him rinse the blood from her clothes and exhaled in relief when he didn't stray to her trousers' pocket. She watched him clean his hands with water trickling down his forearms, the brown sleeves of his sweatshirt pulled up and collecting water at the elbows. She watched him storing the first aid kit and medicines in the cabinet to her preferred arrangement. She watched him doing useless things for her.
When Jihyun climbed into the bed and rested against the headboard, she asked, "Do you know what the worst part of this is?"
He stared down at her, eyes carrying a heavy sorrow. "That your parents don't know how to love you?"
"Not even close." She rolled her eyes. "I've known that all my life. Not being able to lean against anything is the real tragedy. Look at me, I can't even sit comfortably beside you."
"But you can come closer," he said slowly.
She raised her brows but let him guide her to lie on his chest, his fingers resting on her bare shoulders.
He was clothed and she wasn't and it was something she needed to rectify.
She tangled her leg around his and relaxed her head against his beating heart. It was thrumming to a rising tempo that mirrored hers. She toyed with a loose thread on the neck of his sweatshirt. "I wish you weren't so good at fixing up injuries like mine. I wish you never had to learn."
"It's all in the past now." He slipped his fingers into the gaps between hers and clasped them. "I'd go through it again if I had known it would help alleviate your pain."
She snapped up at him. "Your martyr streak needs to stop."
"I have stopped. Just allow me this one exception." He planted a chaste kiss on her mouth, then cleared his throat. "Will you meet your parents again?"
She tightened the thread around her forefinger until it looked like diagonally dissected blocks of meat and she could barely feel its existence. "I know they do horrible things sometimes, but I can't cut them off. It's not that easy. I still love them. When they're not mad, they can be easy to love."
Jihyun frowned at her finger and gently untangled the thread before snapping it off. "That's what makes leaving harder, isn't it?" The haunting in his face revealed the extent of horrors that he had experienced. An angel with a darkened, torn soul who was still rising high above. He was not her. She liked that about him. "It's easier to hate someone when they have only been awful to you. It's their residual goodwill that gives you hope that they will change. When I look back to how stubbornly I stood beside Rika, I understand. Left in the dark, we cling to the light. We forget who trapped us there in the first place."
She didn't want to admit that Jihyun was right. That he was right, yet it would not change anything.
She wondered if she had been drawn to him because the subconscious part of her knew he would understand. Jihyun knew how to make her feel less alone in the guilt and resentment and twisted love that she couldn't untangle herself from. Most people were not like him. She learned from a young age that if people found out about the abuse, they would either urge her to leave—which added unnecessary pressure on her because it was never an option—or give her pitiful looks while stumbling over their words.
"Jihyun," she said.
He drew his thumb over her chin. "Yes?"
"Don't go." She pushed herself up and crashed her lips into his.
It was fervent, maddening, and she poured all the tension from their time of separation into it. The yearning to see him. The stress from her parents meddling with her happiness. Everything she had been missing after being alone for so long.
Jihyun reciprocated with more caution, treading her lips like they were a treasure trove. He gave in eventually when she didn't show a sign of discomfort, his kiss matching her intensity.
She bit his lower lip and slipped her tongue into his mouth. He gripped her shoulders, pulling her closer until she was pressed against him. His hands were not sliding down her waist and everywhere else like he tended to. He kept his hold staunchly on her arms even as he deepened the kiss.
It hit her what he was doing. He was being considerate of her battered body.
She let out a sob into his mouth. Nobody had ever cared for her like this. She could stand all the violence flung at her, but one act of kindness felled her to her knees.
Jihyun pulled away in an instant, his glazed eyes searching across her face and body. "Are you all right? Did I hurt you?"
She shook her head. "I was just thinking about you. You're wonderful. I missed you." Jihyun's expression was guarded, appraising her, and she let him. She had spoken the truth. She offered the truth so rarely that she would not omit more of it if it concerned his regard for himself. "I'm fine, Jihyun."
He gave a slow nod, and she tugged off his cashmere sweater. With a tender touch, she ran her hand through the ragged red patches of skin that stood out against his pale torso. Burn scars from a house fire. Both of them had childhood wounds woven into their very being. The past was made permanent on their skin.
Jihyun squirmed, seemingly self-conscious, despite her being familiar with the scars, but he made no attempts to stop her. He was beautiful, body and soul, she thought. He had more love and forgiveness in him than anyone she had ever known.
