#u should do that btw i'm curious
himb-oytoy · 1 year
i am :]
maybe send another ask w/ where u'd come up to against me. for funsies. it would be funny. haha.
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kiisaes · 1 year
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freshening up my art fight page. these monstrosities are there now
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tvckerwash · 3 months
J.D felt horrible about it, but with everything that had happened the last few months—Hell, the last few years—He had admittedly somewhat forgotten that Terrence existed.
Looking through Connie’s data, dealing with corporate civilian bureaucracy, and being “demoted” into doing menial grunt work aboard the Staff of Charon has taken up the bulk of his time since returning from Longshore, so he hasn't gone to visit the guy and offer morale support during his grueling physical therapy sessions in quite a while.
Apparently, having a building collapse on top of you and needing surgical reconstruction of a large portion of the bones in your body really, really sucked.
J.D mentally grimaced at the prospect of speaking to the temperamental man. He had been waiting to tell him about their team until he was officially discharged from medical, and only after Sharky came to terms with the loss would he even think about introducing Connie into the mix. The man's hatred of the Freelancers was, understandably, incredibly intense.
He loved Sharky, he really did, and he wouldn't trade him for anyone else, but Terrance could be annoyingly stubborn and overly dramatic, and a lack of any semblance of a proper chain of command didn't make his job any easier. The guy just didn't respect his experience and skill as an ODST like the others did, which was beyond frustrating at times.
(God, what a mess). He sighed, bringing a hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose.
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okay theoretically .. if you were to look at the word count for a chapter.. how many words do you think would make you say "this is too fucking long"
#extremely unsure as to weather i should chop this up yet again cus . i maybe sort of really rushed the planning near the end#when i was drafting everything out at the beginning of november#because i REALLY wanted to start writing but now i am paying for it by having to wrestle with these last few chapters#i think if i did break it up#i have an idea of where i would do so. but then i think i would end up with like a long chapter and then a shorter chapter and then a long#chapter again?#i want to give everything the space to have the attention it deserves and its looking like i might have to split this and make it 12 chapte#chapters if i want that tumblr can you please stop putting error messages over my tags while im trying to type. you bitch#anyways#all that is just to say i'm curious what everyone's opinion would be on what would constitute too long of a chapter#cus right now im thinking if it breaks 10k i'll find a place to break it up#but i'm interested to hear other opinions#i could have said that a lot more concisely instead of having an essay in the tags but u kno#btw NONE OF THIS MEANS ANYTHING IS READY SOON. just incase. i dont want to get anyone's hopes up on accident i think this chapter might tak#take a hot second here to write like i have chunks of it done and i know what i want to happen but i'm going to have to beat at it a lot to#make it happen smoothly#soooooooo be patient with me#for the sake of having a good chapter to read <3 instead of a rushed one <3 thankies <3#not an update
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alexa-fika · 4 months
Pls do more of Rayleigh and shakky those story u posted heal my childhood, they r like the type of parents I wish I had.
Thank you so much for ur work and ofc u don’t gotta do this if u don’t wanna or don’t do requests but thanks have a good one :)
Special Treasure (Rayleigh x gn!child!reader x Shakky)
A/N: YALL I HAVE COME BACK WITH A COOK AM I WRONG OR AM I RIGHT?? Toothroting, cavity inducing heart stopping cuteness ahead
Dividers by @/saradika
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“Reader, where were you? Rayleigh questions as he sees his grandchild coming into the bar on top of Millo, their usual Smiledon Companion covered in dirt and grass, his wife in front of him preparing drinks, glancing at the child questioningly
Rayleigh smiled softly as he approached the child, kneeling down slightly to meet them. Grabbing them from the large feline and putting them on their hip
“What were you doing outside?”
“Causing trouble, I bet?” pipes in Shakky
“We were exploring.”
“Mm, of course,” Rayleigh raises his brow at his wife, who nods along knowingly.
“Exploring, eh?” The white-haired man asks with a sly smirk
“Where were you exploring?”
They stay silent, playing with their grandfathers hair, trying to evade their gaze as they shrug
“Hm,” Rayleigh muttered
He then raises his eyebrows.
“You think I'm going to get mad?” his voice was light yet stern
“Yeah,” they say, hiding their face into their neck and continuing to play with his hair
Rayleigh chuckles, rubbing their head with one hand as he speaks to them.
“Well, I'm not...I know how it is. Being young and curious.”
“But you should never go off without telling someone where you're going.."
“But I went with Millo!” They exclaim, pulling their head out and gesturing at the large feline
“I mean a proper person,” Rayleigh chuckles,
“Millo, doesn’t count”
The toothed cat lets out a small indignant yowl at his comment, Reader reacting similarly with an offended gasp
Rayleigh scoffed at the cat's reaction, finding it amusing.
“There, there, Millo, you'll live.” Shakky Laughs.
“You're lucky you're adorable, isn't that right?” he said, looking at the cat.
“You're being mean to Millo Grandpa!”
“Now, Now both of you know I didn’t mean it like that,” Rayleigh says with a frown,
“but you need to understand it makes your gramps and gran worry, alright? You're our treasure, you know?”
“Im sorry,”
Shakky smiles, opening her arms for Rayleigh to pass them to her, he smiles obliging her silent request
“Come here” she says taking a hold of them
“We’re not mad, As we said, you are really important, and we simply worry, there are dangerous and gross people not far from here.”
“I just wanted to explore a little, but I didn’t mean to go far. “
Rayleigh scoffs and pulls the child into his arms, planting several kisses upon their cheek,
“It's fine... Just let me know next time where you are exploring; I know you're more than capable on your own, but still, I'd like to have an idea of where to look for you."
“Now that we got that out of the way, what were you doing that got you covered in dirt?”
They shuffle in their grandmother's arms, digging something from their small backpack
“I was getting you guys flowers!” They exclaim, pulling said plants out and handing two roughly arrays of flowers
Rayleigh’s face breaks out into a smile,
“For Us, you brought us flowers?”
They nod excitedly handing them the mix-match bouquet of flowers
The elderly couple exchange a look before embracing the child, who is now buried within the confines of their affection.
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What do we think? Originally I thought it was missing something but I re-read it and I really like it, what are our thoughts? Im going to try the Dokusha reader for a test run, btw it’s about a certain lazy ice lord 👀. Im editing it right now maybe even a second part today if yall like it?
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For the prompt list number one for David x reader just absolute fluff if u don't mind thank you ur writing is amazing btw
Awh thank you!😘 And thank you for requesting, I hope you like this!💜
1. "Did I ever tell about my first murder?" "What murder? You're innocent as fuck!"
I sighed contendly as I turned over. The warm blanket wrapped around me, the faint candle light at the end of the room standing on the table next to the makeshift door. I didn't know the time, and in all honesty, I didn't care. I was beyond comfortable in my - well, our - bed, especially now that I realised that he still laid next to me.
