#uzui 18+
alixezae · 2 months
Tengen uzui x FEM!reader | fluff | 631 words
Warnings: fluff, romance and also dense reader
A/n: LMAO y/n is oblivious to everything around her, even the love tengen has for her
16+ underage dni
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In the beautiful taisho era of japan, there lived a young girl named Y/n. She lived in a small village surrounded by beautiful blossom trees. Y/n was known for her dense and oblivious nature. She was always lost in her own world and hardly paid attention to her surroundings.
One day, while walking outside, Y/n came across a handsome man named Tengen. He was tall, with striking features and had a charming smile. Tengen was instantly captivated by y/n's beauty and her crystal eyes. He tried to strike up a conversation with her, but y/n was too dense to understand his advances.
Tengen was a wealthy man and had three wives already, but he couldn't help but be drawn to y/n. He found her to be the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, both inside and out. Despite his wives, tengen couldn't control his feelings for y/n.
He started to visit her village more often, just to catch a glimpse of her. He would bring her gifts of beautiful flowers and try to impress her with his charm. Tengen's wives soon noticed his interest in y/n and became curious about her. They begged tengen to introduce them to her, and he couldn't resist their persistent requests.
Tengen's wives greeted them warmly and were delighted to finally meet the woman their husband was so fond of. They could see tengen was in love with y/n. She was kind, gentle, and had a pure heart. They immediately took a liking to her and welcomed her into their home with open arms.
Tengen hugged y/n tightly and whispered in her ear, "you see, my dear, i already have three wives, but my heart belongs to you. I can't hell but love you." Y/n was taken aback by his words and couldn't believe that someone like tengen would have feelings for her.
As they spent time together, Y/n couldn't understand tengen feelings for her. She was touched by his gesture and the love he showered upon her. Tengen's also helped her see that his love was genuine and pure.
But despite all this, y/n couldn't understand why tengen needed a fourth wife when he already had three loving ones. She was still dense to the idea of love and relationships. Tengen tried to explain that his love for her was different from his love for his wives, but she couldn't comprehend it.
As the days passed, Tengen's love for y/n grew stronger, and he couldn't imagine his life without her. He wanted to make her his fourth wife and spend the rest of his life with her. But y/n was still unsure about her feelings for him and couldn't understand why he wanted her when he already had three wives.
Tengen's wives, who had grown fond of Y/N, tried to help her understand and see the true depth of Tengen's love for her. Slowly, y/n dense nature started to fade away, and she finally realized that she too had feelings for tengen.
In the end, Y/N and tengen got married, and his wives were happy to welcome her as their fourth wife. They all lived happily in the grand mansion, surrounded by beautiful blossom trees. Y/n's dense nature was gone, and she finally understood the true meaning of love and why tengen needed her as his fourth wife. Their love story became famous in the village, and it was said that love can conquer even the densest of minds.
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wavy-arms · 6 months
So, the "sexy escape room" Renmitsu dōjinshi that I ordered finally arrived. They even gave me an awesome free key chain to celebrate my first order.
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It's been so much fun to read, and the art is fantastic. But I have to say, my favorite part is when Rengoku and Mitsuri finally escape and are found by Uzui Tengen. Poor Rengoku is shook.
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And Uzui's reaction kills me. It's perfect. 🤣 He's just like
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xxcatzladyxx · 10 months
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Tengen Uzui x Reader | Lemon +18
Hello everyone! ❤️
Here is the lemon with the flamboyant Tengen. The oneshot contains almost 5000 words. 4668 to be more precise. I'm so sorry. I hope you guys hang in there anyway. The upcoming oneshots won't be as long. This one is a real exception. I hope you enjoy reading it anyway!
A minor spoiler: In the last section we have a guest appearance by my dear friend's OC. I hope it does not bother.
"What's that on your arm?" you ask your older sister as she enters the property. Without looking at you or answering your question, she continues on her way. She doesn't even give you a greeting. She ignores you completely. You do not let that sit on you. You don't give up that easily. You get up from your seat and run after your sister. She recognizes the situation immediately. As you reach for her right arm, she turns to you in a flash.
"That's none of your business!" she hisses at you. "Did he hit you?" you ask her. She's talking about none other than her own husband. A bully without equal. He's not alone in that, though. All the men in your clan are quite overbearing. The women are under their thumb.
"Yes, he did! What's the problem?" she asks a counter question to you.
"What's the problem? He beats you! Day in and day out. You put up with it. I don't understand you. No, wrong! I don't understand this whole clan."
"What's not to understand? I disagreed with him and he had every right to punish me for it." You sigh. Your eyes roam over your sister's arm. She's a picture-perfect young woman with hair as long as a bull's-eye, but the bruises on her right arm betray the image.
"These are the rules of our clan. We have to obey our men. This I disobeyed yesterday."
"You let yourselves be treated like in-house slaves!"
"You'd better be very quiet, don't you think? You're not following our rules at all. I mean, you're already 21 years old and still not married. You are a disgrace to the clan. Just as much of a disgrace as mother was."
"Don't talk about your mother like that. She was a strong woman who didn't put up with anything."
"Yes, she was that strong. So strong that in the end she took her own life. However, it's her own fault. If she had simply bowed to Father, without contradiction, everything would have been fine and she would still be alive."
"Mother perished from it and saw no other way out. The thought that we would end up just like her broke her heart and drove her to suicide. She just couldn't take seeing us in the same situation as her anymore."
A loud noise coming from a slammed door interrupts your conversation. Heavy, hurried footsteps seem to be coming toward the two of you.
"Are you discussing it again?" comes the dark, raspy voice of your father.
"Yes, father! Please forgive me! But that's only because your youngest daughter doesn't follow the rules."
"Ungrateful bitch, slowly but surely my patience is wearing thin! I have done everything for you. And how do you repay me? In return, I have to expect obedience from you. Is that too much to ask? By the end of this month you will be married. I will choose a husband for you and then it will be over," your father snaps at you. He must think he's the biggest and the best.
"No buts! You should have followed our rules like everyone else. But you flat out refused to do it every damn time. And I'm sick and tired of it. End of discussion! Get out of my sight, I don't want to see you again for now."
"I..I hate you guys! Nobody understands me. I wish mother was still around. She would be the only one to understand me."
"That woman will never be mentioned in my house again. Now get out!"
Your father lashes out and slaps you hard across the face. Your cheek instantly turns red and throbs. You hold a hand to the aching spot. Shocked, you look at your father before turning around and running to your room. Marrying a complete stranger whom you don't know and don't love at all? A horror for you! You don't want to and can't experience that. You make a decision. You will flee from here and that today.
According to the law of the clan you have to be married at least at the age of 18. But no one listens to you. Not even your only sister. Even your mother's death leaves her cold. She never really warmed to her, but that's no reason for her to react that way about your mother's death. For you, your mother was a strong woman. She was your role model. She was the only one who understood you. Who was there for you. Your only support, which has now broken away from you. Now you are on your own. You no longer have anyone to turn to.
The only thing that remained of her was her training as a kunoichi. She was a very good one. This is also a law of the clan. Sons are trained by their fathers to be shinobi and mothers train their daughters to be kunoichi. Still, her death has been hard on you. Your motivation dwindles more and more every day. You feel lonely and abandoned. This strengthens your decision. You will definitely flee. You don't know where to go, but that doesn't matter to you. The main thing is to get away from this hell on earth...
Night has fallen. You can think of nothing but your escape. The escape from your father's clutches. On silent soles you step out of your room into the hallway. You pause for a moment. You want to listen for any sounds or voices. But the huge mansion is dead silent. Undeterred, you continue on your way. You stop again at the door to freedom. The sentence your father said to you earlier comes into your head. You should be grateful to him! He has supposedly done so much for your sister and you. But the question that comes to your mind is: Be grateful for what?
Being grateful that he raised you by force?
Being grateful that he drove your mother to her death?
Being grateful that he married your sister to a tyrant?
Inside, you laugh bitterly. Nevertheless, the dull feeling creeps over you that you have forgotten something. Something of enormous value. But come hell or high water, it won't occur to you. However, there is no time for that. You have to get out of here. You take your legs in your hands and run as fast as you can. You wander aimlessly through the area. After a while you reach a forest. Without thinking, you enter it. Completely out of breath and absentmindedly, you settle down on a tree stump. You don't know where to go. You remember your mother again. A tear rolls out of your eye. Then another, and another, until they stream down your cheeks like a waterfall. You miss your mother terribly. Another person flashes in your mind. A person who disappeared from your life years ago. From one day to the next. Once again in your life you feel lonely and abandoned. You cry your heart out. You are overwhelmed with the whole situation. So you don't even notice another presence.
"Oh my goodness! Why are you crying?" a female voice interrupts your actions. You can clearly hear that pity is more than just an act.
You are startled. The tears stop immediately. You look in all directions to find the voice. Your gaze remains glued to a tree. More precisely, on one of its branches. A young girl is sitting there. She dangles her legs back and forth. She smiles at you. A fake smile. You see right through it. You wonder what kind of strange girl she is. Much younger than you, or so it seems to you. Out and about at night. Still, you think she's pretty cute. This irritates you. You can feel that there is danger from her. Even though she's so cute. You stand up. You're not entirely comfortable with the girl. You are not afraid, but something about the whole thing is a little strange. The girl jumps from the tree, a few meters away from you. Automatically, you take a step backwards.
The threatening aura around your counterpart is getting stronger. Your instinct tells you to be careful. Thereupon you grab your leg, looking for something specific. But you feel your way into the void. Then the scales fall from your eyes. This is what you have forgotten. Your kunais! Now you are completely unarmed. Out of sheer stress you have left them lying around. In this situation more than just unfavorable. Plan B must serve. You turn around as fast as lightning and run for your life. However, the girl is faster than you to be. She is close on your heels and catches up with you. You trip over a root on the ground and lie down lengthwise. The girl grabs you by the hair and pulls you to your knees. You try to fight back. In vain. It is no use. With ease she overpowers you.
"You can't escape me. You possess something very special. Rare blood. Blood that makes me a hundred times stronger in one stroke."
You don't understand the talk. What is she talking about, please? This makes her negligent and lessens her grip on you. You break free of her hold and face her. Before she can make her move and kill you, to her own surprise, her head falls off. You get a huge shock as the girl dissolves into nothingness before your eyes. You stumble backwards and bump your back into someone.
"What are you doing out so late? It's way too dangerous for you at this hour,...(y/n)!"
You recognize his voice immediately. Even after all these years. It's Tengen! You have been friends since childhood. You belong to different clans, yet you've spent a lot of time together. He is also the one who flashed in your mind earlier. At that moment, you realize how much you missed him and almost regret not having taken him as your husband back then. Although he had asked you countless times. He was the only one, besides your mother, who stood by you. You were supposed to become his third wife, but because of the trauma caused by your family circumstances, you refused. Tengen's father then chose another wife for him. Tengen was 15 at the time and you were 13.
You are happy to see him again and hug him. Laughing, he returns your embrace and holds you tightly in his arms. He missed you as much as you missed him.
"What are you doing here?" you ask him, still remaining in the embrace.
"I had a mission here, to take down a demon. And I was also somewhat hoping to see you again."
"A demon?"
"The young girl who attacked you was a demon. Demons are beings that kill and eat people. After you refused to marry me again, I left my clan with my three wives to join the demon hunters and am now a demon hunter myself."
"You left your clan?" you ask again. Tengen nods at you. You're taken aback by this. Very much so. You would never have thought that.
"Yes, I would have liked to take you with me then."
He really would have liked to. However, he had to think of his wives first. His wives only know you from stories of Tengen. He only talks about you on a tour. Which is because he still has feelings for you. You don't know the three of them a single bit.
By chance, Tengen lets a glance over your wrist and is surprised not to see something on you. A tattoo that all the women in your clan have, marking them as the property of their men. Similar to a brand. The tattoo makes it impossible for the women to run away. They would be recognized by it. The tattoo contains the name of the man in characters and the symbol of the clan. It means in your village that you are married. The tattoo is done during the ceremony. Tengen also knows what it means because he asked your mother about it and is relieved not to see one of you. It means you are still single, although he expected you to be married.
He takes your hands in his and strokes the backs of your hands with his thumbs. He looks at you lovingly.
"(y/n)..Please marry me! I still want you as my wife," he asks you. But of course he wants you to want him too, after all, he doesn't want to force you into marriage.
You already like him, find him attractive. This is based on reciprocity. The bad conscience towards him is still present at the moment.
"You must know, (y/n). I am disappointed and hurt at the same time that you didn't want me, although we were so close," he confesses to you. He would never want to admit how hard your rejection hit him back then. You are amazed that he is so open about his feelings.
"Tengen, of course I want you too!" you blurt out without thinking. As you realize it, you slap your hands over your mouth and stare at Tengen. His surprised look is more than clear.
"Then why didn't you want to marry me?" he inquired.
"Ever since my mother took her own life." Your mother's death deeply shocks Tengen. The two of them got along very well. Unlike your father, whom he really detests. "..my father is pushing me to finally get married. But..But I just can't. The men in my clan treat their wives like in-house slaves. Use violence when they don't listen. I used to be way too afraid regarding marriage within my clan. I didn't want to end up like my mother and sister. So I was not because of you. That trauma haunts me to this day," you inform Tengen of your situation.
When you told him everything, you didn't even realize that you had arrived back at hell on earth. Your family's estate. A slight shiver runs down your spine. You didn't really want to come back here. You feel uncomfortable in this house. But safe with Tengen by your side. You have always felt comfortable around him. Protected and safe by him.
He came into your room with you. You push the door shallowly shut behind both of you.
"You didn't answer my question one hundred percent earlier."
"Tengen, I...", you can forget talking any further. Tengen pulls you to him.
"My fiancée!"
It is obvious that he wants to annoy you. And he even succeeds. You give him a dark look. He only responds with a grin.
"(Y/n), I like it when you say my name.", he breathes towards you and comes closer and closer to your face until your lips meet. He gives you a kiss that almost takes your shoes off, if you were wearing any. He holds you gently as you get dizzy from the kiss and practically fall into his arms.
He breaks off the kiss and drops onto your futon.
"(Y/n), do whatever you want with me. I'm all yours today," he winks at you.
You stand in the middle of the room as if ordered and not picked up. You don't know what to do. Such a thing is completely foreign to you. No man from your clan would ever come up with the idea and submit to a woman. The men from your clan are all macho. They would never even dream of giving up control. No man would do so. Women are to be of service sexually, not the other way around. It seems Tengen wants to prove to you that he is not like that. Shy as a deer, you acquiesce to his offer.
It surprises you, in spite of yourself, that such a big and muscular man as Tengen is, is willing to be fully surrendered. He would even let you tie him up. But of course you don't know anything about that. It would be more than unpleasant for you, too.
"Tell me, (y/n), tell me what to do."
You hide your face behind your hands. His deep voice is so erotic and how he puts extra emphasis on your name. It threatens to make you dizzy again. But you manage to pull yourself together.
"Take off..take off your headband!"
"Your wish is my command!"
He sits up and very, very slowly takes off his headband without breaking eye contact with you. You watch him from the spaces between your fingers. His white hair falls in his face. You walk toward him. He looks up at you. You let your hands wander through his hair.
"I like you better with your hair down," you say dreamily.
You scratch his scalp and he closes his eyes with pleasure.
"Take off your clothes now!"
"Anything you want, beautiful!"
You take a step backwards to make room for Tengen. He stands up and trumps you. He is a good two heads taller than you. When you last saw him, he hadn't been as giant as he is now. He kind of reminded you of a bear, standing on his two hind legs to appear intimidating. Tengen, on the other hand, doesn't intimidate you. You feel him like a protector. So big and strong. In contrast, you feel like a dwarf. So small and dainty.
"What are you staring at, my dear? I haven't even taken my clothes off yet.", Tengen laughs at you and brings you back from your thoughts to the here and now.
"Excuse me!" you mumble.
Tengen laughs again. He starts unbuttoning his top. One button at a time. He takes extra time to do it, his gaze always fixed on you. When his top is completely open, your hand goes to his chest as if shot out of a pistol. You tentatively run your fingertips over the muscles on Tengen's upper body.
"Do you like what you see?"
In seconds, you've pulled your hand back and are shamefacedly directing your gaze toward the floor. Tengen gently takes your chin and pulls it up so you're looking at him. You look at him more closely. Not only has he grown much taller, he has also gained muscle. He wasn't that muscular back then. Tengen has grown into a young, handsome man.
"Would you help me with the belt, (y/n)?" he asks you innocently like a lamb, looking at you with a puppy dog look.
As if by themselves, your hands move to his belt. They shake a little, which is why you have trouble undoing the belt. Tengen puts his hands on yours and stops you with them.
"Take it easy. You don't have to be nervous. Relax."
You close your eyes and take one big breath. You calm down instantly and your hands also become calmer. This time you get the belt open without any problems. You drop it carelessly on the floor next to you. Tengen pulls his pants off his hips and throws them into a corner of the room. You don't dare look down. Your gaze burns into Tengen's eyes. Into his magenta eyes.
"May I undress you too, my dear?"
You nod absentmindedly. You hardly notice anything. Neither how Tengen opens your kimono and slips it off your shoulders, nor how he scrutinizes every single detail of you as if it were a work of art. He is of the opinion that you have acquired real curves. You have truly matured into a beautiful woman.
"You are beautiful!" he whispers into the silence.
You blush like a tomato. You only bring out a quiet thank you. Suddenly you are overcome by an icy cold. You throw yourself towards Tengen. He immediately puts his arms around you.
"Are you cold? Shall I warm you a little?" he asks you with a grin on his lips, which you nod in reply. Together, you lie down next to each other on the futon.
"Can I touch you?" he asks you dutifully.
He strokes your sides and starts to cover your neck with kisses. You sigh with pleasure. He strokes your breasts and massages them alternately. He pinches your nipples together from time to time. Thereupon you claw into his hair. He now kisses his way from your neck over your collarbone to your breasts. He kisses them off and licks over them lustfully. Then he takes a nipple in his mouth and sucks gently on it. First on one, then on the other. A soft moan escapes you. Tengen grins against your chest. You take his hand massaging your one breast while his mouth is busy with the other and guide it to your womanhood. Tengen immediately understands what you want from him. He lets go of your breast. He touches you gently on your womanhood. You flinch slightly. This touch is new for you. His fingers stroke from bottom to top. Again and again. He plays on your most sensitive spot. You grab his arm and moan loudly.
"You're so wet."
With a single finger, he strokes your womanhood and slowly inserts it inside you. You hold your breath. You don't quite know what to classify the sensation to. He moves it in and out. You moan softly. Very softly. Barely audible to him. A second finger joins in. The movements become scissor-like. He is about to widen you. For him. Your moans become louder and more breathless. When the third finger joins in, you bury your fingertips in the sheet and throw your head back.
"You're so warm."
You pinch your legs together. Tengen pulls his hand back. He licks his fingers, looking intently into your eyes. This sight is so sexy.
"You taste sweet."
"Ride me, (y/n)."
You look at him from wide eyes. You're scared. Scared as hell. You feel faint on the subject of sex. You have no positive memory of it through your mother. She told you one day that your father raped her because she didn't want to have sex with him. Your sister and you were the products of it. You never forgave your father for that.
"We don't have to go on if you don't want to."
"Yes, we do," you interrupt Tengen.
"I can tell you're scared."
"No, no, I trust you. The thing is..I'm still a virgin."
Tengen lies flat on his back. With his hands, he taps his hips to indicate for you to sit there. Your eyes have followed his hands, which is why you accidentally look at his best piece. Not only is Tengen big in his own right, so is his little friend. You swallow noticeably. He wouldn't fit inside you, you think to yourself.
"I'll be careful, (y/n), I promise!"
You swing on Tengen's hips and sink down. Tengen holds his best piece in his hand. He penetrates you inch by inch. He makes sure that you have almost no pain. It only hurts briefly at the beginning. He gives you enough time to get used to his size, which is really necessary. Tengen only moves when you give him the command to do so. He praises you for how well you take him in. It will be nice for both of you until you come together.
After sex, you lie in Tengen's arms as he strokes your hair. You were skeptical that he would be able to hold out and serve you. You thought he was turning the tables on you. You could literally tell he had been itching to take control a few times. However, he proved to you that he meant business. He kept his word. That convinced you.
"Have I served to your complete satisfaction?"
"Will you marry me after all?"
"I guess you don't give up so easily," you laugh.
"I know, now, what I want. And I want you to be my wife," he joins in your laughter.
"Okay, okay, you win. I'll be your wife."
"How shiny and glamorous of you! How about we go to (favorite dinner) tomorrow?"
Puzzled, you look up at him. That he has remembered this baffles you.
"You remembered what my favorite food is?"
"Of course. I even remember what your favorite flower is," Tengen states confidently.
"You do?"
Yes, it's (favorite flower)."
You're surprised that he went to all that trouble to remember it all. You don't know that about the men from your clan. They hardly know anything about their wives. They don't seem to care. You'd make a bet that your sister's husband doesn't even know when her birthday is.
Time flies. A year has passed since you met Tengen again. You are now married to him. His three other wives immediately accepted you as his fourth wife. You get along famously with them. Tengen is currently on a mission. Meanwhile, you are with your good friend Miyu. You met her after your wedding. You hit it off right away. You have a lot in common. Miyu's past wasn't exactly rosy either, but like you, she has a lovely husband. Kyojuro Rengoku. Everything turned out well for both of you. Now back to the events. You are at the Rengoku estate. You are sitting with Miyu on the veranda of the house. You are talking about your lives and your men.
"Ah, Miyu, I still have to get used to sharing a husband with other women. I wonder if it was the right decision...?" you say to her.
'I wonder if Tengen will be a good husband?'
You sigh. Miyu puts a hand on your shoulder. She looks you straight in the eye. With Miyu, you might assume that she can see to the bottom of your soul. Sometimes she hits the nail on the head with you so precisely that you get the impression she can read your mind. As in your case.
"Underneath all that extravagance, Tengen is a good person and an even better husband," she cheers you up.
"Thank you, Miyu, you are a true friend."
"So-so, Tengen has four wives now," Kyojuro now chimes in. "So he's starting to have a real harem. Just one wife is enough for me.", he says, looking lovingly at his wife and kissing her gently. Then he turns his attention back to training. He is about to train three boys. Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke. Whereas there are only two left. A certain blond sits crying in the corner, comforted by the younger brother, by Kyojuro, Senjuro. The training of the flame column is by all appearances nothing for everyone.
"And how are things between you otherwise?" asks Miyu curiously.
"After the wedding, Tengen nibbled me a few more times. In between times, too. The one time we almost got caught."
"By who?"
"By Sanemi. Good, he didn't catch us directly. Otherwise it would have been even worse for me than it already was. I had to try to suppress my groan, but Tengen, the fine gentleman, of course didn't make it easy for me. He continued calmly as if Sanemi had not been there at all. But I could not stop him very well. For he took me standing up while he pressed me against the wall. He himself was still dressed, only his pants were up. His broad body had covered me. Nevertheless, I was afraid. I think if I had sincerely asked him to stop, he would have. But I have to say, even though I don't really want to admit it, I liked it. I think he realized that. That's why he kept going."
Miyu can't suppress a giggle. Pouting, you look at her.
"That's not funny."
It may not be funny to you. Still, it's funny with the quickie because he always manages to get you to do something like that.
Thanks for reading! I hope it wasn't too bad. Also thanks for the 100 likes! You guys are just the best. I'm happy to take requests.
I'll read you next time.
Your Wolfi 🥰
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derangederensimp · 2 years
Uzui’s Fourth Wife: Chapter 9
Previous part | Masterlist
He couldn’t even bare to look at himself, any type of reflection he fled. His crow never returned to him that day it happened. He would’ve preferred death but that would’ve gotten you killed in the end. Riku took a form slightly different from what he looked like as a human. His hair still dark as the night his eyes instead of hazel burned a bright yellow with lines as pupils. Through his will, he maintained all his memories of being a human, but with those memories brought him pain. He would never allow you to see him again, he vowed to himself that he would never let you get close to him again.
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But with Riku maintaining his awareness of who he was he held great malice against Muzan plotting a way to kill him. Muzan kept his distance from Riku even after turning him into a demon because he still feared he would hold onto his humanity. But Riku played the part, acting as though he didn’t remember a single thing. He wouldn’t hunt people tho, only eating the blood of animals but luckily Muzan didn’t keep and eye on him to know something was different.
Riku was ashamed, disgusted, and horrified of what he became. His parents would never see him again, his sisters would never see him again, and you, you’d never see him again either. Eventually you’d forget about him, live your life with Uzui to the end. At least that’s what he hoped for. His chest ached at the thought. Would he eventually forget your face? How beautiful you are and how angelic your voice was to him? He shut his eyes tight bringing his knees up to his chest rutting his face into his hands. “If I was just stronger I could’ve defeated Akaza. I could’ve went on as a demon slayer and kept her safe even from afar” Riku mumbled to himself.
“Oh Riku don’t bum around and cry. Fight me. We can train for eternity” Akaza said, crossing his arms.
“Lady Y/n you must rest. Lord Tengen said to not let you get up!” Naho whined pulling on your clothes to try and stop you from walking. Her feet dragging across the wood “Sumi! Kiyo! Help me. Her will power is too strong” Naho yelled. Sumi and Kiyo stood at the open doorway “lady y/n you will not get through us!” Sumi huffed, pointing at you.
“Girls, girls let her be. Some fresh air would do her good” Uzui lowly said, his head peeking around the corner as he held his hands behind his back. “First you say don’t let her go and now you're saying to let her go. Make up your mind!” Naho groaned, releasing you from her grip. “I appreciate you three tending to my wounds. I just want to go out and walk the estate” you smiled softly. “Now Uzui what do you have behind your back” you furrowed your brows.
He knew you hated surprises but he was hoping to leave these with you while you slept but he should’ve known you’d be up on your feet in no time. Pulling the bouquet of your favorite type of flowers from behind his back. Your cheeks flushed pink as he handed the flowers off to you. Taking a deep breath to smell them you smiled widely “Thank you, are you trying to butter me up for something” you raised a brow. “Me? Butter you up? No. Just thought you’d enjoy some flowers being stuck in this room.
He was trying to butter you up but only for the purpose of him needing to tell you what some of the demon slayers have gotten sight of. His stomach bubbled with anxiety, you were healing but how would you take the news that your lover turned into a demon. Even if you were supposed to marry Uzui soon that didn’t change your feelings for Riku and Uzui knew that. He wasn’t going to force or fight your feelings for him or fight your feelings for Riku away. He just hoped one day you’d love him the same way he loved you.