She trailed kisses along his jaw and sucked on the juncture behind his ear. He moaned and curved his body against her, and she smiled into his neck. It was amusing, the reactions that she could elicit out of him. No one could touch him as she could. He did not let anyone else know him intimately like this. He was only for her.
She suspected all of this played into his pleasure as well.
She twined her fingers around his hair, marvelling at the softness of it, and pulled it back to bare his throat. He had such a beautiful throat.
She didn't apply much pressure as she wrapped her hand around it, but his breath hitched. Her lips curved into a sly smile, her other hand wandering down his hard bulge. "I don't know why being choked always turns you on."
Jihyun held his gaze on her despite his reddening complexion. "I can feel you wanting me when you hold me like this."
"I do want you." She swung her leg astride him, straddling his hips and rested her forehead against his. The hard-on beneath her was hard to ignore. "It drives me out of my mind when I can't be with you."
"You shouldn't have pushed me away," he murmured. "I'll still want you, however you are, whatever condition you are in. You're always just you to me. Nothing can make me want you less."
"I'm sorry," she said. Jihyun closed his eyes, and she kissed his eyelid with a gentleness that she reserved only for him. "I'm sorry I left you alone."
He cradled her cheek, and she basked in the warmth of it. The safety of him. He was here and she couldn't fight the temptation to lose herself in him. "You didn't leave me alone. I belong with you. Anywhere you run to, you take me with you. I'm yours."
She tightened her hold on his throat to see his reaction. "You're mine," she whispered.
A slow smile graced his delicate face. "I am. I'm yours."
Jihyun drew her closer by the elbow and peppered kisses on her mouth, her chin, her throat, and her collarbones. He palmed her breasts and sucked her nipple while tweaking the other with his fingers. They hardened at his touch and she moaned his name, demanding him to be harder, rougher.
She needed to feel everything.
He bit her nipple and her hand slipped to the base of his skull, grasping at his hair. He was hers. His action and devotion were hers. It sent a deluge of pleasure down her core. Jihyun could be gentle, but he was also earnest to give her the satisfaction she sought.
She wanted him. She wanted him. She wanted him more than the freedom from her wretched life.
"I love you." She tipped his chin back. "I love you, Jihyun. Remember it."
He smiled up at her, his pupils blown wide with lust. "I love you, too."
She reached down and unbuckled his trousers. She had done more strenuous activities in a worse state, so fucking him wouldn't damage her already mangled body. But Jihyun stilled her wrist when he saw through her intention.
She narrowed her gaze. "I'm on the pill."
"You're hurt," he said. "I don't want to worsen your injuries."
"Have you not treated them?"
His grip wasn't loosening. "You need more time to heal. The wounds may open again."
"Then go slow."
Jihyun hesitated.
"Please," she croaked.
As soon as she uttered the word, she knew she had him. He sighed, but let go of her wrist. "You'll have to be careful. I'm stopping this if you push yourself too far."
Jihyun pulled down his trousers while she discarded her shorts. She lowered herself into him, relishing in the feel of him filling her. He ran his hands up and down her waist tentatively until he was sure that he wasn't touching any of the injuries on her back. Only then did he allow himself to move into her with practised ease. She held onto his shoulders and rolled her hips in tandem, burying her face into his neck and letting him control the pace. Jihyun had meant his warning and she was not eager to risk it.
It felt new. It felt familiar. It was what she had yearned for. His low grunts, her body slanting forward to hit the right spot, their skin sticking to each other in sweat and slick wetness.
Jihyun was slow, unhurried, with faint caresses down her back. His concern for her was easy to read. He was tracing back the pain that he couldn't protect her from. He might no longer bear a debilitating guilt, but she didn't think he could ever eradicate his need to shield her from misfortunes.
She couldn't blame him. It was the same with her, though the abuse done to her wasn't something that anyone could simply take away, and they both knew it.
She bit his earlobe, mumbling, "It's not your fault."
Jihyun tilted his face, and his lips brushed her cheek. "It's not yours either."
She stopped caring whose fault her source of agony was and thrust into him, picking up the pace while she dug her nails into his arms. He didn’t stop her, his hand snaking down to find her bundle of nerves instead.
She gasped and arched her back when he rubbed her. She was vaguely aware of the sharp jabs of pain in her back, but she welcomed them. Pain grounded her into him.
Jihyun's fingers were vigorous, and his thrusting was getting rougher that it twisted the coil in her lower abdomen. She writhed with need, whispering to him not to stop, and he listened, and it brought her higher and higher until the coil snapped.
