#unstable norms
fabiansteinhauer · 6 months
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Kollabieren oder kollaborieren, das ist hier die Frage!
Fragen, die gestellt werden, sollen beantwortet werden. Also Keynote Co_Lab. Das heißt: Colaben üben, Kulturtechniken zweierlei Mitesser oder eines Mittessens, eines Verzehrs, an dem andere und anderes auf anderen Seiten teilnehmen können.
Colaben wäre eine Kulturtechnik, die im Verzehr verkehren kann - und damit den Labenden zum Gelabten und das Gelabte zu Labendem machen kann. Im Hinblick auf Markus Krajewskis kommend komische Keynote in Helsinki ist zu ergänzen, dass das Colaben eine Kulturtechnik ist, die vom Aperitiv oder Apéro über das Dispositiv bis hin zum Digestiv reicht - und repetetiv zurück.
Das ist die anthropofagisch und theofagisch manifestliche Antwort, die man wohl geben kann, wenn man sie an den und mit den Tafeln gibt, die Warburgs Staatstafeln sind.
Nicht unbedingt großes und nicht unbedingt kleines, aber durchgehend skalierbares, immer vergrößerbares und verkleinerbares Bankett eines Bankiers, der unbedingt, bis ins Detail und in immer entfernten Bögen skalieren will, weil er mit Polarität umgehen will.
Afformative, strike! In Bochum formiert und normiert sich die Bild- und Rechtswissenschaft. Das ist the next big thing in einer kommenden Reihe von next big things: In Helsinki wird es im Januar 2024 über Vismanns Kulturtechniken und in Luzern auch hoffentlich im weitern Verlauf des nächsten Jahres weitergehen. Wimmelnd baut sich eine Forschungsgruppe auf, die an einer Bild- und Rechtswissenschaft interessiert ist, deren Methoden Methoden der Kulturtechnikforschung sind. Da bin ich dabei. Alle reden vom System, wir von der Meteorologie.
Ich bin eingeladen worden, weil ich eine Frage und eine These habe. Frage: Gibt es eine unbeständige Rechtswissenschaft? Antwort: Ja, das ist unter anderem die Bild- und Rechtswissenschaft, die man bei Aby Warburg findet.
These: Aby Warburg arbeitet über 30 Jahre lang an einer Bild- und Rechtswissenschaft, die um den Begriff und mit dem Begriff des Polaren kreist. Die Staatstafeln sind dazu eine Summe, die summiert und dabei summt, deren Kreisen also auch nöselt. Warburg assoziiert dort auch Kulturtechniken des Polarisierens, des Umgangs mit Polarität, mit Kulturtechniken des Verzehrens oder Verschlingens. Warburgs begreift Polarität nicht systematisch, der Begriff ist bei Warburg nicht systematisch und wird nicht systematisch verwendet. Er wird aber trotzdem durchgehend und präzise verwendet. Warburg entwickelt insoweit seine Polarforschung, aber er entwickelt sie nicht nur im Medium des Begriffs. Er entwickelt sie auch mit und durch und an Bildern, besonderen Bildern, nämlich Bildern, die Polobjekte sind (und darin sogar nur phasenweise, stellenweise Bilder).
Diese Bild- und Rechtswissenschaft kreist um Polobjekte und mit Polobjekten. Das sind Objekte, die unter anderem Achsen oder Stäbe haben können und die (damit) drehbar, wendbar, kippbar oder kehrbar sind - das sind seine Tafeln und Tabellen.
Mit Kreisen meine ich Technik, also auch Kritik. Mit Kreisen meine ich keinen Stand, aber einen meteorologischen Zustand, also auch Krise. Warburg kreist konkret: er arbeitet konkret elliptisch, tabellarisch, kalendarisch, verzettelnd. Das kann man Montage nennen, seltsame Montage, nämlich solche, die nicht nur montags stattfindet und nicht nur montiert. Sie schiebt dringend Gestelle durch Raum und Zeit, durch Denkräume, die Zeit- und Spielräume bieten - also eher Zeit schaffen als Zeit haben. Das ist eine prognostische, kreditierende, magische und mantische Montage, Montage für zukünftige Tage, auch wenn sie , gerade weil sie aus dem Vergehen des Vergangenen, aus dem Nachleben der Antike schöpft: ordinär gesagt: aus alten Sekreten und alten Digesten, die hochsteigen, wie die Scheiße in Häfen bei Hochwasser.
Aby Warburg ist modern, aber nicht nur modern. Er ist auch nicht modern gewesen, ein Zeitgenosse des Unzeitgemäßen noch dazu. Er arbeitet an einer Rechtswissenschaft, die das Recht nicht darauf verpflichtet, stabil oder stabilisierend zu sein. Die Wissenschaft soll das Recht nicht darauf verpflichten, beständig zu sein, nicht darauf, systematisch oder ausdifferenziert zu sein. Er arbeitet an einer Wissenschaft, die mit Unbeständigkeit umgehen soll - auch durch Unbeständigkeit. Warburg polarisiert und übt Umgang mit Polarisierung. Er assoziiert vague und übt Umgang mit vaguen Assoziationen (die weder leer noch unbestimmt sind). Was Warburg übt, das ist, was er wahrnimmt. Wie Bruno Lima einmal gesagt hat: Warburgs erster Satz aus den grundlegenden Bruchstücken, Du lebst und tust mir nichts, das ist eine Meditation, eine Übung, eine Wahrnehmung: auch ein Singen im Walde.
Warburgs Rechtswissenschaft ist Bildwissenschaft. Warburg hat ein anderes Bild im Blick als dasjenige, das Pierre Legendre im Blick hat. Warburgs Bild soll keinen Abgrund meistern und keine Abwesenheit bewältigen. Das soll weder Garantie noch garantiert sein. Das soll Legendres Bild, der sich insoweit treu an das Dogma großer Trennung und darüber an römisches Recht, an Plinius, Cicero, an Sätze des Prätors hält. Warburgs Bild soll es hingegen ermöglichen, mit Wechsel und Verwechslung umzugehen, mit Verkehr und Verkehrung, mit einem Verzehr, der colabend sein kann, der einen verzehrt oder einen verzehren lässt. Beide schreiben gegen Mittsommernacht, zum Mittessen, aber nur Warburg auch mit dieser Nacht und um sie mitmachen zu können.
Legendres Bild- und Rechtswissenschaft ist eine aus dem Geist seines Bildes, der Sprache, der Schrift und des Buches. Warburgs Bild- Rechtswissenschaft ist eine aus den Tafeln und den Akten: aus dem Kalender des Filocalus, aus der notitia dignitatum, aus den Krönungsdiarien, aus dem Protokoll, aus dem Kommentar, aus dem Zettel, aus den Tabellen.
Kommt ihr? Zumutable wäre es!
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Toga’s AU Concept
He visited Sanctum on a whim, he was in Mistral visiting his niece Saphron after all, why not visit the school that was training it’s future protectors… Was it truly chance that it happened when he got there at that moment. That he stumbled upon the horrified students backing away from a scene from a horror movie.
A girl over a boy, her skin pale, hair a dull gold but utterly contrast by the crimson of the boy beneath her, of his blood leaking, his eyes wide in equal parts horror and confusion as the girl above him drank deeply. Her aura lighting, brightening with every drop more she drunk.
But from her eyes another purely liquid dripped, tears that contradicted the madness in her eyes, others stood confused. But not him, never him, he didn’t hesitate, to hesitate was the let others suffer. The girl moved with surprising grace, avoiding him while her features altered, matching her victim’s.
His hand reached out as he enforced his soul into him, willing thew boy’s body to mend though his soul’s light. The second he saw the student’s face gain some of it’s blush ensured his life her turned on her and launched after the girl.
She’d been smart to run instead of fight, it was a fight she wouldn’t win, couldn’t win, but escaping was just a futile. She was fast, agile and athletic yes, but he was a skilled tracker. If she was faster, he just had to rely on endurance to carry him through.
And it did…
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She’d been locked up, and they were debating her sentence, the sentence for an aura user with combat training, she was a threat. And perhaps he should’ve left it well enough alone, but he didn’t, and spoke to her.
And he realized the tragic madness that spurred her on. Toga Himiko was not a monster, she was a girl, gifted with a powerful Semblance, great potential and an honest easily corruptible heart. One’s semblance could influence a persons personality quite easily. After all, it was the manifest of your being, of your soul. How could you not begin to ponder its meaning, how could you not attempt to reflect it’s nature on your person, within your actions.
She was dangerous yes, unstable without a doubt… But, she was also alone, her family couldn’t understand her and feared her for it. Somewhere inside he knew she understood her sense of love was twisted. Was not the norm, after all, why else would she have cried when expressing it.
This was no monster, no villain of demon, she was a girl, a pitiful, lonely, misunderstood child who wanted nothing more then to express her love the only way she could. They way her very soul demanded she act out. All she wanted was a connection, was someone to understand her, was to have friends, family and a love that could accept her deviant nature, a nature she had no control of.
How could he call himself a Huntsman if he couldn’t save a single girl from her crippling, cruel loneliness. So he visited her, again and again, using his pull and connection with Ozpin to freeze the freeze the girl’s sentencing while he worked things out.
