#unwilling henchmen
andrea-lyn · 5 months
Everyone's been in a tight spot at some point in their lives. For Joe, it's a desperate for cash that leads him to joining a company with more red flags than he's ever seen before. The only reason he stays? Well, that happens to be the handsome coworker he meets on the first day. Soon, even that's not going to be enough to keep Joe in his role, but you never know when your next job opportunity might come crashing through the wall -- literally.
Finally finished the Joe/Nicky 'oops I think we're henchmen' piece about a year later than expected, but it also tripled in length, so! Enjoy corporate shenanigans!
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Making them jealous all previously done characters please ❤️
Yandere Baki Headcanons
Making them jealous (Aged up). Rip your lower half
Jack Hanma, Hanayama Kaoru, Muhammed Ali Jr, Orochi Katsumi, Kiyosumi Katou, Kaiou Retsu, Baki Hanma, Gaia/ Sikorsky (throuple), Shinogi Kureha/ Shinogi Kosho (sharing situation), and Hector Doyle
Minors DNI
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Jack Hanma
Bold of you to assume you would even have the chance to talk to another man. You’re usually glued to Jack’s side since he’s so protective
So for him to be jealous, someone approached you when you left his side for a minute to use the bathroom. More than likely to ask for your number and try to shoot their shot with you
Jack would be there in a fraction of a second. He’d insert himself between the two of you with a glare strong enough to make a man piss himself
Jack’s hand would be on your shoulder for the rest of your outing together until you’re behind closed doors
And then his hands are all over you the rest of the night. Jack will make sure you know that you’re his from the inside out. He’s going to leave hickies all over your neck
Jack will probably fuck you on every surface of the house (with your consent). He’s going to ravage you until your voice goes hoarse from all the screaming you’ll be doing
He talks absolute filth to and continually demands you to tell him exactly who you belong to. If you don’t, he’ll only pound into you harder
Hanayama Kaoru
You were probably a little too friendly for his tastes towards one of his henchmen. Hanayama will not outwardly express his jealousy but he would punish you and that henchman for it. He would make an example out of that henchman
You’d find out he was when he ties you up in his intricate shibari knots and blindfolds you. He’ll then request that specific henchman into the room to watch Hanayama have his way with you
Hanayama owns you. He’ll never let another man touch you but he’ll allow his henchman to watch how you come unfold underneath Hanayama. He’ll let that henchman hear how pretty your moans are as Hanayama brings you to higher heights of pleasure. Hanayama has you completely at his mercy and completely unaware you even had an unwilling voyeur in the room
After the deed is done, he’ll tell the henchman to let the others know not to talk to you anymore. Hanayama keeps you far away from his henchmen now (except Kizaki)
Hanayama will buy you more diamond chokers to wear around. He loves his darling in beautifully decorated collars ❤️
Muhammed Ali Jr
You complimented the other fighter he was up against in front of him and gave that other fighter a small smile. Envy consumed him and he beat the crap out of that fighter during their match
When the match is over, he will immediately seek you out for praise and a congratulations. Your words won’t be enough to appease him though
He would bring you two home and ask to take a shower with you. He’ll then make the moves on you begging you to praise him the entire time during sex
He is such a sucker for praise, he’s practically putty in your hands once the he is finally satiated and the water has ran cold
Orochi Katsumi
You giggled at one of the other karatekas jokes in front of him. This would cause him to try a little harder to impress you
Would take you out for your favorite takeout before taking you home to watch a romantic movie. Once the sex scene comes on, he’d pull you into his lap and shove his hand down your pants to finger/ jerk you off
His other hand would be holding your chin as he kisses you. His eyes never leaving yours as his hand brings you to an orgasm
Katsumi would ask you if you thought the other karateka was funnier than him. You’ll laugh at his cute jealousy before throwing yourself on him. Your hands now under his pants
You’d be blowing him to appease him and you’d even swallow, but Katsumi has a lot of stamina
Katsumi would probably throw you back onto the bed and you two would go at it for a few rounds
Kiyosumi Katou
Katou is jealous of everyone without any probable cause. Alcohol only makes his jealousy worse
His hands would always be on you when you two are out together but if he’s drunk and he gets jealous… your poor knees
Would bend you over in public (in a car or public bathroom) and just pound you. Your nails will probably be digging into his arms and back because you two would be going at it for hours. You’d be so overstimulated but Katou wouldn’t be able to cum the entire time (whiskey dick)
You’ll be a sticky mess by the end of it all but it’s kind of a norm between the two of you. Katou almost always takes a picture of how fucked out you look after the deed is done.
Katou would threaten you with the pictures. You wouldn’t want these dirty pictures floating around if you, right? So never leave him
Kaiou Retsu
Doesn’t get jealous. He’s very confident in himself and your relationship
You’re completely dependent on him anyways and you can’t even leave the house without him
Baki Hanma (he’s 22 in this)
Same scenario as Muhammed Ali Jr. You complimented someone else in the arena and he beat the crap out of his opponent
Would also want you to praise him but he’s want you to praise him while you two are being intimate in bed together and not the shower
Wants you to tell him how strong he is and how you think he’s such a good boy. He’s an absolute sucker for being called a good boy
He likes to call you mommy/daddy. He has major parental issues and I feel like he’d get attached to someone a little older than him
Gaia and Sikorsky
Gaia is another one that doesn’t get jealous but Sikorsky does
Sikorsky is all over you every chance he gets if it’s you and him out in public together. Even if Gaia is there, Sikorsky packs on the PDA
Shinogi Kureha and Shinogi Kosho
You don’t leave the house like ever. You’re a house spouse
They may get jealous if each other. Especially Kosho if you’re giving more attention to his brother than him
They never sleep with you at the same time but they do have silent competitions on who can please you more at different times (and places). One will listen through the wall while the other fucks you in their room
Hector Doyle
He’s extremely jealous that you’re with Katsumi and not him
He’d probably slip into your room when you’re sleeping to go down on you or steal your underwear
This man is starving for crumbs
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fallenangels1987 · 9 months
lets face it. the joker sucks as a batman villain. everybody thinks hes good because hes got a cool character design and hes been around since forever and writers keep trying to make him good, but in concept alone he fails to tap into any of the central themes or intrigue of batman, and nor does he reflect any of bruces internal conflict. really, the only use the joker has ever had was creating harley quinn, but now shes an entirely separate character from him so any short-lived relevance he may have had with her is gone. but contrary to what some may think, i dont think the joker should die. that decision would be a big deal and he'd be so dramatic about it, we'd have an entire plotline dedicated to it.... no one wants that. no one wants to see his stupid joker face for longer than physically necessary. it would also be reversed by the next reboot. no, we need a plan to make him irrelevant. more so than he already is, i mean.