He bit his tongue at every opportunity to tell you what happened that night but every time he’d try to speak you’d look at him and smile and not wanting to see you break he held in what he needed to say.
You held onto his arm walking through the estate enjoying the scenery. Talking to one another trying to gain more of a friendship than anything. You asked about his life growing up, his siblings, how he met the other wives, and he asked you similar questions but truthfully already knowing the majority of the answers. Stopping at some low hanging trees you sat onto the grass. “I haven’t seen Riku’s crow spying on me in awhile. I hope everything is ok” you said aloud.
Uzui’s face twisting into a frown before he sat beside you. “I know I can't make you promise to not get upset but please do not run off. You are still healing” he spoke.
Your heart already sinking to your stomach as your chest tightened. Uzui grabbed your hand placing something cold into your palm. His hand hesitates to move off of yours. You stared at him but he looked away skidding his warm palms off yours. Looking down at your hand you saw Riku’s necklace, one that you recall he would never take off.
Pain ripping through your throat as your mind reeled for an answer “Where did you get this…? WHERE DID YOU GET THIS TENGEN?” Silence, he didn’t know where to start, your mind already putting the pieces together. Riku was really there that night, why couldn’t you remember it? Did you really lose that much blood? Why did you have his necklace that was passed down generation to generation? Your hand shook as tears threatened to stream down your cheeks.
Uzui sat there holding his hands together trying to gain the courage to talk. “Y/n, Riku gave it to you before he left. When you got taken his crow was still watching you and told him, I was too weak to protect you and put you into danger. Once he arrived we searched for you and when we finally did you were in a cave bleeding while a demon named Akaza made a wager. Riku becomes a demon and you get to live. Riku agreed to these terms and Akaza let him take you back to the butterfly estate before he had to return. Riku didn’t leave your side till the nurses patched you up and assured him you’d be fine. I wasn’t trying to eavesdrop so I didn’t hear what he said to you while you slept but he rested his necklace onto your chest and then he left. There has been sighting of a new demon amongst the uppermoons..”
The last sentence ringing through your ears before your vision began to go blurry with tears.
The dreams or nightmares you’ve been having were true. It would always start off with you running through a dark area, getting hurt and Riku showing up. Each time he’d carry you back to your bed addressing your wounds before laying beside you pulling you into his arms, your nose filling up with his scent your chest heaving into relaxation knowing you were safe but then he’d tell you “it is time for me to go my love. Please stay safe and keep this safe for me okay?” Riku said, putting his necklace into your hand. A soft smiling across his lips before he peeked your forehead and stroking your cheek one last time. “Are you coming back?” You asked but no response as you watched him walk through the doorway. Your calls for him no longer reaching him.
“It’s been quite awhile since we’ve had an Alpin in our possession. You know your family is quite strong willed and regardless of my orders no other demon can go against they somehow always did. I hope with you I’ll break that.” Muzan said, tapping his foot on the floor as he stared Riku down.
“Such a stubborn bloodline” Akaza chimed in.
Riku kept his head down, there was no point in fighting. He knew regardless of his lineage he was still no match for Muzan, there was no point right now to go against him and with the threat still lingering if he tried anything they’d go after his family next. “Isn’t it a shame you can’t have your crow spy on that scum of a human you hold so dear” Akaza teased, making Riku snap his head to him.
“There we go” Akaza grumbled, getting into his fighting stance. Muzan just sat there resting his head into his hand watching Riku get onto his feet, his eyes glowing more and more yellow. Muzan watched bored as Riku and Akaza destroyed the remaining parts of the hideout. The thought lingering in his mind if he would finally achieve a blood art that his ancestors would always achieve. Muzan now just had to figure out how he could remove Riku’s humanity.
Your eyes felt heavy as you slowly blinked, Uzui held you close to his chest as he walked back to the estate. “You're awake, I’m glad. You need to apply a towel to your eyes when we arrive. His warmth was comforting as you drifted back into a daze.
Your mind going to a much simpler time. It was a rainy day making you stay in your room moping around from the gloomy feeling. The floorboards creaking the closer Riku walked towards you, his steps through the window were always too quiet till he approached you in hopes that he wouldn’t startle you. Picking your head up from your pillow a wide grin grew on your face as he sat beside you. “Why do glum? Isn’t the sound beautiful?” He said, closing his eyes to enjoy the rain some more. “I suppose it is” you said closing your eyes as well. The sound making you feel relaxed.
When you opened your eyes again he was laying beside you his face inches away from yours. Your heart began to race when his eyes opened and he stared right back at you. “Y/n, can you smile for me?” Riku asked, putting his hand onto your cheek his thumb rubbing in circles.
Your cheeks blushed as you softly smiled, he chuckled to himself before kissing your forehead. Spending the rest of the day beside you till it stopped raining and he’d leave out the window only to knock on the estates doors to ask your father if you were able to go out for food with him.
Your father would send your ladies to you to have you dress and they were surprised you were already ready. Riku couldn’t help but smile when he watched you exit the house, holding out his hand to you to grab. Helping you down the steps you waved off your father before you walked to the village.
All the older women of the village would gossip to one another saying things like “there goes the two love birds” “when will they marry?” Making Riku’s cheeks and yours turn a hue of pink.
Once he picked the place he would want to eat at he’d pull you into the building as quick as possible and telling you which foods were amazing that you had to try. By the end of the dinner you were stuffed and ready for a nap. Riku would pay the bill and the two of you would just talk till you worked off the food coma. He loved making you laugh and loved seeing you smile. Your laugh making him feel warm inside “how is everything she does is so cute” he’d think to himself.
A single tear running down your cheek as you cherished the memory of how he looked and scared of what he looked like now. How painful this must all be for him.
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Wonderful thanks to @Noburrra_ and @sighcard on Twitter. I commissioned two of my friends to draw Riku for us! He looks so good.
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ticklygiggles · 2 years
Tickletober Day 18: Nightmare
Ft. Uzui Tengen x Rengoku Kyojurou
A/N: Tengen and Rengoku, anyone? No? :)
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Tengen frowned, fighting the sudden urge to open his eyes. He didn't want to wake up yet; he was tired, drained, and would very much thank every deity out there, (if there was any), if he could sleep for just a few more hours, but goodness sake, what was all that movement around him?!
Tengen groaned and he opened his eyes, finding darkness surrounding him. It was still dark outside? So why the hell was there so much noise? He growled and turning on his side, he found out that the source of all the movement and noise around him, was Rengoku, writhing in bed next to him, ragged gasps and sobs making him shake.
"Rengoku?" His voice came out weak, still too hoarse, but when he didn't get an answer, he noticed that Rengoku was still asleep, sweating as he mumbled unintelligible things under his breath.
"Rengoku," he said, this time a bit more firmly, but again, his voice didn't reach his lover. "Kyojurou!"
Rengoku's eyes snapped open and he sat up on the bed with a loud gasp. He was sweating profusely and he could hardly breathe as tears cascaded down his cheeks.
Tengen held his breath, surprised to see Rengoku in such a state. After what seemed like an eternity, he too sat up in bed and jumped when Rengoku swung around violently to look at him.
"Ky-Kyojurou? It's okay. It's me. Tengen," he whispered in concern, and slowly reached out a hand to hold Rengoku's. "Kyojurou?"
Rengoku tried to blink the tears away and when he finally could see Tengen properly, he let out a shaky breath. "Ten... gen... You- You were... And I was there, but I couldn't and Hinatsuru-san," he mumbled, quickly looking around and only relaxing when he found the three ladies cuddling on the other side of the bed, sleeping soundly.
"And- And my brother, he was there but I-"
"Shh." Tengen gently wrapped his arms around Rengoku's trembling body. "Shh, Kyojurou, we're all alright," he whispered, rubbing Rengoku's back. "It was just a nightmare. You're fine and we're fine too."
Rengoku didn't seem to discern between reality and his nightmare, but after a while, his arms hugged Tengen tightly, his face, still wet with sweat and warm tears, nuzzling against Tengen's shoulder.
"I've got you," Tengen mumbled, gently dragging Rengoku back down against the bed, still hugging him tenderly. "Everything's alright," he repeated, one of his hands moving up to massage Rengoku's scalp, the other rubbing up and down his back.
Rengoku buried his face against Tengen's chest and tried to regulate his breathing as he melted under the gentle attention. Some sobs still made him shake, but after a few minutes, he seemed to have completely calmed down.
"I'm sorry for waking you up," he whispered sheepishly and a chuckle rumbled inside Tengen's chest.
"Mhm, you didn't, though," he lied and smiled when he felt Rengoku chuckling. "Do you feel better?"
Rengoku nodded, "mhm, thanks to you."
"Oh yes, I know. I'm a hero, huh?" Rengoku laughed softly at that and he playfully slapped Tengen in the back. "Oi! What was that for?" He asked and his finger carding through Rengoku's hair, moved down to gently wiggle on the back of his neck.
Rengoku tilted his head as soft giggles escaped his lips. Tengen smiled fondly, his heart aching slightly seeing Rengoku's face a bit swollen after crying, but that smile pulling at his lips was as bright as always, making him feel butterflies.
"Stohohop! You'll wahahake uhup eheheveryohohone!" Rengoku giggled, shaking his head a little and pressing his body tighter against Tengen's in an attempt to escape those fingers tickling his neck.
Tengen chuckled, "I'm not the one giggling, though," he teased, his other hand sneaking under Rengoku's shirt, Tengen's fingers lightly tracing up his spine.
"Gahaha! It tihihickles!" Rengoku hid against Tengen's chest to muffle his giggling, squirming away from the tickly fingers that easily followed him. "Stohohop!"
"Should I?"
"Yehehes! I'll screheHEHAM!" Rengoku said, quickly covering his mouth with one of his hands as a sudden frantic laugh escaped his lips when Tengen's fingers wandered too far from his spine and to his ribs. "Plehehease!"
"Fine, fine," Tengen chuckled, his tickly touch replaced by firm rubs against his back. The tickling on his neck also changing to a massage that made Rengoku go limp between Tengen's arms. "Maybe we should go back to sleep, hmm?"
Rengoku hummed, "I'm... scared to sleep again."
Tengen stopped and looked down to find Rengoku avoiding his eyes with a blush dusting his cheeks. "Hey," he said softly, lifting Rengoku's chin to make him look at him. "Nothing bad will happen because I'll be holding you really tight, you know?" Rengoku chuckled. "I'm right here, Kyojurou, okay?"
Tengen pressed a soft kiss against Rengoku's forehead and Rengoku closed his eyes, melting under the soft affection. He nodded softly and found a spot underneath Tengen's chin.
"Goodnight, Tengen," he mumbled, already half asleep.
Tengen smiled fondly, "Goodnight, Kyojurou."
Tengen hoped Rengoku could have a better rest of the night and he also hoped his wives wouldn't be too worried seeing Rengoku's, highly probably, puffy eyes in the morning, but for now, he was happy to know Rengoku felt safe between his arms.
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kingkatsuki · 3 months
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— my protector
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Tengen needs your help in trying to locate his wives on a mission, and Sanemi is furious.
Get me a man who’s only soft for us, stat😫😭
Pairing: Shinazugawa Sanemi x f!reader.
Warnings: 18+, established relationship, reader is a fellow hashira, jealous Sanemi (for literally no reason), possessiveness, rough sex, slight degradation, fingering, multiple orgasms, breeding, creampie.
Word Count: 4.2k.
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All Sanemi could see was red, fiery red as he roamed the halls of the Butterfly Mansion, ignoring the pain in his right arm from the wound Aoi had just patched up moments earlier.
“Shinobu will kill you if she finds you drawing your sword in here!” Aoi called after him, but Sanemi could care less as his eyes sought out the Sound Pillar.
He had just returned from a three-week-long mission to find out that Uzui had enlisted you for help on one of his missions. Practically offering you up as bait to try and find his wives who had gone missing, like that was even your problem. And Sanemi knew you were always so eager and willing to help, it was something he loved and loathed about you at the same time.
The rage continued building inside him as he pulled open another sliding door aggressively, the wood gliding back from the force as he skimmed another empty room before continuing further through the mansion.
“Listen to me, Shinazugawa.” Aoi huffed, followed after him as one of the only people inside the mansion who weren’t scared of the white-haired man, “I told you Shinobu won’t be pleased to find out you’re breaking all her doors.”
“Fuck her,” Sanemi rolled his eyes, “Where’s Uzui?”
“If you would’ve actually stopped for five minutes to let me explain, instead of being such a jerk,” Aoi crossed her arms over her chest with a huff, “He left with her a few hours ago. Said it couldn’t wait much longer, that his wives may be in danger—”
“How the fuck is that her problem?” Sanemi growled, “So he isn't here?”
“No, but I would advise you don't follow him. Your wounds—” Sanemi ignored Aoi, already halfway down the hall as he marched towards the entrance, determined to find you on his own. It was when he stepped into the courtyard that he saw Uzui coming in by the front gate with a wide smile on his face.
“Ah, my crow told me you were back!” Uzui made to step towards him to finish the conversation, but Sanemi’s sword was already drawn as he stepped towards the larger man, “Perfect timing, my friend!”
“You fucking left her there?” Sanemi barked, “Why are you back here?”
“I came to get you at the request of your lady love,” Uzui grinned as Sanemi curled his lip in irritation at the pet name, “She made me promise to tell you as soon as you got back from your mission because she wouldn’t be around. And I thought you'd prefer a personal greeting.”
“Why the fuck are you sending her on your missions anyway,” Sanemi continued, ignoring Uzui's grin, “And leaving her there!”
“It hasn’t even been twelve hours,” Uzui shrugged, standing in place even as Sanemi stepped towards him.
“That’s already twelve hours too damn long, you prick.” Sanemi drew his sword as he made to lunge towards his fellow hashira.
“She’s probably safer there than she’d ever be out in the field,” Uzui dodged a blow with the hilt of his sword, the guard barely protecting his hands as he used his body weight to push the Wind Pillar back.
“Probably?” Sanemi roared, “She’s probably got sick fucks like you all over her right now.”
“Oh,” Uzui’s lips curled into a cocky smirk at the admission, standing upright as he pushed some fallen hair away from his eyes, “So that’s it— you’re jealous.”
“I ain’t jealous, you fuckwad.” Sanemi grunted as he attempted another slash towards Uzui, knowing it was serious when the wind user hadn’t even bothered to use his power.
“Sure seems like it,” Uzui scoffed, taking another step back to avoid his attack, “Nothing is stopping you from visiting her, you know. She’s only a few towns across and I'm here to take you right to her.”
“Oh, you’re taking me to her,” Sanemi spat, “Right fucking now.”
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“Someone is asking for me?” You raised a brow suspiciously at the implication. Wondering if this meant the demons had realised that you were in fact a slayer intent on taking their head. Your stomach swirled in trepidation as you tried not to show any fear, smiling at the young girl by the door as you bowed your head.
“Yeah, and frankly I’m glad,” She clung to the belt of her kimono, “He looks scary!”
“I definitely don’t want to spend the night with him,” Another girl grimaced, “I don’t think I’d make it out alive.”
You frowned, worried that you wouldn’t have time to access your katana to holster it beneath your kimono. Instead, all you had was the small dagger strapped against your thigh, which you were certain wouldn’t be enough to protect you from the attack of a demon. But at least it was better than nothing, knowing he wouldn’t attack until you were at least secure back inside this room as you bowed your head. Following her down the stairs to the entrance of the establishment, feeling a cool breeze tickle your ankles from the open door and curtain flowing in the wind.
Your heart stilled when you noticed the familiar man standing by the entrance, glaring at anyone who dared look his way as you felt your chest swell with familiarity. You hadn’t expected to see him here this night, and you certainly hadn’t expected him to be asking after you.
“Is this the girl you were asking after, my Lord?”
“Yes,” He grunted as the Madame motioned him to step forward and follow you back to your room.
You had to stop yourself jumping him in the foyer, wanting nothing more than to wrap your arms around him and cling to his broad shoulders.
Feeling the heat practically radiating from his body as you slid open the sliding door to your room, stepping to the side to allow Sanemi to follow before sliding it shut. And in an instant, his rough hands were grabbing hold of the fat at your hips to pull your body against his, your lips meeting in a bruising kiss.
Your hands reached up to thread through his messy hair as the scent of the woods mixed with his natural sweat invaded your senses. He clearly hadn’t bothered to bathe when he returned from his mission, far more concerned with finding you.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” He spoke against your lips when you finally pulled away for air, still holding onto you as your nails dragged against his scalp, “I had to come home to find out you’re helping Uzui?”
“Tengen needed my help,” You murmured, and Sanemi’s nose scrunched in irritation at the use of the Sound Pillars' first name.
“Tengen,” He mocked the pitch of your voice, “Has three fucking wives that can help him, I only have one.”
“Technically,” You parroted his tone, giving him a cocky smirk as you felt his fingers press into the skin at your hips, “I’m not even your wife.”
“You’re as good as,” Sanemi scoffed as he stole another kiss, “And Uzui would do well to remember it.”
“His wives are missing,” You mumbled sadly.
“So does that mean he’s looking for a fourth?” Sanemi frowned at you as you couldn’t help but smile and shake your head at his jealousy.
“No,” You lowered your voice to a whisper, “He hasn’t heard from them for a few days, the letters have stopped coming— and he thinks something bad may have happened to them.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Sanemi couldn’t lie that it had hurt to find out from someone else that you wouldn’t be there upon his return, whether it was jealousy or the fear of losing you he was unsure. But either way, it left him with that familiar sense of dread that pooled in the pit of his stomach and threatened to boil over.
“I’m sorry, but there wasn’t much time,” You did wish you’d sent your crow to warn him, but Uzui had promised you that he would let Sanemi know. Especially since you were doing this for the sake of his wives, “He needed my help, so I offered.”
“You’re far too nice.” Sanemi shook his head, using his grip on your hips to pull you into another sultry kiss.
“I thought that’s why you loved me.” You teased.
“No,” Sanemi scoffed, “I love you for your perfect ass,” He spanked your cheek for emphasis, “Everything else is either a bonus or a crux on my life.”
“You pig.” You scrunched your nose as Sanemi couldn’t stop himself from stealing another kiss.
“I’m kidding, sweetheart,” Sanemi’s eyes softened as he reached up to cup your face in a calloused palm. His thumb stroking gentle circles against your cheek as you leaned into his touch, “But you really should stop putting yourself in harm's way.”
“I’m a hashira,” You replied simply, “It’s what we do to protect others.”
“Protecting others doesn’t mean becoming a whore.” He spat, although you knew there was no malice there. The harsh tone covered up the fear and dread he felt in your gut at the prospect of something happening to you.
“And yet here you are, at the whorehouse requesting me by name.” You smiled back, relishing in the pink hue that dusted his pale cheeks.
“I just don’t want to lose you,” His tone sobered, resting his forehead against your own as he stared down into your eyes, “What a pitiful existence it would be.”
“You won’t lose me, Sanemi.” You wrapped your arms around his waist to pull his body against you, feeling his semi-hard cock press against your hip. The time without you made even more conspicuous when he's now surrounded by the comforting scent of you again.
“Did anyone touch you?” He immediately pulled back, concern evident in his features as he looked you over.
“No, I’ve been fine,” You shook your head, “They’ve mainly had me sitting down for tea with travellers passing through.”
“Good,” He pressed a kiss against your forehead in relief as he exhaled softly, “You have no idea how much I missed you, sweet girl.”
He peppered kisses along the curve of your jaw as you tilted your head back to give him more room. Your hands smoothed along his collarbones before dipping lower to trace patterns against the marred skin that scarred his chest, pressing your fingers into the ridges as you felt the tacky sweat clinging to his skin.
“I missed you too,” You whimpered gently as his teeth found your pulse point, biting down on the sensitive skin as his tongue lashed against it.
Sanemi bullied his muscular thigh between your parted legs to keep you steady against the wall as he shamelessly fiddled with the belt of your kimono. Letting the fabric fall open as he drank in the sight of your bare skin beneath, his firm hands immediately paw at your bare sides. Noticing the small dagger that you had holstered against one of your thighs as he ran his fingers over the handle of it in satisfaction.
“That’s my girl.” He murmurs, “Not planning to use that on me are you?”
He teased, pushing it back into the holster as he moved his hands back up the curve of your hips towards your chest. Truth be told, he was relieved that you had some form of protection in here. Especially when there was the chance that a demon was responsible for the spate of missing persons in the area.
“It depends if you’re nice to me or not,” You mused.
“I’m always nice.” The words coming from Sanemi’s lips alone were enough to have a melodic laugh rumbling in your chest, as for most, Sanemi and nice were complete contradictions.
“Liar,” Throwing your head back in a pretty laugh that had Sanemi’s heart rattling against his rib cage.
“I mean, I’m always nice to you, aren’t I?” Sanemi’s thumbs stroked the underside of your breasts as he delighted in the way your body responded to him, curving your back towards him as your bare cunt pressed against the flat of his thigh.
“We shouldn’t,” You murmured, “Not here—”
“Let me have this, sweetheart,” He hummed, leaning down to capture one of your pebbled nipples between his lips as he sucked hard, “I am a paying customer, after all.”
In fact, he was going to get that money from Uzui for his pure subordination.
“Why pay for something you can get for free at home?” You teased as he afforded your other breast the same attention, his teeth grazing the sensitive skin as you let out another airy moan.
“My girl wasn’t there when I arrived home, and I had heard the girls here were beautiful,” He played along, “Apparently there’s one with the best fuckin’ pussy.”
“Oh yeah?” You gasped as you felt his fingers press against the indents of your thighs, dangerously close to your labia as you bucked against his leg. Giving your clit some slight relief as Sanemi continued forward, his thumb brushing through the wet slick that coated your folds as it drooled out of your neglected hole.
“Yeah,” He repeated, pulling away from your breast with a pop as he found your clit. Pressing sloppy circles against it with the calloused pad of his thumb as he watched you shamelessly grind yourself into his touch, “Apparently she’s already fucked into the shape of another guy though.”
“Must be a lucky guy,” Your eyes rolled back, knocking your head against the wall when you felt two of his thick digits slip inside your tight hole with ease. Scissoring them to loosen you up as he pulled back to watch you inquisitively through half-lidded eyes.
“The fuckin’ luckiest.” Sanemi grinned as he felt your walls throb around his fingers. He deliberately curled them towards the spongy spot inside you that he knew would have you seeing stars as he began to focus each roll of his wrist against it.
His name continued to spill from your lips as he kept his movements poised and focused, his rough thumb kneading circles against your clit as he worked you towards your release. No one knew your body better than he did, and he knew after being pent up for so long how little effort it would take to have you dangling on the edge of your release.
“Fuck, Sanemi.” You moaned, already feeling yourself dangerously close to falling, “I’m gonna cum.”
“Then cum.” He spoke as though it was the most obvious thing in the world, and his blase tone immediately had your cunt clenching around him as you swan dived directly into your bliss. The pleasure surged through your body hard and fast as you came undone, his darkened eyes focused on your movements a he kept his fingers pressed against that same velvety spot. Following the wave of your hips as you rode out your release, unrelenting against the sensitive area as he already had you hurtling towards a second.
It was too much, and not enough at the same time. Your pliant walls throbbed around his slick digits as you wished for something more, something bigger.
“‘Nemi, fuck me please.” You whined pitifully.
“Such a filthy mouth on such a pretty girl,” He teased, but he pulled his fingers away from your sopping heat, lifting them up to the light to spread them as you noticed the silvery webs of your release clinging to them as he pushed them between your lips to taste yourself.
You tried to speak, but the pads of his fingers against your tongue muffled the words as you cleaned them off. His lips curled into a satisfied smile as he pulled them out of your mouth, dragging your glossy bottom lip down in the process as both hands immediately reached for his belt.
“When we get home I am fucking you like you deserve.” Sanemi spoke coolly, “Not some quick fuck in a whorehouse.”
“I deserve everything you give me, 'Nemi.” You smile up at him lazily before watching him tug his pants down, revealing his fat cock to your prying gaze.
You immediately reached for it, and he let you. Hissing when your smaller palm wrapped around the girth of him, giving him a teasing jerk that had his nostrils flaring and his jaw locking. Your thumb swipes over the swollen tip to gather the pearl of pre before smoothing it down his length, delighting in the choked grunt that rumbled at the back of his throat.
“Is that so?” He continued, “So bending you over the moment I get you home will be deserved,” His voice darkened, his own palm joining yours against his length as he tightened your grip on his cock, holding your hand steady as he fucked himself into your fist, “You tease.”
“Fuck,” Your cunt throbbed around nothing at his suggestion, as you instinctively spread your legs further apart, “Please, 'Nemi.”
Sanemi curled a palm beneath your thigh to hoist it up against his hip, spreading you open for him as you guided the leaky tip of his cock between you. Stroking it against your drenched folds as you coated him with your essence, moaning when the swollen tip nudged your puffy clit. Feeling yourself growing more impatient as Sanemi pulled his hips back to tease you, pushing your hand away from his cock as he wrapped himself in a fist. Pressing the head against your tight entrance as he felt your hole tremble against him, trying desperately to coax him in as he indulged himself with your reaction.
“‘Nemi, don’t be an asshole,” You pouted as you tried to can’t your hips forward, feeling the tip breach your entrance before he was quick to move his hips back. More than content with teasing you, despite being in such an open, compromising place.
“If I were an asshole I’d leave you unsatisfied like this to search for the demon myself,” He goaded, pressing his hips forward once more.
“Sanemi,” You whined in irritation, “Don’t tease me, please, it’s been too long.”
He didn’t give you a moment to think before he was bullying his cock inside your tight cunt. Your inner walls stretched to accommodate his girth as he moulded you to the shape of him once more, reminding you of exactly who you belonged to. The sensation stole the air from your lungs as you could do little but cling to his broad shoulders as he afforded you a moment to adjust to his size, dragging himself from your velvety walls before canting his hips forward again. Setting a languid motion as he slowly rolled his hips against you.
“Sanemi,” You sighed in satisfaction as you felt whole once more. Too many lonely nights were spent dreaming of this as you felt him finally bottom out, the coarse hairs at the base tickling your clit as you bit down on your bottom lip.
“We’re in a whorehouse,” He mused, still sluggishly rolling his hips into you, “It only seems right that I treat you like one.”
Your cunt clenched around his cock hard at the notion, something that didn’t go unnoticed by Sanemi who grinned in satisfaction. His fingers tighten their grip around your thigh as he takes this as his answer.
