#u seem like the kinda guy who would just disappear without a word or explanation.
achirding · 3 years
Talk Shit, Get Hit.
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I think Reala deserves to get a good, solid punch in. Maybe two.
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lasquadrasfuckhouse · 3 years
Hi! Can I ask for la squadra reacts to a Ghost in their base who love singing like a siren. But other members can't see or hear.
This is my first asking, im not sure of i did it correct.
Thank you so much♥️♥️
you did wonderful!!! i LOVE this concept. i wrote more general 'la squadra if their base was haunted' stuff here so i'll be working off of that
this one's dedicated to both the ghost that would hum in this one washroom at my high school when no one else was there and melissa the beautiful scene queen ghost that haunts my house and sings fall out boy and mcr with us 🙌
la squadra with a singing ghost in their base 🎶
first and foremost all of them would probably make sure it's not a stand attack and THEN would make sure they're not hallucinating but once those explanations are out of the way, here's what would follow
risotto ✂️
he's mostly just kinda confused but he doesn't let it bother him. he's a logical dude: you can't prove ghosts but you can't exactly disprove them either so he's just kinda like.... ok i guess
the singing is nice, actually. eerie but very beautiful. as long as he can still sleep, he doesn't mind. if he can't sleep, he may like.... politely ask please no singing while he's trying to sleep? he really doesn't know how to talk to a ghost. but they seem nice.
he won't go out of his way to either interact with them or avoid them and it doesn't really bother him that no one else can see or hear them. they just kinda peacefully coexist.
if the others ask him about it, he'll tell them straight up about the singing ghost, as long as the ghost doesn't appear distressed about being known to the others. but he doesn't want this ghost thing to distract them either, so he reminds everyone to keep their heads on.
prosciutto 🚬
prosciutto is dumbfounded. for real? a ghost? this is ridiculous! and why is he the only one who can see or hear it? he's just kind of annoyed by it more than anything.
the singing is rather lovely, though. if there's too much noise going on in the house and he's getting a headache, that's probably the first time he'd try like, talking to them? to be like, please--and he feels ridiculous just talking to thin air or an apparition--no singing rn. he will begrudgingly thank them when they stop, and while he's at it he may as well let them know that they do have a beautiful voice there's just too much noise right now. the ghost seems to like the compliment.
it's very soothing otherwise. maybe after some time has passed since that first interaction and he's the only one in the house, he may ask why he's the only one who can see or hear them, cause he is a bit curious. whether the ghost has an explanation or not, he'll just kinda be like aight then
really he's a bit curious about the whole ghosts existing thing in general but he just kinda takes what he's presented with. may not give straightforward answers about the whole ghost thing if the others are making a ruckus about it, at least at first, cause he doesn't want to rile em all up.
pesci 🎣
YEAH, HES FUCKIN SCARED. he can't explain it, he can't get rid of it with his stand, and now he feels embarrassed b/c he thinks he seems either incompetent or silly. in reality at least the others know that lying isn't his style so some of them are starting to wonder if he is seeing something unexplainable
the singing gets his teeth chattering. sure, it's pretty, but it's chilling. catch him hiding under the blankets with his pillow pressed over his ears.
he may very meekly ask the ghost to leave him be if they're around him and he'll leave them alone too. way too scared to interact with them and avoids them almost at all costs.
won't initiate conversation about it. some of the others may goad him on to freak him out more. be nice to pesci you losers!!!!! >:( but even if someone asks nicely about it he won't want to talk about it much but he'll be relieved that someone believes him.
formaggio 🧀
yeah, all cockiness goes out the window when he realizes it's a ghost. like, he tries his best to cling onto the attitude, but honey he is freaked out. no ghostes for him thanks
the singing gives him shivers. he'll be like HAHA YEAH.... REAL NICE VOICE YA GOT..... BUT IM NOT GONNA FALL FOR THAT....... U AINT POSSESSIN ME but the ghost is literally just chillin. he doesn't trust like that tho
may try some methods of banishment he remembers from his nonna. even if they don't work in the sense of forcing them to disappear or leave, the ghost probably still gets the message and leaves him be.
will insist with a hand over his heart that yes there IS a fucking ghost and no way in HELL is he fuckin w/ it or joking HES NOT JOKING HE SWEARS, but will puff up his chest like yea i told that ghost to get lost!!!! my love you are fooling no one everyone heard you shrieking like a little baby.
illuso ✨
he's actually a bit freaked. thought it was ridiculous until he actually couldn't find an explanation for it and it's unnerving that he was somehow singled out. should he be flattered? yes yes he knows he's lovely and cool but please don't only show your ghost activities to him or preferably no ghost activities at all
because he's freaked out he may lose his cool and yell into the air to shut up with the singing, which really does not help him feel any better.
with time, he may just get used to it, seeing as the ghost doesn't really do much aside from being a ghost and sing. he might come to appreciate the singing for how pretty it is, too.
will use the opportunity to scare everyone and definitely won't give straightforward answers just for the fuck of it
melone 🍈
VERY fascinated. thrilled, honestly! how fucking cool is it that there's a ghost right in front of him? too bad the others can't see or hear it, but he supposes that makes him lucky.
will compliment the ghost on their beautiful voice and ask a whole bunch of questions. why is he the only one who can see or hear them? do they like to sing just because? are they bound to the base, or to him, or something else keeping them tethered to this world? do they know what's beyond? can they see or interact with their stands? souls exist, seeing as someone's stand is a manifestation of it, so are ghosts souls without bodies? or something else?