She cried out in ecstasy.
Jihyun kept to his pace as she rode out the climax, not stopping despite her trembling legs and clearing haze. She focused on him overwhelming her in a way that annihilated her need for anything else. The alkaline tang of paint that lingered on him. His tightening grip on her bottom as she felt him reaching his climax. Him twitching inside her when he finally did, his muscles tensing as he came inside her. His pleasure-struck face that entranced her every time.
He was a marvel to look at, to have. He was hers. He had proclaimed it. He was the forest that shrouded her from the vultures circling above, the soft sand that sank her deeper into him with each pull of the waves, the hearth that kept her warm through the barren cold. With him, she could breathe.
She would give him everything he wanted. She would not let him go.
She slumped against him, their mixed fluids seeping down her thighs. He slipped out of her and she kissed the underside of his jaw. "I love you."
Jihyun's breath was still racing as he drew circular patterns on her shoulder blades. "Your parents didn't hurt you because you provoked them. They hurt you because they're abusive. It's not your fault."
She sighed. She had hoped he would let it go, but nothing could stop him once he made up his mind. "Knowing it doesn't make it any better."
"Do you really think so?" He ran his thumb up her inner forearm. She flinched and tried to jerk away, but he held onto her. The deepest scars had faded to silver, but the fresher ones were raised ridges along her skin. She had been careful, small cuts scattered on an easily hidden spot. She didn't realise he would notice. "Isn't this your form of penance?"
Her chest tightened. "It's the only thing I have control over. If I blame them and direct all my anger at them, I will hurt them. This way, the only person I hurt is myself. I'm not a weapon. I'm not a threat."
"Don't you think you've been hurt enough?"
She wore a thin smile and looked away. "Sure."
Jihyun's hands slid up her jaw and tilted her head back to him, his fingers resting on the pulse points on her neck. "You can be angry around me. It's natural to want to express your emotions. They're not something you're supposed to keep to yourself. Talk to me when you feel like turning to self-mutilation. I'm yours, remember? My ears are yours to talk to. My shoulders are for you to lean on."
She surveyed his pleading gaze with a twinge of pity. Jihyun was asking for more than he was supposed to receive. In time, he would see it.
Another waiting game had begun. She almost did not want to see the ending.
"All right. I'll do that."
I went with Jihyun because I thought he'd be an interesting choice. The role reversal and all. He's forced to confront how he is seen through MC's eyes when he's involved in dangerous situations and refuses help.
MC's relief for living in Rika's suffocating apartment at the beginning parallels her feeling trapped in the familial cage that she doesn't want to leave. There's a reason why she doesn't move out of the apartment even after the cult drama is over. She's a bird caged too long that she can't take flight even if the door is open. She's not capable of leaving things behind, so she hoards everything she can (Jihyun) to herself.
MC thinking that her father "had loved her despite her selfishness" is the product of her parents' manipulation. Her belief that she's selfish if she feels negative emotions and wants anything at all is what drives her self-destruction, and ironically, her possessiveness.
With Jihyun, it's easy to make him fall into the rescuer role when the partner self-harms, so I was very mindful of depicting the discovery scene. I didn't want to romanticise it and make MC feel like if she got hurt more, she'd get more attention from him. Since this is GE Jihyun, he wouldn't default back to his old enabling methods.
I was dubious about making MC self-harm since I don't want this to be a gratuitous checklist of trigger warnings, but it makes sense for her to turn to cutting. If she has to be hurt, it might as well be by herself. Might as well be on her terms.
The nature metaphors are to show Jihyun's and MC's common interest in nature.
Are they actually in love or is it just oxytocin and loneliness? Who knows?
I felt pressured to write a romantic fic, but I haven't been able to these days so I turned to this. It brought relief somehow. This was cathartic.
I used to think I'd never write a possessive character in a non-antagonising light yet here we are. I compared this MC to the one from Wedge the Knife Under My Skin, but this one is blunter with her words and well, more possessive. She's bitter and sarcastic and resigned to her suffering. Fortunately, Jihyun is secure enough to see through her sharp defences.
The title is a twist on the locus of control concept in psychology, which is about a person's degree of belief on how much of their internal force governs their external life.
I don't know why I like to throw Jihyun into ambiguous relationships either.