Sanemi is brutal as he fucks into you, not sparing you a moment's peace as he uses you for his own gratification. The sound of skin against skin echos the small room as his balls slap against the curve of your ass with each forward cant of his hips. The ferocity of his thrusts has your breasts bouncing and your thighs crying out for some relief as you struggle to stand upright, thankful that Sanemi’s strong body has you pinned against the wall as he fucks into you.
“Oh my god,” You cry out, nails digging into his skin as he maintains his pace. His other hand squeezes at the fat of your ass as he angles his hips, the curve of his cock drags against the spot inside you that he knows will have you seeing stars as the blunt tip kneads your cervix.
“Look at me.” Sanemi growls, his warm breath fanning your face as he keeps a consistent pace.
Your eyes meet his and you’re certain you’ll cum under the intensity of his gaze alone, your cunt clenches in retaliation as he continues to thrust into your sopping hole. Each sultry moan he pulls from deep in your chest has him rolling his hips with more vigour, eager to have you repeat them as he works you towards your climax.
It’s pitiful really, how easily he has you submitting to him as you already feel the telltale signs of your climax ebbing in your pelvis. The pressure builds up as it nears breaking point as Sanemi pushes into you with more ferocity, using your body for his own means as he works himself to his own release.
“I’m going to leave you pumped full of my seed,” He growls against your cheek, his chest heaving as he feels his balls begin to tighten, “Leave it drooling down your thighs when I’m finished with you. So that everyone knows who you belong to—”
You knew this was a direct attack on Uzui, and the fact that he’d handpicked you for his assistance on this mission. Even though there was nothing in it beyond securing the safety of his wives, it had Sanemi oozing with jealousy and he was intent on reminding the Sound Pillar that you were not his plaything.
“Do you also need a reminder of who you belong to, sweetheart?” Sanemi spoke lowly as he fucked into your pliant walls, slipping a hand between your connected bodies to press sloppy circles to your clit.
“No, ‘Nemi—” That familiar sensation throbbed between your thighs as you teetered on the cusp of your climax.
“No? Then who do you belong to?”
“You, ‘Nemi. You—” You choked out, leaving messy red lines against his chest now as he pressed harder against your clit.
“You, ‘Nemi! It’s always been you!” You cry out, certain that the rest of the floor could hear you as you began to gush around his cock. Your hips bucked wildly as he pinned you in place, keeping his thumb firm against your clit as he watched you ride out your climax. Indulging in the debauched noises that escaped from between your pretty, bruised lips.
“Good girl,” He snarled before moving his hand from your clit to resume a damn near savage pace. Rutting hips against your own messily, working himself towards his own end as he felt the way your walls continued clenching around him in the aftershocks of your climax, “Such a good girl for me.”
He arched his back so he could look down at where your bodies were connected, watching the way his thick cock disappeared inside your velvety walls. And the creamy ring of slick that you’d left around the base of him, the silvery lines matting into his pubes as he felt his balls begin to seize. Certain he wouldn’t be able to last much longer before giving a few more sloppy thrusts and emptying his balls into your warm, wet cunt.
Sanemi stayed buried inside you, feeling the last spurts of his orgasm surge through him as he coated your walls in thick, white spunk. Cherishing the final few flutters of your walls around him as you both came down from your highs, peppering kisses against your face as you placed a palm against his chest to feel his racing heart, the dull thump of it soothing you as you felt your thick lashes begin to flutter.
“Don’t fall asleep, sweetheart.” Sanemi rasped, starting to pull himself out of your spent cunt as you whined in objection. Trying to tighten your thigh around him to keep his hips in position as he grinned down at you; pressing an apologetic kiss to the side of your lips before looking down to see the mess of your combined release stringing against his length as the silvery lines split apart, “I’m sorry, I’ve gotta.”
You knew he had to go, Uzui was probably still waiting for him on a rooftop somewhere. Hopeful that you’d have some news to share with Sanemi about the whereabouts of his wives, but you felt the regret begin to pool in the pit of your stomach as reality settled back in.
“If you want to leave with me, I’ll take you right now,” He said as though it was the most simple thing in the world, “But if you want to stay in I’ll be watching.”
You didn’t have to tell him your answer, he already knew. Placing a final, lingering kiss on your lips as he held you in his arms, “Nothing will ever happen to you as long as I’m around.”
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mysicklove · 8 months
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THESE ARE PORN LINKS !!!!!!!!!! involving sub! aged up (if applicable) characters.
Since this is adult content, most of these links require a twitter login and you to be above 18 years old. (which is good!! lol)
** = Recently added
* = Fem/AFAB! included. rest should be gender netural
Warnings: anal play (m! recieving), pegging, vibrators/toy use, bondage/blindfolds, strap sucking, hanjobs, feminization, overstimulation + edging, masochism/sadism, spanking, oral sex, nipple play, cock slapping, face slapping, cbt, male squirting, wax play
NOTE: i am a sadist so there are elements of that in many. pls be mindful of this!!
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Izuku Midoriya: ( 1 )* ( 2 )* ( 3 )*
Eijiro Kirishima: ( 1 )* ( 2 )* ( 3 )***
Shoto Todoroki: ( 1 )* ( 2 ) ( 3 )***
Katsuki Bakugou: ( 1 ) ( 2 )*
Tamaki Amajiki: ( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 )***
Keigo Takami (Hawks): ( 1 )* ( 2 ) ( 3 )***
Ochako Uraraka: ( 1 )*
Denki Kaminari: ( 1 ) ( 2 )*** ( 3 )***
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Kyojuro Rengoku: ( 1 )* ( 2 )*
Giyuu Tomioka: ( 1 ) ( 2 )* ( 3 )***
Tanjiro Kamado: ( 1 )* ( 2 )*
Zenitsu Agatsuma ( 1 )* ( 2 )* ( 3 )*
Akaza: ( 1 )
Mitsuri Kanroji: ( 1 ) ( 2 )*
Uzui Tengen: ( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 )
Douma: ( 1 )* ( 2 )* ( 3 )*
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Meguru Bachira: ( 1 )* ( 2 )* ( 3 ) ( 4 )* ( 5 )*
Yoichi Isagi: ( 1 ) ( 2 )* ( 3 )*
Hyoma Chigiri: ( 1 ) ( 2 )***
Reo Mikage: ( 1 ) ( 2 )***
Seishiro Nagi: ( 1 ) ( 2 )* ( 3 ) ( 4 )**
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Megumi Fushiguro: ( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 )* ( 4 )* ( 5 )***
Satoru Gojo: ( 1 )* ( 2 ) ( 3 ) ( 4 )***
Yuuta Okkotsu: ( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 )* ( 4 )*** ( 5 )**
Yuuji Itadori: ( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) ( 4 )***
Kento Nanami: ( 1 ) ( 2 )
Nobara Kugisake: ( 1 )
Toge Inumaki: ( 1 ) ( 2 )***
Suguru Geto: ( 1 )* ( 2 )*
Sukuna Ryomen: ( 1 )* ( 2 )** ( 3 )**
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Armin Arlert: ( 1 )* ( 2 )***
Eren Yeager: ( 1 )***
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a/n: pls lmk if any of these links arent working!!! and reminder: if most of these don’t work for you, it’s probably because you don’t have a twitter account. you need one for most
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jennifer-jeong · 2 months
[Smut] [AFAB!Reader] Cinematography
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SUMMARY Men who’d take videos of your cum covered body or face to save for later.
CONTENT NSFW, 18+, smut, assigned female at birth (AFAB) reader, implied feminine reader (he calls you a "good girl" etc.), exhibitionism if you squint, praise, filming sex, making porn basically, vaginal penetration, implied blowjob/face fucking, alludes to cunnilingus, cum on body, swallowing cum, facial, ALL CHARACTERS ARE 18+
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Ones that you might not have expected but they do it possessively KAMO CHOSO, NANAMI KENTO, FUSHIGURO MEGUMI, ALHAITHAM, HEIZOU
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Word Count: 627
There’s something about filming fucking you from behind with the flash on that turns him on like crazy. The way your ass bounces and the plush flesh recoils makes him lightheaded. The sounds that fill the room turn you both on, making you extra sensitive. The light slapping of skin, the wet “plap” noises, the sound of his veiny cock dragging on your slick walls, hitting the deep bundle of nerves in you with every thrust. There’s a visible ring of cream around the base of his cock and there’s a clear shine because the flash reflects off how wet you are and how much you’ve coated his dick. You can’t explain why, but it has you reaching your high faster than you expected.
Maybe it’s the way that he eggs you on more, saying things like “behave for the camera, darling,” or when he talks to the phone like “look at you, taking it so well… Such a good fucking girl.” Maybe you secretly liked being filmed, even though you knew no one would ever see it but you and him. Maybe you liked the nasty idea of being watched, even if only by your boyfriend when he opens the video in the future to pleasure himself to.
You don’t dwell on the thoughts for long though, your impending orgasm pulling you out of your pondering. You give him a short and strained sob of a warning before you clamp down on him. You moan into the pillow you shoved your face into to contain your uncontrollable voice. Waves of pleasure crash through your body as you visibly shake for the camera. The scene in front of him plus the tightening of your pussy around him has his eyes rolling back and has him cumming in a few strokes. He shoots his load all over your ass and back, a few ropes of cum reaching your upper back. He kneads your ass as he enjoys his afterglow and ends the recording after properly capturing your cum covered body. But he’ll still stay there, cooing praises and telling you how well you did. He’ll sit there, admiring his work. Seeing his cum drip down your ass is such a filthy and sinful view, he just can’t help how satisfied it makes him feel.
Other times he’ll have your pretty self on your knees, filming you with your tongue out, doe eyes looking up at him as he pumps his cock with his hand. You’ve just sucked the soul out of him, deepthroating him and letting him face fuck you. He’s already so close and you’re basically asking him to paint your face with how you’re looking at him. The whole situation makes your needy cunt clench around nothing. He knows that you deserve a reward and he’ll either fuck it into you or eat you out to give it to you after this. So, he finishes quickly so he can take care of you fast. He groans out to let you know he’s about to cum. He aims for your mouth but towards the end, he covers your face with his release. It forces you to close an eye shut to avoid any unwanted inconvenience.
He records the whole thing using the room’s ambient lighting instead of flash, the flash sometimes doesn’t capture your cute face properly since the camera is a bit far away, so he chooses this. For him, the whole point of filming is to capture your lovely expressions, especially when, after he finishes, you swallow and open your mouth to show him you didn’t waste a drop. He praises you a bit before ending the recording and giving you the reward you deserve for being his pretty and good girl.
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Thank you for reading!
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2K notes · View notes
meowzfordayz · 1 year
caught with them (; — hashira men
Author’s Note: mostly humorous, but ~a lil steamy. 😉 Update: some are def steamier than others. 😅
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caught with them (; — hashira men
Himejima Gyomei x Reader, Iguro Obanai x Reader, Rengoku Kyojuro x Reader, Shinazugawa Sanemi x Reader, Tomioka Giyuu x Reader, Uzui Tengen x Reader
Word Count: ~1,500
CW: 18+NSFW, accidental v!yeurism, cream!pie, dark humor, degrading language, explicit language, Fem!Reader
Emergency Request Fulfilled: Hi T! May I please request an emergency request (I'm  getting surgery on Thursday and I'm a bit stressed) can you please write funny nsfw headcanons where all the male hashira ( except Muichiro) making love to their fem s/o and all of a sudden she calls out ,"Daddy!", And the guys think she's being kinky and they were getting so into it but then with her serious demeanor they stopped and turned to find out it was actually their s/O's Dad who came in to visit? Please and thank you.
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Initially confused
Gyomei didn’t realize you were into that 😏
And he was too invested in how perfectly your pussy suffocated his dick to hear approaching footsteps 💀
“G-gyomei,” you gasp, burning w/ embarrassment, legs wrapped around his waist as you sit full and sweaty on his lap, nose pressed into his shoulder, suddenly grateful it’s his back facing the living room doorway
“Hm?” he murmurs lowly, blissfully unaware, nearing his orgasm as he continues guiding your hips w/ strong, broad palms
“Mydad’shere,” you manage to explain, nearly choking on the feeling of his tip grazing your cervix
#Gyomei is no longer confused
“Oh dear,” he mutters, mortification clear in his voice
Even as his eyebrows furrow, cock twitching in your heat as he finally cums
Meanwhile, your poor dad’s like: 🫠🫠🫠
“Well don’t just stand there!” you shriek, “Go make yourself tea or something!”
Best believe your dad immediately disappears to make himself something much stronger than tea 😭
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And that’s when Obanai remembers 😳
“Please tell me what’s happening isn’t what I think is happening.”😖
—You thought you knew what his desperation sounded like
—Especially after cockwarming him for hrs, clenching and gently grinding every so often to keep him on edge, computer screen bright w/ half finished work, swivel chair squeaking whenever you decide to roll your hips
—But this definitely takes the cake 🥴
“Unfortunately, my dad is here for our scheduled luncheon that we completely forgot about, but fortunately he is also going to wait in his car,” you grit out, glaring harshly at your equally distraught parent, “We’ll be ready shortly.”
Newsflash: your dad could care less about when you’ll be ready for lunch
In fact, he’d much prefer to cancel lunch altogether
Who needs lunch when their appetite’s just been ruined by an emotionally scarring event?
As soon as your dad leaves, you clamber off of Obanai’s lap, his cock slick and swollen as he slips from your heat, needy whine shiny on his lips
“We’ll revisit this later,” you promise, “With the door closed.”
Despite the waves of embarrassment still crashing through him, he can’t resist cracking a wicked smile, drinking in the sight of your naked form as you bend over to hand him his shirt, previously discarded on the floor
“Dessert? Sounds good to me.” 😎
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Kyojuro pauses mid thrust, expression eager, chest pink from exertion, longer hairs tickling your collarbones as he haunches over you, “Daddy? Would you like to call me daddy?”
“Kyo-” 😭
Yk when yk what you should say, but you can’t seem to say it? 😬
Ofc that would occur at the least opportune moment 😃
“Sweetheart, there is nothing wrong with liking what you like!” lips grazing your throat, one palm pushing at your thigh, the other splayed on an overhead cabinet to steady himself, “If you want to call me daddy, then I am perfectly happy to be your daddy,” sucking lightly at your jaw, growling at the satisfying thud of your body against the countertop’s edge as he completes his thrust, balls sticky when they tap your skin
“Kyyyo-” 😭😭😭
“Call me daddy sweetheart, let daddy make you feel go-”
“So uh,” finally your dad sputters, “How about you guys text me when you’re finished?”
Kyojuro’s eyes = wider than saucers 😳
“I AM SO SORRY, I HAD NO IDEA.” <— 0.02 secs after your dad slams the front door shut
“That was hot,” you giggle breathlessly, shock still radiating, “Maybe I do have a daddy kink? You had me at a lost for words.” 😇
“Clearly!” he nearly whines, uncharacteristically bashful as he tucks his face into your shoulder, “I would have stopped immediately had I known!”
“I’m sorry, I short circuited.” 😅
“I hope he forgives us.” 😓
You snort, already recovering from the ordeal, “He’ll survive.” 😆
Pouting, Kyojuro clings to you, cock slowly softening in your pussy, “But I may not.” 🥺
“Oh hush,” you pat his head reassuringly, smiling as he nuzzles closer, “Let’s shower and get dressed. My poor dad’s patiently waiting.”
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“Who’re you calling daddy?” Sanemi murmurs, body draped over you, grip warm and steady around your waist, your own hands clutching the edge of the sink, “Listen to your sloppy cunt, so pliant and needy, bent over in the bathroom like a cheap whore.”
“Sanemi,” you squeak, eyes glued to the retreating figure reflected in the mirror
“I asked you a question,” he growls roughly, nipping at the side of your neck, balls tapping your clit as his pace quickens, “Who’re you calling daddy? Who’s fucking your slutty hole? Who’s bringing you closer and closer to your climax?”
“Iwascallingmydad, daddy,” you blurt, diction hurried by the stretch and intensity of Sanemi’s thrusts
He shudders to a halt, dangerous stare meeting yours as he looks up into the mirror
“You WHAT?!!!”
You inhale deeply, enunciation precise and drawn out, “We invited my dad over for dinner. You got me horny. He let himself in… and then let promptly let himself out. We made eye contact in the mirror, I swear he nearly fainted, and I called him daddy because apparently that’s what I do when I panic!”
“Oh so this is MY fault?” 😒
“The fuck?” 😐
“That’s what I’m saying! You got me horny, bitch, you’re always horny! Sorry I enjoy pleasuring my woman!” 🙄
“Well don’t apologize for that!”
“Fine! I’m not sorry!” 😤
“So do I get to cum, or…?” 🙃
“You’re fucking weird. You still wanna cum? Now?”
“I mean dinner’s obviously off the table, so-”
“Fuck’s sake! Okay! I’ll make you cum!” 🤬
“Great! Better brace yourself princess,” Sanemi snarls, slipping his fingers between your legs to flick at your clit, “Because you’re my cocksleeve for tonight.”
—Don’t even ask 😃
—Porn isn’t realistic
—So why should my fanfiction be? 😂
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#riperoni Tomioka Giyuu
“Uh huh baby, baby, fuck, f-fuck, FUCK,” he groans loudly, mouth parting slightly, couch pillow propping his head up to provide the perfect view of your perfect tits as you perfectly ride him
Disclaimer: you’re panicking — not cumming 💀
#unlike someone #that someone being Giyuu
“Shit, you’re incredible,” he murmurs, eyes barely open, thumbs soft and greedy as they dig into your waist, satisfaction welling in his stomach as his cum fills you, warm and viscous, tip swollen and twitching, “Feels good, hm? When daddy cums in your gorgeous pussy?”
#riperoni Tomioka Giyuu x 1,398,742
You clear your throat, blinking awkwardly, “Dad, how about I call you in ten minutes?”
Indescribable dread flickers across Giyuu’s face
But he can’t move 😭, bc he just came inside of you 😭, and apparently there’s an audience 😭
#talk about a mess #pun intended
“You do that honey!” *your dad frantically nods* “You do whatever you need to do!” *your dad frantically flees*
“Murder or suicide?” Giyuu asks quietly
“What?” 🧐
“One of us is a dead man,” he answers solemnly, “But I’ll let you decide who.”
*big sigh* “Neither you nor my dad has to die.”
“I disagree.” 😔
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“The fuck?” 🤨 “Is your dad here?” 🤨 “Are you into that?” 🤨
The fact that Tengen hasn’t stopped thrusting does not help your ability to articulate 💀
“Well?” he grunts, biceps straining as he keeps you pinned to the wall, hands full of your ass, “Which one is it?”
“The fact that you don’t seem concerned in the slightest that it could be the second one is mildly concerning,” you mutter
Meanwhile, you’re frantically shooing your dad away, unable to do much more in your current ~position
“The fact that you only consider that mildly concerning is also concerning,” he retorts, “And quit fidgeting,” tongue licking along the curve of your jaw as he murmurs lowly, “Less wriggling, more cumming.”
The sound of the front door opening and closing barely registers to Tengen 😃
Is he that pussydrunk?
#he just doesn’t give af
#sort of
“Hm?” he smirks, gaze glinting smugly at the feeling of your pussy sucking him in deeper, “You gonna cum for me?”
“You do know my dad was here?” breaking off to a whimper as his pubic bone grinds against your clit, “R-right?”
“I know,” he replies simply, fixated on your building orgasm, determinedly repeating his motions, spurred on by your ragged gasps and staccato moans, “I was certainly surprised,” tone amused and patient, “But I figured he’d leave as soon as he realized what he walked in on,” nonchalant as ever, “No point in ruining our pleasure for a brief interruption.”
—I’m not usually suuuper into Tengen, but damn 🤠😂
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13rurururi · 11 months
☆ミ "you're not leaving this bed" (various characters x reader)
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cw/s: 18+, suggestive content, edging, teasing, etc.
a/n: all characters are aged up
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It's a slow Sunday morning, and all he wants is to keep his arms wrapped around your soundly sleeping figure. The curtains do little to shield your bodies from the bright sun, leading to a warmth that should prompt your boyfriend to untangle himself from you — he won't, and you undoubtedly wake up in a weak effort to shake him off.
"Aw, don't want me anymore, baby?"
You feel the smirk on his lips pressed against your nape, making you shiver despite the morning heat. For a moment, he lets you go; but before you could get up from your shared bed, he abruptly grabs both of your wrists with one hand, pinning you firmly onto the soft mattress.
"What's the rush, pretty?"
For the next few hours, he'll have you helplessly spread on the sheets — kissing, nipping, licking every crevice of your body. He revels at each gasp and twitch he can elicit from you, and you are rendered immobile by the strong grasp of his wide palms and the weight of his legs toppled onto yours.
Beg all you want for any sort of relief, and he'll only prolong his torturously slow kisses even further, chuckling at the growing wet spot on the cloth beneath the apex of your legs.
"I'll take my time with you, alright? Be good and take it."
gojo satoru, geto suguru, sukuna, fushiguro toji, tengen uzui, urogi, karaku, gyutaro, haganezuka hotaru, oikawa tooru, miya atsumu, tsukishima kei, kuroo tetsuro, matsukawa issei, hanamaki takahiro
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eskumii · 3 months
❝ TROPHY WIFE ❞ — yandere!uzui tengen/wives + you're his first wife
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SYNOPSIS: suppose you're uzui tengen's very first wife, the one that slipped through the cracks of your unwanted arranged marriage with him. along with your disappearance went his heart, and now you must bear the consequences of a man who loves his wife far beyond her understanding—so much so that he would kill for her, die for her, and do anything to make her stay. — navi.
NOTES: mdni! (cw: non-con) this is an arranged/forced marriage au. it's meant to be one-sided. it took me quite literally forever to finish this lol ,,
PAIRING: yandere!uzui tengen x wife!reader
CHARACTERS: uzui tengen (19-23), reader (18-22), suma (19), makio (20), hinatsuru (21)
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imagine being uzui tengen's very first wife.
your hand in marriage was promised to him by your parents, who owned a tax-collecting business that was often the target of hostility from the impoverished people of your hometown. tengen routinely passed through your village on demon slayer business, so your parents could always rest assured knowing he would take care of the violent stragglers that sometimes loitered outside.
ironically being poor themselves, they had little to offer the hashira as payment for his noble duties; well, that "little" didn't exclude you of course, their only daughter who's failed to find a husband far past the age of when other girls were normally wed. you're still young, fertile, and moderately attractive, but your strong disinterest in potential suitors often drove any chances of a wealthy marriage away.
however, after being introduced to tengen, the man you'll be forced to marry out of obligation, you begin to regret being so stubborn after all.
admittedly, tengen found you to be pretty plain at first. you're poor so you can't exactly dress flashy, and you come from a no-name family with little legacy. your parents swore up and down on your domestic efficiency—hardworking, great cook, a tame disposition—and, well, at least you're kind of cute, too. tengen is intrigued by your potential the most.
your parents force you to do whatever you can to get close to him. the truth is, though, you don't really have to do anything with the way he seeks you out himself. he often shows up at your door asking for you, and your parents have no qualms about dragging you out of your room to make you go out with him.
he takes you to the nicer parts of town and pays for dinner or buys you flowers and little trinkets from the shop vendors that line the streets. it doesn't help that the elderly people running the stands egg you on, saying things like "what a lovely young couple" or "your children would be so beautiful!" tengen simply smiles with ease, accepting their praise as if it's second nature. you get rather embarrassed by his shameless indulgence.
there's small talk but you find it incredibly stifling. tengen does a majority of the dialoguing but most of the time your dates get interrupted by his kasugai crow, who squawks at him whenever a demon shows up nearby. he always looks annoyed and promises to make it up to you, leaning down to pat your head like you're his pet dog or something. you hate it and him too, probably.
"i'll be back before you know it, darling," his smile is charming but not to you. "you'll stay right here for me, won't you?"
regardless of your somewhat obvious hesitance to accept his advances, tengen gets attached to you like it was meant to be. the idea of having a pretty little housewife for him to come home to after his draining missions becomes increasingly attractive, and the more time he spends with you, the more he sees the appeal of your being. it must be a miracle that no man has taken you as his wife yet; surely you were saving yourself for a man like him.
unfortunately, though, you don't want to marry tengen.
an arranged marriage? it's simply not the kind of life you envision for yourself. you aren't willing to bet the rest of your days on a man whom you have a slim chance of falling in love with, all for the sake of financial security. but what else can you do? your parents already made it very clear they would disown you if you refuse, and tengen is pressuring you to your death with his sweet words and annoyingly thoughtful presents. you're stuck.
eventually, the incessant nagging from your parents and weeks of endless courting from tengen sway you so sooner. you fold like a cheap hand fan and succumb to your fate, to a future you knew from the very beginning that you would come to despise.
he's the only suitor you have at this point. it's not like you have a choice. and the one choice you do have just so happens to be him, a man who is the nearest thing to a perfect match as you're ever gonna get. you should be happy. thankful. he'll give you the world if you just give him a chance.
at least, that's what he told you.