She started to look forward to meeting him, and he’d admit to the same, after all she was so cheerful and oddly endearing. If not for her eyes being amber instead of blue he’d had thought her one of his nieces.
Apparently after he started visiting regularly she ceased any resisting and even halted trying to escape, he started to bring her things, even cooking for the girl. Not helping but to feel she needed food a bit better then what they served here.
… He hadn’t expected her to cry, she, she couldn’t remember then last time her mom had made her food… The last time they treated her like a daughter instead of a Grimm. It angered him, it infuriated the Arc. But he held his tongue, and focused on what mattered.
On calling in favors, on talking to his family and getting his affairs in order, Jaune was many things, he was a Huntsman, next in line to be patriarch to the Arc House and a teacher at Beacon. But he was also a criminal who’d cheated his way into Beacon once upon a time. His hands had cut down men, his decisions as a leader had led to the death of innocents before as well.
Toga almost killed a boy, she needed help, needed understanding, to be given a chance. And he was all to willing to risk giving her one.
She tried to be normal, to live normally, to act normally, to love normally, she tried so hard, it was also such a struggle, other people’s normal. Other people being able to express themselves, to be themselves and be accepted for it. It wasn’t fair, it wasn’t right, why couldn’t her way be normal… Why couldn’t she be accepted?
Why couldn’t her parents understand her, accept her, but no, they told her it was wrong, that to be so fascinated by blood was wrong, sick and twisted. That she needed to be normal… Were they saying her soul was wrong? She could feel it, ever since her semblance first manifested, since she stumbled upon it so long ago when she’d licked her wound…
Blood was to the body what aura was to the soul, it was beautiful, profound and unique to every person, and she, she could understand it, could indulge, could become others through their blood, she could understand them, be them… It was her normal.
But her parents refused to accept her normal, society refused it, the world and everyone in it refused it… She obeyed, she tried, she struggled to be everyone else’s normal… Until she met him.
Saito was a amazing boy, he was kind, smart and popular, everyone liked him, everyone respected him, just like a lot of other girls she grew to like him. So often she fought the urge to ask him for some of his blood, she wanted to be like him, to know him, to Become him…
But she smothered those urges, because she knew he could not accept them, nobody could accept a freak like her so she resisted the urge. She fought to stay ‘Normal’ To be a average, cheerful, reasonable, well-mannered girl that others could accept, even if it was all a act…
But then Saito got into a fight, and seeing him like that… so wonderfully bruised and bloodied, it made what was so twisted inside go crazy. And it all came crashing down… And she was upon him, moving on not instinct but pure natural movement, as unconsciously as one breathed she gave to her semblance’s nature.
His flesh parting so easily from a mere box cutter, his aura was shattered in the fight with other beforehand. She drunk from him, his blood tasting like the sweetest of irons, so warm, so filling, so unique to him and him alone…
It was ecstasy, finally, finally she got to be herself, she was able to express her love, she felt herself turning into him. His aura, his soul, his being, she understood it so much more in that moment. She knew it was all over, her life, all her efforts, they would come crashing down. But for just a moment, she wanted it, to be her own normal, to be herself…
And then he appeared, he saved Saito, and stopped her, his gaze held so much in it, there was the anger and disgust she expected, but also something new… Pity.
His name was Jaune Arc, he was a Huntsman, a professor, and he stopped her, but he didn’t stop there. He should up to met her in her jail cell, they talked, well, he talked, asking why she did it. And eventually she explained… And, and he listened.
He didn’t understand, but… But he tried to, he asked more, and she could see it, the disgust this anger and confusion, but never was that all she saw. She could see him trying, struggling to comprehend. Time and time again he’d visit, and talk to her, ask her question she’d never considered, asked if she thought what she did was okay.
She knew it wasn’t you can’t force your love on others, but he understood, not because it was normal to him, or because he was like her. No, because he tried to do what nobody else did… He tried to understand her.
He wanted to help her, and then he asked.
“Toga, I need to hear you say it, where you trying to kill Saito?” She knew he needed to hear her say it, so she did.
“No, I just, I wanted to express my love…” And then he told her.
“Toga, you’re not normal, but that’s okay, everyone is different, it’s what makes us unique, what makes life beautiful.” He hugged her.
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“You’re not a monster, or a Grimm, your human, and you’ve been through so much.” He was warm… The words slipped from her mouth.
“Please, can I, can I drink your blood.” He paused and she knew she’d be rejected, pushed away and left alone…
“Toga, listen.” But she wasn’t rejected, pushed away, instead the man met her gaze, a sternness in his gaze but also a sympathy, one she’d never seen before.
“You don’t behave like others, and it can be dangerous.” She knew that, of course she did.
“But it doesn’t have to be.” He begun to glow, a soft, kind but powerful white.
“I know, you can help people, more than even I can with your semblance.” His big, calloused hand landed on her head.
“The same way you can take other’s blood, if you gave your love back, you could help so many people.” She shook, she’d thought that too, but, but never hoped others would, would.
“You’re not a monster, twisted or evil Toga, your just different, your semblance, your soul, your beautiful.” It was the smile of a father, of someone who genuinely wanted nothing more than to help her, then to comfort the girl who’d spent her entire if not short life being rejected by others.
“Himiko, I can’t just let you free, unfortunately the law is very clear on that.” She saw the sadness, the anger in his eyes, it was for her sake. But soon enough they were both overtaken by what she would come to know was his most prominent trait, Determination.
“If you agree to it, to come to Vale you can be put on Probation, under my supervision. I’’ be your guardian and probationary officer.” She knew her parents must’ve given up their rights to her by the slight anger that burned in his eyes.
“We’ll attend therapy lessons and you’ll be taught about aura control by me.” He reached into his pocket and pulled it out then, a vial, the most beautiful shade of red.
“Toga, I know the way you view things are different then mine own, but that doesn’t mean you can’t understand me, you lived in this world, acted appropriately for it as well. You understand how the general public views love.” He offered her the vial, the beautiful crimson flowing with his aura, with his soul.
“I can’t promise others will accept your views, or even try, but I promise, at the very least I will do everything I can to make a environment you can be yourself in… And that I’ll try my best to understand you.” She reached, her fingers grazing the glass, the vial warm… Her heart pounded as she looked to the beautiful crimson.
Slowly, cautiously she undid the top, he never looked away from her, never tore his gaze from the sight, there was no rejection as she took him into her. As she felt his soul through his aura, as his being and iron went down her throat becoming one with her.
She felt herself change, becoming him, her pale ash-blonde hair becoming a shade of livid golden-wheat, her fair skin pinking with a healthy flush. The slits of her pupils dilating, the Faunus trait vanishing as her pupils rounded and turned the most expressive blue.
Her aura converting, her soul changing and being replicating that as her very body matched the new soul she was temporarily hosting. And he looked at her through it all, reaching out and patting her head, the smile was genuine.
“If this is how you want to be that’s fine, I’ll learn to get used to it, but please, don’t stop being yourself, even if your appearance changes.” From his hand aura surged into her, his aura, given freely, pure and unfiltered.
Her answer finally came alongside the tears.
She rushed down the hall from her room, excited for the day she’d looked forward to for so long, she couldn’t wait. Reaching the kitchen she found three people there, her sister and brother, Ren and Nora, two others he’d taken under his wing.
At the stove flipping the immense amount of pancakes the Valkyrie craved was Jaune, they waved to her, well Jaune and Nora did. Ren sat patiently at his seat enjoying his tea, she sat there beside them, besides two people who knew her, truly knew her, who accepted her almost as much as Jaune.
Two simple years was all she spent with him, but in those two years she’d felt more joy, more acceptance then ever before. She’d realized truths about herself and flaws in her actions.
She was free to express her love, but not to enforce it on others, to take from people who did not want to return her affections. It was wrong, cruel and that act whether it be her form of expressing love or ordinary expression of it by others were no less disgusting.
She’d help so many people with her feelings though, a little blood and she’d given so much back in turn, to children who needed it, to people with unique cases and blood types meant nothing to her semblance with regular people. She couldn’t help but want to help, even if Jaune worried, she loved him for that… She loved him, loved him more then others. More then anyone else.
But it wasn’t the same type of love she always felt, always knew, no, this was different, she wanted to both love him and be loved by him. To be loved as Toga Himiko, by Jaune, she didn’t want him to conform to her standard of love.
It wouldn’t be fair, it’d be like who she was forced to follow the standard society before she met him, she wanted to love Jaune as herself but also as him whenever the fancy struck her. But she also wanted to love him as Ren did, as Nora did, as so many of his students did…
And soon, she would be able to, today would be the start of it, a plated landed in front of her then, and looking up she met his smile.
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“Are you ready Toga, your three will be trying out for Beacon today after all. So you all need to eat up.” He served her her breakfast, more than Ren’s but nothing near the mountain of pancakes he placed before her eccentric sister. But then again the pile her put before himself was barely any smaller. He needed it after all, because he regularly gave her blood, regularly accepted her form of expressing it and indulged that aspect of her.
She loved him for it, wanted to love him even more, even deeper, more intimately then any other, and once she passed Initiation she would. She only hoped that when she did succeed, her partner would be as understanding as her.