he's just very curious and friendly, maybe a bit overbearing, but he's just excited. even with all his questions, he avoids asking how they died cause even though social cues aren't his strong point (especially with the dead????), he still figures that must be pretty rude to say the least. he may happily sway to whatever tune they're singing or find himself humming it later.
will be very excited to share this with everyone as long as the ghost is okay with that. doesn't care if he sounds silly or the others don't believe him, that's not his problem. will assuage any fears from the ones who are more scared by the idea of a ghost (they're just a person!)
ghiaccio ❄️
this is dumb!!! ghosts aren't supposed to be real!!!! that doesn't make any sense!!!!! goes on a rant about how ghosts don't make sense, and maybe he'd be less ticked off if they made sense. like, sure, souls exist cause stands exist. but like, what the fuck? he's honestly not scared, just annoyed.
it's extra annoying how he's the only one who can see or hear them. he's another one who gets irritated when there's too much noise in the house, so he'll yell to cut it out with the singing, if you're gonna make him talk to the air and do ghost nonsense at least don't bug him with it!!!! but soft singing in the quiet is actually very relaxing. he'll find himself sighing and just about falling asleep to it.
he's not good with words and how the fuck does he talk to a ghost but over time he may be like hey.... nice singing. when the other assholes aren't being noisy too. he'll still grumble about it not making sense until he makes sense of it, but he gets used to it.
on that front, he may actually talk to melone about it. he thinks a lot of melone's pseudoscience stuff is nonsense but he's got something concrete right here and he wants to understand it and melone is great at working with weird ideas so they try to make sense of ghosty things
sorbet and gelato 🔪🍦
they're both just kinda like. well i'll be. sorbet isn't bothered by it, gelato is like oooo how chilling but isn't like, actually scared. he's the one who may fucking flirt with the ghost like oh my is there a reason it's only us who can hear your pretty voice?? ;) sorbet thinks that's pretty funny.
and their voice is pretty! they both really like the singing, they find it beautiful and soothing and it keeps things interesting on base. what's not to love?
sorbet continues just doin his thing, but he will nod to the ghost in greeting when he sees them and exists comfortably with them, he's very chill about it. gelato will chatter and joke and flirt and be like hey let's duet this [SCREAMS] just to fuck around and see if he can make them laugh
they will both absolutely play it up to freak out the others. eventually if their antics get to be too bothersome risotto will tell them to cut it out, and they'll be like 'no problem capo, there really is a ghost tho' and then that causes a whole new wave of fuckery through the squad because even sorlato aren't crazy enough to lie to risotto's face after he told them to knock it off which means there is a ghost but HOW MUCH IS TRUE AND HOW MUCH IS THE TWO OF THEM FUCKING AROUND??? it never ends with these guys.
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lyssaraiven · 5 years
so i finally fucking finished this.. its for @naturallytom and @sunshinehollandd writing challenge to celebrate their milestones so the theme was disney channel movies and here it issss
warnings: idk not really anything.. kind of a sucking ending
words: 1572.. ik its a lot
Tony Stark decided to keep his daughter’s identity a secret since there was no doubt that they would have an issue because of the Avenger’s and how they manage to piss off a bunch of people that should never be pissed off (example; aliens). So, Y/N Stark went to Midtown High under the name Y/N Jackson, purposely so that Peter could unknowingly protect her if anything were to happen. 
Tuesday, April 7, 2014 in the Chemistry Lab in building 402 at Midtown High School was when everything, yet nothing seemed to change. 
Peter and Y/N were paired up for the biggest experiment of the year, and since the two of you were such geniuses, Ms. Ian let you work in a pair instead of a group of four. You moved to the seat in front of him and swiveled around to face him. 
“What’s up, Parker?” you asked Peter, as you chewed what seemed to be 9 million pieces of gum.
“Peter. How. Are. You? Are you okay?” You waved your hand in front of his face as his eyebrows knitted together and his nose scrunched up in an adorable- wait what? nevermind- 
“Oh! I-I’m okay I guess- Hey sorry about that I was um- you know what? I’m good thanks, h-how’re you?” Peter looked nervous, like really nervous, so nervous it was kinda cute- what the hell? You raised a brow and changed the subject, your face brightening as you talked about the experiment. 
After class, as Peter made his way to the lunchroom, you stopped him “Hey should we meet up or go to your place for the project, mine’s no good.”
“My place is good, can I get your number maybe? S-so I can text you about later.”
Your mouth quirked up into a grin as you spoke, “Damn Peter, already getting my number. I feel like I should get to know you first.” His face lit up and a smile formed, “Yeah well, that;s what tonight’s for, right?” 
“You got balls Parker. Later?” “Yeah, later.”
Happy picked you up down the street from school and drove you home to your family, the Avengers. When you were little, your mother passed away but before she died, you met your father and was left in his care after her passing. From there your ‘family’ grew with every new superhero joining the team. You trained with them, cooked for them, and talked about school over dinner like an actual family. 
When you got home, everyone you interacted with could tell you were in a good mood. Finally Thor, your best eating buddy, managed to get an explanation out of you. 
“I’m just happy I guess, I’m going to a friend’s house later though.” As if talking about him gave Peter some sort of sign, he finally text,
Here's my address: 20 Ingram st apt 508
Got it
“Hey Happy, we gotta go-” you started.
“Going where?” 
“Oh, hey dad, I’m going to my friend’s house to work on our chemistry project.” you said as you texted Peter again.
I’ll be there in like 15mins, kay?
Alrighty tighty
Are you like 5?