first, we have batmans rogues gallery do a drag race. whos judging? poison ivy and the riddler. its green-themed. but see this is genius. cuz who hates the joker more than poison ivy and the riddler? yeah, harley quinn, who is not in attendance cuz she knows whats about to happen. in fact, she planned this, and shes using this as her cover to mess around with selina and try to convince her to be harley and pams third again. it wont work, but the dedication and jakey-haterism is commendable.
the drag race itself is not the focus, however. see, the entire thing has been set up to generate the most drama possible. everyone except for the joker has received invitations that say the show (which is being live broadcast to an unwilling audience of 150,000, all of whom thought they were watching the morning news up until 5 minutes ago, and found themselves unable to switch the broadcast off) will be recording their every move, so they better be on their worst behavior. the joker, unbeknownst to this, is being his usual asshole self, but not even in a fun conniving way, just in the regular asshole way.
at some point, he starts a fight. tensions are already high and hes the fucking joker. just let him dig his own grave here. he starts a fight and his (already shitty, i should add) outfit gets torn. now he has to spend all of his time that should be spent on makeup on fixing the stitching of this dress, and its going awful, and hes been forcibly removed from the makeup/costume making zone so hes just sitting on the stoop outside with a single spool of thread trying to fix this poofy ass dress. soon enough hes got 5 minutes left on the clock and hes still not finished, so hes like fuck it! im just gonna do my makeup and hope for the best. the makeup is atrocious, predictably, he doesnt even get to finish the eyeliner, but he tries to go back inside nonetheless. oops, he got locked out! thank you, tetch. now hes gotta go through the front, all the while trying not to get dirt on this dress which is falling apart on top of him, knowing full well poison ivy and the riddler and the rest of the queens are making fun of him for being late.
he gets back in. by this point, hes sweating like a damn hog, his makeup is running, but hes HERE. he sees amygdala preparing to go down the runway. no no no, the JOKER cant have that. the joker cant have anyone stealing his rightfully earned spotlight. he pushes amygdala out of the way and waits for the go-ahead.
poison ivy and the riddler look confused and disturbed, then whisper to one another for a moment. they turn back toward him.
"didnt we already escort you off the premises like, half an hour ago?" the riddler asks.
"yeah, you weren't supposed to come back," poison ivy says. "that's the point of having henchmen take you out."
they argue about this for a while until joker is thrown out again. the public vote gives him a pitiful 1%.
after that, hes a laughing stock! nobody likes him! hes just the guy who couldnt take a hint even after he was kicked out of a building! he resigns in disgrace and moves to rural ohio where he becomes a gas station attendant. and THAT is how we get rid of the joker.
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boxfullaturtles · 21 days
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TMayNT Day 03: Favorite Henchmen
"The universe we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is, at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil, no good, nothing but blind, pitiless indifference." - Richard Dawkins
Do the Krang Zombies count as henchmen? Unwilling henchmen, perhaps, but still henchmen.
Body horror incarnate, I love that for them! Rise crew really went off the rails with this iteration of the Krang and it went hard! It's horrific! Child me would have been terrified of them!
They are vicious and ugly and gross and some of my favorite bad guys ever!
[challenge by @tmaynt]
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veryace-ficrecs · 1 month
Hi! Hope you take requests: any Trafalgar Law-centric angst/dark/whump recs? I would really like to see him suffer. Thank you!
I absolutely do!! I love answering asks! :D
Trafalgar Law Angst Fic Recs
This list will include all ratings and tags, so read at your own discretion! :)
Some Kind of Joke by gryphonshadow - Rated E
When Trafalgar Law’s duel with Doflamingo on Green Bit ends disastrously, he winds up the shichibukai’s prisoner. He never expected this outcome. How did it come to this? And is there any escape from this hell? AKA a dark re-telling of the events of Dressrosa and what came after.
Day 2: woven birdcage by via_the_cryptid - Rated T
Law doesn’t want to be caught. He knows what will happen if his pursuer catches up to him.
In the Hands of the Enemy by GrimoireReads - Rated T
Set after Doflamingo takes Law prisoner. Trafalgar Law was ready to die when he set foot on Dressrosa, but Doflamingo doesn’t make it any easier.
Frozen Heart by kitnjinx - Rated T
For as long as Law could remember, cold had followed him in one way or another. He had been running from Death for just as long, snapping and snarling back at a world that had only ever kicked him down. He always reasoned he would die the same way. Cold, angry, alone. Too bad there's so many people who keep having different ideas about his fate.
but were we ever really human? by Gali-La (Galileoleo), gendervapor - Rated T
There was hope. It wouldn’t end here. Fallen scrap and bolts tumbled from his arms as Law ran through the snow and permafrost, back to their hidden shelter. His frozen operating room. His second chance.
Again by Arrows4_Writes - Not Rated
At first, all he could see was white; all he could feel was the cold. It reminded him of home. It reminded him of Flevance. But he wasn't in Flevance. Flevance came with the sounds of screams and the smell of burning flesh. He wasn't sure what he was doing here. Or where "here" even was.