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Maybe even being able to understand her love, Or Better Yet! Maybe They’ll Love Jaune As Much As She Does! Oh ‘Giggle’ she meant Professor Arc.
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vlcimor · 24 days
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I am not over (and probably never will be) these two parallels. And no one talks about it enough, so I had to draw it (forgot to post it, surprise) for my own sanity. Does it help? Absolutely not, not at all.
Let's talk about it for a bit, okay?
The first drawing is the scene from the end of the 4th episode of the 1st season, right after Ed's and Izzy's (first mate at the time) conversation about plans with Stede, the full crew of the Revenge, and the future. We can see Ed's expression and OH BOY. He is hiding under the mask of Blackbeard to survive. He is exhausted, bored, empty and so done being "The dreadful pyrate Blackbeard". He just wants to be Ed, who fancy fine fabrics and sweet and soft things. It's completely opposite to Izzy's expression, who is behind him and smiling, clearly delighted by Blackbeard's persona and his great plans. On top of it all, the song "The empty boat" by Caetano Veloso playing in the background (I love love love this song), and it fits so well with Ed's emotions.
The second drawing is the scene from the 1st episode of the 2nd season, right after Ed and Frenchie (now first mates) spoke about future plans. Ed let himself be soft and got hurt because of it. Now he's trying to be Blackbeard again, trying to fit in some "norms" of "manly man," trying to survive in a world where liking soft and being soft means dead, and he is failing miserably. He is everything he doesn't want to be. Also, even Stede's name is not mentioned, you know it's all about him. Ed is hurt, tired, and heartbroken. Ed is not the only one who see this. Basically, the whole crew can see how unstable he became after coming back to Blackbeard/ The Kraken persona. Frenchie´s expression shows it all. He stands behind him on his right side, the same spot where Izzy stands in S1. But his expression completely different from Izzy's - sad, afraid, unsure. Once again on top of the scene, the song "Pygmy Love Song" by Francis Bebey (one of my favourite songs from S2) perfectly shows all Ed's emotions.
I am so sorry for this long, boring post. I simply LOVE these two scenes and everything about them, and I needed to share my thoughts with you. I hope it makes sense and my grammar is not too bad.
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unhelpfulfemme · 8 months
I feel like the Grysk work way better than the Yuuzhan Vong as the "nebulous threat" that Thrawn is fighting against because they are clearly tailor made to highlight how wrong Thrawn can be due to his own personal weaknesses.
The entire plot of the Ascendancy trilogy is the Grysk gaining footing through 100% political means - they use espionage to discover the internal divisions and weak points of a country's political system and then attack that, an issue that is probably better addressed through collaboration and the strengthening of the country's political culture and institutions (the Chiss are so quick to abandon their national interests in the face of internal divisions). Thrawn wins every single battle in that trilogy and yet everyone, including himself, is way worse off than where they started and at great risk from the Grysks simply because the Chiss political system is so unstable and because their culture sees collaboration with other races as fundamentally undesirable.
And what Thrawn, who is also either incapable of or completely uninterested in thinking about politics, concludes from all this is, "Ah, yes, this is a problem that can only be solved by throwing more military power at it. Preferably military power run by an authoritarian state that tries to eradicate any trace of political pluralism, because that will make them less vulnerable to the exploitation of the political actors' rivalries and personal interests."
And then he spends, what, fifteen years working with people like Tarkin and Krennic, while having to constantly extinguish rebellions that are popping up everywhere due to the Empire's oppressive policies, and still somehow thinks that the Grysks wouldn't be able to deal with the Empire easily. The Empire that didn't even need them to topple itself through internal conflict in less than a generation - if the Grysks wanted to conquer it, all they'd have to do is wait.
And after reading Lesser Evil I really think that at least part of it is due to some personal drives/needs he's not self-aware enough to address: he says it point-blank that he never believed the Ascendancy would give him an admiralship, and you see hints of his constant frustration at people not understanding him and him having to teach them (sometimes from a position of less power than they have, sometimes when they really don't care to be taught) both through Thrass's POV and through his very slight (but noticeable by his standards) emotional unraveling by the end of the book (e.s. the scene with Unghali where he gets all angry and scary).
Because he has never naturally arrived at the limit of his own competence but was always hamstrung by others, he has no means of differentiating between when he's theoretically right but the politics are obstructing him and when he's actually wrong and the solution is outside of his sphere of competence.
So of course that a political system where being a flag officer means that he gets to do whatever the fuck he wants as long as he convinces one guy of it, where he gets to teach people how to think better and pick only them for positions of power, in a country with no pesky norms about preemptive strikes that he constantly needs to rule lawyer around, sounds appealing.
It's not just about the Ascendancy now, it's also about showing what he can do when not too obstructed, and it's also the first time he has enough free reign to slam headfirst into the big wall of his own lack of capacity or desire to understand politics. But hey, at least he's free to fuck around and find out, not feeling constantly frustrated and overly controlled!
Truly the most character of all time, I love it. People complain about how Zahn babygirlified him in the new canon books just because they're from his POV when switching out the Vong for the Grysk makes him more unambiguously wrong than he was in Legends (where you got other people like Jacen Solo following the same rationale).
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bonny-kookoo · 8 months
I'm in love with Unstable! It's sooooo good. Can I make a request? Now that Jungkook is going through mating season, when it actually hits maybe he gets pretty protective of mc and he's just always encouraging her to nest, and he doesnt know why, neither does mc. So when they get in contact with Jin, it's him who just laughs and tells them it's just jungkooks intincts to show his future mate how good of a provider he is and how capable he is of taking care of pups. Love your writing Bonny! 🥰
-> Masterlist
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It's.. odd seeing Jungkook not wearing his typical uniformed clothes. His typical black clothes he always seems to wear, it's become something you always knew him for. He always looks the same, always seems well put together, in control of himself.
Well, looked. Because these days, you've noticed a change in that.
His hair is a bit wild, and that's one of the first things that began to change. He's constantly running his hands through it, or he's napping more often than not, causing the black strands to occasionally stand up in disarray. Another thing is his choice of clothing- he's now dressed in layers, soft cotton sweaters and loose jackets or flannels, sweatpants instead of his usual cargo pants.
And today, as you enter the control center, there's something else that's now catching your attention.
There's multiple spots he seems to sleep on all around the control room- one near the windows where you usually sit and knit or nap, one close to the large server-towers, and another one near the main control station. And that's not.. odd, you can only assume that it's his instincts controlling his actions maybe, you've read somewhere that Bolku people do in fact build lairs for their partners to keep them safe. Not really because they wanna keep them comfortable or because they 'love' them- but more so to send a message out that this person is off limits and 'belongs' to them. It's more of an ego thing, if anything else, really.
But maybe, since Jungkook is partially human, something got mixed up? It must be horribly confusing to have two different instincts clashing together like that, considering the stark contrast between Human's social behavior, and the social norms of Bolku people.
"uh.. is it okay if I still sit here?" You point next to the.. nest-like structure where you usually spend time doing your little crocheting. Jungkook looks up at that, sitting in an unusual position on his chair, knee up to rest his cheek against just seconds ago. He nods.
"...yeah, lemme just-.." He mumbles, getting up to walk closer before he stops in front of it. It's clear that his initial plan was probably to put his stuff away and clean up the clothes and blankets and take down the fabric covering parts of the cold window. But he's now just staring at it, struggling to go through with it.
"I can just sit somewhere else, no worries-" You start, but he shakes his head.
"No, it's.. you can sit here." He says instead, before pointing at the middle of the pile of fabrics, where it's clearly flattened from his body resting there at some point. "There." He underlines again, nodding towards the nest.
You do so- his eyes focusing on the fact that you even go as far as to take your shoes off before you settle in the pile of stuff, fitting well in the middle of it all, with good amount of space to spare. The way you lean against the blanket covering the window makes him act again- moving to get another one to heighten one of the sides so that you wouldn't have to rest your body against the rather cold window.
Only after he's done, still crouching down in front of you, does he seemingly realize what he's doing.
The way his yellow hued eyes slowly change into pink makes you realize that you were probably thinking right- that he's most likely confused by his instincts clashing together.
And only a few hours later, when you act like you're asleep, do you hear that that's genuinely a problem of his, as he talks to Seokjin over a livestream at his control panel.
"I don't know!" Jungkook hisses agitated. "I want her- like, the moment she was in that pile of junk, it was like my entire body was suddenly lighter. And now that she sleeps in it-" He sighs loudly, and you can hear the chair creaking as he moves around in it.
"You're nesting dear! Oh that's so sweet to hear-" An elderly, female voice is heard, before you can hear Seokjin again.
"Mom please, you're embarrassing him!" He laughs, while you can hear a faint growl from Jungkook.
"What? It's nothing to be ashamed of, humans like being cared for!" The woman apparently being Seokjin's mother argues softly. "Jinnie told me you have found a sweet mate- you make sure she stays happy and healthy, yes?" She asks, while Seokjin whines.