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your parents are so happy to send you off.
they're completely honored that their letdown of an only daughter is finally getting married—to a well-known and wealthy shinobi at that. it's the only time they've shown any pride in you, yet it really only leaves a bitter taste in your mouth.
after your brief introduction to the head of tengen's clan, everything moves so quickly. just a couple weeks later, you're already signing a marriage contract in which you and tengen become official newlyweds. and before you know it, you're packing what little belongings you have to your name and moving in with him, begrudgingly and regretfully so.
the day you arrive, he shows you around his overwhelmingly gigantic residence; the courtyard full of cherry blossoms and koi ponds, the huge kitchen, and the bedroom where he'll eventually fully claim you. there's lots of other rooms too, but they're either empty or reserved for his weapons and training gear. he tries to hide it but he's obviously so over the moon that you're his wife now. he doesn't even notice your misery through his elated delusion of love.
in hindsight, you didn't realize how difficult it can be to share a space with someone you hardly know. you find everything awkward but tengen doesn't, like always. to him, you're so obedient and polite— such a good girl. you take whatever he gives you; kisses, hugs, subtle gropes here and there, and all of his sweet compliments and gifts. you don't argue with him or raise your voice, you fret over his injuries and make his favorite foods. you're observant, collected, and mature.
he didn't have a type before he met you—you're all he can ask for in a woman, really.
tengen is unexpectedly romantic. he constantly boasts about his strength and fighting skills in order to impress you, and he never stops mouthing off about how he'll prioritize you over himself. he puts consistent effort in getting to know you: what you like, don't like, your favorite color, and any other inkling of your personality that he can manage to wrestle out of you. he seems to have gotten the impression that you're shy or something.
flowers are a constant and you're spoiled with fancy, expensive kimonos and jewelry. had you married tengen under literally any other circumstance, you'd find his advances on you endearing but, unfortunately, he just comes off as clingy and unbearable. any woman would die to be in your place yet you can't even find it in you to want to be in your own place.
what do you think of him, though? well, he's handsome, you'll give him that. you don't deny the appeal of his good looks and flashy, fitted clothing. he's strong, established, and knows what he wants. despite your obvious distaste towards his gifts and grandiose personality, it's not to say you're ungrateful that the man you're stuck with is exceedingly well-off and capable of protecting you. you can't say he's a bad guy.
however, he's a moron.
he fell for you fast. a couple months have already passed since coming to live in his residence. tengen requests to have picnics whenever you go with him to visit his siblings' graves on his off days. of course you have no reason to refuse; as much as you dislike him, you're not heartless. they're important days, so you swallow your pride and pack a bento spread you know he'll like.
tengen will confide in you about the memories of his late siblings, his parents, and his life before becoming a hashira. it's a depressing and heavy weight to shoulder, but you still play your role of the loving, supportive wife with your lingering touches and comforting words. you use these outings as opportunities to gain his trust by being vulnerable.
except, this time, the effect you seem to have on tengen is magnified to the point of no return.
he pulls you into his lap and you're suddenly flush against his rock hard chest, trapped in a suffocating hug. you don't know what prompted his sudden affection; perhaps it was the warm atmosphere you crafted or the intimacy of the moment, but the way tengen holds you so close is telling. he's about to say something you've been dreading since the day you met him.
"i love you." tengen confesses, nuzzling his face into your neck and sighing as if he'd just released the weight of the world off of his shoulders.
you knew it. it's the first time he's ever said it to you and you'll never forget the wave of nausea that hit you as you glanced up to see him staring back at you expectantly. your heart is pumping out of your chest and your face is flustered—not because you're flattered but because you're ashamed. you feel his hands squeeze your shoulders, almost like a warning, and his grip begins to feel claustrophobic after your prolonged silence.
you have no choice but to reciprocate.
"...I love you too." your voice is quiet, hesitant, and tengen gently teases you about being shy when you refuse to look at him anymore. he's not right but it's true that lying invokes shame.
he almost seems overwhelmed by your response, as if he hadn't just nonverbally threatened it out of you. you don't dare to sneak even a glance at him. he tightens his embrace around you and goes back to burying his face abashedly into your neck, mumbling sweet words against your skin. his body wraps around you like a vice, trapping you in the prison that is his dreadful existence.
you decide, in that very moment, that there was nothing in the world you wanted to do more than run away.
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one fateful day, you catch wind of the news that tengen is being assigned on a mission quite far away, somewhere down in the southwest. 
you're so lucked out that you thought it was a trap at first—a ploy to catch you in your undying desire to leave your husband for good. but when the day of departure arrives and tengen peppers your face with last minute kisses, you know for sure that there's no chance he's caught on to your resentment towards him, nor the plan of escape you've been devising all along.
your eyes are teary when tengen releases you from the last of his spine-crushing hugs and he cooes at your cute crying face. honestly, you're tearing up out of joy because your one and only chance to escape has literally fallen into your lap in a pleated handbasket, but you'll let him believe otherwise. you at least owe him the courtesy. 
you already know you don't stand a chance against tengen, at least physically. he can overpower you like nothing and he's so tall that he towers over you, constantly caging you between those muscled arms of his. there's almost nothing you could do against a man like him—well, unless you count poisoning, but you were above murder when it came to getting what you wanted. 
as soon as tengen passes through the looming gates of the residence and disappears down the winding road, you scramble to gather a few belongings before making your way out through the back. there's a twinge of fear that grips your gut but you press on, determined to put as much space between you and that wretched place you were expected to call home. 
the moment you escaped, you flipped your identity. chopped your hair off, powdered your face in white make-up, and wore headscarves wherever you went. you fled as far as your feet would take you, only stopping to rest in a small village when your aching body could take you no further. you hardly spoke to anyone and left nothing behind that could possibly be traced back to you or be used to pursue you. 
it's obvious you can't go back to your parents; they hated you when you lived with them, and they'd hate you more if you returned. they'd sell you out to tengen in two seconds flat, then ruthlessly shame you for running away from a marriage you wanted no part in. the only option left for you is to create a new life for yourself somewhere far, far away. 
and that's exactly what you do. you find a little town on the outskirts of the red light district, where business is booming and it's easy to disguise yourself beneath the constant foot traffic. you go undercover as a seamstress, working in a homely tailor shop under the supervision of the owners, who are a kind older couple that are quick to regard of you as one of their own. 
time marches on and the jarring memories of tengen do as well. you makes friends with the regulars that come by the store often. you've learned the valuable trade of mending clothing and sewing traditional patterns. you've even developed a crush on one of the men that come by often to repair his work uniform.
your life is finally the way you've always wanted it to be. 
meanwhile, tengen copes—barely. days pass. weeks. months. you're still yet to be found, even with the help of all the hashira and the shinobi of his clan. it's as if you disappeared off the face of the planet. he's completely devastated. did you run away because he was gone for so long? were you feeling neglected? did you just want his attention? surely you wouldn't just up and leave when he'd been so loving; he truly couldn't think of anything that would prompt such an extreme reaction. 
as expected, he doesn't come up with a justification for your disappearance. how could he? you could be dead by now with the amount of demon uprisings that have been happening lately. or you could even be halfway across the world right now, laughing at how easily you had fooled him. eventually, his sadness melts into anger. you may be gone now, but it won't be for long. 
wherever you are, he'll find you. 
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in the following years, tengen's next three wives are chosen specifically by the head of his clan.
and, in the head of the clan's words: "the sound hashira's decision-making must be incredibly poor if he chose a wife who would dare flee from him." the statement only fans the flames of his growing wrath for you. 
however, his new wives—suma, makio, and hinatsuru—are all beautiful and talented kunoichi who admire him to their very cores. as ungrateful as it sounds, there isn't a day where tengen wishes one of them were you. they've worked so hard to try and fill the gaping hole in his existence that was left by you, but it hasn't really been working. he needs you.
they're kind, caring, nurturing and most of all, strong. they've trained all their lives to be kunoichi. he knows he shouldn't complain but they just don't cook like you, look like you... aren't you. of course he loves them, but he could never forget the way his heart shattered the day he returned home to find you nowhere in sight. your disappearance left him in utter shambles. did you ever think about that when you left? you're so unbelievably selfish—is that the kind of woman you turned out to be? 
his wives constantly question his lovesick behavior. tengen never hides anything from them; in fact, he'll sometimes go on long, borderline maniacal rambles about "the wife who got away." to suma, makio, and hinatsuru, you're an enigma that's broken the heart of their husband, and they're not sure what it was about you that makes him act this way. jealousy sparks—if there's a way to get you back to make tengen happy, they would do it, but maybe you're better off gone after all. 
and it's not like tengen didn't search for you. oh no, he looked everywhere within reason. his duties as a hashira kept him chained to his missions near the demon slayers' headquarters, but that never stopped him from interrogating people when he got the chance. any woman that looked even remotely similar to you was sure to be stopped in the middle of the street for further investigation. 
master kagaya is exceedingly understanding of the situation, and he bears obvious concern for his beloved sound hashira. while he's sympathetic of the loss of his wife—it's no matter to be taken lightly, of course—tengen must first be loyal to his occupation as a hashira, and that means going on missions in spite of his mourning. 
and his newest missions leads him to the red light district. 
so tengen goes. he knows his place when it comes to master kagaya, so he has no reason or authority to deny orders. regardless, it's a harrowing and tedious task. drunk concubines practically throw themselves into tengen's arms as he strolls past the many underground sex clubs that line the filthy streets. he has zero interest in any of the debauchery that goes on here, and he especially feels nothing when shoving them away from him with excessive force. 
he scours the area for anyplace that looks decent enough to step foot in, as well as a place where he won't get immediately harassed by ran through harlots. turning down a quieter side street where some storefronts have been shuttered, he happens upon a small seamstress shop sandwiched between two restaurants that look as if they've closed early for the evening. 
shrugging, tengen wearily thinks it's as good of a place as any to begin his intel gathering on the upper moons' whereabouts. he saunters towards the front entrance and a young woman dressed in traditional geisha wear passes him on the sparsely populated road, her wooden sandals clacking against the ground. he can't help but think her hair looked similar to yours and his heart twists painfully in his chest. 
tengen seems to be constantly haunted by the thought of you, forming an obsession in his mind that won't go away until he has you back. until he knows your safe, with him, just like you were meant to be. until he sees you. 
no, literally, tengen sees you, right in front of him. 
through the window of the upscale seamstress shop, he sees you conversing with a man at the front counter, laughing heartily at a joke he must have made. tengen quickly crouches beneath the display window to spy on you, his heart pounding out of his chest at the events that are currently unfolding. he must be mistaken. 
he peeks above the lip of the window to catch a glance and, sure enough, it is you. you're alive and well, almost glowing beneath the low, intimate lighting inside the shop. 
he finally found you! he can't believe it. the grin that's stretching across his face is so broad. he'd recognize your face anywhere, even if it's caked in geisha makeup and your hair elaborately styled. you’re beautiful and he’s captivated by your beauty just as he was the day that he met you. 
he's so unbelievably ecstatic with the way his hands are clamming up, his feet shuffling in the dirt and... 
creeping over the ledge of the display window once again, tengen's eyes immediately grow dark. there's a man there. talking to you. his wife. 
in the midst of your conversation, your eyes absently float over to the window. it's there that your gaze clashes with his, and a blood-curdling look of terror overtakes your features. is that… tengen? 
there's a shift in the air. what happens next, tengen doesn't recall, but when he comes to there's blood on his hands and your hair is bundled up in his fist as he drags you past the threshold the of the shop’s entrance. he looks over his shoulder and on the floor, spread eagle, lies the man without his head. the scene is gruesome.
he killed him. 
tengen looks down at you with a solemn gaze. for some reason, he doesn't even care. the emotions running through him are almost too much to bear. do you know how much your disappearance has destroyed him? do you know how much he's suffered because of you? do you even care? 
he doesn't understand why you're crying. it seems like you were happy enough to whore around with other men in his absence. the thought drives him to the brink of insanity. how much longer do you plan on humiliating him? 
there's too much to be said. tengen's mouth is agape and he's so upset at you that he can't find the right words to express himself. instead, he collapses to the floor beside you and embraces you in his longing arms. he smells your hair and feels how your body shrinks against his—it's all exactly how it used to be. it's exactly as he remembered, as he dreamed of. 
and now, as tengen scoops you up into his arms to take you back home, another dream of his will be fulfilled tonight. he knows exactly what kind of punishment is befit for you. 
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"tengen-sama! you're ba-" 
a woman with colored bangs and a ponytail attempts to greet tengen as he enters, but she's cut off by not only the expression on his face but also the strange, disheveled woman he's hauling behind him. 
he drags you across the cold, laminated wood floors into the bedroom by your hair and peels the delicate, silken layers of your yukata back, exposing soft flesh and ample curves. tengen is so starved of your touch—of your voice, your scent, you. he'll make you pay for what you put him through. he'll make you stay this time. 
you can't even fight back. you're so afraid of what's going to happen that your body refuses to move, to speak. and even if you could, there was no way you would win against a hashira, of all people. 
tengen starts by pushing you to your knees. when his hands begin the hasty work of undoing the belt of his kimono, you already know where this is going and it makes your stomach churn in volatile sickness. he eagerly slides his under pants down and from the top of its elastic band springs his semi-hard cock, which nearly hits you in the face. you gasp at the sheer size of it; that is not gonna fit inside of you.
"don't look at me like that, [name]. clearly i was too lenient with you back then. i should've disciplined you..." he trails off as he stares into your pleading eyes. he smiles but, in it, is no mercy.
"c'mon, baby. you'll be a good girl and open your mouth for me, won't you?" 
you refuse. no, you wouldn't even dream of it. you've never done anything sexual with a man before and you certainly aren't going to wi—
tengen suddenly reaches down and grabs ahold of your now tangled hair with one of his large hands. it takes barely any pressure before your mouth is pried open by the force of his fingers alone, and his now engorged cock head is being stuffed into your warm, unyielding mouth. 
you can only let out a choked cry at the vile intrusion. 
"that's it, baby, good girl.." he praises, stroking your head with his thumb as he slowly inches his pulsing cock down your throat. 
your screams are completely muffled. tengen begins to pick up the pace, letting your drool be the lubricant that allows his giant dick to slide in and out of your tight throat. it hurts so bad that you try to bite down and free yourself from this act of vulgarity, but tengen doesn't allow it. he instead tugs your head back by the grip he has on your hair, forces his cock all the way in, and holds you there until you decide to behave yourself. 
you can hardly breath. lewd, wet noises fill the room as tengen gags you almost to the point of unconsciousness. the vibrations from your screaming must have been making him feel good, though, because it takes just a few minutes before he's shuddering in orgasm as he bottoms out and cums, which you have no choice but to swallow. 
he pulls out of your mouth and you're mortified, but even more so when you see how he's still hard. his cock is covered in a thick layer of your saliva and his cum drips onto your exposed chest in globs that make you cringe in disgust. you think you're going to throw up. 
and you almost do, if it weren't for tengen picking you up from under your arms and tossing you onto the plush bedding. your legs are forced open and tengen slides his twitching cock against your pussy, slowly and teasingly. you begin to fight against him but he easily pins you down long enough to push his fat cock head into your tight pussy. 
tengen pounds you into the plush cushion of the futon all night long. you've given up struggling and crying, only mewling in pain as the brutish man stretches your virgin pussy wide. he ruthlessly kneads your breasts with his calloused palms and overstimulates your clit with his fingers until you cream and squirt repeatedly all over his dick. you can do nothing but lay there as he roughly moves your body into various positions and fills your womb with his seed—there's no way you won't be pregnant after this. 
all the pent up rage that tengen was forced to weather after your disappearance is released in that very room. he sounds like a crazy man with the way he lapses in and out of fits of rage where he's cursing at you with his hands around your throat, then slipping into pleasure induced "i love you's" as he dumps yet another load of cum deep inside of you. 
"h-how does it feel, my love?" he groans, reaching over to caress your flushed face. "mm, you sound so cute making those noises. lemme hear you scream, darling."
and oh, you sure do scream. for him to stop, to get off of you. that you've had enough. that you hate him. over and over again you scream, you cry, and you struggle, but it does you no good. he only seems to thrust faster the more you beg. is he getting off to your desperation? he must be by the way his cock pulses at any form of physical resistance from you. 
you thought it would never end. he's almost insatiable. your tears have long dried up—for the most part, anyway—but the skin on your face feels raw from tengen "lovingly" wiping all your tears and snot away while simultaneously pounding a you-shaped hole into the futon. you feel disgusting. you don't even have the strength to make a sound when he spanks you for the hundredth time, moaning heatedly about how you've been such a bad, bad girl. 
when it seems like he's finally spent, he doesn't pull out. instead, he collapses on top of you with his cock still twitching inside your sloppy, ruined cunt while drawing you in for an unreciprocated kiss. he whispers praises in your ear and gently strokes your face, cooing at how much you're trembling against his much larger form. 
"i should've done this a long time ago. maybe you wouldn't have left if i dumped my kids into you sooner." 
eventually, his softened cock slips out of you and a gush of warmth runs down your legs; you can already feel a soreness settling in your pelvis. tengen sighs contentedly at the sopping squelch that sounds when you snap your legs shut in order to roll as far away from him as possible. he roughly wraps a muscled arm around your waist and pulls you back towards him as soon as he sees your attempt to create distance. 
"i missed you so much, darling," tengen mumbles against your skin breathily, offering a soft smile. "did you enjoy your welcome back?" 
he's making fun of you. you refuse to even look at him. it's to be expected, really, he can't imagine how bad it must feel to think you actually got away from him as you lay in his arms once again, right where you belong. you need to learn your place; no wife of his will disrespect him like you did ever again. if you have to be an example of that, then so be it—youput this on yourself, after all. 
leaving you with a final kiss, he gets up, wraps a towel around his waist, and goes to let his other wives into the room to help clean you up (they've been waiting patiently ever since you showed up, curious about the woman who supposedly "stole tengen's heart," as he put it). you're still naked and exposed with tengen's cum leaking down your thighs but you don't even have the mental capacity to care anymore. all three of the girls look shocked at the state you're in, but they don't comment and rush to get you in the bath. 
they're all very pretty, of course. when you emerge from your haze of disorientation, you're left reeling at the fact that tengen had amassed three whole wives in light of your absence. well, not that you have any right to be surprised considering your short lived emotional affair. you're still in mourning over what had happened to him. 
regardless of your fragile state, the three women swarm you with questions that prod at your past: who you are, where you're from, and how you met tengen. you don't even have half the mind to reply. you can only stare at your tear-stricken reflection in the soapy water, ready to burst into tears yet again at the horrible predicament you've found yourself in. 
what can you do now? sit around and get bred by tengen? rot away in this dreadful house for the rest of your life? the other wives seem to catch onto your unresponsiveness after a couple dozen of their questions go ignored, so they sit quietly and gently wash you clean. they look genuinely worried for you—not that their pity will undo the damage that's already been done. 
makio will scrub your back and grumble about how jealous she is while suma and hinatsuru fret over the small bruises that are now beginning to form around your hips from tengen's manhandling. suma washes your hair next, commenting on how beautiful it is, while the other two move onto rinsing the soap from your body. they wrap you up in a fluffy towel when it's over, and a shiver wracks your spine when their hands guide you to another room, down the hall, with a clean bed ready for you to rest in. 
you don't really know who they are but since they're dressed like kunoichi, it's obvious that they don't share the same mindset you do, or were forced to be wed to tengen like you were. you can't ask them to help you escape from this hell, not a chance. 
even as you lay in the criminally comfortable futon with new silken pajamas, a cup of cold water at your side, and a warm blanket, sleep doesn't find you. 
and with tengen around, you're certain it never will. 
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a few months later, your pregnancy symptoms are in full swing.
tengen is as protective as ever and the other wives have already grown attached to you despite your bitter and unforgiving attitude towards them. you learn quickly that they're all very... obsessive, constantly hovering over you and going to overbearing extremes to make sure you don't do anything that would physically strain yourself in any way.
hinatsuru and makio follow at your heels like guard dogs while suma takes charge of most of the cooking and cleaning. she keeps the peace most of the time and holds makio back when she's attempting to murder hinatsuru over something childish. you're never in the mood to talk to them, however, and they often try to bribe you with your favorite sweets (which is intel that they've gathered from tengen) in order to get you to participate in their activities.
unluckily for you, tengen had decided to completely retire from being a hashira following a particularily harrowing encounter with an upper moon demon (even after you tried to subtly guilt trip him into not doing so). he insisted that you and the baby were "more important." you know that it'd be difficult to escape with the other wives around but to add tengen on top of that makes it surely impossible. 
every morning, the dreadful man himself meets the four of you in the kitchen and will beam proudly at the sight of his adorable little harem. he goes down the line and gives affection to each of his wives individually, in the way they prefer, and saves you for last as you're his "greatest prize," or whatever he said. you're just completely exhausted and you resent them all from the deepest depths of your heart. the least you can do is make it obvious. 
tengen finds your rebellion adorable. everything about you is and even moreso now than when you left him all those years ago. he'll grab you by the jaw and force you into a quick one-sided kiss, pulling away with that fond smile of his. his fingers ghost over your swelling tummy but his very touch makes you feel so awfully sick. you'll roughly push him away and he's so out of his mind that he attributes your justified anger and moodiness to your "pregnancy hormones." regardless, he's happy. it's you who's going to bear his child. it's you who first said you loved him too. as long as you live, you're bound to him as his wife. nothing can come between a man and the woman he loves; uzui tengen certainly made sure of that, didn't he?
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moumouton4 · 11 months
Things That Might Be Said When You're Going At It With Them || Demon Slayer characters x fem!reader
A/n : Let's see if I can write for Demon Slayer as well 👀
A/n 2 : Of course Muichiro is aged up. I mean we write for Bakugo or Todoroki as long as they are aged up so I don't see why we couldn't for Muichiro 🤷‍♀️
Warnings : Nsfw, penetrative sex, belly bulge, size kink, rough sex, vanilla sex, riding, mention of breeding, 18+ READERS ONLY and wrap it before you tap it
Masterlist ⚜
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Word count : 1322
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Giyuu Tomioka : It's likely that he's so stressed that you end up whispering in his ear "Don't worry about anything my love. Just move those hips and make yourself feel good" to get him to focus on something other than his intrusive thoughts. However, sometimes the situation can be reversed depending on whether his mind is clouded by desires. Once he even said "Is it my breathing style that is making you this wet ?" Bruh the audacity he can have when he drops his inibitions "No you don't need it for that. It's only your doing" you said making him blush while his confidence skyrocketed. Now that he was at ease you were in for a good fuck / lovemaking, depending on how you guys decided to take it.
Obanai Iguro : Despite his shyness, he had managed to navigate a relationship with you. However, the vision he had of his appearance proved to be a challenge to handle. You gently caught his jaw in your hand before saying "You can kiss me Obanai. I don't care about those scars. I have my share too" There was also that time when you were naked in front of each other ready to delve into your deepest passion but before he told you "I've taken the day off and I intend to take my time with you...if you'll allow me" by accepting you didn't know that 4 hours later he'd still be thrusting carefully and sensually into you. Well he is related to snakes so... it can take some time.
Sanemi Shinazugawa : He can be very sweet in bed, but most of the time he ends up gripping your hips with his hands as he violently pounds into you "Hey hey careful there boy I still need to walk tomorrow" and that's when he adds "Or I could carry you all day. I put up with your ass every day that's the same" he would add playfully. But he's not always like that sometimes his voice breaks the successions of groans and moans and he asks in full vulnerability "Can you hold me a little tighter please ?" and in moments like that when he just needs to feel you there, your heart swells with love for him as you tighten your grip on him, grounding him in the current moment.
Tengen Uzui : This guy and his size kink belly. Sometimes he puts his large hand on your tummy just to feel his shaft move inside you "Tengen you're liking this a bit too much" you teased when you felt him throb inside of you just after he felt the slight bulge in your belly. He gave you back his signature wide grin "Of course I like it ! To have a partner who can take me as well as you is... flamboyant !" he said the last word breathlessly. Then he looked at you a little more seriously and caringly "Do you think I could speed it up a bit ?" he really wanted to make sure he wasn't hurting you. You wrapped your legs around him before answering "Go ahead mister show me how flashy you can be" and with that you were sure he wasn't going to hold anything back.
Muichiro Tokito : Even though he used to have memory troubles, there was one thing he never forgot, and that was how to make you feel good. Thanks to physical memory. As his hips worked meticulously to hit that spot over and over again you whined "Please h-honey" he immediately understood from the urgency in your voice and the way you spasmed around him that you were close. He tried to unhook your legs which were wrapped around his waist "Spread your legs Y/n let me rub your clitoris" he said gently. Of course it only took a few seconds for you to obey, knowing that once again he was going to bring you to ecstasy. When he felt you tighten up he asked "Does that feel good ?" and when you only responded with a little whine he pressed on your clit making you buck your hips upwards. He was such a tease sometimes but at the end he always fulfilled the mission he'd set himself.
Tanjiro Kamado : He's so good and soft, it's like making love to a cloud - if that's even possible lmao. You've said to him several times "You know you can go harder Tanjiro I ain't gonna break '' and each time he completes your requests as if that's all he was waiting for. But he's still the most caring person you've ever meet, sometimes a little too much "Y/n is everything all good ? Do you need a break ?A glass of water ?" and sometimes you have to stifle your chuckles or prevent the side eye "You've just put the tip don't worry I can take way more of you" and that's all it takes to get him off to a flying start.
Genya Shinazugawa : Even if he wanted you so much, you don't even know how the heck you managed to get him in your bed. He is so fucking flustered when he's talking to you. So naturally in bed he is more than his usual stuttering mess "Genya please move" you whined. With his voice husky with desire he replied "I-I j-just don't wa-wanna ngh... come y-yet" he knew you wouldn't mind and that he would be able to satisfy you in another way but he had a certain pride in making you come first. So his hand moved down between your two bodies and began to make faster and faster circles on your clit. He grunted as he felt you tighten around him, but with deep breaths he managed to bring you to the brink of orgasm before he pounded into your tight warmth, leading you both to the release you'd been waiting for.
Inosuke Hashibira : The first time was pretty memorable, you remember having to explain to him why you were doing it "Ino it's another way of showing that we love each other. We're not doing it just to create a pack" and he deadpeaned "But one day we'll make one right ?" Bro was just so cute "Sure baby" you said, caressing his cheek as he thrusted gently and carefully into you. "I-I think I understand what you meant" he said bringing a big smile onto your face which he couldn't help but reciprocate.
Zenitsu Agatsuma : Bro is so loud man that's crazy. When you ride him you have to put a pillow on his mouth because the whole Demon Slayer Corps is going to hear how tight you are "Please pretty boy can you tone it down a little. Someone's going to be attracted by all this noise" you slowed your movements to talk to him "But Y/n-chaaaaan you feeel so soooo goooood !!!" he said as loud as ever. If you wanted him to calm down you had to make him feel even better than better, so sex drunk he'd not be able to talk anymore. You put your thumb in his mouth and with your other hand grabbed the base of his cock before squeezing it as you rolled your hips towards his. It wasn't long before his screams were replaced with little squeaks, his hips bucking to meet yours, your thumb securely wrapped between his lips.
Muzan Kibutsuji : You don’t know why and sometimes he tells you it may be because he was another man in a previous life but it doesn’t make it any clearer when he goes “Cause this is thriller, thriller night. And no one's gonna save you. From the beast about to strike” as he fucks you. You just hope he ain’t going to “Heee heee” when he cums. 
A/n : I hope you guys liked it ! 🍗🍨 Again my requests are open 🌯🍩
A/n 2 : Yes the link in Muzan's part leads to Thriller 😂
Taglist : @foxxymunson, @cl0vr, @ilovemanypeople, @glossy1pearl, @jane57sstuff
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yoditopascal · 3 months
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“I made it, I'm home.”
Four times Sanemi wants you to use his first name and the one time you do.
pairings: shinazugawa sanemi x fem! reader
warnings: fluff, hurt/comfort, slight angst, sanemi is bad at feelings and communication, slight sanemi/giyu if you squint
a/n: first sequel is up! My Nemi is 18+ so minors DNI
The first time Sanemi crossed paths with you was the day you were introduced to him.
