#unnecessary obscene violence hello
virgothozul · 1 year
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datleggy · 3 years
Let’s take “birth day” literally and have pregnant Buck go into labor someplace really dumb and/or inconvenient.
It's the hormones, Buck would like to say in his defense, but honestly, the omega would have done it even if he weren't nearly nine months pregnant....
The doctor's told him some light exercise will help, even with his due date being so close now, and so after picking Christopher up from school they'd decided to take a nice stroll in the park.
And it would have been nice if some asshole hadn't put his hands on his kid on the goddamn playground of all places! One minute Buck had been struggling to get up off the bench to see why it looked as though Christopher was in a seemingly heated argument over something or the other, with another little boy around his age, and the next said boy's mother was shoving Christopher away with a sharply pointed nail, poking at his shoulder and shouting obscenities.
And Buck was there in a flash, putting himself between Christopher and the woman and telling her to back off. "You don't touch someone else's kid like that, lady. If you have a problem, you come find me."
The woman looks flustered for a moment before raising her voice again, yelling about how she had barely even touched the eight year old, and about how maybe he shouldn't bring his son around other kids if he couldn't learn to play nice. "If you taught that boy some manners we wouldn't even be here right now!"
Buck knows he should have let it go, knows they were causing a huge and unnecessary scene, and this? This next part he totally blames on the hormones. "If your parents had taught you some manners and common sense we wouldn't be here right now!"
And that had only served to escalate the situation to the point where police had actually been called and arrived on the scene--and apparently the woman had been very convincing when she'd burst into tears and told the cops that Buck had threatened her with violence.
Which is how Buck ends up in a jailcell on a sunny Friday afternoon, waiting for Eddie to come and bail him out and worrying frantically about Christopher, who last he saw, as they'd cuffed him and put him into the back of their vehicle, was currently in the custody of a child services worker.
Buck puts his head in his hands and groans, beyond stressed. Not only is this humiliating as all hell, but his alpha is probably going to kill him for letting this shit happen. He should have ignored the woman and walked away with Christopher in tow. Instead, he'd made it worse and gotten arrested for an assault he hadn't even committed. "Jesus Christ."
"Buckley? Evan Buckley?" An officer calls out; he's older, maybe mid fifties, with a faint Southern drawl.
Buck raises his head. He'd only called Eddie fifteen minutes ago, was he really here that quickly? "Uh, yeah, that's me." he says.
"You're free to go; luckily a bunch of witnesses came forward with the same story--you weren't the aggressor here, son. Now c'mon, your kid's waiting for you right outside."
"Oh thank God." he breaths out, immeasurably relieved. But when he attempts to stand up Buck lets out a hiss and doubles over, face contorting in pain.
The officers eyes go wide and he rushes to open the cell, which is nearly empty, thankfully, except for Buck and a slumbering man in the corner, arrested that morning for public intoxication. "Whoa, whoa," the man's eyes go even wider, if possible, when he realizes what's happening. "Shoot, I think your water just broke, young man."
Buck shakes his head, even though the proof is on the bench and soaking his jeans through and through. He whines as the contraction continues, huffing and puffing. "H-hospital. Please." He pleads.
There is no way he's having this baby while still technically in custody at a police station. Hell, they're in a jailcell, for shit's sake. He'd rather give birth like a total cliché and in the back of a yellow taxi!
"I'm gonna have 'em call you an ambulance, but let's get you outta here first." the officer tries to help Buck stand but another contraction hits, this one harder and more agonizing than the last and Buck cries out, his knees buckling under him.
The officer manages to hold him aloft just long enough to reposition him on the floor as Buck pants and tries not to lose it. The contractions are way too close...
The officer radios his men and calls for help. "Need help in the holding cell on floor 2B, we've got a custodial here who's gone into labor. Urgent request for help in holding cell 2B."
Buck can't help but let out a sob--it's even worse than he'd imagined--he's going to end up giving birth inside a jailcell five feet away from some guy who smells like tequila and regret. Alone.
"What the hell is going on in--Buck?!"