I smiled as I cuddled up to him, pressing a soft kiss to his jawline. "Morning love."
"Evening, kitten," his voice was lower than usual. "Sleep well?"
I hummed. "You stayed. I could get used to waking up like this."
David chuckled. "It's been a while since I've used a bed for sleeping."
"Well, maybe you should just stay with me every night then. As practice, you know?"
"You would like that, hm?"
"What, waking up next to the man I love? No, I'd absolutely despise that. Absolutely hate it, now can you even think of that," I teased with a big grin.
We laid there for a while, him playing with my hair as I listened to his non-existent heartbeat. I sometimes felt like it was there, very faintly, but I could never be sure.
"Did I ever tell you about my first murder?" I spoke up after a while. His fingers stopped moving through my hair as he looked at me, a curious frown on his face.
"What murder? You're innocent as fuck!"
I giggled, nodding. "That, that is all just an act. I am a very real killer."
"Oh yeah? Who did you kill?"
I sat up, leaning on my arms and looked at him. "Not a who, but a what."
"What, did you kill a mosquito and feel bad afterwards?" He chuckled, causing some blood yo rush to my cheeks.
"No. I mean, I have done that, obviously, and I always do feel kind of bad - but that's not what I'm talking about."
"No? Tell me, kitten. What did you kill?"
"Just keep in mind that I was very young, okay?"
I laid back down, feeling his chest rumble as he laughed. "Sure thing, love."
"Okay, so the first time I murdered something, I was five years old."
"That's quite young to start the whole killing thing."
"I know right! Mom said it was not that weird, that it was just curiosity, but I am glad you agree."
"What did you kill?" David sounded just a tad bit impatient, causing me to grin.
"No, no, I got to tell it right! So, it was a very hot, very bright summer day, and I had just gotten my very own magnifying glass. And in our garden was this huge ant-nest. So many ants."
"You killed ants?"
"I burned them alive. That's what I did." I sounded somewhat regretful. In all honesty, I was. "I was a young kid, but honestly, someone should have told me not to do it?"
David laughed. "That's quite a story."
"I still feel bad."
"Those poor ants," David chuckled, causing me to finally laugh as well.
"Would it also work on vampires?" I wondered aloud.
"Let's not try that, shall we?"
"But I am curious now!"
"What happened to you being innocent?"
"That all disappeared when I confessed to my very first murder."
He grinned, kissing me softly. "Killer or not, you're still mine."
I smiled. "Are you getting soft?"
"For you? Always."
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rzyraffek · 1 year
hey its my birthday fan you write billy lenz giving me sloppy toppy and straight up cumming on my face
Bro wtf I just watched this movie hour ago😰😰 and now I get random request about it! Happy birthday by the way. And its 5:42 am here Requests open!
Tw:Billy Lenz, blowjob, choking? Also I mention y/n as 'you/your' so if that makes you uncomfy I warned you
Billy Lenz reciving oral
First of all, he is 100% virgin. Only watched people do stuff
He knew it will be nice but he didnt expect it to be this nice
His sweet sweet piggy sucking on his cock, taking it so well just for him
He loves the noises you make, the feeling of tounge moving inside, the idea of you trusting him enough to let him almost chocke you its all so so arousing
He will say a lot of nasty stuff, degrading mostly but sometimes he will say some praises like "you taking billy's cock so well piggy" stuff like that
He is always in goofy mood so he will probably cum on your face just for funzies and your reaction. He also loves the face you make after you get the whole load on your pretty skin. And little gaps when it gets in your hair or other places that you didn't want it to come
He also loves watching her do stuff without his help, he just stares right in the eyes while you take him whole. While he just lays down or sits comfortably
But at the same time oh how he loves moving inside you while he just holds your head. Its such good feeling for him! Its difficult for him to decide what position he should be in really.
After doing that first time he is going to do it everyday litteraly, if you disagree he will beg, no kidding he is kinda addicted
Also if you wanna receive oral he will experiment no problem! He is a curious being really! Also im sure he thinks that you are delicious!
But he prefers reciving it much more than giving. Its just so satisfying to see you under him
Also you need to teach him all about after-care because im not sure if he even knows what's words 'care' or 'comforting' mean
And he forgors that people need air to live, sometimes you have to smack him so he remembers that no, alive y/n is much better than dead y/n, so better let her breath
Cummin on face kinda became a habit, but he still tries to make it a surprise because he loves that shoked face when you realise that he just busted a nut in you
And any form of praise makes him melt, if u say anything positive about his size or position or movements or litteraly anything he will go 😍😳 either immediately cum or get ready for next round
After the whole thing, you go wash ur face he will just fallow you, its kinda how he shows affection afterwards, fallowing you behind probably hoping that you go lay in bed so he can cuddle and litteraly glue to you for next 5hours
Anyways i never wrote smuty stuff before,If any of my friends will see this im going to never get out of my house again btw. Also I had to google sloppy toppy😭😭😭 pls tell me if I did well 😥i feel so so green. Also I'm always so spooked that I mistake Billy Lenz for Billy Loomis and imma confuse the hell out of person requesting
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vyxated · 8 months
hello! i'm not sure if you can help but i'm gonna try so it's fine if u can't answer them!
do u know how to make an in-game font override? ik there's sims 1 and sims 2 font overrides but i want to make my own, searched everywhere but unable to find a tutorial on how to make it ;-;
Hey too! So I didn't know how to do it at first but I got curious, and was able to make it :) I did get stuck and was able to receive help, and here it is!
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Download JPEXS decompiler. This is also used for custom loading screens btw.
In S4S, create a new empty package, open Game File Cruiser, then search for this instance number: 5C7CB2846F0FCA7A (1), and select All (2) .
Once done, you'll see one Scale Form GFX result, with the display name as gfxfontlib. Select (3) and add it to current package (4), and export it as a binary file (5-6).
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On the file you just exported, rename the extension from .binary to .gfx, then open the now named .gfx file in the JPEXS decompiler. Here are the main things to focus on: the fonts you'll be replacing (7) and where to do so (8). Select the font you want to replace and select embed to bring up the next window.
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The Sims Sans SC Bold: title text, found only in main menu The Sims Sans SC Bold: headers, found in menu and in-game BentonSans Bold/Medium/Regular: regular texts
Select TTF file (9), locate your font and click open (10), fill in the individual characters box with these (11) characters, and click OK. Do that instead of selecting any of the character boxes as I find that to cause visual glitches and crash my game.
To easily locate your font, right click your font file and select copy as path (12), then paste it in the file name box (10).
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Once you click OK, it will bring up a new window asking if you should replace a character/text. Select yes to all to any window that comes up (13).
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You've now replaced one of the fonts! Do this to each of the fonts highlighted in 7. You can use different fonts just like the preview I showed.