He’d recently become the Wind Hashira and you were requesting to become a tsugoku.
They were all gathered for a hashira meeting to discuss the next training procedures for the lower ranking slayers. As time drew on, Shinazugawa found himself mentally thankful as the meeting drew to an end.
“Before we draw this to close, I’d like to bring one last thing to attention.” Oyakata-sama paused before continuing as you stood behind him head bowed in respect as he spoke
“I’m sure you’ve heard of a demon slayer who has been performing above expectations,” Oyakata-sama said gently. “She’s an exceptional swordswoman and has been recommended by Tomioka-san.”
The training grounds remained silent as the nine hashira waited for their master to continue.
“After some thought, I have reached the conclusion ….” Oyakata-sama smiled. “I’m assigning her to one of you as a tsuguko.”
“Shinazugawa-san,” he offered Sanemi a kind smile. “Since you both trained under the same master I think she would be best in your care.”
“Not interested.”
“Maybe Tomioka-san would be interested then since he-“
That got his blood boiling.
If he didn’t want to do it, why the hell should Tomioka be the one to replace him?
“With all due respect sir,” he said, Tomioka’s head tilts in his peripheral. Sanemi’s index finger plays with the hilt of his sword. “I don’t think Tomioka can cut it.”
“Why does it matter to you Shinazugawa? You already said you weren’t interested.” Uzui raised a brow at him, a hint of teasing behind his words. Obanai nodded his head in agreement in the background.
“It's because I doubt she can handle my training.”
“I’d like to prove myself to you if you’d let me Shinazugawa-sama, '' you said, stepping forward. You were significantly shorter than him, probably around Obanai’s height.
“Cut the -sama bullshit.” He fired back, also stepping forward. He practically towered over you at this point. You were cute he had to admit albeit a little annoying.
You had to admit from your distance you thought he was attractive too. His lilac eyes and fluffy white hair were striking, his scars added a liveliness to his features that you also liked and don’t get you started on his muscles that he proudly had on display.
“Fine then if you think you can keep up with me I’ll take you.” He said snapping you from your thoughts.
“Very well, then.” Oyakata-sama said, pleased. “She will continue training from here on as Shinazugawa’s tsuguko.”
“I can’t wait to work together, I’ve heard so much about you from Giyu-san!”
Why the hell were you already on a first name basis with him?
“It’s Tomioka to you brat.”
“My apologies I didn’t mean to-“
“Don’t let it happen again.”
The remaining hashira grinned teasingly in the background, at the commotion. For someone who had claimed to hate Tomioka’s guts he sure was defensive about the first name thing.
But that wasn’t it at all.
Did he just take on an apprentice because he didn’t want Giyu to have you?
Yes, yes he did.
Did he also correct you just because he didn’t want Giyu to have the satisfaction of being on a first name basis with you?
Of course he did.
He was Sanemi Shinazugawa after all and he had a reputation to uphold.
He had no idea how you two had even met each other with your breathing styles being so different and all or why the hell you two seemed so close to begin with but if you were to train under him he had to squash that in the butt right here and now.
Sanemi was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't realize that the meeting had officially ended. As the hashira began filing out of the courtyard you approached him startling him from his inner monologue.
“Are we ready to begin training Shinazugawa-sama?” You asked
“What the hell did I tell you about that honorific shit?” He groaned.
“Fine then how about Shinazugawa-sensei?” You replied cheekily
Knowing that he wasn’t getting through to you he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
He decided then that he doesn’t like being called Shinazugawa by you.
The second time
“Fuck off.” He rasped. You had just reached the inn you were staying at when you noticed him wincing.
“You’re hurt.” You mumbled, noticing the blood dripping onto the floor beneath him.
“‘m fine,” He shook his head, but the state of him said otherwise.
The blood around the wound had already started to congeal, sticking to his skin and clothes. He was starting to go dizzy from the blood loss.
“No, you’re not,” You frowned
“I told you I’m fine.”
“If you’re as fine as you say, then you won’t mind me taking a look.” You persisted with a grunt he submitted to you and your examination
You were looking at the cut now, nose wrinkled as you assessed the damage.
“Well the good news is you’ll live.”
“Oh joy.”
“The bad news is this’ll probably scar up pretty bad” you said standing to gather the necessary medical supplies before returning to his side. You two had foregone bring Kakushi with you this time as you weren’t that far from the butterfly mansion.
“Let me bandage it up so it doesn’t become infected.”
Wringing a rag out, you forced Sanemi to sit as you began to dab at the wound cleaning it, little sparks of pain ate away at him at each stroke of the cloth, his muscles tensing under your delicate touch.
“Sorry sensei, I’ll get this done as fast as I can.”
Again, there it was.
“I told you to drop the formalities.”
You pulled the clean bandages tight as you began to wrap his torso with a small uneasy chuckle.
“Force of habit.”
You were warm and he could smell the soothing scent of you with how close you were to him, the proximity was getting unbearable, a knot was beginning to form in the pit of his stomach.
As your fingers gently brushed against his chest with such tenderness he wasn’t used to since Kanae, Sanemi felt a jolt of electricity in his chest.
What the hell was that?
“There, that should do it.” You smiled to yourself admiring your handiwork as you placed a hand on his shoulder.
“We’ll get Kocho-san to take a better look at it when we return tomorrow.”
“Whatever.” He brushed you off but all you did was smile your same smile at him.
Realizing the close proximity he felt another pang in his chest as his cheeks began to dust pink.
Was he developing a heart condition? He’d have to ask Shinobu about that the next time he saw her.
Easing up from his place on the ground he stood with his back to you hiding his flustered expression.
“Get some sleep. We’re leaving early in the morning.”
“Shouldn’t I be telling you that?” You teased.
“Just shut up and get some rest.”
The third time
Sanemi pulled off your haori and tied it to your torso trying to staunch the bleeding. The feeling of the warm, sticky blood dripped down your side as you approached the Butterfly estate.
He could feel the warmth from your blood soaking through your uniform, staining his own.
Shinobu, who had been tending to the grounds outside rushed to his side at the sight of you and ushered him to bring you inside. It was hard to separate him from you, he was holding on so tightly, his grip almost like an iron vise.
A strong hand on his shoulder pulled him out of his thoughts and got him to loosen his grip. He looked to see it was Rengoku who had also just come back from a mission and was having his own injuries tended to. “Kocho’s got this Shinazugawa.”
"Don't worry, I’m sure she’ll be fine."
He didn’t know that, how could he?
“You don’t know shit.”
“I know that she’s in good hands here. The same hands that treat you and all the other Hashira when we need it most.” Rengoku said, placing a hand on Sanemi’s shoulder which he shrugged off immediately. “So just try to keep a clear head Shinazugawa.”
“Don’t fucking tell me what to do.” Sanemi said, storming off in the direction they took you, feeling more irritated than he was before speaking with the Flame Pillar.
It had all happened so fast.
Both you and Sanemi had been chasing after a demon who had been kidnapping and eating children. The absolute worst of the worst.
You were losing your temper and fighting brash, something he’d never seen from you before but not something he was new to entirely.
Just like Masachika.
You were so blinded by rage over the fact that the victims were children that you could barely hear him as he directed you to coordinate your attacks.
The last thing he remembers is going in for the killing strike when suddenly the demon throws a kid at him, a little girl. He stops his attack mid swing to catch her but in doing so he leaves himself wide open to the demon.
Fucking idiot! He thought as he tried to move out of range in time, before the demon could sink her claws into him he felt a hard push and the next thing he saw was red.
It was your blood. Dripping onto the ground forming a dark red puddle around your feet.
When had you gotten there?
You had pushed him out of the way at the last second and had taken the brunt of the attack, your side torn almost clean open.
The smell of copper fills his nose completely and he almost chokes on it.
“Shinazugawa.” Shinobu started firmly sitting at a desk chair snapping him from his thoughts. She had just finished stitching you up and had sent Aoi and the others to get you situated in a bed after you had passed out. “If you need to talk…”
“I don't need to fucking talk,” he said pacing grooves into the the wooden flooring of the hall of the Butterfly estate. “She was a fool for jumping in like that.”
“I know you’re worried about her but-“
“I’m not fucking worried!”
He was but he’d never tell Shinobu that.
His anger clouded his senses, sure he was worried but he was mad more than anything.
Who gave you the right to step in and put yourself on the line like that? For him of all people.
No. To Shinobu he wasn’t worried, he was pissed.
You’re met with the sight of a starch white ceiling as you came to, head pounding you slowly, sit up looking around the room, no one was occupying the other beds. Your body ached at even the slightest movement. For a moment, you thought you were completely alone until a familiar voice greets your ears.
“You finally awake?”
Sitting on a chair next to the bed was Sanemi, his arms crossed over his chest as he glared.
"How could you be so fucking stupid, you brat?"
“It’s okay Shinazugawa-san,” you sigh, “Kocho-san was able to patch me up.”
Shinazugawa-san. As if he wasn’t already irritated enough with you.
How annoying.
“Okay, my ass,” Sanemi grumbled, “and drop the -san.”
“You’re a Hashira sensei, your life is worth at least a hundred of mine.”
“You’re an even bigger moron than I thought if you really believe that shit!” Sanemi snapped “Don’t be so ready to throw your life away!”
“I guess I’m your dumbass then.” You mumble under your breath
“Nothing, don't mind me.” You said waving your hand in front of you as if to dissipate the tension in the air.
Silence filled the space between you two.
“I won’t let you die. Not for me.” Sanemi said somberly, refusing to look you in the eye.
“That’s the only way I’d like to go,” you sighed dreamily, only half jokingly.
“Don’t say dumbass shit like that.”
“You’ve made bigger sacrifices. Let someone else make them for you for a change.” You nodded contentedly at what you said. “You deserve to live a full life just as much as I do so let me help you live it to the fullest.”
You would have thought that was the end of your conversation if Sanemi hadn’t stood with such force it knocked his chair over from your bedside.
“Don’t gimme that bullshit!”
“You think you’re so high and mighty talking about sacrifices when you really don’t know shit about sacrificing anything!”
Before you could say anything more, he stormed out slamming the infirmary shoji doors behind him.
He was right, what right did you have to tell him of all people about sacrifice when you knew about his past?
Sanemi hadn’t told you much himself but when you asked Oyakata-sama about him he had reluctantly told you about Genya and his mother.
If anyone had known anything about sacrifice it’d be him.
Slowly getting up from your bed you found yourself leaning against the wall as you limped through the halls searching for your teacher.
The wind whipped through his white hair as he sat in the garden attempting to meditate. He had initially come out here to cool his head by slashing at the training dummies but when he saw other slayers out there training themselves he opted to go to the other side of the grounds just to have some alone time.
He hadn’t meant to snap at you like he did, gods know you weren't wrong no matter how much he hated to admit it, so why did it piss him off so much to hear you talking so easily about throwing your life away for him.
You deserve to live a full life just as much as I do so let me help you live it to the fullest.
You reminded him so much of Masachika it made his head ache.
The wind picks up once again carrying with it the smell of wisterias and…something else he couldn’t quite place.
It was almost like it was trying to tell him something, like he wasn’t alone.
Whipping around just as the sliding shoji doors open up, Sanemi jumped up and made it to you just in time to catch you as you slipped and fell out into the garden having lost your grip on the wall.
“Dumbass! What the hell are you doing up?!”
“I was looking for you!” You cried “I’m sorry Shinazugawa, you were right, I had no right to be so ignorant!” You tried to bow but the searing pain in your side said otherwise.
He tsked as he went to sit you down on the engawa. Setting himself beside you so you could lean on him if you needed to.
“You really aren’t that smart are ya?” He asked roughly trying to lighten the mood but the way it came out made him wince at the harshness.
Thankfully after months of training at his side you could tell when he was trying to lighten the mood, so you simply smiled and closed your eyes savoring his warmth. “No one’s ever accused me of being a genius.”
It was then that he realized you hadn’t called him sensei, or by any honorific. He was simply Shinazugawa.
Maybe he was finally getting something through that thick skull of yours.
The fourth time
When the two of you arrived at the swordsmith village you split off almost instantly Sanemi muttering to himself something about needing a drink. You were so excited at the promise of hot water on your aching muscles that you hadn’t thought to ask Sanemi if he planned to bathe too.
Which was how you two found yourselves in your predicament.
This was good. Way too good. The hot springs were perfect. From where he sat Sanemi could see the steam rising off from the clear water. The atmosphere around it is breathtaking, decorated with rocks, and lush plants. The scent of it was intoxicating.
He can already feel the relaxing effects of the mineral waters soaking into his bones as he sinks further in. Sanemi’s entire body felt overly warm, whether from the springs or the sake he drank earlier that evening he wasn’t sure.
Something like a splash echoed off in the distance and Sanemi turned toward the sound only to find you, sitting with your back to him, eyes closed as you groaned in pure bliss, the hot water easing your sore muscles.
“The hell are you doing here?!” He screamed jumping up to point at your naked form forgetting to cover himself up as he did so.
“Same as you Shinazugawa-san, taking a bath!” You smiled cheerfully “you’re naked by the way.”
You said averting your eyes from his very bare form.
He quickly sank back down into the water, cheeks turning a bright red before he rolled his eyes at you.
There it was again. If you said his last name like that one more time he swore he was going to-
But before he could finish that thought he caught a glimpse of your back, almost completely unmarred and blemish free save for the gnarly scar that twisted up your side and shoulder as you moved to grab your rag to wash yourself.
Sanemi had never seen your body so exposed before, he hadn’t meant to look, he swears he hadn’t but he just couldn’t tear his eyes away from you.
That was my fault.
“It’s not your fault.” Your voice brought him back to reality before he could get lost in his thoughts.
Now you were sitting next to him, back resting against the warm boulders that surrounded the springs, arms folded, covering your amble chest from his view.
“It probably would've happened either way. I was being too reckless that night.”
“Doesn’t stop me from feeling any less shitty about it.”
A silent blanket fell over the two of you, the rippling of the water beneath you two the only sound that could be heard.
“Don’t get hurt again.” The request came in a tone you’d never heard from your teacher before. There was an emotion in his voice, one that you couldn’t quite place. Fear? Pity?
Nonetheless you smiled at him with a reassuring smile before answering back “I’ll try my best.”
“Good,” he began cheeks tinging pink once again as he looked away from you. “now get the fuck out.”
The one time you do
When the battle with Muzan and the remaining Upper Moons was over and the Corps had officially dissolved, you took your time to heal from your injuries, paid your respects to the fallen and moved back home.
Your childhood home looked more or less the same since you’d left, but it felt different. You couldn’t put your finger on it, maybe it had changed somehow or maybe it was just you that had changed but something felt like it was still missing.
Once you were settled in you resumed work in the family’s tea shop, your family thankful for the extra help. Soon you saved up enough to get yourself a little home on the edge of the village.
It wasn’t a spectacular abode but it reminded you of the Wind estate you stayed at when you trained under Sanemi. A place you like to think of as home.
Speaking of the devil, the arrival of Shinazugawa Sanemi to your village was a spectacle. He sent whispers and murmurs everywhere he went, the town buzzing with excited chatter and imaginative speculations but to you it fills your belly with fluttering butterflies.
You hadn't seen him for months since the final battle, a battle you hadn’t even had the luxury of sharing with him since you were with Shinobu at the time. Had he changed at all? Would you remind him too much of the past? What if he didn’t want to see you? Had you changed?
All those thoughts gripped at your head as you walked home from the store, groceries tucked tightly under each arm. It’s as you approached your home that you stopped dead in your tracks nearly dropping your bags.
There, standing in front of your door, was Sanemi himself.
He was thanking an old man, a regular of yours at the tea shop, on your front porch.
“Thanks for helping me find the place, old timer.”
“It’s no problem, oh there she is now!” The old man waved you over.
“Welcome home! I bought you a visitor!” The man cupped his hand around his mouth shouting excitedly as you approached.
“I see, it's been a long time Shinazugawa!” You smiled at them.
Sanemi looked different, he had even more scars and was missing fingers on one of his hands. Even though he appeared more battle hardened there was a surprising gentleness to his features now. As if there had been a weight lifted from his shoulders.
“It’s good to see you too.” He replied, surprising you with a soft smile.
“You wouldn’t expect it by looking at him, but Shinazugawa is really good with kids.” The old man, who you both realized was still there, teased. “We found him helping out some of the village kids before he asked for you.”
Face reddening, Sanemi ears tinged pink.
“Shinazugawa-san, you’re blushing! Ah I remember my first love…” the old man trailed off, his expression dreamy despite yours and Sanemi’s vehement protests in the background.
“I’ll leave you to youngsters to it then.” He waved you two off as he turned to leave, you quickly pulled Sanemi inside, cheeks equally as flushed as his own.
You invited him in and ushered him towards the back before the old man could say anything more. The two of you soon found yourselves resting on the engawa outside as you served him and yourself tea and ohagi, attempting to awkwardly catch up with one another.
You can tell he’s tired from his eyes as he spoke, and he has every right to be. The battle was hard fought not without great sacrifice even if it was months ago, Sanemi had a lot of recovering to do still.
The two of you sat in silence for what felt like hours admiring the beautiful scenery around you. More than once you caught Sanemi’s gaze lingering on you but he always caught himself and looked away before you could say anything.
“Forgive my intrusion.” He broke the stifling silence first.
“There’s nothing to forgive, I’m glad you came to visit.”
“I really wanted to see you, I even thought about coming to visit your estate but I figured, after everything….” You paused
Maybe you didn’t want to see me.
“You might have needed some space.” There’s a pause before you continue. “Have you been to see him yet?”
“I visit his grave as often as I can,” Sanemi says with mournful eyes that can’t quite meet yours.
“It’s all my fault… Genya….” His voice sounded watery as he trailed off. “I didn’t want anything to happen to him.”
“Please don’t blame yourself. It wasn’t your fault.”
“It feels like it is. Maybe if I hadn't pushed him away…”
He’d still be here.
If only he had taken his place. Sanemi thought as he swallowed thickly trying but failing to hold back tears.
“We’ve all done things we’re not proud of, we all make mistakes, it’s what makes us human.” You said placing a gentle hand on his shoulder.
How was he supposed to be going about doing this?
All he wanted was to come visit you, see how you were doing, not spill his guts out to you in the courtyard. He never meant for this to happen.
“I can see the love you had for him. I know he saw it too, otherwise he wouldn’t have fought so hard to get your approval when you pushed him away. People have different ways of showing affection." You started, Sanemi remained silent, his eyes fixed on you as you spoke.
"Genya might not have chosen the path you wanted for him, but he was with you all the way until the end and that’s what matters."
"He was a dumbass," he muttered, wiping stray tears from the corners of his eyes.
"He was your brother, and he loved you to pieces. He forgave you even when you couldn’t forgive yourself. I think it’s time you started trying to forgive yourself too." You smiled warmly. “You’re not alone in this sensei. I'm right here with you.”
“Drop that sensei crap. We’re both civilians now, we’re equal.”
“Sorry, old habits.”
A thick silence envelopes you two once again, this time a little less awkward than it was before as a hint of sadness lingers in the air.
“Please allow me to accompany you on your next visit, I’d like to see him too.” You said leaning into his side.
“I think I’d like that.”
It was getting late, the sun was starting to set over the mountains surrounding your village. The two of you had retired inside your home where you offered to make him dinner. Sanemi accepted and the two of you ate peacefully while you reminisced.
After clearing and cleaning up a bit you returned to your engawa where you sat in a comfortable silence just enjoying each other’s company.
Refusing to meet your eyes, Sanemi moved to place one of his hands over yours. The gesture has your heart thumping wildly in your chest, his too. “I very much wish… to see you again.” His words came out as though he was struggling to say them.
“I’d like that too…Sanemi.”
His name falling from your lips makes him stop in his tracks, looking up at you instantly.
“Say it again. My name.” He breathed out, he wanted to say more, but he’s too caught up in the fact that you finally called him by his first name.
“Sanemi.” you said tested it out on your tongue once more, pronouncing each syllable
At that he smoothly bridged the gap between you, pressing his lips softly against yours.
You almost forgot how to breathe. Cradling your face, he reaches his right hand around you and pulls you closer, deepening your kiss, relishing in the feeling of you.
It was then that you knew what was missing all those months ago when you returned home. It was him, he was your home and your village just didn’t feel like it had a place for you without him.
You're the first to pull away from the kiss, lungs not at all what they used to be back when you had to constantly use Total Concentration breathing, resting your forehead against his you stare into his lilac eyes with a shy smile.
“Stay with me tonight Nemi,” you murmur, fingers lightly tracing along his cheek as he hums in contentment. “Let me take care of you.”
Sanemi does not answer you, instead settling to pull off his haori while going in for another kiss, this one a bit rougher.
You admit to yourself right then that the name Sanemi rolls off the tongue so much better than Shinazugawa does.
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stnexus · 5 months
thinking about…tengen uzui!
18+, minors dni, nsfw
thinking about tengen uzui, who loves seeing his girls fuck them selves silly. he lays back with his hands tucked behind his head, fingers interlocked as he groans out a little at every move and squeeze of whoever’s cunt is gripping at his cock. never complaining as a schlick, schlick, schlick sound reverberates throughout the bedroom. you would each come at him one by one. needy and ready to be pleased as you bared down on him. swears of fuuuck and fuckin’ hell leaving his lips as his sensitivity heightens with each of you. hands placed on to his stern chest in order to ride him efficiently. letting each of his pretty wives get a chance at draining him of his cum. four creampies, and four satisfied wives — now that’s what he calls living.
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kingkatsuki · 1 month
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I started this in March and I finally managed to finish it. It was only supposed to be a short thirst post but yet here we are. Thank you if you decide to give it a go💕
Summary: Tengen thinks Sanemi is wound far too tight, and of course he knows just the way to fix it— by taking him to his favourite brothel.
Pairing: Shinazugawa Sanemi x f!reader.
Warnings: 18+, reader is a courtesan, implied!Tengen using their services, virgin!Sanemi, sex as a transaction, slight degradation, praise, blowjobs, cum swallowing, dirty talk, fingering, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, creampie, Sanemi is way too obsessed with reader way too fast (but she likes it!!)
Word Count: 9.4k.
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“Allow yourself to indulge a little, my friend,” Tengen clapped his shoulder with a grin, “After all that’s what this district is for.”
“I have no time for indulgence.” Sanemi scoffed, ripping his shoulder out of Tengen’s grip as he bared his front incisors.
It was already insufferable enough that he’d had to spend the last few nights with the Sound Pillar, but it was made worse by the grand spectacle he’d made when they’d both entered the entertainment district for the first time. The bright lights paired with the bustling crowds seemed to evoke even more intolerable actions from Uzui and Sanemi couldn’t wait to get home.
“There’s always time for indulgence, my friend,” He persisted, not taking his answer for gospel as he continued down the brightly illuminated street, “And don’t you want to experience the soft touch of a woman?”
“Why would I want to do that?” Sanemi sneered, rolling his eyes as Tengen waved over at a group of women who were standing at the entrance to an establishment trying to coax him over.
All Sanemi wanted to do was find a bed at the local inn and rest his head for a few hours so he could be alert when searching for the demon that was rumoured to be sighted in the area. It disgusted him that people were seemingly still out satiating themselves with cheap frivolity when lives were at risk.
“You can’t die a virgin,” He continued, mid-wave, “How embarrassing.”
“You need to assess your priorities if that is what you assume to be an embarrassment.” He snapped, “Not when there are still demons alive—”
“Ah, I worry as much as you,” Sanemi highly doubted it, “But You never know you might find yourself relaxing a bit.” Tengen persisted, “Might find yourself less angry.”
Sanemi sneered as he balled his hands into a fist, preparing to land a strike against his cocky fellow hashira before Tengen pulled back the purple fabric to a building at the side of them, stepping inside the brothel.
“You can wait outside if you want, I’m sure you’ll find the street performers more than entertaining.”
Sanemi glanced towards the rowdy men who were currently playing instruments in the middle of the street, the loud noise irksome as people stopped to dance with them. Scrunching his nose in irritation as he turned to face the Sound Pillar.
“Fine,” His lips smoothed into a thin line, “But you’re fuckin’ paying.”
Sanemi lingered outside as he stared at the wisteria pattern against the curtain. His heart pounded in his chest at the thought before he took a deep breath and followed inside.
“Ah, Mr Uzui, your usual?”
“Not today,” He clapped a hand on Sanemi’s shoulder, “I’ve brought a friend.”
Sanemi could see the girls in the background begin to cower away, even though they tried to hide it. Shrugging Uzui’s hand off his shoulder with a growl of irritation as he tried to avoid the pairs of eyes watching him intently, jaw locked as he sucked in a breath of air.
“How wonderful, Uzui-sama.” The lady bowed as she motioned to a young girl, “Our Oiran is unavailable now, but I’m certain she will more than suffice.”
The girl cowered in fear as she was given a push in her lower back in an attempt to get her feet to start working, the poor thing. She’d barely been here a week and she’d already had a difficult afternoon with a travelling samurai who’d assumed being rough was included with the price.
“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do, Shinazugawa.” Uzui called out from behind him as Sanemi glared in irritation. There was certainly no chance of that happening, especially at the sight of the young girl that looked close to tears.
“It would be my honor to serve you tonight, my Lord.” You chanced stepping forward, feeling your Madame turn to glare at you.
“Remember your place,” She jeered, the same sickly sweet smile on her face to mask her indignation before turning back to the hashira, “I’m sorry, Shinazugawa-sama. Please let us show you to your room—”
“I want her.” He cut her off coldly, tired eyes matching your gaze as an unfamiliar heat lingered in your chest.
“Not to question your choice, my Lord. But we have many excellent options here—”
“Keep them.” He stepped towards you as you took this as your moment to turn around. Ignoring your Madame’s calls for him to enjoy his night, and request a change at any time if he so desired. It was no wonder she was worried about you tarnishing her reputation, trying to palm to hashira off on someone far more weak willed. But you were intrigued by the man from the moment he stepped through the door, and the poor girl needed a chance to recover from her ordeal.
You could practically feel his eyes on you as you led him down the wooden hallway towards your room, keeping enough of a distance as you slid the screen door open gently. Stepping to the side to invite him in with a slight bow of your head as the white-haired man followed into the room, scrunching his nose at the potent smell of flowers that permeated the air as you closed the door behind you. It was sickly sweet, worse than the ohagi he’d cook at home; invading his senses as he tried to ignore the scent throbbing at the back of his skull.