Yes. Yes I am
You beamed as you read that last text, but when you looked up at your dad your smile faded when he gave you a look like he was expecting something. You rolled your eyes and gave him details of what was happening. 
You kissed him on the cheek before walking in the elevator to have Happy drive you into Queens, “I’ll be home later, bye.” Tony and Thor gave a little wave as the doors closed. 
“The kid she’s hanging out with sounds familiar, I wonder if I know ‘em”
“Whatever, Parker. You’re a nerd.” 
“Hey you’re a nerd too!”
“Whatever, I’m pretty. Not that your not hot- but I’m pretty.”
“I’m hot?”
Your cheeks flushed red and pink as you realized what you said. “Yup! But, your like a hot that not everyone notices, but when they do, it turns out to be really obvious.”
“Okay, hey-”
You apologized as your phone rang, it was your dad. “Shit, I’ll be right back. ‘Hey daddy, what’s up.’
“Oh, nothing I was just wondering when my precious daughter was coming home”, he seethed.
“Yeah I’m on my way, just waiting for Happy, that’s all. Yup. So, I gotsta go, but I’ll see you at home, okay bye!” You knew Tony could tell you lost track of time since you were obviously nervous, lying not being one of your strong suits.
“Hey, so I gotta go, but I’ll see you around?”
“Yeah-yeah totally. Okay.” The two of you seemed to just stand there and be awkward until you got a text from Happy, saying he was there. 
“Alright, um bye. I guess.” “Yeah” Peter walked you to the door and you gave him a slight peck on the cheek as a goodbye.
That Saturday, Peter was in the lab with Mr. Stark, working on a new prototype for his suit. Y/N wasn’t home so Tony let him come over and he was able to walk through the house without worry. While working on the suit, Tony made a remark on his strangely good mood. 
“What’s up kid, you look like you just had se-”
“Mr. Stark! I-It’s nothing, j-just some g-girl I was hanging out with a couple days ago. That’s it. That’s all. Nothing else.” Peter looked jittery and nervous, so Tony knew he must really like this girl. 
“Alright kid, just let me tell you, don’t get stuck in something that could ruin your life.” 
“So who is she?” 
“Mr, Stark!” Tony gave him a look, so Peter started to talk about Y/N. “Her name is Y/N Jackson, she has h/c hair and e/c eyes and she’s just really cool and pretty and we’re grouped together for a project in Chemistry.”
Tony’s jaw set as he heard you describe his daughter and he took one look into your eyes looking all dreamy-like and he was pissed beyond words. 
“Peter I’m gonna tell you once and only once. That girl is my daughter and you will never talk about her again or tell her who you are and you will not, I repeat, not date her or kiss her, or even  hug her. Got it. She’s off limits.” Tony looked at Peter with such hate in his eyes, it was surprising Peter wasn’t a pile of ashes already. 
“G-got it, sir.” “Good.”
You and Peter ended up getting an A on their experiment, but for some reason he started ghosting you, and you were as confused as ever because you thought you and him were getting pretty flirty and you thought maybe you guys could be friends, or more. But you guessed Peter Parker wasn’t up for it, because he ignored your texts and waves in school, and he just always seemed to disappear when you were about to talk to him. 
After two weeks of the ghosting situation started happening, you got fed up and trapped him in the boys bathroom to talk. You seen him leave his calculus class, which was across the hall from your study class, and you followed him to the bathroom. You made sure when you walked in no one else was in there, and you waited. When Peter walked out the stall, he kept his head down to wash his hands, but when he looked up and saw you, fear crossed his features.
“Y-Y/N, uhm this is the boys bathr-” he started panicking, scared that Mr. Stark would find out and take away his suit and maybe end your life.
“I know. But I need to talk to you, and everywhere I go, you just disappear out of thin air. Poof.” You made hand gestures about his disappearing act, and Peter followed your hands, trying to avoid your eyes. “Listen Peter. What the fuck is up with you. I-I mean one second I’m amazing, and the next you’re embarrassed to be seen with me? What the hell?”
“Y/N,” Peter started, “I can’t talk to you. I was specifically told, no threatened, not to talk to you. Okay? And I’m sorry, but I like you but at the same time I don’t want your dad-”
“My dad! You know who my dad is? Who told you? Who are you? Did you know before we started to talk? Did you tell anyone? Peter answer!” Soon you would be screaming and no one wanted that, so Peter grabbed your hands, which were waving very close to his nose, and put them to your sides. 
“Your dad told me okay! I was in the lab with him, and he said I had a look, and so I told him about you and he told me to not interact with you, so I didn’t. And I didn’t tell anyone. I swear.”
“Are you sure?” It’s not like you don’t trust Peter, you were just checking, because girls told each other everything, and if you were the one to find out Peter Parker was Tony Stark’s son, you definitely would have to tell someone.
“Okay, good. I-I guess I’m gonna go so, bye” You were upset, and tears had welled up somewhere in your conversation, so you really just wanted to go home and cry into your pillow.
alr so i told u a sucky ending.. i just left it like that bc everytime i tried to add more it just started getting worse and worse so. thats it. bye
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kinsbin · 5 years
Title: Chompers Word Count:  1869 Ship: Vy/Venom/Eddie Brock [Canon/Self Insert]
Summary: Vy and Eddie have to lay low for a while after an inevitably gory symbiote heist. This ends with Vy sharing, perhaps, a little too much about her opinion on symbiote teeth and just how...well...more than just pointy they are to her. Eddie is confused, but, Venom is happy to indulge her when he finds out.