Buck sniffles as he turns his head towards the door, where Athena is standing, mouth agape at the chaotic scene before her. "Athena!" he cries, reaching out for her, needy as can be and not giving a damn.
Athena doesn't waste any time, dropping to her knees beside him, letting him rest his head on her lap. She sooths back his curly locks, now sweaty, and look at the officer, asking sharply, "What happened?"
"He was being released when he went into labor--must be from the stress of the situation. Tried to get him up, but that baby's comin' and soon." he informs her, grimacing when Buck whines in pain as another contraction follows his statement, as if to prove the mans words true.
"Eddie," Buck clenches his teeth, tries to stifle another groans. "Need Eddie."
"He's right outside," Athena tells him, reassuringly. She nods at the officer. "Reyes, get me Eddie Diaz, he's a medic and he should be waiting down on the first floor for us. Hurry!"
Eddie's at the grocery store picking stuff up for dinner tonight when he gets the unexpected call. He almost doesn't answer it, when he sees it's from an unfamiliar number, thinking it's spam, but something nags at him to take the call.
It's Buck. And he sounds upset.
"Buck? What's going on? Everything alright? Who's phone are you using?"
He can hear Buck gulp from the other end of the line. "I've been arrested. I need you to come bail me out and get Christopher out of police custody." he says, all in one rushed statement, like he'd ripping off a band aid.
"Wha--I'm sorry, what? Did you say you're in jail? And Christopher's with the police? What the hell is going on?" Eddie's not proud of the way he raises his voice, especially not in the fruit aisle, where a mother with her toddler gives him a dirty look on her way past, but he's so shocked and panicked he can't stop himself from blurting out, "Buck, what the fuck happened? You were picking Christopher up from school today! Where does jail fit into this?!"
"Eddie, I'm sorry." Buck sighs. "I swear I'll explain everything when you get here, but I don't have a lot of time left on this call and I'm kind of freaking out right now. Please, can you just--"
"Of course, yeah, sorry, I'm on my way, give me like twenty minutes, ok? I'm across town."
"Thank you." the line cuts off abruptly and Eddie's left to ponder what could possibly have happened to have led up to his almost nine months pregnant husband being arrested as he abandons his cart and runs out into the parking lot.
Eddie nearly gets arrested himself, with the way he's speeding down the highway before turning onto the main road and parking right in front of the station, where only police vehicles are allowed.
The alpha finds his kid with a social worker, happily munching on a donut. “Chris!?” Eddie runs over and engulfs his son in a suffocating hug. “Are you ok? What happened?” 
Christopher pulls away slightly, nodding. “I’m ok. Bucky got in trouble ‘cause the lady at the park lied. Officer Reyes said he’s gonna bring him out soon.” 
The social worker explains the whole story to Eddie, “Thankfully there were a lot of witnesses who corroborated the events. Your husband should be out in a few minutes; it was all just an awful misunderstanding. The woman at the park is in custody right now for giving the police a false accusation and wasting everybody’s time.”  
Eddie’s shoulders slump in relief and he practically falls into a chair nearby, pulling Christopher onto his lap and holding him tight around the middle. “Is he ok? Buck is pregnant. He’s due in two weeks.” 
The social worker gives him a sympathetic look. “I’m sure he’s in good hands. Officer Reyes will have him out here in a couple of minutes.” 
After a couple of minutes turns to five, turns to ten, Eddie starts to get angsty. Which is why it’s a good thing, when he happens to spot Athena rounding the corner and into the station. He calls over to her and she furrows her brows in concern before making her way across to them. 
“Eddie? Christopher? What’s going on?” 
“It’s a long story.” Eddie sighs, “But Buck is being held in a cell right now, they said an officer Reyes was supposed to bring him down here, that he was free to go, but that was forever ago,” he exaggerates. “Can you please find out what’s taking so long?” 
“Of course.” 
Buck sobs openly when his alpha enters the room, “Eddie!” he calls out desperately. 
Athena holds Buck close and looks up. “He’s in labor. Contractions are less than a minute apart. He needs to start pushing.” 