You could feel how awkward he was, lingering by the doorway as you could cut the tension in the air with a blade. Smoothing down the front of your kimono as you stood in front of him, noticing the way his lavender eyes took note of the futon in the corner of the room.
So this was the seedy shit that Uzui got up to in his free time? Sanemi scoffed.
An impertinent man with three wives who still managed to find the time to spend in the arms of another. Having one woman would be enough of a nuisance, he thinks. But juggling four sounded like pure greed.
“Can I get you anything Shinazugawa-sama?” You smiled, “Tea? Sake? We also have fresh onigiri—”
Sanemi wished you’d stop calling him that. He usually delighted in the honorific when he was called it by others, but the saccharine lilt to your voice as you danced along his name had his cock pulsing between his thighs uncomfortably.
“No.” He bit back the insult that threatened to follow as you nodded in affirmation.
“Well, you’re welcome to make yourself comfortable for your time here,” You continued, “Our services are open to the Hashira for as long as they see fit.”
He scoffed at that, knowing that a Hashira’s pocket was rarely empty so it made sense they’d want to make as much money from them as possible.
“We don’t have to do anything,” You smiled softly, noticing he was silent as he remained still. The cogs in his head slowly turned as he wondered why he’d even agreed to this in the first place, how he’d even made it this far.
“You think I’m scared or somethin’?” Sanemi gibed, maybe a little harsher than intended, but it felt warranted. Your words made it seem as though you were questioning his valour. And Shinazugawa Sanemi never backed down in fear, especially not like this.
“No,” You tilted your head to the side and Sanemi felt his heart rattle at his cages with how cute you looked. Trying to fight the heat that was slowly rising through his body and tickling the tips of his ears.
He felt hot. If he’d have known this was how easily it was to increase his body temperature warm enough to potentially receive a mark, he would’ve demanded that Uzui bring him here a long, long time ago—
“I can just tell you’ve never been here before,” You hummed, “It’s probably unfamiliar to what you’re used to.”
You were right. Sanemi felt completely out of his depth.
“I have no desire to frequent a whorehouse.” He spat, masking his vulnerability. And yet he was acutely aware of the way you didn’t flinch like many would, cowering away from him in fear as though he were a coiled snake ready to attack.
It was at that moment your eyes met his across the room, and for the first time, he recognised the desolate emptiness in your eyes. He recognised it because it was the same one he held whenever he glanced at his reflection. So much time spent wallowing in self-loathing and pity, forcing himself to submerge himself in sheer hatred instead of looking at the ones around him. Sanemi could tell you’d been through a lot too, suffering at the hands of many while being forced into a life you’d never wanted for yourself. Much like him.
“But you’re here anyway, so you might as well relax for the time,” You smiled back, and it only pained him more that he’d spoken to you with such callousness, “And at least you can avoid your friend for a few hours.”
“Is that what all your visitors come here to do?” He sneered but did not attempt to move.
“To linger in the doorway?” You raised a brow, “No, you would be the first.”
Sanemi felt a heat rise all the way to the tips of his ears at this, noticing he’d barely stepped inside the room since you’d brought him this far.
“I don’t bite, you know.” You laughed as you watched him frozen in place.
Could you tell he was a virgin? He wondered if it was obvious from the way he lingered as his body became engulfed in flames. Willing the ground to swallow him whole at the prospect of appearing so inexperienced, and he was surprised at how much he cared.
“We have many people that come here just to talk,” You smiled, settling down into a kneel, “But you don’t seem like much of a talker.”
But that’s not why he was here, he thinks. The proposition had been offered to him, and Uzui had certainly never mentioned talking. “The perfect medicine!” He’d clapped him on the back as he’d led him towards the establishment, a haughty smile on his face. Sanemi was here to try and settle his temper, to blow off some steam. And yet here he still stood stoic in the doorway, silence hanging in the air.
“Well, if you don’t like to talk. Maybe you’d like to watch?” You offered up the option, as Sanemi froze.
He was certain he wouldn’t make it from this room alive, spending years fighting demons only to be scuppered by a beguiling temptress like you. Positive Uzui had fed him to the wolves the moment he stepped through the doors to this establishment and pulled back the curtain.
Sanemi’s tongue slipped out to wet his lips, a futile action when his throat was this dry, as he played back your offer in his head. The words echoed in his ear as he wondered how he was supposed to receive them, whether he needed to say yes or if you would be so kind as to show him exactly what you meant.
He’d never thought much of laying with a woman before. His line of work failed to offer much chance of finding a suitable wife and settling down, even though Uzui had managed to find three. More interested in ridding the world of the scourge of demons instead of cheap frills and frivolity. Sanemi’s only glimpses of breasts had been in onsens or walking through the Red light district. Enough to have his cock pulsing between his thighs as he fought the temptation, but nothing like how you made him feel standing in front of him right now.
“Uzui-sama had said to show you—”
“Can’t you just get on with it?” He cut you off, definitely a little harsher than intended. But it’s to be expected when he’s like a wild deer backed into a corner, as you mentioned the shepherd that had dragged him to the slaughter.
He was going to kill Uzui-sama when he got out of this, he scoffed, the man probably only attended the house to hear that honorific.
“Of course, Shinazugawa-sama.” You smiled, as Sanemi’s eyes now focused on your smaller hands teasing the opening of your kimono, his cock bucking under his pants at the same honorific, “So you can learn how to please a woman.”
Sanemi didn’t want a woman, he had no intention of pleasing anyone. And yet he found himself wondering on what it would be like to please you. Whether your eyes would roll, or your toes would curl. Thinking about the saccharine sigh of his name tumbling from your lips when he had you on the crux of your bliss. And then he began to wonder whether any man had ever pleased a woman inside these four walls, whether a man had ever pleased you—
“Is that even important?” He scoffed, lips coiled into a sneer as you sat back on your haunches.
“Well, it depends. I’m sure as long as you have a woman to lay with you’ll find your pleasure,” You smiled, finding no offence in his question, “But if you help her find her pleasure you’ll be far more satisfied.”
Sanemi felt the heat inside him start to burn as you pressed him to stay. Telling himself it was out of pure intrigue as he lowered his sword to the floor, his palm still clasped over it as he made his decision to stay.
You managed to get him to kneel, although he positioned himself with one foot on the ground. Knee bent as though he was preparing to flee the scene the moment this became too much.
“So you’re only here because of your friend?” You posed the question to him in an attempt to break the ice, though it was more than obvious to be true.
The hunched shoulders and flushed cheeks made it wholly apparent that this wasn’t one of his usual haunts. And that the Hashira felt extremely out of place—
“He seems to think I’m wound too tight,” Sanemi grunted, eyes focused on the way you languidly disrobed.
If he had the confidence he’d reach across the room and pull the haori down your shoulders himself, telling you to hurry up. He’d never witnessed someone take so long to disrobe, although he supposed this was some sort of show you were supposed to put on for the drunken men who frequented the establishment. So he held back, watching as the fabric finally pooled around you.
“So he brought you here to let off some steam.” You smile, beginning to work on the buttons at the front of your kimono.
“And what say you?” He sneered, “What do you think?”
“I’d say your job is difficult,” You whispered, slowly pulling back the front of your kimono to expose your naked breasts to his prying gaze.
Sanemi didn’t say anything, but you noticed his Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed thickly. Nostrils flaring as he exhaled softly as the fabric fell around you to join your haori.
“It’s no wonder you have so much rage inside.” You continue, hands delicate in your lap as you allow him to look at you, “It’s okay to let it out. To release some tension—”
You were right, Sanemi supposed. Although since being inside this building he somehow felt worse— the tension continuing to build inside his abdomen as his pelvis tightened uncomfortably, his heavy cock throbbing with desire as it pressed against the front of his uniform. Shifting his thighs as he tried to give himself some slight relief from the incessant throb, as you did little to satiate it when you began to tease your naked breasts.
“Are you a virgin, Shinazugawa-sama?” You asked, although you were certain you already knew the answer.
“What’s it to you?” He mocked, “You’re just a common whore ready to spread her legs. It’s your job—”
“I’m sorry, my Lord.” You smile softly, finding no malice in his words. It was clear he was trying to deflect your question, as though the answer burned him to say, “I was certain you wanted to talk.”
You were worried you may have pushed him too much, that he would turn and flee the room and leave you naked and alone. Or worse— attack.
You’d had it happen before. Men who would enter the building of their own free will, before turning on you at the last moment. Hands wound tight around your neck as they blamed you for cheating on their wives, for making them do this. And it wasn’t just the men who had nothing else to lose; the ones that would spend their final gold on a night with a woman. These were respected members of society— samurai, business owners, and demon slayers. And perhaps that’s why every other woman had cowered in fear when the Wind Pillar had stepped through the door, because they expected nothing less from the ruthless Hashira.
But he looked vulnerable.
“If you don’t want to talk,” You continued to pull back the fabric of your kimono to expose your naked frame to his lilac eyes, the material cascaded down your body and onto the floor as you allowed him to drink in the sight of you. His eyes roamed your naked skin as they followed a path along your sternum, between the valley of your breasts until they settled on your chubby mound, “I’m certain there are other things we could do that would please you.”
Sanemi’s throat seized as he watched your hands reach up to mould against your round breasts, the skin dipping beneath your touch as you let out a soft, satisfied gasp. A sound that sent jolts of electricity surging through his veins. Enough to have his hands balling into tight fists that settled on top of his thighs as blunt nails dug into his palms, focused on the way your nipples hardened as you pinched and rolled them between your thumb and forefinger.
“You can touch me, you know,” You murmured, “I don’t mind.”
Sanemi swallowed thickly at the invitation. It was why he was here, after all. But somehow it felt daunting to reach out and close the gap, unsure where he should even start with you as he stayed stoic across the room.
You chanced scooting towards him across the wooden floor, settling yourself in front of him as you reached out to grasp one of his tightly closed fists. Gently prying his fingers open as he allowed you to contort his hand, splaying his fingers as you laced your fingers through his own, threading them together as your warmth engulfed him.
The action felt too intimate, which felt peculiar to say when he was sat opposite a half-naked stranger. And yet, he found himself not wanting to pull away. He leaned into your touch, his palm squeezing yours as you took it for reassurance, a soft smile on your face as he found himself beginning to relax.
“It’s okay,” You cooed, “We can just sit like this if you’d prefer.”
You were delighted when you felt the tense muscles in his hand begin to relax as his clenched jaw softened.
“Or we can tell your friend we did everything you wanted,” You continue with a laugh, “And that way it wouldn’t be a lie.”
And Sanemi wished he could put all his wants into words. The thoughts that now ran rampant through his mind as he breathed in the candied scent of you, feeling you lean closer to pepper gentle kisses to the side of his jaw. Tickling his skin against the growing stubble that left a shadow as you moved forward to place your hand flat against his muscular thigh.
“There wouldn’t be a need to lie.” Sanemi’s voice was rough like gravel as he tried desperately to wet his tongue, the roof of his mouth giving no appeasement as his Adam’s apple bobbed thickly.
“Oh?” You murmured, feeling no hint of him pulling away as you leaned back to face him. Your breath fanning his skin as you looked at him through thick, long lashes. Sultry eyes flickering towards his chapped lips before returning his gaze, “So what would you like us to tell him?”
“W-what?” Sanemi stuttered, cursing himself for sounding so pathetic.
“What is it you’d like to tell him?” You smiled softly, your hand slipping higher along his thigh, “What stories do you want to return with?”
And now Sanemi was certain this was the closest he’d come to death.
“Maybe I can suck your cock?” The words almost had him falling apart as he focused on every syllable, unused to someone speaking to him with such candour.
“Uh- yeah.” He felt the embarrassment begin to bloom inside him at his pathetic response as his eyes bore into your own.
You managed to get him on his back, chest heaving as you began to unfasten the belt around his hips. Watching the way his gut clenched in anticipation as you palmed him softly through the rough fabric, causing his hips to buck as he cursed beneath his breath.
“You feel big, Shinazugawa-sama.”
“Call me Sanemi.” He barked back gruffly, wanting to hear the sweet sound of his name leave your lips instead.
“Of course, Sanemi.” You cooed. Never making it to the futon as you straddled his thighs where he lay on the hardwood floor. Shrugging off the rest of your kimono to leave your body completely bare above him as he had to try to remember to breathe.
It was difficult to think when he noticed just how close your bare cunt was to his crotch, certain he could feel the warmth radiating from it against his thigh as you began to tug his pants down. Enough to free his aching cock as it drooped hard and heavy against his pelvis, long enough to follow the curve of his hip as the uncut tip leaked pearlescent beads of pre. Your stomach swirled at the sight of him, what he lacked in size he made up for in sheer girth. Thick, bulging veins forking along his girth as you imagined how he would feel buried inside you, the stretch as he fucked to into the shape of him. The thoughts had your neglected cunt throbbing around nothing as you felt warm slick begin to pool between your thighs.
“I was right— you are big.” You noted, wrapping a slender hand around him at the base as his hips jerked in surprise. Biting back a sharp hiss from between clenched teeth at the sensation as his palms instantly balled into fists at his sides.
“Is that what you say to every man that passes through here?” Sanemi spat, but he secretly hoped this wasn’t the case. He was filled with the incessant desire to impress you, to have you fawning over him. Even though none of this was real.
“No, actually,” You smiled, “I think it might actually hurt if you fuck me.”
Sanemi’s cock kicked with your blase tone, certain he was about to come undone from your words alone. But as if that weren’t enough, he felt himself choking back a grunt when you leaned down to press a lingering kiss to his leaking tip. Licking your lips to taste his pre as you stared up at him from under thick lashes, “If you tell me to stop, I’ll stop.”
Sanemi almost snorted at this. As though he wouldn’t be able to overpower you and push you off in an instant, you wouldn’t stand a chance—
“Oh, fuckin’ shit—” All conscious thoughts were ripped away from him the moment you wrapped your lips around his cock. Catching you by surprise as his hips jerked roughly, forcing more of his length inside your wet mouth as the heady tip of his cock pressed against the back of your throat. The sudden motion caused you to gag as you pulled back to cough and splutter, and Sanemi felt downright depraved when he throbbed at the sight of you. Strings of spit mixed with his pre connected him to your mouth as he groaned, noticing the fat tears that now clumped in your lashes as he tried to remember to breathe, “I’m sorry, I’m—”
“It’s okay,” You brushed him off with a smile, your warm palms stroked softly against his hairy thighs as he tried to calm his body down, “I actually liked it.”
You liked it? Gods, you were certain to be the death of him.
You took him into your mouth again as he fought back the urge to cant his hips forward, growling when your tongue began to trace the bulging veins along his length. Hollowing your cheeks as you began to gently bob your head along him as the hand wrapped around his base began to massage his heavy balls.
It was no wonder Uzui always seemed particularly cheery if this was what he got to experience at home. Sanemi’s eyes rolled back into his skull as he clenched them shut, positive that one look at you with your lips wrapped around him would have him coming undone in an instant.
“You can hold my head, show me what you like.” You murmured against the tip of his cock as you pulled back for air before swallowing him again. Coaxing him to touch you, to move you how he’d like to be treated, and Sanmei wondered why he should even bother when this already felt like heaven.
The whiny, desperate whine that vibrated around his cock the moment he held the back of your head in a large palm was his answer. Your throat instantly tightened around him as he swallowed back another debauched moan, tightening his grip as he began to help you bob your head along his cock. Careful not to hurt you as he pushed you down so the tip of his cock nudged the back of your throat with each downward motion, something that had him leaking even more pre as the salty taste dampened your tongue.
Sanemi could already feel his balls tightening in anticipation, your movements sending him closer to bliss as he used your mouth for his own pleasure.
There’s something about being the only person to see Shinazugawa Sanemi like this. A strong, powerful man who strikes fear into the hearts of many brought to his knees as you tower over him.
His cheeks blaze fiery red as the bloom spreads to the tips of his ears as you wrap his cock into a gentle fist, squeezing the base as he tries to stop his hips from canting forward pathetically. The noise that spills from his lips is more akin to an injured animal as he tries to stop himself from spilling his release so easily. But this is exactly what you do to him, the only person that can make him feel this way.
“Do something.” His tone is cold and brash, but there’s no real malice behind it as you have him as close to begging as you can.
Your fingers slip lower from his balls as you run your thumb along his taint, dipping into the sensitive skin as you have Sanemi’s hips bucking wildly as he catches you completely off guard as he cums with a depraved snarl. Hot, sticky ropes of cum spurt from his pulsing cock as you catch them in your mouth, coating your throat in his potent seed as his chest heaves from the intensity. His hand remains rough at the back of your head as he forgets his hold on you, keeping you pinned on his cock as he fills you with his release.
It’s only when you splutter that Sanemi realises his hold on you, pulling away as though he’s been burned as his lilac eyes stare down at you with worry. Watching you quiver as you cough and splutter again, as he sits up in an instant to cup your neck and assess if you’re okay.
“Shit, I’m sorry—” He rasps, his cock still half-hard and doused in your spit as it hangs between you. “I didn’t mean to— are you okay?”
And for the first time, it feels as though he’s let his walls down. The worry in his tone, paired with his wide eyes show you the concern that you hadn’t expected from the harsh Wind Pillar when he’d first entered the room, and yet here he was offering you more kindness and compassion than a lot of your previous visitors.
Your throat burns, but you answer him by parting your lips and lolling your tongue out so he can see that you’ve swallowed every drop of cum he’d given you. An action that already has his cock stirring for more attention as Sanemi bites back the harsh groan that threatens to rumble deep in his chest at the sight of you.
You really had no idea that you’d be the complete undoing of him, he supposed as he allowed his thumb to brush against your soft cheek. Smiling when you leaned into his touch, still settled between his thighs.
He decided at that moment he’d quite like to kiss you. Uncertain if that was even something people did in these establishments, whether you’d even allow him to. Wondering if you’d ever wanted to kiss any of the men you’d spent time with working here, whether you’d even want to kiss him. Remembering that this was probably nothing more than a job to you, another way to pay off your debts and get yourself out.
He’d get you out if he could. Spare you from all the disgusting, rowdy creeps that you have to deal with daily and protect you from the horrors of this world.
“Are you okay?” You tilted your head to the side as Sanemi was brought back from his thoughts.
“Weren’t you gonna show me how to please a woman?” He ignored your question as his chapped lips brushed against the curve of your jaw.
“Oh,” Your cheeks flushed with a delicate flourish as warmth bloomed across your skin, “Oh, yeah.”
You hesitated for a moment, wondering if you’d even be able to handle his touch on your skin. Your cunt already throbbing wanton and desperate with need as your slick began to soak your inner thighs, positive no one else had made you feel like this before.
Reaching out to wrap your smaller palm around his wrist as he allowed you to move it how you pleased, lifting it to move it to settle against one of your soft breasts.
“Oh,” You heaved a sigh as your fingers stayed wrapped around his wrist as Sanemi began to clench his fingers, barely a squeeze as though he was worried about hurting you as you coaxed him for more, “That feels good.”
The words seemed to encourage him as he began to massage the soft skin, calloused fingers grazing against your sensitive nipples that had you crying out for him. Pleased when he took the initiative to give your other breast the same attention, your cheeks flushed as he stared shamelessly at your exposed skin.
Reaching down you circled a hand around his thick wrist, raising his hand as you placed his calloused palm against your warm breast. Thick lashes fluttered on impact as you looked down at the way he encompassed it, fingers barely flexing as he noticed the way his hand circled it. You ground your hips against him, his semi-hard cock poking into the swell of your ass as you remained seated on his abdomen. The motion pressed you harder against his hand as he began to clench his fingers, squeezing the supple skin as a breathy whine escaped your lips.
Sanemi hadn’t seen many breasts, but he was certain that you were the prettiest by far. Gaining more confidence as he started to squeeze at the soft skin, his thumb grazing over one of your hardening nipples as it stiffened to a taut peak. Biting down on glossy lips you watched him focused and intent, giving the same attention to the other side as he began to palm them both.
Sanemi inhaled softly when your fingers began to busy themselves with the fastenings of his shirt, spreading what little was left to push it off his shoulders along with his haori. Your eyes trailed over each raised scar that marred his perfect skin, fingertips delicately brushing over each line of rough skin and puckered flesh. Giving the same amount of attention to each one, knowing that they all held their own story. Spending slightly longer on the long ones that crossed against the front of his chest, dangerously close to his heart as your palm stopped against his sternum to feel his heart hammering against his chest.
Sanemi had never found his scars repulsive, but for some reason beneath your gaze, he felt self-conscious. Worried that you may find him hideous and cower away from him like most others did. Others, whose opinions he didn’t care about, but yours?
“I know they appear ugly.”
“They’re not ugly,” You hum softly, “I’m just sorry you had to go through the pain to receive them.”
Some scars run deeper, ones that don’t mark and marr his skin. The ones that permeate through to his heart, twisting and contorting as they sear into him hotter than any flame. Demons that keep him awake at night as he’s forced to relive the moments he’s received them, times that he’s faced certain death— and perhaps he deserved it. The pain of receiving them was often forgotten by Sanemi. The hurt and damage from each scar would never equate to the feeling of seeing his loved ones slain, from losing his family.
“But each one tells a story,” You continued, smiling softly. Fingertips stroking over the raised scars there, following the damaged skin as you mapped out every curve and ridge. “Each one holds a reason as to why you’re still here.”
Sanemi had never had someone touch him like this before, he’d never been handled with such care. It was at that moment that Sanemi decided he didn’t want you with anyone else, that you were his and only his.
“We all have scars, but some we try to hide more than others.” You hummed.
Fuck it. He thought as he reached around your neck to pull you into a fierce kiss, catching you off guard. His teeth clashed against your soft lips as he fought to deepen in, inexperience shining through his actions as his nose bumped yours roughly. His movements were sloppy and unpractised as he was far too chaste; too eager. Your lips follow along with his to try and guide him, your tongue teasingly laps at the corner of his lips and he does little to stop you. Trying to anticipate your movements as his lips fall open, granting you entrance as you smile against him.
Your fingers splay against his jaw, holding him steady to help slow him down. Moving your lips with purpose as your tongue brushed past his parted ones, delving into his mouth as you swallowed the moans that vibrated at the back of Sanemi’s throat. Tilting your head to deepen the kiss as you felt his arms encircle you to pull you closer, tightening his grip on you as if no matter how close you were it would never be enough.
His still half-hard cock is trapped between your bodies as you shamelessly roll your hips, pressing your lower half against it for some sweet relief as your cunt virtually burned with neglect. You’d never felt so on edge as you were tempted to reach down and press two fingers to your puffy clit to give yourself some respite. An action that didn’t go unnoticed by the perceptive Hashira who broke the kiss to stare between your bodies.
Sanemi’s fingers were warm as they brushed through your messy folds, hiding your face in his neck as you felt his knuckle graze your clit. A whiny, breathless sigh warmed his skin when he felt your tight hole begin to catch against the calloused pad of his finger.
How were you this fucking wet already and he’d barely touched you? Was this all for him?
“Please,” You murmured. Sanemi felt you roll your hips against his hand, as though you were trying to drop yourself down on his finger, eager for stimulation. Granting your wish as he slipped a solo finger inside you, baulking when he felt how warm, wet and tight you were.
Sanemi wasn’t foolish, he knew about sex. But he just had no idea that this is what you looked like down there, what you felt like. How was he supposed to fit his cock inside here when you were this tight? Surely he’d split you in two.
The moan that left your lips was debauched, and the sound surged directly to his cock. Swallowing thickly as he pressed forward again, letting the calloused pad of his finger press against your velvety walls. Trying to draw another noise like that from your throat.
Sanemi was gentle and precise compared to the other men that frequented the establishment, so used to your pleasure being unimportant as they were quick to push into you with little care or decency. Fulfilling their own needs and leaving you a crumpled, fragile mess after with comments on how thankful you should be that they were helping to pay off your debt. Glad that most men that you encountered seemed to only want comfort, a warm body to lay beside so they could fool themselves for a moment that they mattered to someone.
“Is this okay?” His voice was laced with uncertainty, his finger plunging into your tight sex as he grazed your ridged walls.
“Curl it,” You murmured, breaking off into a high-pitched gasp when he brushed against the sensitive spot inside you. Your reaction was an indication he’d found what he’d been searching for as he focused his movements against it. Deft and precise as Sanemi began to pump the lone finger in and out of you, lilac eyes focused on the way your face contorted in pleasure.
“Yeah?” He hummed in satisfaction, “You like that?”
Your cunt clenched around him in response, biting down on your bottom lip as you found yourself rolling your hips in tandem with him, moving one of your hands from his shoulders to slip between your bodies to join his as you pressed slow, precise circles against your needy clit.
“What are you doing?” His voice turned to a deep snarl, brows furrowed as he watched you touch yourself in front of him.
“Touching my clit.” You gasped as he knocked your hand away roughly, moving his thumb to press blindly against your slit to replace it.
“I’ll do it,” He growled, the authoritative lilt to his tone had you trembling as he made rough strokes in an attempt to find your sensitive nub, “There?”
He questioned as he rubbed the junction of your labia, pressing against your folds as you tried to lift your hips to position his hand.
“No,” You murmured, holding his wrist before moving your slender fingers towards his thumb to press the pad of it flat against your clit. Whining on contact as his touch felt instantly better than your own, “Here— can you feel it?”
“Yeah,” Sanemi released the breath he hadn’t realised he was holding in as he began to press tough, persistent circles against it while curling his finger inside you.
“Add another finger, please?” You begged, moving your hands back to his broad shoulders to support yourself as you continued to match his movements.
“Yeah?” He murmured, pressing both fingers against the spongy spot inside you as he began to thrust them languidly, tilting his head back to stop you from shying away from his gaze as he watched your face morph into pleasure, “You like that?”
“So good,” You affirmed, feeling the coil inside you start to wind and tighten as Sanemi focused on your pleasure. Certain your cunt was drooling into his open palm as he followed your movements, pressing deeper each time you tried to roll your hips, “I’m close.”
“Then cum.” His voice commanded, his tone curt and domineering as you found yourself succumbing to the pleasure that threatened to spill over. Your cunt clenched desperately around his digits as you came with a choked gargle of his name, white spots blanking your vision as your entire body convulsed. Sanemi’s other hand splayed flat at the arch of your back to stop you from toppling backwards as he continued to press messy circles into your throbbing clit, prolonging the sensation, “Good girl.” The words had you throbbing as he helped you ride out your bliss.
“I—” You panted, at a loss for words as your nails dug into the delicate skin on his shoulders, leaving crescent-shaped moons in their wake that Sanemi hoped would scar.