Author’s Note: A writing comm for @hlkproductions! I was so honored and excited to write for them ahhh ;u; Ya’ll should check out their stuff if you can! Their insert is precious and the relationship between them and Venom was so much fun...I hope u enjoy
“Do you ever notice how big symbiote teeth are?”
Eddie couldn’t help but quirk an eyebrow at the girl across from him on the couch. Vy’s posture was comfortable to say the least, legs slung up on the coffee table while a bowl of chocolate drizzled popcorn rested on her stomach, head cradled in the palm of one hand while the other busied itself with shoveling the dessert snack between her lips. The two had chosen a day inside their split apartment, a night out with the symbiotes fighting a less than desirable crime syndicate resulting in a need to lay low until the coverage and hectic news feeds had blown over on them. Eddie gave it a couple of weeks to a month at most and, despite Jaws’ screaming in the dark precipice of her mind that an entire month inside was the stupidest thing in the world (we have to eat! In here you will only serve the little green trees and I will DIE) Vy couldn’t help but find some enjoyment out of it. A whole month or so off for the time being? It wasn’t so bad. Even when, like now, they were watching the news to follow the reports of their own symbiotes wreaking havoc in San Francisco.
The news was zoomed in on an image of Jaws and Venom side by side, each facing opposite directions in a way that made them look like a buddy cop duo in some sort of hit box office film about breaking the law and getting the girl. A real comedy movie, Eddie couldn’t help but think until Vy’s comment had broke their otherwise comfortable silence, leaving him to consider the words with great confusion before finding the energy to retort back with a hapless shrug in her direction.
“Yeah,” He stated in an ‘are you serious’ sort of voice while gesturing to her entire form, “Your symbiote is called Jaws. I kinda expected big teeth are a part of her ‘repertoire of attractive features’.
‘He thinks we are attractive?’, Jaws echoed in the back of Vy’s mind, ‘I am glad to see his eyes are functional.’
“Great humble wording there, J,” Vy murmured to herself before focusing back on Eddie, whose postur did not change at the murmur though it did earn an curious stare. Both were used to having to take a moment to talk to their symbiotes privately, certainly, but not hearing what the other had said was less than ideal in a four-way communication breach. Clearing her throat through another bite of popcorn, she continued towards Eddie with a wave of her fingertips, “No no no, not just Jaws though. Like, okay, yeah she’s got a killer set of chompers on her for sure but-Venom too! Even fucking Riot-Did you notice while you were getting your ass kicked by him?”
“Hey!” Eddie huffed, “I kicked his ass just as bad in return thank-you very much. ‘Sides, I was a little too busy saving our asses to be particularly interested in his orthodontics.”
“You have no appreciation for the little things in life, Brock,” Vy pointed out with a smirk, “That’s why you’re the way you are.”
“What? Dashingly handsome and clever beyond what the human mind can comprehend?”
“I was going to say ‘a dick who is currently lounging in his boxers with a parasite wiggling in his stomach’ but sure if you’d rather think that’s how you look, you do you buddy.”
The snort that echoed from Eddie was near inhuman as he choked on the previous sip of coffee he had just been working on, forcing himself to sit up straight and attempt to eject the liquid from his lungs while Vy couldn’t hold back that cackling fit of laughter that broke from her own lips, covering her mouth to hide the grin of amusement while Jaws formed in a small, liquid lump on her shoulder. The screaming that echoed against Vy’s ears was enough to send her drums ringing while Jaws bemoaned the situation:
“Don’t kill him, fool! If we will kill one of them make sure it is Venom!! Eddie is the one who deserves to live.”
“He’s not dying!” Vy argued as the fit of wheezing laughter subsided, “He’s choking.”
“Can’t humans choke and die?”
“Sometimes but not always.”
Jaws shut her mouth for once, a soft ‘huh’ of awe exiting her mind and floating into Vy’s, as if the symbiote had not known that they were not a mutually exclusive action performed by human beings. She probably didn’t, Vy noted, considering each person Jaws DID choke usually died. Not from the choking part but from the ‘she held their necks so hard that they snapped in half’ part.
Eddie recovered, wiping at his mouth with his sweatshirt sleeve and pulling a face to the girl at his side. “What does it matter how big the symbiote’s teeth are, anyways? As long as they’re not aimed at us or innocent people, they’re just the teeth that-y’know- chomp up the bad guys.”
To this inquiry, Vy couldn’t help the softest flush of embarrassment coating her cheeks. It was barely visible, looking almost natural against her dyed hair, but Eddie observed it nonetheless. He made no comment on it, waiting instead to hear Vy’s point of few as she leaned back in the couch and ran a single hand through her hair, letting it rest on the back of her neck as she looked away with a huff.
“I guess,” She began with hesitant admittance, “I dunno, I think it’s pretty hot? Like imagine getting to touch at ‘em without having your arm bitten off. Or trying to kiss one with those big ass teeth almost biting YOUR face off and-”
She stopped, releasing both how deep she was beginning to fall down the sharp, pointy rabbit hole and how incredulous the look on Eddie’s face was throughout the explanation. “...What!?” Vy sat up with a glare while Eddie continued to stare in what could only be described as awed confusion, “You’re telling me you’ve SERIOUSLY never thought about it before.”
“Are YOU telling ME that you’ve thought about making out with a symbiote?” Eddie retorted quickly.
“I asked you a question first!”
“I asked you second!”
Vy frowned, chucking a handful of popcorn at Eddie and watching with satisfaction as he flinched from it, giving her a look that read ‘are you kidding me’ so clearly, even as the pieces of dessert fell between the couch cushions. Her face had escalated in redness, burning now a bright crimson against her skin as she prepared another handful of popcorn to weaponize against her roommate, Jaws’ bemoaning the loss of her sweet treat somewhere in the back corners of her mind. The hand was tossed. Eddie groaned.