Law has a Nightmare of Minion Island/the day Cora died
Tradition by Sleeping_Songbird - Rated G
After celebration with the Hearts, Law indulges in his own birthday tradition
lifeblood (i'd bleed for you every time) by kermit_coded - Rated T
Day Two Alternate: Gunshot Wound(s)
you are never alone by asphyxiiated - Rated T
With trembling hands, Law opened the casket to reveal the body that gave him the world.
Grief, as a Knife. by rosiinantes - Rated T
Trafalgar D Water Law, and his intimate familiarity with grief. -- That's when grief had gutted him. The knife had moved suddenly and all at once. Taken everything that he could have left. Lami: gone. Father: gone. Mother: gone. Everyone he had ever known. His teachers. The friends he had at school. The lunchtime bully. All of them were dead.
Self-Destructive Tendencies by Talvituhkat - Rated T
"Your three lives are a bargaining chip. If I refuse, Trafalgar Law will take my life along yours. A threat from a man unwilling to bet on tomorrow is something that raises concern for my own life."
Torture at the hands of Kaido's henchmen has certainly taken its toll on Trafalgar Law. Stressful situations mean that dissent ensues, pushing the Surgeon of Death to his limits and leaving the Heart Pirates in charge of their captain's recovery... both in body and mind. ____ Takes place after Episode 951/Chapters 950 & 951.
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least-carpet · 4 months
hello!! 👀 (for the au ask game)?
Hello!! This is so extremely belated, I'm very sorry.
One AU I will never write is one I've outlined loosely in its entirety (so maybe I should just post the outline?) and it's the AU where Jin Ling is a cis girl. This is one of my earliest attempts to answer the question "what would actually make Jiang Cheng happy?" and it involved the conclusion of "Jin Ling living in Lotus Pier and inheriting without the sect being absorbed into the Jin." And I felt like I could make it happen for girl!Jin Ling!
Because the Jin Sect especially sucks, Jin Ling being a girl removes her from the line of succession. She's still given to Jiang Cheng to care for, and like canon Jin Ling, she splits time between both sects with the understanding that she still technically belongs to the Jin, despite them being unwilling to make her sect heir. After Jin Guangshan dies, Jin Guangyao and Jiang Cheng come to an unofficial agreement that she will marry a Jiang disciple of suitably high cultivation and rank and inherit the sect that way.
Jin Rusong, the only available male heir who's not Mo Xuanyu, is watched like a hawk and doesn't get murdered. (I am agnostic re: whether Jin Guangyao had him killed or not. Either way, needing a direct heir and there being more of a reason to expect Rusong to be at risk are both elements that could change the outcome there.) He's a very sweet kid, and much, much smarter than he looks, but he is spoiled to pieces, including by Jin Ling. That's her cute baby cousin! Of course he can have everything he wants!
Qin Su, having her son to protect, does not commit suicide despite finding out about the incest (although she ain't doing too good). The incest is also not revealed publicly. Unfortunately, an Evil Jin Elder—Jin Chan's grandfather—finds out about it somehow.
When Jin Ling returns to the Jin Sect to protect Jin Rusong and investigate Jin Guangyao's secret room, she gains access to—among other things—a treasure trove of blackmail material about the Jin elders.
The Evil Jin Elder, not wanting to be blackmailed or publicly dragged up on charges, blackmails Qin Su into using Jin Ling to fulfill an old written offer of marriage from the Lan sect. This solves a number of different problems for him: no more secret sect investigation, weakens Jin Rusong's faction, reaffirms now-shaky relationship with the Lan. So many birds with one stone! Qin Su is not about this but is also very, very desperate to remain in her position in order to protect Jin Rusong.
Jin Ling wakes up, bound hand and foot, in a carriage to the Lan sect, without her bow, Suihua, or Fairy. (Despite being all tied up, she still resists strenuously with her teeth. "Why does she even need that dog," says one of Evil Jin Elder's henchmen bitterly, as they haul her from carriage to palanquin.) Once there, she learns that the offer specifies a member of the inner family, but not who; and that a certain faction of elders is proposing that she be married to Lan Xichen, i.e. her uncle's secret boyfriend who killed him.
Jin Ling has never gone along quietly with anything she didn't like in her entire life. Her escape involves Lan Qiren, Lan Jingyi, Wei Wuxian, and Li'l Apple on a boat.
Story 1 is the story of how Jin Ling becomes the (still unmarried) heir to the Jiang sect, and it's pre-lingyi. Story 2 involves her eventual marriage, since, as Jiang Sect heir, Jin Ling needs to find a husband. She proposes (like the great-granddaughter of Genghis Khan) that any potential husband has to beat her in a contest that she chooses. Then she has to frantically brainstorm a contest of martial prowess that Lan Jingyi can beat her at. (Wrestling. It's wrestling. This is 100% because Lan Jingyi sucks at so many things and not an excuse for her to get wrestled to the ground by the goofy Lan boy with the very nice arms, Jin Rusong, how dare you insinuate things of that nature—)
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triptomarss · 9 months
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Here's a cover design for a fic that I will never write.
Bound Illustrated by: Redplanet Fleurmione Week - Day 6: Alternate history / Bounty hunters
A mysterious black death struck medieval Europe in the year of our lord 1346.
The plague wiped out more than half of the muggle population and nearly eradicated all magical humans and humanoids while turning particular creatures into mutated rabid beasts with an insatiable hunger for human blood and flesh.
With the severe depopulation of all humans and the constant attack from wild creatures, all magical and non-magical sapient beings were forced into a tense and hierarchal coexistence for survival.
The population was divided into a caste system: the Monarchy at the top, along with the Ministry as their most trusted advisor, followed by muggle nobles, half-bloods, and wealthy sapient creatures (highborn humanoids and hybrids) that the Ministry classified to have "near-human intelligence," like Centaurs, Meer-folk, and Veelas. Squibs, muggle-borns and non-magical folks were at the bottom, along with serfs and slaves.
To appease the non-magical population and to maintain their power, the Ministry outlawed the use of magic and the possession of wands from any magical being that was not a pureblood witch or wizard.