"I never said she was a mate!" Jin defends himself. "Though it's clear he likes her-"
"Since when does that mean I think of her as a mate?!" Jungkook bites back, and at that, you feel a bit disheartened. It's not like you want to be seen as something like that- okay, maybe you want to. Or not? You're confused yourself about what you really feel about him.
"Jungkook, you gotta stop denying yourself things." Jin's voice says, defeated. "She clearly likes you, you clearly like her. Stop making it so complicated!" He whines.
"I'm not making it complicated, I just-" He sighs to himself. "-god, I'm not.. Even if I was to accept it all right now, she doesn't see me that way." He tries to explain. "She's not interested in me like that. Which is understandable- considering that I might-"
"Jungkook, dear, I did not raise you like that, did I?" The woman speaks again, and he sighs. "I raised you to be a good person." She says.
"...yes, but I might-" He starts, but she cuts him off again.
"You will not." She denies. "Even if there was no human blood in your veins, your heart is too warm to ever belong to a Bolku. You're not cold-blooded. You're warm, Jungkook." She tries, and there's a good moment of silence before Jin speaks again.
"Jungkook, she'll tell you when you're being an asshole. Don't you trust her?" He wonders, and after a moment, there's a quiet answer.
"I do." He says, and you fight hard to keep playing the role of the sleeping unaware one in the room. "I do trust her."
"Then trust her in that too. You're way too scared of yourself. You'll both be fine." He laughs, before his mother in the background seems to ask him something. "Ah, I gotta go, you go make some comfy nests for your princess!" He laughs, especially when Jungkook groans, before a sound is heart signalling the call's end.
You're not sure what to think now- especially when you can sense Jungkook crouching down in front of you, his hand adjusting something you're sleeping on, before he moves his jacket to lay over your back instead of hanging from the coat hook nearby.
Maybe, he really should trust you.
Maybe it's time for a change.
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sweetcrescent · 6 months
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sneakpeak of young Medical Student Pharma for the next short comic I’m currently drawing ( Also being pretty while mentally unstable is pretty much a norm for all Cybertronian jets. fight me )
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etirabys · 11 months
The only China-related blog I read posted something that deviates from its usual "just translate the top posts on Weibo" post format. It's about the position of women in China:
It and the (extremely fucking dark) post it links to in its second paragraph have been on my mind for several days. I've kept the browser tabs open despite having finished reading & having no desire to reread them.
I found the feminism post illuminating – things I'd 80% understood about the CCP's "strategy" wrt gender snapped into place, and I feel foolish for not having clearly seen that angle before:
The problem, of course, is that the gender ratio in China has been off for a very long time now. Inevitably, there are going to be a lot of men who will never find a wife. And inevitably, those men are going to be precisely the most unstable elements of society—the poorest, working the most menial of jobs, with the least hopes of ever getting promoted, with the least education. Under these circumstances, relying on market forces is not an option. Women would never willingly marry those people when they have perfectly good careers of their own. So the first step, then, is to fuck women out of careers. ...
China is in an equilibrium that it cannot coordinate to get out of: if you have a daughter, you don't want to invest in her when the norms are that her husband will provide for her / that she won't have a career after marriage. If you have a son, you need to to invest in him, because his marital/reproductive prospects aren't great unless he has a job, a car, and an internal passport that lets him live/work in a city, where he can have a future.
It might be a little unbelievable to you, that a country can just sacrifice half its population to stabilise the other half. ... China doesn’t pass laws or enforce laws to protect women for the same reason they don’t pass or enforce laws to protect sweat shop workers. China is competitive on the international stage precisely because it is willing to look the other way while you make a sweat shop of people work unpaid overtime 80 hours a week while you pay them a quarter of minimum wage and don’t give health insurance or retirement benefits. China is competitive on the international stage because it’s willing to look the other way while you dump industrial waste right into the ocean.
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skelliko · 3 months
Hiiii I really like the one you wrote where y/n's identity is found out, so I was wondering if you could do the same prompt- but this time she's a valhalla member instead. Maybe there was an accident that happened in the valhalla hq (a slot machine falling over her??) Which caused her to pass out,, and the rest is up to you! If you want to write this ofc
a/n: thank you for liking the first one, I hope this one is okay :) I quite enjoyed writing it
★- Kazutora hanemiya
๑- context: y/n is a member of walhalla but she hides her identity as a girl to be seen as a boy - until she is then discovered
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having to hide who you really are just to try and fit is basically the norm anywhere, however if you're in valhalla's territory and wearing their jacket then it's a different story. no other females in sight, some scary looking guys walking about like they know that they belong there, a few chatty people and so many more.
being the only girl in the territory can only be done with certain skill and being able to maintain your emotions since there a whole lot going on. gender doesn't really matter but a gang full of guys only, that some have criminal history isn't exactly the most pleasant place to be at, some may say atleast.
though y/n has always been a look out for certain excitement, some small some large it doesn't matter if it means to feel free and be able to express herself and be able to leave behind certain thoughts or situations even if it's for a short moment. though that freedom isn't exactly the most freeing in the situation because an exchange had to happen, in order for her to have that excitement she has to hide her true identity and needs to hide herself from being a girl to instead be seen as a boy.
wearing a mask over her mouth and nose, styling her hair in a specific way, not being all that verbal to avoid attention and going by a fake name. ever since then it's been working perfectly that a slight ego has grown... well that was until a certain incident happened.
2 idiots were trying to break open a slot machine thinking that there would be a ton of money on the Inside to take for themselves, they had a small crow bar and kept trying to open the compartment where the money is supposedly kept. however there was another guy next to them that kept talking about how dumb that idea is because they're not doing it right and instead their making too much noise, "even if you dipshits manage to open it i bet youll only find about 3 yen"
y/n was aware of what the guys were doing, smacking the machine out of anger for it not opening up making the whole thing to wobble by how unstable it is being propped up on a small brick so that its more elevated, they really are idiots. choosing not to get involved in it she walked past the scene to head out however the pathway she chose was right behind the dusted, old machine.
there was no other choice than to walk near it because there were people sat on the side furthest from it and being too lazy to turn around and take a different path, plus it was only going to be for a second or two so nothing bad could have happened in that time. right?
no not right. because once she took a step forward to walk behind and past the machine the whole thing suddenly tumbled backwards and came down on top of y/n, she couldn't register the moment fully before passing out due to the heavy box falling down leading to dramatically being squished against the hard floor and hitting the side of her head against it.
the loud crash echoed throughout the whole building causing everyone inside to scan their eyes around just to see y/n on the floor with a big slot machine over her. except they go by her fake name = f/n.
on the sidelines, kazutora saw the whole thing play out, he watched the two guys try to pry open the machine out of boredom knowing that Hanna and kisaki had probably already done that when they discovered the hideout, or someone else has before this whole place decided to shut down.
he only blinked when the machine came down on top of f/n but instead of getting up and getting himself involved he chose to let the others around there to deal with it themselves. he has a perfectly good view from where he is to watch them struggle to get the machine off, it was quite entertaining watching them panic.
though when he looked away briefly and looked back at the scene it was hard to ignore that there has grown to be quite a crowd. it's only a slot machine that fell making one person to fall weak and go to sleep, so what's the big fuss?
curiosity has gotten to him and deciding to get up from his comfortable position he went right over there to see why no one is moving and why half the building is whispering. though once he did he noticed that someone had taken f/n's mask off.
now the whispers of 'that's some feminine looking guy' make sense. lips glossed as if he's put lipgloss on and being aware of his whole features now makes everything to have more sense. from the way he acts in certain situations as if he's never been in a crowd full of guys before and the body features too.
that. right there. is a girl.
kazutora's immediate thought was 'what the fuck' but after a few more seconds he's realised that he needs to get her out of here before anyone else catches on. sure there's a lot of idiots here but there's also idiots that can differentiate between a girl and a boy, mainly by thinking with their dicks.
he scans around the closest person next to her to find who has the black mask and upon finding it he snatched it into his hand as if it belonged to him. he would have ordered someone to put the mask back on but realising what the situation is he doesn't trust anyone here to even briefly brush their hand again her face.
he clicked his tongue before speaking up and complaining about how no one knows how to do anything and how he has to take it into his own hands. almost like a mother who complains that no one helps around the house but then declines the help but still gets mad. though in this case he was doing it on purpose.
kazutora had her left arm wrapped over his shoulder but to still try and maintain his status he had to try and not show much remorse for her. if she were a guy he would have kicked him awake or simply left him there but this is clearly much different.
he eventually had dragged her in an empty area away from everyone but still in the premise of the valhalla hideout, if someone ends up stumbling upon the two of them he would immediately get them sent away. plus it's not like kazutora has much of a choice other than to stay with her until she wakes up, even tho technically he does have a choice but leaving a girl around an area such as this is just straight up disrespectful... even though she had hid herself to be here in the first place.
it just doesn't make sense to kazutora, he keeps thinking through on different what if's of this and that while also thinking on protecting her but then also getting out of that though because he also realises that she's been here for a long while being able to blend in and be perfectly fine while also contributing in the gang.
he had sat her down carefully on the floor with her back against the wall but while doing so she kept sliding sideways or leaning hunched over and despite kazutora trying so hard not to care as much he chose to just lay her down on her side because seeing her sat up like that looked straight up uncomfortable despite her being dead asleep.
like that kazutora couldn't help but stare at her. her hair that had been tied up a little had gone loose making some loose strands to fall over her face, he kept looking away from her and staring off at a wall but his eyes kept falling down to her no matter how hard he tried not to.
he grew impatient not being able to stand the continuous minutes of silence and was about to nudge her but then he saw her hand twitch a little, she's bound to wake up pretty soon and that soon was now.
y/n briefly opened her eyes half way but closed them as if she wanted to go back to sleep before jolting up like she remembered where she was and that sleeping was probably not the best thing to do currently. sitting up, the first thing she noticed was the new room that she hasn't seen or been in before but the walls and floor are close to be the same as the main room of the valhalla hideout.
but that observation got cut down short because the next thing she noticed was the number three leaning against the wall with his eyes right on top of her. a shiver ran down her spine and goosebumps ran across her arms underneath the jacket. not sure if it was from the cold building or being alone with him. it's not like he's a major, cold celebrity in Valhalla along side with kisaki and Hanna but kazutora has broken bones of his best men before so being alone with him grew some anxious feelings.
though that coldness that ran around her made her realise that something was missing, her cheeks felt bare and her breathing felt smooth and open. the mask is off.