“We have to vacuum this!”
“Like I care! Fuck off, Brock.”
Eddie prepared a retort, hand extended out in an effort to offer up a truce, when a voice spoke in the back of his mind, teasingly and soft. The man froze, eyes wide as he listened to the symbiote in his head. Vy, who was already reeling back another handful of popcorn, froze as well and watched with wide eyes as the two of them began to discuss something in the recesses of the host’s mind.
“You want to what?” Eddie tilted his head in awe at something Venom said, “No, I’m not doing that! ...Because it’s weird! ...Okay, look, I know this was something we considered before but-HEY NO WAIT FUCKING-”
In moments a darkness overcame him. Liquid limbs of black and white commingled together, swirling in a miasma of darkness until Eddie was swallowed whole by it. His face disappeared. His limbs were eaten by larger ones as he drowned in the activation of his symbiote. Vy watched, swallowing a lump in her throat as Venom sat up in Eddie’s place, his hulking form making the couch creak with strain. There was silence for a long moment as Venom adjusted to his surroundings, tilting his head to examine Vy, his tongue snaking out to lick his lips along his sharp...very prominent...very white teeth. Another blush warmed her face.
“Ah,” Jaws echoed meekly in Vy’s mind, “It’s the bitch. He is here.”
Vy rolled her eyes at her symbiote’s words, startling back into reality when she felt a strong grip on her wrist. The hand still holding the popcorn was brought forward, Venom bringing her closer and closer to him until she was forced to practically lay on top of him. He tilted his head and grinned, large and amused, at the death grip she seemed to have on the food. “Ah,” Venom echoed almost playfully, “You’ve brought us...a snack.”
His tongue lolled out from his lips again, extending slowly towards Vy’s hand. Vy watched, mesmerized, as he wrapped the appendage once...twice...around her wrist and gently used the tip to pry her hand open, releasing it from his swirling grip in favor of lapping up each piece of drizzled popcorn from her palm. His tongue coated her limb in saliva, licking greedily between each finger before bringing the whole thing towards his mouth. Vy held her breath, an audible inhale echoing against the otherwise half-quiet living room, as her hand was brought into Venom’s maw.
His teeth grazed at the ends of her fingers, biting lightly enough to be teasing but not hard enough to do any damage, and dragging them down the entirety of her digits. She felt the tips just prick the ends of her fingers, leaving a half pleasant sting before being apologetically coated with saliva from another sweet lick from his tongue, and pulled out of his mouth. She had no words outside of a shudder, goosebumps appearing on her arms despite the room being utterly too hot for her liking. If it were not for the fact that his free arm was wound tightly against her waist, she would have fallen backwards in overstimulated shock.
“A little birdie has told us,” Venom spoke by elongated each of his words, sitting up and shifting his weight so that, ever so slowly, he towered over Vy with a curious tilt of his head, “That you find our teeth...enjoyable.”
She shivered as she was caged under the massive symbiote, a smile daring to play itself on her lips as Venom purposely brought his face closer to hers, grinning to reveal a close up of the teeth in question as he continued:
“Is that what you want, little one? For us to use our teeth...our tongue...our mouth...all over your body?”
The teeth came closer now, nibbling on Vy’s collar bone in a way that made her arch her back in surprise, Venom’s hands reaching out to hold her down while his mouth did its work on her collar and neck, biting and licking up the soft marks with his tongue, tasting her flesh underneath the appendage as she gripped at his shoulders for purchase.
A chuckle, deep and rumbling in the pit of Venom’s chest, sent a vibration up Vy’s entire body as a hand touched at her stomach, sliding up her shirt as she gave a breathy ‘yes’ and a fast nod of her head.
“Then let us not waste time...I am sure that you taste DELICIOUS~.”
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theridge-rp · 4 years
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Izzy! We found your take on Salix very refreshing and can’t wait to see what you do with our lovable trickster! Please follow the steps on the acceptance checklist and welcome to The Ridge!
O U T  O F  C H A R A C T E R -
Name/Alias: izzy
Age: 22
Preferred Pronouns: he/him
Timezone: est
Triggers: ed talk/disordered eating mentions + sexual assault mentions/talk
How did you find us: through the skeleton rp tag ! i was browsing and found y’all !!
Please describe your activity: with quarantine i have nothing but time. i try to be on at least once a day so i don’t get behind on replies !
Anything else you need us to know:
D E T A I L S -
Character: salix willowbark
What drew you to this character: i usually tend to play very meek characters but something about salix’s ‘fuck everything im just gonna do me bc rules are oppressive in any regard no matter who is in charge’ attitude really just connects to how i actually feel normally in the world. obviously i don’t thieve ( for legal reasons of course ) but that constant need to mess with people, especially people who are all about politics, is something i have so much muse for. i can just see salix now always coming in extremely late to the council meetings on purpose just so he can make as loud as an entrance as he can even though he knows he literally has no value to them really, its just fun to watch them snap their heads expecting someone important but nope, its salix slamming the doors again. he’s that type of guy who is always around but you never see him leave or arrive anywhere, he’s just there and then gone along with your wallet if you’re lucky. salix would call himself an enigma but he’s just really good at sneaking in and out of places ( i wonder why huh? ). authority means absolutely nothing to him, anyone who tries to police him just gets greeted with nonstop laughter because he can’t even take them seriously and he was quite slippery, too hard to grab and arrest. salix has no schedule and he doesn’t make plans. if he gets invited to a party the times are optional so he shows up when he wants to or doesn’t. he’s a very fickle individual who likes to seek out adventure without falsifying with prior intentions. he’s a purest when it comes to adventures and nature, both should always be presented to you not picked by you.