Eddie doesn’t hesitate, though his brain feels like it’s about to short circuit if even one more insane thing happens within these twenty four hours. He drops between Buck’s knees and reaches out to squeeze his hand. “Hey, I’m here, I’m here, you’ve got this, ok? Cause I’ve got you.” 
“I’m scared.” Buck admits, tears sliding down face, and he’s shaking like a leaf, terrified that something will go wrong. “I don’t--” he groans pitifully against another contraction. “Don’t wanna have her in here.” 
“I know baby, I know, but she’s coming now, Buck. She’s not gonna wait for us to make it to a hospital. She’s impatient,” Eddie kisses his hand, squeezing again, comfortingly. “Just like you.” 
Buck huffs. “No, like you. Y-you never wait for your soup to cool down.” 
“My Tia’s sopa is worth the burnt tongue.” Eddie plays along, trying to distract him from the pain. “Baby, I need you to push, ok? I know this isn’t how we pictured any of this, but it’s time.” 
Buck nods through the tears and steels himself. 
“Good, good, now push, c’mon, you can do this. I’m right here.” 
“You look handsome in your mugshot.” Eddie tells Buck, staring at the photo he asked Athena to send him on his phone.
Buck glares at the alpha. “Funny.” 
Eddie leans down to kiss the frown off his face. “Sorry, too soon?” 
Buck turns the other way in bed with an annoyed huff. “You’re on baby night duty for the rest of the week.” he shuts the lamp light off and then the room is dim with just the moon peaking in through their blinds. 
“Hey,” Eddie sits up, tilting his head. It’s been over a month since the incident, and sure, it hadn’t been pleasant, but Buck and their baby had made it through just fine, health intact, and in the hospital Buck hadn’t seemed too phased after the ordeal, mostly content with Christopher and the baby curled up against and on him. “That was a stupid joke, I’m sorry.” 
Buck gulps. He’s being way too sensitive about this. Everything turned out alright and shortly after the whole thing had passed Chimney had even teased him that of course only Buck would have bad enough luck to end up giving birth in a holding cell. And Buck had laughed it off. 
Mostly because he’d been relieved. 
And then of course with the new baby the last month has been a whirlwind of constant activity, of making sure all her needs are met, of making sure Christopher’s not feeling neglected, of debating on when he should start thinking about going back to work and--
Eddie’s heart leaps when he hears Buck’s sharp intake of breath. “Buck?” 
Buck sits up now, too, swiping miserably at the tears that suddenly won’t stop falling. “Sorry, I--ignore me. I didn’t--” he sniffles. “I haven’t really thought about that day since--everything’s been so busy with--you know?--and--” he cuts himself off with a choked off sob. “It’s the hormones.” 
It’s been four weeks now and his hormones from the pregnancy are still driving him every which way and he feels ridiculous right now, crying over something he should have processed a month ago already. 
Eddie wraps his arms around Buck and pulls him between his legs and against his chest. “Let it out.” he says. “I’m here. I’ve got you.” 
Buck curls into Eddie and releases all emotion he hadn’t realized he’d been keeping all pent up inside. The fear, the anguish--Buck lets himself be held, coddled, loved. 
It feels good. 
After he’s cried for what feels like ages Buck rests the side of his head on Eddie’s shoulder and exhales. “You know Christopher wanted to name her Tuubee?” he murmurs. 
Eddie, who’s rubbing up and down his husbands back, pauses a moment. “’Tuubee’?” he repeats. 
Buck half smirks against his shoulder. “Two B. The cell where she was born.”
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There’s More Than One Way To Start An Apocalypse (12)
Summary: The Infinity War had happened and Thanos had won. 5 years later the Avengers try one last crazy idea to save everyone they lost, but a mysterious woman with a Supernatural background from Natasha’s past drops in unexpectedly derailing their plans. They soon find out that Thanos was now not the apocalypse they needed to stop.