"what happened?" panic rushed through her as she shuffled and slid her body away from kazutora while also placing her fingertips to her jaw to make sure that it was gone and sure enough it was.
discomfort grew for her head as hair became loose from the hair tie and bobby pins but she was too stuck in thought to remove them or fix it, it probably got loose when the slot machine fell.
"oh good, princes is awake" he sarcastically spoke, the name has no intentions other than to cause annoyance "a slot machine fell on you and you passed out" he simply answered after
"no don't call me that" she shook her head and grimaced a little hearing him call her that. brief memories of the incident had played out in her mind "I mean after, why am i here? what happened after?"
"well... I took you here, you were passed out for a few minutes and by now most know you're a girl"
silence filled the space around them, y/n looked away from him and ran her hand through her hair while also managing to catch one boby pin while In a trace of thought.
what is she supposed to do now? everyone probably knows that she doesn't belong here now and if she does still somehow manage to stay it wouldn't be the best option anyway, a singular girl in the middle of 300 guys can't guarantee to be safe. especially when there's a mix of Tokyo manji' haters and enemies. there's a different between being unnoticed and noticed whilst in the same area.
"can I have the mask back?" out of everything she could have said/ asked
"what good is the mask gonna do when your little persona is out?" he couldn't stop staring at her, still trying to figure her out and more or less on what her reason is for hiding away.
"you think I'm walking out of here without it?"
"didn't take you to be a leaver, does your identity matter that much?" he was slowly trying to get her warm up, or if not warm up maybe twist her emotions to forcefully open up. he's seen her performances before and at that point she was like everyone else, being revealed that she's a girl doesn't immediately make her to be the top, it just means she was able to keep up.
"do I have an option?"
"do you want options?"
y/n didn't expect that answer, it could mean she may be able to stay but kazutora may just be bluffing, he's still a tough person to read sometimes.
"let me quickly ask you this though, the hell are you doing in a gang? and why Valhalla out of all of them?" he crouched down comfortably on the floor to be at eye level with y/n but still leaving a gap between them.
"would my answer matter?"
"I wouldn't be asking if it didn't matter, I could take you out of this room and showcase you to everyone and they make the decisions..." that itself left an unsettling feeling for her "...or its just me and you here talking it out peacefully" doesn't seem all that peaceful from the way hes talking.
'just cause she's a girl doesn't mean I have to be soft on her. and I know she's not all that sensitive due to her being here in the first place' -kazu
with a few seconds of thinking and a given up sigh she finally spoke up about her reasoning. "just needed some distractions, something fun to do that gives off adrenaline"
it's not the full story, and Kazutora knows that much but it's still enough.
"there's plenty of people like that" people that join gangs just to find some sort of purpose or excitement. Hanma being one of them, he remembers him having a conversation about that.
"but for you why Valhalla? I'm no exception out of everyone here so I can't talk much but this gang is full of guys that won't hesitate to do anything without feeling sorry" he's self aware at least.
"cause anywhere else felt dull, half of the gangs now merely have a purpose other than to 'be better than the others' I want something more than that not just some half assed group"
"you're quite an interesting girl" one that does what she wants and is smart about how she does it, he'll give her that but not say it.
a decision is to be decided, either she stays or she goes. but her staying will leave certain marks that can't be erased such as everyone seeing what's under the mask, whispers are probably already exhilarating of her being a girl and that will cause some trouble, for herself. but being the first girl into Valhalla could also cause some brief changes, such as an ego for y/n but also maybe some disagreement for the others which will take time to get them to warm up. which one?
-- on the side lines/ bonus --
kazutora walking past choji but stops and stares at him for a brief moment, "your not wearing a mask because your secretly girl right?" after he asked that it just hit him how stupid that sounded without any context.
"what?" choji's eyes squinted a little and his eyebrows furrowed out of confusion by what kazu may be indicating
"never mind shut up, I didn't ask you anything"
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I think what kills me about Jiang Cheng antis is that a lot of their talking points reek of anti survivor rhetoric. As someone who is a survivor and has done a lot of advocacy for victims and survivors of power based personal violence, I want to be the first to inform you that the narrative of the “pretty survivor” (which is steeped in cishet normative, white supremacist, and ableist ideas) is an extremely rare case. Trauma survivors are rarely pretty. The Wei Wuxian’s of the world are incredibly uncommon. 
Trauma--especially intense, horrific trauma like what Jiang Cheng went through--often leads to intense issues of anger and hatred. It makes you deeply emotional and can often lead to you becoming unstable. Jiang Cheng lost his entire family and community in the span of a few years. He didn’t have access to therapy (something that literally anyone would need to heal from that), he had to rebuild his entire sect, likely had to fight an uphill battle in order to be a significant part of Jin Ling’s life, all while cleaning up the mess that Wei Wuxian left behind.
This is not to hate on Wei Wuxian, he’s my third favorite character (after Jiang Cheng and Lan Wangji) and I love him deeply, but he left behind a legacy that Jiang Cheng had to clean up. Whether or not he realized this would happen, Wei Wuxian created a cultivation path (gui dao/ghost cultivation) that is extremely dangerous and horrific. While I still don’t know if I believe that Jiang Cheng killed every demonic cultivator he came across, I don’t know that it was necessarily a bad thing that he did kill them. We’ve talked a lot in the cxc server about gui dao and demonic cultivation and just how much it harms the mind and body. Wei Wuxian is the exception to the rule in having such control over it and even he eventually succumbed to it. If demonic cultivators are causing great harm, then a cultivators job is to stop that harm and the source of it. That may mean killing the demonic cultivator. I think people get mixed up when (I think it was Jingyi) said that Jiang Cheng kills the wrong person. I believe it was @twilightarc-gm who said that “wrong” doesn’t imply innocent but rather the fact that the person isn’t Wei Wuxian. We know that Jiang Cheng spent thirteen years trying to find Wei Wuxian and when he does find him, he doesn’t kill him despite having literally every reason to.
Like idk y’all, if the guy that got my entire clan wiped out, my sect burned down, and caused the deaths of my sister and her husband died and came back from dead, I wouldn’t just threaten him with a dog and yell at him. I would kill him. But he doesn’t he has every opportunity to in multiple instances after confirming that it’s Wei Wuxian, but he never does. He seems more interested in dragging Wei Wuxian home (literally stating that he’s going to bring Wei Wuxian home to Lotus Pier to kneel before his parents’ graves). Like that doesn’t imply that he’s going to kill Wei Wuxian, but rather make him repent. 
I think it’s telling that despite a lot of Jiang Cheng’s hurt and pain, he still chooses to not severely hurt or kill Wei Wuxian, it would be within his right to do so, but in the end after it’s all over, he let’s Wei Wuxian go. He doesn’t tell Wei Wuxian that he sacrificed himself for him, because he knew that Wei Wuxian would feel guilty and obligated to him, just like Wei Wuxian knew Jiang Cheng would feel guilty and obligated. That to me shows a survivor choosing to break the cycle of hurt and pain and I have to question why Jiang Cheng antis so often choose to ignore the side of him that does love Wei Wuxian (it’s up to the viewer whether they see that love as romantic or platonic), enough so to let him go and not burden him with pain.
Jiang Cheng’s story and character arc is at it’s core about trauma, survival, and rising above dire circumstances despite the odds. He attempts the impossible and manages to succeed in it. And to ignore that is a disservice to his character, survivors of trauma, and the effort MXTX put into creating such a complex and interesting character.