To import back to S4S, rename the .gfx extension back to .binary (14), then import it to your package (15).
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Save your file, check in-game, and if everything works fine and there's no visual glitches, then you've just made your font override!
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mchlgayser · 1 year
hellooo can u do a green/red flags list for kunigami? thank u <3
( ✮ ) OUR RELATIONSHIP ft kunigami rensuke
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🧺 𓂃⭑ᜊ an: I know I've said this a million times but I enjoy doing things u guys asked me to! It gives me extra motivation rather than when I'm doing it on my storylines sksksksjsk anyways, enjoy xx
🗯️ 𓂃⭑ᜊ content warning: none
🔖 𓂃⭑ᜊ: @iwritesjud3's navigation
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Kunigami wasn't a red flag type of guy AT ALL! I think he was the definition of the walking green flag. He walks so the rest of Blue Lock can run (fr). His first green flag would be:
His way to start the relationship. I think he would be the guy that would do the cliche date just to confess. He would set a date at the beach. An (unofficial) picnic date on the beach, watching the sunset, walking along the seaside, and hand in hand y'know, that type of date. At the end of the day, he would just hold your hand and told you how much he loves you, how long he's been in love with you. (You'd cried btw 😞)
After you both are official, he will continue showing love, he know what he has to do and whatnot. He will literally do as you said, if you said 'no pda' then no it is but if you wanna be extra clingy then he'll let you. He is like a puppy (to you only 😋). He is best at his words. Just know what to say to make you feel better on your bad/red days etc.
His love language is WORDS OF AFFIRMATIONS EVERYBODY!!!! *massive applause* AND PSYCHICAL TOUCH!!! I just know he'll give you the best warm hug and then pat your back on a soothing manner and then give you a sweet words of comfort and lul you to sleep sometimes.
Kunigami is a man of his words. If he said tomorrow you both are going on a date even A LAST MINUTE morning practice can't stop this guy. He'll ditched the world to keep his promises with you.
He is neat ok ok ok. Not like Barou but he's a clean person. Well organized and tidy. There would be a time where he would just slump on you after practices but that rarely happened. Once in two months???? He loves helping you straighten up, you two even had a routine and time which do this job for the day.
Oh and he loves cuddling! Doesn't matter in bed, on the couch, outside, at school or anywhere he loves cuddle! He would just sit by your side arms entangling and head in between your neck and shoulder.
Okay I did say he was a walking green flag but he has his red flag too, Okay it wasn't obvious and damaging but it's still a red flag ok. Only one!
Insensitivity. This man is blurred, dumb, curious, and confused 24/7! You can sit at a table with friends, guys, and girls. Girls can surround him, flirting and giving him smooth pick-up lines but this man would just look in between them and nodded. It was not like he was paying attention or anything but he can't say no! He was not enjoying it NO! But he doesn't know what to do! The boy is confused all the time, sometimes you have to do the work and get him out of awkward situations. And he would still just look at you starting dumbly and goes like 'What happened?' He's like a puppy but with a little time it irks you! Not really but you are kind of pissed off at his confuse demeanor
But he makes it up, by saying sorry and lets you explain to him what to do when he's ever in that situation again! Of course, he should speed up and run.
Lastly, The relationship is still going strong, and sometimes it even crossed his mind to marry you someday. Seeing you walking down the aisle with a a stunning white dress with flowers in hand and him waiting for you with his black tuxedo. Kissing to wrap up the beautiful moment. He can only smile and wait until he got a permanent job to buy you a diamond ring ( you always told him to make you a paper ring only! You loved it!!' and propose and live happily with you!!!! The end.
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trashcanfills · 2 years
So I just read your hanzo space hcs and I loved the part about hushed conversations between him and genji in Japanese and I'm sorry if this request doesn't make a lot of sense but could I ask for a reader who finds out hanzo likes them because they know Japanese and listen to the arguments between hanzo and genji? Thank you and I'm sorry if this is long or confusing.
Mam/sir no this is not confusing. I like that you elaborated on the scenario u wanted me to write cus boi it helps hehe.
This became a monster of a fic jesus so uhhh more content for you i guess pardon the wait. I might edit this later cus Im not sure if Im happy with it now but eh its been stuck in my inbox for so long with some other requests better release now.
Shimada Hanzo x Reader - Hidden Confessions
Hanzo would likely be crushing on you after spending quite some time with you as friends. It’s hard to tell though because he never really says how he feels out loud, like I doubt you even are aware he considers you as a friend unless you confident/observant as hell or sth happened that both of you had to clarify for the sake of your friendship.
But alright lets say that you both consider each other as friends and you both know that. Cus friends to lovers tropes are gucci hehehehehe.
Ok so you def have to be crushing on Hanzo at this point, which I dont blame you for btw like look at the man. There’s a reason for the loads of fanart around him.
Unfortunately as we all know with the fucking friends to lovers trope drama, you cant just admit you like Hanzo that way, cus what if he doesnt sees you that way and it ruins your friendship and makes everything btw u??? Uh yea better safe than sorry bitches. Just keep it down and appreciate that you get to hang out with the angsty ass archer anyway.
Except…some kinda weird things have been going on with Hanzo and Genji? You think you see Genji talking to Hanzo in hushed whispers abt something that, based on Hanzo’s flushed and irritated expression, Hanzo clearly doesnt want to talk abt. It HAS piqued you interest when it tends to occur more often whenever you see the Shimada bros tgt. Asking Hanzo about it however just has him to dismiss it and change the subject. Rip.
Later on those hushed conversations do end up occurring in front of you and other overwatch members, in Japanese, since not many people do really know the language and the conversation was prob meant to be abt sth private and secretive.
Except, you do know Japanese. You didn’t exactly inform Hanzo or Genji of it because it seemed really entertaining to have them have these supposedly private Japanese conversations OUT LOUD without realising there were people who understood what they were saying. I mean, if it was a really sensitive thing they should be speaking behind closed doors right? Like cmon lol.
Usually, whenever the Shimada brothers talk to each other in Japanese, they would exchange some form of wit or ridiculous reference to their past (like that time Genji tried to cajole Hanzo into joining the DDR contest during one of the weekly game night sessions, until Hanzo said he still has pictures of Genji’s 16th Birthday Party Incident in Japanese. Ngl you were a lil curious what the incident was, but its likely some form of embarrassing blackmail).
However THIS TIME, it was completely different. You were chilling with a few other overwatch members plus Hanzo and Genji in the recreation room. Cue your surprise when Genji decided to ask Hanzo in Japanese:
“Sooooo…have you confessed your feelings yet, brother?”
Im sorry HANZO?? HAS FEELINGS FOR SOMEONE????? Thank god they weren’t really focusing on you that much otherwise they would have noticed your body tense a little at that. You don’t know exactly how to feel about this because this can either spell sth great or very bad for you, but most likely bad because what are the chances…right?