Fandoms: Avengers, Supernatural
Pairings: Steve Rogers x Reader, Dean Winchester x Reader (previous), Natasha Romanoff x Reader (previous)
Warnings: Angst, The Damn Snap, mentions of depression and self-loathing, excessive and sometimes unnecessary violence, gore, mentions of death, copious amounts of blood, some profanity as per usual, mentions of past trauma, idiotic decision making, major character death/s, an obscene amount of fluff
A/N: Okay so I wanted to give us all some fluff after the trauma that was the previous chapter. I hope you forgive me. Enjoy! Masterlist is pinned post, my lovelies. Feedback is encouraged in this house. :)
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12: A New Lease in Life
"Welcome to Wakanda," Steve said near your ear as you stared wide eyed out the window. You could hear the pride and the smile in his voice. There was a warmth in his tone that told you that this was a special place.
He had spent almost the entire ride here telling you all about this kingdom and its people while Bruce piloted the jet. He told you how majestic the nature is and how advanced the technology has become even surpassing that of Tony's in some aspects. He told you how Shuri helped Bucky heal from the damage HYDRA had done. He told you how when they were on the run and the world had turned their back on them because of the accords that they were offered asylum here.
He could not speak highly enough of their King T'Challa. He spoke of the power and the skill he had as the Black Panther. He mentioned how he was a benevolent ruler of his people, but more than that he was an incredible human being. He was generous, forgiving, wise, brave, and a dependable friend.
You thought for sure that he was exaggerating everything, but as you looked out the jet's window at the aerial view you decided that Steve might have even downplayed it. Wakanda was absolutely breathtaking and its people were even more of a sight.
The King and his court greeted your group as you came down the ramp. You had been in the presence of royalty countless times, a few times you were sent to assassinate them, but you had never felt intimidated in their presence.
Now as Steve and T'Challa greet each other like old friends and you see the comfortable familiarity in their eyes, you find yourself in awe of the king.
"Hello, Sera. I am happy to welcome you to Wakanda," he said in his rich accent, his smile bright on his face.
"Hello, your majesty. Thank you for inviting us." You gave a small respectful nod as you shook his hand. He covered your clasped hands with his other and his smile grew making the corners crinkle.
"Please, T'Challa will do. We owe you a debt we can only hope to be able to repay someday. You will always be welcomed in Wakanda," he said genuinely.
You flashed Steve a slight frown because apparently he had briefed your hosts and judging by the gratitude on their faces the Captain may have built you up quite a bit. He looked down at his shoes and rubbed his neck nervously. You tutted at him, amused by how young and boyish he suddenly looked with that gesture.
"Thank you again for your hospitality and for offering your assistance. I was told that you had a possible solution for my problem?" you said. There was just something calming about T'Challa's presence, you thought as your heart rate steadied under his kind gaze.
"Yes, my sister eagerly awaits you in her lab. Please forgive her if she seems over excited as she has never had the opportunity of studying a person of your lineage."
You beamed at the king. Your heart was suddenly warm from the way he described you with such respect. You had been referred to as a creature, a myth, an abomination, a weapon, and many more less than flattering terms. Never have you ever been referred to as a person, an unusual kind of person, but a person nonetheless.
"Lead the way, T'Challa."
Steve found it endearing how your eyes sparkled as you took everything in while you made your way to the laboratory. He could see the appreciation in the way your mouth went back and forth between open mouthed awe and blindingly happy smiles. You were going to give yourself a neck pain with the way you were craning your neck and whipping your head around to observe as much as you can. He found himself smiling. You were cute.
"Finally!" an excited female voice said with the same smooth accent as the king. It broke you away from your energetic sightseeing. "I'm Shuri. I'm thrilled that you have come!"
Shuri had the type of energy that was just as affecting as her brother's calmness. She was gorgeous; intricate tight braids, paint on her face emphasizing her sharp bone structure, and the way she carried herself was youthful yet unmistakably royal. Not much introductions were made as she eagerly pulled you by the hand toward a long table with lines running all through out it.
"Come, Sera. Lay down right here," she said patting the table and making her way to the consoles. Bruce followed to stand beside her, setting his equipment down by his feet.
You shrugged and complied without complaint, the glee on her face made you nervous, but the fact that Steve moved to stand beside you with a reassuring smile gave you confidence. You took a deep breath and lied down. The sudden lights from the table as it activated made you jump. Steve grabbed your hand and gently drew circles on the back to calm you down. You smiled at him as your breathing settled once more.