The only way for muggles and creatures to be allowed to use magic was to live outside the Monarchy's protection or become an Inquisitor—the Ministry's henchmen, used as disposable mercenaries tasked to hunt and dispose of rabid creatures all over Europe.
Determined to consolidate and strengthen their rule, the royal monarchs with no ability to wield magic recognized the power of the few surviving pureblood witches and wizarding humans, acclaiming them as the Sacred 28 that would save all of humanity, putting them on a pedestal like a new religion in place of the Catholic Church. Soon, the purebloods took over the Ministry and worked together with muggle knights in controlling the destruction brought about by the rabid creatures for decades, leading with an iron fist.
Or, Fleur and Hermione are frenemies bound to each other in an unbreakable curse as huntress and warder under the Inquisitor guild – forced to work together as unwilling partners to fill a quota within a four-year contract to hunt down rabid creatures.
The Veela and muggle-born each had their reasons for signing up for the infamous guild and were eager to graduate as soon as possible to achieve their goals and be free of each other.
However, through their journey, they accidentally discovered the plague's origin and the corruption and deception that the Ministry and the Monarchy perpetuated.
Fleurmione worked together to expose the lies and started a rebellion.
They also fell in love with each other, obviously.
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augustsappho · 8 days
Solidarity From 5000 Miles Away: A Letter To UC Santa Cruz's 'Students For Justice In Palestine' - by August Sappho
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sourced from the UCSC SJP Instagram
Today the world bore witness to what took place at the UC Santa Cruz campus, the crossing of the barricade from police and the beating and arrest of occupying students. A brutal and deeply cruel decision made by those who see violence as an inevitable necessity in this world. As we would view community and family and peace they envision their weapons and riot gear. In the face of a genocide where people need protection the most it is the police and adjacent institutions who have upheld and exacerbated the systems and cultures of brutalising civilians. As they had done years before during the vietnam war they repeat themselves, unchanged by the cries for mercy in a language they do understand but choose not to hear. Every decision made by officers in these protests is an explicitly deliberate choice. Their choice to hide their badge numbers and IDs, their choice to not wear body cams and to not allow the press to enter and bear witness. 
These choices then, are indicative of the wider problem at hand and is a microcosm of what those students in California and us in London are fighting. A militarised police state who will readily resort to violence and respond only with force. This is a battle against those who will raise arms and batons  at those who they deem as lesser or unworthy. Unworthy of taking up space, unworthy of holding an opinion worth listening to and of existing in a better future. For them, freedom is a pipe dream and what we are all doing gives them an easy excuse to paint themselves as the ‘so-called-heroes’ of their community when in reality they are no better than heavy-handed thugs. The henchmen and bullies of our governments. The police have never and will never be allies to the people and their response to student protests will forever embellish this status quo. They are an institution built to serve and protect the interest of the highest bidder. An institution that has historically upheld and enforced barbaric laws without question. One that simply follows orders.
The arresting of 80 students because Larive found a protest was disruptive as a protest ought to be is unforgivable. Larive comments on how the students ‘undermined academic freedom’ and would ‘prevent free inquiry’ are all stupendously ironic from the woman who so readily siced the dogs on her students for exercising this academic freedom, this notion of free speech that is meant to be at the very least constitutionally upheld in America. Their freedom to inquire and question. No, this was an act of cowardice and complicit malice. This is a university chancellor comfortable in her power unwilling to change or learn from her very own students. This is a university whose higher ups have already made up their minds and are in no way interested in ‘free inquiry’ or any form of ‘integrity’.
The students of Goldsmiths University of London and “Goldsmiths4Palestine” stand with the University of California, Santa Cruz and “Students for Justice in Palestine”. You have our full support and solidarity from 5000 miles away. In a different continent and time zone we share hope and an indomitable human spirit for those who remain under fire and warfare.
footage from before the riot sourced from the UCSC SJP Instagram story
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welcometoterrorcity · 6 months
How does it feel to be the inferior villain? Yeah, you "took over" but where's the cheesetopia? That's a deep flaw of you ask me. -@official-dr-two-brains
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Professor Terror: Oh my goodness I had no idea how much of a comedian you were Dr. Two Brains.Pardon my delayed response but I had to compose myself from your hilarious joke. You think I'm inferior to villains. Please. They all work for me. I am a fair leader of course. I let them do their own crimes, take their own loot. I sometimes generously give them aid when they only need to ask. In return, they give their loyalty and allegiance to me. With a snap of my fingers, they will answer my call. Should I require their assistance for something, say transporting some "valuables" for me, they will quickly aid in my tasks. They follow my commands with no hesitation. In return, I reward them. I give them what they want, they give me what I want. They know better than to try and double cross me. If I recall correctly, the Butcher was unwilling to work with you when he was taking over Charlie's role as a temporary henchmen. With me, The Butcher and I do team ups about every few weeks. Each side asking the other for a team up and being glad to give aid. Glen Furlblam doesn't bother me anymore with his pathetic attempts to try and one up me. He is content and happy I let him use the name Dr. Three Brains when he commits crimes. I am still the number one villain in this city. Any outside villain that comes in and tries to overthrow me, I simply remind him why it is a bad idea to even try. Any outside hero that tries to stop me....how I deal with them depends on how generous I am feeling and how Wordgirl feels about them. She is a true hero unlike the rest of those posers out there. As for my "flaw" in not creating a cheesetopia. That is where you are wrong Dr. Two Brains. It was the obsession of cheese that was holding me back from my true potential. Like I have told you, my time as Dr. Two Brains was merely a stepping stone that I had to use and later discard to help me reach the pinnacle of evil and villainy. There are not flaws in my rule, only nuisances that I haven't "discarded" just yet.
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tokoyamisstuff · 2 years
Dolorous (n.) - grieving, mournful; full of sorrow
After the fall of Overwatch, your fiancé Gabriel Reyes was presumed dead as well - yet no corpse was ever retrieved out of the debris.
Unwilling to accept this fate, your dangerous investigations lead you right to the enigma hunting down former comrades of yours...