Hanzo predictably flushes a little, scowling even harder. If you didn’t know any better you would probably have thought that the archer was pissed at Genji about something instead of being embarrassed (tho i mean when has hanzo never been annoyed at genji lol)
At Hanzo’s expression, Genji sighed out loud. “You do realise you can’t stew on your feelings forever-“
“I can if I want to and that is my decision to make, not yours.” Hanzo hissed back. Genji, unbothered by the interruption, continued:
“-and you have been pining for them for like almost a year.”
Hanzo scoffed. Genji kept going. “I mean they are literally just RIGHT THERE. You can ask them out on like a freaking date-“
“-and risk the potential embarrassment and fallout of our current platonic relationship?”
“Look, I doubt y/n would be the kind of person to-“ Sorry, hold the phone. Did Genji say YOUR NAME?? DOES HANZO ACTUALLY LIKE YOU BACK??? HOLY SHEET???? It was literally taking all of your concentration to not combust on the spot and give away the fact you could understand what they were saying in Japanese because HOLY FUCK HANZO RETURNS YOUR FEELINGS??
Ok ok calm down and listen back to the conversation because you were zoning out a bit from the revelation that Hanzo has a crush on you. Genji was still talking.
“-and you can’t be sure that they aren’t interested in you. Heck, from what I see, they seem very receptive to your boneheaded ass-“
“Being friendly and polite in a platonic relationship is no grounds for speculating romantic interest, you idiot. It’s only a common courtesy-“
“-dude do you NOT notice how much closer they are to you compared to anyone else here-“
“-and that means nothing, Genji. Cease this conversation.”
“No. I do not wish to discuss this any further. Regardless of what you say, I severely doubt they would even like me that way.”
“Even then, just TRY. That is all I am asking of you, Hanzo. Because I want you to be happy for once-”
“You know, you guys could just asked me yourself right now if that’s what you are worried about.” You chimed in. “And speaking of which, I do actually like you too, Hanzo, and uhhh I would be totally open for a date anytime?”
Their reactions were priceless. The moment you spoke up in Japanese had the two Shimada brother halt their conversation to look at you in shock. Hanzo in particular had a myriad of expressions too entertaining to watch.
Hanzo practically went through an entire rollercoaster of emotions when you interrupted. Shock at you speaking Japanese, horror when he realised you spoke Japanese and understood it which meant you were able to listen through their conversation this entire time, until he processed the part on you liking him back which turned into a mix of joy, relief, embarrassment…yea rip Hanzo lol.
Genji meanwhile was trying so hard not to laugh because holy sheet your timing was excellent.
He had to shake Hanzo a bit to get him out of a daze, and gestured at him to ask you out. Hanzo gets his wits back after, glares at Genji because he’s such a lil shit. He then glanced at you briefly before looking away all flustered. “So uhhh…I’ll pick you for dinner at 7pm later?”
You gave him you biggest smile and agreed. That was the start of your beautiful romance with Hanzo, albeit with a mildly embarrassing start but hey, you guys got together since then. :3
BONUS: during the date
“I wasn’t aware that you knew Japanese.”
“You didn’t exactly ask me.”
“…Fair point but still.”
BONUS BONUS: immediately after Hanzo asks you out
“Holy fuck finally!”
“I-Cassidy WHAT?”
“Look. I had to sit through y/n telling me that they are crushing on Hanzo, and listen to them whine about how unfairly hot and cool Hanzo is. I couldn’t do anything about it because I had to keep it secret.”
“Genji, why are you saying mood? I didn’t tell you about my crush on your brother-“
“I had to sit through Hanzo waxing poetry about you whenever he gets in this weird mood or when he gets drunk during our drinking sessions. It was funny at first but then got sad after a while when he kept making himself depressed over the idea you didn’t see him the same way.”
“You did NOT have to reveal that information-“
“You were the one who chose to confide in me, brother.”
“Hmph, then I suppose you won’t mind me showing y/n my collection of blackmail material of you, then.”
“Woah woah woah let’s not go THAT far-“
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ravel-puzzlewell · 6 months
Hi! Do you mind elaborating on what you meant by "tiefling politics" on that wotr vs bg3 post? Just curious, ignore if you want
its about the fact that bg3 has a lot of tiefling characters, somehow more than wotr, and huge theme of like hells and connections to demons\devils and somehow manages to say absolutely nothing interesting about it.
in wotr we have examination of tieflings fitting into human society, ostracization and (literal) demonization of them, where even if some of them would want to help in war against hell, they are scared (frex, group of tieflings thieves you save which you can ask to help u and they are like are u kidding me, crusaders will torch us). woljif in particular is a deconstruction of selfish chaotic neutral tielfling rogue archetype, his story both exploring how both he was pushed into being a criminal bc he had no other options, but also interplay with how he then himself tends to dismiss his own agency in being able to decide for himself and choose better, forever excusing himself with "well this is a crappy hand dealt to me", his survivalist attitude of everyone for themselves vs desire for community, how when given a smidge of stability and access to decision making in council, he tries to awkwardly, but eagerly advocate for societal improvement for all tieflings, and this is one of his most sincere moments - and gets laughed at immediately, etc etc. and speaking of community, v interesting intersection between "good" and "bad" marginalized groups of mongrels vs tieflings, with Lann being self-righteous about both his moral superiority and how mongrels "have it worse", while ignoring that mongrels - and he himself specifically - are mistreated literally bc they are mistaken for tieflings.
btw if anyone wants me to talk more about mongrels vs tieflings thing, hit me up, i think there was a interesting stuff, even if not properly dramatized
meanwhile in bg3 being tiefling largely means nothing? like the refugees would sometimes like drop a line out loud about how tieflings should stick together bc humans won't help them, but like that's it. the refugees could literally be humans running from war or blue cat ppl from avatar running from capitalism and nothing in the plot or characters would need to be changed. tieflings is just cosmetics for them, like idk its cool to have colorful NPCs with fire eyes and sexy horns. And even companions wise, you know I love Karlach and tried to romance her, but being tiefling is just looks for her, its not meaningful. It doesn't matter for her backstory, she could have been a strong human from poor background who was sold out to idk, underdark. like it sucked bc she was forced to do violence and everyne was an asshole and she couldn't see sun, but otherwise it being Blood War specifically doesn't come into play. and like. Blood War has famously huge effects on ppl with hell heritage! I'm not saying she should have been Valen Shadowbreath with entire plotline about struggling with blood war calling, but like. idk, something?
my point is that tieflings and hell has a lot of lore and like, FLAVOUR in this setting, which were not explored at all. these are just ppl with horns and generic Bad Place.