"This is incredible," Shuri muttered after a few minutes as she leaned over the table and read through the scans. She turned to you, her eyes dancing with the joy of discovery. "You are incredible!"
"Do you have enough data?" Bruce asked, his finger swiping at the screen.
"Yes! I will have to do a few more analyses and run some tests, but the blood work you brought should help with that," she nodded rapidly. "Bruce and I should be able to finish up. Captain, why don't you show Sera around? Please, take some time to enjoy my country while you are here."
Your eyes pleaded with Steve to agree. You knew this was technically a part of the mission, but you could not pass up the offer to go exploring. Steve saw the look on your face and the pout you were fighting. He discovered at that moment that he could not say no to that face.
"Sure. Can we swing by the kitchens to grab lunch?" Steve said, not fighting the smile on his face when you looked like you were going to explode confetti and happiness.
"I'll call ahead for you and take these Kimoyo Beads. We'll call when we're finished. Have fun!"
Steve caught the beads that Shuri tossed him and led you out the lab. You were skipping happily behind him, mouthing a silent thanks to the princess.
"You know it won't take long for us to run the analysis," Bruce murmured from beside a smug looking Shuri.
"You know I cannot help myself, Bruce. Don't tell me you do not see it," she giggled.
"I think they're the only ones who don't see it yet," he agreed.
Steve held a picnic basket in one hand while the other pointed to random things you passed as you made the trek toward what he said was his favorite spot. He was patient in answering your questions and in telling you in more detail about his past experiences with this country.
You enjoyed listening to not just his stories, but also to the low tenor of his voice. It made you happy seeing him so animated, so different from the version you saw in their supposed future. This Steve had a spark for life in him and you had to admit you were a little proud that you helped put it there.
It was all you could say as Steve pulled you through thick clusters of towering trees to emerge into an enclosed meadow that you could only describe as magical. The brown and green grass at your feet begged for you to take off your boots with each step you took on the soft ground. Multiple waterfalls off a low cliff face fed fresh cool water down to a small lake glistening like a clear blue crystal with the sunlight.
"You like it?" Steve asked, nervously chewing on his bottom lip. For some reason he wanted you to like it. "I like coming here to just get away for a bit. Shut out the noise for a little while."
"I didn't think this country could get any more beautiful," you softly said before turning to smile brightly at him. "Thank you for sharing this with me, Steve. It's perfect."
The Captain beamed at you, relieved at your approval. He didn't think twice about taking your hand in his free one and pulling you nearer to the water. You smiled shyly at your joined hands, liking how warm and large his hand felt over yours. You were almost sad that he had to let go to set down the basket and lay out the blanket for you both to have your lunch on.
Steve found some joy in unraveling each food package and watching you discover the unfamiliar flavors of the local cuisine. You were a little too eager in stuffing everything in your mouth making you almost choke at one point. He was quick to open a drink and hand it to you. He gave you a concerned frown while he stroked your back as you worked on clearing your windpipe. You noticed that he was finding ways to touch you and you weren't exactly complaining.
You spent a while just chatting about light topics as you both ate your fill. Steve was very interested in hearing more about the supernatural and you enjoyed hearing about his youth. He laughed at a few of your stories of your earlier failed hunts particularly about the time you were chased by a bunch of pissed off possessed teddy bears. Your face was going to hurt from all of the smiling, but you couldn't help it especially when Steve would laugh a full belly laugh and clutched at his chest. It might just become your favorite sound.
"I owe you an apology."
You raised your eyebrow at him while you popped more fruit in your mouth. He looked at ease fully stretched out and leaning his head on his hand as he stared up at you.
"You owe me nothing, Steve," you shook your head.
"I do," he pulled himself up to sit and rest his arms on his knees. "I was really suspicious of you in the beginning. I wasn't as welcoming as the rest."
"Has this been bothering you?" you laughed loudly as he looked sheepishly at you. "Steve, I literally materialized out of thin air in the arms of some unknown man drenched in my own blood and unconscious. Of course you were suspicious!"