...is he the one responsible for the disappearance of your lover?
[Part 2]
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Warnings: Angst, Cussing, Blood and Injury
A/N: This will have a part 2 don't you worry, guys.
Words: ~2200
That was it. You're done for. Seems like this is as far as you go...
Evening out your breaths to a quiet tone was an impossible task considering the gaping hole currently throbbing on your left shoulder - a clean gunshot by Talon's henchmen that went right through.
Because of this injury you had lost a concerning amount of blood, now all splattered on the floor and leaving a trace to lead your enemies right towards your location.
Not that it mattered, though. Even without this fact you were certain that this person could feel you - lured in by your fear like an animal to it's prey.
Your head was dizzy due to the bloodloss, back leaning against the metal crate you were currently hiding behind as you ripped apart a piece of your combat clothes to try and stop the bleeding.
Right now was far from an appropriate time to reminisce, but somehow this whole situation you had thrown yourself into brought your mind right back to the moment of Reyes' funeral - being certain of joining him there soon.
Back then however, the cascet was empty - for there was nothing to bury. No one you could say goodbye to.
Maybe this was the reason you weren't able to process his sudden absence in your life, the loss of the first and only person that made you believe in the concept of true love.
Haunted by this soulcrushing loss, you had refused to accept the truth and became obsessed with the idea of an alleged conspiracy.
And only now that you were faing inevitable death yourself the dam ultimatively broke, a tidal wave of all those emotions you so desperately suppressed finally burying you beneath
How ironic that the relentless search for your lover in this life would most likely cause you to be reunited in the afterlife.
Black spots were appearing in your line of sight as you slowly drifted away into unconsciousness, the last thing you could perceive through eyes blurred by tears being a menacing, black silhouette that was slowly coming closer.
It was alright though, you concluded with one last coherent thought as the cloaked figure crouched down right in front of you, stare boring into you underneath that expressionless mask of his.
The last emotion you would ever feel shall not be a wasted one. No, you wanted to be grateful - despite it all.
For all those bright times you were able to experience, with your friends, family, or just kind strangers. The good deeds of yours that had made an impact on this world.
Anything that made your life worthwile, no matter how small or insignificant it might seem.
Especially the time you had spent with the love of your life - even if it had ended so abruptly and tragically. An eternity with him would've been too short a time, either way.
In your delirium, you could've sworn that to see his face, using the last ounce of strenght to reach out for him.
Reyes' blood run cold as he heared his name drop from your lips - a heavenly sound he thought never to be graced with again. He froze as your hand came close to his face, yet luckily you passed out before he could decide how to react.
"What on earth are you doing here, Y/N?" the man growled as he caughed your limp self in his arms, surprised to notice his own body still being able to tremble, despite everything.
There was simply no way you knew his true - former - identity. Surely the rebuilt Overwatch wouldn't send you all alone without any backup either.
So what did you came here for? No matter how he racked his brain around it, this whole scheme of yours just didn't make any sense.
Yet here you were, and with your severe damage and the whole building being surrounded by Talon agents, there was simply no way for him to lead you a save passage away from the outpost.
So he swiftly picked you up, the claws on his gloves gently moving some bloodied strands of hair out of your face. You were still breathing, but would need medical aid as soon as possible - and Gabriel couldn't bear the thought of losing you because of his own shortcomings.
There was only one way to save you right now - by pulling you even further into this mess.
"Requesting a medic on site B...I've caught an enemy with possibly valuable information we can't afford to die just yet."
There was a high-pitched ring in your ear as you finally awoke, and as soon as you dared slightly opening your eyes the bright light of an operation room table forced them back shut.
With no indication of where exactly you were and how the hell you got out of that building, a feeling of unease settled in the pitch of your stomach.
There was no use in trying to get up before properly assessing the situation,especially because you were hooked to several tubes and machines, additionally to being handcuffed to the sickbed.
It was obvious that Talon had taken you prisoner, keeping you alive -yet for what purpose you could only guess.
They had their ways to mess with people's body and mind, after all. Maybe they'd try and force you to work for them, or straight up use you as guinea pig for their cruel experiments.
Much to your surprise in opposite to that initial theory, your wound had been treated and the ache in your arm was completely gone - in fact your whole body in general hadn't felt that good and well-rested in a long time.
Who knows just how much time had passed since that strange figure caught you.
"Why am I still alive?"
You asked this question in a matter-of-factly tone, almost as if the answer was of no importance at all as you stared aimlessly at the ceiling, before turning your head to your savior - no, abductor.
Reaper, or so they called him, daring to speak his name in whispers and fleeting tales only.
An eldritch horror, a monster, less than a person yet so much more powerful - for he had forsaken his humanity in favour of indescribable strenght no one should possess in the first place.
Just like his namesake implied, able to nourish on his victim's souls - however his insateable hunger could only be stilled by those he seeked revenge on. Walking the shadows with only one desire in his mind, a last remain of the person he once was:
Eradicating each and every single one of Overwatch's agents.
Even with that knowledge in mind you remained calm - way too calm, considering what kind of man was lurking right next to your defenseless self.
But you didn't really care anymore. All you demanded were answers - and you had grown tired of waiting.
"You've broken into our base all by yourself" he stated, responding with a counterquestion instead. "What for?"
Yes, it's been almost half a year since the incident. Everyone had long since given up in searching for the fallen comrades that were never found, hoping that the secret affairs within Overwatch would remain buried together with them.
Except for you, due to your inability to find closure.
"I'm looking for someone" you stated coldly, side-eyeing the broad man that gave it his utmost to appear harmless. "But I doubt that's news for you, since you're so eager to collect all possible information about us remaining Overwatch agents."
No answer, which only enraged you further.
"At least take off that ridiculous mask." To be fair, his appearance fit the profile almost ironically perfect. If the costume-tinkering Gabe would still be among you, he'd surely be envious of a gear that well made. "I at least want to look into the eyes of the man that killed my allies."