“God, you’re so fucking pretty when you cum.” Sanemi grunted, and you had to rip his hand away from your poor sex when the sensation became too much. Already feeling him forcing you towards another—
“You shouldn’t be so good at that, Shinazugawa-sama.” You groaned in satisfaction, pulling back as you noticed his cock practically leaking against his chest from the sight of you. Leaving silvery lines of pre against his skin as he sat hard and ready for you.
“What did I say to call me?” He rasped.
“Sanemi,” You breathed, and the Wind Pillar was certain he would never tire of hearing his name flow from your lips.
Was it normal to fall in love the first night with someone? With a courtesan no less. Sanemi wondered how many men had stepped through the doors of this house with the same question, returning to spend the night with a woman who was only interested in how deep their pockets were. But it somehow felt different with you— the look in your eyes made it feel like it was something more than just a transaction. And well, if it wasn’t Sanemi was positive he’d give every last penny he owned for one more night with you.
“It’s okay if you want to stop,” You smiled gently, hoping that he wouldn’t. Your cunt clenched desperately around nothing as you yearned for him, wanting to feel him stretch you out in the most intoxicating way.
You were certain it was going to hurt judging from the sheer mass that was now resting between your thighs, thick and heady. Feeling the tip almost graze your belly button as you imagined just how deep he would be inside of you. Your cunt fluttered in anticipation as he began to stroke the fat tip of his cock between your messy folds. Feeling them part for him as he nudged against your sensitive clit, making you cry out for him as he repeated the motion.
“Why would I stop?” He bit back, “You’re getting paid aren’t you?”
He hated himself for the words that left his lips, the regret evident on his features the moment he’d uttered them. But it was what he did. Pushing people away before they got too close, before he let them in—
“I’m sorry,” He murmured apologetically, “I didn’t mean—”
“It’s okay,” You cut him off with a small smile, used to hearing far worse as you smoothed a hand through the light hairs that scarred against his chest, “Are you ready?”
And Sanemi was certain he’d never been more prepared for anything in his life, his palms still planted firmly against your hips as he watched you reach down to wrap your palm around his drooling cock.
Holding it upright as you leaned forward to adjust yourself so the building tip was pressed against your right entrance. His fingers were no match for the stretch of the engorged tip as you slowly began to coax him inside. The first inch was painful, a delicious ache swirling in your abdomen as you tried to relax. Inhaling deeply as you gave an experimental roll of your hips, forcing another inch inside as you began to feel the stretch. The protruding veins that forked along his girth did nothing to ease the tension as you could practically feel them throb against your inner walls as you sank lower onto him.
Sanemi wasn’t fairing much better, his pupils blown as he was certain he could see every shade of colour. His grip against your hips bruising now as he tried to think of anything but the sensation of your cunt wrapped around him for the first time. He was barely halfway inside, and now he was positive he wouldn’t last by the time you made it to the base— his balls already drawn up and heavy as he imagined emptying his seed into your ripe cunt.
You were so fucking warm, and drenched. It was making it difficult to think as your slick left creamy rings around the girth of his cock, drooling down to his balls as you soaked his skin. Sanemi found himself becoming lightheaded, blindly pawing for your waist to centre himself. The back of his head knocked against the wooden floor as he readjusted his hips, giving you a few more inches as you moaned at the sensation. Catching yourself with soft palms against his chest as you rolled down into his touch, his stiff cock almost wholly inside you as you felt the messy hairs that sat at his base tickle your clit.
You still for a moment, allowing you both to adjust to the sensation. But it feels like a moment too long for Sanemi, a moment that drives him closer to the desperate release his body already craves. His hefty balls are already tight and pulsing as they threaten to spill into your eager hole.
It’s as though you notice when you start to roll your hips above him. But Sanemi reckons this is worse— your tits sway with your alluring movement, the cool air in the room hits his cock when you rise your hips to pull off him before seating yourself back down and he’s certain you’ll be the death of him. That Uzui will find the shattered remains of his body in this very room as he dies buried deep inside your molten cunt. How had he managed to continue life for so long without feeling this? It’s now the only pleasure he ever wants to indulge in as he watches you intently through blown eyes.
“Are you okay?” You hum with a teasing swirl of your hips and Sanemi has to wet his lips to reply. His tongue rolls over white teeth before clearing his throat, a heavy rumble in his chest as calloused fingers dip into the fat at your hips.
“‘m fine,” It’s all he can muster. Certain if he says more it’ll be over, and Sanemi doesn’t want this to be over, “Fuckin’ tight.”
“You feel so good,” You offer in return, “Stretching me so much—”
And Sanemi isn’t sure he even wants to hear it. Uncertain whether it’s because you have his cock pulsing from your sultry tone that leaves him shaking on the crux of his climax, or that he thinks you’re lying. Another deceitful line you give to all your paying customers.
“Shinazugawa-sama.” You breathe and Sanemi feels his Adam’s apple throb in his throat.
“Sanemi,” He growls, low and domineering, “I said call me Sanemi.”
“Sanemi.” You parrot, and the sound of it has his hips jerking sloppily as he fucks up into you, his name now sounded from your lips like a dull mantra, “Sanemi.”
Your hands are splayed across his chest as you try to keep your movements consistent, hips rolling against him as you ride his cock. Trying to commit the sight to memory as your eyes follow every line and scar that settles across his skin, soft fingertips following them as you ride him. An indication of just how powerful the man beneath you is, the man you’ve brought to his knees.
“Oh, fuck.” You sound out, and Sanemi thinks it’s cute the sound of such a vulgar word spilling from your sweet lips.
And Sanemi wants to make you make more sounds like that, to pull every one from your pretty throat and commit each one to memory. Remembering every saccharine lilt and coo as though he’s conducting his own debauched symphony. Sounds that will comfort him when he thinks of you, of this. He moves his hand from your hip, pressing a thumb against your pelvis before dipping lower. Stroking his digits through your messy slit, and when he touches your clit your body convulses. Hips bucking so wildly on contact his eyes are wide as though he’s done something wrong. Taking his hand to press his fingers back against it as you coax him into touching you there again.
Hunching over him as you try to keep your pace, your movements borderline pathetic as you chase the pleasure of his calloused thumb against your sensitive bud. His eyes watch you curiously as he speeds up the sloppy figure of eights he presses into it, feeling the way your cunt clenches around him in response.
“This is supposed to be for you.” You choke out, unused to your clients even thinking about your pleasure.
“Who says it’s not?” Sanemi scoffs; the sight of you like this is worth every damn penny Uzui is paying, “I want you to come undone for me.”
The dominant, commanding husk to his voice has your pelvis contorting as your body wills itself to unravel on command. Barely able to cry out his name as you find your release, your silky walls clamp down around his cock as they desperately try to milk him of his release. Your nails dig into muscular pectorals as you try to keep yourself upright, to hold onto the single thread of sanity you have left.
But Sanemi’s thumb doesn’t stop against your clit, following your jerky movements as your hips coil and spasm. Keeping his touch firm and persistent as he helps you ride out one climax to have you soaring towards another.
It’s too much, and you’re not sure you can handle it as your hands slip down to wrap around his wrist. Feebly trying to pull his grip away from your sloppy cunt as you watch the muscles in his arm tighten, veins popping out proudly as they fork towards his wrist. Practically snarling as he easily fights your weaker grip, “Don’t.”
And once again he throws you into ecstasy, your body trembling as another intense orgasm surges through your veins. Soaking his cock with your essence as you feel how wet and sloppy you are between your thighs, any friction dissipating as it’s all you can do but pathetically grind yourself against his finger while you ride out your bliss.
“Sanemi,” You whine, unable to hold yourself upright as you feel yourself falling forward onto his chest. Your face nuzzled into the junction of his neck as you trap his muscular arm between your bodies, his thumb still at your overstimulated clit as he gives it a few more lingering swipes, “S’too much.”
And Sanemi has to agree. It’s far too much, but also not enough at the same time. His cock throbs at the feeling of your drenched walls soaking him, fluttering in the aftershocks of your release as he’s certain he’s on the cusp of his own end. Slipping his arm from between your bodies in ease in favour of wrapping both arms around you, pinning you against his chest as he bends both his legs at the knee. Planting his feet on the hardwood floor for stability as he holds you against him.
He catches you by surprise as he begins to thrust up into you. His movements are chaotic and messy, with a deep-set sense of urgency as he chases his release. The sound of skin slapping against skin mixes with the syrupy wetness of your cunt that has your cheeks burning fiery red as you pant and whine against his neck. Mouthing at the thin layer of sweat that sticks to his skin, the salty taste of it mitigating on your tongue as you let him use you for his pleasure.
“Fuck, Sanemi.” Your voice sings out against the column of his throat and his hips give one more rugged jolt as he buries himself inside you to the hilt and coats your inner walls with balmy spurts of cum. The sensation causes heat to plume inside you as you indulge in the sensation as he gives a few more careless thrusts like he’s unable to stop his hips from jerking as he gives you everything he’s got left to give.
Sanemi’s eyes are blown wide, staring up at the ceiling as you move with the rise and fall of his chest. His arms still wound so tightly around you that you’re unable to move, left to bask in the warm afterglow as you cling to him. One of your hands braced against his sternum, feeling for the cadence of his racing heart.
“Are you okay?” You murmur softly when he hasn’t spoken for a while, and you’re met with a delicate kiss to your temple as he tightens his grip.
You’re certain you lay there for hours after, his warmth engulfing you as he traces gentle patterns against the expanse of your back while your fingers cord through his messy hair. Nails grazing against his skin while you feel the pleasure rumble deep in his chest, eyes heavy as sleep threatens to consume you. You shift above him slightly and whine pathetically as you feel his soft cock finally slip from your sloppy hole, the wetness unable to maintain a grip on him as you shudder at the cold air in the room cooling your molten cunt. His thick, potent seed begins to drip from your cunt into thick puddles on his pelvis and onto the floor as his arms tighten possessively around you for the smallest hint of a moment. As though he’d tricked himself into thinking that you were actually his, before realising his foolish mistake.
“I should go.” His voice rumbles, firm and authoritative. A sound that has you moving off him, despite your body’s plea to stay like this just a while longer.
“I hope you enjoyed yourself, Shinazugawa-sama.” You respond, watching as he begins to redress himself. Tucking his cock, still glazed with your drying slick, back into his pants.
You’d hoped he would correct you a final time. Telling you to call him by name as he buttoned the first few buttons of his shirt before tugging his haori back on, but the words don’t come.
You wonder whether it’s because he’s unsure what to say, lingering by the door as though he wants to turn back to give you a proper goodbye. Reaching down to grab your kimono to pull it back over your shoulders.
“Thank you.” He whispers before tugging at the door.
You were hoping it would feel a little less transactional, even though you were certain that this was all it was to him. A coldness now resides in the room that you’re certain you’d never felt before, an uncertain frost that bites away at the fierce burn of your heart. You have to remind yourself of the reason why you’re here, the reason why the Wind Hashira had chosen to lay with you.
The next morning you were surprised to find out just how much Sanemi had left behind that evening. Certain the payment was more than enough to settle your debts and free you from this existence, as you felt the fog of uncertainty that shrouded your time here begin to clear.
You’d hoped that he would’ve left some way to thank him, a forwarding address or at least a note to accompany the payment. But what you didn’t expect was for the Wind Pillar to be waiting at the dark purple curtains for you as you came down the stairs.
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harunovella · 1 year
feel my unconditional love ; t.u.
synopsis: being the fourth wife of tengen uzui must have been the world punishing you for being unmarried at the ripe age of 18; the last in your family to move on... or so you thought.
cw: alternate universe, fourth wife!reader, self isolation, arranged marriage, mentions of violence, near death experience, tengen is just such a good man and husband, reader just needs a big hug, angst, running away, slight slow burn, training, loss of virginity, oral, first time, love confessions, plot twist, happy ending, ambiguous ending, not beta read
wc: 9.4k+
an: my first ever tengen fic! I love this man so very much and it's a shame he's hardly written... a lil side note, the reader goes through mild depression but it isn't stated as such, she just isn't happy with the predicament she's in and is sort of on a self destructive path (self isolation/not eating out of sadness) but I promise there's a happy ending! if it's not your sort of thing, you are more than welcome to ignore the story...
p.s. this is only reader x tengen, the wives are only mentioned throughout the story and have minor interactions with the reader (sorry, not sorry, I want tengen all to myself)
The sound of rain pouring down from the evening showers and colliding with the veranda echoed in your head. You sat with your knees pulled in, gazing out into the dark of the night as the thunderstorm roared. Lightening flashed momentarily before the explosive rumble followed. It wasn't wise to be sitting so close to the rain as the gusts of wind caused the droplets to lightly sprinkle at you and the interior of your room... however, you didn't seem to care. The state of mind you were in wasn't a lovely one. 
It had been less than 24 hours since you became the fourth wife to the retired Hashira, Uzui Tengen. The sound of Mrs. Uzui from outside your room was unsettling and foreign to you whenever someone wanted to speak to you—whether to give you food or check up on you. After all, the second you became a wife, you practically locked yourself away from the rest of the world after, digging yourself deeper into the sorrow you felt. 
You were the youngest and last daughter in your clan who needed to be wedded off. In a family of five sisters, it was expected for you all to be raised into proper housewives. A life you despised. You never wanted this, any of this. You had avoided it for so long. All your sisters married fairly young, between the ages of 15 and 16... you, however, were 18 and managed to add some time. Solely because you were the youngest and everyone was so busy they had nearly forgotten about you... but that didn't last long. 
The moment your clan came to the realization that you were now 18, still unwed and doing nothing, they were quick on their feet. You weren't present for most of the decision making, only aware that a certain clan owed yours and this was the perfect way to clear up the debt. The details were never given to you, why it was that something was owed, but you were told the man you'd marry not only was practically one of the last of his clan, but also already wedded to three other wives. 
That left a bad taste in your mouth. 
How could your family allow this? Tossing you two a man with that many wives? Surely they must've cared some for you.. right? 
Apparently, they did not. 
You were unhappy as it was, but to be a fourth wife to someone? You've heard plenty horror stories of women in marriages such as those. Being used as nothing more than a tool to expand clans, long forgotten once they no longer could produce. Others dying and being disposed of during child labor (or while carrying a child). It terrified you, to say the least. Was that what you were going to end up as? Such a young woman with a who life to live... only for it to be taken from you just because you were seen as a breeding machine?
You cried for days before the wedding. You cried the day of. And you cried right after when you locked yourself up. 
Now? You were exhausted. Your eyes heavy, your body aching to rest, but you just couldn't... no matter what. Even though the ceremony was less than a day ago, you couldn't quite remember the last time you properly slept. You got no more than three to four hours of sleep. You barely ate, too. How were you still functioning? 
Days would come and go, and you'd be the same. Hidden from the others, not showing yourself during meals or, really, anything. The maids would come knocking but you'd never answer. Food was always left outside your door and it was almost always halfway full. You tried to eat, but everything was tasteless to you. The spiral you had found yourself falling into was deadly... even the other wives would try to speak to you, mentioning how worried they were. 
You didn't even know their names. 
Or did you? Maybe it was mentioned at one point. Who knows, you've been on autopilot for a while now. Information goes into one ear and out the other. What have you become?
"I'm worried for her..." Hinatsuru sighed as she sat besides Suma and Makio. "She hasn't come out of there and it's been two weeks..."
"She's hardly touched her meals, I can see the portions get smaller but the plates are never empty," Makio added. 
"Yeah, and ever time I ask her if she'd like to join me whenever I go to the hot springs, she never answers!" Suma frowned as Makio shot her a glare. 
"Why the hell would she want to do that if she's been avoiding all of us?!" The black and yellow haired woman growled as Suma's frown deepened. 
"I don't blame her," Tengen sighed as he was sat before them in their garden. "She was forced into something she didn't want. She's the youngest of her clan, people's mindsets change. Generations move away from the old ways. And I'm sure the idea of me having three wives already left a bad taste in her mouth. She wasn't raised in an environment like ours."
Eyeing the white haired man, Hinatsuru settled her hands on her knees, "maybe you should try and talk to her... I feel bad for the poor girl. She hardly knows anything about us and who knows what her clan has fed her. She's scared and I don't think she'd be willing to ever come out if we don't try... Especially you, Lord Tengen."
You were trying your best to eat a little more than you had the day before, no matter how much your body was refusing, even if it screamed for it just as badly. The sound a knock made you flinch slightly before you settled the warm bowl down beside you, muttering a small who is it? as you sat on the tatami matting. 
"It's me," though you didn't hear much of him, you knew who it was. There wasn't much male voices around anyway. "May I come in?"
Considering it, seeing as you haven't really seen or spoken to someone in quite some time—losing track—you gulped. "Okay..." you mumbled, fiddling with the sleeves of your kimono. 
Sliding the door open, unsure what to expect, Tengen peeked in and spotted your small frame in the corner of the room, tray of picked at food beside you as your gaze went out beyond the veranda. You were alive, obviously so, and you weren't... destructive. The room looked as if it was hardly even lived in, but by the looks of it, you managed to at least keep up with yourself. At least, for your hygiene. As much as you avoided everyone, he was told that you would leave the room rather late at night to bathe and clean up before going back to locking yourself in. However... you weren't eating much and it was a major concern. You did eat some, you managed to get food in your belly, but you never properly finished your meals. 
Feeling his lingering presence, you turned your head to face the towering man who was still at the threshold. There was clear concern on his face, the way he had eyed his surroundings with a faint furrow of his eyebrows... Then, he looked at you, and you were sure he noticed the dark circles and the subtle redness in your eyes from your lack of sleep and tears. You had gotten a little better within the time that has progressed, seeing as you were at least never truly bothered or forced to do anything... but you still struggled and you were still scared. 
"You know, you are more than welcome to treat this home as your own. It is, after all, yours as much as it is mine," Tengen spoke up, eyeing you, but you stayed silent and looked away. He watched as you pulled your knees in and gazed out at the stars. It was a clear night this time around. Looking down at your tray, seeing you ate a bit more than usual, Tengen took in a quiet, deep breath. "We are all here for you if you need anything..." At that, he left. Not a word uttered from you nor a look back. 
This was going to be much more difficult than he had thought. 
You were going to run away. That's what you decided when you nearly struck a month of being a married woman living in her own isolation. You were tired of being locked away out of fear and all that you filled your head with. You wanted to live your dream of traveling the world and being a free woman, no longer shackled to her family and the old ways of life. 
You were eating more, slept a bit more, maybe it was because you had been scheming to sneak away and disappear for good. Maybe you were excited. Maybe you've completely lost your mind. Whatever it was, it gave you enough courage to do what you were doing now. Since no one really forced their way into your space, leaving you be, no one was aware of what you had in mind. You also weren't aware either, as the world was so vast and you knew so little. But you wanted to do it. You wanted to run, to run so far, to see it all. To see what other lands were like. To feel the wind, to watch the ocean roll onto the shore. Everything and more. A life for yourself that you deserved. 
After all, what more could a young woman want? It wasn't like you thought of the consequences of such actions. You were begging to live in a vivid dream, away from the nightmare your parents brought you into. 
It wasn't hard to leave the premises of the Uzui estate. You managed to slip out late at night, later than when you'd bathe. You wore something more suitable than what you normally wore, clothing to allow for more movement. A small bag was slung over your shoulder and onto your back as you made your way out and nearly sprinted on ahead. You were foolish, that was given, but you wouldn't admit that. It would bite you on the ass for being so brainless... but that wasn't of your concern. 
At least, not yet. 
All you thought about was the cold, night air patting your exposed skin. How strands of your hair that flew from its braid tickled at your cheeks. The way you felt the grass crunch beneath your feet as the moonlight guided your path. You held a compass in one hand, deciding to go North West, in hopes to run into something along the way. 
As your feet pulled you along, you kept your guard up. Sure, traveling alone at night never was wise, but you weren't about to walk out of the residence in broad daylight for everyone to see. This was a huge risk you were willing to take, and, again... you were foolish. You were well aware of demons, aware that your husband was once a destroyer of their kind, so of course you believed yourself to be fine. Wasn't like you'd get caught up in a mess, right? What were the odds, anyway?
The trio decided to leave you your dinner again, all three wives deciding to make the effort into visiting your room more often than not to at least know you were alright and alive in there. None of them blamed you for how you felt... even if a month had passed. Hinatsuru was always the one to knock first and announce the delivery of your food, while Makio listed what was available on the tray, followed by Suma offering (once again) to go to the springs together. It almost became a daily routine for them, seeing as you were now one of them, they wanted nothing more but to help you feel at home. Or, at least, try to. If you'd let them...
On the night of your "escape" from the estate, Tengen felt the odd desire to check on you. It was something he did often, once a day at least—and, if not—every other day. He stood from his seat amongst his wives suddenly, excusing himself without an explanation as he aimed for your room within the Uzui grounds. There was a sense of urgency, and his gut instincts never failed him. 
Tapping his knuckles on your shoji, Tengen called your name. As the seconds pass, and he'd call your name repetitively, his tone became one of urgency. Slight panic began to build within his chest, his eyebrows furrowed as you didn't answer. No matter what, you always responded to his knocks. 
Sliding the partition open, Tengen searched the area before stepping in. Nothing was out of place, everything was as they were each and every time he'd visit. Taking a few steps towards the veranda and peeking out, there was no sight of you.
Sucking in a sharp breath as he felt his heart race, Tengen searched every inch of his home, places you'd usually be at this hour of night. Yet, you were nowhere to be found. 
Taking in sharp breaths as he clenched and unclenched his fist, he eagerly returned to his wives, words slipping off his tongue faster than he could process them, "she's run away."
"What?!" The three grasped in unison. 
"Where could she be?!" Suma shrieked. 
"It's not safe out there, especially at this hour!" Makio added. 
Frowning in worry, Hinatsuru placed a hand on the man's arm, giving it a small squeeze of urgency, "you must find her... she could be in danger right now for all we know."
You weren't bright. That was a given. You were still a teenager, though considered an adult, you just barely lived two decades of your life. Of course things would go bad for you, of course the universe wasn't kind to those who failed to use logic and took advantage. Now in a state of fear, you felt guilty. You should've stayed, right? It wasn't like you were being forced to do anything, all of those horror stories weren't true. At least, not for you. Tengen never forced you to procreate with him, his wives were constantly reaching out to you, everyone was so kind... yet here you are, running for your life because you chose to run away. A foolish child you were. If you died right now, it would be your fault. No one else to blame. 
Tears slid down your cheeks as you tried everything in your power to escape, to survive. What made you think this was a wise idea to run away, especially so late at night? You had no set of skills to protect yourself. You were raised to be a housewife, not wield a sword! You had no survival skills, only basic instincts. Of course you knew you had to do something to get away, yet all you could think about was to run and to hide. 
And running and hiding could only get you so far. 
You found yourself in the grip of a grotesque demon, ready to sink its sharp teeth into your flesh and rip you into pieces. To make you it's dinner. You were going to become another victim, another soul lost to the damned. You sobbed and begged for help as the multi-armed being gripped and felt nearly every inch of you, it's nasty slobbering echoing in your ears as it barred it's fangs. You shoved and kicked, thrashed and begged for a way out. Using your own teeth to bite down, it granted you a few moments of escape, reaching out for a sharp piece of metal scrap on the ground, stabbing it into the creatures eye. 
The shriek it released made you cover your ears and hiss in pain. Loud ringing bounced within your head as you tried to get back up on your feet to escape, but it was too quick. It latched onto your ankle and tugged you back as you kicked and shoved at it. It pressed its weight against you, nearly suffocating you as it trapped you beneath it, sinking its razor sharp teeth into your neck as a gruesome scream left your mouth. 
Kicking and slapping, trying to shove the demon off of you as your blood began to gush down your neck and pool beneath you, your vision began to blur. Your screams grew faint as your body fell weak. The moon was bright above you, no cloud to block it from your sight. It almost felt as if it were mocking you, reminding you of what you left behind; a home, a husband who wasn't trying to take advantage of you, and people who tried to reach out. 
Why were you so inconsiderate? Why must you be so selfish? Look where you ended up! Bleeding to death by the teeth of a demon, ready to devour you and no one would know. No one would figure out what had happened and the demon would live to see another night. Another victim. Another soul taken. 
You closed your eyes for a moment, begging, pleading to the universe, for one last chance. For freedom, freedom away from the hands of death. 
You apologized for everything, for your selfishness, for being ungrateful. You quietly begged and begged and begged for a second chance. For a way out of this, even if it was just to apologize to Tengen and his wives, to thank them for their hospitality even if you kept yourself rudely locked away for so long. 
Just one more chance. Just one more time to do things right. To live my life. 
Opening your watery eyes once more, the sound of chains and the sight of the demons head being sliced right off of its neck came into view. Your heavy eyes blinked a few times, wondering if you imagined it. Before you could process it, you were lifted off the ground, away from the demon that turned into nothing but dust. The distant sound of your name being called had you weakly searching for its source as you slipped in and out of consciousness. The sight of Tengen's face, mouth uttering words, was all you saw before your world turned black. 
The sound of nature was all you could process. Birds chirping as the wind rustled through tree leaves, hummed in the distance. Your body felt heavy, your eyes barely able to flutter open. This must be the afterlife. You must've died. As far as you could remember, you were bleeding to death at the hands of a demon. 
Forcing your eyes open as you took in deep breaths, you felt blinded by the brightness, lifting a weak arm to cover the glare. Your eyes began to adjust as you blinked a few times before lowering you arm. Everything slowly came into view. A familiar ceiling sat above you before three recognizable faces peeked at you. 
I'm alive?
A collective sigh was heard, relief washing over the faces of the women studying you before two of them stood up and rushed away. One stayed behind. Your vision was blurry, but you could make out who it was. 
"Oh, we were so worried..." Hinatsuru said in a breathy tone as she placed a hand on her chest. "Especially Lord Tengen..."
Before you could even try to respond, the sound of the shoji sliding open and rapid footsteps caused you to turn your head. A large figure knelt beside you, uttering for the women around you to give him a moment alone with you. Your vision was still quite off, but the more you blinked, the more clear it became for you. 
It was Tengen, the women that were once around you were clearly his other wives... and you were back in his home. Your home. Alive and bandaged up. How did you survive? You were sure you were going to die from blood loss if the demon didn't get to you. Slowly sitting up with a wince as Tengen carefully watched you, scooting closer as he kept an eye on your figure, you held your kimono closed as you gently touched your once wounded neck. 