and then like. devil essentialism. bg3 has central motive of how evil races are not ontologically evil, but like, devils are. sdfghjk. apparentely mind flayers can fight actual mind control if they are V Special, but all devils/demons are evil with no exceptions. karlach was in hell for 10 years and never met a single sympathetic devil. the closest one he had mocks IS Evil when we meet her in game. and I actually liked Raphael (transition could've saved her), but there is nothing particularily interesting about him, he's also straighforwardly evil. this severely limits how interesting interactions with hell are. in wotr there is a wide range from reformed succubus to most evil sadists, with every shade in between, which allows for complex stories, like that that fucked up love between that betrayer dwarf and demoness who seduced him. she's legit evil, but she also has actual twisted affection for him, and he knows she uses him, but he was pushed too far by humans and chooses her anyway. this background story is honestly has more depth than wyll's and mizora relationship, where shes just evil and he's straighforwardly martyr. when mizora offered to have fun wink wink, i immediately knew she's gonna Evil It. and she did. and she didn't even get anything out of it! it was just staining your soul to be evil:3 like ok, but boring tbh.
and like yeah war with hell is central plot of wotr, obviously it has a lot more to say and explore about it, but like. bg3 didn't HAVE to have to include so many tieflings and have us follow their stories through all acts. it didn't have to include hell in "no race essentialism" game if it didn't want to talk about it. it chose to, and when game has big chuncks of content about smth connected by a theme, i expect it to say smth about it? anything interesting? eh.
btw, this is not to say i think wotr's writing is perfect, far from it, i can talk for ages of my problems with that game's writing, but this initial phrase was from shitposts specifically comparng things in wotr to bg3, so
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lynxgirlpaws · 6 months
♥ lynxgirlpaws tubmlr ♥
Hey y'all ! Welcome to my silly little tumblr. I uh. I do stuff sometimes, uhm. Feel free to hang around !! . T. There's some info u. under the cut i. if you ca re. Oh ueah if you follow me a. and You're under 18 or don't have an age in your bio,. I'm gonna block you immediately. Like, instantly. Okay thankgs.
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Hey!! uh,. so. I'm a Girl [recent update] who . does YouTube . and the doodles. uh. S. So here's that stuff about me I promised!! ♥ I !!! Use She/Her !! I won't die if you use they but y'know. girl. ♥ I am . 18. My birht day is on the 20th of June !! ♥ I live in. Connecticut. ♥ I used to be RamenBoy21 before the whole Girl thing so. If you were wondering where my old blog came from , hi ! I'm here now !! sorry for leaving ! ♥ I am ! African American ! (My Dad's Black and Mom was White [As German as an American can claim to be] for anyone curious. Nein, meine deutsch ist nicht sehr gut. Es tut mir leid) ♥ Oh yeah I'm bisexual! Like. I like people. All the people. Have you ever seen them? People. Prredty /w\ ♥ I am absolputely a girlfailure . Just. Trust me on this. I'm like if they made a girl that really sucks lol Okay. With that out of the way... now for . Uh. Links !!! If you wanna find/support me off of Tumblr! YouTube - I make silly little videos. Currently working on a Friendlocke I did a few months back with some pals, and singleplayer Vic2 stuff but. There'll be more in the future - and there's a lot of old stuff on there so. Feel free to check that out ! SFTV Lounge [Discord] - The silly little discord me and my pals own !! feel free to join . always good to have more cool people in there, y'know? BlueSky - I have not used this in literal months but. I deleted Twitter so like. It's the alternative lol If I make any other social medias I!! will update this!! And... now here's stuff for if you wanna find me here on Tumblr !! Accounts- Firstly,,, my NSFT Alt! - Sorry chat, I'm not gonna be horny on main. But, if you click that link, you can't be mad if I talk about dick or nuts or pussy or boobs. You just cannot be upset. them's the rules Tags- #AskAvie - I couldn't think of a better asks tag. It's alliteration. I'm sorry. You're always welcome to send me asks btw !! #AvieDoodles - Well I can't use RamenDoodles anymore. For reasons obvious in the rant. So... AvieDoodles? It doesn't work as well. But it has to work. I'm never gonna call it drawing properly, that makes it seem way higher quality than it is lmfao #AvieRants - I used to call when I'd ventpost Ramen Rants... so. AvieRants will be an ACTUAL tag you can block. I should come up with better names eventually. So yeah!! That's ! My silly little tumblr page! I. I still don't know how to properly make pinned posts but. This one seems good enough so uh, .yeah!! Hope you enjoy my dumb little corner of the internet! Have a lovely day! ^^
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getthisbread · 2 years
I think ur writing is pretty neat and was wondering if I could get head cannons of what it would be like to be in a polyamorous relationship with Jay and Cole? (Gender neutral reader) It’s totally ok if ur uncomfortable writing for poly, if so just make it separate pls. Also could you add in a little scenario where Jay, Cole and their s/o are fighting over something (probably something dumb lmao especially Cole and Jay) and then they do something stupid and start laughing over it? Btw I might draw out the scenario so pls let me know if I should tag u if I do. Thank you so much and hope ur having a good day!! :))
Gentle with me
I would be so happy if you drew this omfg- thank you for the request!!! I am totally fine with poly!! I kind of made a reference to Cole x Jay in my last post lmao.
title creds: Touch tank, Quinnie
summary: These boys share one brain cell but, their stupidity is more often endearing than not. <3
Cole Brookstone, Jay Walker (poly) x gn!reader
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The road to where you are now was not easy, by any means. Starting to date your now boyfriends was very rough at times, the both of them had trouble coming to terms with the fact that they liked each other and you. In the beginning, there wasn't any communication, Jay, being more emotional thought Cole hated him. Cole didn't exactly realize something was wrong at first, (he's a little dense.)
After a very long heart to heart, the beginning of the relationship was a bit awkward. Jay was raised in a very loving and open home, so affection towards the both of you came a lot easier than it did for Cole. Cole and Lou were never exactly close, and when Lilly passed away, it created an even bigger rift between them. It took Cole a bit, but he does become more open to giving and receiving affection.
Once you have settled into being with them their regular bullshit resumes! Sometimes you will sit in on their hobbies, you and Jay watching drooling over Cole working out, he legitimately looks like a Greek God. Or, you and Cole watching Jay tinker with his creations, he's so cute when his face is all scrunched up in concertation. <3 They like to watch you work too!! It doesn't matter what it is, you could be doing paperwork for all they care, they just want to take in everything about you.
Having two S/O's that are BOTH ninjas definitely makes you worry about every little thing, how it could go wrong, etc. But, on the other side of that coin, Jay and Cole often worry that a villain will hurt you to get to them. So all in all, everyone is worried about each other.
Cole and Jay will have you constantly laughing, the would kill to see you smile. Constantly cracking jokes, pulling pranks, and so much more!!! Anything for your beautiful laugh!