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34saveme34 · 5 days
anyways thinking about it more now cuz people who depict 34 with more layers than just the like, fluff, gay and the like trauma they shared after 3's redemption
but genuinely, especially with looking at how 3 and 4 are in the show
with how one time they bring up the past at each other, the other they're basically inseperable
and that can be so easily made into an unstable dynamic unless you're making them talk to each other about it
and like, it doesn't obviously has to be the norm for them
there's so much like, development they could do together to become stronger and healthier but also more dependent on each other
I think they would end up developing quite the codependency either way
I mean like, 4 is the reason 3 even knows the crew, people he's around now all the time
and he still clearly trusts 4 the most, and 4 deeply trusts 3 shown just by the fact that 3 really seems to be the first person he goes to when he needs help, and like I definitely think he considers 3 his right hand man
so I think some codependency would definitely happen
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midnightmoonkiss · 1 year
Dom! Wednesday Addams X AFAB! Reader
Characters are aged up and live in their own home
Period sex in the shower, mentions of blood
Use of strap-on
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Wednesday Addams would totally fuck you on your period.
She’s never been afraid of a bit of blood, afterall.
Though, she would prefer doing it in the shower. There was something so mesmerizing in the way red stained the water below and washed down the drain, the splash of color and the tightness of your sensitive cunt only ever spurred her on.
Now, Wednesday may be sadistic, but pain unwillingly brought to you by something other than her always made her frown. Even a paper cut, though she’d press a kiss to that. She couldn’t exactly kiss this wound so easily, not with her mouth anyway.
Wednesday never minded the pain that came with her own, she only had fairly mild cramps. Oh, how she would switch with you if given the opportunity.
She would fight mother-nature if she could for hurting you, but she supposed that was just her own love for you was making her a bit foolish.
She would fight mother-nature if she could for hurting you, but she supposed that was just her own love for you was making her a bit foolish.
And so she began doing what any girlfriend not afraid of a mess would do, easing your cramps with a plastic cock attached to her hips.
Of course, this was only after holding a heating pad to your stomach didnt work as well as it should.
You were so cute when she brought up the fact that masturbation and sex could relieve pain, a deep flush painting your cheeks and shoulders - she could feel the heat beneath your skin as her cold fingers brushed over it.
But who were you to oppose when she clearly was wanting to help you? Shoving your pride aside was easy enough when it came to her. Not to mention.. you were rather aroused. You blamed your unstable hormones on this.
And so here you are, warm water cascading down you back and relaxing your tensed muscles as your hands press up against the pristine walls of the white shower. Your body felt extra fragile, sensitive, whimpers falling from your mouth with every delicate touch of hers on your heated body.
You could feel the weight of her favorite black strap on resting against your ass, and excitement rose inside you - butterflies overtaking the stinging pain.
Her lips pressed a sweet kiss against your shoulderblade, nimble yet still cold fingers pass over your pebbled nipples as you gasp.
She smirks against you, taking just a moment to lightly pinch and roll the buds between her digits, adoring the way you whined her name.
Her hands then rested against your hips, keeping you steady as she slips the cock between your thighs, rubbing up against your sensitive folds.
She had already prepped you, fingers stuffed deep in your sweet cunt not three minutes ago.
It was hard not to feel embarrassed, especially with all the taboo surrounding periods and such, but you guessed she just loved you enough to not care. Or maybe she wouldn’t care regardless, she wasn’t exactly the kind of person to give a fuck about societal norms.
“Its just blood.” Is what she would say.
She had stepped out for a moment to attach the strap on and grab silicone lube before eagerly jumping right back in, sliding the glass door shut.
“How are you feeling?” She asked sincerely, watching in fascination as you grinded against the strap, blood already dripping off the tip.
“I,” you began, your words getting caught in your throat as she suddenly began to thrust the cock against your dripping pussy, her chest flushed to your back. Pleasure bit at your nerves as the bulbous head rubbed against your clit, “I should be asking y-you that.. you’re the one with- a-aAh! The, the strap-on in the shower..”
You hoped she wouldn’t get chaffed or anything just because your uterus stabbed itself and wouldn’t stop throbbing.
Truly, it warmed your heart that she was willing to do this, even being the one to suggest it. She is amazing. You’d devote your entire being to her, worship her should she asked.
She huffs, stilling her and your hips, much to your dismay, to get you to focus, “Answer.”
Giddy, you smile to yourself. “I’m feeling okay, cramps still there. I think the biggest thing we need to worry about is not falling and breaking our limbs.”
Brushing some of your wet hair behind your ear, she whispered against it,
“Only a fool would allow you to fall.”
Your heart fluttered.
With that, she pulls her hips back to expose the dildo once more, reaching to the shower’s shelf to grab the lube and apply a generous amount before guiding it back between your spread legs, head now pressed against your clenching entrance.
“Safe word?” Wednesday absentmindedly asked, just to make sure.
She hums, “Good.”
Slowly, she inches it inside of you, watching you like a hawk to see any sprinkle of discomfort, but you.. you were a bit lost. The sudden stretch, the coolness of the cock, lewdness of this act.. the knowledge that it’s your beloved Wednesday doing this.. your head felt foggy as a moan left your parted lips, your eyes fluttering shut as you braced yourself and focused on the feeling.
The warm water only added to the experience as she bottomed out inside you.
The goth girl quietly stood behind you, her hands on your hips once again as her black wet hair framed her face and got glued to her shoulders and back.
With a pathetic mewl, you ground yourself against her cock, adjusting quicker than usual due to how turned on you were.
“Please,” You nearly sobbed, your emotions getting the best of you, already feeling overwhelmed, “Please Wednesday, please move..”
How could she deny you?
She’d treat you like the royalty you are to her, fucking into you nice and slow just to drive you a bit mad, to hear you plea, but maybe a bite or two wouldnt hurt.
What’s shower sex without a little choking?
Oh, she was going to have fun with you.
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Avatar... way of the water..YANDERE? P2
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I'm going with the premise that you are a human. It was when she saw you in the woods with Grace and Norm. She would have killed you if it weren't for Grace being there particularly. (I think that Neytiri had a connection with Grace, like teacher and student).
Anyways.. Neytiri grew curious about your behaviors. Her decision to not kill you led her to want to learn more about you. It was then, Neytiri decided she would go to the Sky People's base.
When approaching, Neytiri spied you doing your normal tasks. Something about you fascinated her. She just couldn't place it. Neytiri would probably stalk you for a long while before making any sort of contact. When she does make contact, though, it's probably in the case of an attack.
Neytiri in the newest movie was like: insane murder mode. She was unstable in that moment but determined. Dragging from that, I'd think Neytiri would take you as a hostage at first, pointing a knife to your neck. The rest is just history ✨ 💅😈
Jake Sully.
You probably met Jake on base. A cripple. "A meal on wheels." I could see Jake meeting you and you just ignoring the fact he is bound to his wheel chair.
When Jake got his avatar body, however, that's where I think things would get interesting. Perhaps you are doing one of your tasks and Jake just up and lifts you off the ground.
This would lead into spouts of arguments. Either teasing or genuinely irritated, whatever the case. You decide! (Perhaps I'll do some canons on how many Na'vi character likes to hold you? 👀).
When Jake left to go into the woods, you had a feeling something was off. You then learned he fell in love with the ways of the Na'vi.
Jake wanted you to share that bond as well. In the revolt against the humans, Jake Sully wanted you to stay by his side during this battle. To work together.
My headcanon for Spider is rather interesting. I felt that we did not get enough of him in the movie though, I could be biased.
In any case, Spider strikes me as the extremely hard headed and protective yandere. Maybe Spider made you uncomfortable multiple times. Forcing you to go outside with him when you didn't want to. And you probably hurt yourself in those cases.
Spider would simply laugh at your misfortune, not aware you were genuinely wounded. It would most likely take him some time to recognize your pain. Then, he would feel extreme guilt.
Spider does care for you though. Deeply. He'll try to take you under his wing and teach you things he has learned. Spider wants you to see what he sees. Spider is fierce in his movements.
He knows what he wants and he thinks he knows what you need. There are times where he doesn't know, though. And that's where you come in. Your words fix anything he doesn't feel sure about.
Like Spider, you were human when you met Ao'noung. The Na'vi always saw humans as weaker than his own kind. It was bad enough having the Sully kids around and Spider. Now, there is you?
My brain likes to think that Ao'noung personally hated you for a long time. This hatred turned into a sort of obsession when Ao'noung followed you around. I think he would do this because he wants you to know he's not leaving you alone. Making fun of your slow speed in the water.
Calling you names in Na'vi. Poking and prodding at you. If you weren't able to learn Na'vi, Ao'noung would take full advantage of this.
It's probably at a moment when you felt particularly upset when Ao'noung continued his usual antics. Perhaps flat out crying or growing extremely mad at him triggered something inside the male.
That's where I think to think he got used to the Sully kids and their odd fingers. Ao'noung would get used to you and try to make it up to you by being a lot nicer in the future.
Now, we didn't get enough of this guy in the film but, I do have some small ideas. (Sorry if it's short, but if I let myself rant: I 👏 will 👏 RANT...p.s., lemme know if y'all want a big rant from me or not).
Roxto seems to be rather unsure of himself in the movie, usually following what the others do. Roxto needs the support and encouragement from others to feel like he belongs.
He was heard saying in the movie after Ao'noung saying: "He asked if you're a freak?" His tone sounded rather uncertain. So, that adds more curiosity to what type of yandere he could be. DEFINITELY the uncertain, unpredictable type.
Like, Roxto might feel major guilt for the stuff he does to you and whatever. Maybe he tries guilt tripping you into liking him? Perhaps your first interaction was of Roxto following along with Ao'noung's bullying.