"Why did you run?" Was the first question he asked, even if he knew the answer. 
"I didn't want to be a wife," you spoke, voice hoarse. "Never wanted to be another number... I wanted freedom for so long... I just wanted to feel alive..." You confessed as tears pricked your eyes, trickling down your cheeks slowly as you kept your gaze low. 
Gently, Tengen's hand cupped your cheek as his thumb wiped away your tears. A gesture so innocent, making your heart flutter within your chest. Something you probably would've flinched away from, if it wasn't for this man seemed to have genuinely cared for you. "I'm sorry for what you've been put through."
Shaking your head, you muttered, "it's not your fault. It never was. You've been so kind to me... and so have your wives... I was selfish to run away and not appreciate what I had. Though it was a life I didn't want... it was better than being held in a marriage with someone who could care less if I died the next day..." Sighing, you turned your head to look at him. "I didn't want to just be a wife... I've never wanted that life."
A small smile grew on Tengen's lips, the sweetest you had ever seen on any man. His hand reached up to caress your hair, gently stroking your loose locks before falling back and settling on your cheek. "I will come up with a plan."
"What?" You gasped, caught off guard as you stared at him and his maroon eyes. 
"I would never force you into something you don't want... but you are still my wife," he said as you blinked. "As my wife, I want you to be happy. Even if that means being away from me—"
"Allow me to get to know you better and help you find your peace."
Gazing at him, you gave him a small nod. Little did you know the man you'd marry, would be one of the very few people you'd trust with your life. 
You started a new routine with Tengen as the weeks passed since your encounter with that demon. Your husband would visit you daily, joining you on the veranda as you shared small talk, truly getting to know one another. It was nice, to say the least, and the man you married was very intriguing. He practically gave you his life story, you learned so much about him; his clan, and his time as a Hashira. He was impressive. Skilled, intelligent, and beyond kind. You couldn't help but admire him for the achievements he's made in his life—for a man only in his 20s. 
On the other hand, you were still quite reserved. You broke out of your shell, little by little. As the two of you went on walks together around the estate, relaxing in the garden, you found yourself slowly opening up to him. With his wives, you were still quite timid, but you tried your best to be kind and acknowledge their sweet hello's and respectful bows—something they very much appreciated. 
On one of your shared moments with Tengen, an evening after dinner you had with him, alone on your veranda, you told him how you'd love to travel the world. Tengen had never seen you look so hopeful, a dreamy expression written across your face. He couldn't deny you of your dream, instead, telling you he'd help you figure things out. No matter what it took. 
A little over a month had passed and you were a different person. You smiled more and showed your face more often than not. Although still a bit antisocial and enjoying your alone time, you'd be lying if you said you didn't enjoy Tengen's company. Actually, you very much appreciated it. You liked having him around, so close to you. Someone you considered a dear friend, even if he was your husband. He was starting to take place in your heart, and the idea of you eventually making your way out in the world was a tad bit dreadful. Even if you knew he'd always welcome you home with open arms. 
You were growing attached. 
One day as you were sitting in the garden, piecing together a flower crown of sorts, Tengen offered you his golden plan: join you on your journey of freedom until you were ready to set off on your own. Whether it was a week or a month, he'd partake and make sure you could handle it. At first you were hesitant, not wanting to take him away from his other wives, but he insisted he'd do so (especially since he, too, was growing attached). He didn't want you discovering the world without any sort of self defense, either. Especially with demons lurking in the shadows. 
After much thought, you agreed with subtle excitement. The two of you planned out your upcoming travels and how he'd train you. Even with a missing hand, Tengen was still a flawless fighter. He truly was impressive—you would soon learn as your self defense training was going to be a big part of your days to come. 
"I will return in a few weeks," Tengen announced to his wives as he said his goodbyes. Hinatsuru always was the calmest, but Suma always took it the hardest—which lead Makio to scold her. It was nothing new to Tengen, but for you, it was quite the eye opener. 
Before you were ready to begin your journey ahead, the three women handed you little parting gifts. They gave you tight, warm hugs, and words of encouragement. They begged for you to visit often and to not stay too far for long. You thanked them for their warm hearts and hospitality, forever grateful for their kindness. 
Though this new chapter of your life may be terrifying, you were looking forward to starting it with Tengen by your side. 
You were skilled. Beyond skilled. Tengen didn't expect you to be so... easy to train. It was as if it were in your bloodline to be so graceful. The moment he allowed you to practice with weapons, seeing how you were a natural, Tengen made a mental note—one he'd eventually use to recall information that your clan was in fact once fighters. One of the reasons why you were married off to the Uzui. 
On one of your nights out before a fire, Tengen had informed you of what he knew about your clan's past. It caught you off guard, amazed it was in your bloodline even if it was practically a dead practice for your own family.... It was starting to make sense. When Tengen started explaining breathing techniques, and the many that existed—including his own that he had been teaching you—he wondered what your clan's once was. 
Nights continued to pass, you stayed in various inns in separate rooms, and sometimes you stayed outside. When it came to outside, you usually rested against a tree as Tengen kept watch, but as time passed, you grew more comfortable with leaning against him—same went for the inns. You slept on separate futons, but within the same room. Tengen easily caught on to how you grew more confident in your relationship with him; standing and walking closer to him, becoming affectionate with simple touches and grazes of your hand. It made him happy—happier. 
Especially when he started to realize how much he had been falling for you... Which made him wonder, were you starting to feel the same?
He tested the waters one day on your shared journey, surprising you with a small gift. You weren't sure how or when he had done it, but when he handed you a small box with a necklace in it, you were in awe... but what had you blushing was the fact that the jewel at the center was one of his very own that he once had attached to his headband during his Hashira days. 
You denied it at first, saying he couldn't give it to you, but Tengen insisted he wanted you to carry a piece of him with you. He so kindly placed the necklace on you, his fingertips grazing your skin as you shivered, body growing hot. A subtle silence grew between the two of you when you turned around to show him it, and the look on his face made you flustered. Sure, Tengen was an attractive man, but after all this time of getting so close to him and becoming so attached... it was hard not to feel a change in the air that you two shared. 
Ever since then, things haven't been the same. Not for the worst, but... it wasn't something you were accustomed to. You weren't used to this sort of attention nor the desire sitting within the pit of your stomach and the depths of your heart. It was an odd sensation, a feeling like no other. The way your heart raced when he looked at you, how your skin tingled whenever he touched you... the way your body reacted whenever he was closer than he should be. Sure, you were one of his wives and a lack of boundaries was expected, but it still had your whole being trembling. 
If you knew any better, you would realize that you had fallen in love. Not with his looks (though he was a looker) but with him. His personality, his way of being, his (not so) simple existence in the universe. Every little thing he did, whether it was for you or for others. How he handled you when it came to little things like taking shelter from thunder storms or making sure you were comfortable when you had to rest. You were one of his wives, it was expected, but there was something there between you two that you were sure was unique to only you two. And Tengen felt it, too.
Probably why your final night was so painful, to the point you both drowned yourself in (what felt like) endless sake and the warmth of the hot springs. Neither of you wanted to think about your last moments together until... whenever you made a return. If you decided to at all. This was what you wanted, to see the world, to be free... but after growing so attached, so accustomed to Tengen's existence by your side, you knew it was going to feel off. As if you were imbalanced. 
You were too deep in thought to even realize how close Tengen got as you sat in the soothing pool of steaming water. "I haven't had a night like this in forever..." he sighed, looking up at the stars.
Turning your flustered face in his direction, taking a moment to eye the stars above, your focus settled on him once again. Your eyes trailed his stunning features—gazing at his loose strands of ivory locks, those fucsia eyes... his sharp nose, the golden hoops on his earlobes... and those lips of his that settled in its usual grin. He was so handsome, it pained you to look at him. It didn't help that you two were sharing a bath and all you had separating you both was the water and the towels around your body. 
Tengen's chest was on full display, something you had seen a number of times as he was very proud of his physique; he always found a way to show off his muscles—not like you had a reason to complain, anyway. He sat there, in all his glory, arms spread out beside him as he leaned his back against the pool's wall. 
"It's lovely..." You spoke up, swallowing the small lump in your throat. You tried to look away, not wanting to stare for too long, but it was hard to... Tengen was just so handsome.
Lowering his focus from the dark sky that glittered with stars, towards you, Tengen watched as those innocent eyes of yours fluttered from his chest, to his eyes, down to his lips, then switched between the two. He couldn't help but grin. If you weren't making it so painfully obvious, he wouldn't have been there with you in that moment, sitting so close that he could almost feel your body heat instead of the warm water. "It is, but not as lovely as the view I have."
Flickering your eyes back up to meet his own, your heart skipped a beat as he so casually leaned in towards you and brought his hand up to caress your cheek. A subtle gasp left you before you looked away, flustered and trembling at his words, only for Tengen to gently keep your head in place. 
"Rather cheesy, wasn't that?" He winked as your heart dropped down to your feet. 
"Just— Just a tad bit..." you stuttered, eyes dancing between his own as he did the same to you. "But... But I like it..."
Smiling, Tengen leaned in a bit more, his nose just barely grazing your own as his voice came out smooth, almost a whisper. "Then, may I kiss you?"
Almost, as if without hesitation, you nodded. A breathy answer leaving you as you, yourself, grew closer to him, closing the gap between the two of you as his lips softly met your own. 
It started off so gentle, the sweet taste of his lips against yours. A small press before you parted, taking in a small breath before Tengen's hand held the back of your neck, fingertips entangling themselves with the loose strands that escaped from your updo. With a small tug, your lips met his once again, except with a different desire. His tongue grazed your bottom lip, pushing past and pressing against your teeth. Your own parted, allowing him entrance to slip through. Gliding his tongue over yours ever so expertly, involuntary moans left you as you felt the muscle press and slither against your own. 
Bringing you closer as his hand slid down to your lower back, you found yourself holding your towel closed while your other hand moved into his hair. Pressing against the back of his head and tugging gently, the two of you breathed each other in, panting and huffing in between kisses. You weren't sure what it was, maybe it was the sake... or maybe you just wanted this along. The gravitational pull you felt towards Tengen was something you never felt before, a tug unlike any other. It made your insides twist, your heart race, and a sudden warmth fill you. 
Shifting his kisses away from your lips as you tried chasing after them, he left small pecks against the corner of your mouth. Your cheek and along your jaw, down your neck until he found that sweet spot that made you tremble. He nipped and sucked at your smooth skin, leaving marks in his wake as he left a trail of hickeys along your shoulder and chest. 
Tengen moved dangerously low, open mouthed kisses against the swell of your breasts, up until the edge of your towel. Your grip tightened against the material as your other tugged at his locks, as if trying to pull him away, only for your back to curve towards him. You knew you should stop, even if the pool was private for the two of you, you had never done anything like this before. You were excited and nervous all the same, body so desperately desiring him after all those shared nights. 
Lifting his head and looking up at you with hooded eyes as your blooded rushed in your body, Tengen kissed your cheek before guiding you out of the water and back to your shared room. He kept his arm wrapped around you as he had you pressed against his side, kissing your cheek and along your neck. Tengen didn't bother to close the shoji behind him, his body already finding yours as the two of you lied against the tatami mat. He hovered over you, his large frame enveloping your own as he sweetly smiled down at you, "beautiful..."
Blushing, you took in a sharp breath before he placed a gentle kiss against your lips. "You're so handsome..." You shyly mumbled as Tengen let out a small chuckle. 
Lowering his head to nuzzle your neck, he pressed small kisses before lifting his head once again, "do you want to continue this?"
Taking in a deep breath, you nodded before cupping his cheeks, "yes... I trust you. You— You are my husband after all."
Eyeing you, seeing the sureness in your eyes even if you were trembling, Tengen kissed you once more before he sat up. With you settled between his knees as he leaned onto his heels, he reached for your towel. Eyeing you as you nodded he slid back before pulling open your towel, revealing your bare body. Naturally, you went to cover yourself, but Tengen caught one of your hands. "It's alright," he softly spoke, kissing your knuckles one at a time. "My beautiful wife..."
Lowering your hand, Tengen leaned down towards you, kissing down your neck ever so slowly. Then he kissed from one shoulder to the other, against either of your breasts, the valley between them, and along your stomach. He kissed your hip bones before licking a stripe up the side of your body, stopping at your right breast. Lifting his eyes to meet your own as you shivered, Tengen twirled his tongue around your nipple before bringing it into his mouth. A squeak left your parted lips as your chest quickly rose and fell. With every suck and nip, Tengen gave both of your breasts equal attention, leaving a trail of his saliva behind, a string connecting your left nipple to his lips as he lifted his head. 
The smile he wore made your heart race faster, a look of ecstasy written across his face... you could only imagine what his expression would be once he—
A yelp left you as his mouth was against your bare pussy, too lost in your hazed mind to even notice when he had moved down. Tengen pressed a kiss against your lower lips before his tongue parted your folds, a shiver running down your spine as it met your clit. "What I'd give to have both hands now."
"T—" before you could whine, his tongue swirled around your sensitive bundle of nerves before moving to tease your entrance. Your hands slid into his locks as your legs wrapped over his  shoulders. Burying his face deeper against your aching cunt, you felt the way Tengen's open mouth began to devour you, tasting every bit you had to offer. The sweetness of your dripping heat that made him moan with anticipation as his hips bucked. 
Feeling his tongue prod your entrance as a whimper left you, Tengen's arms wrapped around your thighs, fingers digging into your skin as he pulled your leg further apart. Lapping up your excitement, teasing your clit, pushing past your entrance and devouring your sinful sounds. Your panting filled the air, your eyes nearly rolled back as your head fell towards the mat beneath you. 
He couldn't get enough of you; he couldn't get enough of the sounds you made, how your thighs pressed against his head and your cunt dripped for him. "Have you ever come before?"
Gulping, you shook your head, face burning in embarrassment. "N— No..."
Lifting his head enough, Tengen kissed your inner thigh, "there's nothing to be ashamed of, my sweet wife. It only means I'm lucky enough to be there with you to experience it—to be the reason."
Opening your teary eyes as you looked at him, Tengen gave you a reassuring smile before you felt one of his fingers tease your entrance before slowly filling you. Your heart skipped a beat, breath hitching as he pumped his finger a few times before adding another. His lips latched against your clit as his fingers massaged your inner walls, reaching depths within you that made your body shiver and shake. A feeling filled you, a burning unlike any other as your breathing grew rapid and moans became louder. 
A white hot heat filled you, your eyes squeezed shut as your fingers nearly yanked at his hair. You were shaking as you came, Tengen continuing his ministrations before pulling out and lifting his fingers covered in your essence. Sitting up and spreading them to show you the mess you made, Tengen brought his fingers into his mouth, tongue lapping up your release before his lips met yours. 
You winced at the foreign taste the moment his tongue made contact with your own, a slow, sultry kiss before he reached to remove his own towel. "You'll be alright," he muttered against your lips as he sat up, bringing your legs over his thighs. His hand caressed your thigh as you were still processing the euphoria you just experienced. "We'll do this slowly, okay?"
Gulping, your hooded eyes fluttered open as they trailed down his chest, towards his toned stomach, past the patch of white hair that lead to his hardened length. Your heart dropped at the sight, a gasp leaving your lips as your eyes widened. "I— I... You— You are so big... I don't know if—"
"It's alright," he reassured, giving your thigh a small squeeze. "You'll be alright, like I said, we'll take things slow."
Nodding as your heart raced, Tengen brought his hand to his cock, giving it a few strokes, coating it with your juices before he aligned it with your opening. He could hear the way your breathing quickened, felt how your thighs pressed against him. He spoke softly, continuously reassuring you as he slowly filled you. With just the tip, your chest heaved and your hands tried clinging onto something, clawing at the mat beneath you. 
Pushing in further and further, biting his tongue as his body burned, Tengen took in shallow breaths at your tightness. The way you squeezed him, how your cunt was sucking him in... The sounds of your shared, heavy breathing filled the air, soon followed by heavy moans and skin slapping the moment he thrusted into you. Whimpers and cries of his name left your lips as your hands flew to his shoulders, nails digging into his skin before clawing at his back as he hunched over you. Your legs wrapped around his waist, keeping him close as he thrusted at a rhythmic pace. 
"T— Tengen— Too— Too big!" You whimpered, tears pricking your eyes at the dangerous stretch. The discomfort was overpowered by your pleasure. You weren't sure how much of him filled you, but you were positive he wasn't even all the way in. "Too— Too—" 
"It's okay, it's okay, my love... It's okay," he reassured, body breaking out into a sweat as his hips bucked against you, pushing deeper and deeper as you cried out. With each shift of his hips as he pulled out, your pussy sucked him right back in. "It's like we're... meant for... each other," he breathed, a hiss leaving his lips. He wanted to fuck you, fuck you deeply, fuck you until you couldn't walk... but he knew, he knew it was your first time. He knew this was your last moments together before you went your own way, and as much as he wanted to leave you with an everlasting memory of his cock imprinted on your cervix where no other man could possibly reach, Tengen stopped himself. He wanted you to never forget this moment, obviously so, but he also wanted it to be a moment you enjoyed as much as he did—especially for your first time. 
Thrusting in and out of you, pushing deeper each time as you squirmed and cried, begging him to move faster—telling him he was too big—your body wrapped around his and kept him sheathed within you. You felt your second orgasm building within you as Tengen's fingers rubbed circles against your clit. Your breathing against his ear was almost enough to make him come then and there as you shook in your release. Your pussy fluttered against him as your body practically went into shock. You felt it from head to toe, your body tensing around him as a cry left your lips, his name coming out as a desperate moan. 
Continuously thrusting his hips, ready to pull out, your legs wrapped tighter around him, keeping him deep within you as you milked him for all his worth. He weakly called your name, body shaking above your own as he nearly collapsed against you. "Sh— Shit..." Tengen grunted as he filled you with his seed, coming deep inside as you kept him close. 
Your bodies were already drenched as it was, but the sweat practically made you stick to one another as his massive body flopped against your own. You could barely breathe as it was, but with his weight against you, you nearly suffocated... and yet it felt so nice. You didn't want him to leave, you didn't want to leave. You just wanted to stay like that, there with him, in that moment. A moment so intimate, one you didn't want to end; one that you once feared. Now it was something you knew you'd never forget. 
Tears brimmed your eyes as your bottom lip trembled. Your hands fell to your face as Tengen lifted his head to eye you. "Hey, did I hurt you? Are you okay?"
"N— No... It's not— It's not you..." you mumbled. "I'm sorry, I..."
"Hey..." he hushed you, kissing your tears away. "It's okay, it's okay... I'm sorry if you regret this—"
"No!" You shook your head. "Never! I— I... It's just, tomorrow we... we go our separate ways and— and I feel as if... I'm sorry."
"Why are you apologizing?" He asked, eyeing you with the kindest smile. "You are my wife, are you not?"
Nodding your head with a pout, Tengen nuzzled your neck before leaving a sweet kiss against it. "I am..."
"There's nothing to be sorry for, all that matters to me is that you're happy... and that you enjoyed it..." he said, almost questioning whether or not you did. 
"I did," you softly smiled. "I'm happy to have had my first time with you... I've never trusted anyone more..."
Grinning, Tengen shook his head, "I'm sorry for the man who follows after me.  Whoever wins your heart will never be like me."
"Tengen..." You whined, only to earn a chuckle from him. "I won't forget any of this, that's for sure."
"I'm glad," he smiled, gazing down at you, "because neither will I..."
Eyeing him as a silence filled the room, you reached up and caressed his forehead, ran your fingers through his hair, and cupped his cheek, "thank you."
Turning to kiss your palm, Tengen mumbled against it, "thank you."
"You'll always have a home with me," Tengen said as he stood in front of you, caressing your cheek as you leaned your head into his palm. "I can't say I won't miss you, because I know I'll be missing you dearly. We've grown so close... but I want nothing but the best for you. I want you to be happy, to find yourself, to live your life... But I hope some day, maybe you'll... come back to me..."
Smiling up at him, you nodded. "You've done so much for me, I don't think I could stay away from you forever. I appreciate you... and you have my endless gratitude."
Eyeing you, he sighed before leaning his forehead against yours, "if you ever have regrets... if you ever want to come back home... don't hesitate to reach out. I'll always welcome you back with open arms."
Sighing as you took a moment to enjoy his close proximity, you gently pushed back and cupped his face. "Thank you."
Eyeing you, Tengen gently kissed you before he stood straight. "I have one more thing to give you..."
Watching him with furrowed brows, he handed you one of his blades; the chain snatched and now dangling from the one he held towards you. "You— You can't."
"Please, have it. It'll only give me piece of mind knowing you have something to protect you... And also a way to never forget me... A way to eventually come back to me..." he said, handing it over. Tengen's swords weren't easy to hold, made for a man his size, but with one less attached... it was a bit easier to manage. 
"It's... big..." You said, earning a chuckle from him. 
"You can manage with big things," he winked as you blushed. "I have no doubts."
Sighing, you moved to wrap your arms around him, hugging him tight for a moment or two, breathing him in one last time. "Thank you..."
Hugging you back, Tengen kissed the top of your head before you pulled away and turned to part from him. Just before you could get too far, Tengen caught your wrist and tugged you back to him, planting a deep, sentimental kiss against your lips. An ever lasting one filled with sadness. He let go, forcing himself to peel away from you as he slowly let go of your wrist, studying you and every bit of your face once more. "I'll always love you... you'll always be my wife and will always have a place in my heart."
Smiling up at him with tearful eyes, you gulped, "I— I will always love you." Not wanting to stay any longer as you knew you'd break easily if you looked at him for a second more, you turned and began your trek. 
Tengen watched with a heavy heart, waving as you turned for a moment to say your final goodbye. There was in ache in his chest, a sadness filling him. You left a mark on him, a big one at that. You would never be forgotten. As much as he loved and adored all of his wives... there was something about you that made his chest feel different. A love unlike any other. Something he feels as if he couldn't have... But he prayed. He prayed that some day... your paths would meet again. 
"Tenchi!" A voice called out amongst the many. Tengen found himself at a local market during his travels, visiting his beloved disciples, before returning home. "Tenchi!"
"I'm right here, mama!" A gentle, little voice came out as Tengen's focus shifted from the fresh produce before him, over to a small boy. "Look what I found!" Softly smiling at the sight of the youngling—easily 5 years old—hold up something with excitement, Tengen's eyebrows narrowed for a moment. 
That's oddly similar... He thought as his attention was settled on the whiteness of the small boy's hair that had a headband wrapped around it. "Okay, but only one, alright? And don't run off like that again, you had me worried..."
"Sorry, mama..."
"It's okay, baby."
Snapping out of his daze, Tengen watched as the little boy hugged the kneeling figure before him. He couldn't quite see who it was from the passing bodies, but as the woman stood up, the retired Hashira's heart skipped a beat. "It's..." his breath hitched as his eyes made contact. 
It was you. 
Blinking a few times at the sight, you sweetly smiled with a small wave, earning a bright one from him. Tengen didn't hesitate, he made a beeline for you, stopping and towering your figure as happiness filled his veins. "You... It's really you..." he nearly whispered. He hadn't seen you since you parted ways five years prior. It wasn't like you lost contact, you wrote him letters as he did the same to you every now and then. He was aware you were alive and well, as you were of him... but seeing you in the flesh? That was something else all together. Could he kiss you? Could he hug you? It'd been so long, he didn't know what his boundaries were. 
Smiling up at him, you felt the small figure tug on you as they hid behind you. Your son shyly peeking out from behind as he eyed the giant man standing before you. "It's me," you nodded, heart fluttering as you took Tengen in. How he hardly changed, still as flashy as ever. His hair had grown more, but it was clearly being maintained with the layers being trimmed. His eyepatch still bedazzled, his nails still painted... You couldn't expect anything less, this was Tengen Uzui after all— the supposed god of festivals. "You haven't changed a bit."
"Gotta live a flashy life, keeps me young," he winked as you chuckled. He reached for your hand, bringing your knuckles to his lips as he pressed a kiss. He didn't miss the blush on your cheeks or the way your eyes had slightly widened. There was no doubt in his mind that you were saving face, your reaction seemed composed. "It's really good to see you. How have you been?"
"Yeah... I'm good. We're good," you nodded as you moved slightly to present the little boy that clung to you. Tengen's eyes lowered to the white haired boy, instantly recognizing those eyes... His heart skipped a beat the moment he recognized those features... "This is my son, Tenchi."
"Son?" He nearly choked, catching himself as he kept his own composure. Of course this was your son, he should've put two and two together. But not once have you mentioned it before in your letters... And who else could possibly be the father if—
"Yes," you slightly smiled. "Honey, say hi."
Looking up, Tenchi clung to you as his grip tightened around you. He watched as the large man moved down to kneel. "Hello..."
"Hi, Tenchi," Tengen smiled. "I'm Tengen Uzui. The flashiest man on the entire planet. And a great friend of your mothers," he proudly stated as you blushed. A small gasp left little Tenchi. 
"I know your name!" He exclaimed as Tengen lifted his brows before smirking. 
"Oh? Is that so?" The man asked. 
"You are mama's hero! Her trainer and gave her that big sword!" The little boy gasped. "You are so cool! Mama told me so many stories! I want to be just like you, Mr. Uzui!"
Gulping as the sudden urge to tear up awakened within him, Tengen took in a sharp breath and smiled. It wasn't until then when he had the little boy now standing before him that he studied those eyes. Eyes that reflected his own... The same ivory locks, those bright eyes and that shiny grin. There was no denying it... "That's an honor, Tenchi. And I like your headband," Tengen grinned, lightly poking the little boy's forehead as you watched their interaction with a heavy heart. 
"Oh!" Your son blushed. "Just like you! Mama said you wore a headband when you were a— a Hash— Hash..."
"Hashira," Tengen finished with a kind smile as the little boy nodded. 
"Yes! I wanna be just like you! Protect my mama from all evil!" He proudly said with his little fists on his hips. Tengen couldn't help but let out a choked laugh, as if the realizations made had his heart aching. This little boy was much too like him. "I look up to you!"
Feeling his heart skip a beat, Tengen looked away for a moment before ruffling Tenchi's hair. "I think you'll be better than I could ever be," he said without an inkling of doubt in his words, then looking at you as you looked at him with woeful eyes. It was clear there was something weighing on you. 
Placing a gentle hand on your son's head, caressing his shoulder length locks that were quite similar to Tengen's, you eyed said man with a hopeful smile. "Would you like to come have dinner with us? There's a lot to catch up on."
With a racing heart, Tengen looked at you with a similar expression, optimism filling his chest. "I would love to."
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