It was just another average day on The Destiney's Bounty, and by average, you meant Jay was pouting because Cole ate his cake! "The nerve! To think, my own boyfriend would steal MY cake! It had my name on it and everything!" Jay ranted. "I'm sorry, okay! I wasn't exactly looking for a name tag! I just saw cake and ate it!" Cole whined back. They be at it all day if I don't step in, you thought. "Cole you of all people should know food is sacred, and Jay, I'm completely sure that if Cole knew it was yours he wouldn't have eaten it. So just kiss and make up already." you said, trying to ease the tension.
Later that night, you and Jay had already settled into bed, Jay being fast asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. But, you were still awake, waiting for Cole to join you both in bed. After 10-ish minutes, Cole still hadn't come to bed, Where is he? You thought as you slipped out of the covers, careful to not wake Jay.
As you walked down the hall, you noticed the kitchen light still on. Curious, you walked into Cole frosting a lopsided blue cake. "What're you doing hon?" You asked, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. "It's an apology, I didn't realize it was his cake, so I made him another one! No too shabby if I do say so myself." Cole responded. Eyes now adjusted to the light, you got a better look at the cake, the frosting was patchy, it was leaning to the left, and he even spelled 'sorry' wrong. In black letters at the top of the cake it said 'Sorrry Jay' 'sorry' having three r's in this instance. You took the frosting spatula from Cole wordlessly, and started to even the frosting. You didn't fix the 'sorry' though, you thought it was funny.
After placing the cake in the fridge, you and Cole went to bed. The next morning, you and Cole were still asleep when you heard a girlish scream come from the kitchen. Jolting up, and booking it to the kitchen, you burst into the unsightly scene before you. Jay on his knees, Cole's masterpiece of a cake strewn on the floor before him. One look at the scene had you and Cole howling in laughter. "Don't laugh! This is the second time I've lost a cake!" Jay cried. "We'll make another together, don't worry." you managed to get out between giggles. Jay soon joined in laughing with you both, because while he did lose his cake, he got to make another with the people he loves. <3
I'm not sick anymore and I couldn't be happier!!!! I have my cat to thank for nursing me back to health, he's my baby. :) Also, summer can be a time when people feel alone, so if you need someone to just talk to, my dm's are always open to everyone. Love you all <3
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gogolstoelicker · 2 years
You don't have to do this if you don't want to, but I noticed that with the TWST Dazai!MC prompt you didn't say anything about how the Dorm Leaders might react to their multiple attempts at suicide, and just, I'm curious.
However if you feel that that's to heavy of a topic, well, I am curious how to Dorm Leaders and Vice Dorm Leaders would act around a Fukuzawa!MC! Especially Lilia because dad to dad communication lol.
Dorm leaders + vice dorm leaders with a Fukuzawa!MC
notes: honestly i think i mostly just forgot to wrote abt the dazai!mc multiple attempts💀im sure the mc will get their ears pulled if the dorm leaders found out tho
•dont ask if theyre occ, i barely played the game now LMFOAOAOAOAO
•also, if the parts are somehow a mess again, pls point ur fingers at tumblr. i have no idea how to fix this thing😔
You're a serious person, capable of maintaining your calm expression at every time. You prioritize the welfare of your subordinates or friends before anything else.
You are not one to hesitate seeking help from someone, especially if it's someone you know. While you're emotionally reserved and impassive, you have quite the scathing sense of humor.
•he's not one to be intimidated but your aura really scare him sometimes that he actually flinched😥
•but other than that, hes fine with u!!
•you're reliable and is really independent (unlike ur friends thats from his dorm🙄esp ace)
•when he got to know u and u guys started getting close, he finally got to witness ur... humor💀
•he's fine with it since its not like u joke often anyway💀💀
•but sometimes ur jokes makes him competitive😭😭can u blame him tho⁉️⁉️
•"you're getting better at being a dorm leader" "thank-" "not better than me tho"
•feel this small sense of pride whenever u go to him and ask him for some help
•like wow this person who's very independent and rarely show emotions is asking ME for help????
•speaking of ur emotions, he went😰⁉️at how quickly u gave up at smth bc its cute (example: grim or cats in general)
•one time grim accidentally burned some bushes in the heartslabyul's garden and u were glaring at him
•so grim look at u with these shiny eyes asking for forgiveness
•and u instantly forgave him💀
•riddle was the witness to all this
•kind of glad there's someone like u with the adeuce duo💀
•can u blame him tho? someone needs to watch over those two (plus grim)
•he is quite thankful that you're the way u are tbh
•bc like not only can he ask u for help
•he also feel kind of relieved when he saw the duo getting punished by u instead of riddle for causing troubles (give riddle some rest man)
•he actually noticed ur soft spot for cute stuff🤔
•bc like he noticed u feeding random cats u found bc they're cute (all cats are cute fight me)
•or that time u instantly forgave grim just bc he gave u those shiny eyes thats cute💀
•so he made these treats with cute decorations just for u
•like when u got invited to a unbirthday party or if its ur birthday
•ur face still looks like this😐 but ur hands were busy taking pics of the treats
•and u hesitated touching the pastry since u don't wanna ruin it😭😭
•he thinks its kind of cute and surprising honestly💀
•he wants to tease u but uh ur aura is kind of intimidating😭sorry man
•btw he caught u pulling out some cat treats from ur sleeves while he was walking to the cafeteria💀
•he didn't catch u do so the first time u feed the cats in front of him btw
•he went🤨⁉️
• "u... u keep cat treats there?!?"
•well he just... add it into the list of things that makes u weird but in an endearing way???😭😭
•smelt cat treats on u the first time yall met and was wondering if that was what u ate for lunch😭😭
•hey u can't blame him for thinking like that💀why'd u smell like different kinds of cat treats
•and then u pull out some cat treats from ur sleeves for him
•get it? bc hes a lion
•and lions are big cats
• and u like cats
•and u kind of see his ears and go 😐✨
•leona: 🤨😟
•kind of avoids u for that HELP
•spotted u feeding random cats u found with the cat treats u kept in ur sleeves everytime he went to find a nap place
•he sighed but he left u alone
•honestly? he thought you'll be more like riddle or smth bc of ur usual facial expressions😭
•so when u pull this shit he just go🧍🏻‍♀️
•this is the guy i can see ur humor target everytime🎯💀
•he kind of have the same humor as u so like🤔🤔 unexpected match made in heaven???