Header Corner:
Tumblr media
A quick process breakdown! Add a directional blur to the base footage > duplicate the footage, slightly shift the position and change the blur direction to get the hazy look > add a red filter overlay to fit the fic's bloody mood but retain the magenta in the background to resonate with the romance aspect > choose the appropriate angsty text and font!
Buy me a glass of something that's definitely not coffee because I can't stand it but it is the website's name if my story touches you in some way? No worries if you don't. I'm still grateful you've read all the way through here.
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moonxkitty · 2 years
I have such a bad writers block right now. I keep writing stuff at like 3 am and then deleting because when I re-read it the next day it literally looks like something I would've wrote in middle school. I can't come up with any good ideas. Normally I listen to music to find inspiration but I haven't really found any new music that makes me want to write. T^T
Man sometime I should show some of the crap I've written at night because some of it is... bad. Especially because the medicine I have to take for my health issues makes me very loopy. Sometimes I'm like what was I even trying to say HXUAHSJD-
Anyways- if you have any ideas help~
Right now I want to write for Mystic Messenger and Obey me.
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orangejuice707 · 2 years
Shit posting again bcoz lmao I am jobless
F!MC gets reincarnated into the Mysme universe
No pairings and shit bcoz this fic idea randomly came in my mind .
Genre : isekai
Beware of typos if any
This is a "what happened to MC before she talked with Unknown in the dating app" with a pinch of isekai
She woke up to another day in this cruel world . "Last night's sleep was extremely nice..." She thinks as her eyes are still tightly closed and her body is tucked under the covers in this hot weather...
"Wait..." She realizes something is wrong as she didn't use blankets until and unless it was REALLY cold . She opens her eyes quickly and takes a look at herself .
"These....THESE AREN'T MY PAJAMAS?!?!" She goes crazy realizing that she isn't wearing what she was wearing last night . She hurriedly gets off the unfamiliar bed and rushes to the nearest mirror whilst bumping in several objects in the unknown room . After somehow managing to find a mirror from somewhere she realizes that ....
"WHAT?!?!" She exclaims in horror as she comes to realize that it isn't her face or hair or body.
"This...this has to be a dream..!" She says as she starts pinching her arm which wasn't her arm technically but yeah
She goes around the unknown house and finds a mirror of body length .
"Holy shit...." She observes her pink hair and lilac coloured eyes in shock .
Her body colour doesn't seems to be that much different but still a minor difference could be seen .
"What the fuck..." that's all she could think after she realizes that she is indeed not dreaming and that this is reality .
"What happened to my life..my body and my..PHONE!" She realized that her very dearest, loveliest phone wasn't in her hands . Running towards the bedroom in realization she found it lying on the bed .
She picked it up and checked the time :
Wednesday xx/X/20XX
She got really confused trying to remember whether it was Friday or Tuesday the day before or not .
To her surprise a giant blue box illuminating cyan coloured light appeared above her and she ran towards the door of the bedroom as... you know gravity exists.
"Haha ... fear not young lady! " a voice came out of the box
"Ho ho ho! " the voice said and stopped for 2 legit seconds
"Sorry I am not Santa I know BUT I can gift you unlimited money to survive in this world until and unless the plot begins and you go with the flow." The voice said calmly .
"I- I don't even know what to say to that ... anyways who are you?" She asked in confusion .
"Uhmmm let's say that I am a person who helps people cross universes ! " the voice replied
" Wait why didn't I get informed about this?" She asked again
"Well...you see...the last person who was in your uhhh current position was extremely sad and wanted a new life so BOOM a gave her one "
"WHY did u give her MINE though?"
"Young lady it is what it is now buckle up and don't worry about that game of yours you were playing ... uh what was it called again ..? "
"Mystic messenger?"
"Ah yes that one "
Before she could ask anything else the voice disappeared along with the box
"What the-" She was alone once again . No one around her . No mystic messenger characters, No internet from her universe , NOTHING at all ...
She picked up her phone once again "ah..this shit useless now.."
Right after she received a text from the "voice" (most probably) floating in the air which informed her that her role was that of a student until and unless the plot began .
This was the same repetitive thing but oh well-
"Wait ...I forgot to ask them which universe I am a part of..." She sighed once again in disappointed but not surprised
She decides to nap once again and figure shit out soon
But little did she know that her life was about to change in like 5 years
5 years later ~
What kinda character is even this ... she has no friends , no family members people at her school and college act like they don't know her...
She thinks to herself as she goes towards her "home" which was actually a small apartment which she realized after 1 day after getting reincarnated.