"Yeah, but I was still suspicious even after Nat vouched for you."
You shook your head at him again. It was his job to be suspicious as their Captain. It was his job to look out for the team. "Are you still suspicious of me now?"
Steve looked at you for a long time, his baby blue eyes seemed to want to tell you more than what his lips allowed. "No."
"Good," you smiled. Truthfully, you didn't know it mattered that much that Steve in particular trusted you. "I would expect that saving you from living a life of demon possession earns me a reward or some goddamn points at least."
Steve was blinding you with his smile again. He was suddenly up on his feet and hurriedly pulling off his jacket and shirt. He discarded them haphazardly onto the blanket before working on his pants.
"Oh hey hold on, Cap! I wasn't talking about that kind of reward." The heat on your face and neck betrayed your sarcastic teasing tone.
You expected Steve to be uncomfortable with your comment or at the very least feel awkward. To your surprise he flashed you a wicked smirk and a wink as he freed himself from his pants and shoes. Captain America wore black boxer briefs. Noted with thanks, you thought.
"Not this time, doll."
Playful Steve Rogers was going to be the death of you. You watched mesmerized by this perfect specimen of a man as he ran toward the water and dived right in. He emerged further into the deep end shaking the water from his hair and grinning madly at you.
"Come on!"
Who could resist an invitation like that? You quickly stripped down to your underwear and made a running start before diving in. You took your time underneath to marvel at the beauty in the waters that rivaled even that of the surface. This country truly was unbelievably beautiful.
You came up near where you guessed Steve would be, but you were surprised to see that he was gone. You spun around in search for him, but he was no where to be found. Suddenly you were pulled down deep and the panic began to bubble in your chest until you were met with a cocky smile. Your body automatically relaxed and you hit his solid chest.
He grabbed you by the waist and propelled you up to the surface, his longish blonde hair swirling in a sort of halo around his handsome features. You gasped for air and punched his chest again, but this time you let your hand linger there.
"I almost snapped your neck on instinct, you idiot," you laughed.
You noticed that Steve has not removed his grip around your bare waist and instead seemed to be pulling you closer to him. From this close you could feel his breath on your face and see clearly how blue his eyes were, so blue that it could rival the very lake you were swimming in. You could see the smile he had been wearing the whole afternoon, content with a hint of mischief.
Steve was bewildered at first that he felt this comfortable around you. After all that he has been through, he was slow in opening up to people and he was jaded from all the loss he suffered. But he made a conscious decision right before you boarded the jet for Wakanda to just give in to the strange pull he felt for you since the day you arrived. Having the Snap reversed prompted him to re-evaluate how he wanted to live the rest of his unnaturally long life and he decided that he needed to stop overthinking everything. The more he got to know you, the stronger the pull became and he was surprised again to find that this did not bother him like it usually would.
At this moment, he felt the pull again as he held you tighter until you were flush against his body. He relished the feeling of your skin against his as he used his other hand to cup your face. He searched your eyes for any sign of resistance. His actions may be bold right now, but he was still every bit the 40s gentleman. When he saw nothing except nervous anticipation, he tightened his grip on your hip and drew his face slowly closer to yours.
You were an inch away from each other's lips when the beads worn on Steve's wrist buzzed and chimed urgently by your ear. The moment ruined, he squeezed his eyes shut and pressed his forehead to yours as the beads continued to sound.
"Fuck," he mumbled, his breath pleasantly hot on your face.
"Language," you scolded him lightly as you fought to steady the rapid fluttering of your heart. Steve pretended to frown in disapproval at your comment, but the small lift in the corner of his lips told you otherwise. He was never going to live that down and apparently you were now in on it too.
"Nat tell you?"
"Tony actually," you chuckled as he groaned. You cocked your head toward the bracelet that was insistently ringing. "Better take that."
It took you and Steve only 15 minutes to get dressed, pack up, and get back to the laboratory. You both carefully avoided the happy questioning gazes of the two scientists. You knew what you both looked like; still wet from the swim, flushed faces, sun kissed skin, dopey smiles, and standing very close to each other.