•but it kind of looks like an argument sometimes to the people around u so uh💀
•well until leona laughs that is
•and u have that small rare smile on ur face
•leona is ashamed to admit he laughed at ur joke😔
•lowkey proud hes the first one to make u smile tho💀
•bold of you to assume azul would be intimidated
•students are scared of HIM (his payment)
•and bc he's been around the tweels so much, ur aura had no effect on him
•probably accidentally made u mad with his first contract😥😥
•man was trying so hard to survive then bc u were threatening to pull out ur sword
•and u had this scowl on ur face💀
•it was not a fun experience
•thank the seven u let him off
•(ngl saying thank the seven makes it feels like I'm thanking 707 💀)
•well it is now half fun being with you
•half because u would stop him if he ever thought about making some students work for him in some slave contract again
•(he won't again btw he is a new man‼️(in a way))
•the other half is because you're actually so much fun to be around
•all because of all ur weird quirks💀
•even azul couldn't guess what you would do next
•saw ur soft spot for felines and it got the gear in his head spinning
•"hm🤔maybe if i give the prefect a cat they would let me off again🤔"
•tried and is pretty successful💀
•now he knows how to get u to instantly forgive him
•offered to make u a high quality bag so u can put ur cat food in instead of ur sleeves💀
•u said no btw
•yes, it was because it definitely wasn't free
•definitely not scared
•he is the one you should run from
•but instead u gave him this stern look
•so he is very interested
•you're literally his new test subject /hj
•bothers u daily
•all because u run into each other pretty often
•if u want to ask if jade did it on purpose or if it's actually an accident, i am not able to answer
•ran into u one time when i saw a cat
•was about to greet you until u pulled out some cat treats💀
•well congrats? he was genuinely flabbergasted
•like huh🤨😮⁉️the stern and always serious prefect have some cat treats with them⁉️
•no wonder u smell like cat treats💀
•makes it a mission to tease u about it everytime
•u going "so what🤬it's for cats😤"
•you're genuinely so interesting for him💀
•goodluck staying alive with him hot on ur tail ig
•he does get intimidated but not for long
•it goes from like "yikes u kinda scary but hi" to
•and it lowkey reminds u of ur coworkers so u just let it be
•like kalim is clinging onto ur back and is just hanging by ur neck?
•sure you're strong enough to hold the both of u up anyway
•he suddenly dragged u to a random party he hosted?
•this is fine.
•remember the concept for today? cat foods in sleeves? yes.
•he saw that. he def saw that
•i highly doubt theres no cats with how many animals he brought in sometimes
•so u can already tell just WHAT happened when u come across one
•kalim is very 🤨WOAH😧‼️‼️
•which almost scares the cats and thankfully didn't
•asked a lot of question which he only gets like a one sentence answer of
•notices ur fondness of cats + he always dragged u to visit scarabia anyway
•so guess who have a lot of cats in the dorm now btw😂🙏‼️ #BLESSKALIM
•the one begging through tears and snot to not have that many cats in the dorm
•spoilers: someone didn't listen!!
•so now he may or may not be a catsitter once youre away from the dorm
•also makes u regularly visit the dorm bc its partly ur fault there's so many cats there now anyway
•u dont seem to mind so he takes it as an absolute win
•yes, he absolutely knew abt the cat foods under ur sleeves
•he does not care as long as it does not give him more troubles
•if anything he encourages it since he barely have to take care of the cats because of u
•also, u make his job easier since u naturally help kalim if needed
•which is getting him out of the consequences of his own shenanigans which jamil is very thankful for
•more rest for him + time to rebuild his reputation
•u helped him around in the kitchen here and there too so he is very thankful☺
•is pretty neutral honestly??? u look like any other person to him
•except not too ugly, not too eye catching
•youre a perfect middle PLS
•idk if yall can even have a convo
•if yall ever did talk its probably just vil talking and u nodding with some verbal answers here and there
•well its nice having someone hear u talk sometimes so he doesn't mind🙏‼️
•fusses abt the cat fur on ur clothes i bet
•and rhen rook came in and snitched on u
•gave u a perfume for ur birthday bc u smell of cat food💀
•theres that one image in my head and i canr stop thinking abt it I'll google later
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•a non verbal action of u stink!!
•weapon partners??? 😳🥺😚
•i mean who else brings their weapon around campus other than the two of u💀⁉️
•he can watch ur back with his arrow i forgor❤‍🔥u can idk close combat idk anything abt fighting❤️
•so fire couple🔥🔥🔥 /JOKE
•rook is an empath so u can tell he is EXTREMELY affected by the greatness of ur aura /j
•shining eyes, cupping his face, meek voice following u around /j
•I'm using /j alot for rook help
•whenever u went to feed the kitty, he just starts to LOUDLY praise u
•that scared the cats away NOOOO😢
•u almost sliced him off
•rook did apologize at least LMFOAOAOAO
•he even almost went to hunt the cats back down for u until u stopped him
•pls dont kill him
•saw it through the cameras and absolutely supports the idea
•like yes!!! show him ur geniusness of how to get cats to get near him more!!
•"that is a very good idea bc not only will the cats get near me more because of the smell of cat food, but I'll also be able to make sure they won't be hungry. yES, i TH-"
•leave him be he hasn't slept in like a week
•bonus point for u he thinks you're very cool and he's more than willing to let u be his friend☺🙏
•but unfortunately that will never happened bc u are very intimidating and he does not like that^^!! esp since u look like you're 0.1 sec away from murdering someone^^!!
•and unfortunately, he jinxed himself
•ortho heard everything and absolutely snitched to u so yall could be friends
•u couldn't refuse ortho hes too cute
•so guess who's stucked with idia trying to think of a convo!!
•its ok a cat walked past and yall started bonding over that little furball
•yknow the cat ladies club LMFAO
•had this one intense staring contest with each other but its really just you guys trying to find what to say to each other
•its ok sebek lowkey saved yall
•by yelling at u btw
•so true i would also worship the ground malleus walks on anyway
•he got cut off so good for ur ears!!
•"sebek stop😐" "yeah stop😐"
•aww look at u two bonding already!!
•no conversation starts after that btw its back to silence woops ig
•well i mean someone did talk at least after a few mins of just walking in silence and the three of u suffocating in it!!
•its just u going "oh what are those?" at a uh how do u spell gorgalous gorgaylous gogalus wait lemme google ok i think its gargoyle😥☺
•anyways u asked so now hes ranting abt every single knowledge he have of them
•youre quite interested so y'all became friends in no time!!
•he sure do love humans and their unique quirks!
•he was on his way to his class one time when he saw u from afar
•u were crouching and all so he was pretty interested in what was holding u up esp since its class time
•thankfully with his super amazing beautiful 1480p quality eyes, he was able to see what u were doing even when he was so far away from u
•which was pulling out cat treats for some random strays u found and probably attract with how u smell
•he was so amused he appeared on top of u
•not likr a handsome male lead "hey bbygirl" being on top of u but
•like "what you got there."