"I'm afraid that's not possible." Your patience grew thinner with the minute and every half-assed answer he presented, all with that tormented voice as if he was the one to be pitied instead. "Behind it there's just the empty shell of a man that once was."
"Listen: If you want to kill me, do it quick." Sitting up, you were once again reminded that you were in no position to bargain, since your left hand was still chained to the bedside. "But stop fucking around with me. I'm not joining you guys, or whatever farce you're playing here."
"I know nothing" you added at his lack of response, eyes darting around the room to find any means to escape. "In fact I never even talked to the others since the fall of Overwatch. The only reason I came here for was to find out anything about Gabriel Reyes, really."
"Well, did you know that back then, the headquarters were destroyed not due to an accident, but in Reyes' attempt to overthrow Morrison?"
For a while, the air felt too thick for you to breath at the revelation, until you finally found the means to utter a weak "...what?"
In contrast to his inward turmoil of emotions, Reaper sat all calm and collected, hands folded in his lap as he continued his confession.
Actually, he wanted to spare you the pain of realizing that your lover had never been a good person to begin with - but maybe it would make things easier, helping you to finally let go.
"Those last days of his life, Gabriel Reyes was a bitter man that, after his reputation was incorrigibly tainted, fell into the temptation of false pride and revenge. So he started a rebellion, and the ensuing fight caused the explosion."
"Shut the fuck up" you gritted, the pressure on your jaw threatening to make your teeth crack. "You're lying! You don't know shit about him!"
"Oh, I know him way better than you think. And he certainly wouldn't be approving of you putting your life on the line just for his sake."
All the pain and confusion you felt at that moment made your heart painfully clench behind your sternum, balling a fist on the fabric of your shirt as you began hyperventillating.
"Don't act all sympathetic!" Now your tone was laced with pure exasperation, every single word of yours sending a pang to your lover's chest. "You're a homicidal maniac, and most likely you just made up this whole story! What kind of bullshit! As if a sick psycho like you knows anything about me, or him, or love at all!
"Oh, I have loved deeply" Reyes confided, then whispering a barely audible "Still do."
The shadowy man would then lean forwards, and for the fraction of a second you thought to hear some resemblance in this sinister voice that almost triggered a memory. "Your beloved fiancé was a traitor. That's the truth. I'm so-"
"Did you kill him?"
There was just no other way, no different explanation for how much he knew about your fiancé and his wrongdoings - other than that he was the one responsible for his corruption and eventuall fall.
Taken aback by your sudden accusation and the tears now dwelling in your eyes, the room fell silent once again. Mournful sobs echoed against the metallic walls, indicating just how little you cared, showing yourself so vulnerable even in front of a mortal enemy.
It took everything inside of Reyes to not cradle you in his arms right there and then, revealing his true identity and assuring you it'd be alright, that he'd never leave your side ever again. No doubt you'd love him even in this monstrous, repulsing state - but he knew he was undeserving, and would only ruin the best thing that had ever happened to him.
You'd be better off without ever learning the truth about what he had become.
As soon as the word had dropped from his mouth, your tears ran free, covering your eyes with your free hand as muffled cries soon turned into broken laughter...
...and then, you took the scalpel on the table next to your bedside and rammed it deeply into the villain's neck.
"How could you take him from me?!" You screamed, roared at the figure bleeding out in front of you, writhing in pain only for so much until he teared out the blade you had dug into him just seconds ago.
Much to your horror however, the blood that was dripping to the floor immediately dissipated into black smoke, returning to it's master as if nothing ever happened.
"I hate you!" You began furiously beating him, now that you finally found something to channel your grief and anger towards - yet every single blow you tried to land was for naught as he evaded it gracefully, without ever fighting back. "I'll definetly find a way to kill you!"
It would be a fitting end to this tragic story, he thought - his life ended by the only person that never gave up on him.
This might be a salvation for both of you.
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gilligays · 2 years
something about how the zafiro añejo was introduced as the means by which gus poisons and thereby eradicates the cartel. thus, our initial understanding of it was as something tainted, something deadly—a token of deceit. and eladio and his henchmen drink it willingly, even gleefully. they believe they are indulging themselves, even as they initiate their own downfall. then later, how it quickly became jimmy and kim’s drink of choice, usually after a scam or a con. they say it’s harmless, “who was hurt, huh?” or even for good reasons, “we’re doing the lord’s work here!”and something about the fact that they persist, unable / unwilling to forsee the consequences of their actions. and how whether or not it was intentional, the symbolism is there—they were doomed from the start.
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villianblr · 1 year
I’m actually part of a duo now! With your right hand man!! I’m the left hand now I think!!! We’re the hands of evil!!!!
- 11
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Alright my wonderful HENCHMEN! WE MUST PREP THE BASE FOR AN UNWILLING GUEST! That is to say we are going to KIDNAP SOMEONE! It’s so great to finally have a base of my own again! MAUAHABAHAHAHAHAAH!
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luverz-exe · 2 years
Yandere BTAS Scarecrow with a Bodyguard S/O
Wow, I might just do the whole dork squad with a bodyguard S/O, but who knows, just wanted to write something else before getting back to requests. I also just wanted to thank you all for 30 followers! It's amazing, and I really appreciate you all (:
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× Despite how he treats his henchmen, you're his bodyguard and so, you have more of his respect, and commands that respect to not only be given to you by other henchmen, but heroes as well. Mutual respect is the best he can hope for at the moment, though longs for the day you'll start to feel more for him.
× Tries not to push his obsession on you, and tries to keep his true feelings away to keep the relationship purely professional. Despite his best efforts however, he finds himself unwilling to let you fight for him, and often makes you do menial tasks and chores to keep you out of Batman's way. If none are available, he tries to pull you away from the scene before it's too late and you get hurt.
× You tempt him more than anything, but you also motivate him. You make him remind himself why he has to win, what he has to have. And despite him being your boss, he seeks above all else to show off his strengths to you. You will be with him for every success and failure, and so he feels the need to show that no matter what, he is still a threat not to be messed with. This is both a reminder to you, and a warning.