That voice hasn't sent messages in a while...has the plot began? ... for how long do I have to be so lonely .. even the pink dye from my hair has faded and my brown hair colour is visible now..
She thinks and sighs as she clutches tightly onto her shopping bag while she walks in the busy streets at night filled with commotion caused by people laughing and talking and sounds of vehicles on the main street.
The smoke coming from a nearby place made her cough .
Oh thank god I still have this with me
She thought as she took out a mask from some time ago which had a sky coloured unicorn with purple eyes and pink hair printed on it .
This reminds me so much of the unicorn from Mystic Messenger...hah ... I wish I could play it like I used to 6-5 years ago..
Crossing the streets filled with vehicles she takes out her phone and a brilliant idea comes to her mind
Dragging her feet in the dark streets with a few vehicles and tall buildings she goes and stands in a corner for a while and puts her idea into execution.
Since this universe doesn't have total copies of apps from my universe BUT it has other alternate apps there sure might be a dating app right? Oh god I am so smart but I hope it doesn't turns out like the time I searched for mystic messenger and other otome games and there were nothing of that sort ...
She thinks in half excitement and half disappointment . Heck...she has been in this world for so long that she can't remember most of the stuffs in Mystic Messenger
Downloading a dating app she thinks that it's time to say bye bye to her lonely life in this universe .
Ah let's just walk towards the apartment while finding someone to talk to even though I don't want to really return there...
She again started walking towards her "home" .
She smiled in excitement when she finally found a person to talk to but... the chat seemed a bit weird to her
Ughh things in this universe are so weird .. i am still not used to it after so many years...
Little did she know that it was a hacker in the chatroom (who was also behind her) and that she was getting herself into a real game
This took me like 1 hr 23 mins to write lmao . Imma go and sleep now . Enjoy this weirdass creation of mine!
Yes my inspiration was the unicorn mc pfp in mysme
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s0phos-writes · 1 year
myseme - disney princess/fairy tale au
a collection of shorter stories based around the rfa members being inserted into western fairy tales, specifically disney movies:
yoosung was sleeping beauty
zen was cinderella (ofc)
jaehee was in enchanted (HEAR ME OUT)
jumin was in aladdin (but he’s jasmine)
seven was in frozen (he’s anna but also elsa ?? idk its weird)
saeran was rapunzel in tangled
v got beauty and the beast (HEAR ME OUT!!)
im still really fond of this one... i wrote some stuff for yoosung and zen but didn't get very far... if there is interest, i will explain myself for these choices but for now i'll leave it as this
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astridthevalkyrie · 9 months
Do you have any favorite Jumin x MC fics? I keep re-reading yours bc it’s so damn good
omg thank you!! that fic was in my wips for months i'm so happy people like all my self indulgent jumin fantasies lol
here are some i like on ao3 (and pre mha brainrot i read so many fucking jumin fics on ao3 it's insane):
cherry wine - really soft, really sweet, and realistic. i love rika but i cannot imagine being the new girl that everyone treats like her replacement.
I Can Give You Heaven - takes place on jumin's birthday and god oh my god i can't speak this fic is so good. perfect mixture of fluff and smut and ridiculously soft jumin.
Welcome Home, Master - yeah you know what this is based on the title LMFAO but anyways if you're one of the people into the jumin petplay thing this fic is for you. delicious 👏🏽 fuckin 👏🏽 smut
Sweeter Than The Finest - another really good smut fic featuring office sex. this author also has a couple other fantastic jumin fics, including yet another birthday sex one that i've read an unhealthy amount (i like the idea of spoiling him for his birthday??? sue me???)
Jumin's Call - jumin listens in on you and zen and it's the hottest thing ever and simulataneously the angstiest thing ever.
Purple Hearts and Tear Drops - LOVE this fic. ugh. i have a particular weakness for jumin x mc in v's route with all the angst potential and this fic delivers and goes above and beyond delivering
Unattainable - kinda retelling of jumin's route but with the twist that jumin is already married to sarah. very very good pining and buildup and it makes me tingly. also gives some much needed nuance to sarah and villainizes her a little less.
After End and Temporal Love - so this is probably my favorite mysme fanfic it's the best i've seen that utilizes the reset theory. equal parts seven/mc and jumin/mc (although the second part is just jumin/mc drabbles that take place in the universe) and just. good. good dialogue, good humor, good character stuff. jumin in this is just. sighhhhh. husband material <3 as always <3
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