But, maybe he didn't really like the idea of doing that to you. Maybe he wanted to learn so much from you before but did not get the chance to. So, in his own time, Roxto would maybe try to speak with you to learn more?
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Something I love about Tomura is how defiant he has always been. From day one, that was not a kid made to obey society norms, that was not a child the hero society could have tamed, that is not the type of personality that would have easily bent.
He was 5 years old and running from home 'cause he wanted to be a hero and he'd be a hero against his parents wishes, if necessary. He was asking his mother directly "why does my dad hate me?" and if it isn't why I love kids, when they cut straight to the bone, when they ask what adults wouldn't ask because they'd rather dance around it than admit the big problem. Tenko was 5 years old, the type of child would get rejected all the time but still he wouldn't give up on his desire to make friends, the type of kid that wouldn't cave in to the pressure of his peers. He had a rebellious sister, as rebellious as him, who would lie to her father saying that she wanted to be a housewife to make him happy and then go sneak on his office to find his secrets, the grandmother he never talks about, and she'd go fetch her little sibling to inspire him, to tell Tenko she was there with him, they could do it together, become heroes, escape that house, their dad.
And when things go to hell, when AFO finds him, when Tenko gets groomed and manipulated and lost his family, his memories, his identity and he's replaced by a version AFO created, Tomura does not give up control, not fully. A problem child, you would called it.
Tomura then decides to kill whoever hurts him. He is mentally unstable, doesn't know who he is even, he is dealing with enough trauma to nuke a town and that without counting that Tomura's primary caretakers are A) the greatest abuser and villain the bnha world has ever faced, B) a mad scientist that wants to turn Tomura into a zombie, C) the most functional zombie the mad scientist could create. He is isolated, brainwashed, tortured with the hands of his dead family all over his body to remind him of his pain and made him unable to escape his agony and mourning... The whole pack and yet Tomura rebelled.
A part of him, pieces of Tenko that keep leaking to his new identity, made Tomura different from the idea AFO had for him. Tomura rebelled against the heroes, against the system, against society itself, against the future and past and present of those beliefs. Tomura rebelled against other villains and refused to bow down to them. He criticized them openly and when he made his own group, Tomura acted totally different from the rest of villains. He was not just ordering around or ignoring them or faking affection to manipulate them. He never lied to them, told them more than what they wanted to hear at times, gave them free reign to act and trusted their judgement, never punished them for the decisions they took, Tomura respected them all, treated them like equals, listened to what they had to say, adapted to their desires, protected them and avenged them and fought for them and inspired them.
And when AFO possessed them, he fought AFO too. 15 years of abuse and emotional manipulation and grooming and brainwashing and none of that could stop Tenko's heart for its rebellious nature. When Mirio suggested he was sad 'cause he had no friends, Tomura corrected him passionately. He had friends. When the pro-heroes suggested he was naive, he tried to explain it again. To every person doubting his resolve and his purpose, he answered the same. Through the whole manga, he keeps fighting against people invalidating him, refusing to listen, refusing to accept, refussing to become what they want him to be.
That's the deepest parallel with Izuku, the kid who went against All Might himself when the hero told him he could not be like the rest. The concept of both Deku and Tomura determined to prove the people who doubt them wrong, the fact that they keep pushing against all odds, their resilience and determination and how they believe in themselves even if no one else, not even their parents, do it.
I really, really, reeeaaally wish Tenko would get his happy ending after all of these. To be so persistent you survive the worst anyone can suffer and come out on the other side still wanting to be a hero, it is something that I'll never get tired of watching.
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People have been ignorant to me for as long as I can remember.
Of course, as a child I didn't mind very much. It was a chance to educate Sapios, to show who I was and what that really meant. But honestly, it's gotten tiring. I can only deal with one more "Are you related to Mothman?" or "Aren't moth people only in America?" I will go beserk.
It's just so irritating. It gets under my skin like nothing else. Of course I'm not Mothman's cousin or aunt or sister or niece. Mothman doesn't even really exist in the way Sapios think he used to. He's not the only moth person on the planet, or even ONE of them. The Sapios for decades have just caught snapshots of various moth people over time and referred to all of them as 'Mothman' their made-up famous cryptid. It's stereotypical at best, and offensive at worst.
Moth people are extremely diverse and we live all over the world, not just in Washington state or Oregon or any other forest-y biome in the USA. I've never even *been* to America. Recently, I was at the supermarket, just buying my regular shopping, when a curious worker approached me. I prepared for some of those questions, but he just looked at me and said "Nice cosplay, looks really realistic!"
It's just, ugh. I know he was trying to be nice, but I'm sick of all this ignorance. I just wish Sapios could be more reasonable. How do I deal with all the comments without getting angry?
I don't think you need to worry overmuch about not getting angry, reader. Anger seems to me a perfectly appropriate and reasonable response to this kind of ridiculous stereotyping. The trick is to channel your anger in a healthy way – and what that looks like will depend entirely on you.
Anger is a very poorly understood emotion, often treated as synonymous with violence, losing one's temper, or being unstable. People believe anger cannot be expressed calmly, or without a loss of control. Even when people express their anger in safe, healthy ways, others often feel uncomfortable, especially if their actions have been the cause of this anger.
But that, as they say, is their problem. Your anger in these situations is justified, reasonable and entirely healthy. Of course you're angry when people reduce your entire genus to a flat stereotype. Of course you're angry to have your body compared to a fancy dress costume. And of course that anger has built over time, as these insults are layered one on top of the other, piling up over the years and years of unchecked sapio-normativity.
Instead of trying not to get angry, I urge you instead to let yourself use that anger as a driving force behind positive action. The next time a person says something unspeakably ignorant about your genus, express yourself. Stay calm, and speak clearly and firmly. Let them know that actually, such statements are in extremely poor taste and that you'd like them to apologise.
You don't have to go any further than this. You aren't responsible for other people's education any more than you're responsible for their ignorance. If they want to know more, you can point them in the right direction to educate themselves – the National Lepidopteran Alliance website is an excellent starting point. And if they are upset by your anger, so be it. That's the price they pay for being so utterly insufferable.
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your-astro-mami · 1 year
The Astrology Of: Multiple Marriages
The biggest indicators of having multiple marriages.
Uranus in the 7th House
Uranus is the planet of chaos, change, the unexpected. So in the house of contracts, legal ties and marriage it can be indicative that you may find it hard to commit to one person. It can indicate having multiple long-term partners or a relationship with a different dynamic (open relationship, long-distance, polyamory, etc.)
2. Uranus in the 5th House
While the 5th house isn't connected to marriage, it is connected to romantic relationships. It can point to a person who has an unstable love life and commitment with others may require a lot of work. They may find it hard to stay devoted to one person, they can get bored in the relationship, unless that person provides them with the needed excitement.
3. A Uranus-Juno conjunction/square/opposition
Juno is the asteroid of marriage. When there is a hard aspect between Juno and Uranus, there is a chance that a person is likely to have multiple marriages, experience chaos in a marriage, have a marriage with a different dynamic from the norm. This can also be a sign of having a partner who is very different from them. It can make them detached in the marriage.
4. Jupiter in the 7th House
Jupiter is the planet of abundance and it can point to the area of life where you have "a lot" of something. In the 7th house it can point to having multiple partners, marriages. While it can also show having a happy and fulfilling marriage, it can show difficulties with monogamy due to the desire to experience a lot.
5. A Jupiter-Juno conjunction/opposite/square
This can be interpreted in multiple ways. One is having a generous partner, the second would be a happy and abundant marriage, the third would be having many marriages. I think in some cases Jupiter-Juno people can be happier in their second or third marriage due to the experience they gain with the first one.
6. Uranus or Jupiter in the 10th House
The 10th house is marriage as a form of institution or as a life goal, so having Uranus or Jupiter there can point to having 2+ marriages. Imo Uranus in 7th or 10th both show people who find it difficult to stay bonded to contract/legal tie.
7. Ruler of the 7th House conjunct Uranus
I am giving a direct example. You have Virgo on the 7th house cusp. Virgo is ruled by Mercury. In your chart, Mercury is conjunct Uranus. Therefore the ruler of the 7th house is conjunct Uranus. This can indicate having multiple long-term partner, going through multiple legal ties, different dynamics from the norm in your relationships, etc.
8. Ruler of 5th House conjunct Uranus
This is very similar to the previous one, but it's got less to do with marriage and more to do with romantic relationships overall.
9. Mutable sign on the 7th House cusp
Mutable signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces. While this isn't the biggest indicator, it can show that a person is more willing to give up if things aren't working out. Compared to fixed signs, mutable signs don't have a problem of letting go the things that no longer work for them. Gemini and Sagittarius specifically are highly independent and commitment can be difficult for them.
10. Mutable Venus sign
Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo and Pisces Venus. While this also isn't a big indicator, they seek freedom in their romantic relationships and aren't afraid of letting people go. Unless they have a Fixed moon or Mars. They can have a happy and fulfilling relationship but once things get hard, they are less likely to put effort into the relationship.