Faceclaims ( Please list at least two ): hero fiennes-tiffin & seo kang joon
ik they’re very different objectively looks wise but honestly when it comes to vibes they’re very similar. the reason i picked up hero & kangjoon was because they both kind of radiate this smugness while also being extremely charming looking. both are very attractive men who just have that look, that severe beauty that is just approachable enough with his charismatic personality. he’s definitely the type of guy to know people think he’s hot and doesn’t like to show that he likes it but he secretly loves it especially coming from people he’s tricked so both of these face claims to me just scream that type of energy. smug but not arrogant, attractive but not too attractive to where you can’t talk to him, just charismatic enough that you look past any red flags because that smile is just too genuine looking to be coming from a trickster, right?
I N  C H A R A C T E R -
Please list at least two headcanons for your character:
1. it is not uncommon for salix to disappear in the woods for a couple days only to come back to the ridge with no explanation. no one knows where he goes or why but sometimes he just needs peace and quiet from the constant reminders that their societies were close to a war. it’s like his own little meditative retreat.
2. salix likes to pretend he’s a human sometimes by covering his ears with a hat or scarf while going out on the town to see who he can fool and mess with. it’s very amusing to him and he’s learned humans are kinda dumb but then again so are all of the other races to him as well so it wasn’t a huge surprise. 3. salix is the type of guy who doesn’t believe in settling down and not in a ‘no one will ever love me so im too afraid to try’ way. the entire concept of a relationship just seems archaic to him and the amount of work that goes into that is too much work for him so he just puts it out into the universe that he is single but not looking to settle down.
4. salix’s charm is really easy to fall under because he’s an attractive sweet talker who knows how to work a person based on body language alone so he’s really not to be messed with. he is 80% non-violent and honestly mostly neutral when it comes to almost every topic because he could care less but that 20% left over is from situations where someone forces his hand to be used. he doesn’t use force unless someone is really bothering the shit out of him and that’s a hard feat to do since he’s such a fucker its hard to fuck with him back.
5. salix is constantly barefoot and prefers to never wear shoes but he is known to make the exception for special occasions ( but not always ! ). he doesn’t tell people his reasoning mostly because he doesn’t really want their input on what he does with his life because its his life but its simple, he feels more connected to the earth without shoes. shoes to him rob every species of the true experience of nature.
6. it is no secret that salix likes to use the five finger discount a lot but what people don’t know is that the stuff he steals that isnt for profit ( stuff he cant resell or barter with that he steals ) he always keeps. his home is just full of random shit everywhere in piles and there is absolutely no organization in his home but he doesn’t care, the chaos calms him because all those stolen things are his now, his little trinkets and random stolen things that he likes to just look at when he is home. ( which isnt super often, he likes to go out and not come home for a few days )
Please include a list of potential plots for your character:
1. i can’t stop thinking of salix annoying the hell out the council members just for shits and giggles. so i can just imagine him showing up somewhere a council member is and just acting like a moron until they leave. 2. anything to do with him stealing/pick-pocketing + messing w/ppl and running into the ‘law’ and just having to try to keep a straight face when he’s being questioned because he doesn’t take any authority seriously. i’d love to see how an angel responds to his ‘charm’ 3. i’d also love to delve into his neutrality, like how deep does it go and how far do his morals go with it ? he isn’t a true neutral but he’s close so to really go in-depth with his character to see what kind of person he turns out to be in the end of this, still neutral or will he bend and choose a side?
Please include an in-character sample. This can be as long as you’d like with a minimum of 400 words:
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diabolikpersonals · 7 years
 so heres, uh, a rough summary of the tsukinami cd. the mukami one is next! lol...take it with a grain of salt tbh. sorry it’s long as fuck
The CD starts off with Carla monologuing about Endzeit, the disease that killed so many founders. He got it while he was killing his dad, etc etc etc read his wiki page
Shin walks up to Carla and asks what they’re gonna do. Carla remarks that the times have changed, and Shin agrees. Karl Heinz is gone, and his power has been passed on to one of his sons. Carla asks why Karl Heinz chose to disappear, and says that if Karl Heinz wished, he could keep on living forever. Shin’s like, “So you think he wished to disappear?” and Carla says that it must be so. There must be a reason.
Suddenly changing the subject, Carla asks Shin where that woman is. Shin says she’s back in the human world, in the Sakamaki mansion. Carla’s like “Okay. Go get her.” Shin’s all :0 and Carla’s like “...what.” Shin says that Nii-san decides everything on his own without explanation, and he wonders if he’s planning something. Carla’s like “Of course.” and Shin says “I knew it! Then, I’m going to the human world for a bit!” And he heads off, feelin pretty damn good. But before he leaves Carla stops him and tells him to be careful because he senses something stirring. Shin’s like yeah whatever lol, and he’s off on his way.
So Shin’s in the human world now. You hear him whistle, followed by a bunch of wolves howling. (It’s cute.) Shin monologues - I could have heard this part wrong, but it sounded like he was saying that it was important to him that he lift some of the weight off of Nii-san. He says that to them, Yui is a very important girl. But recently, Nii-san stopped seeking out that girl. Shin had worried that he has given up on the future of the Founders. But, since Carla gave him an order to go get Yui, it seems like he was mistaken! Yay!