•and just kind of hovers on top of u
•u almost attacked him btw but shh
•he is very interested in u:D!! as a friend AND someone who he will tease for a long time
•since when are we friends? u may asked from afar but he ignored u
•he can be in diasomnia dorm and u can be in the ramshackle dorm and he can still see everything
•that was a joke btw hes no creep and i highly doubt peepaw can see THAT far anyway(i think) •anyways u cant complain but u may or may not found urself in one of their tea times
•malleus isnt there. he forgor /j
•but hey yall have a pretty great time during the entire tea time!!
•peepaws bonding time💋💘💕
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intertexts · 12 days
oh god i just realized I forgot to send you this. behold: the worst trivia ask out of all of them:
- they spend the first. 9 whole minutes talking about the logistics of snapping someones neck irl only to learn that its not actually possible and thats just something that was make up for movies
- "this is the most guy talk we've ever had at the beginning of a rolled. i feel like we need a trigger warning for boys"
- bizly wanted them seeing tide again to feel awkward and weird! like you're going back to your parents house after not seeing them for a really long time
- talking about how dakota has so many parental figures now and grizzly goes "except for ms. g. she has my whole heart" and WITHOUT missing a beat charlie goes "no. *i* have your whole heart"
- there was apparently a group of people on twitter who made a VERY long VERY well researched document about how all the medical stuff esp involving william would work and kept tagging bizly in posts asking how things would work and hes like "man i dont know!! i write a silly superhero show im not a doctor! it all comes down to his parents built a very strange machine that was designed to view worlds unseen!" (<< quoting the dp theme song in the most EXASPERATED voice possible.)
- "WILLIAM WISP SHOULD HAVE FUCKIN WORMS IN HIM. if we were playing this realistically william would be fuckin LOCKED UP with rigor mortis and COVERED in worms and FULL OF GASSES. he should be FOUL. and FULL OF WORMS. and I DONT WANT THAT" << hes a coward for this. btw. i feel like william should be grosser
- they just keep saying more things about how william should be so grotesque. at one point charlie goes "please dont draw this. its so gross". me, looks at my 4/7 jrwi freak week canvases that are william wisp themed. um. well.
- WARM BODIES MENTION. i love that movie. charlies like "thats how i want william to work hes undead but hes like. pretty about it"
- bizly: "because we've already explored this plot thread of William Being Dead so much, i dont want him getting a heart to just automatically fix that. its not like hes just magically alive now. i havent thought of the exact consequences yet but i want there to be some drawbacks to this to keep things interesting"
charlie: "william is just thrilled right now to be feeling stuff. i dont think hes considering the possible drawbacks"
- "ive never been prouder of any of my characters than when william wisp dented drywall"
- "why didnt vyncent get a fun surgery too" "because I'm a coward"
- they were on some absolutely insane energy for this rolled they keep going on like 5-10 minute long tangents and BARELY talk about the episode other than to mention how william should be a rotting corpse. I REMEMBER NOW that this was a SIGNIFICANT factor in my being frustrated with the heart surgery thing LMAO
TERRIBLE rolled youre right!!!!! help!!! this is so funny. great rolled guys lets wrap it up. william should be wormy and u cant snap peoples necks. good job everybody. it is really funny to me that people were... expecting medical accuracy?? how do u really seriously research putting one guys heart and another guys blood inside a body that's been dead for several years. frankly i would love to see it i'm very curious.
LOWKEY I'M GLAD HE *ISN'T* A BLOATED LOCKED UP DECAYING CORPSE!!!!! PERSONALLY!!!! i fully respect ur rights and taste to think he should be rotting and worm filled and stinky but frankly i'm on charlies side w this one. hes undead and pretty about it <33
anyway. i still have many thoughts about wiwi's soul/body/wisp relationship that i will NOT start talking about now because it would get LONG. but. its always great hearing their thoughts on it. eyes emoji. but yeah i really don't want him to be just magically fixed and alive now.... we'll see!! we'll see how it goes!!!!
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couchie · 10 months
as an on-and-off elbow crutch user, lemme tell yall abt my experiences
it got kinda long so im putting it in the read-more
it slows you down
especially in stairs, you have to put both your feet in one step to go to the next. that means it takes me twice the time to go up or down stairs than an abled bodied person, and that is when they're not speeding
you really cant speed much, be it on flat road or on stairs. it doesnt speed u up much and the only thing that happens is you get tired from using so much effort
people having to wait for you makes you self-conscious, even if they are understanding about it
carrying anything is a nightmare. backpacks can throw your balance off. you cannot hang a bag on the handles of your crutches cause you have to LIFT those bitches. and if you're only using one crutch, carrying the bag in the empty hand also throws you off balance
you only have a maximum of one hand available at all times
you need people to get out of the way. you need more moving space and standing space for moving with crutches
the crutches make your hands sore. you're carrying your weight with them after all. you can need to take a moment to rest only to soothe your palms, even if your legs arent tired
sitting is always a hassle with leg injuries, and that becomes a bigger mess when you need to also find a non-obstructive place to put your crutches to. they need to be easily accessible to you
standing up is also very hard. it depends on what your disabilities are but the faster you find a way to comfortably stand up, the better
people *will* try and take your crutches. Do Not do that. i dont care if you're fascinated by them or if you wanna play around and swing urself or if u wanna hold onto them while i sit. unless i explicitly ask you to, do Not take my crutches. and if you do, don't set it down anywhere, hand it off to somebody else, or leave it somewhere i cant get to. wait for further instructions. do i want you to put them at somewhere specific? do i want you to give them back to me? do what i want you to with them, nothing more and nothing less
people get curious and it gets really tiring to answer the same questions. i dont owe you an explanation and i dont want your curiosity or your pity
yes it's real sad that your distant relative also had one accident so they had to use crutches too. yeah there are canes and underarm crutches and wheelchairs but this is what i am using. yes people may need them for different reasons and it's not your place to judge or question it. can i please keep walking?
crutches get dirty from being used everywhere and the handles sweaty from your palms and they need cleaning
you will get looks no matter what aid you are using
idk if it's just me but going downhill is very hard with crutches. uphill too but when it's downhill i'm also afraid of falling and rolling downhill 😭
getting in and out of cars is a hassle. btw, for safety, you should put your crutches on the ground under your feet
acquiring a shower stool might just be what you need. also get non-slip plastic rugs to lay on the bathtub/shower floor. getting someone to help you shower isnt shameful
if you drop something, woe is you. where do you put your crutches? how do you crouch to get them? the best thing to do, in that case, is to ask for help. people wont mind, believe me. and if you're alone, be careful and take your time
creaky crutches are the worst💔💔
being able to walk without crutches doesnt mean ur faking. not having more pain without crutches doesnt mean ur faking. stop being so hard on yourself
it's not our duty to educate people. if you're so curious go do a basic google search before questioning me. because, consider how many times i get the same questions in the same day
seeing another mobility aid user brings a sense of belonging and you bring the same feeling to people without visible disabilities
be unapologetically yourself. take up space. dont be sorry for needing aid
take care. i love you 🫶
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