11. Sun-Uranus or Venus-Uranus aspects
This is a sign of a highly independent nature for which marriage can be very difficult unless their partner truly respects their freedom and doesn't have a problem with their occasional detachment. Venus-Uranus can require a lot of excitement in love and committed relationships can be boring for them unless their partner provides them with constant stimulation.
12. Mars in the 7th House
This indicates a person who can be domineering in their relationships (or attract domineering people). So there is potential for conflict and marital difficulties especially if their partner has a strong character as well. Divorce is more likely, so there is a higher potential for multiple marriages or long-term relationships.
13. Sun-Jupiter aspects
The Sun-Jupiter aspects generally show a massive ego and difficulty being selfless and considerate of their partner in a relationship. They can be egotistical and will always put themselves first. So if their partner doesn't have a problem with that and is willing to worship the ground they walk on, things can work out perfectly.
If I think of anything else I will add it later.
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witchthewriter · 1 year
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𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐈 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐫 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐬𝐮𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨:
⤷ gender neutral, Na’vi reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!
a/n: All characters are aged-up and over 18. Also, this is just my personal opinion, if you agree/disagree I would love it if you dropped and comment!
🌿ISTP 🍁Gryffindor 📜Chaotic Good 🔮Gemini Sun, Sagittarius Moon, Leo Rising
・Someone that will stick by him no matter what. Loyal to the very end. But also a person who pushes themselves. A person who will leave their comfort zone and work on themselves 
・I think Jake likes a romantic partner who can show him new things. Not just a new environment, but new ways of thinking and perceiving. He can get stuck in his ways, so these new opinions would be a fresh of breath air for Jake
・He would also be entranced by someone who thinks ahead. A person who can forward think and counteract their opponent’s actions. As an air sign himself, Jake would be completely blown away by someone who:
1. has an open mind, 2. Is able to have witty banter, 3. knows how to throw a punch 
・The character tropes with his s/o would be:
Snarky Power Couple That Can, And Probably Will, Destroy You
Emotionally Unstable (You) x Also Emotionally Unstable But Tries To Hide It (Jake)
Constant Banter
・The zodiac signs that would work best are: Scorpio, Aquarius & Sagittarius
・In MBTI terms, someone with; INTJ, INTP or ESTJ
🌿ESFJ 🍁Hufflepuff 📜Chaotic Good 🔮Cancer Sun, Virgo Moon, Aquarius Rising
・Someone who makes her feel safe, but also seen
・A person who wants to break social norms and live as they wish to
・Tsireya would be smitten with someone who makes her feel important and recognised. She’s been underestimated and has done what was expected of her, but now she wants to take control of her life and make her own decisions 
・She needs someone who will encourage her to take the reins. 
・The character tropes with her s/o would be:
When Two Of The Sweetest people In The Room Are In Love
You Confessed Your Love When Thinking She Was Unconscious 
Moral/Emotional Support
・The zodiac signs that would work best are: Aquarius, Cancer and Pisces
・In MBTI terms, someone with; ENTP, ENFJ or INFJ 
🌿 ISFP 🍁Ravenclaw 📜Chaotic Neutral  🔮Sagittarius Sun, Gemini Moon, Pisces Rising
・Someone who is just as wild and adventurous as she is. She would grow bored with someone who’d want to stay home all the time 
・She’d work really well with someone who can read others - who can pick up on social subtleties
・She would fall in love with a person who shows respect to Eywa - it would be even better if they have faith in the goddess
・Neytiri would be grateful to have someone who understands her; not just the words she says, but what she doesn’t say.
・She would also match well with someone who is a defender - who will have her back no matter what. Who will defend her even when she isn’t there.
・The character tropes with her s/o would be:
Childhood Friends to Lovers
Would Die For Each Other
Touch My Her/Him And I Will End You (goes both ways)
・The zodiac signs that would work best are: Aries, Taurus and Gemini
・ In MBTI terms, someone with; ISTP, INFJ or ISFJ
🌿ESFP 🍁Hufflepuff 📜Chaotic Good 🔮Scorpio Sun, Leo Moon, Gemini Rising
・Someone he can laugh with, but can put him straight. A person who holds him accountable for his actions but stands by him
・A partner that doesn’t make him ashamed of his actions. He wants to fit in so badly and his actions with the Sullys’ was because he felt threatened - but that doesn’t excuse his behaviour 
・You aren’t his conscience - that’s not your job. But by being around you, he wants to do better, be better 
・He would do well with another Hufflepuff, or even a Gryffindor. Someone who is loyal, who is upfront about their feelings 
・Aonung would be a man for you. 
・The character tropes with his s/o would be:
“Shut Up” x “Make Me”
Dumbass (Him) x Oh God I Guess That’s My Dumbass (You)
Troublemaker (Him) x WHY DO YOU KEEP GETTING IN TROUBLE!? (You)
・The zodiac signs that would work best are: Libra, Taurus and Sagittarius 
・ In MBTI terms, someone with; ENFP, ESFP, ESTP
🌿ISFJ 🍁Gryffindor 📜Lawful Good 🔮Leo Sun, Pisces Moon, Libra Rising
・A healer, a poet, someone with a soft heart who sees the good in people
・Who is emotive and straightforward - even someone who is emotional and sensitive - would be better for him that someone too stoic
・He wouldn’t be able to handle someone who lets their fear rule them. He’d need someone who speaks, even if their voice shakes 
・Neteyam would work with someone who is soft-hearted but can do what needs to be done. He’d do well with another person who is the eldest sibling (that’s a whole other trope that affects a person greatly) 
・The character tropes with his s/o would be:
Looks Like A Jerk But Has A Heart Of Gold (Neteyam) x Looks Like A Cinnamon Roll But Is Also A Badass (You)
Sun (Him) x Moon (You)
Both Wary of Love & Don’t Think This Can Be Real
・The zodiac signs that would work best are: Cancer, Libra and Aries
・ In MBTI terms, someone with; INFJ, INFP or ISTP
🌿ESTJ 🍁Hufflepuff 📜Lawful Good 🔮Taurus Sun, Aries Moon, Cancer Rising
・Her perfect partner would be someone who is a mix of dominance, strength (emotional and physical) and care. 
・Ronal is a woman who can’t be told what to do or be contained
・She has a dominant personality, one where she thinks she knows what is right. 
・Her best-suited partner would be a person who helps her see a different point of view but ultimately has her back. Loyalty is something that she believes in wholeheartedly. If you can’t be by her side, then she wouldn’t want you 
・Keeping her family and clan safe is her top priority. That includes the beings that live in the water - they’re apart of her tribe
・So she needs someone who respects the tulkans
・The character tropes with her s/o would be:
They probably hate me (You) x Deeply, passionately in love … is terrible at showing it (Ronal)
Rivals to Acquaintances to Friends to Lovers/Married
Always Bringing Them Rocks They Think They Would Like (You) x Keeps The Rocks (Ronal)
・The zodiac signs that would work best are: Capricorn, Virgo and Leo
・In MBTI terms, someone with; ENFJ, ENTJ or ISFJ
🌿ENTP 🍁Ravenclaw 📜Chaotic Good 🔮Pisces Sun, Aquarius Moon, Aries Rising
・A dreamer; a person who has ideas and a big imagination. They can perceive so many possibilities, and they hate being contained
・He needs someone he can have deep conversations with. Someone that will encourage him, rather than wave away his ideas and opinions 
・He would be blown away by someone who is creative. Either with art, or making clothes, sculptures etc 
・Someone who is supportive, loyal and kind. Who has a gentle heart and doesn’t have any harsh judgements. 
・He’d be a good match with someone who bends and breaks the rules. Sometimes in rebellion, but mostly because they’re outdated
・A person with an open-mind would suit him very well. But also someone who seeks adventure
・The character tropes with his s/o would be:
Chaotic Dumbass (You) x Enthusiastic Dumbass (Lo’ak)
Teases Them (You) x About To End Them (Lo’ak)
Pair of walking disasters who cannot function without the other 
・The zodiac signs that would work best are: Pisces, Virgo and Aquarius
・ In MBTI terms, someone with; ESFJ, ISTP or INFP
🌿ENFJ 🍁Gryffindor 📜Lawful Good 🔮Aries Sun, Taurus Moon, Scorpio Rising
・The best person would be someone who is strong in their beliefs and morals. Who stands their ground and doesn’t falter in arguments or discussions
・Although he seems like an alpha male himself, he would love being put in his place at times
・I also think Tonowari needs someone who respects the world they live in, someone who respects the earth in a spiritual sense as well as a physical one
・He needs an equal partner, someone he can trust with difficult choices 
・Basically, a person who can shoulder the weight of responsibility and leadership, but also has some sensitivity about issues, the environment, the way of life etc 
・He’d do well with someone who sees rules to be obeyed and respected. That they’re there to keep everyone safe and in line.
・The character tropes with his s/o would be:
Tough on the Outside, Soft on the Inside  x The Top
"You wear the pants in this relationship" (You, saying this to Tonowari) x "oh I wish, I cannot control you at all" (His response)
Married Couple Who Make Their Kids Cringe
・The zodiac signs that would work best are: Taurus, Leo, and Pisces
・In MBTI terms, someone with; ESTJ, ENTJ or ISTJ
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