As Shin runs with the wolves, he exclaims how he’s getting excited!! He’s finally getting another chance, it’s like a dream! (so so cute) Shin monologues again - At that time he was thinking that he just wanted to run wild. He didn’t care about expectations or fate, or anything like that. He thought that going to go get Yui would be a piece of cake.
Shin’s running and panting and saying that Nii-san’s definitely gonna be mad. He explains that he made it to the human world and to the Sakamaki house, but the Sakamaki house was pretty much, um, a huge pile of rubble. (If you listened to the Sakamaki Lost Eden CD, you know that Ayato basically blasted the house down in a fit of rage, whoops) Shin is thinking that this must’ve been what Nii-san was so worried about. Shin and his familiars searched the place, and they found traces of vampires, but also some other kind of power.
Shin makes a bunch of adorable little sniffing sounds, and catches a scent that shocks him. It’s not a wolf, eagle (Adora? idk), or vibora. Could it be...a ghoul?? Shin says there’s no doubt about that strange smell. It’s a ghoul. But why was one appearing now? Why was a ghoul in the human world...?
So Shin finds Yui, puts her on his wolfy back, and runs on back to the demon world. He comments that she’s awake and tells here where she is. He proudly tells her that she was saved by the great Tsukinami Shin. He says it’s better for her not to talk - He’s sure that she has lots of stuff she wants to hear and say, but she better talk to Nii-san. “I’m speeding up, so hang on!!” and more little wolf paw sounds
Carla, who was just chillin by himself, was like “Shin’s back.” Shin lets himself in and Carla says he’s late, and Shin’s like, “I thought you’d say that, but I brought her!” Carla’s like “Before that, explain what made you take so long.” and Shin’s like “Okay, okay, I get it. But before that-” and he pours some water cuz the poor guy just spent all that time running lol. While pouring the water, he suddenly freezes up when he notices that he’s bleeding. Yui asks him if something’s wrong, and Shin’s like “Ah? N...No...It’s nothing. You should drink too.” and he pours her some water. He fuckin chugs it, and Carla (who thinks he’s just stalling) is like “Shin-” and Shin’s like yeah yeah, gimme a break, I’m exhausted. Carla tells him not to act spoiled :/ So Shin gets to explainin’.
Carla’s like “...ghouls, you say” and Shin’s like “Yep! Ghouls! I was surprised too” and Carla turns to Yui and tells her to explain herself. Shin wants to know too. Yui explains that she had met Karl Heinz’s illegitimate child, who had been laying low in the demon world. Carla says that he still can’t understand that man...that man meaning Karl Heinz.
Shin suddenly asks Carla how his condition is. Carla’s like “My condition?” and Shin fumbles with his words a bunch before being like “no, actually, never mind.” Carla calls him strange and walks away. Shin then apologizes to Yui and asks her wait there for a while. When she asks where he’s going, he’s like “Nothing, just some minor business. Stay there.” and he walks away too.
Once Shin is out of earshot, he RUNS to the bathroom, turns on the water, and desperately tries to wash the blood out. He’s talking to himself in a panicked voice: He didn’t expect to see all that blood when he was pouring the water. “This blood, as I thought.........No, that’s stupid...It’s probably nothing.”
Shin shows Yui to her room, says she can ask the familiars if she needs anything, and asks if there’s anything else she wants to ask. Shin tries to leave for his own room, but Yui grabs him. I guess Yui asks why she was taken there, because Shin’s like “How should I know? Nii-san told me to bring you here so I did.” Shin gets sorta touchy, Yui tells him to stop, Shin asks teasingly if she’ll let the ghouls do whatever they want but she doesn’t like a First Blood touching her. Calls her annoying, says he only needs her body, etc etc you know the drill. He’s like “I’m sure the taste of your blood is so bad” and he tosses her on the bed, and he gives her the succ. The whole time he’s sucking her blood he can’t stop complaining about how gross it is. It’s an awful taste. It’s the worst. No matter where you drink it from, it’s terrible. ...But he keeps drinking it, lol.
Eventually he stops and he’s like “whatever, I’m done, that gave me a terrible feeling and I’m tired” so he leaves her alone for now. He tells her she should do something about the taste of her blood before Nii-san drinks from her. (What do you expect her to do omg) Then he leaves. After closing the door, he thinks to himself that (I think) while the taste of her blood was horrible, he’s anxious that he’ll be separated from her quickly. Shin thinks that he’s got Endzeit.
Carla tosses and turns for a while, then mutters that he can’t sleep. His chest feels heavy. I can’t translate this part very well, and this might be FULL of mistakes, but...Carla’s dying. The Shinigami are coming to reap his soul, so he’s reflecting a bit. There’s nothing he especially regrets about his life. It’s just that...he regrets not being able to save the Founders. And he regrets all the missing all those opportunities that came his way. Just those two things. “I can’t...disappear...yet.” Luckily, in that place (the demon world I assume) his health has been a bit better. So Carla thinks he should just stay there, and not move around too much. The Endzeit never left his body. But he’s thankful for the time he’s had, even if it was short. (Carla nooo...rip)
Shin knocks on the door, and asks if Carla’s still awake. He lets himself in. He says he has something to ask Nii-san. “...Don’t make such a sullen face. I’ll leave as soon as I ask. It’s about Endzeit...” He asks about how Carla got the disease. Carla matter-of-factly responds, “When I killed our father.” and Shin’s like D:
So he keeps asking his questions, a little nervously: Endzeit is a disease that spreads through the blood, right? Carla kinda grumbles at him, and Shin hastily makes the excuse that since that girl might have Founder blood, there’s a possibility she’s infected. Carla’s like “Are you thinking that I infected her with the disease?” and Shin’s like “Of course I wasn’t thinking that!!” But he was thinking that it would be bad if someone else were to get infected...”I’m sorry. I’ll leave now. Goodnight.” and Shin’s out.