× Jonathan will trust you with his identity, his knowledge, his regrets... his fears. But all he asks in return is the same from you. He wants to know everything about you, just as you will of him. Eventually, he will formally ask you to be his partner in crime, out of costume before you leave for the night. Now that the two of you know each other on more than a professional relationship, he believes that this is the most logical source of action.
× And while you may say no, to him this is just your humbleness speaking, and that you actually would love to, it's just that you think you are undeserving of this. Firmly telling him that you in fact have no desire to work with him anymore causes him to, very insistently, remind you of how much he now knows about you. With a small smile, he can remind you of your address, full name, age, living family members and where they're located. If you truly want to play with the master of fears emotions, then two can play that game.
× But more likely than not, you'll accept, because who would pass up on an opportunity like this? Scarecrow's offering you something you couldn't have ever dreamed of working with other villains, and you won't ever find another opportunity like this ever again. And while all of this is true, with this he'll slowly cut away every body else. Friends, family, you will no longer need them with your villain lifestyle, he's really doing you a favor. Besides, all you'll ever need is him and the legacy the two of you will create for yourselves.
"You understand, don't you? Love and fear can make people do crazy things, and you know they were getting too close to the truth, yes?"
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On April 11, the Catholic Church honors the memory of the 11th-century bishop and martyr, St. Stanislaus of Krakow, who died for the faith at the hands of King Boleslaus II.
Canonized on 17 September 1253, St. Stanislaus is a beloved patron of the Polish nation and people.
In his own country, he is commemorated on May 8, the date of his death in 1079.
Blessed John Paul II – who was Krakow’s archbishop in the “See of St. Stanislaus” before becoming Pope – paid tribute to him often during his pontificate.
In a 2003 letter to the Polish Church, he recalled how St. Stanislaus “proclaimed faith in God to our ancestors and started in them...the saving power of the Passion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.”
“He taught the moral order in the family based on sacramental marriage.
He taught the moral order within the State, reminding even the king that in his actions he should keep in mind the unchanging Law of God.”
Through St. Stanislaus, God taught the Polish Pope's homeland to respect “the Law of God and the just rights of every person.”
Born near Krakow on 26 July 1030, Stanislaus Szczepanowski was the son of Belislaus and Bogna.
His parents, members of the nobility, showed great zeal and charity in their practice of the Catholic faith.
Their son studied for a time in his own country, then went on to learn theology and canon law in Paris.
The death of his parents left him with a large inheritance, which he gave away to the poor.
After his ordination to the priesthood, Stanislaus served Church of Krakow in different pastoral and administrative posts.
Following the death of the diocese’s leader, Bishop Lambert Zula, Stanislaus was chosen as his successor in 1071.
He did not want the position but obeyed Pope Alexander II’s order to accept it. Having done so, he proved to be a bold preacher of the Gospel.
This boldness brought him into conflict with Poland’s ruler, King Boleslaus II the Generous (c. 1042 – 2/3 April 1081 or 1082), who was becoming notorious for his violent and depraved lifestyle.
After a series of disputes over his scandalous behavior and other matters, Stanislaus found no success in his efforts to reform the king.
He excommunicated the sovereign – who responded with furious anger, sending henchmen to kill the bishop.
When they proved unwilling or unable to do so, Boleslaus took matters into his own hands.
He ambushed Stanislaus and struck him down with a sword during his celebration of Mass.
The exact date of Stanislaus's death is uncertain. According to different sources, it was either April 11 or 8 May 1079.
Stanislaus was soon acclaimed as a martyr, while Boleslaus II lost his grip on power and left Poland.
In later years, the fallen monarch is said to have lived in a monastery, repenting of the murder.
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On the Run
apr 7th, 2021
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Characters: oc!Russell Davon, oc!Dylan Harley
Word count: 627
Warnings: None! Just some language and bad manners 😂
Summary: A rapid presentation of Russell Davon, an original character from a Cyberpunk Dystopian AU I have been working on with @arnold-layne (yes I’m gonna tag you everytime I’ll make content about them lmao), while he’s escaping a gang he stole some goods from. Plus an appearance of Dylan!
A/N: Sooo in the structure I go to there’s a club of creative writing of some sorts, and this week’s exercise was about coming up with a character and basically tell as much as we could about them in a few pages in less than an hour, inserting them in a context, narrating how their life is etc. and you BET YO ASS I would talk about my OC’s!! I felt pretty proud about it so I decided to translate it and post it here too. Excuse the vagueness (it was just an exercise after all) and any grammar/syntax errors or redundancy, I’m trying I promise :^)
Russell ran through the lanes of the suburbs of Rhinestone City with his heart pounding in his chest. His red hair, shoulder-length, irregularly cut, was a burning flame that warmed and colored the street in an instant for passersby, and a bullfighting cloth for the armed-to-the-teeth henchmen who were chasing him at breakneck speed. Russ grinned: he knew it. He knew how pissed off it made them, to realize that they got screwed over once again by a brat, a stupid punk who has no sense of danger or self-preservation instinct. Food was scarce for everyone here (let alone money), every day there were people dropping like flies dying of starvation — “… But better them than me,” Russ told himself as he jumped over an old abandoned stall, clutching the loot he took from his chasers under his clothes. While looking back, he pushed some pallets to the ground to create obstacles for his pursuers, unwilling to stop to catch his breath. He heard them cursing at him as he turned the street’s angle. He had to stop himself from laughing.
It was a cold, dreary morning and Russell could feel it through his jacket, pants and boots, all in leather (the latter stolen from “A special forces cop,” Russ claims), but a rainy day certainly would not have discouraged this stubborn child of the streets to want to survive another day. It’s a dog-eat-dog world, and he was determined to keep his streak of being the dog that eats and doesn’t get eaten.
Russell sped through another corner, and then another, ending up in one of the main streets where people were pouring into; finally, he could slow his pace down and blend into the crowd.