"What did you find?" Steve asked attempting to steer the conversation away from your still very new closeness.
Shuri rolled her eyes and began to explain the analysis they worked on. You tried hard to focus on her words, but it was getting more and more difficult to focus. Perhaps you had too much sun exposure, but you suddenly found your sight go blurry and your limbs give out. The sound around you muffled as you hit the ground, barely registering Steve's arms around you.
"Steve, we need to get her to the tree!" Shuri shouted urgently.
Steve tried hard not to focus on the fact that he could neither feel nor hear your heartbeat anymore. He couldn't see the rise and fall of your chest or the warm breath from your lips. You can't be dead. He held you tighter to his chest and pushed down the fear as he focused all his attention on running at full speed behind Shuri.
Shuri tried to catch her breath as they reached a wide dry field with a large tree in the middle. This tree stood tall and proud teeming with lush green and white leaves as well as a unique display of silver and blue flowers. It was strange that amidst the obviously barren area was this tree that literally glowed with life.
"Lay her down right by the roots, Captain."
Steve followed her instructions and swallowed the pain he felt at your lifeless figure. "Is she - ?" he was almost too afraid to ask.
"Not if we can help it," she said intentionally adding confidence in her voice for Steve's benefit. She pulled out from her robes what Steve recognized was an angel blade. Shuri muttered a small prayer under her breath.
"Please let this work."
Shuri held the blade high above her head before bringing it down forcefully on the bark of the tree near your head. She made a long wide gash with the blade before stepping back to stand beside Steve who was now pulling his hair and pacing in his panic.
For a while nothing happened and the panic started to overwhelm Steve, but then a blinding white blue light shone through the gash Shuri made making them step back. This light formed thick wisps of smoke and crawled toward your unconscious form. It fused with wherever it touched; through your mouth, in your ears, or on your skin.
Steve's eyes widened as he realized what the light was having spent the past couple of weeks with you, Castiel and Jack. Hope bloomed in his chest as your still motionless body absorbed more of the light. This was a tree made of grace.
Shuri was relieved to see that her theory seemed to hold true, that your kind would be able to harness the energy of this tree. She was disappointed to see the flowers and leaves slowly wilting and crumbling to the ground as you took more, but saving your life would be worth it. She just hoped that it would be enough.
The stream of grace soon fizzled out and yet you still didn't move. Steve rushed to kneel by your side with Shuri following. He held your face in both his hands and tried to will you to wake up. He still couldn't feel your heartbeat.
"Sera, please wake up," he pleaded with you. "Please wake up, doll. Come on."
Just as Steve was about to give in to his grief of yet another loss for him, a small inconsistent thump caught his sensitive hearing. He stilled as he tried to listen for it. He looked at you in disbelief when the slight thumping gradually became stronger until it stabilized to a healthy beat.
Your eyes fluttered open and the first thing you saw was Steve's worried blue eyes. You smiled at the sight. You faintly heard Shuri choke back a cry of relief as she plopped herself on the ground. The adrenaline of saving you from death quickly receding and the exhaustion replacing it.
Steve gently stroked your hair away from your face. He was partly afraid that he might break you or that he was just imagining that you were back.
"How are you feeling?" he asked quietly as he helped you sit up.
You stroked your hands, noticing that there was a certain electricity on your skin as if there was power underneath just fighting to be unleashed. You felt vastly different from when you had lost all your grace, but this was also a different feeling from when you did have your power. One thing was for sure, you were ready to face Michael.
"I feel like me again," you informed him happily.
Steve saw your eyes flash a hypnotizing mixture of gold and white silver. Despite the limited knowledge he had, he knew that was not normal for nephilim. There was something different about the grace in that tree.
He would deal with that later. For now, he couldn't find it in himself to care too much as he crushed you to his chest and kissed the top of your head. For now, he was just relieved you were alive.
Miles away back at the Bunker, green eyes flew open and her spine snapped straight up to sit as she took several loud heaving breaths. The familiar red lips and redder hair of Rowena greeted her.
"Welcome back, Natalia my dear."
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