Carla had been working hard to hide his sickness, so he wonders why Shin suddenly realized it now...
So Carla talks to Yui. He says that Shin is acting strange, and he wants to know if she knows anything about it. Yui heard Shin suddenly talking about Endzeit, and she’s worried. Carla talks a little bit about their past: “We had our mother, but I killed his beloved father with my own hands.” (ok carla when u put it that way it makes u seem like. a huge jerk) And (I’m a little unsure of this part to) Carla thinks that right now Shin is just waiting for his opportunity to kill Carla too. Carla tells Yui RIGHT in her ear (and I mean DIRECTLY into my right headphone holy shit) to close her lips, then says he’s gonna punish her with lots of pain. He bites her and sucks her blood, and he’s not exactly satisfied with the taste either lol. Then mid-sentence he starts coughing uncontrollably, tells Yui not to touch him, and tries to regulate his breathing. 
When he recovers, he looks to Yui and goes “...You understand, don’t you.” He won’t be here for much longer. Carla says that rather than dying to an illness, he would have much rather die by his little brother beheading him. (Aw! That’s kind of sweet in a really morbid way!) He says to Yui that there’s nothing she can do about it - it’s reality. He then tells her very sternly not to mention it to Shin. He absolutely does not want Shin to know about this. If Yui breaks that promise, Carla will kill her. Then he leaves her there.
Shin can’t sleep either. He’s sure now that he’s got Endzeit. While he’s lying there are stressing about how he’s scared to die, he hears the flapping of an eagle’s wings - it’s the Adora clan, or however you spell that. They’re eagles, idk. He goes to report it to Shin. Somehow a bunch of demons figured out that Yui was here, and they all wanna get their hands/paws/wings on her. He hands Carla a letter from the head of the eagle clan, and Carla’s like “fuck it” and he burns the letter immediately. Shin’s like “uhh? is this gonna be okay?” and Carla basically says “dude whatever, we’re founders” and Shin’s like “yeah...the last two.”
Shin does the “tch” thing and Carla asks him what’s wrong. Shin demands to know why Nii-san told him to bring the girl here in the first place. When Carla doesn’t answer, Shin goes “To save the Founders?” and Carla says yes. Shin says that they should’ve done it sooner then. Carla asks him what he wants to say, and Shin says he’s been thinking a lot. Carla’s like “Don’t tell me...You want me to use that girl as a hostage” and Shin’s like “If you don’t then what use does she have?”
Carla confirms that she does have a use. I didn’t follow this too well, but Carla believes that Karl Heinz planned all of this out - including Karl Heinz’s own death - in order to create chaos. Karl Heinz always put Yui at the center of his plans, so Carla believes that Yui is the key to understanding Karl Heinz’s motives. Everything is planned out.
Shin: So, that’s why Nii-san told me to bring that girl here?! Carla: You seem dissatisfied. Shin: Of course I am! I thought surely, we were going back to the demon world... Carla: I never said anything about going back. Shin: But...We’ve just been folding our hands and waiting!
Shin’s getting heated. He shouts that he doesn’t care about Karl Heinz’s motives anymore, while taking his anger out on some poor wall nearby. Shin thinks it would be better to take that girl and go, purify her again, make her their ally. Carla cuts him off: “Are you going against the king?” Shin suddenly goes quiet. “If so, then so be it.” Shin: “Nii-san, are you trying to pick a fight?” Carla is DEFINITELY trying to pick a fight.
But wait!! Yui suddenly comes rushing in to stop them. Carla and Shin tell her to stay out of it or she’ll get hurt. She rushes between them to make sure they don’t hurt each other. Shin is like “Whatever, I’ll blast through both of you!!” but...he couldn’t do it. He angrily gives up, says it’s stupid, kicks something else, then says he’s leaving. Carla’s like “where are you going” and Shin’s like “I’m gonna handle things myself
He says with a short laugh that maybe first he’ll go get his eye back from the Vibora. Shin tells Carla that he sure is carefree for a guy with a disease, and that he could never do that. Carla says he understands, and agrees to take Shin back home on one condition (and Shin is so surprised). But he won’t take Yui as a hostage. At first Shin doesn’t believe that they can win in that case, but Carla affirms that they can. He says they will fight understanding that they might lose. He asks Shin if he has that kind of resolve. Shin says that yes, he does.
And so they go!! Carla tells Yui that she’ll be house-sitting while they’re gone, lol. And as he walks away, he says that he’ll definitely return home...sob. Shin thinks to himself that Carla planned from the very beginning to do it this way. He thinks that his brother picked a fight with him on purpose, and he doesn’t understand it. But he doesn’t care anymore, and he’s off to join his brother. He tells Yui that she better stay there quietly or he and his brother will be SUPER pissed when they come back. “Be a good girl and wait.” (if it were me then I would totally go through his stuff while he’s gone)
Carla and Shin are preparing for...the final fight!! (whatever that means) and Shin is READY TO FUCKING GO he’s so excited. He wolfwhistles to call the doggos over again and they head on their way.
Carla and Shin both monologue about how they’re both...fucking dying. But both of them are just excited to get out there and have that last moment of glory. Shin comments out loud that this reminds him of “that night.” Carla agrees and THIS GODFORSAKEN CD IS OVER please pray for them
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