Suddenly, there was a whistle, and a familiar voice called his name. The boy turned toward the sound: it was Dylan, looking out the window on the second floor of a building in an alley nearby, filled with dumpsters and garbage blocking the other end. Russell nodded to him with a smile, but in the meantime, another much less friendly voice declared that he had “found the little bastard” and incited his mates to come there faster. Shit. He had to think quickly. The boy sprinted toward his friend — olive skin, dark-brown mohawk with a red bandana on his forehead, eyes glistening in excitement —, who promptly held out his hand to him. No questions asked, not a word said: considered the number of times they’ve both been in similar situations, there was no need for those extra pleasantries. Nasty Redhead* quickly walked up a flight of rusted fire escape stairs. Then, with a leap, the punk grabbed Dylan’s arm and scrambled through the balcony, landing clumsily on his partner in crime, making the ladder collapse beneath his feet with a deafening crash of metal. The two boys watched it fall on top of the bunch of apes who were after Russell, leaving them stunned and with a dumb, dazed expression on their faces. Russ and Dylan looked at each other for a second, and immediately burst out laughing for the adrenaline rush, giving each other high-fives and pats on the back. Meanwhile, the gang was still under them, spewing empty threats at both. Dylan leaned over the windowsill, raising both middle fingers with a shit-eating grin. Russell did the same with one hand — fit into a mucky fingerless glove —: he first touched the finger with his lips and then he directed it to the mugs below, imitating a blown kiss, but less elegant.
Once again, Russell Davon had looked death in her eyes and laughed in her face.
*Nasty Redhead: transl. from Italian, “Rosso Malpelo”, a nickname which combines Rosso (red) with Malpelo (literally “evil hair”), as Sicilians believed that people with red hair were malicious and had an evil disposition. It became a common saying in the Italian language after Sicilian novelist Giovanni Verga published a short story with this title in 1878. (A/N: when I wrote this in Italian I thought the nickname would fit Russ very well so I used it, shame it got kinda lost in translation)
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fleet-off · 1 year
Find the Word
tagged by @raksh-writes
Rules: Share snippets of your work containing each of the words the previous poster selected for you. (I was unclear on whether I should pull from my WIPs or my published work—but WIPs sounded more fun to me. ^^)
I got the words: satisfied, curve, freedom, memory, warmth. I had to manipulate the parts of speech a bit to find some of these in my WIPs lol.
satisfied from Body Bag: coming down from intense emotions and cathartic sex, Vegas and Pete tease each other about vampire roleplay.
“My blood in your mouth, feeding you? Yeah, Pete.” “Would have thought you’d rather play the predator,” Pete says. He laps at the oval of dark indents his teeth have left around Vegas’s pulse point. Vegas sighs with pleasure. “Lacks originality.” Pete laughs. Satisfaction tugs at the corners of Vegas’s eyes and lips; he presses a kiss into Pete’s smile.
curve from Lapping at the Edges: the opening to my poor unfinished chapter 3.
They curl up in bed like children sharing secrets in the dark, hair damp, foreheads nearly touching. Pete’s socked toes rest on Vegas’s calves. Vegas traces the curve of his cheek. “Were you worried?” he whispers. “Did you think I cheated?” Pete closes his eyes. “Of course I was worried about you, you’re a mess.”
freedom from Off the Handle: Vegas begins to spiral. (CW: suicide mention)
The thought consumes his days. Life used to come so cheap. Vegas made a business of stealing it from the family’s foes, traded countless unreliable henchmen, gambled freely with his own skin. Now there are two lives he can’t afford to lose, laid in his hands with nothing to support them if he fails. And if those lives decided to take themselves, Vegas would have no right to stop them.
memory from Breathing Space, my sci-fi AU: following capture by Tankhun and co, Pete rebels internally.
Pete cannot bring himself to delete them, yet. Because he is selfish, because he is rogue, because to be without the hands that wrecked him is an inconceivable thing—and thankfully they can’t watch yet, thankfully the equipment for that is back at the compound, thankfully it requires a specialized skillset to scrutinize the vast banks of Pete’s memory and extract data interpretable to the human mind. He will have Vegas to himself for a little longer, before his makers reduce him to the unwillingly whole and horribly empty machine he once was.
warm (I couldn’t pick one, so you get two!) from Body Bag: Pete recalls a time he failed to safeword and wound up begging Vegas to finish him off mid-scene (he’s pretty sure he didn’t mean it). (another CW for suicide mention. Do I have a preoccupation with death? Who can say.)
To have made Vegas unwilling to touch him, to make Vegas recoil when Pete slipped the ropes on his wrists and reached for his shoulder—the cold cracked him open and hollowed him like one of the frigid hells. This was before the warm towels and slow touches and all the ways they’ve learned to return from the brink together, so Vegas stumbled into the bathroom for a shower and Pete sat empty on the bed and then they laid there in sleepless silence until dawn’s pale colors seeped into their walls and Vegas asked him to save some rope or a bullet for him when he went. “You don’t need to feel bad, if you did mean it,” Vegas says now. “I understand.”
and from Stable Delusion: Vegas and Pete comfort each other following a nightmare.
He set a hand on Vegas’s chest, following the well-known paths of his ribs to settle on the knot of scar tissue just under his heart. Here, he could feel how Vegas’s breath hitched and then went deliberately even. Pete nosed up under his chin. Vegas smelled of warm skin, sour sweat, and the faintest whiff of metal. “Can talk if you need,” Pete mumbled, lips brushing the hollow of his throat. The way Vegas reached around to cradle his head was clumsy. His calluses snagged on the tangles in Pete’s hair and tugged at his scalp. Pete didn’t mind the sting; it seemed the logical price of being held in a lover’s claws. “Just a dream,” Vegas told him.
This was fun! Tagging @theflowergirl @luckydragon10 @giraffeter @rainbowcolored7 @vegaseatsass @sunshinesanctuary @saturnskyline and anybody else who wants to share. My words for you are: fond, ache, texture, blue, delight.
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